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Communication Skills in English
Disclaimer/Special Note: These are just the sample of the Answers/Solutions to some of the Questions given in the
Assignments. These Sample Answers/Solutions are prepared by Private Teachers/Tutors/Authors for the help and guidance
of the student to get an idea of how he/she can answer the Questions given in the Assignments. We do not claim 100%
accuracy of these sample answers as these are based on the knowledge and capability of Private Teacher/Tutor. Sample

answers may be seen as the Guide/Help for the reference to prepare the answers of the Questions given in the assignments.
As these solutions and answers are prepared by the private teacher/tutor so the chances of error or mistake cannot be
denied. Any Omission or Error is highly regretted though every care has been taken while preparing these Sample

Answers/Solutions. Please consult your own Teacher/Tutor before you prepare a Particular Answer and for up-to-date
and exact information, data and solution. Student should must read and refer the official study material provided by the

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Q. 1. Describe in your own words Marshall McLuhan’s concept of the global village.
Ans. Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian educator, philosopher, and scholar–a professor of English literature, a

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literary critic, a rhetorician, and a communication theorist. McLuhan’s work is viewed as one of the cornerstones of the study of
media theory, as well as having practical applications in the advertising and television industries.
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In the early 1960s, McLuhan wrote that the visual, individualistic print culture would soon be brought to an end by what he
called “electronic interdependence”: when electronic media replace visual culture with aural/oral culture. In this new age,
humankind will move from individualism and fragmentation to a collective identity, with a “tribal base.” McLuhan’s coinage for
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this new social organization is the global village.

A global village
Global Village is a term closely associated with Marshall McLuhan, popularized in his books The Gutenberg Galaxy: The
Making of Typographic Man (1962) and Understanding Media (1964). McLuhan described how the globe has been contracted
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into a village by electric technology and the instantaneous movement of information from every quarter to every point at the

same time. In bringing all social and political functions together in a sudden implosion, electric speed heightened human
awareness of responsibility to an intense degree.
Marshall McLuhan predicted the internet as an “extension of consciousness” in The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of
Typographic Man thirty years before its invention.
How small the world has become with the rise of technology can only be truly understood by those who can successfully

imagine their lives in times when there was no technology as we witness it today. Life in the time when there was no jetliner, no
electricity, internet, emails, telephones, television and other means of communication, would be quite different from what it is

now – good or bad is something open to debate and we must not go into that, but one thing is quite sure that the world would
have been too large for us then. Technology has but shrunk the world. We can now talk to anyone living in any place in world

within seconds, we can know what is happening in the other side of the globe, so on and so forth.

We will look into the fact that how technology has changed the ways of our lives in last 150 years. With the change in the
means of communication, there is a sudden need of change in the needs of communication as well. We can no longer remain
confined to the culture and society in which we grew up. We constantly feel the need to explore the other parts of the world
which are different from the one we know. And all this is because of the rise and growth of the technology.
Q. 2. Write a farewell speech for a principal of a school or the section-head in an office dealing also with negative
emotions, attitudes and experiences.
Ans. A very good morning to all. Dear teachers and my students, we are gathered here to celebrate the farewell party of Mr
Bhaskar, our college principal today.
As being the principal of this college (or school), I would like to recite an honor speech on the farewell party of Mr Bhaskar
about his distinguished personality. Mr. Bhaskar was a most responsible teacher and an efficient principal in our college for
many years and followed his all the responsibilities as a good teacher with full commitment. I feel very sorry that today we are
losing a most responsible teacher in our college however we cannot change the fate. He and his works would be always in our
heart forever.


We can never forget his valuable and effective suggestions during the bad times in the college. It seems that he join the
college now and the time of going of him has come very soon. He was like my best teacher of the college, my guide as well as icon
to many teacher. He really deserves to hear the praiseworthy words from my voice.
He was a role model in my college and his dedicated years of service would be live in our memory. It is our honor that a
teacher from my college has been selected to work in such a great institution. This success of him is not his fate, it is his
continuous and committed love for hard work. College will never forget his distinctive disciplined framework during his all time
teacher-ship at the workplace as well as his immense contribution in the college to make an unique educational environment for
the students. His all the works would be in the record and adored always. He has established his unique personality in this
college. His disciplined and committed works makes him different than others.
I would like to say a big thank to Mr. Bhaskar for his all the supports and love to this college.
Thank you very much.
Q. 3. Write a letter from Coordinator of an IGNOU study centre to a student who hasn’t received her identity card and
study material and has sought his help in getting them.

The Examination
IGNOU Study Centre
Rajghat, New Delhi

Respected Sir,

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My name is Naman Suri. I am from NIOS, Odisha region division I have submitted my application form for

Stream-1 April, 2017 exam to NIOS Delhi Office before 5 months (last week of March, 2016). I have submitted all
the documents with required fees through online payment.
But till date i.e. now it’s 10th, October, 2016 I have not received a single status of my admission.
Can you please tell me that when my admission will be confirmed and I will get my ID card along with the

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needed study material.
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Ref. No:A1516300854
Yours Sincerely
Naman Suri
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Q. 4. Based on your own experience write a brief script (250 words) for the young television viewers
on how television can be a liberal education.
Ans. Television is an audio-visual and sophisticated scientific device. It telecasts programmes from far and wide
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areas of the country and abroad. It has an important role to play for entertainment and education of people all over

the world.
Citizenship training is the biggest task of a democratic country like India. Television plays a pivotal role to
achieve this objective through documentaries, debate and discussion serials. The programmes telecasted to develop
patriotic feeling and ensures obligation of people to country, love and sympathy for follow men and creates awareness
about rights and duties of the citizen.

The need of national integration and international understanding is felt essential all quarters in modern times. The

countries are coming close to each other now-a-days through rapid communication revolution. The sense of unity,
co-operation and mutual relation are to be fostered among people to ensure a peaceful living in the globe, TV

programmes on the role of UNESCO, UNO and World Bank for international understanding as well as common
cultural programmes like Celebration of National Day, Birth Centenary of greatmen for strengthen national integration

are widely welcomed.

Environment pollution and ecological imbalances have challenged the life on the earth in modern times. Rapid
population growth, Urbanization problem of drain, huge stock of garbage, deforestation, evacuation of sarcastic
gases from industry and automobiles are some of the reason of environment pollution.
Necessity of clear environment for health and hygiene, needy of sanitation information about birth control devices
are to be taught to mass through different programme. General awareness about the environment and its problems
are raised through TV programmes.
Socio-Political and Cultural achievement of the country described through different programmes to foster the
sense of brotherhood among the people of different caste, creed and sex. Changing social systems, cultural and
political issues are also brought for discussion and debate and exhibition on cultural exchange and political reviews
are necessary for preservation of cultural values.


Televisions another function is to provide entertainment to people through the programmes like Cinema, Serial,
and Sports etc. Its role as an important communication medium is noteworthy for promoting national unity, developing
economy and refining socio-cultural life of people. Its great contribution to humanity is education through different
Q. 5. What is Epidiectic rhetoric? Give two short examples of this variety of rhetoric.
Ans. According to Aristotle, one of the three major branches of rhetoric: speech or writing that praises or
blames. (The other two branches are deliberative and judicial.)
Also known as ceremonial discourse, epideictic rhetoric includes funeral orations, obituaries, graduation and
retirement speeches, letters of recommendation, and nominating speeches at political conventions. Interpreted more
broadly, epideictic rhetoric may also include works of literature.
Examples of Epideictic Rhetoric: Daniel Webster in Praise of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson
“Adams and Jefferson, I have said, are no more. As human beings, indeed, they are no more. They are no more,

as in 1776, bold and fearless advocates of independence; no more, as at subsequent periods, the head of the government;
nor more, as we have recently seen them, aged and venerable objects of admiration and regard. They are no more.
They are dead. But how little is there of the great and good which can die! To their country they yet live, and live for

ever. They live in all that perpetuates the remembrance of men on earth; in the recorded proofs of their own great
actions, in the offspring of their intellect, in the deep-engraved lines of public gratitude, and in the respect and homage

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of mankind. They live in their example; and they live, emphatically, and will live, in the influence which their lives and
efforts, their principles and opinions, now exercise, and will continue to exercise, on the affairs of men, not only in
their own country but throughout the civilized world.”
(Daniel Webster, “On the Deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson,” 1826)

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Oprah Winfrey’s Eulogy for Rosa Parks
“And I’m here today to say a final thank you, Sister Rosa, for being a great woman who used your life to serve,
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to serve us all. That day that you refused to give up your seat on the bus, you, Sister Rosa, changed the trajectory of
my life and the lives of so many other people in the world. I would not be standing here today nor standing where I
stand every day had she not chosen to sit down. . . . Had she not chosen to say we shall not--we shall not be moved.’’
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(Oprah Winfrey, Eulogy for Rosa Parks, Oct. 31, 2005). WWW.IGNOUASSIGNMENTS.IN
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