Iso 7854 en PDF
Iso 7854 en PDF
Iso 7854 en PDF
Second edition
Reference number
ISO 7854:1995(E)
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ISO 7854:1995(E)
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 7854:
1984), which has been technically revised.
0 ISO 1995
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Swi tzerlan d
Printed in Switzerland
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0 ISO ISO 7854: 1995(E)
Investigation of dynamic-flex fatigue properties of coated fabrics has for
a number of years suffered from poor repeatability (due in part to the un-
known but inevitable variability of the material tested) and worse
reproducibility. Nevertheless, dynamic-flex performante of coated fabrics
has been long and widely used as a measure of the product quality.
Flex testing tan provide a useful indication of the durability of coated fab-
ries. However, for most applications, flexing conditions induced by these
test methods are dissimilar to the conditions met in practice. In particular,
the micro-climate induced around the test piece and the thermal Stresses
induced in the molecular structure of the coating during flexing are unlikely
to be representative of practical situations. lt is important therefore that
these effects be kept to a minimum and their effect be given due con-
sideration when test results are being considered. Consequently, it is im-
portant to ensure that the air temperature around the test pieces is kept
constant during the test. This tan be achieved either by maintaining ade-
quate non-forced, open Ventilation around the test pieces or by controlling
the air temperature within any closed Container in which the test apparatus
may be mounted.
Three methods are described. Method A (De Mattia) may be found suit-
able for flex testing coated fabrics which cannot be constrained into the
configuration required by method B or where the amount of material
available for testing is too small to permit the other methods to be em-
ployed. Method B (Schildknecht) will be found useful for flex testing
coated fabrics of relatively lightweight construction or whose practical
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ISO 7854: 1995(E) 0 ISO
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The following Standards contain provisions which, 3.21 Flex-testing machine, as specified in
through reference in this text, constitute provisions ISO 132, with pairs of flat grips. One of the grips of
of this lnternational Standard. At the time of publi- each pair is capable of a reciprocating motion in a
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards vertical plane with a stroke length of (57 +it5) mm and
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements a frequency of 5,0 Hz -+ 0,2 Hz.
based on this International Standard are encouraged
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- Esch pair of grips is positioned so that they are
cent editions of the Standards indicated below. 70 mm -+ 1 mm apart when in the open Position and
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- 13 mm -+ 0,5 mm apart when in the closed Position.
rently valid International Standards.
3 Method A - De Mattia method
1 In the case of woven-fabric Substrates, as far as possible
no two test pieces should contain the same threads of the
3.1 Principle fabric in the direction to be tested.
A rectangular Strip of coatedfabric is folded twice so 2 Together with suitable increases in the width of grips,
that its long edges meet forming a Strip measuring the test piece size may be increased so as to permit sub-
125 mm x 12,5 mm. This folded Strip is mounted be- sequent hydrostatic-head tests to be conducted.
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ISO 7854: 1995(E) 0 ISO
3.4 Conditioning and testing atmosphere or breakdown of the coated fabric is to be deter-
mined, stop the apparatus at predetermined intervals
Condition the test pieces in atmosphere A, B or C of to allow examination sf the test piece.
ISO 22319989, and conduct the test in that atmos-
Fold each test piece twice as illustrated in figure 1, Examine the test pieces initially whilst retained in the
with the coating to be tested outermost, along lines grips of the flexing apparatus or, if required, remove
12,5 mm from each of the longer edges and to a the test pieces from the grips for a more detailed in-
width of 12,5 mm. Mount each folded test piece be- spection in accordance with clause 6. Test pieces re-
tween a pair of grips whilst they are in the open pos- moved from the grips shall not be remounted.
ition so that the test piece is slightly taut and so that
the coating on the centre section of the test piece Terminate flexing either at the specified number of
will be subjected to an outward fold. Move the grips cycles or at the first inspection at which test pieces
together by hand and guide each test piece into a fold show signs of deterioration or cracking of the type
at approximately the midpoint (see figure 1). under investigation. Where relevant, record at each
examination the total number of flexes to which the
Set the apparatus in motion and stop it after the test pieces have been subjected and assess the flex-
specified number of cycles or, if the Point of failure ing darnage in accordance with clause 6.
Fold 1
Fold 2
Figure 1 - Illustration of folding and configuration of test piece for De Mattia method