En Iso 2062 1993 PDF
En Iso 2062 1993 PDF
En Iso 2062 1993 PDF
Second edition
Corrected and reprinted
1995-03-1 5
Textiles Fils sur enroulements - Dtermination de la force de rupture
et I'allongement la rupture du fi! individuel
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-- Reference number
ISO 2062:1993(E)
1.2 Method C should be used in cases of dispute The following standards contain provisioris which,
regarding elongation at break of the yam. through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
NOTE1 Methods A. 8 and C are expected to give the cation, the editions indicated were valid. Ali standards
same results for yarn strength but method C may give are subject to revision, and parties to agreements
somewhat truer (and higher) values of elongation than A or based on this International Standard are encouraged
B. Method D is likely to give results differing, for both to investigate the possibility of applying the most re-
breaking force and elongation at break, from t:-Jose obtained cent editions of the standards indicated below.
by method A. 8 or C. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur-
, rently valid International Standards.
1.3 This International Standard specifies methods
using constant rate of specimen extension (CRE)
ISO 139:1973, Texti/es - Standard atmospheres for
conditioning and testing.
tensile testers. Testing on the now obsolete constant
rate of travei (CRT)and constant rate of loading (CRl) ISO 2060:-1), Textiles - Yarn frem packages - De-
instruments is covered, for information, in annex A,
termination of linear density (mass per unit /ength) by
in recognition of the fact that these instruments are the skein method.
still popular and may be used by agreement.
ISO 2062:1993(E)
3.1 breaking force (load):Maximumforce applied b) The constant rate of displacement of the moving
to a specimen in a tensile test carriedto rupture. For clamp shall be 500 mm/min or 250 mm/min, to an
yarns. it is preferablyexpressed in centinewtons. accuracy of :I: 2 %, with higher rates being per-
mitted for automatic testers on agreement.
3.2 elongation at break: Increase in length of a
specimen produced by the breaking force. It is ex- c) The maximum error of the indicated force shall not
pressed as a percentage of the original nominal exceed 2 % of the true force.
d) The teste r may be of the manual or automatic
3.3 breaking tenacity: Ratio of a yarn's breaking type.
force to its lineardensity. It is usually expressedin
centinewtonsper tex. e) The clamps for gripping the specimens shall pre-
vent slipping or cutting of the specimens and
3.4 constant rate of specimen extension (CRE) breaks at the jaws. Flat-faced unlined jaws shall
tester: Testing machine in which one end of the be the normal type but. if these cannot prevent
specimen is held in a virtually stationary clamp and the slippage, then other types of clamp may be used
other end is gripped in a clamp that is driven at a on agreement, such as lined jaws. bollard clamps
constant speed. A suitable system is provided for de- or other types of snubbing device. As the type of
tecting and recording the force applied and the elon- clamp may influence the reading of the elongation.
gation. ali parties shall use the same type.
3.5 clamp: That part of a tensile testing machine f) The tester shall be equipped with an autographic
used to grip the specimen by means of suitable jaws. force/elongation recording device of sufficiently
fast response. or with a system directly recording
3.6 jaws: Those elements of a clamp which grip the the breaking force and elongation at break.
g) The teste r shall be capable of setting a pretension
3.7 gauge length: Length of the specimen meas- either by means of a set of pretensioning weights
ured between the points of attachment to clamps or by the use of the force-measuring device.
while under tension. In bollard or capstan clamps. it
is the distance between their gripping points. meas- 5.2 Reei. for preparing test skeins from the labora-
ured along the path of the yam. tory sample (for methods C and D).
a) The tester shall be capable of being set at gauge 6.2 A bulk sample shall be taken of one or more
lengths of 500 mm :t 2 mm or 250 mm :t 1 mm, cases, as representative of the lot to be tested as ~
or preferably both. follows:
ISO 2062:1993(E)
No. of cases No. of cases selected 7.2 For methods A to C, the sample packages or
at random test skeinsshall be preconditionedfor a minimumof
4 h.
3 or less 1
4 to 1O 2 NOTE 6 Preconditioning can often be dispensed with if
11 to 30 3 the samples are conditioned directly "from the dry side".
31 to 75 4
76 or more 5
7.3 After preconditioning, the sample shall be
brought to moisture equilibrium under the condition-
6.3 If only mean values are required, then 10 pack- ing atmosphere. For skeins, overnight conditioning is
ages shall be taken from the bulk sample, distributed usually sufficient, but for tightly wound packages a
as evenly as possible among the cases and among minimum of 48 h is necessary.
the levels in each case.
6.4 Except for the provisions of 6.5, the minimum 7.4 Preconditioning and conditioning are not re-
quired for wet tests (method D).
number of specimens to be tested shall be 50 for
single spun yarns and 20 for other yarns. The speci-
mens shall be distributed as evenly as possible among 8 Procedure
the 10 packages.
4 This numberof specimenswill give a precision(1,96 x 8.1.2 Two gauge lengths are permitted: the usual
the standard error of the mean) of :f: 4 % at a probability length of 500 mm, and a length of 250 mm which can
levei of 90 %. be used only if
5 Strength testing is a "one-tail" test; that is, "yam shall a) the extension of the instrument is insufficient to
not be weaker than ..." but "may be stronger than ..."
When specifying 90 % probability, one tair of the distribution accommodate a 500 mm specimen, or
is 5 %, or exactly the same as the two tails together of the
more common 95 % probability appropriate for a "two-tail" b) by agreement between the parties.
8.1.3 If calculation of the breaking tenacity is re-
6.6 If the coefficient of variation is to be determined quired, determine the linear density of the yarn in ac-
in addition to the mean, then 20 packages shall be cordance with ISO 2060.
taken from the bulk sample and at least 200 speci-
mens shall be tested for single spun yarns and at least 8.1.4 Use a rate of displacement of 500 mm/min at
100 specimens for ali other types of yarn. the gauge length of 500 mm, and 250 mm/min at the
gauge length of 250 mm. In addition, for automatic
6.7 If ~pecimens are to be extracted from fabrics testers only (method B), higher rates are permitted
[not suitable for automatic testers (method B)], then by agreement; 400 %/min or 1 000 %/min are rec-
the fabric sample shall be large enough to furnish a ommended.
sufficient number and length of specimens. The test
specimens shall be taken so that the twist in the yarn 8.1.5 Unwind the yarn from the package as is done
is not changed during sampling. In woven fabrics, in normal use.
warp specimens shall be taken from different ends
and weft specimens shall be taken at random frem
several sections of the sample to be as representative 8.1.6 Before clamping the specimen, check that the
of the yarn as possible. In knitted fabrics, specimens jaw5 are correctly aligned and parallel, 50 that the
shall refJresentas many different yarns as possible. force applied produces no angular deviation.
ISO 2062:1993(E)
NOTE7 For textured yarns, the following pretensions are 8.4 Method C, manual, conditioned
recommended {unless otherwise agreedl. calculated on the specimens
nominal linear density of the yarn:
2,0 cN/tex :t 0,2 cN/tex, for polyester and polyamide 8.4.1 Using the reei (5.2). take one test skein from
yarns; each package of the sample. The test skeins shall be
of sufficient length to give the required number and
1,0 cN/tex :t 0,1 cN/tex, for acetate, triacetate and length of test specimens.
viscose yarns;
8.4.2 Using the swift (5.3). allow the test skeins to
0,5 cN/tex :t 0,05 cN/tex, for for bi-shrinkage and jet- relax under minimal tension in the preconditioning and
bulked yarns, except for carpet yarns heavier than eonditioning atmospheres (see 7.1).
50 tex.
8 The values recorded for fancy yarns may be lower than 8.5.3 If the skein will not sink in the water, then hold
those defined in 3.1 and 3.2.
the yarn under the surface, e.g. by means of weights
9 With bollard or capstan clamps, measurement of the attached to the ends, until the yarn is thoroughly
elongation is not accurate and is discouraged. saturated (e.g. for 30 min). When the yarns are
r.ormally resistant to wetting, use a nonionic wetting V
agent (5.6). Rinse out the wetting agent thoroughly
with water before testing the yam.
8.2 Method A, manual
8.5.4 Remove the specimens individually frem the
Take specimens directly frem the conditioned pack- water and test them within 60 s thereafter, following
ages. I the procedures given in 8.1.1 to 8.1.11.
Follow the proeedures given in 8.1.1 to 8.1.11. Insert
the test specimens manually into the elamps to per- 9 Test report
form the tensile test.
9.1 General information
8.3 Method B, automatic The test report shall include the following information:
Take specimens directly from the conditioned paek- a) a reference to this International Standard
ages. (ISO 2062);
Follow the procedures given in 8.1.1 to 8.1.6 and b) lot number or other identification of the sample;
8.1.9 to 8.1.11. Set the instrument to take specimens
frem the 10 or 20 packages of the sample (see 6.3 c) type of package (cone, bobbin, ete.), its condition
and 6.6). The test will be performed automatically. idyed, bleached, etc.), and the manner in which
ISO 2062:1993(E)
h) gauge length, rate of displacement and pretension d) coefficient of variation of percent elongation at
used; break, if required (to the nearest 0,1 %);
i) type of clamp and jaws used; e) linear density of the yam, if determined, in tex (to
three significant figures);
j) date of the test.
f) breaking tenacity, if required, in centinewtons per
tex (to the nearest 0,1 cN/tex).