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Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

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1/23/2020 Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

Modern Heretic

Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

January 17, 2017

We are in a war for our survival. The only options are victory or destruction, there will be no
mercy shown to us by the jew and its brown weapons if we fail. Our kosher enemy won't be
content to make Whites a hated minority in our own lands, their goal is our complete
annihilation. It was clearly seen in America after the victory of a nationalist candidate. The
merchant's mask slipped off, it wasn't a "fellow White" any more. The jew and its coalition of
worthless mud people are now openly calling for our genocide. We can't pretend we don't see
what's at stake, not any more.

In South Africa, where the hated minority status has already been achieved and the remaining
Whites are being devoured by stone age monsters, there are still, even a minute before
midnight, debased and spiritually leprous Whites who believe that a total betrayal of their
ancestors and pitiful groveling capitulation before the bloody maw will somehow save them,
perhaps buy one more day of feeding the stomach and genitals in meaningless and destructive
hedonism. Even that will be denied. Stand or die, these are the choices.

An exhibition at the National Art Museum in Cape Town, titled Fuck White People, was
slammed by the Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) on Friday.

As a formerly prosperous nation begins its death rattle there's a few final spasms of
appeasement before the darkness falls. "I don't like White people either!" screams the debased
and vile traitor as brown paws lower a flaming tire around a pudgy neck.

The exhibition was created by artist Dean Hutton, who is white.

Wow. What a hero. I'm sure this vomit-worthy degradation will win you lots of virtue in your all-
White enclave that huddles behind concrete walls, only for the "one good one" that you let in to
betray you and hack you into wet chunks with a machete. 1/10
1/23/2020 Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

The last "man."

"The responsible officials at the museum will have to account as to whether they would hold an
exhibition with a reversed racial message," FF Plus leader Dr Pieter Groenewald said in a

Yeah. It's a little late for "What if the races were reversed! Democrats are the real racists!" hot
air. It's time to book those plane tickets and flee to a White country that's merely badly injured
instead of quickly bleeding out from self-inflicted wounds.

"In times where racial relations are extremely sensitive, and where people who are guilty of
making racist comments are severely punished by courts, the exhibition is short-sighted, and it
is experienced by many people as inflammatory," he said. 2/10
1/23/2020 Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

When the few Whites that aren't dead or fled are being hunted down by dark monsters from a
nightmare maybe a deranged, bloated, soft and completely defenseless White cuckold
shouldn't be encouraging the bongo party.

"I wonder, for example, if they would display something about the brutality of farm murders,"
Groenewald told News24.

The loser is not going to get any favors from the winner, especially in a war of annihilation. If
you stay you'll become a war trophy, your head will decorate a Zulu spear. But by all means,
keep trying to reason with the mindless and violent tribal hordes.

The curators at the National Art Gallery did not respond to phone calls from News24.

The silence of the grave.

"White people made racism and made sure it is deeply embedded in our social systems, laws,
economies, institutions and individuals. So this provocation is here to make you feel that 'white
pain'," Hutton’s description of the artwork reads.

We made "racism!" Rule of law is evil! I'm sure glad that I'm going to be cooked and eaten by
jungle monsters.

"Earlier this year, I photographed a student Zama Mthunzi wearing a T-shirt with the words
'fuck white people' smeared in black paint. He was threatened with expulsion and a case at the
human rights commission. None of the complaints said anything about the front of the T-shirt
which read 'black pain is shit'," Hutton said.

Talk about "fake news." No one wanted to talk about how black pain is shit. This is a very valid
and deeply intellectual point that was somehow lost while the 65 I.Q. morlock was screaming
for more dead Whites.

“I am sure that many, and in particular the young people in your communities, have begun to
wake from the indoctrination of white supremacy and are ready to learn to fuck the white in
them too,” Hutton said.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

“I would like to remind the good doctor that the reverse of racism is love, and celebration of
difference. 'Reverse Racism' is a fantasy of white people who are keen to experience the kinds
of oppression that they have used against indigenous people of this country,” Hutton said. 3/10
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This is a crazy person. There is no "racism," period. There's only healthy instincts to favor your
own kind, an instinct this p.o.s. has successfully defeated with a little help from the friendly
money-changer. There are no "indigenous" people in South Africa, it was empty when Whites
arrived. No sane White person wants to experience "oppression" but here it is anyway, in the
form of poorly formed dark animals and the jew communist behind the curtain.

Full Story.

60 I.Q. Average All Against All ANC Cape Town Communism

Dean Hutton Degenerate Art Kill the Boer Necklacing South Africa

The Heart of Darkness White Genocide Zama Mthunzi

marieinbethpage January 17, 2017 at 10:34 AM

Dean Hutton is a woman who identifies as a male. We feed into her delusion
when we play along.

Jonathon rotten October 6, 2019 at 5:09 PM

So ...lets not play along.

All they will call us names

So shat?

REPLY 4/10
1/23/2020 Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

Gem Junior January 17, 2017 at 4:46 PM

Sick and disgusting. Someone, most likely black, will stick a fat knife into that
fat piece of disease and tons of disgusting purulent matter will drain out. I would
give anything to see that surprise "But I'm one of the GOOD ONES."


Unknown January 18, 2017 at 8:42 AM


Jonathon rotten October 6, 2019 at 5:04 PM


You fucked this whole thing up

In retrospect


Jonathon rotten October 6, 2019 at 5:06 PM


Alls im sayin

On sir


Jonathon rotten October 6, 2019 at 5:07 PM

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Jonathon rotten October 6, 2019 at 5:27 PM

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1/23/2020 Degenerate Art Celebrates White Genocide

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