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Designation: G 170 – 01a

Standard Guide for

Evaluating and Qualifying Oilfield and Refinery Corrosion
Inhibitors in the Laboratory1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation G 170; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope G 46 Guide for Examination and Evaluation of Pitting

1.1 This guide covers some generally accepted laboratory Corrosion4
methodologies that are used for evaluating corrosion inhibitors G 59 Test Method for Conducting Potentiodynamic Polar-
for oilfield and refinery applications in well defined flow ization Resistance Measurements4
conditions. G 96 Guide for On-Line Monitoring of Corrosion in Plant
1.2 This guide does not cover detailed calculations and Equipment (Electrical and Electrochemical Methods)4
methods, but rather covers a range of approaches which have G 102 Practice for Calculation of Corrosion Rates and
found application in inhibitor evaluation. Related Information from Electrochemical Measurements4
1.3 Only those methodologies that have found wide accep- G 106 Practice for Verification of Algorithm and Equipment
tance in inhibitor evaluation are considered in this guide. for Electrochemical Impedance Measurements4
1.4 This guide is intended to assist in the selection of G 111 Guide for Corrosion Tests in High Temperature or
methodologies that can be used for evaluating corrosion High Pressure Environment, or Both4
inhibitors. 2.2 NACE Standards:5
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the NACE-5A195 State-of-the-Art Report on Controlled-Flow
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Laboratory Corrosion Test, Houston, TX, NACE Interna-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- tional Publication, Item No. 24187, December 1995
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- NACE-ID196 Laboratory Test Methods for Evaluating Oil-
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use. Field Corrosion Inhibitors, Houston, TX, NACE Interna-
tional Publication, Item No. 24192, December 1996
2. Referenced Documents NACE-TM0196 Standard Test Method “Chemical Resis-
2.1 ASTM Standards: tance of Polymeric Materials by Periodic Evaluation,”
D 1141 Practice for Preparation of Substitute Ocean Water2 Houston, TX, NACE International Publication, Item No.
D 4410 Terminology for Fluvial Sediment3 21226, 1996
G 1 Practice for Preparing, Cleaning, and Evaluating Cor- 2.3 ISO Standards:6
rosion Test Specimens4 ISO 696 Surface Active Agents — Measurements of Foam-
G 3 Practice for Conventions Applicable to Electrochemical ing Power Modified Ross-Miles Method
Measurements in Corrosion Testing4 ISO 6614 Petroleum Products — Determination of Water
G 5 Reference Test Method for Making Potentiostatic and Separability of Petroleum Oils and Synthetic Fluids
Potentiodynamic Anodic Polarization Measurements4
3. Terminology
G 15 Terminology Relating to Corrosion and Corrosion
Testing4 3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
G 16 Guide for Applying Statistics to Analysis of Corrosion 3.1.1 atmospheric pressure experiment—an experiment
Data4 conducted at the ambient atmospheric pressure (typically less
G 31 Practice for Laboratory Immersion Corrosion Testing than 0.07 MPa (10 psig)), using normal laboratory glassware.
of Metals4 3.1.2 batch inhibitor—an inhibitor that forms a film on the
metal surface that persists to effect inhibition.
3.1.3 batch treatment—a method of applying a batch inhibi-
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee G01 on Corrosion of tor. Batch inhibitors are applied as a plug between pigs or as
Metals and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee G01.05 on Laboratory slugs of chemical poured down the well bore. The batch
Corrosion Tests.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2001. Published December 2001. Originally
published as G 170 - 01. Last previous edition G 170 - 01. Available from National Assoc. of Corrosion Engineers, P.O. Box 218340,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.02. Houston, TX 77218.
3 6
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01. Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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G 170
inhibitor is dissolved or dispersed in a medium, usually hydrodynamic boundary layer to the diffusion boundary layer.
hydrocarbon and the inhibited solution is allowed to be in This dimensionless parameter is equal to kinematic viscosity
contact with the surface that is to be protected for a fixed divided by diffusion coefficient.
amount of time. During this period, the inhibitor film is formed 3.1.19 wall shear stress (t, N/m2)—a force per unit area on
on the surface and protects the surface during the passage of the pipe due to fluid friction.
multiphase flow, for example, oil/water/gas. 3.2 The terminology used herein, if not specifically defined
3.1.4 continuous inhibitor—an inhibitor that is continuously otherwise, shall be in accordance with Terminology D 4410 or
injected into the system in order to effect inhibition. Since the G 15. Definitions provided herein and not given in Terminol-
surface receives full exposure to the inhibitor, the film repair is ogy D 4410 or G 15 are limited only to this guide.
3.1.5 emulsification-tendency—a property of an inhibitor 4. Summary of Guide
that causes the water and hydrocarbon mixture to form an 4.1 Inhibitor evaluation in the laboratory consists of two
emulsion. The emulsion formed can be quite difficult to remove steps (1) evaluation of inhibitor efficiency and (2) evaluation of
and this will lead to separation difficulties in the production secondary inhibitor properties.
facilities. 4.2 Four laboratory methodologies, flow loop, rotating cyl-
3.1.6 film persistency—ability of inhibitor film (usually inder electrode (RCE), rotating cage (RC), and jet impinge-
batch inhibitor) to withstand the forces (for example, flow) that ment (JI) are available to evaluate the inhibitor efficiency in the
tend to destroy the film over time. laboratory. All four methodologies can be operated at atmo-
3.1.7 flow loop—an experimental pipe that contains various spheric and high pressure conditions. The corrosion rates can
corrosion probes to monitor corrosion rates. A flow loop can be be measured using mass loss or electrochemical methods.
constructed in the laboratory or attached to an operating Using the methodologies, several variables, compositions of
system. material, composition of environment (gas and liquid), tem-
3.1.8 foaming tendency—tendency of inhibitor in solution perature, pressure, and flow, that influence the corrosion rate in
(water or hydrocarbon) to create and stabilize foam when gas the field can be simulated in the laboratory. Rotating cylinder
is purged through the solution. electrode (RCE), rotating cage (RC), and jet impingement (JI)
3.1.9 gas to oil ratio (GOR)—ratio of the amount of gas and methodologies are compact, inexpensive, hydrodynamically
oil transported through a pipe over a given time. characterized, and scalable; that is, can be carried out at various
3.1.10 high-pressure—a pressure above ambient atmo- flow conditions.
spheric pressure that cannot be contained in normal laboratory 4.3 Several secondary properties of the inhibitor are evalu-
glassware. Typically, this is greater than 0.07 MPa (10 psig). ated before the inhibitor is applied in the field. They are
3.1.11 high-temperature—temperatures above ambient water/oil partitioning, solubility, emulsification tendency, foam
laboratory temperature where sustained heating of the environ- tendency, thermal stability, toxicity, and compatibility with
ment is required. other additives/materials. Laboratory methods to evaluate the
secondary properties are described.
3.1.12 laboratory methodology—a small laboratory experi-
mental set up, that is used to generate the corrosion. Examples 5. Significance and Use
of laboratory methodologies include rotating cylinder electrode
(RCE), rotating cage (RC), and jet impingement (JI) under 5.1 Corrosion inhibitors continue to play a key role in
flowing conditions. controlling internal corrosion associated with oil and gas
production and transportation. This results primarily from the
3.1.13 live water—aqueous solution obtained from a pipe-
industry’s extensive use of carbon and low alloy steels, which,
line or well. Usually live water is protected from atmospheric
for many applications, are economic materials of construction
that generally exhibit poor corrosion resistance. As a conse-
3.1.14 mass transfer coeffıcient (k, m/s)—the rate at which
quence, there is a strong reliance on inhibitor deployment for
the reactants (or products) are transferred to the surface (or
achieving cost-effective corrosion control, especially for treat-
removed from the surface).
ing long flowlines and main export pipelines (1).7
3.1.15 measuring technique—technique for determining the 5.2 For multiphase flow, the aqueous-oil-gas interphases can
rate of corrosion and the inhibitor efficiency. Examples of take any of an infinite number of possible forms. These forms
measuring techniques are mass loss, linear polarization resis- are delineated into certain classes of interfacial distribution
tance (LPR), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), called flow regimes. The flow regimes depend on the inclina-
electrical resistance (ER), and potentiodynamic polarization tion of the pipe (that is, vertical or horizontal), flow rate (based
(PP) methods. on production rate), and flow direction (that is, upward or
3.1.16 multiphase flow—simultaneous passage or transport downward). The common flow regimes in vertical upward
of more than one phase, where the phases have different states flow, vertical downward flow, and horizontal flow are pre-
(gas, liquid, and solid) or the same state (liquid), but different sented in Figs. 1-3 respectively (2, 3).
fluid characteristics (viscosity, density, and specific gravity). 5.3 Depending on the flow regime, the pipe may undergo
3.1.17 synthetic water—a synthetic solution prepared in the
laboratory using various chemicals. The composition is based
on the composition of fluid found in an oil production system. 7
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
3.1.18 Schmidt Number (Sc)—a measure of the ratio of the this standard.

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G 170

NOTE—rG and rL are gas and liquid densities and UL and UG are
superficial velocities or the volume of flow rates of the liquid and gas per
unit cross-sectional area of the channel.(2)
FIG. 1 Flow Regimes for Vertical Upward Multiphase Flow


FIG. 2 Flow Regimes for Vertical Downward Flow (2)

various forms of corrosion, including general, localized, flow- batch treated. The test methods to evaluate the inhibitors for a
induced, and erosion-corrosion. One of the predominant failure particular field should be carried so that the operating condi-
mechanisms of multiphase systems is pitting corrosion. tions of the system are simulated. Thus during the evaluation of
5.4 The performance of a corrosion inhibitor is influenced a corrosion inhibitor, an important first step is to identify the
primarily by the nature of inhibitor, operating conditions of a field conditions under which the inhibitor is intended to be
system, and the method by which it is added. Two types of used. The environmental conditions in the field locations will
inhibitors are used in the oil field, continuous and batch. dictate the laboratory conditions under which testing is carried
Water-soluble and oil-soluble, water-dispersible inhibitors are out.
added continuously. Oil-soluble inhibitors are, in general, 5.5 Various parameters that influence corrosion rates, and

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G 170

NOTE—Boundary conditions given by two studies are presented.(2)
FIG. 3 Flow Regimes for Horizontal Flow

hence, inhibitor performance in a given system are (1) com- the laboratory, aqueous phase is usually used with a positive
position of material (2) composition of gas and liquid (3) pressure of gas mixture to simulate the gaseous phase. The oil
temperature (4) flow and (5) pressure. may have a major effect on the corrosion rate and inhibitor
5.5.1 In order for a test method to be relevant to a particular efficiency. The presence of oil phase in the test environment
system, it should be possible to control the combined effects of can have significantly different effects (4). The primary effect
various parameters that influence corrosion in that system. A of the oil phase is apparently on the protectiveness of the
test method is considered to be predictive if it can generate corrosion inhibitor. The oil phase may have the following
information regarding type of corrosion, general and localized effects: (1) partitioning of inhibitor between phases (2) chang-
corrosion rates, nature of inhibition, and life of inhibitor film ing the contact time of the aqueous phase on the pipe (3)
(or adsorbed layer). Rather than try to perfectly reproduce all changing the wetting behaviour of the pipe surface (4) intro-
the field conditions, a more practical approach is to identify the ducing protective compounds that are naturally occurring in the
critical factors that determine/impact inhibitor performance oil.
and then design experiments in a way which best evaluates
5.7.1 Inhibitor evaluation in the absence of the oil phase
these factors.
cannot give an accurate picture of the behaviour of steel in
5.6 Composition of material, composition of gas and liquid
multiphase environments. Ideally, the oil phase should be
(oil and water), temperature, and pressure are direct variables.
present when testing the inhibitor in the laboratory.
Simulation of them in the laboratory is direct. Laboratory
experiments are carried out at the temperature of the field using 5.8 Flow is an indirect variable, and simulation of flow in
coupons or electrodes made out of the field material (for the laboratory is not direct. For this reason, the hydrodynamic
example, carbon steel). The effect of pressure is simulated by flow parameters are determined, and then the laboratory
using a gas mixture with a composition similar to the field for corrosion tests are conducted under the calculated hydrody-
atmospheric experiments and by using partial pressures similar namic parameters. The fundamental assumption in this ap-
to those in the field for high pressure experiments. proach is that, when the hydrodynamic parameters of different
5.7 In multiphase systems there are three phases, oil, aque- geometries are the same, then the corrosion mechanism will be
ous (brine water), and gas. Corrosion occurs at places where the same. Under these conditions, the corrosion rate and the
the aqueous phase contacts the material (for example, steel). efficiency of corrosion inhibition in the laboratory and in the
The corrosivity of the aqueous phase is influenced by the field are similar. The commonly used hydrodynamic param-
composition and the concentration of dissolved gases (for eters are wall shear stress, Reynolds number, and mass transfer
example, H2S and CO2). In evaluating corrosion inhibitors in coefficient (3, 5).

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G 170
5.9 Neither the flow rate (m/s) nor dimensionless param- stability (6) toxicity (7) compatibility with other additives/
eters can be directly related to the local hydrodynamic forces at materials.
the material surface that may be responsible for accelerated
localized attack. Local hydrodynamic forces are influenced by 6. Preparation of Test Solutions
several factors including pipe inclination, position (that is, 3, 6, 6.1 Ideally, all solutions (oil and aqueous) should be ob-
9 o’clock), presence of bends, deposits, edges, welds, expan- tained from the field for which the inhibitor is being evaluated.
sion, and contraction. The flow rate and dimensionless param- It is important that live fluids do not already contain corrosion
eters describe only bulk, or average, properties of the dynamic inhibitor. In the absence of live fluids, synthetic solutions
system. Thus the wall shear stress and mass transfer coefficient should be used, the composition of which, however, should be
can be calculated only as averages at the surface with an based on field water analysis. Alternatively, standard brine (in
average surface roughness. accordance with Practice D 1141) should be employed. The
5.10 Inhibitors are first screened in the laboratory, then solutions should be prepared following good laboratory prac-
evaluated in the field, and finally used in engineering opera- tice. Their composition should be specified in the work plan
tions. The laboratory methodologies, therefore, should be and recorded in the laboratory logbook. Test solutions should
carried out in a compact system with the capacity to evaluate be prepared using analytical grade reagents and deionized
various products quickly with the flow pattern and regime water, unless otherwise specified. If other grades of chemicals
characterized. The results obtained should be relevant to field are used, their purity or grade should be recorded in the
operation, should be predictive of field performance in terms of laboratory logbook.
inhibitor efficiency, and should be scalable, that is, the experi- 6.2 The solutions should be deaerated by passing nitrogen
ments can be carried out at various hydrodynamic conditions. (or any other inert gas) or carbon dioxide and kept under
5.11 Flow loops are used to evaluate corrosion inhibitors deaerated conditions. The solution pH before and after testing
either in the laboratory or by attaching to a live pipe. The loop should be measured and recorded. If possible, the solution pH
simulates the flow regime, but the apparatus is relatively should be monitored continuously during the test. Solutions
sophisticated, and experiments are expensive and time con- should be transferred from the preconditioning vessel to the
suming. The loop is considered sophisticated to be an ideal test vessel under positive nitrogen pressure to minimize air
laboratory methodology under the scope of this guide. contamination during the transfer operation.
5.12 This guide discusses test facilities and considers the 6.3 The appropriate composition of gas can be obtained by
necessary elements which need to be built into a laboratory mixing H2S and CO2 streams from the standard laboratory gas
strategy for testing corrosion inhibitors for multiphase systems. supply. Nitrogen can be used as a diluent to obtain the required
The emphasis is on those methodologies that are compact and partial pressures of the corrosive gases. Alternatively, gas
scalable, hydrodynamically well characterized, and relatively mixtures of the required compositions can be purchased from
inexpensive to use. The laboratory methodologies are (1) suppliers of industrial gases. The concentrations of impurities,
rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) (2) rotating cage (RC) and particularly oxygen, should be kept as low as technically
(3) jet impingement (JI). These methodologies can be used possible (below 5 ppb, preferably under 1 ppb oxygen in
under both atmospheric and high pressure conditions. Detailed solution). The solution oxygen concentration depends on the
description of RCE and JI are presented in NACE-5A195. quality of gases used to purge the electrolyte.
5.13 Laboratory tests for inhibitor evaluation consist of two 6.4 Measure Inhibitor concentrations and report in %
main components–laboratory methodology and measurement weight/volume or ppm w/v (percentage or parts per million,
technique. The combinations of laboratory methodology and weight in volume basis). The method of injecting the inhibitor
measurement technique for inhibitor evaluation for multiphase into the test solution should reflect the actual field application
systems are presented in Table 1. that is being tested. Water-soluble inhibitors may be injected
5.14 To develop an inhibitor selection strategy, in addition neat (as-received) into the test solution (aqueous phase). To
to inhibitor efficiency, several other key performance factors avoid the errors associated with handling small volumes of
need to be evaluated: (1) water/oil partitioning (2) solubility (3) solution, an inhibitor stock solution may be prepared by
emulsification tendency (4) foaming tendency (5) thermal diluting the as-received chemical in an appropriate solvent.
The type of solvent and the concentration of the stock solution
TABLE 1 Laboratory Methodologies and Measurement will depend on the characteristics of the inhibitor and on the
Techniques for Corrosion Inhibitor Evaluation specified test conditions.
Laboratory Measurement Aqueous/Oil/ Remarks 6.5 Oil-soluble, water-dispersible inhibitor solutions are
Methodology Technique Gas Phase
prepared by the partition method. Place the required amounts
RCE mass loss, aqueous phase specimen is a cylinder of crude oil, or condensate, and brine in the partitioning vessel
RCE mass loss aqueous/oil phase specimen is a cylinder (usually a separation funnel). The relative volumes of hydro-
JI mass loss, aqueous phase specimen is a disc carbon and aqueous phases reflect the water cut to be tested. If
electrochemical actual field condensate is not available, heptane, kerosene, or
JI mass loss aqueous/oil phase specimen is a disc
JI electrochemical aqueous phase specimen is a ring any suitable hydrocarbon can be used as a substitute for the oil
measurements phase. Add the corrosion inhibitor to the oil phase. Vigorously
RC mass loss aqueous phase or electrochemical shake the vessel to mix both phases thoroughly and allow the
aqueous/oil phase measurements cannot
be carried out phases to separate. Heating to the minimum expected field
temperature may help in the separation and will also provide

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G 170
more meaningful results; remove the aqueous phase and use as during inhibitor screening and, if possible, the surface rough-
the test solution. ness of specimens used in the laboratory experiments should be
6.6 Oil-soluble inhibitors (usually as batch inhibitors) are related to that of field pipe. The specimens should be ground to
applied in a separate procedure and the corrosion test is carried a specified surface finish. The grinding should produce a
out after this. The inhibitor is dissolved in the oil phase to form reproducible surface finish, with no rust deposits, pits, or deep
an inhibited oil-phase. The corrosion coupon or electrode is scratches. All sharp edges on the specimen should be ground.
exposed to this solution for a certain amount of time (usually All loose dirt particles should be wiped off using tissue paper.
30 min). The coupon or electrode is then removed and 7.3 Rinse the specimens with distilled water and then
introduced into the experimental vessel for the corrosion test. degrease the specimens by immersing in acetone (or methanol)
6.7 Depending on the size of experimental vessel, heating and ultrasonically cleaning for 1 min; dry the specimens with
unit (mantle, bath, or wrapper around the vessel), difference a paper towel. Do not touch the surface of the specimens with
between room and experimental temperatures, a range of bare hands; and weigh the specimens to the nearest 0.1 mg.
temperature may prevail within the vessel. Exercise precaution Measure the dimensions of the specimens to the nearest 1 mm,
to avoid or minimize the temperature differentials. The test and calculate the area of each specimen.
vessels should be heated slowly to avoid overheating and, in 7.4 In general, specimens are held in an insulating specimen
the case of glass autoclaves, to prevent high thermal stresses holder; the type of holder varies with the test. Install the freshly
between the inner and outer walls. The exact protocol followed prepared specimens in the synthetic materials holder and
will depend on the controller, the size and output of the heater, tighten them. Place the specimen holder in the vessel, and close
and parameters such as vessel size, amount of liquid, thermal the lid. Fill the vessel with the preconditioned (deaerated) test
conductivity of liquid, and agitation. The pressure in the vessel solution and continue deaerating for at least 1 h using nitrogen.
should be monitored during heating to make sure it does not
exceed the relief pressure. If necessary, some of the gas in the 8. Laboratory Methods for Evaluating Inhibitor
vessel may be bled off to reduce the pressure. The test Efficiency
temperature should be maintained within 2°C of the specified 8.1 Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE):
temperature. Once the test temperature is reached, the test 8.1.1 The RCE test system is compact, relatively inexpen-
pressure should be adjusted to the predetermined value. The sive, and easily controlled (7). It operates in the turbulent
pressure should be maintained within 6 10 % of the specified regime over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. The apparatus
value for the duration of the test. operates under known and controlled hydrodynamic condi-
6.8 For high-temperature, high-pressure experiments, using tions. The experiments require small amounts of fluid, and
a pre-mixed gas composition, pressurize the autoclave using mass loss and electrochemical measurements can be made.
the specified gas composition, and depressurize to approxi- General procedures for specimen preparation, methods of
mately 0.2 bar above atmospheric pressure. Repeat this cycle cleaning, corrosion rate measurements and evaluation of re-
of pressurizing/depressurizing at least twice to ensure that the sults are described in detail in Guide G 16, Practices G 31,
gas cap has the required composition. Finally, pressurize the G 102, and G 106, Test Method G 59, and NACE-1D196.
autoclave to the test pressure. 8.1.2 At very low electrode rotation speeds, the flow around
6.9 For high-temperature, high-pressure experiments (6) the RCE is laminar and occurs in concentric circles around the
using individual gases, first pressurize the autoclave with H2S cylinder. At higher rotation speeds this simple flow pattern
to the required partial pressure. Leave it for 10 min. If there is becomes unstable. Cellular motion is imposed on the flow
a decrease of pressure, repressurize the autoclave again. Repeat producing toroidal Taylor vortices containing a radial compo-
the process until no further pressure drop occurs. Then, nent of velocity, but the bulk of the flow remains essentially
pressurize the autoclave with CO2, by opening the CO2 gas laminar. As rotational speeds increase further, the flow be-
cylinder at a pressure equal to the CO2 + H2S partial pressure. comes fully turbulent and eddies increasingly break up the
Leave it for 10 min. If there is a decrease of pressure, regular flow pattern. The transition to fully turbulent flow
repressurize the autoclave again with CO2 gas. Repeat the occurs at about Re 200. In the turbulent flow region, the RCE
process until no further pressure drop is observed. Finally, can be applied to simulate flow behavior by hydrodynamic
pressurize the autoclave with the inert gas, by opening the inert analysis.
gas cylinder at the total gas pressure at which the experiments 8.1.3 A typical RCE apparatus consists of a rotating unit
are intended to be carried out. driven by a motor that is attached to a sample holder. A system
with a range of rotational speeds from 100 to 10 000 rpm with
7. Materials an accuracy of 6 2 rpm is typical. It is essential to be able to
7.1 Methods for preparing specimens for tests and for rotate the electrode at both low and high speeds and to be able
removing specimens after the test are described in Practice G 1. to measure the speed and maintain it constant. At the side of the
Standard laboratory glassware should be used for weighing and sample holder, electrical connections to the electrodes are
measuring reagent volumes. made by a brush or mercury contact. The cylinder geometry is
7.2 The specimen should be made of the material (for usually defined in terms of the length-to-diameter ratio. Both
example, carbon steel) for which the inhibitor is being evalu- low and high ratios are used, with ratios varying between 0.3
ated. Corrosion rates and inhibitor performance change by and 3.0. The corrosion rates are measured using conventional
several orders of magnitude as surface roughness changes from electrochemical instruments. Detailed procedures are described
rough to fine. The surface roughness should be kept the same in Practices G 3, G 102, and G 106, Reference Test Method

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G 5, Test Method G 59, and Guide G 96. The rotating cylinder
can also be used as a mass loss coupon when the mass loss is
sufficiently large to be accurately measured using a conven-
tional balance (with accuracy 0.1 mg).
8.1.4 In many designs, two electrodes, inner (rotating) and
outer (stationary) electrodes are used. The outer electrode is
usually the counter electrode. Below the mass-transfer-limited
conditions, the current distribution is uniform if the electrode
and the electrical isolation planes are at right angles, as shown
in Fig. 4. If the electrodes are not placed in this way (as shown
in Fig. 5), the current distribution is not uniform (7). When
designing the rotating cylinder apparatus, the outer concentric
electrode must be placed several inner-cylinder diameters away
from the inner concentric electrode for Eq 1 to be valid (see
8.1.5 For RCE, the reaction rates may be mass transport
FIG. 5 Schematic Representation of RCE for Nonuniform Current
controlled. Provided the IR drop is constant in the cell, the
and Potential Distribution
current distribution over the electrode surface may be uniform, (Below the Mass-Transfer-Limiting Current) (7)
and concentration (of reactants or product) changes may be
calculated even though the fluid flow is generally turbulent. where:
Laminar flow is limited because, in the conventional arrange- n = number of electrons,
ment, the RCE is enclosed within a concentric cell and Recrit~ F = Faraday constant,
200, corresponding to rotation speeds of < 10 rpm. Notwith- C = concentration of the reactant,
standing the instability of turbulent motion, the RCE has found v = angular velocity,
a wide variety of applications, especially when naturally r = radius of the electrode,
turbulent industrial processes have to be simulated on a smaller v = kinematic-viscosity, and
D = diffusion coefficient.
scale or when mass transport must be maximized.
8.1.7 When the wall shear stresses are equal in the two
8.1.6 The limiting current density (iL) for turbulent flow in geometries (that is, the RCE and the pipe), then similar
RCE is described as (7-9) hydrodynamic conditions, for example, turbulence, are main-
iL 5 0.0791nFC~vr!0.7~r/v!–0.3~v/D!–0.644 (1) tained. Under these conditions, the corrosion mechanism (not
the rate) is hypothesized to be the same in the two geometries.
8.1.8 The wall shear stress of RCE, tRCE is given as (10)
tRCE 5 0.0791Re–0.3 rr2v2 (2)

Re = Reynolds number,
r = density,
v = angular velocity, and
r = radius of the cylinder.
8.1.9 Eq 2 can be used as a first approximation to establish
the appropriate RCE velocity for modelling the desired system
when evaluating corrosion inhibitors by single-phase flow.
There may be instances in which Eq 3 does not provide a good
approximation. Equality of shear stress in RCE and pipe

systems does not result in equal mass-transfer coefficients, but

relationships exist between mass-transfer coefficients and wall
shear stress.
8.2 Rotating Cage:
8.2.1 The rotating cage (RC) provides higher flow velocities
than can usually be obtained simply by stirring the solution (11,
12). Fig. 6 shows the schematic diagram of the rotating cage
system. The vessel should be manufactured from an inert
material. Glass and acrylic have been used. A typical rotating
cage system is described below. A base is fitted at the bottom
FIG. 4 Schematic Representation of RCE for Uniform Current of the container. At the center of the TFE-fluorocarbon base, a
and Potential Distribution hole is drilled into which the lower end of the stirring rod is
(Below the Mass-Transfer-Limiting Current) (7) placed. This arrangement stabilizes the stirrer and the coupons.

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G 170 Homogeneous Zone—Vortex dimensions that have
been observed (length and width) increase with rotation speed. Side-wall Affected Zone—Vortex length increases,
but the width has reached the side and collides with the wall. Turbulent Zone—Vortex length penetrates into the
rotating cage unit and creates turbulent flow. Top-cover Affected Zone—The liquid level oscillates
and rises to the top, pushing the flow pattern due to the
backward movement of the fluids, and changing the flow
pattern (the rate of vortex length increases at a lower rate).
8.2.4 The wall shear stress can be calculated using Eq 3
tRC 5 0.0791 Re–0.3rr2v2.3 (3)

r = the radius of the rotating cage.
8.2.5 Eq 4 can be used to calculate the wall shear stresses in
FIG. 6 Schematic Diagram of Rotating Cage (13) the homogeneous zone only. In the turbulent zone, the wall
shear stress may be higher than predicted by Eq 4; on the other
Eight coupons (each of surface area about 36 cm2) are hand, in the side-affected and top-cover affected zones, the wall
supported between two TFE-fluorocarbon disks mounted 76 shear stress may be less than that predicted by Eq 4, because of
mm apart on the stirring rod of the autoclave. Holes (diameter the movement of a portion of the fluid in the opposite direction
1 cm) are drilled in the top and bottom TFE-fluorocarbon plates by the vortex-driven flow.
of the cage to increase the turbulence on the inside surface of 8.2.6 The approach to correlate hydrodynamic relationships
the coupon. This experimental setup can be used at tempera- between RC and another system (for example, pipe) is the
tures up to 70°C and rotation speeds up to 1 000 rpm. The same as that used for RCE. When the wall shear stresses are

corrosion rates are determined by mass loss. equal in the two geometries (for example, RC and pipe), then
8.2.2 Rotating cage experiments need relatively inexpensive similar hydrodynamic conditions, for example, turbulence, are
facilities that can be easily duplicated to save investigation maintained.
time. The tests are relatively simple to conduct. The flow 8.3 Jet Impingement (JI):
intensity is probably highest in the gap (grooves) between the 8.3.1 Jet impingement is a widely used technique to study
coupons (Fig. 7). The grooves in the RC contribute to different flow-induced corrosion. The high turbulence associated with
types of corrosion artifacts. Local high turbulence at the jet impingement is considered to simulate the turbulence
leading and trailing edges of the grooves increases localized encountered at threaded joints, bends, valves, welds, and so
corrosion rates. Procedures for examining and evaluating forth in tubulars, flowlines, and pipelines (14).
pitting corrosion are described in Guide G 46. A decrease in 8.3.2 Jet impingement is a widely used test methodology to
corrosion may be observed inside the groove where the coupon study flow-accelerated corrosion and is a relatively new
is protected from the turbulent flow. methodology for evaluating the performance of corrosion
8.2.3 Depending on the rotation speed, the volume of the inhibitors. The jet impingement test can simulate reliably and
container, and the fluids used, the flow pattern can be divided reproducibly high turbulence conditions in multiphase systems
into four zones (Fig. 8): (for example, oil, water and gas). It requires relatively small

NOTE—The gap between the coupons (A) and the hole (B) introduce localized turbulence.
FIG. 7 Photo of Rotating Cage Containing Coupons

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FIG. 8 Flow Patterns in a Rotating Cage

FIG. 9 Different Flow Regions on a Jet Impingement

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volumes of test fluids and is controlled easily.
8.3.3 Jet impingement systems can be used to study the
tw 5 0.1788 3 r 3 U20 3 Re–0.182 r
SD –2.0

effects of differential mass-transfer cells if the electrode diam-

eter is more than five times larger than the diameter of the jet
tw = wall shear stress (N/m2),
nozzle. Alternatively, a configuration or geometry of the r = density (kg/m3),
probe/electrode can be designed to account for a specific shear U0 = velocity (m/s) of the flow at the position of leaving the
stress region. nozzle,
8.3.4 The advantage of using an impinging jet is that the r = distance from stagnant point, m,
flow profile produced by an impinging jet is mathematically r0 = jet nozzle radius, m, and
well defined and expressed. By changing the jet velocity, the Re = Reynold’s number.
nozzle diameter, and the distance between nozzle and test 8.3.8 The jet Reynolds number is defined as:
coupon, the flow profile inside an impinging jet can easily be
2r0 3 U0
adjusted over a wide range to simulate various flow conditions. Re 5 n (5)
8.3.5 The typical flow field established by a jet impinging
on a flat plate with central axis normal to the plate is illustrated where:
in Fig. 9 (15). Under these conditions, a stagnation point exists n = the kinematic viscosity of the testing liquid, (m2/s).
at the intersection of this axis with the plate and the flow is ~n 5 µ / r! (6)
symmetric about the axis. Because the flow is axis-symmetric,
only the flow and fluid properties in the radial plane normal to where:
the disk are considered. µ = viscosity, and
8.3.6 Region A is the region in which the flow is essentially r = density.
laminar near the plate and the principal velocity component 8.3.9 In Region C, the bulk flow rate and turbulence decay
changes from axial to radial, with a stagnation point at the rapidly as the thickness of the wall jet increases, momentum is
center. Region A extends from the central axis to the point of transferred away from the plate, and the surrounding fluid is
maximum velocity and minimum jet thickness at approxi- entrained in the jet. This region is amenable to mathematical
mately r = 2ro. The local velocity field is complex, but is characterization, but the flow cannot correlate to field condi-
mathematically definable. Because the flow vector is changing tions, since momentum transfer and fluid entrainment in this
rapidly as radial distance increases, this region is of little use region are in the opposite direction from pipe flow.
for correlation to field conditions. 8.3.10 One design of JI consists of a central cell with four
8.3.7 Region B is a region of rapidly increasing turbulence, arms containing the nozzles. The impeller is housed in the cell
with the flow developing into a wall jet; that is, the primary body and is driven by a motor magnetically coupled to the
flow vector is parallel to the solid surface. This region extends impeller shaft. Fluid from the cell is forced by the impeller
radially to approximately r = 4ro. The flow pattern is charac- through the nozzles and is recirculated to the cell, as shown in
terized by high turbulence, a large velocity gradient at the wall, Fig. 10. In this compact design, all moving parts of the pump
and high wall shear stress. Region B is of primary interest for are located in the closed compartment of the cell. Up to four
studying fluid flow effects on corrosion in high turbulence multiple samples can be used simultaneously.
areas and areas of flow disruption. The equation for the wall 8.3.11 The efficiency of an inhibitor in JI and in the field can
shear stress in this region is: be correlated using wall shear stress, as for RCE and RC.


FIG. 10 Schematic Diagram of Jet Impingement

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8.4 High Pressure Experiments: be attached (Fig. 13). The other end of the rod, projecting
8.4.1 In order to simulate the effects of partial pressures of slightly above the motor unit, is attached directly to the rotating
corrosive gases (CO2, H2S), experiments should be carried out unit, through which the electrical connection is made. The
under high pressure (see Guide G 111). All laboratory meth- stainless steel rod is rotated by a separate motor connected to
odologies used in atmospheric pressure tests can also be the rod using a belt. The counter and reference electrodes are
pressurized to simulate high-pressure pipeline operation. The inserted inside the autoclave. The corrosion rates can be
methodologies are high-temperature, high-pressure rotating determined using conventional electrochemical measurements.
cylinder electrode (HTHPRCE); high-temperature, high- 8.4.5 The experimental setup similar to the one used for
pressure rotating cage (HTHPRC); and high-temperature, high- atmospheric pressure RC and JI can be used to carry out
pressure jet impingement (HTHPJI). HTHPRC and HTHPJI except that an autoclave is used. The
8.4.2 The analysis of corrosion inhibitors in high-pressure hydrodynamic calculation of elevated pressure experiments is
experiments should be performed using an autoclave. The the same as that for atmospheric experiments.
autoclave is equipped with various measuring and regulating
devices. Corrosion rates can be determined by mass loss (in 9. Laboratory Methods for Determining Secondary
HTHPRC and HTHPJI) and electrochemical methods (HTH- Inhibitor Properties
PRCE and HTHPJI). 9.1 Oil Water Partitioning:
8.4.3 A high-temperature, high-pressure system for electro- 9.1.1 In oil and gas production, corrosion-related problems
chemical measurements should possess an electrically isolated are invariably attributed to the presence of aqueous phase.
electrode system, an electrically isolated motor for rotating the Therefore, in order to prevent corrosion, the inhibitor must be
electrode, and a vessel that can withstand high pressure without present in the aqueous phase. This is achieved by partitioning
leakage. or dispersion of the inhibitor from the hydrocarbon and is
8.4.4 The design of a vessel that can be used under enabled by the inhibitor being water dispersible or, more
pressurized conditions is shown in Fig. 11 (16, 17). The stirring commonly, water soluble. Irrespective of the water solubility of
rod of an autoclave can be modified by drilling a hole in the rod the inhibitor, many factors influence the ability to partition
into which an insulator, for example, can be inserted. O-rings efficiently. Because of the need to address the performance of
are used to prevent leakage. Inside the TFE-fluorocarbon an inhibitor in a given environment, it is most appropriate to
insulator, a metal rod is introduced (Fig. 12). One end of the test the partitioning characteristics based on a direct perfor-
metal rod is threaded so that cylindrical (RCE) specimens can mance measure. This is achieved by measuring the corrosivity

1. Electrical contact unit 8. Inlet (gases and solution)
2. Techometer (rotation speed display) 9. Thermocouple
3. Rotation controller 10. Outlet (gases and solutions)
4. Electrochemical instruments 11. Counter electrode
5. Rotating electrode units (working electrode) 12. Autoclave body
6. Reference electrode 13. Solution
7. Water cooler coil 14. TFE-fluorocarbon liner
FIG. 11 Schematic Diagram of HTHPRE System (13)

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FIG. 12 Rotating Units of HTHPRE System

FIG. 13 Schematic Diagram of Rotating Electrode Tip

(Where a cylinder or disc can be attached.)

of an aqueous phase following partition of a corrosion inhibitor without any corrosion inhibitor present to identify if the crude
from the hydrocarbon. Information gained from partitioning oil has any inherent inhibitory properties.
studies can be used as a guide to obtain accurate dosing levels 9.1.5 The aqueous phase (of composition corresponding to
to achieve the desired degree of protection in areas of water that in the field) is prepared using AnalaR grade salts. The
drop. crude oil should be a representative sample (dry, stabilized,
9.1.2 A known amount of corrosion inhibitor is allowed to additive-free) obtained from the field where the candidate
distribute between a crude oil and an aqueous phase over a inhibitor is to be deployed.
period of up to 24 h. Typically, a range of water/crude oil ratios 9.1.6 The test fluids are conditioned as follows prior to
(1:9, 1:1, 8:2 V/V) and corrosion inhibitor concentrations are partitioning. Deaerate with corrosive gas mixtures, H2S, CO2
used. During each test, the fluids are visually examined to (less than 10 ppm oxygen in the gas) for 1 h. The partial
ensure that the corrosion inhibitor does not cause formation of pressures of CO2 and H2S should be the same as in the field
a stable emulsion or any excess foaming. These can be costly with the balance made up with N2. Continue sparging with
problems to control in the field if they require extra demulsifier gases during the test. The cleanliness of the partitioning vessel
or anti-foam chemicals over and above the levels normally (Fig. 14) is important to obtain reproducible and reliable data.
used in the fluids processing. The following cleaning procedure is recommended after each
9.1.3 After the desired time has elapsed, the aqueous phase partitioning run: deionized water rinse; toluene rinse; petro-
is separated from the crude oil and its corrosivity measured leum ether (70 to 90°C fraction) rinse; acetone rinse; and
using one of the laboratory methodologies described in Section deionized water rinse (five times).
8. The corrosion rates are then compared to the graphs of
inhibitor efficiency versus concentration obtained by injecting
the inhibitor directly into the test solution. CoVo 1 CwVw 5 Ct (7)
9.1.4 It is important to undertake baseline partitioning tests P 5 CwCo (8)

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FIG. 14 Partition Vessel

where: liquid. Since the solubility of inhibitors can vary quite drasti-
C = concentration, cally depending on the chemical composition of the water and
V = volume fraction, hydrocarbon phases, it is recommended that this test be
w = the water phase, repeated with actual field fluids if at all possible.
o = the oil phase, 9.3 Emulsification Tendency:
t = total fluids, and 9.3.1 The emulsions formed can be quite difficult to remove
P = the partitioning co-efficient (water/oil). and can lead to separation difficulties in the production
Cw 5 CtP/~Vo 1 PVw! and Co 5 Ct/~Vo 1 PVw! (9) facilities. Shake flask tests are used to evaluate whether the
9.1.8 It is not possible to obtain an accurate partition inhibitor will cause the water/hydrocarbon mixture to form an
coefficient directly from corrosion rate data. However, infor- emulsion.
mation can be obtained on its partitioning characteristics. If the 9.3.2 Volumes of 100-mL (or other suitable volume) mix-
inhibitor is preferentially water soluble, then, for a given tures of oil phase and water phase are tested. Different ratios
inhibitor concentration, the corrosion rate of the separated can be used depending on the system, for example, 95:5, 75:25,
aqueous phase should increase with increasing water cut. For a 50:50, and so forth, of condensate/oil to synthetic water.
preferentially oil soluble inhibitor, the corrosion rate should 9.3.3 The mixtures are injected with various concentrations
decrease with increasing water cut. Based on the corrosion rate of test chemical usually at a higher level than that recom-
data, an estimate of the required dose rate on total fluids can be mended, to act as a worst case. Blanks are also used along with
made. This estimate is achieved by comparing the data the inhibited samples.
obtained from the separated aqueous phase with data obtained 9.3.4 Each bottle is then given 100 hard shakes by hand and
when the same concentration of inhibitor is dosed directly into then left to settle. The clarity and color of the hydrocarbon and
aqueous phase only. The time taken to reach maximum aqueous layers, and the appearance of the interface are ob-
inhibition is also important. served over a period of time, for example, 1, 2, 5, and 10 min.
9.2 Solubility: Comparisons are then made with the blank.
9.2.1 The solubility of corrosion inhibitors in carrier fluids 9.3.5 Report the appearance (clear or hazy) and the volume
(aqueous or liquid hydrocarbons) should be assessed at the of the aqueous and hydrocarbon phases in the bottle after 5, 15,
prospective storage temperature, often ambient temperature to 30, and 60 min, as outlined in Table 2. Report the time needed
-20°C. The main concerns are: loss of solubility of the active for full separation of the two phases. Use the appearance of the
ingredients, with the formation of solids or gunks, and phase TABLE 2 Example of Presentation of Emulsion Test Results
separation due to changes in solubility. Time, min Aqueous Phase HC Phase Interface
9.2.2 In a 100-mL graduated cylinder, make a solution of Appearance Volume Appearance Volume
the appropriate concentration of the corrosion inhibitor in the 5 hazy 10 mL hazy 10 mL 5 cm
recommended carrier (aqueous or hydrocarbon). Keep the 15 hazy 25 mL hazy 20 mL 1 cm
solution at temperature for at least two weeks. Disqualify the 30 hazy 35 mL clear 45 mL firm
60 hazy 40 mL clear 45 mL firm
product if a deposit or a separate liquid phase forms within that > 1 day clear 50 mL clear 50 mL firm
period. Report any cloudiness or change in appearance of the

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two phases (that is, clear/hazy) to evaluate solubility or mixture into a 100-mL high pressure autoclave. Bubble gas of
dispersibility of the product. the appropriate composition through the mixture. Pressurize
9.3.6 The formation of a precipitate or a third liquid phase the autoclave to the required test pressure. Depressurize slowly
during this test should be considered as a warning sign of to about 5 bar, avoiding liquid carry-over with the gas. Repeat
possible instability of the formulation. the pressurization/depressurization step at least three times.
9.3.7 Stirring the fluids in a defined cylinder with a defined Pressurize the autoclave once more to 100 bar, and allow to
stirrer and using a standard procedure to evaluate respective equilibrate for 5 min. Disconnect the dip-tube from the
phases and interphase represents another method to evaluate pressure bottle, and direct its end to the bottom of a 200-mL
emulsion properties of a given inhibitor (ISO 6614). graduated cylinder. Suddenly open the shut-off valve, allowing
9.4 Foaming Tendency: all the contents to flow into the graduated cylinder. Record the
9.4.1 The method employs sparging gas through a glass frit height of liquid and foam with time for at least 1 h, or until the
into a solution of chemical in either waters or hydrocarbons. foam pad disappears.
The foam height and the stability of the foam are used to assess 9.5 Thermal Stability:
the degree of foaming. The effect is compared to a blank. 9.5.1 The effect of the pipeline or flowline inlet temperature
9.4.2 One hundred millilitres of synthetic water or hydro- on the efficiency of the inhibitor formulation should be
carbons (heptane may be used to simulate condensate) is evaluated. If the corrosion inhibitor formulation is to be
placed in a 500-mL measuring cylinder. The fluid is sparged blended with methanol or glycol, and possibly other chemical
with gas mixture at a constant rate. The foam produced is additives, and stored prior to injection, the stability of this
measured and recorded as a function of column height, and its mixture should be investigated, as well as the stability of the
time to collapse is also measured. The foaming tendency of the inhibitor formulation itself. Even if the corrosion inhibitor
samples dosed with chemical is then compared to that of the formulation is introduced into the methanol or glycol immedi-
blank. ately before injection, it is important to test that the resultant
9.4.3 Alternatively, a specified volume of solution can be mixture viscosity does not increase substantially, and thus,
flowed through a defined pipe (nozzle) into a measuring impede pumping. The first two tests described in this section
cylinder. The foam height is recorded versus time (ISO 696). are intended specifically for downhole applications. The last
9.4.4 The high shear foaming test requires the use of a three tests are intended for transport lines in which glycol is
small, high pressure (rated to at least 100 bar) sampling bottle used to prevent hydrate formation.
or autoclave. The bottle should be fitted with a pressure relief 9.5.2 Sticky Deposits Test—This test evaluates the tendency
valve, with a gas inlet dip tube that reaches to the bottom of the of inhibitors to form undesirable sticky deposits. Sticky depos-
bottle, with a manual shut-off valve to depressurize the its might form, for example, due to thermal decomposition of
contents of the bottle quickly, and with a gas outlet tube to the corrosion inhibitor or another component of the formula-
allow gas bubbling through the liquid mixture in the bottle. An tion, or due to flashing of the solvent at high temperatures.
example of this equipment is shown in Fig. 15. Prepare a solution of inhibitor in at least 150 mL of the
9.4.5 Prepare 100 mL of a 50:50 v/v mixture of hydrocarbon prospective carrier. Mix 75 mL of this solution with 15 g
and aqueous phase with the prescribed composition. Pour the mixture (1:1) of formation sandstone and bentonite. The


FIG. 15 Test Apparatus for a 100-mL Pressure

(High-Shear Foaming Test)

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solutions with and without the mixture are heated in an oven mixture viscosity does not increase substantially, and thus,
for three days at the operating temperature. After this period, impede pumping.
the mixtures are cooled to room temperature. A comparison is 9.5.7 To test for compatibility problems involving the mix-
made by observing the appearance (consistency, settling, ture, the corrosion inhibitor formulation should be introduced
viscosity). Any deposits that are observed are studied to into the methanol or glycol along with the other chemical
determine whether they re-dissolve by adding 75 mL carrier. additives in the proportions that are representative of the
9.5.3 Downhole Stability—To perform the test, prepare a mixture to be stored and pumped down the umbilical. The
solution of inhibitor in the appropriate carrier fluid (hydrocar- viscosity of the mixture should be measured after combination
bon or aqueous). Heat and maintain the solution at the desired and compared to the viscosity of the individual components, to
temperature for a period of four days in an autoclave, prefer- obtain data on short term changes in mixture viscosity. It is
ably glass or glass-lined to prevent contamination of the recommended that this test be carried out at 5 and 20°C. If the
inhibitor solution with corrosion products. After completion of mixture is to be stored for a longer term, stability tests of the
this period, evaluate the performance of the inhibitor using type described above should be carried out.
standard laboratory techniques described in Section 8. Alter- 9.6 Toxicity:
natively, the inhibitor solution may be analyzed, using for 9.6.1 A further factor of growing importance is the toxicity
example gas or liquid chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, of corrosion inhibitors and indeed other production chemicals.
mass spectroscopy, or other suitable analytical techniques, to Awareness and concern for the environment will inevitably
detect any decomposition products of the CI. The formation of demand more stringent legislation to regulate discharges into
a separate liquid or solid phase should be considered a warning coastal and offshore waters. Environmental concerns world-
sign of instability of the formulation at high temperatures. This wide are increasing and are likely to influence the choice of
test is not necessary if the inhibitor will not be exposed to corrosion inhibitors in the future. Environmental requirements
downhole temperatures for extended periods, for example, if are still being developed, but some elements have been

downhole injection takes place using a capillary tube. established.
9.5.4 Glycol Test—Prepare a 50/50 v/v solution of glycol 9.6.2 The biodegradation, or biological oxygen demand
and aqueous phase with an inhibitor concentration of 1000 (BOD), should be at least 60 %, and inhibitors should be
mg/L (based on total volume), or 20 times the recommended nontoxic (18). The BOD is a measure of how long the inhibitor
dosage, whichever is greater. Pour approximately 100 mL of will persist in the environment. Toxicity is measured as LC50 or
this solution into a 250-mL flask connected to an aqueous- EC50. LC50 is the concentration of the inhibitor needed to kill
cooled condenser in a reflux (vertical) position. The flask 50 % of the total population of the test species. The results are
should be continuously purged with gas mixture (depending on quoted as milligrams of chemical per litre of fluid (or LD50,
the field conditions, H2S, CO2) at a rate of approximately 100 mg/kg) for exposure times of 24 and 48 h. The EC50 is the
cm3/min. Heat the flask using a regular laboratory heating effective concentration of inhibitor to adversely affect 50 % of
mantle or hot plate. The boiling temperature of the glycol/ the population. In general, EC50 values are lower than LC50
aqueous solution is expected to be around 135°C. Reflux the values because the former are the concentrations required to
solution under the gas purge for 5 days and then evaluate the damage the species in some way without killing it.
performance of the corrosion inhibitor in a standard foam test, 9.7 Compatibility with Other Additives/Materials:
described in Section 8. This can be accomplished by adding 50 9.7.1 Effect of Inhibitor on 316 SS Transfer Lines—A series
mL of the refluxed solution to 1 L of test solution. of tests should be carried out utilizing the corrosion inhibitor
9.5.5 Stability of Inhibitor Formulation at Ambient formulation and a variety of specimens, including stainless
Temperature—The formulation is exposed, under stagnant steel, welded coupons and crevice coupons. For crevice corro-
conditions, to three temperatures, 5, 20 and 50°C, in a closed sion testing, samples with metal-to-metal crevices and crevices
vessel blanketed with a slowly flowing stream of air. A test with elastomeric seal materials should be fabricated. For stress
period of three weeks is recommended. The viscosity of the corrosion cracking tests, a stressed sample, such as a C-ring,
formulation, or phases that may separate, should be measured should be used. Testing should focus first on the highest
at the test temperature before and after the test. At the expected temperature to assess possibility of attack in the most
conclusion of the tests, the formulation should be examined to aggressive environment. A slow purge with air should be
determine if separate phases or solid materials have formed. If maintained during the test.
separate phases form, the viscosity of each phase should be 9.7.2 Effect of Inhibitor Formulation on Elastomeric
measured. Samples of each phase should be saved for further Seals—Both amines and different solvents in the inhibitor
analysis, if necessary. formulations are known to cause swelling and embrittlement of
9.5.6 Stability of Corrosion Inhibitor + Methanol/Glycol at some elastomers. The problems may not be observed unless the
Ambient Temperature—If the corrosion inhibitor formulation is elastomers are subjected to rapid decompression. Autoclave
to be blended with methanol or glycol, and possibly other exposure tests are recommended where multiple samples of the
chemical additives, and stored prior to injection, the stability of elastomers are exposed to the corrosion inhibitor formulation.
this mixture should be investigated, as well as the stability of Periodically, samples are removed and examined for change in
the inhibitor formulation itself. Even if the corrosion inhibitor mass and tensile strength as well as being visually examined.
formulation is introduced into the methanol or glycol immedi- See also NACE-TM0196.
ately before injection, it is important to test that the resultant 9.7.3 Effect on Flexible Umbilicals—If flexible umbilicals

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are to be used, it is recommended that short-term exposure tests mixture itself. The tests should be conducted at the subsea tree
be conducted to assess compatibility of the liner material with temperature. Tensile tests should be used to assess changes in
the individual components in the mixture carried by the properties as well as mass gain.
umbilical, including the corrosion inhibitor, and with the 9.7.5 Injection Point - Flashing of Solvents—Solubility
mixture itself. Exposure times of 1 to 3 weeks are recom- tests can be used to establish the least amount of solvent
mended. Although the subsea umbilical temperature is low, required to keep the inhibitor components in solution. The
approximately 4°C for many deepwater prospects, tests may be behavior of the inhibitor formulation at the injection point can
carried out at elevated temperatures to accelerate effects. be experimentally measured, for example, by heating a small
9.7.4 Compatibility of the Corrosion Inhibitor with Produc- volume of inhibitor to the injection temperature in a larger
tion Tree and Flowline Materials—When the mixture contain- volume autoclave, letting the system stabilize, measuring the
ing the corrosion inhibitor is mixed with the produced fluid viscosity of the resulting product, and observing the formation
stream, all components are substantially diluted. In general, of any solids.
this dilution would be expected to reduce concerns about
compatibility. One possible concern is the impact of the 10. Keywords
corrosion inhibitor on flexible flowlines. If the flowline con- 10.1 emulsion tendency; foaming tendency; high-
tains a flexible section, it is recommended that exposure tests temperature, high-pressure; inhibitor evaluation; jet impinge-
of the flowline liner be carried out with concentrated solutions ment; laboratory methodologies; multiphase; rotating cage;
of all components of the mixture to be injected, as well as the rotating cylinder


(1) “Test Methods for Corrosion Inhibitors,” Report Prepared for the CORROSION/90 Conference Paper No. 5, NACE International,

European Federation of Corrosion Working Party on Inhibitors, British Houston, TX, 1990.
Corrosion Journal, 20, 1985, p. 61. (12) Schmidt, G., Bruckhoff, W., Faessler, K., and Blummel, G., “Flow
(2) Srinivasan, S., and Kane, R.D., “Experimental Simulation of Mul- Loop Versus Rotating Probes - Correlations Between Experimental
tiphase CO2/H2S Systems,” NACE CORROSION/99 Conference Pa- Results and Service Applications,” CORROSION/90, Paper No. 23,
per, No. 14, NACE International, Houston, TX, 1999 and references NACE International, Houston, TX, 1990, and Materials Perfor-
therein. mance, February, 1991, p. 85.
(3) Hewitt, G.F., “Chapter 2.1: Flow Regimes” in Handbook of Mul- (13) Papavinasam, S., Revie, R.W., Attard, M., Demoz, A., Sun, H.,
tiphase Systems, Hetsroni, G., ed., Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Donini, J.C., and Michaelian, K., “Inhibitor Selection for Internal
Washington, D.C., 1982, p. 2.3 and references therein. Corrosion Control of Pipelines: 1. Laboratory Methodologies,”
(4) Efird, K.D. and Jasinski R.J., “Effect of Crude Oil on Corrosion of NACE CORROSION/99 Conference Paper No. 1, NACE Interna-
Steel in Crude Oil/Brine Production,” Corrosion 45, 1989, p. 165. tional, Houston, TX, 1999, and Materials Performance 39, August,
(5) Efird, K.D., Wright, E.J., Boros, J.A. and Hailey T.G., “Correlation of 2000, p. 58.
Steel Corrosion in Pipe Flow with Jet Impingement and Rotating (14) Dawson, J.L. and Shih, C.C., “Electrochemical Testing of Flow
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(6) Crolet, J.L. and Bonis, M.R., “How to Pressurize Autoclaves for CORROSION/87, Conference Paper No. 453, (1987) NACE Interna-
Corrosion Testing under Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide tional, Houston, TX.
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Applied Electrochemistry, No. 4, 1974, p. 91. Fluid Mechanics, 53, (1975) p. 505 and Part 2: Erosion and
(8) Newman, J.S., Electrochemical Systems, Prentice Hall, Englewood Diffusional Transfer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 54 (1976) p. 148.
Cliffs, NJ, 1973. (16) Papavinasam, S. and Revie, R.W., “High-Temperature, High-Pressure
(9) Silverman, D.C., “Rotating Cylinder Electrode for Velocity Sensitivity Rotating Electrode System,” International Pipeline Conference, Vol
Testing,” Corrosion 40, 1984, p. 220, and Silverman, D.C., “Rotating 1, ASME, 1998, p. 341.
Cylinder Electrode - Geometry Relationships for Prediction of (17) Papavinasam, S. and Revie, R.W., “Synergistic Effect of Pressure and
Velocity-Sensitive Corrosion,” Corrosion 44, 1988, p. 42. Flow on Corrosion Rates: Studies Using High-Temperature, High-
(10) Eisenberg, M., Tobias, C.W., and Wilke, C.R., “Ionic Mass Transfer Pressure Rotating Electrode System,” NACE CORROSION/99 Con-
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Electrochemical Society, No. 101, 1954, p. 306. (18) Papavinasam, S., “Corrosion Inhibitors” in Uhlig’s Corrosion Hand-
(11) Stegmann, D.W., Hausler, R.H., Cruz, C.J., and Sutanto, H., “Labo- book, Second Edition, R.Winston Revie, ed., John Wiley & Sons, NY,
ratory Studies on Flow Induced Localized Corrosion in CO2/H2S 2000, p. 1104.
environments, 1. Development of Test Methodology,” NACE

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