Cold Filter Plugging Point of Diesel and Heating Fuels: Standard Test Method For
Cold Filter Plugging Point of Diesel and Heating Fuels: Standard Test Method For
Cold Filter Plugging Point of Diesel and Heating Fuels: Standard Test Method For
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
1.5 WARNING—Mercury has been designated by many D5773 Test Method for Cloud Point of Petroleum Products
regulatory agencies as a hazardous material that can cause and Liquid Fuels (Constant Cooling Rate Method)
central nervous system, kidney, and liver damage. Mercury, or D7962 Practice for Determination of Minimum Immersion
its vapor, may be hazardous to health and corrosive to Depth and Assessment of Temperature Sensor Measure-
materials. Caution should be taken when handling mercury and ment Drift
mercury-containing products. See the applicable product Ma- E1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
terial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for details and EPA’s E644 Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Ther-
website——for addi- mometers
tional information. Users should be aware that selling mercury E2251 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass ASTM Thermom-
and/or mercury containing products in your state or country eters with Low-Hazard Precision Liquids
may be prohibited by law. E2877 Guide for Digital Contact Thermometers
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the 2.2 IP Standards:3
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the IP 309 Diesel and domestic heating fuels—Determination of
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- cold filter plugging point
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- Specifications for IP Standard Thermometers
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2.3 ISO Standards:4
For specific warning statements, see Section 7. IP 3310 Test sieves—Technical requirements and testing—
1.7 This international standard was developed in accor- Part 1: Metal cloth
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of the ASTM website.
Subcommittee D02.07 on Flow Properties. Available from Energy Institute, 61 New Cavendish St., London, WIG 7AR,
Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2017. Published December 2017. Originally U.K.,
approved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as D6371 – 17. DOI: Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
10.1520/D6371-17A. 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: NOTE 2—Test jars of the required dimensions may be obtained by
3.2.1 certified reference material, n—a stable petroleum selection from jars conforming to Test Method D2500, which specifies a
product with a method-specific nominal CFPP value estab- wider diameter tolerance.
lished by a method-specific interlaboratory study following 6.1.3 Jacket, brass, watertight, cylindrical, flat bottomed, to
RR:D02-10076 guidelines or ISO Guides 34 and 35.4 be used as an air bath. It shall have an inside diameter of
3.2.2 cold filter plugging point, n—highest temperature, 45 mm 6 0.25 mm, outside diameter of 48 mm 6 0.25 mm,
expressed in multiples of 1 °C, at which a given volume of fuel and a height of 115 mm 6 3 mm (see Fig. 2).
fails to pass through a standardized filtration device in a 6.1.4 Insulating Ring, made from oil-resistant plastics or
specified time when cooled under the conditions prescribed in other suitable material, to be placed in the bottom of the jacket
this test method. (see 6.1.3) to provide insulation for the bottom of the test jar.
It shall fit closely inside the jacket and have a thickness of
4. Summary of Test Method 6 mm + 0.3 mm - 0.0 mm.
4.1 A specimen of the sample is cooled under specified 6.1.5 Spacers (two), approximately 5 mm thick, made of
conditions and, at intervals of 1 °C, is drawn into a pipet under oil-resistant plastics or other suitable material, to be placed as
a controlled vacuum through a standardized wire mesh filter. shown in Fig. 1 around the test jar (see 6.1.2) to provide
The procedure is repeated, as the specimen continues to cool, insulation for the test jar from the sides of the jacket. The
for each 1 °C below the first test temperature. Testing is spacers shall fit closely to the test jar and closely inside the
continued until the amount of wax crystals that have separated jacket. The use of incomplete rings, each with a 2 mm
out of solution is sufficient to stop or slow down the flow so circumferential gap, will accommodate variations in test jar
that the time taken to fill the pipet exceeds 60 s or the fuel fails diameter. The spacers and insulating ring may be made as a
to return completely to the test jar before the fuel has cooled by single part as shown in Fig. 3.
a further 1 °C. 6.1.6 Supporting Ring, of oil resistant plastics or other
suitable non-metallic, non-absorbent, oil-resistant material,
4.2 The indicated temperature at which the last filtration used to suspend the jacket (see 6.1.3) in a stable and upright
was commenced is recorded as the CFPP. position in the cooling bath and to provide a concentric
location for the stopper (see 6.1.7). A design is shown in Fig.
5. Significance and Use
4 for guidance, but this design may be modified to suit the
5.1 The CFPP of a fuel is suitable for estimating the lowest cooling bath.
temperature at which a fuel will give trouble-free flow in 6.1.7 Stopper, of oil-resistant plastics or other suitable
certain fuel systems. nonmetallic, nonabsorbent, oil-resistant material, to fit the test
5.2 In the case of diesel fuel used in European light duty jar and the support ring as shown in Fig. 5. It shall have three
trucks, the results are usually close to the temperature of failure holes to accommodate the pipet (see 6.1.8) and the thermom-
eter (see 6.1.9) and to allow venting of the system. If necessary,
when using the high-range thermometer (see 6.1.9), the upper
Available from European Committee for Standardization (CEN), 36 rue de part of the stopper shall have an indentation to permit the
Stassart, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium,
thermometer (see 6.1.9) to be read down to a temperature of
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1007. Contact ASTM Customer –30 °C. A pointer shall be fitted to the upper surface of the
Service at stopper to facilitate location of the thermometer in relation to
nominal size by more than 13 µm. Calibration Report From a calibration laboratory with demon-
(4) Filter Holder of Brass, in which the disc of wire mesh strated competency in temperature calibration
gauze (see (3)) is firmly clamped by a retaining ring which is traceable to a national calibration
laboratory or metrology standards body.
pressed into the filter holder. The diameter of the exposed part
of the gauze shall be 12 mm + 0.1 mm – 0.0 mm (see Fig. 8).
(5) Brass Cylinder, threaded on the outside, that can be A
The nominal temperature range may be different than the values shown provided
screwed into the cavity of the body (see (1)) to clamp the calibration and accuracy criteria are met.
Accuracy is the combined accuracy of the DCT unit which is the display and
the filter holder (see (4)) against the O-ring ( sensor.
(1)), The lower end shall have four slots to allow the specimen C
Sensor sheath is the tube that holds the sensing element. The value is the
outside diameter of the sheath segment containing the sensor element.
to flow into the filter unit. D
The physical length of the temperature sensing element.
NOTE 3—The requirements for the wire mesh are taken from IP 3310, As determined by Practice D7962 or an equivalent procedure.
Response Time—The time for a DCT to respond to a step change in temperature.
to which reference may be made for methods for testing the gauze. The response time is 63.2 % of the step change time as determined per Section 9
6.1.9 Temperature Measuring Device—Either a liquid-in- of Test Method E644. The step change evaluation begins at 20 °C ± 5 °C air to
77 °C ± 5 °C with water circulating at 0.9 m ⁄s ± 0.09 m ⁄s past the sensor.
glass thermometer as described in or a digital contact
thermometer (DCT) meeting the requirements described in NOTE 4—A DCT display mounted on the end to the probe’s sheath is likely not suitable due to temperature exposure of the electronics. Consult Liquid-in-glass Thermometers, having ranges shown manufacturer for temperature limitations.
NOTE 5—When making measurements below –40 °C with a PRT, it
below and conforming to the requirements prescribed in may be necessary to use a 1000 ohm sensor in order to obtain accurate
Specifications E1 or E2251, or Specifications for IP Standard measurements.
Thermometers. The DCT calibration drift shall be checked at least
annually by either measuring the ice point or against a
Thermometer Temperature Range ASTM IP reference thermometer in a constant temperature bath at the
High-range for CFPP down to −38 °C to +50 °C 5C, S5C 1C prescribed immersion depth to ensure compliance with
−30 °C
Low-range from CFPP below –80 °C to +20 °C 6C 2C
See Practice D7962.
−30 °C
Cooling bath −80 °C to +20 °C 6C 2C
NOTE 6—When a DCT’s calibration drifts in one direction over several
calibration checks, it may be an indication of deterioration of the DCT.
6.1.10 Cooling Bath: The type of cooling bath is optional, but it shall be
of a shape and size suitable for containing the jacket (see 6.1.3)
in a stable and upright position at the required depth.
stop the stopwatch and turn the stopcock to its initial position
to vent the pipet and so allow the specimen to return to the test NOTE 10—The precise positioning of the thermometer in the test jar is
a critical parameter of this test method. The position of the lower end of
jar. the thermometer above the bottom of the test jar can be indirectly
12.1.11 If the time taken to reach the mark exceeds 60 s on measured by marking the stem of the thermometer flush with the stopper
the first filtration, abandon the test and repeat it on a fresh (see 6.1.7) when the lower end of the thermometer is just touching the
portion, starting at a higher temperature. bottom of the test jar, and then pulling the thermometer up such that the
reference line is 1.5 mm 6 0.2 mm above the top of the stopper.
12.1.12 Repeat the operations (see 12.1.9 to 12.1.10) for
each 1 °C decrease of the specimen temperature until the 12.2.4 If necessary, reconnect the pipet to the vacuum
temperature is reached at which the pipet is not filled to the system. Switch on the vacuum source and regulate to ensure an
20 mL mark within 60 s. Record the temperature at which this air flow rate of 15 L/h in the vacuum regulator. Check that the
last filtration was commenced as CFPP (see Section 13). U-tube manometer (if used) indicates a 200 mm 6 1 mm
depression (2 kPa 6 0.05 kPa) or that the electronic vacuum
NOTE 9—A small minority of samples may exhibit anomalous aspira-
tion behavior, which can be detected by examining the observed aspiration
regulator indicates a pressure of 2 kPa 6 0.05 kPa.
times. This behavior is marked by an unexpected reduction in the time 12.2.5 Press the start button immediately after insertion of
taken to fill the pipet, after which aspiration time again continues to the test jar assembly. If the cloud point is known, aspiration of
tion behavior, which can be detected by examining the aspiration times where: X is the average of the two results being compared,
recorded in the test printout for signs of an unexpected reduction in the only in one case in twenty.
time taken to fill the pipet, after which aspiration time again continues to
increase progressively until the failure limit of 60 s is reached. NOTE 12—The interlaboratory test program used to determine the
12.2.6 If the automated CFPP apparatus used does not precision of this test method was carried out in 1988 by the IP. The
program involved 46 laboratories and 5 samples, ranging in CFPP values
incorporate a lower light sensor, it shall only be used if the test from 0 °C to −33 °C. Extrapolations to measurements more than a few
sequence is observed as in the manual procedure (see 12.1.16), degrees outside this range are unsupported by the data. The raw data from
so that any fuels not flowing back into the test jar as described the 1988 program was reanalyzed in 1997 using the ASTM D2PP
are detected and reported accordingly. program. The report of the reevaluation is available from ASTM Head-
13. Report 14.4 Bias—The procedure in this test method has no bias
because the value of CFPP can be defined only in terms of a
13.1 Report the temperature read or indicated at the begin-
test method.
ning of the last filtration to the nearest 1 °C (see 12.1.12,
12.1.16, and 12.2.5) as the CFPP. 14.5 Relative Bias—The current interlaboratory tests con-
firm that there is no relative bias between the manual and
13.2 If the specimen has reached −51 °C without plugging
automated apparatuses. Both apparatuses are suitable for ref-
(see 12.1.15 and 12.2.5) report as “Not plugged at −51 °C.”
erence purposes.
13.3 The report shall contain at least the following informa-
tion: 15. Keywords
13.3.1 The type and identification of the product under test; 15.1 automated cold filter plugging point; cold filter plug-
13.3.2 A reference to this test method; ging point (CFPP); diesel; domestic heating fuels; filterability;
13.3.3 The sampling procedure used (see Section 8); manual cold filter plugging point
13.3.4 The result of the test (13.1 or 13.2);
13.3.5 Any deviation from the procedure described (see 7
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
Note 9 and Note 11); and be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1452.
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used
as the decimal point.
FIG. 1 Arrangement of Manual CFPP Apparatus
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used
as the decimal point.
FIG. 3 Spacers
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used
as the decimal point.
FIG. 4 Supporting Ring
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used
as the decimal point.
FIG. 2 Watertight Brass Jacket
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used
as the decimal point. NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used
as the decimal point.
FIG. 5 Stopper with Holes for Thermometer, Pipet, and Vent
FIG. 6 Pipet
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used as the decimal point.
FIG. 7 Filter Unit
NOTE 1—All dimensions are in millimetres, and the comma (,) is used as the decimal point.
FIG. 8 Brass Filter Holder
Committee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D6371 – 17) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 1, 2017.)
Committee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D6371 – 16) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved May 1, 2017.)
Committee D02.07 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(D6371 – 05 (2010) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 1, 2016.)
(1) Added requirements for DCT and other liquid-in-glass (2) Reformatted units to conform to SI.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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