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The key takeaways are about corrosion prevention and control planning for DoD weapon systems and infrastructure based on DoD policy documents.

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for program and project managers to develop and implement corrosion prevention and control programs for DoD weapon systems and infrastructure.

This document addresses DoD corrosion prevention and control policy from 2003 as well as facility corrosion prevention and control policy from 2005.


September 2007

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Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook Spiral 3 5b. GRANT NUMBER






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Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)

Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18

I.1 Purpose
This document provides program and project managers with guidance for developing and im-
plementing a corrosion prevention and control program for DoD weapon systems and infrastruc-
ture. It includes corrosion-related policy; management planning; and technical and design
considerations that should be addressed for a viable design. This guidance is in accordance with
the DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control policy letter, signed by the Acting Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]), 12 November 2003 (see
Attachment 1), and the Facility Corrosion Prevention and Control memorandum, signed by the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment, 10 March 2005 (Appen-
dix F to Volume III).

Program and project managers—perhaps more than any other group—greatly influence DoD’s
corrosion-related cost, safety, and reliability impacts during the acquisition of systems and infra-
structure. That is why Volumes I and III of the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning
Guidebook are targeted to them. The volumes identify the materials, processes, techniques, and
tasks required to develop and integrate an effective corrosion prevention and control program
during all phases of DoD weapon system and infrastructure development. The objective is to
minimize the effects of corrosion on life-cycle costs, readiness, reliability, supportability, safety,
and structural integrity.

Volume II of this guidebook focuses on equipment sustainment and includes information on life-
cycle logistics and the development of sustainment corrosion programs for weapon systems.

Following the guidance in this document in conjunction with applicable program and technical
documentation will result in the best possible balance between acquisition and life-cycle costs
for DoD systems.

I.2 Requirement
10 U.S.C. 2228 requires DoD to develop and implement a long-term strategy to address the corrosion
of its equipment and infrastructure. A key element of this strategy is programmatic and technical
guidance provided in this guidebook. Spiral 3 adds a volume on sustainment and refines the previous
acquisition guidance based on corrosion surveys, lessons-learned from program office reviews, and
Government Accountability Office audits. For example, GAO-07-618 evaluated the extent to which
DoD has incorporated corrosion prevention planning in weapon system acquisition. It should be
noted that corrosion prevention and control (CPC) planning is now required for all acquisition pro-
grams requiring an acquisition plan in the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
(DFARS). While sustainment has been included since the inception of the congressionally directed
OSD Corrosion Program, it has not been the focus of the program nor has it been separately ad-
dressed in the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook—until now.

Spiral Number 3 iii

The importance of both acquisition and sustainment is depicted in the graphic below. Sixty-
five to 80 percent of a system’s life-cycle costs occur in the sustainment phase. However, most
of the decisions (e.g., materiel selection, component reliability, designed maintainability) are de-
termined during the acquisition phase.

Figure 1. Acquisition and Sustainment Phases

I.3 Background
The Department of Defense acquires, operates, and maintains a vast array of physical assets,
ranging from aircraft, ships, ground combat vehicles, and other materiel to wharves, buildings,
and other infrastructure. These assets are subject to degradation due to corrosion, with specific
effects in the following areas:

• Safety. A number of weapon system and infrastructure mishaps have been attributed to
the effects of corrosion. For example, corroded electrical contacts on F-16s caused “un-
commanded” fuel valve closures (with subsequent loss of aircraft), and corrosion-related
cracking of F/A-18 landing gears resulted in failures (collapses) during carrier operations.
• Readiness. Weapon systems and infrastructure support activities are routinely out of
commission due to corrosion deficiencies. For example, corrosion has been identified
as the reason for more than 50 percent of the maintenance needed on KC-135 aircraft.
Also, corrosion of a fuel pipeline resulted in a leak of hazardous petroleum, oil, and lubri-
cants (POL) material into the environment endangering area water aquifers. Until it was
repaired, the loss of the pipeline also affected the ability to transfer fuel, hampering the
ability to perform the mission, detrimentally affecting readiness.
• Financial. The cost of corrosion to the DoD is estimated to be between $10 billion
and $20 billion annually. 1

United States General Accounting Office, Opportunities to Reduce Corrosion Costs and Increase Readiness,
GAO-03-753, July 2003, p. 3.

iv Spiral Number 3

DoD has a long history of corrosion prevention and control. The Department has been a leader in
many areas of research (ranging from understanding the fundamentals of corrosion to applying
advanced materials, coatings, inhibitors, and cathodic protection for corrosion control); however,
it also has very special corrosion-related challenges:

• DoD’s assets are getting older in both relative and absolute terms. The current ex-
pected—although often not planned—service lives of some aircraft, missiles, ships,
and infrastructure are much longer than any comparable commercial assets.
• In order to perform its mission, the Department must train, fight, and sustain infra-
structure in all environments, some of which are among the most corrosively aggres-
sive on Earth.
• DoD has unique corrosion-related issues. For example, many coatings used on vehi-
cles and other assets are formulated to perform a special function, such as resistance
to chemical agents or maintaining low signature. Corrosion is, at best, a secondary
Corrosion costs DoD an estimated $10 billion–$20 billion annually. In an attempt to minimize
these costs, Congress enacted 10 U.S.C. 2228, which emphasizes DoD management and techni-
cal awareness of corrosion prevention and control. Corrosion is a long-term issue that usually
affects system operation some time after the system is procured; but the best time to combat
the effects of corrosion is early in system development.

According to DoD Directive 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, corrosion prevention,
control, and mitigation will be considered during life-cycle cost tradeoffs. Consideration of op-
erational and logistics capabilities (such as readiness, reliability, sustainability, and safety) is
critical to ensure the effectiveness of a weapon system, and is usually accomplished during con-
ceptual design, when the effects of corrosion on these capabilities should be addressed as well.
Corrosion is often “out of sight” and, therefore, “out of mind” until a failure occurs; and there is
a false perception that corrosion prevention and mitigation can be reverse-engineered later in a
system’s operational life cycle. The fact is, corrosion can have a significant impact on opera-
tional readiness and safety (both by itself and in conjunction with other damage phenomena), and
its interactions with these factors should be considered during the conceptual design phase.

National priorities dictate the need for extended service lives for DoD systems and infrastructure.
History indicates the effects of corrosion increase with system age, which only amplifies the
need to consider corrosion prevention as a primary design parameter. As a consequence, the
original designs of weapon systems should include the best materials and manufacturing proc-
esses. The only way to ensure an effective, across-the-board response to prevention or a dramatic
reduction of corrosion and its effects is to establish a standard DoD corrosion control philosophy
and methodology. With a clearly defined methodology, acquisition program managers and infra-
structure project managers can initiate and execute plans and actions to employ satisfactory materials
and processes.

Spiral Number 3 v
I.4 Document Structure
This guidebook is structured into three volumes—Equipment Acquisition; Equipment Sustain-
ment; and Facilities Acquisition/Sustainment—as outlined below.

• Volume I, Equipment Acquisition

ƒ Chapter 1, General Acquisition Program Management
ƒ Chapter 2, Program Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning
ƒ Chapter 3, Technical and Design Considerations
ƒ Appendix A, DoD Acquisition Process
ƒ Appendix B, Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention Action Team
ƒ Appendix C, Example for Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems
and Equipment
ƒ Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines
ƒ Appendix E, Navy Ships and Submarines Guidelines
ƒ Appendix F, FAQs about Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning
• Volume II, Equipment Sustainment
ƒ Chapter 1, Life-Cycle Logistics
ƒ Chapter 2, Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment
ƒ Appendix A, Equipment Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies
• Volume III, Infrastructure
ƒ Chapter 1, General Project Management Requirements
ƒ Chapter 2, Project Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning
ƒ Chapter 3, Technical and Design Considerations
ƒ Appendix A, DoD Construction Process
ƒ Appendix B, Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team
ƒ Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities
ƒ Appendix D, Facilities and Infrastructure Design Guidance
ƒ Appendix E, Facilities Cost of Corrosion Results
ƒ Appendix F, Facility Corrosion Prevention and Control Memorandum
• Attachments (to all volumes)
ƒ Attachment 1, Corrosion Prevention and Control Memorandum
ƒ Attachment 2, Acronyms
ƒ Attachment 3, Principal Integrated Logistics Support Element Definitions
ƒ Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel
ƒ Attachment 5, CPC Policy, Regulations, and Directives
ƒ Attachment 6, Scales, Tables, and Elements

vi Spiral Number 3
Volume I Equipment Acquisition
Table of Contents
1. General Acquisition Program Management Requirements......................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.1 Intended Use ........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.2 Applicability ........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.3 Policy/Guidance................................................................................................... 1-2
1.1.4 Applicable Documents......................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.5 Definitions............................................................................................................ 1-3
1.2 General Program Management Requirements ........................................................... 1-4
1.2.1 Systems Acquisition Community ........................................................................ 1-4
1.2.2 System Verification Plan in Acquisition.............................................................. 1-6

2. Program Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning........... 2-1

2.1 DoD Corrosion Performance Specification Issues .................................................... 2-1
2.2 Management Planning ............................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1 CPC Planning....................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2 Programmatic Considerations.............................................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning ........................................................ 2-4
2.2.4 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan ............................................................... 2-8
2.3 Integrated Logistics Support as It Applies to the CPC Program ............................... 2-9
2.3.1 ILS Policy ............................................................................................................ 2-9
2.3.2 ILS Elements........................................................................................................ 2-9

3. Technical and Design Considerations ......................................................... 3-1

3.1 Technical Considerations........................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 Variables Influencing Corrosion.......................................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Potential Solutions to Corrosion Problems .......................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Assessments of Corrosion Impacts in Acquisition .............................................. 3-2
3.1.4 Accelerated Corrosion Tests in Acquisition ........................................................ 3-3
3.1.5 Service Laboratories ............................................................................................ 3-4

Spiral Number 3 vii Volume I

3.2 Design Considerations ............................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.1 Material Selection ................................................................................................ 3-4
3.2.2 Protective Coatings .............................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.3 Design Geometries............................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.4 Environmental Modifications .............................................................................. 3-5
3.2.5 Process/Finish Specification or Equivalent Document in Acquisition ................ 3-5

Appendix A DoD Acquisition Process

Appendix B Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention Action Team

Appendix C Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan

for Systems and Equipment

Appendix D Aerospace Systems Guidelines

Appendix E Navy Ships and Submarines Guidelines

Appendix F Frequently Asked Questions about Corrosion Prevention

and Control Planning

Figure 1-1. Volume I Organization.............................................................................................. 1-1
Figure 1-2. Defense Acquisition Process..................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 2-1. Defense Acquisition Process..................................................................................... 2-2

Volume I viii Spiral Number 3

1. General Acquisition Program Management

It is simply good sense and good management to prevent corrosion through better de-
sign and selection of materials, and to reduce treatment costs by detecting corrosion
earlier and more precisely. Fighting corrosion is just one of the things that we need to
constantly do so that we are always ready to perform the fundamental mission of the
Department, which is to maintain our national security. 1
—DoD Corrosion Executive

1.1 Introduction
Program managers—perhaps more than any other Figure 1-1. Volume I Organization
group—greatly influence DoD’s corrosion-related
costs, safety, and reliability issues, regardless of
whether it is in the acquisition of new systems or Program
during the sustainment of existing systems. That is Requirements
why this volume of the Corrosion Prevention and
Control Planning Guidebook is targeted to them. It DoD 5000 Systems Acquisition
identifies the materials, processes, techniques, and
• Concept Refinement
tasks required to integrate an effective corrosion pre- • Technology Development
vention and control program during all phases of • Systems Development & Demo
• Production & Development
DoD weapon system and infrastructure development • Operations & Support
and sustainment. The objective is to minimize the
effects of corrosion on life-cycle costs, readiness,
reliability, supportability, safety, and structural integ- PM CPC
rity. Following the guidance in this document in con-
junction with applicable program and technical
documentation will result in the best possible bal-
ance between acquisition and life-cycle costs for
DoD systems. Management Technical and
Planning and ILS Design Corrosion
Figure 1-1 outlines the structure of Volume I of this
• Management Planning
guidebook. The remainder of this chapter further ex- - Programmatic Considerations
• Technical Considerations
- Corrosion variables
plores the acquisition-related corrosion requirements as - CPC Planning - Potential solutions
they relate to program management. It also identifies - CPAT - Impacts
- CCT - Testing
general program manager requirements. Chapter 2 out- - CPCP - Service laboratories
lines specific corrosion-related planning requirements. • ILS Planning • Design Considerations
- Material selection
Chapter 3 focuses on technical and design considera- - Coating
tions that may impede or eliminate corrosion. - Design geometries
- Environment
- Process/finish specifications

AMMTIAC Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 4, Winter 2003, p. 9.

Spiral Number 3 1-1 Volume I

1.1.1 Intended Use
The content of this document is based on broad, in-depth military and industry experience regarding
the protection of weapon systems from corrosion and its effects. This volume

• provides tools and techniques for implementing sound material/process selection prac-
tices and finish treatments during all phases of DoD weapon system development;
• provides guidance on program management that can be implemented in organizations
to address corrosion issues and develop corrosion control plans; and
• describes requirements and methods for
ƒ establishing and managing a corrosion prevention action team (CPAT) that is
appropriately integrated into all design integrated product teams (IPTs) (where
applicable), and
ƒ developing and implementing a corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP) as
described in this document.

1.1.2 Applicability
This guidebook is applicable to all DoD procuring activities (and their respective contractors)
involved in the planning, design, and procurement of new DoD systems and the sustainment and
upgrade of existing ones. The detailed CPCP and the process/finish specifications apply to all
elements of DoD systems, including spare parts.

1.1.3 Policy/Guidance
Among recent policy accomplishments, the most important may
have been the publication of DoD corrosion prevention and control
policy guidance. 2 The policy recognizes that “the early stages of ac-
quisition provide our best opportunity to make effective trade-offs
among the many competing design criteria that will provide desired
Defense capability.” Program and project management requirements
include the following:

• Make corrosion prevention and control planning an explicit

part of performance-based acquisition as well as perform-
ance-based logistics, as defined in DoD Directive 5000.1,
The Defense Acquisition Program.
• Assess and evaluate corrosion planning during the program IPT and the overarching
IPT review processes, with issues raised by exception to the Defense Acquisition
Board (DAB) (for programs that are subject to DAB review).

USD(AT&L) memorandum, Corrosion Prevention and Control, 12 November 2003. See Attachment 1 for a
copy of this memorandum.

Volume I 1-2 Spiral Number 3

General Acquisition Program Management Requirements

• Adhere to the corrosion prevention and control guidance in the Designing and Assess-
ing Supportability in DoD Weapons Systems Guidebook. 3
• Implement best business practices and best-value decisions for corrosion prevention
and control in system and infrastructure acquisition, sustainment, and utilization.
• Formulate and implement a support strategy that ensures system support and life-cycle
affordability considerations are addressed and documented as an integral part of the
program’s overall acquisition strategy. Specific support strategy requirements are con-
tained in the Interim Defense Acquisition Guidebook. 4
1.1.4 Applicable Documents
Corrosion-related documents from government, industry, academia, and standards organizations are
available on the DoD Corrosion website ( The following are examples of ap-
plicable documentation:

• DoD’s corrosion reports to Congress 5

• DoD’s corrosion points of contact (POCs) (in-
cluded as Attachment 4)
• The military services’ corrosion policies
• Links to corrosion-related laws and regulations
• Links to corrosion-related criteria, specifications, and standards
• Copies of minutes from pertinent conferences and symposia
• Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center
(AMMTIAC) publications.

1.1.5 Definitions
The term “corrosion” means the deterioration of a material or its properties due to a reaction of
that material with its chemical environment. 6 Other key definitions are as follows: 7

• Corrosion prevention and control is the rigorous application of engineering design

and analysis, quality assurance (QA), nondestructive inspection (NDI), manufactur-
ing, operations, and support technologies to prevent the start of corrosion, avoid func-
tional impairment due to corrosion, and define processes for the tracking and repair of
corrosion problems.

USD(AT&L), Designing and Assessing Supportability in DoD Weapons Systems Guidebook: A Guide to In-
creased Reliability and Reduced Logistics Footprint, 24 October 2003.
Interim Defense Acquisition Guidebook, 30 October 2002, formerly DoD 5000.2-R (dated 5 April 2002).
DoD Report, Efforts to Reduce Corrosion on the Military Equipment and Infrastructure of the Department of
Defense, June 2007.
Section 1067 of the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, Public
Law 107-314, enacted 10 U.S.C. 2228.
Acronyms are defined in Attachment 2. A complete list of defense acquisition acronyms and terms can be
found at

Spiral Number 3 1-3 Volume I

• Integrated product teams are an integral part of the defense acquisition oversight and
review process. An IPT is a multifunctional team assembled around a product or
service, and responsible for advising the project leader, program manger, or the Mile-
stone Decision Authority (MDA) on cost, schedule, and performance of that product.
There are three types of IPTs: program IPTs, working-level IPTs, and overarching IPTs.
• The Defense Acquisition Board advises the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisi-
tion, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]) on critical acquisition decisions.
DAB reviews focus on key principles, such as interoperability, time-phased require-
ments related to an evolutionary approach, and demonstrated technical maturity.
1.2 General Program Management Requirements
DoD policy requires program managers to accomplish corrosion-related planning during acquisi-
tion proceedings. Management for equipment corrosion prevention and control planning specifi-
cally applies to systems covered by the DoD 5000-series publications. The need for viable CPC
planning is critical to program success.

Effective and viable CPC planning should be smoothly and General


seamlessly integrated with overall acquisition planning. The Management


initial phases of the acquisition cycle should consider the

DoD 5000 Systems Acquisition
effects of corrosion on the system and should be reflected in • Concept Refinement
the appropriate documentation. A corrosion prevention and • Technology Development
• Systems Development & Demo
control plan describes how a particular program will imple- • Production & Development
• Operations & Support
ment CPC planning.
1.2.1 Systems Acquisition Community Planning

As stated in DoDD 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition Sys-

tem, the primary objective of defense acquisition is to ac-
quire quality products that satisfy user needs in a timely Management
Planning and ILS
Technical and
Design Corrosion
manner, at a fair and reasonable price, and with measur- • Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
able improvements to mission capability and operational - Programmatic Considerations
- CPC Planning
- Corrosion variables

support. 8 - CPAT
- Potential solutions
- Impacts
- CCT - Testing
- CPCP - Service laboratories
• ILS Planning • Design Considerations
Figure 1-2 depicts the acquisition process with the corro- - Material selection

sion-related requirements added. 9 - Coating

- Design geometries
- Environment
- Process/finish specifications

DoD Directive 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, 12 May 2003, p. 2.
User requirements, including corrosion-related requirements, need to be reflected in the initial capabilities
document (ICD), capability development document (CDD), and capability production document (CPD). These
documents are explained in detail in Appendix A.

Volume I 1-4 Spiral Number 3

General Acquisition Program Management Requirements

Figure 1-2. Defense Acquisition Process


Concept Technology Systems Production & Operations
Refinement Development Development & Development & Support
Concept Design FRP
Refinement CPC Plan Readiness Decision
Decision in RFP Review Review

Update CPCP
Update CPCP

Establish Joint government/contractor CPAT

Establish Contractor Corrosion Team(s) (CCT)

Include CPC Plan in the RFP

Establish Government-only Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT)

Draft initial Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP)

In general, the program manager and the prime contractor should translate the corrosion pre-
vention requirements into a request for proposal (RFP), performance specifications, and all
CPC planning. When developing a system, the CPCP should address the
• establishment of the Corrosion Prevention Action Team; 10
• development of a process or finish specification;
• environmental testing and verification plans;
• procedure to ensure corrosion prevention and control at the component, assembly,
and system levels; and
• guidance for development of corrosion-related technical manuals and maintenance
Appendix A presents a more complete discussion of the capability documents (initial capabilities
document [ICD], capability development document [CDD] and capability production document
[CPD]) that are used to implement corrosion control during the DoD acquisition process.
Lesson Learned: Determine corrosion requirements from these documents. If not documented, ask
the user about the expected equipment’s operational environment as it pertains to corrosiveness.

GAO-07-618, High-Level Leadership Commitment and Actions are Needed to Address Corrosion Issues, rec-
ommended the Secretary of Defense and the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
provide the necessary leadership and commitment to, “Require major defense acquisition programs to prepare a cor-
rosion prevention advisory team as early as possible in the acquisition process.” April 2007, pp. 16 and 17.

Spiral Number 3 1-5 Volume I

1.2.2 System Verification Plan in Acquisition
The system verification plan should include and define the types and levels of corrosion testing
that should be incorporated in the environmental test and verification plan. Operational envi-
ronmental testing should be done at the component, subsystem, and system levels, as appropri-
ate. It should provide the rationale for verification of the corrosion design. This plan should
reflect the environmental spectrum expected over the life of the weapon system and the method
for monitoring and tracking exposure such that environmental effects can be evaluated. Stan-
dard government or industry test methods should be used when possible. The component or
subsystem testing should reflect both the severity and duration of exposure.

Success criteria should include both retention of functionality and freedom from required corro-
sion repair per specified performance requirements. Qualification should be based upon envi-
ronmental exposure testing to the system requirements. Qualification by analysis or similarity
should be on an exception basis only, with the concurrence of the CPAT. Corrosion criteria
should be included in full-scale testing, including reliability and environmental testing.


The next chapter covers program management corrosion prevention and control planning.

Volume I 1-6 Spiral Number 3

2. Program Management Corrosion Prevention
and Control Planning

Program managers and procuring agencies should consider

corrosion prevention and control a key issue in designing, General
procuring, and maintaining a DoD system and associated Requirements

facilities. There are two primary aspects to CPC planning:

DoD 5000 Systems Acquisition

• Concept Refinement
Management of the planning • Technology Development
• Systems Development & Demo

• Production & Development
Technical and design considerations (e.g., require- • Operations & Support

ments and tradeoffs) that lead to viable CPC plan-

ning. PM CPC

While implementation methods and procedures will vary by

system and responsible service or agency, it is critical to main-
tain the intent of these two requirements. Any viable DoD Management Technical and
Planning and ILS Design Corrosion
CPC planning should contain these two basic elements. Considerations

• Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
- Programmatic Considerations
- Corrosion variables
The remainder of this chapter covers management plan- - CPC Planning - Potential solutions
- CPAT - Impacts
ning, while Chapter 3 details technical and design corro- - CCT - Testing
- CPCP - Service laboratories
sion considerations. • ILS Planning • Design Considerations
- Material selection
- Coating
- Design geometries
2.1 DoD Corrosion Performance - Environment
- Process/finish specifications

Specification Issues
DoD acquisition reform over the last decade has resulted in a shift from traditional military
specifications and standards to more commercial and performance-based specifications. This
shift challenges the program, project, or engineering manager or designer to develop a mean-
ingful performance specification for corrosion. Several programmatic and technical points
must be considered for effective implementation of corrosion performance specifications in DoD
acquisition programs. These are detailed in the Management Planning and Integrated Logistics
Support (ILS) sections (this chapter) and the Technical and Design sections (Chapter 3).

Lesson Learned: Corrosion requirements should be specific and

not derived from other performance parameters.

Spiral Number 3 2-1 Volume I

2.2 Management Planning
2.2.1 CPC Planning
To achieve viable CPC planning, program managers should complete the following:

• Prepare a corrosion prevention and control plan as early in a program or project as possi-
ble. In the case of weapon systems, the program manager should generate the document
no later than Milestone B, Program Initiation.
• Implement the CPCP with an accompanying process/finish specification and organize the
Corrosion Prevention Action Team.

Figure 2-1. Defense Acquisition Process


Concept Technology Systems Production & Operations
Refinement Development Development & Development & Support
Concept Design FRP
Refinement CPC Plan Readiness Decision
Decision in RFP Review Review

Update CPCP

Update CPCP

Establish Joint government/contractor CPAT

Establish Contractor Corrosion Team(s) (CCT)

Include CPC Plan in the RFP

Establish Government-only Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT)

Draft initial Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP)

The corrosion prevention and control plan should

• define CPC requirements;

• list applicable specifications and standards;
• address facility or system definition, design, engineering development, production or
construction, and sustainment phases, ensuring they are consistent with the design life
and affordability of the system;
• establish the management structure to be used for the peculiar system/facility being de-
signed, procured, and maintained, including a CPAT;

Volume I 2-2 Spiral Number 3

Program Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

• prescribe the membership and organization of the CPAT, describe basic duties of team
members, define operating procedures, and prescribe appropriate specifications and stan-
dards used in the systems/facilities;
• include the process/finish specification (materials and processes for corrosion prevention
and control) 1 that specify the detailed finish and coating systems to be used on the pro-
cured weapon system; and
• address sustainability and logistics considerations.

Lesson Learned: Boilerplate CPC plans are ineffective. CPC plans should be
tailored to address specific program requirements.

2.2.2 Programmatic Considerations

Programmatic considerations are part and parcel of the DoD acquisition process. These include
acquisition cost, warranties, and the priority of corrosion control in acquisition or construction. Acquisition Cost

Implementing effective corrosion control that reduces life-cycle cost may increase the new unit
procurement cost.

The program manager should balance the cost of improved design for corrosion against the life-
cycle costs for the system. This may be difficult unless objective measures for corrosion control
effectiveness are established. Warranties
With a warranty, the seller essentially assures the buyer that the product will perform as repre-
sented over a period of time. If the product fails to perform as represented, the seller may be re-
quired to provide a new product or satisfactorily repair the existing product. With respect to
corrosion in DoD procurements, such agreements are typically hard to enforce.

• A warranty has little value in a critical situation. Replacement or repair of a corroded part
is meaningless to personnel under fire or when the failure has resulted in property dam-
age, personnel injury, or mission capability degradation.
• The terms of warranties are often complex. This may result in burdensome record keep-
ing and may constrain DoD’s flexibility with respect to maintenance procedures.
• The terms can also be somewhat subjective, such as when corrosion affects appearance
and objective measures of performance are not available. Previously, many corrosion
maintenance actions were considered discretionary until system functionality was af-
fected. Today, however, maintenance concepts and reliability considerations do not allow
for deterioration to the point of functional failure.

The specification will be in accordance with CPCP approved process/finish specifications and standards.

Spiral Number 3 2-3 Volume I Priority of Corrosion Control in Acquisition/Construction
While logistics support has long been recognized as a critical aspect of any procurement, the life-
cycle costs incurred as a result of corrosion have only recently received substantial attention.
Strong CPC planning often takes a back seat to tactical or strategic capability during budget con-
siderations and definition of constraints.

Lesson Learned (Other Funding Sources): CPAT may advocate for separate funding to address the
issues of concern when there is not program money for studies or R&D to validate the need for such
changes. Programs should also make use of alternative sources of funding for R&D needs, such as
the sponsoring of topics for the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program, various envi-
ronmental programs, such as Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP),
Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP), Commercial Technologies
for Maintenance Activities program (CTMA), and Value Engineering.

2.2.3 Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

While corrosion prevention and control planning actually begins before an RFP or specification is
developed, the majority of the activity associated with CPC planning occurs
after contract award. The initial CPCP requirements should be developed before Management
Planning and ILS

the RFP to guide the insertion of the program’s or project’s corrosion planning • Management Planning
- Programmatic Considerations
into the RFP. The initial CPCP also guides the initial performance specification - CPC Planning
development. CPC planning consists of the following: - CCT
• ILS Planning

• Establishment of the CPAT, which, along with the CCT, guides the
direction of CPC planning
• Documentation that implements and reflects the CPC planning
• Actual design, manufacture or construction, testing, and support of the system.

Lesson Learned: Make CPC part of the source selection criteria and the CPC
plan a deliverable documentation requirement.

Lesson Learned: For commercial derivatives or commercial off-the-shelf sys-

tems, insight into the corrosion resistance can be obtained by requesting a list
of the top replacement items for corrosion and their replacement frequency. Corrosion Prevention Action Team Establishment and Scope
The roles of the CPAT and requirements of when to establish a CPAT—required for all ACAT I
programs—vary depending on the type of program. For an acquisition program, form the initial
CPAT as early as possible, but certainly as soon as a program manager is assigned (shortly after
Milestone B, Program Initiation). An example of a CPAT charter is provided as Appendix B.

The CPAT is actively involved in the review of all design considerations, material selections,
costs, and documentation that may affect corrosion prevention and control throughout the life
of the system or facility. The CPAT advises the program manager on corrosion-related issues,

Volume I 2-4 Spiral Number 3

Program Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

confirms the adequacy of the corrosion maintenance documentation and guidance as they are
developed, and elevate unresolved issues to the Office of the Secretary of Defense Overarching
IPT (OIPT). Attachment 4 contains corrosion points of contact for DoD, the Coast Guard,
NASA, and selected private sector organizations. Membership
A representative of the procuring activity should chair the team, which should include represen-
tatives from the contractor’s organization and from DoD.

• Prime contractor members (once the contract is awarded). The contractor’s team mem-
bers should be authoritative representatives of the contractor’s organizations. They en-
sure proper materials, processes, and treatments are selected and properly applied and
maintained from the initial design stage to the final hardware delivery or final con-
• DoD members. The DoD team is designated by the program or project manager and in-
cludes all involved military services. Membership from the services should include, but
not be limited to,
ƒ program engineering and support;
ƒ individual service corrosion program office, technical authority, or the
equivalent; and
ƒ subject matter experts, which may include
o individual service laboratory material engineers,
o corrosion personnel from the user command,
o information analysis center personnel (such as AMMTIAC), and
o operational test personnel.

Spiral Number 3 2-5 Volume I

Lessons Learned (Personnel Resources and Expertise):
• Address Manpower Need: Early on, program managers should devote adequate manpower to ad-
dress corrosion issues. While individual programs are charged with this responsibility, increased ex-
ternal emphasis is also needed to assure proper focus. This challenge is being addressed via the
DoDI for corrosion, service corrosion executives accountable for this emphasis, etc.
• CPC Training Classes: All CPAT members should be encouraged or required to take the Corro-
sion Prevention and Control Overview course (Continuous Learning Module [CLM] 038) and sub-
sequent corrosion education courses available on the Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
website (
• CPAT Workshop: All CPAT chairpersons and contractor corrosion control team leaders should be
encouraged or required to participate in at least one CPAT workshop annually. CPAT workshop
announcements will be made available at
• CPAT Policies, Requirements, Instructions, and Guidance: CPAT leadership should be knowl-
edgeable of corrosion policies, requirements, instructions, and guidance. See Attachment 5.
• User Participation: User involvement and feedback is extremely important, and user involvement
in the CPAT should be solicited from the team’s inception. CPAT Duties

DoD team members have several responsibilities:

• Interface with the contractor corrosion team to ensure the goals outlined in this guide-
book are attained.
• Monitor all activity during design, engineering, testing, and production.
• Advise the program or project manager on corrosion-related issues and identify risks as
well as corrosion prevention opportunities.
• Attend appropriate CCT meetings.
• Advise the program on technical issues to be resolved.
• Review and resolve discrepancies submitted by the program or project manager.
• Schedule reviews as frequently as deemed necessary by the chairperson.

Lesson Learned (Independent Review): Contractors often have subtle, and sometimes overt, control
of changes for improved corrosion performance. It is the role of the CPAT to independently review,
analyze, and recommend actions to the program manager in such cases. Where appropriate action
does not result, CPAT members may individually elevate their concerns via their separate organizations.

To evaluate the adequacy of the contractor’s efforts in corrosion prevention and control, the pro-
gram or project manager retains authority to conduct scheduled periodic reviews of the contrac-
tor’s design and the contractor’s and subcontractor’s facilities where critical parts and assemblies
are being fabricated, processed, assembled, and readied for shipment.

Volume I 2-6 Spiral Number 3

Program Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Corrosion Technical Manual Guidance and Corrosion Maintenance

Concept Definition and Specifics
The CPAT should provide its recommendations to the program or project manager as to the
adequacy of the corrosion maintenance documentation and provide guidance as they are devel-
oped. Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) may be used to assess the adequacy of mainte-
nance documentation and guidance. Contractor Corrosion Team Membership
The membership of the contractor corrosion team should include representatives from the project
design IPTs, material and process engineering, operations and manufacturing, quality control,
material (or subcontractor) procurement, and contracts. This representation is intended to be
flexible, and the recommended membership may be altered.

A CCT chairman will be selected and serve as the manager of the CCT and the contractor focal
point for the program. CCT Duties

The primary function of the CCT is to ensure adequate corrosion prevention and control re-
quirements are planned and implemented for systems during all phases of the system life cycle,
and for facilities during all phases of the design and construction process. CCT duties should be
outlined in the CPCP, which should be part of the initial contract. Specific CCT responsibilities
include the following:

• Ensure the appropriate documents outlined under section 2.2.4 are prepared and submit-
ted in accordance with the required schedule.
• Obtain the necessary design reviews, clarification’s, resolutions of any differences in
technical position, and final approval of the documentation on a timely basis.
The chairperson or designee should

• establish periodic meetings as required to resolve problems as they occur;

• convene other meetings if a critical or major problem arises and requires action by the
• notify all DoD and contractor members of each meeting date, the topics to be discussed,
and any decisions resulting from the previous meeting;
• sign off on all production drawings after review of material selection, treatments, and fin-
• maintain a continuous record of all action items and their resolutions; and
• establish the principal tasks to be accomplished to implement corrosion prevention and
control procedures in all phases of construction, or in the system contractor and subcon-
tractor manufacturing facilities.

Spiral Number 3 2-7 Volume I

2.2.4 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
The purpose of a CPC plan is to

• set up the CPC program/project management approach,

• document corrosion-related design needs, and
• identify materials and corrosion control methods for use in the manufacture or construc-
tion of the system or facility.
The initial draft of the CPCP should be completed before a program’s Milestone B or as early as
possible in the program. The plan should describe the specific anticipated CPC measures to be
implemented. An example of a CPCP for systems and equipment is provided at Appendix C.

After contract award, the CPCP should be

• maintained by the contractor (or contractor team) and approved by the CPAT and pro-
gram or project manager; and
• revised as required to properly record changes to materials and processes being used for
corrosion prevention and control. Through design studies, analysis of failure reports, and
weapons systems inspections, data should be collected for analyses of required revisions
to this document.
Copies of the major revisions to the document should be formally submitted to the Defense
Technical Information Center (DTIC) so the CPAT’s accomplishments are preserved and future
programs can benefit from legacy knowledge as they prepare their respective CPCPs.

At a minimum, the CPCP should provide the following information:

• The organization, procedures, and responsibilities for a CCT

• Roles and responsibilities of quality assurance, process control, production operations,
manufacturing planning, environmental compliance, personnel safety, and other contrac-
tor organizations for the CPC effort
• A discussion of corrosion prevention techniques employed in design and how the de-
sign will meet the projected environmental spectrum
• Specifications (process/finish specifications in systems) that outline the application of
coatings and other corrosion prevention compounds (if any) and that address personnel
training and qualification, material inspection, surface preparation, and coating or com-
pound application procedures
• Any test data developed, or to be developed, for coatings or other corrosion-related mate-
rials and processes
• Identification of coating-substrate combinations for which no testing is to be performed,
with an assessment of risk levels in the absence of testing
• Recommended specific corrosion control maintenance.

Volume I 2-8 Spiral Number 3

Program Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

2.3 Integrated Logistics Support as It Applies to the CPC Program

2.3.1 ILS Policy
It is Department of Defense policy to include adequate and timely logistics support planning (in-
cluding corrosion prevention and control planning) in all phases of the acquisition of defense
systems and equipment. Specific performance-based logistics (PBL) guidance states

PMs shall develop and implement performance-based logistics strategies that optimize to-
tal system availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint. Trade-off decisions
involving cost, useful service, and effectiveness shall consider corrosion prevention and
mitigation. Sustainment strategies shall include the best use of public and private sector
capabilities through government/industry partnering initiatives, in accordance with statu-
tory requirements. 2

Integrated logistics support is realized through the proper integration of logistics support ele-
ments (part of the system engineering process) and the application of logistics considerations as
they apply to corrosion prevention and control decisions made during the equipment design
phase. The optimum balance of an item of equipment is somewhere between its capability and
availability to perform a specified military requirement. This goal can only be achieved by in-
cluding logistics support considerations in all stages of the CPCP, from formulation and valida-
tion of the concept, through engineering design and development, to test and evaluation,
production, deployment, and operation. In applying the concept of ILS to system or equipment
acquisition, it is important to maintain a proper perspective and remember that logistics support
is not an end in itself. ILS exists only to support the operation of the system or equipment to
which it is related; therefore, it must be considered as the CPCP evolves.

2.3.2 ILS Elements

In addition to integrating support planning into the entire CPCP design and development process,
the elements of logistics support (which are listed below and expanded upon in Attachment 3)
should be integrated with each other and into the CPCP:

• Maintenance plan
• Support and test equipment
• Supply support
• Transportation and handling
• Technical data
• Facilities
• Personnel and training.
• Logistics support resource funds
• Logistics support management resources

DoDD 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, Enclosure 1, paragraph E1.17, 12 May 2003.

Spiral Number 3 2-9 Volume I

When the baseline of any one logistics element is changed—or proposed to be changed—
because of a corrosion process application, the effect on all other logistics elements and on the
total system/equipment must be considered formally, with the necessary adjustments made.

The key to effective application of the ILS process to the CPCP is a systematic and orderly man-
agement process through which the Corrosion Prevention Action Team can identify logistics ac-
tions and requisite decisions quickly and can present them to the program manager.

Volume I 2-10 Spiral Number 3

3. Technical and Design Considerations

The design of DoD weapon systems requires the proper blend of safety, affordability, and envi-
ronmental needs with mission and operational requirements. DoD systems or facilities should

• perform reliably,
• require minimal maintenance over a specified lifetime, and
• deteriorate at a rate that permits maximum service life.
Materials, manufacturing methods, and protective treatments that reduce deterioration failures
should be considered during the selection of suitable materials and appropriate manufacturing
methods that will satisfy system requirements. The following are among the deterioration modes
that contribute to failures:

General corrosion Management

• Galvanic corrosion DoD 5000 Systems Acquisition

• Pitting corrosion • Concept Refinement

• Technology Development
• Systems Development & Demo

• Concentration cell corrosion • Production & Development

• Operations & Support

• Dealloying

Intergranular corrosion
• Stress corrosion cracking
• Hydrogen embrittlement Management Technical and
Planning and ILS Design Corrosion

Corrosion fatigue • Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
- Programmatic Considerations

- Corrosion variables
Flow-assisted (erosion) corrosion - CPC Planning
- Potential solutions
- Impacts

- Testing
Fretting corrosion - CPCP
• ILS Planning
- Service laboratories
• Design Considerations

- Material selection
Stray current corrosion - Coating
- Design geometries
- Environment
• Fungus growth - Process/finish specifications

The CPCP and program specifications should detail specific requirements. To assist program
managers and others participating in the acquisition of aerospace-related systems, a set of aero-
space system guidelines has been developed and included at Appendix D. Likewise, a set of na-
val ship guidelines has been developed and included at Appendix E.

Fundamentally, the design and design disciplines should allow for the evaluation of the follow-
ing general approaches:

• Selecting the right materials and manufacturing processes

• Applying protective coatings as necessary

Spiral Number 3 3-1 Volume I

• Using proper corrosion prevention and control designs
• Modifying the environment.

The design should also attempt to eliminate corrosive contaminants. If materials are to be ex-
posed to contaminants, precautionary measures should be taken throughout the design phase to
minimize deterioration of individual parts and assemblies (as well as the entire system). Precau-
tionary measures are included in the technical and design considerations discussed below.

3.1 Technical Considerations

Corrosion performance is both an attribute of an entire system and the sum of the performance of
components or individual items. Technical considerations in the implementation of effective cor-
rosion performance specifications include the following.

3.1.1 Variables Influencing Corrosion

The following variables influence corrosion:

• The interrelationship between materials and their specific environments

• The effects of design (including configuration and coatings), manufacture or con-
struction, operation, and maintenance
• Corrosion performance specifications for complex systems. (These should be
addressed first at the component or item level.)

3.1.2 Potential Solutions to Corrosion Problems

The large number of variables influencing corrosion performance lead to an equally large num-
ber of potential solutions, some of which might not be compatible.

A thorough review of relevant technical literature is essential for making informed decisions for cor-
rosion performance requirements. Written corrosion specifications should be sufficiently flexible to
allow the designer and manufacturer to consider the entire range of potential solutions.

3.1.3 Assessments of Corrosion Impacts in Acquisition

Because corrosion affects both function and appearance, an accurate assessment of its effects on
acquisition systems is difficult:

• The potential loss of function due to corrosion can often be quantified through physi-
cal measurements. These may include plating thickness loss, pit depth measurements,
torque measurements, and conductivity measurements. Quantitative assessments are
costly and, as a result, are typically applied to critical items only.
• Hidden corrosion is difficult to detect and is a major problem.

Volume I 3-2 Spiral Number 3

Technical and Design Considerations

• Degradation in appearance is typically evaluated in very subjective terms through

comparison with visual standards, such as those specified in technical manuals and
technical society standards.
• Methods and equipment for corrosion monitoring and inspection should be consid-
ered in the development of design and maintenance concepts.

3.1.4 Accelerated Corrosion Tests in Acquisition

Corrosion is a time-based phenomenon. As such, accelerated corrosion tests cannot always de-
termine correlations between corrosion and service performance. Some tests can be predictive
(for example, exposure of x hours in test simulates y years of service life), but most tests cannot
make exact correlations. Accelerated tests

• are most useful for ranking the relative performance of materials, coatings, etc. in a
specific environment and application in comparison to a known system; and
• often do not adequately reflect the effects of design changes, substantial material
changes, and maintenance cycles.

Lesson Learned (Life Requirements by Qualification Testing): Where corro-

sion requirements are not specific, strong corrosion requirements from life
requirements via qualification testing are necessary to verify life expectancy.

The design of environmental tests and verification planning should duplicate both the levels and
types of damage expected from the environmental spectrum defined for the system. This may be
achieved by a combination of environmental tests that capture the critical aspects of the expo-
sure, such as wet-dry cycles, specific corrodents, and geometric configurations.

• Accelerated corrosion testing, in conjunction with mechanical testing, should provide

insight into the capabilities of the protective systems and allow projections of damage
growth in order to facilitate corrosion management.
• The inspection and testing of facility components should be designed to consider both
the levels and types of damage expected from the known environmental spectrum for
the facility systems. The following variables need to be considered when developing
a plan for inspection and testing:
ƒ Temperature
ƒ Exposure
ƒ Pressure
ƒ Wet-dry cycling.

Spiral Number 3 3-3 Volume I

Lessons Learned (Technical):
• Test and Acceptance Criteria: Defaulting solely to MIL STD 810 test requirements for corrosion
will often lead to inadequate materials, processes, and corrosion designs, as specified in MIL
STD 810(D) itself. Program managers should consult with corrosion subject matter experts to
develop test and acceptance criteria for corrosion.
• Outdoor Exposure: OE testing of the complete configuration to augment accelerated laboratory
corrosion testing greatly reduces the risk of unexpected corrosion resulting from factors or
changes not considered in the original design.
• Induced Damage Simulation: Prior to corrosion testing, artificially induced damage that simu-
lates what occurs in service increases confidence in the robustness of the corrosion design.

3.1.5 Service Laboratories

The service laboratories may be able to provide added technical guidance. Similarly, AMMTIAC
may be able to assist in the preparation of CPCPs and provide direct support through the CPAT.

Lesson Learned (Analysis of Trade Studies): Corrosion often competes with other performance pa-
rameters, such as environmental stewardship and low observability. A CPAT review and analysis of
trade studies with strong documentation and recommendations to program managers can be effec-
tive in preserving corrosion requirements.

3.2 Design Considerations

There are specifications and material selection criteria that should be considered as early in the
planning process as possible (and included in the CPCP).

3.2.1 Material Selection

If possible, materials that are unsuitable to the operational environment should be avoided. Con-
sider compatibility when using multiple materials. If dissimilar materials cannot be avoided, iso-
late those materials from each other. Information sources include the following:

• The Cambridge Material Selector (accessible from Granta Design Limited, Material
Information Solutions, (
• DoD Corrosion website (

• MIL-STD-889, Dissimilar Metals.

3.2.2 Protective Coatings

The CPAT should consider protective coatings to isolate vulnerable materials from the environment.

3.2.3 Design Geometries

Avoid crevices when possible. Avoid design features that make it difficult for protective coatings to
function (sharp corners, for instance), and avoid geometries that unnecessarily trap moisture.

Volume I 3-4 Spiral Number 3

Technical and Design Considerations

3.2.4 Environmental Modifications

When it is necessary for a portion of the system to be exposed to the environment, consider a de-
sign that allows for the modification of the environment. Dehumidification and sheltering can be
effective means for modifying the environment.

3.2.5 Process/Finish Specification or Equivalent Document in Acquisition

The prime contractor should prepare a process/finish specification or an equivalent document as
soon after Milestone B as possible, but prior to Milestone C. This specification document should
identify the specific organic and inorganic surface pretreatments and coatings and other corro-
sion prevention and control materials and processes intended for use. After it has been approved
by the responsible DoD procuring activity, all requirements from the specification document
should be included in all applicable production drawings and maintenance documents.

Spiral Number 3 3-5 Volume I

Volume I 3-6 Spiral Number 3
Appendix A
DoD Acquisition Process

This appendix provides additional background information on DoD’s acquisition process that is
too detailed to include in Chapters 1, 2, or 3. Readers who require specific acquisition informa-
tion for decision-making are encouraged to consult the department’s acquisition website for cur-
rent and detailed information (

The capabilities documents that may be used to implement corrosion control during the
DoD procurement process are discussed below, and are addressed in CJCSI 3170.O1C. All
major defense acquisition programs (MDAPs) are required to have

• an initial capabilities document (ICD),

• a capability development document (CDD) that is validated and approved prior to a
Milestone B decision, and
• a capability production document (CPD) that is validated and approved prior to a
Milestone C decision.

Mission need statements (MNSs) and operational requirements documents (ORDs) are being
phased out and should only be modified if allowed by the Milestone Decision Authority or by
directive. Typically, procurements also involve the development of a specification and a request
for proposal (RFP) at some point during the procurement process.

Figure A-1. The Acquisition Process and CPC Planning


Concept Technology Systems Production & Operations
Refinement Development Development & Development & Support
Concept Design FRP
Refinement CPC Plan Readiness Decision
Decision in RFP Review Review

Update CPCP

Update CPCP

Establish Joint government/contractor CPAT

Establish Contractor Corrosion Team(s) (CCT)

Include CPC Plan in the RFP

Establish Government-only Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT)

Draft initial Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP)

Spiral Number 3 A-1 Volume I

Initial Capabilities Document

• establishes the need for a materiel approach to resolve a specific capability gap;
• defines
ƒ the capability gap in terms of the functional areas,
ƒ the relevant range of military operations, time, obstacles to overcome, and
ƒ key attributes with appropriate measures of effectiveness (e.g., distance effect, in-
cluding scale); and
• proposes the recommended materiel approach based on analysis of the relative cost,
efficacy, sustainability, environmental quality impacts, and risk posed by the materiel
approach under consideration.

Normally, an ICD is not updated once it has been approved. The CDD and CPD, however, con-
tinue to refine the material approach to address the capability gap.

The ICD, CDD, and CPD describe top-level capability gaps and identify top-level alternatives;
corrosion-related wording should be at a similar level. Most importantly, the expected opera-
tional environment as it pertains to corrosiveness should be clearly identified. The ICD should
discuss whether corrosion (either through cost or impact on readiness) played a role in creating a
deficiency. The following statements are examples of corrosion-related wording that should be
considered for inclusion in the ICD:

• “Existing systems have been unable to meet required maintenance periodicity as a re-
sult of corrosion.”
• “Corrosion occurring on existing systems places a large cost and labor-hour burden
on the maintenance infrastructure.”
• “Excessive corrosion on existing systems has resulted in reduced readiness.”
• “The system is expected to operate under severe operational and environmental con-
ditions. The system maintenance should be performed in compliance with Environ-
mental Protection Agency guidelines in effect at the time of the procurement and with
minimal use and generation of hazardous materials or ozone-depleting chemicals.”
• “The system should meet operational, support, and readiness requirements in all cli-
mates and types of terrain where the system may be based or deployed.”
• “The system will be supportable within the current accepted maintenance concept.”

Volume I A-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix A, DoD Acquisition Process

Capability Development Document and Capability

Production Document

• takes its guidance from the ICD, the analysis of alternatives, and technology
development activities;
• captures information necessary to develop the proposed programs;
• outlines an affordable increment of a capability; 1 and
• provides the operational performance attributes, including supportability, necessary
for the acquisition community to design the proposed system. (Corrosion-related
wording should address how corrosion would impact system performance.)


• addresses the production attributes and quantities specific to a single increment of an

acquisition program;
• is finalized after the critical design review when projected capabilities of the incre-
ment in development have been specified with more accuracy; and
• supersedes the performance values used in the CDD.

The following statements are suggested wording for use in the CDD and the CPD. A finer level
of fidelity can be inserted as the program progresses through Milestones B and C:

• “The system is expected to meet the operational, support, and readiness requirements
in all types of climate and terrain where the system may be based or deployed.”
• “The system is expected to operate under severe operational and environmental con-
ditions. Common tools; standard maintenance practices; and standard, common, or
general purpose support and test equipment will be used to the maximum extent pos-
sible. Maintenance of the system will be performed in compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other pertinent environmental and safety
guidelines in effect at the time of the procurement.”
• “Existing systems have been unable to meet required maintenance periodicity as a
result of corrosion.”
• “Corrosion occurring on existing systems places a large cost and labor-hour burden
on the maintenance infrastructure.”
• “Excessive corrosion on existing systems has resulted in reduced readiness.”
• “The system should meet readiness and logistics requirements in anticipated corrosive
environments: (provide specifics on the environment).”
An increment is a militarily useful and supportable operational capability that can be effectively developed,
produced or acquired, deployed and sustained. Each increment will have its own set of attributes and associated per-
formance values.

Spiral Number 3 A-3 Volume I

• “The system operational availability should be reduced by no more than 1 percent
(zero is the objective) from corrosion due to exposure to environmental conditions.”
• “The system should have a mean time between failures (MTBF) for corrosion-caused
failures of greater than or equal to xx hours.”
• “The system should have a mean time to repair (MTTR) for corrosion-related damage
of less than or equal to 1 hour throughout its lifetime (half-hour objective).”
• “The system will be supportable within the current accepted maintenance concept.”
• “The system should be designed for corrosion-related preventative maintenance (PM)
to be accomplished at the organizational level.”
• “The system should not require the use of special tools, maintenance practices, nor
test equipment for corrosion-related maintenance.”
• “The system should provide training for operators and trainers to perform their duties
for corrosion prevention and repair.”
• “The system should provide technical and repair manuals that describe the corrosion
prevention measures used on the system and provide guidance for restoration, repair,
and replacement.”

Request for Proposal and Specifications

Requests for proposal and specifications define, in detail, the desired performance of the system
being procured. RFPs are the precursor to the final system specification. Recurring procurements
can then be made to the final system specification.

Request for Proposal

When beginning the contracting process for a new system or system modification, it is critical
that program managers complete the following:

• Define what will be expected from the bidders in the development, implementation
and management of CPC planning.
• Describe the managerial and technical aspects of CPC planning to ensure the contrac-
tors fully realize the type of robust CPC planning they are expected to develop and
• Explain the CPC planning organization, including
ƒ how the government is expected to participate in the planning,
ƒ the contractor’s responsibilities, and
ƒ the deliverable documents.

Volume I A-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix A, DoD Acquisition Process

Two types of specifications will be developed as part of CPC planning:

• Performance specifications, which are used with the RFP to award the initial contract
and to procure follow-on items
• Process/finish specifications, which are developed as the CPC planning is developed
and implemented.

Performance Specification
Performance specifications are outlined in MIL-STD-961, which

• provides a checklist of items to address in performance specifications, and

• suggests breaking the specification into six sections.

The following text provides guidelines and recommended input for Sections 2, 3, 4, and 6 of the
performance specification.

Section 2: Applicable Documents

• Place references to government corrosion-related performance specifications
(MIL-PRF), DoD-adopted industry standards, and non-governmental standards used
in Sections 3 and 4. Reference to these types of documents is made in Section 2 of the
performance specification.
• No document should be listed in Section 2 of a specification unless it is called out in
Section 3 or 4 of that document.

Section 3: Requirements
• Requirement specifications should contain detailed requirements for materials,
design, service environment, maintainability, and environmental compliance.
• Requirement specifications should state these requirements in terms of quantifiable

Section 4: Verification
• Verification specifies which tests should be conducted to verify conformance to re-
quirements established in Section 3.
• Verification also establishes first-article inspection, qualification inspection, sampling
procedures, and inspection conditions.

Section 6: Notes
• Notes establish data item description (DID) and technical manual requirements. The
documentation prescribed in this section can be used to require the contractor to pro-
vide information regarding how corrosion control for the system will be achieved and
to provide quality assurance data.

Spiral Number 3 A-5 Volume I

• Notes also establish three key elements of the requirements and verification proce-
dures when conducting CPC planning for a system:
ƒ Corrosion tests are required for the basic constituents of the system.
ƒ Corrosion tests are required for the full-scale system to evaluate the impact of de-
sign and fabrication practices on corrosion resistance.
ƒ The manufacturer must provide a process and supporting documentation in the
form of a corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP) and corrosion prevention
quality assurance program.

Process/Finish Specification
The prime contractor should prepare a process/finish specification in accordance with the
CPC plan that is developed collaboratively between the government and the contractor. The con-
tent of the process/finish specification will be addressed in Appendix C.

Volume I A-6 Spiral Number 3

Appendix B
Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention
Action Team

This appendix provides an example of a corrosion prevention action team (CPAT) charter; it is
intended to be representative only. The contents of this appendix are not direction. The contents
of a program’s actual CPAT charter will vary and should reflect the needs of the particular pro-
gram or project.

1.0 Introduction
Past experience has shown that corrosion in systems can impede operational readiness, impact
life-cycle cost, and jeopardize system effectiveness. Corrosion, which is defined as the environ-
mental deterioration of any material, metallic or nonmetallic, includes the operating environ-
ment’s degradation of all materials. DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Guidelines define
the objectives and responsibilities aimed at minimizing these threats throughout all phases of a
weapon system’s life cycle. The guidance recommends a CPAT be established for each system.
The intention is to bring the designer, maintainer, and the user together so they may contribute
their unique experience to problem definition, formulate recommendations for solution, and track
final resolution. This charter defines the purpose, membership, responsibilities, and procedures
of the weapon system.

2.0 Purpose
The CPAT provides assistance and advice to the program manager on the most current methods
of providing and maintaining effective corrosion prevention and material compatibility planning
for the weapon system.

3.0 Membership
The following organizations constitute the CPAT membership. Each organization identifies, in
writing, any changes to their primary and alternate representatives to the CPAT. This charter is
reviewed annually by the CPAT to update content and membership, as required.

• Program engineering (chairperson) • Test and evaluation representatives

• Other concerned program elements • Service program office representatives
• Prime contractor (co-chairperson) • Service R&D laboratory representatives
• Other major contractor participants • Defense contract management
• User representatives

Spiral Number 3 B-1 Volume I

4.0 Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of CPAT members are summarized below. These responsibilities are
derived from the DoD guidance in addition to contractor support requirements.

4.1 The PM chairperson, as the program manager’s representative, the contractor team co-
chairperson, as the prime contractor, and the Service Corrosion Prevention and Control Of-
fice, as corrosion prevention and control program managers, will organize the CPAT effort
and accomplish the following tasks:

• Establish and chair a CPAT to evaluate the adequacy of corrosion prevention and ma-
terial compatibility measures included in the design, to review the program’s ap-
proach to corrosion prevention, and to advise on corrosion prevention and control for
inclusion in specifications and technical data.
ƒ Make sure the engineering effort conducted by the integrated product teams
(IPTs) during design and fabrication focuses on the prevention and control of cor-
rosion and the compatibility of composites/materials with the system operating
environment. This will be done during the Technology Development, Systems
Development and Demonstration (SDD), and Production and Deployment phases.
ƒ Evaluate compliance with applicable standards, specifications, design handbooks,
and related technical documentation
o Direct Contractor Corrosion Team (CCT) Quality Assurance members to con-
duct spot inspections during manufacturing to ensure manufacturing and fab-
rication processes do not include practices that would eventually cause
corrosion and material degradation problems, and to ensure approved tech-
niques adopted by the air vehicle IPTs early in SDD are being followed.
o Direct CCT Quality Assurance members to inspect preservation and packag-
ing procedures at the contractor facilities of all materials being delivered to
activities to ensure practices adopted by the IPTs are being followed.
ƒ To the extent they support structural requirements, use standard materials for
weapon system sustainment for corrosion prevention.
ƒ Make sure each proposed redesign or modification is evaluated for potential cor-
rosion, material, and environmental compatibility effects and requirements for the
prevention and control of corrosion and material are addressed.
ƒ Interface with the chairperson of the major subsystem CPATs to ensure data ex-
change and resolution of mutual concerns.
ƒ Interface with all team members to ensure data exchange and incorporation of
technical advancements into the system.
• Make sure the results of testing to environments outlined in by verification require-
ment and contract are reviewed by the CPAT to identify future potential corrosion
and material compatibility issues.

Volume I B-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix B, Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention Action Team

4.2 The following are tasks for the Service program office members:

• Co-chair the CPAT and assist the PM and user in tracking/resolving action items.
• Ensure the proper requirements for corrosion prevention and control are included in
specifications, tailored standards, and procedures; cite newly approved materials in
updating specification revisions, design handbooks, and technical data.
• Evaluate the CPCP to confirm it covers the proper steps for preventing corrosion
and ensuring material compatibility.
• Identify and help solve corrosion and material compatibility problems in the design,
maintenance, and use of the system.
• Periodically review and update technical data; send pertinent information to appropri-
ate training organizations for use in training courses.
• Review modification proposals to ensure proper requirements for corrosion preven-
tion and control are included.
• Review and validate Corrosion maintenance facility requirements documents.
4.3 User members will

• serve on the CPAT;

• take part in contractor reviews and other actions to identify potential corrosion and
material compatibility problems;
• assist in the review of the contractor’s effectiveness in preventing corrosion through
the design, production, and sustainment phases of acquisition;
• ensure recommendations for corrective actions or CPAT action items are submitted as
early as possible and followed up; and
• ensure field-level support capabilities for corrosion prevention are evaluated by
the CPAT.
4.4 Test and Evaluation Organization members will have the same responsibilities for corrosion
prevention and control as the user during testing and evaluation.

Spiral Number 3 B-3 Volume I

5.0 Procedure
The following are the procedural responsibilities of the CPAT:

• Convene at least annually or as often as required throughout the life cycle of this sys-
tem at the times and places arranged by the chairperson. The interval will normally be
semiannually during the SDD phase, unless the chairperson determines that more or
less frequent sessions are necessary.
• Review corrosion prevention/material compatibility contract requirements and pre-
pare the appropriate design guidance tailored to the unique aspects of this program.
• Advise the CCT to conduct plant site inspections, as appropriate, at contractor and
subcontractor facilities to evaluate the adequacy of the design as it relates to corrosion
prevention, and to assess the manufacturing, fabrication, engineering liaison, and
quality control procedures for corrosion prevention and material compatibility.
• Advise the CCT to conduct field site inspections at flight test/ground test, demonstra-
tion facilities, and operational facilities to evaluate the effectiveness of the corrosion
prevention/material compatibility considerations/designs. Define discrepancies and
propose possible solutions.
• The lead contractor will prepare and distribute minutes (no more than 60 days after
the date of the CPAT meeting) that assign action items to the responsible agencies for
resolution. The lead contractor will maintain a continuing agenda or log of specific
efforts, problems, action items, discrepancies, etc., with the following for each item:
ƒ Definition or description
ƒ Alternatives
ƒ Team recommendation
ƒ Responsible action individual or agency
ƒ Final disposition.
• Make recommendations to the program manager for all changes, corrections, or im-
provements that require action by a government agency or a contractor.
Note: The CPAT has no authority to direct any government agency or contractor to take any ac-
tion as a result of its finding. The chairperson will make clear the nonbinding advisory nature of
the opinions, findings, suggestions, and recommendation of the team to all parties at all team
meetings and activities.

Volume I B-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C
Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control
Plan for Systems and Equipment

This appendix provides an example of a corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP); it is in-
tended to be representative only. The contents of the appendix are not direction. The contents of
a program’s actual CPCP will vary and should reflect the needs of that program.

Section 1.0 Introduction

Section 2.0 Organization and Responsibilities
2.1 Team Coordination of Corrosion Control
2.2 Corrosion Control Teams
Section 3.0 Corrosion Prevention and Control Processes
3.1 General Requirements
3.2 Material Surface Treatments
3.3 Sealing
Section 4.0 Operational Environment
4.1 General
4.2 Breathing and Condensation
4.3 Atmosphere Salt
4.4 Sulfur Oxides
4.5 Firefighting Agents
4.6 Soot
4.7 Sand and Dust
4.8 Rainfall
4.9 Volcanic Ash
4.10 Solar Radiation
4.11 Runway Deicing Materials
4.12 Chemicals
4.13 Damage by Personnel
4.14 Chemical Warfare Agents
4.1.5 Shipboard Environment
Section 5.0 References

Spiral Number 3 C-1 Volume I

Section 1.0 Introduction
The purpose of the corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP) is to describe the corrosion control
tasks and responsibilities for the system and support equipment. Corrosion prevention and control
(CPC) is defined as the rigorous application of engineering design and analysis, quality assurance
(QA), nondestructive inspection (NDI), manufacturing, operations and support technologies to pre-
vent the initiation of corrosion, avoid functional impairment due to corrosion, and define processes
for the tracking and repair of corrosion problems.

Corrosion prevention and control requires the coordinated efforts of numerous disciplines and
organizations across the contractor teams and the government program office. A contractor cor-
rosion team (CCT) will be established at each company to oversee the corrosion control system
and to provide a forum for the coordination of the CPC tasks assigned to each organization.

Suppliers or vendors who have been granted design authority will actively participate in the
CPC process by formulating their own CPC plans that meet the intent of this document and par-
ticipating in CCT meetings on an as-required basis. A corrosion control group, which includes
the chair of each CCT, will ensure team uniformity and coordination of CPC. The CCT will fol-
low the integrated product team (IPT) philosophy by ensuring all decisions are properly coordi-
nated and implemented with the full knowledge of the appropriate design IPT. Section 2 of this
corrosion prevention and control plan defines the CCT, and assigns each corrosion control task
to the responsible organization or discipline.

The flow of these tasks is illustrated in Figure 1. Section 3 details specific CPC practices to be
implemented through the Process/Finish Specification or Engineering Dataset. Section 4 pro-
vides background information and general design information for the interrelation of corrosion
with the operating environments.

Volume I C-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

Figure 1. Flow of Corrosion Prevention and Control Tasks

Form Corrosion Control Teams

Finalize Corrosion Control Plan

Review databases of approved Prepare

• Materials • Requirements for vendors
• Processes • Test plans
• Fasteners • Minutes of board team actions
• Standard parts • Design guidelines

Conduct Prepare Corrosion Control Consider corrosion in

tests Specifications (finish specifications) design changes and
MRB action

Specify corrosion control Prepare Technical

engineering drawings or Orders for corrosion-
procurement package related maintenance

Prepare/review manufacturing
work instructions

Audit vendors for ability to Include corrosion control Implement corrosion

produce parts and materials to requirements control for in-house
finish specification requirements on purchase orders assembly
and production

Implement corrosion controls in

vendor production of parts, Monitor
equipment, and materials components in
service usage

Spiral Number 3 C-3 Volume I

Section 2.0 Organization and Responsibilities
This section defines the team organization to establish and implement the corrosion prevention
and control system. This section also assigns task responsibilities.

2.1 Team Coordination of Corrosion Control

A contractor corrosion team will be formed. It will consist of at least one program representative
from each of the team companies, and be chaired by the company IPT corrosion control special-
ist. This team will provide and coordinate a consistent corrosion prevention and control policy.
The following are among the responsibilities of this team:

• Develop, document, and maintain the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan.
• Establish regular meetings and call special meetings if required.
• Coordinate and document material selection guidelines for corrosion
• Coordinate the documentation of corrosion design guidelines.
• Coordinate corrosion prevention policies and procedures with other team policies and
• Review corrosion test results for process/finish material qualifications.
• Establish corrosion test requirements for procured items in conjunction with the
cognizant IPTs.
• Establish and maintain team-common process/finish requirements.
• Establish criteria for identification of corrosion specialists within IPTs.
• Resolve any impasse in determining the preferred process or treatment method for
corrosion control at any team site.
• Maintain a log of problems, action items, corrective actions, and status of each for all
• Coordinate and interface with government program office on the above.
The CCT will meet as needed to resolve corrosion control issues and to ensure coordination of
the CCT and their activities. Meetings, whether formal, informal, electronic, or in person, will be
documented by minutes distributed to all CCT members. The lead company CCT chairman will
be the primary liaison with government personnel on matters relating to corrosion control. All
CCT members will participate in Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) meetings.
CCT members will support CPAT and CCT meetings on an as-required basis.

2.2 Contractor Corrosion Teams

A CCT will be established at each of the team companies that have design responsibilities to
provide coordination among the organizations and technical disciplines responsible for or in-
volved in corrosion control tasks. Each company will have a team chairman to manage the re-
spective corrosion control team and to represent the company on the CCT. The CCT chairman

Volume I C-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

will be a member of the applicable IPTs and an expert in the area of corrosion. Each CCT will
provide a forum, through the representatives of the affected disciplines and consistent with CCT
direction, to establish engineering, manufacturing, and quality requirements that will be imple-
mented by the responsible organizations at that company. The teams support the writing of the
Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan and establish requirements for the generation of de-
sign guidelines, material specifications, process specifications, and quality control guidelines.
Each CCT will consist of knowledgeable personnel who represent, at a minimum, the following
disciplines, which are necessary to implement this corrosion prevention and control plan:

• Materials and processes

• Design
• Reliability, maintainability, and supportability
• Production operations
• Quality assurance
• Manufacturing
• Hazardous materials
• Affected IPTs.
2.2.1 Contractor Corrosion Team Responsibilities
The CCT will guide, direct, and instruct the contractors on corrosion prevention and control
measures and verify all measures implemented on the program are necessary, adequate, timely,
and cost effective. The CCT principal responsibilities are as follows:

1. Review internal controls to ensure corrosion prevention and control techniques are estab-
lished, implemented, and maintained.

2. Review procedures for interim protection during all phases of manufacture and during
preparation for storage/packaging for shipment.

3. Review training programs to ensure the required corrosion prevention and control tech-
niques (e.g., finishing, sealing, and drainage systems) are properly addressed.

4. Provide technical input to corrosion control and other related technical publications and
review/approve the documents.

5. Review and recommend approval of cleaning materials, solutions, and chemicals not
covered by approved specifications for use on the system, parts, and components.

6. Conduct failure analyses and provide corrective action for corrosion problems. These
analyses will be conducted and documented by the appropriate Failure Analysis Group,
reported to the Material Review Board, and recorded in the corresponding corrosion con-
trol engineer’s log. A summary of this log from each team leader will be given to the
CCT chairperson.

Spiral Number 3 C-5 Volume I

7. Conduct quarterly CCT meetings to ensure implementation of this plan and to coordinate
solutions for problems that arise during the development, design, and manufacturing
phases. Additional CCT meetings will be conducted as required. Close communication of
the CCT chairperson, company team leaders, and CPAT chairperson is to be maintained.

8. Maintain a log of problems and solutions/actions covered.

9. Ensure periodic reviews are made of all facilities to evaluate the adequacy of corrosion
prevention and control measures.

10. Make field site inspections of systems when requested by the CPAT or on a schedule as
established by the CPAT.

11. Incorporate environmental resistance requirements and verification methods into the test-
ing and selection of materials. Environment is defined as natural and man-made or opera-
tional environments. Materials include metallic and non-metallic materials.

12. Incorporate corrosion prevention and control measures into avionics, electro-magnetic
environmental effects, low observable technology, biological/chemical vulnerability and
other related technologies.

13. Monitor and investigate industrial developments for processing and/or process/finish im-
provements related to corrosion prevention and for cost effectiveness or compliance with
environmental regulations.

14. Notify the CCT chairperson of each CCT meeting date, meeting topics, and any decisions
resulting from the previous CCT meeting.

15. Ensure a balance is maintained between electrical bonding/grounding needs and corro-
sion control approaches.

2.2.2 Corrosion Control Team Functional Tasks

The CCT is responsible for ensuring the following functional tasks are accomplished in accor-
dance with this plan. Materials and Processes

1. Write and maintain a process/finish specification for the engineering and manufacturing
development and production models in accordance with MIL-STD-7179.

2. Serve as design consultants for the selection of materials, processes, and finishes.

3. Review and approve engineering drawings, system and component specifications, and
technical order manuals related to corrosion prevention and control.

4. Assist in the disposition of parts with a damaged or defective surface finish.

5. Initiate changes to material and process specifications and design as required.

Volume I C-6 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

6. Assist Procurement in the evaluation of subcontractor capabilities.

7. Assist Procurement in the review of subcontractor specifications, which may be used in

lieu of those previously approved for the system and be subject to final approval by the
procuring activity.

8. Submit logs of corrosion problems and solutions/actions to the CCT chairperson.

9. Maintain records of all inputs from the CCT.

10. Resolve disagreements (if any) during the SDD and production phases.

11. Monitor developments in processing or finish requirements relative to corrosion preven-

tion for design incorporation.

12. Provide shop/manufacturing surveillance and support to assure compliance with specifi-
cation requirements.

13. Participate in or assist with, as applicable, the Engineering Material Review Board for
materials and processes technical disciplines. Design
1. Incorporate CCT decisions into product designs

2. Coordinate the resolution of corrosion-related design problems. Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability

1. Review drawings for conformance to standard corrosion prevention design practices.

2. Ensure the incorporation of reliability, maintainability, and supportability (RM&S) con-

siderations for material and finish selection and development.

3. Ensure corrosion-related supportability design-to-requirements is current and available to

the designers. This includes design reviews that ensure hidden or inaccessible areas on
the airplane are minimized.

4. Participate in design trade studies during all phases of design development. Provide guid-
ance on corrosion prevention based on experience gleaned from other aircraft programs.

5. Develop and recommend corrective and preventive procedures based on reliability and
maintainability analyses of field data on similar in-service equipment.

6. Document maintenance procedures and applicable logistics resources.

Spiral Number 3 C-7 Volume I Production Operations
1. Review and analyze corrosion-related problems in all departments. Consultations with
materials and process (M&P) corrosion engineers should be conducted when they are re-
quired during this process.

2. Request changes to engineering documentation to correct finishing procedures or to im-

plement new procedures. Quality Assurance

The CCT quality assurance authority consists of process control and quality control items as de-
scribed below. Process Control

1. Audit the incorporation of engineering specification or design changes.

2. Perform tests on processing solutions and chemicals to monitor compliance of process

parameters with applicable engineering or government specifications.

3. Maintain records of scheduled processing solution tests and prepare test reports on speci-
fication compliance.

4. Initiate corrective action for nonconforming processes.

5. Help procurement office evaluate processing capabilities of subcontractors when such as-
sistance is requested.

6. Perform initial and subsequent subcontractor audits, as required, to verify capability in

applying the finish systems specified. Quality Control

1. Verify parts and assemblies are properly protected from corrosion during manufacture,
while in stock, and when packaged for shipment.

2. Verify parts are processed in accordance with the applicable specifications/standards.

3. Verify applied finishes conform to design and specification/standard requirements.

4. Reject any material or part that has been damaged or has not been finished in accordance
with applicable specification or standards.

Volume I C-8 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment Manufacturing (Planning)

1. Translate processing and finishing requirements of engineering data to planning docu-

2. Provide planning requirements to ensure in-process corrosion protection of the material

or parts during manufacture.

3. Revise planning documentation when engineering design or specification requirements

are changed. Hazardous Materials

1. Ensure materials and processes comply with all federal and state regulations.

2. Serve as focal point for coordination and distribution of new regulations with the CCT,
including new regulations regarding materials and processes.

Spiral Number 3 C-9 Volume I

Section 3.0 Corrosion Prevention and Control Processes
3.1 General Requirements
3.1.1 Process/Finish Specification
The primary engineering document used to implement the CPCP is the process/finish specifica-
tion, which should be incorporated into the released engineering dataset. The specification con-
tains detailed finish instructions and guidelines, which are incorporated by the design activity
into engineering datasets and drawings. The materials and processes activity will verify that
these instructions and guidelines have been included in the datasets via the approval and sign off
processes. The finish codes specify the material and process specifications, which are used by
Procurement to order material and by the manufacturing (planning) activity to incorporate into
the manufacturing operation sheets. For vendor-designed parts and equipment, the vendor may
elect to finish per the process/finish specification, or they may provide, through the CCT, alter-
nate finish materials for approval by the CCT, procuring activity, and the relevant IPT. All fin-
ishing materials should be used in conformance with federal and state regulations.

3.1.2 Material Limitations

Mill product forms of aluminum alloys 2020, 7079, and 7178 should not be used for structural
applications. The use of 7XXX-T6 aluminum alloys should be limited to thicknesses not to
exceed 0.080 inches. Precipitation Hardening Steels

Precipitation hardening steels should be aged at temperatures not less than 1000°F. Excep-
tion is made for castings that may be aged at 935°F ± 15°F, fasteners that may be used in the
950 condition, and springs, which have optimum properties in the CH 900 condition. Corrosion-
resistant maraging steels should not be used in sustained load applications. Corrosion resistant
19-9DL and 431 steels should not be used for any applications. Series 400 martensitic grade cor-
rosion resistant steels should not be used in the 700°F to 1100°F tempered condition. Unstabi-
lized austenitic steels may be used up to 700°F. Only stabilized austenitic steels (321 and 347)
should be used above 698°F. All welded or brazed austenitic steel should be solution heat-treated
after welding; however, welded 321 and 347, and 304L and 316L may be used without heat
treatment. Magnesium Alloys

Magnesium alloys will not be used for structural applications. All proposed nonstructural ap-
plications for components or subsystems should be submitted to the procurement activity for
approval prior to incorporation into the design.

Volume I C-10 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

3.2 Material Surface Treatments

3.2.1 Aluminum Alloys
Surface treatments for aluminum alloys.

1. Bare 2000 series and 7000 series. Chromic acid anodize per MIL-A-8625 Type 1B or bo-
ric sulfuric acid anodize per MIL-A-8625, Type I C, or thin-film sulfuric acid anodize per
MIL-A-8625, Type IIB.

Note: Sulfuric acid anodize per MIL-A-8625, Type II, Class 1 or 2 may be used as an al-
ternate to chromic acid anodize except on fracture or maintenance critical parts or those
parts sized by fatigue requirements. Use of any other anodize treatments requires approval.

2. Inherently corrosion resistant alloys of the 1000, 3000, 5000, and 6000 series and alumi-
num casting alloys. Chemical conversion coat per MIL-DTL-5541 Type 1 Class 1A using
materials conforming to MIL-DTL-81706. Where a low resistivity contact is necessary
for electrical bonding purposes, MIL-DTL-5541 Class 3 may be used.

3. Exterior surfaces of adhesive bonded assemblies and spot-welded or lap-welded assem-

blies should be chemical conversion coated per MIL-C-5541 Type 1 Class 1A using ma-
terials conforming to MIL-DTL-81706. The exterior surfaces of adhesive bonded
assemblies may be coated with an approved corrosion-inhibiting adhesive primer in
lieu of the MIL-C-5541 chemical conversion coating.

3.2.2 Titanium Alloys

Titanium alloys do not require finishes for the purpose of corrosion protection. However surfaces
contacting titanium should be protected from galling and dissimilar metal corrosion. Contact sur-
faces constituting dissimilar metal joints should have both surfaces coated with two coats of
primer. As an alternative, both surfaces may have one coat of applied primer and then be assem-
ble wet with that primer. Similar metal contact points with titanium should have one coat of
primer applied to each surface in the joint to protect against galling. Prior to application of
primer, the titanium surface should be conversion coated in accordance with AMS 2486. Appli-
cation of primer should begin within 16 hours after the application of conversion coating.

Titanium alloys should not be cadmium- or silver-plated. Cadmium-plated tools, clamps, fixtures
and jigs should not be used for fabrication or assembly of titanium components.

3.2.3 Non-Corrosion-Resistant Steel Alloys

Non-corrosion resistant steel alloys should be protected from corrosion as follows:

• Non-corrosion resistant steel alloys with a maximum ultimate tensile strength of

180,000 psi or less should be IVD aluminum coated in accordance with
MIL-DTL-83488, Class 3, Type II, followed by glass bead peening or cadmium plat-
ing in accordance with AMS QQ-P-416, Class 2, Type II. Cadmium plate is allowable
if and only if no suitable alternate is acceptable and each use of cadmium plating will
require the approval of the materials and processes activity.

Spiral Number 3 C-11 Volume I

• Non-corrosion-resistant steel alloys with ultimate tensile strength ranging from
180,000 to 220,000 psi should be IVD aluminum coated in accordance with MIL-
DTL-83488, Class 3, Type II, Aluminum Ion Vapor Deposition, followed by glass
bead peening.
• Non-corrosion resistant steel alloys with an ultimate tensile strength range of
220,000 psi or greater should be cleaned and cadmium plated per AMS-C-8837, Type
II, Class 2, Vacuum Cadmium Plating; or coated per MIL-DTL-83488, Class 3, Type
II, Aluminum Ion Vapor Deposition, followed by Glass Bead Peening. Cadmium
plate is allowable if and only if no suitable alternate is acceptable and each use of
cadmium plating will require the approval of the materials and processes activity.
• When a wear-resistant coating is required on non-corrosion resistant steel alloys the
surface should be nickel plated in accordance with AMS 2423QQ-N-290, Class 2,
minimum thickness 0.002 inches or electrolysis nickel plated in accordance with
MIL-C-26074 Class 1 or 2, Grade C, minimum thickness 0.0015 inch—which has
been superseded by AMS C 26074, which is non-current and is not a direct re-
placement (i.e., Class 2). This treatment is limited to steel alloy that is heat treated
to 240,000 psi maximum.
Exceptions to the above requirements will be made for individual parts based on function and
location as necessary.

3.2.4 Corrosion-Resistant Steel Alloys

Corrosion resistant steels should be passivated in accordance with AMS 2700 (or by methods
approved by materials and processes engineering) except as noted in the following. 1

• Carburized or nitrided surfaces or surfaces to be carburized or nitrided should not be

• Corrosion resistant steel castings should not be passivated, but should be cleaned in
accordance with MIL-S-5002.
• Silver soldered joints and spot welded assemblies should not be passivated.
• Assemblies containing crevices, slip joints and bellows that might trap cleaning or
passivation solution should not be passivated without specific written approval from
Materials and Processes Engineering
• Rough forgings, forged bar, and rolled plate should be descaled or machined on all
surfaces prior to passivation. Descaling should be in accordance with AMS 2700 or
methods approved by Materials and Processes Engineering. If acid etching is used to
descale, the part should be baked for 4 hours at 350°F, within 8 hours following the
3.2.5 Graphite-Reinforced Composites
Surfaces of graphite composites in contact with aluminum or other dissimilar materials should
incorporate a glass ply in the contact area. For epoxy-based laminates, the glass barrier ply
Note: AMS 2700 permits the use of citric acid for passivation. This process is not approved for NAVAIR.

Volume I C-12 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

should extend a minimum of 1 inch beyond the contact region. For condensation polyimide–
based laminates (e.g., bismaleimide, cyanate ester), the glass barrier ply should fully cover the
laminate surfaces in contact. In addition, a minimum of one coat of primer, or fuel tank coating
should be used in the contact area. On assembly, the joint between the composite surface and this
dissimilar metal should be fay and fillet sealed with sealant and fasteners wet installed using
MIL-S-81733 or AMS 3276. Fasteners should be overcoated to the maximum extent practical
using primer, fuel tank coating, or sealant.

3.2.6 Other Coatings

All structural materials exposed to fuel in fuel tanks will receive one coat of SAE-AMS-C-27725
(that replaced MIL-C-25525).

Soft surface coatings such as nickel-cadmium, and aluminum should not be used for sliding or
wear applications. Silver plated surfaces should not be used in applications where surface tem-
perature exceeds 232°C (450°F). Cadmium should not be used without approval of the Hazard-
ous Materials Team and review by the CCT. Cadmium plated fasteners should not be used.

Protective systems to be used, specialty coatings for fuel tank interiors, rain erosion, crew com-
partment, anti-glare, etc., are defined in the engineering dataset and included in the process/finish
specification. Refer to Table 1 (when completed) and Table 2 for guidance on these coatings.
Dissimilar metals as defined in Table 2 are protected from galvanic corrosion in accordance with
the requirements of the process/finish specification.

Table 1. Coating Thickness (in millimeters)

Spec# Description 1-coat 2-coats

3.3 Sealing
Faying surfaces composed of dissimilar metals as defined in Table 2, in addition to receiving one
coat of primer (0.0006 inch–0.0009 inch) should be sealed with MIL-S-8802, MIL-S-81733, or
AMS 3276 sealant. The joint should be subsequently fillet sealed using the same sealant as was
used for the fay surface. Joints that require separation as a part of normal maintenance may have
a form-in-place seal substituted for a fay seal.

Spiral Number 3 C-13 Volume I

Joints common to exterior locations should be fay surface, fillet, seam, and edge sealed with
MIL-S-8802, MIL-S-81733 or AMS 3276 sealant. Joints on the exterior should be sealed to pre-
vent moisture intrusion from external sources.

Attaching parts and fasteners such as screws, bolts, nuts, bushings, spacers, washers, rivets, and
clamps, or the surfaces to which they attach should be wet installed with MIL-PRF-23377 primer or
MIL-S-81733 or MIL-S-29574 sealant. Neither primer nor sealant should be applied to the threaded
portion of fasteners for which torque requirements are established without the coating. All non-
aluminum fasteners installed in aluminum structure should be overcoated with a minimum thickness
of 0.006 inch of MIL-S-81733, MIL-S-29574, MiIL-S-8802, or AMS 3276 sealant. After installa-
tion, all attaching parts should be overcoated with primer or primer and topcoat corresponding to the
finish requirements of the surrounding area. Topcoat should match the color of the adjacent topcoat.
Nuts and heads of bolts that are subsequently lubricated need not receive final finishing.

The exterior of electrical bond connections should be touched up to restore the finish in the sur-
rounding area and subsequently sealed over with MIL-S-81733, MIL-S-8802, MIL-S-29574, or
AMS 3276 sealant.

Table 2. Grouping of Metals and Alloys

Group I Magnesium and its alloys (use requires approval)

Cadmium, zinc (use requires approval)
Group II Aluminum alloy 5052, 5056, A356 (and other casting alloys), 6061, 6013, 6063 (and other
6000 series alloys) and 7000 aluminum alloys
Group III 2000 Series aluminum alloys
Group IV Iron, lead, and tin and their alloys (except corrosion-resistant steel)
Copper, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and rhodium and their alloys; brass and corrosion-resistant
Group V
Group VI Silver, gold, platinum, titanium and graphite
Notes: Metals classified in the same groups are considered as similar metals. Materials classified in different groups are con-
sidered as dissimilar metals.

Volume I C-14 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

Section 4.0 Operational Environment

4.1 General
This section is presented as background information only. The operational environment is de-
fined in the Environmental Criteria Document.

Corrosion is defined as the environmental deterioration of any material, metallic or non-metallic,

and includes the environmental degradation of all materials. Ordinarily, corrosion is associated
with metallic materials that are in the process of reverting to their natural states (oxides, carbon-
ate, etc.). Some metals and metalloids (graphite, for example) are not corrosion prone, but they
will cause and accelerate corrosion on less noble metals in contact with them. For this reason, all
vulnerable and metallic materials used on the system should be protected from the environment
by the selection and use of the proper metallic materials; application of finish systems; faying
surface sealing and wet installation of fasteners; and elimination of moisture traps or provision of
adequate ventilation. Designers should not depend upon interior equipment and interior sur-
faces to be adequately protected by sealing systems alone since it has frequently been shown
that the sealant is also removed during paint stripping. More detailed information concerning
solar radiation, humidity/rainfall, and icing temperatures may be found in the team Environ-
mental Criteria Document.

4.2 Breathing and Condensation

Breathing will occur in enclosures when a cyclic flow of air will go in and out of the enclosure
primarily due to pressure changes during altitude variations or temperature fluctuations. In tem-
perate and tropical zones, breathing will occur during daily temperature changes in the morning
and evening hours, when the outside air heats or cools, or when an airplane descends to warmer
lower altitudes. For example, generally, the temperature will drop 3.5°F (1.95°C) per 1,000 feet
of ascent; therefore, at 85°F (29.4°C) at seal level, the temperature will be −20°F (−28.9°C) at
30,000 feet. The critical amount of moisture for corrosion initiation is 0.01 grams per square me-
ter on unprotected metallic surfaces. By comparison, the amount of moisture on a metal surface
in an outdoor atmosphere is 1.0 g/m2 when wet with rain. Depending upon design area, breathing
will vary; however, breathing most likely will occur in enclosed areas open to the outside
through unsealed joints in unpressurized areas and in instruments and electronic equipment

4.3 Atmosphere Salt

Normal sea breezes can carry from 10 to 100 pounds of salt per cubic mile of air. Although the
salt-laden air may travel inland on sea breezes for a distance of up to 12 miles, the major amount
of salt fallout occurs within the first half mile of the beach. Beyond about 10 miles inland, the
fallout is insignificant. In the northern, cooler latitudes, the salt content of air is much less of a
problem than in temperate and equatorial regions. Salt is also much more concentrated in air at
lower altitudes than at higher altitudes. The heaviest concentrations are below 3,000 feet over the
water in areas of trade winds. Also, systems at bases on the seacoast in temperate areas are
sometimes subject to fallout of corrosive iodine produced by masses of kelp floating along the

Spiral Number 3 C-15 Volume I

4.4 Sulfur Oxides
Sulfur oxides are normally associated with industrial and large urban areas. In the past, sulfur-
containing fuels, such as coal, produced enormous quantities of byproducts. Automobiles and
volcanoes also emitted some of these same contaminants. Within the last 10 or so years, there
has been considerable reduction in emission output due to federal and state laws which require
smoke stack scrubbers, catalytic converts, etc. Even though there have been reductions in sulfur
oxides, the levels are still high enough that, when mixed with moisture, a strong sulfurous acid,
principally sulfuric acid, is formed (acid rain), which can cause corrosion and also attack other
materials, particularly rubber products, which are the most vulnerable.

4.5 Firefighting Agents

Some fire fighting agents used to extinguish fires pose no risk at all to metallic structure; how-
ever, many fire-extinguishing agents are corrosive and can very quickly produce severe corro-
sion. Foam and bromochloromethane and, to a slightly less degree, dibromochloromethane
agents are the most notable offenders in this regard. Some of the more commonly used dry pow-
der agents, such as potassium bicarbonate (PKP) are in themselves only mildly corrosive, but
after exposure to heat, the residue may convert to potassium hydroxide, a product that is very
corrosive to aluminum. Both of these potassium salts are hygroscopic and will absorb moisture,
creating a corrosive deposit on airplane surfaces.

4.6 Soot
Soot, generated by a fire or from normal engine operation, is carbon, including a variety of com-
bustion byproducts and sulfur oxides, depending on what has been burned. Soot is both corrosive
and hygroscopic. It imbeds itself into painted surfaces and is very difficult to clean off. Severe
corrosion will result wherever paint has been chipped on aluminum structure because of the
small anode (aluminum) and very large cathode (soot) being in contact with each other in the
presence of moisture.

4.7 Sand and Dust

Blowing sand and dust can cause erosion of leading edges and settle into all accessible areas of
the airplane, impeding the function of oil and air filters and contaminating electrical and avionic
equipment. When damp, a poultice is formed against the structure, resulting in corrosion. Fur-
thermore, even though the climate may otherwise be acceptable in some desert regions, many
deserts are the sites of ancient sea beds and the sand often contains a significant amount of salt.

4.8 Rainfall
Rainfall provides some benefit in corrosion prevention by washing away some contaminants.
During periods of high acid rain activity, the beneficial effect of rain will be somewhat dimin-
ished. In either case, improperly sealed joints, open cavities, and trap areas will allow corrosion
initiation within these areas.

4.9 Volcanic Ash

Volcanic ash contains corrosive substances such as sulfur compounds, fluoride and chloride
salts, and strong inorganic acids. These chemical are often carried on the surface of ash particles,

Volume I C-16 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

which are highly abrasive bits of pulverized rock and can erode leading edges and internal
engine parts.

Particle sizes usually range from .05 microns to 100 microns, and, since most airplane filters will
remove material down to 15 microns, smaller material could impede air and fluid filters. The ash
will most likely be encountered as a fine powder, similar to talcum powder and will be light gray
in color. In the presence of moisture, the ash becomes a corrosive paste that tends to set up
somewhat like concrete. Airplanes that may have accumulated this material during flight, or on
the ground, may need special cleaning, both inside and out. Even when ash is not visible, air-
planes that operate within the vicinity of volcanic activity can be contaminated with corrosive
acids. Exposure to the acids can be checked with nitrizine paper. A pH of 4 or below is an indi-
cation that cleaning is required.

4.10 Solar Radiation

Solar radiation (sunlight) causes chalking of paint; hydrolysis of chlorinated organics; and de-
grades exposed plastics and elastomers. Degradation of these materials allows an electrolyte,
usually in the form of moisture and its corrosive constituents, free access to the underlying me-
tallic surfaces.

4.11 Runway Deicing Materials

There are several types of runway deicers. The glycol-based material is not considered to be a
corrosion problem. Urea type deicers are the most commonly used. Calcium magnesium acetate
can, when ingested into the engine or APU in conjunction with sea salt, initiate corrosion on tur-
bine parts. Potassium acetate and sodium formate by their chemical nature have the potential, if
ingested by the engine core, to cause hot corrosion on turbine parts. The level of hot corrosion,
however, would probably be no worse than hot corrosion caused by airborne salt. Runway deic-
ing salts can also cause chemical attack, especially in low areas. There materials should not be
allowed to puddle, and joints and crevices should be sealed to prevent entry.

4.12 Chemicals
Maintenance chemicals, such as cleaners, acids, paint strippers, solvents, etc., can present as
many different problems as there are chemicals being used. Paint strippers, solvents, and some
cleaning agents can, when improperly used, deteriorate paint, plastics and elastomers. Some
paint strippers, some cleaners, and most acids are very corrosive to airplane structure. Designers
should select materials or impose preventive measures to prevent or lessen damage from chemi-
cal attack. Additionally, maintenance personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the chemicals
they use while performing maintenance on the airplane.

4.13 Damage by Personnel

Maintenance personnel can greatly contribute to corrosion on the system. Walking on surfaces
and dropped tools and equipment will sufficiently damage the paint to allow corrosion initiation
in addition to possible structural damage. Removal of cast in place and mechanical seals and
sealant, without proper reinstallation, will allow moisture to enter internal areas of the system.

Spiral Number 3 C-17 Volume I

4.14 Chemical Warfare Agents
During periods of war, the system may be required to operate and be maintained in an environ-
ment of chemical agents. All removable equipment, unsealed compartments, etc. are susceptible
to contamination. The system should be able to survive in the chemical threat environment and
be capable of decontamination after exposure. Contaminants and the decontamination process
should not cause corrosion of the exposed structure and equipment.

4.15 Shipboard Environment

Normal shipboard conditions are highly corrosive. Gases containing sulfur and nitrogen oxide
from ship stacks and aircraft exhaust combine with 3.5 percent sodium chloride sea spray to form
highly acidic moisture film of pH 2.4-4.0. Relative humidity of 70 percent to 100 percent condi-
tions exist simultaneously with sand and dust particle concentrations ranging from 1.32 × 10 − 4
to 4.0 × 10 − 6 lbs/ft3. In addition, maintenance is much more difficult aboard ship, often leading
to less than optimum repairs to protective coatings.

Volume I C-18 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Systems and Equipment

Section 5.0 References

[1] Joint Services Specification Guide.

[2] System Environmental Criteria Document

[3] Process/Finish Specification

[4] MIL-A-8625, Anodic Coatings for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

[5] MIL-C-5541, Chemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys

[6] AMS 2486, Conversion Coatings of Titanium Alloys

Spiral Number 3 C-19 Volume I

Appendix D
Aerospace Systems Guidelines

1.0 Scope
1.1 Scope
This appendix establishes the guidelines for aerospace systems in determining materials, processes,
techniques, finishes, coatings, and sealants that lead to an effective corrosion prevention and con-
trol program during the conceptual, validation, development, production, and support phases of
DoD aerospace systems. The intent is to minimize the effects of corrosion on life-cycle cost, readi-
ness, reliability, supportability, safety, and structural integrity of aerospace systems.

1.2 Intended Use

This appendix emphasizes the implementation of sound materials and practices during the de-
sign, development, production, and operational cycles of aerospace systems. This appendix,
when supported by the program management guidelines contained in this guidebook, ensures
that, when the corrosion prevention action team (CPAT) is established, strong technical guidance
is available to ensure delivery of a robust and effective corrosion prevention and control plan
(CPCP) and process/finish specification. The process/finish specification (materials and proc-
esses for corrosion prevention and control) is needed to specify the detailed materials, processes,
finish, and coating systems to be used on aerospace systems, in accordance with the proc-
ess/finish specifications and standards approved in the CPCP. This guidance represents funda-
mental technical guidance for incorporation in the CPCP and process/finish specification, and
can be augmented or tailored as deemed appropriate by the procuring activity.

1.3 Applicability
As an appendix to the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook, this guidance is
applicable to all DoD procuring activities and their respective contractors involved in the design,
procurement, and upgrade of DoD aerospace systems. The detailed CPCP and the process/finish
specification should apply to all elements of DoD aerospace systems, including spare parts. This
guidance, when used in conjunction with supportability, reliability, maintainability, structural
integrity programs and applicable specific technical guidance will result in reliable DoD aero-
space systems having a good balance between acquisition costs and life-cycle cost.

Spiral Number 3 D-1 Volume I

1.4 Acronyms
AFMC Air Force Materiel Command
AMT accelerated mission test
ARL Army Research Laboratory
ASC Aeronautical Systems Center
ASIP Aircraft Structural Integrity Program
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CARC Chemical Agent Resistant Coating
CPAT Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team
CPCP Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
DID data item description
DSC Defense Supply Center
EMI electromagnetic interference
IAW in accordance with
IVD ion vapor deposited
KSI kilo pounds per square inch
LOGSA Logistics Support Activity (US Army)
MPa MegaPascaals
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NAVAIR Naval Air Systems Command
PSI pounds per square inch
PWB printed wiring board
RTV room temperature vulcanizing
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SCC stress corrosion cracking
UAV unmanned aerial vehicle
USAF United States Air Force
UTS ultimate tensile strength
VOC volatile organic compounds

Volume I D-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

2.0 Applicable Documents

Listed below are a number of aerospace documents, including their status and date. Some of the
documents have been cancelled or inactivated and are listed for information only. Questions per-
taining to the accuracy of the information contained in canceled or inactivated documents should
be made to the proponent, which can be identified using the ASSIST database.

The following are useful websites:


2.1 Government Documents

2.1.1 Specifications and Standards Specifications
The Department of Defense Single Stock Point (DoDSSP) was created to centralize the control,
distribution, and access to the extensive collection of military specifications, standards, and re-
lated standardization documents either prepared or adopted by the DoD. In October 1990, the
Defense Automated Printing Service (DAPS), Philadelphia, assumed the mission and responsi-
bilities of the DoDSSP. The responsibilities of the DoDSSP include electronic document storage,
indexing, cataloging, maintenance, publication-on-demand, distribution, and sale of military
specifications, standards, and related standardization documents and publications comprising the
DoDSSP Collection.

The DoDSSP also maintains the Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information Sys-
tem (ASSIST) management and research database (website above), which retains electronic ver-
sions of the following federal and military specifications. Federal
TT-P-28, Paint, Aluminum, Heat Resisting (1200ºF), active, 28 June 2007

QQ-C-390, Copper Alloy Castings (including cast bar) has been cancelled. Refer to SAE AMS
4842E, SAE AMS 4845G, SAE AMS 4855F, SAE AMS 4860E, SAE AMS 4862F, SAE AMS
4890C, ASTM B 148, ASTM B 176, ASTM B 22, ASTM B 271, ASTM B 30 REV A, ASTM
B 369, ASTM B 427, ASTM B 505/B 505M, ASTM B 584 REV A, ASTM B 61, ASTM B 62,
ASTM B 66/B 66M, ASTM B 67, ASTM B 763, ASTM B 770, ASTM B 806][ FLIS ].

TT-P-1757, Primer Coating, Alkyd, One Compound, active, 15 March 1997

TT-P-2756, Polyurethane Coating: Self-priming Topcoat, Low Volatile Organic

Compounds (VOC) Content, active, 29 February 1996

TT-P-2760, Primer Coating: Polyurethane, Elastomeric, High Solids, active, 30 December


Spiral Number 3 D-3 Volume I Military
MIL-PRF-3043, Resin-Coating, Permanent, For Engine Components and Metal Parts, ac-
tive, 13 February 1998

MIL-C-5056, Coating, Permanent Resin, Process for Application of Aircraft Parts, inactive,
28 August 1996

MIL-DTL-5541, Chemical Conversion Coatings on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, active,

11 July 2006

MIL-C-8514, Coating Compound, Metal Pretreatment, Resin-Acid, active, 20 October 1999

MIL-C-8779, Colors, Interior, Aircraft Requirements for; active, 15 March 1989

MIL-S-8784, Sealing Compound, Low Adhesion for Removable Panels and Fuel Tank In-
spection Plates, inactive, 24 March 1997

MIL-C-11796, Corrosion Prevention Compound, Petrolatum, Hot Application, active, 4 No-

vember 1986

MIL-PRF-16173, Corrosion Preventive Compound, Solvent Cutback, Cold-Application, ac-

tive, 6 January 1993

MIL-F-18264, Finishes: Organic, Weapon System: Application and Control of, inactive, 30
September 1999

MIL-O-19838, Oil Systems, Aircraft, Installation and test of, inactive, 7 August 1996

MIL-PRF-22750, Coating, Epoxy, High Solids, active, 31 May 1994

MIL-PRF-23377, Primer Coatings: Epoxy, High Solids, active, 10 April 2007

MIL-L-23398, Lubricant, Solid Film, Air-Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting,

NATO Code Number S-749, active, 18 January 1994

MIL-M-24041, Molding and Potting Compound, Chemically Cured, Polyurethane, active

19 October 2005

MIL-PRF-32033, Lubricating Oil, General Purpose, Preservative (Water-Displacing,

Low Temperature), active, 11 July 2006

MIL-M-38510, General Specification Microcircuit for; inactive, 15 March 2001

MIL-DTL-38999, Connector, Electrical, Circular, Miniature, High Density Quick Discon-

nect, Environment Resistant, Removable Crimp and Hermetic Solder Contacts, General
Specification, active 22 August 2003

Volume I D-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

MIL-PRF-46010, Lubricant, Solid Film, Heat Cured, Corrosion Inhibiting, active, 10 August

MIL-I-46058, Insulating Compound, Electrical (for coating printed circuit assemblies), inac-
tive, 30 November 1998

MIL-A-46146, Adhesive-Sealants, Silicone, RTV, Non-Corrosive (for use with sensitive met-
als and equipment), active, 28 October 1992

MIL-C-46168, Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent Resistant, canceled, 15 Au-

gust 1985

MIL-P-53022, Primer, Epoxy Coating, Corrosion Inhibiting, Lead and Chromate Free, ac-
tive, 1 June 1988

MIL-P-53030, Primer Coating, Epoxy, Water Reducible, Lead and Chromate Free, active,
20 August 1992

MIL-C-53039, Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Single Component, Chemical Agent

Resistant, active, 8 June 2005

MIL-DTL-53072, Chemical Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) System Application,

Procedures and Quality Control Inspection, active, 6 June 2003

MIL-P-53084, Primer, Cathodic Electrodeposition, Chemical Agent Resistant, active,

24 June 1994

MIL-PRF-63460, Lubricant, Cleaner and Preservative for Weapons and Weapon Systems
(Metric), active, 15 March 2006

MIL-DTL-64159, Coating, Water Dispersible Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent

Resistant, active, 30 June 2002

MIL-PRF-81309, Corrosion Preventive Compounds, Water Displacing, Ultra-Thin Film, ac-

tive, 16 May 2005

MIL-I-81550, Insulating Compound, Electrical, Embedding, Reversion Resistant Silicone,

active, 31 July 2002

MIL-PRF-81322, Grease, Aircraft, General Purpose, Wide Temperature Range, active,

24 January 2005

MIL-DTL-81706, Chemical Conversion Materials for Coating Aluminum and Aluminum

Alloys, active, 2 May 2006

MIL-PRF-81733, Sealing and Coating Compound, Corrosion Inhibitive, active, 15 May


Spiral Number 3 D-5 Volume I

MIL-PRF-83282, Hydraulic Fluid, Fire Resistant, Synthetic Hydrocarbon Base, Metric,
NATO Code Number H-537, active, 10 December 1997

MIL-PRF-83483, Thread Compound, Antiseize, Molybdenum Disulfide-Petrolatum, active,

20 February 1998

MIL-DTL-83488, Coating, Aluminum, High Purity, active, 1 April 1999

MIL-P-83953A, Pencil, Aircraft Marking, canceled without replacement, 24 October 1995

MIL-DTL-85054, Corrosion Preventive Compound, Water Displacing, Clear (Amlguard),

active, 22 February 2007

MIL-PRF-85285, Coating: Polyurethane, Aircraft and Support Equipment, active,

22 September 2006

MIL-C-85322, Coating, Elastomeric, Polyurethane, Rain-Erosion, active, 30 September


MIL-PRF-85582, Primer Coatings: Epoxy, Waterborne, active, 9 June 2006

MIL-HDBK-729 Corrosion and Corrosion Prevention, Metals, active, 26 July 1989 Standards
The DoDSSP’s ASSIST management and research database also retains electronic versions of
the following federal and military standards. Federal
FED-STD-595, Colors Used in Government Procurement, active, 11 January 1994 Military
MIL-STD-171, Finishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces, active, 18 July 2006

MIL-STD-464 , Electromagnetic Environmental Effects, Requirements for Systems, active,

19 December 2002

MIL-STD-883, Test Methods and Procedures for Microelectronics, active, 28 February 2006

MIL-STD-889 , Dissimilar Metals, active, 19 October 2006

MIL-STD-1250, Handbook for Corrosion Prevention and Deterioration Control

in Electronic Components and Assemblies, canceled, 18 August 1995

MIL-STD-1500, Cadmium-Titanium Plating, Low Embrittlement, Electrodeposition,

inactive, 1 March 2007

Volume I D-6 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

MIL-STD-1530, Aircraft Structural Integrity Program, Airplane Requirement, active,

1 November 2005

MIL-STD-2073, DoD Material Procedures for the Development and Application of

Packaging Requirements, canceled, 14 June 2006

MIL-STD-2161, Paint Schemes and Exterior Markings for U.S. Navy and Marine
Corps Aircraft, active, 1 May 1993

MIL-STD-7179, Finishes, Coatings and Sealants for the Protection of Aerospace

Weapons Systems, active, 30 September 1997

2.1.2 Handbooks
MIL-HDBK-275, Guide for Selection of Lubricants, Fluids, and Compounds for Use in
Flight Vehicles and Components, active, 29 June 1976

MIL-HDBK-808, Finishes, Materials and Processes for Corrosion Prevention Control in

Support Equipment, active, 18 July 1998

MIL-HDBK-838, Lubrication of Military Equipment, active, 3 December 1997

MIL-HBK-1250, Handbook for Corrosion Prevention and Deterioration Control in

Electronic Components and Assemblies, inactive, 30 November 2006

MIL-HDBK-83377, Requirements for Adhesive Bonding (Structural) For Aerospace and

Other Systems, Requirements for, active, 31 December 1997

NAVMATP-4855-2, Design Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Avionic Corrosion,

active, June 1983, accessible at

2.1.3 Other Government Documents, Drawings, and Publications

MMPDS, Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization
(Formerly MIL-HDBK-5), active, 18 January 2007

2.2 Non-Government Publications

Non-government standards and other publications are normally available from the organizations
that prepare or distribute the documents. These documents also may be available in or through
libraries or through informational services.

2.2.1 American Society for Testing and Materials

For the following publications, refer to or contact ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor
Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Phone (610)832-9585, Fax (610)832-9555.

ASTM A380, Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment and Systems, Cleaning, Descaling, and Pas-
sivation of, active, 25 March 1988

Spiral Number 3 D-7 Volume I

ASTM B117, Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus, Operating, active, 25 March 1988

ASTM B194, Standard Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Plate, Sheet, Strip, and
Rolled Bar, active, 15 November 1992

ASTM B196/196M, Standard Specification for Copper-Beryllium Alloy Rod and Bar,
29 June 1990

ASTM B197, Wire, Alloy, Copper-Beryllium, active, 3 October 1994

ASTM D1732, Painting for Magnesium Alloy Surfaces, Preparation of, active, 8 September

ASTM D2247, Water Resistance Testing of Coatings in 100 Percent Relative Humidity,
active, 3 October 1994

ASTM D2803, Metal Organic Coatings on Filiform Corrosion, Resistance of, active,
3 October 1994

ASTM G47, Aluminum Alloy Products, Determining Susceptibility to Stress-Corrosion

Cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX, active, 30 October 1994

ASTM G64, Standard Classification of Resistance to Stress-Corrosion Cracking of Heat-

Treatable Aluminum Alloys

ASTM G85, Standard Practice for Modified Salt Spray (Fog), active, 3 October 1994

2.2.2 Society of Automotive Engineers Publications

For the following publications, refer to, or contact SAE World
Headquarters, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, (877)606-7323 (U.S.
and Canada only) or (724)776-4970.

SAE-AMS2700 (supersedes SAE-AMS-QQ-P-35), Steels, Passivation, Corrosion-Resistant , ac-

tive, 23 March 2004

SAE-AMS2403, Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited), October 2004 (may supersede or be su-

perseded by SAE-AMS-QQ-N-290 Class1, active, 3 May 2001)

SAE-AMS2423, Nickel Plating (Electrodeposited), May 2004 (may supersede or be super-

seded by SAE-AMS-QQ-N-290 Class2, active, 3 May 2001)

SAE-AMS2460, Chromium Plating (Electrodeposited), July 2007 (may supersede or be su-

perseded by SAE-AMS-QQ-C-320, active, 3 May 2001)

SAE-AMS-QQ-P-416, Plating, Cadmium (Electrodeposited) (supersedes SAE-AMS-QQ-N-

290 Class1); active, 28 March 2002

Volume I D-8 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

SAE-AMS-STD-2175, Classification and Inspection Castings of; withdrawn, 15 November


SAE-AMS2424, Plating, Nickel,, Low Stressed Deposit; active, 29 April 1991

SAE-AMS-M-3171, Magnesium Alloy, Processes for Pretreatment and Prevention of Corro-

sion on; active, 7 May 1998

AMS-3265, Sealing Compound, Polysulfide (T) Rubber, Fuel Resistant, Nonchromated Cor-
rosion Inhibiting for Intermittent Use to 360Mdf (182Mdc), work-in-process, revision C,
June 2007

SAE-AMS3276, Sealing Compound, Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose, Intermittent
Use to 360Mdf (182Mdc); active, 10 January 1994

SAE-AMS3277, Sealing Compound, Polythioether Rubber, Fast Curing for Integral Fuel
Tanks and General Purpose, Intermittent Use to 400°F (204°C); active, 17 April 1995

SAE-AMS3281, Sealing Compound, Polysulfide (T) Synthetic Rubber for Integral Fuel Tank
and Fuel Cell Cavities Low Density (1.20 to 1.35 Sp Gr), for Intermittent Use to
360Mdf (182Mdc); active, 28 March 2006

SAE-AMS3374, Sealing Compound Aircraft Firewall; active, 29 November 1985

SAE-AMS4890, Copper-Beryllium Alloy Castings 97Cu-2.1Be-0.52Co-0.28Si Solution Heat

Treated (TB00) (UNS C82500); active, 9 September 1993

SAE-AMS-S-8802, Sealing Compound, Temperature Resistant, Integral Fuel Tanks and

Fuel Cell Cavities, High Adhesion; active, 28 September 1999

SAE-AMS-C-8837, Coating, Cadmium (Vacuum Deposited); active, 10 September 1999

SAE-AMS-C-27725, Coating, Corrosion Preventive, Polyurethane for Aircraft Integral Fuel

Tanks for Use to 250 Mdf (121 Mdc); active, 25 October 1999

SAE-AMS-C-83231, Coatings, Polyurethane Rain Erosion Resistant for Exterior Aircraft

and Missile Plastic Parts; active, 24 September 1999

2.2.3 American Welding Society

For the following publication, refer to, or contact AWS, 550 N.W. LeJeune
Road, Miami, Florida 33126, Phone (800)443-9353 or (305)443-9353.

AWS D17.1, Specification for Fusion Welding for Aerospace Applications

Spiral Number 3 D-9 Volume I

2.3 Order of Precedence
In the event of conflict between the text of this document and the cited references, the text of this
document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedes applicable laws and
regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.

Volume I D-10 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

3.0 Definitions
3.1 Aerospace System
All types of aircraft (including unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs), rotorcraft, missile systems,
and unique weapon system ground equipment are considered aerospace systems.

3.1.1 Coatings and Platings Coatings
A coating is a material applied onto or impregnated into a substrate for protective, decorative, or
functional purposes. Such materials include paints, varnishes, sealers, metals, ceramics, phos-
phates, oxides, films, appliqués, adhesives, and inks. Platings
Plating is a layer (or layers) of metal deposited on or applied to a surface from a solution by
chemical or electrochemical action. Such metals include, but are not limited to, aluminum, cop-
per, chromium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, tin, lead, silver, gold, and metal alloys, such as zinc-
nickel and tin-lead.
Plating is a coating, but a coating is not necessarily a plating.

3.2 Exterior Surfaces

All surfaces of an aerospace system normally exposed to an external environment during flight
or on the ground are considered exterior surfaces. All interior surfaces that may become regu-
larly wetted with water or corrosive fluid are considered exterior surfaces. These surfaces in-
clude, but are not limited to wheels and landing gear, wheel wells, and their fairings, control
surfaces, wing-fold areas, battery compartments, and bilge area on aircraft with latrines.

3.3 Extreme Conditions

Extreme conditions include, but are not limited to exhaust trails, gun-blast surfaces, rocket-blast
areas, hull bottoms, leading edges, areas that may trap or be exposed to fumes from exhaust,
guns or rockets, or surfaces subjected to temperatures above 250ºF (121ºC) as the result of ther-
mal radiation, aerodynamic heating, or other sources of heat.

3.4 Fayed Surface

A fayed surface comprises two or more surfaces joined with overlap of adjacent surface or fitted
closely or tightly together.

3.5 Hull Bottom

The hull bottom is defined as the surface area of a seaplane fuselage that is below the line that is
12 inches (0.31 meters) above the full-load water line.

3.6 Seaplanes
All aircraft operating wholly, or in part, from water, such as flying boats, airplanes with float-type
alighting gear, aircraft with hydro-skis, amphibians, or convertibles are considered “seaplanes.”

Spiral Number 3 D-11 Volume I

4.0 General Requirements
4.1 General Requirements
For ACAT I programs, the program manager shall prepare a corrosion prevention and control
plan. This CPC Planning Guidebook assists the PM in meeting that requirement. The program
plan should define corrosion prevention and control requirements and considerations for system
definition, design, engineering development, production, and sustainment phases, consistent with
the design life of the system. CPC requirements for the aerospace system should include the ma-
terials, processes, finishes, coatings, and sealants to be used, and those being approved by the
CPAT and contained in the CPCP and process/finish specification.

4.2 Managing Corrosion Prevention and Control Program

The prime contractor should prepare a process/finish specification in accordance with this CPC
Planning Guidebook and good engineering practices. The process/finish specification should
identify the specific organic and inorganic surface pretreatments, coatings, and other corrosion
prevention and control materials and processes intended to be used for protection against corro-
sion of the materials selected for the DoD aerospace system as previously identified in the CPCP.

4.3 Data Requirements

DI-MFFP-81402, Finish Specification Report

DI-MFFP-81403, Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan

The above DID was current as of the date of this standard. The ASSIST database at must be researched to ensure only current and approved DIDs are cited
on the DD Form 1423.

Volume I D-12 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

5.0 Detail Requirements

5.1 Materials and Process Considerations in Design
Corrosion design should be in accordance with design concepts defined in MIL-STD-1530. Be-
cause corrosion may be both a safety and structural integrity issue, it is to be managed as such
during the design and sustainment phases of the weapon system life according to the require-
ments of MIL-STD-1530. MIL-STD-1530 provides guidance for programmatic tasks for the
conceptual definition, development, acquisition, maintenance, and modification of the primary
and secondary structures of crewed and unmanned flight vehicles and external stores to ensure
their structural integrity while maintaining the affordability of these systems throughout their pe-
riod of use. Structural deficiencies must be identified and corrected as early as possible to mini-
mize repairs, modifications, and life-cycle costs while cost and schedule risks are managed. The
Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) consists of a series of disciplined, time-phased ac-
tions, procedures, analyses, tests, etc. When developed and applied in accordance with the in-
formation in this guidebook, the ASIP will ensure reliable, affordable, and supportable primary
and secondary flight vehicle structures, thus contributing to the enhancement of total systems
mission effectiveness and operational suitability while minimizing cost and schedule risks.

5.1.1 Selection Considerations

The primary consideration in the design and construction of DoD aerospace systems is the ability
of the design to comply with structural and operational requirements. In addition, the DoD aero-
space systems are expected to perform reliably and require minimum maintenance over a speci-
fied lifetime, which includes minimizing the rate of deterioration. Therefore, in the selection of
suitable materials and appropriate processing methods to satisfy system requirements, considera-
tion must also be given to materials, processing methods and protective treatments that reduce
failures due to deterioration. Deterioration modes that contribute to failures include pitting corro-
sion, galvanic corrosion, exfoliation corrosion, stress corrosion, crevice corrosion, filiform corro-
sion, corrosion fatigue, thermal embrittlement, fretting fatigue, oxidation, hydrolytic instability,
hydrogen embrittlement, weathering, and fungus growth. In the entire design phase, attention
should be given to precautionary measures to minimize deterioration of individual parts and as-
semblies as well as the entire system. Required precautionary measures are included in the fol-
lowing paragraphs.

5.1.2 General Design Guidelines for Corrosion Prevention Exclusion of Rain, Airborne Spray and Moisture Accumulation
The design of the system should prevent water leaking, or being driven, into any part of the sys-
tem interior in the operational or storage environments. All windows, doors, panels, canopies,
etc. should be provided with sealing configurations such that the entry of water is eliminated
when these items are correctly closed. Particular care should be taken to prevent wetting of
equipment, thermal insulation, and sound proofing materials. Recesses should be avoided so that
moisture and solid matter cannot accumulate to initiate localized attack. Sealed floors should be
provided for galleys, toilets, and cockpits. Provision should be made to protect weather seals and
pressurization system seals from damage as a result of normal maintenance activities and from
normal entrance and egress by crew. The cockpit and air intake rain watertightness should satisfy
the requirements of MIL-W-6729.

Spiral Number 3 D-13 Volume I Ventilation
Ventilation should be sufficient to prevent moisture retention and buildup. Drainage
Drain holes should be provided to prevent collection or entrapment of water or other unwanted
fluid in areas they can enter by various methods. A “dams and drains” drawing/plan should be
developed to ensure adequate drainage is provided. This is critical because separate groups or
contractors are often responsible for the design of modules or structure, and they may not be able
to eliminate fluids except via adjacent modules or structure. Minimum diameter for all drains
should be 9.525 mm (0.375 inches) unless otherwise approved by the procuring activity. All de-
signs should include considerations for the prevention of water or fluid entrapment and insure
that drain holes are located to permit maximum drainage of accumulated fluids. All draining
should be through meniscus-free drain holes. Closed sections, where used, should have provision
for drainage of condensation or other fluids. Special effort should be made to ensure free drain-
ing of rain, seawater, or other fluids. End fittings used with open tube should not form pockets,
which may collect moisture. Cork seals, dams, and metal end plugs machined to fit should not be
used. A single valve installation to the side of aft cockpit should be provided for drainage. Low
points should not be required in the aft cockpit floor, provided alternate drainage provisions are
satisfactory for the intended purpose. Drainage provision should be provided as required by the
engine model specification and should be in accordance with MIL-O-19838. The drain valves
should be readily accessible for drainage and oil should drain clear of the aircraft. Airframe sup-
plied drain valves should contain a locking feature. Dissimilar Metals

Use of dissimilar metals, as defined by Table 1 in direct contact should be limited to applications
where similar metals cannot be used due to design requirements, and should be approved by the
procuring activity.

Table 1. Grouping of Metals and Alloys

Group I Magnesium and its alloys (use requires approval)

Cadmium, zinc (use requires approval)
Group II Aluminum alloy 5052, 5056, A356 (and other casting alloys), 6061, 6013, 6063 (and other
6000 series alloys), and 7000 aluminum alloys
Group III 2000-series aluminum alloys
Group IV Iron, lead, and tin and their alloys (except corrosion-resistant steel)
Copper, chromium, nickel, cobalt and rhodium and their alloys; brass and corrosion-resistant
Group V
Group VI Silver, gold, platinum, titanium and graphite
Notes: Metals classified in the same groups are considered as similar metals. Materials classified in different groups are con-
sidered as dissimilar metals.

When it is necessary to use dissimilar metals in direct contact, the metals should be adequately
protected against galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion can be minimized by interposition of a
material, which will reduce the overall electrochemical potential of the joint or by interposition
of an insulating or corrosion inhibiting material. Composite materials containing graphite fibers

Volume I D-14 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

should be treated as graphite in Table 1. Items electrically bonded or used for EMI hardening
should be sealed to prevent moisture intrusion. Frequently removed items or items that it is not
practical to seal should be of similar materials. Emphasis should be place on using fasteners ver-
sus bare metal-to-metal contact to achieve bonding. During the structural design and mate-
rial/process selection, consideration should be given to various design alternatives, which
preclude the traditional galvanic corrosion problems created by dissimilar metal bushings (e.g.
beryllium copper, aluminum bronze) installed in aluminum structure. Consideration should be
given to the avoidance of using removable graphite/bismaleimide (BMI) composite doors/panels
fastened to aluminum alloy substructure, particularly on upper surfaces where moisture/salt spray
can potentially migrate through the fastener holes and cause corrosion of the aluminum substruc-
ture. Unless suitably protected against electrolytic corrosion, dissimilar metals should not used in
direct contact.

5.1.3 Metallic Materials

Aerospace materials selection and materials substitution information critical to improved corro-
sion design can be obtained from Aluminum Alloy Selection
The selection of aluminum alloys for structural application requires consideration of their resis-
tance to pitting, exfoliation and stress-corrosion cracking (SCC). Maximum use should be made
of alloys and heat treatments that minimize susceptibility to pitting, exfoliation and SCC. Rela-
tive SCC ratings for high strength aluminum alloy products based on ASTM G64 and service
experience are given in Table 2. Although the ratings are based primarily on the results of stan-
dard corrosion tests, an experience factor can be substituted for those materials that have estab-
lished service records. The ratings are given for the short transverse grain direction, as this is the
most critical SCC condition in structural applications. In addition, recommended alloys and tem-
pers for exfoliation and stress corrosion resistance are listed in Table 3.

Table 2. Rating for Resistance to SCC Aluminum Alloys

in the Short Transverse Grain Direction

Alloy and Temper Rolled plate Rod and bar Extruded shapes Forgings
2014-T-6 Low Low Low Low
2024-T3, T4 Low Low Low Low
2024-T6 High Low
2024-T8 High Very High High Intermediate
2124-T851 High
2219-T351X, T37 Very High Very High Very High
2119-T6 Very High Very High Very High Very High
6061-T6 Very High Very High Very High Very High
7005-T53, T63 Low Low
7039-T64 Low Low
7049-T74 Very High High High
7049-T76 Intermediate

Spiral Number 3 D-15 Volume I

Table 2. Rating for Resistance to SCC Aluminum Alloys
in the Short Transverse Grain Direction

Alloy and Temper Rolled plate Rod and bar Extruded shapes Forgings
7149-T74 High High
7050-T74 High High High
7050-T76 Intermediate High Intermediate
7075-T-6 Low Low Low Low
7075-T736 High
7075-T74 Very High Very High Very High Very High
7075-T76 Intermediate Intermediate
7175-T736 High
7475-T6 Low
7475-T73 Very High
7475-T76 Intermediate
All aluminum sheets used in external environments and interior corrosive environments should be clad on both sides ex-
cept where the design requires surface metal removal by machining, chemical milling, adhesive bonding or where alloys of
the 1000, 3000, 5000, or 6000-series type are used.

Table 3. Recommended Alloys and Tempers for

Exfoliation and Stress Corrosion Resistance

Exfoliation resistance alloy Temper

2124- Artificially aged
2219- Artificially aged
2014- Artificially aged
2024- Artificially aged
7075- T76XX, T74XX
7175- T76XX, T74XX
7049- T76XX, T74XX
7050- T76XX, T74XX
7150- T77XX

If these alloys and tempers, or other approved alloys, are not used, the susceptibility to stress cor-
rosion cracking of the selected alloy should be established for each application in accordance
with the American Society for Testing and Materials, test methods G44 and G47. Limitation on Use of Aluminum Alloys

Mill product forms of aluminum alloys 2020, 7079, and 7178 in all temper conditions should not
be used for structural applications. Use of 2000-series aluminum alloys in the -T3 and -T4 tem-
pers and 7000-series aluminum in the -T6 tempers in thicknesses greater than 2.032 mm
(0.080 inch) should not be used.

Suitably clad aluminum alloys or inherently corrosion-resistant alloys should be used in exterior
skin that is 0.125 inch or less in thickness; forms a leading-edge, exhaust trail area of any source

Volume I D-16 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

or wheel well area; is spot- or seam-welded; or is the face sheet in bonded sandwich construc-
tion. Non-clad materials may be used for the aileron skins, the flap shroud skins and the flap
shroud closure pocket. To preclude partial aging in heat treatable alloys, the bonded sheet
should be in the artificially aged condition prior to bonding. The references above to exterior
surfaces and skin mean the external surface only and do not preclude use of material clad only on
one side or the removal of cladding from internal surfaces. Clad high strength aluminum alloys
should not be fusion welded. Maximum Metal Removal

Maximum metal removal from surfaces of non-stress relieved structural parts after final heat
treatment should not exceed 3.81 mm (0.150 inch) per side unless the final temper of condition
has been demonstrated to have a stress-corrosion resistance of 173 MPa (25 ksi) or higher in the
short transverse grain direction as determined by a 20-day alternate immersion test given in
ASTM G47. This is applicable to 2000 and 7000-series alloys, but 30 days should be used on
2000-series alloys. Stretch stress-relieved or compression stress-relieved aluminum products
should be used wherever possible. Maximum metal removal requirements are not intended to apply
to mechanically stress-relieved products because of the low level of internal stresses resulting from
mechanical stress relief. This guidance may be tailored as appropriate with approval by the pro-
curing activity. Shot Peening for Stress Corrosion Resistance

All critical surfaces of all structural forgings, machined plate and extrusions, where accessible
after final machining and heat treatment, must be completely shot peened in accordance with
AMS-S-13165, ensuring 100 percent coverage as a minimum or placed in compression by other
suitable means, except for alloys having a demonstrated stress corrosion resistance of 173 MPa
(25 ksi) or higher in the short transverse direction and web areas under 2.032 mm (0.080 inch)
thick where no short-transverse grain is exposed by machining. Those areas of forgings requiring
lapped, honed, or polished surface finishes for functional engineering requirements should be
shot peened prior to such subsequent surface finish operations. All aluminum products with an
ASTM G47 stress corrosion threshold less than 173 MPa (25 ksi) should, after shot peening,
have essentially no residual surface tensile stresses in the final heat-treated and machined condi-
tion. Finish cleanup of shot peened surfaces as required for fit up will not exceed 0.076 mm
(0.003 inch) of surface removal for aluminum alloys. This guidance may be tailored as appropri-
ate with approval by the procuring activity. Stress Corrosion

High strength aluminum alloy parts should be designed, manufactured, assembled, and installed
so that sustained residual tensile stresses are sufficiently low to prevent premature failures due to
stress corrosion cracking. Various methods (e.g. mechanical, thermal) of optimizing the residual
stress state of surface and subsurface material should be considered. The residual stress state of
subsurface material should be considered when determining the extent of metal removal required
during machining. Practices, such as the use of press or shrink fits, taper pins, clevis joints in
which tightening of the bolt imposes a bending load on the female lugs, and straightening or as-
sembly operations, which result in sustained or residual surface tensile stresses should be avoid.
In case where such practices cannot be avoided, corrective practices such as stress relief heat
treatment and optimum grain flow orientation should be used to minimize the hazard of stress

Spiral Number 3 D-17 Volume I

corrosion cracking. These corrective practices should be done on both test and production parts.
For aluminum alloy, the stress corrosion guidelines for aluminum alloys detailed in MMPDS
(formerly MIL-HDBK 5) should be followed. Low Alloy, High Strength Steels

All low alloy, high strength steel parts, 1241 MPa (180 Ksi) ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and
above, including fasteners, require corrosion preventative metallic coatings by a process proven
to be nonembrittling to the alloy/heat treatment combination. Applicable metallic coatings and
finishes are described in subsequent sections of this document.

Selection of steels should be as follows:

a. Aircraft-quality, vacuum-melted steel should be used for parts which are heat treated
to an ultimate tensile strength of 220,000 psi and above.
b. The maximum ultimate tensile strength in production parts should not be greater
than 20,000 psi above the established allowable minimum requirement.
c. Preference should be given, in selection of carbon and low alloy steels, to composi-
tions having the least hardenability, which will provide thorough hardening of the
part concerned.
d. Compositions should be selected such that heat treatment to the required strength and
service temperatures should preclude temper embrittlement, blue brittleness, or brittle
e. Steels should be selected having ductile-brittle fracture transition temperatures as de-
termined by impact test below the minimum operating temperature.
f. Steels whose mechanical properties are developed by cold deformation should have
the recovery temperature of at least 50ºF above the expected operating temperature
g. Critical parts should be designed and processed so as to result in no decarburization in
excess of 0.003 inch of highly stressed areas. Elsewhere, decarburzation should be
avoided and where unavoidable should be compensated by appropriate reduction in
design fatigue strength. Unless otherwise specified, designs should preclude use of
as-forged surfaces. Carburization and partial decarburization of fully hardened steel
parts should be restricted such that the difference in hardness from the surface to the
nominal subsurface hardness should not exceed two points Rockwell C (HRC).
h. The mechanical drilling of holes in martensitic steels after hardening to strength lev-
els of 180,000 psi and above should be avoided. When such drilling is unavoidable,
detailed information concerning the processes to be used should be in accordance
with the procuring activity approved contractor material and process specifications.
i. Grinding of martensitic steels and chromium plated martensitic steels hardened to
200,000 psi and above should be in accordance with MIL-STD-866.

Volume I D-18 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

j. Use of high fracture toughness materials is required in major landing gear compo-
nents and critical fittings. Materials should be procured in accordance with contractor
or industry specifications appropriate for the application. Aeromet 100 should be pro-
cured in accordance with AMS-6532. Standard pins, fasteners, springs and other
standard parts are excluded from this requirement.
k. H-11, D6-AC, 4340M and 300M steels should not be used without specific ap-
proval of the procuring activity. Limitation on Use of Protective Metallic Coatings
Soft surface coatings such as cadmium, nickel-cadmium, and aluminum should not be used for
sliding or wear applications. Cadmium plated surfaces should not be used in applications where
surface temperature exceeds 232ºC (450ºF). Cadmium should not be used on parts that may be in
contact with hydraulic fluids, fuels, lubricating oil, and other petroleum based fluids. Cadmium
should not be used on parts that will be subsequently soldered. Cadmium should not be used on
components that will come into contact with titanium and graphite composites. Cadmium should
not be used in confined spaces, in the presence of organic materials that give off corrosive or
damaging vapors. Cadmium plated fasteners, used in areas where contact with fuel can occur,
should be overcoated with an approved fuel tank coating (such as AMS-C-27725) and subse-
quently coated with fuel tank sealant. Chromium plating should be considered an acceptable cor-
rosion preventative for alloy steel wear surfaces only when the chrome plating is periodically
lubricated (fluid or grease types only) or a 0.038 mm (0.0015 inch) minimum layer of nickel
plating is applied under the chromium. All chromium plated steel parts used in fatigue applica-
tions should be shot peened prior to electroless nickel (EN) plating. Chromium plated surfaces
should not be used in applications where service temperatures exceed 371ºC (700ºF). Stress Corrosion Factors

Titanium and alloy steel parts heat treated to 1241 MPa (180 Ksi) UTS and above should be de-
signed, manufactured, assembled, and installed such that sustained residual surface tensile
stresses should be minimized to prevent premature failures due to stress corrosion cracking or
hydrogen embrittlement. The residual stress state of subsurface material should be considered
when determining the extent of metal removal required during machining. Whenever practicable,
the use of press or shrink fits, taper pins, clevis joints in which tightening of the bolt imposes a
bending load on the female lugs, and straightening or assembly operations that result in sustained
residual surface tensile stresses in these materials should be avoided. In cases where such prac-
tices cannot be avoided, apply protective treatment such as stress relief heat treatments, optimum
grain-flow orientation, wet installed (with a protective material) inserts and pins, and shot peen-
ing or similar surface working to minimize the hazard of stress-corrosion cracking or hydrogen
embrittlement damage. These corrective practices should be done on both test and production
parts. Various methods (e.g., mechanical, thermal) of optimizing the residual stress state of sur-
face and subsurface material should be considered. Only the following corrosion resistant and
high strength steels should be used for critical parts: HP-9-4-30, 13-8, AF-1410, Modified
AF-1410, and AERMET 100. Use of any other high strength steel for critical parts should only
be used upon engineering approval of the procuring activity.

Spiral Number 3 D-19 Volume I Corrosion Resistant Steels
All corrosion resistant steels should be passivated in accordance with AMS-QQ-P-35 or ASTM
A380. It should be noted that AMS-QQ-P-35 has been superseded by AMS 2700. Both AMS
2700 and ASTM A380 permit the use of citric acid for passivation however this process is not
approved by NAVAIR. In addition, 400 series martensitic steel require coatings for protection
against corrosion. Table 4 should be used as a guide in the selection of corrosion resistant steels
for structural applications. Limitation on Use of Corrosion Resistant Steels

Precipitation hardening steels should be aged at temperatures not less than 538ºC (1000ºF). Ex-
ception is made for castings that may be aged at 501.5 +9.4ºC (935ºF +15ºF), for fasteners that
may be used in the 950 condition, and for springs that have optimum properties at the CH 900
condition. Corrosion resistant maraging steels should not be used in sustained load applications
and if use (ALMAR 362, CUSTOM 455, CUSTOM 450) should be aged at temperature not less
than 1000ºF. Corrosion resistant 19-9DL and 431 steels should not be used for any applications.
Series 400 martensitic grade corrosion resistant steels should not be used in the 700ºF to 1100ºF
tempered condition (150 to 180 ksi strength ranges). Unstabilized austenitic steels may be used
up to 370ºC (700ºF). Unstabilized austenitic steels should not be fusion welded. Precipitation
hardening semi-austenitic grades should not be used in applications that require extended expo-
sure to temperatures in the 750 through 900ºF range. Only stabilized austenitic steels (321 and
347) should be used above 370ºC (698ºF). Free machining stainless steels should be avoided for
all applications. All welded or brazed austenitic steel should be solution heat treated after weld-
ing; however, welded 321 and 347, 304L, and 316L may be used without heat treatment.

Table 4. Corrosion Characteristics of Corrosion Resistant Steels

Class Alloy General Corrosion Resistance Stress Corrosion Resistance

Austenitic 301 High Very High
302 High Very High
304 High Very High
310 High Very High
321 High Very High
347 High Very High
Martensitic 440C Low to Moderate–Will develop super- Susceptibility varies significantly
420 ficial rust film with atmospheric expo- with composition, heat treatment,
sure and product form

Volume I D-20 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

Table 4. Corrosion Characteristics of Corrosion Resistant Steels

Class Alloy General Corrosion Resistance Stress Corrosion Resistance

Precipitation 21-6-9 Moderate Susceptibility varies significantly
Hardening 13-8Mo Moderate with composition, heat treatment,
and product form
15-7Mo Moderate
14-8Mo Moderate
17-4PH Moderate
15-5PH Moderate
Very High
AM355 Moderate
Very High
AM350 Moderate
9Ni 4Co-0.20C Moderate
9Ni 4Co-0.30C Moderate
9Ni 4Co-0.45C Moderate
Other A286 High Very High Titanium
Titanium alloys other than recrystallized annealed 6Al-4V should not be used for fatigue crack
propagation critical applications or fracture toughness critical applications. The use of titanium
alloy 8Al-1Mo-1V in other than the beta heat-treated condition should not be used. Surface Considerations

The surfaces of titanium mill products (sheet, plate, bar, forging, casting and extrusion) should
be 100 percent machined, chemically milled, or pickled to remove all contaminated zones and
layers formed while the material was at elevated temperature. This includes contamination as a
result of mill processing, heat-treating, and elevated temperature forming operations. Fretting
Titanium alloys are highly susceptible to the reduction of fatigue life by fretting at interfaces be-
tween titanium alloys or titanium and other metals. In any design where fretting is suspected,
tests should be made to determine whether such a condition will exist and insure that fatigue life
requirements are met. Design considerations should be applied to minimize fretting in structural
applications including provision made for anti-fretting coatings or inserts. Special Precautions

Titanium parts or fasteners should not be cadmium or silver-plated. Cadmium-plated hardware,
clamps, tools, fixtures, and jigs should not be used for fabrication or assembly of titanium com-
ponents or structures. Cadmium-plated parts should not be used in intimate contact with tita-
nium. Silver parts and fasteners should not be in contact with titanium components at
temperatures in excess at 355ºF, respectively. Application requiring cadmium-plated or silver-
plated parts in contact with titanium should be approved by the procuring activity.

Spiral Number 3 D-21 Volume I Magnesium
Magnesium alloys are highly corrosion prone and should be avoided. Magnesium alloys should
be used only with specific engineering approval from the procuring activity. Beryllium
In applications where beryllium is an approved material, consideration should be given to suit-
able protective coatings to protect parts against corrosion. All beryllium should be used in a pas-
sivated condition by a process approved by the procuring activity. High content Beryllium alloys
(>3 percent Be) should not be used without specific approval of the procuring activity. The use
of beryllium and beryllium-based alloys for structural parts is discouraged, except for beryllium
copper alloys containing less than 2 percent beryllium by weight. Beryllium copper alloy should
be considered for use in high bearing load applications, critical wear applications, and wear ap-
plications where good structural load capability is required. Alloy UNS C17200 or UNC 17300
or equivalent is required. Wrought beryllium copper should be acquired to ASTM B196, ASTM
B197, or ASTM B194. Beryllium copper castings should be acquired to AMS-4890 and classi-
fied (class and grade) per AMS-2175. Mercury
Mercury and many compounds containing mercury can cause accelerated stress cracking of
brass, aluminum and titanium alloys. Mercury should not be used where spillage can contact
these materials. Depleted Uranium

The general finish for depleted uranium should be nickel plate to the requirements of AMS
2403 (that superseded AMS-QQ-N-290) or aluminum coated to the requirements of MIL-
DTL-83488, plus one coat of MIL-PRF-23377 Type I primer, thickness 0.015 to 0.023 mm
(0.0006 to 0.0009 inch). Depleted uranium must not be used without the specific approval of the
procuring activity. Bronze Bearing Alloys

For moderate and light duty bearing loads wrought UNS C63000 aluminum-nickel bronze per
ASTM B150 and B 169 is the preferred alloy. Aluminum bronze (alloys UNS C95200-C95800) cast-
ing is acceptable and, where used should be classified (class and grade) per AMS-STD-2175, and
acquired per QQ-C-390. The use of bronze alloys other than those discussed above is discouraged. Composites
Composites are defined as materials that consist of reinforcing fibers made of graphite, fiber-
glass, aromatic polyamide, boron, or other materials in a matrix consisting of organic resin or

Imide-based or graphite composites should not be in contact with or adjacent to parts/materials

that are susceptible to corrosion (aluminum, steel, tin) including, brackets, clips, gang channels,
tubing, fasteners, etc. without the specific approval of the procuring activity.

Volume I D-22 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

Imide-based or graphite composites should not be used in structures not accessible for nonde-
structive inspection, non-inspectable structure, or non-removable by organizational level mainte-
nance, without the specific approval of the procuring activity.

The use of metal or ceramic matrix composites and ceramics is prohibited, except for rudder and
aileron servocylinder end glands. These materials should only be used upon engineering ap-
proval by the procuring activity. Organic Materials

The following restrictions should apply to the selection of elastomers, plastics, and other organic
materials used in the fabrication of aircraft structures and components:

All organic materials should have resistance to degradation and aging (including resistance to
hydrolysis, ozonolysis and other chemical processes attendant upon atmospheric exposure), and
minimum flammability consistent with performance requirements for the intended use.

Decomposition and other products, including volatile and leachable constituents, released by organic
materials under normal operating conditions should not be injurious or otherwise objectionable with
respect to materials or components or to personnel with which they may be reasonably expected
to come in contact.

Cellular plastics, foams and wood should not be used for skin stabilization in structural compo-
nents, other than in all-plastic sandwich components. Use of foam as sandwich core materials
should not be used without the specific approval of the procuring activity.

Natural leather degrades quickly and should not be used.

Elastomeric encapsulating compounds used should conform to MIL-PRF-8516, MIL-S-23586,

MIL-M-24041, MIL-A-46146, or MIL-I-81550. Use of hydrolytically unstable encapsulation
materials is prohibited. These materials should only be used with engineering approval by the
procuring agency. Use of polyester polyurethanes requires substantiation of hydrolytic stability.

The use of adhesives in the fabrication of the aircraft structure, including metal faced and metal
core sandwich, without the specific approval of the procuring activity is prohibited.

Integral fuel tank sealing compounds should conform to AMS-S-8802, AMS-S3276, or


Materials that are in direct contact with fuels should be resistant to fuel-related deterioration and
capable of preventing leakage of the fuel, if required.

All elastomeric components should possess adequate resistance to aging, operational environ-
mental conditions and fluid exposure for the intended system use. Asbestos and asbestos contain-
ing material shall not be used.

Spiral Number 3 D-23 Volume I

5.1.4 Non-Metallic Materials—Insulation Blankets
Where thermal/acoustical insulating blankets are required, they should be either procured with a
permanent baked on water repellent binder system or suitably protected with sealant to prevent
any moisture absorbed by the blanket from contacting the metal structure. Consideration must be
given to ease of removal of the blankets to facilitate maintenance and inspection. If these design
or installation requirements are not applicable to blankets considered for use, justification for al-
ternative installation methods must be provided to the procuring activity.

5.2 Materials and Process Considerations in Manufacturing Operations

Adequate precautions should be taken during manufacturing operations to maintain the integrity
of corrosion prevention requirements and to prevent the introduction of corrosion or corrosive

5.2.1 Cleaning
Cleaning of the various types of metallic surfaces, prior to application of the surface treatments
and coatings, should be as specified in MlL-S-5002, using materials and processes which have
no damaging effect on the metal, including freedom from pits, intergranular attack, and signifi-
cant etching. After cleaning, all parts should be completely free of corrosion products, scale,
paint, grease, oil, flux, and other foreign materials including other metals, and should be given
the specific treatment as soon as practical after cleaning. Particular care should be exercised in
the handling of parts to assure that foreign metals are not inadvertently transferred, as may occur
when steel is allowed to come into contact with zinc surfaces. Titanium Contamination

Care should be taken to ensure cleaning fluids and other chemicals are not used on titanium as-
semblies where entrapment can occur. The following substances are known to be contaminants
and can produce stress corrosion cracking:

a. Hydrochloric acid
b. Trichloroethylene/Trichloroethane
c. Carbon tetrachloride
d. All chlorides
e. Chlorinated cutting oil
f. Halogenated hydrocarbons
g. Methyl alcohol.

5.2.2 Surface Damage

Damage to any previously applied surface treatment or protective finish should be repaired.
Damage to surfaces that will become inaccessible because of mating with other parts should be
touched up prior to mating. Organic coatings used for repair should be the same as those on the
undamaged areas.

Volume I D-24 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

5.2.3 Marking Pencils

Ordinary lead pencils containing graphite should not be used to mark metal parts. Nongraphitic
marking pencils conforming to MIL-P-83953 (cancelled without replacement) should be used.

5.2.4 Cleaning After Assembly

All closed compartments should be cleaned after assembly to remove debris such as metal chips,
broken fasteners, and dust. Insure that drain holes are not blocked.

5.2.5 Protection of Parts During Storage and Shipment

All parts and assemblies should be given adequate protection to prevent corrosion and physical
damage during temporary or long-term storage and shipment. Packaging practices should con-
form to MIL-STD-2073.

5.3 Protective Finish Systems

5.3.1 Surface Treatment
All metal surfaces, regardless of whether they are to be painted or are specifically excluded from
painting, should be surface treated in accordance with MIL-S-5002, except as modified by

5.3.2 Inorganic Finishes

Alternative inorganic finishes can be inserted over the entire life of the system when feasible.
This document suggests some alternatives as possible substitutes for selected finishing systems.
The same engineering considerations used for the initial material selection must be considered
every time an alternative finish is considered for substitution into a system after fielding. All in-
organic finishing alternative selections must be made with the understanding of their impact on
the entire system and with the specific approval of the procuring activity. Detail Requirements

Cleaning, surface treatments, and inorganic finishes for metallic surfaces of DoD aerospace sys-
tems parts should be in accordance with MIL-S-5002. Those parts or surfaces of parts, located in
corrosion susceptible areas or which form exterior surfaces of the system, should require chemi-
cal finishing providing maximum corrosion resistance. Aluminum
All nonclad parts made from 7000 series aluminum alloys should be sulfuric acid anodized in
accordance with MlL-A-8625, Type II or chromic acid anodized, MIL-A-8625, Type IB. All
nonclad parts made from 2000 series aluminum alloys should be anodized in accordance with
MIL-A-8625, Type I or II. Clad 2000 and 7000 series aluminum alloys may be anodized in ac-
cordance with MIL-A-8625, Type I or II, or should have a chemical film in accordance with
Type 1, Class 1A MIL-DTL-5541 using materials qualified to MIL-DTL-81706 as a minimum
corrosion preventative coating. All 5000 and 6000 series aluminum alloys should have a chemi-
cal filming in accordance with MIL-DTL-5541 using materials qualified to MIL-DTL-81706 as a
minimum corrosion preventative coating.

Spiral Number 3 D-25 Volume I Cadmium Coatings
Cadmium coatings for all steel parts with threads including fasteners should have a minimum
thickness of 0.008 mm (0.0003 inch) and should be subsequently treated with a chromate con-
version coating. Cadmium coatings for all other (non-threaded) applications should be Class 1
thickness (0.0005 inch), Type II (supplemental chromate treatment). Aluminum Coatings

Aluminum coating per MIL-DTL-83488 or equivalent may be considered an acceptable alterna-
tive coating to cadmium with the approval of the procuring activity. Ion Vapor Deposited (IVD)
aluminum coatings shall be peened to eliminate porosity where galvanic dissimilarities are ad-
verse to the material being coated. IVD aluminum coatings should not be used where dissimilar-
ity with the base material will result in corrosion pitting if there is damage or porosity. Nickel Plating

Except when used as an undercoating, nickel plating should be in accordance with
SAE AMS 2423, Class 2 (engineering) with a minimum thickness of 0.002 inch, unless other-
wise specified. Nickel plating shall be used for the following applications only with specific ap-
proval of the procuring activity:

• Where temperatures do not exceed 1000oF (538oC) and other coatings would not be
• To minimize the effects of crevice corrosion with unplated corrosion-resisting steel or
stainless steel in contact with other stainless steel.
• As an undercoat for other functional coatings.
• To restore dimensions by rebuilding worn surfaces.
• For resistance to sand erosion. Low Residual Stress
Where applications require low residual stress in the plated nickel, plating shall be in accordance
with AMS-2424. Undercoating
Where the selected coating does not provide corrosion protection for the base metal and the
coated surface or portion thereof is exposed to corrosive environment, an undercoat of 0.0010 to
0.0016 inch of nickel on steel or zinc parts or an undercoat of 0.0008 to 0.0010 inch of nickel on
copper alloy parts in accordance with AMS-2423 or AMS-2424 shall be used. Coatings proposed
for applications where temperatures exceed 1,000oF (538oC) in service shall be subject to engi-
neering approval by the procuring activity. Chromium Plating

Chromium Plating shall be used for all surfaces subject to wear or abrasion, except where other
surface hardening processes, such as nitriding or carburizing, are used, or where other wear and
abrasion resistant coatings are specified. Chromium plating shall be in accordance with

Volume I D-26 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

AMS-2460, with a minimum thickness of 0.002 inch, unless otherwise specified. If a Class 1 (cor-
rosion) coating is specified, and the part will not be subjected to lubricants during use, a nickel un-
dercoat shall be applied in accordance with AMS-2403 having a minimum thickness of 0.0015
inch. When chromium plating is specified, it shall be used on only one of two contacting surfaces. Magnesium
When using magnesium alloys, refer to section Magnesium alloys should be treated in
accordance with ASTM D1732 prior to painting. Hole(s) drilled after finishes have been applied,
should be treated in accordance with AMS-M-3171 Type VI. Parts, subsequent to anodizing,
may be given a surface sealing treatment per AMS-M-3171, Type VII.

5.3.3 Organic Finishes

Alternative organic finishes can be inserted over the entire life of the system when feasible. This
document suggests some alternatives as possible substitutes for selected finishing systems. The
same engineering considerations used for the initial material selection must be considered every
time an alternative finish is considered for substitution into a system after fielding. All organic
finishing alternative selections must be made with the understanding of their impact on the entire
system and with the specific approval of the procuring activity. The application of organic coat-
ings and finish systems prescribed herein should be in accordance with MIL-F-18264 or
MIL-DTL-53072, as applicable.

In addition, with respect to detail requirements, all finishes and coatings should comply with the
requirements of MIL-STD-7179. Finishes
The organic finishes or finish systems used should provide the necessary protection against cor-
rosion for all materials used in areas subjected to corrosive environments. All exterior paints and
colors should be consistent with thermal design requirements. The appropriate exterior finish
systems should be selected based upon the base material in accordance with MIL-STD-7179,
MIL-DTL-53072, or other appropriate specification. All interior surfaces exposed to an exterior
environment should be considered as exterior surfaces and should be primed and painted. Interior
primer should conform to MIL-PRF-23377, Type I, Class 1 or 2, or MIL-P-85582, Type I, Class
2, except in high temperature areas, the selected material should be approved by the procuring
activity. Integral fuel tank coatings should meet the requirements of AMS-C-27725. All exterior
plastic parts that are subject to rain or solid particle erosion should be protected by coatings that
conform to specifications AMS-C-83231 or AMS-C-83445. Justification data, including both
laboratory and service experience, should be submitted for approval by the procuring activity
whenever materials other than those given above are proposed. Applications
The MIL-PRF-85285 aliphatic polyurethane coating should be applied in two coats to a thick-
ness of 0.045 to 0.058 mm (0.0017 to 0.0023 inch), for an overall average total topcoat thickness
of 0.51 mm (0.0020 inch). The MIL-PRF-23377, Type I, Classes 1 or 2, of MIL-P-85582, Type
I, Class 2 primer should be applied to a thickness of 0.015 to 0.023 mm (0.0006 to 0.0009 inch),

Spiral Number 3 D-27 Volume I

for an overall average primer thickness of 0.020 mm (0.0008 inch). Organic finishes should be
applied in accordance with MIL-F-18264. Magnesium Surfaces

Magnesium surfaces should preferably be protected, as allowed by design, first with an electro-
lytic coating per AMS-M-3171, or similar or conversion coating meeting the same specification.
A resin coating should be applied, followed by two coats of primer and two coats of topcoat prior
to assembly. This coating scheme does not completely mitigate the highly corrosion prone nature
of magnesium alloys, but offers the best protection available. During manufacture, breaches to
this protection scheme should be repaired using AMS-M-3171, Type VI, conversion coating, fol-
lowed by resin, if possible, and then two coats each of primer and topcoat. All faying surfaces
should be sealed and all the edges should be fillet seal with a corrosion inhibiting sealant
conforming to MIL PRF 81733 or AMS-3265. All fasteners should be wet installed and over-
coated with sealant conforming to MIL PRF 81733 or AMS-3265.

5.3.4 Protective Finish System Requirements—Interior Surfaces

Primer coating and topcoat, where applicable, as specified in Tables 3 and 4, should be applied
to the interior surfaces of items in accordance with MIL-F-18264 or MIL-DTL-53072, as appli-
cable. The primer coating should be applied such that the dry-film thickness is in accordance
with coating thicknesses specified in Tables 3 and 4, with the exception that the topcoat may be
applied after final assembly, subject to the requirements of 5.5.1. When a topcoat is required for
interior surfaces, such as to prevent fluid intrusion or to enhance visibility, and those surfaces are
primed and top coated prior to assembly, a finish coat should be applied after final assembly. The
interior color of the aerospace system should be in accordance with MIL-C-8779.

5.3.5 Protective Finish System Requirements—Exterior Surfaces

Primer coatings and topcoats should be applied to the exterior surfaces of items as specified in
coating thicknesses specified in Tables 3 and 4, and in accordance with MIL-F-18264 or
MIL-DTL-53072, as applicable. The exterior color of the aerospace system should be as speci-
fied by the procuring agency. The exterior of Department of the Navy aircraft should be in ac-
cordance with MIL-STD-2161.

5.3.6 Protective Finish System Requirements—Coating Thickness

The maximum applied dry-film thickness of the coatings in Table 5 should be as specified in
Table 7. The minimum applied dry-film thickness of the coatings in Table 5 should be as speci-
fied in Table 6. On interior surfaces of all materials and on the exterior surfaces of magnesium,
the applied dry-film thickness of the coatings should be not greater than 150 percent of that
specified in Table 6.

5.4 Environmental Sealing—Detail Requirements

All joints and seams located in exterior or internal corrosive environments, including those in
landing gear wells, control surface veils, attachment wells and structure under fairings should be
faying surface sealed with sealant containing a corrosion inhibiting package and conforms to
MIL-PRF-81733 or AMS-3265 except when operational temperatures exceed 107ºC (225ºF).
Those areas that operate at temperatures from 107ºC (225ºF) to 135ºC (275ºF), should use

Volume I D-28 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

sealant conforming to AMS-3276 or AMS-3277. For areas that operate at 135 to 260ºC
(275 to 500ºF) sealant conforming to MIL-A-46146 or MIL-A-46106 should be used.
(Note: MIL-A-46106 releases acetic acid during cure and is corrosive to metallic components.
Its use is prohibited except in specific applications on composites and where etching may be re-
quired. Specific approval by Materials and Processes Engineering is required for use.) AMS-
3277 may be used in areas where the operational temperature is a maximum of 149ºC (300ºF).
Sealants used in integral fuel tanks should conform to AMS-S-8802 or AMS-3281, or approved
alternative specification. Removable panels and access doors should be sealed, either by me-
chanical seals or separable faying surface sealants conforming to MIL-S-8784 or AMS 3267,
except in Navy aircraft. High adhesion sealants such as AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3281,
AMS-3277, or approved alternative, may also be used for access door sealing providing a suit-
able parting agent is used on one surface. Justification data, including laboratory and service
experience, should be submitted for approval by the procuring activity whenever materials other
than those given above are proposed.

5.5 Specific Parts Requirements

In applying the requirements of this section, the groupings of the more commonly used aircraft
metals should be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-889, with the exception that the protec-
tion requirements specified for attaching parts and fasteners (see 5.5.11) will take precedence,
where applicable.

Spiral Number 3 D-29 Volume I

Table 5. Primer Topcoat System Compatibility

MIL-PRF-22750 MIL-C-46168 MIL-C-53039 MIL-PRF-85285 TT-P-2756 MIL-DTL-64159

Specification 6/9/ 2/7/ 2/7/ 6/7/ 4/7/ 2/

MIL-PRF-23377 x x x x 1/ x

MIL-P-53022 x x x x 1/ x

MIL-P-53030 x x x x 1/ x

MIL-PRF-85582 x x x x 1/ x

TT-P-2760 – – – – 1/

MIL-P-53084 x x x x

TT-P-2756 is a self-priming topcoat. Application of an appropriate primer coating is required for all AF systems. Application of a
primer coating is not required, with the exception of FED-STD-595, color number 36495, for all other services. For infrared reflectance
protection, TT-P-2756 requires the use of a primer coating conforming to TT-P-2760, Type II; MIL-PRF-23377, Type II; or MIL-PRF-85582,
Type II. TT-P-2756 is authorized for use on aluminum, aluminum alloy, and polymer matrix composite structures only. TT-P-2756 is com-
patible with all of the primer coatings listed above. If the item to be coated with TT-P-2756 has been preprimed, removal of the primer coat-
ing prior to application of TT-P-2756 is not necessary. TT-P-2756 is to be applied to a dry film thickness of 2.0 to 2.6 mils (51 to 66 µm).
For CARC finish systems refer to MIL DTL-53072.
TT-P-2760 is primarily intended for use on aircraft in areas where there is a high degree of structural flexing. TT-P-2760 is to be
applied to a dry film thickness of 1.5 to 2.0 mils (38 to 51 µm).
These coatings are best suited for aluminum and polymer matrix composite substrates.
These coatings are best suited for ferrous and magnesium substrates.
Contains at least one type or class with a VOC of less than or equal to 340 grams/liter (2.8 pounds/gallon).
Contains at least one type or class with a VOC of less than or equal to 420 grams/liter (3.5 pounds/gallon).
This material may cause flash rusting of bare steel. Do not use on bare steel unless proven satisfactory for the intended purpose.
Approved for interior use only on U.S. Army weapon systems per MIL-DTL-53072

Volume I D-30 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

Table 6. Protective Finish System Requirements 5/

Minimum applied dry film thickness, mil (um)

Primer3/ Topcoat
Item Material Exterior Interior Exterior Interior
1 All aluminum alloys (except bottoms and 0.6 (15) 1.2 (30) 1.7 (43) –
interior trailing edge control surfaces, for
which item 7 applies) 1/

2 Sacrificial metal coatings and non-sacrificial 0.6 (15) 1.2 (30) 1.7 (43) –
coatings applied to non-corrosion-resistant

3 Titanium alloys 2/ – – – –
4 Magnesium alloys 1.2 (30) 1.2 (30) 1.7 (43) 1.7 (43)
5 Armor plate-ferrous 0.6 (15) 1.2 (30) 1.7 (43) –
6 Corrosion resistant alloys 0.6 (15) 0.6 (15) 1.7 (43) –
7 All metals not covered above 0.9 (23) 1.5 (38) 1.7 (43) –
8 Polymer matrix composites 1/ 0.6 (15) 1.2 (30)4/ 1.7 (43) –
TT-P-2756 may be used; see Table 5, footnote 1/.
These metals do not require primer coating or topcoats for corrosion protection except for faying surfaces as noted in 5.5.1.
Primer coatings and topcoats may be applied to blend with adjacent areas (use item 2 requirements).
See Table 5, note 3/.
Application of primer on interior surfaces is only required at dissimilar metal interfaces (see 5.5.1.c).
For CARC finish system on U.S. Army weapon systems see MIL-DTL-53072.

Table 7. Maximum Applied Dry Film Thickness

Coating Maximum Applied Dry Film Thickness mils (um)

MIL-PRF-23377 0.9 (23) 1/

MIL-P-53022 1.5 (38)
MIL-P-53030 1.5 (38)
MIL-PRF-85582 0.9 (23) 1/
TT-P-2760 2.0 (51)
MIL-PRF-22750 2.3 (58)
MIL-PRF-85285 2.3 (58)
TT-P-2756 2.6 (66)
AMS-C-27725 1.5
See MIL-DTL-53072.

Spiral Number 3 D-31 Volume I

5.5.1 Fayed Surfaces, Joints and Seams Surfaces of Similar Metals
Seams and joints that possess fayed surfaces of similar metals should be protected, at a minimum, by
the application of primer coating to each surface, in accordance with 5.2.1 and Table 5 and
Table 6. The dry film thickness of the primer coating should be as prescribed for interior surfaces
(see 5.3, and Table 5 and Table 6). Exceptions to the above are as follows:

a. Where 5.3 and Table 5 and Table 6 specify application of a specific thickness of primer
coating to fayed surfaces, one-half of the required thickness of primer coating may be ap-
plied to each surface being joined.

b. Primer coating should not be applied to resistance-welded fayed surfaces. Only weld-
through sealants approved by the procuring activity should be used prior to assembly.
Primer coating should be applied to fayed surfaces after spot welding. All exterior edges
should be primer coated.

c. Fayed surfaces that are to be adhesively bonded should be cleaned, treated, and processed
as specified in the procuring activity approved bonding procedures documents for the as-
semblies concerned, or in accordance with MIL-HDBK-83377, as applicable (except for
Navy assets).

d. Titanium to titanium and corrosion resistant steel to corrosion resistant steel constructions
should be protected by application of primer coating (see paragraph 5.3) or sealant, con-
forming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277, MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or ap-
proved alternative, to the fayed surfaces. Where protection against fretting is required for
these constructions, the contractor should propose a method of protection for approval by
the procuring activity.

e. In addition to any required primer coating, all exterior fayed surfaces, seams, and edges
should be sealed with a sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277,
MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or approved alternative. A minimum gap of 0.02 inch
(0.5 mm) should exist at exterior surface butt joints to allow for effective sealing. Defect Filling

The use of filling material for the purpose of sealing and concealing nicks, dents, gouges, and
joints resulting from poor workmanship is prohibited. These materials should be used only upon
engineering approval by the procuring agency.

Volume I D-32 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines Surfaces of Dissimilar Metals

Surfaces of dissimilar metals should each receive a minimum of 0.0006 inch (15 microns) of
primer coating except as specified in When fayed surfaces are of dissimilar metals,
they should be sealed with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS 3276, AMS-3277, MIL-
PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or approved alternative, and the thickness of the primer coating applied
to each surface should be in accordance with 5.3 and Table 5 and Table 6. In addition, the fol-
lowing precautions should be taken:

a. Where magnesium is part of a dissimilar metal fayed surface, sealant conforming to

MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or approved alternative, should be applied between sur-
faces and squeezed out of all boundaries. The excess should be removed in a manner that
will ensure a fillet on all edges. Except for bushing installation, the fillet width should be
a minimum of 0.25 inch (6.4 mm). For bushings, the fillet should be the largest practical.
Joint areas that may retain water should be filled with sealant compound. Justification
data must be provided for approval of any alternative corrosion-inhibiting sealants.

b. Butt joints in exterior locations consisting of dissimilar metals should be protected by

grooving the seam to a width of 0.09 inch ± 0.03 inch (2.3 mm ± 0.76 mm) and filling
with sealing compound. The depth of the groove should be capable of retaining hardening
sealing compound, which should be subsequently applied and smoothed flush with the
surfaces of adjacent dissimilar metals.

c. In joints constructed of reinforced composite containing electrically conductive phase and

aluminum, or other dissimilar metals, there should be a final glass barrier ply. The final
ply should extend a minimum of 1 in. (25.4 mm) beyond the metal member. For conden-
sation polyimide based laminates (e.g., bismaleimide and cyanate ester), the glass barrier
ply shall fully cover the laminate surfaces in contact. Primer coating should be applied to
a dry-film thickness of 1.2–1.8 mil (30–46 µm) to each of the interior surfaces. The sur-
faces of joints should be fayed and fillet sealed and the fasteners wet installed with seal-
ant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277, MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265,
or approved alternative. Fasteners shall be overcoated to the maximum extent practical
using primer, fuel tank coating or sealant. Joints that require separation as part of nor-
mal maintenance may have formed-in-place sealants applied with a suitable release agent
on one surface. Sealing
For exterior locations, openings (with the exception of drain holes at low points) that are not re-
quired for aircraft operations should be sealed to prevent fluid intrusion from external sources.
Sealing around access plates should be accomplished by the application of sealant to the struc-
ture in a manner such that that the access plates can be removed without damaging the formed-
in-place sealant or the surrounding metal. The recommended thickness of sealant for formed-in-
place seals should be 0.030 inch (0.76 mm).

Spiral Number 3 D-33 Volume I

5.5.2 Slip Fits
The sealing of slip fits should be accomplished with wet primer coating conforming to MIL-
PRF-23377, Type I or II, Class C or N (with engineering approval for Class N), TT-P-1757, or
wet sealant conforming to MIL-PRF-81733 or AMS-3265. If design requires disassembly,
primer coating conforming to MIL-PRF-23377, Type I or II, Class C or N (with engineering ap-
proval for Class N), or TT-P-1757 should be applied and permitted to dry thoroughly prior to
assembly. In instances where the above materials are incompatible with the function of the part
or assembly, corrosion preventative compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 3 or 4,
should be used. NOTE: TT-P-1757, zinc chromate primer, generally offers less corrosion protec-
tion than alternative chromated primers such as MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582. It is the
chromate that causes cancer. While there may be some usage of TT-P-1757 on existing systems,
its use should be prohibited for new systems and designs.

5.5.3 Press Fits

The sealing of press fit component assemblies, with the exception of assemblies permanently
housed in grease or oil, should be accomplished with either wet primer coating conforming to
MIL-PRF-23377, Types I or II, Classes C or N (with engineering approval for Class N),
TT-P-1757, or wet sealant conforming to MIL-PRF-81733 or AMS-3265. Exterior edges of the
press fit component should be sealed with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276,
AMS-3277, AMS-3281, MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or approved alternative, with the excep-
tion that sealing with primer coatings (see 5.3 and Table 5) may be used for bushings with walls
of 0.094 in. (2.4 µm) or less. The completed assembly should then be finished as specified in 5.3
and Table 6. Parts permanently housed in grease or oil should be assembled with the grease or oil
to be used in the housing. (Note: TT-P-1757, zinc chromate primer, generally offers less corro-
sion protection than alternative chromated primers such as MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582.
It is the chromate that causes cancer. While there may be some usage of TT-P-1757 on existing
systems, its use should be prohibited for new systems and designs.)

5.5.4 Cut Edges

The edges of all metals should be rounded to permit adhesion of an adequate thickness of applied
paint coatings or sealants. After rounding of the edges and prior to the application of paint or
sealant, chemical surface treatments should be applied, if applicable.

5.5.5 Functional Surfaces

Paint-type coatings should not be applied to functional, working, or wearing surfaces; to lubri-
cate surfaces; to adjustable screw threads; to lubrication or drain holes; to bearing or sliding sur-
faces; to areas where they could be rubbed or scraped onto surfaces that must be clean and bare
to function properly; or to any other surface where the application of the coating may cause mal-
function of the part or system. The interior walls of drain holes should be coated with paint-type
coatings for corrosion protection.

Volume I D-34 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

5.5.6 Control Cables and Control Chains

Control cables and control chains should not be painted. However, prior to installation, control
cables should be protected with a dip coating of corrosion preventive material conforming to
MIL-PRF-16173, grade 4, with the exception of those surfaces requiring lubrication for func-
tional purposes. Those surfaces requiring lubrication should be cleaned and coated with the re-
quired lubricant in lieu of corrosion preventive material. After installation, the control cables and
control chains should be inspected. If touch-up of the corrosion preventive compound is neces-
sary, touch up should be accomplished with the same material used prior to installation. Nylon
jacketed cables do not require treatment, with the exception of exposed end fittings.

5.5.7 Closely Coiled Springs

Springs that are closely coiled, preventing the application of plating to internal surfaces, or
springs not plated for other reasons, should receive a minimum of 0.0012 inch (31 µm) of primer
coating conforming to MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582, or should be coated with corrosion
preventive compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 4, or MIL-C-11796, Class 2.

5.5.8 Parts in Oil or Grease

Parts that are housed in lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, or grease should be finished with a baked
resin coating conforming to MIL-PRF-3043, applied in accordance with MIL-C-5056. Parts con-
structed of corrosion-resistant metals need not be coated, unless they contact dissimilar metals.
Functional surfaces, such as bearing surfaces, should not be coated.

5.5.9 Metal Tanks Temporary and Auxiliary Fuel Tanks
The interior surfaces of aluminum alloy tanks should be surface treated in accordance with
MIL-C-5541, Class 1A, using materials qualified to MIL-DTL-81706 or with MIL-A-8625,
Type II, and 0.0009 to 0.0015 inch (23 to 38 µm) of corrosion preventive fuel tank coating con-
forming to AMS-C-27725 shall be applied. The interior surface of steel tanks should be finished
with baked resin coating conforming to MIL-PRF-3043, applied in accordance with MIL-C-
5056. Sealant conforming to AMS-3276 or AMS-3277, may be used in lieu of MIL-PRF-3043
when authorized by the procuring activity. Welded Fuel Tanks (Including External Auxiliary Fuel Tanks)

The interior surfaces of aluminum tanks should be thoroughly cleaned and surface treated in ac-
cordance with MIL-C-5541, Class 1A, using materials qualified to MIL-DTL-81706, and interior
surfaces that are fayed, whether sealed or not, should be coated with 0.0009 to 0.0015 inch (23 to
38 µm) of corrosion preventive coating conforming to AMS-C-27725. AMS-C-27725 should not
be applied to exterior surfaces, but should not be painted. Droppable steel tanks should be fin-
ished on the interior with a baked resin finish conforming to MIL-PRF-3043, applied in accor-
dance with MIL-C-5056, or sealant conforming to AMS-3276 or AMS-3277.

Spiral Number 3 D-35 Volume I Integral and Riveted Fuel Tanks
The inside surface of integral or permanently fastened, such as riveted, fuel tanks should be fin-
ished and sealed with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277, AMS-3281,
or approved alternative, to prevent corrosion and leakage of fuel. Interior fayed surfaces, whether
sealed or not, should be coated with 0.0009–0.0015 inch (23–38 µm) corrosion preventive coat-
ing conforming to AMS-C-27725. AMS-C-27725 should not be applied to exterior surfaces. Lubricating Oil and Hydraulic Fluid Tanks

The inside surfaces of lubricating oil tanks constructed of corrosion-resistant materials should
not be painted. Tanks of other materials should be finished with a baked resin coating conform-
ing to MIL-PRF-3043, applied in accordance with MIL-C-5056. Miscellaneous Aluminum Alloy Tanks

Interior surfaces of miscellaneous aluminum alloy tanks, with the exception of potable water
tanks, should be surface treated in accordance with MIL-A-8625, Type II, or MIL-C-5541,
Class 1A, using materials qualified to MIL-DTL-81706. The interior surfaces of potable water
tanks should not be painted or conversion coated.

5.5.10 Tubing
Refer to Table 8 for coatings to be used on tubing types. Nonstructural Tubing

With the exception of tubing constructed of titanium alloy, corrosion-resistant steel alloy, heat-
resistant steel alloy, and as otherwise specified herein, all nonstructural tubing and plumbing
lines should receive the complete interior or exterior paint system, as applicable, on the exterior
of the lines, and should be protected in accordance with Table 6. Oxygen Tubing

Surface finishes (paints, primer coatings, and electrical coatings) and conversion treatments
(anodizing or non-electrochemical chromate or phosphate conversion coatings) are not to be ap-
plied to the interior of oxygen tubing. Oxygen tubing is to be thoroughly cleaned of all contami-
nants prior to any mechanical processing, such as double boring, being performed. Aluminum Tubing and Plumbing Lines

Interior and exterior surfaces of aluminum-alloy tubing and plumbing lines should be surface-
treated in accordance with MIL-C-5541, Class 1A, using materials qualified to MIL-DTL-81706,
or MIL-A-8625, Type II. The exterior of aluminum plumbing lines in fuel tanks that are not
made from either 5052 or 6061 require the application of a corrosion preventive coating con-
forming to AMS-C-27725.

Paint coatings should not be applied to the interior surfaces of airspeed indicator tubing or other
sensing lines. Aluminum tubing used in fire-extinguishing systems employing halogenated
agents should be finished internally and externally with a baked resin coating conforming to
MIL-PRF-3043, applied in accordance with MIL-C-5056.

Volume I D-36 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

Table 8. Tubing Categories and Required Coatings

Category Category Description Primer Coating 1/ Final Paint System 2/

I Single tubes having separate Applied after all required forming Topcoat applied after fabrication
connections at each end. operations have been completed and prior to installation.
and prior to fabrication of the
II Assemblies made up of individual Primer coating applied, followed Same as for category I.
tubes permanently joined by non- by application of sealant (MIL-S-
separable type fittings (brazing, 8802, MIL-S-29574, MIL-S-
welding, swaging) and having 81733, or AMS-3276 after all re-
separable type connectors at quired bending and permanent
each end. joining has been completed and
prior to final fabrication of the
III Single or multiple tube assem- Same as for category II. For tube Same as for category I. For all
blies that have one or more free assemblies employing a perma- assemblies having been only
ends that must be permanently nent joining process not com- partially primed, additional primer
joined by nonseparable type patible with the primer coating coating should be applied as re-
fittings. during fabrication, the primer quired, followed by the coating of
coating may be omitted from the all nonseparable joints with seal-
affected free ends at a distance ant (MIL-S-8802, MIL-S-29574,
acceptable to the procuring activ- MIL-S-81733, or AMS-3276), fol-
ity. lowed by the required exterior
paint system.
IV Other types of tube assemblies Not Applicable. Not Applicable.
not covered in categories I, II, or
III. For this category, the contrac-
tor should establish a paint pro-
tection system acceptable to the
procuring activity.
Apply primer coatings in accordance with Tables 2 and 3. Assemblies in categories I, II, and III, in which sleeves or ferrules are
used in the separate connection, and the sleeves or ferrules are fixed in position by deformation of one or both members into con-
tact, the primer coating need not extend beyond the initial point of intimate contact. For all tubing categories where flare fittings are
used, primer coating must be applied to the end of the tube.
Any damage occurring to the finish system during installation should be touched up using the initial finish system for repair. For
aluminum plumbing lines, see 5.10.22. Protection of Tubing Joints after Installation

After installation of the tube assemblies, all remaining non-sealed joints that will not be discon-
nected during normal servicing, should receive a coating of sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802,
AMS-3276, AMS-3277, AMS-3281, or approved alternative, followed by the appropriate top
coating. All remaining non-sealed joints that must be disconnected during normal servicing op-
erations should be coated with corrosion preventive compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173,
grade 4, or MIL-DTL-85054, which should seal all exposed spaces between the parts. A second
coat of the same material should be applied to the same areas after a period of 60 minutes. Con-
tractor-prepared maintenance instructions should require periodic reapplication of this material

Spiral Number 3 D-37 Volume I Structural Tubing Carbon Steel Tubing
All exterior surfaces and all interior surfaces without completely welded or crimped ends of
structural carbon steel tubular assemblies should be finished in accordance with 5.3.6,
Tables D-6 and D-7, and with the following, where applicable:

a. Assemblies completely closed by welding or to which the application of primer coating is

impractical or ineffective, such as crimped-end tubing not closed by welding or tubing
heat treated after assembly, should be treated after assembly (and heat treated, if neces-
sary) with hot [160°F (71°C) minimum] linseed oil conforming to A-A-371, or corro-
sion preventive compound conforming to MIL-C-11796, Classes 1 or 1A, or
MIL-PRF-16173, grades 2 or 4. The corrosion preventive compound should be applied
under pressure into the hollow member through holes drilled in the tubing, or by immer-
sion of the tubing in a bath of the preservative.

b. For large tubing structures, interconnecting holes may be drilled between members to
promote circulation of the corrosion preventive compound, described in

c. Parts subjected to immersion in corrosion preventive oil should be manipulated in such

manner to ensure the absence of air pockets and should remain in the bath until all bub-
bling has ceased. The members should be thoroughly drained after treatment and all ac-
cess holes drilled in the members should be closed with cadmium plated, self-tapping
screws, or blind rivets. The screws or rivets should be wet installed with sealant conform-
ing to MIL-PRF-81733 or AMS-3265, Type II, and overcoated with the same sealant af-
ter installation. The exterior surface of the tubing assemblies should be free of oil, grease,
and dirt prior to application of the prescribed finish system. Aluminum Alloy Tubing

Interior surfaces of structural aluminum alloy tubing should be protected in accordance with
5.5.1 and Tables 3 and 4. The interior surfaces of structural aluminum alloy tubing closed by
welding should be coated with primer coating conforming to MIL-PRF-23377, Type I or II, class
C or N, or corrosion preventive compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 2 or 4, applied
through appropriately drilled holes. Copper Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant Alloy and Heat-Resistant Alloy Tubing

Interior and exterior surfaces of structural copper alloy, corrosion-resistant alloy, and heat-
resistant alloy tubing need not be painted, except as required for dissimilar metal contact. Mechanical Attachment

Tubular parts that have fittings mechanically attached should have all edges of the attachment
sealed with a sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277, AMS-3281, or
approved alternative.

Volume I D-38 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

5.5.11 Attaching Parts and Fasteners

Attaching parts and fasteners, such as screws, nuts, bolts, bushings, spacers, washers, rivets,
high-shear rivets, self-tapping screws, sleeves for “shake proof” fastener studs, self-locking nuts,
“speed nuts”, and clamps, need not be painted in detail, except when dissimilar metals are in-
volved in the materials being joined. All attaching parts, or the surfaces with which they are in
contact, should be wet installed with primer coating conforming to MIL-PRF-23377, type I or II,
Class C or N (with engineering approval for Class N), TT-P-1757, or sealant conforming to
MIL-PRF-81733 or AMS-3265. Primer coating or sealant should not be applied to the threaded
portions of fasteners for which torque requirements are established without the coating. When
installed in aluminum structures, all steel, cadmium plated, and non-aluminum fasteners should
be overcoated with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277 or MIL-PRF-
81733. Thickness of sealant should be a minimum of 0.006 inch (152 μm). Note: TT-P-1757,
zinc chromate primer, has been identified as a known carcinogen and generally offers less corro-
sion protection than alternative chromated primers such as MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85585.
While there may be some usage of TT-P-1757 on existing systems, its use should be prohibited
for new systems and designs. Fastener Installation

Permanently installed fasteners (all fasteners not normally removed for regular access or servic-
ing) used in areas up to 107ºC (225ºF) should be wet installed with either a corrosion inhibiting
sealant conforming to MIL-PRF-81733 or an epoxy primer conforming to MIL-PRF-23377,
Type I, Class 1 or 2, or a MIL-P-85582, Type I, Class 2, material that does not contain water. In
high temperature areas, exceeding 107ºC (225ºF), Type I, Class 1 or 2, epoxy primer, or a sealant
that is suitable for the thermal environment should be used. Fasteners in integral fuel tanks
should be installed with wet sealant conforming to MlL-S-8802 or AMS-3276. The use of seal-
ant or corrosion inhibiting coatings not addressed by this paragraph should be approved by the
procuring activity. Removable Fasteners

Quick release fasteners and removable fasteners penetrating exterior surfaces should be designed
and installed so as to provide a seal to prevent moisture or fluids from entering. Holes for these
fasteners should be primed with MIL-PRF-23377, Type I, Class 1 or 2, or MIL-P-85582, Type I,
Class 2, epoxy primer and allowed to completely dry prior to installing the fastener. The fastener
should be installed with corrosion preventive compound. Contractor-prepared maintenance in-
structions should require periodic reapplication of this material in-service. Fasteners in Titanium

Bare titanium, Monel, and stainless steel fasteners installed in titanium structures may be in-
stalled dry, unless sealing is required for liquid tightness or pressurization. Monel and Stainless Steel Fasteners

Monel fasteners or stainless steel fasteners should be coated with cadmium or aluminum when
used in contact with aluminum components.

Spiral Number 3 D-39 Volume I Fasteners in Graphite Composites
Fastener materials for use in graphite composite structures should be titanium or Monel. Fastener
materials for joining graphite composite structure to aluminum structure should be titanium.
Cadmium plated steel, stainless steel and aluminum fasteners should not be used. Fasteners
should be wet when installed using specified sealants. Interference Fit Fasteners

Cadmium plated interference fit fasteners shall not be used in contact with titanium. Applications
requiring cadmium-plated parts in contact with titanium should be approved by the procuring
activity. Fastener holes for interference fit fasteners should be primed with MIL-PRF-23377,
Type I, Class 1 or 2, or MlL-P-85582, Type I, Class 2, and be completely dry prior to assembly.

For AF Systems only: Dry installation (without sealant or primer) of permanent, interference fit
fasteners may be allowed in aluminum and titanium structures with approval of the procuring
activity. Fastener shall be Titanium pin-type with chromated aluminum-filled, organically
bonded coating (Hi-Kote 1). General Finish

Attaching parts and fasteners, such as screws, nuts, bolts, bushings, spacers, washers, rivets,
high-shear rivets, self-tapping screws, sleeves for “shakeproof” fastener studs, self-locking nuts,
“speed nuts”, and clamps, need not be painted in detail, except when dissimilar metals are in-
volved in the materials being joined. All attaching parts, or the surfaces with which they are in
contact, should be wet installed with primer coating conforming to MIL-PRF-23377, Type I or
II, Class C or N (with engineering approval for Class N), TT-P-1757 or sealant conforming to
MIL-PRF-81733 or AMS-3265. Primer coating or sealant should not be applied to the threaded
portions of fasteners for which torque requirements are established without the coating. When
installed in aluminum structures, all steel, cadmium plated, and non-aluminum fasteners should
be overcoated with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276, AMS-3277, AMS-3281,
MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or approved alternative. Thickness of sealant should be a mini-
mum of 0.006 inch (152 μm). For magnesium dissimilar metal combinations, should ap-
ply. NOTE: TT-P-1757, zinc chromate primer, generally offers less corrosion protection than
alternative chromated primers such as MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582. It is chromate that
causes cancer. While there may be some usage of TT-P-1757 on existing systems, its use should
be prohibited for new systems and designs. Close Tolerance Bolts

Prior to installation, close tolerance bolts should receive application of primer coating conform-
ing to MIL-PRF-23377, Type I or II, Class C or N (with engineering approval for Class N),
TT-P-1757, or sealant conforming to MIL-PRF-81733, except where frequent removal of the
bolts is required. For close tolerance bolts requiring frequent removal, use corrosion preventive
compound conforming to MIL-C-11796, Class 3 or MIL-PRF-16173, or corrosion-inhibiting,
solid film lubricant conforming to MIL-PRF-46010 or MIL-L-23398. MIL-PRF-46010 requires
heat curing and should not be used on aluminum parts. MIL-L-23398 is air curing and may be
used on all types of metallic parts. When a solid film lubricant is used, it should be applied and
completely cured prior to assembly. The bolt should then be wet installed and fillet sealed (after

Volume I D-40 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

installation) with sealant conforming to MIL-PRF-81733. NOTE: TT-P-1757, zinc chromate

primer, generally offers less corrosion protection than alternative chromated primers such as
MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582. It is the chromate that causes cancer. While there may be
some usage of TT-P-1757 on existing systems, its use should be prohibited for new systems and
designs. Adjustable Parts

Threads of adjustable parts, such as tie rods and turnbuckles, should be lubricated and protected,
both before and after assembly, with anti-seize compound conforming to MIL-PRF-83483, with
lubricating oil conforming to MIL-PRF-63460, with corrosion preventive compound conforming
to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 3, or with lubricating oil conforming to MIL-PRF-32033, followed by
corrosion preventive compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 2. Touch-Up
All attaching parts should receive final coating after installation. Topcoats should be applied over
the primer coating to match the color of adjacent exterior surfaces, when necessary. Nuts and
heads of bolts in joints that are subsequently lubricated need not receive final finishing. Washers
Washers constructed of aluminum alloy 5356 or 5052, or high pressure phenolic laminates
should be used under machine screws, countersunk fasteners, bolt heads and nuts that would oth-
erwise contact magnesium and should be wet installed and fillet sealed after installation with
sealant conforming to MIL-S-81733.

5.5.12 Areas Subjected to Corrosive Fluids

Battery compartments constructed of leakproof and corrosion-resistant material require no fur-
ther finishing. All other battery compartments and adjacent areas subject to vapors and spills
should be coated with a polyurethane casting resin approved by the procuring activity. All bilge
areas, all surfaces within 24.0 in. (610 mm) of urinals, and all areas beneath lavatories and gal-
leys should be finished with a primer coating conforming to TT-P-2760 applied to a dry film
thickness greater than or equal to 2 mils (51 μm), or applied to a dry film thickness greater than
or equal to 0.0009 inch (23 μm) of MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582 and topcoated with
coating conforming to MIL-PRF-85285, in accordance with section 5.3.6, Tables D-6 and D-7
for exterior surfaces. Justification data, including laboratory and service experience, should be
submitted for approval by the procuring activity whenever materials other than those given above
are proposed.

5.5.13 Fastenings and Strut Ends on Seaplanes

All fastenings, strut ends, and other similar parts of seaplanes (see 3.6) exposed to the action of
sea water or salt spray should receive additional protection in the form of a coat of corrosion
preventive compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 4. Subsequent to painting, all open-
ended struts should be coated by dipping in corrosion preventive compound conforming to
MIL-PRF-16173, grade 4, followed by draining and wiping the exterior surfaces prior to installa-
tion. If it is not possible to coat parts completely by dipping, application by brush or spray is

Spiral Number 3 D-41 Volume I

5.5.14 Float Bumpers
The forward face of the float or hull under the bumper pad and all parts of the bumper should
receive a coat of corrosion preventive compound conforming to MIL-PRF-16173, grade 4, in
addition to the protection required by 5.3.6, Tables D-6 and D-7.

5.5.15 Surfaces and Components Exposed to High Temperatures

Areas and components that are exposed to temperature ranges:

a. 300 to 400°F (149 to 204°C), either on the ground or in flight (other than instantaneous
effects), should be finished in accordance with 5.3.6, Tables D-6 and D-7, the appropriate
color and gloss. For exposure to operational temperatures of 250 to 350°F (121 to
177°C), sealant conforming to MIL-A-46146, MIL-A-46106 or AMS-3276 should be
used. (Note: MIL-A-46106 releases acetic acid during cure and is corrosive to metallic
components. Its use is prohibited except in specific applications on composites and where
etching may be required. Specific approval by Materials and Processes Engineering is re-
quired for use.) AMS-3277 may be used in areas where the operational temperature is a
maximum of 300°F (149°C).

b. 400 to 500°F (204 to 260°C), a silicone finishing system should be applied directly to
surface treated metal, omitting the wash primer and primer coating. The color should
conform to the color scheme for the aerospace system. For exposures up to 450°F
(232°C), sealant conforming to MIL-A-46146 or MIL-Q-46106 may be used, when au-
thorized by the procuring activity. (Note: MIL-A-46106 releases acetic acid during cure
and is corrosive to metallic components. Its use is prohibited except in specific applica-
tions on composites and where etching may be required. Specific approval by Materials
and Processes Engineering is required for use.)

c. Above 500°F (260°C), heat-resistant finishes conforming to TT-P-28 may be used; how-
ever, each application must be approved by the procuring activity. Fire Insulating Paint for Naval Aircraft

Within power-plant compartments of U.S. Navy aircraft and other compartments normally oper-
ating at temperatures below 300°F (149°C), where fires are likely to occur as a result of
flammable fluid leakage, and in areas adjacent to bleed air ducts and valves that contain air
at temperatures above 300°F (149°C), all fluid containers (air bottles, oxygen containers, hydrau-
lic reservoirs, accumulators, and cylinders) which could escalate the intensity of a fire by explo-
sion due to excessive heat, can be protected by a finish system consisting of a minimum of 0.6
mil (15 μm) of primer coating conforming to MIL-PRF-23377 or MIL-PRF-85582 plus a mini-
mum of 0.020 in. (0.51 mm) dry film thickness of MIL-PRF-46081 thermal insulating paint
(normal interior finish requirements apply). Alternative thermally insulating fire barrier materi-
als, such as AMS-3374 qualified sealants, may be used if approved by the acquiring agency.

Volume I D-42 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines Coatings for Temperature Control

Surfaces subject to heating due to radiation from adjacent hot components or from exposure to a
thermal pulse should be finished with low-absorption coatings. The procuring activity must ap-
prove coatings for temperature control prior to use. The request for approval should include all
necessary technical information concerning the proposed material and application, with data
supporting the effectiveness of the coating system.

5.5.16 Hull and Float Bottoms

Flying-boat hull bottoms and float bottoms should be finished with a system in accordance with
Tables D-6 and D-7 that provides protection from the erosive effects of high speeds in water in
order to be aerodynamically smooth. Use of rubber grommets under the head of rivets, bolts, and
screws on the exterior skin is prohibited. Where antifouling paint is prescribed, the procuring ac-
tivity is the approving authority.

5.5.17 Wood and Phenolic Surfaces

Wood and phenolic surfaces should be finished with a minimum of two coats of varnish or
enamel, plus an additional two coats, if in contact with metal surfaces or in exterior locations, in
accordance with MIL-STD-171.

5.5.18 Molded Plastic and Ceramics

Transparent plastic parts should not be painted. Other plastic parts (except fiberglass laminates,
antenna and magnetic azimuth detector housing and radomes) need not be painted, except for
color-matching purposes. Plastic or ceramic insulators (used for radio antennae) should not be
painted. Their edges, however, should be sealed with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802,
AMS-3276, AMS-3277, AMS-3281, MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, or approved alternative, after
installation in exterior locations.

5.5.19 Finishing of Ducts

The interior surfaces of aluminum alloy heating and cooling ducts need not be painted, provided
that those surfaces have been anodized in accordance with MIL-A-8625, Type II, and sealed.
Aluminum alloy duct work treated in accordance with MIL-C-5541, Class 1A, using materials
qualified to MIL-DTL-81706, should be painted as required for interior surfaces (see Tables D-6
and D-7). Prior to application of insulation material, the exterior surfaces of insulated ductwork,
regardless of composition, should be coated with material to withstand the temperatures and en-
vironment of the system. Titanium and nickel alloys do not require painting.

5.5.20 Reinforced Plastics

Plastic parts reinforced with fibers should be finished for protection against erosion. Leading
edges of fiber-reinforced plastic radomes, antennae, MAD housings, and other components ex-
posed to the air stream, should be finished with a rain-erosion resistant coating conforming to
AMS-C-83231, AMS-C-83445, or MIL-C-85322. MIL-C-85322 requires the use of wash primer
conforming to MIL-C-8514. Other methods of protection, such as a boot of erosion and high
temperature-resistant material, may be used when approved by the procuring activity. In exterior
locations, edges should be sealed with sealant conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3276,

Spiral Number 3 D-43 Volume I

AMS-3277, AMS-3281, MIL-PRF-81733, or approved alternative. Transparent components,
whether glass or plastic, should not be painted. Plastic parts and surfaces, other than those de-
scribed above, may be painted for color-matching purposes.

5.5.21 Metal Leading Edges

Exterior surfaces of metallic leading edges exposed to speeds in excess of 500 knots should be
finished with rain erosion-resistant coatings in accordance with MIL-F-18264. Exterior surfaces
should be aerodynamically smooth.

5.5.22 Helicopter Rotor-Blade Leading Edges

The finishing system used on the leading edges of helicopter rotor blades should prevent deterio-
ration of the underlying surfaces and should be resistant to erosion from rain, sand particles, sea
spray, and insects. This type of finishing system is not necessary when the edges are made of
corrosion-resistant and erosion-resistant material, such as nickel-plated stainless steel.

5.5.23 Rubber (Natural and Synthetic)

Natural and synthetic rubber should not be painted, greased, or oiled.

5.5.24 Electrical, Electronic or Avionics Systems

Avionic systems and equipment should use NAVMATP-4855-2 and MIL-HDBK-1250 as design
guidelines for prevention and control of avionic corrosion.

EMI design requirements often run counter to corrosion protection requirements. In addition,
many EMI areas need to be accessed, forcing the use of re-usable conductive seals that are prone
to leaking and typically made from highly conductive, noble materials, which create strong gal-
vanic couples with the surfaces they contact. Design of EMI systems should take all possible
means to provide corrosion protection in combination with EMI performance requirements.

The following should not be used in avionic systems and equipments:

• RTV that contains acetic acid

• Nickel plated aluminum
• Gold over silver or copper
• Organic materials that outgas, support fungi, absorb moisture or are degraded by
maintenance and operational fluids
• An EMI gasket without a seal on both sides of the conductive element
• Hygroscopic materials
• Foam cushioning materials that can deteriorate (revert).

Volume I D-44 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines Printed Wiring Boards General Requirements
The technical baseline for design and construction of electronic equipment should be in accor-
dance to MIL-HDBK-454. Cleaning of Printed Wiring Boards

All electronic systems should be thoroughly cleaned to remove all contamination and solder flux
prior to the application of conformal coatings and prior packaging. The cleanliness test specified
in MIL-P-28809 should be performed to verify the effectiveness of cleaning procedures. Conformal Coatings

All PWBs should be coated with a material specified in MIL-I-46058 and coated in accordance
with MIL-P-28809. Acrylic, RTV or varnish-type conformal coatings should not be used. Printed Wiring Boards Orientation

PWBs should be mounted in a vertical position with the connectors on a vertical edge where
design permits. Hermetic Sealing

Electronic devices not specifically covered by MIL-M-38510 should be hermetically sealed.
Maintaining a maximum internal water vapor content of 500 ppm at 100ºC when tested in accor-
dance with MIL-STD-883, Method 1018. Electrical Connections

The exterior of electrical bonding and ground connections conforming to MIL-STD-464 should
be finished in accordance with 5.2 and Table 5 after installation. All permanent electrical bonds,
such as jumpers and ground studs, should be sealed after installation with sealant conforming to
AMS-S-8802, AMS-3277, MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, AMS-3276, or approved alternative. Connectors
All connectors meeting MIL-DTL-38999 should be Class W.

Permanently mated electrical connectors should be sealed after installation with sealant conform-
ing to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3277, MIL-PRF-81733, AMS-3265, AMS-3276, or approved alterna-
tive. Electrical connectors not permanently sealed should be internally protected with material
conforming to MIL-C-81309, Type III. Preferred corrosion protection method for external con-
nector mating areas, especially for coaxial connectors, is application of a stretch sealing connec-
tor tape (such as AvDEC polyurethane Stretch Seal) but protection may be provided by
application of MIL-C-81309, Type III. Nickel plated connector shells should not be used. Antennas and Static Dischargers

External antennas and static discharger mounting bases should be adequately sealed to prevent
moisture intrusion into fuselage surface mating area. The preferred method of sealing is through
use of conductive gaskets (such as AvDEC HiTak polyurethane) that provide maximum envi-

Spiral Number 3 D-45 Volume I

ronmental protection form both internal and external moisture sources without compromising
electrical bonding requirements. In areas of high-fluid exposure, a perimeter seal using sealant
conforming to AMS-S-8802, AMS-3277, AMS-3276, or approved alternative may be necessary
to protect against gasket degradation. Conduits and Boxes

Electrical conduit and junction or relay boxes should receive protection in accordance with sec-
tion 5.3.6, Tables D-6 and D-7. Plastic coated and braided wire should not be coated. Electrical Pins and Sockets

There are extensive electronics/avionics failures that retest ‘OK’ or cannot be duplicated when
connectors or contact surfaces are demated and remated. These failures are often caused by con-
nector/pin corrosion and can be significantly reduced by the application of a continuous coat of
MIL-C-81309 Type III or MIL-L-8177A on pins and pin receptacles prior to mating the connec-
tor halves. The connector shells should also be coated with MIL-C-81309 Type III or MIL-L-
87177A after mating the connector halves. Other corrosion prevention compounds can be used
on connector backshells with appropriate engineering approval from the procuring activity.
Alternative sealing systems that have demonstrated water tightness and corrosion protection may
be used if approved by the procuring agency.

5.6 Verification of Corrosion Design

Aerospace weapon systems are usually designed for specified lifetimes with maintenance ac-
cording to defined maintenance concepts and plans. A Verification Plan should be provided per
the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guideline. Verification may be done by testing,
by similarity to existing designs, or by analysis. Experience has shown that verification by analy-
sis or similarity has been inadequate and should only be allowed where testing is not possible.
Corrosion testing of the full weapon system is usually cost prohibitive though much useful in-
formation can be obtained from proper attention to full scale or subcomponent environmental
testing. Where possible, include formal specific corrosion criteria in the environmental test plans
to include evaluation for moisture collection, sealing, etc. Specific corrosion testing should be
conducted on components and subsystems per ASTM B117 (and ASTM G-85.A4 for Naval sys-
tems only). The systems should be corrosion free and functional after 500 hrs of ASTM B117
testing of the assembled production configuration (and 500 hours of ASTM G-85.A4 testing for
Naval systems only). Avionics systems should be corrosion-free and function after 336 hours of
the cyclic sodium chloride-sulfur dioxide testing (ASTM G85.A4) (Navy systems only). Ex-
posed electronics/avionics components may be tested in lieu of the assembled subsystem and
must exhibit 168 hours of corrosion resistance to ASTM B117 testing and ASTM G85.A4 for
Naval systems only). Finish and corrosion protection verification should include the cyclic sodium
chloride-sulfur dioxide test of ASTM G85.A4 for a minimum of 500 hours (Navy-only systems).

Verification of corrosion protective coatings should comply with Table 9.

Volume I D-46 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

Table 9. Corrosion Protective Coatings Verification

Test Criteria
ASTM D 2247 30 day humidity test No blistering, softening, loss of adhesion or other film
ASTM B117 2000 hours salt spray test with scribed panels No blistering, lifting of coating nor substrate corrosion.
ASTM G 85.A4 500 hours SO2 salt spray test with scribed No pitting greater than 1 millimeter in depth.
panels (Navy Only)
ASTM D 2803 1000 hours filiform corrosion test with No filiform corrosion extending beyond 1/4 inch from
scribed panels. the scribe.

5.7 Special Considerations

5.7.1 Firefighting Agents
Some firefighting agents used to extinguish fires pose no risk at all to metallic structure; how-
ever, many fire-extinguishing agents are corrosive and very quickly produce severe corrosion.
Foam and bromochloromethane and, to a slightly less degree, dibromochloromethane type agents
are the most notable offenders in this regard. Some of the more commonly used dry powder
agents, such as potassium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate are in themselves only mildly cor-
rosive, but after exposure to heat, the residue converts to products which are more corrosive to
aluminum. These products are hygroscopic and absorb moisture, creating a corrosive deposit on
airplane surfaces. Existing decontamination procedures require flushing with generous quantities
of water in conjunction with washing/rinsing of all surfaces and components exposed to fire sup-
pressant materials. To the extent possible, designs must minimize areas of potential exposure to
these materials and facilitate the flushing and cleaning of those areas exposed.

5.7.2 Chemical Warfare Agents

During periods of war, the system may be required to operate and be maintained in an environ-
ment of chemical agents. All removable equipment, unsealed compartments, etc. are susceptible
to contamination. In order to survive in the chemical threat environment and be capable of de-
contamination after exposure, materials must be used that survive the contaminants and the de-
contamination process so as not to cause corrosion or degradation of the exposed structure and
equipment. Efforts should be taken to attempt to minimize corrosion due to contaminants and
decontamination procedures.

5.7.3 Wear and Erosion

The design and manufacture of aircraft should include practices to minimize damage by wear
and erosion. Wear and erosion prevention practices should be followed on applicable surfaces of
metals, polymers, elastomers, ceramics, glasses, carbon fabrics, fibers, and combinations or com-
posites of these materials.

Wear should be considered damage at an interface, generally with progressive loss of material
from one or both surfaces, due to relative motion between the surfaces. Wear mechanism include
adhesive, abrasive, and fretting wear as well as corrosive and thermal wear. Erosion should be
considered progressive loss of material from a surface due to impinging fluid or solid particles.
Surface damage frequently is a combination of two or more wear and erosion mechanisms. Wear

Spiral Number 3 D-47 Volume I

prevention practices should be applied to all load bearing and load transfer interfaces. These ar-
eas include fastened, riveted, bolted and keyed joints; bearings, races, gears, and splines; contact
surface of access doors and panels, hinges and latches; contact point of cables, ropes and wires as
well as contact areas between metallic and polymeric strands; interference fits; friction clamps,
contact points of springs; sliding racks and pulley surfaces, and other surfaces; and other surfaces
subject to wear damage. Materials, surface properties system friction and wear characteristics,
liquid and solid lubrication systems, surface treatments and coatings, contact geometry, load,
relative motion and service environment should be established for procuring activity acceptance.

Apply erosion prevention practices all surface areas including leading edges, radomes, housing
and other protrusions as well as to surfaces exposed to particle impingement during take-offs and
landings. Include erosion prevention measures in the finish specification.

5.7.4 Lubrication
Provisions should be made for lubrication of all parts subject to wear. The selection of lubri-
cants (oil, greases, solid film coatings, and hydraulic fluids) should be in accordance with
MIL-HDBK-275 as specified in MIL-HDBK-838. The fire resistant synthetic hydrocarbon hy-
draulic fluid, MIL-H-83282, should be use as the aircraft hydraulic fluid. The number of differ-
ent lubricants required should be kept to a minimum by using multipurpose lubricants such as the
wide temperature general purpose grease MIL-G-81322 whenever possible, without compromis-
ing performance and reliability. All lubrication fittings should be readily accessible. Components
are highly loaded/dynamic and potentially corrosive applications (e.g., landing gear, arresting
gear) should make maximum use of lubrication fittings, vice other form of lubricant. Parts sub-
ject to immersion in seawater should be designed so as to exclude seawater from bearings.

5.7.5 Support Equipment

All unique Support Equipment procured as a part of the aerospace weapon system acquisition
will be IAW the design guidance provided in MIL-HDBK-808. This provides guidance for mate-
rials selection, materials processing, cleaning processes, finishing materials and finishing proc-
esses and techniques for effective protection against corrosion for support equipment excluding
munitions and electronic equipment. This document covers both organic and inorganic finishes.
A finish code system is provided for identifying the selected finish on engineering drawings.

5.7.6 Corrosion Susceptibility of Welded Components

The corrosion susceptibility of welded components should be considered when selecting welding
as the primary joining method. Differential corrosion rates between the weld, base material, and
heat-affected zone may occur. Welding of aerospace components should be performed in accor-
dance with AWS D17.1 or equivalent specification approved by the procuring activity.

5.7.7 Engine Corrosion Susceptibility Testing

Selected materials and coatings should be corrosion tested under simulated engine environmental
conditions appropriate to their final usage during operation, handling, and storage of the engine. A
new or newly overhauled engine should be selected for the corrosion susceptibility test. Prior to start-
ing the test, the engine should be disassembled sufficiently and an inspection conducted to determine
the condition of all parts normally exposed to atmospheric conditions. Detailed photographic

Volume I D-48 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Aerospace Systems Guidelines

coverage of these parts should be provided for comparison with post-test conditions. The engine
should then be reassembled, pretest performance calibrated, and subjected to 25 AMT cycles while
being injected with a two percent of airflow weight spray solution, consisting of the following mate-
rials dissolved with sufficient distilled water to make one liter of salt spray solution:

Chemical designation Quantity per liter of spray solution

NaCl (c.p.) 23 grams
Na2SO4*10H2O 8 grams
Stock Solution 20 milliliters

The stock solution should be composed of the following materials dissolved with sufficient dis-
tilled water to make one liter of stock solution:

Chemical designation Quantity per liter of stock solution

KCl (c.p.) 10 grams
KBr 45 grams
MgCl2 * 6H20 (c.p.) 550 grams
CaCl2 * 6H20 (c.p.) 110 grams

At specified intervals during the test, the engine should be subjected to internal inspections to
detect any evidence of corrosion or progression of corrosion of internal parts. Upon completion
of the test, a performance check should be conducted and the engine disassembled and inspected
for evidence of corrosion. Detailed photographs should be taken of all parts that show evidence
of corrosion. The contractor should present test specimen evidence of metallurgical analyses that
completely characterize the types of corrosion found. The test results should be considered satis-
factory when the extent of corrosion is not of such a magnitude as to impair structural integrity
or component operation, or be a cause of significantly reducing performance, engine durability,
or parts.

Spiral Number 3 D-49 Volume I

Volume I D-50 Spiral Number 3
Appendix E
Navy Ships and Submarines Guidelines

The following is extracted from NSWCCD-61-TR-2005/21, Corrosion Prevention and Control

Plan for Program and Project Managers, July 2005.

1 Background
1.1 Abstract
The United States Congress has enacted Public Law 107-314 Sec: 1067 titled “Prevention and
mitigation of corrosion of military equipment and infrastructure.” This law requires the Secretary
of Defense to be responsible for the prevention and mitigation of corrosion of military equipment
and infrastructure, and the development and implementation of a long-term strategy for corrosion
prevention and mitigation. Over the past several years the Department of Defense has required
Program/Acquisition Managers to develop and implement a Corrosion Prevention and Control
Plan. Acquisition reform has seen a shift from traditionally required military specifications, stan-
dards and handbooks to more reliance on commercial and performance specifications. This shift
and the requirement for a well defined Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan presents opportu-
nities and challenges for Program/Acquisition Managers. One of the many challenges facing the
Program/Acquisition Managers is the ability to develop a meaningful Corrosion Prevention and
Control Plan. Corrosion of DoD assets is not only costly in monetary and manpower terms, but
degraded availability of assets are unacceptable in these times of high operational tempo and
shrinking budgets. Appendix (A) contains a recommended template for Program/Acquisition
Managers to develop a useful Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan.

1.2 Introduction
The Department of Defense (DoD) requires 1 Program and Project Managers to include corro-
sion-related planning in the acquisition process. This document provides guidance for Program
Manager’s (PM), which will enable them to develop a Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
(CPCP) that will reduce the overall life cycle cost of a system. A properly developed CPCP will
enable the PM to specify materials, coatings and design features for structures and equipment,
with an emphasis on corrosion control, and provide a tool to reduce maintenance costs through
proper design. The initial draft of the CPCP should be completed prior to Milestone B. Appendix
A of this document provides a draft CPCP template to help the PM with this process. The authors
have previously published and provided guidance on corrosion wording for acquisition docu-
ments to assist Program/Acquisition Managers with corrosion wording for Requests for Propos-
als and Statements of Work. 2,3

Department of Defense (2002). “Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook,”
Hays, R.A., and E.B. Bieberich, “Corrosion Wording for USMC Acquisition Documents,”
CARDIVNSWC TR-61-05 (July 1999).

Spiral Number 3 E-1 Volume I

2 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
While corrosion prevention and control planning actually begins before the Request for Propos-
als (RFP) or specification development, the majority of the activity associated with the CPCP
occurs after contract award. The initial CPCP requirements should be drafted by the Program
Managers Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT) before the development of a RFP, to
guide the inclusion of the program’s CPCP into the RFP. After the award of the contract, the
CPCP should be maintained by the Contractors Corrosion Team (CCT) and any revisions should
be approved by the PM and CPAT. The CPCP is a fluid document and should be revised as re-
quired. Proper documentation of changes to materials and processes being used for corrosion
prevention and control must be maintained. Figure 1 shows the CPAT and CCT team structures
and provides recommendations for team membership. The Program Managers and Design
Agents first draft (prior to Milestone B) of the CPCP guides the initial performance specification
development and, at a minimum, should provide:

• Organization, procedures and responsibilities for the Contractor’s Corrosion Team

• The roles and responsibilities of the contractor’s quality assurance (QA), process con-
trol, production operations, manufacturing planning, environmental compliance, per-
sonnel safety, and other contractor organizations for corrosion prevention and control
• Discussion of corrosion prevention techniques employed in design and how the de-
sign will perform when exposed to the projected environmental spectrum;
• Specifications that outline the application of coatings and other corrosion prevention
compounds as well as personnel training and qualifications, materials inspections,
surface preparation, and coating or compound application procedures;
• Test data developed for materials, coatings or other corrosion related processes;
• Identification of coating/substrate combinations for which testing is not to be per-
formed, with an assessment of risk level in the absence of testing;
• Recommended specific corrosion control maintenance.

Conrad, R.K., R.A. Hays, and D.A. Davis, “Corrosion Wording for USMC Acquisition Documents, Part 2,”
NSWCCD-61-TR-2002/14 (August 2002).

Volume I E-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix E, Navy Ships and Submarines Guidelines

Figure 1. Team Structure and Recommended Membership of the Teams

Spiral Number 3 E-3 Volume I

3 CPCP Team Development & Responsibilities
The Program Manager must address the following items in order to adequately develop the CPCP.

3.1 Establishment of the Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT)

The CPAT membership (government only or support contractors) should include Program Man-
ager representation, NAVSEA 05M1 Technical Authority representation (should be the Chair-
person), and subject matter experts. (i.e., materials engineers, operations and testing personnel
and Fleet end-user and ship support personnel). This team must interface with the Contractor’s
Corrosion Team (CCT) after the award of the contract. In order to evaluate the adequacy of the
contractor’s efforts in corrosion prevention and control, the PM retains authority to conduct
scheduled periodic reviews of the contractor’s design and facilities where critical parts and as-
semblies are being fabricated, processed, assembled and readied for shipment.

The CPAT’s Functions Include:

• The CPAT must be actively involved and review all design considerations, materials
selections, cost, and documentation that may affect corrosion prevention and control
throughout the life of the system;
• The CPAT provides advice and guidance to the PM on corrosion-related issues, and
identifies risks as well as corrosion prevention opportunities and the adequacy of the
corrosion maintenance documentation;
• The CPAT must review and resolve corrosion, materials and coating discrepancies
from QA and coating inspections submitted by the PM;
• The CPAT must review materials issues and determine if a Material Selection Review
(MSR) is required;
• The CPAT elevates unresolved issues to the OSD Integrating IPT;
• The CPAT’s meeting schedule should be set by the CPAT chairperson and the PM at
a frequency that ensures adequate time to address issues with the CCT. This would al-
low those issues to be resolved in a timely manner such that negative impact on
scheduling is avoided;
• The CPAT must outline the CCT duties that should be included in the contract and
define the appropriate documentation required by the CCT;
• The CPAT chairperson and appropriate representatives should attend all CCT meet-
ings and advise the PM on technical issues that need to be resolved.

3.2 Establishment of the Contractors Corrosion Team (CCT)

The prime contractor’s CCT will be made up of authoritative representatives. The scope of the
CCT is to work with the CPAT to ensure proper materials, processes, QA, testing and treatments
are selected and properly applied and maintained from initial design through final construction
and delivery.

Volume I E-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix E, Navy Ships and Submarines Guidelines

The CCT should include knowledgeable representatives from project design integrated process
teams, materials and process engineers, operations and manufacturing, quality control, process
control, design, reliability, maintainability, supportability, production operations, manufacturing,
hazardous materials, safety, environmental, Integrated Logistics Support (ILS), procurement, test
and evaluation, to include contractors and subcontractors. The specific responsibility of the CCT
should be:

• Develop, document and maintain the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP);
• Establish process/finish requirements;
• Establish corrosion testing requirements for procured items in conjunction with the
Integrated Products Teams (IPTs);
• Establish regular meetings and initiate special meetings if required to address corro-
sion prevention and control and materials issues;
• Coordinate and interface with the government PM and CPAT chairperson;
• Coordinate and document materials selection guidelines for corrosion protec-
• Coordinate and document coating selection guidelines for corrosion protec-
• Coordinate the documentation of corrosion design guidelines;
• Coordinate corrosion prevention polices and procedures;
• Review corrosion, materials and coatings test results for process/finish qualifications;
• Identify corrosion specialists within the materials/coatings IPTs;
• Resolve any impasse in determining the preferred process or treatments for corrosion
control at any team site.

4 Documentation
4.1 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
The corrosion prevention and control plan assists the PM in establishing a management approach
to corrosion prevention and control during system acquisition. This plan should describe the spe-
cific anticipated CPCP measure to be implemented. This document should be initially drafted by
the CPCP and provided to the PM for inclusion as part of the draft RFP no later than Milestone
B. After the award of the contract, this document will be maintained by the contractor but any
changes must be approved by the PM and CPAT. Copies of major revisions to this document
should be formally submitted to Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC).

Spiral Number 3 E-5 Volume I

The CPCP should:

• Define the Corrosion Prevention and Control Program Management Approach by

providing guidance or requirements for:
à Organization, procedures.
à Responsibilities of the CPAT.
à Responsibilities of the CCT.
à Role and responsibilities of QA.
à Role and responsibilities of Process Control.
à Role and responsibilities of Production Operation
à Role and responsibilities of Manufacturing Planning.
à Role and responsibilities of Environmental Compliance.
à Role and responsibilities of Personnel Safety.
à Role and responsibilities of Contractor and Sub-contractors.
• Document corrosion related design needs.
• Provide information for corrosion prevention techniques employed.
• Provide information on meeting projected environmental spectrum.
• Provide test data developed for coating or corrosion preventive compound.
• Provide test data needed for coating or corrosion preventive compound.
• Provide process/finish specification:
à Coating
à Corrosion prevention compounds
à Personnel training and qualifications
à Materials
o Metallic
o Non-metallic
à Materials inspections
à Surface preparation
à Coating application procedures
à Corrosion prevention compounds application procedures
• Identify materials and corrosion control methods for use in manufacture or construction.
• Identify where corrosion and material tests are not required and provide related risk
assessment data.

Volume I E-6 Spiral Number 3

Appendix E, Navy Ships and Submarines Guidelines

• Provide recommendations for specific corrosion control maintenance.

• Provide information or copies of applicable ship specifications.

5 Abbreviations
CPCP Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan

CPAT Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team

CCT Contractors Corrosion Team DoD Department of Defense

DTIC Defense Technical Information Center

ECP Engineering Change Proposal

ILS Integrated Logistics Support

IPT Integrated Product Team

MSR Material Selection Review

NSWCCD Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division

OSD Office of the Secretary of Defense PM Program Manager

RFP Request for Proposals

QA Quality Assurance

QC Quality Control

6 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan Template

The following document is the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan Template.

Spiral Number 3 E-7 Volume I

Volume I E-8 Spiral Number 3
Program Title

NOTE: For each specific program CPCP,

the Blue type areas will require program data input.

Distribution authorized to DoD and DoD con-

tractors only; Administrative/Operational Use;
Date Month/Year. Other requests for this
document shall be referred to SEA XX.
Table of Contents

1 Introduction......................................................................................................1

2 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team Organization.......................................1

2.1 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT) .............................................................1
2.2 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT) Responsibilities...................................2
2.2.1 General CPAT Oversight and Management ............................................................2
2.2.2 Design ......................................................................................................................3
2.2.3 Quality Assurance....................................................................................................3
2.2.4 Materials and Coatings ............................................................................................3
2.2.5 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability ......................................................4

3 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) .............................................6

4 Contractor Team Coordination and Corrosion Control...................................7

4.1 Contractors Corrosion Team (CCT) Functional Tasks..................................................8
4.1.1 Design ......................................................................................................................9
4.1.2 Materials and Processes ...........................................................................................9
4.1.3 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability ....................................................10
4.1.4 Production Operations ...........................................................................................10
4.1.5 Quality Assurance..................................................................................................10 Process Control ................................................................................................10 Quality Control ................................................................................................10
4.1.6 Manufacturing........................................................................................................11
4.1.7 Hazardous materials, Environmental and Safety Compliance...............................11

5 Corrosion Prevention and Control Processes ................................................11

5.1 General Requirements..................................................................................................11
5.2 Process/Finish Specifications.......................................................................................12
5.3 Materials ......................................................................................................................12
5.3.1 Metal/Alloy (Name of metal/alloy i.e. Steel, Stainless Steel,
Aluminum, etc) ......................................................................................................12 Application.......................................................................................................12 Limitations/Trade-offs .....................................................................................12

iii Welding Specifications ....................................................................................12 Testing and Evaluation Requirements .............................................................12 QA/QC Requirements......................................................................................12 Certifications and Training ..............................................................................12
5.3.2 Non-metallic (Name of the non-metallic material)................................................12 Application.......................................................................................................12 Limitations/Trade-offs .....................................................................................12 Testing and Evaluation Requirements .............................................................12 QA/QC Requirements......................................................................................12 Certifications and Training ..............................................................................12
5.3.3 Determine if Material Selection Review (MRS) requirements Apply...................12
5.4 Coatings (Name of coating) .........................................................................................12
5.4.1 Surface Preparation & Application........................................................................12
5.4.2 Limitations/Trade-offs ...........................................................................................12
5.4.3 Testing and Evaluation ..........................................................................................12
5.4.4 QA/QC Requirements............................................................................................12
5.4.5 Certifications and Training ....................................................................................12
5.5 Sealants ........................................................................................................................12
5.6 Bonding and Grounding...............................................................................................12
5.7 Cathodic Protection Systems .......................................................................................12
5.7.1 ICCP.......................................................................................................................12
5.7.2 Sacrificial ...............................................................................................................12
5.8 Quality Assurance Requirements.................................................................................12
5.8.1 Third Party QA/QC................................................................................................12
5.8.2 Contractors/Subcontractors QA/QC ......................................................................12
5.9 Wear and Erosion.........................................................................................................13
5.10 Stress Corrosion Factors ..............................................................................................13
5.11 Limitation on Use of Protective Metallic Coating.......................................................13
5.11.1 Cadmium................................................................................................................13
5.11.2 Nickel-cadmium.....................................................................................................13
5.11.3 Chromate conversion coatings...............................................................................13
5.12 Surface Considerations ................................................................................................13

5.13 Galvanic Corrosion ......................................................................................................13
5.14 Lubrication...................................................................................................................13

6 Operational Environment ..............................................................................13

6.1 Breathing and Condensation ........................................................................................13
6.2 Atmospheric Salt..........................................................................................................13
6.3 Seawater Immersion.....................................................................................................14
6.4 Alternate Immersion ....................................................................................................14
6.5 Sulfur Oxides ...............................................................................................................14
6.6 Firefighting Agents ......................................................................................................14
6.7 Soot ..............................................................................................................................14
6.8 Sand and Dust ..............................................................................................................14
6.9 Rainfall.........................................................................................................................14
6.10 Volcanic Ash................................................................................................................15
6.11 Solar Radiation.............................................................................................................15
6.12 Chemical ......................................................................................................................15
6.13 Damage by Personnel ..................................................................................................15
6.14 Chemical Warfare Agents............................................................................................15

7 Deliverables ...................................................................................................16

8 Reference Material.........................................................................................16

Enclosure (1) Corrosion Control Discrepancy Documentation Form .....................17

Figure 1. CPAT and CCT Corrosion Control Discrepancy Adjudication Process ..........................5
Figure 2. Corrosion Prevention Control Plan Tasks ........................................................................6

1 Introduction
The primary function of this (Program) Program Office Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan
(CPCP) is to provide a process that will develop and resolve corrosion requirements and discrepan-
cies for (Type of Ship/Asset). Through this plan, the costs due to materials and coating selections,
corrosion, scale, and microbiological fouling will be addressed and reduced. Compliance with the
law and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation, Occu-
pational Safety and Health Administration, and other applicable guidance will be met.

2 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team

2.1 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT)
The Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT) primary function is to draft the initial Corro-
sion and Control Plan (CCP) and interface with the Contractor Corrosion Team (CCT) to insure
the established goals of this plan are attained. The CPAT should monitor all activity during de-
sign, engineering, test and production. This team will advise the Program Manager on the corro-
sion related concerns and identify risks/opportunities. The Program Manager and NAVSEA
Technical Warrant Holders (TWH) for the specific area are responsible for the assignment of
members to this CPAT Team. The membership of the CPAT is government only or support con-
tractors to the Program office (members can’t come from potential contract bidders) and will be
as follows:

CPAT Chairperson: Requested from NAVSEA 05M1 (TWH)

Program Office Representative: Assigned by PM

Corrosion Lead: Assigned by NAVSEA 05M1 (TWH)

Non-Destructive Evaluation Issues: Requested from NAVSEA 05ME

Metallic Materials Issues: Requested from NAVSEA 05M2 (TWH)

Non-metallic Materials Issues: Requested from NAVSEA 05M4 (TWH)

Corrosion Issues: Assigned by NAVSEA 05M1 (TWH)

Coating Issues: Assigned by NAVSEA 05M1 (TWH)

Reliability and Maintainability Issues: Assigned by PM

Environmental and Safety Issues: Assigned by PM

Testing Issues: Assigned by PM

Design Agent Representative: Assigned by PM

Fleet Representative: Requested of Fleet by PM

Fleet Support Representative: Requested of Fleet by PM

Contractor Representative: Assigned by PM (Normally the COR)

Technical & Design Corrosion As required

Consideration Team Chairperson:

ILS Planning Team Chairperson: Assigned by PM

Other Subject Matter Experts: Assigned by PM or NAVSEA Code

Prime Contractor Representative: Only after the award of the contract.

2.2 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT) Responsibilities

The CPAT for the (Type of Ship/Asset) shall have the following responsibilities:

2.2.1 General CPAT Oversight and Management

• Ensure that the CPAT members will be government employees only or Program Of-
fice support contractors that will act as the liaison between the Navy, the Design
Agent and the Contractor’s Corrosion Team (CCT) for materials, coatings and corro-
sion issues. Once the contract is awarded an authoritative representative of the prime
contractor’s organization should be part of the CPAT.
• Draft the anticipated Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan to be implemented. This
document must be initially drafted and provided no later than Milestone B. After
award of the contract the prime contractor maintains and executes the CPCP in accor-
dance with the guidelines detailed in the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning
Guidebook, issued by PDUSD (AT&L).
• Reviews all Interface Control Documents for corrosion control issues.
• Provide guidance/resolution for the PM on all corrosion control issues as required in
both design and application of materials, coatings, and fasteners/hardware through the
development of the (Type of Ship/Asset).
• Assists all IPT’s and the CCT to establish resolutions to materials/coatings and corro-
sion control issues. The methodology shown in Figure 1 will be used for adjudication
of corrosion discrepancies, and document using the form in Enclosure 1.
• Recommend the appropriate level of analysis and documentation for discrepancies.
• Identify risks associated with new technologies and designs intended for use on (Type
of Ship/Asset).

• Ensure life cycle costs and logistic support changes are reflected and ensure any
changes are warranted.
• Draft proposals/justifications for corrosion control/material improvements as re-
• Review equipment corrosion test reports resulting from testing required by the (Type
of Ship/Asset) system operating and non-operating environments specification.
• Establishes an ECP/Change Control Document Review Board.
• Coordinate review of appropriate corrosion control documentation by the proper or-
ganization, e.g., NAVSEA, PEO’s, OPNAV, and EPA.
• The CPAT will maintain the action item list and meeting schedule. Meeting quarterly
or as required.
• Additional responsibilities as identified and needed can be added.
2.2.2 Design
• Reviews applicable American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Naval Vessel Rules (NVR)
and NAVSEA technical publications for information that will assist in developing
contract design requirements.
• Establishes the Design Decision Memorandum Process.
• Address corrosion concerns and issues as part of the Design Decision Memorandum
(DDM) process.
• Provide CPAT, CCT, and any other reports to the design teams as required.
• Ensure that adequate corrosion prevention and control requirements are implemented
in accordance with the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan, contract, design plans,
and specifications.
• Reviews applicable (Type of Ship/Asset) specification sections and approved modifi-
cations for information that will assist in developing contract design requirements.
2.2.3 Quality Assurance
• Address and establishes the guidelines for QA/QC audits and the responsibilities of
the CPAT, prime contractor, subcontractors, and third party inspectors.
• Establishes the schedule and team to perform QA audits.
• Reviews the contractors/third party’s QA plan for coatings application to include
qualification, checkpoints, and required remedial actions.
• Verify that the contractor or subcontractors personnel providing surface preparation
or coating application meet the certification requirements defined in the Corrosion
Prevention and Control Plan.
2.2.4 Materials and Coatings
• Evaluate materials to determine if a Material Selection Review (MSR) is required.

• Evaluate Design Agent’s trade-off studies affecting materials, coatings and corrosion
• Reviews and comments on the paint procedures and schedules at least six months
prior to any painting operations.
• Participates on the Engineering Materials Review Board.
• Addresses any coating deficiencies from previous systems and recommends potential
corrective actions to the appropriate design team.
• Recommends corrosion and materials validation testing as appropriate.
• Invite and involve corrosion/material/coating advisors as required.
2.2.5 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability
• Ensures the Contractor’s plan specifies a Life Cycle Maintenance Corrosion Control
Document for the (Type of Ship/Asset).
• Reviews and approves the Life Cycle Maintenance Corrosion Control Document.

Figure 1. CPAT and CCT Corrosion Control Discrepancy Adjudication Process

3 Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP)
This plan describes the corrosion control tasks and outlines who has responsibility for the system
and support equipment. A Contractor Corrosion Team (CCT) will be established at the prime
contractor to oversee the Corrosion Control Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) and to provide
a forum for the coordination of the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan tasking assigned to
each organization. The prime contractor will ensure that copies of major revisions to this docu-
ment will be formally submitted to DTIC. Suppliers and vendors that have been granted design
authority will actively participate in the CPCP process by formulating their own CPCP’s that fol-
low the guidelines set forth in this document and will participate in the CCT meetings as re-
quired. The flow diagram presented in Figure 2 illustrates the flow of tasking.

Figure 2. Corrosion Prevention Control Plan Tasks

4 Contractor Team Coordination
and Corrosion Control
The CCT will include at least one Program representative from each of the team companies and
be chaired by the company IPT Corrosion Control Specialist. This team will provide coordinated
and consistent corrosion prevention and control policy. The CCT will guide, direct and instruct
the prime and subcontractors on corrosion prevention and control measures and will verify all
measures implemented on the program are necessary, adequate, timely, and cost effective. The
following are the responsibilities of this team:

a. Develop, document and maintain the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP).
b. The CCT chairperson will be the primary liaison with the government CPAT on all
corrosion issues.
c. The CCT will establish a regular meeting schedule and call additional meetings when
needed and notify the CPAT chairperson of each CCT meeting date, meeting topic,
and any decisions resulting from the CCT meeting.
d. The CCT will establish an Engineering Materials Review Board that documents ma-
terial/corrosion concerns and reports to the CPAT Chairperson.
e. The CCT will monitor and investigate industrial developments for processing and/or
process/finish improvements related to corrosion prevention and for cost effective-
ness of, or compliance with, environmental regulations.
f. The CCT will coordinate the documentation of corrosion design guidelines and will
provide technical input to corrosion control and other related technical publications
and review/approve the related documents.
g. The CCT will coordinate corrosion prevention policies and procedures with other IPT
policies and practices, as applicable.
h. Establish criteria for identification of corrosion specialists within
i. The CCT will conduct quarterly CCT meetings to ensure implementation of this plan
and to coordinate solutions for problems that arise during the development, design,
and manufacturing phase. Additional CCT meetings will be conducted as required.
Close communication between the CCT chairperson, company team leader, and
CPAT chairperson will be maintained.
j. The CCT will maintain a log of problems, solutions and actions they have addressed
or are addressing.
k. The CCT will make field site inspections of systems when requested by the CPAT or
on a schedule established by the CPAT.
l. The CCT will review and document the prime and subcontractors internal controls to
ensure that corrosion prevention and control techniques are established, implemented,
and maintained.

m. The CCT will review training programs to ensure that the required corrosion preven-
tion and control techniques, as well as safety, QA/QC, and Environmental issues, are
properly addressed.
n. The CCT will review corrosion test results developed for process/finish material
o. Review coating procedures, specifications and qualifications.
p. Establish corrosion test requirements for procured items in conjunction with the cog-
nizant IPT’s.
q. The CCT will conduct failure analyses as required and provide corrective action for
corrosion problems. These analyses will be conducted and documented by the appro-
priate Failure Analysis Group. Results will be reported to the Engineering Materials
Review Board and recorded in the corresponding corrosion control engineer’s log.
r. The CCT will incorporate environmental resistance requirements and verification
methods into the testing and selection of materials (metallic and non-metallic) and
coatings. Environment is defined as natural, and man-made or operational environ-
s. The CCT will incorporate corrosion prevention and control measures into electro-
magnetic environment effects, low observable technology, biological/chemical vul-
nerability and other related technologies.
t. The CCT will ensure that a balance is maintained between electrical bond-
ing/grounding needs and corrosion control approaches.
u. Establish and maintain team-common process/finish requirements.
v. Resolve any impasse in determining the preferred process/treatment method for cor-
rosion control at any team site.
w. Maintain a log of problems, action items and corrective actions. This log will include
the status of each of these items for all contractor and subcontractor sites.
x. Creates and maintains an interface with the government CPAT and PM.
y. Establishes the Life Cycle Maintenance Corrosion Control Document.
z. Additional Responsibilities as identified and needed should be added.
4.1 Contractors Corrosion Team (CCT) Functional Tasks
A CCT will be established at the prime contractor and each of the subcontractors that have de-
sign responsibilities and will provide coordination among the organizational and technical disci-
plines responsible for, or involved in, corrosion control tasks. Each CCT will consist of
knowledgeable personnel who represent, at a minimum, the following disciplines necessary to
implement the CPCP:

4.1.1 Design
• The CCT Chairperson will work with the CPAT to incorporate Program and Team
CCT decisions into the product designs.
• The CCT Chairperson will coordinate corrosion-related design problems with the
CPAT and Team CCTs.
• The CCT will review drawings for conformance to standard corrosion prevention de-
sign practices.
• The CCT will participate in design trade-off studies during all phases of design
• The CCT will provide guidance to the CPAT on corrosion prevention procedures
based on experience.
4.1.2 Materials and Processes
• The CCT will write and maintain a process/finish specification for the engineering
and manufacturing development and production models.
• The CCT will serve as a design consultant for the selection of materials, processes and
finishes. The CCT will review and approve engineering drawings, systems, and the com-
ponents specifications and technical manuals related to corrosion prevention and control.
• The CCT will initiate changes to materials and process specification and design as
• The CCT will submit logs of corrosion problems and solutions/actions to the CCT
chairperson and CPAT.
• The CCT will maintain records of all inputs.
• During the system development, demonstration and production phases, the CCT will
work with the PM to resolve materials and corrosion prevention concerns and docu-
ment actions taken.
• The CCT will monitor the development in processing or finish requirements relative
to the CPCP for design incorporation.
• The CCT will review and recommend approval of cleaning materials, solutions, and
chemicals for use on the system, parts, and components not covered by approved
• The CCT will review and recommend approved surface preparation and coating ap-
plication methods.
• The CCT participates in, or assists with, as applicable, the Engineering Material Re-
view Board for materials and process technical disciplines.
• The CCT participates in the development of MSR’s.
• The CCT reviews NVR and NSTM’s for compliance with specifications and regulations.

4.1.3 Reliability, Maintainability, and Supportability
• The CCT will ensure the incorporation of reliability, maintainability and supportabil-
ity (RM&S) into materials, corrosion prevention, finish selection and development.
• The CCT will ensure corrosion-related supportability design-to-requirements is cur-
rent and available to the designers. This includes design reviews to ensure hidden or
inaccessible areas are addressed.
• The CCT will develop and recommend corrective and preventive procedures based on
Reliability and Maintainability analyses of field data on similar in-service equipment.
• The CCT will document maintenance procedures and applicable logistic resources
• The CCT will provide shop/manufacturing surveillance and support to assure compli-
ance with specification requirements.
4.1.4 Production Operations
• During production operations the CCT will review and analyze corrosion-related
problems in all departments. Consultations with materials and process corrosion en-
gineers will be conducted as required during this process.
• The CCT will request changes to engineering documentation in order to correct fin-
ishing procedures or implement new procedures.
4.1.5 Quality Assurance
The CCT quality assurance authority consists of process control and quality control items. Process Control

• The CCT will maintain a record of all engineering specifications or design changes.
• The CCT will monitor compliance of process parameters with applicable engineering
or government specifications.
• The CCT will maintain records and prepare test reports on compliance with appropri-
ated specifications.
• The CCT will initiate corrective actions for all nonconforming processes.
• The CCT will perform initial and subsequent subcontractor audits, as required, to ver-
ify their capability in applying the finish systems specified. Quality Control
• The CCT will verify that parts and assemblies are properly protected from corrosion
during manufacture, in storage, and when packaged for shipping.
• The CCT will verify that parts are processed in accordance with the applicable
specifications and standards.

• The CCT will verify that all applied coatings and finishes conform to pertinent de-
signs, specifications and standards.
• The CCT will reject any materials, parts, coatings, or finishes that have been damaged
or are not in compliance with applicable specifications or standards.
4.1.6 Manufacturing
• The CCT will translate processing and finishing requirements of engineering data
onto planning documents.
• The CCT will provide requirements to ensure in-process corrosion protection of the
materials and parts during manufacturing.
• The CCT will revise planning documents when changes to engineering design or
specifications require those alterations, then inform the CPAT and PM of those
4.1.7 Hazardous materials, Environmental and Safety Compliance
• The CCT ensures that materials and processes will comply with all federal and state
• The CCT will document and report compromises to the CPCP due to Environmental
or Safety requirements.
• The CCT will serve as the focal point for coordination and distribution of new regula-
tions, including those regarding materials and processes.

5 Corrosion Prevention and Control Processes

5.1 General Requirements
In this section of the CPCP, the Program Manager prepares his “REQUIREMENTS OF CPCP”
that comply with the latest version of the Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Guidebook,
issued by PDUSD (AT&L). This section of the plan should address corrosion prevention and
control requirements and considerations for system definition, design, engineering development,
production and sustainment phases that are consistent with the design life of the system. Within
this section, requirements should be provided for materials, processes, finishes, surface prepara-
tion, coatings and sealants to be used. The following sections should be compiled by the PM and

5.2 Process/Finish Specifications
5.3 Materials
5.3.1 Metal/Alloy (Name of metal/alloy i.e. Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminum, etc) Application Limitations/Trade-offs Welding Specifications Testing and Evaluation Requirements QA/QC Requirements Certifications and Training
5.3.2 Non-metallic (Name of the non-metallic material) Application Limitations/Trade-offs Testing and Evaluation Requirements QA/QC Requirements Certifications and Training
5.3.3 Determine if Material Selection Review (MRS) requirements Apply.
5.4 Coatings (Name of coating)
5.4.1 Surface Preparation & Application
5.4.2 Limitations/Trade-offs
5.4.3 Testing and Evaluation
5.4.4 QA/QC Requirements
5.4.5 Certifications and Training
5.5 Sealants
5.6 Bonding and Grounding
5.7 Cathodic Protection Systems
5.7.1 ICCP
5.7.2 Sacrificial
5.8 Quality Assurance Requirements
5.8.1 Third Party QA/QC
5.8.2 Contractors/Subcontractors QA/QC

5.9 Wear and Erosion
5.10 Stress Corrosion Factors
5.11 Limitation on Use of Protective Metallic Coating
5.11.1 Cadmium
5.11.2 Nickel-cadmium
5.11.3 Chromate conversion coatings
5.12 Surface Considerations
5.13 Galvanic Corrosion
5.14 Lubrication
(Add sections as needed)

6 Operational Environment
This section is presented as background information on the operational environment. The opera-
tional environment is defined in the Environmental Criteria Document. Within this part of the
CPCP, define the expected environmental conditions that should be considered in the design and
construction phase in order to reduce life cycle cost and maintenance burdens such as:


the section you define the operating environment expected to operate in.)

6.1 Breathing and Condensation

Breathing will occur in enclosures when a cyclic flow of air goes in and out of the enclosure
primarily due to atmospheric pressure changes during temperature fluctuations. In temperate
tropical zones, breathing will occur during daily temperature changes in the morning and evening
hours, when the outside air heats or cools. Depending on the design area, breathing will vary;
however, breathing most likely will occur in enclosed areas open to the outside through unsealed
joints in unpressurized areas and in instruments and electronic equipment boxes.

6.2 Atmospheric Salt

Normal sea breezes can carry from 10 to 100 pounds of salt per cubic mile of air. Although the
salt-laden air may travel inland on sea breezes for a distance of up to 12 miles, the major amount
of salt fallout occurs within the first half mile of the beach. In the northern, cooler latitudes, the
salt content of air is much less of a problem than in temperate and equatorial regions.

6.3 Seawater Immersion
Natural seawater covers more than 70 percent of the earth’s surface and is the most abundant
natural occurring electrolyte. Most metals and alloys used for ship construction are attacked by
seawater. In addition to the corrosion of the metal by the electrolyte, biofouling will occur. The
major concerns in this environment are pH, salinity, oxygen, biological activity, pollution, and

6.4 Alternate Immersion

Materials exposed in an alternate immersion are almost continuously wetted with well-aerated
seawater. Materials commonly used to fabricate tanks, carbon and low carbon steels, do not form
a thin tenacious passive film and suffer severe corrosion if not coated properly. The alternate
immersion environment is the most aggressive of the marine environments.

6.5 Sulfur Oxides

Sulfur oxides are normally associated with industrial and large urban areas. In the past, sulfur-
containing fuels, such as coal, can produce enormous quantities of byproducts. Within the past
ten or so years, there has been considerable reduction in emission output due to federal and state
laws which require smoke stack scrubbers, catalytic converters, etc. Even though there have been
reductions in sulfur oxides, the levels are still high enough, particularly onboard ship behind the
stacks, that they mix with moister and sea spray to form a strong sulfurous acid which can cause
corrosion and attack to metals, non-metals and coating systems.

6.6 Firefighting Agents

Many fire-extinguishing agents such as Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam (AFFF) are corrosive and
can very quickly produce severe corrosion.

6.7 Soot
Soot from a fire or from normal engine operation is primarily carbon, but can include a variety of
combustion byproducts and sulfur oxides, depending on what has been burned. Soot is both cor-
rosive and hygroscopic. It imbeds itself into painted surfaces and is very difficult to clean off.
When pain chips off of an aluminum structure, you can have a small anode (aluminum exposed
through chipped paint) and a large anode (soot) in contact with each other in the presence of
moisture. This can result in severe corrosion.

6.8 Sand and Dust

Blowing sand and dust can cause erosion of coatings and severe damage to metals. When damp
sand and dust (poultice) form against the structure, corrosion can result. Furthermore, even
though the climate may otherwise be acceptable in some desert regions, many deserts sands con-
tain a significant amount of salt.

6.9 Rainfall
Rainfall provides some benefit in corrosion prevention by washing away some contaminants.
During periods of high acid rain activity, the beneficial effects of rain will be somewhat dimin-

ished. In either case, improperly sealed joints, open cavities, and trap areas will allow corrosion
initiation to occur.

6.10 Volcanic Ash

Volcanic ash contains corrosive substances such as sulfur compounds, fluoride, and chloride
salts, as well as strong inorganic acids. These chemicals are often carried on the surface of ash
particles, which are highly abrasive bits of pulverized rock and can cause erosion of coating and
metal surfaces.

6.11 Solar Radiation

Although ultra violet radiation (sun light) is not corrosive, it will cause chalking of paint, hy-
drolysis of chlorinated organics, and degradation of exposed plastics and elastomers. Deteriora-
tion of these materials will allow an electrolyte, usually in the form of moisture and its corrosive
constituents, to have free access to the underlying metallic surface.

6.12 Chemical
Maintenance chemicals, such as deicers, cleaners, acids, paint strippers, solvents, etc., can pre-
sent many different problems as long as these chemicals are being used. Paint strippers, solvents,
and some cleaning agents can, when improperly used, deteriorate paint, plastics, and elastomers.
Some paint strippers, some cleaners, and most acids are corrosives. Designers should select ma-
terials or impose preventive measures to minimize the damage from chemical attack caused by of
the cleaning agents. Additionally, maintenance personnel should be thoroughly familiar with the
chemicals they use while performing maintenance.

6.13 Damage by Personnel

While damage by personnel is not a corrosive, that deterioration can greatly contribute to corro-
sion on the system. Walking on surfaces and dropped tools and equipment can sufficiently dam-
age a coating system to allow corrosion to initiate.

6.14 Chemical Warfare Agents

During periods of war, the system may be required to operate and be maintained in an environ-
ment of chemical agents. All removable equipment, unsealed compartments, etc., are susceptible
to contamination. The system should be able to survive in the chemical threat environment and
be capable of decontamination after exposure. Contaminants and the decontamination process
should not cause corrosion of the exposed structure and equipment.

7 Deliverables
• Documentation of material/corrosion deficiencies, as required. Complete Enclosure
(1) following the adjudication of any issues and file as appropriate.
• Life Cycle Maintenance Corrosion Control Document.
• Review and comment on design issues. Provide technical justification as required.
• Resolve materials and corrosion issues identified by the various IPT’s.
• Resolve design issues related to materials corrosion control and coatings identified by
the Design Agents.
• Review of (Type of Ship/Asset) Specifications, providing updates for current
• Periodic review and update of the CPCP.

8 Reference Material
• Steel Structures Paint Council–Surface Preparation Standards
• American Bureau of Shipping Naval Vessel Rules
• NSTM Section 074–Castings and Welding
• NSTM Section 075–Threaded Fasteners
• NSTM Section 078—Materials Requirements
• NSTM Section 505–Piping System Requirements
• NSTM Section 630–Corrosion Prevention and Control
• NSTM Section 631–Preservation of Ship in Service NSTM Section 632–Metallic
• NSTM Section 633–Cathodic Protection NSTM Section 634–Deck Coverings
• NAVSEA Approved Preservation Process Instruction (PPI’s)
• Tech Pubs
• Military Specifications and Standards
• (DoD corrosion website)

Enclosure (1) Corrosion Control Discrepancy
Documentation Form
(type of ship or asset)



This form is use to document the resolution of any corrosion control discrepancies reviewed by
the NAVSEA Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT) or their designated representa-
tive(s). Complete information will be available in any documents referenced below


Performing Activity

Activity Name: Code:

TPOC: Phone:

Description of Corrosion Control Issue:

Description of Resolution:

Reference Documentation (Where complete problem resolution can be found):


Accepted Rejected

Name: Phone:

Activity: Date:

ARLINGTON VA 22203-1995 2 4363 MISSILE WAY
WARREN MI 48397-5000 1 4363 MISSILE WAY
PORT HUENEME CA 93043-4307 1
QUANTICO VA 22134-5010 1 4363 MISSILE WAY
PORT HUENEME CA 93043-4307 1
WOODBRIDGE VA 22192-4123 1

Dist (1)
WOODBRIDGE VA 22192-4123 1
300 HWY 361 LOUISVILLE KY 40214 1
CRANE IN 47522 2
300 HWY 361 CODE 0113 1
CRANE IN 47522 1 CODE 0114 1
CHINA LAKE CA 93555-6100 1 CODE 6109 1
CHINA LAKE CA 93555-6100 1 CODE 613 (CONRAD) 10
CODE 614 1
INDIAN HEAD MD 20640-5035 1
INDIAN HEAD MD 20640-5035 1 CODE 614 (MURRAY) 1
CODE 3452 (TIC/C) 1

Dist (2)
Appendix F
Frequently Asked Questions about Corrosion
Prevention and Control Planning

Is a corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP) mandatory and what happens
if I don’t have a CPCP?
A CPCP is mandatory for all ACAT I programs and is integral to effective corrosion
prevention and control planning. CPC planning will be a standard topic and will be
reviewed by the Overarching IPT with any unresolved issues raised to the DAB. The
DAB will also review and assess the effectiveness of corrosion planning.

Why should I follow the CPC Planning Guidebook?

The CPC Planning Guidebook has been developed by DoD Science and Technology
and Acquisition and Logistics experts who have combined their insight and experi-
ence with an understanding of new corrosion prevention and mitigation program re-
quirements to produce this publication. The resulting guidebook, which is posted at, is a compilation of approaches and processes designed to im-
prove readiness, lower life-cycle cost, and improved safety by ensuring successful
corrosion prevention and control.

How soon do I need to start considering corrosion and its effect?

Corrosion and its effects should be considered and prevention should be planned as
early in the concept refinement phase as possible. Corrosion control planning should
be well developed prior to Milestone B, and should continue throughout the life of the

What resources do I have available to help plan and execute corrosion-related

Program managers need to establish a Corrosion Planning Action Team (CPAT), as
defined in the CPC Planning Guidebook, to provide needed assistance regarding cor-
rosion control planning issues. In addition, service materials and processes engineers
are available in service corrosion control offices and laboratories. The DoD Corrosion
Exchange website lists points of contacts for each of the services. Connect to

Why worry about corrosion during concept refinement phase, when it happens
during operations?
While corrosion and its effects usually appear after a system has been in operation for
some time, the mechanisms that initiate and propagate corrosion are most often inher-
ent in the materials selected or caused by manufacturing and assembly processes.
Much of the annual $10 billion to $20 billion DoD cost of corrosion is currently spent

Spiral Number 3 F-1 Volume I

on detection, assessment, treatment, and repair of corrosion effects that could have
been avoided by better design and manufacturing techniques. Initial, up-front invest-
ment in corrosion prevention can significantly reduce the total annual cost of corro-
sion while improving operational readiness and system safety.

Since it is easier to modify existing plans, where can I find examples of a

CPC plan that will be of use to my program?
Appendix C of the CPC Planning Guidebook (Volume I) contains a sample CPC
Plan. You may also be able to access corrosion plans at the various Service system

How detailed must a CPC plan be?

The size and complexity of the design and acquisition program will dictate the level
of detail appropriate for corrosion planning efforts. More specifically, types of mate-
rials, system structure, projected operating environment, logistic requirements and
life-cycle costs will indicate the depth of planning needed in each CPC Plan.

How can I ensure that systems I procure meet requirements for corrosion
resistance? What requirements can I impose in a contract?
The request for proposal and accompanying specifications impose procurement re-
quirements. The CPC Planning Guidebook provides guidelines for determining cor-
rosion resistance requirements and assessing compliance. The guidebook also
prescribes the Corrosion Prevention and Advisory Team, which will be available to
review and provide advice concerning design considerations, procurement require-
ments, materials selection, costs, and documentation that may affect corrosion pre-
vention and control throughout the life of the system or facility.

How are issues resolved when there is disagreement between CPAT members
and the program manager as to requirements and actions reflected in the
corrosion prevention and control plan?
The CPAT and the program manager should make every effort to resolve issues in-
ternally. Unresolved issues will be presented to the overarching integrated product
team (OIPT) for adjudication. If this results in no agreement or resolution, the issue
may be presented during the DAB Review Process.

Why do I need specific corrosion-related testing during acquisition?

While traditional material and system testing conducted during design and acquisition
may reveal some useful data regarding the ability of the system to prevent or resist
corrosion and its effects, they often overlook important corrosion mechanisms and
characteristics that will have significant impact on system operation and integrity dur-
ing its service life. Specific corrosion-related testing is essential to verify the effec-
tiveness of the corrosion prevention and control technology selected for the specific
design and service environment of the application.

Volume I F-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix F, Frequently Asked Questions about Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

How do I know what corrosion specifications and standards apply to my

There are several websites that can provide such information. The ASSIST website at lists most specifications and standards. The
DoD Corrosion Exchange website ( also lists specifications and
standards. Commercial specifications and standards associated with corrosion may be
found on the NACE website at

How do I justify up-front funding for corrosion prevention?

Much of the annual cost of corrosion is currently spent on detection, assessment,
treatment and repair of corrosion effects that could have been avoided by better up-
front design and manufacturing techniques. Initial investment in corrosion prevention
can significantly reduce the total annual cost of corrosion while improving opera-
tional readiness and safety of the system being procured.

What factors should I consider in planning for sustainment?

The objective of early planning for corrosion prevention and control is to reduce sus-
tainment effort and costs by investing in materials and processes that prevent or resist
corrosion. When it is clear that downstream corrosion control efforts will be required,
capitalization of maintenance facilities; recurring costs of maintenance processes; and
logistics requirements, such as replacement parts, material storage and transportation,
should be considered.

How will a facility’s corrosion prevention and control plan be integrated with
weapon systems’ plans?
Each facility CPCP reflects materials and methods to prevent, resist, or minimize cor-
rosion and its effects on facilities and other infrastructure items. In those cases where
facilities directly support weapon systems and warfighting capability, weapon system
maintenance concepts and other support requirements may dictate facility require-
ments. While the facility CPCP will reflect such requirements, integrating the facility
CPCP requirements with weapon system plans is outside the scope of the facility
CPCP itself.

Spiral Number 3 F-3 Volume I

Volume I F-4 Spiral Number 3
Volume II Equipment Sustainment
Table of Contents
1. Life-Cycle Logistics .................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 Overview.................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1.1 Total Life Cycle Systems Management............................................................... 1-2
1.1.2 Life-Cycle Logistics............................................................................................. 1-2
1.1.3 Product Support ................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 Sustaining Fielded Weapon Systems ......................................................................... 1-4
1.3 Linking Corrosion into Key Maintenance Initiatives ................................................ 1-6
1.3.1 Continuous Process Improvement ....................................................................... 1-6
1.3.2 Condition Based Maintenance Plus ..................................................................... 1-6
1.3.3 Reliability Centered Maintenance........................................................................ 1-7
1.3.4 Set Life-Cycle Sustainment Metrics .................................................................... 1-7

2. Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment ............................... 2-1

2.1 Introduction and Approach ........................................................................................ 2-1
2.2 Requirements ............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplements........................................ 2-1
2.2.2 Pending DoD Instruction 5000.rr......................................................................... 2-2
2.2.3 The Services’ Policies and Directives Related to Corrosion Prevention
and Control........................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.4 Maintenance Work Program Requirements......................................................... 2-2
2.2.5 Commercial Standards ......................................................................................... 2-2
2.3 Sustainment Corrosion Program Elements—Corrosion Plan .................................... 2-2
2.4 Corrosion Prevention Action Team ........................................................................... 2-4
2.4.1 Establishment and Scope ..................................................................................... 2-4
2.4.2 Charter.................................................................................................................. 2-4
2.4.3 Membership ......................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4.4 CPAT Duties........................................................................................................ 2-5
2.4.5 CPAT Activities/Responsibilities ........................................................................ 2-5

Spiral Number 3 iii Volume II

2.5 Assessments and Surveys, Feedback, and Monitoring .............................................. 2-6
2.5.1 Field Assessments and Surveys ........................................................................... 2-6
2.5.2 Feedback .............................................................................................................. 2-6
2.5.3 Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 Sustainment System: Corrosion Manager Duties ...................................................... 2-7
2.7 Personnel.................................................................................................................... 2-8
2.7.1 Personnel Resources and Expertise ..................................................................... 2-8
2.7.2 Education and Training........................................................................................ 2-8
2.7.3 CPAT Workshops ................................................................................................ 2-8
2.8 Corrosion Metrics and Performance Measures for Sustainment Programs ............... 2-8
2.8.1 Corrosion Performance ........................................................................................ 2-8
2.8.2 Monetary Impact of Corrosion............................................................................. 2-9
2.8.3 Readiness and Safety Impact of Corrosion.......................................................... 2-9
2.8.4 Data Requirement to Ascertain Impacts of Corrosion......................................... 2-9
2.8.5 Impact of Subsystem on Corrosion Performance Metrics ................................. 2-10
2.8.6 Need for Performance and Metrics Tracking..................................................... 2-10
2.9 Alternative Sustainment Corrosion Program Funding Sources ............................... 2-10
2.10 Conclusions.............................................................................................................. 2-11

Appendix A Equipment Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies

Figure 1-1. Life-Cycle Impact ..................................................................................................... 1-1
Figure 1-2. Standard Materiel Maintenance Program.................................................................. 1-5

Volume II iv Spiral Number 3

1. Life-Cycle Logistics

1.1 Overview
A fundamental element of DoD policy (Total Life Cycle Systems Management [TLCSM]) is the
designation of the program manager (PM) as the life cycle manager, responsible for effective and
timely acquisition and sustainment of the system throughout its life cycle. The PM provides the
needed product support capability to maintain the materiel readiness, sustainment, and opera-
tional capability of a system. Emphasis is placed on increasing reliability and reducing logistics
footprint in the systems engineering process, and providing for effective product support using
performance-based logistics (PBL). In support of the total system level responsibilities of the
PM, PBL strategies may be applied at the system, subsystem, or major assembly level, depend-
ing upon program-unique circumstances and appropriate economic or business case analysis. By
employing PBL, TLSCM becomes the overarching DoD framework for implementing the Title
10 requirement to provide sustained materiel readiness to the warfighter. 1 This volume focuses
on the sustainment responsibilities of the PM and, more specifically, the importance in mitigat-
ing or preventing corrosion.

DoD continues its efforts to conduct operations in a more effectively and with greater fiscal re-
sponsibility. Under the Total Life Cycle System Management approach, the sustainment aspects
of a weapon system’s life cycle receive increased attention by service leadership and program
managers. Based on simple analysis of operations and support (O&S) costs compared to total
ownership costs, the life-cycle impact is plain to see, as shown in Figure 1-1.

Figure 1-1. Life-Cycle Impact

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 5, paragraph 5.0.1,, accessed 5 July 2007.

Spiral Number 3 1-1 Volume II

1.1.1 Total Life Cycle Systems Management
TLCSM is the implementation, management, and oversight by the designated program manager
of all activities associated with the acquisition, development, production, fielding, sustainment,
and disposal of a DoD weapon or materiel system across its life cycle. With TLCSM, major sys-
tem development decisions are made based upon how the decision will affect operational effec-
tiveness and logistics affordability. TLCSM encompasses, but is not limited to, the following:

• Single point of accountability for accomplishing program logistics objectives,

including sustainment
• Evolutionary acquisition strategies, including product support
• An emphasis on life-cycle logistics (LCL) in the systems engineering process
• Sustainment as a key element of performance
• Performance-based logistics strategies
• Increased reliability and reduced logistics footprint
• Continuing reviews of sustainment strategies, including end-to-end materiel readiness
value chain planning, assessment, and execution
• Proactive consideration of diminishing manufacturing sources and material shortages
or obsolescence issues
• Demilitarization and final disposition of the equipment.

Implementation of the TLCSM business approach means all major materiel alternatives and all
major acquisition functional decisions can be implemented only after the program manager dem-
onstrates an understanding of the effects on operations and sustainment phase system effective-
ness and affordability.

In addition, TLCSM assigns the program manager responsibility for effective and timely acquisi-
tion, product support, availability, and sustainment of a system throughout its life cycle. TLCSM
applies to all systems in all life cycle phases. 2

1.1.2 Life-Cycle Logistics

LCL is the planning, development, implementation, and management of a comprehensive, af-
fordable, and effective systems support strategy. Under Total Life Cycle Systems Management,
life-cycle logistics must be considered during both the acquisition and operational phases of the
weapon or materiel system life cycle. LCL should be carried out by a cross-functional team of
subject matter experts to ensure sustainability requirements are addressed comprehensively and
consistently with cost, performance, and schedule. Affordable, effective support strategies must
meet goals for operational effectiveness, optimum readiness, and the facilitation of iterative
technology enhancements during the weapon system life cycle.

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 5, paragraph 5.1.1.

Volume II 1-2 Spiral Number 3

Life-Cycle Logistics

The PM’s responsibility under TLCSM is to provide the warfighter with sustainable weapon sys-
tems that meet their requirements remaining fiscally responsible and accountable. PMs should use
the best possible analysis at all program stages to assess performance, schedule, supportability, and
cost outcomes. These outcomes should be documented to ensure there is a credible foundation
based on the analysis that has been conducted. These efforts are critical for both establishing budg-
etary requirements and tracking execution success over time for either new or legacy programs.

LCL supports sustained materiel readiness by establishing readiness standards (metrics), opti-
mizing life-cycle investment strategies to achieve those standards, implementing and executing
materiel readiness plans, and continually assessing performance against the standards.

LCL includes the planning, development, and implementation of performance-based logistics and
performance-based life cycle product support initiatives as the preferred approach to systems support
(DoD Directive 5000.1). Examples of these initiatives include managing performance agreements,
integrating support strategies, and employing diagnostics, prognostics, and logistics chain manage-
ment approaches to achieve operational effectiveness, proactive Diminishing Manufacturing Sources
and Material Shortages (DMSMS) management, system affordability, and a reduced logistics foot-
print. LCL should be an integral part of the systems engineering process to ensure that sustainment
considerations are implemented during the design, development, and production of a weapon system.
This process is critical to providing more effective, affordable, and operationally reliable systems by
increasing availability and sustainability.

LCL fully supports DoD’s strategic goals for acquisition and sustainment logistics as stated in
the most recent Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), Joint Vision 2020, and the Focused Logis-
tics Campaign Plan (FLCP). DoD goals include the following:

• Develop more integrated and streamlined acquisition processes.

• Project and sustain the force with minimal footprint.
• Implement Performance-Based Logistics.
• Reduce cycle times to industry standards.

In addition, LCL helps program managers achieve these goals within the context of TLCSM. 3

1.1.3 Product Support

Product support is a package of logistics support functions necessary to maintain the readiness,
sustainment, and operational capability of the system.

The overall product support strategy, documented in the acquisition strategy, should include life-
cycle support planning and address actions to ensure sustainment and continually improve product
affordability for programs in initial procurement, re-procurement, and post-production support.

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 5, paragraph 5.1.2.

Spiral Number 3 1-3 Volume II

Support concepts satisfy user-specified requirements for sustaining support performance at the
lowest possible life-cycle cost for each evolutionary increment of capability to be delivered to
the user, including the following:

• Availability of support to meet warfighter-specified levels of combat and peacetime

• Logistics support that sustains both short and long-term readiness;
• Minimal total Lifecycle cost to own and operate (i.e., minimal total ownership cost);
• Maintenance concepts that optimize readiness while drawing upon both organic and
industry sources;
• Data management and configuration management that facilitates cost-effective prod-
uct support throughout the system life cycle; and
• Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages Management process
that ensures effective, affordable, and operationally reliable systems in increasing
availability and sustainment.

Performance-based logistics, the preferred DoD approach to product support, serves to consoli-
date and integrate the support activities necessary to meet these objectives. 4

1.2 Sustaining Fielded Weapon Systems

As weapon systems are fielded, program managers shift their sustainment activities from plan-
ning to execution. While sustainment encompasses a wide-range of logistics functions, including
supply and transportation, this volume focuses on the effects of corrosion on weapon system
maintenance and, by extension, weapon system readiness.

Figure 1-2 depicts a standard materiel maintenance program. Corrosion, as a significant driver of
maintenance requirements, needs to be considered during each phase—maintenance engineering,
maintenance requirements, maintenance execution, and maintenance assessment and status reporting.

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Chapter 5, paragraph

Volume II 1-4 Spiral Number 3

Life-Cycle Logistics

Figure 1-2. Standard Materiel Maintenance Program

Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Assessment &
Engineering Requirements Execution Status Reporting
Maintenance concept Resources are applied
Initiation of maintenance Maintenance is
definitized through to accomplish
concept for each system/ documented and materiel
reliability-centered requirements.
item based on: condition is assessed
maintenance. Maintenance occurs at:
• Design Characteristics • Condition
Develops • Depot-level
• Reliability Projections • Readiness
•Technical Orders • Field-level
• Operational Factors
• Directives
• Other Factors
• Instructions
• Others

Data to Refine Materiel Maintenance Program

The first two steps, maintenance engineering and maintenance requirements, are accomplished in
both the acquisition and sustainment phases. For example, the maintenance concept (in the main-
tenance engineering step) is initially developed during weapon system acquisition based on the
factors depicted in the graphic. However, the maintenance concept is reviewed and adjusted (if
necessary) based on data collected during the operational and sustainment phases. Because cor-
rosion prevention and repair are essential maintenance functions, they are embedded in each of
the materiel maintenance stages as follows:

• Maintenance engineering, particularly when addressing technical and design consid-

erations, is an indispensable step in preventing or mitigating corrosion during opera-
tional use; however, corrosion mitigation actions can occur during maintenance
activities (especially during depot maintenance or ship availabilities) as well as modi-
fication and RESET.
• Maintenance requirements (such as inspection intervals, component replacement
schedules, and maintenance procedures) are developed initially during the acquisition
phase and based on such factors as expected failure rates, potential safety effects, and
subsystem mission criticality of the weapon system. While some corrosion-related
maintenance requirements are anticipated and, therefore, included in the initial main-
tenance concept, adjustments are routinely made once operational (i.e., failure) data
becomes available.
• Maintenance actions are executed by more than 640,000 DoD military and civilian
maintainers who, along with several thousand commercial firms, support 280 ships,
14,000 aircraft, 800 strategic missiles, and 330,000 ground combat and tactical vehi-
cle. Corrosion-related activities are accomplished by numerous skill sets (career
fields) but structural repair (a combination of the previous corrosion and sheet metal
career fields) is the most prominent.

Spiral Number 3 1-5 Volume II

• Maintenance assessment and status reporting is perhaps the key to maintenance (and
corrosion) prevention and mitigation in the sustainment phase. Unless a catastrophic
condition occurs, corrosion is usually not discretely identified in maintenance docu-
mentation as a cause of a deficiency. Although not uniquely identified, if a degrada-
tion occurs, it is expected to be remedied in accordance with published technical

1.3 Linking Corrosion into Key Maintenance Initiatives

Corrosion occurs throughout the sustainment phase in equipment components as well as the ba-
sic structures. It is attacked at both field and depot levels of maintenance using both preventive
and corrective actions.

Because corrosion permeates maintenance activities, its prevention and mitigation must also
permeate key maintenance initiatives, such as Continuous Process Improvement (CPI), Condi-
tion-Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+), and Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM).

1.3.1 Continuous Process Improvement

Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) is an OSD initiative focused on “continuous process im-
provement to maximize weapon system readiness while minimizing materiel flows and in-process
inventories.” The goal is to optimize reliability and cycle time while striking a reasonable balance
with costs across the total life cycle value chain, employing

• Lean to eliminate all types of waste,

• Six Sigma to optimize process variation, and
• Theory of Constraints to alleviate process bottlenecks.

MIT defines Lean as the “elimination of waste and efficient creation of enterprise value,” and
includes “optimization of value delivered to all stakeholders and enterprises in value chain.” Ac-
cording to the Lean Aerospace Initiative:

Lean thinking is a dynamic, knowledge-driven, customer-focused process by which all individuals

within an enterprise—indeed, the enterprise itself—continuously eliminate waste and expense, maxi-
mize resources and streamline operations, and create a total enterprise transformation endowed with
added value. Lean tools and practices have been consistently shown to help target, identify, define,
and implement improvements across a broad spectrum of enterprises. 5

1.3.2 Condition Based Maintenance Plus

CBM+ is the application and integration of appropriate processes, technologies, and knowl-
edge-based capabilities to improve the reliability and maintenance effectiveness of DoD sys-
tems and components. CBM+ is based on maintenance performed based upon the evidence of
need obtained from real-time assessments, reliability-centered maintenance analysis, embedded
sensors, and external measurements. CBM+ uses a systems engineering approach to collect

Lean Aerospace Initiative,, accessed 11 July 2007.

Volume II 1-6 Spiral Number 3

Life-Cycle Logistics

data, enable analysis and support the decision-making processes for weapon system acquisition
and sustainment or operations. 6

1.3.3 Reliability Centered Maintenance

RCM is an analytical process to determine the appropriate failure management strategies, includ-
ing preventive maintenance requirements and other actions that are warranted to ensure safe op-
erations and cost-wise readiness. The process of developing preventive maintenance
requirements with an auditable documentation package is based on the reliability of the various
components, the severity of the consequences related to safety and mission if failure occurs, and
the cost effectiveness of the task.

The objective of the RCM process is to identify ways to avoid or reduce the consequences of
failures, which, if allowed to occur, will adversely affect personnel safety, environmental health,
mission accomplishment, or economics. Preventive maintenance is only one way failures can be
mitigated. A preventive maintenance task should be implemented when it is appropriate to do so;
but that might not be the best solution in all cases. An RCM analysis might indicate, for example,
that the best solution is to simply allow the failure to occur, then perform corrective maintenance
to repair it. Or analysis might indicate that some other action is warranted, such as an item redes-
ign, a change in an operational or maintenance procedure, or any number of other actions that
will effectively reduce the consequences of failure to an acceptable level. 7

1.3.4 Set Life-Cycle Sustainment Metrics

In creating the strategy for CBM+ implementation, it is important to identify strategic changes
that are required to transition to the desired condition-based maintenance environment. Life-
cycle sustainment metrics provide the quantitative tools to track CBM+ implementation and op-
eration. As the implementation effort progresses, high-level performance and cost metrics should
be developed, and supporting or diagnostic metrics should be determined.

Diagnostic metrics are measures that relate to specific elements of the maintenance process that
must be quantified, managed, and improved to ensure overall performance and cost goals are met.
Initially, however, the CBM+ implementation team should identify higher-level metrics required to
monitor overall maintenance performance, costs and results. The CBM+ implementation team
should begin with metrics developed through recent research that uses the “balanced scorecard”
approach. 8

Draft DoD Policy Issuance, CBM+ DoD Instruction.
From, accessed 11 July 2007.
Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton, “The Balanced Scorecard—Measures that Drive, Performance,” Har-
vard Business Review, vol. 70, no. 2, January–February 1992.

Spiral Number 3 1-7 Volume II

Generally, a quantitative baseline using past experience or estimated metrics targets should be de-
veloped. The balanced scorecard approach requires measures in the following areas:

• Meeting the strategic needs of the enterprise

• Meeting the needs of individual customers
• Addressing internal business performance, and
• Addressing process improvement initiative results.

Implementation of CBM+ requires a structured approach to measuring both the progress of im-
plementation and the performance and costs once the condition-based maintenance process is in

Volume II 1-8 Spiral Number 3

2. Corrosion Programs for Weapon System

2.1 Introduction and Approach

Corrosion programs for systems in the acquisition phase have been reasonably well defined. Ini-
tially the DoD Corrosion Program focused on this phase because proper design and production
can significantly reduce the effect of corrosion throughout the life cycle of a system. Some mate-
rials and processes can make a system vulnerable to corrosion. This chapter identifies the ele-
ments of an effective corrosion program for systems in the sustainment phase of their life cycle.
It does not attempt to capture fine details of unique programs; rather, it captures general practices
and corrosion program elements applicable to those programs in the sustainment phase. Inter-
views with those responsible for those corrosion programs identified unique challenges that some
programs face, and “lessons learned” were subsequently captured.

2.2 Requirements
Specific requirements for addressing corrosion in systems in the sustainment phase have been limited
in the past. Furthermore there have been only limited metrics by which to measure the success of a
corrosion program. In addition to such requirements established by the individual services, a pending
DoD Instruction on corrosion (DoDI 5000.rr, Prevention and Mitigation of Corrosion on DoD
Military Equipment and Infrastructure) promulgates corrosion-specific requirements (see para-
graph 2.2.2) The procedures in the pending DoD Instruction indicate that each system have a corro-
sion prevention action team (CPAT). In a similar manner the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) requires corrosion planning for all contracts over $5 million,
which includes many sustainment efforts. Key requirements are contained in the following issuances.

2.2.1 Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplements

The DFARS requires discussions of corrosion prevention and mitigation plans for all contracts
that require acquisition plans.

• DFAR 207.103, Agency-Head Responsibilities, Part 207.103(d)(i):

Prepare written acquisition plans for
ƒ acquisitions for development, as defined in FAR 35.001, when the total cost of all con-
tracts for the acquisition program is estimated at $10 million or more; and
ƒ acquisitions for production or services, when the total cost of all contracts for the
acquisition program is estimated at $50 million or more for all years or $25 million
or more for any fiscal year.
• DFAR 207.105, Contents of written acquisition plans, Part 207.105(b)(13)(ii), Logis-
tics considerations:
Discuss the mission profile, reliability, and maintainability (R&M) program plan, R&M pre-
dictions, redundancy, qualified parts lists, parts and material qualification, R&M requirements

Spiral Number 3 2-1 Volume II

imposed on vendors, failure analysis, corrective action and feedback, and R&M design re-
views and trade-off studies. Also discuss corrosion prevention and mitigation plans.

2.2.2 Pending DoD Instruction 5000.rr

Specific requirements for addressing corrosion in systems in the sustainment phase have been
limited in the past. There also have been only a few metrics by which the success of a corrosion
program could be measured. To add to any requirements established by the individual services,
pending DoD Instruction 5000.rr currently dictates that corrosion prevention and control pro-
grams and preservation techniques must be established throughout the life cycle of each system.
It also states that corrosion prevention and control reporting systems should allow for data col-
lection, archiving, and feedback, and conclusions and recommendations drawn from this infor-
mation should be used to address corrosion prevention and control, as well as related logistics
and readiness issues. The procedures in this pending DoD instruction indicate each system
should have a corrosion prevention action team.

2.2.3 The Services’ Policies and Directives Related to Corrosion Prevention

and Control
Each service has its own established policies and regulations to effectively manage CPC pro-
grams for all systems, equipment, and components (See Attachment 5).

2.2.4 Maintenance Work Program Requirements

Program and maintenance managers should determine corrosion prevention and mitigation re-
lated information/guidances on weapon systems, end items, and their components that require a
level of maintenance work or are planned for assignment to a maintenance activity, a govern-
ment agency, or the private sector. Examples of maintenance work and activity include program
(e.g. modernization/recapitalization) and periodic maintenances and other generated work pack-
ages that may evolved from new program requirements that result from modifications, retrofits,
or refurbishments of a weapon system.

2.2.5 Commercial Standards

In addition to formal DoD requirements, some commercial off-the-shelf systems (COTS) or
commercial derivatives have corrosion programs because they are maintained in accordance with
commercial standards. Those corrosion requirements often are not as rigorous as what is defined
in this Guidebook; however, when applicable, the commercial requirements should be main-
tained as a minimum. Likewise, systems supported by contractor logistics support, or systems for
which the contractor retains engineering authority, must work through the contractor to ensure
they meet the requirements of DoDI 5000.rr.

2.3 Sustainment Corrosion Program Elements—Corrosion Plan

Although formal corrosion prevention and control plans have been required for acquisition pro-
grams for many years, programs have relied on engineering and technical data alone to address
corrosion issues during a system’s sustainment phase. This has resulted in a reactive response to
corrosion with many unexpected problems which could have been anticipated had there been a
more planned approach.

Volume II 2-2 Spiral Number 3

Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment

A sustainment phase corrosion prevention and control plan:

• Explain the philosophy and strategy to address corrosion for the remainder of the
planned life of the system.
• Be formally accepted and signed by the program manager as an official program
• Define CPC requirements in accordance with existing technical data. These require-
ments should take into account operating environments and system-peculiar corrosion
vulnerabilities. Based on materials and protective systems, their age and condition,
the operating environment, and experience, a prevention and mitigation strategy
should be clearly defined with a clear link to requirements.
• Define data systems, collection, analysis, and reporting of corrosion data in accor-
dance with pending DoDI 5000.rr. Required corrosion data storage and tracking with
reporting frequencies should be established. In many cases, corrosion records have
not been retained, thus precluding the identification of trends and the anticipation of
problems. Corrosion may occur long after the causative action, so long-term record
keeping may be warranted.
• List applicable technical data, specifications, and standards.
• Define the relationship and role of corrosion in other system programs or plans, such
as reliability, RCM, condition-based maintenance, maintainability, supportability,
system master plans, structural integrity plans, etc. If corrosion is an element or sub-
set of a separate focus, it may not receive the needed attention without specific advo-
cacy within that program. This should be reflected in the corrosion plan to ensure the
necessary resources are available.
• Establish the management structure to be used for the peculiar system including a CPAT.
• Define the competency level, duties, roles, responsibilities, and authority of the sys-
tem corrosion manager. This should include procedures for review of all contracted
and organic maintenance efforts, drawings, etc.
• Prescribe a CPAT charter with the approving signature level, the membership, and
organization of the CPAT. The charter should describe basic duties of team members
and define operating procedures. The CPAT charter should also define detailed work-
ing procedures as defined in Section 2.4.2 below.
• Define processes for addressing corrosion in all contracted and organic maintenance
• Outline sources of funding and procedures to be used to obtain funding for corrosion
prevention and mitigation and the necessary engineering support.
• Establish processes and procedures for review of drawings, statements of work, main-
tenance planning documents, etc. for materials and processes or other content that
might affect CPC.
• Establish responsibility and procedures for corrosion quality assurance audits of
maintenance activities, storage facilities, etc.

Spiral Number 3 2-3 Volume II

• Define corrosion training requirements and identify sources of such training for sys-
tem program engineers and CPAT members.
• Establish appropriate metrics and goals for corrosion performance.
• Identify corrosion technology acquisition and technology implementation procedures,
field testing procedures, and resources to ensure current technologies and materials
are specified. Corrosion conferences and the information provided on the DoD Corro-
sion Exchange website ( are excellent ways to keep abreast of
new corrosion technologies and materials.
• Establish methods for fleet or system corrosion assessments and assessment frequen-
cies. Fleet surveys should be considered in conjunction with data system analysis,
failure analyses, user field reports, and analytical condition inspections of representa-
tive assets.
• Identify methods to track fleet or individual asset environmental exposure as required
for maintenance and corrosion prevention and mitigation actions.
• Be updated at least every 2 years.

2.4 Corrosion Prevention Action Team

2.4.1 Establishment and Scope
Programs in the sustainment phase should already have and established CPAT. In the event a
CPAT does not exist, it should be established as soon as possible in accordance with DoD

The CPAT will play an important role in providing the guidance and expertise necessary to im-
plement the corrosion prevention and control plan. The CPAT advises the program manager on
corrosion-related issues, the adequacy and execution of the various elements of the plan, and al-
ternative organizational avenues for addressing corrosion-related issues.

2.4.2 Charter
The CPAT charter provides the authority for the CPAT and its activities. The charter should be
signed by the program manager as the one responsible for the specific system. It should define
the purpose of the team and include the scope and responsibilities of the CPAT. The charter also
should include organizational membership and specify a minimum meeting frequency (once per
year) with more frequent meetings as required. The charter should define both member roles and
responsibilities and CPAT activities in support of the system’s CPC plan.

2.4.3 Membership
The corrosion manager/POC for the system typically chairs the CPAT. In some cases, users or
other involved members might serve as co-chair. Many systems now have contractor support for
the CPAT activities. Membership should include representatives from system users, program or
project engineering, service corrosion program offices, technical authorities or the equivalent,
and subject matter experts, which may include individual service laboratory materials engineers,

Volume II 2-4 Spiral Number 3

Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment

information analysis center personnel (such as AMMTIAC), and personnel from both organic
and contractor maintenance organizations.

Systems that are still in production or that will likely have variants produced should also have
representatives from the original equipment manufactures (OEMs) as non-voting members.
Every effort should be made to maximize user participation, especially from activities with spe-
cific corrosion responsibilities.

2.4.4 CPAT Duties CPAT Chair Responsibilities
• Scheduling regular CPAT meetings as defined by the charter or more often as required
• Preparation of meeting agenda, including calls for action items prior to the final
• Assembling pertinent information and data, along with appropriate resource persons,
to address agenda and action items
• Tracking of all action items with assignment of responsibility for resolution
• Maintenance of CPAT records and action items. CPAT Member Responsibilities
• Participation in CPAT meetings
• Input of action items, corrosion issues, or discrepancies for inclusion in the agenda
• Providing requests for technical presentations relating to corrosion issues
• Addressing of corrosion issues through individual member organizations as appropriate
• Assisting CPAT Chair as requested
• Activities/Responsibilities.
2.4.5 CPAT Activities/Responsibilities
• Addressing action items
• Reviewing and resolving discrepancies
• Conducting process audits and fleet assessment surveys as required per the CPC plan
• Providing advice to the program or project manager on corrosion-related issues, risks,
technology, and proactive measures to prevent or mitigate corrosion
• Reviewing and making recommendations for corrosion technical manuals, proce-
dures, and guidance
• Reviewing of corrosion data, analysis, and trends with recommendations for action
• Reviewing and making recommendations to responsible organizations regarding facili-
ties, training, technology, and other issues that affect corrosion on the specific system

Spiral Number 3 2-5 Volume II

• Working through or with other cognizant organizations, such as service corrosion
program offices, laboratories, other services, etc., to resolve common corrosion issues
• Providing expertise and assistance to CPAT Chair as needed
• Evaluating technologies, policies, regulations, and other issues with the potential of
impacting corrosion of the system for which the CPAT is responsible
• Reviewing and recommending changes and updates to the CPC Plan
• Reviewing and evaluating corrosion related test data with recommendations
2.5 Assessments and Surveys, Feedback, and Monitoring
2.5.1 Field Assessments and Surveys
The importance of fleet corrosion assessments and surveys cannot be overemphasized, although such
assessments and surveys tend to be very infrequent for most systems in the sustainment phase of their
life cycle. While the data systems provide some indication of corrosion activities, and CPAT input
from the users reflect specific problems, corrosion condition and the effects of corrosion are often not
clearly and comprehensively identified. Many sustainment system corrosion program managers have
very limited insight into actual conditions and related corrosion issues.

One weapon system studied in this effort conducted periodic (every 5 years) fleet surveys. These
surveys provide the backbone for CPAT activities, as previously unidentified corrosion items be-
came formal CPAT action items and were subsequently addressed and tracked. As the result of an
OSD-funded project, another sustainment corrosion program manager, along with contractor sup-
port personnel, visited multiple user sites to accomplish on-equipment testing. During the testing,
multiple, previously unknown, corrosion problems were discovered and found to be prevalent
across the fleet. These discoveries became one of the primary sources of CPAT actions for the next
several years, and they may mean significant problems could be otherwise avoided.

Limited budgets often preclude such assessments and surveys, but they should be a part of the
CPC plan. Once conducted, the corrosion program manager should quantify the benefits and
track associated actions.

2.5.2 Feedback
Other feedback mechanisms are available to access corrosion problems. These include results of
“lead-the-fleet” weapons system assessments, materials and quality deficiency reports, consum-
able and reparable parts history, and newer parts usage and trend analysis.

2.5.3 Monitoring
The insertion and adaptation of developed technologies such as corrosion monitoring sensors can
provide valuable information related to corrosion prevention and control. Monitoring sensor results
can accurately predict impacts of specific environments on the expected corrosion. Prediction and
active monitoring may result in such examples as determining frequency of washing or rinsing and
avoidance/extension of periodic maintenance.

Volume II 2-6 Spiral Number 3

Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment

2.6 Sustainment System: Corrosion Manager Duties

The duties for a Corrosion manager for a system in the sustainment phase of its life cycle may
include, but are not be limited to, the following:

• Serve as CPAT Chair (see Section 2.4.4).

• Draft reviews and updates to the CPC plan at least every 2 years.
• Review all drawing packages, engineering change proposals (ECPs), statements of
work, maintenance work packages, modifications for correct materials, and processes
for corrosion prevention and mitigation
• Identify corrosion training needs and opportunities for program office engineers and
technicians in accordance with the CPC plan.
• Participate in corrosion conferences and corrosion-related technical seminars to main-
tain technical and programmatic awareness.
• Review, monitor, and analyze corrosion data for trends and indications of needed
mitigation actions.
• Review and update corrosion technical data and maintenance programs to ensure
compliance with policy directives and regulations and to ensure the best technologies
are being used.
• Regularly interact with the system operators and maintainers to address corrosion is-
sues as they occur.
• Identify funding sources and provides budget input for corrosion funding require-
ments for sustaining engineering, technology implementation, and costs associated
with implementing the CPC plan.
• Serve as the advocate for corrosion in other program office engineering activities.
• Identify and elevate unresolved corrosion issues to program office management for
• Request and assist in quality assurance audits of maintenance processes as needed to
ensure compliance to specifications and requirements.
• Arrange for and lead fleet corrosion assessments and surveys in accordance with the
CPC plan.
• Maintain corrosion documentation, CPAT minutes, action items, corrosion-related
discrepancy files, and material and quality deficiency reports.
• Develop and manage field testing of corrosion related materials and processes.
• Serve as system focal point for corrosion-related issues that involve other organiza-
tions, services, DoD, industry, etc.

Spiral Number 3 2-7 Volume II

2.7 Personnel
2.7.1 Personnel Resources and Expertise
Program managers should devote adequate manpower to address corrosion issues. While indi-
vidual programs are charged with this responsibility, increased external emphasis is also needed
to assure proper focus. In many cases, the responsibility for corrosion is “another duty as as-
signed” and the individual is not given the time, resources, or authority to adequately address
corrosion. Likewise, this assignment is many times given to less experienced individuals with
little or no formal training. The DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight (CPO) Office retains a list
of subject matter experts, which can be made available to those who are in need of consultation
or information.

2.7.2 Education and Training

All CPAT members should be encouraged or required to take the Corrosion Prevention and Con-
trol Overview (Continuous Learning Module 038) and subsequent corrosion education courses
available at the Defense Acquisition University website (
Education and training classes are also offered by other institutions such as NACE International
and the Society for Protective Coatings.

2.7.3 CPAT Workshops

All CPAT chairs and contractor corrosion control support personnel should be encouraged or
required to participate in at least one CPAT workshop each year. Such attendance would greatly
enhance the CPAT chair’s effectiveness. CPAT workshop schedules will be made available on
the DoD Corrosion Exchange website (

2.8 Corrosion Metrics and Performance Measures

for Sustainment Programs
2.8.1 Corrosion Performance
One of the more difficult aspects of establishing an effective corrosion program for sustainment
programs is how to measure success. How bad is too bad, or nothing is ever good enough and
there are always things left to do? How does a sustainment corrosion program manager decide
between investments in prevention and repair?

Excessive investment in prevention will result in diminishing returns on investment. Managing

corrosion strictly via repairs will result in much larger costs than would have been incurred had
simple prevention techniques been used.

This is best illustrated with the story of two salesmen of corrosion inhibitor systems being called
to the customer’s facility to view the annual internal inspection of the boiler. The inevitable cor-
rosion had occurred over the last year, and the salesman whose system was currently in use de-
clared how wonderful it had worked, since corrosion was limited to what they saw. The hopeful
competitor looked aghast and declared how terrible it was and how much better it would have
been if his system had been used. Such is the difficulty of measuring the success of a sustainment
corrosion program. Likewise, when effective corrosion measures are taken, how long does it take
to see the results?

Volume II 2-8 Spiral Number 3

Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment

2.8.2 Monetary Impact of Corrosion

The DoD Corrosion Program, with direction from Congress, is addressing one aspect of this
problem by conducting a cost-of-corrosion baseline study (by equipment platforms and infra-
structure facility asset categories), which will provided detailed information and a searchable da-
tabase of the elements that incur a corrosion-related cost. Like corrosion itself, these costs
initially provide a snapshot of where we are; however, how a system is doing will only become
apparent as subsequent studies establish trends in cost progression. With the detail of this data-
base, each program manager can gain some insight into the corrosion performance of a specific pro-
gram by comparing it with similar systems and systems of similar age, usage, etc.

It should be noted that economic cost is only one factor; it should not be used alone as a corro-
sion performance metric, because costs can be misleading if not properly understood and used in
context. Corrosion maintenance costs, for instance, can be reduced over a given period simply by
deferring the maintenance, but after a time the same maintenance costs will be much greater.
Likewise, investments in prevention can prove very costly initially but will yield large returns on
the investment over the life of the system. Unfortunately, corrosion programs can fall victim to
budgets, so program managers must use other information to support requirements for addressing
the corrosion issues in a timely fashion.

2.8.3 Readiness and Safety Impact of Corrosion

In addition to monetary costs, the effects of corrosion on readiness and safety should be consid-
ered by sustainment corrosion program managers. Corrosion-related safety incidents may be the
result of anomalous situations, and are difficult to influence; but they should be tracked, ana-
lyzed, and targeted for elimination.

Corrosion-related safety trends can be another indicator of performance. Asset availability or

readiness is carefully tracked for most systems. When corrosion can be identified as the cause for
an unavailable asset, readiness becomes an important measure of performance. Again this is of-
ten not specifically identified or tracked, but it parallels to cost may be available from existing
data systems and should be explored as one of the corrosion performance measures.

Corrosion-related trends in readiness, in conjunction with cost and safety, can be indicators of
the effectiveness of the corrosion program. These factors can be even more indicative when
compared to other systems with similar attributes of usage, design, etc.

2.8.4 Data Requirement to Ascertain Impacts of Corrosion

Of the systems investigated in this study, some had better data systems than others in the ability
to directly record and provide visibility into corrosion issues. The AIRCAT system used by the
USAF C-130 allows direct input of requests for engineering assistance and other corrosion in-
formation. All engineering responses and actions are recorded such that unique corrosion con-
cerns and actions are easily visible. However, even this system does not assure that routine field
corrosion activities or depot corrosion maintenance is recorded. However, this does allow insight
into trends and unique problems. Under an OSD-funded project, the C-130 is also monitoring
environmental exposure across a representation portion of the fleet such that corrosion inspection
and maintenance can be tailored to the severity of exposure rather. This has allowed increases in
wash intervals in mild environments with no impact to corrosion performance. Suffice it to say

Spiral Number 3 2-9 Volume II

that there must be accessible data before performance can be measured. Specific corrosion in-
formation cannot easily be obtained from generic maintenance data systems across the services.
Where possible, corrosion program managers should determine what specific corrosion informa-
tion is available for that system and develop their own metrics using that information.

2.8.5 Impact of Subsystem on Corrosion Performance Metrics

Of special concern to the corrosion program manager of complex weapon systems, is the impact
of the corrosion of systems and subsystems for which the weapon system corrosion manager has
no responsibility or control. Every effort should be made to track and report this corrosion per-
formance and its impact since these subsystems often affect multiple fleets. The delineation of
responsibilities for corrosion performance is critical to effectively addressing the larger DoD cor-
rosion as well as enhancing the performance of the individual system. The tracking of Defense
Logistics Agency (DLA) and other supplied parts for corrosion performance in terms of cost,
safety, and readiness is a necessary metric for the overall weapons system performance.

2.8.6 Need for Performance and Metrics Tracking

As systems age, corrosion obviously will become more of a problem as it grows, is identified,
and begins to impact mechanical performance. Much has been mentioned about trends but abso-
lute values of corrosion associated metrics may also indicate performance where these can be
compared to those of other assets with similar attributes. Absolute corrosion impacts or the cor-
rosion impact as a percentage of the overall metric at a given point in the life of the system may
provide insight into readjustments that are required in the corrosion approach. This can then be
reflected in the CPC Plan. Initially corrosion inspection and maintenance frequencies are based
on expected performance as indicated by design requirements, test data, etc. However, with ex-
perience, corrosion inspection and maintenance should also, be shifted to reflect experience. In
many systems this has not occurred because no one has actually looked at the years of corrosion
experience for incorporation into the corrosion program. In one case, a major corrosion problem
has recurred every seven or eight years over the last 25 years and required a fleet wide inspection
with major repairs to corrosion damaged assets. While the repairs have been made, there has
been little or no attempt to identify or address the cause of this corrosion failure since its occur-
rence typically exceeds the span of a single corrosion manager’s assignment.

2.9 Alternative Sustainment Corrosion Program Funding Sources

Sustainment Corrosion Program Managers are often constrained by lack of funding from the
specific weapons system program. However, other funding sources may be available and
should be pursued where specific corrosion needs are applicable from those sources. Many of
the programs reviewed during this study applied for and received Pollution Prevention (P2),
Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP), and Strategic Environ-
mental Research and Development Program (SERDP) funding as part of their environmental
efforts which involve materials and processes with significant impact on corrosion prevention
and control. Likewise, Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) funding has provided significant
help in addressing corrosion which has occurred as a result of exposure resulting from deploy-
ments related to the war efforts. Programs may also make use of alternative sources of funding
for RDT&E needs such as the sponsoring of topics for the Small Business Innovative Research
(SBIR) program, etc. Likewise funding may be available from the Commercial Technologies

Volume II 2-10 Spiral Number 3

Corrosion Programs for Weapon System Sustainment

for Maintenance Activities Program (CTMA), Value Engineering, and other OSD sponsored
efforts including OSD corrosion project funding where projects meet the defined criteria. In-
formation on such funding is available at

2.10 Conclusions
A review of the DoD weapon systems in the sustainment phase of their life cycle, with success-
ful participation in the OSD Corrosion Policy and Oversight Program, provided a template for
corrosion programs for systems in this phase. Some of these systems were no longer in produc-
tion, others were well into the sustainment phase as production continued; either way, the corro-
sion issues related to production should be addressed during acquisition.

Acquisition corrosion programs are much more fluid with changing needs and focus as the pro-
grams move through the milestone development process while sustainment corrosion programs
have a more permanent and fixed focus. While the sustainment programs require significant
flexibility to address ever-changing corrosion challenges, the programmatic approach and focus
can be more constant. Sustainment corrosion programs have fewer automatic review points or
defined corrosion performance metrics but they offer an increased opportunity to tailor programs
in the long term to meet specific program needs.

Table 2-1. Corrosion Template for Systems in Sustainment Phase

Requirements CPC elements Lessons learned Resources Metrics

Policies and CPC plan Cost of corrosion Education Documentation
regulations opportunities and and tracking
Service instruc- CPAT Analysis report Technology User feedback
tions Failures strategy and fund- Deficiency reports
ing sources
Lead-the-Fleet CTR reports
Program-specific Corrosion Consumable/ Subject matter Assessments and
guidelines manager duties reparable parts experts surveys
history and trends
Joint programs Plan review SSQP New technology
(e.g. sensors)

Spiral Number 3 2-11 Volume II

Volume II 2-12 Spiral Number 3
Appendix A
Equipment Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies

In this appendix, we summarize the results from recent DoD cost-of-corrosion baseline studies.
DoD’s cost-of-corrosion studies are important for two reasons:

• They measure the annual cost of corrosion for various categories of weapon systems,
facilities, and infrastructure.
• They identify corrosion cost reduction opportunities for the military services
and DoD.
According to two separate studies—including one by the Government Accountability Office
(GAO)—the cost of corrosion to DoD equipment and infrastructure is estimated to be between
$10 billion and $20 billion annually. Although the spread between these estimates is large, both
studies confirm that DoD corrosion costs are significant.

Congress, concerned with the high cost of corrosion and its negative effect on military equip-
ment and infrastructure, enacted legislation in December 2002 that directed the Secretary of De-
fense to appoint a DoD Corrosion Official to report to the Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology and Logistics (USD[AT&L]). The Secretary of Defense was also di-
rected to inform the Congress within 60 days, the structure of the office and who the office
would report to. Modifications have been made, and the USD(AT&L) is the Corrosion Executive
with a direct reporting Corrosion Office. To perform its mission of corrosion prevention and miti-
gation, fulfill congressional requirements, and respond to GAO recommendations, USD (AT&L)
established the Corrosion Prevention and Control Integrated Product Team (CPC IPT), a cross-
functional team of personnel from all the military services as well as representatives from private

In response to a GAO recommendation to “develop standardized methodologies for collecting

and analyzing corrosion cost, readiness and safety data,” the CPC IPT created a standard method
to measure the cost of corrosion for its military equipment and infrastructure. Because the data-
gathering effort is large and complex, the CPC IPT plans to measure the total DoD cost of corro-
sion in segments. In April of 2006, the CPC IPT published the results of its first study using the
standard corrosion cost estimation method.

Table A-1 presents the results of the initial five studies and the timeline for future cost-of-
corrosion studies.

Spiral Number 3 A-1 Volume II

Table A-1. Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies to Date and Future Efforts

Annual cost Data

Study year Study segment of corrosion baseline
2005–2006 Army ground vehicles $2.0 billion FY2004
Navy ships $2.4 billion FY2004
2006–2007 DoD facilities and infrastructure $1.8 billion FY2005
Army aviation and missiles $1.6 billion FY2005
Marine Corps ground vehicles $0.7 billion FY2005
2007–2008 Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard aviation
and Coast Guard ships
2008–2009 Air Force and repeat 2005–2006
2009–2010 Repeat 2006–2007
2010–2011 Repeat 2007–2008

Based upon their general source of funding and level of maintenance, materiel corrosion costs
are segregated into three categories: depot-level, field-level (both intermediate and organiza-
tional maintenance), and outside normal reporting. Outside normal reporting costs cover corro-
sion prevention or correction activities that are not identified in traditional maintenance reporting
systems. Examples of these costs include the time an aviation crew member with a non-
maintenance skill specialty spends inspecting the aircraft for corrosion damage, or the cost of
corrosion-related training.

To accommodate the anticipated variety of decision makers and data users, a corrosion cost data
structure that maximizes analysis flexibility was designed. Figure A-1 outlines the data structure and
different methods of analysis.

Volume II A-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix A, Equipment Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies

Figure A-1. Data Structure and Methods of Analysis

Equipment Type xxx Percentage

(Age z years) of total

Equipment Type 100 Percentage

(Age 5 years) of total

Equipment Type 001 Percentage

(Age 12 years) of total Labor Materials WBS

Depot maintenance corrosion costs

Field-level maintenance costs

Outside normal reporting

corrosion costs

Corrective corrosion costs

Preventive corrosion costs

Structure direct corrosion costs

Parts direct corrosion costs

Using this data structure, weapon system managers and other decision makers can analyze the
data against the following:

• Equipment type
• Age of equipment type
• Corrective versus preventive cost
• Depot, field-level, or outside normal reporting
• Structure versus parts cost
• Labor costs
• Material costs
• Work breakdown structure (WBS).

Corrosion Shares of Various Maintenance Costs

The cost of materiel maintenance that is attributable to corrosion prevention or correction varies by
service and type of equipment. For example, corrosion-related maintenance costs were 14.0 percent
of depot maintenance costs for Army ground vehicles in FY2004; but corrosion-related maintenance
costs were a much higher share of depot maintenance costs for Army aviation and missiles and Navy
ships (28.4 percent and 28.0 percent, respectively).

Spiral Number 3 A-3 Volume II

Table A-2. Corrosion Shares of Depot Maintenance Costs

(then-year dollars in millions)
Fiscal Depot Corrosion-
Service Systems year maintenance related Share
Army Ground vehicles 2004 1,956 274 14.0%
Army Aviation and missiles 2005 1,861 529 28.4%
Navy Ships 2004 4,812 1,345 28.0%
Marine Corps Ground vehicles 2005 521 119 22.8%
Source: LMI cost-of-corrosion studies for DoD.

Corrosion-related costs as a share of field maintenance costs are generally lower than at the
depot level, as well as being more tightly grouped. Corrosion-related maintenance costs were
20.4 percent of field maintenance costs for Marine Corps ground vehicles in FY2005, and this
is the clear outlier in this set of data.

Table A-3. Corrosion Shares of Field Maintenance Costs

(then-year dollars in millions)
Fiscal Field Corrosion-
Service Systems year maintenance related Share
Army Ground vehicles 2004 6,980 1,045 15.0%
Army Aviation and missiles 2005 6,505 1,028 15.8%
Navy Ships 2004 5,892 779 13.2%
Marine Corps Ground vehicles 2005 1,862 379 20.4%
Source: LMI cost-of-corrosion studies for DoD.

Corrosion-related maintenance costs for Marine Corps ground vehicles also represented the
highest share of the materiel maintenance costs for the military services and types of equipment
studied to date. Note that Table A-4 does not include outside-normal-reporting corrosion costs
and therefore differs from Table A-1, which does include them.

Table A-4. Corrosion Shares of Materiel Maintenance Costs

(then-year dollars in millions)
Fiscal Field + depot Corrosion-
Service Systems year maintenance related Share
Army Ground vehicles 2004 8,936 1,319 14.8%
Army Aviation and missiles 2005 8,366 1,557 18.6%
Navy Ships 2004 10,704 2,124 19.8%
Marine Corps Ground vehicles 2005 2,383 498 20.9%
Source: LMI cost-of-corrosion studies for DoD.

Volume II A-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix A, Equipment Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies

Top Five Lists—Corrosion Maintenance Costs

Data from the cost-of-corrosion baseline studies can also identify weapon systems that incurred the
highest corrosion maintenance costs either in aggregate or on average. Top five lists for the four
categories of systems studied to date are presented below in Tables A-5 through A-12. Studies of
naval aviation and Air Force platforms have not been completed and, therefore, are not reflected.

Army Ground Vehicles

Table A-5. Top Five Army Ground Vehicles
by Total Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2004

Line item Corrosion cost Maintenance cost Share

number Nomenclature (in millions) (in millions) (%)
T61494 Truck utility: cargo/troop carrier $222.3 $1,087.0 20.4
T13168 Tank combat full tracked: 120mm gun $134.5 $758.0 17.6
X40009 Truck cargo: 2-1/2 ton $89.3 $325.5 27.4
X40794 Truck cargo: drop side $51.5 $251.3 20.5
W95811 Trailer cargo: 1-1/2 ton $50.3 $84.7 59.4

Table A-6. Top Five Army Ground Vehicles

by Average Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2004

Line item Corrosion cost Average

number Nomenclature (in millions) Inventory cost
F60564 Infantry fighting vehicle: M2A3 $9.5 265 $35,779
T13168 Tank combat full tracked: 120mm gun $133.5 4,243 $31,475
A80593 Antenna mast group component truck $3.5 131 $26,976
T13169 Tank combat full tracked: 105mm gun $5.4 216 $25,135
L46979 Launching station: guided missile $8.8 476 $18,493

Army Aviation and Missiles

Table A-7. Top Five Army Aviation and Missile Systems
by Total Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2005

Line item Corrosion cost Maintenance cost Share

number Name (in millions) (in millions) (%)
H30517 Helicopter cargo transport:CH-47D $352.0 $1,782.2 19.8
K32293 Helicopter utility: UH-60A $335.3 $1,706.8 19.6
1H32361 Helicopter utility: UH-60L $243.0 $1,630.6 14.9
H148918 Helicopter attack: AH-64D $171.4 $859.8 19.9
A21633 Helicopter aerial scout: OH-58D $127.2 $678.1 18.8
Note: The two sub-components may not add to the total because of rounding.

Spiral Number 3 A-5 Volume II

Table A-8. Top Five Army Aviation and Missile Systems
by Average Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2005

Line item Corrosion cost

number Name (in millions) Inventory Average cost
H30517 Helicopter cargo transport: $352.0 413 $852,000
H32361 Helicopter utility: UH-60L $243.0 544 $447,000
H48918 Helicopter attack: AH-64D $171.4 429 $400,000
K32293 Helicopter utility: UH-60A $335.3 903 $371,000
A21633 Helicopter aerial scout: OH-58D $127.2 357 $356,000

Navy Ships
Table A-9. Top Five Navy Ship Categories
by Total Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2004

Corrosion cost Maintenance cost

Ship type (in millions) (in millions) Share (%)
Amphibious $767 $2,232 34.4
Surface warfare $604 $3,538 17.1
Carriers $449 $2,129 21.1
Submarines $225 $2,300 9.8
Other ships $77 $505 15.2

Table A-10. Top Five Navy Ship Categories

by Average Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2004

Corrosion cost Average cost

Ship type (in millions) Inventory (in millions)
Carriers $449 12 $37.4
Amphibious $767 37 $20.7
Surface warfare $604 105 $5.8
Submarines $225 72 $3.1
Other ships $77 30 $2.6

Volume II A-6 Spiral Number 3

Appendix A, Equipment Cost-of-Corrosion Baseline Studies

Marine Corps Ground Vehicles

Table A-11. Top Five Marine Corps Ground Vehicles
by Total Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2005

Corrosion cost Maintenance cost Share

TAMCN Name (in millions) (in millions) (%)
E0846 Landing vehicle, tracked $175.6 $538.4 32.6
D1158 Truck, utility $80.2 $579.4 13.8
D1156 Truck, guided missile $58.5 $404.1 14.5
E1888 Tank, combat, full tracked $58.3 $262.2 22.2
E0947 Light armored vehicle $26.4 $119.1 22.2
Note: TAMCN = Table of Authorized Materiel Control Number.

Table A-12. Top Five Marine Corps Ground Vehicles

by Average Corrosion Maintenance Cost in FY2005

Corrosion cost Average

TAMCN Name (in millions) Inventory cost
E0846 Landing vehicle, tracked $175.6 780 $225,139
E1888 Tank, combat, full tracked $58.3 305 $190,997
E0796 Landing vehicle, tracked $7.5 60 $124,417
E0947 Light armored vehicle $26.4 292 $90,464
E0942 Light armored vehicle $5.4 69 $77,955
Note: TAMCN = Table of Authorized Materiel Control Number.

Spiral Number 3 A-7 Volume II

Volume II A-8 Spiral Number 3
Volume III Infrastructure
Table of Contents
1. General Project Management Requirements ............................................... 1-1
1.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.1.1 Intended Use ........................................................................................................ 1-2
1.1.2 Applicability ........................................................................................................ 1-3
1.1.3 Policy/Guidance................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.4 Applicable Documents......................................................................................... 1-3
1.1.5 Definitions............................................................................................................ 1-4
1.2 General Project Management Requirements ............................................................. 1-4
1.2.1 Facilities and Infrastructure ................................................................................. 1-5

2. Project Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning ............. 2-1

2.1 Project Management Requirements ........................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 DoD Corrosion Performance Specification Issues .............................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Management Planning ......................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 ILS as It Applies to the CPC Program ................................................................. 2-8

3. Technical and Design Considerations ......................................................... 3-1

3.1 Technical Considerations........................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.1 Variables Influencing Corrosion.......................................................................... 3-2
3.1.2 Potential Solutions to Corrosion Problems .......................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Assessments of Corrosion Impacts in Construction and Sustainment................. 3-2
3.1.4 Accelerated Corrosion Tests in Acquisition ........................................................ 3-3
3.1.5 Service Laboratories ............................................................................................ 3-3
3.2 Design Considerations ............................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Material Selection ................................................................................................ 3-4
3.2.2 Protective Coatings .............................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.3 Cathodic Protection.............................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.4 Design Geometries............................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.5 Environmental Modifications .............................................................................. 3-4
3.2.6 Process/Finish Specification or Equivalent Document in Acquisition ................ 3-4

Spiral Number 3 iii Volume III

Appendix A DoD Construction Process

Appendix B Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention

Advisory Team

Appendix C Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan

for Facilities

Appendix D Facilities and Infrastructure Design Guidance

Appendix E Facilities Cost of Corrosion Results

Appendix F Facility Corrosion Prevention and Control Memorandum

Figure 1-1. Volume III Organization ........................................................................................... 1-2
Figure 1-2. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Bid-Build
Project .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-3. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Build
Project .................................................................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 2-1. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Bid-Build
Project .................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Figure 2-2. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Build
Project .................................................................................................................................... 2-2

Volume III iv Spiral Number 3

1. General Project Management Requirements

It is simply good sense and good management to prevent corrosion through better design
and selection of materials, and to reduce treatment costs by detecting corrosion earlier
and more precisely. Fighting corrosion is just one of the things that we need to constantly
do so that we are always ready to perform the fundamental mission of the Department,
which is to maintain our national security. 1
—DoD Corrosion Executive

1.1 Introduction
Project managers—perhaps more than any other group—greatly influence DoD’s corrosion-
related costs, safety, and reliability issues, regardless of whether it is in the design and construc-
tion of infrastructure or in their sustainment. 2 That is why this Corrosion Prevention and Control
Planning Guidebook is targeted to them. It identifies the materials, processes, techniques, and
tasks required to integrate an effective corrosion prevention and control program during all
phases of DoD infrastructure development and sustainment. The objective is to minimize the ef-
fects of corrosion on life-cycle costs, readiness, reliability, supportability, safety, and structural
integrity. Following the guidance in this Infrastructure Volume, in conjunction with applicable
project and technical documentation, will result in the best possible balance between construc-
tion and sustainment costs for DoD infrastructure.

Figure 1-1 outlines the structure of this volume. The remainder of this chapter explores the cor-
rosion requirements as they relate to facility managers and planners, project managers (PMs),
and designers. It also identifies general project manager requirements. Chapter 2 outlines specific
corrosion-related planning requirements. Chapter 3 focuses on technical and design considera-
tions that may impede or eliminate corrosion.

AMMTIAC Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 4, Winter 2003, p. 9.
Per 10 USC 2228, the term “infrastructure” encompasses “all buildings, structures, airfields, port facilities,
surface and subterranean utility systems, heating and cooling systems, fuel tanks, pavements, and bridges.”

Spiral Number 3 1-1 Volume III

Figure 1-1. Volume III Organization


• Planning
- Define Requirement
- Conceptual Design
• Final Design & Specs
• Contract Award
• Construction
• Operations & Maintenance


Management Technical and

Planning and ILS Design Corrosion

• Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
- Programmatic Considerations
- Corrosion variables
- CPC Planning - Potential solutions
- CPAT - Impacts
- CCT - Testing
- CPCP - Service laboratories
• ILS Planning • Design Considerations
- Material selection
- Coating
- Design geometries
- Environment
- Process/finish specifications

1.1.1 Intended Use

The content of this document is based on broad, in-depth military and industry experience regarding
the protection of infrastructure from corrosion and its effects. This document

• provides tools and techniques for implementing sound material/process selection

practices, finish treatments, and corrosion protection systems during all phases of
DoD infrastructure development;
• provides guidance on facility project management that can be implemented in organi-
zations to address corrosion issues and develop corrosion control plans; and
• describes requirements and methods for
ƒ establishing and managing a corrosion prevention action team (CPAT) that is appropri-
ately integrated into all design integrated product teams (IPTs) (where applicable), and
ƒ developing and implementing a corrosion prevention and control plan (CPCP) as
described in this document.

Volume III 1-2 Spiral Number 3

General Project Management Requirements

1.1.2 Applicability
This infrastructure volume is applicable to all DoD procuring activities and their respective con-
tractors involved in the planning, design, and procurement of new DoD infrastructure as well the
activities responsible for the sustainment of existing infrastructure.

1.1.3 Policy/Guidance
DoD corrosion policy recognizes that “the early stages of acquisition
provide our best opportunity to make effective trade-offs among the
many competing design criteria that will provide desired Defense ca-
pability.” This guidance is in accordance with the DoD Corrosion Pre-
vention and Control policy letter, signed by the Acting Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (USD[AT&L]),
12 November 2003 (see Attachment 1) and the Facility Corrosion Pre-
vention and Control memorandum, signed by the Deputy Under Secre-
tary of Defense for Installations and Environment, 10 March 2005 (see
Appendix F). Program and project management requirements include
the following:

• Make corrosion prevention and control planning an explicit part of performance-based

acquisition as well as performance-based logistics, as defined in DoD Directive 5000.1.
• Assess and evaluate corrosion planning during the programming, design, and con-
struction review processes.
• Adhere to the corrosion prevention and control guidance in the Unified Facilities
Criteria and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications.
• Implement best business practices and best-value decisions for corrosion prevention
and control in system and infrastructure acquisition, sustainment, and utilization.
1.1.4 Applicable Documents
Corrosion-related documents from government, industry, other non-government agencies, and stan-
dards organizations are available on the DoD Corrosion Exchange website (
and the Whole Building Design Guide (WGDG) website
( The following are examples of
applicable documentation:

• DoD’s corrosion report to Congress,3

• DoD’s corrosion points of contact (POCs)
(included as Attachment 4)
• The military services’ corrosion policies
• Links to corrosion-related laws and regulations
• Links to corrosion-related criteria specifications and standards
DoD Report to Congress, Long-Term Strategy to Reduce Corrosion and the Effects of Corrosion on the
Military Equipment and Infrastructure of the Department of Defense, December 2003.

Spiral Number 3 1-3 Volume III

• Copies of minutes from pertinent conferences and symposia
• Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center
(AMMTIAC) publications.

1.1.5 Definitions
The term “corrosion” means the deterioration of a material or its properties due to a reaction of
that material with its chemical environment. 4 Other key definitions are as follows: 5

• Corrosion prevention and control is the rigorous application of engineering design

and analysis, quality assurance (QA), nondestructive inspection (NDI), manufactur-
ing, operations, and support technologies to prevent the start of corrosion, avoid func-
tional impairment due to corrosion, and define processes for the tracking and repair of
corrosion problems.
• Integrated product teams (IPTs) are an integral part of the defense acquisition oversight
and review process. An IPT is a multifunctional team assembled around a product or
service, and responsible for advising the project leader on cost, schedule, and perform-
ance of that product. There are three types of IPTs: program IPTs, working-level IPTs,
and overarching IPTs.
• The Defense Acquisition Board advises the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisi-
tion, Technology, and Logistics (USD (AT&L)) on critical acquisition decisions.
DAB reviews focus on key principles, such as General
interoperability, time-phased requirements related to an Project
evolutionary approach, and demonstrated technical maturity.
• Define Requirement

1.2 General Project Management Requirements • Conceptual Design

• Final Design & Specs
• Contract Award

Effective and viable CPC planning/programming by facility managers • Construction

• Operations & Maintenance

is critical to ensure requirements are included in the infrastructure

design. DoD policy requires project managers to accomplish Planning

corrosion-related planning during construction proceedings.

Management for corrosion prevention and control planning
specifically applies to infrastructure projects. The need for viable CPC Management Technical and
Design Corrosion
planning is critical to project success. Planning and ILS

• Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
- Programmatic Considerations
Effective and viable CPC planning should be smoothly and seamlessly - CPC Planning
- Corrosion variables
- Potential solutions
- CPAT - Impacts
integrated. The initial phases of the construction cycle should consider - CCT - Testing
- CPCP - Service laboratories
the effects of corrosion on the infrastructure and should be reflected in • ILS Planning • Design Considerations
- Material selection
the appropriate documentation. A corrosion prevention and control - Coating
- Design geometries
plan describes how a particular project will implement CPC planning. - Environment
- Process/finish specifications

Section 1067 of the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2003, Public Law 107-314,
enacted 10 U.S.C. 2228.
Acronyms are defined in Attachment 2. A complete list of defense acquisition acronyms and terms can be
found at

Volume III 1-4 Spiral Number 3

General Project Management Requirements

1.2.1 Facilities and Infrastructure Facilities Community
Facility managers and project programmers should identify corrosion prevention and control re-
quirements and include such requirements in the DD Form 1391 or other applicable project docu-
mentation to ensure the requirements are included in the design. The construction team, particularly
the project manager and the prime contractor, should translate the requirements into an RFP, final
designs and plans, contract specifications, and CPC planning. Figure 1-2 reflects the process to im-
plement corrosion control during a classic design-bid-build construction project. Figure 1-3 reflects
the process to implement corrosion control during a classic design-build construction project. An ex-
panded discussion of the processes is at Appendix C.

Figure 1-2. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Bid-Build Project

Planning Final Design Plans Contract Construction Operations &

Define Conceptual and Specifications Award Maintenance
Refinement Design

Contractor Corrosion
Team(s) formed

Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared

Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) formed

Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) prepared

Figure 1-3. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Build Project

Planning Contract Final Design Plans Construction Operations &

Define Conceptual Award and Specifications Maintenance
Refinement Design

Contractor Corrosion
Team(s) formed
Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared

Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) formed

Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) prepared

Spiral Number 3 1-5 Volume III

An infrastructure CPCP must reflect the following:

• The formation of the Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team

• The integration of corrosion prevention into the project design and plans
• Provisions for the inspection of coatings and cathodic protection during construction. Construction Inspection Plan for Facilities

Corrosion criteria should be included in the construction inspection plan. This plan should in-
clude and define the type and levels of corrosion testing to be incorporated in the environmental
test and verification plan. Standard government or industry test methods should be used when-
ever possible. The component/subsystem testing should reflect both the severity and duration of
exposures. Success criteria should include both retention of functionality and freedom from re-
quired corrosion repair per specified performance requirements.


The next chapter covers project management corrosion prevention and control planning.

Volume III 1-6 Spiral Number 3

2. Project Management Corrosion Prevention
and Control Planning

2.1 Project Management Requirements General

Facility managers, project managers, and procuring agencies Requirements

should consider corrosion prevention and control a key issue • Planning

in designing, procuring, and maintaining DoD infrastructure. - Define Requirement
- Conceptual Design
There are two primary aspects to CPC planning: • Final Design & Specs
• Contract Award
• Construction

• Management of the planning • Operations & Maintenance

• Technical and design considerations (requirements, PM CPC


tradeoffs, etc.) that lead to viable CPC planning.

While implementation methods and procedures will vary by
Technical and
system and responsible service or agency, it is critical to Management
Planning and ILS Design Corrosion
maintain the intent of these two requirements. Any • Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
viable DoD CPC planning should contain these two basic - Programmatic Considerations
- CPC Planning
- Corrosion variables
- Potential solutions
elements. - CPAT - Impacts
- CCT - Testing
- CPCP - Service laboratories

The remainder of this chapter covers management planning, • ILS Planning • Design Considerations
- Material selection

while Chapter 3 details technical and design corrosion - Coating

- Design geometries
- Environment
considerations. - Process/finish specifications

2.1.1 DoD Corrosion Performance Specification Issues

DoD construction reform over the last decade has resulted in a shift from traditional military specifi-
cations and standards to more commercial and performance-based specifications and design-build
contracts for infrastructure acquisition. This shift challenges the project or engineering manager or
designer to develop a meaningful performance specification or request for procurement for corrosion.
Several programmatic and technical points must be considered for effective implementation of corro-
sion performance specifications in DoD construction projects. These are detailed in the Management
Planning and Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) sections of this chapter, and the Technical and De-
sign sections in Chapter 3.

Spiral Number 3 2-1 Volume III

2.1.2 Management Planning CPC Planning
To achieve viable CPC planning, facilities managers and project managers should complete the

• Prepare a corrosion prevention and control plan as early in the project as possible. In-
clude CPC requirements in the DD Form 1391 or any other appropriate project
• Implement the CPCP with an accompanying process/finish specification and organize
the CPAT.

Figure 2-1. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Bid-Build Project

Planning Final Design Plans Contract Construction Operations &

Define Conceptual and Specifications Award Maintenance
Refinement Design

Contractor Corrosion
Team(s) formed

Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared

Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) formed

Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) prepared

Figure 2-2. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Build Project

Planning Contract Final Design Plans Construction Operations &

Define Conceptual Award and Specifications Maintenance
Refinement Design

Contractor Corrosion
Team(s) formed
Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared

Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) formed

Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) prepared

The corrosion prevention and control plan should

• define CPC requirements;

• list applicable specifications and standards;

Volume III 2-2 Spiral Number 3

Project Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

• address facility or system definition, design, engineering development, production or

construction, and sustainment phases, ensuring they are consistent with the design life
and affordability of the system;
• establish the management structure to be used for the peculiar system/facility being
designed, procured, and maintained, including a CPAT;
• prescribe the membership and organization of the CPAT, describe basic duties of
team members, define operating procedures, and prescribe appropriate specifications
and standards used in the systems/facilities;
• include the process/finish specification (materials and processes for corrosion preven-
tion and control) 1 that specify the detailed finish and coating systems to be used on
the procured weapon system; and
• address sustainability and logistics considerations. Programmatic Considerations
Programmatic considerations are part and parcel of the DoD acquisition/construction process.
These include acquisition cost, warranties, and the priority of corrosion control in construction. Acquisition Cost

Implementing effective corrosion control that reduces life-cycle cost may increase the new-unit
construction cost.

The project manager should balance the cost of improved design for corrosion against the life-
cycle costs for facility. This may be difficult unless objective measures of effectiveness for cor-
rosion control are established. Warranties
With a warranty, the seller essentially assures the buyer that the product will perform as repre-
sented over a period of time. If the product fails to perform as represented, the seller may be re-
quired to provide a new product or satisfactorily repair the existing product. With respect to
corrosion in DoD procurements, such agreements are typically hard to enforce:

• A warranty has little value in a critical situation. Replacement or repair of a corroded

part is meaningless to personnel under fire or when the failure has resulted in property
damage, personnel injury, or mission capability degradation.
• The terms of warranties are often complex. This may result in burdensome record
keeping and may constrain DoD’s flexibility with respect to maintenance procedures.
• The terms can also be somewhat subjective, such as when corrosion affects appear-
ance and objective measures of performance are not available. Previously, many cor-
rosion maintenance actions were considered discretionary until system functionality
was actually affected. Today, however, maintenance concepts and reliability consid-
erations do not allow for deterioration to the point of functional failure.

The specification will be in accordance with CPCP approved process/finish specifications and standards.

Spiral Number 3 2-3 Volume III Priority of Corrosion Control in Acquisition/Construction
While logistics support has long been recognized as a critical aspect of any procurement, the life-
cycle costs incurred as a result of corrosion have only recently received substantial attention.
Strong CPC planning often takes back seat to tactical or strategic capability during budget con-
siderations and definition of constraints. Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

While corrosion prevention and control planning actually begins before a request
for proposal (RFP) or specification is developed, the majority of the activity asso- Planning and ILS

ciated with CPC planning occurs after contract award. The initial CPCP require- • Management Planning

ments should be developed before the RFP to guide the insertion of the project’s - Programmatic Considerations
- CPC Planning
corrosion planning into the RFP. The initial CPCP also guides the initial perform- - CPAT
ance specification development. CPC planning consists of the following: - CPCP
• ILS Planning

• Establishment of the CPAT, which, along with the contractor corrosion team (CCT),
guides the direction of CPC planning; alternatively, and when more appropriate, es-
tablishment of processes (including standard procedures, guidance on the processes,
and project preparation templates) to ensure CPC is incorporated into projects
• Documentation (outlined above) that implements and reflects the CPC planning—
CPC requirements should be included in the DD Form 1391 or other appropriate pro-
ject documentation
• Actual design, manufacture, or construction, test, and support of the system. Corrosion Prevention Action Team Establishment and Scope
The roles and requirements of when to establish a CPAT vary depending on the type of project.
In general, the project manager for a construction project should establish the CPAT during the
conceptual design phase of the project.

The CPAT is actively involved in the review of all design considerations, material selections,
costs, and documentation that may affect corrosion prevention and control throughout the life of
the system or facility. The CPAT advises the project manager on corrosion-related issues and the
adequacy of the corrosion maintenance documentation and guidance as they are developed, and
elevate unresolved issues to a decision-level authority. Membership
A representative of the procuring activity should chair the team, which should include represen-
tatives from the contractor’s organization and from DoD:

• Prime contractor members (once the contract is awarded). The contractor’s team
members should be authoritative representatives of the contractor’s organizations.
They ensure proper materials, processes, and treatments are selected and properly
applied and maintained from the initial design stage to the final hardware delivery
or final construction.

Volume III 2-4 Spiral Number 3

Project Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning

• DoD members. The DoD team is designated by the project manager and includes all
involved military services. Membership from the services should include but not be
limited to
ƒ project engineering and support;
ƒ individual service corrosion program office, technical authority, or the
equivalent; and
ƒ subject matter experts, which may include
o individual service laboratory material engineers,
o corrosion personnel from the user command,
o information analysis center personnel (such as AMMTIAC), and
o operational test personnel. CPAT Duties

DoD team members have several responsibilities:

• Interface with the contractor corrosion team to ensure the goals outlined in this
guidebook are attained.
• Monitor all activity during design, engineering, testing, and production.
• Advise the project manager on corrosion-related issues and identify risks as well as
corrosion prevention opportunities.
• Attend appropriate CCT meetings.
• Advise the project manager on technical issues that need to be resolved.
• Review and resolve discrepancies submitted by the project manager.
• Schedule reviews as frequently as deemed necessary by the chairperson.

To evaluate the adequacy of the contractor’s efforts in corrosion prevention and control, the pro-
ject manager retains authority to conduct scheduled periodic reviews of the contractor’s design
and contractor and subcontractor facilities. Corrosion Technical Manual Guidance and Corrosion Maintenance

Concept Definition and Specifics
The CPAT should present its recommendations to the project manager as to the adequacy of
the corrosion maintenance documentation and provide guidance as they are developed. Reli-
ability-centered maintenance (RCM) may be used to assess the adequacy of such maintenance
documentation and guidance.

Spiral Number 3 2-5 Volume III Contractor Corrosion Team Membership
The membership of the CCT should include representatives from the project design IPTs, mate-
rial and process engineering, operations and manufacturing, quality control, material (or subcon-
tractor) procurement, and contracts. This representation is intended to be flexible, and the
recommended membership may be altered.

A CCT selected chairperson will serve as the manager of the CCT and contractor focal point for
the program/project. CCT Duties

The primary function of the CCT is to ensure adequate corrosion prevention and control re-
quirements are planned and implemented for systems during all phases of the design and con-
struction process. CCT duties should be outlined in the CPCP, which should be part of the initial
contract. Specific CCT responsibilities include the following:

• Ensure the appropriate documents outlined under section are prepared and
submitted in accordance with the required schedule.
• Obtain the necessary design reviews, clarification, resolutions of any differences in
technical position, and final approval of the documentation on a timely basis.
The chairperson or designee should

• establish periodic meetings as required to resolve problems as they occur;

• convene other meetings if a critical or major problem arises that requires action by the
• notify all DoD and contractor members of each meeting date, the topics to be dis-
cussed, and any decisions resulting from the previous meeting;
• sign off on all production drawings after materials selection, treatments, and finishes
are reviewed;
• maintain a continuing record of all action items and their resolutions; and
• establish the principal tasks to be accomplished to implement corrosion prevention
and control procedures in all phases of construction, or in the system contractor and
subcontractor manufacturing facilities. Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Documentation
The following document should result from the implementation of the corrosion prevention and
control planning.

Volume III 2-6 Spiral Number 3

Project Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan

The initial purpose of this plan is to

• set up the CPC program/project management approach,

• document corrosion-related design needs, and
• identify materials and corrosion control methods for use in the manufacture or con-
struction of the system or facility.
The initial draft of the CPCP should be completed before a project’s Milestone B or as early as
possible in the project during the planning and programming stage. CPC requirements should be
included in the DD Form 1391 or other appropriate project documentation. The plan should de-
scribe the specific anticipated CPC measures to be implemented. An example of a CPCP for in-
frastructure is provided at Appendix C.

During the design stage, the project manager should prepare, as soon as possible, a CPCP that
describes the contractor’s specific corrosion prevention and control measures to be implemented.
The CPCP should

• address only the materials and processes to be used in the specific DoD facility being
constructed; and
• outline how the contractor will ensure vendor and subcontractor compliance with the
corrosion plan approved by the project manager, including installation of govern-
ment-furnished equipment.
After contract award, the CPCP should be

• maintained by the contractor (or contractor team) and approved by the CPAT and
project manager; and
• revised as required to properly record changes to materials and processes being used
for corrosion prevention and control.
Copies of the major revisions to the CPCP should be formally submitted to the Defense Techni-
cal Information Center (DTIC) so the CPAT’s accomplishments are preserved and future pro-
jects can benefit from legacy knowledge as they prepare their respective CPCPs.

At a minimum, the CPCP should provide the following information:

• The organization, procedures, and responsibilities for a CCT

• Roles and responsibilities of quality assurance, process control, production opera-
tions, manufacturing planning, environmental compliance, personnel safety, and other
contractor organizations for the CPC effort
• A discussion of corrosion prevention techniques employed in design and how the
design will meet the projected environmental spectrum

Spiral Number 3 2-7 Volume III

• Specifications (process/finish specifications in systems) that outline the application of
coatings and other corrosion prevention compounds (if any) and address personnel
training and qualification, material inspection, surface preparation, and coating or
compound application procedures
• Any test data developed, or to be developed, for coatings or other corrosion-related
materials and processes
• Identification of coating/substrate combinations for which no testing is to be per-
formed, with an assessment of risk levels in the absence of testing
• Recommended specific corrosion control maintenance
2.1.3 ILS as It Applies to the CPC Program
For DoD infrastructure, no single, common program office is responsible for the entire corrosion
prevention and control process throughout the facility’s life cycle. Responsibility for initial plan-
ning begins with the installation facility manager. Responsibility for design and construction is
often the responsibility of an external design or construction agency or office. Once construction
is completed, control reverts to the facility manager for sustainment. Financial resources can be
different appropriations through different chains of command (e.g., MILCON for construction
managed by the design/construction agent, and O&M for sustainment managed by the installa-
tion). The ILS section contained in this Infrastructure Volume is for information only. Integrated Logistics Support Policy

It is Department of Defense policy to include adequate and timely logistics support planning (in-
cluding corrosion prevention and control planning) in all phases of the acquisition of defense
systems and equipment. Specific performance-based logistics (PBL) guidance states

PMs shall develop and implement performance-based logistics strategies that optimize to-
tal system availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint. Trade-off decisions
involving cost, useful service, and effectiveness shall consider corrosion prevention and
mitigation. Sustainment strategies shall include the best use of public and private sector
capabilities through government/industry partnering initiatives, in accordance with statu-
tory requirements. 2

Integrated logistics support is realized through the proper integration of logistics support ele-
ments (part of the system engineering process) and the application of logistics considerations as
they apply to corrosion prevention and control decisions made during the facilities design phase.
The optimum balance for facilities/infrastructure is somewhere between its capability and avail-
ability to support a specified military requirement. This goal can only be achieved by including
logistics support considerations in all stages of the CPCP, from formulation and validation of the
concept, through engineering design and development, to construction, and operation. In apply-
ing the concept of ILS to facilities/infrastructure, it is important to maintain a proper perspective
and remember logistics support is not an end in itself. ILS exists only to support the use of the
facility/infrastructure; therefore, it must be considered as the CPCP evolves.

DoDD 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System, Enclosure 1, paragraph E1.17, 12 May 2003.

Volume III 2-8 Spiral Number 3

Project Management Corrosion Prevention and Control Planning ILS Elements

In addition to integrating support planning into the entire CPCP design and development process,
the elements of logistics support (which are listed below and expanded upon in Attachment 3)
should be integrated with each other and into the CPCP:

• Maintenance plan
• Support and test equipment
• Supply support
• Transportation and handling
• Technical data
• Facilities
• Personnel and training
• Logistics support resource funds
• Logistics support management information.

When the baseline of any one logistics element is changed—or proposed to be changed—
because of a corrosion process application, the effect on all other logistics elements and on the
total system/equipment must be considered formally, with the necessary adjustments made.

The key to effective application of the ILS process to the CPCP is a systematic and orderly man-
agement process through which the corrosion prevention advisory team can identify logistics ac-
tions and requisite decisions quickly and can present them to the project manager.

Spiral Number 3 2-9 Volume III

Volume III 2-10 Spiral Number 3
3. Technical and Design Considerations

The design and construction of DoD infrastructure requires the proper blend of safety, afforda-
bility, and environmental needs with mission and operational requirements. DoD infrastructure

• perform reliably,
• require minimum maintenance over a specified lifetime, and
• deteriorate at a rate that permits maximum service life.

Materials, manufacturing methods, and protective treatments that reduce deterioration failures should
be considered during the selection of suitable materials and appropriate construction methods that
will satisfy system requirements. The following are among the
deterioration modes that contribute to failures: General
• General corrosion
• Planning

• Galvanic corrosion - Define Requirement

- Conceptual Design

• Final Design & Specs
Pitting corrosion • Contract Award
• Construction

• Operations & Maintenance
Concentration cell corrosion

Dealloying Planning

• Intergranular corrosion
• Stress corrosion cracking Management Technical and
Design Corrosion
Planning and ILS
• Hydrogen embrittlement • Management Planning
• Technical Considerations
- Programmatic Considerations
- Corrosion variables
• Corrosion fatigue - CPC Planning
- Potential solutions
- Impacts
- CCT - Testing

• Flow-assisted (erosion) corrosion - CPCP

• ILS Planning
- Service laboratories
• Design Considerations
- Material selection

• Fretting corrosion - Coating

- Design geometries
- Environment

• Stray current corrosion - Process/finish specifications

• Fungus growth.

The CPCP and project specifications should detail specific requirements. Fundamentally, the de-
sign and design disciplines should allow for the evaluation of the following general approaches:

• Selecting the right materials and manufacturing processes

• Applying protective coatings as necessary
• Using proper corrosion preventative and control designs
• Modifying the environment.

Spiral Number 3 3-1 Volume III

The design should also attempt to eliminate corrosive contaminants. If materials are to be ex-
posed to contaminants, precautionary measures should be taken throughout the design phase to
minimize deterioration of individual parts and assemblies (as well as the entire system). Precau-
tionary measures are included in the technical and design considerations discussed below.

3.1 Technical Considerations

Corrosion performance is both an attribute of an entire facility and the sum of the performance of
components or individual items. Technical considerations in the implementation of effective cor-
rosion performance specifications are outlined below.

3.1.1 Variables Influencing Corrosion

The following variables influence corrosion:

• The interrelationship between materials and their specific environments

• The effects of design (including configuration and coatings), manufacture or con-
struction, operation, and maintenance
• Corrosion performance specifications for complex systems (These should be
addressed first at the component or item level.)
• Corrosion performance specifications for facilities. (These should be addressed first
at the conceptual design level.)

3.1.2 Potential Solutions to Corrosion Problems

The large number of variables influencing corrosion performance leads to an equally large num-
ber of potential solutions, some of which might not be compatible.

A thorough review of relevant technical literature is essential for making informed decisions for cor-
rosion performance requirements. Written corrosion specifications should be sufficiently flexible to
allow the designer and manufacturer to consider the entire range of potential solutions.

3.1.3 Assessments of Corrosion Impacts in Construction and Sustainment

Because corrosion affects both function and appearance, an accurate assessment of its effects is

• The potential loss of function due to corrosion can often be quantified through physi-
cal measurements. These may include plating thickness loss, pit depth measurements,
torque measurements, and conductivity measurements. Quantitative assessments are
costly and typically applied to critical items only.
• Hidden corrosion is difficult to detect and, therefore , a major problem.

Volume III 3-2 Spiral Number 3

Technical and Design Considerations

• Degradation in appearance is typically evaluated in very subjective terms through

comparison with visual standards, such as those specified in technical manuals and
technical society standards.
• Methods and equipment for corrosion monitoring and inspection should be consid-
ered in the development of design and maintenance concepts.

3.1.4 Accelerated Corrosion Tests in Acquisition

Corrosion is a time-based phenomenon. As such, accelerated corrosion tests cannot always de-
termine correlations between corrosion and service performance. Some tests can be predictive
(for example, exposure of x hours in test simulates y years of service life), but most tests cannot
make exact correlations. Accelerated tests

• are most useful for ranking the relative performance of materials, coatings, etc. in a
specific environment and application in comparison to a known system and
• often do not adequately reflect the effects of design changes, substantial material
changes, and maintenance cycles.
The design of environmental tests and verification planning should duplicate both the levels and
types of damage expected from the environmental spectrum defined for the system. This may be
achieved by a combination of environmental tests that capture the critical aspects of the expo-
sure, such as wet-dry cycles, specific corrodents, and geometric configurations.

• Accelerated corrosion testing, in conjunction with mechanical testing, should provide

insight into the capabilities of the protective systems and allow projections of damage
growth in order to facilitate corrosion management.
• The inspection and testing of facility components should be designed to consider both
the levels and types of damage expected from the known environmental spectrum for
the facility systems. The following variables need to be considered when developing
a plan for inspection and testing:
ƒ Temperature
ƒ Exposure
ƒ Pressure
ƒ Wet-dry cycling.

3.1.5 Service Laboratories

The service laboratories may be able to provide added technical guidance. Similarly, AMPTIAC
may be able to assist in the preparation of CPCPs and provide direct support through the CPAT.

3.2 Design Considerations

There are specifications (e.g., UFC and UFGS) and material selection criteria that should be con-
sidered as early in the planning process as possible (and included in the CPCP).

Spiral Number 3 3-3 Volume III

3.2.1 Material Selection
If possible, materials that are unsuitable to the operational environment should be avoided. Con-
sider compatibility when using multiple materials. If dissimilar materials cannot be avoided, iso-
late those materials from each other. Information about such critical selection can be found at the

• The Cambridge Material Selector (accessible from Granta Design Limited, Material
Information Solutions,
• DoD Corrosion Exchange website (

• Whole Building Design Guide (

3.2.2 Protective Coatings

The CPAT should consider protective coatings to isolate vulnerable materials from the environment.

3.2.3 Cathodic Protection

Cathodic protection is the utilization of the electrical properties of corrosion of metallic sub-
stances to provide a system for the protection of steel underground storage tanks (USTs), metal-
lic piping, or any other buried metallic structure to extend their useful life. There are two types of
cathodic protection—galvanic protection and impressed current. Cathodic protection is for bur-
ied or submerged facilities/infrastructure, particularly where required by law.

3.2.4 Design Geometries

Avoid crevices when possible, and avoid design features that make it difficult for protective
coatings to function (sharp corners, for instance), and geometries that unnecessarily trap mois-
ture. Appendix D outlines specific design guidance for facilities and infrastructure.

3.2.5 Environmental Modifications

When it is necessary for a portion of the infrastructure to be exposed to the environment, con-
sider a design that allows for the modification of the environment. Dehumidification and shelter-
ing can be effective means for modifying the environment.

3.2.6 Process/Finish Specification or Equivalent Document in Acquisition

The prime contractor should prepare a process/finish specification or an equivalent document as
soon in the design phase as possible. This specification document should identify the specific
organic and inorganic surface pretreatments and coatings and other corrosion prevention and
control materials and processes intended for use. After it has been approved by the responsible
DoD procuring activity, all requirements from the specification document should be included in
all applicable production drawings and maintenance documents.

Volume III 3-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix A
DoD Construction Process

This appendix provides additional background information on DoD’s facilities/infrastructure

process, which was too detailed to include in Chapters 1, 2, or 3. Readers who require specific
facilities/infrastructure information for decision-making are encouraged to consult the following:

• The DoD Corrosion website (

• Service information manuals (e.g., Army/Corps of Engineers [COE] unified facilities
criteria, NAVFAC Maintenance and Operations Manual [MO] 307, and Air Force
Instruction 32-1054)
• Design criteria
• Operations and maintenance manuals.

Figure A-1 and Figure A-2 depict the implementation process for corrosion control during a
DoD construction project. The individual steps of the process are explained below.

Figure A-1. Construction Process and CPC Planning

Planning Final Design Plans Contract Construction Operations &

Define Conceptual and Specifications Award Maintenance
Refinement Design

Contractor Corrosion
Team(s) formed
Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared

Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) formed

Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) prepared

Figure A-2. Process to Implement Corrosion Control During a Classic Design-Build Project

Planning Contract Final Design Plans Construction Operations &

Define Conceptual Award and Specifications Maintenance
Refinement Design

Contractor Corrosion
Team(s) formed
Request for Proposal (RFP) prepared

Corrosion Prevention Action Team (CPAT) formed

Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) prepared

Spiral Number 3 A-1 Volume III

Requirement Definition
The first step in the process is the definition of the requirement, or the approach to resolve a spe-
cific capability gap. This defines the capability gap in terms of the functional areas, the relevant
range of military operations, time, obstacles to overcome, and key attributes with appropriate
measures of effectiveness (e.g., distance effect, including scale). Facility Managers and project
programmers should identify corrosion prevention and control requirements and include such re-
quirements in the DD Form 1391 or other applicable project documentation to ensure this require-
ments are included in the design.”

Conceptual Design
Once the requirements are defined, the facilities managers, engineers and architects assigned to
the integrated product team (IPT) responsible for the design of the facility, utilities, or installa-
tion should ensure the conceptual design includes corrosion prevention requirements, and incor-
porate the Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP) as early as possible in the conceptual
design process.

Final Design Plans and Specification

The project manager will then ensure the

• final design and specifications include corrosion prevention technologies, where

required and applicable; and
• corrosion prevention technologies comply with applicable military handbooks, design
manuals, engineering technical letters and unified facilities criteria, as well as indus-
try standards, such as those from NACE International (formerly the National Associa-
tion of Corrosion Engineers and SSPC, the Society for Protective Coatings.

Request for Proposal

An RFP will be distributed to interested contractors and will outline the following:

• What will be expected from the bidders in the development, implementation and
management of CPC planning (This is critical when beginning the contracting proc-
ess for a construction project.)
• The managerial and technical aspects of CPC planning to ensure the contractors fully
realize the type of robust CPC planning they are expected to develop and implement
• The CPC planning organization
• Government participation in the planning, contractor responsibilities, and deliverable

Finally, facility design plans and specifications will be provided with the RFP when the
construction contract is awarded.

Volume III A-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix B
Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention
Advisory Team

This appendix provides an example of a corrosion prevention advisory team (CPAT) charter; it is
intended to be representative only. The contents of this appendix are not direction. The contents
of a program’s or project’s actual CPAT charter will vary and should reflect the needs of the par-
ticular program or project.

1.0 Introduction
Past experience has shown that corrosion in systems can impede operational readiness, impact
life cycle cost, and jeopardize system effectiveness. Corrosion, which is defined as the environ-
mental deterioration of any material, metallic or nonmetallic, includes the operating environ-
ment’s degradation of all materials. DoD Corrosion Prevention and Control Guidelines define
the objectives and responsibilities aimed at minimizing these threats throughout all phases of a
weapons system’s life cycle. The guidance recommends that a CPAT be established for each sys-
tem. The intention is to bring the designer, maintainer, and the user together so they may con-
tribute their unique experience to problem definition, formulate recommendations for solution,
and track final resolution. This charter defines the purpose, membership, responsibilities, and
procedures of the weapon system.

2.0 Purpose
The CPAT provides assistance and advice to the program/project manager on the most current
methods of providing and maintaining an effective corrosion prevention and material compatibil-
ity planning for the weapon system.

3.0 Membership
The following organizations constitute the CPAT membership. Each organization identifies, in
writing, any changes to their primary and alternate representatives to the CPAT. This charter is
reviewed annually by the CPAT to update content and membership, as required.

• Program engineering (chairperson) • Test and evaluation representatives

• Other concerned program elements • Service program office representatives
• Prime contractor (co-chairperson) • Service R&D laboratory representatives
• Other major contractor participants • Defense contract management
• User representatives

Spiral Number 3 B-1 Volume III

4.0 Responsibilities
The specific responsibilities of CPAT members are summarized below. These responsibilities are
derived from the DoD guidance in addition to contractor support requirements.

4.1 The PM chairperson, as the program or project manager’s representative, the contractor
team co-chairperson, as the prime contractor, and the Service Corrosion Prevention and
Control Office, as corrosion prevention and control program managers will:

4.1.1 Organize the CPAT effort. Establish and chair a CPAT to evaluate the adequacy of corrosion prevention/material
compatibility measures included in the design, to review the program’s approach to cor-
rosion prevention, and to advise on corrosion prevention and control for inclusion in
specifications and technical data. Make sure the engineering effort conducted by the integrated product teams (IPTs)
during design and fabrication focuses on the prevention and control of corrosion and
the compatibility of composites/materials with the system operating environment. This
will be done during the Technology Development, Systems Development and Demon-
stration (SDD), and Production and Demonstration phases. Evaluate compliance with applicable standards, specifications, design handbooks, and
related technical documentation. Direct Contractor Corrosion Team (CCT) Quality Assurance members to conduct
spot inspections during manufacturing to ensure manufacturing and fabrication
processes do not include practices that would eventually cause corrosion and mate-
rial degradation problems and to ensure approved techniques adopted by the air
vehicle IPTs early in SDD are being followed. Direct CCT Quality Control members to inspect preservation and packaging proce-
dures at the contractor facilities of all materials being delivered to Air Force activi-
ties to ensure practices adopted by the IPTs are being followed. To the extent they support structural requirements, use standard materials for weapon
system sustainment for corrosion prevention. Make sure each proposed redesign/modification is evaluated for potential corrosion,
material, and environmental compatibility effects and requirements for the prevention
and control of corrosion and material are addressed. Interface with the chairperson of the major subsystem CPATs to ensure data exchange
and resolution of mutual concerns. Interface with all team members to ensure data exchange and incorporation of techni-
cal advancements into the system.

Volume III B-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix B, Example of Charter for Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team Make sure the results of testing to environments outlined in MIL-STD-810 are reviewed
by the CPAT to identify future potential corrosion and material compatibility problems.

4.2 Service Program Office members will:

• Co-Chair the CPAT and assist the PM and user in tracking/resolving action items.
• Ensure the proper requirements for corrosion prevention and control are included in
specifications, tailored standards, and procedures; cite newly approved materials in
updating specification revisions, design handbooks, and technical data.
• Evaluate the CPCP to confirm it covers the proper steps for preventing corrosion
and ensuring material compatibility.
• Identify and help solve corrosion and material compatibility problems in the design,
maintenance, and use of the system.
• Periodically review and update technical data; send pertinent information to appropri-
ate training organizations for use in training courses.
• Review modification proposals to ensure proper requirements for corrosion preven-
tion and control are included.
• Review and validate Corrosion maintenance facility requirements documents.
4.3 User members will:

• Serve on the CPAT.

• Take part in contractor reviews and other actions to identify potential corrosion and
material compatibility problems.
• Assist in the review of the contractor’s effectiveness in preventing corrosion through
the design, production, and sustainment phases of acquisition.
• Ensure recommendations for corrective actions or CPAT action items are submitted
as early as possible and followed up.
• Ensure field-level support capabilities for corrosion prevention are evaluated by
the CPAT.
4.4 Test and Evaluation Organization members will have same responsibilities for corrosion
prevention and control as the user during testing and evaluation.

Spiral Number 3 B-3 Volume III

5.0 Procedure
The CPAT will:

5.1 Convene annually as a minimum or as often as required throughout the life cycle of this sys-
tem at the times and places arranged by the chairperson. The interval will normally be semi-
annually during the SDD phase, unless the chairperson determines that more or less frequent
sessions are necessary.

5.2 Review corrosion prevention/material compatibility contract requirements and prepare the
appropriate design guidance tailored to the unique aspects of this program.

5.3 Advise the CCT to conduct plant site inspections, as appropriate, at contractor and subcon-
tractor facilities to evaluate the adequacy of the design as it relates to corrosion prevention,
and to assess the manufacturing, fabrication, engineering liaison, and quality control proce-
dures for corrosion prevention and materials compatibility.

5.4 Advise the CCT to conduct field site inspections at flight test/ground test, demonstration fa-
cilities, and operational facilities to evaluate the effectiveness of the corrosion preven-
tion/material compatibility considerations/designs. Discrepancies will be defined and
possible solutions proposed.

5.5 The lead contractor will prepare and distribute minutes (no more than 60 days after the date
of the CPAT meeting), which assign action items to the responsible agencies for resolution.
The lead contractor also will maintain a continuing agenda or log of specific efforts, prob-
lems, action items, discrepancies, etc., with the following for each item:

• Definition or description
• Alternatives
• Team recommendation
• Responsible action individual or agency
• Final disposition.
5.6 Make recommendations to the program manager for all changes, corrections, or improve-
ments that require action by a government agency or a contractor.

Note: The CPAT has no authority to direct any government agency or contractor to take any ac-
tion as a result of its finding. The chairperson will make clear the nonbinding advisory nature of
the opinions, findings, suggestions, and recommendation of the team to all parties at all team
meetings and activities.

Volume III B-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C
Example of Corrosion Prevention
and Control Plan for Facilities

This appendix provides an example of a Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan (CPCP), and is
intended to be representative only. The contents of this appendix are not direction. The contents
of a program’s or project’s actual CPCP will vary and should reflect the needs of the particular

1.0 Objectives
The primary goals of corrosion control planning are to develop and maintain dependable and
long-lived structures, equipment, plants, and systems; conserve energy; reduce costs due to cor-
rosion, scale, and microbiological fouling; and ensure compliance with Environmental Protection
Agency, Department of Transportation, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and
other applicable regulations and guidance.

2.0 Scope
Corrosion control minimizes the effects of electrochemical or chemical attack on materials by
the environment. Planning includes the following:

• Establishment of a corrosion prevention advisory team (CPAT)

• Establishment of a Contractor Corrosion Team (CCT)
• Corrosion control by design and materials selection
• Use of cathodic protection to eliminate electrochemical reactions (corrosion)
• Use of industrial water treatment to reduce corrosion, scale-forming deposits, and
biological growths in heating and cooling systems
• Use of protective coatings to reduce atmospheric corrosion or cathodic protection cur-
rent requirements
• Periodic analysis of logs and records for failure prediction and selection of corrective
• Incorporation of corrective actions in repair and construction projects when materials,
design, construction, operation, or the environment cause corrosion, scale, or material

Spiral Number 3 C-1 Volume III

3.0 Responsibilities
3.1 Air Force Responsibilities

3.1.1 Headquarters Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency. The Air Force Civil Engineer
Support Agency (AFCESA) oversees the Air Force’s facility corrosion control planning in the
Technical Support Directorate, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering Division (HQ

3.1.2 AFCESA assists HQ USAF (HQ AF/A7C) in formulating corrosion control policy.

3.1.3 AFCESA maintains Air Force corrosion control technical publications and coordination on
tri-service technical publications. Develops technical standards, criteria, and procedures with
Department of Defense staff elements and other federal agencies.

3.1.4 AFCESA provides specialized field assistance and consultation to Air Staff and major
commands on special corrosion control problems, including designs, construction acceptance,
and failure analysis.

3.1.5 AFCESA provides corrosion literature searches and delivers any publicly available, but
difficult to find, engineering documentation. Through an agreement between HQ AFCESA and
the Air Force Research Laboratory, Airbase and Environmental Technology Division
(AFRL/MLQ), the Technical Information Center should be contacted for literature or documents.
Contact information is:

Technical Information Center

139 Barnes Drive, Ste 2
Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5323
DSN 523-6285
(904) 283-6286 (fax)
DSN 523-6286 (fax)

3.1.6 AFCESA approves corrosion control methods and equipment not specified in Air Force

3.1.7 AFCESA maintains a list of all corrosion points of contacts at the major command level to
include full name, complete mailing address, DSN and commercial telephone and fax numbers,
training received, and assigned corrosion duties.

3.1.8 AFCESA compiles each fiscal year a summary of funded projects justified all or in part by
corrosion control and a summary of leak records. Catalogs and analyzes these data for trends.

Volume III C-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

3.2 Army Responsibilities

3.2.1 The Deputy Chief of Staff, G–4 (DCS, G–4) has responsibility for oversight and resourcing
the Army CPC Program for fielded systems. The DCS, G–4 will:

a. Coordinate the CPC Program for fielded systems at Headquarters, Department of the
Army (HQDA), and provide support to the CPC Program during design and production.
b. Designate a principal point of contact to direct HQDA-level CPC Program activities.
c. Develop, support and defend resources to initiate and sustain an effective Army CPC
d. Evaluate the program’s effectiveness through routine field sampling and on-site visits.
3.2.2 The Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology)
(ASA (ALT)) will:

a. Designate a principal point of contact to coordinate DA-level CPC Program activities

with the Army and Department of Defense (DOD) staff, program executive offices
(PEOs), U.S. Army Materiel Command (USAMC), and major Army Commands
b. Designate the Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command (CG, USAMC),
as the Army CPC Program Manager.
c. Ensure that CPC is maintained in DA policy and guidance for management of the
i) System acquisition and production.
ii) Research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) programs and activities.
iii) Equipment standardization programs, including international standardization
agreements (STANAGs).
iv) Logistics research and development initiatives.
v) Logistics support analysis (LSA) as it relates to integrated logistic support (ILS)
in the materiel acquisition process.
3.2.3 The Deputy Chief of Staff, G–1 (DCS, G–1) will:

a. Ensure that CPC requirements for materiel are reflected in DA policies for the formu-
lation, management, and evaluation of personnel and programs for all components of
the Army. Particular consideration should be given to:
i) Personnel utilization and distribution.
ii) Training and education of military and civilian personnel to develop CPC specialists.
b. Support MACOM CPC programs.

Spiral Number 3 C-3 Volume III

3.2.4 The Office of The Surgeon General (OTSG) will:
a. Ensure that CPC is a consideration in the following:
i) Drafting of medical materiel requirements documents.
ii) Direction, evaluation, and coordination of medical materiel.
iii) Medical materiel maintenance programs.
iv) Medical materiel life cycle management.
v) Procurement, operation, and evaluation of all food service materiel and food and
potable water contact surfaces.
vi) Survey of medical materiel during command logistics review and logistics assis-
tance visits.
b. Provide guidance to ensure Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards threshold-effect levels and
regulations for human health and environmental protection are observed during corro-
sion control practices. This guidance is especially important since volatile organic
compounds, heavy metals, and other toxic and pollutant materials are commonly used
in corrosion control.
c. Ensure that CPC technologies recommended by the Army CPC Program Manager for
use in new weapons systems designs or in sustainment procedures for fielded systems
have undergone applicable toxicological clearance and approval test procedures to
ensure human health and environmental protection.
3.2.5 The Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command (CG, USAMC) has overall re-
sponsibility for planning and implementing the Army CPC Program. The CG, USAMC will:

a. Manage the CPC Program and implement primary program policy and establish the
necessary policies, procedures, and techniques to effectively administer the program.
b. Establish a responsible official at HQAMC to oversee the Army CPC Program
c. Support and provide assistance to the USAMC major subordinate commands (MSCs)
and depots in the establishment and implementation of their individual CPC pro-
grams, with resources and technical expertise.
d. Assure that CPC is considered in the following areas:
i) System acquisition and production.
ii) Research, development, test, and evaluation (RDTE) programs and activities.
iii) Equipment standardization programs, including international standardization
agreements (STANAGs).
iv) Logistics research and development initiatives.

Volume III C-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

v) Logistics support analysis (LSA) as it relates to integrated logistic support (ILS)

in the materiel acquisition process.
vi) Collection, distribution, and feedback of system test and equipment maintenance
information relating corrosion.
3.2.6 The Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (CG, TRADOC) will:

a. Include corrosion and deterioration control considerations in the LSA process early in
the materiel acquisition/development phase.
b. Include corrosion training (both initial and follow-on skill) for appropriate military
and civilian storage/maintenance/supply and maintenance support/packaging special-
ists concerning the causes of corrosion, detection, and corrective and preventive
measures. This training will include the proper packaging and preservation of unserv-
iceable but repairable items of materiel being returned for maintenance.
c. Develop the curriculums for advanced individual training (AIT) of appropriate per-
sonnel in CPC as an expansion skill. These personnel can then become a more effec-
tive part of a system’s maintenance team.
d. Ensure that appropriate course curriculums and training materials reflect the current
CPC information available from USAMC as well as from industry and academia. In-
cluded in all corrosion training courses will be the necessary safety, health, and envi-
ronmental requirements related to the technical content of the training being provided.
e. Disseminate training materials to all participating commands and furnish, on request,
the following to:
9301 Chapek Road
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060–5527:

i) Copies of CPC training materials.

ii) Subsequent major revisions that reflect the incorporation of additional or ad-
vanced technical corrosion data or the development of new corrosion courses.
f. Address CPC requirements in appropriate tables of organization and equipment
(TOE) to identify skill levels for program implementation and management in the
g. Ensure compatibility with nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) contamination
survivability for Army materiel, as described in AR 70–75.
3.2.7 The Commanding generals of major Army commands, Chief of the U.S. Army Reserve,
and Chief of the National Guard Bureau will establish and maintain an effective command level
program. Each commander/chief will (as applicable):

a. Appoint from internal sources a CPC manager with a technical background to admin-
ister the command-level program.
b. Ensure that all subordinate command activities understand and fulfill their responsi-
bilities under the command program.

Spiral Number 3 C-5 Volume III

c. Program, budget, and fund for the personnel, facilities, and other resources needed to
run the command program.
d. Develop a plan that will include corrosion-control-related tasks or projects proposed
to support the CPC program.
e. Participate in and provide host support to USAMC survey teams based on survey
f. Propose and manage training for maintenance, storage, and technical personnel and en-
sure that their subsequent assignments are appropriate to make full use of this training.
g. Ensure that host–tenant agreements include funding for support and training in CPC,
as appropriate.
h. Review and adjust the various periodic system inspection cycles based on operational
and environmental factors, to prevent equipment deficiencies due to corrosion.
i. Ensure that the CPC Program complies with Environmental Protection Agency and
Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards.
j. Review subordinate command publications that implement the program.
k. Recommend changes to publications, such as technical manuals (TMs), technical bul-
letins (TBs), and service supportability standards (SSS) to clarify delineation of cor-
rosion duties for the operator/crew, field, and sustainment maintenance.
l. Ensure that Army equipment operators and maintenance personnel in the field are
motivated and trained to identify and report corrosion and recognize the importance
of employing prescribed corrosion control practices.
m. Ensure that deficiency reports: SF 368 (Product Quality Deficiency Report), SF 364
(Report of Discrepancy (ROD)), and DD Form 1225 (Storage Quality Control
Report) on systems and equipment involving corrosion are submitted as specified in
DA Pam 750–8, DA Pam 738–751, and AR 735–11–2. A copy of the command sur-
vey report should be provided to the appropriate MACOM CPC manager for assign-
ment and subsequent resolution, action, and feedback by the appropriate USAMC
major subordinate command (MSC).
n. Participate in the USAMC command surveys. These officials will assist in determin-
ing areas that require improved corrosion control and recommend evaluation of spe-
cific systems, equipment, or components susceptible to corrosion damage. They will
propose action to USAMC, act on assigned action items, and submit quarterly status
reports to USAMC until USAMC determines the action complete.
3.2.8 The Commanding General, U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command
(CG, TACOM) has overall staff responsibility for planning and implementing the Army
CPC Program. The CG, TACOM will:

a. Appoint a functional manager for the CPC Program and, on the basis of guidance
from the USAMC responsible official, implement Army program policy.
b. Establish a CPC program office to administer the Army CPC Program.

Volume III C-6 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

c. Support and provide assistance to the USAMC major subordinate commands (MSCs)
and depots in the establishment and implementation of their individual CPC Pro-
grams, with resources and technical expertise.
d. Assure that CPC is considered in the following areas:
i) Collection, distribution, and feedback of system test and equipment maintenance
information relating to corrosion, including the following:
(a) Test incident reports (TIRs).

(b) SF 364, Report of Discrepancy (ROD).

(c) SF 368, Product Quality Deficiency Report.

(d) Logistic Assistance Office (LAO)/Logistic Assistance Representative (LAR)


(e) Technical field reports (TFR).

(f) Fielded system reviews (FSR).

(g) Equipment report of discrepancy (ROD).

(h) Development test and operation test data (DT/OT).

(i) DD Form 1225, Storage Quality Control Report.

(j) Logistic support analysis records (LSARs).

(k) Sample data collection (SDC) reports.

ii) Weapons system and ground support equipment acquisition, recapitalization, re-
manufacture, overhaul, and/or product improvement, including the evaluation of
each proposal for a new system, equipment, or component.
iii) Manufacturing technology and related programs.
iv) Funded research and development programs.
v) Administration of system programs or projects by the program or project managers.
vi) Testing and evaluation on the equipment, processes, and application tech-
niques within the assigned areas of responsibility. (This specifically includes
nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT/NDE) of commercial material,
equipment, or processes.)
vii) Acquisition of nondevelopmental items, equipment, and systems.
viii) Care of supplies in storage, including preservation, packaging and exercising
e. Provide information to and support the weapons systems managers.

Spiral Number 3 C-7 Volume III

f. Establish and maintain the Center of Excellence for CPC in cooperation with the MSCs.
g. Develop and provide corrosion training concerning the causes of corrosion, detection,
consequences, and corrective and preventive measures, for appropriate personnel in-
volved in the design acquisition and maintenance of Army materiel.
h. Assure that CPC technical information for Army materiel will include necessary
safety, health, and environmental protection requirements.
3.3 Navy Responsibilities

3.3.1 Commanders/Commanding Officers should take appropriate actions to minimize corrosion

damage and to insure maximum readiness of shore facilities. Support in surveying and identifying
CPC systems installed and determining operation and maintenance requirements may be obtained
from the NFESC CPC Subject Matter Experts (SME) or NAVFAC Echelon III CPC program man-
agers on a reimbursable basis. NAVFAC Echelon III CPC program managers and the NFESC can
assist with the conduct of CP and coating surveys, CPC design reviews, CPC system maintenance
and the commissioning of new CP systems on a reimbursable basis.

3.3.2 Activities, Regional Commanders, and Facilities Engineering Commands

a. Revise or establish local instructions/business processes to insure that CPC is effec-

tively established and maintained at the activity level.
b. Analyze facilities, structures and systems for signs of corrosion necessitating some
form of corrosion control.
c. Notify the local NAVFAC component and Regional Commanders of corrosion con-
trol problems and the need for assistance.
3.3.3 Planning Community

Include corrosion prevention and control requirements as a separate line item in project docu-
mentation for the construction of new or the repair/upgrade of existing metallic structures. In-
clude CPC narratives and cost estimates on DD Form 1391 under supporting utilities. Coordinate
CPC requirements with the activity corrosion control plan to establish and ensure compatibility
with existing systems. The CPAT and/or cognizant NFESC CP SME and NAVFAC Echelon III
CPC program manager can assist in determining the system requirements. The CPC requirement
must not be eliminated from any project unless approved by the CPAT.

3.3.4 Design Community

Navy engineers and architects in charge of design (EIC/AIC) should ensure that project designs in-
clude appropriate corrosion prevention and control measures to comply with appropriate statutes and
criteria listed in the annex to this Appendix. Design CPC systems for maintainability. The design of
CPC can be a complex technology, and if application problems or other technical questions arise,
contact the CPAT and/or NFESC CPC SMEs and NAVFAC Echelon III CPC program manager.

Volume III C-8 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

3.3.5 Construction Community. The Navy Facilities Engineering Command and Resident
Officer in Charge of Construction (FEAD/ROICC) should:

a. Conduct quality assurance evaluations of the contractor and ensure as-built drawings
provide the location of all CPC system equipment, test points, etc. Conduct quality
assurance evaluations of the contractors protective coatings surface preparation pro-
cedures, coatings materials, and coatings applications procedures.
b. Observe acceptance tests of the CPC systems to ensure they comply with procedures
specified in the contract documents. In the absence of a qualified CPC inspector obtain
assistance from the CPAT, NFESC CPC SMEs, or NAVFAC Echelon III CPC program
3.3.6 Operation and Maintenance.

Inspect and maintain CPC systems according to appropriate operation and maintenance criteria
manuals, Operation and Maintenance Support Information (OMSI) or other specific maintenance
manuals; and cognizant NAFAC Echelon III requirements.

3.3.7 NAVFAC Echelon III, NFESC, and Facilities Engineering Commands.

Qualified personnel at these NAVFAC component commands can provide CPAT assistance to

a. Serve as members of or assist CPATs. Assist with the preparation and review of pro-
jects for correcting existing corrosion problems or avoiding future corrosion damage.
Review designs for CPC technical adequacy.
b. Provide technical assistance during the installation and commissioning of CPC sys-
tems or application of CPC measures. Assist the activity in developing maintenance
and operation plans to insure that the CPC systems remain effective.
c. Monitor the performance of CPC systems by evaluating records of their performance.
3.3.8 Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center is assigned Navy-Wide Specialized Expertise
for Corrosion Prevention Control and can assist in the following:

a. Serve as members of or assist CPATs. Assist with the preparation and review of pro-
jects for correcting existing corrosion problems or avoiding future corrosion damage.
Review designs for CPC technical adequacy.
b. Provide technical assistance during the installation and commissioning of CPC sys-
tems or application of CPC measures. Assist the activity in developing maintenance
and operation plans to insure that the CPC systems remain effective.
c. Provide direct technical assistance to the Commander Navy Infrastructure, Navy Re-
gional Commanders, activities and NAVFAC component offices in the investigation
of corrosion problems and the development of plans for remedial action.

Spiral Number 3 C-9 Volume III

d. Prepare, review, and update CPC instructions, manuals, specifications and criteria.
e. Assist in the development of training courses and presentation of training programs
for activity personnel involved in CPC.
3.3.9 NAVFAC Headquarters.

a. Establishes CPC policy.

b. Provides CPC program oversight.
c. Provides CPC program budget guidance.
3.4 [Major Commands][Regions][Regions]

3.4.1 [Major command civil engineers][Regions][Regions] assist installations and bases in de-
veloping and executing corrosion control planning (including aqueous, atmospheric, and under-
ground corrosion) to ensure compliance with Department of Defense and service policy;
Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Transportation, and Occupational Safety and
Health Administration regulations; and local (including host country) requirements.

3.4.2 [Major command civil engineers][Regions][Regions], or their designated representatives,

assign the office of primary responsibility for the planning. Appoint command corrosion engi-
neers to act as the overall focal point in all corrosion control–related matters. Appoint staff engi-
neers as required to work with the command corrosion engineers as technical consultants in the
three major areas of corrosion control: cathodic protection, industrial water treatment, and pro-
tective coatings.

3.4.3 [Major command civil engineers][Regions][Regions], or their designated representatives,

provide installations with technical assistance and guidance on corrosion control. Develop a ma-
jor command training policy for corrosion control to support budget requests. Past experience
indicates some type of annual contact with others involved in corrosion control maintains inter-
est, allows networking on day-to-day problems, and cross-feeds new approaches and solutions.
This is significant as most corrosion control positions are one-deep.

3.4.4 [Major command civil engineers][Regions][Regions], or their designated representatives,

regard corrosion control as a functional design requirement of all facilities exposed to the envi-
ronment. Ensure data and justifications are part of each project. This applies to all phases, from
planning, project definition, and programming through design and construction to final accep-
tance. Programming documents should include environmental and safety factors and associated
costs. Ensure key corrosion control features of projects have separate design documentation, in-
cluding drawings, specifications, and design analyses.

3.4.5 [Major command civil engineers][Regions][Regions], or their designated representatives,

ensure completion of designs, design reviews, and construction inspection by qualified individu-
als according to major command policy for Military Construction Program and Operations and
Maintenance projects. Past experience indicates design qualifications should include recognition
by professional organizations, such as NACE International, or state registration authorities, or
5 years of experience in design and maintenance of the corrosion control measures under review.
Consult headquarters, e.g., AFCESA or IMA, for review support when necessary.

Volume III C-10 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

3.5 Corrosion Prevention Advisory Team (CPAT)

3.5.1 The CPAT ensures design according to publications referenced in Annex 1 to this appendix. Accomplishes surveys and design before construction contract advertisement or before
construction in design-build contracts. Ensures designer or design reviewer meets qualifications according to major command
policy for design of corrosion control measures. For example, an experienced NACE Interna-
tional accredited corrosion specialist, NACE International–certified cathodic protection special-
ist, or a registered professional corrosion engineer accredited or registered in cathodic protection
should perform contracted cathodic protection surveys and designs.

3.5.2 CPAT does not delete corrosion control measures from any design without the specific ap-
proval of the designer of record and the command corrosion engineer.

3.5.3 CPAT coordinates with the command corrosion engineer and the base corrosion control
engineer during preliminary design. This coordination ensures compatibility of design with exist-
ing corrosion control systems and maintenance of successful techniques within craftspersons’
capability. Installation personnel approve the updating of systems and equipment per designer’s

3.5.4 CPAT performs failure analysis for replacement projects that did not achieve life expec-
tancy. Ensure complete understanding of the failure and include procedures in the specifications
to prevent recurrence. This analysis shall be part of the preliminary design submittals.

3.5.5 CPAT coordinates among design team members to ensure material selections and system
designs are compatible with the corrosion control approach selected.

3.5.6 CPAT does not allow the construction contractor to continue with any work until approval
of the corrosion control system shop drawings. The technical reviewer, usually the contracting
officer’s technical representative, shall be knowledgeable in the installation of the corrosion con-
trol systems.

3.5.7 CPAT ensures the contractor notifies the contracting officer a minimum of 24 hours prior
to installation, testing, or final acceptance of corrosion control systems.

3.5.8 CPAT ensures the construction inspector understands the corrosion control system installa-
tion or involves the base corrosion control engineer or craftsperson as technical advisor. This in-
volvement includes construction surveillance during installation, testing, and final acceptance. If
the construction agent cannot ensure the presence of an in-house inspector during cathodic pro-
tection work, the construction agent will use Title II, Construction Inspection Services, to obtain
a full-time qualified inspector.

3.5.9 CPAT ensures the specifications contain acceptance testing to ensure achievement of de-
sign criteria and the contractor performs this acceptance testing with installation representatives
in attendance.

Spiral Number 3 C-11 Volume III

3.5.10 As-built drawings shall provide the location of corrosion control system equipment, test-
ing points, sampling points, and items requiring periodic maintenance.

3.5.11 CPAT uses field surveys, field tests, and experience of installation personnel in the design.

3.5.12 CPAT specifies the testing necessary for the final acceptance of the corrosion control sys-
tem. Target values of system operating parameters will be part of this testing to ensure the facil-
ity will function within design limits. Ensure the acceptance testing protocol includes procedures
if acceptance testing differs from target values. Consult operations personnel, equipment manu-
facturers, and the construction contractor to determine solutions and set new equipment operat-
ing points.

3.5.13 CPAT incorporates operability and maintainability into the overall design of the corrosion
control systems. Designs will provide minimum life-cycle cost over the facility life expectancy.

3.5.14 CPAT provides detailed calculations and one-line diagrams at the preliminary design
stage to show the magnitude and layout of the corrosion control system. For example, validate
the use of pre-engineered tanks with factory installed cathodic protection through appropriate
calculations and field tests.

3.5.15 CPAT provides corrosion control system drawings to show location of equipment, test
points, sampling points, potential cathodic protection interference, items requiring periodic main-
tenance, and installation details.

3.5.16 CPAT ensures appropriately qualified and trained personnel develop and execute a com-
prehensive corrosion control planning, encompassing the three areas of corrosion control. Ensure
compliance with applicable Federal, state, local, and host nation laws and regulations, particu-
larly those related to public safety and environmental protection. The planning will include ap-
plying and maintaining effective corrosion control methods in design, operations and
maintenance, quality assurance, and acceptance testing.

3.5.17 CPAT publishes a [squadron][installation][base] operating instruction for corrosion con-

trol planning. Ensure civil engineer [squadron][installation][base] craftspersons receive annual
training on the requirements of the [squadron][installation][base] operating instruction.

3.5.18 CPAT develops and manages the [base][installation] corrosion control planning.

3.5.19 CPAT assists programmers in narrative and cost estimates for corrosion control line items
on DD Forms 1391, Military Construction Project Data Sheets.

3.5.20 CPAT participates in project design and design review related to corrosion control. Sign all
project drawings when corrosion control measures, operability, and maintainability are adequate.

3.5.21 CPAT provides technical advice to the construction inspector during installation, testing,
and final acceptance of corrosion control systems.

Volume III C-12 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

3.5.22 CPAT coordinates operations and maintenance of corrosion control systems with the op-
erations unit, including preventive maintenance scheduling. Ensure control charts for industrial
water treatment detail the frequency and actions for testing and adjustment of each system.

3.5.23 CPAT reviews corrosion control records and takes action to correct deficiencies.

3.5.24 CPAT investigate leaks from corrosion, tuberculation, and scaling in heating and cooling
systems, and premature failure of protective coatings. Take corrective action in each case, other
than simple repair by replacement.

3.6 The Contractor Corrosion Team (CCT)

3.6.1 The CCT ensures adequate corrosion prevention and control requirements are being im-
plemented in accordance with the project contract, plans, and specifications.

3.6.2 The CCT ensures the implementation of corrosion prevention and control is documented
and that documents are submitted in accordance with the required schedule.

3.6.3 The CCT establishes periodic meetings, as required, to resolve problems as they occur.
Other meetings should be convened should a critical or major problem arise which requires ac-
tion by the CCT or CPAT.

3.6.4 The CCT notifies all DoD and contractor members of each meeting date, the topics to be
discussed, and any decisions resulting from the previous meeting.

3.6.5 The chairperson or his designees should sign off on all construction drawings after review
of materials selection, treatments, and coatings.

3.6.6 The chairperson will maintain a continuing record of all action items and their resolutions.

4.0 Requirements
4.1 Environmental. Consult [AFPD 32-70, Environmental Quality][AR 200-1, Environmental
Protection and Enhancement], and associated [Air Force][Army][Navy] instructions
[(AFIs)][(AIs)][(NIs)] to understand the impact of corrosion and corrosion control activities on
the environment.

4.1.1 The primary environmental impact of cathodic protection is in the prevention of petroleum,
oil, and lubricant corrosion-induced leakage into the environment from underground and on-
ground tanks and underground piping. Cathodic protection is already a requirement on new tank
installations. The goal is to prevent all notices of violation due to corrosion. Ensure compliance
with [AFI 32-7044, Storage Tank Compliance][DA Pam 200-1, Environmental Protection and
Enhancement][…]; Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 280; and applicable state and lo-
cal requirements.

4.1.2 The primary environmental concern of industrial water treatment is the proper disposal of
chemically treated water. Consult [AFI 32-1067, Water Systems][DA Pam 200-1, Environmental

Spiral Number 3 C-13 Volume III

Protection and Enhancement][ …]. Also consult environmental engineering and bioenvironmen-
tal engineering prior to selecting any industrial water treatment chemical.

4.1.3 The following environmental laws apply to industrial water treatment. Consult with bioen-
vironmental engineering and environmental engineering to determine methods of compliance
with laws and local practices. Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2601) authorizes the U.S. Environmental Pro-
tection Agency to control existing and new chemical substances determined to cause unreason-
able risk to the public health or environment. Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1251) includes the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and
amendments. This act establishes limits for the discharge of pollutants to navigable waters, regu-
lations on specific toxic pollutants in wastewater discharges, and control of oil and hazardous
substance discharges. Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300) provides for protection of underground sources
of drinking water and establishes primary and secondary drinking water standards. Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136-136y) requires the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to register all pesticides. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. 690) addresses the control of solid
and hazardous waste. The act defines hazardous waste and controls it by a complex manifest sys-
tem designed to track a waste from its generation to final disposal. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (42 U.S.C.
9601), also commonly referred to as “Superfund,” defines procedures for responding to existing
uncontrolled hazardous waste sites, establishes the National Priorities List and the National Con-
tingency Plan, and requires the reporting of hazardous substance releases into the air, land, and
water. Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401) regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile
sources to protect public health and welfare. State and local governments have the primary re-
sponsibility to prevent and control air pollution.

4.1.4 Do not use chromates in any industrial water treatment application.

4.1.5 The environmental concerns of protective coatings center upon metal content in the dried
paint and volatile organic compounds that evaporate from solvent-based paint. Lead-containing paint has a lead content of more than 0.06 percent lead by weight (calcu-
lated as lead metal) in the total nonvolatile content of liquid paint or in the dried film of the paint
already applied. Do not use lead-containing paint on any Army, Navy or Air Force facility. Note
that nonlead-containing paint must still pass a Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Potential Test or
be considered hazardous waste during disposal.

Volume III C-14 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency restricted the use of mercury-containing fun-
gicides in solvent-thinned, oil-based paint. Exterior water-thinned paints may contain a maxi-
mum of 0.2 percent mercury (calculated as metal) in the total weight of the paint. Clear markings
indicating the mercury content must be on the container. The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency banned the use of mercury in interior paint applications. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency identified six major pollutants that may harm
the public health and welfare. Ozone is one of these pollutants. Since the presence of Volatile
Organic Compounds (photochemically reactive solvents) in the air directly relate to the ozone
concentration in the air, VOC’s used in the drying and curing of coatings have an environmental
impact. National VOC limits have been set by EPA but may also be more stringent in impacted
regions of the country and/or vary by end-use surface coating operation.

4.2 Safety. Consult [AFPD 91-2, Safety Programs and AFPD 91-3, Occupational Safety and
Health][AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program][…] as well as their associated instructions, for
guidance to minimize the risk of corrosion and corrosion control activities on facility and worker

4.2.1 For cathodic protection, consult [AFI 32-1064, Electrical Safe Practices][DA TM 5-682,
Facilities Engineering: Electrical Facilities Safety][…]. The Department of Transportation regu-
lates flammable utilities. The Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, as amended, and the Haz-
ardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, as amended, provide the minimum criteria to ensure
safe operation.

4.2.2 Many of the chemicals used to treat industrial water may be harmful to the health of the
operator and other base personnel. They range from highly toxic to mildly irritating to the per-
sons handling them. Handle water treatment and testing chemicals with care, following guidance
in Occupational Safety and Health Administration directives, manufacturer’s recommendations,
and the material safety data sheets. Install eye wash stations and safety showers according to
ground safety requirements. Consult with unit safety, bioenvironmental engineering, and envi-
ronmental engineering on potential safety issues and the use of less hazardous substitutes. A cross-connection is a physical connection between a potable water supply system and a
non-potable system (such as an industrial water system) through which contaminated water can
enter the potable water system. Consult [AFI 32-1066, Plumbing Systems][DA TI 814-10,
Wastewater Collection][…]. Permit only Class III backflow prevention devices (air gap or re-
duced pressure principle) to provide makeup from a potable water system to an industrial water
treatment system. Morpholine, cyclohexylamine, and similar chemicals added to protect condensate lines
from corrosion make the steam and condensate unfit for consumption or other uses normally re-
served for potable water. Do not use treated steam in direct contact with food or for any direct
steam humidification, such as in a gymnasium steam room or humidity control for electronic

4.2.3 Most paint and protective coatings are hazardous to some degree. All, except water-
thinned paints, are flammable; many are toxic; and others can irritate the skin. By following

Spiral Number 3 C-15 Volume III

simple precautions, most paints are quite safe during application. Surface preparation also
has intrinsic hazards. For example, sandblasting operations generate clouds of blasting me-
dia, paint, and substrate material. Dry sanding on lead-containing paint and on certain types
of non-lead-containing paint can generate excessive amounts of airborne lead dust. The Oc-
cupational Safety and Health Administration controls the permissible exposure limit of these
airborne particulates and the personal protective equipment required. Consult unit safety and
bioenvironmental engineering for specific information.

4.3 Design

4.3.1 Design, construction, and application of cathodic protection, industrial water treatment, and
protective coatings are functional requirements for almost all projects. Designs shall achieve the
minimum life cycle cost for the overall facility. [Base][Installation] personnel must be able to
operate and maintain the final facility design, including the corrosion control systems, without
extensive training or equipment investment, unless this is the best approach to achieve minimum
life cycle cost.

4.3.2 Corrosion resistance is not the only criterion for material selection. When selecting a mate-
rial, investigate all aspects of its physical properties in the application environment, during both
normal operation and typical system failure.

4.3.3 Clearly and distinctly document corrosion experience for future reference. This experience
should refer to design, material selection, selection of corrosion control technique, or decisions
of no requirement for corrosion control. Document all design and selection decisions in project
design analyses. Pass this information to the operations and maintenance elements to assist future

4.3.4 Revisit the design and selection decisions when a system malfunctions or leaks due to cor-
rosion, scaling, or premature failure of the corrosion control system. This is especially important
for the rare case when a designer justified no corrosion control being needed.

4.3.5 Ensure new or supplemental corrosion control systems are compatible with existing sys-
tems. The construction contractor shall not select the warranty period industrial water treatment.

4.3.6 Construct pipelines in a manner that facilitates use of in-line inspection tools.

4.3.7 Cathodic protection and coatings work together. Ensure these items are part of the design.
Do not design submerged or buried coated metallic facilities without cathodic protection and do
not design cathodic protection on bare metallic facilities. Recommend fiberglass-clad under-
ground storage tanks be installed with galvanic anodes. This recommendation is made even
though many such tanks are EPA-approved for installation without cathodic protection.

4.3.8 Do not use unbonded coatings, such as loose polyethylene wraps. Use of unbonded coat-
ings is a direct violation of Department of Transportation regulations and Air Force, Army and
Navy criteria for pipelines.

Volume III C-16 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

4.3.9 Provide both cathodic protection and protective coatings for buried or submerged metallic
facilities, regardless of soil or water corrosivity, when the facility:

a. Carries flammable product

b. Is mission critical
c. Would be expensive to maintain
d. Would waste energy or impact the environment if corroded
e. Requires corrosion control as identified by major command
4.3.10 For other buried utilities, generally provide cathodic protection and protective coatings if
the soil resistivity is below 10,000 ohm-centimeters. Follow the documented recommendations
of a qualified corrosion engineer when the soil resistivity is above 10,000 ohm-centimeters. The
Army requires cathodic protection regardless of soil resistivity.

4.3.11 Provide both cathodic protection and protective coatings for the following aboveground
tanks based upon qualified analysis: All ferrous tanks in contact with the earth, unless built on an oil-filled sand pad with
plastic liner underneath. Interiors of steel water distribution storage tanks.

4.3.12 Consider the need for lightning and fault current protection at isolating devices (dielectri-
cally insulated unions and flanges) when designing cathodic protection systems. Consult [AFI
32-1065, Grounding Systems][DA TM 5-811-3, Electrical Design–Lightning and Static Electric-
ity Protection][…].

4.3.13 Installed cathodic protection systems shall provide protective potentials meeting criteria in
NACE International Standard SP0169, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Sub-
merged Metallic Piping Systems, Section 6, Criteria and Other Considerations for Cathodic Pro-
tection. Structure-to-soil potentials are to be potential drop (current times resistance) free.

4.3.14 Special conditions sometimes exist where cathodic protection is ineffective or only par-
tially effective. Corrosion personnel may deviate from this instruction after documenting the
achievement of objectives and receiving command corrosion engineer approval.

4.3.15 Industrial water treatment designs or decisions begin with an analysis of the system
makeup water. Consult bioenvironmental engineering and [AFI 48-119, Medical Service Envi-
ronmental Quality Programs][…][…] for sampling potable water sources that feed industrial
systems. Use [AF Form 2752A, Environmental Sampling Data][…][ …], for complete analyses
to identify the quantity and relationship of water constituents for industrial water treatment purposes.

4.3.16 Acceptance testing of new heating and cooling systems will ensure the industrial water treat-
ment system meets design and operation parameters. Boiler steam purity tests will determine total
dissolved solids limits. Correlate the total dissolved solids level selected for boiler operation to the
conductivity reading of a typical sample. The Water or Wastewater Laboratory at associated plants or

Spiral Number 3 C-17 Volume III

[Base Supply’s Fuels Laboratory][…][…] usually can measure total dissolved solids using American
Society for Testing and Materials standard methods. Verify the selected condensate treatment meets
design parameters by testing for copper, iron, and pH at near, medium, and far points from the boiler
throughout the system.

4.3.17 Indicate locations to install corrosion coupon racks following American Society For Test-
ing and Materials Standard Test Methods for Corrosivity of Water in Absence of Heat Transfer
(Weight Loss Methods), D26888-92, Test Method B. The coupons are the best confirmation of
industrial water treatment effectiveness.

4.3.18 Do not use nonchemical industrial water treatment devices on Army, Navy and Air Force
systems either regularly or on a test evaluation basis except as indicated below. This includes the
Management and Equipment Evaluation Program. Basic research and application development of nonchemical industrial water treatment
devices has been underway since before 1935. However, many variables affect performance, and
no criteria and standards have been developed which may be incorporated into guide specifica-
tions or statements of work. Such criteria and standards are necessary for standard Army, Navy
and Air Force contracting methods to ensure devices will perform as advertised. In addition, be-
cause of downsizing and outsourcing, the technical capability to perform installation-specific test
evaluations is not available at installation level. Battelle Memorial Institute is researching applications of nonchemical industrial water

treatment under the Department of Energy’s Federal Energy Management Program. Various en-
ergy services companies (ESCOs) are investigating use of these devices for energy and water
conservation measures under Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC). Under ESPC,
the ESCO provides guaranteed savings that are validated each year to reconcile payments, using
an agreed-upon measurement and verification methodology. Because the ESCO has the respon-
sibility for measuring and verifying performance, problems cited in paragraph are over-
come. Currently, HQ AFCESA/CESM is developing measurement and verification standards to
allow nonchemical devices to be available for use under ESPC.

4.3.19 Light-reflective floor coatings include chemically resistant urethane for existing hangar
floors and dry shake metallic floor topping applied to the top layer of freshly poured concrete for
new floors. Ensure electrostatic discharge and slip resistance are part of the design. Include the
daily cleaning requirements to cover equipment, supplies, and frequency as part of the mainte-
nance instructions provided to the using agency.

4.3.20 Avoid using chemical strippers. If specified, perform effectiveness tests prior to award of
any contract. This is especially necessary for removing lead-based paint from wood. Also, spec-
ify procedures to confirm neutralization of alkaline paint stripper through chemical testing. Alka-
line residue left on the substrate is a recurring paint failure mechanism.

4.4 Maintenance

4.4.1 Perform routine maintenance checks, surveys, and inspections of cathodic protection, in-
dustrial water treatment, and protective coating systems. Each installation must have the basic
equipment and training to perform tests and measurements of installed corrosion control systems.

Volume III C-18 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

Consult associated manuals and tables of allowances for the minimum required field inspection

4.4.2 Investigate when corrosion control actions do not achieve results. This information pro-
vides the basis for selecting corrective actions and ensuring future projects do not continue the
same problems.

4.4.3 Select and apply methods for determining voltage drops during cathodic protection testing
using sound engineering practices, such as contained in NACE International Technical Report
10A190, Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection of Underground
or Submerged Steel Piping Systems (see Annex 1).

4.4.4 Cathodic protection situations involving stray currents and stray electrical gradients require
special analysis. For additional information, see UFC 3-570-06, O&M: Cathodic Protection Sys-
tems, and NACE International Standard SP0169, Section 9, Control of Interference Currents.

4.4.5 Industrial water treatment requires testing at a frequency that ensures the prevention of
scale, corrosion, and biological formation in the heating and cooling systems. The time between
testing depends on system integrity and operations. A mechanically sound system will require
less frequent testing as less chemical leaves the system over time.

4.4.6 Develop and post, in appropriate locations, control charts for each boiler, cooling tower,
and closed system showing the treatment chemicals used, the amount to add per operating pa-
rameter, the testing required, the limits to maintain in the system, what to do if the chemical lev-
els are above or below the limits, and any other information peculiar to the system.

4.4.7 Perform periodic surveys to ensure effective industrial water treatment. Annually check the capacity of ion exchangers. Do not rely on a timed regeneration cycle. Once at the start of heating season and once at the end of heating season, test the conden-
sate throughout the return system to identify potable water leakage into the condensate return
system at heat exchangers. This identifies leaks at the earliest stages. When adding or deleting buildings to a steam system or significantly changing industrial
water treatment chemicals, perform the design acceptance tests for the boiler total dissolved sol-
ids limit and verify the total protection of the condensate return system.

Spiral Number 3 C-19 Volume III

5.0 Operation, Maintenance, and Recordkeeping
Corrosion control logs and reports are valuable in any failure analysis when problems arise. They
provide the facts to make decisions. They also provide managers the status of the systems and
the ability to make incremental improvements to achieve the expected life cycle of facilities,
equipment, and piping. The goal is to solve the small problems at the operational level before
they become so large that a major project is the only solution.

5.1 Cathodic protection recordkeeping, using prescribed forms as explained in UFC 3-570-06,
includes the following:

5.1.1 Initial close interval, anode bed, and annual corrosion surveys of installed impressed cur-
rent and sacrificial systems. Use [AF Form 491, Cathodic Protection Operating Log for Im-
pressed Current Systems; AF Form 1686, Cathodic Protection Operating Log for Sacrificial
Anode System; and AF Form 1688, Annual Cathodic Protection Performance Survey][…][…] to
record these tests.

5.1.2 Impressed current system checks every 60 days. Use [AF Form 491][ …][ …] to record
these checks.

5.1.3 Initial and annual water tank calibrations of installed systems. Use [AF Form 1689, Water
Tank Calibration][…][…] to record these tests.

5.1.4 Annual update of the Cathodic Protection Annual Performance Booklet, sent to major
command. For the National Guard, booklets will be maintained at the installation and made
available upon request.

5.1.5 Use the information captured on [AF Form 1687, Leak/Failure Data Record][…][ …] to
provide justification for system repair or replacement, for installation of corrosion control meas-
ures, and for the project narrative on DD Forms 1391. Consult [AFI 32-1069, Gas Supply and
Distribution][DA TM 5-653 Steam, Hot Water, and Gas Distribution Systems: Inspection and
Preventive Maintenance Service][…]; UFC 3-230-02, Operation and Maintenance of Water
Supply Systems; and UFC 3-460-01, Petroleum Fuel Facilities, for leak detection and survey re-
quirements on these systems.

5.2 Industrial water treatment records should reflect the minimum entries needed to effectively
manage the control of the industrial water treatment program and indicate the need for additional
testing. Treatment, testing and reporting procedures are addressed by UFC 3-240-13FN, Opera-
tions and Maintenance: Industrial Water Treatment. The reverse of prescribed forms explains
their use. Associated recordkeeping includes the following:

5.2.1 Accomplish industrial water treatment operating logs based upon one log for each indi-
vidually treated system (each boiler, each cooling tower bank, and each closed system).

5.2.2 Use [AF Form 1457, Water Treatment Operating Log for Cooling Tower Systems][DA
Form 4141, Facilities Engineering Operating Log (Water–General)][…] as a minimum.

Volume III C-20 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

5.2.3 Use [AF Form 1459, Water Treatment Operating Log for Steam and Hot Water Boil-
ers][DA TM 5-650, Central Boiler Plants][…] as a minimum.

5.2.4 Keep other industrial water system records on modifications of these forms or a log devel-
oped locally for the specific tests required.

5.2.5 Keep the maintenance and history of industrial water treatment, other than that contained in
the logs, in a historical record for each system. This book should contain a record (including
dates) of occurrences of corrosion and scale, major maintenance and surveys performed on the
system, replacements of piping and equipment, accidents, outages, changes in methods of opera-
tion and treatment used, and other pertinent data to assist troubleshooting and provide facts for
management decisions on process improvement.

5.2.6 Use [AF Form 3222, Centrifugal/Reciprocating Operating Log, and AF Form 3221, Ab-
sorption Operating Log][…][…] to evaluate the mechanical aspects of the equipment and deter-
mine the efficiency of the Industrial Waste Treatment (IWT) program.

5.3 Maintain records following MIL HDBK 1110/1, Paints and Protective Coatings. Perform
evaluations using these records after any paint failure and before any protective coatings con-
tract. These records replace undocumented hearsay experience and allow fact-based decisions
with costs and verified life expectancies of completed work to determine the following:

5.3.1 Effectiveness of a particular paint system on different surfaces or in varying environments.

5.3.2 Comparison of different paint systems under similar conditions.

5.3.3 Comparison of different equipment for surface preparation or application.

5.3.4 Frequency of spot painting and repainting.

6.0 Forms Prescribed

6.1 The required forms were listed in the text and in Annex 1.

Spiral Number 3 C-21 Volume III

Annex 1 to Appendix C: Glossary of References
and Supporting Information
Public Laws
Title 10, U.S.C 2228

Clean Air Act, Title 42, U.S.C., Section 7401

Clean Water Act, Title 33, U.S.C., Section 1251

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, Title 42, U.S.C.,
Section 9601

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Title 7, U.S.C., Section 136-136y

Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Act of 1979, Public Law 96-129, title II, 30 Nov 79, 93
Stat. 1003, (49 U.S.C. 1811, 2001 et. seq.), as amended

Natural Gas Pipeline Safety Act of 1968, Public Law 90-481, 12 Aug 68, 82 Stat 720 (49
U.S.C. 1671 et. seq.), as amended

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Title 42, U.S.C., Section 690

Safe Drinking Water Act, Title 42, U.S.C., Section 300

Technical Standards and Corrective Action Requirements for Owners and Operators of Un-

Storage Tanks (UST), Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 280, Environmental
Protection Agency

Toxic Substances Control Act, Title 15, U.S.C., Section 2601

DoD Publications
Department of Defense Corrosion Website

Unified Facilities Criteria

UFC 3-190-06, Paints and Protective Coatings

UFC 3-230-02, Operations and Maintenance of Water Supply Systems, July 2001

UFC 3-240-13FN, Operations and Maintenance: Industrial Water Treatment, May 2005

UFC 3-460-01, Design: Petroleum Fuel Facilities, January 2004

Volume III C-22 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

UFC 3-570-02A, Cathodic Protection

UFC 3-570-02N, Electrical Engineering, Cathodic Protection

UFC 3-570-06, Operation and Maintenance: Cathodic Protection Systems

Commercial Standards, Recommended Practices (RP) and Technical Reports (TR)

D26888-92, Standard Test Methods for Corrosivity of Water in Absence of Heat Transfer
(Weight Loss Methods), Test Method B

American Society for Testing and Materials

1916 Race Street
Philadelphia PA 19103-1187
Phone: Comm (215) 299-5400
RP0169-92, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems

TR 10A190, Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection of Under-

ground or Submerged Steel Piping Systems (as defined in NACE International Standard

NACE International
PO Box 218340
Houston TX 77218
Phone: Comm (713) 492-0535

Society for Protective Coatings

SSPC Good Painting Practices Volume 1

SSPC Systems and Specifications, SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 2

40 24th Street, 6th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: (412)281-2331

Additional References
Public Laws
Lead-Based Paint Exposure Reduction Act, Public Law 102-550, Title X, Subtitle B, 28 Oct
92, 106 Stat. 3924 (29 U.S.C. 671, 42 U.S.C. 4853 et. seq.)

Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Act, Public Law 91-695, 13 Jan 71, 84 Stat. 2078
(42 U.S.C. 4801 et. seq.), as amended

Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS)

UFGS 09 90 00, Paints and Coatings, October 2005

Spiral Number 3 C-23 Volume III

UFGS 26 42 13.00 20, Cathodic Protection by Galvanic Anodes

UFGS 26 42 14.00 10, Cathodic Protection System (Sacrificial Anode)

UFGS 26 42 15.00 10, Cathodic Protection System (Steel Water Tanks)

UFGS 13112A, Cathodic Protection System (Impressed Current), May 2004

UFGS 09 62 50.10, Thin Film Flooring System for Aircraft Maintenance Facilities

UFGS 09 62 50.12, Epoxy Mortar Flooring System for Aircraft Maintenance Facilities

UFGS 09 97 13.25, Maintenance, Repair, and Coating of Tall Antenna Towers

UFGS 09 97 13.26, Coating of Steel Waterfront Structures

UFGS 09 97 13.15, Interior Coating of Welded Steel Petroleum Fuel Tanks

UFGS 09 97 13.27, Exterior Coating of Steel Structures

UFGS 09 97 13.16, Interior Coating of Welded Steel Water Tanks

UFGS 09 97 13.17, Interior Coating of Welded Steel Petroleum Fuel Tanks

UFGS 09 97 13.28, Protection of Buried Steel Piping and Steel Bulkhead Tie Rods

UFGS 26 42 19.00 20, Cathodic Protection by Impressed Current

UFGS 26 42 17.00 10, Cathodic Protection (Impressed Current)

UFGS 26 42 22.00 20, Cathodic Protection (Steel Water Tanks)

UFGS 33 52 80, Liquid Fuels Pipeline Coating Systems

Air Force Publications

Policy Directives
AFPD 32-70, Environmental Quality

AFPD 91-2, Safety Programs

AFPD 91-3, Occupational Safety and Health

AFI 21-105, Aerospace Equipment Structural Maintenance

AFI 32-1054, Corrosion Control

AFI 32-1064, Electrical Safe Practices

Volume III C-24 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

AFI 32-1065, Grounding Systems

AFI 32-1066, Plumbing Systems

AFI 32-1067, Water Systems

AFI 32-1069, Gas Supply and Distribution

AFI 32-7044, Storage Tank Compliance

AFI 48-119, Medical Service Environmental Quality Programs

AFPD 32-10, Installations and Facilities

AFH 32-1290(I), Cathodic Protection Field Testing

Engineering Technical Letters (ETLs)

ETL 88-4, Engineering and Services Reliability and Maintainability Design Checklist,
June 1988, Section 14, “Corrosion Prevention and Control”

ETL 87-2, Volatile Organic Compounds, March 1987

Technical Report
ENM-TR-01, Industrial Water Treatment Primer, March 1992 (Available from HQ

Allowable Standards (AS)

AS 464, Civil Engineer: Operations Flight Support Equipment

Army Publications
AR 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement

AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program

Technical Manuals
TM 5-650, Central Boiler Plants

TM 5-653, Steam, Hot Water, and Gas Distribution Systems: Inspection and Preventive
Maintenance Service

TM 5-682, Facilities Engineering: Electrical Facilities Safety

TM 5-811-3, Electrical Design–Lightning and Static Electricity Protection

Spiral Number 3 C-25 Volume III

TM 5-811-7, Electrical Design, Cathodic Protection (replaced by UFC 3-570-02A, Cathodic

Technical Instruction
TI 814-10, Wastewater Collection

Pam 200-1, Environmental Protection and Enhancement

DA Form 4141, Facilities Engineering Operating Log (Water–General)

Corps of Engineers Manual

EM 1110-2-3400, Painting: New Construction and Maintenance, April 1995

Engineer Technical Letters

ETL 1110-3-474, Engineering and Design: Cathodic Protection, July 1995

ETL 1110-9-10 (FR), Engineering and Design, Cathodic Protection System Using Ceramic
Anodes, 5 January 1991

Navy Publications
Maintenance and Cathodic Protection Interim Design Guidance
MO-225, Industrial Water Treatment, August 1990

MO-307, Corrosion Control, September 1992

Interim Technical Guidance Letter

ITG 94-01, Cathodic Protection Systems

Industry Standards
National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
RP0187-2005, Design Considerations for Corrosion Control of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete

RP0198-2004; The Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials—
A Systems Approach

RP0285-2002, Control of External Corrosion on Metallic Buried, Partially Buried, or

Submerged Metallic Liquid Storage Systems

RP0390-2006 Maintenance and Rehabilitation Considerations for Corrosion Control of

Atmospherically Exposed Existing Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures

Volume III C-26 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

SP0106-2006, Control of Internal Corrosion in Steel Pipelines and Piping Systems

SP0177-2007, Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures

and Corrosion Control Systems

SP0169-2007, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping


SP0207-2007 Performing Close-Interval Potential Surveys and DC Surface Potential Gradient

Surveys on Buried or Submerged Metallic Pipelines.

Cathodic Protection.
RP0186-2001, Application of Cathodic Protection for Well Casings

RP0193-2001, External Cathodic Protection of On-Grade Carbon Steel Storage Tank Bottoms

RP0196-2004, Galvanic Anode Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of Steel

Water Storage Tanks

RP0388-2001, Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Internal Submerged Surfaces of

Steel Water Tanks

SP0286-2007, The Electrical Isolation of Cathodically Protected Pipelines

SP0290-2007 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection of Reinforcing Steel in Atmospheri-

cally Exposed Concrete Structures

SP0387-2006 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Galvanic Anodes for
Offshore Applications

SP0492-2006 Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Offshore Pipeline Bracelet Anodes

SP0572-2007, Design, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Impressed Current Deep

Anode Beds

TM0101-2001Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Un-

derground or Submerged Metallic Tank Systems

TM0497-2002 Measurement Techniques Related to Criteria for Cathodic Protection on Un-

derground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems

Industrial Water Treatment

RP0189-89, Online Monitoring of Cooling Waters

RP0281-86, Initial Conditioning of Cooling Water Equipment

Spiral Number 3 C-27 Volume III

Protective Coatings
RP0172-72, Surface Preparation of Steel and Other Hard Materials by Water Blasting Prior
to Coating or Recoating

RP0188-90, Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Protective Coatings

TR 1E171, Performance Survey of Coatings Used in Immersion Service in Conjunction with

Cathodic Protection

TR 6D161, Specification and Format for Surface Preparation and Material Application for
Industrial Maintenance Painting

TR 6D163, A Manual for Painter Safety

TR 6D170, Causes and Prevention of Coating Failures

Volume III C-28 Spiral Number 3

Appendix C, Example of Corrosion Prevention and Control Plan for Facilities

Annex 2 to Appendix C: Abbreviations and Acronyms

AFH Air Force Handbook

AFI Air Force Instruction

AFP Air Force Pamphlet

AFPD Air Force Policy Directive

AFRL/MLQ-TIC Air Force Research Laboratory, Airbase and Environmental Technology

Division, Technical Information Center

ANG Air National Guard

AR Army Regulation

DA Pam Department of the Army Pamphlet

DA TI Department of the Army Instruction

DA TM Department of the Army Technical Manual

ESCO Energy Services Companies

ESPC Energy Savings Performance Contracting

HQ AFCESA/CESM Headquarters Civil Engineer Support Agency, Mechanical/Electrical

Engineering Division

HQ USAF/ILE Headquarters US Air Force, The Office of the Civil Engineer

IMA Installation Management Agency

MIL-HDBK Military Handbook

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NAVFAC Navy Facilities

NG National Guard

RCS Report Control Symbol

SSPC Society for Protective Coatings

UFC Unified Facilities Criteria

UFGS Unified Facility Guide Specification

Spiral Number 3 C-29 Volume III

Volume III C-30 Spiral Number 3
Appendix D
Facilities and Infrastructure Design Guidance

This appendix, using the Air Force approach as an example, provides design guidance for DoD
facilities and infrastructure.

1. Design, construction, and application of cathodic protection, industrial water treatment

(IWT), and protective coatings are functional requirements for almost all projects.
Designs should achieve the minimum life-cycle cost for the overall facility. Base person-
nel should be able to operate and maintain the final facility design (including the corro-
sion control systems) without extensive training or equipment investment, unless this is
the best approach to achieve minimum life-cycle cost.
2. Corrosion resistance is not the only criterion for material selection. When selecting a ma-
terial, investigate all aspects of its physical properties in the application environment,
during both normal operation and typical system failure.
3. Clearly and distinctly document corrosion experience for future reference. This experi-
ence should refer to design, material selection, selection of corrosion control techniques,
or the decision to not require corrosion control. Document all design and selection deci-
sions in project design analyses. Pass this information to the operations and maintenance
elements to assist future decisions.
4. Revisit the design and selection decisions when a system malfunctions or leaks due to
corrosion, scaling, or premature failure of the corrosion control system. This is especially
important for the rare case when a designer justified the decision to not require corrosion
5. Ensure new or supplemental corrosion control systems are compatible with existing
6. The construction contractor should not select the warranty period.
7. Construct pipelines in a manner that facilitates the use of in-line inspection tools.
8. Because cathodic protection and coatings work together, ensure these items are part of
the design. Do not design submerged or buried coated metallic facilities without cathodic
protection, and do not design cathodic protection on bare metallic facilities. Recommend
fiberglass-clad underground storage tanks be installed with galvanic anodes. This rec-
ommendation is made even though many of these tanks are EPA-approved for installation
without cathodic protection.
9. Do not use unbonded coatings, such as loose polyethylene wraps. Use of unbonded coat-
ings is a direct violation of Department of Transportation regulations and Air Force crite-
ria for pipelines.
10. Provide both cathodic protection and protective coatings for buried or submerged metal-
lic facilities, regardless of soil or water corrosiveness, when the facility
a. carries flammable product,

Spiral Number 3 D-1 Volume III

b. is mission critical,
c. would be expensive to maintain,
d. would waste energy or affect the environment if corroded, or
e. requires corrosion control as identified by decision authorities.
Other buried utilities generally provide cathodic protection and protective coatings if the soil re-
sistivity is below 10,000 ohm-centimeters. Follow the documented recommendations of a quali-
fied corrosion engineer when the soil resistivity is above 10,000 ohm-centimeters.

1. Based upon qualified analysis, provide both cathodic protection and protective coatings
for the following aboveground tanks:
a. All ferrous tanks in contact with the earth, unless built on an oil-filled sand pad with
plastic liner underneath
b. Interiors of steel water distribution storage tanks.
2. Consider the need for lightning and fault current protection at isolating devices (dielectri-
cally insulated unions and flanges) when designing cathodic protection systems. Consult
Air Force Instruction 32-1065, Grounding Systems, during the design process.
3. Ensure installed cathodic protection systems provide protective potentials meeting
criteria in NACE International Standard SP0169, Control of External Corrosion on
Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems, Section 6, “Criteria and Other
Considerations for Cathodic Protection.” Structure-to-soil potentials should be free from
potential drop (current × resistance).
4. Under certain conditions cathodic protection is ineffective or only partially effective.
Corrosion personnel may deviate from this guidance after documenting the achievement
of objectives and receiving command corrosion engineer approval.
5. Because industrial water treatment designs or decisions begin with an analysis of the sys-
tem makeup water, consult bioenvironmental engineering and AFI 48-119, Medical Ser-
vice Environmental Quality Programs, for sampling potable water sources that feed
industrial systems. Consider using AF Form 2752A, Environmental Sampling Data, for
complete analyses to identify the quantity and relationship of water constituents for in-
dustrial water treatment purposes.
6. Acceptance testing of new heating and cooling systems will ensure the industrial water
treatment system meets design and operation parameters. Boiler steam purity tests will de-
termine total dissolved solids limits. Correlate the total dissolved solids level selected for
boiler operation to the conductivity reading of a typical sample. The water or wastewater
laboratory at associated plants or base supply’s fuels laboratory usually can measure total dis-
solved solids using standard methods developed by the American Society for Testing and
Materials. Verify the selected condensate treatment meets design parameters by testing for
copper, iron, and pH at near, medium, and far points from the boiler.
7. Indicate locations to install corrosion coupon racks following the American Society for
Testing and Materials’ D26888-92, Standard Test Methods for Corrosivity of Water in

Volume III D-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix D, Facilities and Infrastructure Design Guidance

Absence of Heat Transfer (Weight Loss Methods): Test Method B. The coupons are the
best confirmation of industrial water treatment effectiveness.
8. Do not use nonchemical industrial water treatment devices on DoD systems either regu-
larly or on a test evaluation basis except as approved in advance. This includes the Man-
agement and Equipment Evaluation Program.
9. Light reflective floor coatings include chemically resistant urethane for existing hangar
floors and dry shake metallic floor topping applied to the top layer of freshly poured con-
crete for new floors. Ensure electrostatic discharge and slip resistance are part of the de-
sign. Include the daily cleaning requirements to cover equipment, supplies, and frequency
as part of the maintenance instructions provided to the using agency.
10. Avoid using chemical strippers. If specified, test product for effectiveness prior to award
of any contract. This is especially necessary for removing lead-based paint from wood.
Also, specify procedures to confirm neutralization of alkaline paint stripper through
chemical testing. Alkaline residue left on the substrate is a recurring paint failure mechanism.

Spiral Number 3 D-3 Volume III

Volume III D-4 Spiral Number 3
Appendix E
Facilities Cost of Corrosion Results

In this appendix, we summarize some important results from DoD’s cost-of-corrosion studies con-
ducted the past 2 years. DoD’s cost-of-corrosion studies are important for two important reasons:

• They measure the annual cost of corrosion for various categories of weapon systems,
facilities, and infrastructure.
• They identify corrosion cost reduction opportunities for the military services and
According to two separate studies, the cost of corrosion to DoD infrastructure and equipment is
estimated to be between $9 billion and $20 billion per year. Although the spread between these
estimates is large, both studies confirm that DoD corrosion costs are significant.

Congress, concerned with the high cost of corrosion and its negative effect on military equip-
ment and infrastructure, enacted legislation in December 2002 that created an office with the
overall responsibility of preventing and mitigating the impact of corrosion on military equipment
and infrastructure. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
(USD[AT&L]) was the office designated to fulfill this role. To perform its mission of corrosion
prevention and mitigation, fulfill congressional requirements, and respond to Government Ac-
countability Office (GAO) recommendations, the USD (AT&L) established the Corrosion Pre-
vention and Control Integrated Product Team (CPC IPT), a cross-functional team of personnel
from all the military services as well as representatives from private industry.

In response to a GAO recommendation to “develop standardized methodologies for collecting

and analyzing corrosion cost, readiness and safety data,” the CPC IPT created a standard method
to measure the cost of corrosion for its military equipment and infrastructure. Because the data-
gathering effort is large and complex, the CPC IPT plans to measure the total DoD cost of corro-
sion in segments.

Table E-1 presents the results of the initial five studies and the timeline for future cost-of-
corrosion studies.

Spiral Number 3 E-1 Volume III

Table E-1. Cost-of-Corrosion Studies to Date and Future Efforts

Annual cost Data

Study year Study segment of corrosion baseline
2005–2006 Army ground vehicles $2.0 billion FY2004
Navy ships $2.4 billion FY2004
2006–2007 DoD facilities and infrastructure $1.8 billion FY2005
Army aviation and missiles $1.6 billion FY2005
Marine Corps ground vehicles $0.7 billion FY2005
2007–2008 Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard aviation
and Coast Guard ships
2008–2009 Air Force and repeat 2005–2006
2009–2010 Repeat 2006–2007
2010–2011 Repeat 2007–2008

The method used to estimate facilities corrosion costs 1 focuses on tangible direct material and la-
bor costs as well as some indirect costs (e.g., priority 2 costs) such as research and development
(R&D) and training. The corrosion cost estimation is a combined top-down and bottom-up ap-
proach. The top-down portion uses summary-level cost and budget documentation to establish
spending ceilings for family housing and non-family housing maintenance and construction activ-
ity. This establishes a maximum cost of corrosion for each area of activity. The bottom-up portion
uses detailed work order records to aggregate actual occurrences of corrosion maintenance and
construction. This establishes a minimum level of corrosion costs in each activity area. When nec-
essary, statistical methods to bridge any significant gaps between the top-down and bottom-up
figures were used to derive a final estimation for the cost of corrosion in each area.

The cost estimation method also segregates costs by their source and nature, using four schema

• Group 1 schemas—Maintenance, construction, and priority 2 costs

• Group 2 schemas—Facility analysis categories (FACs)
• Group 3 schemas—Time of wetness and airborne salinity (TOW/S)
• Group 4 schemas—Corrective versus preventive costs.
The total cost of corrosion for DoD facilities in FY05 was estimated to have been $1.768 billion.
DoD facilities and infrastructure corrosion costs were estimated according to the four schema
groups for each of 438 facility analysis categories. These total more than 1 million facilities at
5,957 installations (see Figure E-1).

“Costs” reflect known or identified actual expenditures.

Volume III E-2 Spiral Number 3

Appendix E, Facilities Cost of Corrosion Results

Figure E-1. Cost of Corrosion for DoD Facilities/Infrastructure (FY05)

Facility Type 438 Cost
of total

Facility Type 260 Cost
of total

Percentage Cost Percentage

Facility Type 001 Cost
of total Schema ($ millions) of total

Maintenance corrosion costs Maintenance corrosion costs $1,546 15.1%

Construction costs Construction corrosion costs $205 2.3%

Priority 2 Priority 2
$17 5.6%
corrosion costs corrosion costs
Costs increase as
Time of wetness Time of wetness time of wetness
100% of costs
Costs reflect Characterizes
Airborne salinity Airborne salinity no impact 100% of costs

Corrective corrosion costs Corrective corrosion costs $1,042 11.9%

Preventive corrosion costs Preventive corrosion costs $504 34.4%

Using this data structure, it is possible to analyze the data against the following:

• FAC code
• Installation
• Labor and material costs
• Total cost versus corrosion-related cost
• Maintenance, construction, and priority 2 costs
• TOW/S zone
• Corrective versus preventive maintenance cost
• Family housing (FH) versus non-family housing (non-FH) cost
The highest costs of corrosion occur during performance of facilities and infrastructure mainte-
nance, from both a total cost and percentage of expenditure standpoint. The cost of corrosion for
facility and infrastructure maintenance is approximately seven times higher than corrosion costs
associated with facility and infrastructure construction. There are two main reasons for this:

• Only construction projects with an existing mission and an existing footprint are eligible
to contain corrective corrosion costs; therefore, more than half of the total construction
project population was excluded from corrective corrosion costs calculations. This results
in a lower ratio of corrosion-related construction cost to total construction cost.

Spiral Number 3 E-3 Volume III

• There is a significantly greater detail available in the descriptions for maintenance ac-
tions than for construction projects. As a result, the construction project descriptions
may not contain the keywords to flag the work as a corrosion cost.
Priority 2 corrosion costs are small, with research and development being the largest contributor
($16 million).

Maintenance costs due to corrosion generally increase as the time of wetness increases. How-
ever, an increase in corrosion costs for installations located within 1 mile of seawater (a measure
of the presence of airborne salinity) was not observed.

DoD spent more than twice as much on corrective corrosion maintenance ($1,042 million) as it
did on preventive corrosion maintenance ($504 million). However, of the total preventive facility
and infrastructure maintenance expenditures, more than one-third are corrosion-related.

Although not shown in Figure E-1, corrosion-related maintenance costs for non-FH facilities
($1.361 billion) are much higher than corrosion-related maintenance costs for FH facilities
($0.185 billion. This is because there are significantly more non-FH facilities than FH facili-
ties. In terms of maintenance percentage, corrosion expenditures for FH facilities equal
17.4 percent of maintenance costs. The same calculation for non-FH corrosion yields a corro-
sion percentage of 14.9 percent. The slightly higher ratio for FH facilities makes intuitive sense
because a significant trigger for facilities corrosion expenditures is deteriorating appearance
(rust, scaling, flaking, etc.) as well as potential health impacts (the presence of mold, for exam-
ple). It is reasonable to conclude that occupants and managers of FH dwellings have a lower tol-
erance for appearance and health-related problems than users of non-FH facilities. Therefore,
potential corrosion issues in FH dwellings may receive earlier intervention and, therefore, a
higher percentage of maintenance costs than similar issues in non-FH facilities.

Cost Reduction Opportunities

Facility and infrastructure types that are large in total size are generally the highest contributors to
total corrosion costs, but they have a low corrosion cost per unit of size measurement. For exam-
ple, the three FACs with the highest total corrosion costs from Figure E-2 are also among the
three largest FACs in terms of total size (only FAC 4421 is larger); however, each of these three
FACs has a fairly low corrosion cost per square foot. The FACs with a high corrosion cost per
unit of size measurement, such as ship maintenance dry-dock (FAC 2131) and electrical power
substation (FAC 8131), are better targets of opportunity for corrosion cost reduction.

Figure E-2. Top 10 Corrosion Costs by Facility Analysis Category

Total Total
corrosion cost maintenance Corrosion Total size Unit of Corrosion cost
FAC FAC description ($ millions) cost ($ millions) percent (millions) measure per unit ($)
7210 Enlisted Unaccompanied Personnel Housing 94 603 15.6% 139 SF $ 0.68
6100 General Administrative Building 75 545 13.7% 173 SF $ 0.43
7110 Family Housing Dwelling 54 268 20.1% 230 SF $ 0.23
8131 Electrical Power Substation 51 199 25.6% 14 KV $ 3.79
1714 Reserve Training Facility 48 298 16.0% 98 SF $ 0.49
4421 Covered Storage Building, Installation 46 190 24.2% 156 SF $ 0.30
4111 Bulk Liquid Fuel Storage 44 311 14.1% 64 BL $ 0.69
8321 Sewer and Industrial Waste Line 36 131 27.3% 130 LF $ 0.27
2131 Ship Maintenance Dry-dock 32 73 44.2% 3 SF $ 9.73
6102 Large Unit Headquarters Building 29 161 17.9% 24 SF $ 1.19

Volume III E-4 Spiral Number 3

Appendix E, Facilities Cost of Corrosion Results

Throughout the facilities cost-of-corrosion study, a list of corrosion best practices was developed
that proved applicable across services, TOW/S zones, and installations. Those best practices are:

• Perform all scheduled recurring work services and maintenance. Doing so will help
control costs due to corrosion damage as well as other facilities lifecycle costs.
• Use anti-corrosion water treatment in closed-loop heating and cooling systems.
• Use cathodic protection on steel storage tanks and pipelines. Find adequate re-
sources for the cathodic protection program so that these systems are maintained
and function appropriately.
• Choose appropriate corrosion-resistant materials for new construction and repair
by replacement.
• When a system (such as a pipeline) begins to fail due to corrosion, make the neces-
sary repairs, then plan and program funds for total system replacement, preferably
with a corrosion-resistant material.
• Government staff should review new construction project designs to ensure mainte-
nance is properly considered and preventive measures (such as corrosion-resistant
materials, closed system water treatment, and cathodic protection) are not eliminated
to bring the project’s cost down.
• Consider treating domestic water when the pH is less than 6.5 or greater than 8.5.
This will diminish the effects of corrosion on systems that distribute or use domestic
• Consider using corrosion-resistant concrete embeds and equipment mounting brackets
in facilities such as water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, sewage lift sta-
tions, swimming pool chlorination rooms, etc. In addition, consider using remote
sensing instruments so that only the sensor must be mounted in areas that are humid
or have corrosive environments.

Spiral Number 3 E-5 Volume III

Volume III E-6 Spiral Number 3
Appendix F
Facility Corrosion Prevention
and Control Memorandum

Spiral Number 3 F-1 Volume III

Volume III F-2 Spiral Number 3
Attachment Contents
Attachment 1 Corrosion Prevention and Control Memorandum

Attachment 2 Acronyms

Attachment 3 Principal Integrated Logistics Support Element Definitions

Attachment 4 Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Attachment 5 CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

Attachment 6 Scales, Tables, and Elements

Spiral Number 3 iii All Volumes

Spiral Number 3—9/28/2007 12:48 PM iv Volume III
Attachment 1 Corrosion Prevention
and Control Memorandum

Spiral Number 3 Attach 1-1 All Volumes

Attachment 2 Acronyms

AFCESA Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency

AFI Air Force instruction

AFP Air Force pamphlet

AFPD Air Force policy directive

AFRL Air Force Research Laboratory

AMMTIAC Advanced Materials, Manufacturing, and Testing Information Analysis Center

(formerly the Advanced Materials and Processes Technology Information
Analysis Center)

AS allowable standard

CCT contractor corrosion team

CDD capabilities development document

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CP Cathodic Protection (System)

CPAT Corrosion Prevention Action Team

CPC corrosion prevention and control

CPCP corrosion prevention and control plan

CPD capabilities production document

DAB Defense Acquisition Board

DID data item description

DoD Department of Defense

DoDD DoD directive

DSN Defense Switching Network

DTIC Defense Technical Information Center

Spiral Number 3 Attach 2-1 All Volumes

EM engineering manual

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

ESCO Engineering Services Company

ESPC Energy Savings Performance Contracting

ETL engineering technical letters

FOC full operational capability

FRP full rate production

HQ headquarters

IAW in accordance with

ICD initial capabilities document

ILS integrated logistics support

IOC initial operational capability

IPT integrated product team

IWT industrial waste treatment

LRIP low rate initial production

M&P materials and processes

MNS mission needs statement

MRB Material Review Board

MTBF mean time between failure

MTTR mean time to repair

NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NDI non-destructive inspection

NEPA National Environmental Policy Act

NGS non-government standard

OIPT overarching integrated product team

All Volumes Attach 2-2 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 2, Acronyms

ORD operational requirements document

OT&E operational test and evaluation

PM program (or project) manager

PT product team

QA quality assurance

R&D research and development

RCM reliability-centered maintenance

RCS report control symbol

RFP request for proposal

RM&S reliability, maintainability, and supportability

RP recommended practice

SDD system development and demonstration

SRM sustainment, restoration, and modernization

SSPC Society for Protective Coatings

T.O. technical order

TM technical manual

TPC Technical Practices Committee

TR technical report

UFC Unified Facilities Criteria

UFGS United Facilities Guide Specifications

U.S.C. United States Code

USAF United States Air Force

UST underground storage tanks

Spiral Number 3 Attach 2-3 All Volumes

All Volumes Attach 2-4 Spiral Number 3
Attachment 3 Principal Integrated Logistics
Support Element Definitions

Maintenance Plan
A description of the requirements and tasks necessary to achieve, restore, or maintain the opera-
tional capability of a system, equipment or facility. Corrosion prevention techniques and proc-
esses should be discussed in this document as they relate to the overall maintenance concept. The
maintenance plan normally is a subordinate plan of the integrated logistics support plan (ILSP).

Support and Test Equipment

All mobile or fixed equipment required to support the operation and maintenance of a population
of systems, equipment, or facilities at all levels and all locations. Corrosion control and monitor-
ing equipment should be identified and integrated with other support equipment requirements
(e.g., portable cleaning machines and fixed wash racks).

Supply Support
All functions and management actions needed to determine requirements for acquisition, catalog-
ing, packaging, preservation, receipt, storage, transfer, issue, and disposal of spares, repair parts,
bulk material, clothing, food, and fuel. Corrosion control and monitoring supplies should be
identified and integrated with other supply requirements (e.g., cleaners, coatings, and abrasives).

Transportation and Handling

The procedures, equipment, and facilities used for the packaging, movement, transfer, and han-
dling of systems or equipment. Unique corrosion control equipment and supplies should be iden-
tified and integrated with other support equipment requirements (e.g., hazardous coatings and
liquid cleaners).

Technical Data
All types of specifications, standards, engineering drawings, instructions, reports, manuals, ta-
bles, and test results used in the development, production, testing, use, maintenance, and dis-
posal of military items, equipment, and systems. Corrosion control and monitoring manuals,
reports, specifications, and standards should be identified and integrated with other logistic
requirements and made readily available to users (e.g., specifications available on web).

Facilities includes all real property (all buildings and land) and permanent improvements to real
property (access roads and railroad spurs, security fencing, utility lines, dedicated spaces, and
piers) required for operation and support of a system or equipment. Wash racks and other perma-
nent corrosion control facilities need to be identified early in the development process to ade-
quately budget for the land and associated dedicated improvements.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 3-1 All Volumes

Personnel—in the numbers and with the necessary skills—who operate and support a system or
equipment in its operational environment. Corrosion control and monitoring personnel should be
identified and integrated with other support personnel requirements.

The processes, procedures, and equipment used to train personnel in the operation and support of
a system or equipment. Corrosion control and monitoring training should be identified and inte-
grated with other support equipment requirements (e.g., school house requirements, imbedded
training, and training material).

Logistics Support Resource Funds

The money required for the identification, acquisition, and management of logistic resources.
Corrosion control and monitoring funding requirements should be identified and controlled to
ensure all of the ILS elements are adequately funded.

Logistics Support Management Information

Information used for the analysis and reporting of actions taken or required to be taken in
developing or executing logistic support plans (e.g., a centralized website for all corrosion
prevention and control reports and documentation available to department and associated
commercial users).

All Volumes Attach 3-2 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4 Corrosion Points of Contact—
Organization and Personnel

Director, DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight
ODUSD (AT&L), The Pentagon
3000 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3000
(703) 695-2300, DSN: 225-2300
(703) 614-9884 (fax)

Associate Director, Materials and Structures

Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science & Technology)
1777 North Kent Street
Suite 9030
Arlington, VA 22209-2110
(703) 588-7418, DSN: 425
(703) 588-7560 (fax)

Installations Requirements and Management

Pentagon, Room 5C646
Washington, DC 20310-3400
(703) 571-9079
(703) 693.2659 (fax)

Joint Staff
Pentagon, Room 2C828
Washington, DC 20301-2500
DSN: 227-6849
(703) 697-6849
(703) 693-2584 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-1 All Volumes

HQ Army Materiel Command U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Director, Army Corrosion Prevention & Control AMSRL-WM-MC
AMC G3 Building 4600
9301 Chapek Road APG, MD 21005
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5527 (410) 306-0869
(703) 806-9840 (410) 306-0829 (fax)
DSN: 656-9840

U.S. Army TACOM CEERDC-CFM (Facilities)

Building 172 AMSTA-AR-WET 2902 Newmark Drive
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000 Champaign, IL 61822-1076
(973) 724-5795 (217) 373-6753
DSN: 880-5795

U.S. Army, Aviation and Missile Command US Army Natick Soldier Research Develop-
AMSAM-RD-PS-AM ment and Engineering Center
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898 Kansas Street
(256) 876-7472 AMSRD-NSC-BO
DSN: 746-7472 Natick, MA 01760
(508) 233-6977
DSN: 256-6977
(508) 233-6976 (fax)

All Volumes Attach 4-2 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Office of Naval Research NAVAIR (AIR-4.3.4)
ONR 332 Materials Division BLDG 2188
800 N Quincy Street Patuxent River, MD 20670
Arlington, VA 22217 (301) 342-8000
(703) 696-4309
(703) 696-0934 (fax)

(Ships/Submarines) Code 613 Carderock Division

Head, Corrosion Control Division Marine Corrosion Branch
NAVSEA 05M1 Naval Surface Warfare Center
1333 Isaac Hull Ave. SE 9500 MacArthur Boulevard
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-5131 West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700
(202) 781-3671 DSN: 287-5128
(202) 781-3659 (301) 227-5128
(301) 227-5548 (fax)

NAVFAC Paints & Coatings Technical NAVFAC CP Technical Expert (Facilities)

Expert (Facilities) NFESC
NFESC 258 Makalapa Drive
1100 23rd Avenue Suite 100
Code OP 63 Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-3134
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370 DSN: 472-1254
DSN: 551-1057 (808) 472-1254
(805) 982-1057

Associate for Engineering Technology (Aviation)

Office of the Chief Engineer NAVAIRSYSCOM/Head, Materials Protection/Corrosion
Naval Facilities Engineering Command JCAA/Corrosion Steering Group Lead
(202) 685 9172 Building 2188; Unit 5
(202) 685-1577 (fax) 48066 Shaw Road
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 342-8007
(301) 342-8062 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-3 All Volumes

Air Force
(Weapon Systems) (Infrastructure/Facilities)
USAF Corrosion Prevention and Control Office HQ AFCESA/CEOA
AFRL/MLS-OLR 139 Barnes Drive, Suite 1
325 Richard Ray Blvd (Building 165) Tyndall AFB, FL 32403
Robins AFB, GA 31098-1639 (850) 283-6070
DSN: 468-3284 DSN: 523-6070
(478) 926-3284 523-6219 (fax)
(478) 926-6619 (fax)

(Vehicle and Vehicular Equipment Procurement) (Vehicle and Equipment Corrosion Issues)
580 Combat Sustainment Squadron 642 CBSSS/GBEC
Vehicle Management Branch 380 Richard Ray Blvd.
295 Byron St. Robbins AFB, GA 31098
Robbins AFB, GA 31098 DSN: 472-1762
DSN: 472-1762 (478) 222-1600
(478) 222-1600

Marine Corps
Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC)
2200 Lester Street (ACENG/ES&P)
Quantico, VA 22134-6050
DSN: 378-3800
(703) 432-3800

Coast Guard
USCG Technical Support Manager (ARINC)
USAF Corrosion Prevention and Control Office
325 Richard Ray Blvd., Building 165
Robins AFB, GA 31098-1639
(478) 926-3284
(478) 926-6619 (fax)

Corrosion Studies
ASRC Aerospace/NASA
mail stop: ASRC-15
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
(321) 867-7558

All Volumes Attach 4-4 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Executive Director Director, Public Affairs
NACE International NACE International - The Corrosion Society
1440 South Creek Drive 1440 South Creek Drive
Houston, TX 77084 Houston, Texas 77084
(281) 228-6205 (281) 228-6213
(281) 228-6305 (281) 228-6313 (fax)

Advanced Materials, Manufacturing and Testing Information Analysis Center

201 Mill Street
Rome, NY 13440
(315) 339-7023 or (315) 339-7009

Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC)

Director, Product Development/Director of Marketing
40 24th Street, 6th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 281-2331
1 (877) 281-7772

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-5 All Volumes

Dr. Ralph P.I. Adler
US Army Research Laboratory
Weapons and Materials Research Directorate
ATTN: AMSRD-ARL-WM-MC (attention R. Adler)
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066
(410) 306-0826; DSN: 458
(410) 306-0829 (fax); alt. e-mail:

Vinod S. Agarwala, Ph.D., P.E., FASM, FNACE

NAVAIR Esteemed Fellow
Until 11/26/2007:
Associate Director for Materials Science & Engineering
U.S. Office of Naval Research Global - London Edison House
223 Old Marylebone Road, London NW15th
United Kingdom
After 11/26/2007:
Associate Director, Office of Naval Research Global - Blenheim Crescent
Ruislip Middelsex HA4 7HL
United Kingdom
Federal Postal Office Address:
ONR Global
PSC 22 Box 39
APO AE 09421
Mobile: 07718-581-186; 301 481-1865

Kimberly Andrews
Air Force Corrosion Prevention and Control Office (AFCPCO)
Materials Engineer
325 Richard Ray Blvd., Bldg.165
Robins AFB, GA 31098-1639
(478) 926-7644; DSN: 468-7644
Main office line: (478) 926-3284; DSN: 468-3284
(478) 926-6619 (fax) ); DSN: 468-6619 (fax)

All Volumes Attach 4-6 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Lee-Ann Barkhouse
US Army Natick Soldier Research Development and Engineering Center
Kansas Street
Natick, MA 01760
(508) 233-6977
DSN: 256-6977

Dr John H. Beatty
US Army Research Laboratory
APG, MD 21005
(410) 306-0869
(410) 306-0829 (fax)

Beau Brinckerhoff
Naval Sea Systems Command
1333 Isaac Hull Ave SE, STOP 5131
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20376-5131
(202) 781-3659 office

Kevin Burke, Lt Col

United States Marine Corps
Deputy Director, Operations & Maintenance
Office of the Secretary of Defense, Reserve Affairs (M&F)
The Pentagon, Room 2E217
(703) 693-4207 office

Thadd Buzan
ODUSD (Installations and Environment)
Installations Requirements and Management
3400 Defense Pentagon, Rm 5C646
Washington DC 20301-3400
(703) 571-9079
(703) 693-2659 (fax)

Michael Carpenter
P.O. Box 293160
Kettering, OH 45429-9160
(937) 901-2799

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-7 All Volumes

Steven Carr
Commander, USA RDECOM, ATTN: AMSRD-AMR-PS-AM/S. Carr Bldg 7103
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898
(256) 876-7472; DSN: 746
(256) 842-1359 (fax)
Austin Carroll
9430 John J Kingman Road
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060
(703) 767-4157

Paul Chang
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(571) 633-7794
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Larry Cornwell
USCG Technical Support Manager
USAF Corrosion Prevention and Control Office
325 Richard Ray Blvd, Bldg 165
Robins AFB, GA 31098-1639
(478) 926-3284; DSN: 468 office
(478) 926-6619 (fax)

Kelly Downey, SMSgt, USAF

1030 Air Force Pentagon
Washington DC 20330-1030
(703) 695-5266

All Volumes Attach 4-8 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Susan Drozdz
Senior Researcher
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, Il 61826-9005
(217) 373-6767
(217) 373-7222 fax

Jeffrey Duckworth
1569 Constitution Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19112
(215) 897-7486

James Dulan
MKI Systems
USMC CPAC Program Support
2525 Pointe Center Court
Suite 300
Dumfries, VA 22026
(703) 884-9957

Daniel J. Dunmire
Director, DoD Corrosion Policy & Oversight
3000 Defense Pentagon
Washington DC, 20301-3000
(703) 695-2300; DSN: 225-2300
(703) 614-9884 (fax)

David F. Ellicks
Air Force Corrosion Prevention and Control Office
325 Richard Ray Blvd (Bldg 165)
Robins AFB, GA 31098-1639
478-926-3284; DSN: 468
478-926-6619 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-9 All Volumes

David Erickson
Corrosion Policy & Oversight
Room 3D1075, The Pentagon
3090 Defense Pentagon
Washington, DC 20301-3090
(703) 695-2300; DSN: 225-2300
(703) 614-9884 (fax)

Milon Essoglou
Associate for Technology
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
1322 Patterson Avenue SE Suite 1000
Washington Navy Yard DC 20374-5064
(202) 685-9172
(202) 685-1577 (fax)

Dave Forman
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Jessica Glace
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 917-7089
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Cynthia Greenwood
NACE International
Editor at Large CorrDefense
1440 South Creek Drive
Houston, Texas 77084-4906
(713) 527-8699 (voice and fax)
(713) 557-9792 (cell)

All Volumes Attach 4-10 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Jennifer Gresham, Major, USAF

AFOSR/NL Program Manager
875 N. Randolph St, Suite 325/Rm 3112
Arlington, VA 22203
(703) 696-7787

Christian Grethlein
Deputy Director, AMMTIAC
Alion Science & Technology
201 Mill Street, Rome, NY 13440
(315) 339-7009
(315) 339-7107 (fax)

Rich Hays
Manager, Corrosion Research and Engineering Branch
NSWCCD Code 613
9500 MacArthur Blvd.
West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700
(301) 227-5135
(301) 227-5548 (fax)

Robert Herron
Commander, USA RDECOM
Bldg 7103
Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898
(256) 876-5061
(256) 842-1359 (fax)

Eric Herzberg
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(571) 633-7732
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-11 All Volumes

Vincent Hock
Project Manager
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center ( ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory ( CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-6753 office
(217) 373-7222 fax

Elizabeth Hogan
Naval Research Laboratory
4555 Overlook Ave. SW
Washington DC 20375
(202) 404-7182

Ed Irish
Commander, Navy Installations (CNI)
2713 Mitscher Road, SW Ste 300
Anacostia Annex, DC 20373-5802
(202) 433-4417; DSN: 228

Karen Jackson
Government-Industry Data Exchange Center (GIDEP)
Training Coordinator
GIDEP Liaison to DKSP
P.O Box 8000
Corona, CA 92878-8000
(951) 898-3226

Gretchen Jacobson
NACE International
Publications Director
1440 South Creek Drive
Houston, Texas 77084-4906
(281) 228-6207
(281) 228-6307 (fax)

All Volumes Attach 4-12 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Robert Jamond
Materials Engineer/CP Specialist
1100 23rd Street
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370
(805) 982-1061
(805) 982-1074 (fax)

Kumar Jata
Materials and Manufacturing Directorate
AFRL/MLL 2230 Tenth Street
Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433
(937) 2251304 office
(937) 225-9792 (fax)

Cliff Johnson
NACE International
Public Affairs Director
1440 South Creek Drive
Houston, Texas 77084-4906
(281) 228-6213
(281) 228-6313 (fax)

David Jutton
CP Specialist
NAVFAC Atlantic
6506 Hampton Blvd
Norfolk, VA 23508
(757) 322-4650
(757) 322-4614 (fax)

George Keller
16132 Kennedy Street
Woodbridge, VA 22191
(703) 551-0097 (alternate e-mail)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-13 All Volumes

Greg Kilchenstein
ODUSD (Logistics & Materiel Readiness)/Materiel Readiness & Maintenance Policy
The Pentagon
Washington DC 20301
(703) 614-0862

Richard Kinzie
522 Corbin Ave
Macon, GA 31204
(478) 714-8852

Matthew Koch
Corrosion Engineer/Program Manager
USMC Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPAC)
2200 Lester Street
Quantico, VA 22134
(703) 432-6165 (MCSC)
(302) 732-9268 (cell)
(215) 897-8311 (NAVSEA Philadelphia)

Kevin Kovaleski
NAVAIR Organic Coatings Team Leader
48066 Shaw Rd
Bldg 2188/Unit 5
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 342-8049

Dr. Ashok Kumar

Program Manager
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-7235 office
(217) 373-7222 fax

All Volumes Attach 4-14 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Richard Lampo
Senior Researcher
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-6765 office
(217) 373-7222 fax

Larry Lee
Corrosion Policy and Oversight
9032 Patton Blvd
Alexandria, VA 22309
(571) 265-5786
Pat Little
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 917-7145
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Stephen Lowell
Deputy Director
Defense Standardization Program Office
8725 John J. Kingman Road
Attn: J-307, Stop 6233
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221
(703) 767-6879
(703) 767-6876 (fax)

Keith Lucas
Naval Research Laboratory
Center for Corrosion Science and Engineering
Naval Research Laboratory Code 6130
4555 Overlook Ave SW
Washington, DC 20375
(202) 767-0833
(202) 404-3881 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-15 All Volumes

Dr. Charles Marsh
Senior Researcher
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-6764
(217) 373-7222 fax

Orange Marshall
Senior Researcher
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-6766 office
(217) 373-7222 fax

Judy Mashburn
MKI Systems
USMC CPAC Program Support
2525 Pointe Center Court, Suite 300
Dumfries, VA 22026
(703) 884-9958

Craig Matzdorf
NAVAIR Senior Corrosion Engineer
48066 Shaw Rd
Bldg 2188/Unit 5
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 342-9372

Joseph McGilley, LT, USCG

Aging Aircraft Branch
c/o LT Joe McGilley
USCG Aircraft Repair & Supply Center, Bldg 64
Elizabeth City, NC 27909-5001
(252) 384-7260

All Volumes Attach 4-16 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Bill McGovern
Defense Acquisition University
9820 Belvoir Rd.
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5565
(703) 805-5401; DSN: 655-5401

Hilton Mills
9301 Chapek Road
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5527
(703) 806-9840; DSN: 656
(703) 806-9265 (fax)

John Migyanko, Lt Col, USAF

1030 Air Force Pentagon
Washington DC 20330-1030
(703) 693-9837

Sean Morefield
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-4567
(217) 373-7222 fax

William Needham
NSWC Code 613 Corrosion Engineering
9500 MacArthur Boulevard
West Bethesda, Maryland, 20817
(301) 227-5034

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-17 All Volumes

Chet Ograbisz
MKI Systems
USMC CPAC Program Support
2525 Pointe Center Court
Suite 300
Dumfries, VA 22026
(703) 884-9959

David Pearson
Professor of Engineering Management
Defense Acquisition University
Ft Belvoir, VA 22060
(703) 805-5269

Airan J. Perez
Office of Naval Research
875 North Randolph Street
Code 333
Arlington, VA 22203-1995
(703) 696-0845
(703) 696-6887 (FAA)

Edwin Piedmont
Corrosion Control Branch Head/CP Specialist
21555 Eagle Drive
North Charleston, SC 29406-5500
(843) 820-7141
(843) 820-7024 (fax)

Walt Poliansky
(703) 604-2210; DSN: 664

Ned Pruitt Jr.

Sustainment Engineering Branch (VEE)
Defense Supply Center Richmond
8000 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Richmond, VA 23297
(804) 279-4336

All Volumes Attach 4-18 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

David N. Purcell
Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management
Facilities & Housing Directorate/Facilities Policy Division
2511 Jefferson Davis Hwy
Arlington, VA 22202
(703) 601-0371; DSN: 329
(703) 601-0545 (fax)

Robert Reed, Major, USAF

Chief, AF Corrosion Prevention and Control Office (AFCPCO)
325 Richard Ray Blvd. (Bldg 165)
Robins AFB GA 31098-1639
(478) 926-3284; DSN: 468
(478) 926-6619 (fax)

David Rose
Reliability Information Analysis Center
Kunsela Hall, Suite C003
12 N. Horatio Street
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 351-4204
(315) 339-7107 (fax)

Randy Schober
Chief, Environmental Branch
1500 E Bannister Road
Kansas City MO 64131
(816) 926-2429

Ellen Segan
ARL/ARO (Army Research Laboratory/Army Research Office)
4300 South Miami Blvd.
Durham, NC 27703-9142
(919) 549-4240; DSN: 832
(919) 549-4248 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-19 All Volumes

Ric Sherman, COL, USA
Deputy to the ADUSD for Materiel Readiness & Maintenance Policy
(703) 695-0338; DSN: 225
(703) 697-7980; DSN: 227
(703) 693-7037; DSN: 223 (fax)

David A. Shifler, PhD, PE

Corrosion Research and Engineering Branch
Code 613, Carderock Division
Naval Surface Warfare Center
9500 MacArthur Boulevard
West Bethesda, MD 20817-5700
(301) 227-5128
(301) 227-5548 (fax)

Bill Shoup
Executive Director
The Society of Protective Coatings
40 24th Street, 6th Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
(412) 281-2331 x230
(412) 281-9992 (fax)

Don Skelton
Lead Systems Engineer
Army Corrosion Office
Metallic Materials Technology Branch
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000
(973) 724-4071

Dr Lew Sloter
Associate Director, Materials & Structures
Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science & Technology)
1777 N Kent St Ste 9030
Arlington VA 22209-2110
(703) 588-7418; DSN: 425
(703) 696-2230 (fax)

All Volumes Attach 4-20 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Steve Spadafora
Head, Materials Protection/Corrosion Branches
and Joint Council on Aging Aircraft/Corrosion Steering Group Leader
NAVAIR (AIR-4.9.7)
48066 Shaw Rd, Bldg 2188/Unit 5
Patuxent River, MD 20670
(301) 342-8007

Tony Stampone
Pentagon Rm 2D-261
Washington DC 20301-3500
(703) 614-3838

Dr. Larry (Dave) Stephenson

Senior Researcher
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-6758 office
(217) 373-7222 fax

Thomas J. Tehada
NAVFAC CP Technical Expert
NFESC; 258 Makalapa Drive, Ste 100
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-3134
(808) 472-1254; DSN: 472
(808) 471-5870 (fax)

John Theis
Army Corrosion Office
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000
(973) 724-5795
(973) 724-2864 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-21 All Volumes

Owen R. (Dick) Thompson
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(540) 832-3470 (voice and fax)

Andrew (Tim) Timko

2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 917-7146
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Vicki VanBlaricum
Chief, Materials and Structures Branch
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
P.O. Box 9005
Champaign, IL 61826-9005
(217) 373-6771
(217) 373-7222 fax

Michael Wallace
US Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile
109 St. Joseph Street
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 694-4068
(251) 694-4057 (fax)

Allen Westheimer
U.S. General Accounting Office
350 S. Figueroa Street
World Trade Center, Suite 1010
Los Angeles, CA 90071
(213) 830-1057

All Volumes Attach 4-22 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 4, Corrosion Points of Contact—Organization and Personnel

Soloman Williams
139 Barnes Drive, Suite 1
Tyndall AFB, FL 32043
(852) 283-6358; DSN: 523
(850) 283-6219 (fax)

Earl Wingrove
2000 Corporate Ridge
McLean, VA 22102
(703) 917-7387
(703) 917-7471 (fax)

Robert Zanowicz
Lead Systems Engineer
Army Corrosion Office
Metallic Materials Technology Branch
Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000
(973) 724-5744

Michael Zapata
Air Force Fuels Engineer
139 Barnes Drive, Suite 1
Tyndall AFB, FL 32403
(850) 283-6070; DSN: 523-6070

Daniel A. Zarate
NAVFAC Paints & Coatings SME
1100 23rd Avenue
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4370
(805) 982-1057; DSN: 551
(775) 417-5802 (fax, primary)
(805) 982-1074 (fax)

Spiral Number 3 Attach 4-23 All Volumes

All Volumes Attach 4-24 Spiral Number 3
Attachment 5 CPC Policy
and Regulation Directives

Title 10 and DoD Guidance

Chapter 131, Title 10 USC, Section 2228, National Defense Authorization Act for
FY2003, Military Equipment and Infrastructure: Prevention and Mitigation of
Section 2228 requires the Secretary of Defense to designate an official or organization responsi-
ble for the prevention and mitigation of corrosion on military equipment and infrastructure.
Section 2228 also requires the development of a long-term strategy for corrosion prevention and

Corrosion Policy Memorandum (12 November 2003)

Among recent policy accomplishments, the most important may have been the publication of
DoD corrosion prevention and control policy guidance. The policy recognizes that “the early
stages of acquisition provide our best opportunity to make effective trade-offs among the many
competing design criteria that will provide desired Defense capability.”

Program and project management requirements include the following:

• Make corrosion prevention and control planning an explicit part of performance-

based acquisition as well as performance-based logistics (PBL), as defined in DoD
Directive 5000.1.
• Assess and evaluate corrosion planning during the program IPT and the overarching
IPT review processes, with issues raised by exception to the Defense Acquisition
Board (DAB) (for programs that are subject DAB to review).
• Adhere to the corrosion prevention and control guidance in the Designing and Assess-
ing Supportability in DoD Weapons Systems Guidebook.
• Implement best business practices and best-value decisions for corrosion prevention
and control in system and infrastructure acquisition, sustainment, and utilization.
• Formulate and implement a support strategy that ensures system support and life-
cycle affordability considerations are addressed and documented as an integral part of
the program’s overall acquisition strategy. Specific support strategy requirements are
contained in the Interim Defense Acquisition Guidebook.

Designing and Assessing Supportability in DoD Weapon Systems: A Guide to

Increased Reliability and Reduced Logistics Footprint (29 May 2003)
This guide provides a template for PMs (when assigned) or responsible activities to use in defining
and assessing their program activities to meet QDR objectives and DoD policy requirements
throughout the weapon system life cycle. Emphasis is placed on designing for increased reliability

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-1 All Volumes

and reduced logistics footprint and on providing for effective product support through perform-
ance-based logistics strategies.

There are seven references to corrosion within the document. They are primarily contained within the
discussion of maintainability and supportability as they pertain to system availability in DoD weapon
systems. The following are specific factors to be considered, planned, and provided for:

• Corrosion protection and mitigation planning and analysis for supportability

• Designed-in access for corrosion inspection and mitigation for maintainability
• Specific logistic-related technologies that have potential to improve maintenance and
reduce the logistics footprint (e.g., corrosion control)
• Consideration of corrosion mitigation during reliability centered maintenance (RCM)

DoD Directive 5000.1, The Defense Acquisition System (12 May 2003)
Policies in this directive apply to all acquisition programs.

According to Paragraph E1.17, Performance-Based Logistics, PMs must develop and implement
performance-based logistics strategies that optimize total system availability while minimizing
cost and logistics footprint. Trade-off decisions involving cost, useful service, and effectiveness
must consider corrosion prevention and mitigation. Sustainment strategies must include the best
use of public and private sector capabilities through government-industry partnering initiatives,
in accordance with statutory requirements.

DoD Instruction 5000.2, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System

(12 May 2003)
This instruction establishes a simplified and flexible management framework for translating mis-
sion needs and technology opportunities, based on approved mission needs and requirements,
into stable, affordable, and well-managed acquisition programs that include weapon systems and
automated information system (AISs).

This instruction contains no reference to corrosion.

CPC IPT Charter (3 September 2003)

The following are specific goals of the CPC IPT:

• Provide strategic review and advice as necessary to deal with the following congres-
sional requirements:
ƒ Expanded emphasis on corrosion prevention and mitigation
ƒ Uniform application of requirements and criteria for testing and certification of
new corrosion prevention technologies throughout the DoD
ƒ Development of a coordinated approach to collecting, reviewing, validating and
distributing information on proven methods and products

All Volumes Attach 5-2 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

ƒ Implementation of a coordinated science and technology program that includes

demonstration, validation, and transition of new corrosion technologies into op-
erational systems.
• Develop and recommend policy guidance on the prevention and mitigation of corrosion.
• Provide overviews or summaries of the corrosion programs and funding levels pro-
posed and executed by the military departments and agencies.
• Develop a roadmap and monitor the progress of corrosion-related activities.
• Develop strategies to efficiently track corrosion costs and the impact of corrosion on
readiness and safety.
• Develop guidance for improving maintenance and training plans.
• Develop guidance to ensure the use of corrosion prevention technologies and the ap-
plication of corrosion treatments are fully considered throughout the life cycle of sys-
tem or infrastructure.

Pending DoD Instruction 5000.rr

This Instruction implements policy, assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures under 10
USC 2228 to:
• Provide guidance by assigning responsibilities for the establishment and management
of programs to prevent or mitigate corrosion on DoD military equipment and infra-
• Assign responsibilities for the DoD Corrosion Executive and the Secretaries of the
Military Departments.
• Designate a DoD Corrosion Executive responsible to:
ƒ Develop and recommend corrosion prevention and mitigating policy and guid-
ƒ Review corrosion programs and corrosion-related research, development, test and
evaluation (RDT&E) funding levels of each Military Department and
USD(AT&L) Defense Agency.
ƒ Oversee and coordinate DoD efforts to prevent or mitigate corrosion during the
acquisition and sustainment cycles of military equipment and infrastructure.
ƒ Monitor acquisition practices to ensure use of corrosion prevention technologies.
ƒ Develop and implement a long-term strategy to reduce corrosion and the effects
of corrosion on military equipment and infrastructure according to the DoD Cor-
rosion Prevention and Mitigation Strategic Plan (Reference (c)).
DoD Directive 4151.18, Maintenance of Military Materiel (31 March 2004)
This directive establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the performance of DoD mate-
riel maintenance, including maintenance of weapon systems, hardware, equipment, software, or
nay combination thereof and for both organic and contract sources of repair.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-3 All Volumes

Paragraph 3.3.7 states: “Corrosion prevention and control programs and preservation techniques
shall be established throughout the system life cycle. Examples of preventative and control
methods may include using effective design practices, material selection, protective finishes,
production processes, packaging, storage environments, protection during shipment, and mainte-
nance procedures. Preservation techniques shall be used as a part of maintenance programs when
operationally feasible. Corrosion prevention and control reporting systems shall allow for data
collection and feedback, and shall be used to address corrosion prevention and control logistics
considerations and readiness issues.”

DFARS Change Notice 20040917 (12 October 2004)

The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Part 207 was amended to
incorporate the requirement to address corrosion and other maintainability issues within the ac-
quisition plan. This change implements Section 1067 of the National Defense Authorization Act
for Fiscal Year 2003, which requires DoD to prevent and mitigate corrosion during the design,
acquisition, and maintenance of military equipment.

Specifically Part 207.105 (b),13), Logistics consideration, states “Performance based logistics
that optimize total system availability while minimizing costs and logistics footprint should be
considered. Trade-off decisions involving cost, useful service, and effectiveness shall consider
corrosion prevention and mitigation.”

DoD Corrosion Website

The DoD Corrosion website (, soon to be is the heart
of a state-of-the-art Corrosion Prevention and Control (CPC) information management and dis-
tribution e-portal. The e-portal has been designated as one of the cornerstones in the DoD’s long-
term strategy for corrosion prevention and mitigation detailed in 10 U.S.C. 2228, which was en-
acted by the Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for FY2003. The DoD corrosion
website is life cycle–oriented and serves as a leader in corrosion research, industry coordination,
and information dissemination to all individuals and organizations in the DoD, academia, and indus-
try who have an interest in corrosion particularly as it relates to DoD weapon systems, equipment,
related commercial assets, and infrastructure.

The vision of the DoD Corrosion website is for the DoD, academia, and industry to work to-
gether to develop and share corrosion data, information, and knowledge to help reduce the cost
of corrosion and its impact on the readiness of DoD weapon systems, equipment, comparable
commercial assets, and infrastructure.

The goals of the DoD Corrosion website are as follows:

• Improve and support communication, collaboration, and coordination within the cor-
rosion prevention and control (CPC) community.
• Increase the effectiveness of CPC research and operations
• Develop, maintain, and expand the web-based information aggregation and sharing
capabilities of the website.
• Maintain a content-rich, collaborative online environment for all members.

All Volumes Attach 5-4 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

Corrosion Prevention and Control FAQs (29 January 2004)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) are posted on the DoD Corrosion Exchange website along
with the general answers about corrosion prevention and control planning (CPCP). The FAQ’s
provide information on draft CPC plans, corrosion control–related activities, corrosion-related
testing, specifications and standards application, and CPCP integration into weapon system

Strategic Plan for Corrosion Prevention and Mitigation (May 2007)

The DoD Strategic Plan for Corrosion Prevention and Mitigation articulates policies, strategies,
objectives, and plans that will ensure an effective, standardized, affordable DoD-wide approach
to prevent, detect and treat corrosion and its effects on military equipment and infrastructure.
These policies, strategies, and objectives specifically address congressional requirements and
respond to GAO findings and recommendation.

The DoD Strategic Plan for Corrosion Prevention and Mitigation applies to all elements of DoD
component services and agencies, including the science and technology, acquisition, operational,
and support communities. The plan also applies to segments of the industrial community (includ-
ing manufacturers, material suppliers, and contract maintenance organizations) that provide
products or services affected by or related to equipment and infrastructure corrosion. The plan
addresses affordable system and facility design, materials selection, manufacturing, detection,
treatment, and repair processes associated with corrosion and its effects. The plan was formally
promulgated by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics
(USD[AT&L]) and remains in effect until cancelled or superseded. Revisions to the plan will be
incorporated and implemented as needed throughout the life of the plan.

Defense Acquisition Guidebook (17 October 2004)

The Defense Acquisition Guidebook complements DoD Directive 5000.1 and DoD Instruction
5000.2 by providing the acquisition workforce with discretionary best practice that should be tai-
lored to the needs of each program.

Paragraph 4.4.13, “Corrosion Prevention and Control,” states, “The program manager should
consider and implement corrosion prevention and mitigation planning to minimize the impact of
corrosion and material deterioration throughout the system life cycle.” Corrosion prevention and
mitigation methods include the use of effective design practices, material selection, protective
finishes, production processes, packaging, storage environments, protection during shipment, and
maintenance procedures. The program manager establishes and maintains a corrosion prevention
and mitigation reporting system for data collection and feedback and uses it to adequately ad-
dress corrosion prevention and mitigation logistic considerations and readiness issues. Corrosion
prevention and mitigation considerations are integral to all trade-off decisions for Performance
based logistics as required in DoD Directive 5000.1:

PMs shall develop and implement performance-based logistics strategies that optimize total sys-
tem availability while minimizing cost and logistics footprint. Trade-off decisions involving cost,
useful service, and effectiveness shall consider corrosion prevention and mitigation. Sustainment
strategies shall include the best use of public and private sector capabilities through government/
industry partnering initiatives, in accordance with statutory requirement.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-5 All Volumes

Other references to corrosion control protection and mitigation are contained in Paragraph 4.4.9,
“Supportability,” Paragraph 4.4.15, “Information Assurance,” and Chapter 5, “Life-Cycle Logistics.”

OSD, Report to Congress, Status Update on Efforts to Reduce Corrosion and the
Effects of Corrosion on the Military Equipment and Infrastructure of the
Department of Defense (February 2005)
This report is submitted per guidance in Government Accountability Office (GAO) audit,
GAO-04-640 that requires the department to submit to Congress, as part of the fiscal year 2006
budget submission, a report identifying the

• long-term funding and personnel resources needed to implement the corrosion strategy,
• status of the corrosion reduction projects funded in FY2005, and
• status of the cost of corrosion baseline study.

In addition, this report updates other key corrosion activities, including the

• transition of corrosion control and oversight activities from task force status to em-
bedding the responsibilities within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD),
• identification and characterization of corrosion-related specifications and standards,
• enhancements in corrosion training for appropriate DoD personnel, and
• activity highlights of the seven working integrated product teams (WIPTs): Commu-
nication and Outreach; Facilities/Infrastructure; Impact, Metrics and Sustainment;
Policy and Requirements; Science and Technology; Specifications/Standards and
Product Qualification; and Training and Doctrine.

DoD Corrosion Report, Efforts to Reduce Corrosion on the Military Equipment

and Infrastructure of the Department of Defense (June 2007)
The report provides the status of key corrosion activities, including the

• results of the 28 corrosion mitigation projects funded in FY2005,

• status of the 54 corrosion mitigation projects funded in FY2006 and FY2007,
• results of the DoD cost of corrosion effort,
• launching of a user-friendly web tool to guide suppliers through the product introduction
• status of the DoD instruction on prevention and mitigation of corrosion on DoD’s mili-
tary equipment and infrastructure,
• development of a Corrosion Prevention and Control Overview course for the depart-
ment’s acquisition workforce,

All Volumes Attach 5-6 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

• planning for a corrosion study by the National Materials Advisory Board of The National
Academies, and
• activity highlights of the seven WIPTs.

OSD Memorandum, Facility Corrosion Prevention and Control (10 March 2005)
This memorandum establishes policy to apply the proper corrosion prevention practices in the
management of facilities. It initiates a review of the sustainment program to ensure corrosion
prevention is fully incorporated into the management of facilities requirements.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-7 All Volumes

Army Policies and Directives
AR 70-1, Army Acquisition Policy (31 December 2003)
This regulation implements DoD Directive 5000.1, DoD Regulation 5000.2-R, DoD Directive
5000.52, DoD 5000.52-M, and DoD Instruction 5000.58. It governs research, development, acqui-
sition, and life-cycle management (LCM) of Army materiel to satisfy approved Army require-
ments, and it applies to major systems, non-major systems, highly sensitive classified acquisition
programs, automated information systems, and clothing and individual equipment (CIE).

This regulation contains no reference to corrosion.

AR 750-1, Army Material Maintenance Policy (18 August 2003)

This regulation establishes policies and assigns responsibilities for the maintenance of Army ma-
teriel. It provides and defines requirements for performance and management of the materiel
maintenance function.

The corrosion prevention and control program is a critical consideration in assuring the sustained
performance, readiness, economical operation, and service life of Army systems and equipment.
It requires active consideration in the materiel development, acquisition, fielding, operation, and
storage processes. CPC requires life-cycle management planning and action in design, develop-
ment, testing, fielding, training, and maintenance.

AR 750-59, Army Corrosion Prevention and Control Program (18 March 2003)
This regulation establishes Army policy and procedures for implementing and managing an effective
corrosion prevention and control program for all Army systems, equipment, and components.

This regulation identifies the Army Corrosion Program Manager and prescribes the policies, re-
sponsibilities, and procedures for implementing the Army Corrosion Prevention and Control
(CPC) Program.

DA Pam 70-3, Army Acquisition Procedures (15 July 1999)

This pamphlet provides discretionary guidance on materiel acquisition management. It contains
information relevant to research, development, and acquisition, and life-cycle management of
Army materiel to satisfy approved Army requirements. The pamphlet applies to major systems,
non-major systems, highly sensitive classified acquisition programs, automated information sys-
tems, and CIE.

This corrosion prevention and control section contains guidelines for establishing and managing
the Army CPC program throughout the life cycle of Army materiel systems. It applies to all ac-
tive Army elements that have responsibility for the development, acquisition, and support of
military materiel. The ultimate goal of the CPC Program is to reduce corrosion in Army prod-
ucts. This goal must translate into specific, achievable objectives so that manpower and cost sav-
ings can be realized.

All Volumes Attach 5-8 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

AR 700-127, Integrated Logistics Support (10 November 1999)

This regulation prescribes Department of the Army (DA) policies and assigns responsibilities for
the management of acquisition logistics (ACQ LOG) as authorized by Department of Defense
Directive (DOD) 5000.1 and DOD Regulation 5000.2. Integrated logistics support (ILS) is the
process used by the Army to implement these mandatory ACQ LOG procedures and includes all
elements of planning, developing, acquiring, and sustaining Army materiel throughout its life cycle.

This regulation contains no reference to corrosion.

DA Pam 750-40, Guide to Reliability Centered Maintenance for Fielded

Equipment (15 May 1982)
This pamphlet is intended for use by all Army commands that have responsibility for materiel
development and management. The guidance presented in this pamphlet illustrated how the ele-
ments of reliability-centered maintenance (RCM) are planned, developed, and incorporated into
maintenance plans/programs for materiel systems.

This pamphlet contains no reference to corrosion.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-9 All Volumes

USMC Policies and Directives
MCO 4790.18B, Corrosion Prevention and Control Program (16 July 2004)
This order establishes an effective CPC program to extend the useful life of all Marine Corps tac-
tical ground and ground support equipment, and to reduce maintenance requirements and associ-
ated costs through the identification, implementation, and, if necessary, development of
corrosion prevention and control products, materials, technologies, and processes. The use of
these technologies and processes will repair existing corrosion damage and prevent, or at least
significantly retard, future corrosion damage on all Marine Corps tactical ground and ground
support equipment.

The overall program includes two primary elements:

• Preventive corrosion control. Preventive corrosion control employs approved tech-

niques, materials, and technologies. Preventing corrosion starts during the acquisition
process. The acquisition community shall consider state-of-the-art technologies and
processes that directly address corrosion.
• Corrective corrosion control. Corrective corrosion control focuses on identifying, de-
veloping, and implementing technologies and processes that will correct current
equipment deficiencies that result from corrosion and environmental damage. Correc-
tive corrosion control includes all Marine Corps programs designed to correct corro-
sion damage (such as general maintenance and corrosion control and coating [C3]).

MCO4790.19, Depot Maintenance Policy (7 October 2003)

This document publishes Marine Corps policy for depot maintenance. It contains no reference to

All Volumes Attach 5-10 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

USN Policies and Directives

OPNAVINST 3750.6R, Naval Aviation Safety Program, August 11, 2003
This document issues policies and provisions of the Aviation Safety Program. It contains 9 refer-
ences to corrosion as it relates to unsafe working conditions, material factors that deal with com-
ponent failures due to corrosion, and damage incurred as a result of corrosion.

OPNAVINST 4700.7K, Maintenance Policy for US Navy Ships (11 July 2003)
This instruction sets policy and establishes responsibility for the maintenance of U.S. Navy
ships. It applies to all ships and patrol craft of the U.S. Navy (active and reserve).

This instruction contains no reference to corrosion.

OPNAVINST 4790.2J, The Naval Aviation Maintenance Program

(1 February 2005)
This instruction issues the maintenance policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the conduct
of the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP) at all levels of maintenance throughout
naval aviation.

The NAMP provides for the maintenance, manufacture, and calibration of aeronautical equip-
ment and material at the level of maintenance that will ensure optimum use of resources. It fur-
ther provides for the protection of weapon systems from corrosive elements through an active
corrosion control program, and the application of a systematic planned maintenance program.

OPNAVINST 4790.13, Maintenance of Surface Ship Electronic Equipment

(11 September 1987)
This instruction establishes the maintenance policy for surface ship electronic equipment.

This instruction applies to all surface ships of the U.S. Navy with electronic equipment and the sys-
tem commands that acquire and support equipment. This includes electronic equipment in combat
systems as well as electronic components in hull, mechanical, and electrical systems.

This instruction contains no reference to corrosion.

OPNAVINST 4790.15D, The Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment

Maintenance Program (1 March 2001)
The Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment Maintenance Program (ALREMP) provides an
integrated system for performing maintenance and related support functions on ship-installed
aircraft launching and recovery systems and associated peripheral support systems and equip-
ment. This instruction outlines command, administrative and management relationships and es-
tablishes policies and procedures for the assignment of maintenance tasks and responsibilities for

One of the special programs of ALREMP is Corrosion Prevention and Control, which prevents
mishaps, excessive out-of-service time, serious damage to aircraft and equipment, and a resultant

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-11 All Volumes

reduction in readiness with increased costs. Corrosion must be prevented or corrected at all lev-
els of maintenance. Responsibilities for corrosion prevention and control and documentation
procedures are outlined in NAVAIRSYSCOM, NAVSEASYSCOM, and other supporting direc-
tives. Under Organizational Maintenance Management Systems (PMMS NG), corrosion control
documentation is mandatory. For additional information, see Appendix C for corrosion codes
that must be entered on the ALRE MAF, OPNAV 4790/160.

OPNAVINST 4790.16, Condition Based Maintenance Policy (6 May 1998)

This instruction establishes policy and responsibility for the implementation and integration of
condition-based maintenance (CBM) for naval ships, submarines, aircraft systems, equipment,
and infrastructure.

This instruction contains no reference to corrosion.

OPNAVINST 5100.19D, Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual

for Forces Afloat (30 August 2001)
This document updates and clarifies occupational safety and health guidance for afloat forces.

The basic document and three attached volumes contain 19 references to corrosion. They generally
discuss standards, causes, and recommended actions concerning safety related corrosion discrepan-
cies, lead removal due to corrosion, CPC-incompatible materials, and incorrect procedures, general
precautions, and observed defects where corrosion is a factor.

OPNAVINST 5100.23F, Navy Occupational Safety and Health Program Manual

(15 July 2002)
This manual affirms the Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH) program for all Navy
personnel and implements applicable DoD instructions.

One reference to corrosion (Chapter 21) deals with the removal of any lead-containing materials
as a result of corrosion.

OPNAVINST 8000.16, Naval Ordnance Maintenance Program (26 June 2001)

This document issues maintenance policies, procedures, and responsibilities for conduct of the
Naval Ordnance Maintenance Program (NOMMP) at all levels of naval ordnance maintenance.

It contains 202 references to corrosion, dealing with the organizational, intermediate, and depot
maintenance and repair of

• airborne armament equipment and armament handling equipment,

• air-launched missiles,
• aircraft guns, gun pods and associated equipment,
• hazardous materials, and
• other naval ordnance.

All Volumes Attach 5-12 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

This document also references corrosion prevention and cleaning and minor corrosion treatment,
corrosion control treatment and repainting, specific procedures to be followed for each type of
metal and substrate to be cleaned, and the organization responsibilities to carry out an effective
corrosion prevention and control program.

NAVFAC Business Management Standard, B-15.14, Cathodic Protection

Program Objectives and Methodology
This standard defines the NAVFAC Cathodic Protection Program and details the requirements,
processes, and resources for the successful planning, design, construction, operation, and main-
tenance of cathodic protection systems (CPS).

It provides guidance on requirements, processes, and resources for the successful planning, de-
sign, construction, operation, and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. Cathodic protec-
tion along with protective coatings is the effective method for mitigating corrosion of buried or
submerged metallic structures.

NAVAIRINST 4200.25D, Management of Critical Application Items Including

Critical Safety Items (20 June 2002)
This document establishes policy and procedures and assigns responsibilities for life-cycle man-
agement of replenishment items critical to naval aviation safety, and implements the DoD Flight
Safety Critical Aircraft Part (FSCAP) Program.

It contains one reference to corrosion, which defines the failure of components due to fatigue or
stress related to corrosion.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-13 All Volumes

USAF Policies and Directives
AF Instruction 21-105, Maintenance-Air and Space Equipment Structural
Maintenance (9 April 2003)
This instruction provides procedural guidance to establish and support the Corrosion Prevention and
Control, Non Destructive Inspection (NDI), and Advanced Composites maintenance programs.

The Corrosion Prevention and Control Program ensures structural integrity of air and space sys-
tems and supporting equipment by preventing, assessing, detecting and controlling the damage
and effects of corrosion.

AF Technical Order 36-1-191, Technical and Managerial Reference for Motor

Vehicle Maintenance (15 December 2004)
The purpose of this manual is to provide Air Force vehicle fleet managers, supervisors, and tech-
nicians a single publication that encompasses technical and managerial guidance related to the
maintenance and upkeep of their respective vehicle and vehicular equipment fleets.

Chapter 6, “Corrosion Prevention and Control for USAF Vehicles,” establishes policies and pro-
cedures for controlling materials, processes, and levels of protection to be incorporated in, or
performed upon, Air Force vehicles or vehicular equipment for corrosion prevention and control.
It also contains general information pertaining to the scope of this publication, reference publica-
tions, definitions, Air Force policy, responsibilities, and levels of corrosion prevention. It in-
cludes a list of installations and the corrosive susceptibility of vehicles at or within close
proximity to those installations, and the minimum effective wash cycle for the specified corro-
sion severity zone the equipment is assigned to or operating from. In addition, it provides the lo-
cal installation commanders and vehicle fleet managers with the knowledge-based tools to
establish an effective corrosion prevention and control program.

MIL-HDBK-1568 (USAF), Materials and Processes for Corrosion Prevention and

Control in Aerospace Weapons Systems (12 October 1994)
This standard establishes the requirements for materials, processes, and techniques and identifies
the tasks required to implement an effective corrosion prevention and control program during the
conceptual, validation, development, and production phases of aerospace weapon systems. The
intent is to minimize life-cycle corrosion-related costs and to improve reliability.

This standard provides a mechanism for implementation of sound materials selection practices
and finish treatments during the design, development, production, and operational cycles of aero-
space weapon systems. This standard defines requirements to ensure establishment and imple-
mentation of a corrosion prevention advisory board (where applicable), a corrosion prevention
and control plan, and its accompanying finish specification as directed in Section 4. The corro-
sion prevention and control plan will dictate the organization of the boards, their basic duties,
operating procedures, and the finish philosophies used in the systems. The finish specification
will therefore be required to specify the detailed finish and coating systems to philosophies as
approved in the corrosion prevention and control plan.

All Volumes Attach 5-14 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

AETCI 21-106, Maintenance-Corrosion Control (31 March 2005)

This instruction establishes Air Education and Training Command (AETC) corrosion control
guidance and procedures and assigns responsibilities for implementing and maintaining an effec-
tive corrosion control program for aircraft, aerospace ground equipment (AGE), electronic
equipment, support vehicles, communications, electronics, meteorological (CEM) equipment,
and all other end items relative to the functions of AETC.

The purpose is to orient command, base, and unit corrosion control programs toward preventing cor-
rosion through the timely inspection and proper treatment of aerospace vehicles and support equip-
ment to include proper maintenance of protective finishes and ensuring equipment cleanliness.

ACCI 21-105, Maintenance–Fabrication Program (13 May 2003)

This instruction provides guidance and direction necessary to develop an effective aircraft metals
technology program, nondestructive inspection program, aircraft structural maintenance-
corrosion control program and survival equipment program.

This instruction assigns responsibilities and establishes policies and procedures for implementing
and maintaining the aircraft structural maintenance and corrosion control program for aircraft,
aerospace ground equipment (AGE), communications, electronics and meteorological (CEM)
equipment, and other end items relative to the functions of Air Combat Command.

Aircraft structural maintenance (ASM) incorporates design, repair, and fabrication of metal, fi-
berglass, plastic, and composite structures for aircraft. Corrosion identification, prevention and
treatment procedures as well as removal and application of radar absorbing material (RAM) are
also integral components of ASM. All aspects of ASM are geared toward maintaining the struc-
tural integrity and low observable systems at the organizational and intermediate levels.

Corrosion control programs will be oriented toward the prevention and control of corrosion
through frequent cleaning, corrosion inspection and early detection, application of proper treat-
ment materials/procedures, and maintenance painting. Frequent cleaning has proven to be the
most effective means of preventing corrosion. Maintenance painting is defined for field purposes
as spot painting, sectionalized painting, and complete scuff sand and overcoat.

AMCI 21-119, Maintenance–Corrosion Control Program (3 November 2003)

This instruction establishes Air Mobility Command (AMC) standards, procedures, and policies
for aircraft and aerospace ground equipment corrosion abatement programs. It provides guidance
and direction to develop an effective corrosion prevention, treatment, and management program.
This instruction applies to all AMC and Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) Reserve Associ-
ate units that maintain aircraft, munitions, support equipment, AGE, avionics and training

The AMC corrosion management program is oriented towards prevention. This is accomplished
through equipment cleaning, maintenance of protective coatings, and early detection and treatment of
corrosion. Strict adherence to corrosion prevention policies and technical orders is essential.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-15 All Volumes

AFMCI 21-117, Maintenance–Corrosion Control and Prevention Program and
Marking of Aerospace Equipment (21 January 2003)
This instruction provides policy and objectives and assigns responsibilities for implementing and
maintaining an effective Corrosion Prevention and Control Program for aerospace systems,
equipment, and components in AFMC. It specifies responsibilities performed at each level of
command and implements guidance presented in AFI 21-105, Air Force Occupational, Safety,
and Health, 48 and 91 series instructions, Technical Order’s (T.O.) 1-1-691, Aircraft Weapons
Systems Cleaning and Corrosion Control, 36-1-191, Technical and Managerial Reference For
Motor Vehicle Maintenance, and 1-1-689, Avionics Cleaning and Corrosion Preven-
tion/Controls, command instructions, and the specific aircraft-23 T.O.s.

The Air Logistics Centers (ALC), Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Center (AMARC),
and other AFMC depot maintenance activities will implement this instruction as written.

AFI 21-101, AFRCSUP 1, Maintenance–Aerospace Equipment Maintenance

Management (31 March 2003)
This supplement implements AFPD 21-1, Air Force Maintenance Management, and extends the
guidance of Air Force Instruction 21-101, Aerospace Maintenance Management, dated 1 Octo-
ber 2002. This supplement describes Air Force Reserve Command procedures to be used in con-
junction with the basic instruction.

This supports the Air Force Corrosion Program Office (AFCPO) by participating in equipment
evaluations, corrosion program managers meetings, advisory boards, executive counsel meetings,
and field surveys. It coordinates with Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) on the development and
testing of corrosion control techniques and material. It also organizes, directs, and manages the
wing/group corrosion prevention program according to AFIs 21-101.

ANGI 21-105, Corrosion Control and Non-Destructive Test Programs

This instruction establishes objectives and assigns responsibilities for implementing and main-
taining an effective corrosion prevention and control program. Paragraph 3, “Unit Corrosion
Control Program,” ensures the unit has an effective corrosion prevention and control program.

It publishes operating instruction (OI) that outline local policy and procedures for the following:

• Designate a senior NCO with appropriate technical background and corrosion control
experience to serve as the unit corrosion prevention and control manager.
• Ensure a corrosion-training program is established.
• Ensure all personnel involved in aircraft maintenance receive corrosion control (ini-
tial and refresher) training, and meet safety and health requirements, as set forth un-
der the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
• Ensure local procedures are established for periodic cleaning of aircraft and support
equipment, in accordance with applicable publications.

All Volumes Attach 5-16 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 5, CPC Policy and Regulation Directives

PACAFI 21-105, Maintenance-Aerospace Fabrication Maintenance

(26 November 2003)
This instruction provides guidance and direction necessary to develop an effective Aircraft Met-
als technology Program, Nondestructive Inspection Program, Aircraft Structural Maintenance
and Corrosion Control Program, and Survival Equipment Program. PACAF tenant units shall
comply with areas of this instruction that apply to their operation.

Aircraft Structural Maintenance incorporates design, repair and fabrication of metal, fiberglass,
plastic and composite structures for aircraft. Corrosion identification, prevention and treatment
procedures as well as removal and application of Radar Absorbing Material (RAM) are also in-
tegral components of ASM. All aspects of ASM are geared towards maintaining the structural
integrity and Low Observable systems at the organizational and intermediate levels.

Corrosion control Programs shall be oriented towards the prevention and control of corrosion
through frequent cleaning, corrosion inspection and early detection, application of proper treat-
ment materials/procedures, and maintenance painting. Frequent cleaning has proven to be the
most effective means of preventing corrosion. Maintenance painting is defined for field purposes
as spot painting, sectionalized painting, and complete scuff sand and overcoat.

USAFEI 21-107, Maintenance-Fabrication Program (11 April 2005)

This instruction provides guidance and direction necessary to develop an effective Aircraft Met-
als Technology Program, Nondestructive Inspection Program, Aircraft Structural Maintenance
and Corrosion Control Program, and Survival Equipment Program.

This instruction assigns responsibilities and establishes policies/procedures for implementing and
maintaining the aircraft structural maintenance and corrosion control program for aircraft and
aerospace ground equipment.

Aircraft Structural Maintenance (ASM) incorporates design, repair and fabrication of metal, fi-
berglass, plastic and composite structures for aircraft. Corrosion identification, prevention and
treatment procedures are also integral components of ASM. All aspects of ASM are geared to-
wards maintaining the structural integrity at the organizational and intermediate levels.

Corrosion control programs must be oriented toward the prevention and control of corrosion
through frequent cleaning, corrosion inspection and early detection, application of proper treat-
ment materials/procedures, and maintenance painting. Frequent cleaning has proven to be the
most effective means of preventing corrosion. Maintenance painting is defined for field purposes
as spot painting, sectionalized painting and complete scuff sand and overcoat.

All aircraft, ground and support equipment users and maintainers must attend periodic corrosion
prevention and identification training as defined in Section 3.14, structural personnel are exempt
from this requirement. Awareness is the key to an effective corrosion management program.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 5-17 All Volumes

USCG Policies and Directives
The Coast Guard does not promulgate CPC policy directives; however, the Coast Guard does use
the other services’ policies as guidance. Specifically the USCG complies with Air Force and
Navy technical orders and directives.

For aviation, the Coast Guard typically follows either the OEM or complies with Air Force and
Navy technical orders. Specific application of corrosion protection components are contained
within the Coast Guard’s Aircraft Computerized Maintenance System (ACMS) procedure cards,
which are peculiar for each weapon system. Procedure cards are similar to, but much more con-
densed than, the Air Force job guides and are used on the job site by the technician to accom-
plish a maintenance task.

For the facilities and ship organizations, the Coast Guard follows guidance as provided by the
Navy technical orders.

All Volumes Attach 5-18 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 6 Scales, Tables, and Elements

Periodic Table of Elements

Figure 1. Periodic Table

Source:, accessed 9/17/2007.

Galvanic Corrosion Chart

Galvanic corrosion is the corrosion that results when two dissimilar metals with different poten-
tials are placed in electrical contact in an electrolyte.

A difference in electrical potential exists between the different metals and serves as the driving
force for electrical current flow through the corrodant or electrolyte. This electrical current re-
sults in corrosion of one of the metals. The larger the potential difference, the greater the prob-
ability of galvanic corrosion.

Galvanic corrosion only causes deterioration of one of the metals. The less resistant, active metal
becomes the anodic corrosion site. The stronger, more noble metal is cathodic and protected.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 6-1 All Volumes

Galvanic corrosion potential is a measure of how dissimilar metals will corrode when placed
against each other in an assembly. Metals close to one another on the galvanic corrosion chart
(Figure 3) generally do not have a strong effect on one another, but the farther apart any two
metals are separated, the stronger the corroding effect on the one higher in the table.

The galvanic corrosion chart lists the potential differences for various metals in water. The order
of the series can change for different electrolytes (for example, different pH, ions in solution).

Figure 2. Galvanic Corrosion Chart

Electrode Potential at 77 F (25 C)

Anodic end (this is where the corrosion occurs)
Element Standard Electrode Potential (Volts)
Lithium -3.045
Potassium -2.920
Sodium -2.712
Magnesium -2.340
Beryllium -1.700
Aluminum -1.670
Manganese -1.050
Zinc -0.762
Chromium -0.744
Iron; Mild Steel -0.440
Cadmium -0.402
Yellow Brass -0.350
50-50 Tin-Lead Solder -0.325
Cobalt -0.277
Nickel -0.250
Tin -0.136
Lead -0.126
Hydrogen reference electrode 0.000
Titanium +0.055
Copper +0.340
Mercury +0.789
Silver +0.799
Carbon +0.810
Platinum +1.200
Gold +1.420
Graphite +2.250
Cathodic end, passive - (no corrosion here)
Source figure and text:, accessed 8/30/2007
Note: Stainless steel alloys have been eliminated from this table as they can significantly change their
potential and become much more active if exposed to stagnant or poorly aerated water.

All Volumes Attach 6-2 Spiral Number 3

Attachment 6, Scales, Tables, and Elements

Electromotive Series Chart

The electromotive series chart Figure 3. Electrode Potentials of Several Elements
lists of chemical species (atoms,
molecules, and ions) in the order
of their tendency to gain or lose
electrons (be reduced or oxi-
dized, respectively), expressed in
volts and measured with refer-
ence to the hydrogen electrode,
which is taken as a standard and
arbitrarily assigned the voltage
of zero. At the hydrogen elec-
trode, an aqueous solution con-
taining hydrogen in its oxidized
form (the hydrogen ion, H+) at a
concentration of one mole per
liter is maintained at 25°C (77°F)
in equilibrium with hydrogen in
its reduced form (hydrogen gas,
H2) at a pressure of one atmos-
phere. The reversible oxidation–
reduction half reaction is ex-
pressed by the equation 2H+ +
2e- 'H2, in which e- represents
an electron. The electrode poten-
tials of several elements are
shown in Figure 3. Conflicting
conventions have been used for
the signs of these potentials;
those shown in Figure 3 gener-
ally agree with the recommenda-
tions of an international
conference in 1953.

By subtracting one half reaction Source: Figure and text =,

(and its potential) from another, accessed 9/17/2007.
the tendency of the resulting complete chemical reaction to occur may be determined. For
example, the half reactions for copper and zinc may be combined to show that the reaction
Cu2+ + Zn 'Cu + Zn2+ has a potential of −1.10 volts. In conformity with the 1953 conven-
tion, the negative value of the voltage indicates that this reaction proceeds spontaneously
from left to right as written; that is, metallic zinc dissolves in a solution of copper(II) ions to
form metallic copper and to set free zinc(II) ions in the solution.

Spiral Number 3 Attach 6-3 All Volumes

All Volumes Attach 6-4 Spiral Number 3

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