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Chapter 2 Utilization of Banana Peel As Skin Moisturizer

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Once we eat a banana, most of us end up throwing the peels because it’s of no importance. But after
reading this piece, those peels will never be thrown or given to the deadbeat dogs and cats around your
hood. Did you know that the banana peels come with loads of high nutrients which include carbohydrates,
magnesium, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12? Did you also know that the sugar content is high when the peel
turns black? The lists goes on and honestly think twice before trashing that banana peel.

Bananas are an excellent source of vitamin B, and contain moderate amounts of vitamin C, and
manganese. Along with other fruits and vegetables, consumption of bananas may be associated with a
reduced risk of colorectal cancer and in women, breast cancer and renal cell carcinoma. Unripe bananas
should not be stored in a refrigerator as the cold will cause them to rot.

Proper skin care is important because our skin is the largest barrier against infection that we have.
Keeping our skin healthy and moist helps keep this barrier strong. When the skin gets dry or irritated by
harsh soaps, cracks in the skin can occur. Cracks in the skin make a person more prone to infection.
Skincare products should be free of scents or perfumes. Soaps should be gentle and moisturizers should
be used daily.

This study will be taking the honor of introducing such ways in order to fix our skin problem; it was so
easy to imitate these steps for our main ingredient is only the banana peel which is also inexpensive.


In the Western society banana peel is a popular and effective way to whiten teeth, and a common benefit
is getting your skin shiny and smooth.

Bananas are a consistent grocery store purchase in many households; most of us are probably throwing
away a very nutritious and useful part: its peel. These yellow skins are not only amazing as moisturizers
and balms; they’re also mighty good to eat! Yes, you read that right.



Try this banana facial from Cosmopolitan magazine. Rub the inside of the banana peel on your face until
the peel residue on your face starts to turn brown and slimy. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then rinse
thoroughly with warm water.


Before going to bed, tape a piece of banana peel over the wart so that the inside of the peel touches the
wart. Remove peel in the morning. Repeat each evening, using a fresh piece of peel. Wart should
disappear within three weeks.


According to Southeast Family Dental in Indianapolis, the potassium, magnesium and manganese in ripe
banana peels are what whiten teeth. Rub teeth for two minutes with the inside of the peel, then brush with
your regular toothpaste.


To soothe itchy mosquito or ant bites, cover the affected area with a piece of banana peel until itchiness

Fade the appearance of a scar by rubbing it with the inside of a banana peel. Allow the area to dry, then
remove residue with a warm damp cloth. Repeat daily as needed.


You've heard about cucumbers on eyes, but what about bananas? Allow a piece of banana peel to sit on
the under-eye area for a few minutes then rinse. For an extra-refreshing treatment, freeze banana peels for
15 minutes before applying.


To draw a splinter out, tape a piece of banana peel over the area where the splinter is lodged. Allow it to
work for 30 minutes. According to Prevention, the enzymes in the peel will help the splinter move toward
the surface.


The Indian Spot recommends rubbing the inside of a banana peel over a bruise, or taping it over the bruise
overnight, to relieve bruising.


The antibacterial properties in bananas help heal acne faster, according to Cosmopolitan. Gently apply the
inside of a banana peel to blemishes. Allow it to work for about 10 minutes before rinsing. Apply a few
times a day for best results. In a week, you should notice a difference.


In this 21st century everyone wants to stay young and since we cannot afford the plastic surgeries, lasers
and all the other scientific methods there is a natural way for everyone. The peel comes in handy when
you have added an egg yolk to a mashed banana peel. Apply this mixture on your face and leave it on
your face for 5 minutes then wash it off after 5 minutes. Do this consistently for a month for the results to
show. In this process, the peel keeps your skin hydrated.


This is a skin disease marked by red, itchy and scaly patches. Just apply the peel where the psoriasis is.
The banana peels have a moisturizing effect that reduces the itchiness.

References: Ethnomedicine/Home Remedies/M-O Section

A Scientific Companion by Karen B. Gibbs, Macmillan Press Limited, 2017


According to the Indian Journal of Biotechnology, banana peels can be used for the production of
Amylase through the use of Aspergillusniger. (Indian Journal of Biotechnology, 2012) Banana peels can
be ensiled but it lacks the appropriate amounts of easily fermentable carbohydrates that are needed for
good quality preservation, they should be ensiled together with a feed rich in fermentable
carbohydrates.(Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2012) Banana peel, an underutilized source
of phenolic compounds is considered as a good source of antioxidants for foods and functional foods
against cancer and heart disease. The peel of the fruit contains various antioxidant compounds such as
gallocatechin and dopamine. (Food and Nutrition Sources, 2011) In the Asian Journal of Food and Agro-
Industry, banana peel is said to be a source of valuable components, the nutritional composition, and
antioxidant components. Banana peel is rich in Dietaryfibre, proteins, essential amino acids,
polyunsaturated fatty acids and potassium, good source of carotenoids, relief from pain, swelling, itching,
bruising, wrinkles and sunburn. (Asian Journal of Food and Agro-Industry, 2011) According to the
Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, materials that contain cellulose
can be used to treat heavy metal waste and one of the biomaterial that proved to be as heavy metals
sorbent was bagasse. Cellulose can be used as an adsorbent for the carboxyl and hydroxyl functional
group which becomes the active binding site of the metal. Other biomaterials containing cellulose is a
banana peel and banana stem. (Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences,

According to Delana Brooks, banana peels can be used to relieve itching from a poison ivy and mosquito
bites. (Brooks, 2011) In the Asiatic Journal of Biotechnology Resources, the banana peels and beet waste
can produce ethanol. (Asiatic Journal of Biotechnology Resources, 2011)

According to Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, banana peel is a good source of dietary
fibre. (Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, 2011) Banana costs one-third of the annual
insecticidal imports in Costa Rica, since these insecticides were used to repel or kill the parasites on a
banana. (Alan et. al, 2008) Banana peels were suggested by Priya Johnson to be a natural insecticide,
since it does not bring harm to the plants, instead, it gives a lot of benefits for the plant—especially when
it is used to eliminate aphids. (Johnson, 2010)

According to Anderson, banana peels can be an alternative fertilizer and a good insecticide to the plants
found in the lawns. This will create a good and big help to the household with more plants since there are
no more insects found in the plants, and it will also give potassium to the soil, making the soil fertilized.
(Anderson, 2009) Banana peels can also be used in smoking through its substance, bananadine. It is a
psychoactive tryptamine chemically related to LSD and DMT and it has carbon atoms. Banana peelings
have a number of positive attributes, which make them suitable as animal feed and as an alternative
complementary feed during periods of forage shortage. They have high moisture content, which helps
animals to stay hydrated. Banana peelings are also a good source of minerals, especially in potassium
(Anhwange, 2008) and have a fiber content (HappiEmagaet al, 2011). In comparison to many grass
species, that has NDF fractions (NRC, 2001), banana peelings have a lower fiber content, which gives an
improved digestibility and subsequently an elevated intake compared those of grasses (Nambi-Kasozi,

According to a study, banana peel can be an energy juice drink through the banana peel’s compound who
can act as an alternative energy juice drink. (T. Garcia et. al, 2013)

A main problem of the society is the price hike of gasses and banana peels are just a trash in every body’s
household. A study in the year 2012 revealed that banana peels can also be a good source of methane gas.
(G. Ayate, 2012)

Most insect bites and stings cause small reactions that are confined to the area of the bite—localised
reactions. They are usually treated at home but with preventions like using natural insecticides like
banana peels, which will kill insects without damaging the environment. (Liesl Clark, 2012)

According to Ivy Morris, dried banana peels will destroy ant colonies by killing their queen, by eating the
banana peel which makes the queen to swell up and die. According to a scientific research, banana peels
are not just used in polishing silverware, leather shoes, and the leaves of house plants but some scientists
have also discovered that banana peels can also be a water purifier and that it can perform better than in
purifying metals. (American Chemical Society, 2011)

According to a study, bio-absorbent made from banana peels and stems have ability to absorb copper
metal. (Hasanah, 2012) Also, banana peels have the ability to remove chromium in water. Chromium
is toxic, corrosiveand irritant. (J. Memon, 2008)

According to a study, banana peels can be an energy source of vinegar through its content, the malic acid
whereas it is used as a main ingredient in making substances taste sour.

According to a study, banana peels can be a bio-plastic. Through its starch and cellulose – who really
needed in making a plastic? This bio-plastic will help environment to remain its clean state, since it will
lessen the present pollutions found in the society. Banana peels can also be an alternative commercial
linen paper and alternative toothpaste, according to Precious Cabrido and M.J.A.C., since the peels has
this property who can be used in making papers, and banana peels are also a healthful one since it
contains soluble fiber, vitamin B6, potassium etc. and that it can protect and maintain the health of the
teeth every day.



By: Alixandra Caole Vila
Female Network
September 8, 2014

Here in Manila, Philippines Banana is exceptionally healthful, containing many nutrients such as
vitamins A, B, C and E along with minerals like potassium, zinc, iron and manganese. It is one
of the most accessible, cheap and healthful food. For most people, it is common knowledge that
banana enhances digestive ability and strengthens the bones, but there is no limiting the power of
this fruit. Aside from what most people know, here are other amazing benefits of banana:


Dodge the expensive botox by applying mashed bananas on your face and neck. A banana is rich
in Vitamin C and B6, which keeps the elasticity of the skin. It also contains antioxidants that
protect the skin from damage and aging caused by oxygen free radicals. Lastly, banana is 75
percent water, keeping your skin hydrated, moisturized and smoother. Just mash up a ripe banana
and gently apply it on your skin. Let it set for 10-20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water.


The moisturizing property of bananas can be used to get rid of cracked heels. All you need to do
is mash the pulp of two ripe bananas and apply this pulp on clean, dry feet. Leave it on for 10
minutes and rinse the feet clean. The banana pulp will penetrate deep into dry, cracked skin to
create soft and supple feet.


Got that annoying bag underneath your eyes? Make that puffy eyebags vanish by applying
mashed bananas for 15-20 minutes and then rinsing with cool water afterwards. The potassium
rich banana draws out excess fluid from under your skin and reduces the swelling immediately.

You may also use the banana peel as an alternative for the cucumber in your eyes during your
beauty rest ritual.


Ever wonder why sportsmen consume banana every break? The natural sugars of the banana are instantly
converted into energy making it an instant energy provider throughout the day. This is probably the most
popular health benefit of this fruit.


B vitamins in bananas boost nerve function. Potassium, on the other hand, improves mental and learning
abilities. If you want to ace your exams, might as well feast on this yellow fruit.


The substances known as protease inhibitors in bananas help get rid of bacteria in the stomach that
produces stomach ulcers, thus protecting against damage of the stomach.


Vitamin B6 and B12, along with magnesium and potassium in bananas, help smokers get through the
withdrawal phase when they quit smoking. If you are recovering from nicotine addiction, a generous
amount of banana in your diet might be of great help.


Banana provides the electrolytes you lost during the binge drinking you had the night before. It is also a
good source of potassium.


Having a hard time getting a good night’s rest? You might want to eat a banana before going to bed.
Bananas are rich in amino acids known as tryptophan. This substance triggers production of the sleep
hormone called melatonin, which stimulates sleep.


Banana also has an anti-inflammatory power. Itching and swelling caused by mosquito bites can be
reduced by rubbing the inside of a banana on it.


Last but not the least, the dreaded post-menstrual syndrome symptoms can be alleviated by bananas.
Vitamin B6, serotonin, tryptophan, dopamine, etc., in bananas help combat erratic mood swings and even



By: Meenal Rajapet

March 5, 2019

There are so many solutions to acne. But why do none of them ever work? It is so extremely hard to find
that one Holy Grail treatment that is going to work for you. Especially if it is quite unknown, but surely is
effective. Banana peel is one such rare-gem-like treatments.

Banana peels are loaded with antioxidants such as lutein that help protect the skin against damage causing
factors like the sun. They are also an abundant source of esterified fatty acids, which help treat issues such
as eczema and psoriasis. Bananas are also a great source of zinc, which helps combat acne.

1. Rubbing the inside of a banana peel over the leaves of your houseplants will help to clean and add
shine to them.

2. Never throw out banana peels - add them to your compost heap.

High in potassium and phosphorus, these nutrients will be released into the soil. You can also bury the
skins directly under the surface of the soil, around your rose bushes to protect themfrom aphids.

Bananas contain tryptophan which induces relaxation and also contain other compounds that can improve
your mood.

3. For centuries the health and beauty benefits of banana peel have been known for reducing
inflammation, due to the enzymes contained in the skin.

It is also reported to be good at reducing warts and is useful in reducing pain and inflammation when
rubbed over cuts and grazes.

4. Banana peel contains antioxidants and minerals that assist with natural healing of the skin and have
been used as a home remedy for psoriasis, warts, bruises and skin irritation.

Rub the inside of a banana peel on an insect bite for relief from itching.

5. For problem skin, mash a banana and add it to 1/4 cup of natural yoghurt. Add 2 tablespoons of honey
and apply this as a face mask - leaving it on your face and neck for 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing and
patting dry.

Treat acne by rubbing the inside of a banana skin over the area to reduce inflammation and swelling.

6. Banana peels rubbed over the forehead and cheeks can help tighten the skin and give it a fresher,
healthier look.

Rub the inside of the banana peel on your face before bed and leave it overnight. Wash it off with warm
water in the morning.

7. Eating bananas regularly can keep the digestive system running at an optimal level, restore energy and
also provide the body with essential nutrients that help with cell regeneration.

8. Reduce the symptoms of depression - bananas contain tryptophan which induces relaxation and also
contains other compounds that can improve your mood.

9. Raw bananas are a natural energy booster; each banana contains approximately 100 calories and is
easily assimilated into the body.

10. Managing ulcers - bananas are easy to digest and absorb and will not put stress on the ulcers.

They also help to neutralise acids in the stomach, which can assist in preventing indigestion and other
digestive problems that trigger ulcer problems.


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