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Warning System For Driver

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Organisation name : Welfare Institute of Science Management & Technology

Problem statement : Warning System For Drivers
Team name :
Team leader name :

College Code :1-2813048731


In order to ensure pedestrian safety and vehicle speed limits in areas with high pedestrian
density/residential areas, a system to detect the traffic density/school areas/residential
areas and accordingly warn the driver about the speed limit for vehicles.


A system is required to provide a warning to the driver, If the driver near to the hospital
/school areas/traffic the speed limits are breached.

An alert is displayed on LCD or a seven segment, simple display with a buzzer,


Nowadays the driver safety in the vechile is one of the most need of the hour . A system is
required to avoid accidents. Existing system is a manual procedure of warning the drivers
with speed breakers, speed limits, accident zones , police traffic barrels to reduce the speed
of the vehicle driving than the normal speed. Though there are some measures taken by the
traffic police department by having highway patrolling ,creating awareness programs on
overspeed accidents, mainly in the populated areas like schools , hospitals, shopping malls,
movie theatres and colleges etc .To overcome with this manual process of warning drivers
to drive at a minimum speed rate we have come up with an unique idea of registering a
complaint through online.
Road safety is a great question mark for public, especially in critical zones. Even though speed
breakers and warning alerts are provided, many people do not have passion to follow the traffic
rules. Most of the road accidents are happened due to the carelessness of the drivers which leads to
loss of many life’s of people.3931deaths due to accidents were registered in Tamil Nadu in the year

The traffic police are not able to control them completely and also it is not practical to monitor all
critical areas throughout. At present different types of vehicle speed limiters are in use for regulating
the speed especially in the roads near critical areas. However ,the current statistics show that there
is very high rate of accidents registered in these critical areas. Many systems are presently exists to
manage this problem.

The existing systems are based on speed cameras, RF transmitter and receiver, warning system,
speed limitation devices etc. However, these techniques are not effective and accidents are
occurring very often.

By using Speed cameras, high speed vehicles are only monitored but, it cannot slow down the speed
of the vehicle and thus it will not reduce the number of accidents. RF transmitter and receiver has a
potential disadvantage, of interference between the signals when more than one signal arises. Initial
costs for RF devices are high as many RF devices are to be installed for every critical zones and areas.


To overcome this problem an automatic speed limiting system in the critical zones is essentially
required to reduce accidents. To address this essential requirement, an android application has been
developed with GPS technology in order to identify the critical location and control its speed of
vehicles automatically. When the vehicle reaches a critical zone, the GPS device transmits the signal
to the controller through Bluetooth. The mechanism associated with the engine automatically
reduces the speed of the vehicle and displays the name of the critical zone in front of driver

The systems that interact much more with drivers to help them avoid traffic accidents,
indeed, its goal is to contribute in the reduction of traffic accidents, by using new
technologies; that is, incorporating new systems for increasing vehicle security, and at the
same time, decreasing the danger situations that may arise during driving, due to human
errors the system needs to provide a warning indication to the driver ,if the speed limits
are breached. the warning may be provided using a LCD or a seven segment, simple display
and a buzzer.

Factual :-

According to the survey of the National Crime Records Bureau, Ministry of Road Transport and
Highway, Law commission of India and Global status report on road safety, one serious road
accident in the country occurs every minute and the road happen for every hour road crashes occur
every day in India. Two wheelers account 25% of the total road bang and nearly 20 children under
the age of 14 die every day due to road crashes in the country.

The traffic police cannot able to control them full effect. Also it is not practical to monitor these
areas throughout. Different types of vehicle speed limiters are currently in use for regulating the
traffic, especially across roads near populated areas such as hospitals, schools and colleges

This project provides an effective solution to the problem discussed above by creating an on board
speed regulation module for vehicles which can observe as well as control their direct speed in
comparison with the maximum permissible speed

Of that location. The location is obtained GPS and GSM system. The matching algorithm is design
and development in the on board design for limiting vehicle‟s speed. The actual speed of the vehicle
is continuously compared with the Android application and the location based limits obtained
through the developer database is provided: a) The advisory signal to the driver about the need for a
reduction in speed.

An automatic reduction of the speed below the prescribed limits. The proposed algorithm compares
the actual speed with the data store in the database with the maximum speed limit of the
corresponding zone periodically, the processing time depends on the execution time. The developed
algorithm tracks the vehicle position using GPS and GSM receivers which lead to increased efficiency,
reduced complexity and processing time in contrast to the conventional methods.

Proposed concept:-

the GPS based system in order to identify the location automatically, and sends the notification
signal to slow down the vehicle speed. When the vehicle reaches the particular zone, the notification
signal is transmitted to the receiver hardware by Bluetooth.
The embedded system will make use of an mega microcontroller connected to the mobile GPS
receiver via Bluetooth module. If the vehicles entering the critical zones, the speed of the vehicle will
automatically reduce by using the PWM signal generated from the microcontroller Atmega. The
overall block diagram is described in the Figure 1,

the GPS signal is received from the satellite to the GPS module and the received signal is forwarded
to the indicating device. The indication device is the device that is deployed with Android OS. The
dedicated android application is developed to detect the critical zone area such as schools, colleges
and hospitals. The developed android application is interfaced with the Google map to show the

accident prone areas. It detects the critical zone area and the detected notification signal in the
indicating device is transmitted by Bluetooth dongle to the engine control section. And also the
indication device alerts the driver that they have reached the critical zone by generating the buzzer
sound automatically. The engine control section consists of Arduino microcontroller. From the
indication device the detected information signal is transmitted to the Bluetooth module. Then the
Bluetooth module sends the received signal to the microcontroller via RS232 cable

The cable serially transmits the signal to the controller. The Arduino controller processes the
information signal and the processed data is transmitted to the engine control section. With the help
of receiving signal information the engine control section transmits the control over the breaking
system and it will automatically reduce the speed of the vehicle in critical zoned areas.

The android application is created by using android studio and programmed by Java script.

The developed android application is used to find and locate the accident prone areas.

The Figure 2 shows a login prompt for the purpose of security by providing username and
password for authentication. If the username and password are correct, then it logged into
the selection of zone areas check box.

Fig:2 Beginning page/start page fig:3 Selection of zone areas

The selected prone area with respect to the vehicle location are interfaced
with google map to obtain the critical zone area

in which the vehicle is near the critical zone area as shown in the Figure 4
In the figure 5 shows the output of the android application, if the vehicle
reaches near the accident zone it automatically receive the notification
message with the name of the particular school, college or Hospital‟s name to
reduce the speed of the vehicle by the GPS module

Fig 4: Google map services

And also it sends a notification message like “Go slow nearby: The Indian Public
School” to the driver. Thus, this project concludes that it locates the critical
zone area automatically and it alerts the driver by sending a warning message.
Fig:5 received notification message
Fig 6: realtime implementation in two wheeler vehicles

In Figure 6 shows the real time implementation of the proposed system in

vehicle. When the vehicles reach critical zones, this system automatically
controls the speed of vehicle. The speed limit at various critical zones like
schools, colleges and hospitals is tabulated in Table 6.1. The speed of the
vehicle is approximately within 30km in critical zones.
India is the worst hit country in terms of the number of road accidents
occurring annually and mostly they are caused due to over speeding of
There is an urgent need to put a system in place which can automatically
restrict the top vehicle speed according to the speed limit regulation of a
particular speed zone, thereby minimizing accidents due to over speeding.
The system proposed is a fully functional automatic speed regulation system
which is a step ahead of presently available speed controllers in terms of
efficiency accuracy and simplicity.
The position matching and speed limit subsequent extraction are the first type,
which relying on both GSM and GPS input signals, complementing each other
and thus avoiding the restrictions of using them individually for position
A self assessment check is also done by the algorithm and in case of dispute,
restricts itself from proceeding and starts processing with new inputs. It also
has a special provision for limiting the speed in sensitive areas without
affecting the speed limits of the complete speed zone in which the place of
concern lies.
If this system is made compulsory for all vehicles, a noticeable decrease in the
number of road accidents would be seen and thus reducing a heavy loss of life
and property in the country.
The proposed system has been incorporated with a two wheeler and tested in
many critical zones of Andhrapradesh
The designed system has been working effectively and controls and maintains
the speed from 26km/hr to 30km/hr. In future, instead of slowing down the
vehicles all the time, the system has to be enhanced using timer concept to
slow down the vehicles only at peak hours.
Also the Speed Control Driver (SCD) can be custom designed to fit into a
vehicle‟s dashboard, and displays information on the vehicle. Once the
information is received, it automatically alerts the driver and reduces the
speed of the vehicle according to the time and zone.

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