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Make Yourself at Home 10d2-Presentation

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Potted plants A three-piece-

(ghivece cu suite (2 chair + 1

flori) sofa)
Light fittings A carpet (covor)
A fireplace A coffee table
(semineu) Draped curtains
French windows (perdele)
(a type of door) Ornaments
A mirror (o A wooden floor
1) How would you describe the rooms?

2) What kind of person do you think each

of these rooms belongs to?
Would you like to live in one of the
following? Why? Why not?
1) An isolated cottage (casuta) in the countryside

2) A penthouse (apartament) on the top floor of a


3) A houseboat

4) A caravan (mobile home)

5) An underground house
Look at the following statements.
Do you agree/disagree with them?
Look at these types of houses. Which would you
find in a suburban, urban or rural area?

Cottage (casuta) Bungalow (Vila) Bed-sit

Council house (Locuinta ANL) Maisonette (Duplex) Terraced houses

Hotel suite (Camera de
hotel) Houseboat Mansion (Vila)

Semi-detached house Detached house

Studio (all room in one
(Casa semi-detasata) (Casa detasata)

Penthouse Farmhouse
Which one of these rooms/areas do you have in
your house? Describe them
Cellar (pivnita) Garage
Guest room (Camera de Attic (Mansarda)
oaspeti) Shed (Magazie)
Larder (Camara) Balcony
Bedroom (Dormitor)
Yard (Curte)
Living room (Camera de zi)
Back garden
Kitchen (Bucatarie)
Landing Porch (Veranda)
Front garden Drive
Patio (Curte interioara) Study (Birou)
Swimming pool (Piscina) Roof garden
Loft (Pod)
Games room
Dining room
Utility room
Which of the
rooms/areas would
you like your house
to have?
Choose the words that DOES NOT
belong in the sentence
1)The roof of the terraced house/cellar/semi-detached was in
need of repair.
2) The farmhouse/ maisonette/ cottage we bought recently is
in a perfect country setting, far away from the stress of the
3) Ellie has a luxurious penthouse/ council flat / villa by the
sea in the south of France.
4) The hotel suite/ bed-sit/ room costs 200$ per night.
5) Our country cottage is so typical of those in the area with
its thatched/ slate/ marble roof.
6) The new apartment included an antique/well-equipped/
fitted kitchen.
Underline the correct word
 1) The property is within easy stretch/ spread / range/
reach of the shopping center.
 2) You wash up and I’ll clear/ clean/ empty/ tidy away
the dishes.
 3) Public transport is better in cities than it is in rural
areas/ places/ parts/ spots.
 4) There is plenty/ ample/ full/ rich of room in the
drive to park your car.
 5) It took me a good/ fine/ nice/ fair hour to find your
Choose the correct answer
1) When was the last time you saw your father?
I spent a week with him the summer holidays.
a) Already b) during c) for d) in

2) Is this Arthur’s wallet?

Great! He’s been for that everywhere
a) Looked b) look c) looking d) looks
3) What have you been up to?
Well, the last few weeks it’s been work, work,
work, I’m afraid.
a) Since b) before c) lately d) over

4) I haven’t seen David for ages.

Apparently he off to summer camp three weeks
a) Has gone b) went c) has been d) goes
5) She doesn’t seem very happy, does she?
Well, she under a lot of pressure lately.
a) Is b) has been c) was d)is being

6) I’ve never been to Italy. Have you?

Yes, but it’s been a long time my last visit.
a) Since b) before c) ago d) for
7) What’s the matter with Danny?
He’s just some bad news, I’m afraid.
a) Been having b) had c) having d) has

8) How long have you lived at your current address?

Oh, about fifteen years now.
a) During b) before c) since d) for
9) Have you ever been hand-gliding?
Yes, I actually went
a) Already b) recently c) lately d) soon

10) What an amazing story!

Yes, I’ve never anything like it
a) Hear b) been hearing c) heard d) been heard
Look of the following ads. Which is
the best for you?
Which of these two activities is more tiring?
Which activity do you prefer? Why?
Which of the following people is the
happiest? What do you do to relax at home?
Look at the following household objects. In the event
that they were stolen by a thief, what would you use
 Pillowcase (fata de perna)  Bedside lamp (lampa de
 Dustbin bag noptiera)
 Ashtray (scrumiera)  Fireplace (semineu)
 CD  Pepper mill
 Greenhouse (Sera)  Light bulb (bec)
 Bathtub (cada)  Washing machine
 Armchair (fotoliu)  Bookcase
 Remote control
Fill in the gaps with the correct word:

1) You won’t forget to put the rubbish out before you go to bed, will
2) I cooked dinner, so I think it’s only fair that you wash up
3) If you clear out all the junk in the garage, there’ll be space for my
4) When you’re finished playing with your toys, put them away in
the cupboard.
5) Don’t leave your coat on the chair. Hang it up in the wardrobe
where it belongs.
6) It’s too wet to hang out the washing. I’ll put it on the radiators.
Choose the correct preposition
1) Make yourself at/ as home.
2) All of our tomatoes are home-grown/ home-made
3) I ordered some kitchen knives from the home –
shopping/ marketing network last night.
4) Being away for so long, you must feel homeless/
5) I’ve now made/settled London my home.
Underline the correct word in each sentence, then
say what the words in bold mean
 1) I enjoy visiting the Smiths; they really make you feel
like/at home.
 2) I’ve been all over the world, but there’s no place like
home/ house.
 3) The comments she made about his manners really hit /
got home. He’s never behaved like that since.
 4) At the end of the match, the importance of our victory
came/ arrived home to me.
 5) If we win this match, we’ll be home/ house and dry.
 6) I think it’s time Sam faced up to a few home/ house
 7) I don’t have a very active social life. I’m more of a
home/ house bird.
Fill in with: of, within, in, to, on
1) To be situated in
2) in the country
3) in the suburbs
4) on the outskirts
5) in the heart of
6) Close to the city center
7) within easy reach of
8) within walking distance
Two of your friends want to get married soon and you want to get
them a useful present. Look at the following items, say what they
are used for, and say which one of them would be a good present

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