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Confusing Words

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1) Work with English confusing words. Write down the new ones into your vocabulary.
Choose any 15 and learn them by heart
Confusing Words.
1) You haven’t (lent / borrowed) my rubber, have you, Paul?
2) He sat down (besides / beside) an old man with a white beard who looked and smelt as
though he hadn’t washed for weeks.
3) See that large (building / house) over there? Well, that’s where I work.
4) Was it (funny / fun) at the party on Sunday?
5) The (nature / countryside) around this town is very flat and uninspiring.
6) The injured man was (laying / lying) on the road close to the wreckage of his car.
7) Who (taught / learnt) you to play the guitar, Fred?
8) The new price increases will take (affect / effect) on April 1st.
9) The tennis match was held up for ten minutes when the (umpire / referee) fainted.
10) The customs officer was very (official / officious) and made us open all our bags.
11) There are very (strict / severe) laws in Sweden with regard to drinking and driving.
12) The company made (judicial / judicious) use of a Government grant.
13) Her performance was (masterful / masterly).
14) If animals have to be killed for food, then it should be done as (humanly / humanely) as
15) Most banks will (lend / borrow) people money to buy a house.
16) I saw a very good (job / work) advertised in the paper this week.
17) I wonder if you can (teach / learn) me to play the guitar?
18) I’ve got a very good (profession / job) with the BBC.
19) According to the weather (forecast / information), there will be rain tomorrow.
20) Are these mushrooms (eatable / edible)?
21) I am (learning / teaching) my wife to drive.
22) What can be (implied / inferred) from the Prime Minister’s remarks?
23) I hear that Manchester United beat Liverpool two – (nil / nought) in the last Cup match.
24) I’ll see you next week – (eventually / possibly) on Friday.
25) It’s much too hot. Let’s go and sit in the (shadow / shade) for a while.
26) He was a man of (sanguine / sanguinary) temperament.
27) The next (episode / part) of “Dallas” will be shown on BBC 1 next Monday at 9 o’clock.
28) He spent three years in (goal / gaol) for embezzlement.
29) Those of you who wish to come to the Zoo this afternoon, please (raise / rise) your
30) Do you think the new tax changes will (affect / effect) you very much?
31) This is my last will and (testimony / testament).
32) If you print that, I’ll sue you for (libel / slander).
33) We may have won all our matches this season, but we mustn’t allow ourselves to become
(complaisant / complacent).
34) The doctor told him to use the (liniment / lineament) twice daily.
35) I always feel very nervous when I have to (make / perform) a speech.
36) This painting is now quite (worthless / invaluable).
37) Any idea what the present Government’s (politics / policy) is on defence?
38) The house I have just bought is close to shops, schools and other local (amenities /
39) Did you have (an opportunity / possibility) to visit the Louvre when you were in Paris?
40) I usually (go up / get up) at 7.30 every morning.
41) When I heard that I’d been given the job I felt very (lucky / happy).
42) The dress doesn’t fit. I’ll have to have it (changed / altered).
43) Heavy snow (delayed / postponed) the train for several hours.
44) James never gives up – he’s so (persuading / persevering).
45) Do you enjoy (urban / urbane) life, or would you prefer to live in the country?
46) I hate doing the (homework / housework) especially cleaning the windows.
47) There is a park at the (back / backside) of my house.
48) In the distance, they heard the church clock (strike / ring).
49) Do you know how (much / far) it is from London to Manchester?
50) What time do you usually (get up / raise)?
51) I’m afraid there isn’t (space / room) in the car for everyone.
52) We had (so / such) beautiful weather last weekend.
53) Did you have (funny / nice) time at the party?
54) My brother is (credible / credulous) enough to believe anything you tell him.
55) South Wales was once a flourishing coalmining area, but today there are hundreds of
(misused / disused) coalmines scattered throughout the valleys.
56) I’m afraid the boot is full. There is no (room / space) for any more suitcases.
57) 1066 is one of the most (historical / historic) moments in British history.
58) What did you think of the (critic / write-up) we got in the paper this morning?
59) Is there anything (else / more) you’d like me to get you?
60) My wife has a (half-time / part-time) job as a chemist’s.
61) You must (practise / practice) for at least two hours a day if you want to play the piano
62) The (view / scenery) in the north of England is really beautiful.
63) She was a very (intensive / intense) person, who seemed to care deeply about everyone.
64) The Government is under no (illusions / delusions) about the difficulties facing the
65) My brother is very (high / tall).
66) (Excuse me / I’m sorry), I’m late.
67) My sister lives (near / nearly) London.
68) Does your husband ever offer you to do the (washing-up / dishing).
69) There is a lot of talk nowadays about (human / humane) rights.
70) Tasmania lies in one of the (temperate / temporal) areas of the world.
71) The majority of tinned food is (deficient / defective) in vitamins.
72) People who immigrate to a new country usually take a while to (adapt / adopt) to the
new life.
73) During the war, Vera Lynn’s songs contributed greatly to the (morals / morale) of the
74) His behaviour at the party was (contemptuous / contemptible).
75) This must be the (definite / definitive) reference work on Roman history.
76) My flat is just around the corner from my office, which is (convenient / comfortable) for
77) Who else was at the party (beside / besides) the people from the office?
78) They climbed up the steep stone (stairs / steps) leading to the old church.
79) I hope he has got a good (solicitor / barrister) to represent him in court.
80) Sussex is my favourite (landscape / county) in England.

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