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Self Thibierge Morin

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The Self and the Subject: A Psychoanalytic Lacanian

Stéphane Thibierge, Catherine Morin

To cite this version:

Stéphane Thibierge, Catherine Morin. The Self and the Subject: A Psychoanalytic Lacanian Perspec-
tive. Neuropsychoanalysis, 2010, 12 (1), pp.81-93. �10.1080/15294145.2010.10773632�. �hal-01519835�

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The Self and the Subject: A Psychoanalytic Lacanian Perspective

S. Thibierge & C. Morin (Paris)

In current research, the self, or the “first-person perspective,” is often studied in terms of its cognitive functions (agency, “mindread-
ing,” body representation, etc.). As clearly shown by Decety (2002), these studies are based on the assumption that mental processes
must be “described in terms that make it clear that they are achievable by one brain.” It has been well established, however, that
though one human brain is necessary, it is not sufficient for the development of a psychic subject capable of mental processes.
Indeed, to do so, the brain must be connected with a particular language system, which is external and exists prior to the birth of
each human brain. Psychoanalysis demonstrates that such a process not only yields human individuals who consider themselves
as autonomous egos with a cognitive representation of the external world, but that these humans also suffer a particular “lack” or
“want,” which makes each of them a desiring subject. Regardless of the conscious representations of the “self,” the psychic life
(including cognition) of this subject is governed by the repeated—though vain—search for a repressed object that cannot be repre-
sented. The contribution of psychoanalysis to understanding what constitutes the “self” was first indirectly demonstrated through
the psychoanalysis of neurotic patients. The study of psychiatric or neurological pathologies, in particular psychosis (Cotard, Fregoli,
and Capgras syndromes) or the right hemisphere syndrome (in particular, somatoparaphrenia) confirms these findings. This paper
represents a contribution to the understanding of subjectivity through a psychoanalytic perspective on the Fregoli syndrome and

Keywords: self, specular image, body image, identification, misidentification, somatoparaphrenia

The entry for “self” in the Penguin Dictionary of Psy- psychoanalytic works. In Winnicott’s thought (1967),
chology reads: “One of the more dominant aspects of the self is characterized by its ambiguous relation to
human experience is the compelling sense of one’s the mother’s body and representations, from which
unique existence, what philosophers have tradition- the subject has to separate, while maintaining a sym-
ally called the issue of personal identity or of the self.” bolic link to the mother’s representations; according
The term “self” is thus both a philosophical issue and, to Winnicott, this link makes the self a place where
for each of us, a compelling evidence. It has been to seek refuge, to be able to relax, to feel that one is
secondarily introduced in psychoanalytic speculations real. In Kohut’s works, the term seems to refer to the
after and independently of Freud. Jung (1958) used the unconscious component of the ego; the ego should, in
term to refer to the “archetype of the transcendental the course of psychoanalytic treatment, metabolize and
totality,” an acceptance that is much more philosophi- master the self (Kohut, 1971). This self-psychology
cal than psychoanalytic. Melanie Klein used the term thus tends to be confused with ego-psychology.
in such an imprecise manner that it might either be In neuropsychological research, the term “self” is
equivalent to ego in her own texts (see Klein, 1946, p. used without any attempt to characterize what the self
144) or considered by her readers as characterizing “all is. Most studies consist of using neuroimagery to as-
the drives and feelings of the whole personality” (see, sess the variations of brain metabolism in mental states,
for example, Chemama, 2000, p. 310). This vagueness psychological or neuropsychological functions that are
seems to have encouraged a variety of uses in other supposed to be involved in a first-person perspective

S. Thibierge: UFR Sciences Humaines et Cliniques, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France; C. Morin: Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Service de Médecine
Physique et Réadaptation, Paris, France
Correspondence to: S. Thibierge, CRPM-EAD 3522, UFR Sciences Humaines et Cliniques- Université Paris Diderot, 26 rue de Paradis, 75463 Paris
Cedex 10, France (email:

(1PP). In their review, Vogeley and Fink (2003) succes- shows that our certitude to be, so to say, “our own”
sively consider spatial cognition, distinction between selves does not guarantee either our coherence or our
one’s own and others’ intentions to act, “mindreading,” autonomy. Freud was the first to reveal, and insist on,
and body representation, to end with a hypothetical the subordination and the heterogeneity of the human
self-reference, resting state. The aim of these descrip- subject. This is precisely what is revealed by the four
tive studies is to localize the brain structures involved main phenomena that give access to the unconscious
in self-consciousness. Vogeley and Fink (2003) thus (dreams, symptoms, and slips of the tongue and other
write: “With respect to cognitive neuroscience, the parapraxes). On the other hand, Freud did not situate a
question of the self can be reformulated as: which neu- self in the various aspects of our personal identity that
ral ensembles underlie (and may thus be responsible he described: (1) the ego-ideal takes its origin in the
for) the ‘subjective’ nature of those mental and bodily voice and the regard of parents and educators; (2) the
states that are candidates for self-consciousness?” (p. ideal ego is a self-representation secondarily cathected
42). While the quotation marks around subjective sug- by the primarily autoerotic libido (Freud, 1914); (3)
gest that self-consciousness might not be subjective in our attitude and our relationships to others depend on
nature, the authors do not consider it necessary to tell the type of our interest in the erogenous oral, anal, and
us what the self is. Newen and Vogeley (2003) identify sexual zones of the body (Freud, 1905). Furthermore,
a “neural signature of the self” by listing the neural at the end of his life, Freud (1938) emphasized the
structures activated during activities that involve a “splitting” of the ego itself, thus establishing the im-
1PP. However, as underlined by Legrand (2003), this possibility of thinking of the human subject in terms
approach does not consider the fact that “to have a 1PP, of a well-defined unity. Lacan, who, like Freud, never
is, primarily, to live through it, i.e., to perceive and act used the notion of self, was the first to systematically
according to it.” In other words, to paraphrase Thomas characterize this heterogeneity of the talking being.
Nagel (1974), this approach does not address the ques- Lacan’s contribution is mainly based on his elaboration
tion “what it is like to be or to have a self?” Jeannerod of two notions: specular image and object-a. While
(2003) perhaps touches this point when he claims that Lacan’s conception on specular image and the mir-
“Even though the distinction between the self and the ror phase may be found in his Écrits (Lacan, 1966a,
other is performed by adults without any difficulty (our 1966c), most of his developments on object-a are to
emphasis), it may become problematic under patho- be found in his seminars—in particular L’objet de la
logical circumstances.” Indeed, one could say that hu- psychanalyse (Lacan, 1965) and L’angoisse (Lacan,
man subjects do not perform this distinction at all; each 2004b), the complete edition of which is not yet avail-
of us is rather convinced—without even thinking of able.1 For this reason, we will begin with a brief over-
it—that he or she has or is a self—that is, that he or she view of this contribution.
is a unique, autonomous, identifiable being, different
from other beings, with cognitive abilities and coherent
psychological properties. In ordinary, nonpathological Lacan, specular image, and narcissism
circumstances, this conviction is only implicit. How-
ever, making this conviction explicit is currently the Lacan gave two presentations on narcissism and specu-
ordinary mode of investigating the 1PP. For example, lar image (see Guillerault, 2003, pp. 267–272), in
Johnston et al. (2002) ask their participants to respond two sessions—1936 and 1949—of the International
to a variety of statements requiring knowledge of and Congress of Psychoanalysis, It was not until 1966
reflection on their own abilities, traits, and attitudes that the 1949 text was published under the title “Le
(e.g., “I forget important things,” “I’m a good friend,” stade du miroir comme formateur de la fonction du Je
“I have a quick temper”). telle qu’elle nous est révélée dans l’expérience psy-
In contrast to neuropsychology, psychoanalysis pre- chanalytique” (Lacan, 1966c), but Lacan unceasingly
cisely questions our ordinary implicit conviction of worked on his concept of body image and narcissism,
being unique and autonomous individuals. On the one in particular in his seminar on anguish (Lacan, 2004b).
hand, psychoanalysis makes it questionable whether
the autonomy of the talking being is actually self-evi-
dent under normal circumstances. For example, when
an adult commits a slip of the tongue, the words he 1
The title of the seminar, “L’angoisse,” is generally translated as “Anxi-
pronounces—indisputably his self-production—sound ety.” However, in this chapter, we will use the term anguish to distinguish
it from the more phenomenological/psychological connotations of the term
foreign to his self-consciousness, even if coming from anxiety.
no other talking being. This everyday life example

Lacan made a crucial advance when he proposed a relationship to the Other.2 This participation is what
well-founded theory to explain how autoeroticism may Lacan called objet-a, a notion he considered his major
be replaced by narcissism—a point that Freud (1914) contribution to psychoanalysis.
had left unexplained. This advance is based on a re-
interpretation of Wallon’s 1931 article devoted to the
process whereby “children develop the notion of their Lacan, the body, and the object-a
own body.” Lacan called this process the mirror phase
and reread Wallon’s observations in terms of identifica- While Freud (1914) focused on the fact that we love
tion: for him, during the mirror phase, the body passes our body, Lacan differentiated two intertwined aspects
from a real state (fragmented body) to an imaginary of this libido attached to the body. He insisted that, on
register (virtual image). Lacan emphasized that this the one hand, the human subject is fascinated by the
identification, which takes place during the mirror human form (Lacan, 1966c), and, on the other, that his
phase, is crucial for subjectivity: he employed the term body supposedly represents something for an other,
identification in its literal sense, i.e., “the transforma- and more basically for the Other—that is, it is neces-
tion which happens for someone, as he adopts an im- sarily experienced, in a positive or a negative light, as
age” (Lacan, 1966c/1977, p. ??), and which provides an object of desire (Lacan, 1977b). Lacan qualified
what is usually called an identity. The human subject this latter aspect of the psychic correlates of body
thus identifies himself as an image (imaginary identi- representation as real insofar as it is not reducible to
fication). This image is the image of a complete body, its symbolic or imaginary aspects: what I represent
erected, seen as a whole. In addition to this, the words for the Other and his desire is precisely that which I
spoken by adults indicate and acknowledge the body as cannot master or have clear knowledge of. In other
being that of the child; these words, and in particular words, a narcissistically cathected body represents the
the child’s personal name, are symbolic elements. This subject’s question regarding his ability to please, to suit
intertwining between the child’s image—together his the Other’s regard, the Other’s demand or desire. This
and the one he receives from the mirror — and his enigmatic value, this x, is what Lacan called object-a
proper name constitutes a symbolic identification. In- (Lacan, 1977b, 2004b). The suitable object for the
deed, the proper name of a human subject designates other’s desire or demand, although it remains basically
the desire that parents attach to the person and the body out of reach, may yet be evoked, according to Lacan,
of their child. This implies that the “positive” aspect through four fundamental aspects: the breast, the feces,
of symbolic identification (being named) is linked to the regard, and the voice—that is, bodily parts or prod-
a “negative” phenomenon since the child is at first no ucts involved in the mother–child relationship. Two of
more than a representative of the parents’ desire, and these aspects of object-a (breast and feces) are among
ignorant of the content of this desire. Due to this sym- the Freudian libidinal objects (Freud, 1905), while the
bolic identification, specular image not only belongs to two others (regard and voice) are the focus of Freudian
a virtual register, it also represents a desiring subject. drives (see Freud, 1915a). Lacan’s crucial contribution
Winnicott (1967) has developed a conception close is, first, to show that the symbolic value of these bodily
to Lacan’s one, when insisting upon the crucial role parts and products, and not only their involvement in
of the regard of the mother in the structuring of what relations to others, affective life, or stages of bodily
he called the self. Lacan (1966a) emphasized that this education, is what makes the corresponding body areas
regard is related to those symbolic elements that make erogenous (Lacan, 1977b): the mouth is the area where
a symbolic identification—validated by the proper food and love are demanded the Other, the eye and the
name—possible. This process makes the infant a hu- ear are the areas receiving the expression of the Other’s -
man subject, who apprehends his body as a whole, demand or desire through regard or voice, the anus
similar in its form to other people’s bodies, while it is is the area to which the Other addresses his demand.?
his own body recorded in filiation and sexual belong-
ing. In this imaginary and symbolic representation, the 2
Lacan distinguishes between two kinds of otherness: the other—that
real, organic body is ignored. However, the body does is, the fellow creature, whose form is fixed by identification to mirror im-
participate in a crucial mode—although it is a mode age—and the Other—that is, the language determinations that constitute
not involved in representation—in the constitution of the subject, while being alien to him or her (Thibierge, 1999b, 2007). Even
before a person’s birth, the Other in language registers the subject at a cer-
individual identity. This participation does not rely tain place and assigns symbolic marks to the subject. Being radically alien
on the physiological properties of the body; rather, it to the child (because of the incest prohibition), and the first to symbolically
depends on the ability of certain bodily parts or prod- represent the child in her words and her relation to it, the mother is the first
ucts to be used in language processes to symbolize our incarnation of the Other.

Second, and above all, the fundamental property of the 1893), but also in obsessional neurosis (see Séglas,
object-a is a negative property, that of lacking, of not 1895, pp. 111–139). The important point is that, which-
being present in body image. This absence, which may ever its neurotic style, this disorganization manifests
appear as a primordial irreducible loss, is designated itself in circumstances where the subject finds himself
by psychoanalysis as castration (Lacan, 1977b). As nearer than usual to precisely what he unconsciously
indicated above, this irreducible loss is not without desires (Lacan, 2004b). This indicates that all three
relationship to symbolic identification. If Lacan des- aspects of our identity (real, imaginary, and symbolic)
ignates the object by a simple letter, a, it is precisely cannot be made conscious together and that the one that
to emphasize that it results from the loss that language should remain unconscious is the object; it is precisely
in itself and concretely presupposes—the loss of any insofar as body image normally lacks object-a that this
direct relationship to the target of desire. It is also why image may gain consistency and may be recognized.
this object is not objectively definable: it is the prin- We propose to speak of identification of the object in
ciple of what gives relations to others their value, as far those more or less pathological cases where object-a
as these relations involve the phallus—that is, the de- intrudes into psychic reality (Thibierge, 1999b).
sire as sexual. Only this implication of the phallus as a Lacanian psychoanalysis thus emphasizes, contrary
symbolic element, as a signifier (Lacan, 1977a), brings to our intuitive apprehension of having a unified and
to the objects of our world their significant value. autonomous self, that human subjectivity is heteroge-
neous and “Other-dependent.” It involves three levels,
three registers: (1) the object, the modalities of the
Body image and object-a in the psychopathology subject’s value and of his position in relation to the
of everyday life and in neurosis Other; (2) the body image; (3) the signifiers that repre-
sent him in the symbolic order. Lacan (2004b) sums up
The object-a can be said to be always the same, unique this complex structure under the concept of specular
for each subject: psychoanalysis of neurotic patients image (see also Thibierge, 1999b, 2007). To be able to
demonstrates that each of us repetitively displays a think of oneself as unified, one must be able to grasp
specific, singular relationship to the others and to the one’s image or representation as a symbol—that is, as
Other. This relationship expresses itself through our indicating the loss, the absence, of something. Indeed,
language—that is, the way we talk (more precisely, every symbol supposes the possible absence of the
the way our body talks), through our dreams, our symbolized object. To present things schematically,
symptoms, and our parapraxes. The style and structure we can formulate the hypothesis that in order to have
of this relationship refer to our specific bond to the a self, the following prerequisite is necessary: the
object-a—to the object’s form that we have elected at lack—or in Freud’s words (Freud, 1915b) the repression—
the earliest times of our life. While this specific bond of the object-a. It is this repression that makes - the subject’s
is what characterizes our personal identity, we spon- heterogeneity normally non-apparent to
taneously do not identify ourselves as dependent on him and creates his illusion of having a self. In his
an object but as a named image. Here we propose to seminar on anguish (2004b) and his comments on
call this incomplete spontaneous, intuitive operation Daniel Lagache’s report (1966a), Lacan proposed the
(which we also use regarding other people) recogni- formula i(a), to introduce a link between image and
tion. More generally, recognition refers to everything objet a. This formula designates the image i as getting its
that, without receiving special attention, presents itself consistency from an object, object-a—but an object whose
under the heading of reality (Thibierge, 1999b, 2007). absence is cloaked by this image.
When this is no longer the case, when some part of real-
ity is no longer recognized, this failure manifests itself
through feelings ranging from a fleeting discomfort Body image and object-a in psychosis
barely tinged with anxiety—for example, the fact of no
longer recognizing a common word when reading—to The most commonly known Lacanian concept of psy-
a complete falling apart of reality. These feelings be- chosis is based on the notion of the foreclosure of
long to a series that ranges from Freudian “uncanny” the “name-of-the-father” (Lacan, 1966b). The father
(Freud, 1919) to depersonalization, including various being ordinarily the incarnation of a foreign element
feelings of strangeness that have been described in clas- in the mother–child relationship, the father as a name
sical psychiatry (for reference, see Thibierge, 1999a, (the “name-of-the-father”) represents the presence, in
1999b). The disorganization of body image is quite mother’s discourse, of something foreign to her, some-
common not only in hysteria (see, for example, Freud, thing that indicates that she is lacking an object, that

she is a desiring subject. The “presence” in mother’s literature, Fregoli syndrome is considered as a rather
discourse of this “name-of-the-father” enables the rare psychotic syndrome, whose clinical significance
subject to identify with a desire and not an object. is its possible dangerousness (Aziz, Razik, & Donn,
Psychotic subjects lack this “name-of-the-father,” this 2005), when, as in the princeps case, the patient even-
“presence of absence” in mother’s discourse, which is tually attacks the persecutor (Courbon & Fail, 1927).
originally foreclosed. This “foreclosure” results in a The rarity of Fregoli syndrome is questionable, since
failure of symbolic identification, and as a result the Mojtabai (1998) has shown that misidentification syn-
body image is inconsistent, not unified. Many psy- dromes are often misidentified and that their charac-
chiatrists and psychoanalysts, though they do not use teristics may be found in many cases of psychosis,
this terminology, consider that psychosis involves a including schizophrenia. For example, in Schreber’s
fragmentation of body image (see, e.g., Pankow, 1981; self-report case, one finds vivid examples that appear
Preibe & Röhricht, 2001). The Lacanian specificity is to be close to the Fregoli syndrome (Schreber, 2001,
to claim that psychosis also implies an identification chapter 8).
of object-a. Indeed, as mentioned above, symbolic Since the 1920s, the Fregoli and/or Capgras syn-
identification normally refers to an enigmatic desire dromes have been given a variety of names: false-
object; in psychosis, the reverse is observed: the fail- recognition illusions of the insane (“illusion de fausse
ure of symbolic identification is linked with a positive reconnaissance des aliénés”), systematic misappre-
presence—instead of an enigmatic trace of the object. hensions (“méconnaissances systématiques”), identi-
These two processes—fragmentation of body image fication agnosia (“agnosie d’identification”), delirious
and identification of object-a—may vary in their as- identification (“identification délirante”). We have not
pects and in the modality of their association, but they drawn up this list for its historical interest but, rather,
are always observable together, if investigated with the to indicate a trait that all these syndromes have in com-
appropriate method. This notion, which is often only mon—that is, they seem to create a kind of vacillation
implicit in Lacan’s written texts, was first explicitly in the psychiatrist’s mind. While there is no doubt re-
developed with Cotard syndrome by Czermak (1986) garding the delirious nature of the patients’ belief, the
and in transsexualism by Thibierge (1996, 2007). It nature of their illusions is not clear: how is it possible
is perhaps the Fregoli syndrome (Thibierge, 1999a, that patients are so sure of the hidden identity of the
1999b, 2007) that most clearly exemplifies the mutual people they meet, while at the same time acknowledg-
exclusion of the identification of object-a and the rec- ing that their appearances, their images, are multiple?
ognition of body image.
Psychodynamic interpretations of DMS
Fregoli syndrome The fact that misidentification syndromes very often
concern subjectively significant figures—for example,
In the Fregoli syndrome (Courbon & Fail, 1927), the Weinstein (1994) notes that Courbon & Fail’s patient,
patient maintains that different people are in fact a who felt persecuted by an actress, was herself a would-
single person who changes appearances or is in dis- be actress—has led to a variety of psychodynamic
guise and persecutes the patient. Fregoli syndrome Freudian or Kleinian interpretations. However, these
is classified together with other syndromes—Capgras interpretations mainly address the Capgras syndrome;
syndrome (Capgras & Reboul-Lachaux, 1923), in- they often envisage the Capgras syndrome as separat-
termetamorphosis (Courbon & Tusques, 1932), and ing the loved, good vs. bad, hated or neutral vs. li-
the syndrome of subjective doubles (Christodoulou, bidinal aspects of the duplicated relatives (de Pauw,
1978)—that are currently referred to as “delusional 1994), thus applying a neurotic interpretation grid to
misidentification syndromes” (DMS).”3 In the current psychotic patients.
In Capgras delusion (or Capgras syndrome), the patient holds a delu-
sional belief that an acquaintance, usually a spouse or other close family
DMS and right hemispheric lesions. DMS
member, has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. Intermetamor- and face-recognition disorders
phosis is a delusional misidentification syndrome in which the patient con-
fuses the identities of familiar people or feels that he is being mistaken for Neither Fregoli syndrome nor other DMS are neu-
someone else. In the syndrome of subjective doubles, the patient believes
that he has a double with the same appearance, but usually with different rological diseases. Several arguments converge to sug-
character traits and leading a life of its own. It is worthwhile to note that gest that right brain-structures dysfunction might be
Fregoli syndrome may be associated with other DMS, in particular Capgras involved in Fregoli and other DMS, but it should be
syndrome (Lykouras, Typaldou, Gournellis, Vaslamatzis, & Christodoulou,
2002; Papageorgeiou et al., 2005).
underlined that there is no evidence for a tight relation-

ship between specified brain lesions and DMS. specific face-recognition disorders, but only DMS pa-
DMS syndromes are known to occur in the out- tients show alterations of familiar-faces recognition
come of right hemisphere strokes (Cutting, 1991); (Edelstyn, Oyebode, Booker, & Humphreys, 1998).
there is also a variety of evidence of right hemisphere Face-recognition disorders in DMS have led to a va-
dysfunction in schizophrenia (Cutting, 1994; Torrey, riety of hypotheses. Face recognition involves two
2007). However, the relation between DMS and right neuropsychological processes with two different brain
hemisphere lesions is rather loose. Some evidence networks: a neutral one (which is disturbed in prosop-
suggests that DMS or DMS-like cases where a neu- agnosia), and an emotional one involving the limbic
roanatomical lesion is not identified (Förstl, Almeida, system (Ellis & Lewis, 2001). Emotional recognition is
Burns, & Howard, 1991) may be observed in other maintained in prosopagnosia, as shown by the persis-
neurophysiological anomalies (e.g., toxic or metabol- tence of emotional reactions to unrecognized familiar
ic diffuse brain alterations). Clinical observations of faces in prosopagnosic patients (Bauer, 1984). It has
Fregoli syndrome after right hemispheric stroke may therefore been proposed that the affective component
be found in the literature. On the one hand, one of us of face recognition should be unavailable in DMS (El-
(Morin, 1997) has observed a patient who, after her lis & Lewis, 2001), in particular in Capgras syndrome.
right hemispheric stroke, not only made false recogni- However, this model is not easily applicable to Fregoli
tions, but also identified the same woman—a familial syndrome. These studies have the interest of investigat-
auxiliary who helped her when returning home—under ing the neurological substrates necessary for a normal
the appeareances of a variety of neighbors and carers. recognition of familiar and unfamiliar faces. However,
She feared that this woman wanted to marry her own increasingly complicated models of face recognition
husband. The life history of the patient did not indicate are needed (Ellis & Lewis, 2001) to account for the
any sign of psychosis before. It should be emphasized faith that patients have in their delusions, without
that, instead of being convinced of her illusions, the pa- leading to conclusive results. It should also be under-
tient was puzzled by her strange ideas and asked “Am lined that Fregoli and Capgras patients exhibit similar
I going to become crazy?” In other words, this mis- difficulties in visuospatial or face-recognition tasks,
identification syndrome was clearly consecutive to the whereas their clinical symptoms are different.
stroke, but it was only a “Fregoli-like” syndrome. On Indeed, cognitive theories do not address the prob-
the other hand, de Pauw, Szulecka, and Poltock (1987) lem of either the persecutory value of the misidentified
described a very typical case of Fregoli syndrome people or the faith that psychotic patients have in their
after right hemispheric infarct; however, although the false recognitions. To be schematic, one could say that
authors consider that the patient was not schizophrenic these studies do not address the problem of the nature
before her stroke, the history they report might suggest of delusory misidentifications. Disclosing the nature of
a paranoid psychic structure. a psychic syndrome means wondering whether it has
In brain lesions, neurological face-recognition disor- a subjective intrinsic significance—that is, whether its
ders (prosopagnosia) are known to appear in relation to component symptoms are linked together, and whether
right hemisphere lesions (see Sorger, Goebel, Schiltz, various modulations of these links may be described
& Rossion, 2007). This explains why the current neu- in several normal or pathological circumstances.5 In
roscientific studies of DMS are based on the assump- particular, isolating the symptoms that constitute a syn-
tion that DMS might involve a disturbance in the drome may be misleading (Mojtabai & Rieder, 1998).
cognitive ability to recognize faces, face recognition The specificity of psychoanalysis is to consider the in-
being an essential component of people recognition.4 trinsic logic of the patients’ discourse and behavior and
Indeed, neuropsychological tests have demonstrated not to interpret them as revealing perceptive or cogni-
that Capgras syndrome may involve neuropsycho- tive defects. First, describing and, then, understanding
logical disorders in face recognition (Lykouras et al., a psychic syndrome must be addressed by specific
2002; Papageorgiou, Ventouras, Lykouras, Uzunoglu methods. These methods involve describing and ana-
& Christodoulou, 2003). The Fregoli syndrome and lyzing the significant aspects of patients’ discourse and
psychotic syndromes without delusions also involve behavior. Such an analysis must rely in particular on
complete and accurate reports of the patients’ words.
However, recognizing people does not only consist of face recog- Clinical reports from the early twentieth century have
nition. In addition, DMS patients do not especially characterize their made such discourses available; such discourses are
persecutor’s faces. Capgras’ princeps patient gave herself several names
and described herself not by her face traits but by her clothes (Capgras & For example, this is the way Freud (1914) tried to understand the sig-
Reboul-Lachaux, 1923) nificance of narcissism and its avatars in neurosis and psychosis.

also available in some psychiatric observations cur- patient’s own body. The patient’s right index finger,
rently made by psychoanalysts interested in psychotic through which Robine thus increased her beauty, there-
disorders of specular image (Porge, 1986; Thibierge, fore cost several millions francs.
Case A
The significance of DMS
Porge (1986) has described a similar case: a female
The question of the significance of delusory misiden- patient had felt at a glance that she loved a man, “Pe-
tifications has been addressed by Cutting (1991), who ter.” She met him once thereafter, but she was not sure
proposed that the common feature of DMS (whether that it was him—she thought it could have been some-
or not they involve people recognition) was a prob- one else. After this meeting, she always thought about
lem with uniqueness, with identity. This is an invita- Peter, and believed he wanted her to reach him. Indeed,
tion to using Lacanian psychoanalysis, since Lacan’s she “saw” him in the various men she met: Philip,
oeuvre contains many dispersed contributions to the John, Simon, . . . Each time, she knew for sure that this
differentiation between perception or recognition and was Peter, but Peter as a transformed person. She knew
identification (see, e.g., Lacan, 1966b, 2002). These it for sure, because she felt attracted to these different
contributions have been systematized at length else- men. In fact, each of them was Peter. Moreover, she
where (Thibierge, 1999b). We will develop this con- felt that Peter had stolen one of her lips: he used her
tribution on the basis of psychiatric and neurological upper lip when speaking (the lower lip being still hers),
cases. First, we present three Fregoli cases—the prin- so that she was obliged to speak “with a small voice,”
ceps case and two modern observations, Case A and which was Peter’s voice as well. As we can see, in this
Case B. Case A is a typical Fregoli syndrome. Case B case this is always the one and the same being, Peter,
illustrates the possible occurrence of Fregoli traits in a who takes on the appearance of other men (the men she
psychotic patient with paranoid personality disorder. loves), who commands (attracts) her, and who steals a
Neither Case A nor Case B had neuroimaging or cogni- part of her body (her upper lip belongs to him).
tive explorations. We then show that somatoparaphre-
nia, a symptom of right hemisphere brain damage, also Case B: Fregoli traits in a paranoiac patient
involves dissociation of recognition and identification.
The position of the Fregoli syndrome in the psy-
The Fregoli syndrome: a Lacanian perspective chopathology of psychosis is an interesting one: on
the one hand, this syndrome is linked to “paranoid”
The Fregoli princeps case symptoms; on the other, some characteristic aspects of
Fregoli syndrome may be observed in cases that are not
In 1927, Paul Courbon and Gabriel Fail named classified either as misidentification syndromes or as
Fregoli syndrome a disorder observed in a female monothematic delusions (Mojtabai, 1998). Thibierge
patient they considered “schizophrenic.” The name (1999b) has reported the case of a patient with para-
“Fregoli” was used by the patient herself: she insisted noid personality disorder whose persecutor did not ex-
that her main persecutor, the actress Robine, was able, actly take the appearance of other persons but managed
just like the famous Italian actor Fregoli, to embody to alter the patient’s appearance or to command other
a multitude of different characters. The patient thus persons to appear. This female patient described how
saw Robine in the people she met. These people were her life was made difficult by a long-standing conflict
Robine in disguise. However, the patient never said with a nun who had been one of her teachers in child-
that these disguised figures had identical faces. She hood and who had been persecuting her since then.
insisted, rather, that although their appearances dif- This nun sometimes managed to command persons to
fered, they were always the same person, “only one enter the patient’s house, unseen by anybody but her.
being” (Courbon & Fail, 1927). This being was re- She caused the patient to be mistaken for someone else
sponsible for a variety of imposed phenomena directed in the small town where she lived. The patient could
at the patient—magnetic powers, outbursts, obscene hear the nun’s voice giving orders to her husband or
commands, etc. For example, among the imposed ac- members of her family, or even speaking from some
tions falling on her, the patient should masturbate parts of her body (hand, eye, foot). The voice also
herself. These masturbatory acts resulted in harmoni- talked to people on TV, making them turn their faces to
ously shadowing Robine’s eyes, while destroying the her. The nun thus changed her appearances, her names,
impersonated various persons, sometimes taking the

place of the patient herself. She guided and controlled, • xenopathic—that is, imposing various sensorial
through her voice or her gaze, what the patient called phenomena on the patient
“les humaines”— the human appearances of persons. • at the source of a disintegration of the body image
In this case, as in the one reported by Porge and as • one (always the same).
in the princeps case, the persecutor’s name refers to the
one and the same being who causes various changes of
In place of the image and instead of it, the subject
human appearance, who commands those appearances,
always identifies the same x. Recognition, and espe-
and who partly controls and takes possession of the
cially recognition of the image of one’s own body, is
body of the patient him- or herself.
altered. The body image is fragmented, broken up into
Fregoli syndrome, specular image, and object-a its components, for the benefit of something that the
patient names and hence positively identifies. These
characteristics correspond to what Lacan designated
Fregoli syndrome may be read as revealing a pro- as the object-a. If we rely on Lacan’s formula i(a) to
found alteration of the normal relationships between characterize normal body image (Lacan, 1966a), we
specular image and object-a. This alteration may be
must conclude that the bond between image and ob-
characterized in two ways. First, when meeting a hu-
ject is altered or suppressed in the case of the Fregoli
man figure, the subject always identifies an “x,” which
syndrome. The structure of the specular image is thus
he names by saying: “it is Robine,” “it is Peter,” “it is
broken down into separate elements, which are clearly
the nun.” The image may change, the subject knows
disjointed: first, the body image is dislocated; second,
that the appearance is not the same, but in fact, it is so-
there is the recurrent return of an object that, in this
and-so, it is in fact always the same persecutor, pursu-
case, is not repressed, not “lost”—not missing—but
ing the subject. Neither Courbon & Fail’s patient nor
identified and always identically named by the subject.
Porge’s or Thibierge’s reported patients ever said that
We can thus advance the hypothesis that the formula
people they met had the same appearance; what they
i(a) — which concretely refers to a bond between ele-
said was that they were the same being, or images com-
ments — does not characterize the psychotic patholo-
manded by the same being, the same x designated by a
gies cited above. Instead, in these cases, the object-a
single name—although different, the same: the other is
is unveiled, the image is undone, dislocated, and the
always the same.
identification with an image is impossible. Indeed, the
A second trait of Fregoli syndrome is that the pa-
image and the object are isolated from one another.
tient’s own body image is broken up: the patient’s own
The Fregoli illusion syndrome illustrates in struc-
index finger, lower lip, or right hand are shared with
tural terms the fundamental dimensions of subjec-
the persecutor’s image. The “x-identification” of one
tivity. In this syndrome, these terms—the name, the
unique being is thus associated with a fragmentation
object (object-a), and the image—that are normally
of the representation the patient gives of his or her own
intertwined to such a point that their heterogeneity is
invisible, are isolated with great precision. The proper
What stands out in Fregoli syndrome is decomposi-
name takes on the function of both a common noun and
tion of the fundamental elements involved in the rec-
a unique name. It is the persecutor’s name, identified
ognition of people, and also in self-recognition. This
with the “others” met by the subject, and even with
decomposition makes it possible for two major differ-
the disjointed elements of the subject’s own body. This
ent dimensions of recognition to appear separately one
unique name, which rules and prevails over the usual
from another: the name, and the image. In the words of
function of the proper name, “names” an x that has
these patients, the name designates something that the
the property of coming back to the subject under the
image fails to cover, to represent—that is, something
guise of a real and unequivocal identity, the identity of
of which the image does not allow recognition. It is
an imposed meaning. This indicates 6 the failure of the
something else, something that is tainted with persecu-
tory tones. operation symbolized by naming. Indeed, the normal
function of naming is not only to allow designation by
Lacanian theory offers an economic way of charac-
terizing this something else, this x, and the organization
of the triad it forms with name and body image. We have already mentioned that our way of investigation in this paper,
and more generally in our work relating to specular image problems, does
According to what the patient says, x appears to be not ignore what Lacan called the name-of-the-father’s foreclosure. But as
something that is: we explained, we try to go from body-image problems to their conditions,
especially the failure of proper-name operation. There is no doubt, however,
• autonomous, obeying only its own determinants that this failure is conditioned by the foreclosure of the name-of-the-father.

a symbol, but also to identify the subject himself in a logical interpretations. Halligan, Marshall, and Wade
symbolic—differential—mode. In Fregoli syndrome, (1995) and Feinberg (2001) consider it to be a rational-
naming is governed by a sole name identifying the ization that allows patients to cope with the traumatic
object; this object is then reduced to a single remaining failure of their body schema, or to express feelings
name, always the same. The link between name and regarding their own present situation. Other authors
object clearly appears in a case reported by Thibierge consider somatoparaphrenia as completely meaning-
(1999b). A recently divorced woman found herself less productions (Laplane, 1998). Nevertheless, these
in the situation of losing her husband’s family name. productions display recurrent themes, which are stable
Right at the time she lost her husband’s name, she ex- in a given patient and may be very similar from one
pressed a typical Fregoli syndrome: the men she saw in patient to another.
the street or in everyday life were various appearances We have published several observations, the analy-
of her husband, and the women she met were, in fact, sis of which demonstrated that the object-a appears in
her disguised daughter. While in neurosis the object-a the discourse or behavior of patients suffering from so-
is in principle never identified, in the psychotic cases matoparaphrenia. Patient PR (Morin et al., 2001), who
described above, this object constitutes the mainspring suffered from persistent and invalidating hemineglect,
of the systematization of the delirium. The unifying ef- described his problems not in terms of space process-
ficacy of body image is absent; the others’ image may ing disorders, but in terms of a variety of disorders
not be apprehended in the field of recognition. Its only that he mentioned as belonging to the same series: on
consistency is to be found in the words of the patient, the one hand, body-image disorders (having “holes
which create a persecutor in the imaginary register. in his body”); on the other, problems with the oral
Clearly, the Fregoli syndrome thus presents in a state object—precipitation in eating and speaking, unceas-
of separation, as in a chemical analysis, something our ing and urgent demands to his wife. Two patients at-
clinical experience of neurosis cannot provide. True, tributed oral characteristics to their left hand (Morin
the same object repetitively drives the neurotic’s quest. et al., 2002). Patient QR explained that he had seen
But because of repression, the neurotic subject can “a left arm passing” and that he had “felt like biting”
never identify this object except through the resulting this arm. Patient DN, a right-handed man, kissed his
anxiety, which may perhaps indicate its incidence. This interlocutor’s hand “because I can’t shake hands” and
is the price to pay for maintaining the possibility of gave the same reason for having drawn enormous lips
recognition. besides his self-portrait. In three women, we observed
a “little daughter personification” (Morin et al., 2005).
MN, a childless woman aged 69, “invented a scenario”
Somatoparaphrenia: a Lacanian perspective that, she said, “comforted” her: her left hand was a
daughter of hers, who was born on the day when her
Another type of separation between i and a may be stroke had happened and who lay in the armrest of
found in a rare neurological disorder of body image— the wheelchair as in a cradle. She gave this daughter
namely, somatoparaphrenia (Morin & Thibierge, 2004; a name: she called her “Leaf.” Another patient, MM,
Morin, Thibierge, Bruguière, Pradat-Diehl, & Mazevet, said that her hand wore the “name of her husband” and
2005). While persisting left hemineglect (lack of atten- described its childish behavior: “It plays during night
tion or interest to stimuli in the left hemispace and/ and rests in the daytime, it is a lazy bones.” “In the
or hemibody) is very commonly observed after right night, it comes stealing under me and scratches me.”
hemisphere lesions (Heilman, Valenstein, & Watson, “It is probably angry with me for not taking care of it.”
2000), asomatognosia is a rare symptom temporarily Another patient, DS, when asked about her children,
observed after extensive right hemispheric lesions (see vigorously shook her paralyzed arm and said: “Lily,
Lhermitte, 1939). In this symptom, the patients do not say good morning.” This patient had previously been
recognize their left paralyzed arm as their own. Aso- temporarily convinced that her left hand was that of
matognosia may be accompanied by productive symp- her daughter Lily, which “had remained pasted after a
toms that Gertsmann (1942) called somatoparaphrenia: cuddle,” and at the same time she did not recognize the
assimilation of paralyzed limbs to an inanimate, cum- true Lily (“that is not my daughter”). All these cases
bersome, or supernumerary object, or personification show the association between, first, a splitting of body
of the paralyzed limbs. This assimilation to a person or image (lips besides the face) and a confusion with
to an object is often colored with hatred or scorn; this others’ body image, and, second, traits that call to mind
led Critchley (1962) to coin the term “misoplegia.” So- an animate/inanimate object (child–leaf), independent
matoparaphrenia is subject to many different psycho- body parts (a passing arm, a pasted arm), sometimes

with a personal life (it worked too much, it is angry exclusive. The question then arises: can we describe a
for not being taken care of). These traits belong to the functional neuroanatomy of such a mutually exclusive
category called “uncanny” by Freud (1919); according relationship? In other words, to use the term proposed
to Lacan (2004b), the feeling of “uncanny” provides by Vogeley (Newen & Vogeley, 2003) and Legrand
evidence of the appearance of the normally repressed (2003), is there a “neural signature” of the relations,
object-a in the foreground.7 The modalities of this ap- between object-a and image?
pearance of object-a correspond with what we know of
the determinants of object-a in men and women: while
orality is related to object-a in both sexes, children Right hemisphere and object-a
may have an object-a status in women (Freud, 1933;
Lacan, 2004a). Furthermore, case DS clearly illustrates The “evanescent,” “virtual” characteristics of object-
the mutual incompatibility underscored by Thibierge a make it difficult to look for its “neural signature.”
(1999b) between perceiving (i.e., recognizing) reality However, it could be noted that, in partial epilepsy,
and identifying the object. All these cases are char- paroxystic right hemisphere activity arouses body
acterized by an alteration of specular image: (1) the representations involved in the first mother–child re-
patient’s body has lost its unity and its individuality lationships. During such seizures (Loddenkemper &
to such an extent that the arm can be given a personal Kotagal, 2005), the patients may spit, vomit, need to
name, as in the case of MN, and (2) the object that urinate or defecate, drink, or dispense kisses with reli-
should be lacking due to repression and triggering de- gious or friendly effusion.
sire intrudes into the psychic reality of the patient.8
Thus, in neurological disorders of body image, we
find the same combination as in psychosis: an overly Right hemisphere and body image
present object (somatoparaphrenia in neurological cas-
es, persecutor’s influences in the Fregoli syndrome, or- As seen above (see Torrey, 2007), on the one hand,
gan negation in the Cotard syndrome) combined with right hemisphere dysfunction can be observed in both
body-image disorders (anosognosia for hemiplegia and psychotic and neurologic body-image disorders, and,
asomatognosia in neurological cases, delirium of enor- on the other, neuroimaging explorations have found
mity or extreme smallness in Cotard syndrome, false right hemispheric anomalies in schizophrenic patients.9
recognition in Fregoli and Capgras syndromes) and Neuroimaging studies show that the right hemisphere
with a failure of naming (deterioration of the proper is involved in a variety of behavioral or mental activi-
name in Fregoli syndrome, personification of the hand ties that have to do with recognizing oneself and other
in somatoparaphrenia). people: the right hemisphere is activated when normal
This strongly supports the hypothesis proposed by subjects react to the human body form (Downing,
Thibierge (1999a, 1999b) that the stability of body im- Bray, Rogers, & Childs, 2004), to self and others’ im-
age and the neutralization of the object-a are mutually ages (Decety & Sommerville, 2003), and to their first
name (Perrin et al., 2005). The right parietal lobe is
involved in agency (i.e., distinguishing between own
and others’ actions), in empathy (i.e., recognizing and
It should be noted that the object appears at the very place of the loss
involved by left hemiplegia—the paralysis of the left arm. This should be
put in relation with a case reported by Lacan (1953). A patient “whose ego
sharing emotions of other people; see Decety & Lamm,
development had been impaired by an obstetrical brachial plexus palsy 2007), and in tasks exploring the capacity to attribute
of the left arm”—i.e., a left paralysis without any brain lesion—reported beliefs, desires, or other attitudes to others (“mind-
“a dream in which the rectum appeared in the left part of the thorax.” In reading” or “theory of mind”; see Newen & Vogeley,
this case, a body part related to anality broke up the body image by ap-
pearing on the paralyzed side of the patient. This however happened as a 2003). The data listed above show that the integrity of
dream—i.e., the appearance of the object needed an artefactual release of right hemisphere structures is necessary to ensure the
repression—whereas in the cases presented in this paper, it manifests itself stability of body image. The right hemisphere is not the
spontaneously, due to right hemispheric lesions.
It should be emphasized that this neurological alteration of specular
only brain area involved in maintaining a stable and
image did not seem to be accompanied by any alteration in the patients’ individualized body image. Interestingly, in none of
identification traits: as emerged from interviews with the patients (see
Morin et al., 2005) or their relatives, the patients continued to express the
same neurotic behavior and complaints as they did before their stroke.
Besides, the persistence of a strong “feeling of identity” has been observed 9
However, these data do not allow us to conclude on the direct/indirect
in patients with RHS (Morin, 2009). These data show that one may feel or cause/consequence status of the relationship between right hemisphere
oneself a unique, coherent, and stable individual while suffering dramatic dysfunction and DMS. Therefore, the links between psychosis and neuro-
neurological disturbances of body image. psychological disorders remain an open question.

our three cases of somatoparaphrenia were we able to between the consistency of body image and the pres-
affirm that the brain suffered a unique lesion; all three ence of object-a in psychic reality—in other words,
patients had or might have had extended or multiple between recognition and identification—can be found
lesions. Indeed, the model of “neural signature of the in a variety of normal and pathological circumstances.
self” proposed by Newen and Vogeley (2003) involves This is a strong argument for considering this mutually
medial cortical parietal regions and inferior parietal exclusive relationship as a fundamental component of
and temporoparietal cortices bilaterally. human subjectivity. This implies that all aspects of our
The exploration of brain activity during depersonal- identity cannot be made conscious at the same time.
ization and autoscopic phenomena may also contribute As a result, the “self” would seem to be no more than
to this discussion, insofar as these symptoms involve a neurotic illusion. This illusion is obviously necessary
pathological alterations of the patients’ specular image: to our social life. We should, however, keep in mind
depersonalization (Schilder, 1914) is characterized by that it may also be at the root of what Freud (1930)
subjective experiences of unreality and detachment in called the discontents of civilization.
one’s sense of self, while in autoscopic phenomena, the
patient may see his body image outside his own body
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