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Second Periodical Test in Grade 8 Science 2019

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Second Periodical Test in Grade 8 Science

SY 2018-2019

Directions: Do not write anything on this questionnaire. Write the letter of the answer of your choice on
your paper.

1. Vibrations produced by an earthquake are called…

a. tsunami wave c. seismic waves
b. complimentary waves d. tidal waves
2. In which type of fault do plates move away from each other?
a. normal fault c. reverse fault
b. seismic fault d. strike-slip fault
3. It is the area where the rocks begin to slip under the ground.
a. Epicenter c. Fault
b. Magnitude d. Focus
4. A type of fault where shearing forces make the plates move past each other
a. Strike slip c. normal
b. Reverse d. tectonic
5. Tsunamis are generated when…
a. The ocean floor suddenly moves sideward as in strike slip fault.
b. The wind blows the surface of water while having an earthquake.
c. The ocean floor suddenly moves apart.
d. When the ocean floor suddenly moves upward.
6. Which factor below is the main reason why stress builds up along faults?
a. Length of the fault c. tsunamis generated
b. Friction along faults d. structures built near faults
7. The shaking of the ground during an earthquake is mainly due to…
a. the convection current at the mantle
b. the flexibility of the crust
c. the rigidity of the crust
d. the bouncing of the magma underground"
8. The area at the surface directly above the point where the earthquake began is the …
a. Focus c. Fault
b. Tsunami d. Epicenter
9. The Philippine area of responsibility covers a larger area in the pacific where cyclones form than in the west
where they usually leave, why do you think is this so?
a. Because the Philippines has more weather stations in the eastern part.
b. Because the Philippines is more capable in Meteorology than other countries in the east.
c. So that PAGASA will detect and monitor cyclone and give warning while it is still far.
d. all of these
10. There should be only light wind shear up in the atmosphere for a cyclone to form because…
a. Strong wind shear removes water vapor.
b. Strong wind shear may tear the cyclone apart.
c. Strong wind shear may remove latent heat from water vapor.
d. Strong wind shear blows the cyclone toward the outer space.
11. Cyclones do not form in areas far from the equator because…
a. There is not enough water vapor there c. it is warm there
b. there is not enough land formation there d. the chemical composition of air is not favorable
12. The table below shows air pressure from certain areas. Which area is in the eye of the cyclone?
930 mb 960 mb 970 mb 983 mb 990 mb
a. area A c. area C
b. area B d. area D
13. 26.5oC is favorable for the formation of cyclone because...
a. it makes oceans evaporate faster c. it cools the ocean water
b. it make land masses heat up d. it dries the air particles.
14. Which statement is true?
a. Asteroids never leave the asteroid belt.
b. Asteroids can be as small as cars or larger than mountains.
c. Asteroids usually have an atmosphere.
d. Asteroids that leave the asteroid belt become dwarf planets.
15. What could be the reason why the Philippines is prone to typhoons?
I. The water surrounding it is cool
II. The water surrounding it is warm
III. Cyclones generally move towards the Philippines
IV. It is made up of small land masses
a. I only c. I and III
b. II and III d. II and IV
16. Cyclones usually start from oceans because…
a. it is caused by the oxygen produced by planktons
b. waves trigger the air to circulate
c. it needs the water vapors from the ocean
d. because there are no mountains that stop the free flowing of air.
17. Which should not be done during the passage of a tropical cyclone?
a. Listen to local radio stations
b. Keep your emergency kit near you.
c. Check and prepare your house.
d. Comfort little children.
18. All of the statements below is true when PAGASA issues PSWS #5 to a certain place except one? Which is the
a. The eye of the cyclone will affect the place
b. The residents of the place must evacuate to strong shelters
c. Residents of the place should prepare.
d. Residents should tie their pets so that they will not roam around when the residents move to evacuation

19. Asteroids have somewhat _______ orbit and take ______ years to complete it while comets have _______ orbit
and need ______ years to travel around it completely.
a. Rounded, 1-100, egg-shaped, 75-100 000 c. egg-shaped, 1-100, rounded, 75-100 000
b. Rounded, 75-100 000, egg-shaped, 1-100 d. egg-shaped, 75-100 000, rounded, 1-100

20. Comets do not visit Earth often because…

A. They come from a distant part of the universe.
B. They move around their orbit slowly.
C. They are attracted to the freezing temperatures far from the sun.
D. They lack gravitational attraction to Earth.

a. A only b. A and B c. B and C d. C and D

21. Studying comets is important to scientists because…

I. they may be the reason why some elements have been here on earth
II. they may have brought extraterrestrial beings on earth.
III. they may collide with earth in the future.
IV. they may contain DNA and other elements of living things from space
a. I and II b. I and III c. II and IV d. II and III

22. A meteor shower occurs when…

a. the earth moves away from the gravity of the sun c. the sky is cloudy and starlight is scattered
b. a star dies out and fragments fall on earth d. Earth approaches a comet’s orbit

23. Meteorites are of potential economic importance because…

a. they may contain ice from outer space c. they may be from other planets
b. they may explain how life began on Earth d. they may contain metals and other minerals
24. Which of the following is true about meteor showers?
a. They happen at a random schedule.
b. They usually come from comets.
c. They seem to come from all parts of the sky.
d. They are fragments of stars that fall to the gound.
25. Jobert reported that a star with a tail appeared for more than a month in the sky. What do you think was that?
a. asteroid c. meteoroid
b. comet d. meteor
26. A space rock fragment that landed in your backyard is called…
a. meteoroid c. meteorite
b. meteor d. asteroid
27. How can you differentiate a meteor from a comet when viewed from earth?
a. A comet disappears quickly while meteors stay for a long time
b. A comet stays in the sky for weeks or months while meteors stay for seconds.
c. meteors are seen only during the day while comets are seen during the night.
d. comets and meteors are one but are named differently according to where they are located.
28. Meteors appear when…
a. a meteoroid enters the atmosphere and heats up the air in front of it.
b. a meteorite reaches the surface of the earth.
c. a star falls to the ground
d. constellations release massive amounts of celestial rock fragments.
29. What happens to a comet as it gets close to the Sun?
a. It forms long tails made of gas and dust.
b. It melts and disappears.
c. It explodes.
d. It becomes covered with ice.
30. Which statement is false?
a. Most comets travel in egg-shaped orbits around the Sun.
b. The nucleus of a comet ranges from 1 to 10 kilometers in diameter.
c. Most comets travel around the Sun in perfect circles.
d. Comets’ tails are always pointing away from the Sun.
31. Which of these is called a meteor?

a. A chunk of metallic or stony matter found on Earth's surface

b. A streak of light caused by something entering Earth's atmosphere
c. A chunk of metallic or stony matter found in space
d. None of these

Test II True or False

Write true if the statement is correct; replace the underlined word to make it correct if the statement is
incorrect. If the sentence has no underlined word, just write “true” or “false”.

1. A tropical storm is the lowest category of tropical cyclones.

2. The eye of the cyclone has the greatest wind speed.
3. Winds that form cyclones travel in a straight path due to the Coriolis Effect.
4. Meteors may be found in land or bodies of water.
5. An epicenter is where an earthquake starts
6. The intensity of an earthquake is written in roman numerals.
7. Asteroids were thought by early people to be “hairy stars.”
8. A meteoroid, a meteor, and a meteorite are related
9. Epicenters give us a picture of what is inside the earth the same way an ultrasound works.
10. Air pressure is highest at the center of a tropical cyclone.
Test III. What are we?

Tell whether an asteroid, comet, meteor, meteoroid, or meteorite is being described in each number

1. I have a tail when close to the sun and I move slowly in my orbit.
2. When a space rock burns as it enters the atmosphere, you see me as a streak of light.
3. We are large rocks located between Mars and Jupiter.
4. When an apple falls on the ground it is still apple. I’m a space rock and you call me ______ when I land. Why??
5. Im a piece of rock floating in space. I come from a comet, asteroid, Mars, or from the moon.
6. I have a temporary atmosphere.
7. I have a tail but you see me for only a few seconds or less.

Test IV.

Use the diagram below to complete the task that follows.



Give the latitude (N) and longitude (E) of the points in the map. Number 3 has been given to you as an example.

1. A

2. C

3. F = 5oN, 121oE

May God bless you!

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