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School Grade Level 10
Teacher Learning Area SCIENCE
Time & Date Quarter 3

A. Content Standards Mutations that occur in sex cells as being heritable
B. Performance
C. Learning Explain how mutations may cause changes in the structure and function
Competencies/Objectives of a protein.
(Write the code for each S10LT-IIIe-38
D. Specific Objective/s 1. Illustrate gene and chromosomal mutation through the use of models.
E. Integration of Content
Within and Across
A. Subject Matter Gene and Chromosomal Mutation
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Material 281-288
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from LR Portal
B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity/ies Learner’s Expected
A. Reviewing previous Elicit (2 minutes)
lesson or presenting When you copy from the blackboard, sometimes
the new lesson you may make mistakes, right? - Yes
In a similar way, mistakes may occur when DNA
is replicated.
Look at the figure.

What are the common mistakes you can see in

the figure?

Changes in the DNA sequence may delete such

protein or change its structure.

B. Establishing a purpose Engage (3 minutes) - Different protein

for the lesson that is usually non-
1. How do errors in base pairing of the DNA functional or with
change the DNA sequence? altered function will
be made.
C. Presenting 2. What do you call these changes? - Mutation
examples/instances of - Mutations may be
the new lesson caused by mutagens
3. What might cause a mutation to occur? in the form of
radiation, chemicals,
extremes of
temperature, and
even viral infection.
D. Discussing new Explore (15 minutes)
concepts and Students will be grouped into 3. Each group will
practicing new skills #1 perform different activity.

Group Activity: Chromie Change

Students will illustrate and differentiate the kinds
E. Discussing new of chromosomal mutations.
concepts and
practicing new skills #2 Group 1: Translocation
A. Using modeling clay, make models of two (2)
chromosomes. One should have a different
color and size from the other.
B. Break one part of each of the chromosomes.
Exchange the parts and attach them to each of
the other chromosomes.
Guide questions: -2
1. How many chromosomes are involved? - Broke a part and
2. How did you change the original structure of attached it to another
the chromosomes? chromosome.
3. Which condition/s do you think result/s to - Either gain or loss
change/s of chromosome material? of genetic material
(Please indicate using the words loss, gain, OR no loss or gain of
either loss or gain of genetic material.) genetic material
during the exchange
Group 2: Deletion process
A. Make a model of a chromatid (one of the
duplicated copies of a chromosome).
B. When done, remove a portion of it (close to
either end of the chromosome or within the long
arm or short arm). If you choose to remove a
part within the arms, be sure to join back the
bottom part.
Guide questions:
1. How many chromosomes are involved?
2. How did you change the original structure of
the chromosomes?
3. Which condition/s do you think result/s to -1
change/s of chromosome material? - Broke a part
(Please indicate using the words loss, gain, - Loss of genetic
either loss or gain of genetic material.) Material

Group 3: Inversion
A. Make a colored chromatid.
B. This time break a portion (with 2 colors) of it.

C. Reinsert it to the chromatid in reverse

manner. -1

u32 - Broke a part,

Guide questions: reversed and
1. How many chromosomes are involved? reinserted it into the
2. How did you change the original structure of chromosome
the chromosomes? - Either gain or loss
3. Which condition/s do you think result/s to of genetic material
change/s of chromosome material? OR no loss or gain of
(Please indicate using the words loss, gain, genetic material
either loss or gain of genetic material.) during the process

F. Developing mastery Explain

Show video lesson about mutation

When is mutation inherited? - The possible

Why are mutations in sex cells heritable? effects of
What are some possible effects of these chromosomal
chromosomal mutations? mutations are
medical problems,
problems on growth
and development,
genetic disorders,
and even death.

G. Finding practical Any change in the sequence of nitrogenous

applications of bases in the DNA, any mistake in the
concepts and skills in transcription of genetic information from DNA to
daily living RNA or pairing of the codon and anticodon, may
cause changes in the kind, sequence and
number of amino acids of proteins synthesized
by cells.

Mutations can occur in two different types of

A. Reproductive cells
- Only mutations in sex cells pass on to
- Mutations affect the reproductive cells of an
organism by changing the sequence of
nucleotides within a gene in a sperm or an egg
- If these cells are fertilized, then the mutated
gene becomes a part of the genetic makeup of
the offspring.

H. Making
generalizations and
abstractions about the
If mutation is severe, the resulting protein may
be nonfunctional, and the embryo may not

B. Body cells
- Some mutations in a body cell are known to
cause cancer while mutations in sex cells can
cause birth defects.

Two types of mutations that can occur in gamete

A. Gene mutation is a permanent change in the
DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
B. Chromosomal mutation occurs at the
chromosome level resulting in gene deletion,
duplication or rearrangement that may occur
during the cell cycle and meiosis. It may be
caused by parts of chromosomes breaking off or
rejoining incorrectly.


It shows changes in the sequences of bases in

normal hemoglobin and the one affected by
A recessive gene causes sickle-cell anemia,
where most of the red blood cells stiffen and
become sickle shape in affected people. These
diseased cells carry less oxygen than normal
cells. People affected by the disease eventually
Consider what might happen if an incorrect
amino acid was inserted in a growing protein
chain during the process of translation. Do you
think this will affect the structure of the entire

I. Evaluating Learning Evaluation

Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct
answer and write it on your notebook. 1. C
1. What is genetic mutation? 2. A
A. Dna complication 3. B
B. Mutations that occur only in an egg or sperm 4. B
cell, or those that occur just after fertilization 5. D
C. Any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid
sequence of the genotype of an organism
2. What is the definition of translocation?
A. (genetics) an exchange of chromosome parts
B. Moving things around
C. A change in the dna

3. Mutation is best described as

A. The formation of a DNA molecule
B. A change in DNA sequence

C. The structure of a DNA molecule

D. A nucleotide in the DNA molecule

4. A man sitting outside a restaurant on a park

bench is smoking a cigarette while reading a
newspaper. Which answer best describes the
mutagen to which the man is exposed?
A. The newspaper
B. The cigarette
C. The oxygen he is breathing
D. The park bench

5. A woman enters a hospital with a broken arm.

She fills out the proper paperwork to see the
doctor then sits in the waiting room and drinks a
glass of water. Which statement best describes
the mutagen in this scenario?
A. The water she is drinking
B. The hospital
C. The pen she used to fill out the forms
D. The X-ray she will receive when she sees the
J. Additional activities for Extend
application or Research on cases of mutation and share it on
remediation Facebook.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials
I use/ discover which
wish to share with
other teachers?
Activity Chromie Change

1. Illustrate the kinds of chromosomal mutations
2. Differentiate the kinds of chromosomal mutations

Material: modeling clay of varied color


For Group 1: Translocation

1. Using modeling clay, make models of two (2) chromosomes. One should have a different color
and size from the other.
2. Break one part of each of the chromosomes. Exchange the parts and attach them to each of the
other chromosomes. See illustration below.

Guide questions:
1. How many chromosomes are involved?
2. How did you change the original structure of the chromosomes?
3. Which condition/s do you think result/s to change/s of chromosome material?
(Please indicate using the words loss, gain, either loss or gain of genetic material.)

For Group 2: Deletion

A. Make a model of a chromatid (one of the duplicated copies of a chromosome).
B. When done, remove a portion of it (close to either end of the chromosome or within the long arm
or short arm). If you choose to remove a part within the arms, be sure to join back the bottom part.

Guide questions:
1. How many chromosomes are involved?
2. How did you change the original structure of the chromosomes?
3. Which condition/s do you think result/s to change/s of chromosome material?
(Please indicate using the words loss, gain, either loss or gain of genetic material.)

For Group 3: Inversion

A. Make a colored chromatid. B. This time break a portion (with 2

colors) of it.

C. Reinsert it to the chromatid in reverse manner.

Guide questions:
1. How many chromosomes are involved?
2. How did you change the original structure of the chromosomes?
3. Which condition/s do you think result/s to change/s of chromosome material?
(Please indicate using the words loss, gain, either loss or gain of genetic material.)

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