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Grade: 11 Semester: 2nd

Core Subjects: Discipline and Ideas in Applied Social Sciences No. of Hours/Semester: 80
Prerequisites (If needed):
Core Subject Description: This course introduces some Applied Social Sciences, namely, Counseling, Social Work, and Communication, which draw their foundation
from the theories and principles of Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, and other Social Sciences. The course highlights the seamless interconnectivity of the different
applied social science disciplines while focusing on the processes and applications of these applied disciplines in critical development areas.
Culminating Performance Standard: Submit an E-portfolio of output from the course.
Power Standard: Present the E-Portfolio containing the output of the course.

1st Quarter
Content Content Performance Standard Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Highest Enabling
Standard Assess Strategy to Use in
MINIMUM BEYOND MINIMUM MINIMUM KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Developing the Highest
CLASSIFI MINIMUM CLAS Lev Thinking Skill top
ATIO WW QA PC Enabling Teaching
N General Strategy
1st Quarter
1. Course The learners The learners 1.Interpret the The learners ... U 1. compare and U An. Venn Communi Think Pair
Introduction demonstrate an should be able works of Social 1. clarify the contrast the Diagra cation and Share
(Applied Social understanding to… Science relationships between relationships m Connectio Devil’s
Sciences) of… 1. explain Practitioners. social sciences and between Social n Advocacy
1.1 Definition of social sciences clearly public applied social sciences Sciences and
social sciences and applied perceptions Applied Social
1.2 Definition of social sciences about the Sciences.
applied social work of social
sciences sciences and
applied social
2. cite differences K 2. Demonstrate K Un.
among the applied the
social sciences Understanding of
the differences
among the
Applied Social

The Discipline The learners 1. 1. Critique the 1. identify the goals and K 1. Explain the K Un. Represent Open
of Counseling demonstrate an Demonstrate a concepts of scope of counselling Goals and Scope ing Discussion
1.1 Counseling understanding high level of counselling. of Counselling Backgroun
1.1.1 of… understanding 2. demonstrate K 2. appraise the U An. Communi d
Definitions Discipline of of the basic comprehension of the principles of Essay cation Knowledge
1.1.2 Goals Counselling concepts of principles of counselling Probe
1.1.3 Scope counseling counselling.
1.1.4 Core through a
values group 3. discuss th e core K 3. critique the U An.
1.1.5 Principles presentation values of counselling. core values of
of a situation counselling
in which
of counseling
work together
to assist
groups, or
involved in
court hearing
separation of
couple, cyber

2. Professionals professionals 1. Undertake 1. Evaluate the 1. Show understanding K 1. Critique the U An. Represent Field Study
and and participant roles, functions, of the roles and roles and ing Backgroun
Practitioners in practitioners in observation and competencies functions of counsellors. functions of Communi d
Counseling counseling (e.g., a day in a of a counsellor counsellors. cation Knowledge
2.1 Roles, life of a Probe
functions, and counselor) to 2. Identify specific work K 2. Explain the K Un. Cooperativ
competencies adequately areas in which counselors specific work e learning
of counselors document and work areas in which Essay Cross-
2.2 Areas of critique their counsellor’s work. learning
specialization roles,
where functions, and 3. Identify career K 3. Explain the K Un.
counselors competencies opportunities for career
work counsellors. opportunities for
2.3 Career counsellor
opportunities of 4. value rights, U 4. Construct an D Cre
counselors responsibilities, and essay on how to atin
2.4 Rights, accountabilities value the rights, g
Responsibilities, responsibilities,
Accountabilities and
, and Code of 5. Distinguish between K 5. Demonstrate K Un.
Ethics ethical and unethical the
behaviour among understanding of
counsellors. between ethical
and unethical
behaviour among

3. Clientele and clientele and 1. Use 1. Endorse the

Audiences in audiences in acceptable research on the
Counseling counselling research guidance office of
3.1 protocols, the school for
Characteristics conduct a another
and needs of survey among information about
various types of young adults the students who
clientele and (i.e., ages 18– have needed
audiences 21) on their assistance.
3.1.1 counselling
Individuals needs
3.1.2 Groups present results
and and
Organizations recommendati
on for class
4. Settings,
Methods, and
Tools in
4.1 Settings
3.1.2 Private
3.1.3 Civil
3.1.4 Schools

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