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Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report

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Apollo 17 command and service module over the Taurus-Littrow landing site.

Preliminary Science Report


I Scientific
NATIONAL and Technical Information O_ce
Washington, D.C.

The material submitted for the "Apollo 17 Preliminary

Science Report" was reviewed by a NASA Editorial Review
Board consisting of the following members: Robert A.
Parker (Chairman), Richard R. Baldwin, Robin Brett, Jerry
D. Fuller, Robert L. Giesecke, John B. Hanley, David N.
Holman, Robert M. Mercer, Susan N. Montgomery, Michael
J. Murphy, and Scott H. Simpkinson.

Cover Photographs: Clockwise from upper right: (1) The command and service module
scientific instrument module bay viewed from the lunar module. (2) Photomicrograph of a
thin section of the orange soil sample collected at Shorty Crater. (3) Orange soil on the
rim of Shorty Crater with the gnomon in the background. The soil consists of small orange
glass spheres as shown in the photomicrograph above. (4) Large breccia boulder sampled
near the base of the North Massif. The boulder appears to have rolled down the massif and
broken into five pieces. The lunar roving vehicle is parked to the right of the boulder.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents,

U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402
Price $7.95
Library' of Congress Catalog Card Number 73-600152
Stock Number 3300_00523

The character of the Apollo 17 mission to Taurus-Littrow was such that it invited
superlatives. By almost all measures, it was an immensely successful voyage of
exploration: the greatest harvest of new scientific data, the most kilometers traveled on
the surface of the Moon, the largest number of scientific experiments performed-both in
real time, by a scientist on the surface, and by automatic instrumentation installed and
left behind-the longest time spent on and around the Moon, and the greatest amount of
lunar samples returned for study in laboratories all over the world. But numerical
measures like these, pleasing though they may be to the thousands of us who had some
connection with this mission, do not seem an adequate characterization of this sixth and
last of the Apollo series of manned lunar landings.
We cannot now be sure how history wilt assess this extraordinary enterprise. It may be
that, from the perspective of decades, the Apollo Program will stand out as the most
singular achievement to date in the history of man's scientific and engineering endeavor.
From this perspective, seen without hubris, it may be seen that all of us will be
remembered for having liw_d at the time of Apollo. It may be that, in days to come,
Apollo will be perceived as a threshold for mankind from the planet Earth.

Dr. James C. Fletcher

National Aeronautics and Space Administration



Anthony J. Calio


N. W. Hinners


Richard R. Baldwin


Robert A. Parker


M. C. McEwen and Uel S. Clanton


James W. Head and Douglas I_loyd


Harrison 1-1.Schmitt and Eugene A. Cernan


W. R. Muehlberger, R. M. Batson, E. A. Cernan, I_. L. Freeman, M. H.
Halt, H. E. Holt, K. A. Howard, E. D. Jackson, K. B. Larson, V. S. Reed,
J. J. Rennilson, [-1. 11. Schmitt, D. It. Sco]t, R. L. Sutton, D.
Stuart-Alexander, G. A. swarm, iv. J. Trask, G. E. Ulrich, H. G. Wilshire,
and E. W. Wolfe


The Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team


James K. Mitchell, W. David Carrier, III, Nicholas C. Costes, William N.
Houston, Ronald F. Scott, and H. John Hovland


Marcus G. Langseth, Jr., Stephen J. 'Keihm, and John L. Chute, Jr.


Robert L. Kovach, Joel S. Watkins, and Pradeep Talwani



Gary 1I. Latham, Maurice Ewing, Frank Press, James Dorman, Yosio
Nakamura, Nafi Toksoz, Davis Lammlein, Fred Duennebier, and Anton


John J. Giganti, J. V. Larson, J. P. Richard, and J. Weber


Manik Talwani, George Thompson, Brian Dent, Hans-Gert Kahle, and
Sheldon Buck


W.L. Sjogren, W. R. Wollenhaupt, and R. N. Wimberly


Gene Simmons, David Strangway, Peter Annan, Richard Baker, Lawrence
Bannister, Raymon Brown, William Cooper, Dean Cubley, Joseph deBet-
teneourt, Anthony W. England, John Groener, Jin-Au Kong, GeraM
LaTorraea, James Meyer, Ved Nanda, David Redman, James Rossiter,
Leung Tsang, Joseph Urner, and Raymond Watts


O. E. Berg, F. F. Richardson, and 1t. Burton


J. H. Hoffman, R. R. Hodges, Jr., F. S. Johnson, and D. E. Evans


Dorothy S. Woolum, D. S. Burnett, and C. A. Bauman



R. M. Walker, E. Zinner, and M. Maurette


TO 400 keV/amu 19-11
R. T. Woods, H. R. Hart, Jr., and R. L. Fleiseher


E < 40 MeV/NUCLEON 19-15
P. B. Price and J. H. Chan


J. L Trombka, R. L. Sehmadebeck, M. Bielefeld, G. D. O'Kelley, J. S.
Eldridge, K. J. Northeutt, A. E. Metzger, E. Sehonfeld, L. E. Peterson, J.
R. ArnoM, and R. C. Reedy


Burton G. Cour-Palais


R. J. Phillips, G. F. Adams, W. E. Brown, Jr., R. E. Eggleton, P. Jackson,
R. Jordan, W. L Linlor, W. J. Peeples, L. J. Porcello, Y. Ryu, G. Schaber,
W. R. Sill, T. W. Thompson, S. 1t. Ward, and J. S. Zelenka


William G. Fastie, Paul D. FeMman, Richard C. Henry, 1t. Warren Moos,
Charles A. Barth, Gary E. Thomas, Charles F. Lillie, and Thomas M.
Donahu e


F. J. Low and W. W. Mendell


H. Bftcker, G. Horneck, E. Reinholz, W. Rftther, E. H. Graul, H. Planel, J.
P. Soleilhavoup, P. Ci_er, R. Kaiser, J. P. Massu_, R. Pfbhl, W. Enge, K. P.
Bartholomd, R. Beaujean, K. Fukui, O. C. Allkofer, W. Heinrich, E. V.
Benton, E. Sehopper, G. Henig, J. U. Schott, H. Francois, G. Portal, H.
Ki_hn, D. Harder, H. Wollenhaupt, and G. Bowman


O. T. Bailey, E. V. Benton, M. R. Cruty, G. A. Harrison, W. Haymaker, G.
Humason, H. A. Leon, R. L. Lindberg, B. C. Look, C. C. Lushbaugh, D. E.
Philpott, T. Samorajski, R. C. Simmonds, K. P. Suri, J. W. Tremor, C. E.
Turnbill, F. S. Vogel, D. L. Winter, and W. Zeman


L. S. Pinsky, IV.Z. Osborne, and J. V. Bailey


R. E. Evans and Farouk El-Baz



K. A. Howard, M. IL Carr, and W.R. Muehlberger


B. K. Lucchitta


Joseph M. Boyce and Arthur L. Dial, Jr.


Don E. Wilhelms



Ronald Greeley _


David H. Scott


W. B. Bryan and Mary-Linda Adams


Farouk El-Baz


GeraM G. Schaber ,,_



Richard A. Young, ,William J. Brennan, Robert W. Wolfe, and Douglas J.
Nichols _.


Carroll Ann Hodges


K. A. Howard and W. R. Muehlberger


David H. Scott



Richard J. Pike


Farouk El-Baz


W. B. Bryan and Mary-Linda Adams , .


Verne R. Oberbeck and'Robert H. Morrison



T. W. Thompson, K. A. Howard, R. W. Shorthill, G. L. Tyler, S. H. Zisk,
E. A. Whitaker, G. G. Schaber, and 11. J. Moore


H. J. Moore and S. H. Zisk


H. J. Moore and G. L. Tyler




Sherman S. C. Wu, Francis J. Schafer, Gary M. Nakata, and Raymond


W. R. Wollenhaupt, W. L. Sjogren, R. E. Lingenfelter, G. Schubert, and W.
M. Kaula



R. D. Mercer, L. Dunkelman, and R. E. Evans


R. M. MaeQueen, C. L. Ross, and R. E. Evans

APPENDIX A-Glossary A-1

APPENDIX B-Abbreviations and Acronyms B-1

APPENDIX C-Units and Unit-Conversion Factors C-I


"'There is nothing more difficult to take in hand,

or perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success,
than to take the lead in the introduction
of a new order of things. ""

Niccolb Machiavelli

As the splashdown and recovery of the Apollo 17 The rim of the Serenitatis basin in the Taurus-Littrow
crew marked the end of the Apollo flit_t program, region seemed to have all the elements geologists
this final volume marks the end of the. Apollo would want to explore in this final Apollo mission.
Preliminary Science Reports. From every aspect, Cinder cones and steep-walled valleys with large
Apollo 17 was indeed a fitting capstone to the Apollo boulders at their base presented the possibility of
missions. Its awesome and magnificent midnight sampling, at the same location, both young volcanic
launch, its flawless operation, its 72-hr lunar stay rock from depth and older mountainous wall ma-
time, its deployment of scientific instrumentation, its terial. Thus, the setting for the conduct of the Apollo
return of the richest collection of lunar materials 17 landing was a unique place in which to carry out
from any lunar site, its orbital science coverage, and many investigations and to return lunar materials that
its glorious splashdown in the Pacific Ocean surely could aid in answering many fundamental questions.
marked Apollo 17 as the mission most impressively From the standpoint both of geologic features and
exemplifying the Apollo Program. of samples returned, the Taurus-Littrow region repre-
The Taurus-Littrow landing site for Apollo 17 was sents the most diverse landing site of the Apollo
picked as a location where rocks both older and missions. Returned samples include a variety of mare
younger than those previously returned from other basalts resembling those of the Apollo 11, 12, and 15
Apollo missions and from the Luna 16 and 20 missions and Luna 16;avarietyofbreccias(including
missions might be found. For this mission, it was KREEP-like, anorthositic, and soft types) similar to
hoped that the discovery of younger basaltic rocks, those of the Apollo 14, 15, and 16 missions and Luna
differing in crystallization age from the 3.2 to 3.7 20; two coarse-grained igneous rocks of a type not
billion years of previously returned mare basalts, found on previous missions; dark mantle softs that
would lead to an improved understanding both of appear to be erosional products of basalts; light
volcanism and of the thermal history of the Moon. mantle softs that appear to be dominantly the
Similarly, it was hoped that the discovery of rocks erosional products of highlands; a variety of exotic
formed earlier than 3.7 to 4.0 billion years ago would glasses; and, most characteristic of this mission,
lead to further understanding both of the early lunar boulder samples that provide the best alternative to
crust and of material present at the time of the inaccessible outcrops of the lunar surface.
formation of the Moon. At Shorty Crater, orange and black glasses that
The identification and selection of the landing site were hopefully young volcanic material were ob-
resulted from Astronaut Worden's Apollo 15 orbital served and sampled. However, the old age of the glass
observations (he noticed dark patterns that looked and the astronaut observations and photographs
like cinder cones in the Littrow region of the Moon) suggest that this impact crater apparently excavated
and from detailed analysis of the Apollo 15 imagery, layers of very old pyroclastic material. Throughout


this landing site, 10 to 20 percent of each soil sample Several other surface and orbital experiments were
consists of these "exotic" glasses, apparentIy brought conducted on the Apollo 17 mission, which include
from subsurface layers and distributed by the garden- the lunar atmospheric composition, the lunar ejecta
ing effect. The Apollo 17 mission provided the and meteorites, the lunar tidal gravimeter, the ultra-
scientific world with the best lunar sample return in violet spectrometer, the infrared scanning radiometer,
both potential quantity of information and variety of and the lunar sounder. At the time of this writing,
sample types. Except for the sampling of one possible there are insufficient data to give an overview from
outcrop on Apollo 15, the Apollo 17 boulder samples these findings, which, in the future, are expected to
should allow the best possibility of placing returned give additional information about Taurus-Littrow and
lunar materials in their proper structural and strati- that region of the Moon covered by the command
graphic context. One example of how sampling and service module groundtrack.
techniques have become more sophisticated since the The sections that follow present the preliminary
Apollo 11 mission was the collection of samples from results obtained in the analysis of the Apollo 17 data
a large boulder at station 6. One part of the boulder to date. As will be seen, the Apollo 17 data fill some
was vesicular and green gray; the other part was gaps in knowledge about the near-side surface of the
practically nonvesicular and blue gray. Samples were Moon but, at the same time, raise many other
taken from both parts of this boulder, as well as from questions. However, one cannot conclude a report on
various locations up to and through the contact, the Apollo 17 mission without again emphasizing that
Further analysis suggests that the blue-gray material it was a fitting finale to the Apollo Program from the
reacted to become more vesicular near the contact; standpoint both of operations and of science. It is
this material also occurs as fragments within the also important to review what has been learned in the
green-gray material on the vesicular side of the brief 3.5 yr from the first lunar landing of Apollo 11
contact. Sampling of this type provides insight into on July 20, 1969, to the final splashdown of Apollo
the evolution of the older crustal materials. 17 on December 17, 1972.
Knowledge of the Moon was also enhanced by the Before the Apollo Program, astronomical observa-
correlation of the traverse experiments, which pro- tions provided an early picture of the details of the
vided better understanding of the site's subsurface lunar surface. In those days, intelligent speculation
relationships, obtained from the interpretation of about the origin and history of the Moon was greatly
seismic, electrical properties, and gravitational data. inhibited because the scientific data required about
Seismic traverse experiments indicate that basaltic the chemistry and about the internal condition of the
flows extend to a depth of approximately 1.2 km. planet could not be furnished even by the most
The traverse gravimeter experiment has provided powerful telescopes. Some of the most important
limits to the density of the underlying material, and scientific observations concerning the nature of the
the observed gravity anomaly allows development of Moon and existing prior to the manned lunar landings
a model for mass variations in the valley and in the are summarized below.
massifs. This model may be of significance in inter- The discovery of the physiographic features of the
preting the major mascons of the Moon. The elec- Moon dates back to Galileo, who observed that the
trical properties experiment has confirmed the gravity side of the Moon facing the Earth consisted of
and seismic data bY establishing that the basaltic mountainous regions that he designated terra and
thickness is between 1 and 1.5 km. These data also smoother regions that he designated mare, similar to
show that the regolith is relatively, thick, perhaps 20 terrestrial continents and oceans. He also observed a
to. 40 m. with some variation in thickness. The marked difference in reflectivity between these two
dielectric constant and loss tangent measurements are regions of the Moon: the mare was much darker than
in good agreement with previously determined values the terra. Further astronomical studies added much
obtained from lunar samples and ground observations, detail to Galileo's discovery, including rather fine
The heat flow measurements at the Apollo 17 site features such as tire rilles. However, before Apollo,
have been shown to be roughly the same as those at the cause of these fundamental physiographic differ-
the Apollo 15 site, indicating that, at least on.the ences was not well understood. Later, some scientists
near side of the Moon, a reasonable value of heat flow hypgthesized: that the relatively smooth mare basins
may be 2 X 10 6 to 3 X 10 -6 W/cm2/sec. were very extensive lava flows. Others theorized that

they were extensive dust deposits, in fact, dust bowls. Some of these facts and observations have already
Still other scientists seriously suggested that the maria been tentatively assembled in models that are leading
were filled by a type of sedimentary rock that was to a much fuller understanding of lunar history.
deposited at a very early stage in lunar history when Although it is extremely difficult to account for the
the Moon had an atmosphere, remaining facts with a consistent explanation, major
Before man landed on the lunar surface, two areas of understanding can be briefly outlined.
explanations for the origin of the circular depressions A rather definite and reliable time scale for the
or craters, the most common physiographic feature sequence of events of lunar history has been de-
on the lunar surface, were continuously debated: (I) ycleped. It has been established with some confidence
that the features of the craters, similar to calderas on that the filling of the mare basins largely took place
Earth, were of volcanic origin, and (2) that the craters between 3.2 and 3.8 billion years ago. This has been
were produced by projectiles impacting the lunar demonstrated from analysis of the mare basalts
surface, in the same way that meteorites occasionally obtained from the Apollo 11, 12, 15, and 17 missions
excavate craters on Earth. Now it is fully realized that and Luna 16. Because these mare fillings represent a
the surface of the Moon could be sculpted both by major physiographic feature on the lunar surface, it
impacts and by volcanic craters, but primarily by has been inferred that the time of formation of more
impacts, than 90 percent of the cratering on the Moon was 4
Dialogue on the activity of the Moon and on the billion years ago or earlier. In comparison, the ocean
role of volcanism on tile lunar surface developed into basins of the Earth are younger than 300 million
three schools of thought on the therraal history of years. (Terrestrial rocks older than 3 billion years are
the Moon. One school held that the Moon had been almost unknown.) The analysis of the highland
relatively inactive and had undergone some chemical material collected on the Apollo 14, 15, 16, and 17
differentiation only very early in lunar history, missions and Luna 20 has shown the widespread
Another school propounded that the history of the occurrence of breccias with an apparent age of 3.8 to
Moon was similar to the Earth's long and continuous 4.1 billion years. There is strong circumstantial
record of volcanism and chemical differentiation, and evidence that rocks dating back to 4.5 to 4.6 b/Ilion
that lunar volcanoes were active in the recent past. years ago must exist within the Moon, although very
Others thought the Moon had undergone no volcanic few of the Apollo rocks have crystallization dates
activity at all. lying between 4.0 and 4.6 billion years. It now
The chemical nature of the lunar surface, up to the appears that heat from the intense bombardment of
time of Surveyor V, was totally unknown. However, the lunar surface by projectiles, ranging in size from
there had been a number of suggestions. For example, microscopic to tens of kilometers in diameter, was
it was suggested at one time that carbonaceous effective in resetting most of the clocks used to
chondrites were typical of the dark mare regions; determine the absolute age of the rocks.
others suggested that meteorites known as eucrites The relative importance of volcanic and impact-
were representative of the lunar surface; still others produced features on the lunar surface appears to be
suggested that silica-rich glass found in mysterious well established with the conclusion of the Apollo
objects called tektites must represent parts of the missions. There seems to be almost unanimous
lunar surface. One could not even be sure that these agreement that the dark mare regions are underlain
hypotheses were mutually exclusive, by extensive lava flows, shown both by rocks
The pre-Apollo data obtained by unmanned satel- returned by the Apollo 11, 12, 15, and 17 missions
lites discovered (1) the mascons, which suggested a and Luna 16 and by the high-resolution photographs
remarkedly rigid or strong lunar interior; (2) either a that give convincing pictures of features comparable
very weak lunar magnetic field or no field whatever; to terrestrial lava flows. Almost all craters appear to
and (3) a physiographic difference between the lunar be caused by impacting projectiles, thus leaving the
far side and the near side, in that the dark mare question of volcanic rocks in the terra regions
regions were essentially absent from the far side of unanswered. With the conclusion of Apollo 17, it has
the Moon. been suggested that volcanic activity in the highland
As we now look back on the six Apollo landings, region subsequent to approximately 3 billion years
we are infinitely richer in facts concerning the Moon. ago may be highly restricted or virtually nonexistent.

Apollo experiments invesrigating whether the prove to be characteristic of the Moon, perhaps the
Moon is "alive" or "dead" indicate that, compared to explanation is that the Moon is richer than the Earth
Earth, the Moon is seismically quiet. However, there in the radioactive elements uranium and thorium and
are many very small quakes, possibly triggered by that these elements are strongly concentrated in the
tides, at approximately 800 km below the lunar upper parts of the Moon.
surface. Below 1000 km, the Moon is partially Two current theories of lunar evolution have
molten. A quiet Moon is consistent with the conclu- resulted from the consideration of information con-
sion that volcanism and other types of tectonic cerning (1) the concentration and location of radio-
activity have been rare or absent from the lunar active materials, (2) the inferred volcanic history of
surface for the last 2 to 3 billion years. Lunar the Moon, and (3) the inferred upper limits of
seismology reveals that the Moon has a crust more intemal temperature. The first hypothesis is that the
than 60 km thick. Both the precise origin of this crust planet was chemically layered during its formation.
and the compositions causing the discontinuity in The low initial temperature of the lunar interior
seismic velocity are still subjects of debate. From the (below 500 km) gradually increased, perhaps reaching
Apollo Program, we can conclude that the Moon, at the melting point during the last billion years, while
one time, was very much alive and now is very quiet, the initial hot temperature of the lunar exterior
The overall magnetic field of the Moon has been gradually decreased. Volcanism is entirely accounted
found to be negligible, as was thought before the for by early melting in the outer 400 km of the
Apollo missions. However, the magnetometers placed Moon. The alternate model of thermal evolution
on the lunar surface reveal surprisingly strong local assumes that the Moon, chemically homogeneous
fields, variable both in direction and in intensity, during its formation, underwent extensive chemical
Paleomagneric studies have also determined that mare differentiation that resulted in surface concentrations
lava flows crystallized in a magnetic field that was of radioactivity very shortly after its formation. In
much stronger than that of the present Moon. These other words, much of the Moon was molten at its
discoveries raise the possibility that, during its early origin. Of course, both of these theories will undergo
history, the Moon either was exposed to a relatively discussion and revision in the coming years.
strong interplanetary magnetic field or had a mag- The most extensive and diverse data obtained on
netic field of its own that has since disappeared, the lunar surface are concerned with the chemistry
The interior structure of the Moon and its thermal and mineralogy of the surface materials. The study of
characteristics have been investigatod through a care- samples from the six Apollo sites and the two Luna
ful study of the fluctuations of the magnetic field sites reveals a number of chemical characteristics.
induced by the solar wind, which reveals a relatively Although it is very early to generalize from these
low lunar electrical conductivity. The conductivity of relatively few samples of the whole lunar surface, two
most silicates is, to the first order, a function both of orbital experiments provide excellent data regarding
temperature and of chemical composition (such as the regional distribution of various rock types: the
the abundance of ferrous and ferric iron). With X-ray fluorescence experiment and the gamma ray
preliminary measurements from the Apollo 12, 15, experiment.
and 16 missions and with fluctuation measurements The X-ray fluorescence experiment defined the
of the magnetic field, lunar conductivity can be prime difference between the chemistry of the mare
derived. In conjunction with various chemical models and highland regions. The mare regions have alumi-
of the Moon, this conductivity can be used to place hum concentrations 2 to 3 times lower than those of
constraints on the deep lunar interior temperatures, the terra or highland regions and magnesium concen-
which are highly model dependent, trations 1.5 to 2 rimes greater than those of the terra
The thermal history of the Moon was investigated regions. These differences in chemical concentrations
on the Apollo 15 and 17 missions through measure- throughout the equatorial region of the Moon are
ments of the heat escaping from the Moon. These consistent with the chemical analysis of the returned
measurements indicate that the energy flux escaping samples. When orbital data and lunar sample data are
from the Moon is approximately half that of the combined, they provide an excellent explanation of
Earth. This is surprisingly high, considering the the morphological and albedo differences. For ex-
relative size of the two planets. If these measurements ample, all mare basalts have been found to be

unusually rich in iron and sometimes rich in titanium, sophisticated. Yet, despite the great strides taken in
The high iron concentrations in the mare, as opposed knowledge about the Moon, its origin and formation
to the low concentrations in the highlands, is a basic are still unknown.
explanation of the albedo differences, hecause both A storehouse of resources has been returned from
glass and mineral substances rich in iron and titanium the Moon: almost 385 kg of lunar materials (obtained
are usually very dark. from six different landing sites on the near side of the
The orbital gamma ray experiment results show Moon), 37 drive tubes, and 20 drill stems. To date,
that the region north and south of the crater only 10 percent of this lunar material has been
Copernicus is remarkably rich in radioactive elements, examined in detail. Approximately 33 000 lunar
A band going from north of the Fra Mauro site to photographs and 20 000 reels of tapes of geophysical
west of the Apollo 15 site contains soil 20 times data have been collected. Thus, in 4 yr of lunar
richer in uranium and thorium than either mare or exploration, our knowledge of lunar characteristics
terra in other parts of the Moon. The existence of a has been substantially increased, and vast resources of
rock rich in these elements was also inferred from scientific data have been collected that will lead to a
samples from the Apollo 12, 14, and 15 missions. The decade of data analysis.
differences between lunar rocks and terrestrial rocks In the past decade, there have been two revolu-
are so marked that the Moon must be chemically tions in planetary science studies. There has been a
different from the Earth. revolution in the new global tectonics describing the
The Moon appears to be much richer in elements motions of continents and the generation and de-
that form refractory compounds at temperatures of struction of the sea floor. In its investigations of the
approximately 1600 to 1800 K. Many scientists are origin, history, and formation of the Moon, the
now coming to the conclusion that the chemistry of Apollo Program has led to a revolution in providing
the lunar surface reveals that some separation of solid the first deep understanding of a planet other than
material and gas in the lunar dust cloud took place at the Earth through the development of new tech-
temperatures in excess of 1600 K. The strong niques of exploration, investigation, and analysis and
depletion of elements that are volatile at high through the integration of the scientific knowledge
temperatures in the outer portion of the Moon is gained in interdisciplinary fields. The Apollo Program
consistent with the enrichment of refractory ele- has provided Earth scientists with 4 yr of anxiety,
ments, excitement, and fulfillment. Apollo lessons may force
None of the three theories regarding the origin of a reconsideration of many of the techniques and
the Moon-separation from the Earth, capture from a models that are currently used in understanding the
circumsolar orbit, or formation from a dust cloud early history of the Earth. As we look to future
surrounding the Earth-can be absolutely eliminated generations, hopefully, we have developed a scientific
by the present data. However, the chemical differ- program that carded out worthy and substantial
ences between the Earth and the Moon, the depletion preliminary investigations and that laid a very firm
of volatile elements, and the enrichment of refractory foundation for future scientific inquiry. In decades to
elements in lunar samples make it unlikely that the come, the analysis of Apollo data may indeed lead to
Moon was tom out of the Earth. a polar orbital flight around the Moon or to a lunar
In summary, the age of the Moon is well deter- base where men may explore the entire surface of the
mined, and the Moon has a crust (the chemical Moon. By studying the Moon, we can better under-
composition of which is fairly well understood), a stand processes of planetary accretion, evolution, and
mantle, and a partially molten deep interior. The composition so that lunar studies have implications
understanding of the mascons is well underway. Facts that extend beyond the Moon. Hopefully, our genera-
substantiating the early theories of the atmosphere tion has performed a job that history will recognize as
have been obtained. Basic questions that were asked 5 a commendable scientific endeavor, a contribution of
yr ago, such as whether the Moon is hot or cold, alive valuable information-useful, meaningful, and inspira-
or dead, or has craters formed by volcanism or tional.
impact, are no longer asked. Apollo data have
changed the types of questions asked. Post-Apollo Anthony J. Calio
questions are more detailed, more specific, and more NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
1. Apollo 17 Site Selection
N. W. Hinners a :_

Consideration of an Apollo 17 landing site began Descartes and Alphonsus emerged as the prime
in earnest during debate over the Apollo 16 site, highland contenders for the Apollo 16 site. It was
primarily because the Apollo Site Selection Board assumed that one of these two candidates would be
(ASSB) desired to consider Apollo 16 and 17, the last chosen for the Apollo 16 sireand that the Apollo 17
lunar missions, as a complementary paiL.Therefore, site would be chosen from another candidate list. The
in order to put the Apollo 17 site Selection in Apollo 17 candidate sites under consideration at that
context, it is necessary to discuss highlights of the time are discussed, in priority Order, in the following
Apollo 16 site selection as well. (For more details paragraphs.
about the Apollo 16 site selectioni:see ref. 1-1.) Some
of the content of this report is abstracted or
Tyeho and Davy Crater Chain
paraphrased from the minutes of the ASSB meetings
(written by the author) or from other unpublished No relative priority was established for Tycho and
documents (also written by the author) used as the Davy Crater chain. The objectives of a Tycho
background material for or documentation of several mission emphasized the southern highlands samples
meetings of an Ad_HoC Site Evaluation Committee. and impact phenomena.
All that material is available on request. A mission to the Davy Crater chain had the same
general objectives as an Alphonsus mission, namely
PRE-APOLLO 16 SITE the sampling of highlands, upland basin fill (Cayley
S E LECTI O N STATUS Formation), and rocks of "deep-seated" origin. The
site differs, however, in that (1) the Cayley is not
At the time of the Apollo 16 site evaluation, soon modified by rilles and other volcanic features peculiar
after the Apollo 14 flight, there was a clear consensus to Alphonsus, (2) the putative deep-seated material
among the lunar science community that both the would be sampled at a crater chain instead of at ' a
Apollo 16 and 17 missions should be targeted to dark-halo crater, and (3) the highlands region (pre-
highlands sites. The Apollo 15 mission had not been sumably pre-lmbrian) was not considered a_'apt to be
flown, but the mare region adjacent to PJma Hadley mantled by the Cayley "volcanic" material as that at
and Montes Apenninus had been selected as the Alphonsus. (At that time, there was no knowledge of
Apollo 15 site. Only minor support existed for the brecciated nature of the Cayley Formation as
another mare mission, and it was mainly limited to sampled at Descartes.) It was noted that adequate
the Marius Hills. That candidate site, however, be- photographs of Davy did not exist and would have to
came largely academic when a revised launch schedule be obtained on an Apollo 16 mission to Descartes.
resulted in the Marius Hills being operationally
inaccessible, or only marginally accessible, for either ."
the Apollo 15 or 17 time frame. Southwest of Mare Crisium and
After imposition of the operational constraints, the "Central Highlands"
mainly accessibility and available photographic cover-
age, and after consideration of the scientific return, No relative priority was established for a site
southwest of Mare Crisium and the ,"central high-
aNati0nal Aeronautics and Space Administration, Wash- lands." The Apollo 15 mission was scheduled to
ington,D.C. overfly an extensive highlands region southwest of


Mare Crisium. It was believed that results from for the Apollo 17 mission. At the meeting, the ASSB
Apollo 15 X-ray and gamma ray spectrometers would recognized both Descartes and Alphonsus as good
enable determination of whether gross chemical sites. Descartes was selected as the Apollo 16 site,
differences exist between the Crisium and Hadley- mainly for two reasons. First, more was known about
Apenninus regions. An affirmative answer would the operational aspects of a Descartes mission be-
increase the priority of the Crisiumareas. cause, in contrast to the only recently considered
The central highlands between Descartes and Alphonsus, Descartes had been a high-priority candi-
Alphonsus were considered because they are expected date site since before the Apollo 12 mission. Second,
to contain pre-Imbrian materials. As was true for the Descartes prime objectives (sampling the Cayley
Davy, a prerequisite to selection was acquisition of and Descartes Formations) were independent of
good photographs of the region on the Apollo 16 Apollo 14 and 15 results whereas an Alphonsus
mission. It was recognized that a potential problem mission had a common objective with the Apollo 15
existed in using Apollo 16 photographs of either mission of "old highlands" sampling.
Davy or the central highlands for an Apollo 17 At the same meeting, the ASSB designated
mission, but it was believed that the increased interval Alphonsus as the prime candidate site for the Apollo
between flights, changed from 6 to 9 months, would 17 mission. (Alternatively, Descartes would have been
make the turnaround possible, designated had it not been selected as the Apollo 16
site.) Alphonsus was designated partly because the
Gassendi scientific arguments that had made Alphonsus a
prime candidate for the Apollo 16 site had convinced
A flight to Gassendi was viewed as a central-peaks the ASSB of the validity of the Alphonsus objectives.
mission with Copernicus-type objectives of sampling More to the point, however, Alphonsus was known to
highlands materials (of impact-rebound origin) and of be operationally acceptable whereas all other Apollo
investigating impact phenomena. A mission to 17 candidate sites had actual or potential problems.
Gassendi had the additional objective of investigation First, Tycho was deleted from further consideration
of the crater floor, which exhibits features inter- because of concern about the rough terrain surround-
preted to result from isostatic rebound; also, the site ing the landing ellipse. Second, the central highlands
is distant from Mare Imbrium. and the Davy Crater chain were questionable because
of the necessity to rely on Apollo 16 photographs
Copernicus Central Peaks (i.e., insufficient time to create operational maps,
models, etc.). Third, Gassendi, although not fully
The Copernicus central-peaks site, previously of analyzed, appeared to be dominated by rough terrain.
high priority, was greatly reduced in priority for the Fourth, the Copernicus central peaks appeared to be
Apollo 17 mission (as it had been for the Apollo 16 losing scientific interest. Finally, one could not count
mission) because Copernicus ray material had prob- on Apollo 15 successfully photographing a suitable
ably been sampled on the Apollo 12 mission and site in the region southwest of Mare Ctisium; that is, a
because there were already three sites (Apollo 12, 14, site that was operationally acceptable and at least of
and 15) in the circum-Imbtium region of the Moon. equal scientific interest as Alphonsus. This, then, was
A far-side site-most notably in Tsiolkovsky-was the situation until after the flight of Apollo 15, on
also briefly considered. Although it was shown to be which were obtained both excellent photographs of
possible, at first look, to support the mission by using the highlands between Mare Crisium and Mare Sereni-
a communications relay satellite beyond the Moon, it tatis and good X-ray and gamma ray data for
was believed that the time schedule for the mission extensive regions along the groundtrack. The next
preparation was too short and that the probability of task was to determine if suitable sites could be found
a successful mission was less than that for a conven- in this region.
tional near-side site.


The preliminary Apollo 15 gamma ray and X-ray
On June 3, 1971, the ASSB met to select the spectrometer results indicated that the highlands
Apollo 16 site and to designate a prime candidate site region southwest of Mare Crisium is generally low in

radioactivity andhas a highaluminum-to-siliconratio, were considered by an Ad Hoc Site Evaluation

both thought to indicate an anorthositic highlands Committee in January 1972. A clear consensus
crust different from that of the Montes Apenninus among respondees and the Ad Hoe Site Evaluation
region. Screening of the Apollo 15 photographs Committee was apparent in terms of the following
occurred during October 1971. Six highlands- objectives for the Apollo 17 mission (in priority
containing candidate sites, spread between Mare order). Each objective is discussed in more detail
Crisium and Mare Serenitatis, were selected. Four of below.
those sites were subsequently eliminated for opera- 1. Sampling pre-Imbrian highlands as far from the
tional reasons (too far east to allow sufficient Imbrium Basin as possible
tracking time between acquisition of signal and 2. Sampling "young volcanics"
powered descent initiation). The two remaining were 3. Orbital coverage
a "pure" highland site, designated "southwest of 4. Traverse geophysics
Crisium," and a combination highland-volcanic site 5. Apollo lunar surface experiments package
on the southeastern edge of Mare Serenitatis, desig- (ALSEP) (high priority for the heat flow experiment)
nated Taurus-Littrow. (For a detailed discussion of

the site characteristics, see sec. 6 of this report.) Pre-I mbrian Highlands
When the two new sites were added to the
still-viable high-priority candidates from the previous Samples acquired to date had been dominated by
site selection discussion, a total of five Apollo 17 mare materials. Relatively much was known about
candidate sites emerged. In alphabetical order, they mare composition and formation but, even consid-
were Alphonsus, Copernicus central pea1_, Gassendi ering the Fra Mauro and Hadley-Apenninus samples,
central peaks, southwest of Crisium, and Taurus- relatively little was known about the highlands, which
Littrow. In December 1971, a Site Evaluation Docu- constitute approximately 85 percent of the Moon.
ment was sent to 32 lunar scientists, mo:_t of whom Earth-based photogeologic mapping, Apollo 14 and
were either principal investigators for the Apollo 17 15 sample results, and Apollo 15 orbital data all
experiments or had been intimately involved in lunar indicated that the highlands are complex and hetero-
studies and site selection discussions. The document geneous. These factors led to the desire to sample
included a presentation of the general scientific highlands further, but as far away as possible from
objectives for the Apollo 17 mission and a discussion the Imbrium Basin (the source of Apollo 14 and 15
of the particular attributes of the five previously samples and possibly some Apollo 12 samples).
mentioned sites. Recipients of the document were
requested, first, to respond with their personal
scientific priorities for the Apollo 17 mission and, Young Volcanics
second, to indicate how each candidate site might The limited lunar isotopic chronology developed
fulfill all the established objectives. They were can- to the time of committee discussion indicated that
tioned against unrealistically adding new sites, were major lunar thermal and chemical evolution may have
told that there could be no dependence on Apollo 16 effectively ceased approximately 3 billion years ago.
photographs (the constraint which eliminated Davy It was thought to be important to determine whether
Crater chain and the central highlandsascandidates), or not that theory is indeed true because the
and were further presented with the following strong developing models of lunar origin and evolution were
caveats concerning two of the candidates, very sensitive to that assumption. The existence of
1. The highland site southwest of Cristum is in the lunar materials younger than 3 billion years was
highland terrain unit accessible to a Russian unman- predicated on the evidence of superposition and
ned sample return spacecraft. (Luna 20 subsequently relative crater densities. The putative "young" mater-
landed in that region.) Additionally, the site is ials are generally dark and often associated with
relatively homogeneous and thus would not make cone-type structures or dark-halo craters thought to
efficient use of the Apollo sampling system, be indicative of explosive volcanism. The explosive
2. Most lunar scientists believe that samples from nature itself was judged significant for two reasons.
Copernicus were obtained in ray material acquired on 1. Explosive volcanism may indicate a relatively
the Apollo 12 mission, high content of volatlles in the erupting magmas; such
The responses to the Site Evaluation Document volatlles were lacking in samples thus far seen.

2. On Earth, explosive volcanism sometimes site selection resulted mainly from the absence of the
brings deep-crustal or subcrustal rocks (xenoliths) to network-type experiments of previous missions (e.g.,
the surface in unaltered form. passive seismometer, magnetometer, and laser ranging

Orbital Coverage
Orbital science coverage was discussed from two COMMITTEE DELIBERATIONS
aspects. On the one hand, there was a desire to
maximize the amotlht of new photography, which The candidate sites Copernicus and southwest of
meant favoring sites the orbital groundtracks of Crisium generated no enthusiasm among respondees
which least duplicated those of Apollo 15 and 16. On to the Site Evaluation Document or among commit-
the other hand, it was argued that some of the new tee members for the reasons noted previously. All
orbital experiments on Apollo 17 (infrared radio- three remaining sites (Alphonsus, Gassendi, and
meter and lunar sounder) would benefit most by Taurus-Littrow) contain highlands material, but the
groundtracks covering both the iargest variety of Ad Hoc Site Evaluation Committee saw no obvious
features and the largest area (high-latitude sites), way to discriminate among the highlands of the sites
There was thought to be additional merit in flying the regarding either age or composition. Gassendi fulf'dled
infrared radiometer and the lunar sounder over the objective Of being farthest from the edge of the
regions already covered by the Apollo 15 or 16 • Imbrium Basin (approximately 1000 km), but the
X-ray and gamma ray sensors and over a number of neares L Taurus-Littrowl 'was approximately 800 km
the circular mascon basins, distant. The difference of approximately 200 km was
not deemed significant/A question remained about
Traverse Geophysics whether the crater wall of Alphonsus, the expected
source of highlands samples, is mantled by Cayley
The Apollo 17 mission was scheduled to include volcanics. Conversely, the highland blocks at Taurus-
three traverse geophysics experiments: lunar seismic Littrow and the central peaks of Gassendi both
profiling, surface electrical properties, and luna i appeared to contain "clean" exposures. Between
traverse gravimeter. Because all these experir_entS Gassendi and Taurus-Littrow, an argument favoring
were designed, basically, to detect, layering, sites with Gassendi was made in that there had been no
a high probability of having layering were preferred central-peak-type mission in the Apollo Program
by the respective principal investigators. The unani- whereas Taurus-Littrow was a ring-basin near-side site
mous opinion of the Ad Hoc Site Evaluation Commit- similar to Hadiey-Apenninus.
tee, however, was that tee traverse geophysics should Young volcanics are not in evidence at Gassendi,
not be a determining factor in the site selection; and a strong argument could not be made regarding
rather, it was reasoned that after the site was selected the relative value of the dark-halo craters at Alphon-
for other factors, one should determine how best to sus to the dark mantling blanket at Taurus-Littrow.
use the traverse experiment s. Both regions were hypothesized to contain possible
xenollths or laves (or both) from deep interior

Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package regions.

¢: The orbital science coverage arguments were not
A desire was expressed to emplace the heat flow compelling. It was recognized that a Gassendi mission
experiment in a region significantly different from would result in the least duplication of Apollo 15 and
that of Apollo 15 (the only other heat flow location) 16 photography and would have the positive attribute
or of the planned Apollo 16 site and to avoid local of flying over the Orientale Basin in sunlight. How-
topography of a scale affecting the measurement, ever, more weight was given to the argument that the
Opinion was also expressed that, given a choice, the infrared radiometer and the lunar sounder could
mass spectrometer should be placed at a site that benefit more by the Taurus-Littrow groundtracks
showed a history of transient events or "recent" because of the greater variety of overflown targets.
volcanism. It should be noted that the decreased The Ad Hoc Site Evaluation Committee concluded
priority of ALSEP-related factors in the Apollo 17 that the Taurus-Littrow site was the best candidate,

followed by Gassendi, with Alphonsus a weak third. Although early analysis of the Taurus-Littrow site,
The overall result was based primarily on the fact performed just after the screening of the Apollo 15
that, in terms of sample acquisition, Taurus-Littrow photographs, had indicated that no serious problems
was a two-objective site (highlands, young volcanics) were associated with the site, detailed plotting of the
whereas Gassendi was a single-objective site (central- landing ellipse in the valley showed that with a 90 °
peak highlands). The better orbital photography azimuth for the approach path and with a constraint
coverage for a Gassendi mission was not deemed to avoid the sudden rise in topography caused by the
equivalent to obtaining a second prime sampling scarp, the fit of the ellipse in the valley became very
objective. Alphonsus, also a dual-objective site, did tight. Because of the increased precision available
not measure up to Taurus-Littrow primarily because from the Apollo 15 metric camera, however, it was
of the uncertainty concerning Cayley mantling of the shown that even without command module landmark
Alphonsus crater wall and the superior othital science tracking, the ellipse could be placed such that no
for Taurus-Littrow groundtracks. The ranking (level- landing problem would be caused by topography.
oped by the Ad Hoe Site Evaluation Corrtmittee, and (The westernmost part of the ellipse did include a
presented to the ASSB, was consistent with that small portion of the landslide, but it was well within
obtained by summarizing the 32 responses to the Site the capability of the crew to redesignate out of that
Evaluation Document. area should they be heading toward it.) In addition,
as in the case of Alphonsus, it was determined that
the prime objective at Taurus-Littrow was achievable
on a walking mission (LRV failure), even if the
The ASSB met on February 11, 1972, to select the landing were made outside the nominal ellipse.
Apollo 17 site. The scientific arguments and recom- The ASSB accepted the JSC evaluation that
mendations discussed in the previous subsection were Gassendi was operationally unacceptable and then
presented, followed by a presentation of the opera- focused on Alphonsus and Taurus-Littrow. It was
tional considerations, of which only seiiected high- first noted that, although both Alphonsus and Tan-
lights are discussed in this report, rus-Littrow were operationally acceptable, Alphonsus
Of the three candidate sites analyzed in detail, presented fewer risks. The risks were not related to
Gassendi presented the most problems. Although the safety but to mission success. The differences in
terrain along the landing approach was acceptable, probability of success were not quantifiable; that is,
the landing area itself presented problems. Outside shades of gray rather than blacks and whites were
the nominal 3o landing ellipse, which was acceptably involved. Because there were no strong operational
smooth, the terrain is heavily cratered, rolling, or discriminators, the discussion returned to the scien-
contains rilles. If the lunar module were to land down tific attributes of the sites. A recapitulation showed
range of the nominal ellipse, it was likely that, even if that the scientific evaluation clearly favored Taurus-
the landing were successful, the crewmen would not Littrow over Alphonsus; the decisive factors were the
be able to traverse to the prime objective (the central certainty of acquiring highlands material at Taurus-
peaks), particularly if there were a failure of the lunar Littrow (remembering the possible mantling by
roving vehicle (LRV). These problems were deemed Cayley materials of the highlands at Alphonsus), the
sufficient that the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space superior orbital coverage, and the better use of LRV
Center (JSC) considered Gassendi unacceptable as an capabilities. The ASSB unanimously accepted that
Apollo 17 site. evaluation and recommended to the Associate Ad-
At Alphonsus, both the approach terrain and the ministrator for Manned Space Flight that Taurus-
landing area were judged "highly acceptable," which Littrow be the Apollo 17 landing site.
was the status when Alphonsus was being considered
for the Apollo 16 site. It was also determined that in R E F E R E NC E
the contingency situation of a walking mission (LRV 1-1. Hinners, N. W.: Apollo 16 Site Selection. See. 1 of the
failure), the crewmen could reach both the crater wall Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
and the dark-halo crater material. 1972.
2. Mission Description
Richard R. Baldwin a

The highly successful Apollo 17 manned lunar science activities, which included 12 lunar surface
landing mission was the final in a series of three experiments, five lunar orbital experiments, photo-
J-type missions planned for the Apotto Program. graphic and support tasks, and other experiments.
These J-type missions have been characterized by The individual Apollo 17 experiments and photo-
extended hardware capability, by a scientific payload graphic tasks were as follows.
larger than on the previous G- and H-series missions, 1. Lunar surface
and by the use of a battery-powered lunar roving a. Deployed experiments
vehicle (LRV). As a result of these additions, the (1) Apollo lunar surface experiment pack-
Apollo 17 mission had a duration of 12.6 days, a time age (ALSEP)
on the lunar surface of 75 hr with a total surface (a) Heat flow
traverse distance of approximately 35 km, and a (b) Lunar seismic profiling (LSP)
scientific instrument module (SIM) containing equip- (c) Lunar surface gravimeter (LSG)
ment for orbital experiments and photographic tasks. (d) Lunar atmospheric composition ex-
During their 22.1 hr of lunar surface extravehicular periment (LACE)
activity (EVA), crewmen collected approximately (e) Lunar ejecta and meteorites (LEAM)
110 kg of samples and took more than 2100 (2) Surface electricalproperties (SEP)
photographs. All Apollo landing missions are com- (3) Lunar neutron probe
pared in figure 2-1 in terms of the science payload (4) Traverse gravimeter
weight delivered to the lunar surface, the EVA (5) Cosmic ray detector
duration, the surface distance traversed, and the b. Sampling
weight of returned lunar samples. (1) Lunar geological investigation
The landing site for Apollo 17 is on the south- (2) Special samples
eastern rim of Mare Serenitatis in a clark deposit (c) Soil mechanics
between massif units of the southwestern Montes 2. Lunar orbital
Taurus, as shown in figure 2-2. These massif units a. Orbital experiments
(which are believed to be breccias from large basin (1) Lunar sounder
ejecta), the dark mantle material, and a possible (2) Infrared (IR)scanning radiometer
debris flow 5 km southwest of the landing site are (3) Far ultraviolet (UV) spectrometer
features of major geological interest in the Taurus- (4) S-band transponder
Littrow region. (5) Sodium iodide (NaI) scintillation crystal
Scientific objectives of the Apollo 17 mission b. Photographic and support tasks
included geological surveying and sampling of ma- (1) Service module (SM) orbital photo-
terials and surface features in a preselected area of the graphic tasks
Taurus-Littrow region, deploying and activating sur- (2) Command module (CM) photographic
face experiments, and conducting inflight experi- tasks
ments and photographic tasks during lunar orbit and (3) Visual observations from lunar orbit
transearth coast (TEC). These objectives were saris- 3. Other
fled on Apollo 17 by performance of scheduled a. Biomedical experiments
(1) Biostack II
aNASALyndon B. Johnson Space Center. (2) BIOCORE


I Apollo11 10.25) I Apollo11 (102)

i Apollo
12(2.0) _ Apollo

I Apollo

15 (27.9)
Apollo Apollo15(550)

Apollo16(27.0) Apollo16(563)

Apollo17(35.0) Apollo17(.514)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 100 200 300 400 500 600
Distance, km Weight, kg

(e) Weight of experiment equipment landed on the lunar

(a) Traverse distance, surfade.

I Apollo11(2:24) Im Apollo11(Zl)


Apollo14(9:.23) Apollo14(43)

Apollo17(22:05) Apollo17(1101

I I I I I I i I I I I
O 5 10 15 20 25 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time,hr Weight,kg

(b) Time outside the LM. (d) Weight of lunar samples returned.

FIGURE 2-1 .-Comparison of Apollo missions.

(3) Visual light flash phenomenon command module pilot (CMP)) was launched from
b. Heat flowandconvectiondemonstration the NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center at
c. Apollo window meteoroid 11:33:00 p.m.e.s.t, on December 6, 1972 (05:33:00
Major operational events of the Apollo 17 mission G.m.t. on December 7, 1972). The command and
are described in chronological order in the following service module (CSM), the lunar module (LM), and
subsections. Overviews of lunar surface activities, the SIVB booster stage were inserted 11 min 53 sec
inflight experiments, and photographic tasks are later into an Earth parking orbit of 91.2 by 92.5 n.
presented, mi. After two revolutions, at 08:45:37 G.m.t., the
The Apollo 17 space vehicle (manned by Eugene CSM, LM, and SIVB spent stage were inserted into
A. Cernan, commander ((]DR); Harrison H. Schmitt, translunar coast.
lunar module pilot (LMP); and Ronald E. Evans, At 09:15:29 G.m.t. on December 7, the CSM was

FIGURE 2-2.-Landing site of Apollo lunar landing missions. Apollo 11 Ianded in Mare Tranquillitatis
on July 20, 1969; Apollo 12 in Oceanus Procellarum on November 19, 1969; Apollo 14 in the Fra
Mauro highlands on January 31, 1971; Apollo 15 in the Hadley-Apennines region on July 30,
1971; Apollo 16 in the Descartes region on April 21, 1972; and Apollo 17 in a valley at
Taurus-Littrow on December 11, 1972.

separated from the SIVB. Approximately 15 min seismic experiments deployed on the Apollo 12, 14,
la|er, the CSM docked with the LM. After CSM/LM 15, and 16 missions.
extraction from the SIVB, the SIVB was targeted for Only one of the four planned midcourse correc-
lunar impact, which occulred on December 10 at tions was required during translunar coast. A mid-
20:32:43 G.m.t. The impact location was approxi- comse colrection (MCC) made at 17:03:00 G.m.t. on
mately 84 n. mi. northwest of the phmned target December 8 was a 1.6-sec service propulsion system
point, and the event was recorded by the passive burn resulting in a 10.5-ft/sec velocity change. The

first of two 40-min heat flow and convection demon- completed with deployment of the LACE and the
strations was begun at 00:33:00 G.m.t. on December LSP experiment (except for explosive charges). Total
9. The second demonstration was begun 2 hr 20 min ALSEP deployment, with relative locations of the
later. The SIM bay door was jettisoned at 15:05:40 experiments, is shown in figure 2-3. The deep core
G.m.t. on December 10. sample was taken concurrently with ALSEP deploy-
Lunar orbit insertion, executed at 19:47:23 G.m.t. ment. Although difficulty was experienced in extrac-
on December 10, placed the spacecraft into a lunar tion, all three core sections were obtained. The
orbit of 170.0 by 52.6 n. mi. Approximately 4 hr 20 neutron flux probe was then deployed to full depth
min later, the orbit was reduced to 59 by 15 n. mi. in the deep core hole. Both the receiver and trans-
The spacecraft remained in this low orbit for more mitrer of the SEP experiment were deployed as
than 18 hr, during which time the CSM/LM undock- planned, with initial instrument operation scheduled
ing and separation were performed. The CSM circular- during EVA-2.
ization maneuver, which was performed at 18:50:29 During ALSEP deployment, extra time was re-
G.m.t. on December 11, placed the CSM into a 70.3- quired to level the central station and the antenna
by 54.3-n. mi. orbit, gimbal. The resulting time-line deficit was compen-
At 14:35:00 G.m.t. on December 11, the CDR sated for by relocating the first traverse station to an
and the LMP entered the LM to prepare for descent area near the rim of Steno Crater. At station 1A, the
to the lunar surface. The LM was powered up and all crew collected geological samples, including a rake
systems were nominal. A maneuver at 18:55:42 sample, and took a traverse gravimeter reading. A
G.m.t. on December 11 placed the LM in an orbit total of six gravity measurements and one gravimeter
with a perilune altitude of 6.2 n. mi. Approximately bias measurement were taken during EVA-1. At
47 min later, the powered descent to the surface station 1A, the crew also deployed a 1-1b explosive
began, package for the LSP instrument. During their return
to the LM, the crew deployed a ½-1b explosive
LUNAR SURFACE ACTIVITIES package. The first ALSEP data were recorded at
02:54:00 G.m.t. on December 12. The first EVA,
Following a nominal descent sequence, the space- which was 7 hr 12 min long, was completed at
craft landed at 19:54:57 G.m.t. on December 11 in a 07:06:42 G.m.t. on December 12.
valley at Taurus-Littrow, less than 200 m from the
preferred landing point. The best estimate of the
lunar surface landing position is latitude 20c10 ' N
and longitude 30°46 ' E (ref. 2-1). The Apollo 17 : D:rill'_
landing site in relation to those of all previous lunar ;,-'" ge0ph0nei Ge0ph0necasings
landing missions is shown in figure 2-2. "" 2 - and
The first lunar surface EVA began at 23:54:49
G.m.t. on December 11, with the CDR egressing at
00:01:00 G.m.t. on December 12. Television cover-
age began after installation of the ground-commanded
television camera and the high-gain antenna on the Ge0ph0ne
LRV. The first television pictures were received at 1
01:10:49 G.m.t. Before leaving the LM for the RTG
ALSEP site, the crew deployed the cosmic ray
experiment. The site selected for the ALSEP was
approximately 185 m west-northwest of the LM.
Deployment of the heat flow experiment was nomi- LACE "x N
nal, with both probes inserted to a depth of 2.54 m.
The LEAM experiment and the LSG were also
FIGURE 2-3.-Deployment of the Apollo 17 ALSEP, show-
deployed nominally. Preliminary operations with the ing the relative locations of the central station, radio-
gravimeter did not indicate the beam-nulling problem isotope thermoelectric generator (RTG), and the five
that was later encountered. The ALSEP group was experiments.

The second EVA was begun at 23:28:06 G.m.t. on 9 (Van Serg Crater) was concentrated on the crest of
December 12. The second major sampling stop of the the crater rim and the ejecta blanket southeastward
mission was made early in EVA-2 at Nansen Crater, of the rim, at both of which were found soft,
where the crew sampled primarily the rock debris at dark-matrix breccias. A f'mal trench sample and
the base of the South Massif. After leaving Nansen double core were obtained at this station. Station 10
Crater, the crew made an unscheduled stop (station was deleted to obtain additional closeout time for
2A) to check the gravity gradient between the South completion of ALSEP photography and for further
Massif and the valley. The major geological objective attempts to resolve the gravimeter problem.
of the third sampling site near Lara Crater was the During EVA-3, four LRV sampling stops were
scarp that runs north-south between the massif units, made and traverse gravimeter measurements were
Activities at this stop included an exploratory trench taken at stations 6, 8, and 9 and at the LM. The
and a core sample, which was stored in the core remaining two explosive packages for the LSP experi-
sample vacuum container. Traverse station 4 was at merit were also deployed. Late in EVA-3, the LMP
Shorty Crater, a 110-m dark-halo crater. Sampling at made a last, unsuccessful attempt to null the sensor
this location was focused on deposits and rocks at the beam of the LSG. One of the f'mal science activities in
crater rim. A trench dug in the crater rim exposed the the EVA was retrieval of the neutron flux probe from
much-discussed orange soft. A double core sample was the deep drill core hole. The third EVA ended at
also obtained at station 4. Blocks of subfloor basalt 05:40:56 G.m.t. on December 14.
were found at Camelot Crater (station 5), and The LM ascent stage lifted off the Moon at
sampling included a search for dark mantle material. 22:54:37 G.m.t. on December 14. Lift-off and ascent
During the traverse on EVA-2, the SEP experiment were recorded by the ground-commanded television
was operated and the crew deployed l/8-, 6-, and assembly on the LRV. After a vernier adjustment
1/4-1b explosive charges. Seven traverse gravimeter maneuver, the ascent stage was inserted into a 48.5-
measurements were taken: one each at stations 2, 3, by 9.4-n. mi. orbit. The LM terminal phase initiation
4, and 5; one between stations 2 and 3; and two at burn was made at 23:48:58 G.m.t. on December 14.
the LM site. Finally, eight LRV sampling stops were This 3.2-sec maneuver raised the ascent stage orbit to
made at points intermediate to the major stops to 64.7 by 48.5 n. mi. The CSM and the LM docked at
increase the areal density of geological sampling sites. 01:10:15 G.m.t. When the LM ascent stage was
During the second EVA, it was discovered that the jettisoned at 04:51:31 G.m.t. on December 15, the
sensor beam of the LSG could not be nulled, even separation velocity was low, necessitating an evasive
though the LMP reverified that the instrument was 2-ft/sec maneuver by the CSM. Deorbit ruing of the
level and the gimbal was free. The second EVA was 7 ascent stage was initiated at 06:31:14 G.m.t. on
hr 37 min long and ended at 07:05:02 G.m.t. on December 15. Impact occurred 19 rain 7 sec later
December 13. approximately 0.7 n. mi. from the planned target at
The third EVA began at 22:25:48 G.m.t. on latitude 19°56t N and longitude 30°32' E_ The ascent
December 13. The cosmic ray detector was recovered stage impact was recorded by the four Apollo 17
early in the EVA to avoid exposure to an excess of geophones and by each ALSEP at the Apollo 12, 14,
low-energy solar protons. The first two traverse stops 15, and 16 landing sites.
(stations 6 and 7) of EVA-3 were made at the base of
the North Massif. Geological activities in these areas I N F L I G H T E X P E IqIM E NTS A N D
emphasized boulders and boulder tracks and included
the dark mantle material and the massif/valley inter- P H OTOG RAP H IC TAS KS
face. A rake sample and a single core sample were Experiments and photographic tasks were per-
obtained at station 6, and several rock chips were formed in lunar orbit and during both the translunar
collected from a 3-m boulder at station 7. At station and transearth coast phases of Apollo 17. Equipment
8 (Sculptured Hills), samples included the dark needed for performance of CM photographic tasks,
mantle plains material. The crew obtained a trench visual observations of the Moon, the visual light flash
sample and a rake sample at this location as part of phenomenon, the Nal scintillation crystal experi-
the sampling plan to look for differences between the ment, and the heat flow and convection demonstra-
Sculptured Hills and the Massifs. Sampling at station tion were stowed in the CM. Equipment for other

L , , I .Mapping camera scientific experiments and objectives was housed in

Napp ng camera-j!!!_ __ _=h'(_ ' film cassette the SIM bay.

includes This equipment,
the lunar sounder, IRillustrated
scanning inradiometer,
figure 2-4,

aL sera,timeter
IlllF 2d
..... _' _'o
m)_.?, faruv spectrometer, panoramic camera, mapping

experiment used existing CSM S-band communication

....... Panoramic camera ments and photographic tasks are shown in figure 2-5.
The envelope of suborbital tracks for the lunar orbital
/" Pancamera
iiil)ilt t lI__ __
__iil :. ._::_ ,ll camera,
equipment.and Operational
laser altimeter.periods
The S-band transponder
for inflight experi-
synlhet'tc J --'Zq _'3" Inflight science activities on Apollo 17 were
Tii film cassette
aperture _ _: > _;ii] _ phase of the mission is shown in figure 2-6.
radar __
_ ;czL.z _
_ _L._..-Removable conducted over a period of approximately 220 hr,

_ _ !_ G.m.t., December 10, and terminating approximately

' ___ "',,,- _ 3 hr before splashdown. During this interval, the fol-
_ _',: --_ lowing science activities were conducted; photography
/ of most of the lunar surface area overflown in sunlight;
FarUV spectrometer' , Lunar sounderoptical
recorderwith active electromagnetic sounding of the hmar surface
film cassette and subsurface over portions of the near side and the
IR scanning radiometer far side of the Moon; passive sounding for determina-
tion of electromagnetic interference and cosmic
FIGURE 2-4.-Scientific equipment, including orbital experi-
ment instruments and photographic equipment, located in noise; thermal mapping of more than one-third of the
the SIM bay of the service module, lunar surface; investigation of lunar atmospheric

ffranslunar injection DIM deer

Revolution ,,",Docking jettison
Litt-ofl :' ,/ ,CSM;LMejection MCC P MCC 3 ",
t_iss_onevent • _k_ _1_" • h_CC-I • • MCC 4 (notperformed)--_t.
DayDghDdark • i i
SleeppeHcds m
Visuallight Ilash phenomenon i
Sk'ciabcontaminationstudy IPe_iodstobeselectedreal time)
Panoramiccamera Note: ASa result el launch slippage,it was
Mappingcamera necessar g to add2 hr 4_rain to GEl to
Laseraltimeter resynchronizeit with G.m.t. This
FarUV spectrometer wasdoneat65:O0GET.TheG.m.t.
IR scanningradiometer beforethis hasnot beenadjustedto
Lunar sounder reflectthe sliogBge.
S-bandtransponder (Periodsfor dale reductionto beselectedbestmission)

_:53 06:_ 12:(_
io,iD,ig, 16 ' 24
ID:C_ 0_00 12:_
52 54 56 58
06:C0 12:00
60" 68
Pg:00 06:00
lD 80 82
84 '
Date I_ December ? I 8
December I December
9 I DecemberI0-_

RevoluDon 1 2 S 4 g 9 10 II 12 [3 14 lg 16 17 13 lg 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 pp )4
Lunar orbitLnsertion CSMcircularization Lunar landing
/' SI_B lunarimpact Undockin9 ", ,'" Lunarsurface
EVA-I Lunarsurface
Missionevent _ •-._ Descentorbitinsertion ",at • • m i

Da'/tlghUdark m i m _ _ m m I m m m m m m m I m m m m m I J m m m m m m
Sleepperiods .... _--_- {LM)
VisualliDhl Ilash phenomenon
Visualobservations i I II I II
Skylabcontaminationstudy Period_to besetectedreal time) 4O°obli_ue
CMphotogr_hy I • I II II • I I ", • I|1
Panoramiccamera It • i _ •
Mappingcamera m m m m
LaSeraltimeter m m m . m m
FarUV spectrometer m m i
&Rscanm nq radiometer _ m
Lunar sounder Checkoutlest--_ _ ,,_=m_
S-bandtransponder 'eriogsfor datareductionto beseiect_poslmission) Standby-" Standby-

SpacecraffXaxis GEl , _l I _XI9'2 I_

90 96 ' q_ _ 104
I '106 108 'lid
I-X'I I '112
I I 114
I '116 [20 '122
I 'II18'I I '124
I '[26
I ' ]PD
J 'tgO
I ' lgP
_ '134 I ' I '142
I 'I_' 'Ig8140 I I 144
I '146
I '148I '150 152 '154
I-X'I I 156
G mt l_OO 24:00 IZ:00 tD:O0 P4:_ (_CO 12:00 18:00 Z4:C_ 06:00 )Z:OO
Date _Oecember lO t December11 I December12 I December

FIGURE 2-5.-Major mission events and data-collection periods correlated to G.m.t. and ground-
elapsed time (GET).

composition by UV spectral measurements; determi- for 100 hr in lunar orbit and 10.5 hr in transearth
nation of gross lunar topography along groundtracks; coast. A total of 108 radiometer measurements were
free-flight measurements of spacecraft velocity for made during orbital operation, covering one-third of
determination of lunar gravity anomalies; visual geo- the lunar surface.
logical surveys of selected lunar regions in sunlight; Far UV spectral data were collected for a total of
and observation of solar atmospheric, galactic, and 80 hr hi lunar orbit and approximately 60 hr during
extragalactic sources of far UV radiation, transearth coast. Experiment operation included a
Ten hr 31 sec of active lunar sounder data were solar atmospheric observation added in real time.
recorded on film, including two consecutive revolu- High-quality S-band transponder data were ob-
Lions each in the HF and VHF ranges, as well as tained over Mare Serenitatis, Mare Crisium, and the
specific targets in each of these ranges. The sounder Taurus-Littrow site. The data were taken in low-
was operated in the receive-only mode on both the altitude orbits and will help confirm results obtained
hmar near side and far side. Near the landing site, from the Apollo 15 mission.
receive-only data were obtained by the sounder, both The Apollo window meteoroid and the gamma ray
with and without the SEP transmitter operating. The crystal experiments were passive and required no
sounder was operated for 24 hr during transearth crew activities. The CM window has been retrieved.
coast to help determine levels of terrestrial noise. Activation measurements on the gamma ray crystal
Problems were encountered with the extension and were begun 1.5 hr after spacecraft entry, and early
retraction of the HF antennas. A faulty talkback indications are that information return from the
indicator and low temperature of the extension/ experiment is more than was expected.
retraction mechanism were blamed for these opera- Panoramic camera photography was obtained on
tional delays, which caused no loss of data. portions of eight lunar orbit revolutions and after
Infrared scanning radiometer data were obtained transearth injection. A five-frame sequence was ob-

Re_luti0n 36 37 38 3g to1 41 42 a3 44 45 46 4? 48 49 50 51 5g 53 54 55 56 57 61 62 63 61 65 66 67 68 12
Lunar orbit ,,c_1"
Missionevent EVAS
Lunarsurface planechange• LMlii_-0flA D0_ng _ _lkLMimpact

Sleepperiods m m m m i _ _ Jm =m _
m I m ----. i i m m m _ i mm
Visua_light (lash
phenomenon _Z'M_" (LMI
Visualobservations i Iii i
Skylabcontaminationstudy I Periodstobeselectedreal tilme)
CMphotography I i | I • i 40_N°blique-- |
Panoramic camera t _ ,. 40' S oblique
40_oblique I | I ,h,h ,
Mappingc_mera m m
Laser M_e _, m i m m m
FarUV spectrometer lml "'ram _ _ m m

Standb -HF "-- -HF target HFtarqet

Lunar sounder _
,-VHFtarget (Receive
S-bandtransponder (Periodsfor datareduct_n to beselectedpOslmissionl X only) -X

Spacecraft GET ,I,1 ,I, I
156 158 160 162 16411 /,I,168 170I*1, I, 176
Lt'2 174 I, llg1,1,1,
180 1_ I ,I,
184 186 188 l_ I ,I,I, Ig2 194I.I 196 , 198
I ,i-I
200"'206 ,I, I, 212
208 210 I ,I,S,
214 216 2I8_230
G.m.l. 18rill 24:00 06:00 12:00 l&O0 24:00 06:00 1_00 24:00 06:C_
Date 13
_'---_-Decem_r I Oecem_r14 I December[5 I DecemDer16

RevOlution 73 74 15 _6
Transearth CMiSM epa on_

_hsmn evenl in_iorl h%CC

• _ (IV)
_ MCC-6
• N_-7 '_Jl
k TEEEVA Entryinterface-/,"
Sleepperiods m _ Splashdown '
Visuallight llashphenomenon_ m
Skyla_o3ntarl[nalionstudy qPerioSsIo beselecteereal lime)
CM photograph y
Panoramiccamera u i
Laseraltimeter _ Galacticscan IIV}
FarUV spectrometer m m I m _ m m • m • m mira I
I Rscanning r_iometer mm _ m m m m i• mm_m mJ_mi im m
Lunarsounder li •
S 3andtransponder Periodsfor datafeauction to beselectedposlmlsslom
SpacecraftX axis

GET _ Ii p _ I _ I ,_o,242
232 231 236 2gg Ill 244_1
250 252, 254
I ,I2 6 , 258
I ,1
262,1, I,
2M 266 .I ,I ,I, I ,I , I ,I , I ,L , I,/,
268'274 276 2/g 280 282 284 28/I288 2q@ 292 I, I , I ,I , I ,
2% 298 300 3_ 304 306
G.rn.t I_CK) 24:00 (_:00 I&C@ 24:03 O8:ffl 18:00 2400 C6:IX} 12:00 18_00
Date _Oecember 16_ December17 I -Decembert8 I December[g -I

FIGURE 2-5-Concluded.

80° Northpole 80°

70° 70o
60° 60°

50° 50°

_ W25 4oo

30" ,, 30°


10 °

20° 20°

40 : 40°

50 50°

60° 60°

70° 70°
80° Southpole 80°
FIGURE 2-6.-Lunar surface groundtrack envelope of the Apollo 17 orbiting spacecraft for
revolutions 1 to 75. Areas of additional data coverage outside the envelope are determined by the
fields of view of experiment instruments and photographic cameras. (a) Near side.

rained on revolution 36 with the camera axis inclined failed, causing the final 8 min of photography to be
40 ° to the south of the groundtrack. On the third obtained in the monographic rather than the planned
sequence of photography during the 15th revolution, stereographic mode.
an erratic velocity-to-height (V/h) signal was noted; Vertical mapping camera photography was ob-
the remainder of panoramic photography was per- tained on 12 revolutions and after transearth injec-
formed with the camera V/h setting in the manual tion. For the second mapping photography sequence,
override position. During the final lunar orbit opera- the camera deployment time was longer than ex-
tion of the camera, the stereographic drive motor pected. To avoid possible failure of the deployment

80° Northpole 80°

70° 70°


400 40*

20° 20°


0o 0°

10' 10°

30° O°

40° LO°


600 60°
70= 70°
80° South pole 80°

FIGURE 2-6.-(b) Far side.

mechanism, the camera was left deployed between period in lunar orbit, the altimeter was operated to
several photographic passes. On revolution 49, the obtain 10 hr of continuous data, in addition to the
camera was operated from the retracted position, planned coverage.
thus losing stellar camera coverage on this sequence. Photographic and visual observations from the CM
The laser altimeter operated well throughout the were made as scheduled, with the exception of the
mission, obtaining 3769 ranging measurements. A second of two solar corona sequences, which was
30-min altimeter sequence scheduled for revolution omitted because of time-line and attitude constraints.
62 was deleted to allow a special attitude sequence The zodiacal light was photographed three different
for the far UV spectrometer. During the final sleep times: once each in red light, blue light, and

plane-polarized white light. Photographs of the hmar Tile CMP performed an inflight EVA at 20:27:40
surface from the CM included 10 color strips, eight G.m.t. on December 17 during transearth coast. The
black-and-white sequences near the terminator, and EVA lasted for approximately 1 hr 7 rain, during
additional photographs to document visual observa- which time the CMP retrieved the lunar sounder film
tions. Formally scheduled visual observations of 10 and the panoramic and mapping camera film
lunar surface targets were made by the crew using cassettes.
10-power binoculars. Accompanying comments by
the crew were made and recorded for subsequent use.
The biostack II and BIOCORE experiments were
passive and required no crew activities. The experi- RE F E RENCE
ments were recovered after completion of the mis- 2-1. Lunar Topographic Photomap of Taurus-Littrow. First
sion. ed., U.S. Army Topogiaphic Command, Sept. 1972.
3. Summary of Scientific Results
Robert A. Parker a

The first phase of man's active exploration of the light mantle, the dark mantle, the subfloor, the
Moon came to an end with the Apollo 17 mission. Sculptured Hills, and the massifs.
Many questions about lunar science have been The light mantle unit was sampled at stations 2,
answered during the intensive activity of the last 2A, and 3 and at two lunar roving vehicle (LRV)
decade, but many more remain to be answered. Some sampling stops. Preliminary indications from these
of the unanswered questions will be answered in the samples are that the light mantle is primarily fine-
future from data already returned but as yet not fully grained debris that includes cataclasites and breccias
analyzed, and some will have to wait for data yet to similar to those attributed to the South Massif and
be returned from instruments already in place on the different from the regolith elsewhere on the valley
lunar surface. Still other questions must await further floor. These observations are in agreement with the
exploration, hypothesis that the light mantle unit resulted from a
The basic objective of the Apollo 17 mission was slide down the northern face of the South Massif that
to sample basin-rim highland material and adjacent occurred approximately 10 8 yr ago as indicated by
mare material and investigate the geological evolu- crater counts. The slide perhaps was caused by the
tionary relationship between these two major units, impact of some secondary ejecta at the top of the
In addition to achieving this general geological objec- South Massif.
tire, it has also been possible to measure directly the The dark mantle unit remains one of the enigmas
thermal neutron flux in the regolith_ to explore of the Apollo 17 mission. Photogeological observa-
geophysically the subsurface structure of the valley tions of the subdued appearance of the larger craters
floor, to determine the constituents of the lunar and the general paucity of craters on the valley floor
atmosphere and observe their variations during the had led to the expectation of a "mantling" unit
lunar day and night, and to explore even more of the which covered the valley floor sometime after most
lunar surface remotely from orbit, of the regolith formation had taken place and which
These initial results and others will someday be was perhaps Copernican in age. Because of dark areas
combined into a coherent picture of the evolution of in depressions in the surrounding highlands, the
the Moon that will reflect more light on both the mantling unit was expected to have also covered at
abstract and specific problems of the evolution and least part of the highlands. No such unit has so far
current conditions of the Earth and other planets, been detected in situ. Instead, everywhere on the
That will be the true legacy of the Apollo Program- Valley floor except in the area of the light mantle, the
not just the sometimes apparently fragmented pre- soil appears to be regolith largely derived from the
liminary results seen here. underlying subfloor basalt unit. A possible dark
mantle component in the regolith is the dark glass
LUNAR FIE LD GEOLOGY sphere unit of unknown origin but possibly related to
the orange glass of station 4. The age of the dark
Premission photogeology of the Taurus-Littrow glass, however, is 3.7 X 10 9 yr, and it is apparently
valley and its environs led to the expectation of well mixed into the regolith, which seems to rule it
sampling five different major stratigraphic units: the out as the mantling unit.
The subfloor unit was well sampled at a number of
stations (the Apollo lunar surface experiments pack-
aNASALyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter. age (ALSEP) site and stations 1A, 4, 5, and 9?) and


was shown to be a 3.8 × 109-yr-old, massive, light- is composed of breccias that probably were produced
colored mare basalt unit containing 10 to 15 percent by one or more basin-forming events.
vesicles, 30 to 40 percent plagioclase, together with An event of great interest during the geological
clinopyroxene and ilmenite as rock-forming plagio- exploration of the valley of Taurus-Littrow was the
clase. Some local variations in texture, mineralogy, discovery of deposits of orange glass on the rim of
and chemistry exist. Geophysical experiments on the Shorty Crater. Present indications are that the orange
mission also indicate the existence of such a layer glass is fairly old (3.7 × 10 9 yr); that shortly after its
with a thickness of approximately 1 km. Samples of formation, it was well buried; and that only recently
the subfloor basalt were primarily taken from (20 to 30 X 10 6 yr ago), it was excavated by the
boulder-size ejecta at large craters that penetrated the Shorty Crater impact. Some traces of the orange glass
regolith to the underlying unit. Samples of the basalt spheres exist in the regolith elsewhere in the valley.
were also obtained from the regolith that has been The general premission model of a graben valley
developed on top of it, notablyin a widespread series that was formed as part of the Serenitatis event,
of LRV samples as well as at the major geological perhaps reactivated since then, and later partly filled
stations. Samples from station 9 in particular may be with a basalt flow (or flows) during the episode of
from deep in the regolith (but not quite to the depth mare f'flling is corroborated and more tightly defined
of the basalt unit), by the data analyzed to date.
The Sculptured Hills unit was investigated at
station 8. Because of the lack of any identifiable
material that has moved downslope, sampling of the
Sculptured Hills unit consists of samples of the ANALYSIS
regolith from theIower part of the slope. Because the The suite of rock samples returned from the
soil undoubtedly is composed of material from both Apollo 17 mission is a quite varied one. Included in
the valley regolith and the Sculptured Hills regolith, the samples are basalts, dark-matrix breccias and
identification of the Sculptured Hills rock types will agglutinates, green-gray breccias, bhie-gray breccias,
have to be delayed until a comparison can be light-gray breccias, brecciated gabbroic rocks, and
made between the valley regolith and the soft col- others (including a dunite clast composed of more
lected at station 8. At the moment, no more is than 95 percent olivine).
known about the Sculptured Hills unit than that it The basalts are quite uniform in composition and
is a highland unit morphologically different from are generally similar to the Apollo 11 basalts. They
the massifs and the reasons for this difference are are generally vesicular, have variable grain sizes as
unknown, large as 2 mm, and consist of approximately 25 to 30
The massif unit was sampled at three locations at percent plagioclase. The basalts are high in titanium
the bases of the South and North Massifs (station 2 like the Apollo 11 basalts but are much lower in
and stations 6 and 7, respectively) and also in the nickel. In detail, chemical differences within the
light mantle. Five different boulders (one of which, at Apollo 17 basalt suite argue for at least two different
station 6, had broken into five boulder-size pieces) as basalt types.
well as soils were sampled at the three stations. The The dark-matrix breccias and agglutinates are
boulders undoubtedly represent units in place higher derived from the basalt regolith of the valley floor
up the massif slopes (in the upper half of the South and contain clasts of basalt. The green-gray breccias
Massif and the lower third of the North Massif). All are predominantly matrix with a small percentage of
the boulders are breccias of a moderately complex mostly mineral clasts. The matrix is coherent, is rich
nature, similar to those from the Apollo 15 and 16 in poikilitic orthopyroxene, and has vesicles as large
sites, and are indicative of more than one brecciation as several centimeters in diameter. The bhie-gray
event. There is indication of a correlation of breccia breccias are matrix breccias with a more varied
types between the North and South Massifs, but population of clasts than the green-gray breccias. The
definitive conclusions on this must wait for additional blue-gray matrix is slightly vesicular with some
geochemical analyses and detailed petrologic exami- fine-scale banding and a recrystallized texture. The
nation. In the meantime, it can be concluded that the light-gray breccias are layered and foliated, have a
massif unit, probably raised by the Serenitatis event, higher percentage of clasts, and are less coherent than

the green-gray and blue-gray types. The clasts, both lunar regolith in situ and also to provide information
lithic and mineral, are generally feldspar rich and on the subsurface structure in the region covered by
include first- and second-order breccias. The light- the geology traverses. Electromagnetic radiation at six
gray matrix texture is fragmental. The brecciated frequencies between 1 and 32 MHz was transmitted
gabbroic rocks are similar to the crushed cataclastic from a fixed crossed-dipole antenna and received
anorthosites returned on the Apollo 15 and 16 through an antenna attached to the LRV. Preliminary
missions, indications are that useful data were received only
The breccias can be divided chemically into two during the traverse from the SEP site to station 2. On
groups: the blue-gray, green-gray, and light-gray the basis of early analysis of the signals recorded
breccias with approximately 50 percent normative during that traverse, two different models can be
plagioclase and the brecciated gabbroic rocks with developed. One mode1 explains the observations in
approximately 70 percent normative plagioclase. The terms of a dielectric constant that increases as a
blue-gray, green-gray, and light-gray breccias have function of depth, in particular with a marked
strikingly more potassium, phosphorus, rubidium, discontinuity at a depth of approximately 50 m. The
yttrium, zirconium, and niobium than the brecciated other model includes two layers having different
gabbroic rocks. Based on analysis of one light-gray dielectric constants the interface of which decreases
breccia, they appear to have slightly higher rubidium, in depth from approximately 20 m at the lunar
yttrium, and zirconium contents and a slightly lower module (LM) site to 15 m at station 2.
strontium and nickel content than the blue-gray and
green-gray breccias. Both the major- and trace- LUNAR TRAVERSE GRAVIMETER
element compositions of the blue-, gree:n-, and light-
gray breccias are very similar to those of the By the comparison of measurements made on the
KREEP-like rocks (those that are rich in potassium, Earth and at the Apollo 17 landing site with the same
rare-earth elements, and phosphorus) from Descartes instrument, the lunar traverse gravimeter, the value of
and are especially similar to those of the brown-glass- gravity at the LM site was found to be 162 695 -+5
matrix breccia from Hadley-Apennine. The brecciated mgal. Relative gravity measurements were obtained
gabbroic rocks chemically resemble similar rocks for a network of 12 stations spread across the valley
from the Apollo 16 mission and especially closely floor. At four stations near the LM (the LM, ALSEP,
resemble Apollo 15 sample 15418. and SEP sites and station 1A), the 10 measurements
The Apollo 17 soils are generally divided into two agree within approximately + 3 regal. At four other
types: soils on the valley floor derived as regolith stations on the valley floor located as far as 5 km
from the underlying basalt and soils from the massifs from the LM (stations 3, 4, 5, and 9), the Bouguer
and light mantle derived as regolith from the breccias, anomaly is generally small and slightly negative (-5
At the transition zones between the two units and at to -10 regal). At four other stations either at or very
the foot of the Sculptured Hills, the soils are a near the massifs (stations 2, 2A, 6, and 8), the
mixture of the two types. Exotic glasses (orange and Bouguer anomaly increases rapidly to between -20
black glass spherules), first noticed at Shorty Crater, and -25 regal. Between stations 2A and 3, a distance
are present in soils throughout the valley. The orange of less than 1.5 kin, the Bouguer anomaly changes
soil is generally basaltic but has a higher percentage of from -20 to -5 mgal. The Bougner anomaly curve
magnesium and a very strikingly high abundance of has been interpreted in terms of a model with a
zinc as well as other trace-element differences (e.g., 1-kin-thick plate of basalt for the valley floor,
high chromium oxide). The orange soil also contains assuming a density contrast of 0.8 g/cm 3 with respect
more low-temperature volatiles than do other soil to the material on either side.
The lunar seismic profiling experiment is an
The surface electrical properties (SEP) experiment extension of the active seismic experiment carried on
was used to measure the dielectric cortstant of the the Apollo 14 and 16 missions. Eight explosive

charges (ranging in size from 57 to 2722 g) were incident particles. No meaningful results are yet
deployed at distances between 100 and 2700 m from available from this instrument.
a triangular geophone array. These charges were later
detonated on command from the Earth, and travel- LUNAR ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION
time measurements were obtained that, together with EXPE R IM ENT
the LM-impact signals, indicate a three-layer model
for the valley floor at Taurus-Littrow. The first The lunar atmospheric composition experiment is
248-m-thick surface layer has a seismic velocity of designed to identify the various gases in the lunar
250 m/sec. The second layer, extending to a depth of atmosphere and to determine the concentration of
approximately 1200 m, has a seismic velocity of 1200 each species. Previous measurements using the cold
m/sec. Below 1200 m, the third layer, with a seismic cathode ion gages have been limited to total gas
velocity of approximately 400 m/sec, begins. A concentrations. Preliminary results for the first three
reasonable model, with basalt flows f'dling the valley lunations indicate the presence of (1) three native
of Taurus-Littrow to a depth of 1.2 km, can be species in the lunar atmosphere (helium, neon, and
derived from these observations. The 4000-m/sec argon) and (2) a large number of other species, some
velocity for the third layer is a valuable tie point of which are undoubtedly contaminants (e.g., atomic
between the shallow surface velocities measured hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, hydrochloric
earlier and the deeper velocities measured by the acid, and carbon dioxide). The measured concentra-
passive seismometers from distant events, tions of these contaminants has continued to decline
with the passage of time.
LUNAR SURFACE GRAVIMETER The measured helium concentrations and their
behavior as a function of phase in the lunation
The lunar surface gravimeter was designed to make (increasing by a factor of 20 toward lunar midnight)
very accurate (1 part in 1011) measurements of the are in agreement with predictions that helium does
acceleration of lunar gravity and of its variation with not freeze out on the surface at night and that its
time. These measurements should allow investigations source is the solar wind. The concentration of neon,
of gravitational waves by using the Moon as an measured only at night, is a factor of 20 lower than
antenna and also investigations of tidal distortions of predicted, and the results are not understood. The
the shape of the Moon. Following deployment of the concentration of argon also decreases (in fact, be-
gravimeter, problems occurred in trying to balance comes undetectable) during the night as expected for
the beam. These problems were probably caused by a gas that freezes out on the surface during the lunar
an incorrect mass of the beam and have at least partly night. Shortly before dawn, the argon concentration
been overcome by applying pressure on the beam begins to rise, apparently indicative of the migration
with the mass-changing mechanism. Data in the form of argon across the approaching sunrise terminator (a
of seismic events at sunrise and sunset have been predawn argon breeze); the behavior of the contami-
received, and it is hoped that the instrument can be nants is markedly different in that they show a sharp
used in its off-nominal mode to obtain the data for rise just at local sunrise.
which it was designed.
EXPERIMENT The deployment of a second heat flow experiment
on the lunar surface as a part of the Apollo 17
The objectives of the lunar ejecta and meteorites ALSEP allows comparison of lunar heat flow mea-
experiment, which is part of the ALSEP, are to detect sured at two different stations, the Apollo 15 and 17
secondary particles that have been ejected by meteor- landing sites. Both Apollo 17 probes were success-
ite impacts on the lunar surface and to detect primary fully inserted to their full depth of 2.36 m.
micrometeorites themselves. The particle detectors of Preliminary results indicate that the heat flow at
the instrument are multilayered arrays that are the Apollo 17 site is 2.8 × 10-6 W/cm 2 for the first
capable of measuring the velocity and energy of probe and 2.5 × 10 -6 W/cm 2 for the second probe.

These values can be compared with a revised value for PASSIVE SEISMIC EXPERIMENT
the Apollo 15 site of 3.1 X 10-6 W/cm 2. The
uncertainty for all three values is +-20 percent. The A passive seismometer station was not included in
the Apollo 17 ALSEP. The impacts of the Apollo 17
heat flow gradient for probe 1 is uniform in agree-
LM and SIVB were observed by the four stations
ment with a similar observation made at the Apollo
15 site. For probe 2, however, the gradient is already in place at distances as great as 1750 km.
definitely not uniform and the difference is believed These impacts and the occurrence of other natural
events since the Apollo 16 mission (especially an
to be due to insertion of the probe very near a buried
boulder, impact on the far side near Mare Moscoviense) have
Corrections for topography have not yet been helped to further define the lunar seismic model
below the "crust" as being characterized by a thick,
applied to the heat flow values. Although the size of
these corrections is not clear at this time, it would seismically inactive, relatively homogeneous litho-
appear that they will result in a reduction of the sphere that encloses an asthenospheric zone of partial
present values by a factor of 15 to 25 percent for the melting. Moonquake activity appears to be concen-
trated at the boundary between these two zones at a
Apollo 17 measurements and an uncertainty of +- 10
depth of approximately 1000 km. Evidence has also
percent for the Apollo 15 measurements. The pos-
sible resulting difference between the heat flow values been found for the existence of two belts of seismic
measured at the two different sites may be explain- activity as plotted by epicenter locations. Seismic
able in terms of higher thorium abundances, observed observations to date cannot be used to either confirm
by the Apollo 15 gamma ray instrument, in south- or deny the possible existence of a small iron-rich
eastern Mare Imbrium as compared with southeastern core.
Mare Serenitatis. In any case, values of the heat flow COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENT
between 2.4 X 10-6 and 3.0 X 10 -6 W/cm 2 are A new set of cosmic ray detectors was carried to
confirmed as characteristic of more than one site of the surface of the Moon on the Apollo 17,mission.
fire Moon. If applied generally to the entire Moon, Two sets of detectors (including mica, quartz, glass,
those values argue for relatively large quantities of plastic, and foil) were exposed, one set facing the Sun
radioisotopes in the outer layers of the Moon. and one set in the shade facing away from the Sun.
During the time that the detectors were exposed, no
LUNAR NEUTRON PROBE EXP['RIMENT significant solar activity occurred. Although the
absolute flux levels for the 0.02- to l-MeV/amu
Time-integrated fluxes of thermal neutrons (_< 1 energy range were considerably lower than those for
eV) as a function of depth in the regolith were the Apollo 16 mission, the shape of the spectrum is
measured using the lunar neutron probe. These similar to that for the flare that occurred during the
measurements were accomplished with targets of Apollo 16 mission and indicates that proportionate
boron-10 and uranium-235 placed at intervals along a numbers of energetic particles are emitted by the Sun
2-m rod that was inserted into the hole left by the even during quiet periods. Heavy-element enrichment
deep drill core when it was extracted. Preliminary noted during flares is also present during the quiet
analysis of tracks in the mica detectors that were used periods. Tracks were also noted in the detectors
in conjunction with the uranium-235 targets agrees facing away from the Sun. Because these particles
with both the magnitude and shape of previous also have a "solar energy" spectrum and presumably
theoretical work on the neutron flux as a function of
come from the Sun, the "antisolar" tracks indicate
depth in the lunar regolith. Therefore, the problem the existence of irregularities in the interplanetary
concerning the fact that integrated neutron dosages magnetic field outside the orbit of the Earth that are
for soil samples indicate more rapid and/or deeper capable of "reflecting" these solar cosmic rays.
regolith turnover than geological evidence indicates is
not resolved. Hence, neither the mixing depth nor the SOl k M ECHAN ICS EXPE R IMENT
time scale of the regolith model, both of which are
needed to fully interpret the gadolinium ratios, has Although there is considerable local variability in
been defined, the properties of the soil, large-scale averages have

been very similar for all Apollo landing sites with the surface. This low value (at least 10 times lower than
exception of Descartes, where the relative density is predicted for a transient lunar atmosphere resulting
notably lower than at the other sites. Although the from the solar wind) implies that during diffusion at
soil density in the Apollo 17 double-core sample the lunar surface, hydrogen molecules are formed.
obtained from the orange soil is the highest yet found The upper limits for hydrogen molecules from the
on an Apollo mission, the difficulty in driving the current observations are not inconsistent with this
core tube was not exceptional, leading to the conclu- idea. Xenon is also less abundant than predicted as a
sion that it is not a low mean porosity but a high native constituent of the lunar atmosphere.
specific gravity of the individual grains that causes the
observed high density. Because of the long-term INFRARED SCANNING RADIOMETER
stability of the deep drill hole, it is concluded that
The infrared scanning radiometer, carried in the
the soil strength is relatively high at depths on the
order of 1 to 2 m. SIM bay, was used to map the lunar surface in
352-km-wide strips centered on the groundtracks
with a resolution of better than 10 km. This mapping
APOLLO LUNAR SOUNDER EXPERIMENT was accomplished by sweeping the 1° instantaneous
The Apollo lunar sounder experiment carried in field of view in contiguous strips perpendicular to the
orbital groundtrack. The spectral bandpass extended
the scientific instrument module (SIM) bay was a from 1.2 to 70/.tm.
three-frequency (5, 15, and 150 MHz) chirped radar In addition to a number of individual thermal
sounder. Depth of subsurface exploration, in terms of
anomalies, preliminary examination of the data
features defined by changes in the dielectric constant,
decreased with increasing frequency, shows, among other things, a great concentration of
The Apollo lunar sounder was designed for three nighttime thermal hot spots in the Oceanus Procel-
primary modes of operation: sounding, profiling, and larum region, particularly in contrast to the relative
imaging. The sounding mode pertains to the detection smoothness of nighttime scans of highland areas. The
and mapping of subsurface features such as a prob- nighttime thermal picture of the far side of the Moon
is relatively featureless compared to that of the near
able 100-m-deep interface detected in western Mare
Serenitatis. The profiling and imaging modes, which
are similar to conventional surface return radars, can S-BAN D TRANSPONDE R
provide quantitative metric and topographic data as
welt as albedo measurements. The general similarities of the Apollo 15 and 17
Preliminary results obtained by processing some groundtracks allowed good comparisons to be made
small selected portions of the data indicate that between gravity data obtained on the two separate
useful data were obtained, missions. Agreement in many areas (e.g., over Mare
Crisium) was good. The model for the Serenitatis
ULTRAVIOLET SPECTROMETER mascon, however, was shown to be inadequate; the
Apollo 17 observations were 1.6 times larger than
The ultraviolet spectrometer flown in the SIM bay those predicted for the Apollo 17 groundtrack by the
of the Apollo 17 spacecraft was a single-channel Apollo 15 model. Because the new Apollo 17 data
scanner having a 12 ° by 20 ° field of view and increase the areal coverage of Mare Serenitatis, it is
covering a spectral range of 1180 to 1680 )_ (118 to obvious that an improved model can be expected.
168 nm). The entire spectral range was repetitively Very good areal coverage was also obtained of
scanned every 12 sec. The primary objective of the Grimaldi Crater, and there is evidence that this
instrument was to measure the lunar atmosphere mascon has the largest mass distribution yet observed
using resonance line scattering. No lunar atmospheric for any mascon (approximately 1000 kg/cm2).
constituents were detected except for a short-lived (2 An estimate derived from these observations for
to 4 hr) "cloud" just after the descent of the LM. the value of lunar gravity at the landing site (162 722
Among new lower limits that were established is one regal) compares very well with that obtained by the
of _< 10 atoms/cm 3 for atomic hydrogen at the lunar lunar traverse gravimeter (162 695 mgal).

BIOSTACK EXPERI MEN'F Other organs are also being examined, but no results

The Apollo 17 biostack experiment (biostack II) are yet available.

was of very similar configuration to the Apollo 16 VISUAL LIGHT PHENOMENON
biostack experiment (biostack I). The total radiation Observations of the light flash phenomenon con-
dose received by biostack II was approximately 15 tinued during the Apollo 17 mission. As on Apollo
percent higher than that received by biostack I. The 16, the Apollo light flash moving emulsion detector
primary difference between the two experiments was was worn by one crewman for a 1-hr observing
the different set of species flown on the two missions, session during translunar coast. No results are yet
(Three of the four species flown on Apollo 16 were available on the time history of tracks in these
flown again on Apollo 17 as well as three other emulsions. When available, these data should define
species.) Initial results, using organisms not hit by the particles responsible for the light flashes.
cosmic rays, show that, as on the Apollo 16 mission, Some statistical data are available now on observa-
viability is apparently not affected by other factors tions made during the last four Apollo missions. In
related to space flight. The Apollo 16 results showed particular, two items stand out. First, a relatively long
markedly different sensitivity to radiation between period of time is required before the perception of
different strains of the same species. These aspects the first event compared to the time between events
will be further investigated as work is continued on thereafter. This fact would indicate that dark adapta-
biostacks I and II. tion is involved and that the events occur in the eye.
Second, the length of time before the observation of
B IOCO R E EX P E RIM E N'F the first event was longer during transearth coast than
during translunar coast; also, the rate of observed
Five pocket mice were flown in a self-contained events, after the first one, was lower during transearth
unit in the Apollo 17 command module to study the coast than during translunar coast. The cause of the
effects of cosmic rays on living tissues, especially the greatly reduced ability to see the light flashes during
brain. Four of the five mice survived the trip. transearth coast as opposed to translunar coast is not
Processing of the bodies of all five Apollo mice and of clear.
a number of control mice is underway. Sectioning of
the brains has been delayed pending full analysis of O R B ITA L G E O LOG Y
the cosmic ray tracks in the subscalp monitors. An More than a score of individual investigations of
average of 16 tracks/monitor was found for the surface and spatial features have been performed so
monitors on the mice that survived the trip. Portions far based on the Apollo 17 crew orbital observations
of the scalp of one Apollo mouse have been examined and panoramic and metric camera photographs. The
and found to contain some lesions, but a direct scope of these investigations ranges from studies of
relationship between these lesions and cosmic ray hits the structure of individual craters to studies of the
will have to await further analysis and comparison sequences of mare stratigraphy and mare ridges to
between locations in the scalp and in the monitors, studies of the solar corona and zodiacal light.
4. Photographic Summary
M. C. McEwen a and Uel S. Clanton a

The photographic objectives of the Apollo 17 intended primarily for well-lighted targets but was
mission were to provide precisely oriented mapping used with a high degree of success for target strips
camera photographs and high-resolution panoramic that extended almost to the terminator. Earthshine
camera photographs of the lunar surface, to support a photographs, virtually for the first time on an Apollo
wide variety of scientific and operational experi- mission, have provided usable imagery, including that
ments, and to document operational tasks on the of lunar surface areas where the crewmen reported
lunar surface and in flight, seeing possible "flashes." Crew-option photographs
Lunar surface photographs are primarily of three include the "flash" areas, lunar surface color bound-
types: (1) operational photographs, to document the aries, areas with orange-colored strata, flows, and
condition, performance, orientation, or setting of other features of geologic interest.
equipment and the effectiveness of procedures;. The lunar surface groundtrack envelope of the
(2) scientific documentation photographs, to record Apollo 17 spacecraft is illustrated in section 2 of this
samples in their undisturbed condition as well as their report (fig. 2-6). The orbital inclination was approxi-
location, orientation, and detailed setting or to record mately 20 ° throughout the first 47 lunar revolutions
features or materials that were not collected; and and was increased to slightly more than 23 ° during
(3) panoramic views, to provide for the accurate revolution 48. The terminator advanced 75 ° across
location of traverse stations and to provide the the lunar surface while the Apollo 17 spacecraft was
capability to reconstruct the geologic setting of the in orbit. A portion of the lunar far side that had not
landing site. been illuminated during the other J-series missions
Orbital photographic tasks, other than mapping (Apollo 15 and 16) was in sunlight during the early
camera and panoramic camera operation, were for revolutions of the Apollo 17 spacecraft. The pan-
both operational and scientific purposes. Orbital oramic and mapping cameras were used to photo-
science photography planned before the mission graph a part of this area centered along a line from
included (l) areas of geologic interest; (2)near- approximately latitude 23 ° S, longitude 152° W, to
terminator areas, where details of relief are enhanced; latitude 17° S, longitude 180° W. Electric Hasselblad
(3) areas not covered by photography :from other (EL) 70-mm photographs of the same area comple-
missions; (4)areas in earthshine; and (5)low-light- ment the scientific instrument module (SIM) camera
level astronomical phenomena, such as the solar photographs.
corona and zodiacal light. In addition, film was In the panoramic camera, 1623 images were
allotted for crew-option photographs to be taken on exposed, of which approximately 1580 are high-
the basis of real-time observations, resolution photographs from lunar orbit. The remain-
In tables 4-I to 4-III, the Apollo 17 cameras and der are transearth coast (TEC) views of the lunar
film types are listed, and a general description of the surface. The panoramic camera image is 11.4 by
tasks for which each was used is provided. The color 114.8 cm and, at the 110-km altitude approximated
film used in the command module (CM), SO 368, was in the near-circular orbit after revolution 12, covers a

aNASALyndon B.Johnson SpaceCenter.


TABLE 4-1.-Photographic Equipment Used in the Command Module

Camera Features Film size and type Remarks

Electric Hasselblad (EL) Electric: interchangeable lenses of 70 mm Used with 80-ram lens and color
80- and 250-mm focal length SO 368 Ektachrome MS film to document operations
color-reversal film, and maneuvers involving more
ASA 64 than one vehicle. Used with
2485 black-and-white appropriate lens-flhn combina-
film, ASA 6000 tions to photograph presc-
lected orbital science lunar
targets, different types of
terrain at the lunar termina-
tor, crew-option lunar targets,
astronomical phenomena,
views of the Moon after trans-
earth injection, and the
Earth from various distances
Nikon Mechanically operated; through- 35 mm Used for dim-light photographs
the-lens viewing and metering; 2485 black-and-white of astronomical phenomena,
55-mm lens fihn, ASA 6000 photographs of lunar surface
SO 168 Ektachrome EF targets illuminated by earth-
high-speed color- shine, and the Apollo light
reversal film, ASA flash moving emulsion
160 detector
Data acquisition camera Electric; interchangeable lenses 16 mm Bracket mounted with mirror
(DAC) of 10-, 18-, and 75-mm focal SO 368 Ektachrome MS in command module (CM)
length; the DAC-sextant corn- color-reversal film, rendezvous window to docu-
bination has an effective focal ASA 64 ment maneuvers with the
length of 229 mm; variable SO 168 Ektaehrome EF lunar module (LM) and CM
frame rates of 1, 6, 12, and 24 high-speed color- entry; handheld for other
frames/sec reversal film, ASA photographs, including sub-
160 jects inside and o u tside the
2485 black-and-white CM; bracket mounted on
film, ASA 6000 sextant to document land-
mark tracking

21- by 330-km area of the lunar surface. Before camera over the entire sunlit portion of any pass in
revolution 12, the orbit was more highly elliptical, which it was used. Panoramic camera operation was
and the dimensions of the lunar surface area depicted more limited because of the much higher rate of film
vary significantly as a function of position along the use and because of a 30-min continuous-operation
groundtrack, constraint. The prime considerations in the pre-
Of 3298 mapping camera frames, approximately mission task of selecting revolutions on which the
2350 contain imagery of the lunar surface. The SIM cameras would be operated were that the
remaining frames were used for calibration or camera groundtrack be sufficiently offset from other ground-
cycling or were exposed over unlighted lunar surface tracks to permit coverage of new area and that
either near terminators or when the camera was used camera operation be compatible with other mission
in conjunction with the laser altimeter. The 11.4-cm 2 activities.
image of the mapping camera covers a lunar surface Mapping and panoramic camera coverage of the
area approximately 150 km, or roughly 5 °, on a side lunar surface is indicated in figures 4-1 and 4-2,
at the nominal l l0-kmaltitude, respectively. These maps were prepared during the
Throughout the lunar orbit phase of the mission, Apollo 17 mission and are based on real-time trajec-
the nominal procedure was to operate the mapping tory data and telemetered camera-function data;

TABLE 4-II.-Photograpliic Equipment h_ the Scientific Instrument Module

Camera Fea lures Film size and type Remarks

Mapping Electric; controls in command and 467 m of 127-mnr fihn type 3400, The I 1.4-cm 2 franres with 78-percent
service module (CSM); 7.6-cm- Panatomic-X aerial fihn, inter- forward overlap provide photo-
focal-length lens; 74 ° by 74 ° mediate speed, extended red graphs of mapping quality. Data
field of view; a square array of sensitivity recorded on tile fihn will pernriI
121 Reseau crosses, 8 fiducial reconstruction of lunar surface
marks, and the camera serial geometry with a high degree of
number recorded on each frame accuracy.
with auxiliary data of time,
altitude, shutter speed, and
forward-motion control setting
Stellar Part of mapping camera subsys- 157 m of 35-mm film type 3401, A 3.2-cm circular image with 2.4-cm
tern; 7.6-cm lens; viewing angle Plus-X aerial film, medium fiats records the star field at a
at 96 ° to mapping camera view; speed, high contrast, high fixed point in space relative to thc
a square array of 25 Reseau acutance, extended red mapping camera axis. Reduction
crosses, 4 edge fiducial marks, sensitivity of the stellar data permits accurate
and the lens serial number determination of camera orienta-
recorded on each frame with tion for each mapping caiuera
binary-coded time and altitude frame.
Panoramic Electric; controls in CSM, 61-cm 1975 m of 127-mm film type The 11.4- by 114.8-cm images are
lens; 10046 , by 108 ° field of 3414, slow speed, high con- tilted alternately forward and
view; fiducial marks printed trast, extended red sensitivity backward 12.5 ° in stereoscopic
along both edges; IRIG a B time mode. Consecutive frames of strut-
code printed along forward lar tilt have 10-percent overlap;
edge; data block includes frame stereopairs, 100-percent overlap.
number, time, mission data, Panoramic photographs provide
velocity/height, and camera- high-resolution stereoscopic cover-
pointing altitude age of a strip approximately 330
km wide, centered on the ground-

alnter-range instrumentation group.

TABLE 4-Ill. Photographic Equipment Used in the LM and on the Lunar Surface

Camera Features Film size and type Remarks

Hasselblad data camera Electric; 60-mm-focal-length 70 mm Handheld within the LM; bracket
(DC), 2 lens; Reseau plate SO 368 Ektachrome MS mounted on the remote con-
color-reversal film, trol unit for extravehicular
ASA 64 activity (EVA) photographs;
3401 Plus-X black-and-white used for photography through
film, aerial exposure index the LM window and for docu-
(AEI) 64 mentation of surface activities,
sample sites, and experinrent
Hasselblad DC Electric; 500-mm lens; 70 mm, 3401 Plus-X black-and- Handheld; used to photograph
Reseau plate white film, AEI 64 distant objects from selected
points during the three EVA
DAC Electric; 10-ram lens t 6 mm, SO 368 Ektachrome MS Mounted in the LM right-hand
color-reversal film, ASA 64 window to record the LM
pilot (LMP) view of the lunar
scene during descent and
ascent and to document ma-
neuvers with the CSM

Directionof lunarrotation
Approximate rate (I,5deg/hr
60W 30W 0 30E 60E

201 q il,___, ' _

"%; ,i':-'i

60W 30W 0 30E 60E

FIGURE 4-1.-Apollo 17 mapping camera coverage. The coverage is based on camera on/off times from telemetry, not

minor differences may become apparent between the EARTH ORBIT AND TRANSLUNAR
indicated coverage and the actuaI coverage deter- COAST PHOTOGRAPHY
mined from examination of the photographs.
Hasselblad EL photographs exposed from the CM For the first time in an Apollo mission, the
total 1170; Hasselblad data camera (DC) photographs Antarctic continent was visible to and photographed
exposed from the lunar module (LM) or on the lunar by the orbiting astronauts. A spectacular group of
surface total 2422, most of which were taken on the 70-ram Hasselblad EL color photographs exposed in
lunar surface. The total number of 35-ram Nikon Earth orbit portray the sunlit portion of the Earth
frames exposed is near 380. Of the 12 magazines of from the South Atlantic Ocean across Africa and the
16-ram film exposed on the Apollo 17 mission, four Indian Ocean to Australia. Cloud patterns are the
were used inside the LM and eight in the CM. subject of several of the photographs.
At the time of preparation of this report, the Lift-off is pictured in figure 4-3; figures 4-4 and
Apollo 17 photographs had been rapidly screened and 4-5 are Earth orbit views. 3;pproximately 1 hr after
the images had been identified and located. Index the translunar injection (TLI) maneuver during the
maps of orbital photographs and tabular indexes with translunar coast (TLC) phase of the mission, the
supplemental information for all photographs, both transposition, docking, and extraction (TD&E)
from the spacecraft and the lunar surface, are in maneuvers were executed. In sequence, the TD&E
preparation, maneuvers included command and service module

on analysis of photographs. Only sunlit coverage is indicated. The area photographed after transearth injection is not shown.

(CSM) separation from the SIVB, a 180 ° _otation of LUNAR ORB IT PHOTOGRAPHY
the CSM, docking of the CSM with the, LM, and PRECEDING LM TOUCHDOWN
extraction of the LM from the S1VB. These maneu-
vers were documented from the CM with both the During the first revolution of the spacecraft about
Hasselblad EL camera and the 16-mm data acquisi- the Moon, the lunar surface was in sunlight from
tion camera (DAC). The DAC was bracket mounted, approximately 151 ° W to 29 ° E longitude. As the
and the views of the LM, SIVB, and Earth in this spacecraft crossed the lunar sunrise terminator, the
sequence are mirror images. Hasselblad EL camera was used to photograph the
During TLC, the crew provided extensive descrip- Taurus-Littrow landing site (lat. 20.2 ° N, long. 30.8 °
tions of the Earth surface and of cloud patterns, and E) at a very low Sun illumination angle.
the view was repeatedly recorded with the DAC and When the spacecraft passed into sunlight again,
the Hasselblad camera. Approximately 4.5 hr before near longitude 152 ° W, the panoramic and mapping
lunar orbit insertion, the door that provided protec- cameras were switched on to photograph a lunar
rive cover to the instruments in the SIM bay was far-side area where high-quality photographic cover-
jettisoned; its departure was photographed with the age had not been available previously. To comple-
DAC. The hyperbolic trajectory of the SIM bay door nrent the SIM camera photographs, the Hasselblad EL
eventually carried it beyond the lunar sphere of camera was used to document the area north of the
influence. Figures 4-6 to 4-9 are TLC photographs, groundtrack from the vicinity of the crater Galois

Directionof lunar rotation --*.-

Approximaterate0.5 deg/hr
60W 30W 0 30E 60E
40 ..... 1_:_ 7 -_ i. _ _7v_: _ :,, 1;_,; ,......



60W 30W 0 30E 60E

FIGURE 4-2. Apollo 17 panoramic camera coverage. The coverage is based on camera on/off times from telemetry, not

FIGURE 4-3.-Lift-off of the Apollo

17 vehicle from pad A, launch
complex 39, NASA John F. Ken-
nedy Space Center, Florida, Decem-
ber 7, 1972, 05:33:00 G.m.t., the
only nighttime launch of the
Apollo series (S-72-55070).

Nearside ] Farside Begins-_--Ends
90E 120E 150E 180 150W



90E 120E 150E 180 150W

on analysis of photographs. Only sunlit coverage is indicated. The area photographed after transearth injection is not shown.

FIGURE 4-4.-Great Barrier Reef off the eastern shore of

Cape York at the northern tip of Queensland, Australia,
photographed during the first revolution of Earth orbit.
In this near-vertical view, the shoreline forms an almost
north-south line with the south end obscured by part of
the spacecraft. The distance between the points at which
the shoreline intersects the top and bottom of the
photograph is 160 km (AS17-148-22609).

FIGURE 4-5.-In this oblique view of the west coast of

Africa photographed on the second revolution of Earth
orbit, the Cunene River at the right edge marks the border
between Angola to the left and Southwest Africa to the
right. Punta da Marca, now an island, extends 45 km into
the Atlantic Ocean (AS17-148-22623).

FIGURE 4-6.-The LM viewed from the CM shortly after the

TLI burn and shortly before the docking and extraction
of the LM from the SIVB. Brightly reflective material
flaked from the spacecraft fills the field of view around
the LM. The circular LM upper hatch, used for transfer of
crew and equipment from the LM to the CM, is centered
in this view (AS17-148-22687).

FIGURE 4-7.-The SIVB after extraction of the LM. The

SIVB, 6.6 m in diameter, 18.1 m long, and 11 300 kg in
mass (dry), provided the thrust for TLI and was subse-
quently impacted into the lunar surface to provide a data
point for the Apollo 12, 14, 15, and 16 seismometers

FIGURE 4-8.-Shortly after the LM was extracted from the S1VB, the crew
viewed a portion of the Earth from the Mediterranean Sea to India. In
Africa, the transition from desert (near the Mediterranean) through
steppe and savannah to tropical rain forest (in the lower left corner) is
apparent. The Nile River and Delta are clearly visible as are the Gulf of
Kutch and the Gulf of Cambay in India (AS17-148-22718).

FIGURE 4-9.-For the first time on an Apollo mission, the Antarctic icecap was visible during the
Apollo 17 TLC. This full-disk view encompasses much of the South Atlantic Ocean, virtually all
the Indian Ocean, Antarctica, Africa, a part of Asia, and, on the horizon, Indonesia and the
western edge of Australia (AS17-148-22727).

Oat. 15 ° S,long. 152 ° W) to near the crater Vil'ev (lat.

6 ° S, long. 144 ° E). The mapping camera was left in
operation until the spacecraft passed above the
near-side terminator, near longitude 28 ° E. The
panoramic camera, constrained to not more than 30
min continuous operation, was turned off near
longitude 144 ° E; it was operated again from longi-
tude 122 ° to 95 ° E. The SIM cameras were not
operated again until after the LM was on the lunar \
Although no additional orbital science photog-
raphy was scheduled until after the LM landing on
revolution 13, a number of crew-option photographs
were exposed during the first several revolutions (figs.
4-10 and 4-11). Areas of special interest on the near
side and the far side were photographed using the
Hasselblad camera with color film or, in the case of
near-terminator areas, with high-speed black-
and-white film. Separation of the CSM and the LM on
revolution 12 was documented with the Hasselblad
camera and the DAC from each spacecraft. The CSM
DAC photographed a mirror image.

FIGURE 4-1t.-Earthrise. Shortly after the beginning of

revolution 3, the gibbous Earth rising over the eastern
limb of the Moon was photographed from the CM. Part of
the LM ascent stage is visible in the right foreground. The
orientation of the Earth is the same as that in figure 4-10;
a comparison of the two photographs clearly shows the
eastward rotation of the Earth under the sunset termina-
tor (AS17-151-23188).

FIGURE 4-10.-Earthset. As the CSM and the LM rounded

the western limb of the Moon on revolution 2, the crew
photographed this unusual view of the gibbous Earth
disappearing below the lunar horizon. The north pole of
the Earth is toward the top of the photograph. On the
left, the relief of the lunar surface near the western limb is FIGURE 4-12.-The LM after separation from the CSM on
sharply etched against the white clouds of the Earth; on revolution 12. The LM descended to the lunar surface at
the right is the sunset terminator of the Earth the Taurus-Littrow landing site on revolution 13
(AS17-151-23175). (AS 17-151-23201).

FIGURE 4-13.-The CSM, near the center of the photograph, 2

is framed against the flat valley floor at the Taurus- FIGURE 4-15.-The LM on the lunar surface at the
Littrow landing site in this dramatic west-looking view Taurus-Littrow landing site. This photograph is a 49X
from the LM shortly after separation on revolution 12. enlargement of a portion of a panoramic camera frame
South Massif is the large mountain just beyond the CSM. that was exposed on revolution 15 when the Sun
The light-colored material that extends north (to the elevation at the site was 15°. The LM is the bright spot
right) onto the valley floor from South Massif is the Rock in the center; its shadow extends outward 5° north of
Slide, and, opposite the Rock Slide, the mountain on the west. The photograph represents a lunar surface area
north side of the landing site is North Massif. The low hill 300 m on a side (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame
nearly centered in the valley beyond the Rock Slide is ASt7-2309).
Family Mountain. The crests of South Massif and North
Massif are 2500 and 2100 m, respectively, above the
landing site. To the west, color differences in the surface
of southern Mare Serenitatis are evident even in this
highly obliquephotograph(AS17-147-22464). The orbit of the CSM was circularized during
revolution 12. On the 13th revolution, the CSM DAC
was mounted on the sextant to document the
tracking of two landmarks, the second of which was
at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. Simultaneously,
the powered descent of the LM, from time of
pitchover to touchdown, was recorded by the LM
DAC, mounted in the right side window.
The LM in orbit is pictured in figure 4-12. Figures
4-13 and 4-14 are orbital photographs of the landing
site, and figure 4-15 is an enlargement showing the
LM on the lunar surface.


During the stay on the lunar surface, the com-

mander (CDR) and the LM pilot (LMP) exposed more
FIGURE 4-14.-The landing site from higher altitude on than 2200 frames in their Hasselblad DC's. One
revolution 74. Topographic details are obscured and magazine of DAC f'dm was used to record the
albedo differences are enhanced by the high Sun angle at commander's initial activities on the lunar surface as
the time this photograph was taken. The bright crater
north and west of the landing site is Littrow B viewed from the LM window; the LM DAC was not
(AS17-148-22770). used again until lift-off.

The crew began photographic documentation of EVA-2, the LMP was photographed with the equip-
the landing site as they viewed it from the LM ment required for the EVA (fig. 4-20). The CDR also
windows shortly after touchdown (fig. 4-16). Site- documented their repair of the LRV fender that was
documentation photography was a continuing opera- broken during EVA-1 (fig. 4-21). A photograph of
tion throughout the lunar surface stay. Figure 4-17 the Earth above the LM (fig. 4-22) was taken shortly
illustrates the intense activity of the three periods of before EVA-2 closeout.
extravehicular activity (EVA) at the site as it The deployment of the lunar surface experiment
appeared from an LM window shortly before lift-off, equipment was documented with 70-mm Hasselblad
Real-time observations of lunar surface activities were photographs. Figures 4-23 to 4-27 show the Apollo
provided scientists and engineers on Earth by the lunar surface experiments package (ALSEP) site and
television (TV) camera mounted on the lunar roving several individual pieces of scientific equipment.
vehicle (LRV). Sample documentation includes photographs of
The lunar surface documentary photographs taken boulders from which samples were collected (figs.
in the vicinity of the LM included the checkout drive 4-28 and 4-29) and photographs that illustrate the use
of the LRV (fig. 4-18) and the traditional salute to of sampling tools (figs. 4-30 and 4-31). Figure 4-32 is
the flag (fig. 4-19) taken during EVA-1. Before a typical presampling photograph. Perhaps the most

FIGURE 4-16.-A view of the Taurus-Littrow area from the LM window taken just after touchdown
on the lunar surface. Tile shadow of the LM is along the lower left margin of the photograph.
Family Mountain, on the horizon from the left margin to the center of the photograph, is
almost 11 km distant; its crest is approximately 1000 m above the valley floor. The dark-gray
basalt fragments on the lunar surface appear to be white in this down-Sun photograph
(AS 17-147-22470).

FIGURE 4-17. A view of the

landing site from the LM window
taken just before lift-off. Com-
pare this photograph with figure
4-16. The intense activity in the
vicinity of the LM is indicated by
the footprints and the LRV
tracks. The Apollo lunar surface
experiments package (ALSEP)
components can be seen in the
distance. The craters seen in the
foreground of figure 4-16 are not
visible in this photograph, which
was taken at a higher Sun angle

FIGURE 4-18.-Shortly after de-

ployment, the CDR drove the
LRV through a series of
maneuvers to check out the ":
performance of the vehicle.
The LRV was then loaded
with tools, experiment hard-
ware, a TV camera, and an-
tennas. South Massif, the crest
of which is 2500 m above the
valley floor, forms the skyline
5 km behind the LM. The
bands of dark gray are LRV
tracks; bootprints in the lunar
surface are visible near the
right margin of the photo-
graph (AS 17-147-22527).

FIGURE 4-19.-The CDR salutes the

flag of the United States implanted
at the Apollo 17 landing site.
Approximately 3 km in the dis-
tance, the 2t00-m-high North
Massif forms the skyline. The LRV
is visible at the left margin of the
photograph. The flag pictured was
the backup flag for the Apollo 11
mission and was in the Mission
Operations Control Room from
July 1969 until just before the
Apollo 17 mission

FIGURE 4-20.-The LMP stands in front of the LRV at the FIGURE 4-21.-The partial loss of the right rear fender
start of EVA-2. Sample bags are attached to the remote during EVA-1 threatened to limit the use of the
control unit on his chest. The sample collection bag is LRV. Without complete fenders, the wire mesh
attached to the right side of the portable life-support wheels threw a plume of lunar dust across the crew
system (PLSS). The cuff checklist, an outline of activities, and the LRV. At the beginning of EVA-2, the crew
is on his left wrist. The LRV sampler hangs in front of fire replaced the missing section using maps, tape, and
astronaut. The gold-colored TV camera is at the right edge two clamps from the LM. The repairs proved to be
of the photograph. The reflection of the CDR can be seen satisfactory, and no further problems were experi-
in the LMP's visor (AS17-140-21386). enced. The LMP sits in the LRV (AS17-137-20979).

FIGURE 4-23. The gnomon with color chart sits next to

one of the lunar seismic profiling geophones, indicated
FIGURE 4-22.-A half Earth hangs over the LM on the by the orange flag. The gold-colored, rectangular
lunar surface (AS17-134-20463). object near left center is the ALSEP central station;
the white antenna extending above the central station
telemeters data to Earth from each of the surrounding
experiments. North Massif, 3 km in the distance,
forms the skyline. On the slope of North Massif, to the
right of the LRV, is a track made by a massive boulder
as it rolled down the side of the mountain. The
sharpness of the track suggests that the boulder may
have been in its present position only a relatively short
time (AS17-147-22549).

FIGURE 4-24.-A gold-colored Mylar transport bag

covers the top of the lunar neutron probe (LNP) for
temperature control during the 40-hr emplacement of
the probe in the Moon. The LNP is designed to obtain
data on neutron capture rates in the lunar regolith as a
function of depth. The LNP was emplaced through the
treadle assembly into the hole drilled for the core
sample. The borestem and corestem rack is visible at FIGURE 4-25.-The CDR inserts a heat flow probe into
the right margin of the photograph. Tile Apollo lunar the borestem during the deployment of the ALSEP.
surface drill power head lies on the lunar surface The drill and rack with additional borcstems and
behind the rack. The ALSEP equipment is set up in corestems are to the left of the astronaut. Tile heat
the background. The Sculptured Hills and South flow experiment measures the heat flow from the
Massif form the horizon (AS 17-134-20505). interior of the Moon (AS 17-136-20695).

FIGURE 4-26. The problem of distance perception on the FIGURE 4-27.-The LMP emplaces the SEP experiment. The
Moon is well illustrated in this photograph. The distance equipment shown, which supports the experiment, in-
to the LRV and the surface electrical properties (SEP) cludes a transmitter to generate a signal and a dipole
experiment is 35 m; the distance to the LMP is 70 m. The antenna that is laid out on the lunar surface by the crew.
distance to the LM is 150 m; to the ALSEP, 350 m. A receiver is carried on the LRV. The interference pattern
Family Mountain is 11 km beyond the LRV, and South of the transmitted waves provides information about the
Massif is behind the LM. The wire in the foreground is interior of the Moon. The restricted mobility caused by
part of the dipole antenna of the SEP experiment• the pressure suit is illustrated by the body position
Compare this photograph with figure 4-27 and note the required to make leveling corrections. The wires in the
relationship ofsizeanddistance(AS17-134-20435), foreground are part of the SEP experiment antenna.
South Massif forms the skyline (AS17-134-20440).

FIGURE 4-28. The massive, broken boulder at station 6 is shown in this composite
photograph. Scoop marks in the debris on the side of the boulder mark the location of a
sample collected by the LMP. The boulder is a breccia, a rock composed of fragments of
other rocks• The LRV, with the antenna pointed toward Earth, is parked to the right of
the boulder. South Massif, 8 km distant, forms the right half of the skyline; East Massif
forms the left half (AS17-140-21493 and 21497).

FIGURE 4-29.-Sampling at station 6 centered around the FIGURE 4-30.-The LMP uses the rake to collect a sample of
boulder behind the LMP. The dark bootprints in the rocks ranging from 1 to 4 cm in diameter. A soil sample
foreground and near the base of the boulder indicate the was collected in the same area. The Hasselblad camera is
areas of astronaut activity. The LRV is visible at fire left attached to the remote control unit; tile PLSS and the
side of the photograph (AS17-146-22294). oxygen purge system comprise the backpack
(AS 17-134-20425).

FIGURE 4-31.-The LMP uses the scoop to collect a sample FIGURE 4-32,-The gnomon with color chart marks tire
at station 5. The high density of boulders along the rim of location from which a sample will be collected, The white
Camelot Crater is shown in this photograph areas on the boulder to the left of the gnomon are clasts;
(AS17-145-22157). the clasts are bound in a fine-grained gray matrix

widely known and highly publicized samples of the looking oblique), 27/28, 28/29, 36 (south-looking
Apollo 17 mission were from the "orange soil" found oblique), 38, and 49. The designation "13/14" means
at Shorty Crater during EVA-2 (figs. 4-33 and 4-34). that the camera was turned on near the end of
Features too large to record in single frames were revolution 13, which ends at 180°, and continued in
documented in partial panoramas (fig. 4-35). The operation during revolution 14 to the terminator. In
general setting of a station was routinely recorded in several of these passes, the camera was also operated
a complete 360 ° panorama. The 500-ram lens pro- over unlighted lunar surface to obtain laser altimeter
vided the capability to record distant features in data. The north- and south-looking oblique photo-
single frames (fig. 4-36) or in partial panoramas, graphs were exposed when the CSM was rolled 40°;
After completion of the EVA-2 sampling activities, the oblique photographs show the lunar surface to
the LRV was parked east of the LM, and the the horizon, approximately 20 ° from the spacecraft
Houston-controlled TV camera provided live coverage nadir. The panoramic camera was operated on revolu-
of the final closeout and of the ascent stage lift-off tions 13/14, 15, 29, 36 (a cycle of five frames to
from the lunar surface, prevent film set; south-looking oblique), and 49.
Hasselblad EL stereophotographic strips, exposed
LUNAR ORBIT PHOTOGRAPHY FROM with either the 80- or the 250-mm lens and color
LM TOUCHDOWN TO RENDEZVOUS film, are as follows: on revolution 16, a far-side strip
at the spacecraft nadir from east of the crater Aitken
to the crater Marconi; on revolution 17, a series south
All orbital photographic activities in the period of the groundtrack from the crater Sniadecki to a
between LM touchdown and rendezvous and docking point south of the crater Marconi; on revolution 25,
(revolutions 13 to 52) were as planned. The mapping the landing site and southwestern Mare Serenitatis; on
camera was operated from terminator to terminator revolution 28, a series south of the groundtrack from
on revolutions 13/14, 14/15, 23/24, 26/27 (north- the crater Picard to Promontorium Archerusia on the

FIGURE 4-33.-The orange soil on the rim of Shorty Crater FIGURE 4-34.-A closeup of the trench dug in the orange
can be seen on both sides of the LRV. The rim of the band of soil. Behind the gnomon is the boulder pictured
crater extends from the left foreground to the middle in figure4-33 (AS17-137-20990).
right edge of the photograph. Samples were collected
between the LRV and the large boulder. (See fig. 4-34.)
The low mountain centered on the horizon is Family
Mountain, 6 km in the distance (AS17-137-21011).

FIGURE 4-35.-This panorama at station 9 shows the unique morphology of the 80-m-diameter crater Van Serg. The rough,
blocky rim and floor indicate that the crater is relatively young. Locations such as this are excellent sampling sites. North
Massif, 3 km in the distance, forms the skyline (AS17-142-21801, 21805, 21807, and 21811).

crater Aitken on revolution 37. The Hasselblad

camera was also used repeatedly during revolutions
13 to 52 for crew-option documentation of other
areas of interest.
Figures 4-37 to 4-42 are photographs of lunar
far-side features; figures 4-43 to 4-49 include near-
side features; figure 4-50 is a photograph of an
earthshine-iUuminated area; and figure 4-51 is a
photograph of a near-terminator area.
The solar corona was photographed at spacecraft
sunrise on revolution 25 using the bracket-mounted
Hasselblad camera with 80-mm lens. The Nikon
camera was used to photograph the zodiacal light;
red, blue, and polarizing filters were used for these
FIGURE 4-36.-One of a series of photographs taken by the
CDR, while standing at the base of the North Massif, of exposures.
the landing site and South Massif using the 500-mm Earthshine-illuminated areas photographed with
photographic lens. This photograph of the valley floor the Nikon camera include the craters Eratosthenes,
shows the LM some 3 km in the distance. The large Copernicus, Grimaldi, and Riccioli, the Reiner 3'
blocky craters to the right of the LM are Camelot, prominence, and Mare Orientale. The Nikon camera
approximately 600 m in diameter, and Horatio, approxi-
mately 400 m in diameter. South Massif, 8 km in the was also used to document near-side and far-side
distance, appears steeper in this photographic view near-terminator areas and other areas determined by
(AS17-139-21205). the CM pilot (CMP) to be of interest. The sextant-
mounted DAC was used to document the tracking of
south margin of Mare Serenitatis; on revolution 29, a two landmarks on revolution 50.
series north of the groundtrack from the crater Love As the CSM passed over the landing site during
to the crater Saenger and a second strip north of the revolution 51, the LM ascent stage separated from the
groundtrack from eastern Mare Crisium to the crater descent stage and lifted off from the lunar surface
Bessel; on revolution 36, a south-looking series from (fig. 4-52). The LM DAC, bracket mounted in the LM
the crater Van de Graaff to the crater Serpiensky; window, photographed lunar surface features, includ-
and, on revolution 39,a strip from the crater Tacquet ing the descent stage, the ALSEP instruments
to an area north of the crater Eratosthenes. deployed at the landing site, and LRV tracks, as the
Near-terminator areas photographed included Mare LM passed above them (fig. 4-53). The rendezvous of
Serenitatis on revolution 17, Montes Haemus and the LM and CSM was documented with the DAC and
northern Mare Vaporum on revolution 29, and the Hasselblad from the CM but only with the Hasselblad

FIGURE 4-37.-North-looking, high-oblique view of the lunar far side near the lunar sunset terminator
on the first revolution. The foreground crater containing several smaller craters is Doppler,
centered at latitude 13 ° S, longitude 160 ° W, and approximately 100 km in diameter. The
larger crater to the north which extends from the left side to the right side of the photograph is
Korolev, approximately 450 km in diameter (AS17-151-23112).

FIGURE 4-38.-The lunar far-side crater Van de

Graaff, centered at latitude 28 ° S, longitude
173 ° E, is the large, flat-floored double crater
in this south-looking, high-oblique view. Its
long dimension is approximately 270 km.
Adjoining Van de Graaff on the southeast is the
crater Birkeland, which has terraced walls and a
central peak. The circular, mare-filled crater on
the right horizon is Thomson

FIGURE 4-39.-This unnamed crater with a hummocky floor FIGURE 4-40.-The circular, flat-floored, mare-filled crater
is in a far-side area that was very poorly documented that extends beyond the left and right edges of this
before the Apollo 17 mission. The low-oblique view is to photograph is Thomson, a 150-kin-diameter crater near
the southeast. The center of the 40-km-diameter crater is latitude 32 ° S, longitude 166 ° E. Beyond Thomson to the
at latitude 21 ° S, longitude 169 ° W. Note the scarp that south is the southeastern quarter of Mare Ingenii. The
crosses the crater floor from the shadow at the right shadow in the lower left corner is in the southwest wall of
middle through the embayment in the craterwall at upper Van de Graaff. The crater Zelinsky is in the right
left and continues into the terrain outside tile crater. In foreground (AS 17-153-23543).
the upper right corner, the north rim of the crater
Sniadecki is visible (AS17-151-23193).

FIGURE 4-41.-Aitken, a far-side crater located at latitude

17 ° S, longitude 173 ° E, measures approximately 150 km
from rim to rim. In this mapping camera photograph,
exposed during revolution 15, north is at the top. Aitken
is characterized by a flat, low-albedo, sparsely cratered
floor, by a central peak, and by terraced walls. Ponded,
marelike material is evident at various levels in the
terraced walls as well as in smaller craters nearby. Details
of a part of the eastern wall and floor are shown in figure
4-42 (Apollo 17 mapping camera frame AS 17-0481).

FIGURE 4-43.-Southern Mare Serenitatis (foreground),

western Mare Tranquitlitatis (left), and southeastern
Montes Haemus (center). In this oblique mapping camera
photograph, the view is almost due south. The 50-kin-
diameter crater Plinius is at the left edge; at the right
edge, the bright crater with the excluded-ray zone is
Menelaus, 25 km in diameter. Note that the Rimae Plinius
and the Rimae Menelaus, roughly concentric to the
southern edge of Mare Serenitatis, are confined to the
area of low alhedo (Apollo 17 mapping camera frame

FIGURE 4-42.-This photograph of a segment of the eastern

wall and floor of Aitken (fig. 4-41) was exposed in the
Hasselblad camera with a 250-mm lens. North is at the
top of the photograph. The topographic features on the
crater floor that resemble the wrinkle ridges common in
lunar maria can be seen to continue into and across the
hummocky, higher albedo material of the lower crater
wall (AS17-149-22796).

FIGURE 4-44.-Northwest-looking, low-oblique view of the

crater le Monnier approximately 190 km north of the
Apollo 17 landing site on the east margin of Mare
Serenitatis. The Russian spacecraft Lunokhod 2, an
Earth-controlled roving vehicle, landed in le Monnier
January 15, 1973. The marelike flat floor of the
70-krn-diameter crater has the low albedo characteristic of
the surface material bordering Mare Serenitatis; some of
the dark surface material bordering eastern Mare Sereni-
tatis can be seen in the upper left corner of the
photograph. The crater Littrow D is in the right fore-
ground; between it and le Monnier, Rima Littrow II
extends from the middle right to the lower left

FIGURE 4-45.-An area of orange-hued material west of the

crater Sulpicius Gallus. All three astronauts saw orange-
hued material in and around craters in this area and could
see orange talus on the slopes in the elongate crater just
above right center. Many of the smaller craters, particu-
larly in topographically low areas, are surrounded by the
orange-hued ejecta. In this near-vertical 250-mm Hassel-
blad photograph, north is at the top. The elongate crater,
situated at latitude 20 ° N, longitude 10.5 ° E, is 6 or 7 km
long and is approximately 40 km west of Sulpicius Gallus.
Rima Sulpicius Ganus I crosses the upper right corner.
The Montes Haemus are in the lower left
(AS 17-149-22882).

FIGURE 4-46.-This southeastward oblique view shows the

setting of the area pictured in figure 4-45. The Rimae
Sulpicius Gallus converge on the crater Sulpicius Gallus in
the upper middle. The Montes Haemus define the
southwestern border of Mare Serenitatis along the right
side of the photograph. The bright crater at the right edge
is Sulpicius Gallus M. Note the unusual crater at left
center with a dark rim and light ejecta (AS17-151-23258).

FIGURE 4-47.-The D-shaped feature in the center of this

photograph was first seen in Apollo 15 panoramic camera
photographs. Situated at latitude 18 ° N, longitude 5 ° E,
the feature measures approximately 3 km along the
straight edge and lies below the level of the surrounding
dark, marelike material. The CMP has described the
pale-blue color seen in this and other photographs of the
feature as accurate (AS17-152-23287).

FIGURE 4-48.-Proclus, the most prominent excluded-ray-zone crater on the near side of the Moon, has
been difficult to photograph successfully because of the brightness of its rays. In this near-vertical
photograph, interior details are clear despite the relatively high Sun angle when exposed on
revolution 28. North is at the top of the photograph. The object at the right is the CSM EVA
floodlight (AS17-150-23046).

FIGURE 4-49.-This spectacular panoramic view of the eastern limb of the Moon was exposed when the CSM was in a
pitched-up attitude during revolution 62. The panoramic camera was pointing along the groundtrack at an azimuth of
290 ° . The entire area of Mare Smythii, more than 400 km from left to right, is visible. In the near field, the

from the LM; again, the CSM DAC had a mirror view oblique attitude when the mapping camera was
of the LM and lunar background. On revolution 52, switched on near longitude 107° E. With the camera
the CSM maneuvered to an attitude that would in operation, the CSM began a maneuver to the 40 °
permit inspection of the SIM bay from the LM, and south-looking oblique attitude near longitude 65 ° E
both spacecraft were photographed with the Hassel- and continued in that attitude to the terminator. The
blad cameras (figs. 4-54 and 4-55). Much of the area last two periods of mapping camera operation in
south of the groundtrack from the eastern margin of lunar orbit were terminator-to-terminator passes on
Mare Crisium to the crater Copernicus was also revolutions 66 and 74.
documented with an LM Hasselblad (fig. 4-56). The The panoramic camera was operated on revolution
CM TV provided Earth a view of the LM during 62 from near longitude 132° E to approximately 95 °
docking maneuvers. E, during which period the CSM was in a pitched-up
attitude. As the CSM passed over the landing site on
revolution 62, 11 frames were exposed with the
LUNAR ORBIT PHOTOGRAPHY AFTER camera in the monoscopicmode.
RENDEZVOUS AND DOCKING An area from Montes Apenninus across southern
Mare Imbrium to the terminator was photographed
After docking on revolution 52 and transfer of the with the Hasselblad camera and color film on
crew and equipment to the CSM from the LM, the revolution 65.
LM ascent stage was jettisoned on revolution 54. The Scheduled near-terminator photography was
receding LM was photographed with CM DAC and accomplished on revolution 62 near the craters
the Hasselblad camera. Gagarin and Lambert, on revolution 66 near the
The mapping camera was operated from termi- crater T. Mayer, and on revolution 74 west of the
nator to terminator on revolution 62. From the crater Brayley.
far-side terminator to near longitude 90 ° E, the CSM
was pitched up, and the tilt of the resultant forward-
looking oblique photographs varies somewhat with TRANSEARTH COAST AND EARTH
longitude. Normal vertical orientation of the SIM ENTRY PHOTOGRAPHY
cameras was attained near longitude 90 ° E and was
maintained throughout the remainder of the pass. On As the CSM receded rapidly from the Moon
revolution 65, the CSM was in a 40 ° north-looking following the transearth injection (TEl) maneuver,

150-km-diametercrater Hirayama (centered at lat. 6° S, long. 93° E) extends acrossthe middle one-third of the bottom of the
photograph. The bright rays in the extreme left corner are from a crater near latitude 15.5° S, longitude 87.5° E. The crater
Dreyer (lat. 10° N, long. 96° E) is just outside the extreme right corner (panoramic camera frame AS17-2871).

FIGURE 4-50.-Mare Orientale in earthshine. In this

south-looking, high-oblique, 35-mm photograph, two of
the rings of Mare Orientale are distinctly visible. The
photograph includes the area in which the CMP reported
seeing a possible light flash. The mareUke area in the
middle foreground is Lacus Autumni. Beyond it is Lacus
Veris, at the south end of which is the crater Eichstadt
K. The Montes Rook delineate the inner of the two
rings pictured here. The outer ring, to the left, is marked
by the Montes Cordillera (AS 17-158-23902).

FIGURE 4-51.-Near-terminator photograph in Mare Imbrium. The very low

angle of Sun illumination emphasizes topographic detail in this north-looking,
high-oblique view of the crater C. Herschel and associated mare ridges. C.
Herschel, approximately 15 km in diameter, is located at latitude 34.5 ° N,
longitude 31 ° W (AS17-155-23712).

FIGURE 4-52.-Lift-off of the LM ascent stage. This photograph

was made from the color TV picture transmitted from the
Houston-controlled TV camera mounted on the LRV. The LM
descent stage remains on the lunar surface (S-72-55421).

FIGURE 4-53.-This 16-ram frame was exposed in the LM DAC from the ascent-stage
LMP window shortly after lift-off. The LM descent stage is at the lower left margin
of the photograph, and the ALSEP instruments are visible near the upper left corner,
approximately 190 m and slightly north of west from the LM. The irregular dark
lines between the LM and the ALSEP instruments are LRV tracks. The largest crater
in the field of view, at the upper right corner of the photograph, is Rudolph,
approximately 50 m in diaineter (Apollo 17 16-mm camera, magazine Q).

FIGURE 4-54.-The LM ascent stage pic-

tured while stationkeeping with the CSM
on revolution 52. The rendezvous radar
antenna at the top of the LM is pointing
at the CSM. The bell of the ascent
propulsion engine is visible at the bot-
tom of the spacecraft and, above it, the
square hatch through which the crew
egressed to the lunar surface. Above and
to the viewer's right of the hatch, the
commander's head is in sunlight in the
triangular window. After docking and
transfer of the crew and equipment to
the CM, the LM ascent stage impacted
into the lunar surface near the Apollo 17
ALSEP to provide a data point for the
seismometer (AS17-149-22859).

FIGURE 4-55.-The CSM viewed from

the LM. While stationkeeping before
docking with the LM on revolution
52, the CMP maneuvered the CSM to
allow inspection of the SIM bay by
the LM crew. The mapping camera
film cassette, retrieved by the CMP
during TEC, is under the dark cover
in the near left corner of the SIM
bay. The panoramic camera film cas-
sette is under the square dark cover
directly behind the mapping camera
cassette. The docking probe is at the
apex of the CM. The view is to the
southeast; the number "23" at the
bottom of the picture is centered in
the crater Lick on the southern edge
of Mare Crisium. The dark lunar
surface area on the horizon at the
upper right is Mare Fecunditatis

FIGURE 4-56.-This high-oblique view from the LM after lift-off from the
hmar surface includes the craters Eratosthenes, 60 km in diameter, at
left center, and Copernicus on the horizon at the right. The view is to
the southwest from :_outhern Mare Imbrium. To the left of Eratosthe-
nes is the southern end of Montes Apenninus. Patterns of secondary
craters are emphasized in this low-Sun-angle photograph

the crew photographed the lunar surface with the

DAC and with the Hasselblad camera, using the 80-
and the 250-mm lenses (figs. 4-57 to 4-59). The
crewmen also photographed the crescent Earth with
the Hasselblad camera and the DAC.
The mapping and panoramic cameras were
switched on as the CSM passed over the sunlit lunar
surface shortly after the TEl burn. Images of the
lunar surface were recorded on the 17 remaining
panoramic camera frames and on 107 mapping
camera frames before the lunar disk drifted from the
field of view. The TEC EVA, in which the CMP
retrieved the mapping camera and panoramic camera
film canisters from the SIM bay, was documented
with the DAC and the Hasselblad camera (fig. 4-60).
The fireball accompanying the CM entry into the FIGURE 4-57.-View of the northeastern quadrant of the
Earth atmosphere was photographed with the DAC, Moon taken during TEC. Mare Crisium is the circular
as was the deployment of the drogue and main feature at the right; from bottom center up are Mare
parachutes. Approximately 13 min after Earth entry Fecunditatis, Mare Tranquillitatis, and Mare Serenitatis.
The Apollo 17 landing site at the southeastern margin of
interface, the CM splashed down in the South Pacific Mare Serenitatis is easily distinguished by the very dark
Ocean near latitude 8 ° S, longitude 166 ° W (fig. mantling material. The bright-rayed crater to the left of
4-61 ). Mare Crisium is Proelus (AS l 7-152-23339).

FIGURE 4-58.-A TEC view of Mare Australe. The center of this view is near latitude 35 ° S, longitude 90 ° E.
In the upper niiddle, the large crater with dark material on its floor near both the left and right walls is
Humboldt, centered at latitude 27 ° S, longitude 81 ° E (AS17-152-23288).

FIGURE 4-59.-A TEC view of the almost-full lunar disk. The dark-floored crater Tsiolkovsky is near the terminator at
lower right. Humboldt Crater is to the left of and below center. Part of Mare Serenitatis is visible on the horizon at
the top just to the left of center (AS17-152-23308).

FIGURE 4-60.-The CMP is pictured dur-

ing his TEC EVA to retrieve film
. canisters from the mapping and pano-
ramic cameras in the SIM bay of the
service module (SM). The CMP is hold-
ing a handrail on the SM, and his body
is extended over the open SIM bay.
The mapping camera film canister is
near his left elbow. At the rear of the

9 SM, the lunar sounder experiment

VHF antenna extends toward the top
right corner of the photograph

FIGURE 4-61.-The Apollo 17 CM nears

splashdown in the South Pacific Ocean
within approximately 1 km of the
target point. Splashdown was at
07:24:59 G.m.t., December 19, 1972,
304 hr 32 min after lift-off from the
NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center,
Florida (S-72-55834).

Near-Terminator and Earthshine Photography

James W. Head a and Douglas Lloyd b

The purposes of this paper are to illustrate and NEAR-TERMINATOR PHOTOGRAPHY

describe two types of special photograph (near ter-
minator and earthshine) taken during the Apollo 17 Apollo 17 Landing Site
mission and to point out potential areas of its
usefulness to encourage full utilization of the Apollo A near-terminator photograph of the Taurus-Lit-
17 photographs in scientific investigations. Where trow highlands and the Apollo 17 landing site
appropriate, some description and preliminary inter- (designated by the arrow) is shown in figure 4-62.
pretation are given to demonstrate the potential of The ejecta blanket of the crater Vitruvius (in the
various photographs, lower left, approximately 30 km in diameter) is
Lunar surface photographs taken in the vicinity of embayed by smooth mare material, thus indicating a
the sunshine terminator provide important informa- premare age for the crater. The differences between
tion that is often unavailable on photographs taken at terrain types are enhanced in this low-Sun photo-
higher Sun-elevation angles (such as Lunar Orbiter graph. The flat, sparsely cratered mare regions around
and most Apollo orbital photographs). Features that
are particularly enhanced include those of low relief
(such as mare flow fronts), craters of different
morphology (rimless depressions, secondaries, etc.),
areas of contrasting crater densities, and small-scale
structures occurring on other low-relief features (such
as mare ridges). Technical details of Apollo near-ter-
minator photography are given in references 4-1 to
4-4. During Apollo 17, two magazines of very-high-
speed black-and-white (VHBW) film (2485)were
exposed using the Electric Hasselblad (Et,) camera on i_
70-mm film format.
Photographs were also obtained under earthshine
conditions in areas near the crater Copernicus, in
western Oceanus Procellarum, and around the Orien-
tale basin. Technical details of these photographs are
described in reference 4-2. During the Apollo 17
mission, VHBW 35-ram film was exposed with a
Nikon camera.

FIGURE 4-62.-Taurus-Littrow region; arrow indicates

aBrownUniversity. Apollo 17 landing site. Width of area shown is approxi-
bBeliTelephone Laboratories. mately 200 kin (AS17-154-23602).


FIGURE 4-63.-Mosaic of photographs of a portion of Mare Imbrium just north of the crater Euler
showing multiple flow lobes and flow fronts. Distance from lower left to upper right is
approximately 110 km (AS 17-155-23714 to 23716).

Vitruvius (in the lower right of the photograph) are in narrows and sharpens to the left, and finally emerges
contrast with the pitted, more hummocky, cratered as a zigzag scarp-like ridge. The much broader mare
terrain of the upland plains. The 10- to 20-km-di- arch to the north shows a somewhat similar trend
ameter, smooth-sided massive mountain blocks (mas- with the mare ridge being even more distinct as it
sirs) around the landing site also stand in marked crosses from one side of the arch to the arch axis.
contrast to the timer-textured, domical, somewhat Several apparently flooded craters (arrows) also can
lineated Sculptured Hills, which make up the major- be seen.
ity of the highlands in figure 4-62.
Potential Volcanic Source Areas
Flow Lobes and Flow Fronts
Several features of possible volcanic origin (fig.
A series of overlapping flows and flow fronts is 4-65) are located in a group in southwestern Mare
located in Mare Imbrium, north of the crater Euler Imbrium. The area is characterized by a series of low
(fig. 4-63). These trend to the north and contain a hummocky hills; a large, central, irregular rimless
wide variety of leveed flow channels (lower left). The depression; a series of crater chains; numerous mean-
detailed sequence and history of these particular dering scarps; a long arcuate rille at the southeastern
flows have been studied by Schaber (ref. 4-5). boundary; and a series of cone-like structures with
Although some of the major flow fronts have been central craters leading in a chain away from the
visible on higher Sun photographs, the detailed northern end of the complex (base of fig. 4-65). The
structure and stratigraphy could not have been assemblage of volcanic structures located in this area
worked out without thelow-Sun photographs, suggests that it may have been a center of mare
volcanic activity.
Mare Ridges
Mare Albedo and Structure Boundaries
A series of structures associated with mare ridges,
which are typical of many mare structures, is shown Low-Sun photographs enhance the contrast be-
in figure 4-64. Two broad mare arches (ref. 4-6) are tween major mare units, such as the central fill of
visible. The lower, narrower arch is broad at the right,

FIGURE 4-65.-Possible center of mare volcanic activity in

southwestern Mare hnbrium. South is at the top; appro:,d-
FIGURE 4-64.-Mare arches and ridges (AS17-155-23767). imate width of center area is 45 km (AS17-155-23736).

Serenitatis and its surrounding dark annulus (fig. to the left. These mare domes may represent the
4-66). The dark annulus, a low albedo unit, partially lunar equivalent of shield volcanoes and may be
lines the inner edge of Mare Serenitatis and has been sources for some of the mare lavas.
mapped as Eratosthenian in age, while the higher A second type of domical mare structure is visible
albedo central mare fill has been mapped as Imbrian in southwestern Mare Imbrium near the crater Dio-
in age (ref. 4-7). However, the dark annulus in phantus (figs. 4-68(a) and (b)). This structure (seen
southern Serenitatis (lower half of fig. 4-66) is laced
with linear rilles that terminate at or are embayed by
the central mare unit. Also, secondary craters from
the crater Plinius (just off the photograph at the
lower right) occur up to the boundary with the
central mare but not on the other side. These
relationships strongly suggest that the dark annulus
predates the central mare of Serenitatis, at least in
this area.

Domical Structures in Maria

Two general types of domical structures occurring

in the maria are enhanced by low-Sun photographs.
Low, broad circular domes with or without central
pit craters form one type; examples from northern
Mare Tranquillitatis are visible in figure 4-67(a)
(arrows). A second example is visible west of the
crater Copernicus near T. Mayer (fig. 4-67(b)); here a
sinuous rille winds around the base of a low 15-km-di-
ameter mare dome located near the base of a highland
ridge. The dome has a central pit (tip of arrow). A
second broad dome with an elongate central pit is just

FIGURE 4-67.-Domical structures in lunar maria. (a) Domes

in northern Mare Tranquinitatis (arrows). The domes
average approximately 5 to 10 km in diameter (AS17-
154-23604). (b) Domes near the crater T. Mayer. The
FIGURE 4-66.-Dark annulus in southern Mare Serenitatis. dome designated by the arrow is approximately 15 km in
Frame width is approximately 95 km (AS17-154-23635). diameter (AS17-155-23739).

under two different low-Sun conditions)is character- to the central hiils (just outside the figure), and
ized by an irregular scarp-like outline, central hill and terminates again at the northern end of the structure.
groups of satellite hills, and various associated rilles. The other rille apparently lies at the crest of the
No obvious central pit can be identified. The sinuous structure and may be structural in origin. A number
rille visible here (fig. 4-68) terminates at the base of of these features suggest that this mare dome may be
the domical structure, crosses over the crest adjacent the result of differential settling of mare lavas rather

FIGURE 4-68.-Domical mare structure under different FIGURE 4-69.-Low-Sun photographs enhancing features
low-Sun conditions. (a)Domieal mare structure in south- associated with sinuous rilles. (a) Rilles and rimless
west Mare Imbrium near Diophantus. The sinuous rille is depressions north of Mare Vaporum. The width of the
approximately 600 m wide (AS17-155-23755). Co)Same area shown is approximately 25 km (AS17-154-23679).
area as shown in part (a) but at a lower Sun angle (b) Sinuous rille and mare ridge under near-terminator
(AS17-155-23749). conditions (AS17-155-23723).

than extrusive volcanic buildup, as envisioned for the

circular mare domes.

Sinuous Rilles

Figure 4-69 shows some of the features associated

with sinuous rilles that are enhanced by low-Sun
photographs. Figure 4-69(a) illustrates the complex
of rimless depressions and partially collapsed struc-

tures just north of Mare Vaporum and associated with

mare sinuous rilles. Figure 4-69(b) shows a sinuous
, rille crossing a mare arch several times, suggesting that
the arch may have formed at a later stage than the


Earthshine photography of three regions is illus-

trated in figure 4-70. Figure 4-70(a) shows the Reiner
7 structure or surface marking seen under earthshine
conditions in western Oceanus Procellarum. Figure
4-70(b) shows the crater Schl_iter on the rim of the
Orientale basin, and figure 4-70(c) shows the rim and
interior of the Orientale basin with Lacus Autumni in
the foreground and Lacus Veris in the background.


4-1. Head, J. W.; and Lloyd, D. D.: Near-Terminator

Photography. Sec. 18, Part G, of the Apollo 14 Prelimi-
nary Science Report. NASA SP-272, 1971.
FIGURE 4-70.-Earthshine photographs. (a) The Reiner 3' 4-2. Lloyd, D. D.; and Head, J. W.: Lunar Surface Properties
area (bright patch, approximately 80 km wide) in western as Determined From Earthshine and Near-Terminator
Oceanus Procellarum (AS17-158-23897). Co) The crater Photography. Proceedings of tke Third Lunar Science
Schlater (approximately 90 km in diameter) on the rim of Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972,
the Orientale basin (AS17-161-24013). (c) View looking pp. 3127-3142.
southwestward into the Orientale basin with Lacus 4-3. Head, J. W.; and Lloyd, D. D.: Near-Terminator
Autumni in the foreground and Lacus Veris in the Photography. See. 25, Part R, of the Apollo 15 Prelimi-
background (AS17-158-23901). nary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.

4-4. Head, J, W.; and Lloyd, D. D.: Low-Relief Features in Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex,), Mar. 5-8,
Terrain of the Descartes Region and Other Areas: Near- 1973), pp. 653-655.
Terminator Photography. See. 29, Part U, of the Apollo 4-6. Strom, R. G.: Lunar Mare Ridges, Rings, and Volcanic
16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972. Ring Complexes. Mod. Geol., vol. 2, 1971, pp. 133-157.
4-5. Schaber, Gerald G.: Lava Flows in Mare hnbrium: 4-7. Wflhelms, D.; and McCauley, J. F.: Geologic Map of the
Geologic Evaluation From Apollo Orbital Photography. Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv.
Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Map 1-703, 1971.
5. A Geological Investigation of the
Tau rus-Littrow Mal ley
Harrison H. Schmitt a and Eugene A. Cernan a

The Apollo 17 mission visited the valley of EXPLORATION PLANS

Taurus-Littrow in the mountainous southeastern ring
of the great plain of Mare Serenitatis. Between the The photogeology of the valley of Taurus-Littrow
1lth and 14th of December, 1972, we conducted 22 and exploration plans based on that geology are
hr of surface exploration and experimentation in this described in detail in references 5-2 and 5-3. Figure
valley. Six major geologically defined units within the 5-3 is an Apollo 17 panoramic camera photograph
that gives somewhat better detail of the area than was
valley and in the mountains surrounding it (figs. 5-1
and 5-2) were investigated. In the performance of this available from the Apollo 15 photographs used for
investigation, we visited 11 major sampling locations, the preflight planning.
traversed and observed 30 km of the valley floor, The stratigraphy and historical sequence of events
collected 97 major rock samples and 75 soil samples, in the Taurus-Littrow area were largely understood
and obtained 2200 documentation photographs. The before the Apollo 17 mission (refs. 5-2 and 5-3). This
premission sequence, from older to younger events, is
nearly flawless characteristics of the mission plans summarized as follows.
and equipment (ref. 5-1), our experience _md training
in the geological sciences, and the close cooperation 1. Pre-Serenitatis events included lunar crust de-
of the science team on Earth provided a much more velopment and pre-Serenitatis impact events.
extensive delineation of the geological context of our 2. The Serenitatis event included formation of the
investigations than had ever before been possible on major mountain ring and initial formation of radial
the Moon. grabens such as the Taums-Littrow valley. Uplift of
It now appears that, at Taurus-Littrow, we have the valley walls may have continued for an extended
looked at and sampled the ancient lunar record time after the Serenitatisevent.
ranging backward from the extrusion of old mare 3. Ejeeta blankets from the Nectaris and Crisium
basalts 3.7 billion years ago, through the formation of events probably extended across the Taurus-Littrow
the Mare Serenitatis mountain ring, and thence area.
backward into crystalline materials that may reflect 4. The Imbrium event, in addition to contributing
the earliest history of the evolution of the lunar crust ejecta to the area, could have accented the formation
itself. Also, materials and processes that range for- of grabens like the Taurus-Littrow graben, which is
ward from the formation of one of the earliest mare radial to both the Imbrium and Serenitatis basins.
basalt surfaces through 3.7 billion years of modifica- 5. Post-Imbrium materials partially Fdled and
tion of that surface have been found and can now be leveled the valley floor after graben formation was
studied. The early portion of this modification complete or near completion.
included the addition of mantles of glassy spheres 6. The Camelot-age cratering events, which were
that may be the culmination of processes once active apparently impact events, exposed subfloor material;
within the deep interior of the Moon. crater materials are apparently partly mantled by
dark material.
7. The Steno-age cratering events consisted of the
formation of craters similar to but less subdued than
aNASALyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter. the Camelot-age craters.


FIGURE 5-2.-The valley of Taurus-Littrowas seen from the

FIGURE 5-1.-The majestic valley of Taurus-Littrow, a dark, lunar module Challenger on the orbit before powered
bay-like identation in the broken mountain chain that descent. The command and service module America can
defines the edge of Mare Serenitatis. Coordinates of the be seen crossing the base of the 2301Ym-high South
landing site are latitude 20010' N, longitude 30046' E. Massif. At its narrowest point between the South and
The view is northwestward, and the central width of the North Massif%the valley is 7 km wide. Mare Serenitaiis is
valley is approximately 7 km (AS17-148-22770). on the horizon (AS17-147-22465).

8. The dark mantle deposition included mantling tured Hills (station 8). Wherever possible, large blocks
of older features on a regional scale; the deposits are were to be studied in preference to other features.
interpreted as possibly pyroclastic. Materials present beneath the valley floor and the
9. Effects of the Lee-Lincoln Scarp formation are nature of the major craters of the valley were to be
apparently superposed on North Massif talus; the age studied specifically in the walls and on the rims of
relation to the dark mantle material is uncertain, several large craters; that is, Emory Crater at station 1
10. The light mantle deposition was a probable (later moved to a location between the craters Steno
avalanche deposit ofmassifmaterialstransportedover and Powell), Camelot Crater at station 5, and
the dark mantle onto the valley floor. Sherlock Crater at station 10 (later eliminated). These
11. The Shorty-age and Van Serg-age cratering large-crater localities and the surface near tile landing
events are indicated by small and relatively sharp point were also intended to be prime areas for
craters superposed on the younger surfaces of the investigating the dark floor materials. A concentrated
dark and light mantles, look at the light mantle that extends northeastward
12. For regolith and talus formation, it is assumed from the South Massif was planned for stations 2, 3,
that impact-generated regolith formed on all exposed and 4. Little work on this problem was possible at
surfaces as a continuing process throughout lunar station 4; however, a new station on the light mantle
history. Talus has similarly accumulated at the base (station 2A) was added during the mission. Finally, a
of all steeps lopes, study of more recent cratering events, possibly
The actual lunar surface traverses (fig. 6-2 of sec. volcanic in origin, was set for station 4 at Shorty
6) were very close to those planned for the Apollo 17 Crater and for station 9 at Van Serg Crater.
mission. It was intended to investigate the old, The premission objectives also included extensive
premare materials at the bases of both the South and plans for sampling lunar soil on the various geologic
North Massifs (station 2 and stations 6 and 7, units. This sampling included collection of samples
respectively) and possibly at the base of the Sculp- from the lunar roving vehicle, core-tube samples,

FIGURE 5-3.-Apollo 17 panoramic camera photograph of the Taurus-Littrow valley with the
informal names of various topographic features indicated. The central width of the valley from
Nansen Crater to Henson Crater is approximately 7 km (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame

sample sequences from trenches, samples from special To greater or lesser degrees, each of these projects
geometric situations, an_ a deep (3.2 m) core sample, received special attention during the Apollo 17 lunar
All these objectives were met. surface explorations.
Several special observational and sampling projects
as targets of opportunity were delineated on the basis OBSERVATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS
of the implications of certain lines of interpretation
for the origin and nature of various valley features. The raw data of our observations during the
These special projects were as follows, exploration of the Taurus-Littrow valley exist only in
our verbal transcriptions, in videotapes, and in our
1. Coarsely crystalline rock suites associated with minds. The synthesis of the data contained in
the massifs transcripts and videotapes is relatively straightforward
2. Evidence of fumarolic alteration and constitutes the foundation of this report. The
3. Evidence of a source or vent of volcanic synthesis of the data contained in the mind is more
materials difficult. Unlike normal field work on Earth, the
4. Apparent xenoliths contained within igneous pressures of time and total efficiency on the Moon
materials prevent the conscious mental recording of visual
5. Undisturbed glass masses that possibly cooled images. Many images are recorded, to be sure, but
through the Curie point in situ some are not subject to direct recall. Not only may an

external stimulus, such as a photograph or a question, The North Massif

be required to release these data, but there is a
The North and South Massifs form the majestic
continued problem, which worsens as time passes, of walls of the Taurus-Littrow valley and rise to heights
separating purely objective observational data from
of 2000 and 2300 m, respectively, above the valley
more subjective feelings acquired since the mission. In
floor, with flanking slopes of approximately 25 ° . The
recognition of this problem, the transcripts and tapes massifs represent the major structural boundaries of
have been used extensively for verification of observa-
the valley. Their faces contain intermittent exposures
tions. Possible interpretive explanations and alterna-
of thick sections of premare crustal rocks. Numerous
rives are observational
The included in the environment
last section ofinthisthepaper,
Taurus- fields, or "source-crops," of boulders are present on
the upper one-half to two-thirds of the slopes of both
Littrow valley is superb. Unfiltered sunlight is an massifs. Boulder tracks indicate that blocks have
excellent light for visual investigation. When this light rolled into the valley from these sources. Several of
is combined with generally clean rock surfaces, there these blocks were the prime field objectives of our
is little difficulty in distinguishing mineralogical and traverses in the Taurus-Littrow valley.
textural differences. Albedo and textural differences
The source-crops for the boulders on the slopes of
in soil and rock surfaces also are readily apparent. For
the North Massif are linear but discontinuous. They
the most part, the sampling of rocks and soils was
are roughly horizontal in apparent orientation, and
based on visually detectable differences or similari-
each is a few hundred meters in length. The large
ties. These characteristics were recognizable despite boulder investigated at station 6 (fig. 5-4) has a
an overall brownish patina on most rock surfaces.
well-defmed track above it and appears to have
of the more photographs
subtle cannot yet
information record tomuch
available the originated from the lowermost source-crop band
approximately one-third of the way up the slope.
human eye. Based on what had been seen on previous lunar
NOMENCLATURE missions, the geologic complexity of the boulders at
In this report, consistency with our field (tran- stations 6 and 7 was unexpected. Here, for the first
script) terminology has been maintained except in a time, it was possible to observe and sample across a
few instances. The term "anorthositic gabbro" has major lithologic and structural contact. This contact
was exposed sharply in boulders large enough that
been dropped in favor of "tan-gray mattix-rich
breccia." The term "blue-gray breccia" has been outcrop investigative techniques could be applied. As
subdivided into "blue-gray matrix-rich breccia" and always, however, time was relentless and many
"blue-gray fragment-rich breccia." Finally, the term
"dark mantle" has been replaced by "dark floor
material" because a mantling origin is subject to
question at the time of preparation of this report. In
most cases, breccias are distinguished as "matrix-rich"
or "fragment-rich" depending on which textural
component is visually dominant in a given boulder.
For correlation of the field terms used in this section
with those used in section 6 of this report, see table


The general historical or stratigraphic sequence of

major geologic units in the Taurus-Littrow region was
well understood before our investigations on the
surface. What remained to be done was the correla-
FIGURE 5-4.-View looking south from station 6 on the
tion of the detailed field stratigraphic sequences with North Massif and including the large boutders of blue-
this general regional sequence. The field observations gray breccia (left) and tan-gray breccia (right) sampled
are discussed in detail in the following paragraphs, at this locality (AS17-140-21496).

questions were only partially answered. Still, much (fig. 5-7). The clasts also appear deformed and
was learned, partially mixed with blue-gray material in the station
Three major categories of stratigraphic materials 6 boulders. The distinctive clasts are apparently the
were studied and sampled in the boulders at stations oldest stratigraphic materials sampled at the Taurus-
6 and 7. A younger, freely crystalline, strikingly Littrow site.
vesicular, tan-gray, matrix-rich breccia (fig. 5-5) is Scattered, distinctive, light-colored clasts also are
apparently in intrusive contact with an older, very present in the tan-gray breccia; however, the strati-
finely crystalline, blue-gray, fragment-rich breccia graphic relations of these clasts to either the blue-gray
(fig. 5-6). There are inclusions of blue-gray breccia in breccia or its included clasts were not apparent.
the tan-gray breccia at the contact in the station 6 A marked brown patina is well developed on all
boulder. A blue-gray matrix-rich breccia is the mate- weathered rock surfaces in the Taurus-Littrow valley.
rial in direct contact with the tan-gray breccia in both The patina is most prominent on the surfaces of the
the contacts investigated. This blue-gray matrix-rich massif breccias, including the fractured surfaces of
breccia forms a contact zone approximately 1 m the blocks with well-preserved boulder tracks above
wide, apparently produced from the blue-gray [rag- them at station 6.
ment-rich breccia in the boulder at station 6. The The light-gray walls of craters on the slopes of the
large vesicles in the tan-gray breccia are ellipsoidal in North Massif and light-gray material we uncovered
cross section and are generally alined parallel to the with our boots suggest that this type of fine debris,
contact with the blue-gray breccia. There were some mixed with boulders, forms the bulk of the talus at
small vesicles in the blue-gray breccia near this the base of the massif. Fillets of this material are
contact in the boulder at station 6. largely absent around boulders except on some uphill
In addition to the common small blue-gray frag- sides. Overlying the light-gray fine-grained talus is a
ments that dominate the blue-gray fragment-rich medinm-gray surface material that is generally a few
breccia, there are distinctive clasts of hght-gray centimeters thick. Unlike the Filleted boulders of the
breccias. Within the contact zone at station 7, one of
these clasts i_ ueined by blue-gray matrix-rich breccia

FIGURE 5-6.-The large boulder investigated at station 7 on

FIGURE 5-5.-Vesicular, tan-gray, matrix-rich breccia at the North Massif.The boulder is approximately 2 m wide
station 6. Note the scattered distinctive light-colored and contains a sharp contact between vesicular tan-gray
clasts and the general alinement of vesiclestrending from breccia on the left and blue-graybreccia on the right. A
lower left to upper right. The horizontal width of the tabular distinctive clast is present on the extremeright,
illuminated portion of the boulder is approximately 1.5 m and a weathering patina is indicated by light areas where
(AS17-140-21423). sampleswere taken (AS17-146-22336).

FIGURE 5-8.-Southwest-looking view of the 2300-m-high

South Massifas seen from station 6 at the base of the
North Massif. Station 2 is located near the center of the
photograph and is approximately 10 km away. Southeast-
FIGURE 5-7.-Vein of blue-graymatrix-rich breccia cutting a to northwest-plunging albedo lineaments suggest the
distinctive clast of anorthositic matrix-rich breccia in the attitude of internal massif structure. North Massif talus
boulder at station 7. The vein is continuous with the debris is in the foreground (AS17-140-21491).
major mass of blue-graymatrix-rich breccia that encloses
the clast. The width of the angled end of the tongs is 6 cm
(AS17-146-22327). ward the west. Offsets of the color changes, down-
ward to the east, suggest that normal faults dipping
valley floor, the sides of boulders commonly over- steeply eastward cut the massif structure.
hang this surface material. The boulders investigated at station 2 (fig. 5-9)
included crystalline, tan-gray matrix-rich breccia and
blue-gray matrix-rich breccia, but no contact relations
The South Massif were observed. The tan-gray breccia is less vesicular
The rocks of the South Massif (fig. 5-8) consti- and more heterogeneous in texture than its North
tuted the prime geological objective on the mission to Massif counterpart. The sampled blue-gray breccia is
the Taurus-Littrow valley, although the long traverse similar to that found in the contact zones of the
to the South Massif clearly taxed the operational North Massif boulders. From a distance, boulders of
limits of our surface exploration capabilities. An both these rock types have a tan-gray hue very similar
hour-long trip to the edge of Nansen Crater at the to that of the materials below the blue-gray tones in
base of the massif, for approximately 60 min of the high portions of the South Massif.
exploration time there, meant that the remainder of The distinctive clasts of contrasting shades and
this excursion would be extremely limited in time hues in the tan-gray and blue-gray breccias of the
available for exploration. The boulders that were our South Massif generally appear similar to those in the
specific objectives held the promise of an unparalleled North Massif breccias. However, one crystalline clast
view into the history of the lunar crust. Although in the boulder of blue-gray matrix-rich breccia has
overshadowed by more spectacular later discoveries, proved to be composed largely of olivine (sec. 7). The
we were not to be disappointed by "old station 2." preliminary examination of rocks from both the
The most obvious sources for the boulders near South and North Massifs also suggests that various
station 2 are on the upper one-fourth of the South crystalline mafic rocks and some ultramafic rocks
Massif slope. Visual inspection from a distance indi- make up a significant portion of the distinctive clast
cared that linear source-crops on this part of the mas- population.
sif and subtle linear color variations of blue-gray lying The third boulder examined at station 2 was a
over tan-gray have an apparent dip of 10 ° to 15 ° to- strongly foliated and layered fragment-rich breccia

_ _ 45

FIGURE 5-9.-View looking southwest and encompassingthe

boulders investigated at station 2. The boulders lie along FIGURE 5-10.-Foliated and layered_breccia investigated at
the base of the South Massiftalus slope. The surface of station 2. Four sampleswere obtained across the layering,
the light mantle is in the foreground. The lunar roving which trends from the upper left to the lower right in the
vehicleis 183 cm wide (AS17-138-21072). photograph. The visible portion of the gnomon rod is
approximately 45 cm long (AS17-137-20903).

(fig. 5-10) that is much less coherent than either the

tan-gray or blue-gray breccia types. This foliated and
layered breccia contains large clasts of both dark- and
light-colored older breccias in a generally light-
colored matrix. There are also small clasts with
distinctive dark coronas around them. From a dis-
tance, this boulder has a blue-gray hue very similar to
that of the blue-gray materials observed :near the top
of the western portion of the South Massif.
Along the boundary between the South Massif and
the valley floor, there is a trough. This trough is much
broader and more continuous than had been apparent
before the mission. The trough is a few hundred
meters wide at station 2, is flat floored, and seems
to include the crater Nansen as an integral, although
much deeper, topographic unit.
The observed properties of the tahis material at
the base of the South Massif are very similar to those
observed at the North Massif. In Nansen Crater, it is FIGURE 5-11.-View from near station 2, looking northwest
also clear that at least some of the South Massif talus into the crater Nansen and along the contact between the
South Massiftalus and the light mantle. Note the lobe of
forms a younger toe of debris over the valley floor, talus debris lying on the light mantle in Nansen. The
particularly over the light mantle deposits present in boulders are on the order of 3 to 5 m in diameter
Nansen (fig. 5-11). (AS17-138-21058).

The Sculptured Hills fragment was unfilleted and projected only a few
centimeters into the underlying soil. Other exotic
The interlocking domes of the Sculptured Hills
form the northeastern wall of the Taurus-Littrow white fragments in small secondary craters appeared
valley. The origin of this unusual physiographic unit to be anorthositic matrix-rich breccias (fig. 5-13).
remains unknown, although some relation to the The soil on the slope material at station 8 has a
uniform grain size and is medium to dark gray in
processes associated with the Serenltatis impact event color in a trench dug to a depth of 30 cm (fig. 5-14).
is indicated by morphologically similar units near In this regard, the slope materials of the Sculptured
other large lunar basins (ref. 5-2). Hills resemble the soils on the dark floor material in
Our investigation at station 8 on the lower slopes the valley rather than those on the massifs or on the
of the the
about Sculptured
nature of Hills gaveunits.
bedrock no definitive evidence
Concentrations of light mantle.

boulders were observed only near the tops of the

hills, and no boulder tracks were apparent above the The Valley Floor

few blocks visible on the lower slopes (fig. 5-12). The The dark floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley is
surface texture
tured Hills of thefiner
is of much slope material
scale on thewrinkled
and is more Sculp- underlain by a body of basalt between the bounding
massifs. Since formation, this material has been
in appearance than that of comparably lighted slopes subjected to a variety of cratering, depositional,
on the massifs, structural, and possibly volcanic processes. In addi-
Of the six blocks examined in the vicinity of
tion to the investigation of block fields in the valley,
station 8, five were composed of crystalline basalt our goals included the study of the Camelot- and
similar to that in the Camelot-Steno area. The sixth Steno-age cratering events, the depositional char-
block was a black, glass-coated, coarsely crystalline acteristics of the dark floor material, the structural
rock made up of approximately equal parts of a history of the valley floor, and any volcanic features
yellowish mafic mineral and white to bluish-gray
we might encounter.
plagioclase and maskelynite. This apparently exotic

FIGURE 5-12.-View from station 8 looking northeast up FIGURE 5-13.-Secondary crater approximately 1 m in
the slope of the Sculptured Hills. Note the small number diameter in the wall of a larger crater near station 8. The
of boulders relative to the talus deposits around the central portion of the secondary crater contains several
massifs.The boulder in the distant center of the photo- fragments of white, anorthositic, matrix-rich breccia that
graph is approximately 0.5 m in diameter (AS17-142- appears to have been part of the crater-formingprojectile
21734). (AS17-146-22399).

The block fields concentrated near and in the large

craters in the Camelot-Steno area allowed a rather
comprehensive investigation of the basalts. The
blocks are largely massive, tan to pinkish-gray,
coarse-grained, ilmenite basalts generally having a
coarsely vesicular texture. Isolated examples of egg-
sized vesicles were observed near the crater Bronte.
Locally, there is a strong foliation formed by the
occurrence of parallel parting planes or f_actures (fig.
5-15). The blocks on the rim of Camelot Crater at
station 5 showed parallel layers defined by differ-
ences in vesicle concentrations.
Only two fragments of aphanitic basalt were
observed despite a search for this variety at each
sampling site. Both fragments were finely porphyritic,
and the one from the crater Shorty was 'very coarsely
vesicular. Other fine-grained to aphanitic basalt frag-
ments are present in the suites of sm_dl fragments
collected in rake and soil samples (sec. 7).
In some blocks, finely textured blue-gray basalt FIGURE 5-15.-Basalt block at station 5 on the southern rim
forms isolated irregular lenses within the tan-gray of Camelot Crater
orientation showingfoliation
of vesicle concentrations.causedby
Hammerthe parallel
is 35.5 cm
coarse-grained basalt (fig. 5-16). Material of a similar long (AS17-145-22153).
blue-gray color was seen from a distance in the
western wall of the crater Cochise, where it forms a
unit several tens of meters thick over a tan-gray unit
(fig. 5-17). The contact has an apparent dip of

FIGURE 5-16.-A large partly buried block of coarsely

vesicular basalt ("geophone rock") investigated near the
FIGURE 5-14.-The trench wall in soil at station 8 on the Apollo lunar surface experiments package (ALSEP) site.
slope of the Sculptured Hills. Note the lack of apparent Note the irregular lenses of finely textured basalt and the
structure within the soil. The color scale on the gnomon absence of soil fillets. The visible portion of the boulder is
leg is 15 cm long (AS17-142-21720). approximately 4 m wide (AS17-147-22536).

The regolith on dark floor material consists of

loose, f'me, sedate debris with few fragments larger
than approximately 1 cm (fig. 5-18). The regolith is a
sparkling dark gray at the surface with even darker
gray material just below the surface, at least in the
optically lightened area near the lunar module (fig.
Locally, the fragment populations on the dark
floor material are quite variable. In the general
vicinity of the Steno-class craters that form the
cluster of craters south of the landing point, the
fragment frequency is higher b) a factor of 4 or 5
than it is near the Camelot-class craters or in areas
along the traverse west of Camelot Crater and near
the crater Shakespeare. Although coherent soft
breccias were sought in this general area, none were
recognized; however, a few examples were collected
(see. 7) inadvertently as a consequence of attempts to
sample fine-grained basaltic materials.
Coehise 5-17.-View from the Note
looking northwest. southern rim of the crater
the medium-_ay unit The dark floor material has many field characteris-
lying over the light-gray unit in the western wall of the tics that suggest it is a mantling deposit, as do its
crater. The apparent dip of the contact between the two characteristics as seen from orbit and in orbital
units is to the north. The units are tentatively interpreted photographs (ref. 5-4 and part B of sec. 29). The field
to be varieties of basalt based on visual similarities to characteristics are as follows.
other basalts investigatedin detail (AS17-146-22411). 1. The block fields associated with large craters

approximately 20 ° to the north. The units in Coctrise

Crater could be the two varieties of subfloor basalt.
In general, however, the tan-gray coarsely vesicular
variety of subfloor basalt is dominant (at least 95
percent) in the basaltic block fields along our
A general absence of obvious shock effects was
noted in the blocks of basalt studied in the field.
Other than the pervasively fractured basalt block at
Shorty Crater and possibly the very-fine-grained
mylonitic zones along isolated fractures in other
blocks, the basalts seemed to have been only slightly
metamorphosed by the formation of large craters in
the valley. Despite the paucity of shock effects, the
morphology of the large craters is consistent with
their being impact craters of at least two general age
groups that have been subsequently modified by the
deposition of the dark floor material.
The floor of the valley is largely covered with this FIGURE 5-18.-View from the lunar module (LM) landing
dark material. Below the dark floor surface, there are site looking north across dark floor material toward the
probably interlayered ejecta blankets from the vari- North Massif.The
the dark surfacerelative
floor material in the foreground is typical of
to the abundance of
OUS large craters. Boulders in these ejecta blankets craters and basalt fragments.The small crater just right of
project above the surface in the lunar module and center in the photograph is approximately 3 m in
Steno Crater areas, diameter (AS17-136-20693).

FIGURE 5-19.-View from LM window looking west to-

ward Family Mountain. The ALSEP site is at the center
of the photograph. Note that the local area around the
LM has a higher albedo than that of more distant areasof
the valley or of the disturbed dark floor material nearby.
The mechanical effect of the descent engine effluents FIGURE 5-20.-View from station 5 looking north acrossthe
appears to have caused a change in the albedo of the crater Camelot and toward the North Massif. Note both
immediate surface near the landing point (AS17- the concentration of blocks on the inner wallof the crater
140-21355). and the dark floor material that generally covers the
crater rim. The crater is approximately 600 m in
diameter, and the North Massifrises approximately 2200
are largely confined to the inner walls of the craters m above the valley floor (AS17-145-22181).
(fig. 5-20). The rims of these craters are generally
covered by dark floor material for distances of 20 to
30 m down the crater wall from the tim. Locally, the
block fields of the crater walls extend up to, but
rarely over, the rim crest (fig. 5-21). In these few
places, the edge of the block field terminates sharply
against the dark floor material outside the crater. No
differences were observed between dark: floor mate-
rial on or away from crater rims.
2. Dark floor material locally extends over crater
walls in long downward-pointing fans that apparently
bury the wall block fields. The crater floors are
universally covered by the same material.
3. Dark floor material constitutes the interblock
material in all block fields (fig. 5-22). If the large
blocks of the block fields are assumed to be generally
equidimensional in shape, then they are approxi-
mately half buried in the dark floor material that
surrounds each individual block. However, no dark FIGURE 5-21.-View from station 5 looking east along the
floor material distinctly mantles the top of any block, southern rim of the crater Camelot. Note the relatively
sharp contrast between the basalt block fields and the
4. All observed craters in dark floor material that dark floor material that covers the crater rim. The
are between approximately 5 and 80 m in diameter wheelbase of the lunar roving vehicle is 229 cm (AS17-
have dark floor material on their ejecta blankets, 145-22162).
rims, walls, and floors. However, there is no indica-
tion of extensive filling of such craters. "Van Serg was have coverings of weakly coherent soil breccia frag-
the only observed crater that had a clearly defined ments.
blocky rim. Fresh craters less than 5 m in diameter 5. As will be detailed later, the orange and black

FIGURE 5-22.-View looking west from station 5 on the

southern rim of Camelot Crater. The photograph shows
the general slope and distribution of basalt blocks on the
rim and inner walls of the crater. The large block just
right of center is approximately 2 m high (AS17-145-

glasses at Shorty Crater partially mantle that crater.

These glasses have affinities with the fine-gained FIGURE 5-23.-Regolithic debris partly filling cracks and
fractions of the dark floor material (sec. 7). depressions on a large basalt block at station 5. Note
relative lack of debris on flat and more exposed surfaces
Boulder surfaces are generally free of dust except of the block. The gray scale on the gnomon is 30 cm long
in depressions on horizontal rock surfaces where dust (AS17-145-22155).
and relatively coarse rock and mineral debris have
accumulated (fig. 5-23). Fillets tend to be low on
boulders on the valley floor, although isolated excep- both and speculation on the possible mechanisms of
tions to this rule were observed, particularly near the deposition were questions posed in our premission
ApoUo lunar surface experiments package (ALSEP) planning.
deployment site. The surface of the light mantle is composed of
The visually apparent saturation crater size on the loose, medium-gray, finely seriate debris with an
dark floor material is probably approximately 0.5 m, apparently large deficiency of fragments in size ranges
which suggests a 10-cm-deep gardened zone. Mechani- greater than approximately 1 cm (fig. 5-24). Very few
cal penetrability decreased markedly below approxi- rock fragments or boulders larger than a few centi-
mately 10 to 15 cm, and hand penetration with a meters were observed; this characteristic contrasts
core tube was impossible below approximately 25 cm sharply with the talus debris on the South Massif. The
under the lunar module, fight mantle surface was very similar in general visual
character, however, to the fine debris surface on the
South Massif talus slope. Fragments of breccia similar
The Light Mantle Area
to those at station 2 were found slightly concentrated
The plume- or ray-shaped light-albedo area that on the rim of and inside the 30-m-diameter Ballet
extends northward from the South Massif is known as Crater in the light mantle at station 3 (fig. 5-25). In
the light mantle. Photogeologic interpretation sug- general, fragment concentrations were present on the
gested that this was a relatively young mantling rims and in the walls of craters having diameters
material derived from the South Massif talus (ref. greater than approximately 5 m.
5-3). The geometry of its contact and the dark A dilated and inverted section of the light mantle
material excavated by some of the larger craters on it may be present in the fine-grained debris just outside
strongly suggest that the light mantle deposition the rim of Ballet Crater. A trench in this rim (fig.
occurred after most of the dark floor material had 5-26) showed the debris to be layered from the
been deposited. Whether this light mantle material surface downward as follows.
was a ray of ejecta or mobilized South Massif talus or 1. Approximately 0.5 cm of medium-gray surface

FIGURE 5-24.-View from the Roman Steppe looking FIGURE 5-26.-The fine structure of the ejecta on the rim of
northeast toward Wessex Cleft. Station 2A on the light Ballet Crater at station 3. This trench exposed the first
mantle is in the general area of the center of the such structure observed in situ on the Moon. The visible
photograph. Note the low abundance of fragments on the portion of the gnomon rod is approximately 40 cm long
surface of the light mantle (AS17-138-21095). (AS17-138-21148).

material (possibly new regolith) similar to the surface

layer on the light mantle
2. Approximately 3 cm of light-gray material
similar to the subsurface material of the light mantle
3. At least 15 cm of medium- to dark-gray
material into which light-gray material is marbled
_ .... The talus slopes of the massifs clearly have a
: .... higher rock fragment abundance than does the
average surface of the dark floor material; however,
the surface of the light mantle has a distinctly lower
...... fragment abundance in the 2- to 10-cm size range.
The same relations hold for fragments larger than 10
cm. Observations of crater characteristics infer that
concentrations of rock fragments occur at depths of
approximately 1 m below the surface of the light
Light-gray material is present 5 to 10 cm below
the medium-gray surface material at all localities
investigated in the light mantle area. Light-gray
......... material is also present in the walls of all craters in
FIGURE 5-25.-Ballet Crater at station 3 looking north along this area having diameters greater than approximately
the Lee-Lincoln Scarp. The crater is approximately 30 m 1 m. This soil prof'de is very similar to that developed
in diameter and is typical of craters of this general size in
the light mantle that expose fragments of buried breccia, on the massif talus slopes.
The scoop handle is 76 cm long (AS17-138-21160). The contacts between the light mantle and both

the dark floor material of the valley and the dark tend to be oriented with their long axes radial to the
material around Shorty Crater are gradational in center of the crater.
albedo over a distance of approximately 10 m. A 3. There is a central pit in an otherwise relatively
distinct difference in albedo of the two types of flat floor. The diameter of the pit is approximately
surfaces is visible when viewed at zero-phase angle, one-fourth to one-fifth the rim diameter of the crater.
Also, there is an obvious change in the wall color of The pit is generally shallow, in most cases less than
craters larger than 1 m in diameter. No topographic one-tenth the depth of the crater. However, this
expression at these contacts was detected, depth does vary; in one instance, the pit was nearly
The light mantle surfaces above, on, or below the one-half the depth of the crater and roughly cylindri-
Lee-Lincoln Scarp show no discernible differences in cal in shape.
crater population, fragment population, or surface 4. The central pit is glass lined with the glass
texture, forming a coating and partially cementing the soil
Craters smaller than approximately 5 m in diame- breccia fragments.
ter were found to have a consistent morphology 5. The relative geometry of the pit with respect to
whether in light mantle, dark floor material, or massif the crater appears to be constant and independent of
talus (fig. 5-27). In summary, the freshest of these crater size or of geologic unit.
craters have the following characteristics. 6. Overall, the albedo of the crater and its ejecta is
1. The crater ejecta, rim, wall, and floor are slightly higher than that of its surroundings.

covered with fragments of weakly coherent soil As the crater ages, the order of the disappearance of
breccia as large as 10 to 15 cm in average diameter, primary features is, first, the albedo contrast, then
The albedo of these soil breccias is much higher in the the glass in the central pit, then the soil breccias, and,
light mantle than on the dark floor material, f'mally, the central pit itself.
2. The soil breccia fragments inside the crater
Shorty Crater

One of the premission alternatives around which

our exploration was planned was the possibility that
the 110-m-diameter crater Shorty was a volcanic vent.
Although its general morphological appearance is that
of a dark-rayed impact crater that had penetrated the
light mantle, Shorty Crater held out the possibility of
young volcanism. Other than Shorty, possible sources
for the potential pyroclastic deposits of the dark
floor material were difficult to delineate. The obser-
vations and sampling at Shorty Crater did not reveal
directly what we had expected; however, the results
of the investigation may yield equally important
information from unexpected directions.
All the now classic difficulties in conducting
geological operations on the surface of the Moon
faced us at Shorty Crater. To begin with, we had
made earlier decisions to spend extra time at previous
localities without knowing what awaited us. Our
oxygen supply limited the time we could spend at
FIGURE 5-27.-View from between the LMand ALSEPsites Shorty Crater to a clearly nonnegotiable 35 min. The
looking east toward the LM. A portion of a fresh, normal "housekeeping" duties of dusting and reading
3-m-diameter crater is in the foreground. The glassy the gravimeter demanded their usual but necessary
central pit of this
in the center crater
of the is theNote
crater. slightly
the more reflective
abundance area
of small due. Then, in addition to the usual complexities of
fragments of soil breccia in and around the crater lunar impact geology, an unexpected discovery
(AS17-145-22185). appeared.

Shorty Crater has features consistent with an

impact origin, although no one feature is conclusive
in itself. Subfloor basalt appears to dominate the few
blocks at the rim (fig. 5-28). One of these blocks is
pervasively fractured and may be shocked. The crater
waU is locally blocky and has several radial and
transverse changes in texture and albedo. There is no
continuous bench in the crater wall; however, several
well-defined lobes of coarse and fine debris, similar to
those in the walls, extend out onto the floor and may
be the relics of such a bench (fig. 5-29). The blocky
materials on the flat floor appeared to be highly _'_
fractured but otherwise uniform in texture. Parallel
fracture organization is strong in some blocks.
The unexpected discovery at Shorty Crater was
the presence of at least three deposits of very-fine-
grained orange soil (fig. 5-30). There were also
numerous indications of fine-grained black soil,
which, together with the orange soil, was subse-
quently determined to be composed almost entirely
of glass beads or devitrified glass beads of uniform FIGURE 5-29.-View of the northwestern wall of Shorty
composition (sec. 7). Two of the orange soil deposits Crater. The diameter of the crater is approximately 110
m. Note the dark band on the far wall (AS17-137-20995).
are near the rim crest of the crater, whereas the other
deposit is exposed on the western wall. In appear-
ance, the deposits have many of the characteristics of
fumarolic alteration halos; with this hope, we con-
ducted our observation and sampling activities.
One deposit of orange soil was trenched across its
trend along the crater rim. At this location, it was

FIGURE 5-28.-The southern rim of Shorty Crater looking

west. The sampled orange soil deposit is at the left center FIGURE 5-30.-Near-surface cross section of the startling
of the photograph near the large boulder. Note the deposit of orange soil on the southern rim of Shorty
heterogeneity of boulder and albedo distribution patterns. Crater. The pervasivelyfractured rock in the background
The crater is approximately 110 m in diameter (AS17- is coarse-grained basalt. The gnomon rod is 46 cm long
137-21009). (AS17-137-20990).

sampled in detail and the following relationships were

1. The deposit is approximately 1 by 4 m in size
at the surface and is elongate parallel to the rim crest.
2. The deposit has no topographic relief relative
to other rim surfaces. (This is also true for the other
rim deposit.)
3. Dark-gray surface material forms an approxi-
mately 0.5-cm-thick surface layer over both the
deposit and the surrounding light-gray materials.
There is an orange tint to this surface material
directly over the deposit.
4. The contact of the deposit with light-gray
debris on either side is irregular in detail but
essentially vertical to a depth of at least 20 cm.
5. From the vertical contacts inward, the deposit
grades from a yellowish orange over a distance of
approximately 10 or 15 cm to a reddish orange.
6. The reddish-orange inner portion of the deposit
is moderately coherent and is crossed by at least two
apparent joint sets. FIGURE 5-31.-View of the northwestern wall of Van Serg
Crater. The diameter of the crater is approximately 90 m.
7. During the postmission unpacking of a sample The dark fans on the inner wall terminate at the top of a
from the reddish-orange zone, a clod was observed nearly continuous bench. The upper portion of the
that was sharply and concentrically zoned inward gnomon rod is approximately 30.5 cm long (AS17-146-
from orange brown-gray to bluish gray. 22429).
8. Examinations of the outer surface of the core
tube drawn from the deposit showed that the orange
glass changes sharply to a black material at a depth of pected, dark, matrix-rich, regolithic breccias were
approximately 25 cm. The black material extends to found to be the dominant rock type on the blocky
a depth of at least 70 cm. rim and the equally blocky ejecta blanket. Such
One can conceive of many samples and observa- breccias had not been observed elsewhere in the
tions left uncollected at this remarkable locality, valley.
However, few of our experiences in the Apollo A few of the Van Serg breccias are intensely
Program better illustrate the inherent quality of fractured and very friable, and others are mixed or
scientific investigation that is possible from the covered with black glass. No basalt was observed,
integrated effort of so many in so short a time. although one fragment was obtained as a glass-coated
grab sample. A dark surface cover a few centimeters
Van Set9 Crater thick exists over light-gray debris in some of the
interblock areas and may cover all the ejecta blanket
Premission photogeologic studies suggested that and rim. The dark cover may be the disintegration
the relatively fresh appearing 90-m-diameter crater product of the dark breccias or, alternatively, it may
Van Serg would provide an impact-generated sample be a separate mantle. Most blocks are partially
of the section of units lying above the basalts of the embedded in this material.
valley. Located just south of the craters Cochise and The crater wall is very blocky and is interrupted
Shakespeare, Van Serg Crater might also penetrate by a nearly continuous bench approximately halfway
and sample ejecta from these much older craters. As down into the crater. Rocks below the bench are
at Shorty Crater, the unexpected again was encount- slightly darker in color than those above. Dark fans of
ered. dark-gray debris locally cross over the rim and down
All features of Van Serg Crater were consistent the upper wall but generally terminate at the bench.
with an impact origin (fig. 5-31). However, unex- The crater floor is also very blocky with some intense

shattering of blocks, although, in contrast to Shorty coarse mottled texture that shows a roughly horizon-
Crater, the blocks are much larger. Some of tire floor tal lineation on near-vertical surfaces. The elongate
blocks are coarse, blue-gray, fragment-rich breccias light-colored areas that cause the mottling are approx-
with light-colored clasts as large as 1 m in diameter, imately 1 by 2 cm in size. The origin of this mottling
The general nature of the floor breccias of Van and its llneation was not apparent in the field but
Serg Crater and the visual observation of a thick, may be related to the impact geometry of secondary
northward-dipping, blue-gray unit above the subfloor particles.
basalt in the northern wall of Cochise Crater opens Boulder Tracks
the possibility of a major new breccia unit in this
portion of the valley. The possible origins and Among the most striking and potentially most
structural implications of such a unit are not yet useful features of the massifs are the boulder tracks
clear, leading from source-crops high on the slopes to large
SPECIAL F EATU R ES boulders near their bases (fig. 5-32). It appears that
once a boulder is jarred loose and begins to roll, only
A number of special features were examined and a decrease in slope or the disintegration of the
sampled during our general investigation of the boulder will stop it.
Taurus-Littrow valley. These features are only periph- The tracks are made up of chains of small
orally related to the general stratigraphy of the area depressions. These chains are generally straight; how-
and are discussed separately in the following para- ever, gradual curves were noted in some instances.
graphs. Not all tracks are exactly perpendicular to the

Rock Fragment Weathering contours, and, in some cases, the tracks curve
In all instances except for Van Serg Crater and the Most boulders stopped rolling at least a few tens of
small pit-bottomed craters, the rock fragments meters before reaching the base of the massif slope.
around and in craters on the dark floor surface are However, two large boulders in the crater Nansen
the very coherent subfloor basalts. The fragments moved across the base of the slope and up the other
associated with craters in the light mantle are the side of the crater for several tens of meters.
similarly coherent tan-gray and blue-gray breccias. In
contrast, the Van Serg-type dark matrix-rich breccias
and the soil breccias in the pit-bottomed craters
appear to have limited durability in the valley
The gross shape of coherent rock fragments is
angular. Edges and corners are rounded except where
recent impact fracturing has occurred. The gross
shape of pervasively fractured and friable rock frag-
ments also tends to be angular, but, in these cases, the
edges and corners are also angular. The only generally
rounded rock fragments observed were the unfrac-
tured dark matrLx-rich breccias at Van Serg Crater.
The weathered surfaces of all subfloor basalts,
except for the aphanitic group, are lighter colored
than are the fresh surfaces. The lighter color appears
to be due to the surficial shattering of feldspar in
microcraters. This observation is generally true but to
a lesser degree for the very finely crystalline breccias
of the massifs. Glass linings in microcraters are more
FIGURE 5-32.-A 500-mmqens photograph of boulders and
common on these breccia surfaces than they are on boulder tracks on the slopes of the North Massif.The
the basalt surfaces, largest boulders are on the order of 5 m in diameter
The coarse-grained subfloor basalts also have a (As17-144-21991).

The Lee-Lincoln Scarp

Littte new information was obtained on the
Lee-Lincoln Scarp (fig. 5-33) through our surface
observations. There is no surface expression of the
scarp other than the topography, which was well
known before the mission. The east-west trending
lobes that characterize the scarp on the valley floor
were particularly impressive. No indication of rocky
bedrock was seen on any portion of the scarp,
although large blocks are present on the northwestern
wall of Lara Crater.
The most striking new observation was the change
in surface texture across the Jefferson portion of the
scarp on the North Massif. The lineations apparent on
the North Massif are not present on the surface south
and southwest of the scarp. Also, fewer craters are
apparent on the southern and southwestern side. This
less-textured surface appears to be continuous across
the break in slope at the base of the North Massif.
FIGURE 5-33.-View from near Hole-in-the-Walllooking
north along the Lee-Lincoln Scarp and showing the
Jefferson Scarp along the side of the North Massif.
Soil Sampling station 3 is in the left foreground on the slope of the
scarp. The scarp rises approximately 80 m above the
The soils of the Moon are the prime historical surface of the valley, here covered by the light mantle
record of the lunar surface environment and of the (AS17-138-21118).
solar and cosmic environment of near-Earth space.
The presence of the massifs, of boulder overhangs, of The possibility of increased volatile activity along
the Lee-Lincoln Scarp, and of a number of different the Lee-Lincoln Scarp was used to establish the site
stratigraphic surfaces made possible the collection of for a vacuum-sealed core-tube sample taken at a
a wide variety of soil samples in the valley of depth of 35 to 70 cm in soil on the scarp at station 3.
Taurus-Littrow. In addition, at most documented- Core-tube samples also were obtained in the softs of
sample localities, a standardized 0.5- to 1-cm-thick all major geologic units and in the orange/black glass
skim sample of the local surface was obtained, deposit at Shorty Crater.
followed by a sample of the underlying soil to a In addition to the vertical soil profiles sampled by
depth of approximately 5 cm. Also, most rock the core tubes, trench profiles were sampled in the
samples were bagged with a small amount of soil. rim of Ballet Crater, in the slope material at the base
A new sampling device for sampling from the lunar of the Sculptured Hills, and in the ejecta blanket of
roving vehicle permitted a substantial increase in Van Serg Crater.
statistical control of soil variations between stations. Finally, to aid in examining the recent magnetic
This device also made possible a broader sampling of field of the valley, two agglutinated glass and soil
the lunar module area in the course of other breccia samples were obtained, one from the pit in a
activities, fresh crater west of the lunar module and the other
Soil samples for volatile migration studies, such as from a glassy mass on the rim of Van Serg Crater.
in east-west split boulder (or boulder-massif) situa- These glasses appeared to have been undisturbed since
tions, and from permanently shadowed overhangs they cooled in situ.
were obtained at both the North and South Massif
study sites. Samples in the center of and outside a
The Regolith
boulder track were taken on the North Massif. Also,
samples from underneath boulders were obtained at It appears that regolith development on the massif
the South Massif and Sculptured Hills sites, talus materials and on the light mantle is indicated by

the average depth of medium-gray soil above the produced during the formation of the large lunar
lighter gray material. The depth of this regolith is on basins or even older events.)
the order of 5 to 10 cm. 3. Crystalline, tan-gray, matrix-rich breccia and
The regolith on the dark floor material is more any metamorphic effects associated with its intrusion
difficult to define visually. In the vicinity of the lunar into the blue-gray breccias. (These intrusions may be
module, the loose or very weakly colherent debris partially molten impact breccias, possibly of Sereni-
appears to be approximately 15 to 20 cm deep. This tatis age, or polygenetic tuff-breccia eruptives of
depth is roughly consistent with what appeared to be undetermined origin.)
an approximately 0.5- to 1-m-diameter saturation 4. Foliated and layered breccia of low metamor-
crater size for the surface, which suggests that the age phic grade that is rich in a variety of breccia clasts
of the dark floor surface is only two or three times and that appears to correlate with units near the crest
that of the light mantle surface or of the present talus of the South Massif. (These rocks may be representa-
surfaces, tire of the youngest large-basin ejecta blankets in the
Both the dark floor material and the light mantle region, possibly equivalent in mode of origin or even
have intercrater surfaces covered by the "raindrop" in age to the Fra Mauro Formation.)
pattern of small craters. This pattern appears better Although certainly complex internally, the domi-
defmed and finer in scale on the light mantle than on nant fabric of the North Massif apparently is that of
the dark floor surface. No systematic linear structures roughly horizontal structural units that may be
were visible on either the light mantle ,;urface or the depositional or intrusive layers. In the South Massif,
dark floor surface. Such structure was apparent on these units appear to be tilted westward or southwest-
the steep slopes of the massifs and the Sculptured ward. High-angle normal faulting and tan-gray breccia
Hills; however, these slopes are better analyzed intrusions apparently break the continuity of the
photographically than visually, structural fabrics in both massifs. The tilting and
faulting of massif units may relate to their uplift
STRATIG RAPHIC SUMMARY during the Serenitatis impact event or subsequent

It is yet very premature to come to any final major basin events (or both).
A general similarity is evident in the visual and
conclusion on major portions of the stratigraphic lithologic characteristics of the tan-gray and blue-gray
sequence in the valley of Taurus-Littrow or on the breccias studied at the North and South Massifs. This
nature of the processes by which this sequence came similarity suggests that a general lithologic correlation
into being. The laboratory investigations have yet to
can be made across the valley. The differences in rock
be completed or to be integrated fully with the field characteristics may be explained by different ages of
observations. However, it is possible to summarize the formation through similar processes or by different
probable stratigraphic sequences indicated by the depths of burial (approximately 1.5 km in the North
field data and to list many of the interpretive alter- Massif and approximately 0.5 km in the South
natives for the petrogenesis of the major rocks and Massif).
soils of the valley. The Valley F Ioor
The Massifs
The most complex stratigraphic and structural
The oldest to youngest stratigraphic units that are problems in the Taurus-Littrow valley are those of
present as bedrock in the North and South Massifs are the valley floor and the materials beneath it. This
as follows. (Interpretive statements are listed in complexity is introduced by two factors. First, there
parentheses.) is the very great absolute age, approximately 3.7
1. Light-gray breccia and crystalline rock as dis- billion years, of the orange/black glass deposit at
tinctive clasts in the blue-gray breccias. (These clasts Shorty Crater (ref. 5-5) and its relatively young
may possibly be closety related to the differentiates exposure age, approximately 8 million years (ref.
of an early melted lunar crust.) 5-6). Presumably, these ages apply to similar glasses in
2. Crystalline, blue-gray, breccias the dark floor materials. Second, there is the dis-
and their metamorphic equivalents. (These breccias covery of a thick (greater than 15 m) breccia unit of
are possibly quenched and brecciated impact melts regolithic character at Van Serg Crater.

The purity, the geometric constraints, and the environment may account for their rarity around
petrographic characteristics (sec. 7) of the orange/ other, possibly older craters such as Shorty. The
black glass deposit at Shorty Crater and the relative existence of orange and black glasses and of subfloor
ages of the deposit require the following to hold true basalt fragments in these breccias (sec. 7) strongly
for its glasses, suggests that they are the product of the general
1. The glasses were deposited at the lunar surface long-term regolith development in the valley.
over a major unit of subfloor basalt or on an early Taking into account these considerations and the
regolith unit derived from the subfloor basalt, field evidence described previously, the following
2. The glasses were then almost immediately general subsurface sequence, from the surface down-
protected from regolithic mixing at the surface, ward, seems probable for the valley.
possibly by an ejecta blanket or by a thin basaltic 1. An average of 15 to 20 cm of new, very weakly
flow, for a period of approximately 3.7 billion years, coherent regolith on the present dark valley floor
3. The glasses were then ejected onto or intruded surface
into tile rim of Shorty Crater less than 8 million years 2. An average of 1 to 2 m of mixed basaltic debris
ago, producing a very restrictive geometric situation, and orange/black glass having generally mantling
Glasses similar to the orange/black glasses have relationships to most large craters and boulders
been reported mixed with basaltic debris in the dark 3. A zone of variable thickness, possibly from 10
floor materials (sec. 7). The apparently recent man- to 20 m, containing interlayered dark floor material
tling over the valley craters by dark floor materials and the ejecta blankets from Steno- and Camelot-age
and the apparently thin regolith developed on these impact events (Much of this material may be similar
materials impose other general constraints on their to the Van Serg breccia.)
stratigraphy and origin. The indications are very 4. A zone gradational with the zone above (item
strong that since the formation of a widespread 3) consisting of regolithic debris derived from the
mantling deposit of orange/black glass approximately subfloor basalts and possibly interlayered with
3.7 billion years ago, some other process has acted orange/black glass zones
more or less continuously to recycle this glass and 5. A few meters thick basalt flow or ejecta
produce the presently observed young mantling rela- blanket, either of which probably is presently discon-
tionships, tinuous in distribution but which protects portions of
In view of the presence of certain low-temperature underlying deposits of orange/black glass
volatile components in the orange/black glasses (sec. 6. A deposit of orange/black glass of unknown
7), it is possible that impact events in the general size thickness, also presently discontinuous
range of Shorty Crater will trigger the release of such 7. A few meters of regolith developed on under-
gas as a fluidizing medium for local remobilization lying basalt
and extrusion. The known field characteristics of the 8. At least 100 m of coarse-grained snbfloor
orange/black glass deposits and of the dark floor basalt, the fine-grained portions of which have been
material are reconcilable with a process of this nature largely incorporated into overlying regolith (The
acting in and around impact craters of 25 to 100 m in uniformity in the texture of ejected basaltic blocks
diameter. Also, a similar process has been observed throughout the valley strongly suggests that a single
to occur at the 500-ton Dial Pack event (ref. 5-7) in thick coofing unit of basalt may have filled the
Canada as a result of the explosive pressurization of valley.)
water-saturated sand in a layer well below the floor of

the crater produced by the explosion. The Light Mantle

The other complicating factor in the interpretation
of the valley floor is the great thickness of coherent All indications are that the light mantle was
regolithic breccias at Van Serg Crater relative to other deposited as a single dynamic event on the dark floor
portions of the valley. This thickness may be related materials that cover the valley. The materials of the
to the position of Van Serg Crater on superposed light mantle appear to be identical to those of the
ejecta blankets from Cochise and Shakespeare South Massif talus, although vertical size sorting has
Craters. Also, the apparently rapid degradation of the probably occurred in the light mantle. Our observa-
Van Serg-type matrix-rich breccias in the valley tions tend to support the tentative conclusion of R.

Shreve i and the Apollo soil mechanics team (sec. 8) scientists, engineers, and managers who made it possible. This
that the light mantle originated through an avalanche, report is our acknowledgment to them.
or fluidized flow, of South Massif talus with fluidiza- The authors have reported on a geological investigation
tion provided by solar wind gases adsorbed within the performed with the continuous and able assistance of Capt.
Ronald E. Evans and Dr. Robert A. Parker. The organization
original talus materials, of thoughts and ideas in this report has come in no small way
The probable internal structure of the light mantle through premission and postmission conversations with the
f_om the surface downward appears to be as follows, geologists of the U.S. Geological Survey and the NASA
1. 5 to I0 cm of medium-gray soil (regolith?) Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and their many associates
from the non-Governmental scientific community.
2. Approximately 1 m of light-gray debris con- Assistance in the editing and final production of this
taming few fragments larger than a few centimeters in report was provided by E. W. Wolfe, W. R. Muehiberger, B.
diameter K. Lucehitta, J. P. Allen, L. T. Silver, and G. A. Swann. Their
3. Variable thicknesses of light-gray material con- help and support is gratefully acknowledged.
taining numerous rock fragments larger than a few
centimeters in diameter R E F E R E N C ES

4. A basal zone of mixing between light mantle 5-1. Anon.: Apollo 17 Mission Report. NASA JSC-07904,
and dark floor materials that may be marbled in Mar. 1973.
texture 5-2. Scott, David H.; Lucchitta, B. K.; and Carr, M. H.:
This is the last major report of crew observations Taurus-Littrow Region-Apollo 17. U.S. Geol. Survey
Misc. GeoL Inv. Map 1-800, 1972.
obtained during the Apollo explorations of the Moon. 5-3. Wolfe, E. W.; Freeman, V. L.; Muehiberger, W. R.; Head,
We are confident that the future holds many other J.W.; Schinitt, H. H.; and Sevier, John: Apollo 17
such reports as man continues his exploration of the Exploration at Taurus-Littrow. Geotimes, vol. 17, no. 11,
frontier of the Earth and his use of the space Nov. 1972, pp. 14-18.
environment. It is our belief that, as in past explora- 5-4. Lucehitta, B. K.: Taurus-Littrow Region-Apollo 17.
U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-800, sheet 2 of
tions, man's abilities and spirit will continue to be the 2, 1972.
foundation of his evolution into the universe. Full 5-5. Husain, L.; and Sehaeffer, O. A.: 4° Ar-a9 Ar Crystalliza-
satisfaction from this evolution only comes with tion Ages and _Ar-37Ar Cosmic Ray Exposure Ages of
being there. The Apollo crewmen deeply appreciate Samples From the Vicinity of the Apollo 16 Landing Site.
their singular opportunity of having been there. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth
Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8,
1973), pp. 406-408.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS; 5-6. Kirsten, T.; Horn, P.; Heymann, D.; Hubner, W.; and
Storzer, D.: Apollo 17 Crystalline Rocks and Soils: Rare
Few, it"any, exploration efforts in history better illustrate Gases, Ion Tracks, and Ages. EOS (Trans. Am. Geophys.
the inherent ability that exists within a large group of Union), vol. 54, June 1973, pp. 595-598.
experienced and motivated men and women to plan, to 5-7. Roddy, D. J.: Event Dial Pack Symposium Report.
implement, and then to react with clear good judgment to Project LN303, U.S. Geological Survey Activities; Techni-
the unexpected. The success of this effort in the Apollo cal Cooperation Program, Panel N-2, vol. III, DNA 2722T,
Program is to the everlasting credit of the thousands of Nov. 1971.

i Written communication, November 1972.

6. Preliminary Geologic Investigation
of the Apollo 17 Landing Site
W. R. Muehlberger, abt R. M. Batson, b E. A. Cernan, c 1I. L. Freeman. b M. H. Hait, b
H. E. Holt, b K. A. Howard, b E. D. Jackson, b K. B. Larson, b V. S. Reed, b J. J. Rennilson, d
H. H. Sehmitt, CD. H. Scott, b R. L. Sutton, b D Stuart-Alexander, b G. A. Swann, b N. J. Trask, b
G. E. Ubich, b H. G. Wilshire,b and E. IV. Wolfe b

SU M MAR Y O F R ESU LTS floor consists of basalt, showing that the graben was

The Apollo 17 lunar module (LM) hmded on the partly filled by lava flows. A relatively thick layer
flat floor of a deep narrow valley that embays the (_15 m) of unconsolidated material overlies the
mountainous highlands at the eastern rim of the subfloor basalt; this debris consists largely of finely
Serenitatis basin. Serenitatis, the site of z pronounced comminuted material typical of the lunar regolith.
The surface material over much Qf the Taurus-
mascon, is one of the major multi-ringed basins on
the near side of the Moon. The Taurus-Littrow valley, Littrow region has a very tow albedo and was believed
to be a thin young mantle, possibly pyroclastic, that
which is radial to the Serenitatis basin, is interpreted covered the valley floor and parts of the adjacent
as a deep graben formed by structural adjustment of highlands. No clear evidence of the existence of such
lunar crustal material to the Serenitatis impact.
a mantle as a discrete layered unit has yet been
During their stay on the lunar surface, the Apollo found, but it may be mixed in with the more typical
17 crew traversed a total of _30 km, collected nearly
120 kg of rocks and soil, and took more than 2200 debris of the lunar regolith. An unusual bright deposit
extends across the valley floor from the foot of the
photographs. Their traverses, sampling, direct obser-
vations, and photographs span the full width of the South Massif. This deposit consists of breccias similar
Taurus-Littrow valley, to those of the massif and is interpreted as an
The highlands surrounding the valley can be avalanche generated on the massif slopes.
South Massif materials were collected from three
divided on the basis of morphology into (1) high
smooth massifs; (2) smaller, closely spaced domical breccia boulders that were probably derived from a
hills referred to as the Sculptured Hills; and (3) blocky area near the top of the massif where a
materials of low hills adjacent to the massifs and the blue-gray unit overlying tan-gray material is exposed.
Sculptured Hills. Boulders that had rolled down the Boulder 1, sampled at station 2, is a foliated and
slopes of the massifs north and south of the valley layered breccia, the only one of its type seen by the
provided samples of that area. These boulders are crew. The four samples collected from boulder 1 are
breccias composed of dark-gray fine-grained lithic
composed of complex breccias that are generally
similar to those returned from the Apollo 15 and 16 clasts in a light-gray friable matrix.
missions. Boulder 2, sampled at the South Massif, is a
fractured rock from which five samples of vuggy,
Materials of the valley fill were sampled at many
stations. Ejecta around many craters on the valley annealed, greenish-gray breccia were collected. A
breccia clast and its host were sampled from boulder
3 at the South Massif. The clast is light-greenish-gray
breccia with abundant mineral clasts and sparse lithic
aTheUniversity of Texas at Austin. clasts. The matrix of the clast consists largely of
bU.S. GeologicalSurvey.
CNASALyndon B. Johnson Space Center. angular fragments of a mafic silicate embedded in a
dCalifornia Institute of Technology. very-fine-grained groundmass. The host material is a
tPrincipal Investigator. blue-gray breccia with scattered vesicles.


Materials of the North Massif were sampled pri- Smaller chips collected at stations 6 and 7 include
marily from a 6- by 10- by 18-m fra_nented boulder the major rock types of the two large boulders, as
at station 6 and a 3-m boulder at station 7. The well as a few other breccia types, one coarse-grained
station 6 boulder, which broke into five pieces, is at gabbroic rock, and one light-colored fine-grained
the lower end of a boulder track the apparent hornfels. A few basalt fragments that are probable
beginning of which is in an area of light boulders ejecta from the valley floor were also collected.
approximately one-third of the way up the massif. The South Massif boulders most probably came
Photographs using the 500-ram lens demonstrate that from the highest part of the massif (boulder 1, station
dark boulders are abundant higher on the mountain, 2, from the blue-gray unit; boulder 2, station 2, from
and light boulders occur again in the upper part. the underlying tan-gray unit), and the station 6 and 7
Thus, there may be a layer or lenses of darker rock boulders probably came from within the lower third
high on the mountain with lighter rocks both above of the North Massif. Hence, two different strati-
and below. The source of the station 7 boulder on the graphic intervals may have been sampled. Conversely,
North Massif is unknown, but the boulder contains the lithologies of the South Massif boulders closely
rock types like those of the station 6 boulders, resemble those of the North Massif boulders in many
Four of the five large pieces of the station 6 respects. The similarity seen in early examination
boulder were sampled. The boulder consists of two suggests the possibility that only one stratigraphic
major breccia types, greenish-gray and blue-gray, unit is represented. Whichever the case, the massifs
They are in contact in a 0.5-m-wide zone that appears are composed of intensely shocked breccias reason-
to be an area of mixing between the two rock types, ably interpreted as ejecta from ancient large impact
The greenish-gray breccia is tough and annealed, with basins.
sparse lithic and mineral clasts set in a vuggy On the accessible part of the Sculptured Hills,
fine-grained matrix, hand-sized samples are essentially absent, and no
Samples of blue-gray breccia from the station 6 boulders that clearly represent Sculptured Hills bed-
boulder contain a high proportion (40 to 60 percent) rock were found. Small fragments of basalt, probably
of blue-gray breccia fragments in a vuggy greenish- ejected from the valley floor, and regolith breccia
gray matrix. The matrix is a tough, finely crystalline dominate the samples, which consist mainly of chips
material. Large friable inclusions ranging from 1 em collected with soils or by raking. Samples of friable
to 1 m across are in sharp irregular contact with the feldspathic breccia from the wall of a 15-m crater and
blue-gray breccia. Samples of one of these are of a glass-covered gabbroic boulder that is almost
very-light-gray cataclasites, certainly exotic were also collected. The greater
The station 6 boulder is intricately sheared, dissection, lower slopes, lack of large boulders, and
Comparison with the oriented returned samples limited sample suite suggest that the Sculptured Hills
shows that movement along some of the shear planes may be underlain by less coherent breccias than the
has deformed the clasts. Major events recorded in the massifs.
station 6 boulder are the formation of the light Subsequent to the formation of the Taurus-
cataclasite, its incorporation in the blue-gray breccia, Littrow graben by the Serenitatis impact, the valley
and subsequent enclosure of the blue-gray breccia in floor was inundated and leveled by basaltic lava
the greenish-graybreccia, flows. Geophysical evidence (secs. 10 and 13)sug-
The station 7 boulder is similar to the station 6 gests that the prism of basalt filling the valley is more
boulder in that the two major rock types, greenish- than a kilometer thick. The uppermost 130 m was
gray breccia and blue-gray breccia, are present. A sampled in the ejecta of craters on the valley floor.
large white clast (1.5 by 0.5 m), similar to those in In general, the subfloor basalt blocks seen at the
the station 6 boulder, is penetrated by narrow landing site were not visibly shocked or even in-
blue-gray breccia dikes. The blue-gray breccia is in tensely fractured. In some rocks, planar partings
sharp irregular contact with the younger greenish-gray parallel bands expressed as differing concentrations of
breccia. Like the station 6 boulder, the station 7 vesicles. Almost all returned samples of basalt can be
boulder is intricately fractured. At least two fracture divided into five classes: (1) vesicular, porphyritic,
sets are confined to the large white cataclasite coarse-grained basalts; (2) vesicular coarse-grained
inclusion and the blue-gray breccia, basalts; (3) vesicular fine-grained basalts; (4) dense

aphanitic basalts; and (5)vesicular aphanitic basalts. Massif. Rock fragments collected from the light
Before final accumulation of the Serenitatis mare mantle are similar in lithology to the breccias of the
fill, broad arching east of the Serenitatis basin tilted South Massif. This similarity supports the hypothesis
the subfloor lavas to the east, forming the present 1° that the light mantle is an avalanche deposit formed
eastward tilt of the valley floor. The subfloor basalt is from loose materials on the face of the South Massif.
overlain by fra_nental debris --_15 m thick. For the A cluster of secondary craters on the top of the
most part, this is impact-generated regolith similar to South Massif may record the impact event that
that developed on mare basalts elsewhere on the initiated the avalanche. Size-frequency distribution
Moon. The central cluster ejecta, the light mantle, and morphologies of craters on the light mantle
and the ejecta of Shorty and Van Serg Craters are suggest that its age is comparable to that of Tycho
discrete deposits recognized within the regolith. Crater, on the order of 100 million years.
The lower part of the regolith is thought to be Shorty is a l l0-m-diameter impact crater penetrat-
represented in the abundant dark friable breccias in ing the light mantle. Unusual orange soil was identi-
the ejecta of the 90-m-diameter Van Serg Crater. The fled in two places on the rim of Shorty Crater and in
breccias contain scattered, light-colored lithic clasts as the ejecta from a small crater on the inner wall. A
well as abundant dark glass, mineral and lithic trench on the crater rim exposed an 80-cm-wide zone
fragments derived from basalts, and variable percent- of orange soil, now known to consist largely of
ages of orange glass spheres and fragments. They are orange glass spheres. A double drive tube sample
interpreted to be regolith breccias indurated and showed that the orange soil overlies black fine-grained
excavated from the deeper, older part of the regolith material (now known to consist of tiny, opaque,
by the Van Serg impact. Basalt bedrock is not known black spheres) at a depth of _ 25 cm. The old age for
to have been excavated by Van Serg. the orange glass material implies solidification shortly
The central cluster ejecta is derived from the after the period of subfloor basalt volcanism. The
cluster of craters south and east of the LM. It is black and orange glass material, whatever its origin,
distinguished by the abundance of blocks in the unit, must have been present in the Shorty target area; it
and the unit is too young for the blocks to have been was excavated or mobilized by the Shorty impact.
reduced much in size by later impacts. All sampled Fine-grained soil, darker than the underlying un-
blocks in the central cluster ejecta are subfloor basalt, consolidated debris, was recognized at the surface at
The young pyroclastic dark mantle anticipated Shorty Crater, at Van Serg Crater, on the light
before the mission was not recognized in the traverse mantle, and on the massif talus. The soil is thin (e.g.,
area as a discrete surface layer. Strong photogeologic 0.5 cm at Shorty, _ 7 cm on the flank of Van Serg)
evidence for the existence of such a mantle on the and probably represents the regolith that has formed
valley floor and in parts of the highlands still exists, on these young ejecta or talus surfaces. Relatively
Albedo measurements show that abnormal surface young structural deformation in the landing area is
darkening, consistent with the concept of the intro- recorded by the Lee-Lincoln Scarp and by small fresh
duction of exotic dark material-the "dark mantle"- grabens that trend northwest across the light mantle.
increases to the east and south in the Taurus-Littrow The sharp knickpoint at the base of the massifs may
area. If the dark mantle is younger than the central indicate that some fairly recent uplift of the massifs
cluster ejecta, it must be so thin in the landing site has kept the talus slopes active.
that it is thoroughly intermixed with the younger
part of the regolith. Such mixed dark mantle may be INTRODUCTION
represented by the dark glass spheres that abound in

the soils of the valley floor. An alternative hypothesis Premission Geologic Studies
is that the dark mantle may have accumulated shortly
after the extrusion of the subfloor basalt. In this case, The Taurus-Littrow region lies on the southeastern
the deposit would be intimately mixed with subse- rim of the Serenitatis basin (fig. 6-1) in an area of
quently formed regolith, mountains, low hills, and plains. Serenitatis is one of
The light mantle is an unusual deposit of high- the major multi-ringed basins on the near side of the
albedo material with finger-like projections that Moon and is the site of a pronounced mascon. The
extend 6 km across dark plains from the South landing site (lat. 20010 , N, long. 30°46 t E)islocated

I I t I I
0 10 20 30
FIGURE 6-1.-Index map showing the Apollo 17 landing site and major geographic features of the
Taurus-Littrow region (Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-0447).

on the gently inclined floor of a narrow flat-floored possibly, the difference reflects different responses to
valley. The wails of the valley rise 2000 in above the the Serenitatis event and to later tectonic forces. The
floor. The valley is interpreted as a deep graben low hills unit was considered to be downfaulted and
formed at the time of the Serenitatis impact, partly buried blocks of massif or Sculptured Hills
The highlands surrounding the valley can be material.
divided on the basis of morphology into (1) high The nearly level valley floor was apparently
smooth massifs, (2) smaller, closely spaced domical formed by deep filling of the graben by fluid
hills referred to as the Sculptured Hills, and (3) low plains-forming material (subfloor unit). The material
hills adjacent to the massifs and the Sculptured Hills at the surface of much of the Taurus-Littrow region
(refs. 6-1 and 6-2). The highlands were interpreted in has a very low albedo and was believed to be a thin
premission studies as deposits of ejecta derived from mantle, possibly pyroclastic, that covered the valley
surrounding basins with major uplift occurring in the floor and parts of the adjacent highlands. Overlap
Serenitatis event. A possible volcanic origin was also relations with the typical mare material of Mare
considered but thought to be less likely (ref. 6-1). Serenitatis and an apparent deficiency of small craters
The reason for the morphologic difference between indicated that the dark mantle might be very young
the massifs and the Sculptured Hills was not clear; in the lunar geologic time scale (refs. 6-1 and 6-3).

Although quantitatively a minor deposit, its signifi- broad station coverage was designed to yield maxi-
cance lay in its apparent young age and presumed mum information about the lateral continuity of
volcanic origin. No volcanic rocks younger than 3.1 massif lithologies. The principal sampling areas for
billion years had been returned before the Apolto 17 valley materials were planned at stations 1, 4, 5, 9,
mission. Similar dark mantling deposits occur in and 10B. This coverage was designed to allow detailed
relatively small tracts on the southwestern rim of the stratigraphic studies of both the dark mantle and the
Serenitatis basin, at the outer edge of several other subfloor unit. Craters that were to be visited on the
circular maria (ref. 6-4), and in other isolated patches valley floor potentially offered samples of subfloor
on the lunar near side. material from depths as great as 150 m. Regolith was,
A contrasting unit of bright mantling material of course, expected throughout the traversed regions,
occurs in a limited area of the valley. This unusual but an unusually small thickness was anticipated
deposit extends from the southern wall of the valley because of the low crater density on the dark and
northeastward in finger-like extensions across the light mantle units.
dark valley floor. The material was interpreted as an Boulders that had rolled down the slopes of the
avalanche from the steep slope of the South Massif massifs north and south of the valley provided
(ref. 6-3). samples of that area. These boulders are composed of
complex breccias; their general similarity to breccias
Geologic Objectivesand General Results returned from the Apollo 15 and 16 missions
indicates that they are very ancient materials as
The geologic objectives of the Apollo 17 mission anticipated. Their relation to the circular basins on
may be divided into orbital and lunar surface data the lunar near side is discussed subsequently. Crew
collection. The orbital objectives in the Taurus- observations and photographic evidence suggest that
Littrow area were to add to the knowledge of the the materials of the massifs are layered and that at
regional geology of the site through direct visual least two separate layers were sampled.
observation and photographs and to assist in locating Materials of the valley fill were sampled at
the LM on the surface. Additional aid in traverse numerous stations around the LM and en route to
location by panoramic camera photographs of the and from the massifs. Ejecta around many craters on
lunar roving vehicle (LRV) tracks and crew-disturbed the valley floor consists of basalt, confirming that
areas was anticipated. The principal objectives of the volcanic materials underlie the Taurus-Littrow valley
ground crew were to deploy file Apollo lunar surface floor. A relatively deep layer of unconsolidated
- experiments package (ALSEP) and the surface electri- material overlies the subfloor basalt; this debris
\cal properties (SEP) experiment; to record gravity consists of finely comminuted material typical of the
data on the traverse gravimeter; to describe the kinds lunar regolith. It may also contain the dark mantle
and proportions of rocks in the various map units and mapped in premission studies. No clear evidence for
to collect samples of them; to observe, describe, and the existence of a dark mantle as a discrete layered
collect samples of regolith and dark mantle that were unit has yet been found, but it may well be mixed in
thought to cover most of these units; to look for with the more typical debris of the lunar regolith.
outcrop and, if found, to describe, photograph, and The bright deposit extending across the wdley floor
sample it; to describe structures, including linea- from the foot of the South Massif consists ofbreccias
ments, layers, and faults, in various units; and to similar to those of the massif; the interpreted origin
observe and describe, where possible, the attitudes of of this deposit as a landslide thus appears to be
and contacts between the major geologic units, confirmed.
In detail, ground objectives were planned around Traverse Data
groups of stations with the potential of yielding
varied geologic information (fig. 6-2). The prime The Apollo 17 crew traversed _ 2 km during the
sampling areas of the massif and Sculptured Hills first period of extravehicular activity (EVA), 18 km
units were located in the station 2, 6 and 7, and 8 during EVA-2, and 10 km during EVA-3 for a total of
areas, as well as between stations 2 and 4, on the _30 km. Nearly 120 kg of rocks and soil were
assumption that the light mantle unit was composed collected and more than 2200 photographs were
of materials derived from the South Massif. This taken on the lunar surface. An index map of the

SculpturedHills /
NorthMassif • Sculptured
Hills samplingsite/
• Comparewith massifs /
• Sampledarkmantle / Sculptured

site Station7 /
"_ * sampling \ /
\ • Examineandsampleboulders Station8
• ComparewithSouthMassif
_ • Sample
darkmantle /
j Station6 Shakespeare Cochise

Lincoln _ ShortyCrater

Scarp...../ • Originofdark-halocrater (, VanSergCrater

• Radialsampleofejecta Station - Examinecrater/dark
/_2 ,, Samplelightmantle _ VanSerg' mantlesequence

/_x./ .*"_"-.-_/'/ Camelot\ • RadialejectalOBsample

/ \\ _.../Station 4 i (.\.-., EmoryandSherlockCraters

Sh0rty.J' Sherlock • Primesubfloorsamplingsite

•• Stratigraphyof darkmantle
/,'__ I Station // / Station f-_ Lateralcontinuity

( ( of sublloor

Station3 { CamelotCrater /
• Samplesubflooranddarkmantle _ -.
• Examineandsamplescarp ) • LateralcontinuitywithEmory, "-
• Featuresindicativeof I/-_', , f-'_
• Samplelightmantle / Sherlock,and Emory Station1
light mantleorigin Light / VanSergCraters;/,_ / _.. , ./
_ mantle / ,,

_,, / Mackin Hess
SouthMassif \ ! 2 / Darkmantle

• Massifsamplingsite
Light mantlesamplingsite \ /

I i I I I
0 1 2 3 4
FIGURE 6-2. Preplanned traverses and geologic objectives.

traverse area is shown in figure 6-3. Figure 6-4 shows STRATIGRAPHY AND PETROGRAPHY
the traverse path and stations in detail, and table 6-I
lists map coordinates for traverse points. The lunar The studied and sampled geologic units are de-
surface orientations of some of the Apollo 17 rock scribed in approximate stratigraphic order. However,
samples at the time of their collection are shown in some parts of the sequence, such as the relative ages
appendix A (p. 6-60). Panoramic views and detailed of the massifs and the Sculptured Hills units, are not
planimetric maps of the traverse stations are shown in well known. Similarly, regolith units and surficial
appendix B (p. 6-73). deposits on the highlands and on the valley floor

iii iiiiiiii

0 1 2 3
FIGURE 6-3.-Index of the traverse area. Lettered boxes (A through F) show boundaries of detailed
traverse maps (figs. 6-4(a) to 64(f)) (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2309).

overlap in time. In neither case is rigorous chronology composed of light-tan materials stratigraphically over-
of development implied by the order of discussion, lain by blue-gray materials (appendix B, fig. 6-109). A
Table 6-II summarizes the stratigraphy as seen in concentration of boulders occurs at and near the
the field by the crew. Changes from lunar surface break in slope at tile foot of the South Massif (fig.
terminology are indicated at the appropriate place in 6-5). Those boulders with visible tracks on the massif
the text. Table 6.II1 relates the field terminology to slopes (fig. 6-6) were emplaced after the avalanche
sampling areas, representative samples, and laboratory that formed the light mantle, and probably emplace-
terminology, ment of all the boulders postdates the light mantle. If
they were a part of the avalanche itself, the boulders
would be more uniformly distributed across the
South Massif
surface of the light mantle rather than concentrated
South Massif materials were collected from just near the base of the massif.
above the break in slope at the base of the South Most of the boulders probably rolled from blocky
Massif at station 2. The crew described the massif as areas that may be outcrops high on the massif

.5 1.0

0 .5 1

0 .5 110

FIGURE 6-4.-Detailed maps of traverse paths and stations.

See figure 6-3 for locations of individual areas and
0 .5 1.0 explanation of symbols (Apollo 17 panoramic camera
km frame AS17-2309). (a) Area A. (b) Area B. (c) Area C. (d)
Area D. (e) Area E. (f) Area F.

TABLE 6-1.-Map Coordinates of Traverse Points a

(b) x r

LM 83.4 DN.3
SEP 84.1 DN.4
ALSEP 82.5 DN.5
l 85.5 DH.1
EP-7 85.3 DK.5
LRV-1 7L3 DK.7
LRV-2 65.4 DM.I
LRV-3 62.7 DM.2
2 49.1 CY.4
2A (LRV-4) 51.7 DA. 1
3 54.1 DK.8
LRV-5 57.7 DM.5
.; 1.0 LRV-6 58.7 DP.1
km 4 62.5 DS.0
LRV-7 68.7 DS.2
LRV-8 72.1 DR.0
5 76.8 DM.5
LRV-9 84.9 DY.1
LRV-10 85.8 EC.1
6 87.4 ED.4
7 88.9 ED.6
LRV-11 97.8 EB.2
8 98.6 EB.6
9 92.1 DV.9
LRV-12 88.8 DP.3

aCoordinate system is that used in the premission data

bLRV-1, LRV-2 (etc.) refer to stations where samples
were collected from the LRV with a long-handled sampling
tool. Station 2A (LRV-4) was an unplanned station at which
the crew dismounted from the LRV. EP-7 was the seventh
._ 1_.0 explosive package used in the LSPE and the only explosive
km package that was not located at a sampling station.

fig. 6-7). These bouldery areas are mostly in the

blue-gray unit. No apparent source for the boulders is type have been identified with certainty in the
visible on the lower two-thirds of the massif. The photographs. The boulder is _ 2 m across by 1 m
three boulders sampled at station 2 have no visible high above the ground surface. It has a well-developed
tracks on the massif slope. However, the boulders in fillet _ 30 cm high on its uphill side and no fillet on
the station 2 area are directly below a blocky area its downhill side. The boulder appears to be highly
just above the contact between the blue-gray unit eroded and has a hac!dy and knobby surface. The
(above) and the tan-gray unit (below) (figs. 6-5 and knobs range from < 1 to 15 cm across and were
6-6). The three boulders are _ 50 m above the break reported by the crew to be mostly fine-grained clasts
in slope at the base of the South Massif in the field of eroded from a more friable fine-grained matrix. The
boulders strewn near the base (fig. 6-5). crew also reported dark elongate clasts parallel to the

Station 2, Boulder 1 bedding planes (S a in fig. 6-8); these are not

discernible in the photographs.
Boulder l, the first boulder sampled at station 2, is Based on the degree to which the bedding foliation
a layered and foliated rock (fig. 6_g), the only one of is developed and on the erosion-produced characteris-
this type seen by the crew. No other rocks of this tics, which are presumably related to the friability of
TABLE 6-III.-Field and Laboratory Classification of Samples

Geologic Geologic unit Collection site Station Sample number Laboratory designation
entity or type

Van Serg Dark surface material Van Serg ejecta 9 79220 and 79240
Light-gay fragmental Van Serg blanket trench 9 79260
Dark matrix-rich breccia Van Serg ejecta 9 79035 and 79135 Dark-matrix breccia
Dark-matrix fragment-rich Van Serg floor 9 Not sampled 7_
Shorty Dark surface material Shorty rim core 4 74002 (top 0.5 cm)
Orange glass material Shorty rim trench 4 74220
Light-gray fragmental Shorty rim trench 4 74240 and 74260 ;_
Black glass material Shorty rim core 4 74001 _3
Floor material Shorty floor 4
Light Medium-gray material Surface of light mantle 2A, 3 73220 and 73120
mantle Light-gray material Below medium-gray surface 2A, 3 73240 and 73140 ©
material of fight mantle
Marbled material Below medium- and fight-gray 2A, 3 _
Light component material of light mantl_ 73280
Dark component on crater rim 73260
Dark Dark floor material Steno-Camelot area 0, 1, 5
Sub floor Aphanitic basalt General area 0, 1, 5, 6, 8 Same terms as field
Vesicular 74235 classification
Nonvesieular 70215 Z
Fine-grained basalt 71055 ©
Coarse-grained basalt
Porphyritic 70035
Nonporphyritic 75055 r_
Massifs Medium-gray surface South and North Massifs 2, 6 Rake samples
material Z
Light-gray talus material South and North Massifs 2, 6 Rake samples
Foliated and layered breccia South Massif 2 72255 and 72275 Light-gray breecia Z
Tan matrix-rich breccia South and North Massifs 2, 6, 7 76215 and 72395 Greenish-gray breccia
Blue-gray matrix-rich South and North Massifs 2, 6, 7 72435 and 76315 Blue-gray breccia
breccia r_
Blue-gray fragment-rich North Massif 6, 7 76275 Light-gray breccia and
breccia greenish-gray breccia
Sculptured Slope material Sculptured Hills 8 78500 and 78530
Source Gabbroic rocks Exotics on Sculptured Hills 6, 8 78235 and 76535 Gabbroic rocks
unknown and North Massif ,_
Feldspathic breccia 6, 8 76335 and 78155 Cataclasite and hornfels

the matrix, the boulder is divided into five crudely were taken from boulder I (fig. 6-8). All samples are
layered zones (fig. 6-8). A fairly well-developed set of breccias with light-gray friable matrices (called tan
cleavage planes (Sb in fig. 6-8) that are roughly at breccia by the crew) containing dark-gray fine-grained
fight angles to the bedding planes is visible across the lithic clasts. Sample 72215 is possibly a clast eroded
middle of the boulder, and a similar set with the same from the friable matrix of the zone in which it
orientation occurs in sample 72255. These are prob- occurred within the boulder. All the samples contain
ably shear planes. The eroded nature of the boulder distinctive light-gray clasts with thin dark-gray
and the well-developed fillet on its uphill side suggest selvages.
that it has been in its present position for a
considerable period of time. Station 2, Boulder 2
Four samples (72215, 72235, 72255, and 72275)
The second boulder, a greenish-gray breccia sam-
pled at station 2, is _ 2 m across and 2 m high above
the ground surface. It is rounded but smoother than
I boulder i, which suggests that boulder 2 is more
uniform than boulder 1. A poorly developed set of
fractures (Sa) trends from upper left to lower right as
seen in figure 6-9. Tiffs set dips gently at _ 5 ° into
fire surface of the rock and probably controls the

FIGURE 6-5.-Part of the South Massifshowingarea sampled
at station 2. Boulders are numbered in order of sampling
and text discussion.Bright-rimmedcrater (20-m diameter)
above and to left of samplearea is identified in figure 6-6.
Probable source of boulder track shown in figure 6-6 is
boulder field centered on the skyline in this view FIGURE 6-6,-Boulder tracks on the South Massif in the
(AS17-138-2t 072). vicinity of station 2.

FIGURE 6-7.-Telephotographic mosaic of boulder concentrations near the top of the South Massif.
Probable source area of station 2 boulders is shown in left frame (AS17-144-22051 to 22057).

.... Contactbetweenlayeredzones
5 Hackly,moderately coherent,poorlydevelopedfoliationplanes
4 Hackly,_riable,poorlyfoliated;similar tozone5
3 Moderately coherent,discontinuous,fairlywell-developed
2 Moderatelycoherent,well-developed, continuous foliation
2a Friablezone
1 Finelyspaced discontinuousfoliationplanes
Traceof foliation alongbeddingplanes(Sa)
..... Traceof cleavage planes(Sb)
.......... Approximate locationof boundarybetweenzones2 and2a
FIGURE 6-8.-Sketch map of bouldei 1 at station 2 (AS17-137-20901). Inset photographs (clockwise
from upper right: S-73-17963, 17987, 17989, and 17988) show lunar orientation of samples.

shape of the rock face on the right side of figure 6-9. that appears to be traces of a third set (So) trends
A second set (Sb) dips from top center to lower left horizontally across the face of the boulder. The third
across the rock surface and appears to be nearly set, or Sc, is visible in sample 72395 (fig. 6-10).
normal to the surface of the rock. A set of lineaments Several irregular joints are present. No evidence of

Lines denotingplanarstructures:

-- Sa _ Traceof joint
--- Sb ..... Outlineof largeclasts
..... Sc

FIGURE 6-9.-Sketch map of bouJ.der 2 at station 2 (ASI7-137-20912, 20913, 20914, 20919, and

bedding or of a fracture set parallel to bedding can be samples were taken from the matrix of the boulder.
seen m the photographs. The boulder has a moder- Two relatively friable zones are visible in the photo-
ately well-developed fillet _ 0.25 m high on its uphill graphs (fig. 6-9) and may also be clasts. These were
side but overhangs the ground surface on its downhill not sampled. All five samples are vuggy greenish-gray
side. breccias and, except for having smaller cavities,
Five samples (72315, 72335, 72355, 72375, and appear to be very similar to rocks called anorthositic
72395) were taken from the second boulder at gabbro by the crew at station 6. Lithic clasts, rarely
station 2 (fig. 6-10). Two of these samples (72315 more than 10 mm in diameter, are principally
and 72335) were taken from a 0.5-m clast at the fine-grained homfelses, but a few are cataclastically
lower edge of a spalled area, and the remaining three • deformed plagioclase-rich rocks. Mineral clasts in-

'\ / f//

FIGURE 6-10. Boulder 2 at station 2 (AS17-137-20913). Inset photographs (counterclockwise from

upper right: S-73-21389, 18408, 17799, and 19586) show lunar orientation of samples (sample
72375 not oriented).

clude angular fragments of plagioclase and a mafic been in its present position for a relatively short
silicate mineral as large as 4 mm. period of time. Two samples, 72415 and 72418 (a
clast) and 72435 (matrix), were taken from the third
boulder at station 2 (fig. 6-12). Sample 72435 is a
Station 2, Boulder 3
blue-gray breccia that contains _ l0 percent lithic
Boulder 3 isan equant, subangular breccia boulder and mineral clasts in a tough, finely crystalline,
40 cm across. Its surface is rough on a scale of--_ 1 deep-bluish-gray matrix. The rock has a local concen-
to 2 cm. Several 2- to 4-cm clasts and one lO-cm tration of slit-like cavities in its matrix that are
light-gray clast in a gray matrix are visible in the elongate parallel to a weak alinement of lithic clasts.
photograph (fig. 6-1 I). No well-developed fracture or The clast from this boulder represented by samples
cleavage sets are visible, but two well-developed 72415 to 72418) is a light-greenish-gray breccia (with
planar fractures at -_ 90 ° to one another are visible. A color but no stratigraphic implications) composed of
third fracture, approximately parallel to the upper abundant mafic silicate mineral clasts and sparse
rock surface, is also visible, feldspathic lithic clasts set in a matrix, composed of
The boulder has a poorly developed fillet, which, the same constituents, that is moderately coherent,
together with its subangular shape, suggests that it has fine grained, and probably annealed.

by many large blocks and smaller fragments, most of

which were derived from higher on the massif. There
appears to be a bimodal distribution of fragments in
the irea. Fragments smaller than 2 to 3 cm and larger
than 15 to 20 cm are abundant, whereas fragments
between these two sizes are relatively sparse. Frag-
ments smaller than 50 cm are scattered randomly
over the surface; larger ones are generally located in
clusters that may be fragments from a single larger
rock that had rolled or been thrown into that area.
Where the soil was disturbed by the crew, it is
medium gray on the surface and lighter gray beneath
(fig. 6-13).

FIGURE 6-11.-Sketch map of boulder 3 at station 2 Station 6Boulder

(AS17-137-20963). Most of the samples collected at station 6 are from
a large (6 by 10 by 18 m), fragmented boulder (fig.
6-14) lying at the end of a boulder track (fig. 6-15)
that extends approximately one-third of the way
(_ 500 m) up the face of the massif. Two other
boulder tracks appear to originate at approximately
the same level (fig. 6-16). From this level to the top
of the massif, boulder concentrations are common.

FIGURE 6-12.-Lunar orientation of sample 72435 from

boulder 3 at station 2 (AS17-138-2t049; inset photo-
graph, S-73-19389).

North Massif

Stations 6 and 7 were designated as sampling sites

for material that had been mass wasted from the
North Massif. Station 6 lies on an 11 ° slope _ 20 m
above the break in slope between the massif and the FIGURE
and 4 6-13.-Area
at station 6.ofSoil
disturbed soilbeneath
is lighter betweentheboulders
thin gray3
valley floor. Station 7 is _ 500 m east of station 6, on surface layer. The letter designations indicate planar
a 7° slope just above the break in slope (figs. 6-3 and surfaces onto which boulder 4 may fit. Face A is the most
6-4). The surface in the area of the stations is covered likely fit. See text for discussion (AS17-140-21434).

\ a layer or lenses of darker rock may exist high on the

\ mountain. Lighter boulders occur above and below.
\ \ The lower light zone was sampled at the station 6
\ Uphill \ boulder.
\ \
\ \ ,76330
\ \ ,, are The
6 boulder
The largest
broke into
is _ 8five
m across.
pieces that
.. fT------Tx.._..... Dustcover
.'"-Bouldertrack f/ • -A original boulder can be pieced back together, gener-

\ / _-'_lt - | ,76255 ally blocks.

the with only a small
Several amount
large of rotation
fra_nents of' any
that may of

\\ J_. ,,'_.__t_---" broken from the boulder as it rolled downhill can be

__- seen in and around the boulder track (fig. 6-18).
rotation until similar appearing faces fit together (fig.
(,.,-_ C0n_act/ _ ),/ _('"76235t076239
"" BouldersWhen
6-19). 4 andthis 5is can
done,be vesicle
foliationby isminor
in a

\\ ./, f/f/%_/_W_ ", '76305to 76307 similar orientation in each boulder, and nonvesicular
_k_7_;\ '76315 inclusions in both pieces also fit across the break.
762_-.. '"_k.._ \_ Boulders 1 and 2 also fit without substantial manipu-
"--.1_... ,._"..... 76215 lation. It appears that boulder 1 can be raised and
placed against boulder 2 (fig. 6-20). Boulders 2 and 3

6-21). The relationship of the structural split between

boulders 1, 2, and 3 and boulders 4 and 5 is not as
5 are fitted together in much the same manner (fig.
obvious, and the fit is still tentative. Figure 6-21
I I I shows a nearly planar surface (A) on boulder 2, which
5 0 l0 dips approximately the same as the north face of
m boulder 4, as shown in figure 6-19. When boulder 4 is
FIGURE 6-14.-Diagram of station 6 boulder shewing placed on this surface, the foliation, which appears to
relationships of large fragments and possible points of be planar concentrations of vesicles in boulder 2, is
reassembly. Sample locations are designated on boulder
fragments, parallel with the foliation in boulders 4 and 5. Also, a
series of widely spaced joints in boulder 4 is then
alined with similar joints in boulder 2. A second,
These boulder concentrations are probably derived less-likely possibility is to place the north face of
from near-surface bedrock. At lower elevations, the boulder 4 on planar surface (B) on borfider 2,
bedrock in the massif is covered by a thick regolith adjacent to the one just described (fig. 6-13). How-
arid talus cover. At higher elevations, the massif is ever, structures seen in both boulders do not aline as
covered by a much thinner layer of fine material that well, and the shape of the fractured face of boulder 2
allows the underlying bedrock to be eas[ly excavated does not conform well with that of boulder 4.
by the more abundant smaller cratering events. This is Four of the five numbered boulder fragments were
suggested by the change in slope from 25 ° in the sampled. Two major breccia types can be distin-
upper two-thirds (upper 1000 m) of the massif to guished: greenish-gray and blue-gray breccias. The
21.5 ° in the lower one-third of the massif (_ 500 m third, fourth, and fifth boulders and part of the
above the base). One boulder track visible in figure second are greenish-gray breccias, described by the
6-16 extends nearly 1000 m up the slope. At the crew as anorthositic gabbros. In boulder 2, there is an
lower end of this track is a large boulder that is irregular contact between the greenish-gray breccia
darker than most of the other boulders on the lower and a blue-gray breccia. This zone, --_50 cm across,
one-third of the massif (fig. 6-17) and that is also appears to be an area of mixing between the two rock
darker than the station 6 boulders. A concentration types. Boulder 1 is also blue-gray breccia.
of dark boulders occurs near its apparent source, and Two samples were collected from the greenish-gray
similar concentrations are scattered at approximately breccia. Sample 76215 is part of a larger rock that
the same level elsewhere on the mountain face. Thus, spalled from boulder 4, and 76015 is from the top of



,of mosaic
figure 6-4


. Boundaryof mosaicof

FIGURE 6-15.-Footprints of 500-mm mosaics of part of the North Massif that are shown in figures
6-16 and 6-18. Features identified by letters are visible in figures 6-16 and 6-18; primed letters
denote objects visible in figure 6-18 only. The 500-m grid begins at the LM site (Apollo 17
panoramic camera frame AS17-2309).

boulder 5 (fig. 6-19). These rocks are tough annealed include granoblastic intergrowths of plagioclase and a
breccias with sparse lithic and mineral clasts set in a yellow-green mineral.
vuggy fine-grained matrix. The vugs, which range in Two unsampled rock types are present within the
size from 0.1 mm to _ 9 cm, are flattened and locally greenish-gray breccia. Several baseball-sized light-gray
alined. Around the larger cavities, the sugary inter- clasts are scattered randomly throughout the rock.
growth of minerals that forms the matrices of these The clasts appear nonvesicular and are in sharp
rocks gradually coarsens over a distance of _ 1 cm. irregular contact with the greenish-gray breccia. On
At cavity walls, individual minerals of the matrix boulder 5 (fig. 6-22), a large (0.5 by 1 m), gray
become distinguishable, and the rock has a poikilo- nonvuggy area is evident within the greenish-gray
blastic texture. Lithic clasts, all < 1 cm across, breccia. Photographs suggest that the nonvuggy rock

/ m


4000m 4500m

-500m 4000m
I 500m



FIGURE 6-16. Mosaic of 500-mm photographs taken from LM area showing boulder tracks on the
North Massif. Dashed lines indicate boulder concentrations. The grid perspective is the same as that
in figure 6-15. Elevations of grid corners (in parentheses) were taken from the NASA Lunar
Topographic Photomap, Taurus-Littrow, 1:25 000, first ed., Sept. 1972, by the Defense Mapping
Agency. According to this map, the elevation of the landing point is 4510 m, and the summit of
the North Massif is 6178 m. (AS17-144-21991, 22119 to 22122, and 22127 to 22130).

may differ only in texture, not composition, from the

host breccia. The dense area is sharply bounded by
vuggy breccia on two sides and grades into it on a
third side. This area may be an inclusion that was
incorporated in the greenish-gray breccia, which
vesiculated along the margins, or a locally nonvesicu-
lated interior of the boulder. The former is preferred
because of the sharpness of the contact on two sides.
A set of planar structures occurs within the dense
material parallel to the fracture face between bould-
ers 4 and 5. It is not clear what these structures are,
but they do not appear to be compositional layers. FIGURE 6-17. View of the North Massif showing principal
They do not continue into the vuggy part of the elevation data on prominent boulder tracks. Samples were
boulder, which further suggests that the nonvesicular collected adjacent to Turning Point Rock (station
LRV-10). The light color of Turning Point Rock and
rock is an inclusion rather than a central nonvesicu- station 6 boulders in contrast to the dark color of the
lated core of the boulder, large rock that rolled from high on the North Massif is
Two samples from the blue-gray part of boulder 1 clearly evident (AS17-141-21550).

_500 -250 0m
4250 m_. 4250 m

_ 250m
j" 4000rn

-500m /

/ t Station6
-250m_" bouldertrac_-

3500 B_
500 m



FIGURE 6-18.-Telephotographic view of prominent boulder tracks on the lower North Massif
showing probable source area of station 6 boulder. Lowercased letters indicate fragments that may
have broken from station 6 boulder. The large boulder in the lower left, at the end of the
prominent track that heads at an elevation of 5550 m, is distinctly darker than any others in this
area; its darkness is characteristic of some boulder concentrations high on the mountain as seen in
figure 6-16 (AS17-139-21252, 21254, 21262, and 21263).


FIGURE 6-19.-Boulders 4 and 5 at station 6. Arrows indicate probable matchpoints between the two
boulders (AS17-140-21414, 21416, 21418, 21429, 21432, and 21433).

FIGURE 6-20.-Boulders 1 and 2 at station 6. Arrows indicate probable matchpoints between

boulders (AS17-140-21497).

(fig. 6-23)(samples 76275 and 76295)are composed line blue-gray breccias that contain sparse finely
largely of blue-gray breccia clasts in vuggy greenish- recrystallized light-gray clasts.
gray matrices. The proportion of clasts in these two In the blue-gray breccia of boulder 1, there are
samples is high (40 to 60 percent), and the matrix is light-gray friable inclusions ranging in size from 1 to 2
somewhat browner and darker than the typical vuggy cm to 1 m across that are in sharp irregular contact
greenish-gray rocks. Vugs, which are _ 2 to 5 mm with the blue-gray breccia. Eight small samples
across, are in most cases lined by rich-b:rown pyrox- (76235 to 76239 and 76305 to 76307) are chips that
ene and plagioclase with or without ilmenite plates, represent one of these inclusions (fig. 6-24). These
The matrices of these samples are tough, finely samples are very light-gray cataclasites composed of
crystalline material composed principally of angular angular mineral debris that includes yellow-green and
mineral debris (plagioclase, yellow-green mineral, pale-grass-green mafic silicates and plagioclase.
brown pyroxene) and small lithic fragments of blue- Two other types of inclusions in the blue-gray
gray breccia. The clasts are dominantly fine crystal- breccia were not sampled. There are a few inclusions

is prominently foliated, with alternating layers of

abundant or sparse blue-gray breccia clasts. The
blue-gray breccia clasts contain sparse, sugary, white
hornfels clasts and moderately abundant marie sili-
cate fragments. The largest blue-gray clast in the rock
has a string of vuggy patches 3 to 12 mm across of
plagioclase and rich-brown pyroxene along one edge.
Sample 76315, collected from boulder 2 near the
contact, appears to be transitional between blue-gray
breccia and the type represented by sample 76255.
The rock is mainly blue-gray breccia with a few white
FIGURE 6-21.-Boulders 2 and 3 at station 6. Arrows indi- clasts; a large (3 by 8 cm) white clast at one end of
cate fractures that are alined when boulders are fitted to- the specimen is veined by blue-gray material. Both
gether. Letter designations,particularly A, indicate planar components were subsequently weakly brecciated so
surfaces onto which boulder 4 may fit. See text for dis- that pieces of blue-gray rock are now encased in a
cussion (AS17-146-22293). white matrix.
In boulder 1, several throughgoing planes (Sa
through Sg) can be recognized in stereoscopic study
of the photographs (figs. 6-23 and 6-25). The
lettering sequence does not imply a sequence of
development in the rocks. When comparing these
planes with the oriented returned samples, it can be
seen that they represent shear planes along some of
which movement has occurred. Two types are evi-
dent. Along the Sa plane, shearing has deformed the
clasts to create discontinuous compositional banding.
The zoning in sample 76255 is parallel to the Sa
shears. This type shear is closely spaced (a few
centimenters or less), but it is not a plane that had
any substantial control over the shape of the boulder
because the fracture surfaces are discontinuous and
the rock is coherent across these surfaces. Planes Sb
: • '_'_ and Sf are also this type. Planes Sc and Sd are typical
, of the second type; they appear to be somewhat more
widely spaced planes that form fracture faces on the
surface of the boulder. Sample 76295 parted along Sd
FIGURE 6-22.-Boulder 5 at station 6 showing nonvuggy when sampled. Planes S e and Sg are also this type.
vuggy greenish-gray breccia.
in the nonvuggy Dashed
portion. lines
Solid show
lines are Most of the shears appear to penetrate the boulder.
joints (AS17-140-21432). Planes Sa and Sb, for example, can be seen in two
places on the boulder over a meter apart.
Throughout the boulder, movement along the
shears does not appear to have been uniform. In the
(fig. 6-23, lower left) that are not as friable in area where sample 76255 was collected, one of the
appearance and are a darker gray than the light-gray large light-gray clasts has been intensively sheared.
inclusions sampled. A second type, which is rare, is The large elast from which samples 76235 to 76239
medium gray and vesicular with sharp irregular and 76305 to 76307 were collected has not been
boundaries (fig. 6-23, upper left), substantially deformed. The direction of shearing is
One sample (76255, collected from boulder 1) is a the same in two areas, but the amount of movement
breccia that contains clasts of blue-gray set in a is different. Two fracture sets (A and B in fig. 6-23),
friable light-gray to brownish-gray matrix. The sample which have not been identified in the samples, are

FIGURE 6-23.-Locations of samples removed from boulder 1 at station 6. Known orientations are
shown in insets. Heavy solid lines indicate traces of shear planes, Sa through Sg. Dashed lines
outline inclusions and sample:_. A and B denote fracture surfaces bounding'boulder (AS17-
140-21443) (inset photographs, S-73-19375, 19387, and 19385, respectively).

major mutually perpendicular fractures that shape the out as the contact between the two breccia types is
south and east faces of the boulder, approached. Assuming that the boulders have been
At least one and possibly two of these sets of reassembled correctly, it is not evident that these
shears can be seen in boulder 2. Sample 76315, shears are present in the greenish-gray breccia. Some
collected near the contact in boulder 2, shows some planar structures can be seen on boulders 4 and 5, but
evidence of shearing. In figure 6-26, the face shown they neither coincide with nor look the same as the
on boulder 2 is parallel with the Sc structures of shear planes seen in boulders t and 2. They are
boulder 1. Figure 6-27 shows this face, together with generally spaced several centimeters apart and appear
what is probably an expression of the Sd planes. The to be fractures rather than the shear planes. No
other structures are probably in this boulder also; evidence of shearing is seen in samples 76015 and
but, because of the lower resolution and the direction 76215 collected from these boulders.
from which this photograph was taken, they are not One of the first events represented in the station 6
visible. It does not appear that the Sc planes boulder was the formation of the light-gray to white
penetrate boulder 2 completely. They appear to die cataclasite. This breccia was enclosed by the blue-gray

_! i ¸i

FIGURE 6-24.-Large light-gray clast in blue-gray breccia of boulder 1 at station 6. Solid lines show
traces of shear plane sets Sa and Sb (AS17-140-21445).

breccia, either during the same event or a later one. vesicles define a foliation parallel to the contact with
The two unsampled clast types in the blue-gray the blue-gray breccia. The shearing seen in the
breccia probably have similar histories. The blue-gray blue-gray breccia portion of the boulder, which
breccia was heated enough to allow minor vesicula- caused the banding seen in sample 76255, apparently
tion. The blue-gray breccia was then incorporated by occurred before and/or during its incorporation into
the greenish-gray breccia, which must have been the greenish-gray breccia, because no extension of
heated enough to allow intensive vesiculation. The these shears is evident in the greenish-gray breccia.

FIGURE 6-25. View of boulder 1 at station 6 after removal of samples; shows shear sets, Sa through
Sg. Dashed area denotes a crushed zone with mixing between light-gray and blue-gray breccia. Note
the large fracture face of blue-gray breccia with light-gray clasts (AS 17-140-21456).

The blue-gray breccia may, however, be more sus- not known if the vesicular patch was injected into the
ceptible to shearing than the greenish-gray breccia, blue-gray zone during this time.
It is not clear whether the vesicular palch seen ir

boulder 1 is of the same generation as the greenish- Station 7 Boulder

gray breccia because its relation to the contact cannot
be seen in three dimensions. The color and vesicu- Sampling in the station 7 area consisted of
larity of it suggest that it is the same; however, it is collecting four samples from a 3-m boulder (fig. 6-28)

_Light--_r a -> J _Blue-gray /

," ;t-g4P,f ?'" ."
Blue-graybreccia _,_._..,,-_ clast_
Dike -'_/
__r_l ,//
"_-._. clast.,,,_ _--A"V/ / breccia / /, mixedwith (_ /_2 / .

/_/fi''/ ///_/////_'_h white clast _X'R{_b"[

ke '_'-_ i-- /
.S ", = '\J_J_\\" breccia__

/ !L.Z¢_._e" _-_-_"__ .-r-_' Limit of fillet

Limit of dust cover

0 .5 1.0 1.5 . 1.0 1.5

scale,m Approximate
(b) (b)
FIGURE 6-31.-Fractures in blue-gray breccia and light-gray FIGURE 6-32.-Station 7 boulder showing closely spaced
inclusion in station 7 boulder. Note differences in spacing fractures in a light-gray clast. (a) Photograph AS17-146-
of fractures. (a) Photograph AS17-146-22310. (b) Sketch 22306. (b) Sketch map. Unlabeled lines show fracture
map. traces.

sample, and 76280 is a 6-cm-deep scoop of soil boulder 1. Approximately 5 m south of the LRV, a
Another soil sample, 76320 (fig. 6-20), was collected single drive tube, 76001, was collected. All these
from the north face of boulder 1. This soil was samples probably represent a mixture of breccia
probably picked up by the boulder as it fell into its fragments from the massif and subfloor material, with
present position. Sample 76220 is soil collected from the major contribution derived from the massif.
the center of the boulder track _ 10 m northwest of Rock samples from stations 6 and 7, other than

Blue-gray matrix completely envelops pieces of the

broken clast around its periphery, but the interior of
the clast is incompletely penetrated by blue-gray
matrix so that the fragments form a porous aggregate.
The blue-gray matrix appears to be holocrystalline
and fine grained and has a small proportion of
smooth-walled vesicles and irregular vugs. Other clasts
in the blue-gray matrix include a distinctive fragment
that consists of 2-mm euhedral plagioclase crystals,
interstitial light-brown pyroxene, annealed plagio-
clase-rich fragments, and mineral debris.
Several basalts were collected in the rake and grab
samples at these two stations: four vesicular, porphy-
ritic, coarse-grained basalts (76037, 76538, 77535,
and 77536); two vesicular fine-grained basalts (76136
and 77516); and two dense aphanitic basalts (76537
and 76539). The presence of the basalts indicates
there is some mixing of subfloor materials in tile talus
of the massif material. This area is also dovar range
from the central crater cluster that dominates the
]FIGURE 6-33.-North face of boulder 4 showing perma- landing area and that probably threw debris onto the
nently shadowed soil and references to other soil samples slopes of the North Massif and adjacent Sculptured
(AS17-140-21406). Hills.
those collected from boulders and other than basalts,
include five white cataclasites (76355, 76536, 76558, Sou Iptured H ills
76559, and 77017); 14 greenish-gray breccias (76055, The single location on the Sculptured Hills from
76556, 76557, 76577, 77035, 77515, 77517, 77518, which samples were collected (station 8) lies _ 20 m
77519, 77525, 77526, 77637, 77539, and 77545); above the valley floor on a southwest-facing slope just
five blue-gray breccias (76036, 76035, 76555, 76569, southeast of Wessex Cleft and 4 km northeast of the
and 76575); two light-gray breccias (76505 and landing point. The station is within thezonemapped
77538) with small blue-gray clasts in a moderately as dark mantle (refs. 6-1 and 6-5). This unit locally
coherent matrix; six dark-matrix breccias with small mantles the lower slopes and linear valleys of the
white clasts (76506, 76545, 76546, 76547, 76548, Sculptured Hills (fig. 6-34) and is likely to have been
76549, 76565, 76566, and 76568); one coarse- mixed with the underlying regolith. The terrain is
grained gabbroic rock with _ 35 percent pyroxene undulating on a general slope of 10° to 30 °, being
(76535); one light-gray regolith breccia (76567); and steepest above the station 8 area (figs. 6-35 and 6-36).
one light-colored f'me-grained hornfels (76576). The From a distance on earlier traverses, the crew
cataclasites are chalky white rocks, but 77(117 is laced described these hills as being pockmarked (by small
by dark glass veins and one side is covered by a craters), darker gray, more hummocky and lineated,
thick coating of dark glass with many inclusions of and as having lower slopes than the massifs. During
cataclasite. The greenish-gray breccias inchide two late mission orbits under highest Sun elevations (58°),
large rocks (76055 and 77035) with irregularly the hills were characterized as incorporating "the
distributed small flit-like cavities that are locally albedo both of the North Massif and the (dark)
alined. A smaller sample grouped with the greenish- mantle area.., to give.., an in-between gray albedo,
gray breccias (77517) and two small pieces (77525 but the sculpturing is produced by the darker albedo
and 77526) that may have been broken from it have that looks like the mantle and the lighter albedo that
abundant medium light-gray to light-blue.gray apha- looks like the massif." These observations are borne
nitic clasts in a vug-free, annealed, light-gray matrix, out by both the high Sun orbital and the surface
Sample 76035 is an unusual blue-gray breccia that photographs.
contains a shattered clast of light-gray hornfels. While approaching the hills, the crew noted that



FIGURE 6-35.-Station 8 area at Sculptured Hills as viewed

from the LM, 4 km away. Note the contrast between the
hills on the right and the massif material directly above
WessexCleft, although both slopes have similar orienta-
tions (AS17-137-20876).

FIGURE 6-34.-Panoramic camera view of station 8 area features to highly subdued depressions. The craters
showing distribution of dark mantle on the Sculptured have neither prominently raised nor blocky rims,
Hills, WessexCleft, and valleyfloor (Apollo 15 panoramic
camera frame AS15-9557). although one secondary crater lower on the slope (fig.
6-37) forms a cloddy rim similar to that sampled
rocks larger than 20 cm are very rare on the from the LRV on the rim of SWP Crater (LRV-11,
Sculptured Hills slopes compared with their relative fig. 6-34).
abundance at the foot of the North and South The sample suite collected at the foot of the
Massifs. Most of the fragments are small clods and Sculptured Hills is represented mainly by basalts that
create a downslope pattern of small lineaments are most likely ejecta deposited on the Sculptured
indicating youthful mass wasting on currently active Hills slopes by valley floor craters and subsequently
slopes (appendix B, fig. 6-121). However, the three concentrated by mass wasting toward the base of the
boulders investigated on this slope showed no evi- hills. The samples are all from the subtle dark-gray
dence of having moved downslope, and the only apron interpreted on premission maps as dark mantle
other large rocks on the hill are described as farther (fig. 6-34).
upslope. These latter blocks are the fragments visible One large basalt fragment (sample 78135, fig.
within the patches of dark mantle in figure 6-36. 6-38) was taken from near a half-meter-wide boulder,
The few fragments seen on the local surface are probably also basalt, that was too hard to be sampled
subrounded to subangular; some are partly buried, directly. Other basalt fragments were collected in the
but the two sampled boulders and most of the soil rake and soil samples. The basalts are not obviously
clods are perched on the surface. The lack of blocks shocked or glass veined, and the crew indicated the
around fresh craters as large as 50 m in diameter (fig. basalts resembled others sampled at different locali-
6-36) indicates that bedrock is more than 10 m below ties on the valley floor.
the surface slope material. The soil in this area, at Perhaps the more important samples for inter-
least to the 20- to 25-cm depth of the trench samples, preting the lithologic nature of the Sculptured Hills
consists of fine-grained cohesive clods and particles, are represented by the smaller rocks and soils.
The soil has a moderately dark appearance character- Unfortunately, their relationship to the underlying
istic of the mantle throughout the valley floor, hills is not known. The friable feldspathic breccia
No large craters are present in the immediate area; (sample 78155) collected from the wall of a 15-m
those as large as several meters in diameter are crater is a particularly good candidate for Sculptured
common, however, and have a continuum of mor- Hills material. Its friability and color are compatible
phologies from fresh-appearing, topographically sharp with the more rounded topography of the Sculptured

0 .5 1


-- ---- Approximate
-----_- Possible
[] Location
of largeblock(s)
.... Areaof breakin slope

FIGURE 6-36.-Telephotographic mosaic of Sculptured Hills slope above station 8 as viewed from
station 2A. Sun elevation is 28 ° (AS17-144-22034 and 22035).

FIGURE 6-37.-Cloddy secondary crater on slope below station 8. Break in slope is _200 m from

Hills, the general absence of boulders, and the The lack of blocky craters or related boulder tracks
light-colored, generally fine-grained ejecta seen in the upslope argues against a local source.
largest craters of this area. Samples larger than 1 cm The well-documented trench samples (78420 to
taken from soil bags and the rake samples include 22 78480) have not been described yet, but they should
dark-matrix breccias, most of which have small, typify the soils of the lower slopes of the Sculptured
white, lithic fragments and clasts of mare basalt Hills. They are probably a mixture of valley floor
(78508, 78516, 78518, 78535 to 78539, 78545 to debris and Sculptured Hills soils. The soil sample
78549, 78555 to 78559, and 78565 to 78568), one collected from a dark cloddy crater on the rim of
rock composed of regolith clods loosely cemented by SWP Crater (78120) at LRV-11 was just at the base
glass (78525), one dunite(?) (78526), one nonvesicu- of the slope and may represent either deeper material
lar metaclastic rock (78527), and one white felds- from SWP Crater or mass-wasted material from
pathic breccia (78517). upslope (fig. 6-34). Perhaps the original composition
The gabbroic rocks (samples 78235 to 78238, of the hills can best be determined by subtracting
78255, and 78256) are from the top and bottom of from these soils the average composition of the
another half-meter-size boulder. The rock is coarse typical valley floor.
grained, composed of _ 50 percent each of plagio-
clase and pyroxene, intensely shocked, and heavily
glass coated and glass veined (figs. 6-39 and 6-40). No Relationships Between the Massifs and the
fillet existed on the boulder in its original position. Sculptured Hills
These properties and its strongly fluted, glassy surface The upper slopes of the North, South, and East
suggest that it originated from outside the sample Massifs are alike in morphology and outcrop occur-
area and was emplaced relatively recently at station 8. rence. The samples from the North and South Massifs

FIGURE 6-39.-Glass-coated coarse-grained gabbroic rock

(sample 78236) from shock-fluted, roiled boulder at
station 8. The cube is 1 cm on the edge (S-73-15394).
FIGURE 6-38.-Basalt f_agment (sample 78135) collected
from beside a hard boulder at station 8. The cube is 1 em
on the edge (S-73-15003). 2. Greenish-gray breccias that lack cavities occur
on both massifs.
are strikingly similar breccias. The Sculptured Hills, in 3. Blue-gray breceias are identical, at least insofar
this region at least, are notably different in their as can be determined with the binocular microscope.
greater dissection, lower slopes, and lack of large In both places, these rocks have small proportions of
boulders. These features in combination with the white clasts and have fine-grained to aphanitic
limited sample suite suggest that the Sculptured Hills matrices.
are underlain by less coherent breccias than the 4. Light-gray breccias from both massifs are also
massifs. They do seem to have more sJope debris similar; although, as a class, these rocks are variable.
deposited at their base and a greater possibility of
The characteristics of friable matrices, dominance of
contamination from the thinly mantling dark material dark- over light-colored clasts, and local occurrences
above and below the sample area. If the Sculptured of foliation are shared by samples from both massifs.
Hills reflect a different structural histo_2¢ than the Subordinate features of the breccias are also similar in
massifs, no evidence was developed during the mis-
the samples from the North and South Massifs: (1)
sion to demonstrate it. brown pyroxene4ined rugs occur in rocks from both
Outcrops on the North Massif occur on the upper
areas, although they are much better developed in the
two-thirds (1000 m) of the slope. On the South
North Massif samples; (2) rare blue-gray breccias with
Massif, only the upper one-third (700 m) of the slope vesicles were returned from stations 2 and 6; and (3)
has exposed blocks. Sampled boulders are thought to
rare breccias with abundant honey-brown mineral and
represent the uppermost part of the South Massif and
distinctive dark-gray mineral clasts were found at
the lower one-third of the North Massif. Hence, two stations 3 and 7.
distinct stratigrapkic levels may have been sampled. Significant differences include the virtual lack of
However, rocks collected from the North and
large light-colored clasts and prominent vesicles from
South Massifs closely resemble each other in many the boulders studied at the South Massif. Both these
respects, features are found in the North Massif boulder
1. Vuggy greenish-gray breccias from both massifs samples; in addition, the station 7 boulder has dikes
are similar except that cavities in rock samples from of blue-gray material injecting a large clast. Minor
station 2 are smaller than those from station 6. differences between the North and South Massif

FIGURE 6-40.-Locations and orientations of gabbroic rocks (samples78235 and 78236) from top of
rolled boulder. Fluted surface is glass coated and glass veined (AS17-146-22370) (inset
photographs, S-73-17817, 17962, and 17814, respectively).

breccias include: (1) vuggy metaclastic clasts occur components of the same boulder at station 6. This
oniy in station 2 breccias; (2) light-gray breccia at evidence indicates that they may come from a single
station 2 occurs as a large boulder, whereas light-gray unit in the South Massif. There apparently is an
breccias from the North Massif are known only as unsampled type of dark rock that occurs high on the
subordinate inclusions in station 6 boulders; and (3) North Massif. It may represent a layer or lenses in the
many friable cataclasites were returned from the upper part of the massif. The foliated and layered
North Massif. breccia (station 2, boulder 1) is different and prob-
The similarity of the rock types between the ably represents the capping blue-gray unit of the
North and South Massifs suggests that the samples South Massif that was recognized in the field by the
may represent only one stratigraphic unit. The crew. Boulder 2 at station 2 appeared to the crew to
greenish-gray breccia, light-gray breccia, and blue-gray resemble the tan-gray unit that underlies the blue-
breccia, seen as discrete boulders at station 2, are all gray unit of the South Massif.

Subfloor Basalts commonly intensely fractured; some show irregular

Field Occurrence knobby surfaces that resemble the surfaces of terres-
trial flow breccias.
Subfioor basalts occur in the dark portions of the Shorty Crater is 110 m in diameter and is most
valley floor both as scattered blocks and fragments probably a young impact crater. Its blocky floor is
and as concentrations of blocks on the walls and rims _ 10 to 15 m below the general surface level near the
of the larger craters. The areas in which the basalts crater, and its walls are largely composed of relatively
were most thoroughly sampled were on the rims of fine fragmental material. Tile impacting projectile
Shorty and Camelot Craters, in the LM/ALSEP/SEP should have encountered hard rock at a depth of no
area, and at station 1. less than 10 to 15 m, and ejecta was therefore
Several varieties of basalt were described on the excavated from depths no greater than _ 20 m
lunar surface. The predominant types were coarse- (approximately one-fifth crater diameter). It is pos-
grained, vesicular, relatively light-colored basalts corn- sible that basalt fragments on the crater rim may be
posed of clinopyroxene, ilmenite, and 30 to 40 ejecta derived from within the upper 5 to 10 m of
percent plagioclase. Vesicles as large as _ 1 cm in bedrock of the subfloor basalt unit at the Shorty site.
diameter typically comprised 10 to 15 percent of An alternative interpretation is that coherent bedrock
these rocks. In some rocks, planar partings paralleled was not excavated by Shorty and that the basalt
bands expressed as differing concentrations of vesi- fragments on its rim are blocks ejected from pre-
cles. Finer-grained and less vesicular varieties of basalt Shorty regolith.
were recognized locally. Camelot Crater.-Subfloor basalts were collected
Sherry Crater.-Subfloor basalts were sampled on from the rim of the large (650 m) crater Camelot.
the rim crest of Shorty Crater in the vicinity of a 5-m The blocks, which are partly buried by soil, are
boulder (fig. 6-41). Debris that may have been shed exposed near and along the low, rounded rim crest of
from the boulder lies on the nearby surface, and the crater and extend downward into the crater walls
blocks are abundant on this part of the inner crater (fig. 6-42) where, as in other craters, blocks are
wall. All the rocks examined were basalts that are abundant. Outward from the rim crest, the block
population decreases rapidly within a few meters.
Within the block field, individual rocks, varying
from cobble to boulder size, are subrouuded to

FIGURE 6-42.-Northqooking photograph of part of station

FIGURE 6-41.-Northwestqooking photograph showing in- 5 area showing tabular basalt boulders on southwest rim
tensely fractured basalt boulder on rim of Shorty Crater and inner wall of Camelot Crater. Prominent banding is
and locations of samples 74255 and 74275 (AS17-137- visible in large block in right near field (AS17-145-
20990). 22178).

subangular, are moderately to deeply buried, and SEP area. The crew described the rocks as uniform,
cover _ 30 percent of the surface. The rocks tend to coarse, vesicular, porphyritic, clinopyroxene-bearing
be tabular in shape (fig. 6-42) and no doubt preferen- basalts with --_30 to 40 percent plagioclase and with
tially broke along the well-developed set of partings ilmenite platelets in the rugs and vesicles. Vesicles
(fig. 6-43). The partings parallel bands formed by commonly make up 10 to 15 percent of rock
variations in vesicle concentration. Descriptions by surfaces. A foliated effect is created by partings that
the crew indicated that the rocks were predominantly parallel bands of differing vesicle concentration. The
coarse-grained, subophitic, pyroxene-bearing basalts rocks are commonly fractured. A single set of parallel
with shiny ilmenite platelets in the vugs and vesicles, fractures is visible in one boulder (fig. 6-44), whereas
The rocks appear to be notably uniform except for so-called "Geophone Rock" is intricately fractured
gray zones that may represent finer-grained or non- (fig. 6-45).
vesicular areas. Blocks in the LM/ALSEP/SEP area belong to a
The large basalt blocks on the Camelot rim population of boulders that project through the dark
undoubtedly represent ejecta from the crater. Impact floor material throughout the area east of Camelot
theory suggests that the stratigraphically lowest target Crater. Scarcity of such boulders west of Camelot
materials will most probably be located in the ejecta suggests that the boulders near the LM are probably
nearest the crater rim and that the maximum depth not Camelot ejecta but rather ejecta from the craters
from which material is likely to be excavated is east of the LM in the central cluster.
approximately one-fifth crater diameter-130m deep Station /.-Station 1 is located on the north-
in the case of Camelot. However, the crater is old, western flank of Steno Crater _- 150 m from the
and the rim has been eroded. The rocks sampled may Steno rim crest. Subfloor basalt was collected as small
not, therefore, represent the uppermost part of the fragments from the soil and as chips from two
original ejecta, and 130 m should be regarded as the vesicular 0.5-m boulders on the rim of a 10-m crater
maximum possible depth of their origin. (fig. 6-46). As at Camelot Crater, the large boulders
LM/ALSEP/SEP area.-Large boulders of subfloor are bounded in part by tabular faces and contain
basalt were observed and sampled in the LM/ALSEP/ parallel parting planes. A distinct planar boundary
between coarsely vesicular basalt and finely vesicular
basalt is oblique to a set of parallel fractures in one of
the boulders.

FIGURE 6-43.-Northwest-looking photograph of vesicles

and prominent parallel partings in basalt boulder on FIGURE 6-44.-South-looking photograph showing parallel
southwest rim of Camelot Crater. Bootprint treads (lower fractures in 0.5-m-high boulder south of deep drill site.
right) are _ 2 cm wide (AS17-133-20333). Geophone Rock is at upper left (AS17-134-20505).

FIGURE 6-45.-Southwest-looki:ag photograph of Geophone Rock, an intricately-fractured, vesicu-

lar, 3-m-highbasalt boulder (AS17-147-22535).

The lO-m crater presumably reexcavated basalt Petrography

blanket from withinCrater.
of Steno the upper
Steno 2Crater
m ofis the
600 ejecta
m in Returned basalt samples may be divided into five
classes of hand specimens:
diameter; the maximum depth from which rocks
might have been excavated in the Steno impact is 1. Vesicular, porphyritic, coarse-grained basalts
120 m. The sampled blocks occur approximately 2. Vesicular coarse-grained basalts
one-fourth crater diameter from the Steno rim, 3. Vesicular fine-grained basalts
however, and probably were derived from some 4. Dense aphaniticbasalts
intermediate depth in the Steno target. 5. Vesicular aphanitic basalts

Vesicular fine-grained basalts are characterized by

a high proportion of wags and vesicles with ilmenite-
,_ rich linings and by a groundmass grain size ranging
from 0.3 to 0.6 ram. Olivine is commonly present in
i _ . .... rocks of this class as microphenocrysts in amounts of
1 to 2 percent. These rocks are characterized by vug
and vesicle abundances of more than 30 percent;
some are frothy. Sample 71055 is a typical example
of this class of basalts.
Dense aphanitic basalts are characterized by their
very low abundance of cavities and their extremely
fine grain size. Olivine microphenocrysts are widely
represented but not abundant. The average grain size
of these rocks is _ 0.1 to 0.2 ram. Sample 70215 is
FIGURE 6-46. Northwest-looking photograph showing typical of this class ofbasalts.
10-m crater at station 1 with sampled 0.5-m boulders on
its rim. Boulder in foreground contains distinct planar Vesicular aphanitic basalts are characterized by
boundary (solid line) between zone of coarse vesicles abundant and exceptionally large cavities and very
0eft) and zone of fine vesicles (right). Dashed lines fine grain size. Small amounts of olivine are present in
indicate traces of planar fracture set dipping to right some samples. Vugs are commonly as large as a
(AS17-136-20741). centimeter and reach 3 to 4 cm. Sample 74235
Individual samples of types (1) and (2) were generally typifies this group.
termed "vesicular gabbro" by the Apollo 17 crew. It is possible that the two coarse-grained basalt
Examples of (3), (4), and (5) were described as types are gradationally related by decrease of porphy-
"fine-grained basalt," "basalt," and "obsidian," ritic pyroxene-ilmenite aggregates, but our best judy-
respectively, ment at present is that they represent separate flow
Rocks called vesicular, porphyritic, coarse-grained units. It seems more likely that the vesicular fine-
basalts are characterized by 3- to 4-mm, blocky, grained basalts are gradationally related to the vesicu-
pyroxene-ilmenite intergrowths that are present in lar aphanitic basalts through decrease in grain size and
amounts ranging from 5 to 15 percent in the basalts increase in vesicle size. The dense aphanitic basalts
of this class. Olivine is present in trace amounts in seem clearly to be fragments of a separate flow unit.
some of these rocks; where present, it commonly A few samples cannot at present be fitted into
occurs as partially reacted cores in the pyroxene these five categories. Samples 71549, 71557, and
phenocrysts. The ilmenite content, while high for 71568 are coarse-grained basalts, but we cannot at
mare basalts as a whole, is relatively low compared to present say whether or not they are porphyritic.
other Apollo 17 basalts and averages between 15 and Sample 71597 contains 20 to 25 percent olivine-
20 percent. The plagioclasecontentaverages25 to35 more than any other basalt in the Apollo 17
percent. Some layering occurs in larger hand samples: collection.
in one case, grain-size variations are noted; in others,
feldspar and ilmenite laths are alternately foliated and Stratigraphy
randomly oriented. Vugs are more common than A classification of basalts by type and Lunar
vesicles, although both may be present in the same Receiving Laboratory (LRL) number is summarized
rock. Cavity content is variable but averages 10 to 15 in table 6-IV. Station numbers are implicit in LRL
percent; vugs are alined in planes, are clearly elongate, numbers. (LRV samples are given the station number
and are layered by abundance. Sample 70035 is a to which the LRV was proceeding when the sample
typical example of this class ofbasalts, was taken.) As evidenced by table 6-1V, the five
Vesicular coarse-grained basalts are very similar to basalt types have a fairly wide distribution over the
those of the above class except that they lack the traverse area. It is also apparent that the distribution
pyroxene-ilmenite phenocrysts, and their average is asymmetric in detail: for example, only one
grain size tends to be somewhat finer (_ 1.0 ram). coarse-grained basalt was collected at station 4, and
This class ofbasalts is typified by sample 75055. no fine-grained types were collected at station 5.

TABLE 6-IV.-Hand Specimen Classification a of Apollo 1 7 Basalts

porph yri_'e_ Vesicular Vesicular Dense Vesicular
coarse-grained coarse-grained fine-grained aphanitie aphaniffe
basalts basalts basalts basalts basalts

b70017 b70185 c71035 and 71036 d70075 d71075

c70035 d71049 c71055 b70215 d,e71525 to 71528
c70135 to 70139 d71067 and 71068 d71087 b70255 d,e71546 and 71547
c70145 to 70149 d71086 c71135 and 71136 d71048 d'e71555
c70155 to 70157 d71503 c71155 to 71157 d71065 and 71066 b,e71577 and 71578
d70165(?) c75015 b71175 d71089 d,e71585
b70275 c75035 d71507 d71096 and 71097 d'e71587
b70315 c75055 d,e71535 d71505 and 71506 d'e71596
d71045 to 71047 d78505 d'e71548 d'e71529 b74235
d71069 d,e78575(? ) d,e71556 d71537 to 71539 d74245
d71085 d,e71558 d,e71545 d74247
d71088 b71565 to 71567 d'e71569 d74249(?)
d71095 b72155 d,e'71575 and 71576 d74285(?)
d71509 b72155 d,e71579 d74286
d,e71536 d76136 d,e71586 d,e78585
d,e71559 b77516 d,e71588 and 71589 d,e79516(?)
c74255(?) d78507(?) d,e71595
b75075 d78509(?) d73219
d76037 d,e78577 d74246
d,e76538 d,e%578 d74248
b77535 , d,e78579 d74248
b77536 d,e78588 d74287(?)
b78135 (?) b,e78597 e74275
d78506 d,e79515(?) d,e76537
d78576 d,e76539
b79155(?) d'e78569

aRake samples 71549, 7L557, 71.568, and 71597 not classified at this time. (?) indicates questionable classification.
bLoose rock > 5 cm.
cChip from large boulder.
dSmall fragment 1 to 5 cm.
eRake sample.

Because large blocks are less likely to have been As shown in figure 6-47, large blocks were sampled
reworked than small ones, the general relation of only on the rims of Shorty and Camelot Craters, in
basalt fragments to their source craters is probably the LM/ALSEP/SEP area, and at station 1. Large
better established from the larger blocks. The basalts blocks can be confidently related to specific source
listed in table 6-1V are therefore subdivided on the craters only at Camelot and station 1, where some
basis of whether they were collected from sizable limits on depth of origin can be inferred. In general,
blocks, whether they were loose rocks on the surface, the small fragments appear widely mixed, and their
or whether they were collected as small fragments in distribution seems to have little stratigrapkic signi-
soil or rake samples. Sample distribution by size and ficance.
by classification type for all basalts examined to date The large blocks on the rim of Camelot Crater are,
is plotted on a traverse map (fig. 6-47). so far as we know, all composed of vesicular

South Mas
0 1 2 3

® Locationaccuratewithin 10m O Vesicular fine-grainedbasalt
[] Approximatelocation Q Densefine-grainedbasalt
-- -- Approximatetraverse _ Vesicular aphanilicbasalt
Traversepathderivedin part from very long base X Numberof sampledlargeboulders
interferometryby I. Salzburg,Goddard
SpaceFlightCenter ¥ Numberof sampledlooserocks larger than 5 cm
[] Vesicularporphyritic coarse-grainedbasalt Z Numberof sampled1- to 5-cm fragments
• Vesicular coarse-grainedbasalt

FIGURE 6-47.-Map showing distribution of subfloor basalt samples by size and type (Apollo 17
panoramic camera frame AS17-2309).

coarse-grained basalt. The maximum depth from next shallower unit may be at some depth < 130 m.
which the basalt boulders on its rim were excavated is At station 1, which lies approximately one-fourth
--_ 130 m. Vesicular coarse-grained basalt, represented crater diameter out on the flank of Steno Crater, the
by Camelot rim ejecta, may be the deepest subfloor larger blocks and most of the loose rocks larger than
material sampled on the mission, and the contact 5 cm in diameter are of vesicular fine-grained basalt.
between vesicular coarse-grained material and the The station is within the mappable continuous ejecta

of Steno. If these are original Steno ejecta, material suggest that the graben floor is overlain by t km or
from intermediate depths (< 120 m) could be ex- more of high-density material (secs. 10 and 13). The
pected in that part of the ejecta blanket, sampled part of the subfloor basalt is interpreted to
In the LM/ALSEP/SEP area, the large blocks are represent the upper part of the high-density graben-
vesicular, porphyritic, coarse-grained basalts. They filling material, which may consist entirely of basalt.
belong to the population of large blocks that charac- Radiometric age determinations (ref. 6-6) suggest that
terized the central cluster ejecta (see section entitled f'dling of the valley by lava flows may have been
"Regolith and Mantle Units of the Valley Floor"). completed by approximately 3.8 billion years ago.
Those in the LM area are difficult to relate to the Before the final accumulation of the Serenitatis mare
continuous ejecta of any single crater and may, in _l, broad arching east of the Serenitatis basin tilted
fact, represent rays or ballistic ejecta from one or the subfloor lavas to the east as shown in the present
more central cluster craters. If so, they could have 1° eastward tilt of the valley floor.
been derived from any depth within the sequence
penetrated by the central cluster craters. The largest
craters are _ 600 m in diameter; hence, maximum Highlands Regolith and Surficial Deposits
sampling depth is _ 120 m (one-fifth crater diame-
ter). If this rock type intergrades with the vesicular The formation of a regolith of impact-generated
coarse-grained basalt sampled at Camelot, it probably debris has been a continuous process in the highlands
comes from a slightly higher stratigraphic level, of the Taurus-Littrow area as elsewhere on the Moon.
Except for the intensely fractured 5-rn boulder at The amount of regolith formed on any surface is
Shorty, which is vesicular, porphyritic, coarse-grained porportional to the length of time that the surface
basalt, all fragments collected there are of dense has been exposed to bombardment by impacting
aphanitic or vesicular aphanitic basalt. If the inter- bodies, whereas the thickness of regolith now present
pretation that the coarse basalts are related is correct, is also a function of the rate of removal of the
the large 5-m boulder may have been reexcavated by loosened debris. Theoretically, there is no net loss of
Shorty Crater from the ejecta of some older large debris on flat surfaces because the debris ejected from
crater. The absence of this basalt among the other a point of impact is balanced by the influx of debris
fragments that were collected at Shorty also suggests front nearby and distant impacts. On slopes, there is a
that it does not represent the upper part of the local net loss of regolith as impacts at lower levels fail to
bedrock, whereas the exclusive concentration of throw balancing amounts of debris to the higher
aphanitic basalt fragments suggests that [hese may in- levels. Such a net loss of debris, sufficient to expose
deed represent shallow bedrock, bedrock, occurs at the lip of Rima Hadley, the Apollo
Sampled subfloor basalts were most probably 15 landing site (ref. 6-7).
derived from depths between --_20 and 130 m. The The rolting tops of the massifs and the Sculptured
stratigraphically lowest basalt unit is interpreted to be Hills are considered very old surfaces with thick
the vesicular coarse-grained basalt sampled at the accumulations of regolith. On the generally flat
Camelot rim. This unit may grade upward into the surface above the Sculptured Hills, in particular, very
coarse-grained porphyritic type sampled in the LM/ thick regolith is implied by the close spacing of the
ALSEP/SEP area. The next stratigraphic unit, pro- many large craters. The regolith there is probably
ceeding upward, is the vesicular fine-grained basalt several tens of meters thick.
represented in the Steno ejecta, and the aphanitic The upper slopes of the massifs are nearly free of
basalts of the Shorty ejecta may be the shallowest regolith as shown by exposures of bouldery zones
recognizable types. It should be stressed that this that may represent near-surface bedrock. Such zones
stratigraphic succession is speculative, occur on the upper one-third of the South Massif,
high on the East Massif, and on the upper two-thirds
of the North Massif. These zones seem to have been
Origin the sources of most of the large boulders now resting
The landing site valley is interpreted to be a deep lower on the slopes as indicated by boulder tracks.
graben formed at the time of the Serenitatis impact The slope of the Sculptured Hills just above station 8
event. Geophysical data collected during the mission is either mostly covered with thick regolith or is

composed of material so friable that boulders or Probably the oversteepened, already fragmented rock
bedrock ledges are rapidly disintegrated by impact, debris started moving immediately to fill enough of
In addition to the net downslope movement of the crater to reestablish equilibrium at the angle of
ejecta, loose material tends to roll, slide, or bounce repose.
down steep slopes in response to gravity. Such Except for a few boulders with enough energy to
movements may be initiated by jarring due to impacts climb slightly up the opposing slope of the north wall
or seismic events or by oversteepening of slopes by of Nansen, the debris merely slid into the crater but
cratering or faulting. Deposits formed by these did not cross it. The present appearance of the massif
processes are distinguished herein as surflcial deposits, slope into Nansen is that of an active talus apron that
Volumetrically, the most important surficial de- is slowly continuing to fill the crater.
posit is talus, a poorly sorted deposit composed of The best documented mass movement deposit is
debris that has arrived essentially piece by piece at its the light mantle at the base of the South Massif,
place of deposition on the lower slopes. The boulders which is presumed to be a mass of debris that
resting near the bases of slopes and at the ends of obtained enough kinetic energy to spread out across
trails leading down the slopes are clearly visible parts the valley floor for a distance of _ 6 kin. In several
of the talus. Impact fragments thrown onto the lower places, there is evidence for mass movement deposits
slopes also comprise part of the talus. At the bases of older than the talus aprons. Subdued lobes extend
large slopes, the talus forms a continuous apron, from the highland slopes onto the valley floor along
Separate talus streaks rather than aprons are clearly the base of the North Massif and along the base of the
visible on the inner slopes of some of the large fresh South Massif between Nansen Crater and Bear Moun-
craters in the region, tain. It is possible that some of these lobes are mass
Other surficial deposits, denoted herein as mass movement deposits overlying the subfloor basalt.
movement deposits, occur as masses of debris that lie Mass movements and formation of talus deposits
beyond the bases of the slopes. These deposits result should date back to the earliest uplift of the massifs.
when masses of loose debris, mostly regolith, move If the bounding faults were, as we suppose, steeper
downslope as tumbling or sliding units driven by than the angle of repose for loose fragments, there
gravity and gather sufficient momentum to move must have been a large transfer of material down the
beyond the steep slopes. These materials are corn- newly formed slopes until the angle of repose was
monly set in motion by some jarring event or when reached. Thus, mass movement deposits and thick
they become unstable on oversteepened slopes, talus aprons buried by subfloor basalt are inferred to
Surficial deposits are undoubtedly present on the overlie the still older rocks that formed the initial
lower parts and at the bases of all the large steep floor and walls of the Taurus-Littrow valley.
slopes of the highlands. Gentle intermediate slopes
near the base may reflect the occurrence of a

high-lava mark of subfloor basalt. The slopes are more Regolith and Mantle Units of the Valley Floor
probably talus deposits that may have been partly
redistributed valleyward by impacts: At stations2,6, The subfioor basalt is overlain by fragmental
and LRV-10, located on the gentle siopes immedi- debris that is as much as 15 m thick where it iscut by
ately above the valley floor, fillets occur preferen- Shorty and Van Serg Craters. A complete understand-
tially on the upslope sides of boulders, which ing of this material must await detailed descriptions
indicates that debris is currently moving downslope, of the numerous soil and core-tube samples. Part of
Along much of the base of the South Massif, the the material is undoubtedly impact-generated regolith
talus intersects the valley floor at a sharp angle, which similar to that developed on mare basalts elsewhere
suggests that downslope movements have been re- on the Moon. Premission geologic maps of the Apollo
newed so recently, perhaps as a consequence of 17 site (ref. 6-1) indicated, in addition to normal
recent massif uplift, that impact processes have not regolith, light and dark mantle units. The light mantle
had time to round the knickpoint. Part of this talus unit was identified and sampled at stations 2, 2A, and
deposit has filled approximately three-fourths of 3 and at LRV sample stops 2, 5, and 6. The dark
Nansen Crater. The Nansen impact undoubtedly mantle was not recognized on the lunar surface as a
caused oversteepening at the base of the talus slope, distinct stratigraphic unit; a unique darkening corn-

ponent, if present, is apparently intimately mixed Crater. Samples 70019 and 79175 are breccias com-
with the impact-generated regolith, posed of friable dark clods loosely cemented by dark
In this report, the fragmental material overlying glass; these also closely resemble rocks returned by
the subfloor basalt is divided into an older regolith, earlier Apollo missions.
information on which comes mainly fiom the Van Regolith breccias were also found at two areas
Serg Crater ejecta, and a younger regolith that occurs marginal to the valley floor. Five small breccia
at or close to the surface. In addition, major crater fragments (78508 and 78515 to 78518) were found
ejecta blankets around the central crater cluster and in a soil sample from station 8. Samples taken from
Shorty and Van Serg Craters are mapped and de- SWP Crater (e.g., 78120), did not survive in pieces
scribed as separate portions of the surficial debris larger than 1 cm but appear to be similar to the other
layer. Inferred stratigraphic relationships among these regolith breccias.

units are shown in figure 6-48. Older Regolith

Petrography of Regolith Breccias The ejecta of the 90-m-diameter Van Serg Crater
includes a large proportion of soft, dark, matrix-rich
A total of 14 samples of breccia (70018, 70019, breccias (figs. 6-49 and 6-50) the petrography of
70175, 71515, 72135, 79035,79115,79135,79175, which is described in the preceding section. On the
79195, 79225, 79226, 79227, and 79228) was crater rim, the breccias contain scattered light-gray
collected from the valley floor at stations 1, 9, lithic clasts that are as large as _ 2 cm in diameter.
LM/ALSEP/SEP, and LRV-1. Most of the samples are Light clasts as large as 0.5 m in diameter were seen in
probably soil breccias ejected from the older regolith, the dark-matrix fragment-rich breccia on the crater
Some, however, such as 70019, are soil breccias floor.
formed by impacts in the younger regolith. These The Van Serg breccias can be interpreted as
breccias are all dark to very dark gray, are friable to regolith materials indurated by the impact that
moderately coherent with numerous penetrative frac- formed Van Serg Crater. So far as we know, subfloor
tures, and typically have low clast populations, basalt was not excavated by the impact, although
Samples 79115 and 79135 are layered, with traverse gravity data (sec. 13) imply its presence in
alternating layers on the order of several centimeters the subsurface. At least 15 m of regolith material is
thick that are distinguished by differing clast abun-
dances. Similar layering is also visible in lunar surface _
photographs of breccia boulders at Van Serg Crater
(fig. 6-49). Surfaces of penetrative fractures are
commonly weakly slickensided, as was typical of
regolith breccias returned from earlier Apollo mis-
sions. Slickensides are especially well developed in
sample 79135. Clasts larger than 1 mm make up from
1 to _ 15 percent of the breccias; most clasts are
smaller than 1 cm, although the crew reported clasts
as large as 0.5 m in breccias of this type at Van Serg

.:._,, Younger regolith Centralclusterejecta
•_ "Lightmantle _--_',--
ejecta'" Olderregolith

FIGURE 6-49.-Southqooking photograph of layered dark

FIGURE 6-48.-Schematic diagram of stratigJ:aphicnomen- matrix-rich breccia in the ejecta of Van Serg Crater
clature of valley floor deposits. (AS17-142-21821).

be that of a very complex lens as it is composed of

the ejecta, rim, and continuous blanket deposits of
each of the craters within the cluster. At station I, a
2-m-deep crater does not appear to have penetrated
the total thickness of the unit, which is expectable
because station 1 is only approximately one-fourth
crater diameter out from the rim of Steno, a member
of the cluster. At the deep core site, _ 40 m north of
the ALSEP central station, the central cluster ejecta is
assumed to be thin because the site is more than a
crater diameter away from any large member of the
cluster. The deep core probably penetrated the entire
unit; the change of soil appearance, seen in corestem
joints, at a depth of _ 1 m probably indicates the
base of the central cluster ejecta.
All blocks from the central cluster ejecta that were
sampled are considered to be subfioor basalts. Smaller
sampled fra_gnents are more difficult to relate to a
source, but the preponderance of surface rock frag-
ments from the LM/ALSEP/SEP and station 1 sites
FIGURE 6-50.-West-looking photograph showing dark must have come from the subfloor basalt either
matrix-rich breccia boulders on rim of Van Serg Crater. directly or after reexcavation. Soil samples in the area
Note small
sheared white
aspect of clasts
boulderin to
right of boulder and
the gnomon must be considered as originating from the overlying
(AS17-142-21791). younger regolith unit. The ejecta of the central
cluster unit is inferred from crater depths and
interpreted to have overlain the subfloor basalt in the estimated regolith thickness to contain roughly three
Van Serg area when the crater was formed. The times as much subfloor basalt as older regolith. The
deepest part, represented by the Van Serg rim and older regolith contains a large percentage of fine
floor rocks, is presumed older than the central cluster basalt fragments, so the expected amount of basalt in
ejecta and hence represents older regolith material, the central cluster ejecta, or later reexcavated de-
Central Cluster Ejecta posits, is at least 80 percent. A net effect of the
central cluster ejecta was to create an immature
The regolith is subdivided locally by recognizing as regolith surface layer overlying what must have been,
unique a portion that is considered to be the complex in general, a very mature regolith. The immaturity is
ejecta blanket of a cluster of large craters that lie most easily seen in the common occurrence of blocks
mostly to the south and east of the LM (fig. 6-51). and rock fragments. It is also reflected in the
This unit, distinguished by an abundance of blocks lithologic composition by the high percentage of
visible at the surface, is termed the central cluster fragments newly derived from the subfloor basalt and
ejecta. Younger deposits are apparently too thin to a little admixture of exotic components such as ejecta
bury the blocks in the unit, and the unit is too young from impacts in the highlands.
for the blocks to have been reduced much in size by Samples collected from the central cluster ejecta,
later impacts. The general distribution of blocks either directly from boulders protruding through the
considered as central duster ejecta is shown in figure younger regolith or from reexcavated parts of the
6-51. It is assumed that beyond a crater diameter unit adjacent to some recent crater, would be
from the nearest crater of the cluster, the fine-grained expected to consist mostly of subfloor basalts that
ejecta will be present in significant amounts only originally came from the uppermost 120 m of that
discontinuously. The unit probably does not extend unit.

as the5. LRV station at Tortilla Flat but may Younger Regolith

The shape of the central cluster ejecta unit must Premission mapping of the Taurus-Littrow valley

FIGURE 6-5l.-Map showingthe craters of the central cluster, related boulders, and the outline of the
central cluster ejecta.

showed the valley floor to be covered with a dark unique component that can be called dark mantle has
mantle unit considered younger than the subfloor not been identified. The reasons for having postulated
basalts and older than the light mantle. With the a dark mantle unit during premission mapping remain
recognition of the central cluster ejecta unit, the valid and will be briefly stated. The findings of the
definition of the dark mantle must be modified. The Apollo 17 crew will then be summarized.
surface layer of material that overlies the central An area of very low albedo is present along the
cluster ejecta where it is present is herein considered southeastern edge of the Serenitatis basin as shown
as a unit, composed of both regolith and whatever on full-Moon photographs (fig. 6-52). The boundaries
dark mantle may be present, and is termed the of this area have been mapped somewhat differently
younger regolith. The surface of this unit was by various mappers and the interpretations of the
traversed, so all shallow soil samples should be part of very low albedo have differed, but the presence of an
it. The light mantle is considered as a local unit that is anomalous area has been recognized by previous
equivalent to some central part of the younger workers (refs. 6-1 and 6-2 and part B of sec. 29).
regolith. Regolith younger than the central cluster Photographs taken during the Apollo 15 mission
ejecta is certainly present at the landing site, but a indicated that dark areas existed along the edge of


of continuous

FIGURE 6-52.-Earth-based telescopic view of southeastern part of Mare Serenitatis showing light
central mare, dark annular ring, and dark mantle (U.S. Navy photograph 5819).

Mare Serenitatis, in the valleys to the southeast, and interpreted as most likely to be a volcanic pyroelastic
as spots and discontinuous coatings in the highlands, deposit with many source vents located both in the
This distribution seemed to require an interpretation highlands and in the valleys. The thickness was
of a thin mantling unit that conformed to underlying considered to range from as much as 20 m to as little
topography. Several experiments seemed to confirm as a few centimeters within the traverse area planned
the presence of a dark mantle unit, especially the for the Apollo 17 crew. The reasons for the existence
spectral results that indicated a compositional differ- of a dark mantling unit are discussed in detail in part
ence from other mare volcanic types (ref. 6-8). B of section 29.
Because it is widespread, the dark mantle was The photographs taken from orbit during the

Apollo 17 mission permit a reevaluation of the the cone considered as a cinder cone (ref. 6-9). On
very-low-albedo area seen on the full-Moon photo- the Apollo 17 photographs taken at a low Sun angle,
graphs. The low Sun angles of the Apollo 17 the area has many sharply defined small craters, but
photographs permit individual mare units to be larger features are definitely more rounded in appear-
separated. A comparison of the Apollo 17 photo- ance than they are in adjacent areas. The best
graphs with the full-Moon photograph shows that, in explanation seems to be that the area is a unit of
the Mons Argaeus area, the dark mantle edge cuts mantling material of local extent. Its area might
across mare unit contacts and is thus independent of include the western edge of the light mantle. Two
the mare units. In the Mons Argaeus area, the dark other small areas of smooth surfaces nearby are
mantle apparently overlies the high-alhedo, main adjacent to steep slopes; the smoothing unit, how-
mare unit of Mare Serenitatis. As shown in figure ever, could be debris derived from the nearby slopes.
6-52, the very low albedo of the dark mantle unit In general, tile areas of smooth surface are
extends from the Mons Argaeus area eastward to considered to be evidence for dark mantle, and their
include the landing site. Hills west of the landing site, nearness to the traverse area suggests that at least a
in addition to having a very low albedo, have a more few centimeters of dark mantle might exist in the
rounded and subdued appearance than adjacent traverse area. Such a thin unit with the degree of
brighter hills as though covered by a thin mantle, cratering seen in the smooth areas would be gardened
In summary, the weight of evidence favors the by impacts to a depth greater than its thickness; that
formation of a dark mantle sometime after the is, it would not exist as a pure layer but would be
deposition of the subfloor basalt in the Taurus- mixed with underlying material into a regolith layer.
Littrow region. Evidence that the mantle is substan-
tially younger than the subfloor is present in one area
to the west of the landing site. The dark material Light Mantle
apparently has been mixed with underlying material The light mantle is a deposit of high-albedo
into a regolith unit. material with finger-like projections that extend 6 km
The thickness of dark mantle that was suggested in across dark plains from the South Massif. The light
premission studies ranged from several centimeters to mantle was interpreted from premission photographs
20 m. The 20-m thickness was based on the hypoth- as a probable landslide or avalanche from the steep
esis that Shorty Crater bad ejected only (lark mantle northern slope of the South Massif (refs. 6-1 and
from beneath light mantle. Most of the thickness at 6-10). The samples collected at stations 2, 2A, and 3
Shorty between the light mantle and subfioor basalt on the light mantle are similar to those that comprise
is now considered older regolith, and no distinct dark the South Massif, which supports this hypothesis (sec.
mantle layer was seen. If only several centimeters of 7). A cluster of apparent secondary craters that is
dark mantle were present, it could be mixed with the visible on top of the South Massif in the low-Sun-
regolith portion of the valley fill unit. Although no angle panoramic camera photographs from Apollo 17
unique dark mantle component has been identified at may record the impacts that initiated the awdanche.
the Apollo 17 site, the evidence for such a cam- Thirteen rock samples were collected from stations
ponent at the edge of Mare Serenitatis seems inescap- on the light mantle. Three of these samples (73155,
able. The low albedo may be caused by the presence 73217, and 73235) are blue-gray breccias with
of many tiny opaque black spheres found in the softs light-gray clasts and appear to be very similar to those
(sec. 7). collected at station 2. Sample 73217 is unusual in
New photographs from orbit reinforce other evi- that it has a blue-gray portion of the breccia with a
dence for the existence of a mantling component in veneer on one edge that is composed of blue-gray and
the Family Mountain region just a few kilometers white sugary clasts in a friable light-gray matrix. The
west of the traverse route. The evidence is the main body of this rock may be a clast from light-gray
presence of surface areas that appear distinctly breccia. Two samples (73215 and 73255) are light-
different. On Lunar Orbiter V and Apollo 15 photo- gray breccias composed of gray clasts in a light-gray
graphs, a triangular area, which appeared slightly out friable matrix and appear to be very similar to those
of focus or fuzzy, had been noticed between Family sampled from boulder 1 at station 2. Sample 73215
Mountain and the South Massif. This area includes has a crude foliation resulting from alternating bands

of gray and white material. Three samples (73216,

73218, and 73275) are greenish-gray breccias and
appear to be similar to those collected from boulder 2
at station 2. Five samples collected at LRV-6 (74115
to 74119) are very friable, medium light-gray regolith
breccias that contain a few white clasts.
The materials of the light mantle have an albedo of
20 percent at the surface, which is slightly lower
than the 25 percent of the massif slopes (see section
entitled "Albedo Measurements"). This albedo differ-
ence is probably due to the formation of a regolith
and consequent darkening of the surface of the light
mantle; continued downslope movement of materials
of the South Massif brings newly exposed materials to
the surface of the massif, hence the darkening process _ _
0 1 2
is not so effective on the steep slopes. At a distance, km
the crew recognized that the bright aspect of the light
mantle is primarily manifested by numerous small FIGURE 6-53.-Panoramic camera photograph showing de-
tails of the light mantle and Lee-LincolnScarp (Apollo 17
craters the walls and rims of which are brighter than panoramic camera frame AS17-2309).
any in the dark plains. These craters probably expose
fresh material.
The light mantle consists mainly of unconsolidated The lineaments may be enhanced or created by the
fines. Comments by the crew and photographs taken lighting condition, an effect that is not fully under-
at stations 2A and 3 and while driving indicate that stood (refs. 6-11 and 6-12). On the other hand, the
rocks > 25 cm across are sparse on the surface of the lineament patterns resemble interference patterns
unit. Smaller rocks are fairly common but not seen in the lee of obstacles in a moving fluid.
abundant. A single large (3 to 4 m) boulder was Descriptions by the crew at station 2A indicate
encountered on the traverse. The scarcity of rocks that the upper portion of the light mantle is
suggests that the avalanche mainly consisted of composed of 5 to 15 cm of medium-gray material
regolith from the surface of the massif and did not underlain by light-gray material. The medium-gray
involve the sliding of underlying bedrock, material may be regolith, darkened by the formation
The light mantle feathers out at its margins away of impact glass, that has been formed from small
from the South Massif. Near the extremities of the contributions of dark soil from impacts occurring on
mantle, Shorty Crater and a smaller nearby crater the dark portions of the valley floor.
appear to penetrate through the slide into underlying The trench (fig. 6-54) at station 3 was dug into the
valley regolith. Craters of this size nearer the South rim of a 10-m crater. The bottom of the trench
Massif do not penetrate to darker underlying mate- exposed a marbled zone of light- and medium-gray
rial. materials. The texture of the marbled material is
A greater thickness near the base of the massif is similar to the textures and ejecta from terrestrial
also suggested by the occurrence of numerous low impacts such as Meteor Crater (fig. 6-55), and this
ridges that become less distinct farther from the material may be ejecta from the 10-m crater in which
massif (fig. 6-53). The ridges are alined in the undiluted light mantle was mixed with precrater
apparent direction of movement of the avalanche regolith. Overlying the marbled material is a 3-cm-
away from the massif and are spaced 25 to 100 m thick layer of light material, which may represent
apart. In some orbital photographs, lineaments appear unmixed light mantle ejected from well below the
to form V's that open away from the massif. Similar precrater regolith. Where the trench was dug, on the
lineament patterns are visible in areas of similar relief rim of the 10-m crater, the upper part of the
just northwest of the light mantle. This similarity stratigraphic sequence had probably been eroded by
suggests that the V lineaments are not necessarily impact of small meteorites (refs. 6-7 and 6-13). Thus,
associated with the emplacement of the avalanche, the 3-cm layer of light material was probably signifi-

FIGURE 6-54.-Presampling view of trench wall at station 3. (a)Southwest-looking view (ASI7-138-

21148). (b) Enlargement of part of figure 6-54(a). Hachured area is light-gray material; remainder
is medium gray. The 0.5 cm of medium light-gray regolith that caps the mapped units is not
separately mapped (AS17-138-21148).

cantly thicker at its time of deposition as crater layer is interpreted to be the regolith that has formed
ejecta. The uppermost layer in the trench is 0.5 cm of on the ejecta of the 10-m crater (fig. 6-56).
medium-gray material that is slightly lighter than the The size-frequency distribution and morphologies
medium-gray component of the marbled zone. This of craters on the light mantle suggest that its age is


,,' Bottom of trench \\

Bottomof trench at station3 \x
at station2A \
\ lO-mcrater
Explanation _ at station3
[] Medium-gray(lighterthan '_
medium-graycomponent _
of marbledmantle)regolith _
formedon craterejecta
[] Marbledmantle(theold '_
medium-gray reg01ithand _
turned andmixed

[] Precratermedium-grayregolith
[] Light-graymantle
FIGURE 6-55.-Marbled texture in ejecta at Meteor Crater,
Arizona. Compare with figure 6-54 (U.S. Geological FIGURE 6-56.-Interpretation of stratigraphy as seen in
Survey, Center of Astrogeology photograph 76824). trenches on the light mantle at stations 2A and 3.

comparable to that of the crater Tycho, or on the other avalanches that clearly were similarly initiated
order of 100 million years. Crater counts show that by the impact of crater ejecta on slopes facing away
the saturation crater size is 2 to 4 m. The saturation from the primary crater (ref. 6-10)•
crater size at Tycho is 2.8 m (ref. 6-14).
Another way to estimate age uses the crater
degradation model of Soderblom and Lebofsky (ref. Shorty Crater
6-13). The diameter of the largest unshadowed crater Shorty is a fresh 110-m crater located near the
(Dx) on Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame 2308 north edge of the light mantle. It resembles other
(Sun angle SA = 16.3 °) is 30 + 10 m. By using this craters that have been interpreted as young impact
calculation, the age expressed as the diameter of a craters. The floor is hummocky, with a low central
crater (DL) which would be eroded to 1° slopes was mound and with marginal hummocks that resemble
calculated as 13 -+ 5 m. This age compares with that slumps forming discontinuous benches along the
of Tycho Crater, where D L = < 20 m (reL 6-13). A iower parts of the crater wall. The rim is distinctly
minimum age for the light mantle is the exposure age raised and is sharp in orbital views. The dark ejecta
(20 to 30 million years) for the orange soil deposited blanket is easily distinguished from the high-albedo
on the rim of Shorty Crater (ref. 6-15). surface of the surrounding light mantle, which it
The light mantle is larger than most other lunar overlies. However, the low albedo of the ejecta is
avalanches and, unlike many, has no conspicuous similar to that of the dark younger regolith elsewhere
source ledge on the slope above. New evidence on the plains surface.
suggests that the avalanche was triggered by secon- Samples were collected in a low place on the rim
dary impacts from a distant crater. This evidence is crest of Shorty Crater just south of a 5-m boulder of
based on the recognition on Apollo 17 low-Sun-angle fractured basalt (fig. 6-57). Debris that may have
orbital photographs of a cluster of 100-m craters on been shed from the boulder lies on the nearby
the top of the South Massif and a similar cluster on surface, and blocks are abundant on this part of the
the plains adjacent to the northwest side of the light inner crater wall. All the rocks examined are basalt.
mantle. The elongation of the cluster craters suggests Most are intensely fractured and some show irregular
that they are secondaries from a distant crater to the knobby surfaces that resemble the surfaces of terres-
southwest, possibly of Tycho. If impacts from the trial flow breccias. Rocks range from angular to
same cluster of secondaries impacted the north- subrounded; some are partially buried; some are
western slope of the South Massif, they could have filleted, including the upslope sides of a few of the
initiated the avalanche. Elsewhere on the Moon are larger boulders on the inner crater wall.

FIGURE 6-57. Northwest-lookingview of southwest rim of

Shorty Crater showing sampling area and areas of orange
soil as indicafed by dashed lines. Large sampled boulder
on rim is 5 m wide (AS17-137-21009and 21011).

The floor material, exposed in the central mound FIGURE 6-58.-North view across 110-m-diameter Shorty
(fig. 6-58), is blocky and extremely jagged. It may Crater. Far crater wall, blocky benches encircling floor,
and jagged rocks of central mound are visible (AS17-137-
differ in lithology from the basalts of the rim. The 21001).
hummocks or benches that encircle the floor as well
as portions of the walls are also blocky, ttowever, the
wall, the rim, and the outer flank of Shorty Crater
consist largely of dark material that is much finer ..-.Subfl00rblocks
grained than the floor. On the crater rim, fragments _;." f Ix_t- mantle,,
as large as --_15 cm in diameter typically cover < 3 ..........:-;;;._.,._.,.,,,z_.:_.. _;;;.-._;;....... _..,,,,. ......
!._;;:.21._ '.::.::..- _-.('.
percent of the surface. Scattered coarser fragments, .":'::""::""'"' .............. ' ",",,',,,i .... , "
ranging up to at least 5 m in diameter, are present. [111['__;gr' b_l'tlllTlT[]J]-_
The crater rim and flanks are pitted by scattered, "Blocky floormaterial
small (to several meters) craters the rhns of which FIGURE 6-59.-Schematic cross section through Shorty
range from sharp to subdued. Typically, their ejecta Crater with vertical scale exaggerated.
are no blockier, except for clods, than the adjacent
surfaces. Unusual orange soil is known to occur in two
Although a volcanic origin has been considered for places on the Shorty Crater rim crest as well as in the
Shorty Crater, no compelling data to support the ejecta of a small fresh crater high on the northwest
volcanic hypothesis have been recognized. The type interior wall of Shorty (fig. 6-57). A trench exposed
of pure accumulation of basaltic spatter or cinders an 80-fro-wide orange zone that trends parallel to the
that forms steep-sided terrestrial volcanic cones has crater rim crest for several meters. The orange soil is
not been recognized; nor does the steeply raised sharp markedly coherent as shown by the systematic
rim of Shorty resemble the low rounded rims of fractures in the trench wall (fig. 6-60). It is also
terrestrial maar craters. Most probably, Shorty is an zoned; a wide central reddish zone, now known to
impact crater. Its blocky floor may represent either consist largely of small red and orange glass spheres
impact-indurated soil breccia or the top of the and fragments, grades laterally to marginal yellowish
subfloor basalt, which is buried by 10 to 15 m of zones _ 10 cm wide (fig. 6-61). J'he yellowish zones
poorly consolidated regolith, including light mantle in turn are in sharp steep contact with light-gray
(fig. 6-59). The predominantly fine-grained wall, rim, fragmental material that is probably typical of the
and flank materials are probably ejecta derived largely Shorty Crater rim. A double drive tube placed in the
from materials above the subfloor, and the basalt axial portion of the colored zone bottomed in black
blocks may be ejecta derived from the subfloor, fine-grained material now known to consist of tiny,
Regardless of its origin, the crater is clearly younger opaque, black spheres (sec. 7). The contact between
than the light mantle, orange and black glass occurs within the upper drive

FIGURE 6-60.-North-looking photograph showing orange glass material and light-gray fragmental
material exposed in trench on rim crest of Shorty Crater. Short lines indicate more prominent
fractures in the orange glass material (AS17-137-20986).

tube at a depth estimated from the debris smeared on orange glass material implies solidification during or
the exterior of the tube to be _ 25 cm. shortly after the period of subfloor basalt volcanism.
The origin of the red and black glass materials is Shorty Crater, of course, is much younger. Such glass,
uncertain. The radiometric age determination for the whether ejected from an impact crater or a volcanic

S0uth_st Northeast material may represent the regolith that has formed
material since the formation of Shorty Crater.
Orange glassmaterial

Serg Crater

, ._ Van Serg is a fresh 90-m-diameter impact crater. It

Yellowish \ Yellowish has a blocky central mound _ 30 m across, discontin-
Light-gray Bottom
oftrench uous benches on the inner walls, and a raised blocky
70 fragmental rim with a distinct crest from which the blocky ejecta
cm material blanket slopes outward. The bench is particularly well

material that materials in the crater wall above the bench were
darker than those below. Its ejecta blanket is distinct
in lunar surface views because of its blockiness, which
Drivetube is greater than
developed thatnorth
on the of the
wall,adjacent plains.
where the crewThe ejecta
blanket can be recognized, at least in part, in orbital
b 1m t photographs as a distinct topographic feature, but it
FIGURE 6-61.-Schematic cross section showingmaterials in is inseparable from the adjacent plains on the basis of
trench and double drive tube on Shorty Crater rim crest, albedo.
Rocks in the Van Serg ejecta range to -_ 30 cm,
with a few boulders as large as 1 to 2 m in diameter.
At the rim crest, fragments larger than 2 cm cover
vent, may have lain as a layer (or layers) either within _ 10 percent of the surface, but they cover no more
the upper part of the subfloor basalt sequence or than 3 percent of the surface on the outer flank of
deep within the regolith overlying the sub floor basalt the crater. The predominant rock type at station 9 is
in the target area. If so, the orange and black glassy soft or friable dark matrix-rich breccia. White clasts
materials may represent clods of ejecta excavated by ranging to ,-_2 cm in diameter are visible in some
the Shorty impact. However, the symmetrical color rocks on the crater rim, and light-colored clasts
zonation of the orange soil, internal color zoning of possibly as large as 0.5 m in diameter were seen in
at least one clod, and apparent paralMism of the rocks of the central mound. Some rocks are slabby.
steep boundaries of the zone with both the internal Closely spaced, platy fractures occur in some, and a
color banding and the axis of the rim crest are few show distinct alternating light and dark bands.
improbable features for a clod of ejecta unless the Some frothy glass agglutinate was also sampled.
clod has undergone alteration subsequent to its Despite their apparent softness, the rocks are typi-
emplacement, a process heretofore unknown on the tally angular. Many are partially buried, but there is
Moon. The color zoning and steep contacts might be little or no development of fillets even on the steep
more readily explained if the glass material, derived inner walls of Van Serg Crater.
from a layer of similar material in the target, were Soil at the surface is uniformly fine and gray with
mobilized by the impact and driven dike-like into no visible linear patterns. The uppermost 1 or 2 cm is
concentric fractures. However, the occurrence of loose and soft. A trench on the outer flank of the
black glass material below the orange glass material in crater exposed _ 10 cm of light-gray fragmental
the double drive tube (fig. 6-61) and the absence of material below a 7-cm layer of dark surface material
the black glass at the surface suggests the existence of (fig. 6-62).
horizontal or gently dipping layering, a geometric Craters younger than Van Serg are extremely rare
arrangement that would be reasonable in a clod of in the station 9 area. A few small (_ 1 m) craters are
ejecta but is difficult to reconcile with injection of present. A large subdued depression immediately
old glass material into a concentric fracture, south of Van Serg may be an old crater now mantled
A 0.5-cm-thick layer of dark fine-grained soil by Van Serg ejecta. The frequency and angularity of
overlies both the orange soil zone and the adjacent blocks, the paucity of craters, the general absence of
light-gray fragmental material. This dark surface t'dlets, and the uneroded nature of the crater rim and


Geologic Structure of the Landing Site

The valley in which Apollo 17 landed is bounded

by high steep-sided mountain blocks that form part
_' of the mountainous eastern rim of the Serenitatis
basin. The blocks are thought to be bounded by
high-angle faults that are largely radial and concentric
to the Serenitatis basin. Hence, the valley itself is
"<'" interpreted as a graben formed at the time of the
Serenitatis impact. Some of the prominent faults are
not concentric or radial to Serenitatis, although major
displacements probably occurred along them when

preexisting zones of weakness related to older basins

._ Serenitatis was formed. The faults may have been
such as Tranquillitatis or to the so-called lunar grid.

Massifs and Sculptured Hills

Each massif block probably is a stmctural entity

FIGURE 6-62.-North-looking
on outer photograph
flank of Van SergCrater from rimtrench
_ 70 mshowing crest. uplifted during the Serenitatis event. Rejuvenation of
Dark surface material overlieslight-gray fragmental mate- these older structural elements may have occurred
rial (AS17-142-21827). during the Imbrian event as suggested by the elonga-
tion of the Taurus-Littrow valley, which is radial to
the central mound attest to the extreme youth of both Imbrium and Serenitatis. Segmentation of the
Van Serg Crater. Evidence for its being younger than massifs may be an inheritance from the even earlier
Shorty is equivocal. Its rim seems to be slightly Tranquillitatis event.
sharper than the rim of Shorty in orbital photo- The massifs adjacent to the landing site appear
graphs, and small craters may be slightly more similar in slope, albedo, and degree of cratering. They
abundant on the Shorty rim. contrast with the closely spaced domical hills of the
There is no evidence that the Van Serg impact Sculptured Hills, which also form fault block moun-
excavated subfloor basalt. The fragment-rich breccias tains. No unequivocal Sculptured Hills material has
and dark matrix-rich breccias of its floor, rim, and been recognized among the samples; hence, the
outer flank may be regolith breccias indurated in the reason for the differing appearances of the massifs
Van Serg impact. If this reasoning is correct, then at and the Sculptured Hills is not clearly understood.
least 15 m of regolith is inferred to overlie the The massifs may consist of distinctly different mate-
subfloor basalt in the Van Serg area. However, these rials with more friable material occurring in the
breccias may be of a volcanic type not previously Sculptured Hills. For example, the massifs may
recognized and may be associated with the orange consist largely of pre-Serenitatis ejecta uplifted in the
and black glass formations. Serenitatis event, whereas the Sculptured Hills may
Near coincidence of the albedos of the blocky Van consist mainly of Serenitatis ejecta. Alternatively,
Serg ejecta blanket and the nearby smooth regolith each might consist mainly of a different facies of
surface is puzzling. Possible explanations are that the Serenitatis ejecta, with more thorough recrystalliza-
elusive dark mantle material is represented in the tion increasing the coherence of the massif materials.
ejected older regolith as well as at the present regolith On the other hand, the initial materials of the two
surface or that the dark surface material recognized units may be similar, but subsequent deformational
on the crater rim and flank has masked any distinc- history may have caused their different aspects. For
tion between the Van Serg ejecta and the nearby un- example, relatively recent uplift selectively affecting
disturbed regolith surface, the massif blocks may have rejuvenated slope proces-

ses to create the relatively uninterrupted steep slopes Younger deformational features on the valley floor
that distinguish the massifs from the Sculptured Hills. include the Lee-Lincoln Scarp, which is discussed
Single, major bounding faults are inferred along subsequently and several small sharp grooves that are
the face of each mountain block. Such faults can be visible on the surface of the light mantle in the
recognized at younger, less modified basin margins low-Sun-angle photographs taken with the Apollo 17
(e.g., Orientale, Imbrium). These faults are probably panoramic camera. These grooves appear to be small
very steep more than 60 ° and probably close to 90 ° grabens similar to the small graben rllles that are
tbr the radial faults. They are buried under the talus common on mare surfaces. They were probably
aprons and lie valleyward from the lowest outcrops formed by minor tectonic movements that occurred
visible on the massif faces. Sharp knickpoints at the after the emplacement of the light mantle.
massif bases suggest that additional later uplift may
have reinitiated downslope movement of talus.
Lee-Lincoln Scarp

Valley The origin and nature of the Lee-Lincoln Scarp are

still puzzling. Its steep face nearly everywhere faces
The Taurus-Littrow valley appears to be a long east, commonly in a pair of steps the total relief of
narrow graben radial to the Serenitatis basin. The which reaches 80 m in the center of the valley. A few
graben probably is composed of several structural prominent smaller west-facing scarps are present, best
blocks and did not move as an entity. Its floor, now seen from Lara Crater northward where the shadowed
buried, is thus visualized as having steps between highlighting is enhanced by the whiteness of the light
blocks the separate tops of which are at different mantle (fig. 6-53). Individual segments disappear
elevations. These buried tops probably resemble in along strike as another picks up the displacement; in
roughness the present tops of the massifs and the places, it appears almost braided. The trends of
Sculptured Hills. individual segments of the scarp appear to alternate
The present uniformity of the valley floor is due between north and northwest as if controlled by an
to the continuity of the valley f'dl surface. The fill underlying prismatic fracture system. This same set of
probably consists of rubble created al the time of trends is identifiable in segments of the scarp along
block faulting overlain by basalt (subfloor) and the western base of the North Massif. Here, however,
regolith materials that are younger than any large the scarp is single and always faces east-toward the
differential movements of the structural blocks. The massif-in the form of a reverse or thrust fault. Forty
surface continuity must be due mainly to infilling by kilometers to the north, the scarp passes out onto the
subfloor basalts that are interpreted frmn geophysical dark plains surface where it cuts Rima Littrow I (fig.
measurements (secs. 10 and 13) to be 1 km or more 6-1).
thick. The overall length, trend, asymmetry, and mor-
The valley floor slopes _ 1° toward its eastern phologic character of the scarp resemble that of the
end. This small dip is interpreted as structural rather larger wrinkle ridges of the adjacent Serenitatis mare
than depositional because it is coincident with other (part A of sec. 29). This similarity suggests a common
regional surface slopes. The NASA Lunar Topo- origin-possibly folding and thrusting of a thin plate
graphic Orthophoto Map (1972) shows an east-tilted (ddcollement sheet) eastward. The relative youth of
belt that includes the Taurus-Littrow valley and the this deformation is indicated by the transection of
floor of the crater Littrow (fig. 6-1). The tilt is fresh Copernican craters by wrinkle ridges in the
interpreted to record development of a broad arch mare, by the fresh, possibly rejuvenated scarplets that
formed by uplift along the mountainous Serenitatis may be younger than the light mantle, and by the
rim after the subfloor basalt fill had accumulated in good preservation of the scarp in the unconsolidated
the Taurus-Littrow graben. Long shallow grabens materials of the North Massif face. An alternative
largely concentric to the Serenitatis basin were possibility is that the Lee-Lincoln Scarp is the surface
created during this deformation. They were truncated trace of a complex high-angle fault that changes strike
by younger mare-filling deposits that subsequently where it follows the old North Massif boundary fault
accumulated in the Serenitatis basin, immediately north of the valley.

ALBEDO MEASUREMENTS of the South Massif (depicted by unit 5) seems to be

as narrow as along the northern side of the valley
Lunar surface and orbital photographs were used floor.
to map albedo in the Taurus-Littrowarea. Down-Sun The massifs and hills surrounding the valley
60-mm photographs at each traverse station in corn- generally have albedos ranging from 15 to 34 percent,
bination with high-resolution 500-mm photographs of as is normal for lunar highlands. However, local small
the mountain slopes provided the control for photo- depressions contain dark material with albedo as low
metric measurements made from orbital photographs, as 10 percent. The lightest regolith material occurs on
Relative f'dm densities of Apollo 15 panoramic the steepest slopes and on top of some rounded
camera frames 9557 and 9559 were measured on a domes. The slopes of the South Massif are lightest
Joyce-Loebl microdensitometer. The scanning aper- from one-fourth to three-fourths of the way down
ture was 50/2m square, equivalent to an integrated 9 the slope front and darker near the top and bottom
m 2 of lunar surface. Film densities, after calibration of the slopes. The small undulating plains area on top
to normal albedo as determined in down-Sun lunar of the South Massif (unit 5) is as dark as the valley
surface photographs in areas of fine-grained regolith floor between the massif and Family Mountain (14
and after adjustment to remove the effects of percent) with tongues of the material draping over
topographic slopes, are proportional to albedos of the edge of the upper massif slopes and extending
lunar surface materials. Topographic corrections were down the steeper slopes. The North Massif has lighter
derived from the NASA preliminary topographic map regolith on the tops of rounded domes and down the
of part of the Littrow region of the Moon. upper two-thirds of the slopes. Small closed depres-
The resulting map (fig. 6-63) was smoothed to sions on top of the massif that are too small to be
remove scanning noise and high-frequency albedo shown in figure 6-63 show slight darkening in the
variations. Important qualifications are that the usual western part and increasing darkening toward the
lunar photometric function was applied for the eastern part. The Sculptured Hills show a general
Apollo 17 areas and that the albedo adjustments for darkening toward the east with the regolith in similar
topography are approximate because of inaccuracies small depressions ranging in albedo from 17 to 14
of slope orientations. Comparisons of albedo values percent. The large upland basin to the northeast has
are most reliable between areas with similarly ori- extensive regolith with 12-percent albedo. The East
ented slopes. Massif is similar to the North Massif, but the small
The albedo map (fig. 6-63) can be compared with closed depressions darken toward fire southeast.
an orbital photograph of the area at a similar scale Albedos as low as 10 percent occur immediately
(fig. 6-64). The east-west trending valley floor is the south of the map area.
most continuous physiographic unit. Except for the The surfaces of the small intramassif and intrahill
light mantle, in which albedo ranges from 14 to 23 depressions are from t200 to 2000 m higher than the
percent, the albedo of the valley floor is low. It floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley. These dark areas
ranges from 14 percent in the western part to 9 are considered to contain bedrock material similar to
percent over the eastern portion. The albedo of the the surrounding massif or hill bedrock. There is no
floor generally increases gradually (3 to 4 percent) observed geologic evidence to suggest that any mare-
along a 300- to 600-m-wide outer zone (generally like basalt could have flooded these small depressions.
depicted by unit 6) adjacent to the base of the Yet the darker albedos of many depressions are
surrounding mountains. This zone is considered to similar to the albedos of the mare areas and of the
represent mixing of lighter highlands regolith with the Taurus-Littrow valley floor.
much darker floor regolith and is remarkably nar- The lunar regolith is generally considered to be
rower than the 1- to 2-km width of a similar zone at developed primarily by repetitive crushing of local
the Apollo 15 site (ref. 6-16). The lighter valley floor bedrock by impact processes (ref. 6-17). The product
area between the South Massif and Family Mountain is a fine-grained layer that is darker than the original
may represent a more extensive mixing zone, perhaps bedrock. Mare basalt fragments with albedos ranging
related to the proximity of uplands material at the from 13 to 21 percent occur with free-grained
surface or to its presence at very shallow depths in regolith of 9- to 13-percent albedos (ref. 6-7). The
the subsurface. Even so, the mixing zone at the foot ratio of the albedo of the fine-grained regolith to the

0 I 2 it.
I,>25percent _ Unit
3,Igto21percent _ Unit
5,15to17percent _ Unit/,IIto13percent
2,21to25percent _ Unit
4,17to19percent _ Unit
6,13to15percent _ Unit8,9toIIpercent
FIGURE 6-63.-Albedo map of Apollo 17 landing site. Albedo information obtained by digitization of
panoramic photographs AS15-9557 and 9559. Albedo values were adjusted for local slope effects.

q 1_0
FIGURE 6-64.-Orbital photomap of area shown in figure 6-63. Sun angle is 55°. Base map prepared
for NASA by U.S. Army Topographic Command under the direction of the Department of
Defense, 1972.

contained rock fragments for mare surfaces ranges implies addition of material darker than local rego-
from 0.62 to 0.68 and for highland surfaces from lith, but a ratio of 0.29 is strong evidence for the
0.55 to 0.68. Thus, the percentage of regolith addition of dark material from another source.
darkening with maturity is only slightly greater for The increased darkening, to the south and east, of
the highlands (32 to 45 percent) than for the mare regolith developed on different geologic materials
(32 to 38 percent). (i.e., the eastern valley floor, the Sculptured Hills,
On the floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley within and the East Massif) is best interpreted as the effect
the landing area, average normal albedos of the floor of addition of material darker than 9-percent normal
and the subfloor basalt blocks are 12 and 18 percent, albedo from sources to the east or southeast of the
respectively, yielding a ratio of 0.66, which is average Taurus-Littrow valley. The absence of any apparent
for mare regolith darkening. In the vicinity of MOCR ballistic shadowing by the mountains indicates that
Crater at the eastern end of the valley, albedos of the the material was transported along high-angle trajec-
dark floor material and the crater wall are 9 and 18 tortes. The only lunar material known to have such
percent, respectively, giving a ratio of 0.50, which is low albedo is dark to black glass or glassy material. A
the greatest degree of mare regolith darkening ever pyroclastic-like mantle of dark glassy material fits the
measured on the Moon. It is probable that some observed geological relationships and albedo data.
darker material (black glass?) has been deposited over

and mixed with an original bedrock-derived regolith. GEOLOGIC HISTORY

The surface in this area, which coincides with the
darkest albedo unit (fig. 6-63, unit 8), also appears Before the Serenitatis basin was formed, older
somewhat smooth and subdued, in contrast to the major basin impacts should have covered the Taurus-
landing area. Littrow area with sheets of ejecta derived from still
The North and South Massifs show average albedos older ejeeta deposits and ultimately frmn igneous
of _ 26 percent for fine-grained regolith and 34 lunar crustal material. Because of their proximity,
percent for rocks, producing a ratio of 0.76 for Tranquillitatis and Fecunditatis should have contri-
regolith darkening, slightly less darkening than at buted large amounts of ejecta that may be exposed in
Hadley Delta (Apollo 15 site). The Sculptured Hills the massifs. The older major basin impacts should
and the East Massif show local maximum albedos that also have developed radial and concentric fracture
are similar to the maximums for the North and South zones comparable to those around the younger,
Massifs. This similarity suggests that bedrock with better preserved basins. Some of these fractures were
similar albedo occurs in all four mountain masses, presumably reactivated in the Serenitatis event.
The average albedo of the Sculptured Hills and the The major physiographic units (e.g., the Massifs,
East Massif is _, 18 percent, which gives an average the Sculptured Hills, and the Taurus-Littrow valley)
regolith darkening ratio of 0.53. This is considerably of this region were produced by the impact that
darker than the 0.74 on Hadley Delta and the 0.76 on formed the Serenitatis basin. Major radial faults
the North and South Massifs. bound the Taurus-Littrow valley and Mons Argaeus;
Careful study of the Sculptured Hills and the East major concentric faults bound the South Massif and
Massif revealed 11 small closed depressions with areas the East Massif.
of smooth floors. The normal albedo of the regolith Deposits of Serenitatis ejecta must have been thick
on the depression floors should show the maximum and widespread. By analogy with deposits around
darkening effects because mass-wasting processes tend younger multi-ringed basins such as Imbrium and
to expose fresher brighter material on slopes. The Orientale, they are interpreted to comprise most of
albedos of the depression floors decrease eastward in the Sculptured Hills terrain. Whether Serenitatis
the northern part of the Sculptured Hills, ranging ejecta comprises a major portion of the massifs as
from 17 to 12 percent. The albedos of depression well or occurs only as a veneer overlying older ejecta
floors in the East Massif decrease southward beyond deposits is unknown. Deposits from the younger
the mapped area from 14 to 10 percent. The regolith multi-ringed basins are probably also present but have
darkening ratio decreases from 0.50 to 0.29, which is not been specifically identified. Such deposits, which
much lower than any other measured area on the may be present on the highlands and beneath or
Moon. A darkening ratio of 0.50 or less strongly intercalated with tire lower part of the subfloor

basalts, could have been derived from the Nectaris, fling deposit was deposited on both the plains and
Humorum, Crisium, Imbrium, and Orientale basins, upland surfaces during this long period of regolith
listed from oldest to youngest (ref. 6-18). formation. The unusual concentration of glass spheres
Uplift of the massifs following the Serenitatis in dark soils from the valley (see. 7) may represen?_
impact was probably rapid and occurred along high- the dark mantle thoroughly intermixed with more
angle faults. Thus, the graben walls are thought to normal impact-generated regolith.
have stood at angles steeper than the angle of repose. Relatively young deformational events that took
Rapid reduction of slope angles by accumulation of place during the long period of regolith lbrmation
thick talus wedges on the lower slopes and of mass include a slight eastward tilting of the Serenitatis
movement deposits on the graben floor must have basin (ref. 6-19) and the development of wrinkle
occurred, ridges in Mare Serenitatis and the Lee-Lincoln Scarp
With the major physiographic features now in the landing area. Very recent deformation is
formed, the next major event was flooding of the suggested by the occurrence of small grabens on the
valley by lavas that filled it with _ 1200 m of basalt surface of the light mantle and by the apparent youth
(sec. 10). Samples collected from the upper 130 m of of parts of the Lee-Lincoln Scarp.
the subfloor basalt show it to be similar to Apollo 11 The youngest large events of special significance to
mare basalt but slightly older with an age of _3.8 the mission were the impacts that formed Shorty and
billion years. Van Serg Craters in that order. Both craters are
Either as a late stage of the subfloor basalt younger than the light mantle, and both penetrate
volcanism or as totally separate slightly younger deeply into the regolith.
events, spherical orange and black glass particles were
deposited in the area of Shorty Crater and probably
over much of the Taurus-Littrow region. Whether of REFERENCES
volcanic or impact origin, the glass spheres, which 6-1. Scott, D. H.; Lucchitta, B. K.; and Cart, M. H.: Geologic
solidified _ 3.7 billion years ago, were rapidly buried Map of the Taurus-Littrow Region of the Moon. U.S.
SO as to be preserved for eventual excavation at Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Mapl-800, 1972.
Shorty Crater. 6-2. Wolfe, E. W.; Freeman, V. L.; Muehlberger, W. R.; Head,
J. W.; Schmitt, H. H.; and Sevier, J. R.: Apollo 17
After subfloor basalt extrusion was completed, Exploration at Taurus-Littrow. Geotimes, vol. 17, no. 11,
warping around the Serenitatis margin produced a Nov. 1972, pp. 14-18.
broad anticlinal arch with the Taurus-LJttrow valley 6-3. scott, D. H.; and Pohn, H. A.: Geologic Map of the
and Littrow Crater on its eastern limb. Long narrow Macrobius Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey
Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-799, 1972.
grabens such as Rima Littrow I formed along the 6-4. Wilhelms, D. E.; and McCauley, J. F.: Geologic Map of
Serenitatis basin side of the crest of the arch, which the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol.
was eventually overlapped by younger mare basalts of Inv. Map 1-703, 1971.
the Serenitatis basin. 6-5. Wolfe, E. W.; and Freeman, V. L.: Detailed Geologic
A long period ofregolith formation and accumula- Map-Apollo 17 (Taurus-Littrow) Landing Area. U.S.
tion of surficial deposits ensued. Some of the earlier Geol. Survey Open-File Flagstaff,
Rept., 1972.
Center of Astrogeology, Ariz.) (Available from
formed regolith may be represented by the floor 6-6. Schaeffer, O. A.; and Husain, L.: Isotopic Ages of
materials of Van Serg, in which light-colored lithic Apollo 17 Lunar Material. EOS (Trans. Am. Geophys.
clasts presumably derived from the uplands are Union),vol. 54, June 1973, p. 614.
common. Relatively late events recorded in the 6-7. Swann, G. A.; Bailey, N.'G.; Batsen, R. M.; Freeman, V.
regolith sequence are the formation of older, large L.; et al.: Preliminary Geologic Investigation of the
Apollo 15 Landing Site. Sec. 5 of the Apollo 15
craters (Camelot, Henry, Shakespeare, and Cochise), Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
formation of the younger central cluster (Steno, 6-8. Pieters, C.; McCord, T. B.; Zisk, S.; and Adams, J. B.:
Emory, Sherlock, Powell, etc.), and emplacement of Lunar Black Spots and Nature of the Apollo 17 Landing
the light mantle as an avalanche of debris that may Area. 1. Geophys. Res., vol. 78, no. 26, Sept. 10, 1973.
have been triggered when ejecta struck the South 6-9. El-Baz, Farouk: The Cinder Field of the Taurus Moun-
tains. Sec. 25, Part I, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary
Massif. Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
Photogeologic evidence in the general Taurus- 6-10. Howard, K. A.: Lunar Rock Avalanches and Apollo
Littrow area indicates that an unusually dark man- 17. Science, vol. 180, June 8, 1973, pp. 1052-1055.

6-11. Wolfe, E. W.; and Bailey, N. G.: Lineaments of the Storzer, D.: Apollo 17 Crystalline Rocks and Soils: Rare
Apennine Front-Apollo 15 Landing Site. Proceedings of Gases, Ion Tracks, and Ages. EOS (Trans. Am. Geophys.
the Third Lunar Science Conference, voh 1, MIT Press Union), vol. 54, June 1973, pp. 595-598.
(Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 15-25. 6-16. Swann, G. A.; Bailey, N. G.; Batson, R. M.; Freeman,
6-12. Howard, K. A.; and Larsen, B. R.: Lineaments That V.L.; et al.: Geologic Setting of the Apollo 15 Samples.
Are Artifacts of Lighting. Sec. 25, Part G, of the Apollo Science, vol. 175, no. 4020, Jan. 28, 1972, pp. 407-415.
15 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-289,1972. 6-17. Shoemaker, E. M.; Halt, M. H.; Swann, G. A.;
6-13. Soderblom, L. A.; and Lebofsky, L. A.: Technique For Schleicher, D. L.; et al.: Lunar Regolith at Tranquillity
Rapid Determination of Relative Ages of Lunar Areas Base. Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 30, 1970, pp.
from Orbital Photography. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 77, no. 452-455.
2, Jan. 10, 1972, pp. 279-296. 6-18. Stuart-Alexander, Desiree E.; and Howard, Keith A.:
6-14. Morris, E. C.; and Shoemaker, E. M.: Television Lunar Maria and Circular Basins-A Review. Icarus, vol.
Observations From Surveyor. Science Results. Part 1I of 12, no. 3, May 1970, pp. 440-456.
Surveyor Project Final Report, JPL Teeh. Rept. 32-1265, 6-19. Sjogren, W. L.; and Wollenhaupt, W. R.: Lunar Shape
1968, pp. 65-69. via the Apollo Laser Altimeter. Science, voh 179, no.
6-15. Kirsten, T.; Horn, P.; Heymann, D.; H/ibner, W.; and 4070, Jan. 19, 1973, pp. 275-278.



R. L. Sutton a

Tile lunar surface orientations of some of the the lunar attitude of samples but is designed to tie the
Apollo 17 rock samples at the time of their collection lunar perspective orientations to documentary views
(table 6-V) are shown in this appendix (figs. 6-65 to of the same samples in orthogonal and stereoscopic
6-87). These orientations were determined by corre- photographs (mug shots) taken in the LRL using the
lating lunar photographs of samples before collection same orientation cube.
with shapes and shadow characteristics of the same Not all tire photographs showing sample orienta-
samples in the LRL under oblique illumination with tions are in this appendix; some have been included
nearly collimated light. The light source in the with the discussions of the South Massif, the North
laboratory simulates the Sun. It is important to Massif, and the Sculptured Hills. Table 6-V identifies
emphasize that the orientations shown are those at the appropriate illustrations for these samples.
the time of collection and do not necessarily apply to During the sample orientation studies, it became
the entire history of the exposure of a rock on the apparent that the special lighting used for orienting
lunar surface. Tumbling and turning of some rock rock samples was also useful for enhancing structural
fragments on the lunar surface has already been well and textural alinements that, for some samples, could
documented, be correlated with mappable lineations in boulders
The small lettered cube included in each labora- from which the samples were broken. This is espe-
tory orientation photograph is not meant to indicate cially true for the breccias. Most of the lineations in
breccia samples appear to be closely spaced, thin
shears. Some of these have deformed preexisting
aU.S. Geological Survey. minerals and clasts or controlled recrystailization so

as to form alternating light- and dark-colored streaks TABLE 6-V.-Lunar Orientation of Apollo 17
that offer variable resistance to lunar weathering on Rock Samples-Concluded
exposed surfaces. Other alinements are apparently
covered by changes in composition, possibly repre- Co)Samplesdeletedfromorientationattempt
senting initial layering in the breccias. Figures6-88 to
6-96 are views of some samples that portray enhanced Sample no. Reason
linear features.
70017 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
TABLE 6-V.-Lunar Orientation of Apollo 17 70018 Insufficientlunarsurfacephotographs
Rock Samples 70019 Breakage in transit
70035 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
(a) Samples for which the orientation at the time of 70135 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
sampling has been established by correlation with lunar 70175 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
surface photographs 70215 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
70295 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
Sample no. Lunar top Lunar north Figure no. 70315 LRV sample; insufficient lunar surface
(a) (a) photographs
71036 Inaccessible because of special storage
70185 T E/N 6-65 72135 LRV sample; insufficient lunar surface
70255 N E/B 6-66 photographs
70275 T E 6-67 72415 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
71035 N/T E/B 6-68 photographs
71055 S E/T 6-69 73215 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
71175 N/T S/W 6-70 and 6-71 73216 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
72155 T N/E? 6-72 73217 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
72215 B S 6-8 73218 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
72235 N B/W 6-8 74235 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
72255 S/B W 6-8 75015 Breakage in transit; unsuccessful attempt
72275 B S 6-8 76035 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
72315 W/T N/B 6-10 76055 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
72335 T/N N/B 6-10 76135 LRV sample; insufficient lunar surface
72355 N/T S/W 6-10 photographs
72395 T S/W 6-10 76215 Insufficient lunar surface photographs; un-
72435 B N/W 6-12 successful attempt
73155 B/N N/E 6-73 76235 Breakage in transit
73235 T S/E 6-74 76315 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
73255 B N 6-75 photographs
73275 T W 6-76 76335 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
74255 B N/E 6-77 77017 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
74275 T S/E 6-78 77035 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
75035 S/W B/W 6-79 77075 Breakage in transit
75055,1 T/N/E S/E 6-80 77115 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
75075 B S/W 6-81 and 6-82 photographs
76015 W B/S 6-83 77215 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
76255 N B 6-23 photographs
76275 T W/S 6-23 78238 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
7629,5 B N/E 6-23 photographs
77135 S T/W 6-84 78255 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
78135 T W 6-85 photographs
78235,0,2 T S/E 6-40 79035 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
78236 T E/N 6-40 79115 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
79175 W N 6-86 photographs; unsuccessful attempt
79215 N E/B 6-87 79135 Small size; not identifiable in lunar surface
photographs; unsuccessful attempt
aDkections are those of the identification cube used in 79155 Insufficient lunar surface photographs
orthogonal and stereoscopic photography (LRL mug shots): 79195 Breakage in transit
north, south, east, west, top, and bottom.

FIGURE 6-65.-Sample 70185 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-136-20721, looking north

(inset photograph, S-73-17797).

FIGURE 6-67.-Sample 70275 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-135-20539, looking north
(inset photograph, S-73-21388).

: i

FIGURE 6-66.-Sample 70255 showing approximate lunar FIGURE 6-68. Sample 71035, chipped from the same
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a boulder as sample 71055, showing approximate lunar
portion of photograph AS17-135-20537, looking south- orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
west (inset photograph, S-73-21974). portion of photograph AS17-136-20739 taken down-Sun,
looking northwest (inset photograph, S-73-17804).

FIGURE 6-71.-Sample 71175 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-134-20399, looking north
FIGURE 6-69.-Sample 71055, chipped from the same (inset photograph, S-73-17802).
boulder as sample 71035, showing approximate lunar
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of AS17-134-20394, looking north (inset photo-
graph, S-73-17798).

! i!!i!i

FIGURE 6-72.-Sample 72155 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL tentatively com-
pared to a portion of LRV driving photograph AS 17-135-
20649, looking north. No photograph was taken after
FIGURE 6-70.-Sample 71175 showing approximate lunar collecting the sample (inset photograph, S-73-18406).
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-136-20741 taken down-Sun,
looking northwest (inset photograph, S-73-17803).

FIGURE 6-73.-Sample 73155 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-138-21098, looking north-
west (inset photograph, S-73-19595).
FIGURE 6-75.-Sample 73255 showing approximate lunar
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-138-21148 taken down-Sun,
looking southwest (inset photograph, S-73-19592).

FIGURE 6-74.-Sample 73235 showing approximate lunar FIGURE 6-76.-Sample 73275 showing approximate lunar
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-138-21143, looking south portion of photograph AS17-138-21144, looking south
Onset photograph, S-73-16968). Onset photograph S-73-16969).

FIGURE 6-79.-Sample 75035, chipped from a boulder,

showing approximate lunar orientation reconstructed in
the LRL compared to part of photograph AS17-145-
22138, looking northwest (inset photograph, S-73-

FIGURE 6-77.-Sample 74255 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to a
portion of photograph AS17-137-20990 taken down-Sun,
looking southwest. The sample broke from the boulder
along existing fractures (inset photograph, S-73-18404).

FIGURE 6-80.-Sample 75055, chipped from a boulder,

showing approximate lunar orientation reconstructed in
the LRL compared to part of photograph AS17-145-
22148, looking north (inset photograph, S-73-17796).

FIGURE 6-78. Sample 74275 showing approximate lunar
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to part of
photograph AS17-137-20982, looking north. The sample
was broken from the larger rock along a planar fracture
(inset photograph, S-73-18405 ).

FIGURE 6-83.-Sample 76015 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to part of
photograph AS17-140-21411 (inset photograph, S-73-
FIGURE 6-81.-Sample 75075, picked from the top of a 19376).
large boulder, showing approximate lunar orientation
reconstructed in the LRL compared to part of photo-
graph AS17-145-22154, looking south (inset photograph,

FIGURE 6-84.-Sample 77135, chipped from a large boulder,

FIGURE 6-82.-Sample 75075 showing approximate lunar showing approximate lunar orientation reconstructed in
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to part of the LRL compared to part of photograph AS17-146-
photograph AS17-133-20337 taken down-Sun, looking 22388 taken down-Sun, looking northwest (inset photo-
west (inset photograph, S-73-17801 ). graph, S-73-19386).

FIGURE 6-87.-Sample 79215 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to part of
FIGURE 6-85.-Sample 78135 showing approximate lunar photograph AS17-143-21837, looking north (inset photo-
orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to part of graph, S-73-19590).
photograph AS17-146-22365, looking north (inset photo-
graph, S-73-21073).

FIGURE 6-86.-Sample 79175 showing approximate lunar

orientation reconstructed in the LRL compared to paxt of FIGURE 6-88.-Sample 72215 with enhancement of surface
photograph AS17-146-22421, looking south (inset photo- lineations by oblique lighting (S-73-17987). (See fig. 6-8
graph, S-73-19594). for reconstructed lunar orientation.)

FIGURE 6-90.-Sample 72275 collected from the top of a

foliated, stratified breccia boulder as shown in figure 6-8
at station 2. Compositional layering seen in the sample is
apparently parallel to a set of lineaments in the boulder

FIGURE 6-89.-Sample 72255 in reconstructed lunar orien-

tation (S-73-17989). (a) Cross-Sun view. (b) Surface
lineations that may be the traces of shear planes recon-
structed with camera lower than in view (a). (c) Same
view as shown in figure 6-89(b) with oblique lighting
adjusted to enhance closely spaced shear traces on
weathered surface.

Chip from hammering

FIGURE 6-93.-Sample 76275 with oblique lighting adjusted

to accentuate traces of shears on weathered surface. (See
fig. 6-23 for reconstructed lunar orientation.)

Figure 6-91.-Sample 72395 in reconstructed lunar orienta-

tion (S-73-19586). (a) Lines indicate shear traces on
weathered surface. (b) Same view as shown in figure
6-91(a) with oblique lighting adjusted to accentuate
surface streaks that may be traces of thin shears.

FIGURE 6-92.-Sample 76255 in reconstructed lunar orien-
tation. (a) Lines indicate shear traces on weathered
surface (S-73-19375). (b) Lighting adjusted to accentuate
traces of thin shear zones on freshly broken surface


FIGURE 6-94. Sample 76295 in reconstructed lunar orien-

tation. (a) Lines indicate shear traces on weathered
surface (S-73-19387). (b) Freshly broken surface ........ _......
obliquely lighted to enhance linear shear traces. (c)
Alternate view.

FIGURE 6-95.-Sample 77135 in reconstructed lunar orien-

tation. (a) Lines indicate shears on weathered surface
(S-73-19386). (b) In oblique lighting, lines indicate traces
of shears in weathered surface. (c) Freshly broken surface
lighted obliquely to accentuate shear traces.

FIGURE 6-96.-Sample 78235 in reconstructed lunar orien-
tation with oblique lighting to enhance traces of shears on
weathered surface (S-73-17962).



of termsandsymbols usedin panoramic

70275 Samplenumberassigned
x Samplelocation
70018? Samplelocationuncertain
[] Rakeandsoilsamplelocation
DT730_/73001 Drivetube,upperilowertubenumber
C/S ALSEPcentralstation
GIM Geophone
EP-6 Explosive
Geo-2 Ge)phone
HFE Heatflow
LEAM Lunarejecta
LM Lunar module
LACE Lunar atmospheric
LSG Lunar surfacegr_vimeterexperiment
LSP Lunar seismicprofilingexperiment
Pan ,'k Hasselblad
60-ram panorama
Ppan _ Partial panorama
RTG Radioisotope
SCB Samplecollectionbag
SEP Surfaceelectricalproperties
LRV I-7 Lunar rovingvehicle;dotshowsfront of vehicle
== Boulder(lettersr_fer to largeblockson mapsandpanoramas)
(_ Crater


20867 2086820869 20870 20871 20873 20875

FIGURE 6-97.-Panoramic view taken south of the LM.

[ I I I I I I I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 /0 80 90 100


FIGURE 6-98.-Planimetric map of the LM-ALSEP-SEP area.


20876 20877 20878 20879 20888 20883 20885


FIGURE 6-97.-Concluded.

P pan-_

.Pan e,-- --70035 70255?

/ ,.x
Flag.... -o _- 70275
/ K'r'_ x"
Pan-.._ <.,_- - -70012 _" _V
LM.... x_,/_"
--.7(]011 "',.I......,

FIGURE 6-98.-Concluded.

AS17-136-20685 20686 20687 20689 20691 20692 20693 20694 20696


FIGURE 6-99. Panoramic view taken northwest of the ALSEP central station.

AS17-134-2043720438 20439 20442 20443 20444 20445 20446

FIGURE 6-100.-Partial panorama of SEP site.

AS17-134-20408 20409 20410 20411 20413 20416 20418 20420


FIGURE 6-101.-Panoramic view taken east of station 1.


20698 20699 20701 20703 20765 20707 20708

FIGURE 6-99.-Concluded.

20421 2042320424 20425 20427 20429 20431

FIGURE 6-101.-.Concluded.

'_ subdued
_. crater
r1035to 71037, 71135, 71136.... Ito 71515x,_
71040, 71155, 71157, ,,tt_t0 tl_t) "_
71055, and,E---r_and71175 _ Areaof71525to71597 _.
71060._ "._ ,,-'"" .,, lXEastpan N

pan /

0 10 20 30

FIGURE 6-102.-Planimetric map of station 1.

AS17-136-20745 20746 20747 20749 20752 20754 20756

FIGURE 6-103.-Panoramic view taken west of station 1.

AS17-138-21072 210732105421056
21057 2105821059 21061


FIGURE 6-104.-Panoramic view taken northeast of station 2.

20758 20760 20762 20765 20766 20767 20769 20772

20759 20761

FIGURE 6-103.- Concluded.

21063 21064 I 21065 21067 21068 21069 21070 21071


FIGURE 6-104 .-Concluded.


72735to72738 r_
•", pan

• C " Gnomon

72415to <_ LRV

72418,72435, •A
1 7z255.7z275.
072220to 72260,3 N
2 72215,and72235 A

0.. [] .... 72500and72535to72557
"'72315,72335,72355,72375,• B
Southwest 72395,and72320

lb _ 3b

FIGURE 6-105.-Planimetric map of station 2.

AS17-137-20935 20936 20937 20943 20944 20942 20949 20955


FIGURE 6-106.-Panoramic view taken southwest of station 2.


20956 20926 20929 20930 20931 20932 20933 20934

FIGURE 6-106 .-Concluded.

21101 21102 21103 21104 21105 21108

FIGURE 6-107.-Panoramic television view of station 2A taken at the LRV.


_x (_ ,73220,73240,73260,73280,

/,,,/ 73235, 73255, and73275

Pan A "-. 73215to73219


0 10 20 30

FIGURE 6-108.-Planimetric m;'.pof station 3.

A517-138-21152 21153 21154 21156 21159 21161 21163


21157 21160

FIGURE6-109.-Panoramic view of station 3.

AS17-133-2023120232 20233 20234 20236 20238 20240 2023920242 2020


FIGURE 6-110.-Panoramic view taken west of station 4.


21165 21168 21169 21112 21176 2117/ 21151


21164 21166 21171 21173

FIGURE 6-109._-Concluded.

20243 20248 20250 20252 20254 20256


20245 20247 20249

FIGURE 6-110.-Concluded.

_,,,, ,74255 ShortyCrater

/DT 741)02/74001

,' " " -'LRV
/ Westpan
74220to74260 N "East pan
I I I J /
0 10 20 30

FIGURE 6-111. Planimetzic map of station 4.

AS17-133-20359 20340 20360 20341 20342 20343 203411

20345 20346
FIGURE 6-11 2.-Panoramic view taken east of station 5.

AS17-145-22166 22168 22170 22171 22174 221(6


FIGURE6-114.-Panoramicviewtakenwest of station 5.


,75075 "_. Camelot N

L 75080
0 10 20 31) 40 50
FIGURE 6-113.-Planimetric map of station 5.

20347 20349 2035120353 20355 20356

FIGURE 6-112.--Concluded.

22180 22159 22160 22162 22163 22165

FIGURE 6-1 E4.-Concluded.


A517-141-21576 21577 21578 21579 21588 21584 21586 21588





FIGURE 6-115 .-Panoramic view taken south of station 6.


21590 21592 21594 21596 21598 21600



FIGURE 6-115. Concluded.

\ _ _----North pan
Bouder _ .---" _
tracks-._'"'_ ., ,Approximatelocation
...._ ,,,p_ of76220
\\ ,' _ ,76320

I 't \ _ x
p 4 _, Contact('1 I-..l ASlZ-|_-2145q
_v / , .... _,\ x _1"4 to 21482

Pp "mate x '--_-3 -_"

_. _ _¢. , 76315

x--Approximate__._._", _ _6215"AS1;"140-21414
7_01. _ locationof 76055 N 7_15 to 21434 .-"x

10 l of 76035to76037,'"

FIGU/;'E 6-I 16.-Planimetric map of station 6.


21508 21507 21505 21503 21501 21499

FIGURE 6-117.-Panoramic view taken north of station 6.

AS17-146-22341 22342 22344 22346 22348 22350 22352


FIGURE 6-118.-Panoramic view taken north of station 7.

FIGURE 6-119. Planimetric map of station 7.


21495 21492 21489 21488 21486


FIGURE 6-117.- Concluded.

22355 22358 22360 223(,I 22339 22340

FIGURE 6-118.-Concluded.

_North pan x--78155 Eastpan----'-_

I I I N _ 78220,,
0 10
m 20 78535and N 78_5 to
78500 x 78135 _. 78238 and
to78518 ] 78255

to770. 7_20
_ ,RV _ 1_ _
F '_ .... Areaof77515and77017 78440 m
, ,,_
---77115 78480/ /x Westpan
"'_" 77515to 77519 78460 /.x
"'- 77135
FIGURE 6-120.-Planimettic map of station 8.

AS17-142-2172/ 21728 21729 21131 21132 21133


FIGURE 6-121 ,-Panoramic view taken west of station 8.

A811-142-21799 21800 21803 21805 21801 21809 21811

21804 21808
21798 21806 21810

FIGURE 6-122.-Panoramic view taken west of station 9.


21734 21735 21736 21738 21739 21740 21741 21742


FIGURE 6-121 .-Concluded.

21813 21815 21816 21817 21818 21820 21821 21823


FIGURE 6-122 .-Concluded.


155 79510
79135 l
Ix/,_-"'" DIN N
7919_/ A Northpan

_ -W'/e;l_San

• I11

I 79215
79220,79240, _' ,/
_x__ d 79260---x x
f Subduedcrater _ _ LRV_

FIGURE 6-123.-Planimettic map of station 9. / " \ ,,
7. Preliminary F_xaminat:ion of Lunar Samples
The Lunar Sample PreEminary Examination Team a

The returned samples from the five previous crustal rocks from which they were formed? To
Apollo and the two previous Luna missions include determine whether the early crust consisted of
basaltic rocks and soils from four mare basins, glassy volcanic material, layered gabbroic complexes, or
to crystalline breccias and soils from the Fra Mauro other possible rock types, the textural relationships
Formation and the Apennine Front, and highly among remnants of these materials must be studied.
aluminous, crystalline breccias and soils from two For the final Apollo mission, it was imperative
lunar highland sites. Isotopic dating of mare basalts that a site be chosen to potentially provide answers to
(refs. 7-1 and 7-2) indicates that mare volcanism as many of these (and other) questions as possible.
covered a timespan of 600 million years, beginning From orbit on the Apollo 15 mission, the command
approximately 3.7 billion years ago. Similar studies of module pilot reported seeing dark patches that
breccias (refs. 7-3 and 7-4)indicate anintense period resembled young cinder cones southeast of the
of crystallization and an inferred formation of less Serenitatis basin in the Taurus-Littrow region (ref.
than 200 million years, beginning approximately 4.0 7-6). Steep-walled valleys with over 2000 m of relief
billion years ago. Some anorthosltic brec_'ias from the were also evident in this area. The possibility of
2- to 4-ram fragments of Apollo 16 soils have relatively young volcanic activity and mountains
somewhat older crystallization ages of approximately consisting of a sequence of old, large-scale ejecta
4.1 to 4.2 billion years (ref. 7:5) and may be blankets made this an attractive site for further
remnants of earlier periods of formation. The breecias exploration.
have undergone many generations of crushing, partial Analysis of high-resolution photographs obtained
melting, and recrystallization, which has changed the during the Apollo 15 mission showed that a 6- to
initial textures of rocks from the early lunar crust. 10-km-wide valley between the second and third rings
These data raise important questions concerning of the Serenitatis basin allowed access to two
both lunar and solar-system history. Do the measured steep-sided mountains and a dark-mantled valley floor
basalt ages represent a restricted period of lunar that might produce evidence of young volcanism
volcanism, or is there evidence of younger or older (refs. 7-7 and 7-8). Detailed mapping provided five
volcanism in the unsampled areas? Answers to such major photogeologic units for sampling: dark mant-
questions are crucial to understanding the lunar ling material, a valley-filling rock unit below the
thermal history and the origin of lunar magmas. Do mantle, a light-gray mantle apparently deposited by a
the ages of breccia formation represent a restricted slide or avalanche that spread across part of the valley
period of the major impacts that shaped the lunar floor, a group of domical, closely spaced hills ranging
surface, or have only the breccias associated with the from 1 to 5 km in diameter (Sculptured Hills), and
last few major impacts been sampled? Answers to two steep mountains (North and South Massifs)with
these questions are of profound importance to studies slopes showing several boulder tracks that were
of the particle flux and the accretionary history of traceable from possible outcrops to the base of the
the early solar system. Are the breccias too highly slopes where some of the boulders lay within sam-
modified to identify initial textures of the early piing range. These boulder tracks originated at various
elevations on the massifs and may represent rock
types from several different units in what might be a
aThe team composition is listed in "Acknowledgments" sequence of ejecta blankets from several major
at the end of this section, impacts.


The lunar module (LM) landed within 200 m of 2. Dark matrix breccias
the targeted landing point (lat. 20009'55 '' N, long. 3. Glass-bonded agglutinates
30°45'57 '' E), and three traverses were completed 4. Vesicular green-gray breccias (called anortho-
(sec. 6). Three hundred thirty-five rocks (fragments sitic gabbros by the Apollo 17 crew during the lunar
greater than 1 cm across), 73 soils, eight drive tubes, traverses)
and the deep drill string were collected. A complete 5. Blue-gray breccias
list of Apollo 17 rocks and their designated types is 6. Layered, foliated, light-gray breccias
presented in table 7-I. Several samples from large 7. Brecciated gabbroic rocks
boulders were collected at stations 2, 6, and 7. From 8. Miscellaneous: crushed dunite and black fine-
studies of samples, it is clear that the valley fill and grained material from a dike.
the "dark mantle" are mare-type basalts or softs
derived from them and the two massifs and the light Basalts
mantle are various types of breccias and their
derivatives, respectively. At present, it is not clear The basalts are generally vesicular to vuggy (fig.
whether a specific set of rocks can be associated with 7-1) and similar in both composition and texture to
the Sculptured Hills. In this paper, the chemical and the Apollo 11 type B basalts (ref. 7-9), except for
petrographic characteristics of a representative suite some of the detailed relationships between opaque
of the Apollo 17 rock and soil specimens are minerals and pyroxene zonation. Modal estimates
summarized, indicate 45 to 55 percent clinopyroxene (both
pigeonite and augite), 25 to 30 percent plagioclase,
PETROGRAPHIC GIlA RACTE R ISTICS 15 to 25 percent opaque minerals, and small amounts
Rocks of olivine. In some instances, the olivine occurs as
cores of pyroxene; but it usually occurs as pheno-
Visual and microscopic examinations of rocks crysts, which generally comprise only a few percent
from the Apollo 17 site indicate that they are the of a rock but occasionally as much as 20 percent.
most variable collection returned by any mission. Grain sizes range from coarse (1 to 2 ram) through
Some rocks show the cataclastic, highly crushed tex- fine to vitrophyric. In some coarse-grained rocks, the
tures that were common in those returned during the clinopyroxene may occur both as coarse, sectorially
Apollo 16 mission. Many are crystalline breccias with zoned phenocrysts and as finer grains in poikilitic
petrographic characteristics that indicate varying de- plagioclase (fig. 7-2). There also may be fine fibrous
grees of recrystallization or partial melting. Others are or plumose intergrowths of plagioclase and clinopyro-
friable and dark gray like the many regolith breccias xene. Traces of cristobalite, tridymite, a needle-
of previous missions. Others display features typical shaped phase, and very fine (perhaps partly glassy)
of the lavas returned from the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 material occur interstitially to the larger grains. The
mare sites, whereas few have the coarse-grained vitrophyres (now largely divitrified) contain skeletal
igneous textures typically developed during slow crystals of olivine (fig. 7-3) that, in some instances,
crystallization from basaltic melts. Such variety is a display overgrowths of clinopyroxene, skeletal ilmen-
striking contrast to the rather restricted set of ite and armalcolite, and a few patches of plumose
complex breccias returned from the Apollo 16 h_tergrowths of plagioclase and pyroxene. For a
highland site. given sampling area, the entire range of textures
In the preliminary examination, all rock samples may be present.
were cleaned with a jet of nitrogen gas to remove dust Opaque minerals in the subfloor basalts are present
coatings from their surfaces. The surfaces were then in abundances of as much as approximately 25
examined and described with a low-power binocular percent (by volume); most rocks average approxi-
microscope. In addition, thin sections from 35 rocks mately 20 percent. Ilmenite, armalcolite, chrome-
were prepared and studied by conventional petro- spinel, ulvo'spinel, rutile, metallic iron-nickel (Fe-Ni),
graphic methods. From these examinations, the rocks and troilite have been identified optically; all of these
may be placed in seven broad groups and two minerals occur in most of the rocks. Ilmenite is by far
miscellaneous types, the most abundant oxide mineral (approximately 15
1. Basalts to 20 volume percent); reflection pleochroism and

TABLE 7-I.-Complete List of Apollo 1 7 Rocks a

3ample Weight, Sample Weight,

number g Rock type number g Rock type
(b) (c) (b) (e)

70017 2957 Coarse basalt 71175 207.8 Medium basalt

70018 51.38 Dark matrix breccia 71505 RS 29.45 Fine basalt
70019 159.9 Agglutinate 71506 RS 12.11 Fine basalt
70035 B_ 5765 Coarse basalt 71507 RS 3.962 Medium basalt
70075 5.64 Fine basalt 71508 RS 3.423 Coarse basalt
70135 B2 446.3 Medium to coarse basalt 71509 RS 1.690 _ Coarse basalt
70136 B2 10.65 Medium to coarse basalt 71515 RS 1.635 Agglutinate
70137 B2 6.16 Medium to coarse basalt 71525 R 3.900 Fine basalt
70138 B= 3.66 ! Medium to coarse basalt 71526 R 12.91 Fine basalt
70139 B2 3.16 Medium to coarse basalt 71527 R 2.186 Fine basalt
70145 B2 3.07 Medium to coarse basalt 71528 R 11.25 Fine basalt
70146 B2 1.71 Medium to coarse basalt 71529 R 6.025 -Medium.basalt
70147 B2 1.35 Medium to coarse basalt ? 1535 R 17.71 Co'arse basalt
70148 B2 .92 Medium to coarse basalt 71536 R 5.322 Coarse basalt
70149 B2 .95 Medium to coarse basalt 71537 R 12.25 Fine basalt
70155 B2 .77 Medium to coarse basalt 71538 R 8.038 Fine basalt
70156 B2 .63 Medium to coarse basalt 71539 R 10.90 Fine basalt
70157 B_ 57 Medium to coarse basalt 71545 R 17.26 Fine basalt
70165 S 2.143 Coarse basalt ?'1546 R 150.7 Fine basalt
70175 339.6 Dark matrix breccia 71547 R 12.54 Medium basalt
70t85 S 466.6 Coarse basalt 71548 R 25A6 Medium basalt
70215 8110 Fine basalt 71549 R 7.903 Medium basalt
70255 277.2 Fine basalt 71555 R 4.547 Medium basalt
70275 S 171.4 Medium basalt 71556 R 29.14 Coarse basalt
70295 361.2 Dark matrix breccia 71557 R 40.35 Coarse basalt
70315 S 148.6 Coarse basalt 3'1558 R 15.81 Coarse basalt
71035 BI 144.8 Medium basalt 3'1559 R 82.16 Coarse basalt
71036 B_ 118.4 Medium basalt 71565 R 24.09 Coarse basalt
71037 BI 14.39 Medium basalt 3'1566 R 415.4 Coarse basalt
71045 S 11.92 Medium basalt 3'1567 R 146.0 Coarse basalt
71046 S 3.037 Medium basalt 3'1568 R 10.02 Coarse basalt
71047 S 2.780 Coarse basalt 3'1569 R 289.6 Fine basalt
71048 S 2.457 Fine basalt 3'1575 R 2.113 Fine basalt
71049 S 1.860 Fine basalt 71576 R 23.54 Fine basalt
71055 B1 669.6 Medium basalt 3'1577 R 234.7 Fine basalt
71065 S 28.83 Fine basalt 71578 R 353.9 Medium basalt
71066 S 19.96 Fine basalt 3'1579 R 7.937 Medium basalt
71067 S 4.245 Medium basalt 71585 R 13.86 Medium basalt
71068 S 4.208 Medium basalt 71586 R 26.92 Medium basalt
71069 S 4.058 Fine basalt 71587 R 41.27 Medium basalt
71075 S 1.563 Medium basalt 3'1588 R 48.98 Medium basalt
71085 S 3.402 Medium basalt 71589 R 6.860 Medium basalt
71086 S 3.329 Fine basalt 3'1595 R 25.21 Medium basalt
71087 S 2.200 Fine basalt 71596 R 61.05 Medinm basalt
71088 S 2.064 Fine basalt 71597 R 12.35 Coarse basalt
71089 S 1.733 Medium basalt 72135 S 336.9 Dark breccia of basalt fragments
71095 S 1.483 Medium basalt 72145 S 1.25 Dark matrix breccia
71096 S 1.368 Medium basalt 72155 238.5 Medium basalt
71097 S 1.355 Medium basalt 72215 B1 379.2 Layered light-gray breccia
71135 S, B 36.58 Fine basalt 72235 B_ 61.91 Layered light-gray breccia
71136 S, B 25.39 Fine basalt 72255 B] 461.2 Layered light-gray breccia
71155 S, B 26.15 Fine basalt 72275 B_ 3640 Layered light-gray breccia
71156 S, B 5.420 Fine basalt 72315 B_ 131.4 Vesicular poikilitie clast
71157 S, B 1.466 Fine basalt 72335 B2 108.9 Vesicular poikilitic clast

TABLE 7-1._?omplete List of Apollo 1 7 Rocksa-Continued

Sample Weight, Sample Weight,

number g Rock type number g Rock type
(b) (c) (b) (c)

72355 B_ 367.4 Green-gray breccia 74249 S 4.183 Fine basalt

72375 B: 18.16 i Green-gray breccia 74255 B 737.3 Coarse basalt
72395 B: 536.4 i Green-gray breccia 74275 1493 Finebasalt
72415 B_ 32.34 Breceiated dunite clast 74285 S 2.212 Medium basalt
72416 B3 11.53 Brecciated dunite clast 74286 S 2.102 Medium basalt
72417 B3 11.32 Brecciated dunite clast 74287 S 1.568 Fine basalt
72418 B3 3.55 Breeeiated dunite clast 75015 B_ 1006 Coarse basalt
72435 B3_ S 160.6 Blue-gray breccia 75035 B: 1235 Medium basalt
72505 RS 3.09 Green-gray breccia 75055 B3 949.4 Coarse basalt
72535 R 221.4 Blue-gray breccia 75065 S 1.263 Medium basalt
72536 R 52.30 Blue-gray breccia 75066 S .980 Dark-gray basalt
72537 R 5.192 Blue,gray breccia 75075 B4 1008 Medium basalt
72538 R 11.09 Blue-gray breccia 75085 S 4.298 Medium basalt
72539 R 11.22 Blue-gray breccia 75086 S 2.323 Medium basalt
72545 R 4.055 Blue-gray breeeia 75087 S 2.321 Medium basalt
72546 R 4.856 Blue-gray breccia 75088 S 1.992 Fine basalt
72547 R 5.045 Blue-gray breccia 75089 S 1.718 Fine basalt
72548 R 29.29 Blue-gray breccia 75115 S 2.600 Fine basalt
72549 R 21.00 Green-gray breccia 76015 B 2819 Green-gray breccia
72555 R 10.48 Green-gray breccia 76035 S 376.2 Blue-gray breccia
72556 R 3.861 Green-gray breccia 76036 S 3.95 Blue-gray breccia
72557 R 4.559 Green-gray breccia 76037 S 2.52 Medium basalt
72558 R 5.713 Green-gray breccia 76055 6412 Green-gray breccia
72559 R 27.84 Feldspathic breccia 76135 S 133.5 Green-gray breccia
72705 RS 2.39 Anorthosiric breccia and glass 76136 S 86.6 Medium basalt
72735 R 51.11 Green-gray breccia 76137 S 2A6 Fine-grained crystalline
72736 R 28.73 Tan breccia 76215 B 643.9 Green-gray breccia
72737 R 3.33 Tan breccia 76235 B 26.56 Brecciated olivine norite
72738 R 23.75 Blue-gray breccia 76236 B 19.18 Brecciated olivine norite
73145 S 5.60 Dark matrix breccia 76237 B 10.31 Brecciated olivine norite
73146 S 3.01 Breeciated anorthosite 76238 B 8.21 Breeciated olivine norite
73155 S 79.3 Blue-gray breccia 76239 B 6.23 Breceiated olivine norite
73156 S 3.15 Fine crystalline 76245 S 8.24 Green-gray breccia
73215 S 1062 Light-gray breccia 76246 S 6.50 Green-gray breccia
73216 S 162.2 Green-gray breccia 76255 B 406.6 Banded tan and blue-g_ay breccia
73217 S 138.8 Blue-gray breccia 76265 S 1.75 Greenish-gray breccia
73218 S 39.67 Blue-gray breccia 76275 B 55.93 Blue-gray fragment breccia
73219 S 2.88 Fine basalt 76285 S 2.208 Not described
73225 S 3.66 Crystalline (green-gray breccia?) 76286 S 1.704 Not described
73237 878.3 Blue-gray breccia 76295 B 260.7 Banded tan and blue-gray breccia
73245 S 1.60 Breeciated anorthosite elast 76305 B 4.01 Breeciated olivine norite
73255 394.1 Light-gray or blue-gray breccia 76306 B 4.25 Brecciated olivine norite
73275 429.6 Green-gray breccia 76307 B 2.49 Brecciated olivine norite
73285 S 2.58 Glass-coated, gray, friable breccia 76315 B 671.1 Blue-gray breccia
74115 S 15.36 Friable clod 76335 352.9 Friable anorthositie breccia
74116 S 12.68 Friable clod 76505 RS 4.69 Greenish-gray breccia
74117 S 3.69 Friable clod 76506 RS 2.81 Friable dark matrix breccia
74118 S 3.59 Friable clod 76535 R 155.5 Coarse norite
74119 S 1.79 Friable clod 76536 R 10.26 Brecciated norite
74235 59.04 Basalt vitrophyre 76537 R 26.48 Fine basalt
74245 S 64.34 Fine or devitrified basalt 76538 R 5.870 Medium basalt
74246 S 28.81 Dark matrix breccia 76539 R 14.80 Vitrophyrie basalt
74247 S 7.761 Fine or devitrified basalt 76545 R 7.676 Dark vitreous matrix breccia
74248 S 5.682 Fine or devitrified basalt 76546 R 23.31 Dark vitreous matrix breccia

TABLE 7-I. _Complete List of Apollo 1 7 Rocksa-Continued

Sample Weight, Sample Weight,

number g Rock type number g Rock type
(b) (c) (b) (c)

76547 R 10.05 Dark vitreous matrix breccia 78526 R 8.77 Breccia with green glass veins
76548 R 2.527 Dark vitreous matrix breccia 78527 R 5.16 Brecciated gabbroic rock
76549 R 9.175 Dark vitreous matrix breccia 78528 R 7.00 Fine basalt
76555 R 8.435 Crystalline matrix-rich breccia 78535 R 103.4 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76556 R 7.396 CrystaLline matrix-rich breccia 78536 R 8.67 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76557 R 5.592 Crystalline matrix-rich breccia 78537 R 11.76 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76558 R .683 Crystalline matrix-rich breccia 78538 R 5.82 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76559 R .747 Crystalline matrix-rich breccia 78539 R 3.73 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76565 R 11.60 Friable dark matrix breccia 78545 R 8.60 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76566 R 2.639 Friable dark matrix breccia 78546 R 42.66 Coherent dark matrix breccia
76567 R 5.490 Friable dark matrix breccia 78547 R _ 29.91 Friable dark matrix breccia
76568 R 9.477 Basalt-rich breccia 78548 R 15.95 Friable dark matrix breccia
76569 R 4.207 Crystalline breccia (blue-gray?) 78549 R 16.09 Friable dark matrix breccia
76575 R 16.25 Crystalline clast-rich breccia 78555 R 6.64 Friable dark matrix breccia
76576 R 5.327 Crystalline light-gray breccia 78556 R 9.50 Friable dark matrix breccia
76577 R 13.54 Crystalline light-gray breccia 78557 R 7.19 Friable dark matrix breccia
77017 1730 Brecciated olivine gabbro 78558 R 3.78 Friable dark matrix breccia
77035 5727 Green-gray breccia 78559 R 3.05 Friable dark matrix breccia
77075 B '172.4 Dark-gray dike 78565 R 3.50 Friable dark matrix breccia
77076 B 13.97 Dark-gray dike 78566 R .77 Friable dark matrix breccia
77077 B 5.45 Dark-gray dike 78567 R 18.88 Friable dark matrix breccia
77115 B 115.9 Blue-gray breccia 78568 R 3.57 Friabte dark matrix breccia
77135 B 337.4 Green-gray breccia 78569 R 14.53 Friable dark matrix breccia
77215 B 846.4 Brecciated norite 78575 R 140.0 Coarse basalt
77515 R* 337.6 Green-gray breccia 78576 R 11.64 Coarse basalt
77516 R* 103.7 Medium basalt 78577 R 8.84 Coarse basalt
77517 R* 45.6 Feldspathic breccia 78578 R 17.13 Coarse basalt
77518 R* 42.5 Green-gray breccia 78579 R 6.07 Medium basalt
77519 R* 27.4 Green-gray breccia 78585 R 44.60 Fine basalt
77525 R* 1.19 Feldspathic breccia 78586 R 10.73 Fine basalt
77526 R* 1.07 Feldspathie brcceia 78587 R 11.48 Fine basalt
77535 R* 577.8 Coarse basalt 78588 R 3.77 Fine basalt
77536 R* 355.3 Coarse basalt 78589 R 4.10 Fine basalt
77537 R* 71.7 Green-gray breccia 78595 R 4.19 Fine basalt
77538 R* 47.2 Light-gray breccia 7:3596 R 7.55 Fine basalt
77539 R* 39.6 Tan-gray breccia 7:3597 R 319.1 Fine basalt
77545 R* 29.5 Green-gray breccia 7.3598 R 224.1 Fine basalt
78135 133.9 Medium basalt 7:3599 R 198.6 Fine basalt
78155 401.1 Gabbroic breccia 7!)035 2806 Dark matrix breccia
78235 S, B 199.0 Coarse norite 7!)115 B_ 346.3 Dark matrix breccia
78236 S, B 93.06 Coarse norite 7!)125 S 1.91 Dark matrix breccia
78238 S, B 57.58 Coarse norite 7!)135 Bt 2283 Dark matrix breccia
78255 B 48.31 Coarse norite 7!)155 318.8 Coarse basalt
78465 S 1.039 Not described 7!)175 677.7 Agglutinate
78505 RS 506.3 Coarse basalt 7!)195 B2 368.5 Dark matrix breccia
78506 RS 55.97 Coarse basalt 79215 553.8 Brecciated troetolite
78507 RS 23.35 Coarse basalt 79225 S 7.42 Friable dark matrix breccia
78508 RS 10.67 Friable dark matrix breccia 79226 S 6.73 Friable dark matrix breccia
'78509 RS 8.68 Basalt 79227 S 5.57 Friable clod
'18515 RS 4.76 Coherent dark matrix breccia 79228 S 2.50 Friable clod
'78516 RS 3.18 Friable dark matrix breccia 79245 S 10.11 Crystalline
78517 RS 1.82 Friable waite breccia 79265 S 2.60 Fine basalt
78518 RS .88 Friable dark matrix breccia 79515 S 33.00 Medium basalt
78525 R 5.11 Agglutinate 79516 S 23.92 Fine basalt

TABLE 7-I.-Complete List of Apollo 17 Rocksa-Concluded

Sample Weight, Sample Weight,

number g Rock type number g Rock type
(b) (c) (b) (c)

79517 S 10.23 Dark matrix breccia 79528 S 2.38 Dark matrix breccia
79518 S 5.20 Dark matrix breccia 79529 S 1.84 Dark matrix breccia
79519 S 3.65 Dark matrix breccia 79535 S 1.69 Dark matrix breccia
79525 S 3.03 Dark matrix breccia 79536 S 1.66 Dark matrix breccia
79526 S 2.93 Dark matrix breccia 79537 S 1.05 Dark matrix breccia
79527 S 2.65 Dark matrix breccia

aThis inventory includes a total of 335 samples, including 132 rake samples.
bB = rock chipped from boulder. Where more than one boulder was sampled at an individual station, each boulder is
identified by subscripts. S = rock in bag with soft. Most of the smaller fragments in this category resulted from sieving. RS =
rock from soil collected at rake-sample area. R = rock from rake sample. R* = rock collected with scoop but treated as a rake
CFifteen rocks weighed more than 1 kg; 111 rocks, between 25 g and 1 kg; 52 rocks, between 10 g and 25 g;and 157 rocks,
less than 10 g.

rocks of intermediate grain size, blocky grains of

ilmenite occur in a matrix that is rich in feathery
ilmenite laths (e.g., sample 72135). Vitrophyric and
fine-grained basalts are rich in prisms and lozenge-
shaped grains of armalcolite rimmed by a selvage of
iimenite. Trace amounts of chrome-spinel and chro-
mium-ulv6spinel occur in almost all basalts; ulv6-
spinel commonly shows evidence of subsotidus reduc-
tion to ilmenite and metallic Fe. Metallic Fe occurs as
blebs in troilite and as discrete grains that are similar
to the Fe seen in other mare basalts.
The similarity of basalt composition and textural

variation throughout the Apollo 17 landing site

suggests a similar source for all of these rocks. On the
basis of the petrographic data, it is difficult to
I I determine whether the samples represent several
0 4
cm separate flows or different parts of a single relatively
FIGURE 7-1.-Typical example of vesicular to vuggy basalts thick flow that may be at the top of a thick sequence
(sample 70017) from the valley floor. Note the coarse of flows filling the valley.
diabasic to subophitic texture (AS17-73-15720).

Dark Matrix Breccias

color indicate that much of it is rich in magnesium and Agglutinates
(Mg). llmenite crystals in the coarser grained rocks
may be blocky or may display rectangular cross The dark mat_x breccias range from friable"soil"
sections in addition to the usual lath-shaped morphol- types to a more coherent type crossed by closely
ogy, suggesting that ilmenite may be a pseudomorph spaced fracture sets that form a delicate set of
of an earlier phase. Ilmenite, especially in the coarser irregularly shaped plates (fig. 7-4). Clasts in the
grained rocks, contains abundant lamellae and irreg- breccias are primarily basalt; but, at station 9 (Van
ular masses of rutile on rhombohedral planes, and Serg Crater), the breccias contain a variety of clasts,
lamellae of a chromium_rich spinel phase parallel to including basalts, several types of glasses, some
the basal plane. Some metallic Fe is associated with breccia fragments with accretionary coats, and a
these phases as blebs and narrow fracture fillings. In variety of recrystallized feldspathic rocks presumed

0 .5 .5
film mm

FIGURE 7-3.-Needles and plates of armalcolite and limenite

(black) and skeletal olivine crystals (white) in a devitrified
matrix of dendritic intergrowths of pyroxene and plagio-
clase (sample 74235,11, plane light view) (AS17-73-


_- .5

FIGURE 7-2.-Thin sections of basalts. (a) La_ development

of twinned, poikilitic plagioclase (light gray) enclosing
earlier formed pyroxenes (dark gray) and opaque minerals
(sample 70035,14, crossed polars view) (AS17-73-19846).

(b) Large clinopyroxene with sectoral zonation Note

enclosed ____
in matrix of other pyroxenes and plagioclase. the cm
opaque inclusions in the large clinopyroxene (sample
70035,14, crossed polars view) (ASI7-73-19850). FIGURE 7-4.-Dark matrix breccia from Van Serg cratering
ejecta (sample 79135). Although this material is coherent
enough to maintain fractures that produce small plates
to be derived from the surrounding highlands. Orange and wedges, the fragments are quite friable and break
glass similar to that found at station 4 occurs in from the specimen during handling. Note tile various
limited quantities in most breccias throughout the light-gray clasts, some of which are feldspathic breccias
landing site. Matrix material is largely dark-brown (AS17-73-15443).
glass, which imparts the dark color to these rocks.
A few large samples of glass-bonded agglutinates craters. Although most breccias and agglutinates
(fig. 7-5) occur throughout the Taurus-Littrow valley, appear to have formed by induration of the present
Fragments are predominantly dark matrix breccias regolith, the breccias at Van Serg Crater are more
and some basalts cemented by dark-gray glass. The complex and appear to reflect multibrecciation events
crew noted that these rock types occur in glass-lined rather than a simple induration of present day
bottoms of small (as much as 3 m in diameter) regolith.

0 3

FIGURE 7-5.-One of the large glass-bondedagglutinates of

dark matrix breccias (sample 70019) collected from
the bottom of a 3-m-diametercrater (AS17-73-15333).

Green-Gray Breccias
The green-gray breccias are very coherent and
consist almost entirely of a vesicular to vuggy matrix 0 3
that is rich in poikilitic orthopyroxene (fig. 7-6). The cm
degree of both vesicularity and development of FIGURE 7-6.-Green-gray breccia (sample 76015). Although
some cavities are smooth wailed,many have drusy linings,
poikilitic texture varies significantly from sample to
especially the larger ones. The dark-gray coating (patina)
sample, and, in some cases, the vesicles or vugs are with numerous zap pits is typical of the exposed surfaces
several centimeters across. Mineral clasts of olivine of this rock type. Note the scarcity of macroscopic clasts
and plagioclase and a few lithic clasts comprise a (AS17-73-t5013).
small percentage (5 to 20 percent) of each rock. One
of these breccias (sample 76055) contains two dis- major stratigraphic unit of the North and South
tinct textures: a poikilitic and almost nonvesicutar set Massifs. These rocks are similar in texture, miner-
of fragments in a nonpoikilitic and vesicular matrix in alogy, and chemistry to the poikilitic rocks collected
which the vesicles are planar and well foliated, at the Apollo 16 site (ref. 7-10). The green-gray
curving around the more dense fragments as in a flow breccias are also chemically similar to the brown-glass
structure, matrix breccias collected at the Apennine Front (ref.
The matrix of the green-gray breccias generally 7-11).

consists of at least 50 percent poikilitic orthopyrox- Blue-Gray Breccias

ene (some may be pigeonite) with numerous small
laths of plagioclase both inside and outside the The blue-gray breccias form the most complex
oikocrysts (fig. 7-7). Small olivine grains occur in the group of rocks. This group consists predominantly of
oikocrysts, but they are generally concentrated along a very coherent, slightly vesicular, blue-gray matrix
with opaque minerals outside the oikocrysts. A few containing angular to subrounded white clasts (fig.
rounded to angular larger clasts, scattered throughout 7-8). There are some cases where the blue-gray
the rock, consist primarily of plagioclase and olivine, breccias seem to exist as fragments in a tan matrix, or
The oikocrysts range from well developed (as much as there may be a banded relationship between blue-gray
2 mm long and enclosing 70 percent of the matrix) to and tan matrix breccias (fig. 7-9). These rocks have
poorly developed (as much as 0.1 mm long and no poikilitic matrix but may contain poikilitic clasts
enclosing 5 percent of the matrix). Lithic clasts are as well as mineral clasts of plagioclase, pyroxene, and
quite rare and are chiefly feathery to equigranular, subordinate olivine. Many of these mineral grains
fine grained, and plagioclase-rich, have been shocked. A few mineral clasts have
Green-gray breccia occurs as a major rock type fine-grained rinds that may have been partially glassy
collected from boulders and smaller rocks sampled at at some stage of development. The matrix also
stations 2, 6, and 7 and as smaller fragments in the contains traces of glass (sample 73235) or divitrified
light mantle at station 3; it must be considered as a glass and displays some thin bands and oriented clasts


FIGURE 7-8.-One of the more vesicular varieties of blue-

0 .5 gray breccia (sample 72435). A variety of subangular to
nlr0 rounded feldspathic clasts are apparent. Cavities are
(a) generally smooth walled (AS 17-73-16187).

0 .1

(b) mm cm
FIGURE 7-7.-Thin sections of green-gray breeclas. (a)
Lighter gray areas are poikilitic orthopyroxenes that FIGURE 7-9.-Banded blue-gray and tan breccia (sample
compose over 50 percent of matrix and contain numerous 76255). The lighter areas (tan) seem to intrude on the
chadacrysts of plagioclase and some olivine. Subrounded darker (blue) areas. The coarser grained nature of the
to subangular clasts are principally olivine and plagioclase lighter areas can be seen clearly as can the foliated nature
(sample 77135,7, crossed polars view) (AS17-73-19912). of the light material (AS17-72-56415).
(b) Alinement of sraa// plagioclase laths (white) is

common in some areas of green-gray breccia matrices, 76255, appear to be inverted pigeonites with rela-
generally in areas between oikocrysts. Several larger
blocky grains of plagioclase occur as clasts (white and tively coarse exsolution lamellae.
black). Olivine grains also occur as larger clasts (medium The blue-gray matrix ranges from a very fine-
gray) and as smaller grains the origin of which is less grained to a coarse-grained texture. The fine-grained
certain. Note that the small laths "wrap around" the matrix consists of intergrowths of pyroxene and
clasts (sample 76055,I1, crossed polars view) (AS17-73- plagioclase only a few micrometers in size in some
19877). examples, whereas the coarse-grained matrix consists
(fig. 7-10(a)); some bands of crushed minerats contain of subophitic pyroxene and plagioclase where some
pink spinel that also occurs in clasts (fig. 7-10(b)). plagioclase laths may reach 50 to 100/_m in length.
The tan material is considerably coarser than the In contrast to the green-gray breccias, alarge propor-
blue-gray material and contains numerous brown tion of the mineral clasts are pyroxenes of various
mineral fragments, which, in a thin section of sample types. Lithic clasts include very-fine-grained, prob-

crew as being a major part of the large boulder at

station 6, where it was in contact with green-gray
breccia. The latter contained several inclusions of
blue-gray breccias near the contact, suggesting that
the green-gray breccias were largely fluid at the time
of incorporation.

Layered, Foliated, Light-Gray Breccias

The layered, foliated, light-gray breccias contain

.j approximately 60 percent matrix and are less coher-
ent than the green-gray and blue-gray breccias. There
is some variability in the coherence of the light-gray
0 .5 breccias, apparently as a result of the degree of
mrn annealing of an originally glassy matrix, some of
which remains as glass. On a macroscopic scale, these
breccias are nonvesicular to very slightly vesicular. A
large proportion of clasts in these breccias have white,
feldspar-rich cores rimmed by a dark-gray glass-rich
material. In the less coherent breccias, clasts stand
out in relief on eroded surfaces. On both macroscopic
and microscopic scales, there occur white veins,
layers, and lenses that, in some cases, appear to
intrude the light-gray matrix (fig. 7-11).
The light-gray matrix consists of numerous small
fragments of lithic debris, plagioclase, olivine, pyrox-
erie, and opaque minerals set in a brown, glassy to
very fine devitrifled mesostasis. The white veins and
lenses contain no brown interstitial material but
0 .1 consist of a few lithic fragments of the gray matrix
mm breccias and mineral debris that is largely feldspathic.
Mineral fragments are mostly plagioclase but also
FIGURE 7-10.-Thin sections of blue-graybreccias.(a) Clasts include olivine, pyroxene, and spinel. Lithic frag-
and very-fine-grained dark matrix of bine-gray breccia ments are primarily breccias but also include anortho-
(sample 76315,11). Note the alinement of elongate clasts
and foliation of light and dark streaks in matrix. Several sitic types, basalts, and poikilitic rocks. Some clasts
pink spinels (medium gray) occur in the light band atong show accretionary structures consisting of brown,
the edge of the photograph (plane light view) (AS17-73- glassy matrix mantles surrounding lithic cores (fig.
19998). (b) Clast in blue-graybreccia (sample 76315,11). 7-12). Breccia clasts within breccia clasts indicate a
Several equant, pink spinels (medium gray) occur in this complex history for the formation of the light-gray
plagioclase and olivine clast, suggestinga source for the
crushed material in the spinel-bearinglight band of figure breccias.
7-10(a) (plane light view)(AS17-73-20000). This rock type is found as a boulder at station 2
and among the smaller fragments in the light mantle
ably devitrified material, poikilitic rocks, relatively at station 3; therefore, it appears to be associated
coarse-grained anorthositic types, feathery feldspar with the South Massif.
intergrowths, and basalts.
The blue-gray breccias occur as a major part of the B recciated Gabbroic Rocks
boulders, as smaller rocks at stations 2, 6, and 7, and
as fragments in the light mantle at station 3; they Several samples consist of brecciated or crushed
must be considered a major stratigraphic unit on both anorthositic to gabbroic rocks. Some samples show
massifs. The blue-gray breccia was reported by the evidence of crushing with little or no mixing, thus

l I L I
0 3 0 .5
Cra mill
FIGURE 7-11.-Layered, follated, light-gray hreccia from a
boulder at station 2 (sample 72215). The darker areas
that appear in some instances to be clasts are very fine
grained, probably devitrified. The lighter areas that appear
to be veins are essentially crushed crystalline material

allowing possible reconstruction of original textures.

For example, a coarse norite (sample 78235) shows a
good cumulate texture on a macroscopic scale (fig.
7-13), but it has undergone some crushing on a
microscopic scale (fig. 7-14). Conversely, a gabbro
(sample 78155) has been highly crushed and may be
mixed as well (fig. 7-15). One rock (sample 76535) is
a coarse-grained norite and shows no signs of having _ ._
been sheared (fig. 7-16); although there', are no thin ram
sections of this rock, it may well have maintained its (b)
original texture. In another example (sample 77017), FIGURE 7-12.-Thin sections of light-gray breccias. (a)
the degree of crushing appears to vary from a margin Glassy to devitrified rounded clasts (black) in a matrix of
injected with glass veins to a less disturbed inner more crystalline debris. However, the matrix at top of
photograph is more glass-rich and similar to elasts (sample
region of cumulate plagioclase and olivine in clino- 72275,11, plane light view) (AS17-73-20085). (b) Crystal
pyroxene oikocrysts (fig. 7-17). Two crushed and clasts in a brown-glass matrix (black) that itself forms a
recrystallized anorthositic rocks were sampled from clast in a matrix of glass and crystalline debris (sample
large clasts in the blue-gray breccia portions of the 72255,7). In some cases, these brown-glass matrix clasts
boulders at stations 6 and 7 and may present some contain breccia clasts in addition to mineral fragments
clues to the source region of this breccia. Some of the (plane light view) (AS17-73-20082).
less crushed and mixed samples of these originally
coarse-grained rocks may present the be:st opportuni- and a fine-grained black dike with a very-fine-grained
ties from all of the Apollo missions for reconstructing igneous-looking matrix from the large boulder at
the textures and mineral compositions of rocks from station 7. The dunite contains over 95 percent olivine
the early lunar crust, as millimeter-sized fragments in a crushed matrix of
the same material (fig. 7-18). Chemical analysis of
Miscellaneous Rocks
this rock indicates an olivine in the Fo85-9o range.
The miscellaneous rocks include a dunite sample The black dike appears to originate within the
from a large clast in one of the boulders at station 2 blue-gray breccia part of the station 7 boulder and

FIGURE 7-15.-Thin section of crushed and stirred anortho-

cm 3 very-fine-grained
sitic rock (sampleclastic mixtureTexture
78155,8). of plagioclase (white)a
ranges from
and pyroxene (gray) to lathy diabasic patches (plane light
FIGURE 7-13.-Coarse-grained norite (sample 78236) with view) (AS17-73-19921).
glassy-appearing plagloclase and crushed pyroxene. Note
the dark glassy coating on the lower right side of rock.
This glass occurs also as veins in the rock (AS17-73- SOl IS
15393). Soils were collected by the Apollo 17 crew to aid
in characterizing four major photogeologic units
determined by preflight studies: (1) the "dark man-
tie" that covers the plains surface and was interpreted
as a possible pyroclastic deposit overlying basalt
flows, (2) the South Massif and the light mantle that
was interpreted as an avalanche deposit from that
massif, (3) the North Massif that was interpreted as
highland breccias or possibly volcanic domes, and (4)
the Sculptured Hills that were interpreted as high-
lands terrain composed of breccias.
Five core tubes, one 2.92-m-long drill core, and 73
soils, including both surface samples and samples
from several trenches, were collected. All soils were
._ described surficially in the Lunar Receiving Labora-
tara tory; 64 were sieved into five size fractions, and 18
FIGURE 7-14.-Thin section of coarse-grained norite (sample were studied further in thin section and by additional
78236), showing area of crushed plagioclase and pyroxene sieving.
(top half of figure), large plagioclase crystals that are
largely isoixopic (white), and a brown-glass vein (lower Grain-Size Analyses
right) (plane light view) (AS17-73-19929).
The methods of grain-size analysis are outlined in
crosscuts an anorthositic norite clast. Although the McKay et al. (ref. 7-12). The mean grain size of soils
dike contains approximately 15 percent mineral from the black-mantled terrain ranges from near the
clasts, the remainder of the dike consists of 5- by mean grain size for lunar soils (_ 70 ;tm) to 125 gm
10-/zm plagioclase laths in 30- by 50-gm pyroxene (table 7-1I). The softs from the North and South
oikocrysts. Within 0.5 mm of the contact, the vein Massifs are fine grained (coarse silt size), with mean
material decreases in grain size, and the plagioclase grain sizes of 45 to 64 /lm. As in most lunar soils,
becomes more skeletal in form. nearly all these soils are very poorly sorted. Soils

_ 0 nl[n .5

FIGURE 7-16.-Coarse-grained norite (sample 76535) with FIGURE 7-17.-In an anorthositic rock having a generally
fresh-appearing plagioclase (white to light gray) that has crushed texture, this area shows several blocky to
typical striations of albite twinning. Although pyroxenes lath-shaped plagioclase grains (white) in optically continu-
(medium gray) are fractured along cleavage planes, they ous augite (gray) that extends over most of the photo-
do not appear badly crushed (AS17-73-19458). graph, except the upper left corner. A few very thin glass
veins (black lines) occur (sample 77017,11, plane light
view) (AS 17-73-20008).
from station 4 composed predominantly of glass
spheres have median grain sizes of 40 to 43 btm and
are poorly sorted.

Soils from the "Dark Mantle"

Soils from stations 1 and 5 and the LM area are

mostly the comminuted products of basalt. The bulk
of these soils is composed of basalt fragments,
agglutinates, and grains of clinopyroxene, plagioclase,
and ilmenite (table 7-III). The basalt fragments have a
range of texture and composition, although two types
are most common.
1. Equigranular to subophitic, medium to coarse
crystalline basalt containing 50 percent cllnopyrox-
ene (augite and pigeonite), 25 percent feldspar, and 0 .5
25 percent ilnrenite. Olivine, cristobalite, and opaque mm
phases are present in lesser amounts. FIGURE 7-18.-Thin section of dunite with large olivine
2. Finely crystalline, variolitic basalt with titan- crystals set in a crushed matrix of the same material
comprise this entire clast (sample 72415,12, plane light
ium augite, ilmenite, and plagioclase, view) (AS17-73-199471.
Agglutinates, a ubiquitous component of lunar
soils (refs. 7-12 and 7-13), consist of mineral and
lithic detritus bonded by grape-like clusters of nearly In the < 1-mm fraction, there is a considerable
opaque, brown glass. In soils from the plains floor, difference between the surface and the trench-bottom
the agglutinates have a dull, nearly metallic luster in (-17 cm) samples at station 9. The surface sample
contrast to agglutinates in soils from the massifs, contains twice as much agglutinate as the trench-bot-
Coarse-grained agglutinates (250 to 500/lm) are very tom sample and very different breccia components
vesicular and contain irregular, coalescing cavities 5 to (table 7-III). The finer fractions may be mostly
150/amlong. comminution products of the dark-gray vitric brec-

cias that are the most common rock types at station boundaries between the two gray softs. A core driven
9. through the band penetrated a black soil. Thus, the
Station 4 is on the rim of Shorty Crater, which three soil types are present within a few square
appears to be a crater that penetrated the thin white meters.
mantle and ejected mostly dark plains material. At The orange soil (sample 74220) consists of cohe-
station 4, three of the most unique soils from the sire clods that withstood transport back to Earth. At
Apollo 17 site were collected: orange, gray, and least one of these clods has color zoning, having a
black. The orange soil forms a band with sharp pale orange-brown center and a moderate orange-

TABLE 7-11.-Grain-Size Parameters of Some Apollo 1 7 Soils

Median grain Inclusive Inclusive

Sample size graphic mean standard Inclusive Kurtosis
number graphic skewness
(_ pm ¢p pm deviation

70161 3.95 64.0 3.88 68.0 2.08 -- 0.12 1.08

70181 4.10 58.3 3.98 63.3 2.02 -- .17 1.01
71061 3.20 108.2 2.62 163.0 3.30 -- .24 .79
74240 3.22 108.0 2.64 160.0 3.32 - .26 .86
75061 3.16 112.0 3.17 112.0 2.62 - .25 1.19
75081 3.65 79.9 3.48 89.0 2A2 - .17 1.07
76501 4.22 53A 3.92 66.0 2.58 - .28 1.09
78421 4.61 40.0 4.47 44.8 2,02 - .18 1.02
78501 4.70 37.5 3.97 64.0 2.94 - .33 1,15
79261 3.60 82.0 3.0 125.0 2.94 - .29 .84
a74001 4.60 40.0 4.52 43.0 1.70 - .06 .99
a74220 4.61 40.0 4.60 40.0 1.59 - -
a74260 4.36 48.0 4.14 56.4 2.03 - -

aWithout > l-ram data.

TABLE 7-III.-Petrographic Grain-Type Analyses for Apollo 17 Soils


70161, 70181, 71061, I 73221, 73261, 73281. 74001,

Components ALSEP _ in depth rake _ll at trench In trench in trench core

fillet near _feren_ for at -- 5 to 6 cm I 71501. skim sample medium g_y white bottom of
90 to 2JO to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to po to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 2_0 to
l JO ,_q _qO0_ 150 _ 500 #m 1JO _ JO0 _ 1JO _lm 500 _ 1_0 _ _00 _ 1_0 _ 500 _ 150 _ _00 ll_n l JO $g'a 500 IJm

Agglutinates 29.0 36,5 56.0 45._ 9,3 10.0 35.0 23.8 26.3 9.7 34.2 34.1 24.6 11.1
Basalt 15.0 22,4 14.0 29.4 19.6 51'5 24.6 69.0 3.0 2.2 2.0 10,4 3.7 7.8
Low grade (brown) 5.0 4.7 4.6 7.1 3.6 6.9 2.3 18.3 28.0 18.7 17.7 23.7 35.6
Low grade (e_lodess) - TI .3 - .6 1.5 .6 10.3 17.2 4.7 6.3 2.3 8.9
Medium grad0 2.0 2.4 2.6 3'5 1.6 2.3 18,0 16.1 15.7 17.7 20.6 23.3
High grade - - 2.2 - - -
kuo_thosile - -- ,3 .3 1.1 .3 - .3
Cat aclastie anorthosite - -3 12 .... 3 2.2 1.6 2.1 1.6 - - -
Plagio¢]ase 9.0 5.9 4,3 4.7 17.3 8,5 S.0 11.3 12.9 9.7 4.2 9.3 5.6 1.6 2.0
Clinopytoxene 21.6 15.3 10.3 3..$ 21,0 10,7 17.3 8.0 2.2 7.0 1.0 7.3 2.2 .3
Or thopyroxene ,3 .6 Tt - Tt 1.2 1.0
Olivine ,3 1.3 .3
5,0 2.4 2.3 4.7 4.6 2,3 9.0 2.4 2.2 .6 1.3
Orange 2.0 1.2 3.0 6.3 ,8 1.6 3.4 T1 - 1.7 - 1.3 2.2 8.0 7.0
Colorless .3 1.2 .3 1.3 1,5 .6 .3 2.2 .6 2.l .6
Brown ,6 5.9 .6 4.6 .3 ,6 2.2 1.3 2.1 2.0 1,1 2.0
Ropy ..... - - 1.0 16.6
Tachylyte 2.6 1.2 -6 5.6 2,3 .3 -
Gray - 2.4 - 1.0 .3 1.1
Gte#n .....
Metal spheres 2.6 Tr 4.0 3.8 [ .0
Bar red spheres - - 2.6 - .6 1.0 .3 73.3 88.0
Norit¢ 1.2 - - - -

Number of g_ains 300 85 300 85 300 120 300 42 300 93 300 96 300 90 300 100

brown rim. Contacts between the zones are sharp, angular detritus welded to the grain surfaces. The
Surficially, the soil is composed of ruby-red to black various orange and black soil components are present
glass spheres and broken spheres that, in thin section, in nearly all of the "dark mantle" soils in portions of
are homogeneous, pale orange, and nonvesicular. 5 to 20 percent of the total mass of the sample
There is no evidence of included detritus in the ,(average is 10 percent). These components are also
orange glass, but there is a trace of olivine pheno- present in low-grade breccias from the plains. A
crysts. Nearly half the orange glass spheres are partly surface sample at the LM area (sample 70180)
or completely crystallized to small sheaf-like bundles contains approximately 8.1 percent (by weight) of
of very fine crystals to parallel bars of ilmenite and these "'exotic" components (table 7-IV). As illus-
olivine, trated in table 7-IV, most of the exotic components
Black soil from the bottom of the core at station 4 are in the < 100-/_m fraction and are not adequately
(sample 74001) consists mostly of barred or broken :represented in table 7-III. The wide distribution of
spheres. These spheres may be completely crystallized these glasses beyond the limits of Shorty Crater is a
equivalents of the orange glass droplets, consisting of possible indication that layers of this material are
olivine and orthopyroxene (?) phenocrysts in a very present to depths of tens of meters below the present
small amount of brown to orange glass. These spheres valley floor and axe penetrated by the deeper impact
are crossed by ragged, thin ilmenite plates that impart craters. The mfiformity of composition and morpho-
the black color to this soil. Traces of spinel and metal [ogy of the "exotic" components supports a theory
are present. The core soil also contains 10 to 20 that these components are droplets formed during
percent completely devitrified brown-glass spheres lava fountaining, which would form lenses or layers
that are purple in thin section, within the strata underlying the Apollo 17 landing
The gray soils (samples 74240 and 74260) that site. It is possible that the components were subse-
flank the band of orange soil contain a variety of quently buried by lava flows; they have no aggluti-
components (table 7-III), including a significant hates and appear to have had no history of exposure
amount of "ropy" glass that occurs as light-gray at the lunar surface before their exhuming as ejecta at
spindle-shaped droplets with abundant, fine-grained, Shorty Crater.

TABLE 7-III.-Petrographie Grain-Type Analyses for Apollo 17 Soils-Concluded

number, type, and grain_ize fraction

75061, 79261,
74220, 74240, 74260. akim from top 75081, 76501, 78421, 78501, 79221. lowest layer
orange gray soil gray soil o[lTat in_erboulder _ke soil bottom of rake _il top 2 cm o1" in
_il boulder trench trench trench

90 to 250 to 9O to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to 90 to 2JO to 90 to 250 to 90 to 250 to
150urn 500 _un 15Own 500,urn 1501an 50Olin 15own 500tan 150urn 50own 150 ,t_.a 500 w'n 15Own 500tim 15own 500 pml 15own 50olin 150 ttm 500Urn

1.3 4.0 8,0 8.2 7.7 17.4 24.0 35.3 31.0 31,6 4"L2 26.3 62.6 47,1 35.3 23.0 44.4 53.0 22.3 18,0
1.6 4.0 301) 34.2 23.7 26.1 26.6 4t.2 12.0 30.2 1,7 3.9 5.7 8.8 11.0 46.2 14.4 13.6 13.3 23.6

.3 1.6 16.4 7.4 - 2.6 1t,8 6.3 6.6 3.8 105 7.0 3.9 2.3 85 t4.8 1,3 15.7
- 13.3 5.5 5.4 26.1 213 3.9 1.3 12.7 .3 1.0 1.2 .3 45
2.0 2.7 3.3 .3 2,6 3.9 8.3 19.7 2.6 8.8 8.0 1.0 2.5 0.0 9.0
4.0 - .3 2.2
- .3 - Tr .6 0.4
.6 ...... 1.3 1,4 2.6 .6 2.0 2.0 .3 .6 2.2
4.6 1.4 2.7 4.3 4.6 5.9 11.0 6.6 ?.2 28.9 7.3 6.9 13.3 6.9 3.7 12.7 4.6
.3 11,3 8.2 13.7 8.6 29.6 5.9 26.3 10.4 7.6 90 2.9 6.0 6.5 3.7 16.6 4.5
- ?.9 - 7.3 1.6 22
- - .3 .3 .7 .6 -
- 1.3 2.3 6.3 7.6 1.3 1.7 3.7 1,3 7,0 1.1

95.6 88.0 4.0 1.4 7.7 1.0 .6 .7 .6 10 2.0 4.2 - 4.0 2"2
.3 - 4.6 2.7 3.7 1.6 .6 1.4 1.3 2.9 1.0 2.3 1.2 3.2
- 3.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 -I.3 ,6 1.0 2.3 2.3 3.6 3.3
- 14.3 17.8 18.1 - .3 3.6 23
- 1.4 1.7 13.0 .3 2,6 - .6 4.5
7.7 2.5 1.3
- _ - * - .3 4.3 - - 2.0 230 -
- .3 .3 1.0 3.0 Tt - 2.0
- 3.3 t .2
- - Tr .3

300 25 300 73 300 23 300 17 300 76 3110 76 300 103 300 13 300 81 300 89

TABLE 7-IV.-Determination of the Approximate observation agrees well with the interpretation of the
Weight of Orange and Black Soil (exotic) light mantle as an avalanche deposit from the South
Components in Soil Sample 70181 a Massif.

Grain-size Mass, Exotic glasses Weight percent North Massif

fractt'on, percent of infraction,
each aze of fraction
exotic glass The coarse fraction of soils from stations 6 and 7
#m total soil
percent (b) consists of mostly patchy, medium-gray to dark-gray
breccias, with lesser amounts of white breccias and
45 to
to 45
75 19.6
16.8 10.0
20.0 1.96
3.3 agglutinates. The < 1-mm fraction is characterized by
75 to 90 12.8 15.0 1.92 abundant plagioclase and pyroxene grains, low-grade
90to 150 4.5 9.0 .4 brown-glass breccias, and medium-grade breccias
150 to 250 12.6 3.6 .45 (table 7-III). Some of the medium-grade breccias have
250 to 500 9.0 0 0 a poorly defined poikilitic texture.
> 500 9.0 0 0 North Massif soils have more breccias of medium
aStation 10. metamorphic grade and a higher plagioclase content
bTotal percent = 8.13. than South Massif soils. However, they are not greatly
different from South Massif soils.

South Massif and Light Mantle

The South Massif and the light mantle or avalanche Sculptured Hills
deposits were sampled at stations 2, 2A, and 3; these At station 8, a surface soil and a soil from the
appear to be the comminution products of a variety bottom of a 25-cm-deep trench differ mainly in their
of breccias with a trace of mare basalt (table 7-III). relative maturity; the trench soil contains twice the
Viewed superficially, the coarser fractions consist of amount of agglutinates. Breccia types in soils from
mostly medium-gray fine-grained breccia. Dark-gray the Sculptured Hills are nearly the same as those in
breccias with white clasts < 1 mm in diameter were soils from the South Massif (table 7-Ili); but there is a
evident in lesser amounts, greater amount of basalt in both the Sculptured Hills
Vitric breccias of low metamorphic grade, 1 to 3 soil samples as compared to those from the South
of Warner (ref. 7-14), contain 1- to 200-#m-long Massif.
clasts of mineral and lithic detritus in matrices of At station 9, located between the Sculptured
brown, colorless, and banded glass. Most of the clasts Hills and the LM, the soil composition in the "dark
consist of angular feldspar grains with lesser amounts mantle" appears to be transitional between the two
of clinopyroxene or orthopyroxene; however, some stratigraphic units. The coarse-grained fraction of
grains contain a myriad of clast types, station 9 soils consists of dark-gray, fine-grained,
Breccias of medium metamorphic grade, 4 to 6 of vitric breccia fragments and aphanitic basalt.
Warner (ref, 7-14), have fine-grained to coarse-grained
equigranular textures; they are composed of mostly C H EM ICA L C HA RACT E R ISTI CS
feldspar and orthopyroxene, with traces of ilmenite
and olivine. Rocks
White and gray marbled units from the trench at
station 3 have nearly the same mineralogic composi- Nearly all chemical characteristics of the Apollo
tion, but the gray layer has a higher agglutinate 17 rocks can also be found in rocks from previous
content. Similar white and gray units exist in a missions. Mare basalts with high iron oxide (FeO) and
mottled texture at station 2A. Assuming that the titania (TiO2) contents, noritic breccias with a major
gray, agglutinate-rich units represent surface layers, it element composition broadly similar to KREEP
is possible that a layered regolith sequence was mixed (potassium, rare-Earth elements, and phosphorus;
as it avalanched down the slopes of the South Massif. here called KREEP-like rocks) but with roughly
Soils from the South Massif and the light mantle one-half the minor and trace element content, and
contain the lowest content of mare basalt and the brecciated anorthositic gabbros with relatively high
largest variety of breccias of any Apollo 17 soil; this lime (CaO) and alumina (A1203) contents have all

been observed previously. However, unusually high lunar surface and that rocks of this composition are
zinc (Zn) concentrations in the orange soil and the not necessarily of cumulate origin. The compositional
exceptionally low Ni content of the basalts suggest differences observed between sample 75055 and the
different source materials than those for previously other two samples are too large to have been
returned igneous rocks. The trace element contents of produced by near-surface crystal fractionation, indi-
the anorthositic rocks are significantly different from caring that at least two basalt types have been
nearly all those previously returned, again suggesting sampled at the Apollo 17 site.
variations in the source regions.

Massif Rocks
Rocks from the South and North Massifs have
Basalts exhibiting wide textural variation have been sampled at stations 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8. Analyses of
been extensively sampled in the vicinity of Steno and representative samples are given in table 7-V. In
Camelot Craters (stations 1 and 5), the LM and contrast to the wide textural and petrographic varia-
Apollo lunar surface experiments package (ALSEP) tions observed in these rocks, two distinct, chemically
site, and also from Shorty Crater (station 4). Analyses defined rock types can be recognized: noritic brec-
of three of these samples are given in table 7-V. The cias, corresponding to the petrograpMcally defined
basalts are characterized by high FeO contents and by suites of green-gray, blue-gray, and light-gray breccias;
correspondingly high FeO/MgO (magnesia) ratios (fig. and anorthositic gabbros, corresponding to the petro.
7-19); hence, they are similar to other mare basalts graphically defined suite of brecciated gabbroic rocks.
sampled at the Apollo 11, 12, and 15 and the Luna The latter group was found as clasts in the noritic
16 landing sites. These characteristics and low soda breccias and as isolated samples at stations 6, 7, and
(N%O) concentrations distinguish mare basalts from 8. Figures 7-21 and 7-22 show that both rock types
all terrestrial basalts, plot close to the plagioclase-control trend that is
In detail, these basalts have high TiO_ and typical of highland rocks, particularly those from the
correspondingly low silica (SiO2) concentrations and Apollo 16 site.
are broadly comparable with basalts from Mare The Apollo 17 noritic breccias are characterized
Tranquillitatis (figs. 7-20, 7-21, and 7-22). The sulfur by approximately 50 percent normative plagioclase
(S) content of these rocks, about twice that found in and are broadly comparable in bulk chemistry with
the Apollo 12 and 15 basalts, also compares closely KREEP-like rocks sampled on previous missions (e.g.,
with the Apollo 11 basalts. The Ni content (approxi- samples 15265, 62235, and 60315). The noritic
mately 2 ppm), exceptionally low even for lunar breccias have slightly higher A1203 concentrations
rocks, is much lower than in previously sampled mare and MgO/FeO ratios than typical Apollo 14 breccias
basalts. (fig. 7-21); in this respect, they are more closely
One sample (75055) is slightly quartz normative comparable with the Apollo 16 KREEP-like rocks
and compares closely in both major and trace element (figs. 7-21 and 7-22). Although closely comparable in
chemistry with typical low potassium (K)Apollo 11 major element chemistry, the noritic breccias are
basalts. The other two analyzed basalts (samples lower in Na2 O, potash (I(2 O), and phosphorus pen-
70035 and 70215) differ from sample 75055 in that toxide (P2Os) than the Apollo 14 breccias, but they
they are olivine normative and higher in TiO2 (fig. resemble the broadly defined composition of low- to
7-20) and MgO than low-K Apollo 11 basalts, and are moderate-K Fra Mauro basalt composition proposed
correspondingly lower in SiO2, A1203, CaO, and the by Reid et al. (ref. 7-15) on the basis of glass
trace elements rubidium (Rb), zirconium (Zr), yttri- compositions in the Apollo 15 soils. Elements that
um (Y), and strontium (Sr). Although chemically are abundant in KREEP, such as Rb, Y, Zr, and
comparable, these two basalts differ in texture, niobium (Nb), are also lower in these rocks than in
Sample 70215 is very f'me grained (probably a the Apollo 14 breccias. Figure 7-23 shows that, in
devitrified vitrophyre), whereas sample 70035 is a comparison with their abundances in Apollo 14
coarse-grained (1 to 2 mm) vesicular basalt. The breccias, these dements are depleted in rocks with
aphyric texture of sample 70215 indicates that the major element composition of KREEP from the
high-titanium magmas have been erupted onto the Apollo 17, 16, and 15 sites. In all cases, K and Rb are
TABLE 7-V.-X-Ray Fluorescence Analyses of Apollo 1 7 Rocks a ,a

Rock type and sample number

Component Basalts Noritie breccias Anortl_ositic rocks Dunite clast Soil breccia
or element

Abundance, percent

SiO_ ! 41.27 37.84 [ 37.19 45.76 47.54 ] 45.82 46.13 44.65 45.57 I 44.09 44.52 39.93 42.29
TiO_ 10.17 12.97 13.14 1.54 .91 1.47 1.54 1.24 .27 i .41 .20 .03 5.15
A1203 9.75 8.85 8.67 19.23 17.01 18.01 18.01 16.47 25.94 I 26.59 27.01 1.53 15.08
Feb 18.24 18.46 [ 19.62 8.70 11.58 8.94 9.11 9.11 5.82 I 6.19 5.14 11.34 14.01
MnOb ! .2'; .28 I .28 .I1 .18 ] .11 .13 .11 .10 I .08 .06 .13 .19
MgO _ 6.84 9.89 I 8.52 11.63 9.35 12.41 12.63 16.33 6.33 [ 6.06 7.63 43.61 10.42 ©
Cao 12.30 10.07 10.43 11.72 11.71 11.06 11.03 9.93 15.18 I 15.43 15.17 1.14 11.44
Na20 .44 .35 .32 .52 .38 .57 .53 .48 .33 [ .30 .35 <.02 .40 ©
K20 .09 .06 I .04 .23 .28 .27 .30 .20 .08 I .06 .06 .00 .I0
P20s [ .07 .05 I .09 .27 .35 [ .29 .28 .19 .04 I .03 .05 .04 .07 "o
S .19 .15 I .18 .08 .08 , .08 .08 .07 .04 f .15 .03 .01 .10 7_
Cr_O_C i .27 .61 [ .42 .20 .36 [ .19 .20 .19 .14 [ .13 .11 .34 .39
Total 99.92 99.58 I 98.90 99.99 99.73 99.22 99.97 98.97 99.84 I 99.52 100.33 98.12 99.64

Quartz 1.97 ..............

Orthoclase .53 .35 [ .24 1.36 1.65 1.60 1.77 1.18 .47 [ .35 .35 .00 .59
Albite 3.72 2.96 I 2.71 4.40 3.22 ] 4.82 4.48 4.06 2.79 I 2.54 2.96 .00 3.38
Anorthite 24.36 22.40 ] 22.10 49.46 43.88 45.79 45.88 42.20 69.07 I 71.03 71.95 4.17 39.06
Diopside 30.00 22.11 I 23.81 5.74 10.01 5.96 5.81 4.78 4.91 I 4.37 2.44 .99 14.12
Hypersthene 19:41 24.53 I 23.97 23.23 36.91 24.66 25.49 19.21 16.52 [ 10.09 8.74 1.53 19.76 _
Olivine - 1.72 I .33 12.01 1.13 12.70 17.72 24.52 5.31 I 10.01 13.25 90.91 12.30
Umenite 19.32 24.63 I 24.96 2.92 1.73 ! 2.79 2.92 2.36 .51 [ .78 .38 .06 9.78 7_
Apatite .15 .11 I .20 .59 .76 .63 .61 .42 .09 [ .07 .11 .09 .15
Total 99.46 98.81 I 98.32 99.71 99.29 l 98.95 99.68 98.73 99.67 I 99.24 100.18 97.75 99.14

Abundance, ppm

Sr 209 176 121 165 I 121 175 172 155 145 141 145 I 11 166
Rb .7 .7 < .2 3.8 I 8.7 I 5.8 7.3 5.1 2.3 1.2 < .2 2.1
Y 112 75 75 107 129 111 107 76 16 14 12 I 1.1 55
Zr 272 205 183 450 613 510 494 341 59 50 42 _ 2.6 185
Nb 25 20 20 30 32 33 33 23 4.8 4.1 3.2 I .3 14
Ni 2 2 2 112 67 149 110 155 53 95 166 I 173 218
Zn 7 4 5 2 3 _ 4 4 1 4 4 4 72

aAnalysis performed by J. M. Rhodes, K. V. Rodgers, and B. M. Bansal.

bManganese oxide.
CChromium oxide.

3O 14
70215 ApolloIIhigh-Kbasalts

o Apollo
Basalts17samples • Previousmission
Apollo11basalts s 12 70_35 _ ,"

{3 Noriticbreccias • Apollo12racks (_%_.-_

28 0 Anorthositicgabbros • Apollo14breccias "_-_ 75055
z_Darkmatrixbreccia •• Apollo15rocks IS10 _,_,,
_.Soils Apollo16rocks
i_ Orangesoilx _.,,,__._._Apollo 11Iow-Kbasalts
24 ',_-8

• _ Orangesoil 4-_
;i_ Apollo12ilmenitebasalts, Apollo[2
20 ___ _¢_-'_._ basalts
_1_ i 1 •• • II • ",(.__ pigeonite
• _- "_ ,,'

_ Apollo12olivine basalts.. _TC_'_

E 16 b,_.t_ Apollo15olivine basalts..... "_'-- ('_'_)
_. Apollo15quartznormativebasalts-'"

. ...
35 4b
SiO2, weight percent

I?IGURE 7-20.-The SiO_ and TiO_ variation in Apollo 17

t_ t_ • [] 76055 basalts and in other mare basalts from previous missions.

• _:> • Apollo17rocks

4 I_ _'• • Orange0soil Apollo11basalts ,_

o Noriticbreccias
• • _'• 24
20 Basalts
(-6._-'% O Soils
",_! Darkmatrixbreccia
I I I I I _ 16

4 8 12 16 20 _L ,"_'P_- 16rocks
percent _ 12 * Dunite
dast l _,,,,/"t',,
/ _lS/,r_ t " ",
FIGURE 7-19.-The MgO and FeO content of Apollo 17 _: " "_'_)_.._ t. "
lunar rocks and soils compared with data for rocks from _,; 8 Apollo14breccias _ M,', ) ",
previous missions. "'-._ Zx",,.

I I i I I I 1 i
more depleted than sodium (Na), phosphorus (P), Y, 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 34
Zr, and Nb, but Sr is only slightly depleted. The A_203, weightpercent
Apollo 17 noritic breccias and the brown matrix FIGURE 7-21.-The FeO and AlcOa variation in Apollo 17
breccias from the Apollo 15 site are more depleted in rocks and soils compared with data from previous
these elements than the KREEP-like rocks from the missions.
Apollo 16 site.
Some internal variation within the Apollo 17
noritic breccias is illustrated in figure 7-23. Sample orthopyroxene content relative to plagioclase and
72275, classified petrographically as a follated, light- olivine. These differences indicate that the foliated,
gray breccia, is characterized by lower Sr and Na and light-gray breccias are derived from a different lith-
higher P, Y, and Zr concentrations tha:a the other ()logical unit than the other gray matrix breccias. This
breccias. These differences in minor and trace ele- distinction is emphasized by the much lower Ni
merit abundances accompany small but important content of this rock compared with the other noritic
differences in major element chemistry. These differ- breccias (table 7-V). If the Ni content is largely of
ences include higher FeO and CaP in sample 72275 meteoritic origin, then the possibility exists that the
for a given AI_O3 content and distinctly lower foliated, light-gray breccias form a stratigraphic unit
MgO/FeO ratios, reflected in a higher normative the materials of which have undergone a much

Apollo17 rocks 7110 o Basalts

o Basalts o Norilicbreccias d---- 60315
20 Noritic breccias
Anorthositicgabbros / 600 Oz_
0 Soils / ..,.-
16 [7 Darkmatrix breccia / ,_ ..._f.- 500 c_[7
rocksbrecciac_ []
Apollo11basalts / ,_.I-%_":i'"
__o---. ._._.0_.:_._ / E400 0 Apollo15rock
_12 I- -¢,,,,Oq.,<;t:fO'o_-__6:" , , . m
-- (_._,_S,_,/v C_..-'" ",, '_/' _ 300 ,Dark mantlesoils e_-_,
Orange " -'/ x:\¢,_ "" "._' . O_/_,_A _'.4^lLight mantlesoils
son x \_.:_.- 16 rocks 200 o° --
_, S n 9,6.and8 soils
c3 %


. _,_.
........ IOO
l orange
I _oi,I I I"_
_" I
J 05 10 15 20 25 30
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 AI203, weightpercent
AI203, weight percent
FIGURE 7-24.-The AI_O 3 and Zr variation in Apollo 17
FIGURE 7-22.-The CaP and AlcOa variation in Apollo 17 rocks and soils. Data for previous missions were taken
rocks and soils compared with Apollo 16 and 11 rocks, from references 7-9 and 7-10.

1.2 .....o-..--Apollo15
._ -- --5-- Apollo 16 Three samples of anorthositic gabbro have been
_ 1.O ----o--- Apollo 17 analyzed (table 7-V). The samples are of restricted

!_, .8 ._ ..-76315 /x, zx, 60315 composition, plagioclase.

normative all containing
They just over broadly
compare 70 percentin
•- ^ X_ ,." _ ,. "--_ major element chemistry with such samples as 15418
_ .6 72 ":__-- . _ 62235 and 68415 and with the highland basalt composition
•, / ....,.._... -_ (ref. 7-16). Figure 7-21 shows that they are slightly
mafic than from
'P' more comparable rocks the Apollo
._/,_¢_-z>_[--.__.... 16 site. The trace element contents of these rocks,
o N .2 77135" "_ 15265 76055
:= __ 72435 particularly Zr, Y, and Sr, tend to be lower than
g_ _ t i i i i I t = those in the Apollo 16 rocks, being slightly over half
Sr Na K Rb P g Zr Nb their content in sample 68415 (ref. 7-9). In this
Component respect, the samples are more closely comparable
FIGURE 7-23.-Concentrations of Sr, Na, K, Rb, P, Y, Zr, with sample 15418 (ref. 7-10 and fig. 7-24), provid-
and Nb in Apollo 17 noritic breccias, Apollo 16 KREEP- ing evidence for a spectrum of trace element concen-
like rocks (ref. 7-9), and Apollo 15 brown-glass matrix trations in rocks with the bulk composition of
breccia (ref. 7-10) relative to Apollo 14 breceias (ref. anorthositic gabbro.

shorter period of surface exposure than other ana- The compositional range of soils from the Apollo
lyzed materials from the South and North Massifs. 17 landing site is greater than that found at any
In addition to the clasts of anorthositic gabbro, previous landing site. There is a complete range of
clasts of dunite and olivine are also present in the soils-from those approaching the basalt in composi-
noritic breccias. An analysis of a large dunite clast tion to the highly aluminous, light mantle soils
(72415) sampled at station 2 is given in table 7-V. derived from the South Massif. Analyses of 17 soils
Abundant inclusions of olivine and dunite in sample from most of the major sampling stations and an
76055 are reflected in the high MgO content of this analysis of Apollo 11 sample 10084 are given in table
sample and in the low trace element abundances 7-VI. The latter sample is included for comparative
compared with the other breccias (fig. 7-23). Sample purposes and as an indication of the accuracy of the
76055 is slightly displaced in composition toward the results.
dunite clast (sample 72415) from the other noritic The major element chemistry of these soils appears
breccias (figs. 7-21,7-22, and 7-24). relatively straightforward, suggesting a simple two-

component mixing trend involving basalt and an collected near the North Massif and the Sculptured
aluminous end-member intermediate in composi- ttills from stations 6, 8, and 9 are more aluminous
tion between the noritic breccias and the anorthositic zLndless mafic than the "dark mantle" and related
gabbros (figs. 7-19, 7-21, and 7-22). In detail, toils from the valley floor, and they are intermediate
however, the mixing is more complex because three in major element chemistry between the bas_ilts and
compositional groups can be recognized, largely on the light mantle softs (figs. 7-19, 7-21, and 7-22).
the basis of trace and minor elements (fig. 7-24). In Itowever, these soils are depleted in K, Zr, and Y with
addition to compositional distinctions, selenograptdc _espect to a simple mixture of these two end
distinctions can be made among these three groups, components. This fact is illustrated in the case of Zr
"Dark Mantle" MateriaL-Soft samples taken at in figure 7-24. Thus, in these softs, anorthositic
stations 1 and 5 are considered to be the best lgabbro is more abundant relative to noritic breccias
candidates for "dark mantle" material, particularly than it is in the light mantle softs, suggesting that
sample 75061, a soft sampled from the top of a anorthositic gabbro may be more abundant in tile
boulder. The samples are of uniform chemistry and North Massif or the Sculptured Hills (or both) than it
are compositionally very close to the subfloor basalts is in the South Massif.
(figs. 7-19, 7-21, 7_22, and 7-24), which, together
with orange-glass fragments, constitute approximately Orange Soil
80 percent of these soils. The remainder is accounted
for by aluminous material from the adjacent massifs. The orange soil (sample 74220) sampled at Shorty
Softs from station 4 and the LM-ALSEP site are Crater is composed almost entirely of glass and
slightly more aluminous and less mafic than the devitrified glass spherules. It differs markedly in
station 1 and 5 soils, containing slightly more of the composition from all other softs, including adjacent
massif component, softs from station 4 (table 7-VI), and is broadly
The Ni content of these softs is fairly constant, comparable with the basalts, having high FeO and
averaging approximately 120 ppm in the station 1 'FiO2 concentrations. In contrast to these rocks, the
and 5 softs, but it increases with the increasing orange soil contains 14.4 percent MgO and could be
aluminous component in the other softs. Because the ,derived from the basalt composition by the addition
basalts, which account for the bulk of these softs, are of approximately 24 percent olivine (Fo66). However,
very low in Ni (table 7-V), most of the Ni in the soft both the Sr and Rb abundances (table 7-VI) are too
is probably of meteoritic derivation, corresponding high in the orange soil with respect to the basalts,
roughly with a 1-percent chondrite component. thus precluding a direct relationship between the two.
Light Mantle Material.-Light mantle, derived from The Zn content of 292 ppm is exceptionally high for
the South Massif, has been sampled at stations 2, 2A, i[unar materials (table 7-VI); the only other material
and 3. These softs are the most aluminous sampled at ;approaching this composition is the Apollo 15 green
this landing site, and, apart from a small (5 percent) i_ass (60 to 100 ppm) (ref. 7-18). The high volatile
basaltic component, they are intermediate in both element content of the orange soft (in addition to Zn
major and trace element chemistry between the ;and abundant chlorine (CI), found semiquantitatively
noritic breccias and anorthositic gabbros (figs. 7-19, ,during preliminary examination and confirmed by G.
7-2.1, 7-22, and 7-24). If the light mantle is represent- W. Reed (personal communication)) implies a source
atixle of the South Massif, it implies that the massif is .different from that of the basatts, irrespective of
composed predominantly of noritic breccias and whether the glass in the soft is of volcanic or impact
anorthositic gabbros in roughly equal proportions, origin. Furthermore, the high Zn content cannot be
The average Ni content of these softs is approximately attributed to any reasonable level of meteoritic
220 ppm. If one allows for the high Ni in the source contamination during impact.
rocks (approximately 100 to 120 ppm)_ which may Because Zn concentrations in both the basaltic and
also be of meteoritic origin (during an earlier phase of massif rocks are low, approximately 2 to 5 ppm, the
lunar history), then the meteoritic component infer- higher concentrations observed in the softs (table
red for these softs is approximately 1 percent, similar 7-VI) must reflect the orange-glass (or its devitrified
to that previously inferred for "dark mantle" softs, derivatives) content of these softs. On this basis, the
North Massif and Sculptured Hills MateriaL-Softs orange-glass content is highest in the other softs from

TABLE 7-VI.-X-Ray Fluorescence Analyses of Apollo 1 7 Soils a

or element 74220,3
(b) 75061,4 72041,3 71501,3 75081,3 71061,3 70161,3 74240,3
Component [ ] Sample

SiO2 38.57 39.32 39.74 39.82 40.27 40.09 40.34 40.78

TiO 2 8.81 10.31 9.57 9.52 9.41 9.32 8.99 8.61
AI203 6.32 10.42 10.80 11.13 11.31 10.70 11.60 12.54
FeO 22.04 18.19 17.73 17.41 17.20 17.85 17.01 15.84
MnO .30 .25 .24 .25 .25 .24 .23 .24
MgO 14.44 9.53 9.72 9.51 9.59 9.92 9.79 9.15
CaO 7.68 10.72 10.72 10.85 10.97 10.59 10.98 11.36
Na20 .36 .33 .35 .32 .33 .36 .32 .38
K20 .09 .08 .08 .07 .08 .08 .08 .12
P20s .04 .06 .07 .06 .07 .07 .08 .09
S .07 .13 .13 .12 .12 .13 .12 .14
Cr2 03 .75 .48 .47 .46 .46 .49 .46 .41

Total 99.47 99.82 99.62 99.52 100.06 99.84 100.00 99.66

Quartz ........
Orthoclase .53 .47 .47 .41 .47 .47 .47 .71
Albite 3.05 2.79 2.96 2.71 2.79 3.05 2.71 3.22
Anorthite 15.36 26.72 27.66 28.73 29.14 27.35 29.98 32.16
Diopside 18.43 21.37 20.54 20.25 20.33 20.29 19.64 19.33
Hypersthene 20.13 22.84 22.83 23.63 24.05 23.76 23.38 23.09
Olivine 24.32 5.31 6.22 5.01 4.67 6.46 5.99 4.06
Ilmenite 16.73 19.58 18.18 18.08 17.87 17.70 17.07 16.35
Apatite .09 .13 .15 .13 .15 .15 .17 .20

Total 98.65 99.21 99.01 98.95 99.47 99.23 99.41 99.12


Sr 205 166 165 157 165 174 168 163

Rb 1.2 1.6 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.4 2.3
Y 49 83 73 74 77 75 77 80
Zr 182 237 217 214 229 215 218 235
Nb 15 21 19 19 20 19 19 19
Ni 83 115 117 131 140 100 161 80
Zn 292 25 51 33 35 88 41 83

aAnalysis performed by J. M. Rhodes, K. V. Rodgers, and B. M. Bansal.

bOrange soil.
CControl soil (Apollo 11).

Shorty Crater, ranging from 27 to 36 percent, and content (this does not include devitrified glass) and
lowest in the light mantle soils, averaging approxi- glass content calculated from the Zn concentrations is
mately 5 percent. The Zn content of "dark mantle" positive for the cases where comparison is possible.
soils indicates variable amounts of orange glass,

ranging from 7 to 29 percent (averaging approxi- Total Carbon Analysis

mately 14 percent). The soils from stations 9, 8, and
6 contain progressively less Zn away from the valley The total carbon (C) contents for the Apollo 17
floor. The correlation between modal orange-glass softs range from 4 to 170 ppm C and are similar to

TABLE 7-VI.-X-Ray Fluorescence Analyses of Apollo 1 7 Soilsa-Concluded


70181,3 74260,2 79221,2 79261,2 78501,2 76501,2 72501,2 72701,2 73141,1 (c)
I ] ] 10084,42

40.87 41.22 41.67 42.26 42.67 43.41 45.12 44.87 45.06 41.78
8.11 7.68 6.52 6.09 5.47 3.15 1.56 1.52 1.29 7.41
12.30 13.25 13.57 14.43 15.73 18.63 20.64 20.60 21.52 13.47
16.37 15.31 15.37 14.60 13.15 10.32 8.77 8.65 8.10 15.65
.24 .23 .21 .20 .18 .14 .11 .12 .11 .22
9.82 9.47 10.22 9.82 9.91 11.08 10.08 9.97 10.04 8.07
11.05 11.37 11.18 11.48 11.77 12.28 12.86 12.80 13.04 12.13
.35 .38 .34 .35 .35 .35 .40 .40 .38 .37
.08 .12 .09 .11 .09 .10 .16 .16 .15 .15
.06 .09 .06 .07 .05 .08 .13 .15 .12 .12
.11 .12 .12 .12 .10 .07 .09 .07 .06 .14
.44 .41 .42 .40 .37 .26 .23 .23 .21 -

99.80 99.65 99.77 99.93 99.84 99.87 100.15 99.54 100.08 99.51

.47 .71 .53 .65 .53 .59 .95 .95 .89 .89
2.96 3.22 2.88 2.96 2.96 2.96 3.38 3.38 3.22 3.13
31.76 34.10 35.24 37.48 41.09 48.97 54.05 53.94 56.57 34.65
18.57 17.75 16.26 15.59 13.87 9.30 7.29 7.04 6.01 20.42
23.12 22.60 22.27 23.06 22.55 16.98 19.29 19.32 18.22 23.18
6.83 5.96 9.54 7.95 7.88 14.58 11.62 11.39 12.20 2.76
15.40 14.59 12.38 11.57 10.39 5.98 2.96 2.89 , 2.45 14.07
.13 .20 .13 .15 .11 .17 .28 .33 .26 .26

99.24 99.13 99.23 99.41 99.38 99.53 99.82 99.24 99.82 99.36


169 167 156 153 155 147 153 t55 148 -

1.9 2.0 1.7 1.9 2.1 2.5 4.2 3.9 3.5 -
70 75 61 59 58 46 64 54 54 -
216 239 193 183 189 158 271 275 236 -
18 19 16 16 15 13 18 18 15 --
190 99 236 177 194 206 241 227 195 -
47 I09 51 48 40 29 21 22 18 -

those found during earlier missions. The majority of Because C abundance has been shown to be
the samples depicted in figure 7-25 have values correlated with surface exposure and the proportion
ranging from 110 to 170 ppm C, which is typical of of finer material, it is not unexpected that the coarser
mature dark-colored soils. Exceptions include the :fines would be lower in C. The results verify previous
orange soil (sample 74220), its adjacent soils (samples !proposals that the major portion of C found in lunar
74240 and 74260), and samples 71041, 71501, and :fines is from solar wind. Although the value recorded
71061 from station 1. The analyzed split of sample :for the orange soil (sample 74220) is 4 ppm C, an
71061 has a noticeably larger grain size than normal earlier split was analyzed and had t00 ppm C. The 4
f'mes, ppm C from a carefully selected and handled sample

8501 A-lfi troilite, with the silicates in the matrix (ref. 7-19).
300- 0181 ,,
0161 / A-11 A-15 A-11 The SO2 resulting from the reaction products is seen

5081 (less than 8 ppm) of CO2 (ref. 7-20) over a wide

100- 1041
?0 - 65012501
i!50! I!_12 9135 t A-11 t° 1200° C' interval
temperature Mature lunar s°ils° ev°lve
from 200 to 500 trace am°unts
° C, and it has
200- •4240A-14
2701A'161 +t + '
A._17 ![i $ been proposed by Hayes (ref. 7-21) to represent
in figure 7-26 in the temperature interval from 1000 CO2°
_ 40 - 4260:1061 A-16 A-12_ that has been reimplanted from the lunar atmosphere.
-" tA.*1 The low abundance of solar wind hydrogen (released
- A-14 A_17 4 from 200 ° to 700 ° C) for sample 74220,5 lends
8155 support to the
agglutinates andobservation of anagealmost
a low exposure total lack
(ref. 7-22) of
for the
,_ 10_: A-15 sample. Additional gases released above 700 ° C are
7 reaction products of components found in the soil.

A-17 A-16 Cosmic-Ray-Induced Radionuclides

4 4220 I
2 Soils Breccias Rocks The amounts of radioisotopes produced on rock
surfaces and on the top few millimeters of soils from
FIGURE 7-25.-A comparison of the total carbon abun-
dances for the Apollo 17 samples with those of samples the Apollo 17 site (table 7-VII) are much larger than
from previous missions.The latter data are from reference amounts observed in samples from previous Apollo
7-9. Apollo 17 samples are shown by the last four digits missions. These high activities resulted from a series
of the inventory number, of solar flares that occurred from August 2 to 12,
1972, the largest solar cosmic ray event that has ever
been observed on Earth (ref. 7-23).
is considered valid for sample 74220; the earlier high Sodium-22 (22Na) activities doubled when com-
value is attributed to contamination in some form, pared to the values seen for Apollo 11, whereas
although real variations in the sample cannot be cobalt-56 (S6Co)and manganese-54 (S4Mn)activities
completely ruled out. The soil breccia (sampie increased an order of magnitude in some cases. The
79135) has a normal total C content of 150 ppm, and isotopes beryllium-7 (TBe), chromium-51 (SlCr), and
the anorthositicgabbro (sample 78155) has a value of 58Co were observed for the first time in lunar
21 ppm C, which is similar to anorthositic rocks from samples, and more definitive numbers for STCo
Apollo 15 and 16. content were obtained. The measurements of these
The gas-release proffde (fig. 7-26) for the orange additional isotopes and the increased activity of the
soil (sample 74220,5) is distinct for any lunar sample, oilier isotopes should serve as a better baseline for
The sample shows evidence of water (H2 O), carbon processes involving interaction of solar protons with
dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) loss below the target dements involved.
350 ° to 400 ° C. The abundances, temperature release Several rock samples appear to be unsaturated in
ranges, and sequence of release are different from aluminum-26 (_6A1) (samples 70255, 78135, and
lunar soils that have been derived through normal 78235), but, because these samples are chips from
lunar regolith processes. The release profile for H20 large rocks, chemical analysis will be necessary for
is similar to the release of absorbed water (released confirmation.
below 150 ° C) and a more tightly bound H20
component, which might be associated with the large D R IV E TUB ES A N D D R IL L CO R E
abundance of glass in the sample. The low-tempera-
ture release of CO2 (from 10 to 15 ppm CO2) and of Three double drive tubes, two single drive tubes,
SO2 (from 10 to 15 ppm SO2) is especially unusual, and a deep drill core were collected to sample the
Mature lunar soils do not evolve SO2 until tempera- stratigraphy of stations 3, 4, 6, and 9, and the ALSEP
tures approach 800 ° to 900 ° C. The high-temperature and LM sites. On return, these samples were assigned
SO2 results from the reaction of sulfides, such as an inventory number, unpacked, externally cleaned,

502 H2 _i_ C02

100 CO2 _ _/
"E 70 H20

=_ 4O
< 30 •

_10 -- _.,.,f Hydr_en_)_ _ _ _.H 2
I I I I I I i 502
® ;o 1oo 18o 2;o 260

_" Heatingrate: 6_Cper rain

Totalweight loss:0.59 percent
E it
"_ I Samplev_ight:183.4mg
I I I L ] I I I I t I I I
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
FIGURE 7-26.-Gas-release profile of soil sample 74220,5 (orange soil). Note the low-temperature
release of CO= and SOz. The gas-release patterns as compared to temperature have been plotted so
that each of the gases have been normalized to 100-percent amplitude in their region of greatest
abundance. The arrow on the weight-loss curve represents the initial melting of the sample. (a)
Gas-release profile. (b) Weight-loss curve.

weighed, and then transferred to the Core Studies guide to stratification and dissection as well as a
Laboratory. permanent, three-dimensional record of the location
The drill stems and drive tubes were X-rayed with and attitude of many rock fragments. Changes in size,
Fe radiation for 5 sec at 90 kV and 50 mA. shape, sorting, packing, and composition affect the
Descriptions and illustrations in the following section opacity of X-radiographs; also, primary depositional
are derived from the study of X-radiographs and the structures and sampling artifacts are readily visible.
examination of samples taken from the upper ends of Because particles with a low X-ray absorption, such as
some deep drill sections. The samples were described feldspars, tend to be invisible, data on grain size,
under the binocular microscope and split into coarse sorting, and density may be ambiguous. The exact
and fine fractions. The fine fractions were allocated location of components may be uncertain because of
to Principal Investigators; the coarse fractions were parallax distortion.
photographed and stored. The drill bit (70001) and
the second section from the top of the deep drill
Deep Drill Core
string (70008) were dissected, and the material was
described under the binocular microscope. Samples The deep drill core was taken at the ALSEP site,
were also removed from two drive tubes: from 70012 z_pproximately one crater diameter east of the
because of a spillage problem and from 74001 for 400-m-diameter Camelot Crater. Following extrac-
scientific purposes, tion, the drill string was broken down into three
The stereopair X.radiographs provide a preliminary segments for return: 70001 to 70004, 70005 and

TABLE 7-VII.-Gamma Ray Analyses of Apollo 1 7 Lunar Samples

Sample Weight, Laboratory Tit, b U,c K, 26A1, 22Na, S4Mn,

no. g (a) ppm ppm pereeni dpm/kg dpm/kg dpm/kg

71041,4 111.1 BNW 0.86 -+0.03 0.22 ± 0.01 0.063 ± 0.004 126 ± 4 126 ± 4 198 ± 10
71041,4 111.1 JSC .90 ± .02 .20 ± .06 .06 ± .02 115 ± 20 135 ± 20 220 ± 30
71061,5 100.0 JSC 1.15 ± .15 .30 ± .03 .07 ± .02 45 ± 10 65 ± 10 114 ± 10
73131,1 100.18 ORNL 2.24 ± .11 .63 ± .03 .116 ± .006 54 ± 3 126 ± 5 75 ± 10
73221,0 46.0 ORNL 2.13 ± .11 .63 ± .03 .118 ± .006 197 ± 10 310 ± 15 230 ± 30
73241,1 100.06 ORNL 2.25 ± .11 .64 ± .03 .122 ± .006 93 ± 5 110 ± 5 80 +-8
73261,4 100.52 ORNL 2.40 ± .12 .67 ± .04 .109 ± .006 57 -+4 42 ± 4 52 +-12
74220,92 100.0 RCL .65 +-.09 .164 -+.010 .068 -+.002 45 ± 4 51 ± 3 50 ± 3
74220,92 100.0 JSC .65 ± .07 .16 ± .02 .065 ± .015 43 ± 7 58 ± 8 86 ± 15
75061,5 100.0 BNW .87 ± .03 .22 ± .01 .060 ± .003 174 ± 6 171 -+6 286 ± 12
75061,5 100.0 RCL .91 ± .13 .248 ± .015 .066 ± .002 180 ± 16 187 ± 10 200 ± 10
76240,2 104.98 RCL 2.5 ± .3 .61 .119 ± .004 154 ± 14 42 ± 3 29 ± 6
76240,2 104.98 BNW 2.30 ± .06 .60 ± .02 .110 ± .005 151 ± 6 42 ± 2 31 ± 8
76261,1 100.7 RCL 2.1 ± .3 .49 ± .02 .102 ± .003 182 ± 17 148 _+8 93 ± 7
76261,1 100.7 BNW 1.92 ± .04 .51 ± .02 .097 ± .004 171 ± 5 142 ± 4 106 ± 8
76501,4 97.89 ORNL 1.39 ± .14 .38 ± .04 .090 ± .005 90 ± 9 90 ± 9 60 ± 10
78421,1 94.51 BNW 1.58 ± .07 .41 ± .02 .084 ± .003 55 ± 2 39 ± 2 12 ± 8
78481,1 101.27 BNW 1.49 ± .05 .39 ± .02 .095 ± .003 257 ± 12 244 ± 12 264 ± 10
78481,4 101.27 JSC 1.4 ± .2 .4 ± .1 .07 ± .02 230 -+30 290 ± 40 310 ± 40
78501,4 113.24 ORNL 1.11 ± .11 .28 ± .03 .077 -+.004 90 -+9 105 ± 10 96 -+10
79221,4 100.2 ORNL 1.12 ± .06 .36 ± .03 .070 ± .004 130 + 7 165 -+10 215 -+20
79261,4 100.2 ORNL 1.08 ± .05 .31 ± .02 .070 ± .004 45 ± 4 43 ± 4 44 ± 6
70135,0 446 ORNL .32 ± .06 .11 ± .02 .046 ± .010 37 ± 8 45 -+9 42 ± 10
70175,0 338.8 RCL .40 ± .04 .105 ± .007 .055 ± .002 42 ± 5 76 ± 18 156 ± 9
70185,0 449 ORNL .30 ± .03 .10 ± .02 .042 ± .004 70 ± 4 50 ± 4 95 ± 10
70255,0 224.9 RCL .31 ± .03 .107 ± .008 .048 ± .008 49 -+6 72 ± 7 137 ± 15
70275,0 171.4 RCL .42 ± .04 .107 ± .008 .0421 ± .0018 92 ± 9 90 ± 16 190 ± 50
71035,0 144.1 BNW .44 ± .03 .11 ± .01 .027 ± .003 90 ± 8 97 ± 8 157 ± 15
71155,0 25.8 BNW .29 ± .05 .13 -+ .02 < .030 105 ± 4 112 -+4 227 ± 40
71155,0 25.8 RCL .31 ± .08 .109 ± .018 .039 ± .003 93 -+ 17 112 ± 24 160 ± 80
72255,0 402.57 RCL 4.4 ± .4 1.20 ± .15 .184 ± .008 78 ± 6 61 ± 5 41 ± 6
72355,0 367.4 RCL 5.3 ± .3 1.39 ± .04 .253 ± .005 84 ± 6 87 ± 6 66 ± 7
72415,0 29.47 RCL < .15 < .06 .012 ± .007 77 ± 6 290 ± 30 77 ± 16
75055,2 405.9 BNW .40 ± .02 .10 ± .01 .065 ± .005 69 -+7 85 ± 5 139 ± 15
76015,0 2819.0 JSC 8±3 2 ± .3 .30 ± .06 Detected Detected Detected
76215,0 642.8 RCL 4.6-+ .2 1.27 ± .06 .215 ± .014 56 ± 3 60 ± 4 22 ± 17
76255,0 393.2 BNW 2.33 ± .05 .58 ± .02 .291 ± .006 79 ± 4 71 ± 4 38 ± 9
76275,0 55.93 BNW 5.4 ± .4 1.39 + .10 .222 ± .009 111 ± 9 95 ± 6 103 ± 20
76295,0 260.7 ORNL 5.30 ± .27 1.50 -+.08 .227 ± .011 67 ± 5 54 ± 4 38 ± 15
76295,0 260.7 BNW 5.76 ± .17 1.55 ± .05 .230 ± .009 71 ± 4 64 ± 3 70 ± 30
77135,0 316.7 BNW 5.5 ± .5 1.42 ± .14 .185 ± .018 1t0 ± 11 100 ± I0 21 ± 15
78135,0 133.9 RCL .26 ± .05 .107 ± .012 .0525 ± .0018 42 ± 4 74 ± 5 180 ± 20
78235,0 128.8 RCL .59 ± .08 .196 ± .016 .0490 ± .0015 77 ± 7 111 ± 8 55 ± 8
79155,0 316 ORNL .31 ± .06 .12 ± .03 .041 ± .004 70 ± 10 77 ± 10 110 ± 20

aBNW = Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory (L. A. Rancitelli, R. W. Perkins, W. D. Felix, and N. A. Wogman); JSC =
NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (Ernest Schonfeld); ORNL = Oak Ridge National Laboratory (G. D. O'Kelley, J. S.
Eldridge, and K. J. Northcutt); and RCL = Radiation Counting Laboratory at JSC (J. E. Keith and R. S. Clark (JSC) and W. R.
Portenier and M. K. Robbins (Northrop Services, Inc.)).

TABLE 7-VII.-Gamma Ray Analyses of Apollo 17 Lunar Samples_Concluded

S6Co, 4SSc,d 4sv, e _OCo" 7Be, SlCr, S_Co, 5SCo,

dpmlkg dpm/kg dpmlkg dpm/kg dpmlkg dpm/kg dpmlkg dpmlkg Th/U K/U

364-+ lO 72 ± 3 27 -+15 < 2.2 .... 3.9-+ 0.2 2900 -+200

480 -+50 85 -+30 .... 14 -+5 - 4.5 ± 1.4 3000 -+1300
130-+ 30 34 -+15 - - 106-+ 120 - - 3.8-+ .6 2300-+ 700
119 -+ 12 .15 ± 3 ...... 3.6 -+.2 840-+ 130
810-+ 40 33 -+6 - - 450 ± 350 - - - 3.4 -+.2 1870-+ 130
95-+10 10-+3 ...... 3.5-+.2 1900_+130
5 ± 10 8-+ 5 ...... 3.6 -+.3 1630 +- 130
31 -+6 19.1 -+1.6 13 -+14 < 5 .... 4.0-+ .6 4100 +-280
48-+16 40_+15 - - <110 - 3-+2 - 4.0_+.7 4100+_1100
548+_30 112_+7 27-+15 <2.8 350_+120 - 18-+7 21_+4 4.0_+.2 2700+_180
490-+30 86_+5 47-+12 5.7-+1.3 .... 3.7-+.6 2700_+180
25 -+4 7.5 -+.9 7.0 -+1.4 4.0 -+1.6 .... 4.1 -+.5 2000 -+ 120
27 -+3 8 -+4 2.6 -+1.4 .8 -+.4 .... 3.8 _+.2 1800 -+ 100
240-+20 23_+2 18-+12 12 -+5 .... 4.3-+.6 2100-+100
245-+8 27+_3 19-+10 <1.5 .... 3.8_+.2 1900-+110
120 -+12 18 -+4 15 -+10 - - - 3.7 -+.5 2400 -+300
< 20 9.2 -+2.5 - 1.6 -+.8 - - 3.9 -+.3 2000 -+ 120
606 -+30 59 -+3 34 -+15 1.6 -+.8 370 -+90 <: 340 18 +-8 18 -+ 12 3.8 -+.2 2400 -+150
700 -+50 100 -+20 - - 250 -+80 lC,0 ± 60 14 -+4 33 -+ 16 3.5 -+1.0 1800 -+660
150-+ 10 30 ± 6 10 ± 8 - - - 4.0 -+.6 2800-+ 300
470-+ 25 65 -+7 30 ± 20 - - 3.1 -+.3 1900-+ 200
26 -+10 15 ± 4 - - - 3.5 ± .3 2260-+ 190
59 -+20 30 -+10 .... 2.9 ± .8 4200 -+1200
300-+ 70 39 -+5 17 ± 5 .29 + .08 - - 3.8 -+.5 5200 +-400
105 -+ 10 47 -+5 .... 3.0 -+.7 4200 -+900
211-+19 63-+6 <30 <.25 - - - 2.9_+.4 4500_+800
200 -+20 35 -+4 32 -+15 .17 ± .08 - - - 3.9 -+.5 3900 -+300
328 -+30 84 -+6 ..... 4.0 -+.5 2500 -+400
310 -+20 80-+ 4 - < 4 .... 2.2 -+.5 -
280 -+70 81 -+7 .... 2.8 +-.9 3600 -+700
35 -+ 15 6 -+6 .... 3.7 -+.6 1500-+ 200
58 -+ 13 12 -+3 < 9 < .4 .... 3.8 -+.2 1820 _+60
150 -+30 8 -+3 ......
210 ± 15 62 -+7 < 22 4 -+2 140 -+25 7.5 -+40 7.4 ± 1.7 7.0 -+3.5 4.0 -+.4 6500 _+800
Detected Detected - - Detected Detected - Detected .4 -+ 1.6 1500 +-400
45 +-6 5 -+3 < 24 < .4 .... 3.6 -+.2 1690 -+140
37 -+4 3.9 -+1.3 5.7 -+2.6 .... 4.0 -+.2 5000 -+200
64 -+6 7±2 < 1.1 .... 3.9 -+.4 1600 -+130
41 -+7 5 -+2 ...... 3.5 -+.3 1510-+ 110
35 -+5 6.4 -+2.6 - < 1.2 .... 3.7 ± .2 1500 -+80
66 -+7 7.2 -+2.2 3 -+ 3 4 ±3 .... 3.9 -+.5 1300 -+200
240 -+20 76 -+5 18 -+5 < 3.5 .... 2.4 -+.5 4900 -+600
52 -+9 1.4 ± .9 < 12 3.4 -+1.2 .... 3.0 +-.5 2500 +-200
155 -+30 62 -+10 ...... 2.6 -+.8 3400 -_900


70006, and 70007 to 70009. Each section has a The fine-grained middle interval, which is 56 cm
potential collecting length of 39.9 cm, except for the thick, includes units 36 through 51 and contains a
basal section (70002), which is 37.0 cm long attached few widely scattered coarse rock fragments. The
to the bit (70001). From X-radiographs, sample removed from the top of 70005 contains
the estimated length of returned sample was 294.5 small, anorthositic rock fragments and a few breccias;
cm (9.66 ft) out of a potential return of 322.5 cm X-ray characteristics indicate similar texture and
(10.6 ft). Because drilling became difficult and was composition throughout the interval.
stopped with 30 + 2 cm of the drill stem still above The 131.5-cm-thick basal interval, which is hetero-
the lunar surface, a void of similar length at the top geneous and well stratified, includes units 1 through
of the core was expected. Actual empty space 35. Although there are some units over 10 cm thick
occupied approximately 27 cm, but it was distributed and others less than 0.5 cm thick, most range from 2
unevenly. There was a 15-cm void at the top of to 5 cm. Similarly, although sorting ranges from very
70009, a 2-cm void at the top of 70008, and an poor to good and grain size ranges from medium
estimated 10-cm void in the top half of 70007 (the coarse to very t'me, most soils of this interval are well
top 2 cm of 70007 were empty, and the next 16 cm sorted and free grained. Samples removed from the
were approximately half full of loose material, top of sections 70004, 70003, and 70002, and from
sloping from empty to completely full). Hence, the dissected bit, 70001, tend to be fine grained and
recovery of actual material sampled is close to 100 moderately well sorted, with a small percentage of
percent. Stratal separation took place at the top of coarse fraction dominated by soil and glassy matrix
70007; apparently, the soil of the upper two sections breccias. Although vesicular basalts and gabbros are
moved as a plug, possibly aided by air of pressuriza- present, they are subordinate to glasses and breccias.
tion entering through the connection between 70007 Field and stratigraphic data suggest the following
and 70008. tentative subfloor regolith stratigraphy and history.
In gross aspect, the deep drill core contains three The lower interval, with its many thin layers, rela-
major stratigraphic intervals: an upper, massive, tively fine grain size, good sorting, and abundance of
coarse-grained interval dominated by basaltic and breccia and glass, was deposited either slowly by
crystalline rock fragments; a middle, very-fine-grained accretion over a long period of time or rapidly with
interval dominated by anorthositic fragments; and a extensive reworking over a long period of time. The
lower distinctly stratified interval containing a variety middle interval, which is fine grained, relatively well
of breccias and crystalline fragments (fig. 7-27). sorted, and rich in powdery anorthosite, could signify
The upper interval, which includes units 52 either the culmination of the working and slow
through 64, is 107 cm thick (from the lunar surface), accretion of beds of the lower interval or the distal
characteristically massive and coarse grained, and end of a landslide from one of the massifs.
more poorly stratified than the rest of the drill string. The upper interval appears to be associated with
Principal layering occurs near the top and bottom of events that produced nearby craters. The lower strata
this interval. The uppermost 17.5 cm contain five (fig. 7-28) may be ejecta from subdued older craters,
layers (units 60 through 64), including a basal, such as Poppy and San Luis Rey. In 70008, the
fine-grained, thin bed that is overlain by 14.5 cm of reverse stratigraphic sequence of soil breccia through
fining-upward sequence. Conversely, unit 59, the glassy breccia to crystalline rocks, the abundance of
major massive bed, is 61.5 cm thick and occupies the fresh-appearing plagloclase, and the scarcity of brec-
lower 7.5 cm of 70009, all of 70008, and the upper cia and spatter glass are taken as evidence to indicate
16 cm of 70007. This massive unit is packed with that the main unit accumulated by rapid deposition,
poorly sorted rock fragments; in 70008, which has probably from the Camelot cratering event. The thin,
been dissected, these fragments show an upward fine-grained bed above unit 59 may represent an
succession from soil breccias, through massive to eroded and pulverized horizon. The uppermost, fin-
flaky, black, devitrifled glass, to fresh-appearing ing-upward, thin-bedded sequence (units 61 through
vesicular basalts and gabbroic anorthosites. Very little 64) is tentatively interpreted to be base surge ejecta
glass was found in this part of the core. Units 52 from nearby Rudolph Crater, which does not contain
through 58 are fairly distinct and extend the coarse- coarse, blocky, subfloor ejecta. This sequence was not
grained interval to a depth of 107 cm. Basaltic and found in drive tube 70012, where a hard layer
crystalline rocks are dominant at the top of 70006. probably represents the packed fragmental unit.

crn Unit
- UNITq Depth:TDS,286.5to 289era;lunar surface,259.5to 262cm Thickness:2.5 cm
•_.,.- Thin intervalwith scatteredmottles.
:-)_- g Matrix: 95percent;moderatelytransparent,indistincllygranular, with atraceof pinpointopaques.
.;..:'; ;. Coarsefraction:5 percent;semiepaque,indistinct oulline, 2- to 5-ramcrenulatemottlesscatteredrandomlythroughout
...... the interval.
..'*.,,-,;,_ _ UNIT8 Depth:TDS,289to 290cm; lunar surface,262to 263em Thickness:1 cm
..,, ,- 7 Thin bedwith small, sortedrockfragments.
,_. .; -- Matrix:80percent;high transparencywithpinpointopaques,asin unit 7.
_ Coarsefraction:20percent;semiopaque with moderately
distinctoutline,1 to3 mmin diameter,well sorted,chip-sh_ed
_:. 6 fragmentswith relatively straight marginsandangularcorners. A fewfragmentsshowan indistinct outline on one
- side.

f-"_ _ UNITl Depth:TDS,290to 291cm;lunar surface,263to 264cm Thickness:1 cm

- " Fine-grainedthin bedwith transparentmatrix.
" Matrix=100percent;as in unit 4, uniformly finely granular, high transparency,andatraceof pinpointopaques.
o_.:_ UNIT6 Depth:TDS,291to2% cm; lunar surface,264to 266cm Thickness: 2 cm
5 Thin bedwith largerock fragments.
_'_-_, Matrix:60 percent;high transparency,asin unit 5, but with no pinpoint opaques.
x, -'P ;:,, Framework: 40percent;30 percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinctoutline, bimodalsorting, andlargefrag-
,,_% merits,0.8 to 1.2 era,are equantandlumpyasin unit 2, and2- to 4-ramchip-likefragmentsasin unit 5; tOpercent
300 .,}.. is semiopaque mottles,1to 3 mmin diameter,with indistinctbut smooth,notcrenulate,outlines.
UNiT5 Depth:TDS,293to301cm;lunar surface,266to 214cm Thickness:8 cm
:?_" - Thickintervalwith transparentmatrixandsmall, sor'ledrockfragments.
• Matrix: gOpercent;high transparencywith tracesof pinpointopaquesasin unit 4.
• Coarsefraction:10percent;semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinctoutline, slightly elongateto chip shaped,2 to 4 mm
.. 4 in diameter,sorted,with straightedgesandangularcorners.
UNIT4 Depth:TDS,301to 305cm;lunar surface,274to 278cm Thickness:4 cm
":; -_, -- Fine-grainedunit with transparentmatrix.
_._. Matrix: 100percent;distinctly lessdenseandopaquethan underlyingunit, featurelessexceptfor a traceof pinpoint
•,, " sphericalopaques.
• _.:'_ 3 UNIT3 Depth:TDS,305to 31Ocm;lunar surface,278to283cm fhickness:5cm
'; ,_ Medium-thinbedwith densematrix andindistinctmottles.
;:_..,_ Matrix: 85percent;relativelyhigh opacity,somewhatgranularin appearance, with adistinctfairly planarupperbound-
c,,_ aryanda tendencyto an indistinctlymottledappearance, but with no opaqueparticles.
,. _ Coarsefraction:15percent;tracesofopaque,l-ram h'agment,subroundedblockyfragment;15percentis semiopaque,
_.,, indistinct outline with highly crenulatewidelysizedmottlesscatteredthroughoutthe entire length of the interval,
" ._"_; nodistinctlayering.

_._,,%... UNiT2 Depth:TDS,310to 316cm;lunar surface,283to 289cm Thickness= 6 cm

2 Medium-thickinterval with poorlysortedrockfragments.
o,_ _ Matrix: 70percentintermediatetransparencywith traceof shard-likeopaques.
...... Framework: 30percent;tracesof
with distinctoutline, 1-mm-diameter,
2 to 9 mmin equant,globularopaques;
diameter,average 20percent
to is
=3 ram,poorlysorted,equant semiopaque rockfragments
r-. ,_._$'i _ irregular lumpyappearance,subordinatenumberwith smoothstraightoutline; 10percentis somiopaque,indistinct
outlinedequantmottleswith vaguelycrenulateoutlinesasmuchas8 mmin diameter,but averaging2to 3 ram.
- UNIT1 Depth: TDS,316to322.5 cm;lunarsurface,
289to294.5 cm Thickness= 5.5cm
.% _ Fine-grainedunit with sparserockfragments.Comprisesall of 70001,thedrill bit. Becauseof the thick walls, it is not
r,... .. 1 possibleto distinguishmanysoil characteristics.
, Matrix:=90percent;revealsnotextureexceptthat it _@pearsfinegrained.
o Coarsefraction:=lOpercent;appearsto containscattered,1- to 3-ram, well-sortedrockfragments(equant,semiopaque
: _ to X-rays, but with distinct subroundedoutline).


Granularmatrix E'-"_ Opaqueparticles _ Indistinctfragments

Lightmatrix E._-_ Distinctrockfragments _ Voidspace

FIGURE 7-27.-interpretation of X-radiographs of Apono 17 deep drill string. The top of the drill
string is represented by the abbreviation TDS. Depth values are direct from X-radiographs and
therefore _re somewhat expanded.

cm Unit
UNIT38 Depth:TDS,174.5to 178.5cm;lunar surface,147.5to151.5cm Thickness:4 cm
i -- Medium-thin interval with abundant,small,well-sortedrock fragments.
_;.. Matrix: 70percent;moderateto high transparency,with lessthan lO percentfine mottlesandonly atraceof pinpoint
• _>,..-_
,;. • 38 opaques,near limit of resolution.
_, ,_9 Framework:30percent;20percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinct outline, 2 to 4 mmin diameter,well
_¢_ .. sorted,blockyto wedgewith
densityconcentrationsshaped with nearly
indistinct straightsidesandangular
outlihe, to subangular
2 to 4 mmdiameter,fadingout corners;10percentis semiopaque
over relativelystraightandevenedge,
_'_ -- suggestingbrecciafragments.
• UNIT37 Depth:TDS,178.5to 183cm;lunar surface, 151.5to 156cm Thickness:4.5 cm
" " Denselygranular interval with sparserock fragments.
180 .; 37 Matrix: 95percent;moreopaquethan unit 36, denselyandfinely granular with tracesof minute sphericalopaques.
• ,:.. Coarsefraction:5 percent;semiopaque with indistinct outline, appearingasaquantdensityconcentrations1 to 3 mm
• :_ . in diameter,with regular andevenfaqeout,sorting andtypeof semitransparency suggestbrecciafragmentsrather
_;_::'.'_: than clods.

• UNIT36 Depth:TDS,183to 190cm; lunar surface, 156to 163cm Thickness:7 em

_ Massiveinterval with sparserock fragmentsandabundantopaquefragments.
" _' Matrix: 90percent; uniformly fine grainedandnoticeablytransparentwith _1 percentsphericalopaques,0.5 mmto limit
:% _. of resolution.
:::._._i, 36 Coarsefraction:10percent(decreasingupward);5 percentis semiopaquerock fragmentshavingdistinct outline, meder-
. . atelywellsorted,2to 3 mmin diameter,bestsortingattop of bed,continuousgradationupward;4 percentis semiopaque
..- _::: mottles,1to4 mmin diameterwithcrenulate fedeout;1 percentis opaquefragments,averaging1 mmin diameter,blocky
:.. _ equantto commashaped.
7:':J: .
:_ UNIT35 Depth:TDS,190to 194.5cm; lunar surface,163to 167.5cm Thickness:4.5 cm
• -" Rockfragmentalzonewith relativelytransparentmatrix.

• . -- Matrix:
in diameter
to limit of resolution;matrixbecomes
lessdensein appearance
than underlyingunit
with -_1percentsphericalopaques,0.5 mm
{_q._, Framework: 40 percent;rock fragments,similar in appearance to unit 34, =30percentis semiopaquerock fragmentswith
2_ 35 distinct outline; 10percentis crenulate mottleswith indistinct outline.
r,._,.-,_ UNIT34 Depth:TDS,194.5to 200cm; lunar surface,167.5to 173cm Thickness:5.5 cm
"_ Rockfragmentalzonewith relativelyopaquematrix.
,i_';_¢ _ Matrix: 65percent;relativelyopaqueto X-rays, comparedto unit 35, but appearsto beuniformly densethroughoutwith
no distinct mottlesor opaquefragments.
:C_S_ Framework:35percent;25percentis semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline, 2to 11mmin diameter,poorly
_.' sorted,equantto slightly elongate,polygonal,relativelystraightsided,subangularcorners;10percentis semiopaque

_ 34 with indistinct outline, appearsasindistinct mottles,1 to4 mmin diameterwith finely crenulate fedeout.
_,_ UNIT33 Depth:TDS,200to 202.5cm;lunar surface, 173to 175.5cm Thickness:2.5 cm
_:,_..,.) Moderatelythin bedwith abundantrock fragments.
Matrix:80percent;intermediatetransparencywith somegranulesas unit 32.
200 _ _ Coarsefraction: 20percent;10percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinctoutline, 2 to 5 mmin diameter,
moderatelywell sorted,elongate-equantpolygonalwith straight edges,subengularcorners;10percentis semiopaque
c_._:_,_33 with indistinctoutline, 2- to 5-ram-diameter clodsor mottles,fadingout irregularly, but not on a crenulatedmargin.
c:_ _-'_::' UNIT32 Depth:TDS,202.5to 205cm; lunar surface,175.5to 177cm Thickness:1.5 cm
r.... ,= _ _ Thin bedwith scatteredrockfragments.
'@,_,i Matrix:90percent;intermediatetransparencywith =5 percentgranules,0.5 mmto limit of resolution.
- Coarsefraction; 10percent;semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline, 2 to3 ram,well sorted,ovoidandsub-
. rounded.
• 31
;_ UNIT31 Depth:TDS,204to 207cm;lunar surface, 177to 180cm Thickness:3 cm
• Transparentmatrixinterval with scatteredrock fragments•
x:..,, Matrix: 95 percent;nearly uniformlytransparentwith only a traceof granularityor pinpointopaques.
Coarsefraction: 5 percent;semiopaque,indistinct outline, 0.5- to 2-ramelongatemottles, resemblingshard-like
._"' 30 rock fragments,but indistinct.
a;_.= -- UNIT30 Depth:$DS,207to 209.5cm; lunar surface, 180to182.5cm Thickness=2.5 cm
- .. Finelymottledzonewith sortedrockfragments.
Matrix:70percent;similar to unit 29 in beingmoderatelyopaqueandfinely mottledthroughout.
' _'i. " 29 Coarsefraction: 30percent;10percentis semiopaque rockfragments,well sorted,2.5 to 5 mmin diameter,elliptical
'." : subangularto subroundedwith evensurfaces;20percentis semiopaque, indistinctto partiallydistinct outline,
' :' : _ 1 to6 mmin diameter,fadingout over irregular but not highly crenulateedges.
FIGURE 7-27.-Continued.

cm Unit

_,_: UNIT48 Depth: TDS,146.5to148cm;lunarsurface,

119.5to121cm Thickness:
_L):. Fine-grained
51 limitofresolution,
_" ; UNiT47 Depth: TDS,148to151cm;lunar surface, 121to124cm Thickness: 3 cm
.. ;::: Medium-thinbedwithmoderately opaquematrixandscattered rockfragments.
..._ -- Matrix:85percent;intermediate
transparency becauee of 10percentgranularityandpinpointdensityconcentrations,
butwitha noticeableabsenceof opaquesin contrasttounit 46.
140 __ 5O
• Coarsefraction:15percent;semiopaquerockfragmentswithdistinctto semidistinct outline,well sorted,2 to4 mmin
:,,'.,.:':' -- diameter,eduanttopolygonal with relativelystraightedgesandsubangular corners,slightlylumpyandirregular
,_ tnotcrenulate)fadeoutonsemidistinctedges.
•:'. . UNIT46 Depth:TDS, 151to 154cm; lunar surface, 124to 127cm Thickness: 3 cm
;_._.::._ Transparentmatrixandfine-grainedintervalwithabundantopaquefragments.
,_ 49 Matrix:100percent;noticeablymoretransparent thanin unit45withlessthan5percentpinpointsemiopaque density
',_ concentrations(incontrastto20percentof unit 45i, 2 percentopaqueparticles,equant, subrounded
-o a suggestion
of straightedgesor spheroids,lessthan 1 mmin diameter tolimit of resolution.
." =:
¢.. ,::;. UNIT45 Depth: TDS,154to156cm;lunar surface,127to129cm Thickness: 2 cm
:....... _ Moderately opaqueinterval,asinunit44,butwithr_o reckfragments.
,'t: 48 Matri_ 100percent;moderately opaquewith _20percentindistinctpinpointmottles,nearlimit of resolutionto0.5 mm,
. :: _ butwith noopaquespherules; contactwithoverlyingbedappearsverydistinctlyas anirregularlyplanarsurface,with
e,. "4
strikingdecreasein densityin overlyingunit 46.
47 UNIT44 Depth:TDS,156to160cm;lunarsurfaco,12gto133cm Thickness:4cm
_.::. Moderately
opaqueintervalwith small,scattered,sortedrockfragments.
:: • _ Matrix:85percent;moderately opaquewith-=20percentindistinctequantmottles,nearlimitof resolutionto0.5 ram, 1
, .:-" percentopaquespheruleslessthan 0.5 mmin diameter.
bydensityof matrix),
.i..:." 46 3 to5 ram,wellsorted,equanttoovoid,subrounded particles,longaxestendtobealinedhorizontally.

: . -- UNIT43 Depth:TDS,160to lti4 cm;lunar surface,133to137cm Ihickness:4cm

Rockfragmentalunit fracturedat topofcore.
t i 45 MatrX:70 percent;appearssimilarto that ofunit42, butis stronglypermeated
::.. _ -=20percentfinelygranularmottles,tracesof opaquespherules,nearlimitof resolution.
Coarsefraction:30 percent;clumpsor rockfragmentswithdistinctoutline,2to 11mmin diameter,suboveidto
" '_ polygonal
with irregularangularlywavyedgesmostcommonly definedbycracksin matrix.
:.:_.. 44 UNIT42 Depth:IDS, 164to 166cm;lunar surface,13,7to 139cm Thickness:2cm
-_ • Thinbedwithmoderatelyopaquematrixandsmallsortedrockfragments.
with20percentpinpointmottles,lessthan1 mmin diameter,
160 ,.=--- -- but noopaques.

u-_ average 2.5 mmwithfewfragments beingmuchsmalleror larger,fragmentswithoneor tworelativelystraight

43 margins,butfadingout alongcrenulatemarginson othersideof fragment.
r,,,. UNIT41 Depth:TDS,166to170cm;lunar surface,139to143cm Thickness:4 cm
_ Fine-grained
moderately distinctoutline, 1to4 mmin diameter,
: : 42 Matrix:_ percentofintermediate to lowopacity,with5to 15percentmottlesunder1mmin diameterand=lbercent
.-.'... sphericalopaques, limitof resolutionto 0.8 ram.
'- _"i -- Coarse fraction: 5 percent; semiopaquerockfragment.._withdistinct outline, blockyslightlyelongatewith relatively
i _. straightedgesandangularcorners.
:'i".' UNIT40 Depth:IDS, 170to 170.5 cm; lunar surface, 143to 143.5 cm Thickness: 0.5 cm
_.'. 41 Thin rocklayer.
._i-_7 Matrix:60percent;moderately
_?. Framework: 40percent;semiopaque
rockfragmentswithdistinctoutline, 1 to4 mmin diameter,moderately
well sorted,
_;_ _ equanttoslightlyelongate,with smoothlyfaceted
toblockyoutline,subangular toangularcorners.
• UNiT39 Depth:TDS,170.5to174.5cm;lunar surface,143.5to147.5cm Thickness: 4cm
:'i_. Fine-grainedintervalwithindistinctgranules.
':' 39 Matrix:95percent;moderately hightransparency,bul with2 percentopaques, rangingfromspheroids at limitof
, resolutionto shards1 mmlong;elongateopaques tendto havelongaxesalinedhorizontally.
Coarsefraction:5 percent;semiopaquedensityconcentrationswithindistinctoutline, 1to3 mmin diameterwith
- _ regularandevenfaqooutasin unit37.
FIGURE 7-27.-Continued.

cm Unit
_,_, _ UNIT57 Depth:TDS,110.5to 115cm;lunar surface,83.5to 88cm Thickness:
4.5 cm

"._ Matrix:90percent; intermediate

rocktransparencyandwith 10to 15percentsemiopaque
granules,1 mmin diameter
Medium-thin bedwithsparse small fragmentsandabundant opaques.
to limit of resolution, _1 percentblockyto spherical
opaquefragmentsas muchas1 mmin diameter.

;: diameter,equantandblockywithangularcorners;5 percentissemiopaque
mottles,2 to3 mmin diameterwith
crenulatefedeoutasin unit 56.

i_ UNIT56 Depth:
Coarsefraction: TDS,115to
10percent; 119cm;lunar
5 percentis surface,88to
semiopaque 92cm Thickness:
rockfragments 4 cm
withdistinctoutline, well sorted,I to 2 mmin
100 Medium-thinbedwithsmallwell-sortedrockfragments.
.._' Matrix:80percent;intermediate to hightransparency withlessthan 10percentfinegranularity, onlytraceamounts
of sphericalopaques,nearlimit of resolution.
. Coarsefraction:20 percent;15percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinctoutline, well sorted,mostly2to 4 mm
_ in diameter,blockyandequantto bladedandelongatewith relativelystraightsidesandangularcorners;5 percentis
_. " semiopaque densityconcentrations withindistinctcrenulatefaqeout.Thesefragmentsrangefrom1 to5 in
diameterandare randomlydistributedthroughoutthe unit.
_'_ UNiT55 Depth:TDS,119to 122.5cm;lunar surface,92to 95.5cm Thickness:3.5 cm
_.-',_ Thinbedpacked withbasaltfragments.(2.5cmof this unit arein corelO00/, and1 cmis in the baseof cere10007.)
:p:,._._. -- Matrix: 30percent;relativelytransparent,very finely granularwith noopaques.
_:,'-I Framework: 7Dpercent(examinedduring endsamplingfor earlyallocation);packedwith semiopaque rockfragmentswith
...: distinctoutline, equant,poorlysorted,blockyfragmentswith nearlystraightedges;on examination of actualspeci-
"_'_ 58 mens,they turned out to becoarselycrystallinebasaltfragmentswith 15to 20percentvesiclesas muchas5 mmin
• _ .._ _ diameter. Nootherrocktypeswerepresent.
_)._ UNiT54 Depth:IDS 122.5to127cm;lunar surface,95.5to100cm Thickness: 4.5 cm
• • -- Massive unit withmixedrockfragmentsandrelativelytransparent matrix. In X-rediograph,this unitappearstobe
_'.",_.:_!,_.'. verysimilarin compositiontounit 52.
.... =_' UNIT53 Depth:TDS,12"/to129cm;lunar surface,100to 102cm Thickness: ? cm
' _ 57 Thin bed,packedwith rockfragments.
,,".._:.. Matrix:50percent;relativelytransparent,sparinglymottled,apparentlyasin unit 52, butmostlyconcealedbyabundant
- • rockfragments•
.,_p_ ".I -- Framework: 50percent;45percentis semiepaque
rockfragmentswith distinctoutline, moderatelywell sorted,2to gmm
. in diameter,butmostly5 + 1 ram,blocky,smooth-edgedandsubangularfragments,similarto thoseof unit 52, but
F%:_._"I muchmoreabundant; 5 percentis semiepague
2 to 3 mmin diameterwith irregular lumpyto
_._,, indistinctoutline.
• 56
_> i_ UNiI 52 Depth:TDS,129to134cm;lunar surface,lO'Zto lO/cm Thickness: 5 cm
. Massiveunit withmixedrockfragmentsandtransparentmatrix.
r.,.- _ Matrix:70percent;relativelytransparentwith =5 percentfine semiopaquemottleslessthan 1mmin diameter,a trace
_i -- of spherical nearlimitof resolution.
120 _ Coarsefraction:30percent;20percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinctoutline, poorlysorted,rangingfrom

I to8 mmin
55 UNIT51
Depth: tending
ithindistinct tobeblocky
outline,2to towedge-shaped
5 equant fragments;
111.5cm 10percent
diameter,fadingoutoveran tois
4.5 cm
irregular semiopaquedensity
lumpyoutlineasin con-
unit 51.
_ Massiveintervalwithgranularmatrixandabundantclodsandrockfragments.
_. Matrix:70percent;moderately opaquewith -=20percentpinpointtoO,5-mmsemiopaque granulesscatteredthroughout,
_:-':.3 tracesofopaque spheruleslessthan0.5 mmin diameter.
_'_¢__: Coarsefraction:30percent;5 percentis semiopaque rockfragments withdistinctoutline, 2to5 mmin diameter,
:_:-.2..-:_ moderately poorlysorted,blockyoutlinewithstraighttonearly straightedges;25percentis semiopaque mottles
_ or clodswith indistinctoutline, rangingupto 8mmin diameter,but verypoorlysorted. Fragments,possibly
_._O breccias,tendto havea lumpilyirregularappearance andare notcrenulate.Entireintervalappears to bereverse
• _ -- graded andis roughlycoarserat the top.
53 UNITSO Depth:TDS,138.Sto140 cm;lunarsurface,111.Sto113cm Thickness:l.Scm
._ _ Fine-grainedthin bedwithhightransparency matrix.
.... -- Matrix:100percent;asin unit 48, uniformwithtraceofpinpointmottles andopaques.
'_'_": UNIT49 Depth:TDS,140to145.5cm;lunar surface,113to 11g.5cm Thickness: 6.5 cm
_._ _,_. Medium-thinbedwithmoderately opaquematrixandscattered rockfragments.
• '.'.:- 52 Matrix: 85percent;intermediatetransparencywith 10percentgranularity, but with noticeableabsence ofopaquefrag-
_,. mentsor densityconcentrations.
•-, : Coarsefraction:1.5percent;semiopaque rockfragments with distinctto semidistinct
outline, mederately wellsorted,
corners,even areas
_" _;:i _ whereedges
Zto5 mmin are
diameter, equanttopolygonal
indistinct. withgenerallystraightedgesandsubangular fadoout
FIGURE 7-27.-Continued.

cm Unit

_ UNIT64 Depth:TDS,15to 1.8cm;lunar surface,0to 3cm Thickness:3 cm

• ' :_ Matrix: 100percent;hightransparencywith = 10percentdensityconcentrationsandsemiopaque granuleslessthan 1 mm

in diameter;unit
1 percentopaque
with transparentmatrixandscattered
1 mmin diameterto limit of resolution. On the
_i_--_ X-radiograph,the unit appears to fadeout overa2-cmdistancealongthe uppermarginbecauseof slumping.
60 _ UNIT63 Depth:TDS,18to 23cm;lunar surface,3 to 8cm lhickness:5 cm
Massivefine-grainedunit with coarsebutindistinct mottles.
Matrix: 100percent;intermediateto high backgroundtransparency,but with 50to 60percentindistinct mottlesasmuch

_i as2 mmin diameter,granular densityconcentrationsgenerallylessthan 1 mmin diameter.

Fine-grainedinterval with sortedsmallrock fragmentsandcled-likeparticles.

Matrix:75percent;relativelyopaque because of granularity, represented
by30percentsemiopaque densityconcentra-
UNIT62 Depth:
DS,23to 26cm;lunar surface, 8to 11om Thickness:3 cm
tions lessthan diameter,but with no opaques.
Coarsefraction:25 percent;15percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinct outline. Rockfragmentsarewell
sorted,1.5 to 4 mmin diameter,equantto subequantwith irregular lumpyoutlines; lO percentis semiopaque cren-
ulatemottleslessthan 5 mmin diameter.
UNIT61 Depth:TDS,26to 29.5cm; lunar surface,11to 14.5cm Thickness:3.5 cm
Medium-thinbedwith abundant,mixedrock fragments.
Matrix: 55percent;moderatelyopaque(but noticeablylessopaquethan unit 60)with 20percentsemiopaque
_ densityconcentrations,
lessthan0.5 mmin diameter,noopaques.
Framework:45percent;35percentis semiopaquerockfragmentswith distinctoutline. (Ofthe semiopaquerock frag-
:i_ ments,25percentis representedin equantrock"fragments
with irregular, lumpy, subangularto subround_ outline.
-t'_ Thesefragmentsarepoorly sorted,rangingfrom 1to 9 mmin diameter. Theother 10percentof distinct-ouUined

;_ '_iil; corners, but thesefragmentsareaspoorlysortedasthe aquantfragments). Remaining10percentof framework

rockfragments is elongatechips, splinters, andblockyrockfragments

17.5cm with straightedges
_i t 59 UNIT60
semiopaque 32.5cm;lunar
crenulatemottles 2to surface,14.5to
6 mmin diameter. Thickness: 3 cm andangularto subangular
: Fine-grainedintervalwithclod-likecoarsefraction.

lessthan 1 mmin diameter,atraceof pinpoint sphericalopaques.

80percentrelativelyopaque,distinctlygranularwith 30percentsemiopaque granular densityconcentrations,
_:_&,,. Coarse crenulatemottlesanddensityconcentrations,2to 5 mmin diameter,with
oo _-. fairly evensizedistribution,indicatinggoodsortingif theseparticlesrepresentrockfragmentsandnot soil clods.

80 _ UNIT59 Depth:TDS,32.5to 106cm; lunar surface, 17.5to 79cm Thickness:61.5cm

-- N_te:S_ in unit 5_c_nsists_f 38 cmin 7_8_16 cmin 7_ and7_5cm in 7_y)9__he16cm_f s_i_in 7_7 com-
r.-.. _' prised6 cmof drill stempackedwith sampleand20 cmofdrill stemaveraging50percentfull; thus, a total of 16cm.
o -_._ Massiveunit packedwith poorlysorted,largerockfragments.
_ Matrix: 50percent;moderatetolowtransparencywith 30to 50percentfine semiopaque granuleslessthan 1 mmin
•_ diameter,a traceof opaquespherules, 0.5 mmin diameterto limit of resolution.
.. Framework:50percent;45percentis semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline, 1 mmto 2.5 cmin diameter.
Fragmentsare very poorlysorted,mostlyaquantto o_id-elongatewith blockyor irregular polygonaloutline, angular

• " to slight unevenly,not fadingout over crenulatemargins.

In 70008,there areespeciallylargerock fragment,.,
at approximately
16and30cm from the top;otherwise,character-
i!_ to subangularcorners;5
of the unit seemtopercentis semiopaquedensityconcentrationswith indistinctoutline, but fadingout smoothly
istics applythroughout.

UNIT58 Depth=TDS,106to 110.5cm;lunar surface,79 to 83.5cm Thickness:4.5 cm

Medium-thin bedwith abundant,small, well-sortedrockfragments.
)_'_" I Matrix:70 percent;moderatetransparencywith approximately25percentfinely granular texture, granulessemi_aque,
._ t lessthan 1 mmin diameter,atraceof sphericalopaques,near limit of resolution.
_.,_ Coarsefraction:30percent;25 percentis semiopaquerockfragmentswith distinctoutline, well sorted,all fragments
being2.5 _+1 mmin diameter;mostfragmentsare slightly elongaterectangularpolygonsto chipswith sharplycurved
edgesandangularcorners. Theother5 percentis semiopaque crenulate mottles1 to 3 mmin diameter,possibly
r¢'_ _._1 brecciafragments.

FIGURE 7-27.-Continued.

Depth, Depth, 1000/_.

cm Unit cm Unit 0A_'/ ,%

:_ii 0 Distance.m40060 • //San Luis Rey
_,_:: . Mariner

o "'-',
O _:< _. :_ 4 20 m
0 _:_ : " ," _ Ru Iph '"_
end,, / ' ' _L_li_ till

4o :.....

_._, 59 20 : ";':"" 63
": :_?'":- Explanation
_,. _ Rudolphejecta
_ _-_._!!.-
._:. - • surficial fines (includesmapping
unit termed"dark mantle")

..... • :_3:_'_ 62 [] Camelotejecta

._,_; .,_L;:._.;: [] diagram

! _ Ejectafrom craters north of
:_ ,,._c.._. 61 [] SanLuis Reyejecta
i [] Poppyejecta

._! ::.'::. [] AnorthositiCinterval

fines of middle
_' :_i_i?_;;::60 Mixedbasaltandbrecciafragmental
_, _'_.-."
•._:: ;:. ;_. [] layersandfine layersof lower
r,... drill-stem interval

FIGURE 7-27.-Concluded. [] Fracturedandglassysubfloor

[] Subfloorbasaltflows
Drive Tube 70012 (L52) FIGURE 7-28.-Block diagram depicting the reconstruction
This core was hand driven to a hard layer at 28 cm of regolith
The history in the
is a vicinity of deepthrough
drill string (LM
area). front face radial section Camelot
depth 0.5 m inside the plus-Y footpad of the LM. The Crater, the drill-stem site, and the LM site; the other faces
site lies on regolith developed on basaltic subfloor, parallel the standard lunar surface grid. (Vertical exaggera-
near the center of the valley, approximately 750 m tion is 200×.)
equidistant between the large (300 to 400 m) craters
Camelot and Sherlock. The sample was collected in a support system (BSLSS) bag was opened in the Lunar
relatively flat area with common, but subdued, 10- to Receiving Laboratory, the bottom cap of the core
30-cm-diameter craters (ref. 7-42). Most of the was off and lying nearby, and soil was spilling from
surface appeared fine grained with particles near the the bottom. Forty-seven grams of slumped material
limit of resolution of the surface photographs, but 1 were excavated from the base of the core to provide a
to 2 percent of the surface was covered with particles fresh vertical face, which was then supported by a
as much as 3 or 4 cm in diameter. Similar material is plug of aluminum foil. The upper follower was in
in the core. Although this core was not disturbed by place, and the X-radiograph indicated no serious
footprints (AS17-147-22517), the top 1 or 2 cm were cracking or slumping in the remainder of the core
probably depleted in fine soil by the LM descent (fig. 7-29).
propulsion engine. When the buddy secondary life- The excavated material was mostly fines, with 5 to

Depth, Unit
cm In all four units, the matrixappearsto besimilar, beingmoderatelyopaqueandrelativelygranular with

4 gases,but evidence for suchdisturbanceis notvisiblein the X-radiograph.

i _'::i._ i '_ Matrix: 85to
Massive 90percent.
intervalwith scatteredlargerockfragments. Thisunit maybedistortedbyfootprintsandexhaust
Coarsefraction:10to 15percent;semiopaque with distinctoutline, poorlysortedfragments,0.2 to 1.5 cm
. -.::_::::::::"
;,.' ': in diameter,blocky,angularto
to 50percent
fOto subrounded
lO cm Thickness:0.5 with mostfragments
mmin diameter,anda beingequantto subequant.
traceof opaqueparticlesnear
. _, ._ .
_-_ ._ _."

10 _, . UNiT3 Depth:10to 12.5cm Thickness:2.5 cm

• - 3 Moderatelythin rock-freebed.
Matrix:100percent;=1 percentmottlesandgranules,lessthan5 mmin diameter.
_'_ _. _ : _ UNIT2 Depth:12.5t0 13cm Thickness:O.5cm
"_ #:c_'_ ? --2 Rocklayerwithsmallwodge-shapodfragments.
Y, i : _-:3"_ Matrix:65 percent.
_.. .-'_ ..¢<.._
.:.. Coarsefraction:35percent;semiop_luerockfragmentswith distinctoutline, wellsorted,3 to 6 mmin
_."_'._-" • _. ' diameter,fragmentspredominantly,
wedgeshaped,elongate,andstraight sided.
•_':: _i:_7': I UNITI Depth: 13to19cm Thit:kness: 6cm
• L , : -
.. : .. ....... ., Massiveunit with largerockfragmentsandsmallwodge-shapod fragments.
:."- "_: " "_"[I Matrix:85to90percent;moderately transparentwith40 to50percentfine mottlesandgranules.
:_ _.<'-t":i .i _ Coarsefraction; 10to 15percent;semiopaquewith distinctoutline, poorlysortedfragmentsrangingfrom
........ "_ -"_ 0.2 to 1.4 cmin diameter. Twopopulations
seemtobe present:onesetis equantandsubrounded with

20 wedgeshaped,resembling wedge-shapodparticlesof unit 2.

_] relativelylargesize;the othersetis small(O.?to 0.6 cm in diameter),relativelystraightsided,and

FIGURE 7-29.-Interpretation of X-radiograph of 70012 drive tube. The X-radiograph symbols are the
same as in figure 7-27.

10 percent being fragments of mediura- to coarse- tube was sealed in the core sample vacuum container,
grained vesicular basalt as much as 11 mm in the 23-cm-long upper drive tube should provide
diameter. Although this sample is petrographically significant data.
similar to the upper beds of 70008, it is finer grained. The sampling site lies near the base of a major
None of the breccia fragments or coarse-grained scarp that crosses the Taurus-lAttrow valley. This site
framework-textured soil of the deep drill string is approximately 50 m east of the 700-m Lara Crater
appear in this core; however, the hard layer, which and is surrounded by small, local craters. The largest
prevented further penetration, could be the coarse- of these craters, a moderately fresh 10-m-diameter
grained deposit. If so, there is a deeper layer of fines pit, lies approximately 18 m northwest of the coring
on top of the coarse ejecta at this location. Neverthe- site, and several other craters over 5 m in diameter lie
less, the basaltic coarse fraction of 70012 parallels within 20 m. Small (as much as 1 m in diameter)
that of 70008, indicating a subfloor source for the craters are abundant, and the soil surface is fairly
upper soil layers, rough, with approximately 20-percent cover by 1- to
2-cm fragments (AS17-137-20981). A trench 20 cm
deep near the 10-m-diameter crater revealed a
Drive Tubes 73002 and 73001 (U31 and L45) medium-gray 0.5-cm surface layer over a light-gray
A double drive tube was taken at station 3 to 3-cm layer, which in turn overlies a medium-gray
collect an undisturbed sample of the regolith devel- marbled or mottled zone that seems to be representa-
oped on the light mantle. Although the lower drive tive of subsurface softs in the light mantle.

Much of 73002 is permeated by cracks (fig. the only core that can be oriented with certainty. It
7-30), possibly caused by the wedging of large was driven into firm soil on an l l° slope to the south.
fragments into the drive tube or the spillage of 4 cm The surface shows a 20-percent cover of moderately
of soil onto the lunar surface. Whether or not these well sorted and rounded fragments as much as 4 cm
cracks have disrupted the stratigraphy is uncertain; at in diameter (ref. 7-25) on fine-grained soils that are
least two major stratigraphic intervals seem to be cohesive enough to retain the hole after the drive
present on the X-radiograph, but there is no indica- tube was extracted (AS17-146-22295). Subdued cra-
tion of the soil prof'de seen in the nearby trench. The ters as much as 30 cm across are rare; one such crater,
material is coarse grained and massive with distinct located approximately 1 m north of the sampling site,
rock fragments (probably subfloor basalt), reflecting has abundant 3- to 4-cm blocks on the rim.
expected surface conditions near local craters and Core 76001 is subdivided into four units on the
within the Lara Crater ejecta blanket, basis of matrix content and the size and type of
included rock fragments (fig. 7-31). Most rock frag-
ments are indistinct, only slightly more opaque than
Drive Tube 76001 (L48)
the matrix, and probably represent anorthosites or
This single drive tube from station 6 is the only breccias of massif origin; however, two large frag-
certain stratigraphic sample of massif regolith and is ments in unit 2 are noticeably different. These

Depth, Unit

UNiT2 Depth:0to 12.5cm Thickness:12.5cm

Massiveunit with scatteredrockfragmentsandabundantmottles.
Matrix: 70percent;relativelytransparent, coarselygranular throughoutwith 50to 60 percentsemidistinct
equantmottlesandgranulesasmuch as3 mmin diameter,but mostare lessthan 1 mmin diameter.
Thesemottlesmayrepresentrockchipsor similarindistinctdensityconcentrations.Thereare also2
2 to3 percentopaques,mostlypinpoint size, near limit of resolution, rangingfrom equantto slightly
Coarsefraction:30percent;5 percentis semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline, moderatelyto
well sorted,ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 cm in diameterwith equantpolygonaloutlines, relativelystraight
sides, subangularto subroundedcorners;25 percentis semiopague crenulate mottleswith indistinct
outline, generallyaveraging0.3 to 0.5 cm in diameterwith evensizedistribution andno extremely
10 large mottles.

UNIT1 Depth:12.5to 23 cm Thickness:10.5cm

Massiveunit with largerock fragments.
Matrix: 50percent;relativelytransparent, moderatelyto denselygranular with an abundance of coarse
granules, similar to unit 2, 2 percentopaques,rangingfrom pinpoint spherulesto 1.5-ramlumpyto
1 Framework:50percent;40percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswith distinctoutline, fragmentsare
poorly sorted,rangingfrom 0.3 to 4.1 cmin diameterwith all sizesin evidence.Fragmentstend to be
equant, polygonalto blockysidedwith relativelystraightor smoothlycurvedmargins(not raggedor
20 lumpy),subangularto subroundedcorners;10percentis semiopaque crenulatemottleswith indistinct
outline as in unit 2.

FIGURE 7-30.-Interpretation of X-radiograph of 73002 drive tube. The X-radiograph symbols are the
same as in figure 7-27.

Depth, Unit
cm "_-,--.----_--_ql UNIT4 Depth:0 to6 cm Thickness:
6 cm

0 :: :: Matrix:90percent;hightransparency,
lessthanthatofunit 3, greatertendencytocrack.Frac-
turingseems tobemostprevalentin thiszonewithfracturesdisappearingrelativelyabruptlyat thebase

.ii 4 ofthezone.
percent Thereare
opaque _35percent
fragments, indistinct
ranules andmottles
mmwitha 1 mmor
full suite lessinranging
ofshapes, diameter,4to3
tohighlydendritic.Thelarge0.5- to1.2-ramdendriticopaques appeartobeuniquetothisbed.
c_ Coarse
fraction:lO percent;semiopaque withdistinctoutline,poorlysortedrockfragments asmuchas1.2
__:tl - Frecture
cmin diameter,polygonal,
equantto subecluant
UNIT3 Depth:6 to 13cm Thickness: 7 cm
Moderatelytransparent intervalwithsratteredsmallrockfragments.
Matrix:90percent;semitransparent, decidedlymoreopaque thanunit4 (possibly
becauseof fewerfractures),
with tOto15percentindistinctmottlesasmuchas1mmin diameter,2 percentopaques,limitofresolu-
3 tionto0.5 cm in diameter,appearing mostlyasflakesratherthanspherules,dendrites,or shards.
10 _- _:: Coarsefraction:].0percent;4 percentis semiopaquerockfragmentswithdistinctoutline,0.2 to1.1 cm in
: diameter,averaging=0.4 cm. Fragments areequantandblockywithstraightsidesandsubangularcor-

;, _ .:i? _ to 0.Scmindiameter.
' t; ' _) • --

Thickness: 11.5 cm

Thick unit with scattered large rockfr_gments.
Matrix:75percent;asin unit3.

line appearing asirregular-sided

chunksthatare permeatedwith0.2- tol-ram opaque
;_ 2 Coarsefraction:25percent;15percent:
is3-to 4-cmrockfragments thataresemiopaque withdistinct
_,_._ _'... _.,.': dent1- to3-ramtransparent patches.Apparently,thesefragmentsarevesicularbasaltswithtrans-
20 I__"_ :::. '!1
; '-_ _!_'. ": _
/' '_.:9 parent
remaining beingvesicles;
10percentofthewith higll-ironminerals,theareasareinfested
asin unit3. withopaque
dots. The

UNiTI Depth:
cm Thickness:

ly bowedupwardonedgesof core. I _ternally,the sampleappears tobemostlyfinelygranularwith

30 1 lessthan10percentindistinctmottlesandI to2 percentpinpointshard-like opaques.
'_ Framework:60percent;10percentis semiopaque rockfragmentswithdistinctoutline,0.2 to0.6 cmin
0.5 cmwithblocky-appearing relativelystraightmarginsandangularcorners;
ii!i __ Matrix:40percent;
50percentis semiopaque moredenseandopaque
withindistinct appearing
outline,wellsorted, than unit cm,
0.2 to0.5 2, withtopcontact
averaging sharp,slight-
0.3 cm,appear-

FIGURE 7-31.-Interpretation of X-radiograph of 76001 drive tube. The X-radiograph symbols are the
same as in figure 7-27.

fragments are distinct in outline, are relatively obscured intervals contain black soft. Cloddy intervals
opaque, contain abundant minute opaque particles occur in 74002 from 0 to 8, 14 to 20, 22 to 25.5, and
less than 1 mm in diameter, and have 5- to 10-percent 32 to 37 cm, including the upper 2 cm of 74001. The
transparent circular areas as much as 2 mm in next 14 cm contain massive, nearly opaque (to
diameter; these features are typical of vesicular X-rays) beds with slightly lower opacity at the base.
subfloor basalts. The lowest 22 cm are massive, with subparallel
Except for the large vesicular rock fragments, this lengthwise lineations of lower opacity, which may be
core is fairly fine grained and moderately well sorted, fractures or steeply inclined bedding as observed in
The relatively small surface craters at station 6 have the trench.
contributed little to the massive, indistinctly strati- Approximately 2 g of material were excavated
fled upper 25 cm of the core. Rock types in the core, from the bottom of 74001 and examined under the
plus field evidence, indicate subfloor as well as massif binocular microscope. The material is unusually
contributions to this site, with massif source predomi- cohesive and consists of very dark to black opaque
nating. Possibly, the large, vesicular, presumably spheres and conchoidally fractured fragments.
basaltic rock fragments in unit 2 were associated with
Drive Tubes 79002 and 79001 (U37 and k50)
a major cratering event large enough to propel basalt
fragments from the valley to this point on the massif. A double core was taken at station 9, which is
The X-radiograph of this massif-derived soil is approximately 70 m southeast and downslope from
similar to those of the Apollo 16 drive tubes, the rim of Van Serg Crater. Two fresh, sharp 1-m
probably because the anorthositic terrain of the craters lie within 10 m of the coring site, and a
massifs and the Descartes highlands produce similar subdued 60-m crater occupies the area 15 m west of
soil-forming components. Both soils are (1) relatively the sampling area. Although lunar surface photo-
transparent to X-rays, with a very sparsely granular graphs indicate massive boulders on or near the rim of
matrix, (2) relatively low in distinct rock fragments, Van Serg Crater, the largest surficial fragments in the
possibly because of the abundance of semitransparent core area range from 20 to 2 cm (ref. 7-27), are
anorthosites, and (3) extremely high in tiny opaque poorly sorted, angular, and unfilleted, and cover less
fragments of diverse shapes ranging fromdendritic to than 3 percent of the surface. A 12-cm trench
spheroidal, approximately 1 m southwest of the coring site has
Drive Tubes 74002 and 74001 (U35 and L44) medium-gray soft in the upper 7 cm but has light-gray
to whitish soil in the lower part. The upper portion
The double drive tube that sampled the contact might represent "dark mantle" over the ejecta
between the orange and black soft on the southern blanket from Van Serg Crater. However, this color
rim of Shorty Crater was completely Idled with change is not reflected in the X-radiograph of the
unusually dense soil (74001 was 2.35 g/cm 3 and drive tube, possibly because the core is permeated by
74002 was 2.00 g/cm 3) and was nearly impervious to fractures, which are undoubtedly a result of rocks
X-rays. Consequently, rather mediocre X-radiographs being jammed into the coring device during sampling
were obtained even after near-maximum-intensity (fig. 7-33).
radiation. The clod-like layering encountered is
shown in figure 7-32.
It is hoped that these cores will preserve the spatial
distribution of soils in the adjacent trench, where a The unit that partly filled and leveled the Taurus-
surficial 0.5 cm of gray soil overlies an interval of Littrow valley is mare basalt similar to that returned
orange soft, which, in turn, overlies black ilmenite- from Mare Tranquillitatis. Early studies of the ages of
bearing glass droplets seen in the top and bottom both the basalts and the orange glass (ref. 7-5)
ends of the lower tube (ref. 7-26). indicate that they are similar but slightly older than
Stratification in the upper tube consists of alter- the Mare Tranquillitatis samples. Whether these sam-
nating layers of massive soil, impenetrable to X-rays, pies represent one or several flows is not clear
and very distinctly mottled soil that appears as poorly (chemical data suggest at least two); but it is evident
defined clods 0.3 to 3.5 cm in diameter. Presumably, that widespread volcanism involving very-titanium-
the cloddy intervals contain orange soft, and the rich melts occurred over much of the eastern limb of

Depth, Unit

UNITS2 and3 Depth:36 to 50cm Thickness: 7.5 and6.5 cm
Massivefine-grainedgradedbedswith moreopaqueabove.
- Thesetwoseparate,butsimilar,units aredescribedtogether. Strataappearuniformlyfinegrained,
becoming opaqueabovein 1to2 cm. Contacts
appeartobesharp,slightlyundul_Cdng, andgentlyinclined.

UNIT1 Depth:50to71.5cm Tllickness:21.5cm

Massiveintervalwithobliquelaminations or fractures.
1 Intervalis 95percentmatrix,whichis uniformlydenseandimpervious to X-rays,witha densityequal
tothe maximumdensityofthe con. _sectionasawhole. Withinthe uniformmatrixare indistinct,
60 elongateareasof lesserdensity;theseareastendto bestraighttoslightlycurved,as muchas11 cm
longwith scallopedto nearlystraightedges.Theareasrun lengthwise toa slightlyobliqueand
couldrepresenteitherfracturesor nearlyverticallayeringreportedin the trench.


FIGURE 7-32.-Interpretation of X-radiographs of 74002 and 74001 drive tubes. The X-radiograph
symbols are the same as in figure 7-27.

Depth, Unit
O UNIT11 Depth:0 to2 cm Thickness:2.0 cm
11 Intervalcontains_-6Dpercentfine-appearing
mottles,1to3 mmin diameter,in a slightlymoretrans-
parentmatrix. Themettleshaveindistinctcrenulateoutlinesbutare relativelyevenanduniformin

UNITlO Depth:2 to 9cm Thickness:l.O cm

10 Intervalcontains._lOpercentirregularmottlesin a slightlylessdensematrix. Themettlesappearto
consistof uniformlyfine-grainedopaque materialandarevariablysizedfrom0.1 to2.3 cm in diameter
with irregular,crenulate,indistinctoutlines.

UNIT0 Depth: 9 to14cm Thickness: 5.0cm
Massive,uniformly fine-grained,
9 Interval
consistsentirelyof extremely
blocksX-rays.Consequently, internal

UNIT8 Depth:14to 20cm Thickness:6.0 cm

Massive,variablymottledzonethat iscoarserappearingabove.
8 Intervalcontains=80percentirregularmettlesin a slightlylessdensematrix. Themottles,appearing
uniformlyfine grainedwithin, rangefrom0.2 to 3.6 cm in diameterandare muchcoarserabove;ne
clear-cutboundarycanbedrawnwithinthe intervaltoseparate differentcrenulatemottlesizes.

20 - UNIT7 Depth:
20to22cm Thickness:
I Thisthinzoneissimilar
- andhasflat horizontal
UNII6 Depth:
22to26cm Thickness:4.0cm
6 Thiszonecontains
ina matrix

UNIT5 Depth:26 to 31 or 32 cm Thickness: 5.5 +-0.5 cm

5 Massive,uniformly fine-grained,dense,opaqueinterval.
Asin unit 6, this zoneconsistsentirely of fine-grainedopaquematerial,possiblyblacksoil, with no
30 internal featuresendcrenulatesomewhatinclinedboundaries.

UNIT4 Depth:31 or 32to36 cm Thickness: 4.5 -+0.5 cm

4 Massive,mottledintervalthat is coarserabove.
"_" Except
for the location,thisbedis a repeatof unit 6.

FIGURE 7-32.-Concluded.

the Moon approximately 3.7 X 109 yr ago. Thus, the Breccias in various stages of crystallization appear
known timespan of mare volcanism, approximately to have been derived from several stratigraphic units
600 million years, remains essentially the same as present in the massifs. To date, the one reported
before the Apollo 17 mission, breccia age from Apollo 17 of approximately 4.0 X

Depth, Unit

t.: "i:: : ": ": ?_V

.....; .,, UNIT4 Depth:31to 40.5cm Thickness: 9.5 cm

'"':_ ": ; " _ Massiveunitwith abundantsmallrockfragments.
, : ,_,,,,..,_ ,_; Matrix: 80percent;of intermediateopacitywith o25percentmottlesanddensityconcentrationslessthan
III _._ 1 mmin diameter, =0.5 percentsphericalto lumpyopaques,limit of resolutionto 1.2 ram.
4 Coarsefraction:2Opercent;tOpercentis semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline, moderately
c_- sorted,O.1 to 1.1 crn in diameter,averaging0.4 cm. Thesefragmentstendto bedistinctlydifferent

sidedwith subroundedcorners. Inclinedalinementof somerocks, especiallyfrom34.0to 35.0 cmand

)9.0 to 40.5crn, with a planaralinementat thebaseof the unit suggestscrossstratification. There-
r'- _l_/i_._:. (_ _ in composition fromthoseof surroundingbedsin beingrelativelyhomogeneous internally andstraight
I L_._!/:':/._): '_" :__
_ _1 ''_'
sizefrom O.1 to 0.5iscrnandappearing
semiop_luedensity concentrations
to bemederately with indistinct smoothoutli ne, ranging in
LJJ_--_ ;:_'i;_'.. UNIT3 Depth:40.5to 45cm Thickness:4.5 cm
40 _ _.:_i:_ _O'-_-' - Gradedbedthat is sparsein rockfragments.

_I y-" : i;+,
! '_('_;,,'" Matrix:90percent;relativelytransparent
of irregular opaqueslessthan0.5 mminwdiameter.
ith 20percentgranulesfiner than 1mmin diameter,a trace

_ _'.;:_:" :i
_::_;:_,_. the remainderare
3 Coarse semiopaque
fraction:10percent;theredensityconcentrations with indistinct
is one0.6-cmsemiopaque outline,
fragmentwith 0.5 to
distinct 0.1 cm in diameter
lumpyoutline, and
."" _ _?i'_! _.:i:, with the coarsestparticlesat the bottom,decreasingin sizeandabundanceupward.

- Concentrationof largerock fragments.

Matrix: 25percent;relativelytransparent, fractured, obscuredbylargerock fragments,but apparently
UNIT2 Depth:45 to49.5 cm Thickness:4.5 cm
4 cmin diameterwith averagediameter =2 cm. Thesefragmentshaveadistinctly lumpy, raggedir-
appearancewith jaggedmarginsandangularcorners.
- UNIT1 Depth49.5 to 54.5cm Thickness:5 cm
50 Massiveunit with obscurerockfragments.

'_['::i';::._._:;_ 2 Framework: 75 percent:semiopaque

Matrix:50percent;similar to that-ofrock
unitfragmentswith distinct outline, very
2 in beingrelativelytransparent, coarse,rangingfrom
seemingly 1to
low in granules
1 (lessthan 20 percentdensityconcentrationsunder 1turnin diameter),havingonly a traceofopaques,
nearlimit of resolution.
Framework= 50percent;similar to unit 2, but of finer grain size. Rockfragmentsareserniopaque with

- lumpyto raggedangular appearance of fragmentsin units 2 and4, in contrastto other units.

distinct, but raggedoutline andravagein sizefrom 0.2 to 1.3 cm, averaging0..5crn andhavingthe
FIGURE 7-33.-Interpretation of X-radiographs of 79002 and 79001 drive tubes, The X-radiograph
symbols axe the same as in figure 7-27.

109 yr (ref. 7-28) does not extend the rather glass to those containing a small percentage of
restricted limits mentioned previously. Breccias range mineral and lithic debris in well-crystallized poikilitic
from those containing a high percentage of mineral textures. Problems still exist as to the extent of
and lithic debris with a small amount of interstitial partial melting and the origin of the oikocrysts in the

Depth, Unit

6 UNIT6 I)epth:Oto3.5cm Thickness:3.5 cm

Extensivelyfractured relativelyfine-grainedinterval.
Matrix: 80percent;at least50percentis permeatedbyfractures, relativelytransparentwith 30percent
-- 1-mmdensityconcentrationsandfine mottles, =1 percentsphericalto ovoidopaques,lessthan 1mm
in diameter.
Coarsefraction: 20percent;5 percentis semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline. Thesefragments
rangefrom 0.2 to 0,7 cm in diameter,are moderatelywell sorted,rectangularto equant,blockyoutlined,
andrelativelystraight sidedwith subangularto angularcorners; 15percentis semiodaque densitycon-
centrations andindistinct but relativelysmooth-edgedmottles,O.2 to O.9 cm in diameter,but mostly
less than 0.5 cm and subequant.
UNIT5 Depth:3.5 to 31cm Thickness:27.5cm
Massiveunit with very largerockfragments.
Matrix:79 percent;somewhat fracfured, of intermediatetransparencywith 30to 40 percentgranularity,
10 granuleslessthan 1 ramin diameter,atraceof sphericalto ovoidopaques,limit of resolutionto 1.3 mm
in diameter.
5 Coarsefraction: 30percent; 15percentis semiopaque rock fragmentswith distinct outline, 0.1 to 3.5 cm
in diameter,poorlysortedwith all sizesbeingpresent. Mostfragmentstendto beequantto slightly
c.q elongate,relativelystraightsided;15percenthasa raggedindistinctoutlinewith subangularto well-
roundedcorners anda distinctiveragg_ appearance.


FIGURE 7-33.-Concluded.

latter breccias (refs. 7-29, 7-30, and 7-31). Detailed source of the breccias and provides the interesting
studies of the boulders that contain vesicles and vugs possibility that partial melting similar to that postu-
several centiments across, inclusions of one breccia in lated for the production of KREEP-like melts (refs.
another, contact relationships between two breccia 7-17 and 7-32) may be associated with large impact-
units, and the black dike that displays evidence of a hag events that can produce large volumes of melt
chilled mar_n may help to answer these problems. (ref. 7-33). Grieve and Plant (ref. 7-34) have reported
The variety of breccia textures resulted from differ- an example of a breccia having gabbroic composition
ent extends of melting and different rates of heating and containing interstitial melt and glass veins of
and cooling associated with large masses of ejecta KREEP-like composition.
from major cratering events. As was the case in past missions, the anorthositic
The similarity of both major and trace component rocks are generally crushed and recrystallized, thus
concentrations of the brown-glass matrix breccias obscuring the original textures. However, two coarse-
from the Apennine Front, the recrystaUized breccias grained norites and, at least one gabbroic rock with
from Apollo 16, and the various crystalline breccias some areas of original texture should offer some
from Apollo 17 suggests that a genetic relationship insight into the chemistry and perhaps ages of the
may exist between these widespread breccias and early crustal rocks.
KREEP-like chemistry. The occurrence in these brec- The occurrence of a large dunite clast in a boulder
cias of clasts of plagioclase, olivine, and pyroxene at station 2 suggests that the source material of the
similar to those of coarse-grained anorthositic and breccias must include coarse-grained segregations of
gabbroic rocks suggests that the latter formed the magnesian olivine, thus providing further evidence for

an early crust composed of a coarse-grained igneous Northwest Laboratory (BNW); E. K. Gibson, JSC; J. E.
complex of anorthositic, gabbroic, and uttramafic Keith, JSC; C. F. Lewis, Arizona State University (ASU); C.
B. Moore, ASU; G. W. Moore, LEC; K. J. Northeutt, ORNL;
rocks. G.D. O'Kelley, ORNL; R. W. Perkins, BNW; W. R. Portenier,
The "dark mantle" consists largely of the products NSI; L. A. Rancitelli, BNW; M. A. Reynolds, JSC; J. M.
produced by micrometeorite erosion of basalts, 5 to Rhodes, LEC; M. K. Robbins, NSI; K. V. Rogers, LEC; E.
20 percent of the orange and black glass found at Schonfeld, JSC; L. A. Simms, NSI; J. Wainwright, LEC; and
station 4, and some tithic fragments derived from the N.A. Wogman, BNW.
massifs. The rather pure orange and black soils at
station 4 suggest that there may be layers of these REFERENCES
materials in the upper few tens of meters below the
surface. If such layers are widespread throughout the 7-1.Apollo
Wasserburg, G. J.; and Papanastassiou,
Lunar Crust andD. Mantle
A.: AgeEvolu-
of an
15 Mare Basalt:
valley, cratering events would be expected to exca- tion. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, vol. 13, no. 1, Dec. 1971,
rate this material along with the basalts, producing pp. 97-104.
the 5 to 20 percent of orange and black glasses found 7-2. Papanastassiou, D. A.; and Wasserburg, G. J.: Rb-Sr Age
in the "dark mantle" soils. Anomalously high values of a Luna 16 Basalt and the Model Age of Lunar Soils.
of Zn and C1 for lunar soils and the relatively high Sr Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, vol. 13, no. 2, Jan. 1972, pp.
and Rb contents indicate that the orange glass is not 7-3. Tera, F.; Papanastassiou, D. A.; and Wasserburg, G. J.: A
directly related to the mare basalt melts, unless by Lunar Cataclysm at ~ 3.95 AE and the Structure of the
some undefined complex fractionation scheme. Lunar Crust. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented
Although the soils from the North Massif, the at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.),
South Massif, and the light mantle are similar Mar. 5-8, 1973),pp. 723-725.
petrographically and appear in binary plots of major 7-4.Age
Papanastassiou, D. A.;
of a Crystalline Rockandfrom
Wasserburg, G. J.:
Apollo 16. ThePlanet.
Earth Rb-Sr
elements to be simple mixtures of basalts and Sci. Letters, vol. 16, no. 2, Oct. 1972, pp. 289-298.
anorthositic rocks, the trace elements indicate a more 7-5. Husain, L.; and Schaeffer, O. A.: 4°Ar-39Ar CrystaUiza-
complex pattern. The South Massif and light mantle tion Ages and 3BAr-37Ar Cosmic Ray Exposure Ages of
materials are considerably enriched in Zr and other Samples from the
IV Vicinity of the Apollo 16 at
Landing Site.
Lunar Science (Abs. of papers presented the Fourth
trace elements relative to the North Massif or to any Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8,
mixture of basalts and anorthositic rocks. Thus, a 1973),pp. 406-408.
KREEP component must be utilized to explain 7-6. EI-Baz, F.; Worden, A. M.; and Brand, V. D.: Astronaut
mixing models for the soils and the metamorphosed Observations from Lunar Orbit and Their Geologic
and partially melted breccias. Significance. Proceedings
Conference, vol. of the
1, MIT Press Third Lunar
(Cambridge, Mass.),Science
pp. 85-104.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 7-7. El-Baz, F.: New Geological Findings in Apollo 15 Lunar
Orbital Photography. Proceedings of the Third Lunar
The membership of the Lunar Sample Preliminary Ex- Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.),
amination Team is as follows. Steering Group: P. W. Gast, 1972, pp. 39-61.
NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC); W.C. 7-8. Wolfe, E.W.;Freeman, V.L.;Muehlberger, W.R.;Head,
Phinney, JSC; M. B. Duke, JSC; W. R. Muehlberger, U.S. J.W.; Schmitt, H. H.; and Sevier, J. W.: Apollo 17
Geological Survey (USGS); N. J. Hubbard, JSC; P. Butler, Exploration at Taurus-Littrow. Geotimes, vol. 17, no. 11,
JSC; R. B. Laughon, JSC; J. O. Annexstad, JSC; G.H. Nov. 1972, pp. 14-18.
Heiken, JSC. Petrography Group: S. Aglell_ University of 7-9. The Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team:
Cambridge; P. R. Brett, JSC; U. S. Clanton, JSC; W.D. Preliminary Examination of Lunar Samples from Apollo
Carrier, JSC; R. Fruland, JSC; R. Fryxell, Washington State 11. Science, vol. 165, no. 3899, Sept. 19, 1969, pp.
University; R. Gooley, JSC; F. Horz, JSC; E. D. Jackson, 1211-1227.
USGS; G. E. Lofgren, JSC; U. B. Marvin, Smithsonian 7-10. Apollo 16 PreliminaxyExaminationTeam: The Apoilo
Astrophysical Observatory; D. S. MeKay, JSC; C. Meyer, JSC; 16 Lunar Samples: Petrographic and Chemical Descrip-
D. A. Morrison, JSC; S. Nagle, Northrop Services, Inc. (NSI); tion. Science, vol. 179, no. 4068, Jan. 5, 1973, pp. 23-34.
A. M. Reid, JSC; W. I. Ridley, Lunar Science Institute (LS1); 7-11. Apollo 15 Preliminary Examination Team: The Apollo
C. H. Simonds, LSI; D. Stuart-Alexander, USGS; J.L. 15 Lunar Samples: A Preliminary Description. Science,
Warner, JSC; R. J. Williams, JSC; H. G. Wilshire, USGS. vol. 175, no. 4020, Jan. 28, 1972, pp. 363-374.
Analysis Group: B. Bansal, Lockheed Electronics Co. (LEC); 7-12. McKay, D. S.; Heiken, G. H.; Taylor, R. M.; Clanton,
L. Bennett, JSC; R. S. Clark, JSC; J. S. Eldridge, Oak Ridge U.S.; et al.: Apollo 14 Soils: Size Distribution and
National Laboratory (ORNL); W. D. Felix, Battelle Pacific Particle Types. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science

Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, ration and Environment of the Apollo 17 Samples: A
pp. 983-994. Preliminary Report. U. S. Geol. Survey Interagency
7-13. McKay, D. S.; Morrison, D. A.; Clanton, U. S.; Ladle, Rept.: Astrogeology 71, Jan. 21, 1973, p. 39.
G. H.; and Lindsay, J. F.: Apollo 12 Soil and Breccia. 7-25. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Documen-
Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. ration and Environment of the Apollo 17 Samples: A
1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 755-774. Preliminary Report. U. S. Geol. Survey lnteragency
7-14. Warner, J. L.: Metamorphism of Apollo 14 Breccias. Rept.: Astrogeology 71, Jan. 21, 1973, pp. 137-138.
Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 7-26. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Documen-
1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 623-643. ration and Environment of the Apollo 17 Samples: A
7-15. Reid, A. M.; Warner, J. L.; Ridley, W. I.; and Brown, Preliminary Report. U.S. Geol. Survey Interagency Rept.:
R. W.: Major Element Composition of Glasses in Three Astrogeology 71, Jan. 21, 1973, p. 117.
Apollo 15 Soils. Meteoritics, vol. 7, Sept. 30, 1972, pp. 7-27. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Documen-
395-415. ration and Environment of the Apollo 17 Samples: A
7-16. Reid, A. M., Ridley, W. I.; Harmon, R. S.; Warner, J. Preliminary Report. U.S. Geol. Survey Interagency Rept.:
L.; et al.: Highly Aluminous Glasses in Lunar Soils and Astrogeology 71, Jan. 21, 1973, p. 188.
the Nature of the Lunar Highlands. Geochim. Cosmo- 7-28. Kirsten, T.; Hann, P.; Heymann, D.; Hubner, W.; and
claim. Aeta, vol. 36, no. 8, Aug. 1972, pp. 903-912. Storzer, D.: Apollo 17 Crystalline Rock and Soils, Rare
7-17. Hubbard, N. J.; Gast, P. W.; Rhodes, J. M.; Bansal, B. Gases, Ion Tracks and Ages. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union,
M.; et al.: Nonmare Basalts: Part II. Proceedings of the vol. 54, no. 6, June 1973, p. 595.
Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 2, MIT Press 7-29. Simonds, C. H.; Warner, J. L.; Phinney, W. C.; and
(Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 1161-1179. Gooley, R.: Mineralogy and Mode of Formation of
7-18. Cavarretta, G.; Funiciello, R.; Giles, H.; Nicholls, G. Poikilitic Rocks from Apollo 16. Lunar Science IV (Abs.
D.; et al.: Geochemistry of Green Glass Spheres from of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Confer-
Apollo 15 Samples_ The Apollo 15 Lunar Samples, Lunar enee (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 676-678.
Science Institute (Houston, Tex.), 1972, pp. 202-205. 7-30. Bence, A. E.: Papike, J. J.; Sueno, S.; and Delano, J.
7-19. Gibson, E. K., Jr.; and Johnson, S. M.: Thermal W.: Pyroxene Poikilitic Rocks from Apollo 16. Lunar
Analysis-Inorganic Gas Release Studies of Lunar Sam- Science IV(Ab_ of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar
pies. Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Confer- Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
ence, vol. 2, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 60-62.
1351-1366. 7-31. Albee, A. L.; Gancarz, A. J.; and Chodos, A. A.:
7-20. Chang, S.; Kvenvolden, K. A.; and Gibson, E.K.: Sanidinite Facies Metamorphism of Apollo 16 Sample
Simulated Solar Wind Implantation of Carbon and Nitro- 65015. Lunar Science IV(Abs. of papers presented at the
gen Containing Ions Into an Analogue of Lunar Fines. Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar.
Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth 5-8, 1973), pp. 24-26.
Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 7-32. Hubbard, N. J.; and Gast, P. W.: Chemical Composi-
1973), pp. 124-126. tion and Origin of Nonmare Lunar Basalts. Proceedings of
7-21. Hayes, J.: Extralunar Sources for Carbon on the Moon. the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 2, MIT Press
Space Life Sei., vol. 3, Oct. 1972, pp. 474-483. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 999-1020.
7-22. Hintenbergar, H.; and Weber, H. W.: Trapped Rare 7-33. Howard, K. A.; and Wllshire, H. G.: Flows of Impact
Gases in Lunar Fines and Breceias. Lunar Science IV(Abs. Melt at Lunar Craters. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers
of papers presented at the Fottrtli Lunar Science Confer- presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Hous-
ence (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 365-367. ton, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 38%390.
7-23. Kohl, J. W.; and Bostrom, C. O.: Observations of the 7-34. Grieve, R. A. F., and Plant, A. G.: 64455, An
August '72 Solar Events by the Solar Proton Monitor on Ellipsoidal Glass Coated Highland Basalt Projectile. Lunar
Explorer 41. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, vol. 53, Dec. Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar
1972, p. 1055. Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
7-24. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Documen- 317-319.
8. Soil Mechanics
James K. Mitchell, at 14'.David Cartier, IfI, b Nicholas C. Costes, e
William N. Houston, a Ronald F. Scott, d and H. John Hovland e

The objectives of the soil mechanics experiment soil behavior is similar to that of terrestrial soils of
were to determine the physical characteristics and comparable gradation (silty fine sand). Particle-size
mechanical properties of the lunar soil at the surface distribution, particle shape, and relative density (ref.
and subsurface and the variations in lateral directions 8-2) control behavior.
and to relate this knowledge to the interpretation of Soil porosity, density, and strength vary locally
lunar history and processes. Data obtained on the and with depth. Absolute densities may range from
lunar surface in conjunction with observations of approximately 1.0 to 2.0 g/cm a, and values > 1.5
returned samples of lunar soil are used to determine g/cm a are probable at depths > 10 to 20 cm. The
in-place density and porosity profdes and to determine relative density of the soil near the surface is
strength characteristics on local and regional scales, extremely variable but is generally quite high (> 80
The soil mechanics experiment on the Apollo 17 percent) below a depth of 10 to 20 cm. Although
mission to the Taurus-Littrow area of the Moon was local (meter scale) variations in density and porosity
passive and involved no apparatus or crew time exist, Houston et al. (ref. 8-3) and Mitchell et al. (ref.
unique to the experiment. The preliminary analyses 8-4) have shown that the mean porosity at each of
and interpretations presented in this report have been the Apollo sites from footprint analysis is approxi-
deduced from studies of extravehicular activity mately the same for the upper few centimeters of
(EVA) transcripts and kinescopes, mission photo- soil. Analysis by Costes (ref. 8-5) of vehicle tracks at
graphs, data on the lunar roving vehicle (LRV) £he same Apollo sites and at the Mare Imbrium site of
performance, debriefings, and limited exaJNnation of the Soviet Luna 17 yields higher average porosity
returned lunar samples by the Lunar Sample Prelimi- values at crater rims and other soft spots than for
nary Examination Team (LSPET). firm soiI located in intercrater areas. The soil on
crater rims and on slopes appears to be more variable
SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS RESULTS and, on the average,less denseand weaker than does
soil in intercrater plains areas.
The mechanical properties of lunar soil as deduced Relative density (or porosity) is probably the most
through the Apollo 15 mission were summarized by important single variable controlling strength, with
Mitchell et al. (ref. 8-1). The Apollo 16 results agreed most probable values of cohesion in the range of 0.1
generally with those of earlier missions and also to 1.0 kN/m 2 and friction angle in the range of 30 °
provided more specific quantitative information on to 50 ° . The higher values are associated with higher
density and strength and their variability than was relative densities.
available previously. Even though lunar and terrestrial
soils differ greatly in mineralogical composition, lunar

Soil mechanics data were derived from crew

aUniversity of Californiaat Berkeley. commentary and debriefings, television, lunar surface
bNASA Lyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter.
CNASAMarshallSpace Flight Center. photographs, performance data and observations of
dCalifornia Institute of Technology. interactions between soil and the LRV, drive-tube
epacificGas and Electric Company. and deep drill samples, and sample characteristics as
#Principal Investigator. determined by the LSPET.


Information from these data sources has been used

in a manner similar to that from previous Apollo
missions to deduce qualitative and semiquantitative
information about soil properties. A statistical study
of footprint and LRV track depths has been used as a
basis for quantitative analysis of near-surface soil
porosity. ]?remission orbital photographs and surface
photographs have indicated a number of boulder
tracks on the steep slopes of the North Massif and
South Massif. These tracks have been analyzed by
using the method of Hovland and Mitchell (ref. 8-6).
Additional quantitative estimates have been based on
LRV track depths and other specific observations as
noted later in this section.


General Soil Characteristics at the

maurus-Littrow Site FIGURE 8-1.-Variable soil conditions in the vicinity of the
surface electrical properties (SEP) experiment as evi-
Soil cover is present at all points visited in the denced by variabte depths of LRV tracks and footprints
Taurus-Littrow landing area. The surface is a similar (AS17-141-21517).
color (gray and gray-brown) to that at the other
Apollo sites, although lighter soil layers were encoun-
tered at shallow depths in some areas and orange-
colored soil was exposed in a limited zone on the rim
of Shorty Crater (station 4). Surface textures range
from smooth areas almost free of rock fragments
through patterned ground to areas heavily concen-
trated with larger rocks and fragments. Variability in
soil properties is evident locally. Qualitative indica-
tions of this variability on a meter scale are provided
in figures 8-1 to 8-3.
Soil behavior during landing, walking, driving, and
sampling was comparable to that observed during
previous missions. Dust was readily kicked up under
foot and by the LRV, tended to adhere to any
surface with which it came in contact, and inhibited
normal operations on several occasions.
As readily apparent from the study of lunar
surface photographs and from crew commentary,
disturbed areas on the lunar surface appear darker
FIGURE 8-2.-Variable soil conditions in the light mantle at
than undisturbed areas, as has been the case at the station 3 as evidenced by color differences (AS17-138-
previous landing sites. Subsequent crew observations 21148).
of the landing sites from lunar orbit indicated that
the disturbed areas were lighter than the undisturbed from different positions and at different Sun angles
areas. This difference in appearance could indicate rather than from real color changes as a result of the
that the apparent changes in surface color caused by exposure of new material. Alternatively, the different
disturbance result from texture-related changes in appearance might result from differences in scale
albedo that influence the appearance when viewed between viewing from the surface and from orbit.

,_ Apollo17 timebeforetouchdown,sec
o Apollo15 'timebeforetouchdown, sec
o Apollo14 time beforetouchdown, sec
60 I o70
50 t_6g ,x .First dust _Apollo151

066 ........ "A--

.............. 2"'°_ "'O
40 -o6_ o
o60 _" o o
/ ,n A o o,^ ,Loss0fvisibili_y
1_ 30 C_52 20 oO_O_--O50 au /' (Apollo15)
_'_20 bS0 Io_ ._40 /
40Dj=_A _0 First dust(Apollo17)/ Groundeleva'tion
< 10 ,Z__(Apo,o141
-10 - Gr°lundelevation._w,.,,__ "',Groundelevation
IApollo17)"" _ (Apollo15)
-20 I I t _ t I _ I I I I
-10 0 i0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Horizontaldistancewith respecttotouchdown,m
FIGURE 8--4.-Descent trajectories for the Apollo 14, 15,
and 17 missions.

FIGURE 8-3.-Variable soil conditions inside Shorty Crater

(station 4) as evidenced by different surface textures and
slopes (AS17-137-21001).
footpad probably hit the lunar surface first and that
the primary shock absorber may have stroked

Soil Observations During Lunar Module slightly. Photographs (e.g., AS17-134-20388) show
Descent and Landing some crumpling of the Mylar insulation on the lower
portion of the leg, indicating a possible stroking of 1
Both the postmission descent trajectory data and or 2 cm. This crumpling did not happen on any of the
the crew comments indicate that the Apollo 17 previous missions. From the photographs, no crushing
descent was fairly rapid with vertical velocities of of or damage to the footpad can be observed.
approximately 1 to 1.5 m/sec at altitudes of 60 to 70 As in the other landings, the descent engine
m above the lunar surface, slowing to somewhat less exhaust swept the lunar surface in the vicinity of the
than 1 m/sec at an altitude of approximately 15 to 20 landing site. Compared to adjacent areas, there were
m. The descent was accompanied by a fairly constant relatively fewer small rock fragments and soil clumps
forward velocity of approximately 0.7 m/sec in the beneath the LM, although rocks 10 cm in diameter
final 20 m of descent. Thus, the lunar module (LM) and larger remained. The crew observed that there
came in on an oblique trajectory similar to that of v/ere clear indications of the interaction of the
Apollo 14 (fig. 8-4). Previous analyses and mission descent propulsion system exhaust gas with the lunar
results have shown that this kind of trajectory causes surface to a distance of approximately 50 m from the
least disturbance of the lunar surface material during LM.
landing. In contrast, vertical descents, such as that of From the crew's comments during sampling, the
the Apollo 15 LM, generate substantial amounts of lack of blowing dust during the final stages of the
erosion. Blowing dust was first observed at a height of descent does not appear to be caused by soil
approximately 20 m above the lunar surface but properties different from those experienced in prior
caused no visibility difficulties during the final landings. As noted in the subsequent sections, the
descent; in fact, the surface remained clearly visible grain-size distribution, cohesion, and density of the
all the way to contact, soil around the LM are similar to those previously
The descent engine was shut down approximately established for lunar soil. This similarity tends to
1 sec after contact was indicated, and the LM confirm previous conclusions that the amount of
dropped to the lunar surface while maintaining some blowing dust during a landing is directly related to
forward velocity. The crew noted that the rear (-Z) the descent trajectory and descent rate.

Grain-Size Distribution and sample

Soil Composition 70160
70180 76500
At the time this report was prepared, the LSPET , 71500
73260 78500
had determined the complete grain-size distribution ,..; 75060 79260
of 15 samples and the distribution of a small aliquot ,,_; /_" zs0s0
of the black soil taken from the bottom of the double ..74220(orangesoil)
core-tube sample taken at station 4. The results are
shown in figure 8-5. These gradations are generally
"/""/ ..
similar to those observed at previous landing sites. _ 80c],_._ _A/A_'_ doublecoreat
The band of 11 samples in figure 8-5 is slightly _" 71_0"_,_._ _'_15y_,,,,._ stati°n4)
coarser in the coarse fractions than the composite _ 60 -x_...__
distribution band for Apollo 1 1, 12, 14, and 15 (ref. __ 74240Igrayso
8-7), primarily because of the excess particles in the 4)
fraction that is > 10 ram. This observation was also
noted for some of the Apollo 16 soils (ref. 8-4) and 0
g- 2
was attributed to the recent addition of coarse
fragments that had not yet been worked into the soil 0 _ .1 .01
matrix from the South Ray Crater event. Sample 10 Particle
71060 was taken at station 1 from beneath a slight
overhang of a rock, and the crew observed that there FIGURE 8-5.-Groin-size distribution curves for several
were chips in the soil. The distribution for sample Apollo 17 samples.
74240, the gray soil found next to the orange soil,
was changed considerably when the total sample was increases with depth, an observation consistent with
included, findings at the Apollo 15 and 16 sites (fig. 8-7).
Despite the similarity of the grain-size distribu- However, the Apollo 17 core-tube densities (with the
tions of the samples from various stations, the LSPET exception of the double core at station 4) are much
has found that the composition of the soil is highly more uniform with depth than were the Apollo 15
variable in terms of proportions of basalt, breccia, and 16 core-tube samples. The Apollo 17 core-tube
mineral fragments, glass, and agglutinates. The softs densities tend to be higher near the surface and
from the massif stations appear to be derived from slightly lower below a depth of 20 to 30 cm than do
breccias, whereas much of the dark mantle on the the average densities for the Apollo 15 and 16
plains was probably derived from basalts. The orange drive-tube samples.
soil at station 4 is unique and is composed almost The high core recovery percentages at stations 4
entirely of orange glass, and 6 and at the LM are comparable to those of the
A knowledge of particle composition is important Apollo 15 and 16 samples for which the same type of
for the interpretation of data from many lunar core tube was used. The lower core recovery percent-
experiments because, at the same relative density, ages at stations 3 and 9 indicate that the returned
soils consisting of coherent particles are stronger and bulk densities will have to be corrected for sample
conduct heat and seismic signals better than soils compression.
composed of friable particles. Densities in the double core from the rim of
Shorty Crater at station 4 (2.03 to 2.29 g/cm 3) are
Core Samples distinctly higher than heretofore observed for any
Drive Tubes.-Data on the drive-tube samples are lunar samples. The upper tube contains orange-red
summarized in table 8-I, and the sampling at station soil with fine-grained black soil in the lower part.
6 is shown in figure 8-6. The bulk densities of the Black soil is exposed at the top and bottom ends of
samples in the drive tubes as a function of depth in the lower tube. The orange soil, which is composed
the lunar surface are presented in figure 8-7. In all almost entirely of glass particles, is unusually corn-
instances, the density of the soil in the lower tube is pact and exhibits a high cohesion. A trench excavated
greater than that in the upper tube; that is, density into the material illustrates the high cohesion in the

TABLE 8-1.-Preliminary Data on Apollo 1 7 Drive-Tube Samples

Sample Sample Bul,'¢ Tube depth Total depth No. of Core

Station Serial no. Sample no. weight, length, a density, (pushed), (pushed and hammer recovery,
g cm g/cr_ a cm driven), cm blows percent

3 t 2031 73002 b429 21.8 Cl.60 _+0.10 t 9

d2046 73001 b809 e34.9 1.73 _ . 70.6 -+5 >> 9 82 -+2
2044 74002
74001 b910
1071.4 33.3
34.9 2.0,l
2.29 f
" f'g71 - >>28 96 -+3
6 2048 76001 711.6 34.5 Cl.5'7 16.2 +-0.5 37.1 + 0.5 h5 or 6 93 -+2
9 1 2037 79002 409.4 19.4 Cl.6'7
2050 79001 743.3 i31.9 il.74 9. g71 + 2 < 19 76 -+2
LM 2052 70012 J434.8 J18.4 1.77 h28 ± 3 h28 ± 3 0 97 -+10

aDetermined from X-radiographs, except as noted.

bSample weights are +-4 g; better accuracy will be possible when _ubes are removed from stretch cans.
CCorrected for voids.
dCore sample vacuum container.
eAssumed length.
tCamera failure; photographs were blank.
gEstimated from kinescopes.
hCrew estimate.
iEither 41 cm 3 of sample fell out of the top of the tube or the keeper compressed the top of the sample. The former is con-
sidered the more likely explanation; thus, density has been calculated accordingly.
JApproximately 114 cm 3 fell out of tile bottom of the tube after it was placed in the sample collection bag because of a
loose cap.

tbrm of a tendency of the material to break into Unfortunately, the top of the soil column in the
chunks (fig. 8-8). top three drill-stem sections, which were returned as a
The number of hammer blows (table 8-I), as unit, moved approximately 15 cm, causing some
indicated by the kinescopes, required to drive the loosening and disturbance. However, because the
core tube at station 4 was not exceptionally high initial sample length is known, it is possible to
compared to the driving resistance encountered on estimate the initial average density for the top three
earlier missions, indicating that tire porosily was not drill-stem sections to be 1.99 -+ 0.05 g/cm 3, as shown
significantly less (or the relative density higher) at in table 8-II.
this location than had been previously encountered. The bulk density as a function of depth in the
Thus, the much higher bulk density is most likely lunar surface for the drill-stem samples is shown in
caused by a higher specific gravity of the individual figure 8-9. Values for the Apollo 15 and 16 deep
particles. Whereas the maximum reported value of dIill-stem samples are shown for comparison. Because
specific gravity is 3.2 for an Apollo 15 sample (ref. the core recovery was nearly 100 percent, the
8-2), the soil in the lower half of the double core may measured bulk densities should be quite close to the
have a value as high as 4. The black soil in the double in situ values.
core is composed primarily of crystalline droplets, All the bulk densities are high; that of the second
olivine phenocrysts, a trace of glass, and 25-percent drill stem (2.11 g/cm 3) is remarkably so. The
ilmenite that has a specific gravity of 4.7. The LSPET X..radiographs indicated this section to be quite
has found that the black material is the first lunar soil gravelly, and dissection by the LSPET has confirmed
studied thus far that contains no agglutinates, this. This zone may be related to the hard layer
Drill Stems.-The deep core was drilled to a depth encountered in the LM area at the end of EVA-3
of 3.05 ± 0.01 m at a point approximately 40 m where a single core-tube sample was obtained. The
north of the Apollo lunar surface experiment package fourth through the seventh drill stems all have
(ALSEP) central station. Core recovery was 95 to 97 essentially the same density; the X-radiographs show
percent, and preliminary data on the eight drill-stem uniformity as well.
sections are given in table 8-II. The absolute densities at the Apollo 17 drill site

10 ,....... [
Station 6--!-

Ii :'|....... "_ >-Station9 (?)

E 20 ;tation3(?)!" .... .........

_'-- Station 4
t_,_ ' l
60 I r -J
L ,j
70 I I I
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Bulk density,glcm3

FIGURE 8-7.-Bulk density as a function of depth in the

lunar surface for drive-tube samples.

FIGURE 8-6.-Single drive tube at station 6. The drive tube

has just been pushed to a depth of approximately 16 era.
A special orientation mark is visible above and to the right
of the numeral 8 on the tube. This is the only drive tube
from Apollo 17 that has been positively oriented in the
lunar surface. After this photograph was taken, the drive FIGURE 8°8.-Trench excavated into orange soil on rim of
tube was hammered to a final depth of 37 cm (AS17- Shorty Crater at station 4. The chunky texture reflects
146-22291). the high cohesion of this soil (AS17-137-20989).

are generally higher than those measured at the 16 and 17 had been available, the predicted drillrate
Apollo 15 and 16 drill sites, and the distribution of at the Apollo 15 site would have been the same or
densities as a function of depth suggests a deposi- slightly less than that measured at the Apollo 17 site,
tional history entirely different from either of the indicating that although the absolute densities in the
previous two sites. The average drill rate of the first Apollo 15 drill stem were less than those of Apollo
Apollo 17 heat flow borestem was approximately 70 17, the relative densities were generally the same or
cm/min, indicating that the relative density at the higher. This indication implies a significantly dif-
the Apollo 17 site is considerably higher than that at ferent soil composition. Even though the relative
Apollo 16 site. If the later borestem design of Apollo densities at the Apollo 17 drill sites were indicated to

TABLE 8-II.-Preliminar J Data on Apollo 1 7 Drill-Stem Sections

Returned Returned Returned Original Original Drill- Core

ill-stem Sample sample sample bulk sample bulk stem recovery,
rial no. no. weigh t,a length, b density, e length, d density, c depth, percent
g cm g/cm 3 cm g/cm a em

_1 70009 143.3 25 :-_2 1.76 -+0.14 elO -+2

i7 70008 260.9 f38 2.11 39.9 1.99 -+0.05
i3 70007 179.4 g34 :t 2 1.62 -+0.10 39.9
i5 70006 234.2 39.9 1.80 39.9 1.80
i9 70005 240.6 39.9 1.85 39.9 1.85 ' 305 +-1 95 to 97
i6 70004 238.8 39.9 1.84 39.9 1.84
i2 70003 237.8 39.9 1.83 39.9 1.83 ]
_0 70002 207.7 f h42.0 1.74 42.5 1.74
_9 (bit) 70001 29.8 )

aTotal weight is 1772.5.

bDetermined by X-radiography.
CBased on a sample diameter of 2.04 cm.
dTotal length is 292 ± 2.
eCore-tube rammer-jammer was inserted to a depth of 30 +-2 cm before drill stem was withdrawn from soil.
fApproximately 2-cm void at top of stem.
gApproximately 6-cm void at top of stem.
hNominal length is 42.5 cm; 0.5 cm fell out of bottom of drill stem on lunar surface.

0 I I I I not uncommon for the lunar surface and that the soil

Ii I.... 1 I soft. Softer soil conditions near the surface are also

t._., _l indicated for the Apollo 16 site by the porosity as

,.I 16! ,
Apollo _t
l_ __ at the Apollo
determined 16 site may
by analysis have been
of footprint anomalously
depths and LRV
100 i tracks (ref. 8-1).
E" t...., I After extraction of the drill stem, the neutron flux
I probe was inserted to a depth of 2.1 m (length of
t_ Apollo17
_' "--" probe) in the vacated hole. Before insertion of the

=_ /
Apollol5 probe, it was noted that the hole was intact and
_2oo .... "7 flared at the top. No resistance to insertion of the
! probe was encountered, except at approximately
one-third the depth where a slight obstruction was
noted. This resistance may have coincided with the
location of the gravel layer. There was no noticeable
3°_.0 t
1.5 I
2.0 i
2.5 resistance to withdrawal of the neutron flux probe at
gulkdensity, g/cm3 the end of EVA-3, at which time it had been in the
ground for 49 hr. This suggests that there was no
FIGURE 8-9.-Bulk density as a function of depth in the caving or squeezing of the soil under the increased
lunar surface for drill-stem samples.
shear stresses caused by the presence of the hole, in
agreement with premission predictions.
be generally quite high, the observed drill rates were A stability analysis of the open drill hole provides
quite variable and reflected hard and soft layers at lower bound estimates of the soil strength parameters
depth, as shown by Mitchell et al. (ref. 8-8). In that report,
After the easy drilling experiences of Apollo 16, it the horizontal scale in figure 7-24 is in error. A
was assumed that the hard drilling encountered at corrected plot of the relationship between soil co-
Apollo 15 was exceptional. On the basis of three data hesion and friction angle and the depth to the bottom
points, it must now be concluded that hard drilling is of the elastic zone in an open borehole is given in

figure 8-10. Below the depth corresponding to any Although the open holes remaining after extrac-
given combination of friction angle and cohesion, a tion of the drill stem suggest quite high strengths for
plastic zone should develop, and there should be soil depths of approximately 2 m at both the Apollo 16
yielding that would lead to closure of the hole by and 17 sites, strengths of this magnitude are not
inward squeezing of the soft. commonly encountered at shallow depths as indi-
If no yielding of the soil developed to a depth cated by the values determined by penetrometer
corresponding to the length of the neutron flux probe testing at the Apollo 16 site (ref. 8-1).
(and little could have occurred because the probe
diameter is only slightly less than the hole diameter), Boulder Tracks
then the required strength parameters are as indicated
by the vertical line in figure 8-10 at a depth of 2.1 m. More than 300 tracks made by boulders rolling,
Even for high friction angles (> 50°), a soil cohesion bouncing, and skidding down lunar slopes were
exceeding 1.0 kN/m 2 is required. Strength parameters identified by Grolier et al. (ref. 8-9) in the Lunar
of this magnitude are likely only for conditions of Orbiter photographs. The Apollo 17 mission provided
high relative density and would be consistent with the the first opportunity for a close study of these
hard drilling discussed previously. High strength is not interesting features because many tracks can be seen
required for the full depth of the hole. Stability can on the Taurus-Littrow hills. Unfortunately, prints of
be maintained for conditions of strength increasing the 500-mm lunar surface photographs, which permit
with depth to satisfy figure 8-10 at any depth, the most detailed study of the tracks, were not
available to the soil mechanics team during the
preparation of this report. Hence, the analyses, based
2.5 mainly on 60-mm and premission orbital photo-
Frictionangle=30* graphs, are tentative, and the results are subject to

o subsequent refinement. In a qualitative sense, boulder

2.0 I 40° tracks serve as exploratory trenches and can provide

1.5 50° the relative sharpness of track features provides some

. indication of soil movement after track formation.
o= Quantitative analysis of boulder tracks, from
1.0 which information can be derived relating to soil
L5o information about regolith thickness and history, and
n strength and density, is possible. Studies of this type
al. (ref. 8-11), Moore (ref. 8-12), Moore et al. (ref.
.5 f .... ]iui have been reported by Filice (ref. 8-10), Eggleston et
_" i I I II I i 8-13), and Hovland and Mitchell (ref. 8-6) for boulder
0 .5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.o tracks found in Lunar Orbiter photographs. The
Depth0tb0reh01e,ra method in reference 8-6 is used here. An oblique
FIGURE 8-10. Depth to bottom of the elastic zone in an closeup view of a larger boulder and its associated
open borehole as a function of soil strength parameters, track visited at station 6 on the south slope of the

FIGURE 8-11.-Partial panorama at station 6 showing a laxgeboulder and the track down which it
rolled (AS17-141-21582,21584, 21586, 21590, and 21594).

North Massif during EVA-3 is shown in figure 8-11. Sculptured Hills; their locations are indicated in
Several tracks were located on the premission figure 8-12. Several tracks on the South Massif are
orbital photographs of the East Massif and the identified in figure 8-13. Additional tracks on the

530 m ..... Boulder tracks

FIGURE 8-12. Locations of boulder tracks on the East Massif and on the Sculptured Hills. For tracks
identified by a letter, a definite causative bouhler could be located; for tracks identified by a
number, only the most probable causative boulder could be located.

....... Bouldertracks

FIGURE 8-15.-Boulder tracks on the North Massifas seen from the LM (track identifications are the
sameas for fig. 8-12) (AS17-147-22502).

and is used with a bearing capacity equationadapted Thus, the variability indicated by figure 8-17 is
to the case of a rolling sphere. The resulting relation- considered more reliable than the absolute values of
ships between soil friction angle, slope angle, and friction angle.
track-width-to-boulder-diameter ratio are shown in
figure 8-16. A soft density of 1.6 g/cm 3 and a
Surface Soil Porosity Deduced from
cohesion of 1 kN/m 2 were assumed. This value of
cohesion is near the upper end of the range of Footprint Analysis
cohesion values determined for the lunar soil thus far Previously developed methods (refs. 8-3 and 8-4)
(refs. 8-1 and 8-4). The effect of an overestimation in have been used to extend the statistical analysis of
cohesion by as much as a factor of 10 will lead to an lunar soil porosity as deduced from footprint depths
underestimation of friction angle of only 1° to 2 °, to include the Apollo 17 site. The curve correlating
however. An estimate of the variations in friction footprint depth with average porosity and relative
angle that are likely to result from errors in a density of the upper few centimeters of the lunar
measurement of track depth and width and in surface, based on results of model test and theoretical
boulder size has been made (ref. 8-6). The analysis analyses (ref. 8-14), is shown in figure 8-18.
indicated that friction could differ by as much as-+ 2° A total of 144 different footprints from the
because of measurement errors. Apollo 17 photographs were analyzed, and the results
The frequency distribution of the soil friction are summarized in table 8-IV. A histogram showing
angles derived from the boulder track data is shown all data for Apollo 17 is presented in figure 8-19. Also
in figure 8-17 and is generally compatible with the summarized in table 8-1V are results for previous
soil gradations, densities, and porosities found at Apollo missions. For the Apollo 17 site, only three
other locations on the Moon. Although the range is footprints on crater rims were analyzed. This sample
similar to that determined by other means (refs. 8-1 size is too small to characterize crater rims statis-
and 8-4), the most frequent values are somewhat less tically; thus, the values shown in table 8-IV are
than would be expected because tracks of the size essentially applicable only to intercrater areas.
analyzed must involve considerably greater soil The data in table 8-IV show that neither the
depths than for the other determinations. This intercrater average porosity (43.4 percent) nor the
difference may reflect limitations in the analysis, standard deviation (2.4) differ significantly from the

TABLE 8-III.-Apollo 1 7 BouMer Tracks

Track Slope Track Tracl_ Boulder w Track Friction

no. * angle, length, width, diameter, -
D depth, angle,
deg km w, m D, m m deg

l 23 1,3 13 17 0.76 3.0 40

2 26 .6 10 10 1.00 5.0 30
3 26 .6 8 15 .53 1.1 49
4 26 .5 5 6 .83 1.3 35
5 26 .9 12 12 1.00 6.0 30
6 26 .7 10 16 .62 1.7 46
a 26 1.3 9 11 .82 2.4 37
b 26 1.7 8 10 .80 2.0 37

7? 25 1.3 262 ....

8? 25 1.4 26? - - -

9 27 0.9 10 13 0.77 2.4 39

10 27 .9 11 16 .69 2.2 43
11 27 2.5 10 13 .77 2.2 39
12 27 .5 8 11 .73 1.8 41
13 25 .4 l1 15 .73 2.4 42
14 25 .6 14 14 1.00 7.0 30
15 25 1.4 12 12 1.00 6.0 30
c 25 .8 16 20 .80 4.0 39
16 25 _ .1 1.5 - - -
17 25 _- .2 3.0? 3.0 1.00 1.5 -
18 25 _ .05 1.8 2.l .86 0.5 27
19 25 _ .3 5.0 -
20 25 _ .1 3.0? 3.0 1.00 1.5 -
21 25 _ .3 4.5 ....
22 25 _ .3 6.0 ....
23 25 _ .2 3.0 2.0? - --

24 26 _ .5 7 - - -
25 26 _ .5 8 8 1.00 4.0 29
26 26 _ 1.8 10 182 - -
27 24 _ .1 3.6 4.5 .80 0.9 35
28 24 _ .7 6 8 .75 1.4 39
d 24 _ .9 8 10 .80 2.0 38
e 24 _ .4 7 9 .78 1.7 38
f 26 _ .4 6 6 1.00 3.0 28
g 24 _ 1.0 7 8 .88 2.1 33
h 23 _ 2.0 8.5 12 .71 1.7 41

letter, a definite causative boulder could be located; for tracks identified by a number, only the
could be located.

Apollo sites. The Apollo one site. Conversely, the weighted average porosity
slightly higher. The (44.0 percent) is weighted heavily in favor of Apollo
Apollo 17 also compare ]6 where an unusually large number of footprint
average values for all observations was possible. Thus, the unweighted
and 2.75) and the un- values (43.5 percent and 2.55) probably represent a
and 2.55). The un- better estimate for a randomly selected location on
by computing a simple the lunar surface.
averages for each site No distinguishable difference in porosity was
of observations at any found between the Apollo 17 traverse stations and


40 40 m

_30 Ili_ _30

,,'- ,.r.
2(] 20 w =1m/

10 10

.2 i
.4 .6| .8 I
1.0 0 I
.2 I
.4 I
.6 I
.8 J
w/D w/D

(a) Slope angle = 0 ° . (c) Slope angle = 20° .

60 6(

.m \ "k%

_30g __,10 5m =_30

o w=lm/
"_. .,=
20 20

i0 10

.2 I
.4 I
.6 I
,8 1.O_ I
.2 I
.4 ._ I
.8 I
wID wlD
(b) Slope angle = 10°. (d) Slope angle = 30°.

FIGURE 8-16.-The relationship between friction angle ¢ and track width to boulder diameter ratio
w/D for lunar soil, where soil density ps is 1.6 g/era 3 ; cohesion c is 1 kN/m2; and rock density/soil
density #tiPs is 2.

Mean friction ant.lie- 37.3° 70

iO Standarddeviation= 5.6*
Number of observations- 25

O- 60

30- _=# /_
. 40 - _- 50
_ 50-_
_= 60
5 _ _70
"_ 80 - _ 40

z 90-_ /


20 I I I
i t 0.01 .1 1 10
020 30 40 50 60 Footprint depth, cm
Friction angle, deg
]?IGURE 8-18.-Predicted variation of footprint depth with
FIGURE 8-17.-Frequency distribution of friction angle average porosity and relative density in the top 10 cm of
values deduced from boulder tracks in the Taurus-Littrow the lunar surface. Average porosity is based on a
area. 58.3-percent maximum and a 31-percent minimum. Foot-
print depth assumes a contact stress of 7 kN/m _ .

TABLE 8-IV. Results of Statistical Analysis of Porosities

Deduced from Foot ;rint Depths

Location No. of porosity, a Standard relative
observations deviation density,

Apollo 17 site
All data 144 43.4 2.4 67
LM and ALSEP area 80 43.2 2.65 67
All traverse stations 64 43.65 1.95 66

Intercrater areas
Apollo 11 30 43.3 1.8 67
Apollo 12 88 42.8 3.1 68
Apollo 14 38 43.3 2.2 67
Apollo 15 117 43.4 2.9 67
Apollo 16 273 45.0 2.8 61.5
Apollo 17 141 43.4 2.4 67
Apollo 11, 12, 14, and 15 273 b43,2 b2.8 67

All Apollo sites

Crater rims 89 b46.5 b4.3 55.5
Intercrater areas 687 b44.0 b2.75 65
Intercrater areas 687 c43.5 c2.55 66

Based on assumption that nma x = 58.3 percent and nmi n = 31 percent.
bWeighted average.
CEach Apollo site given equal weight regardless of number of observations.

LRVA-hr integratorread-0uts: S0ilmodelB From these parameters, pull as a function of slip

zx Battery1 (h =35° and torque as a function of slip relationships were
o Battery2 c o0.17 kNlm
Predictedfromsoil k = 0.81NIcm3 calculated using analytical expressions developed by
modelB _c@ 0.35Nlcm Bekker (ref. 8-21). These expressions were then used
n := 1.0
K 1.0cm as computer input data, together with other informa-
tion relating to the mission, terrain, and vehicle
EVA-I EVA-2 EVA-3 characteristics, to calculate the LRV energy consump-

Apollo 15 ' I' ' I' "1 tionBecause
at each ofsitethe(ref.
small amount of wheel sinkage, the
- 20F z_._..-----"_ '_'-- LRV wheel/soil interaction with the lunar surface
0 h---"'q- i I I I I
value of predominantly
involved q_ = 35 ° is consistent
surface with
shear. average frictiona

40]' '1" '1' ._ (table 8-V) on the basis of in-place plate shear tests
F Apollo16 _ performed on a lunar soil simulant (refs. 8-15 and
i EVA-1 EVA-2 EVA-3 angle valueswith
consistent deduced from theGanalysis
the average values of LRV tracks
deduced from
_'-"t "'""_'_ I t I t i 8-16).
LRV tracks (table 8-V). Finally, based on otherk4_
The values of coefficients k c and are
EVA-I EVA-2 EVA-3 soil mechanics observations and measurements (e.g.,
40I, .l, '1' o c_
_> value of 0.17 kN/m 2 for the top surficial material was
20 adopted.
_ f_ soil erosion during LM descent), an average cohesion
I t t I I _ _ In general, the soil/LRV interaction data support
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 the conclusion that the surficial lunar soil is less
compact, more deformable and compressible, and has
FIGURE 8-21.-Measured energy consumption of the LRV in lower strength than does the subsurface material.
relation to the predicted values based on the soil
properties indicated.

core-tube samples. As shown in figure 8-21, the same Downslope Movements Caused by
soil model, which had been based on Surveyor data Meteoroid Impacts
for soil near the surface (ref. 8-20), yields results that Houston et al. (ref. 8-22) have assessed the relative
closely agree with the measured LRV energy con- importance of vibrations induced by meteoroid im-
sumption at both the Apollo 16 and 17 sites, pact as a mechanism for mass movement of lunar soil
In figure 8-21, the symbols q_ and c designate, downslope. The seismic energy generated by impacts
respectively, the soil friction angle and cohesion;K is of various-size meteoroids was estimated, and the
a normalizing constant conditioning the amount of associated incremental movement was computed for
shear strength and the thrust mobilized by the soil at each impact. Movements were summed over the range
a given wheel slip; and ks, kc, and n describe the in meteoroid sizes producing significant movement,
pressure-sinkage characteristics of the soil under both with respect to distance from point of impact
wheel loads(ref. 8-21). and with respect to time, using meteor flux rates
derived by Gault (ref. 8-23) with an adjustment based
k on more recent estimates of the age of the Moon.
p = ¢ + k@zn (8-2) The results indicated that the flattest slope on
which significant cumulative downslope soil move-
in which p is the wheel contact pressure in N/cm 2, b ment of approximately 1 m is likely to have occurred
is the wheel footprint width in centimeters, and z is because of impact-produced ground accelerations is
wheel sinkage in centimeters. If for a given wheel the approximately 25 °. The flattest slope on which
pressure-sinkage relationship is linear (n = 1), the cumulative downslope movement of several hundred
coefficients k c and k4, are analogous to the penetra- to a few thousand meters is likely to have occurred is
tion resistance gradient of the soil G. approximately 48 °. Because of the great length of

most of the highland lunar slopes, it is estimated that South Massif. A study of stereographic photographs
downslope movements of a few thousand meters obtained from orbit during the Apollo 17 mission
would be required to cause flattening of the slopes by using the panoramic camera gives some indication of
as much as 1° or 2 °. Thus, it appears that only on a scarp on the South Massif that could define the
very steep lunar slopes could there have been signifi- boundary of a slide mass. Furthermore, according to
cant downslope soil movements caused by shaking the LSPET, the light mantle material on the plains
from meteoroid impacts alone, and that large-scale appears to be compositionally similar to that from
slope degradation must have developed primarily by the South Massif. Thus, reasonable evidence exists
other mechanisms. However, this conclusion does not that a slide or avalanche did occur. If a slide did
mean that soil movement, once triggered by meteor- occur, then an important question to be resolved is
oid impact, could not continue as a result of changes the mechanism by which the material spread out onto
in strength properties of the soft mass or fiuidization, the valley floor and came to rest with a nearty level
As the slope of the South Massif is only approxi-
Origin of the Light Mantle
mately 25 ° to 30 °, meteoroid impact is unlikely to
It has been hypothesized (ref. 8-24) that the light have been able to do much more than just initiate
mantle that extends outward over the plains area movement. Incremental movements accumulating
north of the base of the South Massif (fig. 8-22) from impacts alone could not account for the
originated as an avalanche from the slopes of the magnitude of movements indicated. However, once a

FIGURE 8-22.-Orbital view of the Apollo 17 landing: area. The light mantle to the north of the South
Massif may have been an avalanche produced by the mechanisms proposed in text. A possible slide
scarp can be seen located as indicated on high-resolution panoramic camera photographs (Apollo
17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2314).

slide was triggered, if the soil strength were to those of the soils at the previous Apollo sites.
decrease significantly or if the mass became fluidized Although no crew tasks or lunar surface measure-
because of the generation or liberation of significant ments were done specifically for the purpose of
quantities of gas, then continued movement might be obtaining quantitative soil mechanics data, a number
possible, of preliminary analyses and interpretations have been
In the analysis of downslope movements referred made using EVA transcripts and kinescopes, photo-
to previously, no change in soil strength was assumed graphs, data on soil/LRV interactions, debriefings,
once failure occurred. The nature of lunar soil and limited examination of returned lunar samples.
particles, particularly the agglutinates and breccias, is The following specific conclusions have been de-
such that particle breakdown during shear is likely, veloped.
The results of strength and compression tests on lunar 1. Soil cover is present at all points visited in the
soil samples by Carrier et al. (ref. 8-25) suggest that Taurus-Littrow landing area. Surface textures and
particle breakdown does indeed occur. Mitchell and colors are similar to those at the other Apollo sites.
Houston (ref. 8-26) found that decreasing tire particle 2. There is considerable local (meter scale) vari-
size of a basalt lunar soil simulant resulted in a ability in soil properties.
significant decrease in the angle of internal friction. It 3. Particle-size distributions of samples from dif-
is not likely, however, that particle comminution ferent traverse stations are generally similar to each
could lead to a decrease in friction angle to a value other and to those observed at previous landing sites,
less than 25 °, which would be required to result in even though soil compositions are highly variable
any slope flattening on the South Massif. A loss in among the stations in terms of proportions of basalt,
strength caused by a friction-angle decrease sufficient breccia, mineral fragments, glass, and agglutinates.
to allow spreading of the material over the level plains 4. The drive-tube samples indicate some increase
does not seem possible, in density with depth but more uniformity with
The plausibility of fluidization as a mechanism depth than the Apollo 15 and 16 samples. Soil
hinges on the generation or liberation of sufficient gas density in the double drive tube taken on the rim of
during the initial stages of movement to provide a Shorty Crater (station 4) is higher than heretofore
sufficient uplift pressure on the overlying soil to observed for any lunar sample. The presence of high
reduce or eliminate frictional resistance to downslope specific gravity particles, such as ilmenite, is a more
movement. Gas of solar wind origin was liberated in probable cause than is very low porosity.
the compression and strength tests described in 5. Absolute densities at the Apollo 17 drill site are
reference 8-24; however, the amount was too small generally higher than those measured at the Apollo
by orders of magnitude to cause fluidization. Con- 15 and 16 drill sites, and the distribution of densities
versely, other investigators have generated gas by a with depth suggests a different depositional history
combination of grinding and heating, from that at the previous two sites.
Clanton et al. (ref. 8-27) and Bogard et al. (ref. 6. Stability analysis of the open drill-stem hole,
8-28) have confirmed that agglutinates are enriched in into which the neutron flux probe was placed and
solar wind and thus could serve as a source of gas removed without soil resistance, indicates that there
when broken down. The Apollo 17 soil composition was little or no squeezing or caving of the soil during
analyses indicate that the samples from the massifs a 49-hr period and that soil strength at a depth of 2 m
contain greater proportions of breccias, approxi- must have been considerably greater than the average
mately the same proportion of agglutinates, and less strength near the surface.
basalt than does the dark mantle material on the 7. Tracks caused by the rolling and bouncing of
plains. Thus, a fluidization mechanism may be ten- boulders are common on the slopes of the massifs and
able to account for the origin of the light mantle, the Sculptured Hills. A frequency distribution of soil
whereas flnidization would be very unlikely if the friction angles was deduced from rolling boulder
massifs were composed only of ground-up basalt, track data that is consistent with the soil gradations,
densities, and porosities found at other locations on
the Moon, although the absolute values of friction
angle were computed to be somewhat lower than was
The physical and mechanical properties of the soil anticipated.
at the Apollo 17 landing site are generally similar to 8. Near-surface soil porosities deduced from foot-

print depths indicate that neither the intercrater Science Conference (Houston, Tex.),Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
average porosity nor the standard deviation differ 118-120.
significantly from the average values for previous 8-3. Houston, W. N.; Hovland, H. 1.; and Mitchell, 1. K.:
Lunar Soil Porosity and Its Variation as Estimated from
Apollo sites. The average relative density for all Footprints and Boulder Tracks. Proceedings of the Third
Apollo landing sites, as deduced from 687 observa- Lunar Science Conference, vol, 3, MIT Press (Cambridge,
tions of footprint depth, is approximately 66 percent. Mass.), 1972, pp. 3255-3263.
Large local (meter scale) variations exist in porosity 8-4. Mitchell, J. K.; Carrier, W. D., 1II; Houston, W. N.;
and relative density. Scott, R. F.; et at.: Soil Mechanics. Sec. 8 of the Apollo
16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
9. The LRV performance, including slope- 8-5. Costes, N. C.: Regional Variations in Physical and
climbing capability and power consumption, was Mechanical Properties of Lunar Surface Regolith. Lunar
within the predicted limits. Analysis of track depth, Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar
shape, and texture indicated no discernible variations Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
in the average consistency of the surface soil through- 8-6. Hovland, H, J.; and Mitchell, J. K.: Mechanics of Rolling
out the Taurus-Littrow region or relative to the Sphere-Soil Slope Interaction. Final Rept. (NASA Con-
Apollo 14 through 17 and Luna 17 landing sites, tract NAS 8-21432), Vol. lI, Space Sci. Lab., Univ. of
although variations about the average existed on a California at Berkeley, July 1971.
small scale at all sites. 8-7. Carrier, W. D., lII: Lunar Soil Grain Size Distribution.
o The Moon, vol. 8, 1973.
10. Only on very steep lunar slopes ('> 25 ) could 8-8. Mitchell, J. K.; Bromwell, L. G.; Carrier, W. D., Ill;
there have been significant downslope soil movements Costes, N. C.; et al.: Soil-Mechanics Experiment, Sec. 7 of
caused by shaking from meteoroid impacts alone, and the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report_ NASA SP-289,
large-scale slope degradation must have developed 1972.
primarily by other mechanisms. 8-9. Grolier, M. L; Moore, H. J.; and Martin, G. L.: Lunar
Block Tracks. A Preliminary Geologic Evaluation of Areas
11. There is evidence to support an avalanche as
Photographed by Lunar-Orbiter V Including an Apollo
tile origin of the light mantle covering the plains Landing Analysis of One of the Areas. NASA Langley
north of the South Massif. Fluidization of the soil Research Center, Rept. LWP-506, 1968, pp. 143-154.
mass by gas pressures generated during the initial 8-10. Filice, A. L.: Lunar Surface Strength Estimate from
phases of soil movement would be required to Orbiter II Photographs. Science, vol. 156, no. 3781,June
account for the large-scale movements observed. 16, 1967, pp. 1486-1487.
Finally, soil mechanics data from all the Apollo 8-11. Eggleston,
Arant, J. M.;
W. H.; and Patterson,
Spooner, D. L.:A.Lunar
W.; Throop, 1. E.;
Rolling Stones.
missions support the general conclusion that proc- Pbotogrammetric Eng., vol. 34, no. 3, Mar. 1968, pp.
esses affecting the entire lunar surface, such as 246-255.
meteoroid impact and the solar wind, control the 8-12. Moore, H. J.: Estimates of the Mechanical Properties
of Lunar Surface Using Tracks and Secondary hnpact
average properties such as grain-size distribution and Craters Produced by Blocks and Boulders. U.S. Geol.
relative density, which are nearly the same at all sites. Survey Interagency Rept.: Astrogeology 22, July 1970.
On the average, the soil on slopes is less dense than 8-13. Moore, H. J.; Vischer, W. A.; and Martin, G. L.:
the soil on level areas because of the effects of Boulder Tracks on the Moon and Earth. U.S. Geol. Survey
Prof. Paper 800-B, 1972, pp. B165-B174.
downslope movement. Local geology and topography 8-14. Houston, W. N.; and Namiq, L. I.: Penetration Resis-
on a small scale and specific cratering events appear tance of Lunar Soils. J. Terramechanics, vol. 8, no. 1,
to control the variations about the aw_rage to the 1971, pp. 59-69.
extent that the standard deviation can be relatively 8-15. Green, A. J.; and Melzer, K. J.: Performance of the
large. Boeing LRV Wheels in a Lunar Soil Simulant: Effect of
Wheel Design and Soil. Tech, Rept. M-71-10, Rept. 1,
USAE WES, Vicksburg, Miss., 1971.
F1I::F E R E N GI:S 8-16. Melzer, K. J.: Performance of the Boeing LRV Wheels
in a Lunar Soil Simulant: Effect of Speed, Wheel Load,
8-1. Mitchell, J. K.; Houston, W. N.; Scott, R.F.;Costes, N. and Soft. Tech. Rept. M-71-10, Rept. 2, USAE WES,
C.; et al.: Mechanical Properties of Lunar Soil: Density, Vicksburg, Miss., 1971.
Porosity, Cohesion, and Angle of Internal Friction. 8-17. Vinogradov, A. P., ed.: Lunokhod-1, Mobile Lunar
Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. Laboratory. Nanka Publishers (Moscow), 1971. (Available
3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 3235-3253. from National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
8-2. Carrier, W. D., III; Mitchell, J. K.; and Mahmood, Virginia.)
Arshud: The Relative Density of Lunar Soil. Lunar 8-18. Mitchell, J. K.; Bromwell, L. G.; Carrier, W. D., 1II;
Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Costes, N. C.; and Scott, R. F.: Soil Mechanical Properties

at the Apollo 14 Site. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 77, no. 29, 8-24. Howard, K. A.: Ltmar Avalanches. Lunar Science IV
Oct. 10, 1972, pp. 5641-5664. (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science
8-19. Costes, N. C.; Farmer, J. E.; and George, E.B.: Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
Mobility Performance of the Lunar Roving Vehicle. 386-388.
Terrestrial Studies: Apollo 15 Results. NASA TR R-401, 8-25. Carrier, W. D., III; Bromwell, L. G.; and Martin, R. T.:
1972. Behavior of Returned Lunar Soil in Vacuum. J. Soil
8-20. Scott, R. F.; and Roberson, F. I.: Soil Mechanics Mechanics Foundations Div., ASCE, Nov. 1973.
Surface Sampler. Part II: Surveyor Ploject Final Report, 8-26. Mitchell, J. K.; and Houston, W. N.: Lunar Surface
Calif. Inst. Tech. JPL-TR-32-1265, 1968, pp. 195-207. Engineering Properties Experiment Definition. Final
8-21. Bekker, M. G.: Introduction to Terrain-Vehicle Sys- Rept., Vol. 1 (NASA CR-102963), Space Sci. Lab., Univ.
of California at Berkeley, 1970.
tems. The University of Michigan Press (Ann Arbor, 8-27. Clanton, U. S.; McKay, D. S.; Taylor, R. M.; and
Mich.), 1969. Heiken, G. H.: Relationship of Exposure Age to Size
8-22. Houston, W. N.; Moriwaki, Y.; and Chang, C.S.: Distribution and Particle Types in the Apollo 15 Drill
Downslope Movement of Lunar Soil and Rock Caused by Core, The Apollo 15 Lunar Samples, Lunar Science
Meteor Impact. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers pre- Institute (Houston, Tex.), 1972, pp. 54-56.
sented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, 8-28. Bogard, D. D.; Nyquist, L. E.; Hirsch, W. C.; and
Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 384-385. Moore, D. R.: Trapped Noble Gas Abundances in Surface
8-23. Gault, D. E.: Satttration and Equilibrium Conditions and Sub-Surface Fines From Apollo 15 and 16. Lunar
for Impact Cratering on the Lunar Surface: Criteria and Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar
Implications. Radio Sci., vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1970, pp. Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
273-291. 79-81.
9. Heat Flow Experiment
Marcus G. Langseth, Jr., at Stepher,_J. Keihm, a John L. Chute, Jr. b

The objectives of the heat flow experiment (HFE) and chondritic abundances, which led Wasserburg et
were to make a direct measurement of" the vertical al. (ref. 9-4) to propose that, to explain the heat flow
component of heat flow from the hmar interior from Earth, a higher abundance of uranium (nearly 3
through the surface and to determine the thermal times that of chondrites) is needed. They estimated a
properties of the upper 3 m of the lunar regolith, uranium abundance of approximately 30 ppb for the
The age of the Moon is placed at 4.6 X 109 yr. For Earth.
a planetary body as small as the Moon, much of the The large variations of heat flow observed over the
initial heat energy has been lost to space since surface of the Earth are principally related to the
formation. Even if the Moon were initially at molten present tectonism of the Earth lithosphere (ref. 9-5).
temperatures, the present flux at the surface would The largest variations are observed at extensional and
be small. The major contribution to the surface heat compressional boundaries of vast lithospheric plates
flow comes from heatgenerated by the disintegration that are moving relative to each other. Seismic
of long-lived radioisotopes of uranium (23SU and observations (ref. 9-6) and the preservation of ancient
238U), potassium (4°K), and thorium (232Th). Thus, surface features on the Moon demonstrate that no
the present surface heat flux reflects the abundance comparable tectonic movements have occurred on the
of these isotopes to a depth of approximately 300 Moon for the past 3 X 109 yr. The Moon is
kin, or 43 percent of the volume of the Moon. It is tectonically dead compared to the Earth; therefore,
now certain that extensive differentiation occurred any variations in surface heat flow over the surface
during the early history of the Moon that would should reflect either deep-seated changes in abun-
concentrate these isotopes in the outer shells. In this dances of radioisotopes or in convective patterns in
case, the present surface heat flow wouhi very nearly the Moon. Because of the static nature of the outer
indicate the total abundance of these isotopes, crust of the Moon, heat flow determinations at a
More than 5000 heat flow determinations made on single location might be quite representative of a very
Earth show the average global flux to be 6.3 X 10-6 large region of the Moon if local surficial effects such
W/cm 2 (ref. 9-1). (Throughout this report, W-secwill as refraction by conductive inhomogeneities and
be used as the unit of heat energy. Other commonly topography are properly accounted for.
used units are the calorie, which equals 4.18 W-sec, Numerous attempts have been made to determine
and the erg, which equals 10 ? W-sec. The average the surface heat flow from the Moon by detecting
Earth heat flow is 1.5 X 10 -6 cal/cm2-sec and 63 thermal radiation from the Moon in the microwave
ergs/cm2-sec.) Urey (ref. 9-2) pointed out that the band. Because of the partial transparency of lunar
total rate of heat flow from the Earth is essentially surface material, energy with wavelengths greater
equal to the total rate of heat production in the Earth than I mm received at Earth-based antennas origi-
if it were constituted of materials with chondritic nates in the subsurface and contains information on
abundances of uranium, potassium, and thorium, subsurface temperatures. By making estimates of
However, Gast (ref. 9-3) showed that Earth rocks thermal and electrical properties, the heat flow can be
were strongly depleted in potassium relative to solar determined from the change of brightness tempera-
ture with wavelength. The earliest heat flow determi-
aLamont-DohertyGeologicalObservatory. nation was that of Baldwin (ref. 9-7), who estimated
bH.H. LehmanCollege,City University of New York. an upper limit of 1 X 10 _6 W/cm 2. Russian
tPrincipalInvestigator, investigators estimated the heat flow to be very


nearly equal to that of the Earth, based on a very T is the temperature, z is the depth, and the constant
careful set of radio-telescope observations in the k m is the thermal conductivity. The negative sign
wavelength band 3 to 50 cm (ref. 9-8). These same indicates that the heat flows in a direction opposite
measurements were later revised by using different to the increase of temperature.
thermal properties and a layered model to give heat The experiment is designed to measure accurately
flows in the range 3 × 10 _6 to 4 × 10 -6 W/cm 2 the vertical temperature gradient in the lunar soil to a
(ref. 9-9). depth of 2.3 m. Surface temperature measurements
During the Apollo 15 mission, the first direct are also made that can be used to deduce the thermal
measurement of heat flow through the lunar surface properties of the upper 10 to 15 cm of regolith. In
was made at Rima Hadley (lat. 26006 , N and long. situ measurements of thermal conductivity of the
3°39 ' E). A second measurement was made during regolith at depths where the gradient is measured are
the Apollo 17 mission at the Taurus-Littrow site Oat. also performed. Two measurements of heat flow at
20°10 ' N and long. 30046 , E). At Taurus-Littrow, locations separated by approximately 10 m are made
two probes to determine heat flow were emplanted to detect possible lateral variations.
approximately 11 m apart. Analysis of data taken The essential parts of the heat flow instrument are
during the first 45 days after emplacement indicates two identical temperature-sensing probes. Each probe
that the heat flow is 2.8 X 10 -6 W/cm 2 (0.67 consists of two 50-cm-long sections (fig. 9-1(a)). In
/lcal/cm2-sec) at one probe location and 2.5 × 10 -6 each probe section are two platinum resistance
W/cm z (0.60 /_cal/cm2-sec) at the second probe bridges; each bridge consists of four 500-ohm ilia-
location. For comparison, the value measured at mentary platinum elements interconnected by Evan-
Rima Hadley is 3.1 × 10 -6 W/cm 2 (0.74/lcal/cm 2- ohm wire (fig. 9-1(b)). Opposing arms of a bridge are
sec). The Rima Hadley measurement and Taurus- wound together in a single sensor housing;two sensor
Littrow probe 1 measurement have an estimated error housings, comprising a complete bridge, are mounted
of -+20 percent. The probe 2 measurement at at opposite ends of a probe section.
Taurus-Littrow has a slightly larger uncertainty be- Voltage measurements on a bridge can be inter-
cause the heat flow appears to be locally disturbed, preted by accurate calibrations in terms of average
These measurements have not been corrected for bridge temperature Ta and temperature difference AT
local topography, between sensors. The temperature at each sensor is
simply determined from Ta +- 1/2 AT. The accuracies
EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION of the HFE temperature measurements are given in
table 9-I.
The cable thermocouples consist of a string of four
Experiment Concept and Design Chromel/constantan junctions embedded in each
The concept on which the HFE is based is the probe cable. The lowermost junction is positioned
direct measurement of the vertical flow of heat inside the gradient sensor housing at the top of the
through the regolith. Tire measurement should be probe. The reference junction for each cable is inside
made far enough below the surface so that the the electronics housing and is mounted in an iso-
time-varying heat flow resulting from the very large thermal block with a platinum resistance thermom-
diurnal variations of surface temperature is small eter (the reference thermometer). The thermocouple
compared with the flow from the interior. At (TC) circuit is shown in figure 9-1(c).
Taurus-Littrow, this depth is approximately 100 cm. The accuracy of the thermocouple measurements
Below this depth, the increase in temperature with has special significance for interpreting the subsurface
depth results principally from the hotter lunar in- temperature profiles at the Apollo 17 site. Therefore,
terior. The outward flow of heat is directly propor- certain features of the thermocouple measurement,
tional to the rate of temperature increase with depth, which affect the accuracy, should be described. First,
These quantities are related by the equation only the Chromel/constantan junction (TC 1) inside
the topmost gradient is coupled with the reference
Fa = -km(dT/dz) (9-1) junction during a measurement sequence. Junctions
TC2, TC3, and TC4 are coupled with TC1 so that, in
where F z is the vertical component of theheat flow, effect, TC1 becomes the reference junction and the

120 - Current
__ lr .siml
sensor sensor

supply Lower I..-"k .._'-'"i "upper <_

lop- ,sensor.--[ %/ vensor-,

-- _ TOmultiplexer

Gradient (b) Typical platinum resistance bridge circuit.


Ring Upper
bridge section / .Constantan .Kovarwire
80 - .;_!_ ,,,'_'
I I -- _ 1141

,, mplifier
r L A Ii

i I • = I
Chromel t a. I I
....... Thermocouple
4 .:.' / '
I TC2 -/" tEvanohm
Heater2 \ ReferenceI _'_ Platinum

TC4 ./- -IReferencel-

Isothermal 1 bridge I
Heater3 TC1 block _
(c) Thermocouple circuit.

top gradient sensor becomes the reference ther-
mometer. Because the temperatures of TC3 and TC4
Gradient Therm0- are much closer to that of TC1 than to that of the
bridge couple2, thermometer in the electronics box, the calibration
Ring Lower ',, errors are reduced by this technique. Second, the
bridge section placement of junction TC1 inside the gradient sensor

20- -...... Iherm0couple3 on the Moon. Thus, an in situ calibration of the

thermocouple circuit against the much more accurate
___ gradient asensor
permits direct iscomparison
performed. between the two sensors
Conductivity experiments are made using 1000-
ohm heaters that surround each of the gradient sensor
_leater4_ housings. The experiments can be operated in either

_x,._ of two modes by energizing the heaters at 0.002 or

0.5 W, depending on the conductivity of the sur-
rounding regolith. Because of the low conductivity of
(a) Heat flowprobe, lunar material at Taurus-Littrow, only the lower
power was used for the Apollo 17 conductivity
FIGURE 9-1.-Heat flow probe and circuits, experiment. After initiation, power is left on for 36

> 20 hr, the temperature rise AT(t) is well defined by 15

the simple relationship
\ \

AT(t) = clln(t) + c2 (9-5) Upper

probe-, \\ \\
\ \
where c I and c2 are constants. The form of equation \k \\
(9-5) is the same as that for a heated infinite cylinder 10 \ \\
in an infinite homogeneous medium at long times \ \
(i.e., > 20 hr for a cylindrical source with a radius \ \
and heat capacity per unit length of the HFE \\ \\ \\
probe/borestem system) (ref. 9-13). \ \ \
For an infinite cylindrical source \ \\ .'01
\ \
c 1 = Q/4"gkm (9-6) 5 \ .02
where Q is the power per unit length in W/cm. Thus, \ .a4
cl depends solely on the heater power per unit length \
and on conductivity. The constant c_ can be deter- \
mined easily because it is the slope of the tempera- .08
ture rise curve when plotted versus In t; therefore, _ Heater, I
cylindrical sources are often used as a practical _ 0 i II
technique for measuring conductivity. ,,_ I
Conductivity is determined from lunar experi- I
ments by comparing observed slopes on a logarithmic I
time scale with values of cl calculated with the finite Borestem /
difference models. Parametric studies, in which cer- ", /
tain thermal properties are varied singly in the /
numerical model, show that for times > 20 hr, cl i's 5
very nearly insensitive to changes in pc of the sur- Disrupted /
rounding medium, changes in borestem conductance, contact / /
/ /
and changes in the thermal links between the probe zone, / /
and borestem and the borestem and lunar medium. ", /
/ / /
However, cl is sensitive to changes in conductance in / /
/ /
the probe body, which can alter the flow of heat 10 / /
from the heater axially along the probe. Assumptions / /
of thermal properties in the numerical models that Probe / /
influence axial heat transfer along the probe are body-" / /
/ /
probably the largest source of error in the conduc- / /
tivity determinations. / /
The similarity in performance of the lunar conduc- i-a*q [|
tivity experiment and of an infinite cylindrical source 15 _-b_ _Ar
is principally due to the relatively efficient flow of
heat axially along the borestem. Even though the FIGURE 9-2.-The geometry of the probe, borestem, contact
zone, and lunar regolith in the vicinity of a conductivity
probe heater is very short (1.9 cm), it heats a section experiment. The dashed lines show surfaces of equal
of borestem that is long compared to the borestem temperature rise in kelvins after the heater has been on
diameter. For times > 20 hr, the isotherms in the for 36 hr. The model parameters are km = 2.4 X 10-4
surrounding medium are roughly cylindrical in the W/cm-KandH_ = 1.5 X 10-4 W/cm2-K.
vicinity of the heater as shown in figure 9-2. The
numerical computations also show that the experi- The effective conductance of the contact zone has
ment is most sensitive to lunar material within a pronounced effect on the magnitude of the sensor
approximately 5 cm of the borestem wall. temperature rise at any given time. Because k m can

be determined independently, the conductance of the 1.0

contact zone is the principal remaining unknown . . -r

observed and theoretical temperature curves for times _ .1

;> 0.5 hr.

Variations in Surface Temperature _ .01

and Its Effect at Depth _ iurnalvariation60 = 0.102 cm"1
Lunar surface temperatures vary nearly 300 K /
parameter and can
from just before lunarbe dawn
to lunarbYnoon.
This __1___
°=.001 I I
variation induces subsurface variations that propagate 5o 100 150
downward as thermal waves. For a homogeneous Depth,cm
medium of diffusivity a with a sinusoidal variation (a) The attenuation of the peak-to-peak amplitude of the
A o cos wt at the surface, the temperature at a given diurnal and annual temperature with depth in the
regolith. The 6 in each equation is the effective decay
depth z is given by constant deeper than 20 cm.

T(t,z) = Aoe-6Zeos(_t - _z) (9-7)

where Ao is the amplitude of the surface variation in 2,r

degrees, w is the angular frequency in rad/sec (2.5 ×
10 6 for the diurnal variation and 2 X 10 7 for the
annual variation), and

6 = _, cm-1 (9-g) 1.51r

Equation (9-7) indicates that the variation decreases

in amplitude by a factor e- 1 and is delayed in phase "
1 rad for every _-1 centimeters of depth.
The propagation of surface temperatnre variations _
into the lunar regolith is more complex :for a number
of reasons. First, the surface variation is not a simple g-
sinusoid but contains significant higher harmonics.
Second, thermal properties vary signiticantly with
depth; and third, radiative transfer, which depends on
I "3, plays an important role in the upper few .5_
centimeters of the lunar soil. It is necessary to resort ] _ AnnualvariationkA=265cm
to numerical calculations that include these complica-
tions to determine the expected temperature varia-
tions in the subsurface. In figure 9-3, the peak-to-
peak attenuation and phase lag of the diurnal
2 I
variation are shown as a function of depth for the Depth,cm
conductivity profile at the Apollo 17 heat flow site. (b) Phase lag with depth. The values of Xare the wavelengths
The upper part of the conductivity profile is derived of the thermal wave below 20 cm. The model used for
from surface temperature measurements that are the diurnal variation is from Apollo 17 data. (See the
described in the section entitled "Surface Tempera- section entitled "Surface Temperatures Deduced From
Thermocouple Measurements.") The annual curves are
tures Deduced From Whermocouple Measurements." calculated from a Rima Hadley thermal properties model
For depths greater than a few centimeters, the (ref. 9-14).
amplitude decreases in a simple exponential fashion,
as evidenced by the nearly straight line on a semi- FIGURE 9-3.-Peak-to-peak attenuation and phase lag as a
logarithmic scale. Similarly, the phase lag shows a function of depth.

nearly linear increase with depth below a few These effects can be estimated by simplified
centimeters. Thus, the simple relationship of equation analytical models and by laboratory experiments;
(9-7) would apply to a close approximation below both methods were used in the earlier analysis of the
these depths. Apollo 15 results. However, for the Apollo 17
The temperature at lunar noon varies throughout analysis and the refined Apollo 15 results presented
the year because of the varying distance of the in this report, a numerical model of the probe in a
Earth-Moon system from the Sun. The noon tempera- medium in which heat is flowing parallel to the probe
ture increases approximately 6 K from aphelion to axis has been used. The numerical model is more
perihelion. The mean temperature (i.e., surface tem- detailed and allows examination of certain combined
perature averaged over a lunation) varies approxi- effects that are difficult to estimate with analytical
mately 3 K throughout a year. Although the ampli- models.
tude of the annual cycle is one-hundredth of the The numerical model computations show that
diurnal variation, the decay constant 5 is _ times the borestem and probe disturbances to the steady-
smaller; consequently, annual variations penetrate state heat flow are small. In the extreme case, the
deeper and induce significant heat flows to depths of temperature difference across a probe section is 7
a few meters and must be considered in the interpre- percent lower than the temperature difference across
tation of the experimental results. The attenuation of the same vertical distance interval far from the
amplitude and the increase in phase lag for the annual borestem. The numerical model has been used to
wave are shown in figure 9-3 as a function of depth, apply corrections to all probe observations.
Annual wave effects shown in figure 9-3 are based on
the conductivity profile at Rima Hadley. R ESU LTS
As shown in figure 9-3, temperature fluctuations
attributable to the diurnal cycle become virtually Apollo 17 Subsurface Temperatures
undetectable at depths > 100 cm and would have had
little effect on heat flow below this depth before the The HFE was turned on while probe 2 was being
probe and borestem were emplaced. Once the bore- inserted into the borestem, and temperatures were
stem is emplanted in the regolith, the higher conduc- recorded only minutes after drilling was completed.
tivity of the borestem and the radiative transfer inside These temperatures ranged from 295 to 301 K. The
the borestem will enhance the downward propagation early cooling histories of probe 1 indicate similar
of thermal waves. However, thermometers at 130 can initial temperatures. After emplacement, the probes
below the surface do not detect any temperature cool toward the undisturbed regolith temperatures.
variation during a lunation cycle. The temperature histories of all sensors deeper than
65 cm for the first 45 days are shown in figure 9-4.

Corrections for the Shunting Effects After 45 days, some sensors are continuing to cool;
of the Borestem and Probe however, the expected future temperature decrease is
probably less than the error of absolute temperature
The axial conductance of the epoxy borestem is measurement.
considerably higher than that of a vertical column of The equilibrium temperature differences and the
lunar soil of equal cross section. This fact, combined absolute temperatures of each sensor are listed in
with the finite length of the borestem, results in some table 9-1I. The correction for the steady-state disturb-
shunting of the steady-state heat flow through the ance of the heat flow by the borestem and probe
borestem to the surface. Certain short sections of the system is applied to temperature data listed under the
borestem, such as the bit and joints, are made of headings entitled "Corrected temperature difference"
titanium or steel, and sizable disturbances occur near and "Corrected temperature." The appropriate cor-
these parts. A second related effect results from the rections of the temperature difference attributable to
fact that the probes are radiatively coupled to the the annual thermal wave during January 1973 (listed
borestem walls and have a small axial conductance, in the far right column) have not been applied
Consequently, the probe bridges register slightly because they are based on the conductivity profile at
smaller temperature differences than those registered Rima Hadley. Note that the largest correction is
at points on the borestem next to sensors, approximately -4 percent.

257 the smoothed curve is approximately 0.3 K during

_ -/194 cm the day and about half that value during the night.
224cm ('1 _ The values shown are calculated by subtracting the
_. "--'---- ----168
cm ='"'185cm temperature at TC1 from that at TC4 and adding the
o \"_. _ /_. 139cm 177cm result to the temperature at the top gradient sensor.
_Z55 Lunar Lunar Second 130cm Comparison of the temperatures measured by
noon sunset TCll and TC21 with those at the top gradient
__ k,,_[ [ midnightLunar
Lunar n0Ono_lL66cm sensors shows relatively large errors in absolute
254 ] L_t..._ ] I • sunrise .,4_1 ;_1 el temperature measurement (table 9-11I). The source of
|l _ II Second these errors has been traced to the copper/Kovar
I I - or" lunar
253 I mI I m I ° I t sunset (Cu/Ko) junctions, in each thermocouple electronics
300 600 900 1_0 circuit, that are mounted on circuit boards in the
electronics housing. The errors are proportional to
(a) Probe 1 (TC14). temperature differences between the Cu/Ko junc-
tions. Thus, the errors in TC1 1 and TC21 are direct
measures of this temperature difference and can be

errors during the night result from larger temperature

257 ,/. 195cm
:3-186 m larger errors at probe 2 junctions are caused by the
--- :.'-178cm
I ,225 cm gradients across the Cu/Ko junctions at night, and the
2581/_--__ar_ _ used
greater to2distance
estimate between
errors at
the allCu/Ko
junctions. The in
-256- noon Lunar '-,',169cm
"140cm probe circuit. A preliminary junctions
analysis the
of electro-
sunset Lunar Second
lunar motive forces produced by Cu/Ko junctions was used
255 L midnight )nd sunset to calculate the corrections that should be applied to
_- _ Lunar lunar
I sunri_ noon I the data in figure 9-4. These corrections virtually

z54 _ --......j_ measurements. The corrections have been applied to

the data compiled in table 9-II. The uncertainty of
"_ m __i J erase the apparent
determining variation between
these corrections nightas and
is estimated -+ 0.4 day
253_ 300 600insertion,hr
Timeafterprobe 900 1200 Studies of the accuracies of the thermocouple mea-
surements are continuing.
(b) Probe 2 (TC24). The thermocouple temperatures given in table 9-II
FIGURE 9-4.-ApoUo 17 temperature histories of all sensors represent the averages of the values obtained during
65 cm or deeper. The short pulses appearing on some of the time from lunar sunset of the first day to lunar
the sensor traces result from heater initiation for con- sunset of the second day. The amplitude of the
ductivity experiments. The numbers on each curve refer diurnal variation at 66 cm cannot be determined with
to the depths below the surface. The lowermost curves on
each plot are TC4 thermocouple measurements. Some the present accuracy of the data (+ 0.5 K).
representative data points from the thermocouples are In figure 9-5, the equilibrium temperatures are
shown to indicate the scatter of these measurements, plotted as a function of depth. Temperatures along
Temperatures shown are calculated by subtracting TC1 the body of probe 1 show a steady decrease in
values from those of TC4 and adding them to the top gradient with depth. The gradient decreases from
gradient sensor temperature. The corrections given in
table 9-III have not been added. 0.016 K/cm in the depth range 130 to 177 cm to
0.012 K/cm in the range 185 to 233 cm. This
decrease is principally due to a general increase in
conductivity of the regolith over the interval of
Temperature measurements of thermocouples measurement. The thermocouple temperature indi-
TC14 and TC24 are also shown in figure 9-4. Some cares a gradient of 0.013 K/cm from 66 to 130 cm;
randomly sampled representative points are shown, however, the accuracy of this measurement is poor.
and the solid curve is fitted visually to show the At probe 2, the probe thermometers at a depth
trend. The standard deviation of the points around range of 131 to 234 cm indicate a rather uniform

TABLE 9-II.-Apollo 1 7 HFE Subsurface Temperature Data

(a) Temperature difference measurements

Bridge Interval, Equilibrium temperature Corrected temperature Annual wave

cm difference, Ka difference, Kb correction, K

Probe 1
DTGll 130 to 177 0.707 0.755 - 0.027
DTRll 139 to t68 .435 .467 - .018
DTG12 185 to 233 .533 .559 - .001
DTR12 194 to 224 .322 .326 < .001
Probe 2
DTG21 131 to 178 .370 .390 - .027
DTR21 140 to 169 .218 .223 - .018
DTG22 186 to 234 .336 .359 - .001
DTR22 195to225 .206 .212 < .001

aThe error associated with extrapolating to equilibrium temperature differences is +-0.003 K.

bThe uncertainty introduced by these corrections is estimated to be +-2 percent.

(b) Absolute temperature measurements

Depth, Equilibrium Corrected

Sensor type em temperature, K a temperature, Kb

Probe 1
Thermocouple TC4 66 254.20 254.20
Platinum resistance 130 255.06 255.02
Platinum resistance 139 255.19 255.17
Platinum resistance 168 255.62 255.64
Platinum resistance 177 255.76 255.78
Platinum resistance 185 255.91 255.91
Platinum resistance 194 256.03 256.04
Platinum resistance 224 256.36 256.37
Platinum resistance 233 256.44 256.47
Probe 2
Tbermocouple TC4 67 254.70 254.70
Platinum resistance 131 256.07 256.05
Platinum resistance 140 256.09 256.09
Platinum resistance 169 256.31 256.31
Platinum resistance 178 256.44 256.44
Platinum resistance 186 256.48 256.48
Platinum resistance 195 256.52 256.51
Platinum resistance 225 256.73 256.73
Platinum resistance 234 256.82 256.84

aThe accuracy of extrapolated absolute temperatures is ± 0.05 K for the

platinum resistances.
bThe correction for the annual wave to be applied to the tbermocouple is
0.04 K.

gradient of 0.0078 K/cm, whereas the gradient Apollo 15 Subsurface Temperatures

between 67 and 131 cm is 0.021 K/cm, a change by a
factor of approximately 3. This large variation of Subsurface temperatures measured at Rima Hadley
gradient can be accounted for only partially by the below the depth disturbed by diurnal variations were
variation of conductivity of the regolith immediately reported in reference 9-11 without correction for the
surrounding the borestem, annual wave. In addition, corrections for the bore-

TABLE 9-IIl. Errors and Corrections l)_ Absolute

Temperature Measurements

Error (compared with top gradient sensor TC1), K _ 1_

1 1.1

Estimated corrections, a K
2.5 _c_ 15(


TC14 0.4 0.7 25( I I I I _

._53 254 255 256 257 1 2 3 2 3 4
TC24 .6 1.2
K Conduc- Heatflow,
tivity, Wx 10-6/
aThe uncertainty in determining these corrections is esti- W x 10-4l 2
mated as +-0.4 K. cm-K cm

(a) Probe 1.
stem and probe disturbance were derived from much
simpler models than those discussed herein. Tempera-
tures measured at longer times after probe insertion

of equilibrium temperatures is possible. The tempera-

tures and temperature differences at four sensors on 100
probe 1 at Rima Hadley are presented in table 9-IV.
More accurate corrections for the borestem disturb- 150
ance and a correction for the annual wave effect have o
been applied. These measurements will be the basis 200 [
are anow
for slightly
heata more
flow value.
accurate determination _ 50__ _ l[
250 I I I _
254 255 256 2570 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
Conductivity Estimates from Temperature,K Conductivity, Heatflow,
Cooldown Analysis w xlO'4/cm-K Wx lO-61cm
Because of the uncertainties in the total heat (b) Probe 2.
energy associated with drilling, two cases assuming FIGURE 9-5. Equilibrium temperatures, conductivities, and
different initial conditions have been examined, heat flows measured by the Apollo 17 probes. The open
These cases have been described in the preceding circles on the conductivity plot are calculated from
section on theory. Results derived assuming initial cooldown curves assuming maximum drilling energy, and
the solid circles are heater-activated experiment results.
borestem and contact zone temperatures to be equal The solid line represents a layered model used for
to the initial probe sensor temperature are listed in calculating heat flow. In the heat flow figure, the solid
table 9-V under the heading entitled "Conductivity lines give heat flow over the three largest intervals. The
with drill heating effects." Conductivity estimates geometry of the probe in the subsurface is shown at the
derived assuming that only the borestem and probe far left.
were initially at elevated temperatures are listed
under the heading entitled "Conductivity without The large noise on the thermocouple data limits
drill heating effects." The two cases are considered to the accuracy of conductivities deduced from the
be bracketing assumptions of the actual initial condi- cooling history. Deductions of the conductivity at
tions. Cooldown conductivity estimates were made depths from 3 to 15 cm below the surface, which will
for each of the eight sensors along each probe, be discussed later in this section, give values of
Additionally, cooldown analyses were performed approximately 1.2 X 10 -4 W/cm-K. Based on these
assuming drill heating effects for the thermocouples results at shallow depths, we estimate the conduc-
located 65 cm above each probe, tivity lies in the range 1.0 × 10 -4 to 1.6 X 10 4

TABLE 9-IV.-Apollo 15 HFE Subsurface Temperature Data

(a) Temperature difference measurements

Bridge Interval, Equilibrium temperature Corrected temperature

cm difference, K difference, K a Annual wave correction, K

Probe 1
DTG12 91 to 138 0.803 0.833 - 0.37
DTR12 100 to 129 .484 .479 .28

(b) Absolute temperature measurements

Sensor type Depth, em Equilibrium temperature, K Corrected temperature, K

Probe 1
Platinum resistance 91 252.20 252.16
Platinum resistance 100 252.33 252.33
Platinum resistance 129 252.81 252.81
Platinum resistance 138 253.00 253.01

aThe effect of the annual wave on Sept. 29, 1971, has been removed.

TABLE 9-V.-Conductivitiesfrom Cooldown W/cm-K at 66 cm. This range is indicated in figure

Histories 9- 5.
By comparison with the more accurate heater-
Conductivity { Conductivity activated conductivity determinations discussed in

depth location heating effects, heating effects, cannot be neglected if reliable conductivity informa-
Sensor Heater xwith
drill ] _ without
X ]O-'/cm-K
drill tion is to section,
the next be extracted from thethatcooldown
it is evident data. effects
drill heating When
Probe 1 substantial drill heating effects are included in the
cooldown analyses, conductivity determinations and
66 1.0 - variations with depth agree well with the heater-
139 HI1 2.3
1.9 1.3
1.1 activated conductivity experiment results. The cool-
168 1.9 1.1 down conductivity estimates are particularly valuable
177 H12 2.0 1.0 in interpolating between the more accurate heater-
185 H13 1.9 1.1 activated conductivity determinations.
194 2.1 1.1
224 2.8 1.4
233 n14 2.7 1.6 Heater-Activated Conductivity
Probe 2 Experiments
Conductivity experiments at each of the eight
67 1.0 - heater locations have been performed. Figure 9-6
131 H21 2.0 1.2 shows the sensor temperature rise history and thee-
140 2.0 1.1
169 2.4 1.3 retical curves for one such experiment. The conduc-
178 H22 2.7 1.7 tivities k m and contact conductances H_ are given in
186 H23 2.9 1.7 table 9-VI. These results and the cooldown estimates
195 2.7 1.5 with drill heating effects are shown in figure 9-5. It is
225 2.8 1.5 clear that the conductivity does not vary in any
234 H24 2.5 1.5
simple way with depth.

,H2 = 1.5 x 10 -4 Wlcm2-K

0.4 /

.3 _
.=_=.02 km=2.4x 10.4 W/cm-K /e •

e .2

_ _...._P-- km =2.7x 10-4 W/cm-K

.1 E
_- 0 L t t J
20 24 28 32 36
Time, hr

ltO 20 30
Timeafterturn-on, hr

FIGURE 9-6.-Temperature rise during a conductivity experiment (dots) is compared with a

theoretical curve derived from a model with km = 2.7 X 10-* W/cm-K and H2 = 1.5 X 10 -4
W/cmZ-K. In the inset, the temperature rise for times > 1000 min is shown on an expanded scale
plotted against the logarithm of time. The ol:,served data are compared with two bracketing
theoretical curves. The reduced conductivity is 2.64 W/cm-K.

A rough correlation exists between the drill approximately half the depth range where probe 2 is
penetration rate during borestem drilling and the emplaced.
measured conductivity. The more resistant layers One interesting feature of these conductivity
where the drill penetrated slowly correspond to results is a rather large difference between the
depths where higher conductivity is observed. The conductivity prof'fles at probe 1 and probe 2. It is
more resistant layers likely correspond to more possible that layers, as defined by conductivity, have
compacted regolith materials or possibly to a higher some dip relative to the surface. For example, the
concentration of centimeter-size rock fragments, high conductivity layer at 100 cm at probe 1 could
Either of these phenomena can increase the bulk correspond to the high conductivity layer between
conductivity. The relatively high conductivity mea- 170 and 230 cm at probe 2.
sured at 130 cm on probe 1 lies within a zone from The contact conductance //2 arises from low
80 to 130 cm where penetration was slow. Directly conductivity material lying in a disturbed zone just
below this layer, drilling rates were relatively high and outside the borestem. We estimate this zone to be 2.2
the conductivity values are correspondingly lower, rnm thick. The conductivity k c of material in the
These correlations are used to interpolate values contact zone is given by

between discrete measures. In figure 9-5, the solid ( t,r,_ [b + Ap'_

line that passes through the heater-activated conduc- k e = tt 2\b + -_)ln_=-"ff --] (9-9)
tivity values represents a layered model of conduc-
tivity in the regolith based partly on penetration rates (See fig. 9-2 for definition of parameters in this
and partly on cooldown estimates. At probe 2, some equation.) As an example, for H 2 = 1.4 X 10 -4
of the drilling operation was not visually monitored W/cm%K, kc = 3.0 X 10 -s W/cm-K. This value of
so that correlations with conductivity cannot be conductivity is approximately a factor of 6 less than
made during the unmonitored period, winch includes that of the surrounding regolith.

TABLE 9-VI.-Results of the Conductivity tivity experiments. The newer models indicate small
Experiments adjustments in the previously published values. The

Heater Depth, Conductivity, a Contact conductance, b revised Apollo 15 conductivity values at each heater
location cm W X 10 -4/cm-K W X 10 4/cm2_K location are given in table 9-VI.

Apollo 17 probe 1 Heat Flow

Hll 130 2.50 1.4 The magnitude of the vertical component of heat
H12 177 [ 1,72 1.6 flow in the regolith can be calculated from the
H13 185 1.79 1.4
H14 233 2.95 1.2 temperature and interval
zl to z2profiles in figure 9-5.
Over each depth
Apollo 17 probe 2 &T

H21 131 2.06 1.6 F = k Zl_Z 2 (9-10)

H22 178 [ 2.36 1.1 z ave z 2 - z 1
H23 186 2.64 1.5
H24 234 2.24 2.3 where ATza-z2 is the corrected temperature differ-
ence listed in tables 9-II and 9-IV and kave is the
Apollo 15 probe 1 average conductivity in the depth interval zl - z2

Hi2 35
83 1.4l
2.11 0.8
.8 Gradients, average conductivities, and heat flows
H13 91 1.60 .9 calculated from the Apollo 15 and Apollo I7 results
HI4 2.50 1.0 are presented in table 9-VII. The heat flow data over
138 calculated from the layered models in figure 9-5.
the entire depth range of temperature measurement
Apollo 15 probe 2

H23 49 ] 1.46 0.5

2.43 .6
CH24 96 TABLE 9-VIl.-Heat Flow Data

aThe estimated error of conductivity measurement is -+15 Depth Temperature Average

percent, interval, gradient, conductivity, Heat flow,
W X 10 _4 ]em-K
bEstimated error is +-20 percent. In the theoretical model cm K/em W X 10 6 _
the thickness of the contact zone is 2 ram.
eIt is probable that a section of broken borestem lies just Apollo 17 probe 1
outside this location so that the uncertainty of this measure-
ment is very large. 66 to 130 0.0130 1.60 2.10
130 to 177 .0158 1.79 2.83
139 to 168 .0163 1.72 2.80
Apollo 15 Results 185to233 .0118 2.39 2.81
194 to 224 .0113 2.48 2.81
Six conductivity experiments using a heater power 66 to 233 .0140 1.80 2.50
of 0.002 W were performed on the Apollo 15 probes.
The analyses of three of these measurements were not Apollo 17 probe 2
described in reference 9-11 because it was very
difficult to separate changes attributable to heater 67 to 131 0.0210 1.50 3.10
131 to 178 .0082 2.26 1.86
turn-on from large diurnal variations in temperature. 140 to 169 .0078 2.30 1.79
Snbsequently, two of the measurements have been 186 to 234 .0076 2.50 1.89
repeated at times in the lunation when the rate of 195 to 225 .0074 2.53 1.87
temperature change at the heater location was mini- 67 to 234 .0130 2.00 2.50
mal. In addition, the diurnal temperature variation
from preceding and succeeding lunations is available Apollo 15 probe 1

to help interpolate trends during the time that the 91 to 138 0.0175 1.78 3.11
heater is on. Lastly, some refinements have been 100 to 129 .0166 1.68 2.82
made in the finite difference models of the conduc-

are presented on the bottom lines of table 9-VII for

Apollo 17 probes 1 and 2. At probe 1, the most
representative value of heat flow (2.8 X 10-6
W/cm 2) is thought to be that determined by the
probe data over the interval 130 to 233 cm. At probe
2, the measurement is possibly disturbed, as will be
discussed in the next section, and the most represen-
tative value (2.5 × 10 -6 W/cm 2) is that calculated
using data between 67 and 234 cm. The heat flow
calculated over the interval 91 to 138 cm is believed
to be the best value from the Apollo 15 measure-
At the Apollo 17 probe 1 site, the [teat flow is
quite uniform over the entire depth range. The
variation falls well within the estimated error of
measurement. Probe 2 results show a uniform heat
flow along the length of the probe, but heat flow
between 67 and 131 cm is 70 percent greater. The
large change in gradient is partly compensated for by
an increase in conductivity with depth. The overall
heat flow of 2.5 X 10 -.6 W/cm 2 is in fair agreement
with the probe 1 value of 2.8 × 10 -6 W/cm 2 .


The Probe 2 Measurements

The change in heat flow at probe 2 by a factor

slightly less than 2 over the depth range of 67 to 234
cm is most reasonably explained by refraction of heat
flow in the vicinity of a large buried boulder. A
rdatively large number of rocks are strewn over the
ALSEP area. Lunar basalts have conductivities of
approximately 1.2 X 10 -2 to 1.8 X 10-2 W/cm-K at
250 K (ref. 9-15). These values are 60 to 90 times the
conductivity of the fine-grained regnlith material.
Thus, large blocks of solid rock in the subsurface can
result in significant shunting of heat flow. FIGURE 9-7.-The effect of a square of material on vertical
To illustrate the shunting effect, the distortion of heat flow (shaded area) which has a conductivity 60 times
that of the surrounding material, shown by the distortion
heat flow lines and isotherms around and through a of isotherms and flow lines. These results are based on a
square of material having 60 times the conductivity finite difference model computation.
of a surrounding infinite medit, m is shown in figure
9-7. The model is two-dimensional and symmetric at
the left margin of the figure. One significant feature from a rock in order for the rock not to have a
of the model is that very little effect is evidenced at detectable effect on the heater-activated conductivity
distances greater than one-half of the width of the experiments.
rock. Thus, heat flow measurements wouldhave to be If probe 2 were located relative to a large
made quite close to a rock (less than one-fourth of subsurface boulder in a zone defined by the dashed
the width) to detect a disturbance as large as that at rectangle ha figure 9-7, a temperature profile similar
probe 2. However, probe 2 must be more than 5 cm to that observed would result. Other features such as

tion coefficient for the lunar-surface/space interface. However, loss tangent measurements yield values in
For the very low electrical conductivities found in the range 0.0004 to 0.01 and are frequency de-
the lunar regolith, the electromagnetic penetration pendent (refs. 9-20 and 9-22). Additional electrical
depth £e(X) may be written for the centimeter wave property measurements and refined analysis of the
spectral region as existing data on regolith samples must be made
before the thermal gradient measured in situ can be
J_e(X) = X/(2_r¢_-_tan A) (9-12) supported on a moonwide basis by the spectral
gradient observations.
where e is the dielectric constant and tan A is the loss

tangent at centimeter wavelengths. The Representativeness of the

The average temperature gradient of 0.017 K/m Two Heat Flow Measurements
measured in situ at the Apollo 15 and 17 sites would
produce the observed spectral gradient if_/etan ,5 _ The regional geological settings of Rima Hadley
0.003, assuming R = 0.05. The feasibility of such a and Taurus-IJttrow are quite similar. Both are located
value for _ tan _ is supported by direct surface on lava-flooded emhayments at the edge of mascon
observations in the 0.4- to 3-cm wavelength range basins. If the heat flow is influenced by structural or
(ref. 9-19). Direct measurements of returned Apollo compositional anomalies unique to this type of
samples over a wide range of frequencies indicate a region, the anomalies would affect both measure-
dielectric constant for the regolith material in the ments. To that extent, they would not be representa-
range 2.2 to 3.2 that is nearly frequency independent, tire of global flux from tire Moon. However, the

FIG. 9-8. Photograph of probe 2 borestem protruding from the lunar surface. The heat flow experi-
ment housing is in the background. The thermocouple is in the black portion of cable approxi-
mately i0 cm from the top of the stem (AS17-134-20492).

possible compatibility of the results with the micro- shown in figure 9-8. These thermocouples, in radia-
wave emission spectral gradient between 5- and 20-cm tire balance with the lunar surface, with the solar
wavelengths lends support to the possibility that local :Oux, and with space, thus provide a measurement of
anomalies at the two sites are not large. ::he surface brightness temperature throughout the
Despite the reservations in the previous para- ]unation. The flux balance equation governing the
graphs, the existing data concerning heal: flow from thermocouple temperature is
the lunar interior indicate that a significant area of
the Moon is characterized by a flux of between 2.5 2_ra dle c_T t_ = 27ra dlF c a . oT L+
and 3.0 pW/cm 2 . Numerous thermal history calcula- e e e e e-m m e_r m
tions have shown that the contribution of initial heat
(e.g., that gained during accretion) to the present + 2acdlSae s _ - p2
surface flux is relatively small (refs. 9-11 and 9-23)
even if the Moon were molten throughout initially. + 2_acdlSActcsFc-m cos _ sin ¢
Some scientists have suggested that, at the present
time, the Moon is thermally at steady state (e.g., ref. (9-13)
9-24). In either case, it follows that a predominant
part of the surface flux (2.0 to 3.0 #W/cm 2) must where Tc = thermocouple temperature
result from radioactive isotopes in the Moon. The Tm= lunar surface brightness temperature
geochemical data are convincing that most of these ac = radius of thermocouple cable
isotopes are concentrated in the outer layers of the dl = elemental length of cable
Moon. In addition, the abundances indicated by the ec = infrared emissivity of cable
heat flow values would require the heat sources to be %ir = infrared absorptivity of cable
located near the surface to prevent melting in the acs = absorptivity of cable to solar flux
outer several hundred kilometers. Fc. m = view factor of cable to the lunar surface,
The radiogenic heat production per cubic centi- including the surrounding mountains
meter of rock can be expressed in te_ms of the p = cosine of the angle between the Sun line
abundance of uranium, because the ratios of the and the cable axis, a function of cable
other important long-lived, heat-generating isotopes orientation and lunar phase angle
(4°K and 232Th) to uranium are well established and X= selenographic latitude at Taurus-Littrow
quite uniform in the lunar samples. The heat prodnc- _b= lunar phase angle measured from local
tion per unit volume at the present time in W/cm 3 is sunrise
approximately 0.71 times the uranium abundance in em= infrared emissivity of the lunar surface
parts per million (e.g., refs. 9-23 and %25). If most (= 1.0)
of the uranium is concentrated within 300 km of the S = the mean solar constant of 0.i 352 W/cm 2
surface so that it contributed to the present flux, A = lunar albedo of 0.08
then the total lunar uranium abundance required to o = the Stefan-Boltzmann constant
contribute 2.0 to 3.0 /tW/cm 2 to the heat flow is
approximately 0.05 to 0.075 ppm. These abundances The first term on the right side of equation (9-13)
are much greater than chondrites and significantly iepresents flux into the cable element from the lunar
higher than estimates of the Earth abundance of surface; the second term represents direct flux from
approximately 0.03 ppm(ref. 9-4). the Sun; the third term represents solar energy
ieflected diffusely from the lunar surface and imping-
ing on the cable.
SURFACE TEMPERATURES DEDUCED The radiative properties of the cable ec, acir, and
%s were determined by laboratory measurement
M EASU R EM ENTS before the Apollo 17 mission. The cable orientations
At each of the two heat flow holes, one of the tbr both probe locations were determined from
thermocouples is embedded in a section of the cable ALSEP photographs.
that is approximately 15 cm from the top of the Solving equation (9-13) for the surface brightness
borestem and suspended above the lunar surface as temperature yields

core penetration rates and surface disturbance caused much as a factor of 2 in conductivity determinations
by crew activity reported by J. Mitchell (personal for depths below 2 cm (curve 17a, fig. 9-10 inset).
communication, 1972) of tire Apollo 15 soil me-
chanics team. The density profile for the Apollo 17 CONCLUSIONS
site was determined from preliminary examination of
returned core tube samples (D. Carrier, personal During the Apollo missions, two heat flow mea-
communication, 1973). In both the Apollo 15 and 17 surements were successfully made on the lunar
models, the heat capacity as a function of tempera- surface. Both measurement sites are ha similar re-
ture was taken from Robie et al. data (ref. 9-29) on gional settings in the northeast quadrant of the Moon.
returned Apollo 11 samples. In both models, a low The Taurus-Littrow and Pdma Hadley sites are lo-
conductivity layer approximately 2 cm thick is cated in embayments in the mountainous rims of the
required to fit the steep drop in surface temperature Imbrium and Serenitatis mascon basins that have
immediately after sunset. The Apollo 15 model then been flooded by mare-type basalts.
requires a steep, but not discontinuous, rise in Surface brightness temperatures were calculated
conductivity with depth down to 5 cm to produce from the temperature of thermocouples suspended
the increased flattening of the cooldown curve several centimeters above the lunar surface. The mean
through the lunar night. The Apollo 17 model, surface temperature at Rima Hadley throughout a
however, requires a very sharp rise in conductivity at lunation cycle is 207 K. The mean temperature
a depth of approximately 2 cm to produce the abrupt increases with depth very rapidly in tire upper few
flattening of the cooldown curve at a phase angle of centimeters and is approximately 252 K at a depth of
approximately 190 °. The subsequent increase in 90 cm. The main reason for this increase of 45 K is
conductivity with depth is slight enough so that the the predominant role of radiative heat transfer in the
Apollo 17 model may be considered essentially a loosely packed upper layer. During the lunar night,
two-layer model. The large jump in conductivity at 2 the surface temperature at Rima Hadley falls to 93 K.
cm is also supported by the preliminary density From the cooldown history after sunset, we have
prof'de, which indicates a fairly high density quite deduced that the upper 2 cm of the regolith is
close to the surface. The Apollo 15 density profile, characterized by a conductivity of 1.5 X 10 -s
however, supports the possibility that a substantial W/cm-K. Below this depth, the conductivity increases
conductivity gradient exists over the upper 30 cm of rapidly and probably in a continuous manner until it
the regolith, reaches values of approximately 1.5 × 10 -4 W/cm-K
The most critical surface temperature data at depths where the probes are emplaced.
required for the purpose of determining thermal At Taurus-Littrow, the mean surface temperature
regolith profiles are those obtained during the 10 to 30 is 216 K and, as in the case of Rima Hadley, increases
hr immediately after sunset. Surface temperature data a few tens of degrees in the upper 2 cm so that, at a
during this period have been the most difficult to depth of 67 cm, a mean temperature of 254 K is
obtain from remote infrared brightness scans. The measured. The minimum temperature just before
level and steepness of the cooldown data immediately lunar dawn is 103 K, 10 K higher than that at Rima
after sunset are controlled almost entirely by the Hadley. This higher temperature is primarily attribut-
thermal properties of the upper 2 cm. If the very able to the existence of a relatively high conductivity
early nighttime data are not sufficiently accurate to layer at a depth 2 cm below the surface. From the
constrain the thermal properties of the upper 2 to 3 point of view of thermal properties, the regolith at
cm of the dust layer within -+30 percent, then Taurus-Littrow can be described as two layers: an
subsequent attempts to determine deeper conduc- upper 2-cm, loosely packed layer of very low conduc-
tivity values unambiguously from the flattened part tivity (1.5 X 10 -s W/cm-K) in which heat transfer by
of the cooldown curve will not be possible. For radiation predominates and a lower layer with much
example, the broken-line curve of figure 9-10 fits the higher conductivity (> 1.2 × 10 -4 W/cm-K) and
nighttime data after 192 ° phase angle well within the higher density (1.8 to 2.0 g/cm 3).
error bands of the data. However, discrepancies in the Subsurface temperature and conductivity measure-
early postsunset fit produced by different conduc- ments at depths below 90 cm, where the large diurnal
tivities within the upper 2 cm lead to discrepancies as variations are negligibly small, indicate a steady-state

heat flow through the surface at Rima Hadley of 3.1 × more refined microwave observations of the Moon,
10 -6 W/cm 2 and at Taurus-Littrow of 2.8 × 10 --6 especially narrower beamed measurements over dis-
W/cm 2 with an estimated error of -+ 20 percent, crete portions of the lunar disk, would be valuable in
These fluxes are deduced from average temperature determining possible variations of heat flow over the
gradients in the regolith between 1.3 and 1.7 K/m lunar surface.
and an average conductivity in the range of 1.7 X

10 -4 to 2.0 X 10 -4 W/cm-K. Conductivity generally ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

increases with depth in the regolith although some
layering, with high conductivity materials overlying The development and testing of instrumentation was
lower conductivity materials, is found at both sites performed by Bendix
areas Aerospace
by ArthurSystems Division,
many essential D. Little, Inc.;assisted
(table 9-VI). A conductivity value of almost 3 X Industries, Inc.; and the Rosemount Engineering Company.
10 -4 W/cm-K was measured at the bottom of probe The lunar surface drill was developed by the Martin Marietta
1 at the Apollo 17 site. Thermal gradients decrease Corporation. The authors thank Kenneth Peters of the
with depth, in some cases, in response to the increase Lamont-Doharty Geological Observatory for help in much of
in conductivity. At Taurus-tittrow probe site 2, a the numerical analysis. Dr. Robert Jastrow granted generous
use of the computer facility at the Goddard Institute for
large decrease in gradient with depth is possibly Space Studies. The encouragement and advice of Maurice
attributable to a large subsurface boulder in close Ewing of the University of Texas at Galveston, Sidney Clark
proximity to the probe, of Yale University, and Alfred Wechsler of Arthur D. Little,
The heat flows at both sites are affected to some :inc., are gratefully acknowledged.
extent by local topography. Preliminary estimates
indicate that a correction of -15 to -25 percent may REFERENCES
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pp. 167-179. and Present Thermal State of the Moon. Phys. Earth
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G.; Jr.: Apollo 15 Measurement of Lunar Surface Bright- 9-24. Turcotte, D. L.; Hsui, A. T.; Torrance, K. E.; and
ness Temperatures: Thermal Conductivity of the Upper Oxburgh, E. R.: Thermal Structure of the Moon. J.
1-1/2 Meters of Regolith. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, vol. Geophys. Res., vol. 77, no. 35, Dec. 10, 1972, pp.
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9-15. Horai, K.; Simmons, G.; Kanamori, H.; and Wones, D.: 9-25. Hays, J. F.: Radioactive Heat Sources in the Lunar
Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity of Lunar Material. Interior. Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors, vol. 5, no. 1, Jan.
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%16. Buhl, D.; Welch, W. J.; and Rea, D. G.: Anomalous %26. Watson, K. I.: Thermal Conductivity Measurements of
Cooling of a Cratered Lunar Surface. J. Geophys. Res., Selected Silicate Powders in Vacuum from 150-350 K, II.
vol. 73, no. 24, Dec. 15, 1968, pp. 7593-7608. An Interpretation of the Moon's Eclipse and Lunation
9-17. Lachenbruch, A. H.: Rapid Estimation of the Topo- Cooling Curve as Observed Through the Earth's Atmo-
graphic Disturbance to Superficial Thermal Gradients. sphere from 8-14 Microns. Ph.D. Dissertation, California
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R. C.; and Arnold, J. R.: Lunar Surface Radioactivity: tivity of Fines from Apollo 12. Proceedings of the Second
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10. Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment
Robert L. Kovach, at .Ioel S. Watkins, b
and Pradeep '.l'alwania

The successful installation of a geophysical station surface 8.7 km southwest of the landing site. The
at the Taurus-Littrow landing site of the Apollo 17 characteristic reverberation from this impact spread
mission marked the culmination of an exciting period outward and was first detected at the Apollo 17
of manned lunar exploration and vastly improved station approximately 6 sec after impact. The seismic
current knowledge of the lunar interior. Before the signals received from this impact provided a valuable
Apollo 17 mission, there was a gap in our knowledge travelfime datum for determining the variation of
concerning the upper 10 km of the lunar crust seismic velocity with depth in approximately the
because of the large hiatus in pertinent traveltime upper 5 km of the Moon.
data between the coverage provided by the previous The most significant discovery resulting from the
active seismic experiments on Apollo 14 and 16 and analysis of the data recorded by the LSPE is that the
that of the earlier lunar module (LM) and SIVB seismic velocity increases in a marked stepwise
impacts. In particular, it was not possible to resolve manner beneath the Apollo 17 landing site (fig. 10-1).
whether the seismic velocity increased smoothly or A surface layer with a seismic velocity of 250 m/see
stepwise in the upper 5 km of the Moon. and a thickness of 248 m overlies a layer with a
The purpose of the Apollo 17 lunar seismic seismic velocity of 1200 m/see and a thickness of 927
profiling experiment (LSPE) was to record the _a, with a sharp increase to approximately 4000
vibrations of the lunar surface as induced by explo- ra/sec at the base of the lower layer. The seismic
sive charges, by the thrust of the LM ascent engine, velocities for the upper layers are compatible with
and by the crash of the LM ascent stage. Analyses of those for basaltic lava flows, indicating a total
these seismic data were planned to determine the t_hickness of approximately 1200 m for the infflling
internal characteristics of the lunar crust to a depth mare basalts at Taurus-Littrow. Major episodes of
of several kilometers. The traveltimes of seismic deposition or evolution are implied by the observed
waves are inverted to determine the seismic velocity abrupt changes in seismic velocity.
structure with depth and to provide the direct means
of probing the lunar interior. A secondary objective
of the LSPE was to monitor lunar seismic activity INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION AND
during periodic listening intervals. P E R F O R MA NC E
Strong seismic signals were recorded from the
detonation of eight explosive charges that were armed The LSPE consists of a geophone array, eight
and placed on the lunar surface by the crewmen at explosive packages, and electronics within the Apollo
various points along the traverses. Recording of these hmar surface experiments package (ALSEP) central
seismic signals generated traveltime data to adistance station. Four identical geophones are used in a
of 2.7 kin. triangular array; the geophones are miniature seismo-
One of the more significant events of the Apollo meters of the moving coil-magnet type. The coil is the
17 mission was the recording of the seismic signals inertial mass suspended by springs in the magnetic
from the LM ascent stage, which struck the lunar field. Above the natural resonant frequency of the
geophones (7.5 Hz), the output is proportional to
astanford University. ground velocity. The LSPE geophone array was
bThe University of Texas at Galveston. deployed without difficulty in the nominal eonfigura-
"_'Principallnvestigator. tion at the Apollo 17 site approximately 148 m


E 2000[,,LM impact
.e 1000

0 Vp = 250mlsec



Vp = seismic wavevelocity

FIGURE 10-1.-Seismic cross section at the Taurus-Littrow landing site (no vertical exaggeration).

west-northwest of the LM (fig. 10-2). Figure 10-3 is a

photographic panorama from geophone 2 to the LM Deepcore o
as viewed from geophone 3.
A four-channel amplifier and a logarithmic corn- Probe 2, tFE/Pr0be 1
pressor condition the geophone signals before conver- LSPE--- "_ ;' , LMS
sion into a digital format for telemetering to Earth. LSPE _ _"
Because the LSPE signal levels are distributed geophone LSG CS' RTG',_

throughout the dynamic range of the system, loga- -........... ,

_'_LEAM 0 phone
rithmic compression is used. This compression gives Ge0ph0ne 2 (=148.m ",_
signal resolution as some constant fraction of signal tr0m geoph0ne 1)
amplitude. The logarithmic compressor used in the Geophone N

LSPE has tile transfer function / l

Vout = +-Min lib'
Vin + (i0-i) e
where V is voltage, the constant M determines tile 0 10
slope of the transfer function, and b' is specified by m
the dc offset of the compressor output and the system
noise level. The values of M and b' a/e determined by geophone
4 _,
calibration of the system to provide at least 6-percent
accuracy of the data referenced to file level of the
input signal. The properties of the LSPE system are Key: CS
listed in tables 10-I and 10-II, and the nominal fre- LEAM=lunar ejectaandmeteorites
quency response is shown in figure 10-4. The output experiment
of the logarithmic compressor is referenced to 2.5 LMS= lunar mass spectrometer
LSG= lunar surfacegravimeter
V dc. RIG= radioisotopethermoelectric
The analog output of the logarithmic compressor generator
is converted to a 7-bit binary element in the LSPE
control electronics by an analog-to-digital converter FIGURE lO-2.-The LSPE nominal deployment.

FIGURE 10-3.-Panorama &om geophone 2 to the LM as _ewed _om behind geophone 3

(AS17-147-22546, 22548, 22550,22552,22554).

TABLE 10-1.-Apollo 1 7 LSPE Characteristics

Channel no.
Component characteristics
1 2 3 4

Noise level, mV rms at input ........ 0.75 0.75 0.83 0.83
Dynamic range, rms signal to rms noise
in dB at 10 Hz ................ 73A 76.2 75.6 75.8
Resistance, ohm ................ 5970 5953 6080 6153
Generator constant, V/m/sec at 40 Hz . . 235.6 239.2 237.1 235.3
Natural frequency, Hz ............ 7.38 7.31 7.40 7.35
Signal-to-noise ratio (rms sigaal to rms
noise in dB for a 6-nm rms signal at
10 Hz) ..................... 24.4 26.9 26.8 26.8
Amplitude sensitivity (measnred at input
to log compressor), V//an of peak-to-
peak ground displacement at 10 Hz . . 7.33 7.02 7.12 7.13

TABLE I O-II.-LSPE System Sensitivity and transmitted to Earth through the ALSEP com-
munications network. The 7-bit binary encoding
Frequency, Sensitivity, V/um provides for an amplitude resolution of 1.277 dB
Channel1 Channel2 Ckannel3 Channel4 (_16 percent). Each geophone channel is sampled
118 times/sec to provide a minimum of 5 samples/sec
12 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 at a frequency of 20 Hz.
.7 .8 .8 .8
3 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7

4 2,4 2.5 2.5 2.5 Digital Portions of the LSPE

6 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.3
8 6.0 5.8 5.9 5.8 The data format used is shown in figure 10-5. A
10 7.3 7.0 7.1 7.1 data frame consists of three subframes, each consist-
15 10.9 10.5 10.6 10.6
20 13.2 12.8 12.8 13.0 ing of twenty 30-bit words. The first word of each
subframe consists of one 10-bit synchronous word

"5 Pull ring 1 ...... ".... Pull ring3

_ 1 Receivingantenna
-_ ._ extendsto 165cm

--oo [ I I Illl
.1 1 10 100
Hz I

FIGURE 10-4.-Nominal frequency response of the LSPE. I i Ii


/ status
Word 10 15 20 25
30 ,I ,Amplifier
..... gain _
, ,Kr Tirepulses
r l lSyn( rd "1I O-21 O-31O-4;, / ..,.. II II 1[71"_.. Ii _
,® / 21 G-1 O-2 I G-3 I G-4 I-'_,,'
._ E_ r 3 O-1 G-2 O-3 G-4 ;'i ..-Engineering
G1 G21G-31G-,13"" Uata
_. 20 G-1 O-2 G-3 [ O-4 I'" ........ Subframe
,_o 1_ llSync rd _-1 G-2 IG-3
G-4G-,C] marking
"_,'-_ ,2tolgl G-1 I G-2 1 G-3 I-r ...... Sameas
_ L 201G-I G-2 G-3 G-4I-_-.. subframe1
, ® ( 1 Syncword G-1 G-2 G-3 G-41 "--Subframe

"_- I
{zto19/G-II G-zI G-3I o-4
201 G-1 I G-2 I G-3 I G-4 I'-. ""-Sameas

F- Eachframeis 1800/3533
sec-'-I ".. subframe1 Notes:(1) Pull ring 1- pullsonepin to start SAFE/ARM slidetimer
""Subframe (2) Pull ring 2 - swingup ring; rotateg0° counterclockwise;
marking pull pin to releaseSAFE/ARMplate
G = geophone (3) Pull ring 3 - pulls twopins to free firing pin andstart
Sync = synchronous thermal batterytimer

FIGURE 10-5.-The LSPE data format. Each data frame FIGURE 10-6.-Arming sequence for an LSPE explosive
consists of three subframes of twenty 30-bit words each. package.
Geophone data words are normally ? bits long except for
those in word 1, which are 5-bit samples.
pulses "on" mode, a fire pulse set is transmitted once
and one 5-bit seismic data sample from each of the every 29.55 sec and is flagged in word 3 of subframe
four seismic data channels. Words 2 to 20 of each 1. This occurs once every 58 frames.
subframe are 7-bit samples from each of the four A command system provides for 11 commands
seismic data channels. Engineering data are inter- associated with the LSPE. Two commands turn the
leaved and subcommutated, using the remaining 2 LSPE on and off; two commands control the bit rate;
bits to form 30-bit words, and two commands control down-link formatting. In
In words 2 to 19, geophone samples are sampled addition, commands are used to control amplifier
on the bit preceding the word on which they are read gain status, transmission of fire pulses, and calibration
out; the most significant bit is read out first. In the of the geophones.
first word of each subframe, the timing of the data

sampling is the same as that in words 2 to 19 except Explosive Package Description

that the samples are stored and read out in the last 20 and Performance
bits with one 5-bit word/channel.
The time of the RF fire pulses must be accurately An LSPE explosive package is shown in figure
known. When the LSPE is commanded to the fire 10-6. The eight explosive packages are identical

except for the amount of high explosive and the the explosive package is energized electrically. Be-
preset runout time of the mechanical timers. An cause the seismic data subsequently collected must be
explosive package is activated by removing three pull _Lccurately referenced to the instant of detonation, it
pins (fig. 10-6). Removal of the first pull pin activates ks necessary to establish which specific set of pulses is
the SAFE/ARM slide timer, which is preset at 89.75, effective. This is done by comparing known times of
90.75, 91.75, or 92.75 hr. Removal of the second pulse-set transmission with the time of arrival at the
pull pin releases the SAFE/ARM slid(.= from its geophones of the initial seismic data. Pulse sets are
constrained SAFE position. Removal of the third pull spaced at 29.55-sec intervals to make such identifi-
pin removes a constraint on the firing pin and cation possible without ambiguity.
activates the thermal battery timer. No difficulty was experienced in the deployment
The LSPE transmitter, which is located within the of the explosive packages during the periods of
ALSEP central station, transmits a repetitive pulsed extravehicular activity (EVA) (fig. 10-7). The 454-g
carrier signal. A series of three pulses properly spaced explosive package (EP-6) was deployed at station 1,
in time is required to elicit a FIRE signal from the and the 227-g explosive package (EP-7) was posi-
signal processor within the explosive package and to tioned on the return to the LM from station _1.
detonate the explosives train. The thermal battery, Explosive packages 4, 1, and 8 were armed and placed
activated by the timer, has a minimum life of 2 min. on the lunar surface during the second EVA. During
This 2 rain provides a time window long enough to the third EVA, explosive packages 3, 5, and 2 were
ensure that at least one fire pulse set is received while deployed. It was necessary to place the 1361-g

NorthMassif \\
x Sculptured Hills
Station 6 7

Scarp (_)
Shakespear{ Bowen
Victor tation9
Shorty EVA-3
Station )irit
Camelot iurface electricalproperties(SEP)experiment
• Finallunar rovingvehicle(LRV)parkingsite
TortillaFlat Sherlock

Station Station 5' l'rident-'

Bronte EP-6
EVA-2 EP-7
\\ Station1'
EVA-1 / _ N

\'-.. Emory
Station; x\
o = LRVstops
SouthMassif \
\"-_ I I I I I I
1 ._i 0 1 2 3
FIGURE 10-7.-Extravehicular activity traverses showing positions of deployed explosive packages at
the Apollo 17 landing site.

explosive package (EP-5) at station 9 when it became

apparent that insufficient time remained for a visit to
the crater Sherlock. All the explosive packages were
successfully detonated (table t 0-III), and the detona-
tion of EP-7 was visible from the television camera on
the lunar roving vehicle (LRV). Figure 10-8 is a
photograph showing EP-8 on the lunar surface
approximately 296 m west of the LM.


The Apollo 17 LSPE was planned to contribute to

the understanding of the shallow lunar structure in
two major ways: (i) by providing traveltimes of the
seismic signals from explosive packages, which were
to be detonated on the lunar surface at distances
ranging from 100 to 2700 m, to the LSPE geophone
array and (2) by impacting the Apollo 17 LM at a
nominal distance of 10 km to provide traveltime data
for deciphering the variation of seismic velocity with
depth in the upper 5 km of the Moon. In addition,
monitoring of the seismic signals generated by the LM
ascent en_e at lunar lift-off provided useful data.
FIGURE 10-8.-Photograph of EP-8on the lunar surface 296
m west of the LM (AS17-145-22184).
Lunar Module Ascent

The LSPE was commanded on at 22:24:00 G.m.t. corresponds to the time when the LM ascent engine
on December 14, 1972, to record the impulse achieved 20 percent of its maximum propulsion
produced by the thrust of the LM ascent engine. The pressure. Clear seismic signals were recorded by the
effective zero time for the seismic impulse from the LSPE geophone array at distances of 148,244, 190,
LM ascent-engine ignition was determined from and 187 m (fig. 10-9). Interpretation of the travel-
NASA postflight analyses, which gave engine buildup time data is presented in the subsection entitled
pressure data at 5.msec intervals for the LM lift-off. "Shallow Lunar Structure."
The assigned ignition time of 22:54:38.424 G.m.t.

Lunar Module Impact

TABLE lO.III.-Detonation 7_'mes of Explosive The LSPE was commanded on at 06:36:00 G.m.t.
Packa es
on December 15 to record the LM ascent-stage
Chargeno. Explosive weight, impact. The impact occurred at latitude 19.91 ° N,
g (lb) Date, 1972 7Vine,C.m.t. longitude 30.51 ° E, 8.7 km southwest of the Apollo
EP-6 454 (1) Dec. 15 23:48:14.56 17 landing site. Other pertinent parameters for the
EP-7 227 (1/2) Dec. 16 02:17:57.11 LM impact are given in table 10-IV.
EP-4 57 (1/8) Dec. 16 19:08:34.67 A portion of the seismic signal from the Apollo 17
EP-1 2722 (6) Dec. 17 00:42:36.79 LM impact is shown in figure 10-10 in a compressed
EP-8 113 (1/4) Dec. 17 03:45:46.08 time scale. The impact signal is similar in character to
EP-5 1361 (3) Dec. 17 23:16:41.06 previous impact signals; that is, these signals have an
EP-2 113 (1/4) Dec. 18 00:44:56.82
EP-3 57 (1/8) Dec. 18 03:07:22.28 emergent beginning and a long duration. The initial
portion of the impact signal on an expanded time

o.53 sec
Geophone1 148m _--
0.04 V

Geophone2 244m

Geophone3 190 m _'1 sec,_


FIGURE 10-9.-Seismic signals recorded by the LSPE geophones from the lift-off of the Apollo 17
LM ascent stage (Dec. 14). Arrows point to onset of lhe first seismic arrival.

TABLE l O-IV.-Parameters of Apollo 17 LM lmpact P-wave

Parameter Value Geophone1 _, 0.04 V

Day, G.m.t .................... Dec. 15, 1972

Range time, a G.m.t., hr:min:see ..... 06:50:20.84
Real time, G.m.t., hr:min:sec ....... 06:50:19.60
Velocity, km/sec ............... 1.67
Mass, kg ..................... 2260
Kinetic energy, J ............... 3.15 X 109
Heading, deg .................. 283

aRange time is the time the signal of the ewmt was ob-
served on Earth.

scale is shown in figure 10-11. The arrival time of the

first compressional wave (P-wave) is rrmrked at
Beginsat 06:.50:14.027
06:50:25.35 G.m.t., giving a traveltime of 5.75 sec.
The amplitude of the impact signal is of interest FIGURE 10-10.-Compressed time-scale record of the seismic
when compared with the P-wave amplitudes for signal received from the Apollo 17 LM impact (Dec. 15).
Arrows point to measured first and second seismic
previous LM and SIVB impact signals. Comparison of arrivals.
previous LM impact and SIVB impact signal ampli-
tudes demonstrated that the LM impact data had to the Apollo 17 LM ascent stage striking the side of the
be adjusted upward by a factor of 17.4 to allow for mountainous South Massif rather than grazing the
the lower kinetic energy and a shallower angle of lunar surface. In other words, if the predicted
impact. Extrapolating the earlier LM impact data to a amplitude of 26 nm is multiplied by the factor 17.4,
distance of 8.7 km leads to a predicted peak-to-peak the resulting figure is 452 nm, which agrees well with
mnplitude of 26 nm. The Apollo 17 LM impact signal the observed amplitude of 400 nm. The LM impact
is centered at 4 Hz and has a measured peak-to-peak traveltime data are discussed in the subsection entit-
amplitude of 400 nm. This amplitude was caused by led "Shallow Lunar Structure."

G,rn.t. T
1 0.04V




FIGURE 10-11.-Expanded time-scale record of the seismic

signalfrom the Apollo 17 LMimpact.

Analyses of previous lunar seismic impact signals Beginsat23:16:23.027

(ref. 10-1) have demonstrated that many of their
characteristics (signal rise time, duration of signal, FIGURE t0-12.-Seismic signals produced by detonation of
and lack of coherence between horizontal and vertical EP-5 on the lunar surface (Dec. 17). Arrows point to
components of motion) can be explained by wave onset of seismicarrival.
scattering. Seismic energy is considered to spread
with a diffusivity _ proportional to the product of the
average seismic velocity and the mean distance Transmissions of the fire pulses at 29.55-sec intervals
between scattering centers; that is, the larger the from the LSPE antenna (fig. 10-2) were observable as
value of diffusivity, the smaller the amount of crosstalk on the individual geophone data channels
scattering. For a surface impact, the theory predicts and produced convenient, accurate references for
(ref. 10-1) that the signal rise time (the time from selecting the detonation time of the individual ex-
signal onset to its maximum value) is given by R2/_ plosive packages.
where R is the range. The locations of the explosive packages with
The Apollo 17 LM impact seismic signal rise time respect to the LSPE geophone array were taken from
of 56 sec leads to a diffusivity of 1.35 km2/sec, preliminary postmission analyses (refs. 10-3 and
which is significantly larger than the value of 0.033 10-4). Adjustments in the absolute distances of the
krn2/sec inferred at the Apollo 16 site (ref. 10-2) explosive packages will undoubtedly be necessary
from analysis of the seismic signals generated by the when subsequent analyses of the appropriate Apollo
LRV at distances of approximately 4 km. The 17 lunar surface photographs are completed. How-
implication is that the Apollo 17 landing area is more ever, it is not anticipated that any revisions in the
homogeneous, for the dimensions of the seismic distances will have a major effect on the traveltime
waves considered (approximately 25 m), than either data discussed in the following subsection.
the Apollo 15 or 16 landing areas. Such a difference
in near-surface properties of these landing sites may SHALLOW LUNAR STRUCTU RE
be attributable to differing ages of the different areas
and to the effects of differing amounts of comminu- The traveltime/distance data obtained from the
tion and gardening by meteoroid impacts, detonation of the eight explosive packages are shown
in figure 10-13. Two sets of seismic wave first arrivals
were observed traveling at velocities of 250 and 1200
Explosive Packages m/see. The shortest explosive-charge-to-geophone dis-
All eight of the explosive packages placed on the tance was approximately 100 m. If a seismic velocity
lunar surface were successfully detonated. The seis- of 100 m/see is assumed for the regolith at the Apollo
mic data recorded for EP-5, which was detonated at 17 site, a regollth as thick as 25 m would not have
station 9, are shown in figure 10-12. The arrows point been detected. The depth of penetration of seismic
to the measured onset of the first seismic arrival, waves is nominally one-fourth the explosive-charge-


4.0 . Vp =1200mlsec _


_" _ o LNIascent
-_ _ o EP-I
._2.0 i/ ,'_EP-2
P EP-4
<_ EP-3
_,_ Vp= seismicwavevelocity G EP-5

1.O o EP-7
<3 EP-8
_(_ At = traveltimedifference 0 EP-6
, . / I I I I I I I i
250 500 750 I000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750

FIGURE 10-13.-Seismic arrivals from the detonation of the explosive charges plotted on a
traveltime/distance graph.

to-receiver distance. However, it is probable that the VoVl

regolith is significantly thinner than 25 m, inasmuch Z = At 2
as the 250-m/see velocity curve extrapolates to a zero _ Vo2 LSPE
intercept time. array;
The faster seismic arrival with a velocity of 1200 /EP-1 Z = 128 m Camelot ,/
m/see was observed beginning at a distance of 612 m, E I00 V0 = 250 m/see
indicating that the thickness of the 250-m/see mater- ='_3°°_v_ --1200m/see "'"""
ial was 248 m. Considering uncertainties in the charge c_ 500_0 500' 1000_ 1500_ 2000_ 2500_J 3000
distances and in the inferred seismic velocities, the Distance,
depth estimates are considered accurate to 10 per-
cent. The 1200-m/see velocity was observed to a At= traveltimedifference
distance of approximately 2.5 km. At this distance, FIGURE 10-14.-Model approximation for seismic ray path
the observed traveltimes for EP-1 were offset by from EP-1 to LSPE array that crosses Camelot Crater.
approximately 0.5 sec with respect to the 1200-m/see Observed time delay is produced by presence of low-
line. velocity material (of tttickaess Z) beneath crater.
Examination of the path between EP-] and the seismic velocity to a depth of several kilometers.
LSPE geophone array revealed that the seismic path Traveltime data from the seismic signals produced by
was affected by the presence of the 600-m-diameter the LM impact and the explosive charges are shown in
crater Camelot. The observed time delay on the figure 10-15. A line with an apparent velocity of 4
seismic path can be explained by postulating that kin/see can be fitted through the LM impact data
low-velocity material extends to a greater depth point to intersect close to the corrected traveltime
beneath the crater Camelot than along the remainder data point for EP-1. Because of obvious uncertainties
of the traveltime path. A simple model approxima- in allowing for the time delay through the crater
tion for Camelot Crater that explains the observed Camelot, there is no a priori reason to force a specific
traveltime delay is shown in figure 10-14. apparent-velocity line through the EP-1 data point.
The traveltime data from the LSPE explosive The first-order conclusion is thathigh-velocity mater-
charges can be combined with the observed traveltime ial (_4 km/sec) must lie beneath the 1200-m/see
for the LM impact to provide information about the material.


/-.Vp°250mlsec _ 0 0 sands .... Apollo17

// W
_" = 1200m/se_Y ,.Apollo 17 12063
,," LMimpact

' I s.c_ -.--'< 5

! l
_[P-6 _ . .525 lO
_'_rected for Camelotdelay

[] Correctedfor elevationdelay '_E

i i i i I i i _ _ i t f _ 15
o 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 lO n _

FIGURE 10-15.-Seismic traveltimes from LM impact and

LSPE explosive charges. Traveltime for EP-I has been 1.06 20
corrected for Camelot Crater delay, and LM impact
traveltime has been corrected for 1.2-kin elevation dif-
ference between the impact point and the LSPE array.
These corrections shift the position of the 4-km/sec 25
apparent velocity slightly downward as shown.

Inasmuch as the LM impacted at an elevation of

1.2 km (fig. 10-1) above the vaUey floor at the ApoUo 1"6x I08 300 1 2 3 4 5 6--7
17 landing site, the LM impact traveltime can be Velocity,km/sec
adjusted to the same reference elevation as the LSPE FIGURE 10-16.-Inferred compressional-wave velocity pto-
geophone array. The 1.2-kin difference in elevation fdes for the Moon and velocities of lunar and terrestrial
contributes an additional delay time equal to the rocks measured in the laboratory as a function of
ratio of the elevation difference to the seismic pressure. Lunar rocks are identified by sample number.
Lunar models 1 and 2 are based on results available
velocity of the material traversed multiplied by the through Apollo 16. Apollo 17 results reveal a marked
cosine of the angle of incidence at which the stepwise increase hi seismic velocity in the upper 2 km of
particular seismic arrival under consideration de- the Moon.
parted the source (impact point). Inserting the
appropriate values in this case leads to a time Before the Apollo 17 mission, the best estimates
correction of 0.18 sec. This correction will shift the of the seismic velocity variation in the upper 20 km
position of the 4-krn/sec apparent-velocity line down- of the Moon were as depicted by lunar model 1 or 2
ward as shown in figure 10-15 such that its zero in figure 10-16. The seismic velocity was known to
distance time intercept is decreased. The end result is increase very rapidly from values of 100 to 300 m/sec
a decrease in the derived thickness of the 1200-m/sec in approximately the upper 100 m to a value of
material from 1020 to 927 m. km/sec at a depth of 5 km. Even though the seismic
It is possible that a dipping interface exists velocity variation was depicted as a smooth increase
beneath the 1200-m/sec material that might result in with depth, it was surmised (ref. 10-5) that such a
a high apparent velocity, or that the particular seismic rapid increase of velocity (_2 km/sec/km) could not
ray passed through a high-velocity heterogeneity be explained solely by the pressure effect on dry
somewhere along its path. Some of the uncertainty rocks with macrocracks and microcracks nor by the
may be resolved by subsequent digital velocity self-compression of any rock powder.
filtering (beam steering) of the LM impact signal on Laboratory velocity measurements on returned
the LSPE array, lunar soils (refs. 10-6 to 10-10) and recent measure-

ments under hydrostatic pressure conditions on ter- ined in some detail as possible lunar analogs: the
restrial sands and basaltic ash have indicated velocity- Southern Coulee, the SP flow, and the Kana..a flow
depth gradients of 0.4 to 0.8 km/sec/km, but such (refs. 10-12 and 10-13).
gradients occur only to pressures of _50 × l0 s N/m _ The Southern Coulee is a recent lava flow near the
(a lunar depth of _1 km). The measurements on Mono Craters in eastern California. Seismic velocities
unconsolidated sands and rock powders also have range from 160 m/sec at the surface to 2000 m/sec at
demonstrated that no unique relation exists between depth. The higher velocities are found in more
seismic velocity and porosity in granular material. An competent, denser lava that underlies higher porosity,
examination of these experimental d_ta led to the lower density surface material. The SP flow is a
inference that compositional or textural changes must blocky basalt flow located in the northern part of the
be important in the upper 5 km of the Moon (ref. San Francisco volcanic field near Flagstaff, Arizona.
10-5). Vesicularity ranges from 5 to 50 percent, and in situ
The LSPE results have shown that, at least beneath seismic velocities range from 700 to 1100 m/sec. The
the Taurus-Littrow site, the seismic velocity increases Kana-a flow, also located near Flagstaff, is an olivine
in a stepwise manner in the upper several kilometers, basalt flow intermingled with ash; seismic velocities
It is of interest to examine the in situ velocity range from 700to 1200 m]sec.
information with reference to the surface geological Observed velocities on terrestrial lava flows
investigations at the Apollo 17 site, the laboratory b:racket the velocities measured at the Apollo 17 site
velocity measurements from returned lunar samples, and therefore support the presence of lava flows in
and the seismic velocity measurements on terrestrial file Taurus-Littrow valley. Whether the 250-m/sec
lunar analogs, w,qocity is representative of a separate flow or is
Premission analyses indicated that much of the merely the manifestation of shattered near-surface
Apollo 17 landing site area is covered by a dark basalts mixed with pyroclastic materials cannot be
mantling material, possibly volcanic ash (ref. 10-11). resolved from the seismic data. Nevertheless, a surface
Crew observations of the lunar surface revealed that layer of fractured, loose, blocky material merging
there was no readily discernible boundary between into more welded flows is a common occurrence on
the overlying thin regollth and the dark mantling Earth. Photographs of the walls of Hadley Rille (ref.
material. The thickness of the dark mantlingmaterial 10-14) also attest to the blocky nature of the
was estimated to be between 5 and 10 m (ref. 10-3). near-surface mare basalts. Because of the similarity in
As pointed out earlier, whether the dark mantling structure and the analogous seismic velocities on the
matetial/subfloor interface represents a sharp seismic Earth and the Moon, the sum of the 248 m of
discontinuity or is gradational cannot be determined 250-m/sec material and 927 m of 1200-m/sec mater-
because the shortest explosive-charge-to-receiver dis- ial, 1175 m, is designated as representing the full
tance was approximately 100 m. t]_ckness of the subfloor basalts at the Apollo 17 site.
The dominant rock type observed underlying the The material underlying the basalts with a seismic
dark mantling material is a mediuna-grained vesicular velocity of _ km/sec is difficult to classify by rock
basalt believed to be primarily mare-type basalt. Crew type. Based on the geological evidence, it seems likely
observations of the crater walls revealed textural that the highland massif material that rings the
variations that suggest the involvement of individual narrow, grabenlike valley at the Apollo 17 site
flow units. Seismic observations have indicated 248 m underlies the basalt flow or flows. Several rock types
of 250-m/sec material overlying 927 m of 1200-m/sec were recognized in the North and South Massifs, but
material, the dominant rock type is apparently a coherent
The abrupt change in seismic velocity from 250 to breccia believed to be similar to the breccias sampled
1200 m/sec and, by inference, in other physical at the Apennine Front (Apollo 15) and at Descartes
properties suggests a major change in the nature of (Apollo 16).
the evolution or deposition of the Apollo 17 subfloor Laboratory velocity measurements have been re-
basalts. However, a similar range of seisrrric velocities ic_rted for two Apollo 15 breccias, 15418 and 15015
has been observed with refraction surveys on terres- (ref. 10-15). Sample 15418 is described as a dark-gray
trial lava flows. Some insight can be gained by breccia of chemical composition similar to that of
considering specific lava flows that have been exam- anorthite-rich gabbro. Sample 15015 is a more friable

breccia of unknown composition. The in situ value of Structure of the Lunar Crust. The Moon, vol. 7, Apr.
km/sec is close to the seismic velocities measured 1973, pp. 63-75.
in the laboratory for sample 15015 and shown in 10-6.
Simmons, Hiroo;
G.: Nur,
WaveChung, D.; Wones, D.;
Velocities of Lunar
figure 10-16. Samples at High Pressures and Their Geophysical Implica-
tions. Science, vol. 167, no. 3918, Jan. 30, 1970, pp.
CONCLUSIONS 10-7. Kanamori, H.; Mizutani, H.; and Hamano, Y.: Elastic
Wave Velocities of Apollo 12 Rocks at High Pressures.
Before the Apollo 17 mission, the question of how Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol.
the P-wave velocity increased from 100 to 300 m/sec 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 2323-2326.
near the surface (refs. 10-16 to 10-19) to _6 km/sec 10-8. Anderson, Orson L.; Scholz, Christopher; Soga,
at a depth of 15 to 20 km (ref. 10-2)was unex- Naohito; Warren, Nicholas; et al.: Elastic Properties of a
plained. The main reason for the uncertainty was the Micro-Breccia, Igneous Rock and Lunar Fines from
Apollo 11 Mission. Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar
gap in traveltime data between the range of a few Science Conference, vol. 3, Pergamon Press (New York),
hundred meters (previous active seismic experiments) 1970, pp. 1959-1973.
and 67 km (Apollo 14 LM impact as recorded by the 10-9. Mizutani, H.; Fujli, N.; Hamano, Y.; Osako, M.; et al.:
Apollo 14 passive seismic experiment). The Apollo 17 Elastic Wave Velocities and Thermal Diffusivities of
lunar seismic profiling results have demonstrated that Apollo 14 Rocks. Lunar Science-IIl (Rev. abs. of the
Third Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Jan.
the seismic velocity increases in a sharp stepwise 10-13, 1972),Feb. 18,1972, pp. 547-549.
manner in the upper 2.5 km. A surface layer with a 10-10. Warren, N.; Schreiber, E.; Scholz, C.;Morrison, J. A.;
seismic velocity of 250 m/see overlies a layer with a et al.: Elastic and Thermal Properties of Apollo 11 and
velocity of 1200 m/sec. Beneath the 1200-m/sec Apollo 12 Rocks. Proceedings of the Second Lunar
layer, the seismic velocity increases sharply to 4000 Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.),
1971, pp. 2345-2360.
m/see. The velocities of 250 and 1200 m/sec agree 10-11. McGetchin, T. R.; and Head, J. W.: Lunar Cinder
with those observed for basaltic lava flows, indicating Cones. Science, vol. 180, no. 4081, Apr. 6, 1973, pp.
a total thickness of approximately 1200 m for the 68-71.
infilling mare basalts at Taurus-Littrow. When the 10-12. Watkins, J. S.: Annual Report, Investigation of In
Apollo 17 results are combined with earlier traveltime Situ Physical Properties of Surface and Subsurface Site
data for direct and surface-reflected seismic arrivals Materials by Engineering Geophysical Techniques. NASA
Contract T-25091(G), July 1966.
from LM and SIVB impacts (ref. 10-2), it will be 10-13. Watkins, Joel S.; Waiters, Lawrence A.; and Godson,
possible to construct a velocity model for the upper Richard H.: Dependence of In Situ Compressional-Wave
lunar crust believed to be representative for a mare Veloeity on Porosity in Unsaturated Rocks. Geophysics,
basin. Such work is now underway, vol. 37, no. 1, Feb. 1972, pp. 29-35.
10-14. Howard, Keith A.; Head, James W.; and Swarm,
Gordon A.: Geology of Hadley Rlile. Proceedings of the
Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press
R E F E R E N C ES (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 1-14.
10-15. Todd, Tertence; Wang, Herbert; Baldridge, W. Scott;
10-1. Latham, Gary V.; Ewing, Maurice; Press, Frank; and Simmons, Gene: Elastic Properties of Apollo 14 and
Sutton, George; et al.: Passive Seismic Experiment. See. 6 15 Rocks. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science
of Apollo 14 Preliminary Science Repot{. NASA SP-272, Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972,
1971. pp. 2577-2586.
10-2. Latham, Gary V.; Ewing, Maurice; Press, Frank; 10-16. Kovach, Robert L.; Watkins, Joel S.; and Landers,
Sutton, George; et al.: Passive Seismic Experiment. See. 9 Tom: Active Seismic Experiment. Sec. 7 of Apollo 14
of Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-272, 1971.
1972. 10-17. Kovaeh, R. L.; and Watkins, J. S.: The Near-Surface
10-3. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Preliminary Velocity Structure of the Moon. Lunar Science-lll (Rev.
Report on the Geology and Field Petrology of the Apollo abs. of the Third Lunar Science Conference (Houston,
17 Landing Site. U.S. Geol. Survey, Interagency Rept.: Tex.), Jan. 10-13, 1972), Feb. 18, 1972, pp. 461-462.
Astrogeology 69, Dec. 17, 1972. 10-18. Watkins, Joel S.; and Kovach, Robert L.: Apollo 14
10-4. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Documen- Active Seismic Experiment. Science, vol. 175, no. 4027,
tation and Environment of the Apollo 17 Samples: A Mar. 17, 1972, pp. 1244-1245.
Preliminary Report. U.S. Geol. Survey, Interagency 10-19. Kovach, Robert L.; Watkins, Joel S.; and Tatward,
Rept.: Astrogeology 71, Jan. 21,1973. Pradeep: Active Seismic Experiment. See. 10 of Apollo
10-5. Kovach, R. L.; and Watkins, J. S.: The Velocity 16Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
11. Passive Seismic Experiment
Gary 11".
Latham, at Maurice Ewing, a Frank Press,b
James Dorman, a Yosio Nala_mura, a Nail Toksoz, b
Davis Lammlein, a Fred Duennebier, a and Anton Dainty b

The impacts of the SIVB and the lunar module by the high-frequency seismometers. Meteoroid im-
(LM) ascent stage of the Apollo 17 mission concluded pacts are detected by the low-frequency seismometers
a series of nine such impacts from which seismic at average rates of between 70 and 150 per year.
signals have been recorded by the Apollo seismic Although less numerous than moonquakes, meteoroid
network. The network includes stations installed at impacts generate the largest signals detected.
the landing sites of the Apollo 12, 14, 15, and 16 Several criteria have been useful in distinguishing
missions and spans the near side of the Moon in an moonquake signals from meteoroid impact signals.
approximately equilateral triangle with 1100-kin The most useful are the character of shear waves and
spacing between stations. (The Apollo 12 and 14 the time interval from the beginning of a signal to its
stations are 181 km apart at one corner of the maximum amplitude (the signal rise time). Moon-
triangle.) The oldest of these stations, Apollo 12, has quake signals have impulsive shear wave arrivals and
now operated for more than 3 yr, and the entire short rise times relative to those of impact signals. In
network has been in operation for 1 yr as of April addition, many of the moonquake signals can be
1973. Four seismometers are included at each sta- grouped into sets of matching events; signals of each
tion: three low-frequency components forming a set have nearly identical waveforms. Signals from
triaxial set (one sensitive to vertical motion and two meteoroid impacts cannot be matched with one
sensitive to horizontal motion) with sensitivity to another.
ground motion sharply peaked at 0.45 Hz, and a Analysis of the seismic signals from the manmade
fourth seismometer sensitive to vertical motion with impacts and from natural sources has led to a model
peak sensitivity at 8 Hz (high-frequency component), for the Moon that is quite different from that of the
These instruments can detect vibrations of the lunar Earth. Refinements in the present lunar model can be
surface as small as 0.05 nm at maximum sensitivity, expected as data accumulate from natural events. In
Of the 16 separate seismometers, all but two are this report, the major findings to date from the
presently operating properly. The hilgh-frequency passive seismic experiment are summarized.
component at the Apollo 12 station has failed to
operate since initial activation, and one of the STRUCTURE AND STATE OF THE
low-frequency seismometers at the Apollo 14 station
(vertical component) became unstable after 1 yr of
operation. The surface of the Moon is covered by a highly
Moonquakes have been detected by the low- heterogeneous zone in which, because of the nearly
frequency seismometers of each station at average complete absence of volatiles; seismic waves propa-
rates of between 600 and 3000 per year, depending on gate with very little damping. Scattering in this zone
the station; all the moonquakes are quite small by accounts for the prolongation of lunar seismic signals
terrestrial standards (Richter magnitude 2 or less), and for the complexity of the recorded ground
Thousands of even smaller moonquakes are detected motion relative to typical terrestrial signals (refs. 11-1
and 11-2). Most of the scattering occurs in the outer
aThe University of Texas at Galveston.
bMassachusetts Institute of Technology. several hundred meters, but significant scattering may
tPrincipallnvestigator, occur to depths as great as 10 to 20 km. The


"granularity" within the scattering zone ranges from remote control from Earth. Nine impacts were
micron-size fragments to heterogeneity on a scale of accomplished successfully. Seismic signals from these
at least several kilometers. The roughness of the lunar impacts were recorded at ranges from 67 to 1750 kin.
surface undoubtedly contributes to the scattering of Impact coordinates and the distances and azimuths
seismic waves, from the receiving stations are listed in table 11-I.
Some find the combination of intensive scattering The Apollo 17 LM impact was also recorded by the
and low damping of seismic waves to be confusing geophones of the active seismic experiment, located at
because, on Earth, scattering is normally associated the Apollo 17 landing site, at a range of 9 kin. These
with a high degree of damping. However, these can be data, combined with data from high-pressure labora-
regarded as independent phenomena. On Earth, the tory measurements on returned lunar samples, pro-
presence of water is the dominant factor in dissipa- vide information on lunar structure to a depth of
tion of seismic energy at shallow depth; scattering approximately 150 km. Information on lunar struc-
results if heterogeneity is present on a scale compar- ture below this depth is derived principally from
able to the signal wavelengths. In the outer shell of analysis of signals from deep moonquake and distant
the Moon, heterogeneity results in scattering, but it is meteoroid impacts. Analysis of the manmade impact
the nearly complete absence of water (or any other data has revealed a major discontinuity at a depth
fluid), and the consequent high transmission effi- between 55 and 65 km in the eastern part of Oceanus
ciency (low damping), that leads to the extreme Procellarum (refs. 11-3 and 11-4). By analogy with
prolongation of lunar seismic signals, the Earth, the zone above the discontinuity is called
Knowledge of the lunar structure below the the crust and the zone below, the mantle. Whether
scattering zone is derived mainly from analysis of the crust is regional or is a global feature cannot be
seismic signals from impacts of Apollo space vehicles determined from the present seismic network. How-
of two types: the LM ascent stage and the SIVB stage ever, the early formation of a crust by igneous
of the Saturn booster. Each LM was guided to impact processes on a global scale would appear to explain
following the return of the surface crewmen to the such observations as the unexpectedly high heat flow
command and service module in lunar orbit. Follow- (ref. 11-5) and the presence of large-scale petrological
ing separation from the Apollo spacecraft, the SIVB provinces inferred from orbital X-ray fluorescence
stages were directed to planned impact points by data (ref. 11-6) and from lunar sample analysis. The

TABLE 11-1.-Coordinates, Distances and Azimuths of Stations and Impacts

Distance and azimuth from Apollo seismic station-

Sta_on or impact Coordinates a
12 14 15 16

ApoLlo 12 station 3.04 ° S, 23A2 ° W - 181 km, 276 ° 1188 km, 226 ° 1187 km, 276 °
Apollo 14 station 3.65 ° S, 17AS°W 181 Ion, 96* - 1095 kin, 218 ° 1007 km, 277 °
Apollo 15 station 26.08 ° N, 3.66 ° E 1188 km, 40* 1095 km, 33° - 1119 Ion, 342 °
Apollo 16 station 8.97 ° S, 15.51 ° E 1187 km, 100 ° 1007 kin, 101 ° 1119 krn, 160 ° -
Apollo 12 LM impact point 3.94 ° S, 21.20 ° W 73 kin, 112 ° - - -
ApoLlo 13 SIVB impact point 2.75 ° S, 27.86 ° W 135 km, 274 ° - - -
Apollo 14 SIVB impact point 8.09 ° S, 26.02 ° W 172 km, 207 ° - - -
Apollo 14 LM impact point 3.42 ° S, 19.67 ° W 114 kin, 96* 67 kin, 276 ° - -
Apollo 15 SIVB impact point 1.51 ° S, 11.81 ° W 355 kin, 83* 184 kin, 69 ° - -
Apollo 15 LM impact point 26.36 ° N, 0.25 ° N 1130 Ion, 36* 1048 kin, 29° 93 kin, 276 ° -
Apollo 16 SIVB impact point b 1.3 -+0.7 ° N, 23.8 - 0.2 W 132 kin, 355 ° 243 Ion, 308 ° 11099 km, 231 °
Apollo 17 SIVB impact point 4.21 ° S, 12.31 ° W 338 km, 96* 157 kin, 96° 1032 km, 209 ° 850 km, 2780
Apollo 17 LM impact point 19.96 ° N, 30.50 ° E 1750 km, 64* 1598 km, 61° 770 kin, 98° 985 km, 27 °

aListed coordinates are derived from the Manned Space Flight Network Apollo tracking data. Locations based on these
data are referenced to a mean spherical surface and may differ by several kilometers from coordinates referenced to surface
bPtemature toss of tracking data reduced the accuracy of the estimate. The listed coordinates for this impact are estimated
from seismic data.

velocity of compressional waves in the lower half of allowable velocity decrease for compressional waves is
the crust is between 6.3 and 7.0 km/sec, a velocity approximately 0.3 km/sec. The term "core" as
range appropriate for the aluminous basalts and applied in this discussion is not meant to imply a
gabbroic anorthosites that predominate in the lunar major compositional or structural discontinuity as it
highlands sampled thus far. Thus, the most plausible does for the Earth. In the lunar case, it is simply a
hypothesis is that a widespread crust, formed early in central zone in which the characteristics of seismic
the history of the Moon, outcrops in the present wave transmission differ from those in the surround-
lunar highlands. The thickness of the crust is likely to ing material. However, the presence of a small
vary greatly. There is some evidence for a discon- "inner" core in the terrestrial sense is not precluded
tinuity within the crust at a depth of 25 km that may by present data.
define the base of the mare basalts in Oceanus Seismic wave attenuation is strongly temperature
Procellarum (ref. 11-3). dependent, showing rapid increase with increasing
Below the crust, a relatively homogeneous zone temperatures and increasing sharply with the onset of
extending to a depth of approximately 1000 km is melting (ref. 11-8). Thus, temperatures approaching
suggested by the nearly constant velocity of seismic the solidus (melting point) in the lunar interior may
waves. The average velocity of compressional waves in account for the lack of shear wave transmission
the homogeneous zone is approximately 8 km/sec. A indicated by the seismic data. Assuming an interior of
slight decrease in velocity with depth probably occurs mafic silicate composition, this state would require
in the lower half of this zone. Very low attenuation temperatures of between 1700 and 1900 K at a depth
of both compressional and shear waves in this zone of approximately 1000 km. This model is in sub-
precludes the presence of any appreciable melting, stantial agreement with several thermal models re-
Poisson's ratio is approximately 0.25 at the top of the cently proposed by Toksoz et al. (ref. 11-9). Partial
mantle, melting of silicate material is considered to be a
A striking contrast has been found between signals possible cause of the low Q, low-velocity zone of the
that originate on the near side of the Moon and those upper mantle of the Earth (refs. 11-8 and 11-10). A
from far-side sources. Direct shear waves, normally completely molten core of the size indicated, how-
prominent in signals from near-side moonquakes and ever, is not likely because a decrease of the compres-
weakly defined in near-side meteoroid impact signals, sional wave velocity exceeding the value of 0.3
cannot be found in the seismograms recorded at km/sec obtained by the preliminary analysis would be
several of the seismic stations from far-side events, expected. Other possibilities, such as increased
For example, as shown in figure 11-1, shear waves volatiles in the deep interior of the Moon, cannot be
from a large meteoroid that struck the far side near eliminated at present.
the crater Moscoviense arrive at the Apollo 15 station The possibility of a high-density, molten metallic
at the expected time, but they are missing at the core similar to that of the Earth is eliminated by both
Apollo 14 and 16 stations when expected. Much later moment-of-inertia and seismic-wave-velocity consid-
phases arrive at these stations at times predicted for erations. The radius of approximately 700 km is too
surface-reflected shear waves (SS) that travel through large for such a core.
the upper mantle of the Moon. Similarly, shear waves By analogy with the Earth, the lithosphere-the
from far-side moonquakes that can be identified at relatively rigid outer shell of the Moon-can be
the Apollo 15 and 16 stations are missing at the considered to be approximately 1000 km thick. The
Apollo 14 station (fig. 11-2). core of the Moon is equivalent to the asthenosphere
Although available data are not sufficient to derive (low-velocity zone) of the Earth.
a detailed seismic velocity model for the deep
interior, these observations can be explained by MOONQUAKESAND LUNAR TECTONISM
introducing a "core" with a radius between 600 and
800 km in which shear waves either do not propagate Thermal Moonquakes
or are highly attenuated (dissipation factor Q of
approximately 100 or less)(ref. 11-7). The compres- 'Thousands of small seismic signals have been
sional wave velocity within this zone may be slightly detected by the high-frequency seismometers at the
lower than that in the mantle. The maximum Apollo 14, 15, and 16 stations. (The high-frequency




4 Hz

Apollo .......... i
14 I , ,

station I ? Hz . -_-_:_

FIGURE ll-1.-Ffltered short-period seismograms of seismic events detected on July 17, 19"/2. The
signal is believed to be from a meteoroid impact on the far side of the Moon. Traces for two
different filter settings are shown for each station. The frequencies given, 4 and 2 Hz, are the
center frequencies of the narrow band-pass filters used in the data playback. The I indicates the
estimated time of impact; P, the observed arrival time of the direct compressional wave; and S, the
expected arrival time of the direct shear wave. Note that the eharacteristie shear wave bulge, clearly
visible at the Apollo 15 station, is missing at the Apollo 16 and 14 stations when expected. A
digital unit (DU) is the signal variation that corresponds to a change in the least significant bit of
the 10-bit data word.

seismometer at the Apollo 12 station failed to begins abruptly approximately 2 days after lunar
operate.) These signals are not recorded by the sunrise and decreases rapidly after sunset (ref. 11-2).
low-frequency seismometers because of the restricted These events are recognized by the repetition of
bandwidth of these instruments. The high-frequency nearly identical signals, implying a highly localized
signals are generated (1) by thermoelastic stresses source for each set. Forty-eight sets of matching
within the LM descent stage and other equipment left rnicromoonquake signals have been identified at the
on the lunar surface at each site, (2) by small Apollo 14 station, and 245 sets at the Apollo 15
meteoroid impacts at near ranges (a few tens of station. Micromoonquake activity at the Apollo 16
kilometers and less), and (3) by small moonquakes station is very low in comparison with that at the
(micromoonquakes) that originate within a few Apollo 14 and 15 stations. Signals of each set occur
kilometers of each station. Micromoonquake activity at monthly intervals, usually one event per month per

F 20:19:.00G.m.t.
Apollo Oct. 19, 1971 ........................ _,m_,v_aW_M_a_,,__ - --r_- _ ..... -,--_-
stationOct.II,19"/2 _ _ ] 5 DU
;7.. ,'7,'." '?' -_ _----.,-_ ............... ."
L_ s expected
p L_ 19:42:00G. m.__ 06:42:00G.m.t.
Apollo Dec. 14, 1971
i_ Oct.11,19/2
station I ]5DU

P - 19:42:00G.m.t. S
16 _ __'_'_"_"_ _'_'_'v"_"_hVt¢hV/V_"l'_'_tb__ '_V'__
station Nov. 8, 1972 _

(p) L_ 17:57:oo s i min


FIGURE 11-2.-A comparison of signals from selected moonquakes detected at the Apollo 14, 15, and
16 stations. One of the four moonquakes (Oct. 11, 1972) is common to all three stations. The
signals were too weak to be detected at the Apollo 12 station. Only the horizontal-component
seismogram is shown for each event at each station. These moonquakes originated at the same
point within the fax half of the Moon. Note that the shear wave is not observable at the Apollo 14
station when expected (marked "S expected"). The P-wave at the Apollo 16 station is too weak to
be identified with confidence.

set, and at the same time relative to sunrise to within Forty-one categories of matching events have been
a few hours. The strong correlation with sunrise and recognized thus far. As in the case of thermal
sunset indicates that micromoonquakes are of ther- moonquakes, the repetition of seismic signals of
mat origin, identical waveforms indicates that the point of origin
Two possible source mechanisms for thermal remains f'txed probably to within a few kilometers.
moonquakes are suggested: (1) cracking or move- Thus, there are at least 41 active zones within the
ment of rocks along zones of weakness and (2) Moon at which moonquakes originate. Seismic signals
slumping of soil on lunar slopes triggered by thermal from these focuses represent only 10 percent of the
stresses. The characteristics of the signals imply that total number of signals believed to be of moonquake
motion is always in the same direction and that some origin based on their signal character. Thus, the
thermal moonquake sources change position slightly existence of many more focuses from which the
from one lunar day to the next, but the source signals are too small for detailed waveform compari-
mechanism is not yet understood, son is likely. Peaks in moonquake activity occur at
biweekly intervals corresponding to the apogee/
perigee cycle, as shown in figure 1 1-3 for the Apollo
Distant Moonquakes 14 station. A 7-month variation in activity, corre-
Moonquakes detected by the low-frequency sponding to the solar perturbation of the lunar orbit,
seismometers of each station were soon recognized as is also apparent in such plots. If the activity is
being distant from all stations. The characteristics of examined at a given moonquake focus, as shown in
the low-frequency moonquake signals are also quite figure 1 1-4 for the active zone designated A_, not
different from those of the locally generated moon- only the monthly and 7-month cycles but also a
quakes described previously. With a few possible longer term variation can be recognized. The longer
exceptions, all low-frequency moonquake signals that term variation may correspond to the 6-yr term in the
are large enough to examine in detail cau be grouped variation of lunar gravity. These correlations strongly
into sets of matching events. Events of each set occur suggest that tides are the dominant source of energy
at monthly intervals, usually once per month, with released as moonquakes. It is possible, in fact, likely,
longer term variations in the moonquake magnitudes, that a small secular component of stress, introduced

(_ _ 30F _
- _-20F/'-------._.I_'_---o f--.J_ , _ /'---_.
_ 001-_ 15_ _ . ""_*, _ h _A ,_ _"h"_"_-.
_-''''-'_ A l _ _"'--.

_E 1971_ 1972

FIGURE 11-3.-Moonquake activity recorded at the Apollo 14 station between February 7, 1971, and
July 27, 1972, showing the number of moonquakes detected per day. Peaks in activity occur at
2-week intervals corresponding to the apogee/perigee cycle. A longer term variation in moonquake
activity, with a period of 206 days, is also seen in the smoothed activity plot shown above the daily
count. This 206-day period corresponds to the period of the tidal variation introduced by solar
perturbation of the lunar orbit.

13- I 'I
11 206days
io I' ,I

0 t96'

FIGURE ll-4.-History
I, i 1970_ _ 1971
of occurrence of category A_ rhoonquakes as recorded at the Apollo 12

station between November 1969 and January 1972. The length of each bar is proportional to the
maximum amplitude of the recorded signal. Monthly and 206-day cycles are evident in this plot
together with a longer term variation that may correspond to the 6-yr variation in tidal stress.

possibly by the recession of the Moon from the Earth lithosphere) immediately above a relatively weak
or by heating or cooling of the lunar interior, is also central zone (the asthenosphere). If this model is
present, correct, then the depth of the moonquake zone may
The distribution of moonquake epicenters located simply be a consequence of the differing yield
thus far is shown in figure 11-5. In this distribution, strengths of the material within these two zones.
two narrow belts of activity lying approximately Slow changes in the shape of the Moon, in response
along arcs of great circles are recognized. The western to time-varying tidal stresses, will produce stress
belt runs approximately north-south over a lengthof concentrations at the lithosphere/asthenosphere
at least 2500 km. The eastern belt trends northeast- boundary. When the stress exceeds the shear strength
southwest over a length of at least 2000 kin. The of the material, rupture will occur. The availability of
focuses of these events are concentrated at depths of fluids migrating upward from a partially molten zone
800 to 1000 kin, as shown in figure 11-6. Earlier sug- would also facilitate dislocation in the lunar litho-
gestions of possible correlations between moonquakes sphere.
and mare rims are no longer supported by the in- The alinement of moonquake focuses in long,
creased data now available, narrow belts is more difficult to understand. These
According to our present model, moonquakes belts may be a consequence of large-scale variations in
occur at the base of a thick, rigid shell (the the mechanical properties of the material of the

FIGURE ll-5.-Map showing the locations of the Apollo seismic network stations and of 26
moonquake epicenters. The epicenters are the points on the surface immediately above the active
zones (focuses) in which moonquakes originate. Sofid circles indicate focuses for which the depth
of the focus can be determined. Open circles correspond to cases in which data are not sufficient
for determination of depth. A depth of 800 km has been assumed in these cases. The number at
each epicenter is an arbitrary identification code used by the experiment team. Note that in two
cases (epicenters 1 and 6 and epicenters 18 and 32) the epicenters are so closely spaced that their
separation cannot be distinguished at the scale plotted.

lithosphere or of the asthenosphere. They may, for weak, large-scale convective motions or they may be
example, be zones of increased temperature or they residual stress dating from the time of formation of
may reflect compositional heterogeneity. Alterna- the Moon. The belts do not appear to lie alonglarge,
tively, the moonquake belts may be manifestations of continuous fractures, because the orientation of tidal

0 ,,///////////////////////////A_C_r_ui
!//_//////////////////////////_ must be approximately equal to the rate of internal
heat production.


Seismic signals detected by the Apollo seismic

4o0 network from meteoroid impacts appear to be gene-
Lithosphere rated by objects in the mass range from 100 g to
1000 kg. Results obtained to date have been derived
6o0 by a method using only the statistical distribution of
maximum amplitudes of seismic signals recorded
__, "--7 from meteoroid impacts (ref. 11-2). The average flux
_" 800 I , estimated from data of more than 1 yr is log
_- [ N= -1.62- 1.16 log m where N is the cumulative

number of meteoroids of mass m (in grams) and
greater that strike the Moon per year per square
kilometer. This flux estimate is 1 to 3 orders of
magnitude lower than that derived from earlier
Earth-based measurements. Our estimate is lower
1200 than the average flux estimated from the distribution
of crater sizes on the youngest lunar maria. This flux
is consistent with a hypothesis that the population of
1400 small fragments in the solar system decreases with
time as the fragments are gathered up by collisions
with the planets. The seismic data predict that a
16000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 meteoroid of 7 to 10 kg mass can be detected by the
Number0fm0onquakes least sensitive station (Apollo 12) from any point on
FIGURE ll-6.-The depth distribution of moonquakes for the Moon. Approximately 50 percent of the impacts
which present data are sufficient for determination of detected by a station occur more than 1000 km from
focal depths (18 cases). Question marks in the zone the station. The total data appear to contain at least
labeled "asthenosphere" indicate that present data arenot two distinct meteoroid populations: the normal
sufficient to define the inward extent of this zone. The fragment distribution that varies little throughout the
asthenosphere, in which partial melting is believed to
occur, may extend to the center of the Moon or it may be year and a population of relatively large objects that
restricted to a thin shell at a depth of approximately 1000 intersect the lunar orbit from April through July each
km. year. Because the latter are detectable seismically
from anywhere on the Moon, the Apollo seismic
stresses leading to moonquakes varies greatly among network affords greater exposure to these rare events
the focuses of a given belt. Thus, varying orientations than any other method of measurement.
of the dislocation planes are implied. Further specula-
tion on the possible origin of the zones of moonquake SO M M A R Y AN D C ON C LUSI ONS
activity is postponed until the zones can be de-
lineated with greater certainty. Seismic activity within the Moon is extremely low
Surface features that appear to be tensional have compared to that within the Earth. The Moon is
been taken as evidence of slight past expansion as the characterized by a rigid, dynamically inactive outer
lunar interior grew warmer. However, lack of moon- shell, approximately 1000 km thick, surrounding a
quakes at shallow and intermediate depths suggests core that has markedly different elastic properties.
that, presently, the Moon is neither expanding nor Current moonquake activity is concentrated near the
contracting at an appreciable rate. Hence, the Moon boundary between these two zones. It is likely that
must be close to thermal equilibrium at the present temperatures within the lunar core are at, or near, the
time; that is, the rate of heat flow out of the Moon temperature of the beginning of melting (solidus

point) and that the core .is much weaker than the Sutton, George; et al.: Passive Seismic Experiment. See. 9
outer shell. If so, the outer shell may be regarded as of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
the lunar lithosphere and the weak central zone as the SP-315, 1972.
11-3. Toksoz, M. N.; Press, Frank; Anderson, Ken; Dainty,
asthanosphere. The transition between these zones A.; et al.: Velocity Structure and Properties of the Lunar
appears to be quite gradual. Thus, the term "core" is Crust. The Moon, vol. 4, no. 3/4, June/July 1972, pp.
not meant to imply a major structural or composi- 490-504.
tional discontinuity as it does for the Eartlh. However, 11-4. Laiham, Gary; Ewing, Mauriee; Press, Frank; Sutton,
the presence of a true core, in the terrestrial sense, George; et al.: Lunar Structure and Dynamics-Results
from the Apollo Passive Seismic Experiment. The Moon,
somewhere below the lithosphere/asthenosphere vol. 5, 1973, pp. 272-296.
boundary is not precluded by present data. The great 11-5. Langseth, Marcus G., Jr.; Clark, Sydney P., Jr.; Chute,
thickness of the lunar lithosphere relative to that of John L., Jr.; Keihm, Stephen J.; and Weehsler, Alfred E.:
the Earth probably accounts for the widely differing Heat-Flow Experiment. See. 11 of the Apollo 15 Prelimi-
nary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
tectonism of these two planets, ll-6. Adler, 14 Trombka, J.; Lowman, P.; Schmadebeck, R.;
Lack of shallow seismic activity indicates that the et al.: Results of the Apollo 15 and 16 X-Ray Fluores-
Moon is neither expanding nor contracting appreci- cence Experiment. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers
ably at the present time. Thus, the rate of heat flow presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Hous-
out of the Moon must be approximately equal to the ton, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 9-10.
11-7. Nakamura, Y.; Lammlein, D.; Latham, G.; Ewing, M.;
rate of internal heat production. The presence of a Dorman, J.; et al.: New Seismic Data on the State of the
thick lunar crust suggests early, intense heating of Lunar Interior. Science, vol. 181,no. 4094, July 6, 1973.
the outer shell of the Moon. 11-8. Jackson, D.; and Anderson, D.: Physical Mechanisms
of Seismic Wave Attenuation. Rev. Geophys., vol. 8, no.
REFERENCES 1, 1970, pp. 1-64.
_L1-9.Toksoz, M. Nail; Solomon, Sean C.; Minear, John W.;
11--1. Latham, G. V.; Ewing, M.; Press, F.; Sutton, G.; et al.: and Johnston, David H.: Thermal Evolution of the Moon.
Apollo 11 Passive Seismic Experiment. Proceedings of the The Moon, vol. 4, no. 1/2, Apr. 1972, pp. 190-213.
Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, Pergamon ].1-10. Solomon, Sean C.: Seismic-Wave Attenuation and
Press (New York), 1970, pp. 2309-2320. Partiai Melting in the Upper Mantle of North America. J.
11-2. Latham, Gary V.; Ewing, Maurice; Press, Frank; Geophys. Res.,vol. 77, no. 8, 1972, pp. 1483-1502.
12. Lunar Surface Gravimeter Experiment
John J. Giganti, a J. K Larson, a J. P. Richard, a and J. Weberat

The primary objective of the lunar surface gravi- vibrations in the antenna. These forces are somewhat
meter (LSG) is to use the Moon as an instrumented similar to the gravitational forces that cause the tides.
antenna (refs. 12-1 to 12-8) to detect gravitational Observation of internal vibrations is limited by noise.
waves predicted by Einstein's general relativity If gravitational waves of sufficientlyhighintensity
theory. A secondary objective is to measure tidal covering certain bands of frequencies are incident on
deformation of the Moon. Einstein's theory describes the Moon, internal vibrations of the Moon will be
gravitation as propagating with the speed of light, excited. These vibrations may cause oscillatory sur-
Gravitational waves carry energy, momentum, and face accelerations. Theory predicts that only the
information concerning changes in the configuration lowest allowed frequency and certain overtones can
of their source. In these respects, such waves are be excited in this way. The kinds of vibrations that
similar to electromagnetic waves; however, electro- are excited by gravitational waves are believed to have
magnetic waves only interact with electric charges symmetry. Thus, the "breathing" mode of the Moon,
and electric currents. Gravitational waves are pre- in which all points of the lunar surface move outward
dicted to interactwithall forms of energy, together, and half a cycle later, all points move
The visible light, radio, and X-ray emissions, inward together, is not expected to be driven by
together with the cosmic rays, are the sources of all gravitational radiation. However, the "football" mode
our present information about the universe. Gravita- :is expected to be excited by gravitational radiation.
tional radiation is a totally new channel that would In the "football" mode, all points on the lunar equa-
be capable of giving information about the structure tor move outward at the same time that points on
and evolution of the universe, the lunar poles are moving inward. Half a cycle later,
_fll points on the equator are moving inward while
BASIC THEORY the polar regions are moving outward.
Very little is known about possible sources of
It is possible to study many forms of energy- gravitational radiation. An object may emit consider-
carrying waves by generating and detecting them in able gravitational radiation and have very little
the laboratory. At present, this type of study is not emission of light and vice versa, At present, the search
feasible for gravitational radiation. The ratio of mass tbr this radiation must be made by developing the
to electric charge for elementary particles is so small best possible instruments and operating them at the
that only 1 graviton is emitted for every 1043 limits of sensitivity. Approximate estimates suggest
photons in ordinary laboratory experiments. Only that present procedures have a fair chance ofobserv-
objects the size of stars or galaxies can generate ing real effects by using the Moon because of the
enough gravitational radiation to be detected by relative quiet of the hmar environment.
present apparatus. The Earth is also an instrumented antenna, but it
Detailed mathematical analysis using Einstein's has a high level of noise because of the atmosphere,
equations has shown that an elastic solid would serve the oceans, and seismic activity. Quiet periods exist
as a gravitational radiation antenna. Dynamic forces when it may be possible to observe the coincident
associated with the gravitational waves set up internal response of the Earth and Moon to gravitational
waves. The surface acceleration of the Earth is
auniversity of Maryland. measured with a somewhat similar gravimeter and
"}'Principal Investigator. recorded as a function of time. Comparisons between


the lunar and terrestrial records should allow searches

for simultaneous sudden surface accelerations. By
delaying one recording relative to the other one, the
rate of chance coincidences may be measured. A
significant excess of zero-delayed as compared to
time-delayed (chance) coincidences can establish the
existence of correlations.
Experiments have been conducted in the kilohertz
region using aluminum cylinder masses of several
thousand kilograms that are isolated from terrestrial
effects. The existence of such coincidences has been
established using antennas at the University of Mary-
land and at the Argonne National Laboratory near
Chicago, Illinois. The high frequency (seismic outpu0
of the LSG will be compared with the records of the
aluminum cylinder experiments in an effort to find
numbers of coincident amplitude increases over and
above the chance rate.
The LSG was also designed to measure the tidal
effects on the Moon and to serve as a one-axis
seismometer. The lunar orbit is slightly elliptical, and
the Moon undergoes librations. For these reasons, the
gravitational fields of the Earth and Sun sensed by a FIGURE 12-1.-Lunar surface gravirneter.
given part of the lunar surface will vary with time.
This variation results in time-dependent tidal forces
on the Moon. The figure of the Moon will be Fixed
distorted in consequence of the tidal forces, and the pivots Micrometer
"'/'"" screw
amount of this distortion gives information about the (/ "-. -.
internal composition of the Moon. . Zero-length "'"

EOU IPM E NT Fixed Centerof gravity

pivot of beam
The LSG (fig. 12-1)was emplaced on the Moon by ", / ggzggd-_
the Apollo 17 crew. This instrument is a sensitive t ffffff):ff".... capacitor
balance with a mass, spring, and lever system and Movable plates
with electronics for observation of accelerations in beam
the frequency range from 0 to 16 Hz. The LSG has a II ",
nominal sensitivity of approximately one part in 1[
10 xl of lunar gravity, mechanism
A schematic diagram of the spring-mass suspension FIGURE 12-2.-Scheraatic diagram of the lunar gravity
system is shown in figure 12-2. In the instrument, the sensor.
major fraction of the force supporting the sensor
mass (beam) against the local gravitational field is use of micrometer screws. The sensor mass is modi-
provided by the zero-length spring. A zero-length fled by the addition or removal of small weights,
spring is one in which the restoring force is directly permitting the range of the sensor to be extended
proportional to the spring length; such a spring is very from Earth testing to lunar operation. The electronic
useful in obtaining a long-period sensor (ref. 12-9). sensing portion of the instrument consists of a set of
Small changes in force tend to displace the beam up capacitor plates. Two plates, which are part of a
or down. This imbalance is adjusted to the null radio-frequency bridge circuit, are fixed to the frame
position by repositioning the spring pivot points by of the sensor and are geometrically concentric with a

third plate of similar size, which is attached to the voltage over the range dc to 1 cycle per 20 gives
movable beam of the sensor. The plates are so information on the lunar tides. A tilter with amplifi-
arranged that the center plate is located exactly cation covers the range from 1 cycle per 20 rain to 3
between the two outer plates when the beam is cpm. Another tilter amplifies the fast components in
exactly horizontal. If the force on the mass changes, the range from 3 cpm to 16 Hz. The latter range is of
it tends to move the beam, and the resulting bridge interest for seismology and for search for high-
unbalance creates an ac error voltage. This voltage is frequency gravitational radiation from sources such as
amplified and rectified with the size of the output the pulsars. The complete response function of the
voltage determined by the direction of the displace- sensor and electronics for several different configura-
meat. A fixed de bias voltage is applied to the tions is given in figures 12-3 and 12-4.
capacitor plates balanced with respect to ground, and
these plates are also connected to the rectified error
If the error voltage is zero, the balanced bias plate
voltage produces equal and opposite electrostatic The gravimeter uses a metal spring with a force
forces on the mass. If a positive error voltage is constant that is, in general, temperature dependent.
present, the voltage applied to one plate is increased There are two temperatures at which thermal effects
and the voltage applied to the other plate is de- are minimal; for the LSG, one of these occurs near
creased. The resulting force tends to restore the mass 323 K. To obtain the required performance, it is
to its originally centered position. This rectified necessary to control the temperature of the spring to
voltage is a measure of the changes in surface within better than 1 mdeg near the optimum tem-
acceleration. The mass does not follow fast changes, perature throughout the lunar day/night cycle. Ther-
However, the fast-changing servomechanism error real control is accomplished by use of thermal
voltage is a measure of the rapidly changing compo- insulation, which limits heat exchange with the lunar
nears of the surface acceleration, surface. A hole in the top of the LSG radiates heat to
The LSG can also be operated with the voltage the cold sky so that an internal heater is required to
output not fed back to restore the beana to equilib- maintain the 323 K temperature sensed by thermis-
rium. As indicated in figure 12-3, the different tors. A sunshade prevents the solar heat from directly
configurations have different responses to surface entering the LSG. The sunshade is tilted at an angle
accelerations, corresponding to the latitude of the emplaced instru-
The data cover the frequency range fl'om 0 to 16 ments. The thermal control system has controlled the
Hz in three bands. The rectified integrated error temperature of the spring to within 1 mdeg.

Freemodes open-loop
40 band(16.237V/
. 60/V Seismic

0 °
_ 20

-5 __//Tid ,_
[ 1fVIMm Sel
_-20 (e11.23
_. '_ _ =!; 01_" . stole
. lowgain,
. 0.376
k _

._ I lillltU | 11n1111i 1111uil i IIH,,,,. I11_1

10-5 10 -4 10-3 10 -2 i[0-1 1 801 I i iiiIlll i i ilrllll I I flllltl ii iiiiiii i iIitllll
Frequency,Hz - 10-2 I0"I 1 I0 102 103
FIGURE 12-3.-Tide and free mode science channel fre- Frequency,Hz
quency response. FIGURE 12-4.-Seismic science channel frequency response.

Timescale=0.031min/in.Scale=10.00Vlin. _ ,--':_ i;;_

.. :::

FIGURE 12-5.-Lunar surface activity near snrLrise(April
1973). FIGURE 12-7.-Power spectrum analysis of quiet period.

|- !_ _-_ these data is depicted in figure 12-6. For comparison,

i + i the power spectrum of a period preceding stmrise is
__ ii _'! _-_--_--_--_- illustrated in 12-7. Thus, it that the

-| ".'_L-_ ___
_ _ -I_!i!
'_- shown in figure 12-5. A power spectrum
appearsanalysis offigure
i ! _----_--- _-_ _-_ The thermal control was developed by the Axthur D.
" : ' I I i -- Little Company. The mass spring and lever sensor was
i i - : i _-! i ! "_ - developed by LaCoste and Romberg. The prime contractor
: r-J_ for the LSGwas the Bendix Corporation.
_!__!_i___ _!_ LSG may carry out the search for gravitational waves.
o 5 10 15 20 25
FIGURE 12-6.-Power spectrum analysis of lunar sunrise 12-1. Weber, Joseph: The Detection of Gravitational Waves.
data. Sci. Am., vol. 224, no. 5, May 1971, pp. 22-29.
12-2. Weber, Joseph: Pulses of Gravity. Science Year: The
World Book Science Annual. Field Enterprises, Inc. (San
When the LSG was emplaced, it was impossible to Francisco), 1972.
balance the beam by sending commands to add or 12-3. Weber, Joseph: Detection and Generation of Gravita-
subtract mass. The motion of the beam suggested that tionat Waves.Phys. Rev., vol. 117, no. 1, Jan. 1960, pp.
an additional force corresponding to lunar gravity 306-313.
acting on approximately a gram of mass would 12-4. Weber, Joseph: General Relativity and Gravitational
Waves.IntersciencePub., Inc. (New York), 1961.
balance the beam. Such a force can be exerted by 12-5. Weber, Joseph: Evidence for Discovery of Gravita-
operating the mass-changing mechanism beyond the tional Radiation. Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 22, no. 24, June
point of addition of all masses so that it contacts the 1962, pp. 1320-1324.
beam, moving it to midposition. In this configuration, 12-6. Weber, Joseph: Gravitational Radiation Experiments.
Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 24, no. 6, Feb. 1970, pp.
the instrument is apparently behaving like a gravi- 276-279.
meter with resonances at 1.5 Hz and possibly at a 12-7. Weber, Joseph: Anisotropy and Polarization in the
much lower frequency. The seismic output appears Gravitational-Radiation Experiments. Phys. Rev. Letters,
to be that corresponding to the sensitivity indicated vol. 25, no. 3, July 1970, pp. 180-184.
in figure 12-4, and noise output in the free modes 12-8. Weber, Joseph: Computer Analyses of Gravitational
open-loop band (fig. 12-3) suggests that surface Radiation Detector Coincidences.
5375, Nov. 1972, pp. 28-30. Nature, vol. 240, no.
accelerations are being sensed in these bands of 12.9. Fliigge, Siegfried, ed.: Geophysik II. Vol. XLVIII
frequencies. The seismic channel output during a of Handbuch der Physik, Springer-Verlag(Berlin), 1957,
several minute period associated with lunar sunrise is p. 803.
13. Traverse Gravimeter Experiment
Manik Talwani, a_ George Thompson, b Brian Dent, b Hans-Gert Kahle, a and Sheldon Buck c

The primary goal of the traverse gravimeter experi- distances of these stations from the center of the
ment (TGE) was to make relative gravity measure- Moon. If gm denotes the gravity at the surface of the
ments at a number of sites in the Apollo 17 landing Moon, M the mass of the Moon, r the radius of the
area and to use these measurements to obtain Moon, and k the universal constant of gravitation,
information about the geological substructure. A then
secondary goal was to obtain the value of the gravity
at the landing site relative to an accurately known = kM (13-1)
value on Earth. Both these goals were successfully gm "7
achieved by the experiment. A gravity tie has been
obtained between the Taurus-Littrow landing site and The free-air gradient then is
the Earth with an estimated accuracy of approxi-

mately 5 regal. Relative gravity measurements that _=agm --=-2k/4 _-2gm (13-2)
can be used to infer the substructure of the area have Dr r s r
been obtained at stations visited during each period
of extravehicular activity (EVA). and the free-air correction is 2gm/r, which yields a
value of 0.19 mgal/m. The elevation in meters is
BASIC THEORY measured from an arbitrary elevation datum (fig.
13-1). The free-air correction is added to the relative

Free-Air and Bouguer Anomalies gravity values to obtain the free-air anomalies.
The next step in the interpretation of the free-air
The basic theory for the interpretation of the anomalies involves the Bouguer correction. The
traverse gravity measurements can be described with Bouguer correction allows for the gravity effect (i.e.,
the help of the sketch in figure 13-i. As a simplifying the vertical component of the gravitational attrac-
approximation, two-dimensionality is assumed; the tion) of the material above the elevation datum
sketch is a hypothetical geological cross section. The
gravity measurements are made at the lunar module
(LM) landing site and at certain stations (stations 1, Station4

subtracted from the values at the other stations, and, Station2

2' 3' 4' 5' etc')" The gravity value at the LM site is _ Stati°n
for this report, only the relative values at the stations / \ Station3, _
I ,
i Station5//
be considered.
first step in the interpretation of the relative Pl \ ,; ;, , / 01
gravity values is to make the free-air correction for ' ' ' '
elevation; that is, to allow for the differences in the _ ElevationOatum
\ /
Pl " P2 /
_\ iI Pl
aLamont-Doherty Geological Observatory. _..... _/
bStanford University.
CCharles Dzaper Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Pl
Technology. FIGURE 13-1.-Schematic diagram showing assumed density
"_Principal Investigator. configurations for a hypothetical geological cross section.


computed at the gravity stations. This correction Two-Dimensional Calculations

involves a knowledge of the density of the material
above the elevation datum. In the sketch in figure As a first approximation, two-dimensionality is
13-1, densities of Pl for the material comprising the assumed. The gravity effect of a body is obtained by
massifs and P2 for the material of the valley floor approximating its cross section by an irregular poly-
have been assumed. The fact that the actual situation gon. The gravity effect of a body with a polygonal
cross section has been given by Talwani et al. (ref.
can be much more complicated must be considered in
the interpretation of the Bouguer anomalies.
In gravity interpretation, the Bouguer correction is
usually applied in two steps. The first, the flat-plate Three-Dimensional Calculations
Bouguer, assumes that the elevation is the same at all
For more careful analysis of the gravity data, it is
points as at the station where the correction is being essential both to compute the Bouguer anomalies and
applied. The second, the terrain correction, allows for
to interpret them without the assumption of two-
the departure of the actual terrain from a plane at the dimensionality. The basic formula used in this calcu-
height of the station. For the Taurus-Littrow landing lation is the gravity effect of a vertical prism, which is
site, the terrain corrections are large, and no particu- given by Jung (ref. 13-2). For distant areas, prisms of
lar advantage is gained by computing the flat-plate large area can be chosen and an average elevation
Bouguer corrections and the terrain corrections separ- assumed for them. For closer areas, prisms of smaller
ately. By computing the gravity effect of all the
area must be chosen. By actual trial and error, prisms
material above the elevation datum with a single of optimum area are chosen at various distances from
computation, the combined Bouguer correction is the landing site for use in the calculations. Such a
applied, and, by adding it to the free-air anomaly, the determination has been made. The three-dimensional
Bouguer anomaly is obtained. In these calculations of
calculations are not complete at the present time, and
the Bouguer corrections, a flat Moon rather than a
spherical Moon is used. The relative error at the only the results of two-dimensional calculations will
different stations is negligible for the present calcula- be discussed in this report.
The final step is the interpretation of the Bouguer EO.UIPM ENT
anomalies. The Bouguer anomalies have allowed for Sensor
the elevation differences between the different sta-
tions and for the gravitational effect of the material The gravity sensor used in the TGE is a Bosch
above the elevation datum. Therefore, the Bouguer Arma D4E vibrating string accelerometer (VSA). The
anomalies are interpreted in terms of, and provide accelerometer is schematically shown in figure 13-2.
information about, the density contrasts of rocks Each of the two strings, when energized, generates
lying below the elevation datum. In the simplified continuous vibrations with its own frequency, the
model shown in figure 13-1, for instance, the density value of which depends on the value of g. The
contrast Pl - 92 between the material comprising the difference between the two frequencies can be
massifs and the material lying below the valley floor obtained. The difference frequency between the two
gives rise to the Bouguer anomalies at the stations, strings Af n when the sensor is in its normal vertical
The actual structural situations as well as the density position can be written as
variations are probably much more complicated than
those shown in the sketch. The interpretation ap- lXfn = k ° + klg + k292 + k393 + ... (13-3)
proach will be to work with simple models consistent
with available geological information and to see how Terms of order higher than 3 can be neglected.
these models explain the gravity data. The final Nominal values for k o, kl, et cetera, for the flight
structural solution will be constrained by the gravity vibrating string accelerometers are k0 = 7 Hz, k_ =
results, by considerations of geological plausibility, 129 Hz/g, k2 = -0.00034 Hz/g 2 , and ka = 0.003
and by the results from the other geological and Hz/g a . A principal reason for the use of a double-
geophysical data. stringed rather than a single-stringed instrument is the

...... - Magnet The electrically conducting VSA strings are placed

Filtering and Phase Lock Loop
voltage is applied across the string, the resulting
_i[ .... ...-Strir, g l in a permanent magnetic field (fig. 13-2). When a
C"..... .,--Mass l current causes motion of the string and induces a
_'_ voltage across the string. The voltage is regenerated

the string.
Input ...........
........... Crosssupport
Soft:spring through a stable,
The output of high-gain
each VSAamplifier
string is and fedwave
a sine backoftoa
axis , _'"-'_ frequency between 9.25 and 9.75 kHz. The signal is

............ Mass2 phase lock loop module are to determine the differ-
ence frequency between the outputs of the two
fed to a phase lock loop module. The purposes of the
tions from the resultant signal.
ii.iiii?i!i. Should any vibrations cause the input frequency
from the VSA to exceed a previously specified limit,
a phase lock loop alarm is generated. This alarm is
_i .......... String2 strings and to filter the effect of undesirable vibra-
indicated by the TGE display.
FIGURE 13-2.-Schematic viewof double-stfingedVSA. Measurement

Because the lunar value of g is approximately

reduction in the values of the higher order terms. 163 000 regal and a measurement to the precision of
Even-order terms of the type kzg2 give rise to 0.1 regal is desired, the difference frequency of the
nonlinear rectification of inertial accelerations caused VSA must be measured to an accuracy of approxi-
by vibrations; therefore, it is very important to keep mately 1 X 10 -6. Because the nominal values of the
the terms small, difference frequencies in the normal and inverted
The constants ko, k_, ks, and k 3 are determined positions are approximately 28 and 14 Ha, respec-
for the sensor before the mission. However, experi- tively, a simple counting of the cycles obviously will
ence with sensors of this type had shown that k0 is
subject to drift as well as tares (sudden dc shifts), take an impossibly long time. Instead, a gate is
generated that is inversely proportional to the differ-
Any shift of k o would degrade the Earth-Moon
ence frequency. For the normal case, the gate consists
gravity tie. (Shifts in k_, ks, etc., are much less of 1536 cycles of the difference frequency Af n
important.) Also, if, at a station during a traverse, a (approximately 55 sec at this frequency); for the
large difference of gravity from the value at the LM inverted case, the gate consists of 384 cycles of the
site was indicated, it would be necessary to inquire difference frequency Af/(approximately 27 sec). The
whether this was a real variation in gravity or whether width of the gate is measured by counting the pulses
tile value of k o had shifted. For this reason, provision from a precision 125-kHz clock by a counter. If D n
was made to make independent determinations of k0
when necessary. Such a determination is called a bias and D i are the counts in the normal and inverted case
determination and is made by inverting the instru- 1536 x /25 x 103 = 1.92 x 108 (13-5)
ment. In the inverted case Afn = On On

Afi = _k 0 + kl_7 - k292 + Lag _'_ (13-4) Afi = 384 x D. 125 x 103 = h.8 xD. 107 (13-6)
By assuming the values of kl, ks, and k3, the values 7, *
of k0 and g can be determined from the values of Af n If k0, kl, k_, and k 3 are all known, equation (13-3)
and Af i by combining equations (13-3) and (13-4). can be used to determine the value of g from Afn" If

k0 is not assumed to be known, equations (13-3) and the precision heaters. A tap from the demodulator
(13-4) together can be used to determine the value of output is converted to digital form and forms a digit
g as well as k o from Afn and Af i. of the TGE display. The displayed digit marks the
deviations of the precision oven temperature from a

Leveling preset value. The outer oven thermostat and heater

circuit merely react to temperature changes to con-
If the VSA axis is not vertical but is inclined at an trol the power supplied to a heater.
angle 0 to the vertical, g cos 0 is measured instead of A thermal blanket provides good thermal insula-
0. For a small O, the error is 0.5g02. The TGE is tion for the TGE. A radiator at the top of the
designed to keep O less than 00003 ' Of arc and, instrument provides the primary means of heat
consequently, the error caused by leveling less than expulsion.
0.06 mgal. The mode of operation of the instrument was such
To provide the leveling, the sensor is mounted on a that the radiator was left closed during each EVA.
gimbaled frame. Two vertical pendulums mounted on The instrument electronics produced heat, but this
the gimbal frame sense departures from the vertical heat merely reduced the heating to be done by the
through comparator circuits. These comparator cir- ovens. Between EVA periods, the instrument was
cuits provide information to stepping motors that placed in the shade with the radiator open, and heat
drive the gimbals until the pendulums are level. The was then expelled into space. The temperature
leveling is accomplished in two modes. When a monitors are the eighth and ninth digits of the TGE
pendulum is more than 00032 ' of arc from level, the display. The eighth digit gives the thermal condition
corresponding stepper motor slews faster; at less than of the outer oven and the sign for the ninth digit. The
00032 ', /he motor slews at a slower rate to avoid ninth digit of the numerical display is a number from
overshoot. When the pendulums are within 00°03 t of 0 to 7 that represents a deviation of the precision
arc of being level, the slew commands are disabled, oven temperature from a set point of 0.005 K times
When the instrument has to be inverted in the bias the digit displayed. Polarity of the deviation is
mode, a set of bias pendulums is used that gives obtained from the value displayed in the eighth digit.
signals unless the gimbal frame is similarly leveled in
an inverted position. Physical Description of the TGE
The TGE carl be leveled only if it is initially placed
in a position less than 15 ° from level. In the normal The TGE consists of the instrument package, a
mode, time for leveling is between 0 and 20 sec; in battery pack assembly, a thermal blanket, and an
the bias mode, the time is between 90 and 130 sec. isoframe assembly. A cutaway view of the TGE is
shown in figure 13-3.
Outer Structure.-The outer structure of the TGE
Temperature Control and Monitoring
is cylindrical with a flat rear surface. A folding handle
Because the VSA sensor is extremely sensitive to at the top of the instrument is used for hand carrying
temperature, it is necessary to controlits temperature and for latching the instrument to the isoframe
to within 0.01 K. The VSA and its oscillator- assembly. Three feet at the base of the instrument
amplifiers are encased in a precision oven that is enable lunar surface operations. A radiator at the top
maintained at a temperature near 322 K to within of the instrument provides the primary means of heat
0.01 K by the temperature control and monitor expulsion. The radiator and the display panel are
circuit. The precision oven, in turn, is encased in an protected from the environment by hinged insulating
outer oven that protects the inner oven from the covers over each.
external thermal disturbance. Inner Structure. The inner structure of the TGE
The precision oven temperature circuit has proper- consists of a two-axis gimbal system, which contains a
tional and rate control and uses an electrical heater VSA housed in a thermally protected and evacuated
and a resistance thermometer element for a sensor, two-stage oven assembly. The oven assembly is
The complete temperature sensor is an ac excited enclosed in an electronic frame (E-frame)assembly of
bridge, two arms of which are thermistors. The bridge similar structural design. The E-frame assembly is
output is demodulated and used to control drivers for pivoted about its axis and supported by a middle

Z zmd ninth digits of the display are thermal monitors,

Radiator_ as explained in the section entitled "Temperature
Nandlp ', _ I .--Cover(display
..... ',,_'" andcontrol) Control and Monitoring."

Y _z'__ V however,
The display
be turned
stays on
on for
at any
20 sec.
The display
Ceramic _\_ _. Electronic framemodules depressing the "READ" pushbutton, and it stays on
insulatorball.lJ_'-_ G._--i_"" (pendulum amplitude
Electronic jl"" ."-_-_" If multiplexerand ]'or 20 sec.
frame--- 1_.__,_ li, temperaturecontroller) A measurement with the sensor in the inverted
Intermediate)l_'.,?-_ z,_f_.---Steppermotor position is made by depressing the "BIAS" push-
oven.... [['i_ ___ --@L -
,,: -6,mbal -
h0uslng button. The bias pendulums are used for leveling, and
VSA-"-_ _i__._" _2"_.7--..6ear box the indicator light flashes on and off until the sensor
VSAamplifier _ "__!!_," Pendulum
module--'" "Ik__ "_llv'Precision oven is leveled in an inverted position. The counting and
..1_ N.,_:_,. i ^ display then proceed as for the normal measurement.
""Phase 10ck10op module To conserve power, a toggle switch is provided to
_5"_[-'Battery... packassembly .,;elect tire "STANDBY" or "ON" mode of operation.
_" Insulationassembly In the "STANDBY" mode, power is supplied only to
..... _. (thermalblanket) the oven temperature controls and to the VSA
"'Aftleg assembly oscillator-amplifiers. Cycling the switch from "ON"
FIGURE 13-3.-Cutaway viewof the TGE. to "STANDBY" to "ON" will erase any stored data.
Depressing the "READ" pushbutton after such a
girnbal assembly. The middle gimbal controls tire ,,;witching provides valid readings only for the eighth
vertical positioning of the inner gimbal over a 30 ° digit, which is the temperature monitor for the outer
range. The middle gimbal assembly is attached oven and f or the battery.
through bearings to the base housing and can rotate
210 °. Stepper motors and a gear train provide the
drive and positioning of the gimbal assemblies. The

act motors
as level react to signals from pendulums that
sensors. Number of Readings

Of the 26 readings obtained (table 13-I), three

Deployment and Operation of Instrument (readings 1, 10, and 18) were obtained to learn the
thermal state of the instrument before the EVA
Gravimeter measurements were made both with periods. No gravity values were obtained with these
the TGE mounted on the lunar roving vehicle (LRV) readings.
and with the TGE placed on the surface. During a Reading 8 at the LM site showed that the TGE had
measurement, the TGE must be placed on a surface been moved during the measurement as indicated by
such that the vertical axis of the TGE is within 15° of the phase lock loop alarm, which gives zeros in the
vertical. The TGE must not be disturbed for approxi- first three digits of the display in such instances. This
lately 3 min after a measurement has been initiated, reading, therefore, was valueless, and another reading
A normal measurement (one with the _nsor in the was obtained at the same site.
normal, vertical position) is initiated by depressing At the LM site, nine readings were made. Six of
the "GRAV" pushbutton on the TGE(fig. 13-3). The these were readings in the normal TGE position
measurement cycle starts with leveling of the instru- (upright) on the lunar surface (readings 3, 9, 11, 17,
ment. During the leveling cycle, the indicator light 19, and 25); one reading was made at the start of
flashes off and on. When the instrument comes to a each EVA and one at the end of each EVA. Two
rest within 00003 ' of arc of the vertical, the light ieadings (4 and 26) were made in the inverted
stops flashing and remains illuminated until the position to determine the value of the bias term k0 at
difference frequency of the strings has been meas- the beginning and end of the measurements. One
ured. The number of counts of a precision clock zeading (2) was made on the LRV to compare "on
(from which the frequency can be obtained) forms LRV" and "off LRV" measurements.
the first seven digits of the TGE display. The eighth Besides the readings at the LM site, 11 other
TABLE 13-I.-Traverse Gravimeter Readings _,

Elapsed ffme

at which Ag = (D n -- D n base) Ag after application Elevation,

Reading Locatton measurement Display Dn -- Dn basea × (-- 0.03245), of empirical Comments
initiated, mgal correction, b mgal m


1 LM site - XXX XXXX OX - - - Thermal monitor reading

2 LM site 01:17:32 670 0031 01 - 141 4.6 - 1.4 4510 On LRV
3 LM site 01:40:32 670 0172 01 0 0 0 4510 Off LRV; adopted as base
reading Dn base
4 LM site 01:44:29 337 4540 01 - - - Off LRV; inverted position O
5 ALSEP c site 02:15:16 670 0026 01 - 146 4.7 - 1.3 4510 On LRV
6 Station 1 05:08:03 670 0129 01 - 43 1.4 - 4.6 4510 On LRV O
7 SEPd site 05:56:03 670 0101 01 - 71 2.3 - 3.7 4510 On LRV
8 LM site 06:39:44 000 1332 01 - - - Off LRV; measurement dis- "_
turbed and disregarded
9 LM site 06:55:42 670 0215 01 43 - 1.4 - 1.4 4510 Off LRV

10 LM site - XXX XXXX OX - - - Thermal monitor reading
11 LMsite 00:17:46 670017701 5 - 0.2 - 0.2 4510 OffLRV
12 Station 2 02:18:05 670 1552 01 1380 - 44.8 - 50.8 4625 On LRV t_
13 Station 2A 03:21:09 670 1235 01 1063 - 34.5 -40.5 4605 On LRV
14 Station 3 04:02:40 670 0497 01 325 - 10.5 - 16.5 4565 On LRV
15 Station 4 04:56:12 670 0125 01 - 47 1.5 - 4.5 4543 On LRV ¢)
16 Station 5 06:00:11 670 0314 01 142 - 4.6 - 10.6 4525 On LRV
17 LM site - 670023501 63 - 2.0 - 2.0 4510 OffLRV
EVA-3 7_

18 LM site - XXX XXXX OX - - - Thermal monitor reading

19 LMsite 00:17:20 670027001 98 - 3.2 - 3.2 4510 OffLRV
20 Station 6 01:29:00 670 1098 01 926 - 30.0 - 36.0 4575 On LRV
21 Station 8 03:20:XX 670 096001 788 -25.6 - 31.6 4575 I On LRV
22 Station 8 03:45:39 670 1173 01 1001 - 32.5 - 32.5 4575 Off LRV
23 Station 9 04:30:46 670 0378 01 206 - 6.7 - 12.7 4515 On LRV
24 Station 9 - 670 0571 01 399 - 12.9 - 12.9 4515 Off LRV
25 LM site 05:55:58 670 0107 01 - 65 2.1 2.1 4510 Off LRV
26 LM site 06:03:00 337 4171 01 - - - Off LRV; inverted position

aDifference between the display (f'trst seven digits) at a station D n and the display at the LM site Dn base (reading 3).
bEmpirical correction of - 6.0 mgal applied to all on-LRV values; off-LRV values are unchanged.
CApollo lunar surface experiments package.
dSurface electrical properties experiment.

discrete measurements were made at different sites report, the resultant banging of the pallet may have
(readings 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, and 23). caused instrument problems resulting in an erroneous
Two extra measurements (readings 22 and 24) were reading 25. All the remaining values were negative.
made at stations 8 and 9 on the lunar surface to Nevertheless, a consistent drift pattern was not
compare on-LRVand off-LRV measurements at these detected; hence, a zero drift was adopted. The
sites, variation in values is attributed to instrument noise,
In the preliminary evaluation of gravity in table which has an rms value of 1.8 mgal.
13-I, the constants k z and k3 of equation (13-3) are
igr_ored and a value of k_ = 0.0001318 Hz/mgal is Comparison of On-LRV and
assumed. For obtaining the value of gravity Ag at the Off-kRV Values
stations relative to the value at the LM site, it can be Readings 2 and 3 were both obtained at the LM
shown that, when k_ and k 3 are ignored, an site. Reading 2 was taken with the gravimeter on the
approximate value is given by LRV, and reading 3 was taken with the gravimeter on
the lunar surface. The difference between the two
_g = (Dn - Dn base) x (-0.032_5) (13-7) :ceadings was 4.6 mgal. In an effort to determine
whether this difference was random or systematic,
where Dn is the display (first seven digits) at that on-LRV and off-LRV readings also were taken at
station and Dn base is the display at the LM site. The :stations 8 and 9. As shown in table 13-111, the lunar
first off-LRV reading at the LM site (3) was chosen as :surface readings are, in all three cases, lower than the
the Dn base" The values of z_g thus obtained are given LRV values (the free-air difference is negligible) by
in table 13-I. amounts ranging from 4.6 to 6.9 mgal. There is no
explanation for this difference; however, on the basis
Gravimeter Drift of three readings, an empirical correction of- 6.0
regal has been made to all on-LRV measurements
For the flight instrument, it was determined (table 13-I). Some support for this correction comes
before the mission that the drift during the EVA :also from postmission tests with the engineering and
period (--_7 hr) was essentially zero. Therefore, it was
spare flight models. When the handle of the gravi-
decided to adopt a zero drift rate unless the off-LRV :meter was jarred, temporary shifts in the gravimeter
values at the LM site showed a consistent drift :measurements occurred that were always in the same
pattern. The off-LRV values at the LM site are given direction (although these shifts were < 6 mgal). By
in table 13-11.Relative to the first reading, the gravity applying the - 6.0-mgal correction to the value at the
values range from 2.1 to -3.2 mgal. The only .Apollo lunar surface experiments package (ALSEP)
positive value, 2.1 mgal, was reading 25. Before
site, this measurement is brought into agreement with
reading 25, during the traverse from station 9 to the the measurement at the LM site. The gravity values at
LM site, the pallet on which the traverse gravimeter the two sites are expected to be close. However,
was mounted swung open, and, as noted later in the agreement between the value at the LM site and that
TABLE 13-II.-Off-LR V at the nearby surface electrical properties (SEP)
_g Values at LM Site experiment site deteriorates slightly as a result of this
Relatt've to First Value
Earth-Moon Gravity Tie
[rms deviation = 1.8 mgal]
On the basis of normal reading 3 and inverted
Reading _g, regal reading 4 (table 13-IV), a value of g = 162 694.6 mgal
3 0.0 was measured at the LM site at Taurus-Littrow. The
9 - 1.4 constants k_, k2, and k3 used in this determination
11 - .2 were obtained during preflight tests. The value of ko
17 - 2.0 obtained as a result of readings 3 and 4 was 7.21591
25 3.2
- 2.1 ]-IZ.A predicted value of ko based on laboratory test
data was 7.2144 Hz. The total shift during the

TABLE 13-III.-Comparison of Off-LR V and On-LR V Values at LM Site, Station 8, and Station 9

[rms on-LRV/offLRV difference without empirical correction, 6.0 mgal;

with empirical correction, 1.0 mgal]

Difference after
On LR V Off LR V applicaffon of
Location Difference, mgal empirical correction, a
Reading Ag, regal Reading Ag, regal regal

LM site 2 4.6 3 0.0 4.6 - 1.4

Station 8 21 - 25.6 22 - 32.5 6.9 .9
Station 9 23 - 6.7 24 - 12.9 6.2 .2

aEmpiricalcorrectionof- 6.0 mgal applied to on-LRV values.

TABLE 13-IV.-Determination of k 0 and g at LM Site from Readings in Normal and lnverted Positions

Reading Posiffon I Display Af n 192 X 108 Afi 4.8 X 107 ]

Di ko, Hz L g, mgal

3 Normal ] Dn =670 0172 28.655981 - _ 7.215910 162 694.6

4 Inverted [ Di = 337 4540 14.224161

25 Inverted
Normal Di = 337 4171
Dn=6700107 -
28.65626 14.225716
- } 7.215272 [ 162701.5

translunar phase was 0.0015 Hz. This corresponds to the initial determination of 162 694.6 mgal has been
a bias shift of approximately 11 mgal, which is adopted. An uncertainty of +-5 mgal is ascribed to
considered reasonable when compared to typical bias this measurement.
shifts experienced during acceptance and vibration
On the basis of normal reading 25 and inverted
reading 26, a second value ofg = 162 701.5 mgal was Computation of Bouguer Anomalies
determined after EVA-3. The value for the bias
constant k0 differed by approximately 0.00064 Hz For a preliminary interpretation of the gravity
from the initial value, which implies a shift of measurement, two-dimensionality is assumed. The
approximately 5 mgal in the bias value. However, the problem then essentially is reduced to the determina-
normal measurement of gravity obtained for reading tion of the substructure of the linear Taurus-Littrow
25, if the initial value of k 0 is used, differs by only 2 valley with linear massifs on either side. The stations
mgal from the initial value. During the traverse from at which the gravity measuremerits were made are
station 9 to the LM site, the pallet on which the shown in figure 13-4;the values at these stations were
traverse gravimeter was mounted apparently swung projected to a roughly southwest-to-northeast cross
loose and banged against the LRV. This was the only section. The value at station 6 could not be appro-
time during the entire mission that the gravimeter was priately projected to this cross section and has been
shocked in this manner. Because deterioration in the ignored in the present discussion. The great structural
performance might have resulted from this shock,.less relief of the area makes three-dimensional calcula-
emphasis has been placed on readings 25 and 26 and tions necessary. Such calculations will be described in

21 ? ] // o 5500"-3_f- k._ _"2000_ _ Station no. North Massif

4575_ b 4853. _ 1000 5 q

• __ 5500v..f.._.,..., t,......_..f. _ 0 I' , r l "T"--_- r- i f i t

("('-_-"_"-',__ 6555_ "_kf-_ Distance,km

20.5- 41n_N..x_
5490___---_N___ _J"-) _49U_"_ FIGUREprojected13-5.-Topographie profile showing locations of
'z 5000"-5 _Stat?°n _"
-___/.. ? "_-'P'_ )"-,,an stations. Station I and the ALSEP and SEP sites
.... _Iat_p_10n_ b._,,,,,,,,,,_,;,,_ r.. 5500 have been
LM site.because their elevations are the same as
, 2lintUII_/_ , ,-"_*.._--T .............. _ that of The elevation datum (abscissa) is the
Station 2 -. -. _"_--7" _':_-c.2_....... elevation of the LM site.
'- -_J':_>7_//.;a,, "- _zazlonv_,
Littrow/'r_L. SEP ,Lo ;"LN1 4090.2/2
20- BD/.4¢"_e • "-.Station1_,'_ 4567,_ [[ t... Stationno.

6 75,.
745 i l°°°P AtS P

19.5 I I _ l.O --"- ALSEP

5 ',,,' LM
4 _ ! ¢ crn
5 2 2A 3 _r 9 8
30 30.5 31 31.5 0 • ,,/ - u..- .


the stations atmap of Taurus-Littrow
which landing were
gravity measurements site, '_-15
_-20 ./ _' / "_-- Free-air anomaly _ "'"
0ower left)cutting
and trending
plane fornortheast
the cross through
section tothe landing 'q -3(] .... Observedanomaly
site is the which the -35
gravity measurements were projected. (Based on opera- -4(3
_ -45
made. topographic
The straight map preparednear
by Littrow
U.S. Army Tope-
line starting BD Crater -25 ?_ N.
graphic Command, October 1972. Contour interval, 500 -5(3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I
m.) -55 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 g q 10 II 12 i_
Distance, km

a later report. The topographic profile with the FIGURE 13-6.-Observed anomaly and free-air anomaly
locations of the projected stations is shown in figure profiles across the Taurus-Littrow valley.
The observed anomaly z_g, as obtained in table 13-1). The elevation datum chosen was the elevation
13-I, is plotted as a function of distance in figure of the LM site (fig. 13-5), which was the lowest
13-6. The observed anomaly is approximately 50 elevation on the profile.
mgal lower at station 2, closest to the South Massif, The Bouguer correction is, in effect, made in three
and approximately 30 regal lower at station 8, closest parts to show the effect of (1) the valley floor (i.e.,
to the North Massif, relative to the value of gravity at material lying between the elevation of the stations
the LM site. The observed anomaly curw_ therefore and the elevation datum; shown with a density ofp=
shows a pronounced dip toward the massifs on either in fig. 13-1), (2) the North Massif, and (3) the South
side. N,lassif. The three Bouguer correction curves and the
The free-air correction is applied by using the total Bouguer correction are shown in figure 13-7.
correction previously given, 2gm/r. The free-air Note that the effect of the valley floor tends to
anomaly thus obtained (also plotted in fig. 13-6) dips c_mcel the effect of the massifs; hence, the total
to approximately - 30 mgal near the South Massif Bouguer effect is quite small (< 5 mgal). The Bouguer
and to 20 mgal near the North Massif relative to correction was calculated using a density of 2.0
the value at the LM site. g/cm 3 (Pz = P_ = 2.0 g/cm3). This value is lower than
The Bouguer correction is applied next. In making the values for breccia densities shown in figure
the free-air correction, as well as the Bouguer 13-8(a). However, if an average density of 2.5 g/cm 3
correction, an elevation datum must be chosen (fig. were used instead of 2.0 g/cm s , the difference in the

Stationno. not always indicated in the sources but, when given,

t_ ALSEP LM was one of the following.
1000_ 2 2A 3 4 5. 9 8 1. The volumes of aluminum foil models of the
"_ 0_ "' Valleyfloor'
ALSEP, ,t_M whole rocks were measured, and the bulk densities
10 4 8 were computed using the weights of the rocks.
Because the aluminum foil models were not made to
great accuracy, these density values can have 10
_-I percent or even greater errors.
_-20 2. The volumes of small, precisely shaped samples
.... B0uguercorrection of the rocks were computed by measuring their linear
-30 -- B0ugueraanomaly
Free-air nomaly dimensions. The small samples are generally paral-
-4o lelepipeds, 1 by 1 by 2 cm. The densities were then
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Distance,km computed using the measured weights of the small
FIGURE 13-7.-Application of the Bouguer correction to
determine the Bougner anomaly profile across the 3. The densities of some small samples were
Taurus-Littrow valley, showing the effect of the valley measured directly using Archimedes' principle.
floor, of the North Massif, and of the South Massifand The density values tended to group on the basis of
the total Bouguer correction. The free-air anomaly curve
(fig. 13-6) is included for comparison with the Bouguer the method used to compute the density: the first
anomaly curve, method giving low values, the third method giving
high values, and the second method giving values in
the middle. This result is reasonable because the
computed total correction would, in all cases, be less samples were generally vuggy, vesicular, porous, or
than 1 mgal. That difference can be ignored for the highly fractured. Thus, the first method includes the
present discussion, effects of the largest rugs and vesicles and the third
The resultant Bouguer anomaly curve, included in method includes only the effect of the unconnected
figure 13-9, shows minimums of near --25 regal at pores and cracks; the second method will generally
the stations closest to the massifs. The variation in eliminate the effect of large vesicles and vugs but not
the central part of the valley floor is within 10 mgal th_at of small cracks and pores that cannot be avoided
of the value at the LM site. This curve has to be in cutting the small samples. Thus, an intrinsic
interpreted in terms of the substructure of the valley, density of approximately 3.4 g/cm 3 for the lunar
To do so, what is known about the densities of the basalts is indicated in figure 13-8(b).
lunar rocks must be considered first. Porosities have been measured for a few samples
by point counts on thin sections or cut surfaces. A
Densities of Lunar Rocks plot of density as a function of porosity and the
intrinsic densities calculated from the porosities is
No particular effort has yet been made to measure given in figure 13-10. The intrinsic densities range
the bulk densities of the returned lunar rock samples, from 3.25 to 3.49 g/cm 3 for the three basalts and
However, a few measured density values have been from 2.99 to 3.14 g/cm 3 for the five breccias.
reported in the literature (refs. 13-3 to 13-21). 5 Most Figures 13-8(b) and 13-10 indicate that the bulk
of these values were obtained in the coursq of densities of mare basalt samples are determined by
measuring other physical properties of the lunar rocks their porosity and that the samples have an intrinsic
(e.g., seismic velocity, heat conductivity, etc.). These density of approximately 3.4 g/cm 3 . Thus, a thick,
published values are plotted in the histograms in mare lava flow with a thin, vesicular top would have a
figures 13-8(a) (lunar breccias) and 13-8(b) (lunar bulk density somewhat less than 3.4 g/cm 3 . The data
basalts), on the breccias are not as conclusive, but there is no
The method used to obtain the density values was evidence that the highly fractured rocks and breccias
forming the highlands are more dense, on the average,
Also N. Warren,private communication, 1972, and G.D. than the average of the breccia samples thus far
O'Kelley, personal communication, 1973. reported. Therefore, the density contrast between a


7 =G. D. O'Kelley,personalcommunication,1973
*=N. Warren, privatecommunication,1972

_---NASA lunar sample
|,B13_5| identificationnumber

"_4 datasource
z 611351 Typeofdensity measurement:
h - aluminumfoil m_els
3- B o shapedsamples
C =hydrostaticweiqhinq

2- 1_ D = methylnot reported

._ A= D13-16 D13-5 A' ,B13-201A'

_ 1_ 1_51_ 14271
]0019 I __
14272 14301 10048 61195 _ [ 15418 ] 61016_[ I I I I
I_ 2.5 A*
B!3-6 B13-7 D}.3-5 A* C13-17 3.0 3.5

15557 14310
A= D13-16

* G. D. O'Kelley,personalcommunication,1973 61156

A" '

1- 12022

12065 12002
'_ A• A" B13-11 C13-12

B13-15 B13-11 D13-5

I B13-19 A= 013-10 D13-5

115499 115076 [ 1O057 1_75 10020 12063 12018 10044

I A" A,, I . , . B13-7 g13-7IB13-13B13-],3

, ]A13-411007215016A,
I[ 12031A,
[ ]A13-4110o51
2.0 2.5 310 3.5
Density, g¢cm


FIGURE 13-8.-Measured density values for lunar samples. (a) Breccia. (b) Basalt.

tationno. o Basalt
10 3.5 F',•
2 LM | _._, O Breccia

--_I0_ rl)'k/xXk_
.... k'_. _'""%';/ 10049(ref. 13-19)

-20 _-/ Bouguer_k "" " 9

-25 anomaly _ 30 ,, ,,. 11006 (ref.13-19)
_30 _ e_ I _2._o.. ""o 10057(ref. 13-8)

E. 3000-1 SouthMassi_ NorthMassif >:. ,, 1O065

13-I,, I3-I41
2.5 /- 14313
• 13-17)

,re,13-14"U.... 100,6
-_ 0 4' 8' 12
' 16' 20' 24' 28' 32 ' 40'
36 personalcommunication, 13,
Distance,km 1973)
FIGURE 13-9.-Assumed model for subvalley densities to 2.0 I I I I
explain gravity anomalies, including the Bouguer anomaly 5 10 15 20 215 30
curve. On the ordinate for the topographic profile, the Porosity, percent
elevation and depth are referenced to the elevation datum
FIGURE 13-10.-Dependence of density on porosity for
(0 m), which is the elevation of the LM site. The shaded breccia and basalt lunar samples.
rectangle represents a postulated block of basaltic ma-
terial underlying the valley floor, where Ap is the positive
density contrast with respect to brecciated highland
material on either side. anomaly amplitude (from edge of valley to center of
valley) as well as in the slope of the Bouguer anomaly
thick, mare basalt formation and highland breccia curve near the edges. In this connection, the values
material should be at least 3.2 - 2.8 = 0.4 g/cm 3 and obtained at stations 2A and 6 will be especially useful
may be as much as 3.3 - 2.3 = 1.0 g/cm a . in refining the nature and position of the margin of
the inferred high-density body underlying the valley
Structural Model

From the results of the last section, a very simple SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
model has been used to explain the gravity results.
Assuming that the subvalley floor material consists of The successful performance of the TGE indicated
basalt flows that have a positive density contrast of that the value of gravity at the Taurus-Littrow
0.8 g/cm 3 with respect to brecciated highland ma- landing site is 162 694.6 + 5 mgal. The Bouguer
terial on either side, a thickness of 1 km is obtained anomaly, analyzed with a two-dimensional approxi-
for the block of basaltic material (fig. 13-9). The large marion, shows values approximately 25 mgal lower at
Bouguer gradients at the valley edges indicate steep the edges of the valley than at the LM site• The
sides for the postulated block of basaltic material. Bouguer anomaly curve is interpreted in terms of a
The sides are not at the edges of the valley but lie 1-km-thick block of basaltic material lying below the
approximately 1 km inside the edges of the valley, valley floor with a positive de.nsity contrast of 0.8
These are very preliminary conclusions based on g/cm a with respect to the material on either side.
the work performed to date. More elaborate models
have not been presented because we expect that the R E F E R EN CES
three-dimensional terrain and Bouguer corrections
wiU change the final Bouguer anomalies by 30 to 40 13-1. Talwani,
Rapid Manik;
Gravity WorzeI, J. Lamar; and Landisman,
Mark: Computations for Two-Dimensional
percent. These three-dimensional calculations will be Bodies with Application to the Mendocino Submarine
based on the newer topographic maps currently being Fracture Zone. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 64, no. 1, Jan.
compiled. Changes are expected in the total Bouguer 1959, pp. 49-59.

13-2. Jung, K.: Schwerkraftverfahren in der Angewandten Wave Velocities of Apollo 12 Rocks at High Pressures.
Geophysik. Akademische Verlags Gesellschaft, Geest and Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol.
Portig K, (-G.), Leipzig, Germany, 1961. 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 2323-2326.
13-3. O'Kelley, G. Davis; Eldridge, James S.; S,chonfeld, E.; 13-12. Wang. H.; Todd, T.; Weidner, Do; and Simmons, G.:
and Northcutt, K. J.: Concentrations of Primordial Elastic Properties of Apollo 12 Rocks. Proceedings of the
Radioelements and Cosmogenic Radionuciides in Apollo Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press
15 Samples by Nondestructive Gamma-Ray Spectrum- (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 2327-2336.
etch-, Lunax Science-IU (Rev. abs. of the Third Lunas _13-13. Wasren, N.; Schreiber, E.; Scholz, C.; Morrison, J. A.;
Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Jan. 1.0-13, 1972), et al.: Elastic and Thermal Properties of Apollo 11 and
pp. 587-589. Apollo 12 Rocks. Proceedings of the Second Lunar
13-4. O'KeUey, G. D.; Eldridge, J. S.; Schonfeld, E.; and Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.),
Bell, P. R.: Primordial Radionuciide Abundances, Solar 1971, pp. 2345-2360.
Proton and Cosmic Ray Effects and Ages of Apollo 11 _3-14. Chao, E. C. T.; Boreman, J. A.; and Desborough, G.
Lunar Samples by Nondestructive Gamma-Ray Spectrum- A.: The Petrology of Unshocked and Shocked Apollo 11
etry, Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science and Apollo 12 Micro-Breccias. Proceedings of the Second
Conference, vol. 2, Pergamon Press (New 'fork), 1970, Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge,
pp. 1407-1423. Mass.), 1971, pp. 797-816.
13-5. Schmitt, H. H.; Lofgren, G.; Swann, G. A.; and 13-15. Katsube, T.J.;andCoUett, L.S.:ElectricalProperties
Simmons, G.: The Apollo 11 Samples: Introduction. of Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 Lunar Samples. Proceedings
Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, of the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT
vol. 1, Peigamon Press (New York), 1970, ppo 1-54. Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 2367-2379.
13-6. Anderson, O.L.;Scholz, C.;Soga, N.;Warren, N.;and 13-16. Chung, D. H.; and Westphal, W. B.: Dielectric
Schreiber, E.: Elastic Properties of a Micro-Breccia, Properties of Apollo 14 Lunar Samples. Lunar Science-
Igneous Rock and Lunar Fines from Apollo 11 Mission. III (Rev. abs. of the Third Lunar Science Conference
Proceedings of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, (Houston, Tex.), Jan. 10-13, 1972), pp. 139-140.
vol. 3, Pergamon Press (New York), 1970, pp_ 1959-1973. 13-17. Mizutani, H.; Fujii, N.; Hamano, Y.; Osako, M.; and
13-7. Horai, K.; Simmons, G.; Kanamori, H.; and Wones, D.: Kanamori, H.: Elastic Wave Velocities and Thermal
Thermal Diffusivity, Conductivity and Thermal Inertia of Diffusivities of Apollo 14 Rocks. Lunar Science-Ill (Rev.
ApoBo 11 Luna_ Material. Proceedings of the Apollo 11 abs. of the Thkd Luna_ Science Conference (Houston,
Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, Pergamon Press (New Tex.), Jan. 10-13, 1972), pp. 547-549.
York), 1970, pp. 2243-2249. 1:3-18. Chung, Dae H.: Laboratory Studies on Seismic and
13-8. Kanamori, H.; Nut, A.; Chung, D. H.; and Simmons, Electrical Properties of the Moon. The Moon, vol. 4, nos.
G.: Elastic Wave Velocities of Lunar Samples at High 3/4, June/July 1972, pp. 356-372.
Pressures and Their Geophysical Implications. Proceedings 13-19. Horai, IGAti; and Fujii, Naoyuki: Thermophysical
of the Apollo 11 Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, Properties of Lunar Material Returned by Apollo Mis-
Pergamon Press (New York), 1970, pp. 2289-2293. sions. The Moon, vol. 4, nos. 3/4, June/July 1972, pp.
13-9. Stephens, D. R.; and Lilley, E. M.: Loading-Unloading 447-475.
Pressure-Volume Curves to 40 kbar for Lunar-Crystalline 13-20. Todd, Terrence; Wang, Herbert; Baldridge, W. Scott;
Rock, Micro-Breccia and Fines. Proceedings of the Apollo and Simmons, Gene: Elastic Properties of Apollo 14 and
11 Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, Pergamon Press 15 Rocks. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science
(New York), 1970, pp. 2427-2434. Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972,
13-10. Stephens, D. R.; and Lilley, E. M.; Pressure-Volume pp. 2577-2586.
Properties of Two Apollo 12 Basalts. Proceedings of the 13-21. Chung, D. H.; Westphal, W. B.; and Olhoeft, G. R.:
Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press Dielectric Properties of Apollo 14 Lunar Samples. Pro-
(Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 2165-2172. ceedings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3,
13-11. Kanamori, H.; Mizutani, H.; and Hamano, Y.: Elastic MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 3161-3172.
14. S-Band Transponder Experiment
l#. L. S/ogren, al" W. R. Wollenhaupt, b and R. iV. Wimberly a

The purpose of this experiment was to measure PRELIMINARY RESULTS

the variations in the lunar gravitational field near the
A large negative gravity region x between the
trajectory of orbiting space vehicles (i.e., the com-
Serenitatis and Crisium mascons is located very near
mand and service module (CSM) and the small
the Apollo 17 landing site (long. 30 ° E, fig. 14-2).
particles and fields subsatellites ejected from the Lrsing this anomaly with a 43-percent increase attrib-
Apollo 15 and 16 spacecraft). New information has utable to least-squares f'dtering (ref. 14-3) and with
been obtained from all Apollo orbiting spacecraft; the best estimate of the landing site lunar radius
however, this report shall be limited to the results (1734.5 km), an absolute gravity estimate of 162 722
from the Apollo 17 CSM and the Apollo 16 sub-
satellite. The data acquisition technique and data regal is obtained. This estimate compares favorably
with the traverse gravimeter result of 162 694 mgal
reduction methods have been presented in previous (see. 13) and instills additional confidence in the
reports (refs. 14-1 and 14-2) and will not be discussed remote-sensing results. The difference of 28 mgal
in this report. The data acquired are precise speed could be accounted for by the altitude difference,
measurements of the orbiting spacecraft from which
because our result was obtained at spacecraft altitude
accelerations or gravity prof'des may be inferred. (15 km) rather than at the surface, or by small local
Feature resolution is controlled by the spacecraft anomalies of this order as measured by the traverse
altitude and is almost a direct relationship (i.e., data gravimeter (see. 13).
taken from a 50-km altitude will resolve approxi-
Farther west on the figure 14-2 profile, the Mare
mately a 50-kin feature). Therefore, revolutions 3 to Vaporum region (long. 3° E) is a negative anomaly. A
12, when the CSM was in the low-altitude orbits,
provided the clearest information, stronger negative anomaly at longitude 4.5 ° W is over
The characteristics of the Apollo 17 CSM and the part of Montes Aperminus and between two ridge
formations. At longitude 10° W, the edge of the Sinus
Apollo 15 CSM orbits were very similar. Conse- Aestuum mascon was sampled. The small negative
quently, some of the larger lunar features were
traversed by both vehicles, permitting a broadening of anomaly at longitude 20 ° W is produced by the crater
Copernicus. The other anomalies across Oceanus
the detailed investigation of the Serenitatis, Imbrium, Procellarum do not seem to correlate well with any
and Crisium mascons. At present, one gravity profile _isible surface features; however, they do correlate
has been reduced. The surface track of that profile
perfectly with previous work (refs. 14-4 and 14-5).
and an Apollo 15 track are shown in figure 14-1. The
corresponding gravity profile is shown in figure 14-2. "['he 50-mgal high at longitude 66 ° W is produced by
Grimaldi (peak displaced because of geometric ef-
These are line-of-sight accelerations (i.e., accelerations fi;ct). When data from all 10 revolutions (3 to 12) are
projected along the Earth-Moon line) and have no reduced, there will be 10 east-west Grimaldi profiles
corrections applied for altitude or viewing geometry, evenly spaced from the northern to the southern
The pronounced features are again Mare Serenitatis
and Mare Crisium; however, additional features are
Some of the most obvious points concerning the

1A negative gravity region, often referred to as a negative

anomaly, is def'med as a region havinga massdeficiency with
aJe't PropulsionLaboratory. respect to a homogeneous sphexiealbody. A corresponding
bNASA Lyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter. definition applies to a positive gravity region (or positive
tPrineipal Investigator. anomaly),sometimes called a gravity high.






-30 60 70
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

FIGURE 14-1.-Surface tracks of the Apollo 15 CSM during revolution 4 and of the Apollo 17 CSM
during revolution 5.

100[- mascon prof'des are that (1) the Serenitatis profile

_' 50F^ A from the Apollo 17 data has ahnost the same
=" 0_/e \ _ /e_ _v_,v __]_t maximum acceleration as the Apollo 15 profile (fig.

_ -50 (2) the western shoulder seen in the Apollo 15 profile

_ _k.J _ _f 14-3) even though it is more than 200 km off center,
,_ -100_ of Serenitatis is not seen in the Apollo 17 profile, and
-1501 i I i i i i I
-70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 (3) the Crisinm profiles from the Apollo 15 and 17
Longitude,deg data are very similar and cover approximately the
same region (figs. 14-1 and 14:4). A theoretical
gravity profile for Apollo 17 revolution 5 was
250 generated using the best model of Serenitatis de-
200 /'X k veloped from Lunar Orbiter V and Apollo 15 data.
_ 150 I \ A The comparison of the actual and theoretical curves is
100 / \ / \ shown in figure 14-3. There is approximately a
._ 50 / \ / \ 40-percent error from the actual observations, show-
__ 0 / _ _ \ Lugthat new information can be extracted from these
_501_ / _ t/ \ / data. The same comparison is shown in figure 14-4
for the Crisium mascon, but the differences are
<-100_ v \ / \/ relatively small.
-150_- _/ * The Grimaldi anomaly was analyzed using a
-2001 I t I I I I I
0 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 surface disk model in which the mass, the radius of
Longitude,deg the disk, and the longitude of the disk center were
estimated simultaneously. Doppler data were gen-
FIGURE 14-2.-Line-of-sight gravity profile derived from crated with this model and reduced in precisely the
Apollo 17revolution5. same manner as the actual observations. Several

_200 .16oA ua,

/ // \\",
E _.69_ _' 120' IIdata--_
=tgo :_-80
8 40
h_,-,_i_l _ AActual
80 / / //"-Theoretical data \ \\ ,_
< ] / ,i predicteapremissi0n _,_\

/ .? modelbeforeApolloll k\ -40

-40 1 J _ i i i i , i I 40 I R i q i i I , _ i
8 I0 12 14 16 1_ 20 22 24 26 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 5B 60 62 64
deg Longitude,
FIGURE 14-3.-Mare Serenitatis gravity profiles. FIGURE 14-4.-Mare Crisium gravity pretties.

0 i ¸

_g L_
-4 ;"/
-30 -28 -26 -24 -22 -20 [8 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 l0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

FIGURE 14-5.-Contou_ map of gravity from longitude 30° to -30 ° based on line-of-sight
acceleration data from the Apolgo 16 subsateUite. (Contour units are in miBigals.)

iterations using a least-squares criterion on the ac- section from longitude 30 ° W to 30 ° E is shown in
celeration profile yielded a mass of 1.013 × 10 _0 g figure 14-5 because that section contains most of the
and a radius of 70 km at -68 ° longitude. (Latitude new features. A more detailed presentation is given in
was held at -5.50°.) The mass distribution from this reference 14-5. The outstanding features are as
restdt yields 1000 kg/cm 2 , which is 25 percent higher follows.
than that determined for the other mascons. These I. The negative anomaly centered in Copernicus,
very preliminary results may change when all profiles which is another example of an unftlled crater having
are analyzed together, a negative anomaly
The Apollo 16 subsatellite at an orbitalinclination 2. The positive anomaly just southeast of
of 9.5 ° provided new high-resolution observations Copernicus that does not coincide with a visible
over a region from latitude 9.5 ° N to 4 ° S and from s'_rface feature but may be correlated with a large,
longitude 70 ° E to 70 ° W. The altitude was approxi- ancient ring structure south of Imbrium (as shown in
mately 20 km at latitude 6 ° N, 40 km at latitude 3 o ref. 14-6)
N, and 60 km at latitude 4 ° S. The data were
acquired during 68 revolutions, which provided 3. The Aestuum positive anomaly that was de-
highly redundant coverage. The acceleration profi!es t(;cted in the original mascon mapping (ref. 14-7)
from these revolutions have been contoured and 4. The gravity high at longitude -6 ° , latitude 4 °
superimposed on lunar charts. Only the central 5. The Sinus Medii gravity high

6. The Triesnecker positive anomaly centered handling the computer data reduction task on the many
over the dense rille formation just north of the main orbital arcs from the Apollo 16 subsatellite.
7. The Lamont positive anomaly in Mare Tran- REFERENCES
quiUitatis centered over the flooded crater and
wrinkle-ridge structure 14-1. Sjogten, W. L.; Gottlieb, P.; Muller, P. M.; and
The last two positive anomalies seem to be associated WoUenhaupt, W. R.: S-Band Transponder Experiment.
with rille and wrinkle-ridge features that are often See. 16 of the Apollo 14 Preliminary Science Report.
referred to as volcanic examples. They are also the NASA SP-272,
14-2. Sjogten, W.1971.
L.; Gottlieb, P.; Muller, P. M.; and
first strong positive anomalies over mafia terrain that Wollenhanpt, W. R.: S-Band Transponder Experiment.
are not correlated with ringed basins. See. 20 of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report.
NASA SP-289, 1972.
14-3. Gottlieb, Peter: Estimation of Local Lunar Gravity
CONCLUSIONS Features. Radio Science, vol. 5, no. 2, Feb. 1970, pp.
The Apollo 17 data will provide a more detailed 14-4. Sjogren, W. L.; Gottlieb, P.; Muller, P. M.; and
determination of the Serenitatis mascon, because it is Wollenhanpt, W.: Lunar Gravity via Apollo 14 Doppler
clearly evident that the present model is inadequate. Radio Tracking. Science, vol. 175, 1972, pp. 165-168.
Grimaldi has a mass distribution larger than other 14-5. Sjog_en, W. L.; Wollenhaupt, W. R.; and Wimberly, R.
N.: Lunar Gravity via the Apollo 15 and 16 Subsatellites.
mascon distributions, but this very preliminary result The Moon, vol. 8, 1973.
may change and show better agreement. The Apollo 14-6. Wllhelms, D. E.; and MeCauley, J. F.: Geologic Map of
16 subsatellite data reveal high gravity regions over the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol.
mare areas not associated with ringed basins but over Inv. Map 1-703, 1971.
formations of probable volcanic origin (refs. 14-8 to 14-7. Muller, P. M.; and Sjogren,
L.: Mascons:
Concentrations. Science, no. 3843,Lunar
14-10). A positive anomaly southeast of Copernicus 1968, pp. 680-684.
does not correlate with any visible feature and may 14-8. Morris, E. C.; and Wilhelms, D. E.: Geologic Map of
be part of an ancient ringed structure that is almost the Julius Caesar Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol.
obliterated. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-510, 1967.
14-9. Schmitt, H. H.; Trask, N. J.; and Shoemaker, E. M.:
Geologic Map of the Copernicus Quadrangle of the Moon.
ACKNOWLE DGM ENTS U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-515, 1967.
14-10. Wilhelms, D. E.: Geologic Map of the Mare Vaporum
The authors thank A. O. Kiesow of the Jet Propulsion Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol.
Laboratory and H. Moore and J. Slater of TRW/Houston for Inv. Map 1-548, 1968.
15. Surface Electrical Properties Experiment
Gone Simmons, at David Strangway, b _ Peter Annan, c Richard Baker, a
Lawrence Bannister, a Raymon Brown, a William Cooper, a Dean Cublev, b
Joseph deBettencourt, d Anthony W. England, e_ John Groener, a Jin-Au Kong, a
Gerald LaTorraca, a James Meyer, a Fed Nanda, a David Redman, c
James Rossiter, c Leung Tsang,a Joseph Urner,d and Raymond Watts e

The surface electrical properties (SEP) experiment to the surface of the Moon. The SEP experiment will
was used to explore the subsurface material of the extend to depth those visual observations made at the
Apollo 17 landing site by means of electromagnetic surface and perhaps reveal features at depth that do
radiation. The experiment was designed to detect not reach the surface.
electrical layering, discrete scattering bodies, and the
possible presence of water. From the analysis of the
data, it was expected that values of the electrical
properties (dielectric constant and loss tangent) of The basic principle of the SEP experiment is
lunar material in situ would be obtained, interferometry. This principle involves only the inter-
The SEP experiment is important for several terence of two or more waves to produce an
reasons. First, the values of the electrical properties interference pattern. The inversion of the interference
of the outer few kilometers of rock and soil of the pattern in terms of the spatial distribution of the
Moon, measured in situ for the first time, may help electrical properties is the basic aim of the experi-
others interpret many observations already made with ment (fig. 15-1). The experiment is most easily
both Earth-based and lunar orbital bistatic radar, understood in terms of a single dipole antenna for
Second, the SEP experiment will provide data that radiating electromagnetic energy and a loop receiver
are needed to interpret the observation.,; made with for measuring the magnitudes of the fields. In the
the lunar sounder, an Apollo 17 orbital experiment.
In the Apollo lunar sounder experiment, the time
intervals required for electromagnetic waves to pene-
trate the Moon, be reflected, and return to the
surface of the Moon were measured. Of more interest Receiver
than times, however, are depths, which can be ,,Transmitter Receiving
antenna, t
obtained from the lunar sounder delay times and the /, "_" ,_r"_._
dielectric constant that is measured in the SEP . .Transmitting
experiment. Third, the results of the SEP experiment
are expected to help define the stratigraphy of the Lunarsurface. Path1 Lunarroving
Apollo 17 landing site. Visual observations made by _ " vehicle
the crewmen and recorded with cameras are restricted i
aMassachusettsInstitute of Technology.
bNASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center.
CUniversityof Toronto. _FtGURE 15-1.-Simplified schematic diagram of the SEP
dRaytheon Company. experiment. Electromagnetic radiation from the trans-
eU.S. GeologicalSurvey. mitting dipole antenna travels along path 1 (above the
J'PrincipalInvestigator. surface), along path 2 (below the surface), and, if
:_Coinvestigator. reflectors are present, along path 3.


early developmental stages of this experiment, ex- of the medium, and the rate at which the field
actly this configuration was used (ref. 15-1). strength decreases with distance is related to the loss
The electromagnetic energy radiated from the tangent of the medium. This type of pattern is
transmitting antenna travels along various paths. In present in some of the lunar data.
the "half-space" case, one wave travels above the If a reflecting horizon occurs at depth, such as the
interface through "free" space and another travels case shown schematically in figure 15-1, then a
below the interface through subsurface material, reflected wave will interfere at the surface of the
Because the velocity of electromagnetic waves in a medium with the other waves. Figure 15-3 is a
solid medium is different from that in free space, the theoretical curve showing the distinct interference
two waves interfere and produce a distinctive interfer- pattern produced by a reflected wave. The presence
ence pattern. This case has been studied extensively of additional reflecting horizons in the subsurface
from both experimental and theoretical viewpoints would produce still more complicated interference
since 1909 (ref. 15-2). The correct mathematical patterns.
solutions, although somewhat complicated, are now In the Apollo 17 SEP experiment, two crossed
well known (ref. 15-3). An example of a theoretical dipole antennas that radiated sequentially were used.
interference pattern for the half-space case is shown In addition, several frequencies-l, 2.1, 4, 8.1, 16,
in figure 15-2. The spacing between successive maxi- and 32.1 MHz-were used. Because each transmitting
mums or successive minimums is related to the antenna radiates at each frequency for a sufficiently
frequency of the wave and to the dielectric constant long time, the experiment results can be analyzed in
terms of continuous waves. The shortest sampling
time at the lowest frequency includes approximately
33 000 cycles.


The SEP experiment is the first geophysical field

technique to use the dielectric properties of rocks
rather than the conductive properties. In that sense,
.=_ Max =-5.585 the experiment is entirely new. Consequently, all the
d =O.050Dk

-_ Max= -0._ 0.56

E d =O.1250k

Max= 1.159
d = 0.2000k .40

Max=10.826 .32
d =0.2750_.
Max=10.539 ,24
d =0.3500X
O 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 18 20 22 .16
Distance,free-space wavelengths
FIGURE 15-2.-Theoretical interference pattern for a half- .08
space case, in which medium 1 is solid and medium 2 is
free space; where depth d = 0, medium 1 loss tangent p x = I I I I I I I
0.0300, medium 2 loss tangent p= -z *% medium 2 2.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 12.50 15.00 17.50 20.00
dielectric constant er_ = _, and frequency f = 299.8 MHz. Distance,free-spacewavelengths
The symbol Hz represents the vertical component of the FIGURE 15-3.-Theoretical curve for the case of a single
magnetic field. The points on the ordinate indicate the layer over a reflector. The layer is four free-space
maximum (max) values of each wave pattern, wavelengths (4h 0) thick (ref. 15-8).

experimental techniques and most of tile theoretical a is the attenuation constant. A typical component of
basis have been developed specifically :for the lunar electric field E at a large distance R from the
experiment. Descriptions of the early versions (circa radiating source varies with R according to
1968) of the technique are given in references 15-1,
15-4, and 15-5. In this report, the physical and E = E0e-Jk'R = E0e-CtRe-'J'Pd_ (15-1)
mathematical basis of the experiment is outlined and
the discussions in references 15-6 to 15-8 are fol- where Eo is a reference value of E (independent of
lowed. Theoretical work has been limited to the R).
electric and magnetic fields that result from dipole The complex relative dielectric constant is
antennas on plane, horizontal, layered media. For
mathematical details, the reader is referred to the e_, = _r(1 - jp) = _r - jx (15-2)
original sources, where p is the loss tangent
In the theoretical development, consideration is
given first to electromagnetic propagation in an 0----2---- = 60or ..&0 (15-3)
unbounded, homogeneous, isotropic dissipative reed- P = t_ 0er _r
ium and next to propagation near the plane interface
of two semi-infinite homogeneous media (specialized with )to the free-space wavelength in meters.
to a lossy dielectric below an empty (or free) space The refractive index relative to vacuum is
region, popularly called the half-space case). Then,
the effects ofinhomogeneous horizontal stratification N =_f_- = _r(3_ - dp)1/2 (15-4)
are considered, specialized initially to a lossy dielec- The evaluation of the complex radical may be
tric region of two layers, the first of depth d and the accomplished by the 50-yr-old method of G. W.
second of infinite depth and having electrical prop- Pierce (ref. 15-14), recently revived by King (ref.
erties differing from the adjacent layer and the
semi-infinite space above. 15-9), as follows.

-- f(P) - ga(P) 05-5)


pative media is treated

Electromagnetic adequatelyin inunbounded
propagation references dissi-
15-3 f(P) = cosh (½
1 sinh-1 p) = [__ (_f_ + p2 + 1 )],/2

fields with time t is usually expressed as exp(]'¢ot) g(P) = sinh 1 sS_nh-1 P = + p2 _ l

and 15-9 to 15-13. Variation of electric and magnetic (21_ ) [½(__ )]112
where the rotative operator/" = x/Z1 and the radian
frequency ¢o = 27rf (where the frequency f is Thus, the complex phase constant k may be
expressed in hertz); this exponential is hereafter written as
suppressed. Meter-kilogram-second unffs are used
where, in vacuo, the dielectric constant or permittiv- k = 13-jct = 130_f
_ = 130N= 130_[f(p) - jg(p)]
ity eo = 1 × 10--9/367r F/m and the permeability (15-6)
12o= 4zr X 10 -7 H/m. The phase velocity in vacuo is
c = 1[Vx/V--_oe0= 3 × 108 m/sec. Mathematically, the where the phase constant (real) in vacuo J3o = 2_r/),o =
field expressions are solutions to Maxwell's equations. 6o_Vr_oeo.Hence
The dissipative medium is characterized by its
electrical constants, real relative dielectric constant er
S = _O_[_f(p ), rad/m
and conductivity a (mho/m). (For a vacuum, er = 1.)
The media are customarily considered to be nonmag-
netic with permeability/a =/a 0 . The finite value of a = 3 x 108 (15-7)
gives rise to a complex relative dielectric constant e'r, f , ra
a complex refractive index N, and a complex phase
constant k =/_ -/c_ where 13is the phase constant and a = _o_ g(p )' Np/m

When the loss tangent p is small, say p < 0.5, then so-called half-space case; the integral method of
3'(P) = 1 and gfp) = p/2; this is the case encountered in solution (ref. 15-3) involves general integrals of the
the lunar SEP experiment, so that type

2_r f** -y_a-y^b

13 = B0_ r -- _'-', rad/m I(a,b,r) =J F(;_)e ' z H_(Xr)X clX (15-9)

X = ----_, m (15-8)
_r where the function F(_,) is devoid of exponential
behavior, H i is the zero-order Hankel function of the
6o_ Np/m first kind, and 7i = ( x2 - k_) 1A may be called a
-- "_r' complex propagation factor (i = 1 denoting the lunar
soil and i = 2 the space above). The variable X used in
d_B/lun equations (15-9) and (15-10) is a complex separation
= 1.64 _r' (or eigen) variable of integration and should not be
confused with the wavelength.
and a is independent of frequency. If o and er are In a cylindrical coordinate system with the source
constant with frequency, then p is proportional to f; dipole at a height h above the origin of the
if p is constant with f, then o/e r is proportional to f. coordinates (p, q_,z), two essential integrals U(a,b,r)
and V(a,b,r) are required to determine the vector

Propagation in Layered Media potential II from which the fields E and H are
derived. The relationship of E and H is derived from
For propagation in semi-infinite space near and Maxwell's equations and continuity relations at the
above a semi-infinite, homogeneous (nonlayered) space-dielectric plane boundary (z = 0). The Uand V
lossy dielectric, see references 15-3, 15-9, 15-10, and integrals differ in the value ofF(X) used; thus, for the
15-15 to 15-17. References 15-16 and 15-17 are Vintegral
especially useful for layered media. Earlier applica-
- k2¥
tion was to ground-wave propagation along the k_¥2 2 1
surface of the Earth, generally where the loss tangent F(X) = l. ,xz ,\ (15-10)
of the Earth is large. The mathematical solutions are _k_- k_2)_x2- k_)
involved; they were solved initially by Sommerfeld in
1909 (ref. 15-2) with later (1926) correction of the where
famous _ sign error (ref. 15-18). A complete
history, with proof of the existence of Sommerfeld's k2
controversial surface wave, is given by Bafios (ref. k2 = 1
15-3). The resulting field equations (for electric field 0 N2 + 3. (15-11)
E and magnetic field H) depend on the nature of the k1 ki
source. In theory, there are four source dipoles: the N ..... , _--_
horizontal electric dipole (HED) and vertical electric k 2 [30
dipole (wires), the horizontal magnetic dipole, and
the vertical magnetic dipole (VIVID). In the SEP In equation (15-11), the refractive index N (eq.
experiment, a tuned series of wire antenna radiators (15-4)) is the reciprocal of n used by Bafios (ref.
(thus extensions of the elemental HED) is used, and 15-3) and others.
the cylindrical coordinate values of magnetic field For evaluating a component of the magnetic field
Hp, H¢, and Hz are measured. (e.g., Ha) in the SEP experiment, the U integral is
The major difference in typical ground-wave prop- required (actually the partial derivative of U). Here,
agation from that on the Moon (or in earthbound a = 0, b = h + z, and the exponential involving a in
glaciers and deserts) is in the low values of er and p equation (15-9) is unity; thus, U is written as
for the latter. For the case of a semi-infinite Moon U(O,b,r). Ifh = 0, then Ubecomes U(O,z,r).
below semi-infinite space, the solution is that for the The integral solution involves, generally, saddle-

point or double-saddle-point approximation methods integrals, similar to equation (15-9). The theoretical
(ref. 15-3). However, if h = z = 0, the solution for problem is reduced to that of solving the integrals.
U(O,O,r) is exact, as found by Van der Pol. Thus, the Three techniques have been used: (1) numerical
expressions for Hz waves broadside to the horizontal integration on a digital computer, (2) asymptotic
wire (HED) are exact as are those for the tangential expansions that lead to geometrical optics approxi-
component of electric field E, (VIVID)(first noted by mations, and (3) contour integration to yield a
Wait (ref. 15-16)). If h or z (or both) are nonzero normal mode solution (mode). In the geometrical
values, approximate methods must be used; these optics approximation (GOA) method, the resulting
methods are very laborious because complex contour field at the receiver consists of the space and lateral
integration must be used with consequent studies of wave components (the half-space case) plus those
poles and branch cuts in the integrals l(a,b,r), attributable to reflections from the boundary be-
The resulting field expression for the half-space tween the upper layer of thickness d and the lower
case consists of two components, one a wave traveling semi-infmite layer. (Lateral waves at this boundary
above the surface with the phase velocity of space and their effects have been generally neglected.) The
and the second a lateral wave; these two waves formulation of reflections is approximate, but the
irlterfere. An example is shown in figure 15-2 for Hz GOA solution is considered satisfactory if the depth d
lateral waves broadside to an HED for several values is greater than the wavelength X in the upper layer.
of erl and p! = 0.03. The lateral wave is that An example is shown in figure 15-3, where d = 4X0,
component of energy traveling in the dielectric but for lateral waves broadside to an HED. In the mode
refracting across the boundary to reach the receiver approach, the contributions to the integrals are
at height h = z. identified in terms of the normal modes of wave
For typical terrestrial soils, the loss tangent p of propagation.
the ground is so high that the lateral wave is relatively Multiple Layers.-Solutions to the various integrals
too small to be observed. However, in glaciers, polar (eq. (15-9)) for multiple layers can also be obtained
regions, and deserts, such interference patterns as by numerical integration and by using normal mode
those shown in figure 15-3 may be observed, theory. The numerical integration method (refs. 15-8
and 15-19) provides quite exact solutions but requires
Horizontal Stratification much computer time; however, the method provides
a check on other techniques and can be extended
Two Layers.-Wave propagation in stratified re- readily to large numbers of layers. In the GOA
gions has been treated generally by Brekhovskikh method, the problem is treated in terms or rays (thus,
(ref. 15-17) and Walt (ref. 15-16); the properties of distances must be large compared with various wave-
antennas in such regions have been discussed by lengths); therefore, solutions that are readily inter-
Galejs (ref. 15-15). As specified for the SEP experi- pretable against a background of physical optics are
ment, the previously mentioned treatments in refer- provided. Unfortunately, the GOA is invalid for
ences 15-6 and 15-8 find useful application. The "thin"layers, thecase for both glaciers and the Moon
geometry is that of figure 15-4. The solutions are for at least some of the SEP experiment frequencies.
The formulation and solutions for certain parameters
Z are given in references 15-6 and 15-8. The theoretical
l_ curve for one set of parameters is shown in figure

Medium1 *rl Pl _ X 15-5.numerical

the The lack integration
of agreement between less
at distances the than
t caused by the approximations in the GOA and
Medium 2 _r2 P2 d
indicates clearly that the proper solution must be
chosen for a particular experimental situation. The
3 _'3 p3 normal mode solution, valid for thin layers such as
_*_ appear to be present at the Apollo 17 site, was
FIGURE 15-4.-Geometry for the case of a singlelayer over a formulated by Tsang, Kong, and Simmons (ref. 15-8).
half space. Medium 1, a >_0 (free space); medium 2, - h < We are rather sure that our various formulations of
z _ 0;medium 3, a <-h. the solution are[ correct. These formulations have

1.3 I",_ ..--GOA FreespaceEr=I

1.2 "'"

1.01"1// _, . . . Lunar (:),,k_,_surface

:_ .9 _ . ..--Numerical integration Endfire


•1 Critical \\ I

_ .8.7 "_ Z)C¢" '_'_,_-,_ f" k.,# ,ioadside __3_.2
FIGURE 15-5.-Comparison of the geometrical optics ap- pattern
proximation (dashed curve) with the Tsang exact solution (a)
(solid curve), obtained by numerical integration, for a
single-layer case (ref. 15-8). Note the excellent agreement
for all peaks except the f'ust.

been tested against field data collected on glaciers for

which the geometry was known from previous investi-
gations using such other techniques as seismic, grav-
ity, and drilling (refs. 15-1, 15-8, and 15-20). They
have also been tested against laboratory data obtained
with analog scale models•
The antenna radiation patterns of both the receiv-
ing loops and the transmitting dipoles are important
in the analysis of the lunar data. The theoretical
patterns for the transmitting antenna have been
calculated (ref. 15-21), and the results are shown in
figure 15-6. It has not been possible to calculate, with
equal confidence, the patterns for the receiving
antennas because of the effects of the lunar roving FIGURE 15-6.-Model of the theoretical radiation pattern
vehicle (LRV). From the data obtained on tile Moon, for the SEP experiment transmitting antenna on the
however, it is deduced that the influence on the H z Moon (ref. 15-22). (a) Diagram. (b) Photograph.
component is minimal; thus, our preliminary data
analysis is based on that component. In order to
interpret the Hp and H¢_ components, the effect of SEP experiment data, information on the location of
the radiation pattern of the receiving antenna must be the LRV, obtained from the LRV navigation system,
removed, was also recorded on the tape.

On the Moon, the crewmen deployed a small,
low-power transmitter (fig. 1.5-7) and laid on the Tile electromagnetic radiation at the six SEP
surface two crossed dipole antennas that were 70 m experiment frequencies is transmitted and received
long tip to tip. The receiver and receiving antennas, according to the scheme shown in figure 15-9. One
shown in figure 15-8, were mounted on the LRV. data frame, which is 38.4 sec in duration, consists of
Inside the receiver, there was a tape recorder which six 6.4-sec subframes that are identical except for the
recorded the data on magnetic tape. The entire tape receiver calibration and synchronization process. In
recorder, the data storage electronics assembly subframe 1, for example, the receiver is calibrated at
(DSEA), was returned to Earth. In addition to the 32.1 and 16 MHz and the synchronization signal is

FIGURE 15-7.-The SEP experiment transmitter shown with °

the solar panel power source and dipole antennas de- _) __ _'_

the bottom five sides with a thermal blanket. Because the

top of the unit is shaded by the solar panel, the uncovered
surface needs only a coat of thermal paint to provide
adequate cooling for the enclosed electronics. The balance
between The
ployed. heattransmitter
lost to cold space by
electronics radiation
package and that
is covered on _)
generated inside the unit by the electronics equipment is

and received ononthe

transmitted thenorth-south
X antenna. (N-S)
In subframe 2, the
dipole antenna _i _,_- ' _.
receiver is calibrated at 8.1 and 4 MHz and the _-_ '_L_-:._._
very delicate andsignal
synchronization requires careful thermalondesign.
is transmitted the east-west ;-_ "'_-": ?4- _':._

(E-W) antenna and received on the Y antenna. Each FIGURE 15-8.-The SEP experiment receiver and antennas.
experiment frequency sequence is repeated exactly as The receiver electronics, including tape recorder and
shown in all six subframes. Each experiment fre- battery, are contained in the box (23 em_), which usually
quency is transmitted first on the N-S antenna for is completely enclosed in a thermal blanket. The thermal
100 msec and then on the E-W antenna for 100 msec. blanket has been opened to show optical surface reflec-
tots. The three-loop antenna assembly, folded during the
During each 100-msec transmission interval, the journey to the Moon, is shown unfolded as it was used on
receiver "looks" at the transmitted signal for a period the Moon.
of 33 msec with each of the three orthogonal (X,Y,Z)
receiving loops. In addition to the preceding opera- The receiver acquires the transmitter signal se-
fions, once each subframe, the receiver observes quence automatically as long as the signal exceeds a
environmental noise and records its amplitude, given threshold. Synchronization of the receiver is

F.-----_100msec ,I lOOmsec-----------q Such functions as signal synchronization, fre-

Transmit Transmit quency mixing, and antenna switching are controlled
N-Santenna,16MHz E-Wantenna.
16MHz by the timing section, which is, in turn, crystal
Receive J Receive
[ Receive ReceiveJ Receive
J Receive controlled for stability. The entire receiver assembly
X antennaJY antennaJZantennaX antennaJY
_ --4 33msecI-,- I ../- is battery powered using primary cells and is en-
__ __ , 200 _ / / _"/ closed, except for the antenna assembly, in a thermal
Start _-.._ msec _ _ / blanket. The thermal blanket has two flaps that may
16 32.1 8.1 32.1 16MHz32.1 4 32.1 I, be opened to expose optical surface reflectors, which
IA /
form a thermal radiator for internally produced heat
while reflecting heat from the Sun, to control the
_ 16 32.1 8.1 32.1 16 32.1 Noise
l, internal temperature
The SEP of thetransmitter
experiment receiver. (figs. 15-7 and

16 32.1 8.1 32.1 16 32.1 4 32.1 designed to provide a minimum output of 10.0 W at
[ 15-1t)
15 V andis powered
1.10 W atby 5 solar cell the
V. Like panels that the
receiver, are

_ 16 ] 32.1 ] 8.1 [ 2.1 [ 16 [ 32.1 [ l [I0 2sync

N-S ] transmitter Also,
stability. timingseparate
is crystal controlled
crystal for
[ ] [ [ [ [ [ End
[ReceiveR[ generate the signals that are radiated by the dipole
}_ 1.6see '1 antennas placed on the lunar surface. Because the
SF-I Ca"_rat-r_Ssu"_/'ra-_'s
SF-2 SF-3 SF-4 SF-5 SF-6 antennas are required to radiate energy at six differ-

Cal32.1/16Cal8.1/4 Cal2.111Cal32.1/16Cal8.1/4 Cal2.1/1 ent frequencies, they are constructed in sections (fig.
SyncN-S Sync E-WSync N-S SyncE-W Sync N-S Sync E-W 15-12), and each section is electrically separated by
ReceiveXReceiveY ReceveZReceiveX ReceiveYReceiveZ electrical f'dters (signal traps). Each section of the
64 , , antenna is of the proper electrical length for optimum
._ "--_ Dataframe I
38.4sec ,= performance. The dipole antennas, each 70 m long
(tip to tip), are made of insulated wire between signal
FIGURE 15-9.-The SEP experiment data format. The basic traps and were stored on reels until deployed.
cycle, shown in the center of the diagram,starts with the
16-MHz signal and ends with the synchronization (sync)
frame in the lower right corner. The cycle is 6.4 see long. Performance on the Lunar Surface
(Values are frequenciesin megahertz.) The upper part of
the figure shows a typical "data" frame. However, the The crewmen deployed the SEP experiment equip-
singlecalibration (cal) frame changessuccessivelythrough ment during the first period of extravehicular activity
the subframe (SF) sequence shown at the bottom of the (EVA-l). Photographs of the receiver and of the
diagram, transmitter and the transmitting antenna are shown in
figures 15-13 and 15-14, respectively. Stereographie
accomplished when both (or either of) the 1- and photographs will be used to obtain the location of the
2.1-MHz signals exceed a given threshold. A block starting point of the SEP experiment profiles to
diagram of the SEP experiment receiver is shown in within 1 m. The LRV, with its navigation system, was
figure 15-10. used to mark straight, orthogonal lines to be used as
The loop antennas are connected sequentially to a guides for deploying the antenna. Especially impor-
low-noise amplifier section, which amplifies, converts tant for the analysis of the data was the fact that the
(in frequency), and logarithmically compresses the arms of the transmitting antenna were laid out
amplitude of the received signal. A constant ampli- straight and at tight angles to each other. The SEP
rude, variable frequency signal (in the band 300 to experiment operations were nominal during EVA-1.
3000 Hz) corresponding to the logarithm of the During the rest period between EVA-1 and EVA-2,
received signal amplitude was recorded on magnetic however, the temperature of the SEP experiment
tape in the DSEA. The DSEA can record nearly 10 hr receiver increased; subsequent overheating hampered
of data. Upon completion of the experiment, the the SEP experiment operation until the DSEA re-
DSEA was removed from the receiver for return to corder was removed in the middle of EVA-3 to
Earth. prevent loss of data that had been recorded already
- ...................... F-......E--_-----------------------
--Z- _-_ _------------------------_--_----
_---- _----
Oscillator timing moduleassembly I Clockand timing assembly

r ........... --I--- "3 l ' I

' Sync


"_ g_e h
t C,S_ -,,-I-I

Jlinterface 13
............... Timing


Ir I i
II __I-22
III____ --2222 .........................


', 12-rmzI 11-t_

4zl ,

[ Navigational_

',, Isy,cI I sy,cl, i L_ Sw_tcb "" L data t

L_ _-J _
+w,tc,, circuit
',butler assembly
Br_u er_
L_. "I

L J--- _ ................................. j I
.......... _I ............................................ FromLRV

>, -
_,,,_nn° -
- - 7,Ir ..................
,_ _,
_ q7
,, _;--- ----------------------:-----------#-,'im_ue-_ss-em,;ty-
navigationaldata >

i ii ii It m_
r ............... 7
', assembly "" RF sync ' 112-MHzsyncI''It-mHz
I channelI I channel ,,
,L__.___IIL_____ syncl''
, Amplifier
assembly _ I Lo_ar,-,-
i + !a'#COassembi
_ i
I' T _"7 _?r moOJle asseombly '-- - -I- .... ZI---I I i I
..... ....... -_--TT-:_F---_.
I j Antenna swltch assembly _ i
_ ,,,

/ l----_, _P- H_+

++ttO+O X

' _m_ "" i__ '[ '

[ I!
I _[____J_ _ I I L___Ji I',IL____J _I r_alibration _j
It--Jl m
I _From timing I II _----I--- - - -C-_-

t " '1 i' _+w+rma,+Te
__ assembly .... i I
Fromtiming , _Z
LZ-E---_-_-__--_._---_Z--_-----___J r ....... 7 I , ", ,_]
t ,.,_.,,_,. . ! +5 V "["



',miragecontrolled oscillator
_t t

tl _
'_ _

r ......
Ji iI


III 115V 400 HZ _

L _2-zzzz_._

FIGURE 15-10.-Block diagram of the SEP experiment _eceiver.


module - "-Dr-iver%m--pli'-fier-m_uTe-']
•_ 464745
Frequencygenerator t

I 1-MHzosc H Attenuator [------- II


[ 2.1-MHzosc
H Attenuator
J / , I
4.0-MHzosc J_ Attenuator _. Summer II I_[.
i;.-, "_____ amplifier
Driver J
I_- II I N-S
and I I I I

I J_ divider I I ;-:! Driver II II E-W

i I
I =- =- I I


32.1-MHzoscH Attenuator_--_ L. ....

I r
i t Timer "7
_ I sequencer I _ +5 V

I 1=_7_
I cock I l'"'ll;l___T.i._m_e[__E_E Solar
............... J i I _u_n____l_ TO panel
L t-- -- -- "t-- J oscillators regulator)
t t
To To
N-S E-W _ +15V
drivers drivers
................................ I-. ...............

FIGURE 15-11.-Block diagram of the SEP experiment transmitter.

on the magnetic tape. The receiver contained a the SEP experiment transmitter in 100-m increments,
thermometer that was monitored by the crewmen, and the computed bearing to the SEP experiment
Despite the efforts of the crewmen to control the transmitter in 1° increments. The navigational data
temperature, the receiver became too hot and was are approximate because of wheel slippage on the
tumed offbyathermallyoperatedswitch, lunar surface and will be improved greatly by
Data were obtained during EVA-2 on the traverses including additional data on the LRV location ob-
from the SEP experiment site toward station 2 and tained from photographs, crew comments, and long-
from station 4 toward the SEP experiment site. Data baseline interferometry.
were not obtained during the early part of EVA-3 The second kind of data, the primary SEP experi-
because the receiver switch was in the "standby" po- ment data, consists of the three orthogonal magnetic
sition rather than "operate." Apparently, the trans- components Hz, Hp, and He_, recorded as a function
mitter operated nominally throughout the mission, of frequency and of transmitting antenna (N-S or
E-W). An example of the field strength data is shown

THE DATA in figure 15-15.

The third kind of data, temperature of the SEP
Three kinds of data were recorded in the SEP experiment receiver, was obtained for use in the
experiment: navigational data, electromagnetic field postflight analysis of the experiment. Because of the
strengths, and the internal temperature of the re- sensitivity of all magnetic tape to temperature, the
ceiver. The navigational data, obtained from the LRV potential loss of data from excessive temperature in
navigation system, included odometer pulses at 0.5-m the SEP experiment receiver had been anticipated.
increments from two wheels, the computed range to Although protection against overheating had been

100nH 200nH 400nH l. 6 I_H

2m 12m lgm
Transmitter, [__(_..J ZAA,
__ .._._ 246pF 492pF 984pF 0.0039t_F
G2 MHz) (16MHz) (8 MHz_ [2 MHz)

impedancematching 35m
Multiplexingand •

FIGURE 15-12.-Electrical schematic diagram of the SEP experiment transmitting antenna. Only
one-half is shown because the antenna is symmetric about the midpoint (A', A). Total physical
length (tip to tip) of each section of the antenna used for each SEP experiment frequency is 2, 4,
8, 32, and 70 m. The symbol Z represents impedance, and the components labeled F 1 to F 4 are


50 ...... Theoretical

_ 30

FIGURE 15-13.-The SEP experiment receiver mounted on
the LRV (AS17-141-21512). "........

0 ;
;FIGURE 15-15.-Comparison of lunar data for Hz, 16-MHz,
N-S transmitting antenna with the theoretical curve
calculated from mode theory. Parameters are given in
table 15-I.

built in, it was desired to have data on the actual

temperature. A portion of the temperature curve is
shown in figure 15-16.


The analysis of each individual component at each

frequency for each of the transmitting antenna
orientations is quite straightforward. However, a
FIGURE 15-14.-The SEP experiment transmitter and an- single model that fits all the data has not been found,
tenna deployed at the Apollo 17 site (AS17-141-21517). perhaps because of the limitations of our present

Crewread-out TABLE 15-I.-Preliminary Results for Hz,

at station2 N-S Transmitting Antenna
322.0 - 120 105° F (313.7K)
316.5 - P 110 ' [P = 0.003]

- _ 100 Transmitter
frequency, er_ er2
_305.4 - _ 90 MHz (a) (b) m
_299.8 -_ 80
294.3 - 70 _ t t f 32.1 2.7 3.0 5.7
141:30:.00 141:50:.00 142:10:.00
142:30:.00 142:50:.00 16 3.7 3.9 10
Groundelapsed time, hr:mirt:sec 8.1 4.1 4.2 18
I t I t I 4 4.2 4.8 37
03:03:00 03:23:00 03:43:00 04:.03:00 04:23:00 2.1 6.3 6.4 57
G.m.t.. hr:min:sec 1 6.1 6.3 122

FIGURE 15-16.-Internal temperature profile of the SEP

experiment receiver during the traverse from the SEP aDielectric constant of layer.
experiment site to station 2 on December 13, 1972. bDielectric constant of semi-infinite half space beneath

theoretical development. For rigorous solutions, we

are limited to models with homogeneous layers near the surface to approximately 5 at a depth of 50
bounded by plane, horizontal surfaces. However, even to 60 m. A discontinuity is present at 50 to 60 m,
within the limitations of our present theory, values of where er increases to a value of 6 to 6.5. Because no
the properties of the lunar material in situ have been reflection appears to be present in the 1-MHz data,
estimated , and some interesting conclusions about the we expect that er does not increase between 60 m
electrical structure of the Taurus-Littrow site have and at least 2.5 km. Compared to terrestrial values,
been obtained, the loss tangent is quite low (approximately 0.003) at
The discussion in this report is based mainly on all SEP experiment frequencies. On the basis of this
the analysis of Hz, the vertical component of the low value of the loss tangent, we infer that water is
magnetic field, for two reasons. First, although the probably not present at the Apollo 17 site.
radiation patterns of the receiving antennas have not In the alternate structural model, the cause of the
been measured, it is expected that the H z data are less apparent change of dielectric constant with depth is
distorted than those of the other two components, assigned to a sloping interface between a thin upper
Second, the appearance of the H z data resembles layer with er = 3 to er = 4 and p < 0.04 and a thick
more closely the glacier data, which comprise our lower layer with er = 6.5 and p = 0.04. Rigorous
background data. theoretical expressions have not yet been obtained
Two quite different structural models of the for this case either. However, we have confidence in
Apollo 17 site have been developed to account for the general effects attributed to a sloping interface
the observations. Although neither is based on rigor- because of the following limiting cases of horizontal
ous theory, we believe that each is correct in the interfaces.

essential features. The first model, preferred by most 1. For a very thin layer (thickness < 0.1X), the
members of the SEP experiment team, is one in interference pattern is equivalent to that of a half
which the dielectric constant increases with depth, space in which er and p have the values of the lower
Each of the lunar profiles can be matched quite well layer (fig. 15-18, upper curve).
with the theoretical curves based on a single layer. 2. For a layer with thickness between 0.1X and
The parameters for each of these six single-layer 0.3X, the individual "wiggles" of the interference
models are shown in table 15-I, and a typical example pattern disappear (fig. 15-18, intermediate curves).
of the match between the theoretical and observed
3. For a layer with thickness greater than approxi-
curves is shown in figure 15-15. The composite of mately 0.3X, the usual "reflected" wave appears in
these several models is shown in figure 15-17. We
the pattern.
believe that the H z data indicate that the dielectric
constant increases with depth from a value of 2.5 to 3 The sensitivity of the interference pattern of a thin

10 .-f Max • - 15.505

!i. "1"3"0000

ii Max.
20 "1"..0000

Max - -18.460

._ _rI = 5.(]000

50 Max• -19.504

0 2 4 6 8 l0 12 14 16 18 20 22
Range, wavelengths
100 FIGURE 15-18.-Theoretical curves for thin layers, where
Pl = 0.0300,

er = 3.000,
P2 =, 0.0400, and er 2 = 6.000.
The points on _ae ordinate indicate the maximum values
of each wave pattern. These plots are based on correct
theory for horizontal layers, and they are used to "guess'"
a solution for an inclined interface.

O_ = = p < 0.04I?1
5 2 ,
3 4, 5, ,

20m p = 0.04
FIGURE 15-17.-Model for Apollo 17 site :in which the %=6.5
dielectric constant varies with depth. The values of er for
each frequency are shown in table 15-I. In this figure, the 300 m(?}
approximate continuous function of er is shown• Note
that this interpretation is preliminary and, although the !
theoretical solution for each frequency is rigorous, the I ->1.5 km
"solution" for the continuous variation of er with depth
is somewhat intuitive at present• FIGURE 15-19.-The alternate model of the electrical
structure at the Apollo 17 site. A layer of thickness
between 0.2k and 0.3_. is present at the SEP experiment
site (left) and thins toward station 2 (right). The broken
layer to the exact thickness is shown clearly in figure line at 300 m indicates a possible discontinuity in er at
1 5-1 8. The basis for this type of model is best seen in that depth.
the 2.1-MHz profile, which resembles the intermedi-
ate theoretical curve of figure 15-18 near the SEP layer is perhaps 20 m thick beneath the SEP
experiment site and resembles the upper theoretical experiment site and thins to 15 m at station 2. In
curve of figure 15-18 farther away. The structure that addition, there is a hint of a discontinuity in er at a
best fits this analysis is shown in figure 15-19. The depth of approximately 300 m.

CONCLUSIONS D. Reidel Pub. Co. (Dordreeht, Holland), 1973, pp.

1. The relative dielectric constant of the lunar 15-6. Arman, A. P.: Radio Interferometry Depth Sounding:
material at Taurus-Littrow, at frequencies of 1 1o 32 Part I-Theoretical Discussion. Geophysics, vol. 38, no. 3,
MHz, is approximately 3 to 4 near the surface and June 1973, p. 557.
15-7. Kong, J. A.: Electromagnetic Fields Due to Dipole
increases to 6 to 7 at a depth of approximately 50 m. Antennas Over Stratified Anisotropie Media. Geophysics,
The loss tangent is less than 0.04 and possibly as low vol. 37, no. 6, Dec. 1972, pp. 985-996.
as 0.003. 15-8. Tsang, L.; Kong, J. A.; and Simmons, G.: Interference
2. The electrical structure at Taurus-Littrow is not Patterns of a Horizontal Electric Dipole Over Layered
Dielectric Media. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 78, no. 17, June
simple horizontal layering. 19, 1973, pp. 3287-3300.
3. No liquid water is present in the outer 1 to 2 15-9. King, Ronold W. P.: Electromagnetic Engineering, Vol.
kin. I-Fundamentals. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. (New
4. Scattering of electromagnetic waves at fre- York), 1945.
queneies of 1 to 32 MHz is insignificant. 15-10. Jordan, Edward C.; and Balmaln, Keith G.: Electro-
magnetic Waves and Radiating Systems. Second ed.,
5. Continuing postflight analysis of navigational Prentiee-Hali, Inc. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.), 1968.
data, photographs, and other data will provide loca- 15-11. Stratton, Julius Adams: Electromagnetic Theory.
tion of the LRV on the EVA-2 traverse to an McGraw-HillBookCo., Inc. (New York), 1941.
accuracy of a few meters. 15-12. Smythe, W. R.: Static and Dynamic Electricity.
6. Additional theoretical and scale model work is McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. (New York), 1950.
15-13. Lorrain, Paul; and Corson, Dale R.: Electromagnetic
being done to solve the problem of continuous Fields and Waves. W. H. Freeman (San Francisco), 1970.
variation with depth of the dielectric properties and 15-14. Pierce, G. W.: A Table and Method of Computation
the problem of dipping interface, of Electric Wave Propagation, Transmission Line Phe-
nomena, Optical Refraction, and Inverse Hyperbolic
Functions of a Complex Variable. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts
ACKNOWLE DGM ENTS Sciences, vol. 57, 1922, p. 175.
15-15. Galejs, Janis: Antennas in Inhomogeneous Media.
The experiment and equipment conceptual design was Vol. 15 of International Series of Monographs on Electro-
done at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for
Space Research. The flight hardware was designed and built magnetic Waves, Pergamon Press, Inc. (New York), 1969.
by the Raytheon Company. 15-16. Wait, James R.: Electromagnetic Waves in Stratified
Media. Vol. 3 of International Series of Monographs on
Electromagnetic Waves, Pergamon Press, Inc. (New York),
R E F E R E N C ES 15-17. Brekhovskikh, Leonid M. (David Lieberman, trans.):
Waves in Layered Media. Vol. 6 of Applied Mathematics
15-1. Rossiter, J. R.; LaTorraca, G. A.; Annan, A.P.; and Mechanics Academic Press (New York), 1960.
Strangway, D. W.; and Simmons, G.: Radio Inter- 15-18. Sommerfeld, A.: Uber die Ausbreitung der Wellen in
ferometry Depth Sounding: Part II-Experimental Re- der drahtiosen Telegraphic. Ann. Physik, vol. 81, 1926,
suits. Geophysics, vol. 38, no. 3, June 1973, p. 581. pp. 1135-1153.
15-2. Sommerfeld, A.: 13ber die Ausbreitung der WeUen in 15-19. Tsang, Leung: Electromagnetic Near Fields of Hoti-
der drahtiosen Telegraphie. Ann. Physik, vol. 28, 1909, zontal Dipole on Stratified Lunar Surface. B.S. Thesis,
pp. 665-737. Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1971.
15-3. Bafios, Alfredo, Jr.: Dipole Radiation in the Presence 15-20. Strangway, D. W.; Simmons, G.; Watts, R.; LaTor-
of a Conducting Haft-Space. Vol. 9 of International Series rata, G.; et al.: Radio Frequency Interferometry-A New
of Monographs on Electromagnetic Waves, Pergamon Technique for Studying Glaciers. J. Glaciology, vol. 12,
Press, Inc. (New York), 1966. 1973.
15-4. Annan, A. P.: Radio Interferometry Depth Sounding. 15-21. LaTorraca, Gerald A.: Half Wavelength Dipole An-
M.S. Thesis, Univ. of Toronto, 1970. tennas Over Stratified Media. NASA CR-115561, 1972.
15-5. Simmons, G.; Strangway, D. W.; Bannister, L.; Baker, 15-22. Simmons, Gene; Meyer, James W.; Baker, Richard H.;
R.; et al.: The Surface Electrical Properties Experiment. and Strangway, David W.: Brief Introduction to the Sur-
Lunar Geophysics: Proceedings of a Conference at the face Electrical Properties Experiment. MIT Press (Cam-
Lunar Science Institute, Houston, Tex., Oct. 18-21, 1971, bridge, Mass.), Aug. 1972.
16. Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment
O. E. Berg, at F. F. Richardson, a and 1t. Burton a

For the past 20 yr, astronomical interest in the become molten and behave similarly to liquid masses.
cosmic dust particle has been partially dominated by Secondary particles (or lunar ejecta) are ejected
a concern for the mechanical devastation imparted by :radially and at high velocities from the impact site.
meteoroid impacts or the so-called meteoroid hazard. The volume of lunar ejecta material relative to
Today, the meteoroid hazard has been accurately :primary particle volume and the range of velocities
evaluated and found to be essentially nonexistent :for lunar ejecta are currently conjecture based on
(ref. 16-1). Now we are witnessing an interesting laboratory studies using hypervelocity projectiles.
period of transition for cosmic dust studies from :Lunar ejecta mass is probably comparable, in most
simply determining the number and size of particles cases, to the mass of the impacting meteoroid.
impinging on a certain area in a certain time to an :Laboratory studies have shown that ejecta velocities
astronomical interest in the nature and file source of may exceed the primary particle velocity, but, in
the material. The cosmic dust particle is emerging as a general, it is assumed that a relatively small percent-
much more interesting object than its larger cousin, age of the ejecta particles have velocities in excess of
the meteoroid, which is often seen blazing a path _he lunar escape velocity of 2.4 km/sec; thus, the
across the atmosphere of the Earth. Both are affected bulk of material returns to the lunar surface (ref.
by gravity, solar wind erosion, and planetary atmo- 16-3). The LEAM experiment intercepts ejecta parti-
spheres, but, because of its small size and consequent- cles and records information useful in establishing the
ly its high surface-to-mass ratio, the micrometeoroid history of the Moon.
is also significantly affected by solar radiation pres- The manner in which interstellar particles or grains
sure, magnetic fields, electric fields, and probably the invade our solar system is depicted in figure 16-2. Our
shadow or umbra of the Earth. The extraterrestrial
microparticles encountered by the lunar ejecta and
meteorites (LEAM) experiment may be divided into
three distinct and interesting classes: hmar ejecta,
interstellar grains, and cometary debris.

The lunar ejecta particle depicted in figure 16-1 is
the offspring of a meteoroid encounter with the lunar
surface. The Moon, hke the Earth, is continually
bombarded by meteoroids traveling at hypervelocities
(speeds in excess of the speed of sound in a material Moon
(ref. 16-2)). The lunar surface, unprotected by an
atmosphere, receives the impact at full velocity from
2.4 to 72 km/sec. Because of the high velocity, the
projectile and the immediate area of the impact

aNAsA Goddard Space Flight Center. <2.4km/see

tPrincipal Investigator. FIGURE 16-1.-Lunar ejecta.


Earth /_
at1AU Orb

/ relative

/ nearlystars
I 20-km/sec

FIGURE 16-2.-Interstenar grains. Interstellar grains <40 B

km/sec are trapped by the solar system; those >40 km/sec D
pass on through. FIGURE 16-3.-Cometary debris.

Sun and its planets are moving through the Milky heliocentric orbit similar to its parent; the large
Way Galaxy at approximately 20 km/sec relative to particulates will remain in this orbit until they are
nearby stars. In so doing, our solar system passes perturbed by other planets or bodies or collide with
through "clouds" of interstellar dust (ref. 16-4) with the Moon, the Earth, or other planets. These large
relative encounter velocities approaching and possibly particulates are the blazing meteoroids mentioned
exceeding 100 km/sec. Although the particles are previously. After separation from the parent comet,
extremely small (probably 10 -is g), their detection the smaller particulates, micrometeoroids, behave
probability by the LEAM experiment is high because much less predictably because they are affected by
the experiment responds to the cube of the particle two forces: the force of gravity, which is a function
velocity; thus, it is extremely sensitive to high-speed of the particle mass and therefore the cube of the
particles. Two forerunners of the LEAMexperiment, particle radius (4/31rr 3) and the force of solar
in the heliocentric satellites Pioneer 8 and 9, have radiation pressure, which is a function of the cross-
detected two (and possibly more) interstellar grains sectional area of the particle and therefore the square
that are believed to be the first impact registrations of of the radius 0rr2). If the force of radiation pressure
this type of particle (ref. 16-5). Because the LEAM exceeds the force of gravity at the moment of
experiment measures particle speed, radiant (or separation from the parent comet, the particle will
source) direction, and particle kinetic energy, the assume a hyperbolic trajectory, as shown for A and B
encounters by interstellar grains may be readily in figure 16-3, and the particle will leave our solar
distinguished from encounters by other types of system. If the force of gravity exceeds the force of
cosmic dust. radiation pressure at the moment of separation from
Cometary debris is considered the most abundant the parent comet, the particle will spiral in toward
component of cosmic dust within our solar system. It the Sun very slowly under the Poynting-Robertson
is generally accepted that comets are gigantic "dirty effect. Here again, as postulated, a second separation
snowballs" with nuclei diameters on the order of 10 of particles occurs (ref. 16-7). Because of their heat
km and are principally composed of frozen mixtures capacity, the larger dust particles continue into the
of gases and liquids (ref. 16-6). Embedded in this Sun and are absorbed, as shown by C. As the smaller
"snowball" are solids ranging in diameters from dust particles approach to within a few solar radii of
tenths of micrometers to large boulders. As the comet the Sun, they partially evaporate, and, because the
approaches its perihelion, as shown in figure 16-3, it relative mass or gravity (r 3) reduction is faster than
undergoes partial disintegration because of the effects the relative cross-sectional area (r2) reduction, the
of radiation pressure and spews out a tail of gases, force of radiation pressure soon exceeds the force of
vapors, and solid particulates. For larger comets, the gravity for the particle, and it is ejected quasi-radially
tail is often visible to the eye as diffuse illumination from the Sun, as depicted by D.
pointing away from the Sun. Large particulate matter Essentially all the particles intercepted by the
may separate from the parent comet and attain a Pioneer 8 and 9 instruments were outgoing particles,

suggesting ejected cometary fragments rather than

particles in elliptical orbits (ref. 16-8). Accordingly,
the LEAM experiment is skielded by the Moon from
primary particle impacts during lunar night. However,
the formation and presence of lunar ejecta from large
meteoroid impacts are quite independent of lunar
day/night conditions-a set of conditions that helps
to distinguish between impacts by primary particle
events and impacts by lunar ejecta. During each lunar
cycle, each of three sensor systems incorporated into
the LEAM experiment is alternately exposed to and
shielded from impacts by these particles.
The position of the LEAM experiment on the
lunar surface and the associated alternated exposure
and shielding feature of the sensor systems offer an
opportunity for the experiment to verify Earth
focusing effects (fig. 16-4). Mieropartieles that are
ejected, one way or another, into our solar system
will tend to be ejected radially away from the Sun.
For simplicity, microparticles are shown as having
parallel trajectories in figure 16-4. As they are blown FIGURE 16-5.-The LEAM experiment, which responds to
past the Earth, they are perturbed toward the Earth impacts of micropartlcleshavinga
a diameter massand
as small as 2 × 10-s em, as low as 10-14
a speed g,
arLd tend to focus into a concentration extending as 75 kin/see.
outward from the shaded side of the Earth. Thus, as
shown in figure 16-4, the LEAM experiment will, experiment consists of three sensor systems: the east
once per lunar cycle, be ideally exposed to this sensor, the west sensor, and the up sensor. Only the
postulated concentration and/or perturbation effects, up and west sensors are visible in figure 16-5.
The basic sensor for each array is shown schemati-
cally in figure 16-6. The basic sensor consists of a
THE LEAM INSTRUMENT front (A) f'flm-grid sensor array and a rear (B)
The major objectives of placing a cosmic dust film-grid sensor array spaced 5 cm apart (film plane
experiment on the Moon can readily be met by the to f'dm plane) and an acoustical impact plate upon
LEAM instrument (fig. 16-5). This instrument mea- which the rear film is mounted. The performance of
sures the particle speed, particle direction, totalparti- the sensors depends upon two basic measurable
cle energy (kinetic), and particle momentum for phenomena that occur when a hypervelocity particle
particles having parameters as shown. The LEAM impacts upon a surface: the formation of a plasma
and a transfer of momentum.
In conjunction with the following explanation of
_ the operation of the LEAM experiment, refer to

particle (>1.0 erg); a low-energy hypervelocity parti-

cle (<1.0 erg); and a relatively large high-velocity par-
Sunlight ticle (>10 -'1° g). The third type includes the majority
of lunar ejecta particles. As a high-energy hypervelo-
city particle enters the front film sensor, it yields
• __ cosmic
some of dust particles:
its kinetic a high-energy
energy toward the hypervelocity
generation of
__ figure 16-6 and consider three probable types of
. _ ionized plasma at the front film. Electrons from the
plasma are collected on the positively biased grid
FIGURE 16-4.-Earth focusing effect. (+24V), producing a negative-going pulse that is

Cosmicdust sensor systems that comprise the east and up sensor


-IV +z4v-3.5v arrays. toThe

cally west low-speed
record sensor arrayejecta
was impacts
designed on

Front(A)film- [--'_ "e_

...... °° I I I microphone
consequently, plate
this without
array has
no capability
by a to
gridsensor T I I • .... / t Ib -_
array /L._. _ the overall LEAM experiment, shows that four
5cm _._o - "_ -_ particle film
vertical speed.strips
are 16-7, an by
crossed exploded schematicgrid
four horizontal of
,/ ::e_: strips to affect 16 front and 16 rear f'dm
Rear(B) film-
gridsensor___ : : _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
- . l_ II _-r
= __ arrays, creating 256 possible combinations, sensOrEach

impactplate output amplifier. The output signals from these

arrayand I I I grid strip and each f'dm strip cormects to a separate
-3.5V *24V -7 V amplifiers are used to determine the segment in which
an impact occurred. Thus, knowing what front film
Microphone I=_ segment was penetrated and what rear film segment
was affected by an impact, the direction of the
FIGURE 16-6.-The basic sensor, incoming particle can be determined with respect to
the sensor axis and, eventually, to the Sun.

amplified as shown (fig. 16-6). The ions from the

plasma are collected on the negatively biased film
(--3.5 V), producing a positive-going pulse that is
amplified as shown (fig. 16-6) and pulse-height- An ideal sensor control is one that is exposed to
analyzed as a measure of the kinetic energy of the the same environment as the active or main sensor.
particle. As the particle continues on its path, it Environment encompasses electrical and magnetic
yields its remaining energy at the rear sensor film radiation, thermal radiation, thermal gradients, and so
(and plate), generating a second set of plasma pulses forth. Controls installed somewhere in the experi-
and an acoustical pulse (if the momentum of the ment and sheltered from the total environment are
particle is sufficient). A pulse-height analysis is ineffective. The controls used in this experiment are
performed on the positive-going plasma pulse, and a designed to perform, as much as possible, under the
peak-pulse-height analysis is performed on the acous- same conditions as the main sensor. An upper portion
tical sensor output as a measure of the remaining of the rear film array and a lower portion of the front
momentum of the particle, film array of the east sensor system are used as
As a low-energy hypervelocity particle enters the controls for the plasma sensors. An epoxy resin
front sensor, it yields all its kinetic energy at the coating covers the control grids and films, isolating
front film. A pulse-height analysis is performed on them from the products of ionization caused by im-
the positive output signal as a measure of the kinetic pacts on their area (e.g., electrons and ions generated
energy of the particle, by hypervelocity impacts on the epoxy cannot be
As a relatively large high-velocity particle enters collected on the grids or films). However, the resin
the LEAM experiment, it may pass through the front coat does not constitute a shield from electrical or
and rear film sensor arrays without generating a magnetic radiation. (Thermal noise is not an impor-
detectable ionized plasma but still impart a measur- tant factor in ionization sensors.) A microphone
able impulse to the acoustical sensor. In this event, a control is unique in that it is a "live microphone"
peak-pulse-height analysis is performed on the aeous- attached to a separate impact plate having one-third
tical sensor output pulse, the effective area of the main microphone plate.
An electronic clock registers the time of flight of Thus, the control is truly exposed to the same
the particle as the time lapse between positive pulses environment as the main microphone sensor, includ-
(front film and rear f'dm output signals), which is ing impacts by cosmic dust; an approximate ratio of
used to derive the speed of the particle. The 1:3 would be expected between impacts on the
time-of-flight sensor represents one of 256 similar control and impacts on the main microphone sensor.

A-filmamplifiers limited to high-density hard spheres of iron

z _ (10 -13 g < mass <10 -9 g) and to velocities corre-
1" sponding to the low end of the meteoroid velocity
A-film bias(-3.5 @ spectrum (1 to 25 km/sec). Accordingly, when
V}_/k_ considering the sensitivities of the sensors as derived
from these calibrations, the possible latent discrepan-

subsequent measurements in space when the sensors

are exposed to projectiles of diverse density, struc-
<} ture, composition, and higher velocities. The plasma
I? .... sens°rs
cies mustresp°nd
be considered
nearly linearly
that mayt° become
the pr°duct
mY2 in
<3 r//_ u (rn = mass, v = velocity) over the limited particle
A-gridamplifiers _'/J _ parameter range specified previously for the labora-

momentum of the particle for that same particle

<3" _] _ tory simulator.
range. The acoustical
The threshold sensors
sensitivity respond
of the front to film
sensor array to laboratory particles is 0.6 erg. Time of
"- flight is registered for laboratory particles having
A-gridbias(+24V) l_Jnetic energies of 1.0 erg or greater. The electronics
Outergrid of the time-of-flight sensor are design limited to
la) bias(-7V) particles having velocities ranging from 2 to 72
km/sec. The threshold sensitivity of the acoustical
B-filmamplifiers sensor is 2 X 10-s dyn-sec (including deceleration by
,-o, the front film).
"--"VV' : Hypervelocity particles passing through the front
'- film of the sensors are decelerated in inverse propor-
B-filmbiasI-3.5 V) _ .4 tion to their kinetic energy (for a velocity range of 1
to 20 km/sec). For particles having the minimum
.:- energy required to exhibit time of flight (1.0 erg), the
deceleration is 40 percent. Deceleration drops to 5

<3 , is provided and can be initiated either automatically

or by ground command. Two different formats of

B-grid <]" simulated data pulses are alternately presented by the

experiment to the input of each of the amplifier
amplifiers <3 _ systems to check the condition of the electronics and
<3 | . t_-- ----_ l percent for sensors.
the plasma particles Two
having 10 ergs.
formats In situ calibration
alternately provide a

and the upper sensitivities of the amplifiers. Front

t t _[_L/__
I Ju, film sensor
high and pulses
a low and rear
amplitude pulsefilm sensor pulses
to monitor are
the lower
B-grid bias l +24 V) f appropriately spaced and in proper sequence to
Outergrid monitor the time-of-flight electronics. All accumula-
(b) bias(-7 V) tors advance with inflight calibration.
FIGURE 16-7.-Schematic of time-of-flight sensor. (a) Front
sensor array. (b) Rear sensor array. EXPE R IM E NT ELECT RO N ICS
A simple block diagram of the electronics in one
Extensive calibrations have been performed on the of the dual (east, up) sensor arrays is shown in figure
sensors using a 2-MV electrostatic accelerator. Unfort- 16-8. A preamplifier receives the positive-going pulse
unately, the particles used for calibration have been from each A-film strip. After a gain of 3, the pulse


A-film out



B-film k





CollectorID' on-off
- 29-Vdc
Identical circuit survival
for A andB collector 29-V dc
ACC- accumulator
ID - idenfification
PHA- pulse-heightanal_er
M - microphone

FIGURE 16-8.-Diagram of LEAMcentral electronics.

divides into two separate paths. In one path, it is a similar but separate electronic path, except that the
amplified (voltage gain Vg equals 3.2 for each input), B-film pulse is used to stop the time-of-flight clock. If
its pulse height is analyzed, and its amplitude is no B-film pulse follows an A-film pulse, the time-of-
recorded in the storage register. In the other path, it flight register goes to the full (63 count) state and
is amplified (Vg = 5) and fed into a threshold remains full until another event occurs.
one-shot. The output pulse performs three functions: Negative-going pulses from each of the grids (A
its origin identification is impressed directly on the and B) are amplified through separate units and
storage register; it passes through the logical NOR identity (ID) registered as shown. For simplicity, only
gate and initiates the time-of-flight measurement; and one set of collector amplifiers is shown in the lower
it is gated back to the threshold one-shot to inhibit center area of figure 16-8. Each film strip and each
any other A-film pulse until the measurement has grid strip in both the front and the rear sensor arrays
been completed, connects to its own separate amplifier system.
An inhibit signal to the other three films is The output signal from the crystal sensor (micro-
necessary to avoid capacitative crosstalk for high- phone), as it responds to impacts, is a ringing
energy impact signals. The A-film pulse is pulse-height sinusoidal wave that increases to a maxium and then
analyzed, and the results are stored in the register to decays. After amplification in a tuned amplifier, the
await read-out, peak signal amplitude is used to advance the mi-
Positive-going pulses from the B-flim pass through crophone accumulate, to start the register reset

(read-out of register data), and to record the ampli- sudden decrease in the LEAM experiment tempera-
tude of the impulse imparted to the microphone turesverified successful removal
sensor plate. The one-shot and the inhibit block However, in the case of the sensor covers, there
shown in the microphone circuit inhibit further was no noticeable change of temperature conditions
processing of subsequential microphone pulses until inside the experiment following cover deployment.
after the final pulse is placed in the storage register. That fact and several subsequent observations of
Pulses from the control microphone (not shown in temperature excursions in the experiment have
the block diagram) follow a similar but separate prompted an extensive study into the LEAM expert-
electronic course, except that no pulse-height analysis trent temperature anomalies.
is performed and the pulses do not trigger the register
The sensors have been subjected to solar radiation TEMPE RATU R ES
simulators, including 3 MeV proton radiation and
ultraviolet radiation. They showed no response or Predicted temperatures for the LEAM experiment
effects from radiation values as high as 100 solar included a maximum of 146° F (336 K) at lunar
constants, noon and a minimum of -24 ° F (242 K) during lunar
night. An automatic heater in the LEAM experiment
DEPLOYMENT turns on at 0° F (255 K) and off at 9° (261 K). The
beater is designed to remain on continuously during
The LEAM experiment was emplaced in the lunar night and to keep the LEAM experiment
Taurus-Littrow area; its location is 43 ° east of north temperatures above -24 ° F (242 K). In all cases,
from the ALSEP central station at a distance of 7.5 predicted temperatures were based on laboratory
m. As requested, the east sensor axis of the LEAM s_rnulation studies. Actual temperatures for the
was directed 25° north of east to accommodate LEAM experiment frame plotted against Sun angle
interstellar grains. The LEAM instrument was corn- (90 ° = lunar noon) during the first three lunations are
manded "on" to operate for a period of 2 hr after shown in figure 16-9. The plot shows that the LEAM
deployment to verify proper performance. During experiment is command "off" as its temperature
this 2-hr period, two calibration commands were approaches 167 ° (348 K), an arbitrarily acceptable
transmitted. The LEAM experiment responded with operating temperature based on the highest operating
normal read-outs. It was commanded to the "off" temperature tested in the laboratory. This acceptable
mode until after lunar module (LM) ascent and temperature will be increased to probably 212 ° F
detonation of the surface charges. The LEAM expert- (378 K), pending the results of a total investigation of
ment was protected by two dust covers that were the temperature anomalies.
removed by ground command. One cover, designed to It is interesting to follow the temperature his-
protect the thermal mirrors from dust contamination tory of the LEAM experiment from the time of
during LM ascent or from surface-charge detonations, hmar emplacement. At a Sun angle of 130 ° during
was removed at a Sun angle of 130 ° (90 ° = lunar tile first lunation, the mirror covers were removed,
noon). A second cover, designed to protect the three and the temperature decreased markedly. At a Sun
sensor systems, was commanded "off" at 60 hr after angle of 162°, the LEAM experiment was com-
lunar sunset of the first lunation. Because of the low manded "on," in which mode it remained throughout
data event rates anticipated (one event per day) for the first lunar night. The thermostatically controlled
the LEAM experiment, it was essential to obtain a heater cycled on and off approximately once per
good measurement of the background noise or the 6 hr. Temperature cycling was not unexpected
extraneous pulse rate. Accordingly, the LEAM expert- while the sensor covers remained on. At a Sun
ment output was recorded for periods of 60 hr of angle of approximately 220 ° on the first lunar
lunar day and 60 hr of lunar night with the sensor niight, the sensor covers were commanded "off."
covers on. The covers were removed by a :redundant No noticeable changes occurred in temperature cy-
squib system that was fired by command. A monitor cling, although predictions indicated a temperature
signal indicated successful firing of both sets of decrease and continuous heater operation.
squibs. In the case of the mirror-cover removal, a At dawn of the second lunar day, the temperature

EP_6,, i EP-4
366- 200 n, EP-8
_ Eclipse
..-.-... ,,
, u
', EP-5 '
••' "i ' EP-2
352- 175 :'/_ff / "_-\.LEAM mirror coversoff
A-../ I : ..... ".
/ I EP-3 _.
338 - 150 It EP-1

324- 125 Lunation1

........... Lunation2
_: _- Lunation3
°. 310- ° . tO0 0n
E _ EP: explosivepackage

_. X ii
- 75 il

269- 25 ; I

255- 0

241- -250 30 60 _v_n 120

I 150
I 180
I 210
I 240
I 270
I 300
I 330
I 360


FIGURE 16-9.-The LEAM temperature history for three lunar days and two lunar nights.

rose rapidly to approximately 170 ° F (350 K) at a A plausible explanation for the thermal anomalies
Sun angle of 15 °, and the LEAM experiment was is an accumulation of lunar dust on the sensor films.
commanded "off" and remained in the "off" mode There is some evidence for electrostatic levitation of
until a Sun angle of 160 ° when it was commanded dust at the lunar sunset line (refs. 16-9 and 16-10).
"on." The LEAM experiment remained in this mode Positively charged dust particles would be attracted
until dawn of the third lunar day. During the second to and deposited on the negatively biased fdms ; they
lunar night, the registered temperatures were normal would change the absorption/emission characteristics
(as predicted), and the heater stayed on continuously, of a relatively large area of the LEAM experiment and
The strange behavior of the thermal sensor during the cause heating. To preclude electrostatic dust accumu-
first lunar night compared to its normal behavior lation at sunrise of the third lunation, the LEAM
during the second lunar night indicated that the experiment was commanded "off" for a period of 75
sensor covers had failed to deploy fully because of rain so that the experiment (and films) would
the extremely low temperatures. The temperature of maintain a similar potential to the lunar surface at the
the dust cover may have approached lunar surface LEAM experiment site. Conceivably, the dust already
temperatures. The sensor covers had presumably deposited might be removed by electrostatic repul-
deployed sometime during dawn of the second sion at sunrise. Interestingly, the third lunation
lunation. The rapidly rising temperature at dawn of temperatures were as much as 35 ° F (19.5 K) lower
the second lunation is more difficult to explain, than the second lunation temperatures under identi-

cal conditions (Sun angle of 15°). A few degrees after Meaningful results from the LEAM experiment can
lunar noon, the temperatures for the second and the only be derived from a long-term statistical and
third hinations were essentially identical, correlative study between primary particle events and
It is interesting to consider further whether or not ejecta events. In view of the relatively short-term
the LEAM experiment has, at least partially, verified measurement of primary particles, it seems premature
electrostatic levitation of lunar dust. The LEAM to extend results beyond making a statement that,
experiment may eventually be manipulated to accom- with the exception of the high temperatures, the
modate such studies; however, immediate plans are to LEAM experiment is performing normally.
operate it only at temperatures below 348 K to
preserve it for the partial eclipse in June 1973. After
the eclipse, the LEAM experiment will be operated
continuously. Prelaunch thermal degradation analyses R E F E R E NC E S

of the LEAM instrument show that it will operate at 16-1. Berg, O. E.; and Gerloff, U.: More Than Two Years of
temperatures as high as 373 K with negligible Micrometeorite Data From Two Pioneer Satellites. Space
degradation. (All electronic components for the Research XI. Akademie-Verlag (Berlin), 1971, pp.
LEAM experiment were qualified (tested) to a temp- 225-235.
erature of 257 ° F (398 K).) Meanwhile (preeclipse), 16-2. Charters, A.C.: High-Speed Impact. Sci. Am.,vol. 203,
no. 4, Oct. 1960, pp. 128-140.
the LEAM experiment will be operating during lunar 16-3. Shoemaker, Eugene; Moore, Henry; and Gault, Donald:
nights, when conditions are ideal for the study of Spray Ejected From the Lunar Surface by Meteoroid
lunar ejecta, a major objective of the experiment. Impact. NASA TN D-1767, 1963.
16-4. Greenberg, J. M.: A Possible Inter-Relation Between
Interstellar and Interplanetary Cosmic Dust. Space Re-
RESULTS search IX. North-Holland Publishing Co. (Amsterdam),
1969, pp. 111-115.
No significant results are reported at the time of 16-5. Gerloff, Uli; and Berg, Otto E.: The Orbits of 14
this report for the following reasons. Elliptic and 6 Hyperbolic Micrometeoroids Derived From
1. The anticipated event rate from the LEAM Pioneer-8 and -9 Measurements. Paper presented at the
XVth COSPAR Meeting (Madrid, Spain), May 1972.
experiment is approximately one event per day 16-6. Rahe, J.; Donn, B.; and Wurm, K.: Atlas of Cometary
(periods of and effects from meteoroid shower Forms: Structures Near the Nucleus. NASA SP-198,
activity excepted). 1969.
2. It is now assumed that the sensor covers were 16-7. Kaiser, C. B.: The Thermal Emission of F Corona.
not removed before dawn of the second lunation and Astrophys. J., vol. 159, Jan. 1970, pp. 77-92.
probably were removed only hours before the experi- 16-8. Berg, Otto E.; and Grun, Eberhard: Evidence of Hyper-
bolic Cosmic Dust Particles. Space Research XIII. Akade-
ment was commanded "off" during the lunar day. mie-Verlag (Berlin), 1973.
Accordingly, no significant real-time data were ob- 16-9. O'Keefe, J. A.; Adams, J. B.; Gault, D. B.; Green, J.; et
tained during the 45-day support period, al.: Theory and Processes Relating to the Lunar Maria
3. All data tapes received to date contain only From the Surveyor Instruments. Surveyor 6 Mission
150 hr of lunar day data and 620 hr of lunar night Report. Part II: Science Results. Calif. Inst. Tech. Rept.
JPL-TR-32-1262, Jan. 10, 1968, pp. 171-176.
data with the LEAM experiment in the flail operating 16-10. Criswell, David R.: Lunar Dust Motion. Proceedings
mode (the experiment in the "on" mode and the of the Third Lunax Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press
sensor covers removed). (Cambridge, Mass.), Oct. 1972, pp. 2671-2680.
17. Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment
J. tl. Hoffrnan, a'_R. R. Hodges, Jr., a F. S. Johnson, a and D. E. Evans b

On the Apollo 17 mission, a miniature mass ments have determined an upper bound on the gas
spectrometer, called the lunar atmospheric composi- concentrations at the lunar surface of approximately
tion experiment (LACE), was carded to the Moon as 1 X 107 moleeules/cm 3 in the daytime and 2 X l0 s
part of the Apollo lunar surface experiments package molecules/cm a at night (ref. 17-2). This large daytime
(ALSEP) to study the composition of and variation in increase suggests that most of the lunar gases are
the lunar atmosphere. The instrument was success- readily adsorbed on the cold nighttime surface.
fully deployed in the Taurus-Littrow valley with its Hodges and Johnson (ref. 17-5) have shown that gases
entrance aperture oriented upward to intercept and that are not likely to be adsorbed at night, such as
measure the downward flux of gases at the lunar neon and nitrogen, should be distributed in concen-
surface (fig. 17-1). tration as a function of temperature (T-s/2) and thus
Initial activation of the LACE instrument occurred have nighttime maximums. Contaminant gases origi-
on December 27, 1972, approximately 50 hr after nating from the lunar module (LM) or from other
sunset, and operation continued throughout the first ALSEP experiments, or being adsorbed on surfaces in
lunar night. Sunrise brought a high background gas the site area could be influencing the daytime cold
level and necessitated discontinaing operation during cathode gage readings, although such outgassing
lunar daytime except for a brief check near noon. would have to exhibit very stable long-term rates
Near sunset, operation was resumed arid continued because of the repeatability of the data from day to
throughout the night. This sequence was repeated for day. If the daytime maximum is a natural feature of
the second and third lunations, the atmosphere, then it is probably a result of
The atmosphere of the Moon is very tenuous. Gas condensable gases, some of which may be of volcanic
molecules do not collide with each other but, instead, origin, while the nighttime level represents the non-
travel in ballistic trajectories between collisions with condensable gases. The LACE was designed to ident-
the lunar surface, forming a nearly classical exo- ify the various gases in the lunar atmosphere and to
sphere, determine the concentration of each species. A brief
Possible sources of the lunar atmosphere are the description of the instrument and a discussion of the
solar wind, lunar volcanism, and meteoroid impact results obtained during the first three lunations after
(ref. 17-1). Of these sources, the only one amenable deployment of the instrument are given in this
to prediction of the composition of the lunar section.
atmosphere is the solar wind. Thermal escape is the INSTRUMENTATION
most rapid loss mechanism for light gases (hydrogen
and helium). For heavier gases, photoionization fol- Identification of gas molecules in the lunar atmo-
lowed by acceleration by the solar wind electric field sphere by species and determination of concentra-
accounts for most of the loss. More detailed descrip- tions are accomplished by a miniature magnetic-
tions of the formation and lo.'_ mechanisms of the deflection mass spectrometer. Gas molecules entering
lunar atmosphere are given in references 17-1 to 17-4. the instrument aperture are ionized by an electron
The Apollo 14 and 15 cold cathode gage experi- bombardment ion source, collimated into a beam,
and sent through a magnetic analyzer to the detector
aThe University of Texas at Dallas. system.
bNASA Lyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter. The ion source contains two tungsten (with 1
tPdneipal Investigator. percent rhenium) filaments, selectable by command,


with embedded resistors, are mounted in the ion

source, enabling its temperature to be raised to 520 K
for in situ outgassing. The gas entrance is pointed
upward and has a dust trap around the source region
that precludes the possibility of dust falling into the
source itself.
Voltage scan of the mass spectrum is accomplished
by a high-voltage stepping power supply. The ion-
accelerating voltage (sweep voltage) is varied in a
stepwise manner through 1330 steps from 320 to
1420 V with a dwell time of 0.6 sec/step. Each step is
synchronized to a main frame of the telemetry
format. Ten steps of background counts (zero sweep
voltage) and 10 steps of an internal calibration
frequency are inserted between sweeps, making a
total of 1350 steps/spectrum. The sweep time is 13.5
In an alternate mode, the sweep voltage may be
commanded to lock on to any of the 1350 steps,
enabling the instrument to monitor continuously any
given mass number peak in the spectrum with a time
FIGURE 17-1.-The LACE deployed on the Moon. The resolution of 0.6 sec/sample. A one-step advance
entrance aperture covered by a nylon dust screen is at the command is also available. The lock mode permits
lower right corner of the instrument. The mass analyzer is high time resolution monitoring of mass peaks that
mounted behind the front cover with the electronics in a may be suspected to be of volcanic origin.
box to the rear. The white dust cover on top protects the The sweep step number, being a function of the
mirrored surface during mission activities and LSPE ion-accelerating voltage, is directly related to ion mass
explosive package detonations. The instrument package
measures 34 by 32 by 17 cm and weighs9.1 kg. The cable number. Each sweep step number, in turn, is uniquely
connecting the spectrometer to the central station is at related to a main frame telemetry word. Therefore,
the bottom of the photograph (AS17-134-20498). word position in the telemetry format serves as the
identifier of atomic mass number in the spectrum.
as electron emitters. In the normal mode of opera- Ions accelerated from the source region by the
tion, the fixed mode, the electron bombardment sweep voltage are collimated into a beam and directed
energy is fixed at 70 eV with the electron emission through a magnetic field of 0.43 T. Three allowed
current regulated at 250 _A. This produces a sensiti- trajectories (of radii 1.21,4.20, and 6.35 cm) through
vity to nitrogen of 5 X 10-5 A/torr, sufficient to the magnetic field region define the locations of three
measure concentrations of gas species in the 1 X collector slits. Figure 17-2 is a schematic drawing of
10-15-torr range. An alternate mode, the cyclic the analyzer showing the major parts and the three
mode, provides four different electron energies (70, ion beam trajectories. Thus, three mass ranges are
27, 20, and 18 eV) that are cycled by successive scanned simultaneously, namely 1 to 4, 12 to 48, and
sweeps of the mass spectrum. Identification of gases 27.4 to 110 amu, termed low-, mid-, and high-mass
in a complex mass spectrum is greatly aided when the ranges, respectively. The advantage of a triple-channel
spectra are taken at several different electron ioniza- analyzer is that a wide mass range may be scanned by
tion energies because the cracking patterns of corn- a relatively narrow voltage excursion. Also, the mid-
plex molecules are strongly dependent on the born- and high-mass ranges are so related that mass 28 and
bardment electron energy. Also, at low energy, many 64 peaks are detected simultaneously. Therefore, in
gas species are eliminated from the spectrum, thus the lock mode, carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur
greatly simplifying the task of identifying parent dioxide (SO2), which may be candidates for volcanic
molecules, gases, can be monitored simultaneously.
Two small heaters, consisting of ceramic blocks Resolution of the analyzer is set at approximately

Electron Inletplenum "'--. Housekeeping circuits monitor 15 functions within
multipliers.. Breakseal..... "--..... the instrument (supply voltages, filament current,
; ,, --.. 10nsource.... "'-.c-:-!'Sk_ emission current, sweep voltage, and several tempera-
, , 4. n,,,+,h_ "_" [ tures). One temperature sensor monitors the ion
• ,, ..... - ...... [ I
; x • Lowmass ""r'_ /
...... -L] source temperature; this value is used in data reduc-
,, ",, lt0 4 ainu---_ _.._ _ tion. Housekeeping words are subcommutated, one
] Midmass _ __ each 90 main frames, thus requiring a fun spectral
/ 12to48amu........... _;cantime to read each monitor once.

]" 10 '_•
/ The mass spectrometer analyzer, magnet, ion

I"1 " ._/
J ++meo,
,;ource, and detectors are mounted on a baseplate that

27.4t0110amu L"_/'/ housing as

aperture, shown
which in figure
was sealed by a1%1. Thecapentrance
ceramic until it
" was opened by the crewman, points upward, enabling
(0.43T) the downward flux of gas molecules to be measured.
Behind the baseplate is a thermally controlled box
FIGURE 17-2.-Schematic diagram of' mass analyzer. An ion containing the electronics. The top of the box has a
beam is the
entering formed
inlet in the ion
plenum sourceThroe
aperture. from ion
molecules lnirrored surface covered by a dust cover that was
are shown through the magnet. Electron multipliersserve commanded open after the last lunar seismic profiling
as charge amplifiers. An ion pump is used to check the experiment (LSPE) explosive package was detonated,
internal analyzer pressure before application of high 6 days after deployment. An arrow and bubble level
voltage to the ion source or the electron multiplier on top of the package aided in proper deployment of
electrodes, the instrument.
100 for the high-mass channel at mass 82. This is Calibration of the instrument was performed at
def'med as less than a 1-percent valley between peaks the NASA Langley Research Center (LRC) in a
of equal amplitude at mass 82 and 83. Krypton is manner similar to that of the lunar orbital mass
used to verify the resolution, spectrometers flown on the Apollo 15 and 16
Standard ion-counting techniques employing elec- missions (ref. 17-6). A molecular beam apparatus
tron multipliers, pulse amplifiers, discriminators, and produces a beam of known flux in a liquid helium
counters are used, one system for each mass range, cryochamber. The instrument entrance aperture inter-
The number of counts accumulated per voltage step cepts the beam at one end of the chamber. With
(0.6 sec) for each channel is stored in 21-bit _mown beam flux andionsource temperature,instru-
accumulators until sampled by the telemetry system, ment calibration coefficients are determined. Varia-
Just before interrogation, the 21-bit word is con- tion of gas pressure in the molecular beam source
verted to a floating point number in base 2, reducing chamber behind a porous silicate glass plug varies the
the data to a lO-bit word, consisting of a 6-bit beam flux and provides a test of the linearity of the
number and a 4-bit multiplier. This scheme maintains i_strument response. Good linearity was achieved to
7-bit accuracy (1 percent) throughout the 21-bit as high as 5 X l0 s counts/see, where the onset of
(2 × 106) range of data counts, counter saturation occurs.
Electron multiplier gains may be adjusted by Calibrations were done with a number of gases
command to a high or low value, differing by an that may be candidates for ambient lunar gases; for
order of magnitude. Likewise, the discriminator example, argon, carbon dioxide (CO), CO, krypton,
threshold level may be set at high or low (6-dB "
neon, mtrogen, and hydrogen. Because2 helium
. . not
change) by command. The high level is u_d most of cryopumped at the wall temperature, no b.elium beam
the time because it tends to minimize a spurious can be formed in the chamber; therefore, helium
background noise that occurs toward the high-voltage calibrations are not possible with this system. Sensiti-
end of the mass ranges. The internal calibration vity to helium was determined in the ultrahigh
frequency read between each spectral scan verifies the vacuum chamber at the University of Texas at Dallas
operation of the counter system, the discrimination using the LRC absolute argon calibration of the
level, and the data compression circuits, instrument as a standard for calibrating an ionization

pressure gage. The gage calibration for helium was each channel. All the data presented in this section
subsequently inferred from the ratio of ionization have been obtained from quick-look charts such as
cross sections for helium and argon (ref. 17-7). The figure 17-3 and are considered preliminary at this
resulting helium sensitivity is the ratio of the call- time.
brated gage pressure to the helium counting rate. Each of the major peaks in the spectrum in figure
17-3 _ be discussed in turn and will be given a
tentative identification, which is essential in trying to
determine its origin (native or artifact). Although
Operation of the instrument commenced approxi- many of the mass peaks observed undoubtedly arise
mately 50 hr after the first sunset after deployment from outgassing of the instrument or other materials
(16 days). Performance was very good in general. All at the landing site, three gases have been identified
housekeeping monitors were nominal, and data were that are believed native to the Moon-helium, neon,
recorded on all three mass channels. Figure 17-3 is an and argon.
example of a typical "quick look" nighttime spec- Peaks at mass 1, 2, and 4 are identifiable in the
trum recorded on a strip chart recorder in real time low-mass channel. Mass 1, atomic hydrogen, is almost
near the antisolar point during the third lunar night, certainly due to dissociation of artifact hydrocarbon
Time, which is equivalent to voltage step number and molecules and other hydrogen compounds, including
related to atomic mass number, is plotted against the molecular hydrogen, in the ion source. Mass 2,
counting rate. Principal peaks are identified by mass molecular hydrogen, results largely from outgassing
number. The large-amplitude square pulse at the of the ion source, as it is steadily decreasing with
beginning and end of the spectrum in each channel is time. Eventually, a stable hydrogen peak may appear
the internal calibration pulse; it is preceded by a zero that will then probably be truly lunar hydrogen.

vapor. Even in the daytime, the mass 18 peak is not Hydrocarbon peaks at this time are all near zero
large relative to other peaks. Art upper limit of 2 X amplitude. Native argon-40 (4°Ar) has been identified
l0 T water molecules/cm 3 has beenestablishedforthe at other times and its diurnal behavior will be
second lunar day, which indicates that little water discussed later. Mass 44 is CO2, thought to originate
vapor is present at the site. :primarily from outgassing of the instrument. The
Mass 19 being a dominant peak is a puzzle. The _remaining mid-mass peaks are mainly hydrocarbons
H30 + ion is precluded because of the small H20 ]principally from outgassing of the ion source.
peak. Fluorine is the only other possibility. This The high-mass range spectrum duplicates the mid
implies that much of the mass 20 peak may be _nge below mass 44. Additional peaks of significant
hydrogen fluoride (HF) instead of neon. The mass 20 amplitude are the group near mass 61 and peaks at
peak issmaller thanthe mass 19 peakbya factor of 3 _naass78 and 85 that, as yet, are unidentified. The
at night and larger by the same factor in the daytime, latter two are continuing to decrease in amplitude
The origin of the fluorine is unknown, bat possibili- ,Mth time and are not considered significant. The
ties are the outgassing of solvents used in cleaning the unresolved set of peaks from 91 to 93.5 amu is
instrument before flight, the outgassing of other probably doubly charged species in the mass 182 to
warm areas of the site (e.g., instruments, the central 1187 range that are the isotopes of tungsten and
station, or the radioisotope thermoelectric generator), rhenium, originating from vaporization of the fila-
or the natural degassing of the lunar materials. To ment. The group near mass 61 may be triply charged
study the neon question further, the temperature of tungsten and rhenium. At this measured vaporization
the ion source was reduced from 270 K several times rote (concentration of 1 X 103 molecnles/cm 3), the
during the lunar night by turning off the fliament for useful fliament lifetime is estimated at 10 yr. The
periods of approximately 30 min. Reactiwttion of the remaining peaks are again thought to be artifact
filament just before scanning the mass 20 to 22 range hydrocarbons.
revealed stable, net mass 20 and 22 peaks with an Figure 17-4 is a reduced spectrum derived from
amplitude ratio of approximately 13, in close agree- law data by subtracting from each peak amplitude
ment with the solar wind isotopic ratio of neon the counts in the adjacent valleys due to background
determined by Geiss et al. (ref. 17-9). The mass 44 noise and scattered ions. Small-angle scattering of
peak was not large enough at the: time to contribute ions from neutrals in the mass spectrometer is a
significantly to the mass 22 peak as a doubly ionized strong function of pressure but does occur to some
species. A neon concentration of 7 × 10a molecules]
cm 3 results, which is a factor of 20 less than that
predicted by Johnson et al. (ref. 17-2). 103_
The mass 28 peak is probably nitrogen or possibly
CO, and mass 32 corresponds to oxygen. These will
be discussed subsequently. Peaks at mass 35, 36, 37,
and 38 fall into the same category as mass 19 and 20, _}102-
most likely being chlorine and hydrogen chloride _:
(HC1). The mass 35 to 37 ratio corresponds to the "_!

I i,
the origin of the chlorine is undetermined but is _110 -
likely the same as that of fluorine. The ion source _'
temperature reduction test was conducted for the
mass 36 and 40 range also. The mass 36 and 38 peaks [
terrestrial chiorine isotopic ratio. As with fluorine, "_! 1 I I I I I I
decreased to essentially zero; the mass 40 peak also 10° _ 10 20 30 40 5_0 60 70 80 90 100
was essentially zero, indicating a late night upper Atomicmass number
limit for any of the argon isotopes less than 200
molecules/cm a . These tests indicate that the forma- FIGURE 17-4.-Reduced spectrum taken 100 hr before
sunrise of the third lunar night after deployment
tion of HF and HC1 is strongly temperature depen- (16:30:00 G.m.t., Mar. 5, 1973). The solarzenith angleis
dent and may arise from a reaction with hydrogen in 140°. Corrections have been applied for background
the ion source H2 + F2 = 2HF or H2 + C12 = 2HC1. counting rates.

extent in daytime data where the peak amplitudes are 105

very large, that is, more than 1 × l0 s counts/main
frame in some cases. However, the corrections from
scattering are typically less than 5 percent and

amplitudes at this stage of data analysis is estimated

to be +30 percent with some of the very small peaks
having an uncertainty of a factor of 2. Most of the
error comes from using the quick-look-type charts as
the data source. The data are shown as counts/main -_°104
frame as a function of atomic mass number. Differ- E= /zx
ences between
frequently the mid-
less than and high-mass
1 percent. overlapping
The accuracy of peak _ / ll_//c¢'__z_
I / 0 Eirstlunalion h\
ranges are removed by averaging. Counting rates / zx Sec0ndlunati0n _\
(see--1) can be obtained by multiplying each peak III -- LACE operating \_,
is data frombythe1.65.
thirdThe example
lunar night, given
a few in figure days
calendar 17-4 _ -- LACEn0t0perating _:_O
later than the spectrum of figure 17-3. At this time,

the ion source temperature had been reduced from its I I I [ [ I J

normal operating level of 270 K to near 200 K by 10: -45 -q0 -1135 180 135 90 45 0
turning the ion source off for approximately 30 min Sunset Midnight Sunrise
before the measurement. Solarzenithangle,deg
The minimum nighttime total gas concentration
observed to date is 4.6 × l0 s molecules/cm 3, of FIGURE 17-5.-Diurnal variation of 4He. Concentration is
plotted as a function of solar zenith anglewith nighttime
which nearly 20 percent is hydrogen and 25 percent in the center of the figure. The distribution is typical for a
is mass 19, both of which are believed to be artifact, noncondensable gas.
In addition, neon and helium, both believed to be
native, exist at the 15-percent level. The total gas the very low level of the daytime helium (only three
concentration at noon of the second lunation is data counts after a correction for residual helium
4 × 10s molecules/cm 3 , of which 25 percent is within the instrument is made based on preflight
hydrogen and 7 percent is mass 36 (HC1), with the measurements of the helium and hydrogen ratio of
remaining peaks all lower in abundance. Water vapor laboratory spectra), the night-to-day ratio of helium
is 5 percent of the total. All the large peaks are can only be roughly estimated to be in the range of
believed to be dominated by outgassing of the 15to30. This distribution is generally what would be
instrument, the LM, the landing site, and so forth,in expected of a noncondensable gas; that is, one that
the heat of the day. does not freeze out at the lunar nighttime tempera-
Diurnal variation of helium-4 (4 He) is shown in ture of 85 to 90 K (ref. 17-5).
figure 17-5, starting with first activation of the The present measurement agrees with the daytime
instrument on December 27 at a solar zenith angle of helium concentration of 3 × 103 molecules/cm 3 pre-
-155 °. Time progresses to the right through the lunar dicted by Johnson et al. (ref. 17-2). Hodges et al. (ref.
night and into the day. The first lunation continues 17-8) have done a Monte Carlo calculation of the
to sunset (--90°). The complete second lunation is distribution of solar wind helium around the Moon
also shown ending at sunset (Feb. 22, 1973). The and found an equatorial night-to-day concentration
dashed curve indicates regions where the instrument ratio of 24, which should be slightly greater than at
was not operating. No significance is attached to the the 20 ° latitude of the instrument location. This
lack of tracking of the two curves because the distribution leads to a theoretical nighttime concen-
differences are within the errors associated with tration of 4.1 X 104 molecnles/cm 3 and a daytime
reading quick-look data. Helium concentration, plot- value of 1.7 × 103 molecules/cm 3 for the same solar
ted along the ordinate, is shown to vary from wind flux used by Johnson et al. (ref. 17-2); that is,
approximately 2 X 103 molecules/cm 3 at lunar noon 1.3 X 107 molecules/cm 2/sec. These values are in
to 4 × 104 molecules/cm 3 near midnight. Because of good agreement with the measurements, considering

the large variability of the solar wind flux (ref. 106 :.

17-10). i /
- .z3
The helium nighttime maximum occmring signifi- • / ,'_
cantly before dawn (the coldest surface temperature _ :
occurs just before dawn) indicates that, because of ////"
the large-scale size of the helium trajectory (115 km 1°'_ _" ;/
at night), significant helimn is lost from predawn and Carbondioxide
postsunset to the day side, from which thermal _:
escape is a rapid loss mechanism. _ ""
The 4°Ar diurnal distribution is shown in figure _ 104 Secondlunati0n
17-6. The coordinates are similar to those of figure _! 40Ar
17-5. The difference between the nighttime mini- _
mums of the three lunations is believed to be due to a

with time. decrease in outgassing
A significant feature is ofthethe instrument
large predawn 103 o Firstlunati0n
z_ Secondlunati0r /It4°Ar
13 Thirdlunation I
increase in concentration. The very low, late night --LACE operating
concentration of less than 200 molecules/cm a (which --- LACE not operating l
must be considered to be an upper limit of 4°Ar i
because the peak amplitude is essentially zero) 1020 -45 -90 -135 1 90 45 0
indicates that it is a condensable gas and freezes out Sunset Midnight Sunrise
as the surface temperature falls below its freezing Solarzenithangle,dog
point. As the dawn terminator approaches the site FIGURE 17-6. Diurnal variation of 4OAr.Coordinates are
but before any local heating occurs, the 4°Ar peak similar to those of figure 17-5. Predawn enhancement
increase is due to argon being released from the suggests boiloff of condensed gas from the warm ap-
warming surface and traveling several scale heights pzoaching terminator region. Daytime increases ate due to
into the night side before being adsorbed by the lunar outgassing of hydrocarbon gasesfrom the instrument, the
surface. The only other peak that eMfibits this LM, and ofthea gas
example landing site. Carbon dioxide
not showingpredawn is shown as an
marked behavior is mass 36, probably 36Ar. When the
terminator passes the site and rapid local heating
occurs, outgassing of hydrocarbon peaks dominates ture, is also given in figure 17-6. This peak shows no
the argon contribution to mass 40. The trough just predawn enhancement but does show a very sharp
after 90 ° may be due to local depletion of argon from increase at local sunrise and a similarly sharp decrease
the surface all along the terminator. The trough is at sunset. Because the instrnment is located in the
visible because of the delay in local sunrise after Taurus-Littrow valley, local sunrise occurs nearly 8 hr
terminator crossing due to topographical conditions, after terminator crossing of the site longitude; local
It may be expected that the argon concentration sunset occurs approximately 6 hr early. The lag in the
would decrease slowly during the day until the onset CO2 decrease beyond sunset very likely results from a
of the rapid decrease after sunset. This would reflect thermal lag in the instrument and from other equip-
the typical behavior of a condensable gas. However, ment degassing at the site.
argon may not condense on the surface until late The concentrations of two other gases, nitrogen
night when the temperature reaches its freezing point, mad CO at mass 28 and oxygen (at mass 32), are
The mass 36 peak exhibits a predawn enhance- plotted in figure 17-7. Again, the coordinates are
ment but of a magnitude less than 10 percent of that similar to those of the two previous figures. The
of the 4°Ar, further supporting the evidence that the behavior closely tracks that of CO2, with no predawn
major contribution to the mass 36 peak is HC1 when enhancement. Oxygen would be expected to freeze
the ion source temperature is at its normal nighttime out at night more readily than argon because its
equilibrium value of 270 K. An upper limit for 36Ar treezing point is several degrees higher than that of
at night is 200 molecnles/cm 3 . AS a comparison, the argon, and the ion source temperature reduction tests
diurnal concentration of CO2 (44 amu), which is a indeed showed a zero amplitude peak for mass 32.
condensable gas at the night lunar surface tempera- The conclusion is that essentially all the oxygen is

artifact, and an upper limit on the lunar oxygen is in maximum concentration at night. However, it is
the low 102 molecules/cm a range, believed that the concentration of 3 X 104 mole-
Conversely, mass 28, whether it is nitrogen or CO eules]cm 3 is still at least partially artifact because of
(no distinction is made at this time), would not the large decrease (a factor of 4) from the first
condense at night temperatures and should have its lunation to the second. This appears to be merely an
outgassing rate decrease. Perhaps several lunations
10sE hence, the value may stabilize and mass 28 will

L \

become a candidate for a native gas.

the first three
10 7 i._, *'_' --- LACE
notoperating ,._'_ From the data obtained during
E __ lunations after deployment of the LACE instrument,
x xMass28 three gases-helium, neon, and argon-have been
Mass32\_ identified as being native to the lunar atmosphere. A
-_ gases compared with several predictions is presented
E in table 17-I. The helium concentrations and the
- \I summary of the measured concentrations of these
diurnal ratio are in excellent agreement with predic-
tions based on the solar wind as a source, indicating
105 _ that the basic tenets of the theory of a noncondens-
_:_cr-ca:x-,cx,.Mass28 able gas are correct. However, the neon measured
_- <_-_ _ _-_ M_a_'-_'"_-- concentration is a factor of 20 below predictions,
r- _ indicating possibly some adsorption or retention on
104i , I I I I I the night side of the Moon. If true, this phenomenon
-45 -90 -135 180 135 90 45 0 is unexpected because of the very low freezing
Sunset Midnight Sunrise temperature (27 K) of neon. The Apollo 16 lunar
Solar zenithangle, deg orbital mass spectrometer experiment (ref. 17-I 1) did
FIGURE 17-7.-Mass 28 (nitrogen and carbon monoxide) detect neon on the night side near the sunset
and mass 32 (oxygen) concentrations as a function of terminator at a concentration approximately 1 X l0 s
solar zenith angle during the second lunation, molecules/cm 3. This is approximately a factor of less

TABLE 17-I.-Concentrations of Gases Determined from Current Lunar Mass Spectrometer Data,
Cold Cathode Gage Data, and Predictions

Mass spectrometer data, Cold cathode gage data, Predicted data,

Gas m°lecules/cma m°lecules/cm3 m°lecules/cma

Day Night Day Night Day Night

Hydrogen (H2) 1 × 10 a 1 X l0 s a3.6 X 10 a a2.3 X 10 4

J b3 X 10 a
Helium 2 X 10 3 4 X 10 4 _al.7 X 10 3 a4.1 X 10'
Neon c7 X 10" b5 X 10 a bl.3 X 10 6
a6Ar c2 X 10 3 b3 X 10 2 b 8 X 10 3
4°Ar c2 X 103

dTotal 4 X 108 4.6 X l0 s 1 X 10_ 2 X 10s

apredicted by R. R. Hod_es,Jr., in unpublished data.

bReference 17-2.
CUpperlimit; argon freezes out at night.
dTotal gas concentrations from mass spectrometer during second lunar day and third lunar night after deployment; from
cold cathode gageafter 10 lunations.

than 2 higher than the present value and :iswithin the Bendix Aerospace Corporation who contributed to the
experimental errors of the measurements. This dis- success of this experiment. Major contributions to the design,
fabrication, and testing of the mass spectrometer were made
crepancy between theory and measurement for neon
by many of the personnel at the University of Texas at
is a serious problem and is one of the major tasks to Dallas.
be considered in the future.
Argon appears to be adsorbed on the late night
(coldest) part of the lunar surface as none of its R E F E R EN CES
isotopes are detected at this time. A significant
predawn enhancement of 4oAr indicates a release of 17-1. Johnson, F. S.: Lunar Atmosphere. Rev. Geophys.
Space Phys., vol. 9, no. 3, Aug. 1971, pp. 81%823.
the gas from the warm approaching terminator 17-2. Johnson, Francis S.; Carroll, James J.; and Evans,
region. The arAr and aSAr are masked by HC1 peaks Dallas E.: Lunar Atmosphere Measurements. Proceedings
at this time. Future presunrise tests with a cooled ion of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press
source should reveal the actual amounts of 36Ar and (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 2231-2242.
17-3. Hoffman, J. H.; Hedges, R. R., Jr.; and Evans, D. E.:
3SAr. Clearly, argon does not behave as a noncon- Lunar Orbital Mass Spectrometer Experiment. Proceed-
densable gas and, therefore, cannot be compared to ings of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT
predictions. Furthermore, 4°At probably results Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 2205-2216.
mainly from potassium-40 decay and subsequent 17-4. Siscoe, G. L.; and Mukherjoe, N. R.: Upper Limits on
"weathering" of lunar surface materials, so its pres- the Lunar Atmosphere Determined From Solar Wind
Measurements. J. Geophys. Res., voL 77, no. 31, Nov. 1,
ence is evidence of a truly native lunar gas. 1972, pp. 6042-6051.
The remaining peaks of the spectra are all consid- 17-5. Hedges, R. R., Jr.; and Johnson, F. S.: Lateral
ered to be dominated by artifact gases at this time. Transport in Planetary Exospheres. J. Geophys. Res., vol.
The total nighttime gas density of 4.6 × l0 s mole- 73, no. 23, Dec. 1, 1968, pp. 7307-7317.
cules/cm a is a factor of 2 higher than the measured 17-6. Hoffman, J. I-I.; I-Iodges, R. R.; and Evans, D. E.:
values from the Apollo 14 and 15 cold cathode gage Lunar Orbital
Apollo Mass Spectrometer
15 Preliminary Experiment.
Science Report. NASASec. 19 of
experiments. This is not surprising (notwithstanding 1972.
errors in calibration of both instruments)because the 17-7. Yon Ardenne, Manfred: Tabenen der Elektronen-
mass spectrometer ion source is warmer than the cold physik Ionenphysik und Ubermikroskopie. Vol, 1, Deut-
discharge source of the gage and therefore would have sober Verlag der Wissensehaften (Berlin), 1956, p. 488.
a higher outgassing rate. However, the residual being 17-8. Hedges,
D. R.
E.: R.,Composition
Jr.; Hoffman, and
J. H.; Johnson, F.
of S.; and
Evans, Dynamics Lunar
measured by both instruments is clearly not entirely Atmosphere. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented
neon but a multitude of gases, including helium, at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.),
As the instrument, the LM, and the landing site Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 374-375.
continue to be cleansed in the high daytime tempera- 17-9. Geiss, J.; Buelder, F.; Cerutti, H.; Eberhardt, P.; and
tures, the passage of several more lunations should Filieux, Ch.: Solar
16 Wind Composition
ScienceExperiment. Sec.
14 of Apollo Preliminary Report. NASA
produce much cleaner spectra and yield more def'mi- sP-315, 1972.
rive data on concentrations of true lunar gases or, at a t7-10. Hundhausen, A. J.; Bame, S. 14 Asbridge, 1. R.; and
minimum, reduce the upper limits now determined. Sydodak, S. J.: Solar Wind Proton Properties: Vela 3
Observations from July 1965 to June 1967. J. Geophys.
Res., vok 75, no. 25, Sept. 1, 1970, pp. 464%4657.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 17-11. Hedges, R. R.; Hoffman, J. H.; and Evans, D. E.:
Lunar Orbital Mass Spectrometer Experiment. Sec. 21 of
The authors wish to express their appreciation to the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
many people at the University of Texas at Dallas and at the 1972.
18. Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment
Dorothy S. Woolum, a D. S. Burnett, a_ and C. A. Bauman ,a

Primary cosmic ray protons incident on the lunar data, and, for this reason, the lunar neutron probe
surface interact with lunar material by means of experiment (LNPE) was performed. The LNPE was
nuclear reactions, which produce neutrons as secon- designed to obtain a direct in situ experimental
dary products. The initial investigations of the Apollo measurement of neutron capture rates as a function
11 samples (ref. 18-1) showed that gadolinium in of depth in the regolith, as well as to retrieve some
lunar materials contained isotopic wlriations that information about the energy distribution of the
could be unambiguously ascribed to neutron capture, equilibrium neutron flux.
Such a record of neutron bombardment had not been This section contains a complete description of
observed previously in natural samples, either ter- the lunar neutron probe and a preliminary account of
restrial or meteoritic, because, unlike meteorites, the data obtained to date. Preliminary results also
lunar samples are materials from a large body that is have appeared in the abstracts for the Fourth Lunar
capable of developing an appreciable secondary flux Science Conference (ref. 18-17). All data processing
of low-energy (< 1 eV) neutrons, and because, unlike for the LNPE occurs after the return of the instru-
the Earth, the Moon has no thick overlaying atmo- ment to Earth, and complete processing of the data
sphere to protect the surface materials from neutron will require several more months. The account con-
exposure. Since the Apollo 11 mission, neutron tained in this section should be viewed as a progress
capture on samarium-149 (149Sm) (ref. 18-2), report on the first stages of data processing.
europium-151 (ref. 18-3), bromine-79 (79Br) and
bromine 81 (ref. 18-4, (barium-130 (l_°Ba)(refs. EXPERIMENT DESCRIPTION
18-5 to 18-9), tungsten-186 (ref. 18-10), cobalt-59
(ref. 18-11), and calcium-40 (ref. 18-12) also has been Principle oI Neutron Detection
observed with fluences (time-integrated fluxes) that
range from < 1 X 10 is to 1 X 1017 neutrons/cm 2. The LNPE is in the form of a rod that is inserted
These data have been used to determine regolith into the lunar regolith to permit the measurement of
mixing rates and depths, depths of h:radiation for neutron capture rates to a depth of 2 m. The LNPE
lunar rocks, and accumulation rates and deposition contained two passive particle-track-detector systems:
times for core samples (refs. 18-1 to 18-7, 18-13, and (1) cellulose triacetate plastic (Triafol TN) detectors
18-14). However, all these conclusions depend on were used in conjunction with boron-10 (1o B) targets
knowing the equilibrium neutron energy spectrum, to record the alpha particles emitted by neutron
the neutron flux as a function of depth in the capture on l°B; and (2) muscovite mica detectors
regolith, and the absolute rate of neutron production, were used to detect the fission fragments resulting
Until recently, only the theoretical calculations of from neutron-induced fission in uranium-235 (23sU)
Lingenfelter et al. (ref. 18-15)and Armstrong and targets. In addition, 0.46-mm-thick cadmium ab-
Alsmiller (ref. 18-16) have provided estimates for sorbers were included at two locations in order to
these quantities. These calculations were of sufficient obtain information about the neutron energy spec-
complexity that it was not possible to be fully trum. The cadmium strongly absorbs neutrons that
confident of the interpretation of the lunar sample have energies below 0.35 eV; consequently, only the
fraction of the neutron population above this energy
acalifornia Institute of Technology. will be measured at these locations. Further spectral
"_Principallnvestigator. information will be available from analyses of


krypton-80 and krypton-82 produced by bromine

neutron capture in potassium bromide (KBr) con-
tained in three evacuated capsules inserted in the
probe. The bromine neutron capture occurs at ener-
gies (10 to 100 eV) that are significantly higher than
those for 23sU and l°B. Krypton analyses will be
performed by Marti and Osborne of the University of
California (San Diego), and results will appear sepa-

Instrument Description

The LNPE was taken to the Moon in a deactivated

mode, activated and deployed during the first period
of extravehicular activity (EVA-I), then deactivated
at the end of EVA-3 and returned to Earth for
processing of the track detector materials. Figure
18-1 is a schematic, cross-sectional view of the lunar
neutron probe showing the layout of the target-
detector systems and illustrating the mechanism of
activation and deactivation. The I°B targets are
mounted on one-half of the outer circumference of a

...-'235U f0il coveringwindow....

_ detector _
Activated Deactivated

IIFITI1Mica _ Centralrod

Boron _ Rib cage

FIGURE 18-1.-A schematic, cross-sectional view of the
lunar neutron probe, illustrating the disposition of the
targets and detectors in the activated (on) and deactivated
(off) modes. The boron targets and mica detectors are
mounted on the central rod; the plastic detectors and
uranium targets are mounted on the rib cage. When
activated, the targets face their respective detectors; when
deactivated, the target and detector systems are 180 ° out
of alinement.

FIGURE 18-2.-A portion of the central rod, showing the

boron target half cylinders mounted on it. The dark,
circular area contains one of the uranium-238 (238U)
metal disks masked to a diameter of approximately 1 mm.
The 23sU was used to provide fiducial marks in the plastic
detectors for verifying activation and deactivation. The
boron targets are 7.5 cm long.

central rod (fig. 18-2). The mica detectors are fixed

on flats milled on the opposite side of the central rod
(fig. 18-3). Concentric with and surrounding the
central rod is an open, cylindrical frame structure (rib
cage) around which sheets of the plastic detector are
wrapped. The 23sU targets are mounted in discrete
positions over windows in the rib cage (fig. 18-4). A
continuous, black-anodized tube (not shown in fig.
18-1) is used as a casing to enclose and protect the
target-detector systems.
The probe is activated and deactivated by a 180 °
rotation of the central rod with respect to the rib
cage (fig. 18-1). In the activated configuration, the
uranium-mica and the boron-plastic target-detector
pairs are brought into alinement. In the deactivated
configuration, the uranium and boron targets are
adjacent and the mica and plastic detectors likewise.
In the latter configuration, particles emitted from the
target surfaces cannot enter the respective detectors;
thus, the probe is deactivated. The activation and
deactivation mechanism was necessary to prevent the
accumulation of background events from neutrons
produced by cosmic ray interactions in the spacecraft
and by the plutonium-238 power source for the
Apollo lunar surface experiments package (ALSEP),
the radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG),
which is a strong neutron source (_7 × 107
Figure 18-5 is a schematic, cutaway view of the
LNPE showing the manner in which the various
detectors were deployed along the length of the
probe. For reference, the theoretically predicted
depth (in units of grams per square centimeter)
profile of the neutron capture rate is plotted. To
permit accurate definition of the flux profile, the
length of the probe was chosen to be 12m, a depth
which is well below the theoretically predicted peak
of the profile (_ 150 g/cm2). The boron-plastic
detection system was essentially continuous along the
full length of the probe. As shown in figure 18-5, 16
uranium targets and mica detectors were mounted at
eight discrete locations along the probe. The

FIGURE 18-3.-A photograph of two rectangular mica

detectors mounted on fiats in the central rod. The mica
detectors are 1.8 cm long. Also included at this location is
one of the circular temperature sensors.None of the four
circular indicators had turned black, indicating that the
temperature never exceeded 333 K. The photograph was
taken during the photodocumentation of the LNPEafter
the Apollo 17 mission.

FIGURE 18-4.-A portion of the rib cage during the early

stages of the assembly of the probe, before the mounting
of the plastic detectors. Visible are one of the open
windows and a window covered with a _su metal target
that has, in turn, been completely covered with aluminum
foil to prevent the re_stration of alpha particles in the
plastic detectors when they are wrapped onto the fib
cage, The windows are 1.2 cm long.

uranium-mica target-detector pairs were mounted

with uniform separations in the lower half of the
probe but were closely spaced and concentrated
toward the top in the upper half of the probe. This
arrangement was chosen for two reasons. First, the
temperature of the probe was expected to be highest
near the surface, and the investigators were concerned
about thermal annealing of the tracks in the plastic
detectors. Fission tracks in mica are not annealed
even at peak lunar surface temperatures; thus, if data
were lost in the plastic at the top of the probe, the
mica data would still provide the near-surface record.
Second, from theoretical predictions, the lowest track
densities were expected near the surface, and results
from the Apollo 16 cosmic ray experiment (ref.
18-18) suggested that these densities might be quite

,-_ x 103 LNPEhandle Theoretical


' UpperLNPE
[_== == == = _¢,*'Aml ?== == == = =1_,-_'=

i== 235U-micadetectionsystem
* 238Ufiducialsystem
FIGURE 18-5.-A schematic view of the lunar neutron probe
showing how the various targets and detectors are
distributed with depth and including the theoretically
predicted t_ack density versus depth curve. The I°B
targets and plastic detectors (not shown) are essentially
continuous along the entire length of the probe.

low. At such densities, mica detectors give more

reliable results than plastic detectors.
Also displayed in figure 18-5 are the locations of
the two cadmium absorbers near the bottom and
middle of the probe. A 0.46-ram-thick cadmium sheet
was wrapped around the rib cage over the plastic
detector at each site (fig. 18-6). The evacuated KBr
capsules were inserted at the top, middle, and bottom
of the probe, as shown. In addition, three point
sources of uranium-238 (23su') were mounted near
the bottom, middle, and top of the probe in flats
:milled on the side of the central rod on which the l°B
targets were mounted (fig. 18-2). The reason for
including the point sources was twofold. The alpha
particles emitted by these point (1 to 2 mm) sources
registered in the plastic detectors only while the
probe was activated and thus provided fiducial marks
From which the proper activation of the probe can be
verified. Also, from the track densities and the
appearance (length, width, etc.) of the 238U alpha-
particle tracks, it will be possible to determine
whether the tracks in the plastic detectors have been
thermally annealed during and after the activation
and the lunar surface exposure.
In wrapping the plastic sheets on the rib cage, an
overlapping second layer was placed over the window
areas, primarily to secure the plastic to the rib cage
better. Because the second layer is never exposed to
any of the targets, however, four small portions of
plastic in this outer layer were preirradiated with a
known dose of 238U alpha particles to provide an
additional check on thermal annealing in the plastic.
Further, the areas of the plastic detectors in this
second layer that are not preirradiated provide a
continuous record of background events resulting
from cosmic rays and tracks produced by nuclear
interactions (recoils) of the RTG fast neutrons with
the plastic. Based on analyses of small pieces of the
Triafol TN plastic carried on the Apollo 15 space-
craft, the background from cosmic ray alpha particles
and heavy ions was expected to be negligible. The
Apollo 16 cosmic ray experiment results had sug-
gested that the plastic would register tracks from
fast-neutron interactions (ref. 18-18). Separate ex-
periments using both californium-252 and

FIGURE 18-6.-A portion of one of the fully assembled rib

cages. Two plastic detectors and one of the cadmium-
wrapped areas are shown. The cadmium cylinder is 7.5 cm

plutonium-beryllium (Pu-Be) neutron sources have

shown that fast (MeV) neutrons produce tracks with
an efficiency of _ 2 × 10 -6 . For this efficiency, an
RTG fast-neutron background track density of _ 150
tracks/cm 2 is expected in the plastic during the flight
to the lunar surface. This value is not large compared
to predicted t°B alpha-particle track densities
(> 1000 tracks/cm 2).
To provide an actual measurement of the maxi-
mum temperature exposure of the LNPE, tempera-
ture indicators were fastened to flats in the central
rod at four positions along the probe (fig. 18-3). Each
temperature indicator contained four separate
temperature-sensitive compounds that irreversibly
turn black at 140 °, 160°, 180 °, and 200 ° F (333,
344, 355, and 366 K), respectively.
The completely assembled flight unit is shown in ......
figure 18-7. For convenient stowage on the spacg-
craft, the LNPE was fabricated in two 1-m-long
sections that could be activated separately. The upper
section (on the right in fig. 18-7) was activated by
depressing a bar on the large handle at the upper end
and rotating the handle 180 . The lower section was
activated by removing the dust cap at its upper end
and using it as a tool to rotate the central rod. The
center rod was spring loaded to snap into one of two
stable configurations differing by a 180 ° rotation.
After activation, the two sections could be coupled :;_
for deployment by simply screwing the two sections
together. !ii_

Targets and Detectors

The boron targets were prepared with a process _.:_::

especially developed for this experiment. The l°B is
vacuum deposited as metallic boron by the thermal :_
cracking of diborane onto 0.05-mm-tttick tantalum
half cylinders. The deposition temperature was ap-
proximately 1073 K. The l°B targets were made
"infmitely thick"; that is, they were deposited to an
average thickness of 1.4-+ 0.2 mg/cm 2, which is
greater than the range of the 1.6-MeV alpha particles
emitted with neutron capture on _°B. Each target was

FIGURE 18-7.-The assembled flight unit of the lunar

neutron probe. The upper section, with the probe handle
at the top, is on the right. The lower section with its
removable dust cap is on the left. Coupling of the two
sections is accomplished by screwingthe lower and upper
units together after removingthe dust cap. Each section is
approximately 1 m long.

tested individually using a Pu-Be neutron source. The fission tracks in muscovite mica usually is 20 min to 1
thickness and uniformity of several target,,; also were hr, any small, shallow pits left after the preannealing
checked by alpha backscattering techniques using the appear as huge, shallow troughs and cannot be
California Institute of Technology tandem Van de confused with the smaller diameter lunar-
Graaff accelerator, neutron-induced fission tracks. The silver coating was
The 23sU targets were cut from 0.025-ram-thick applied to monitor any possible flaking of the prime
foil sheets of 99-percent enriched 23sU, cleaned in detecting surface of the mica. The coating does not
nitric acid (HNO3), and then coated with a affect the registration properties of the mica.
30-nm-thick layer of silver to prevent oxidation and The techniques used for preparing the detectors
corrosion of the uranium. A film of this thickness fi3r data analysis are standard. The mica detectors are
produces negligible attenuation of the emitted fission f.xst desilvered in a 35-percent solution of HNO3 and
fragments. Alpha-particle counts were determined for then etched in 48 percent HF for 25 min or 1 hr.
each target to verify the relative quality and uni- Data reported in this section are from samples etched
fortuity of the targets used. 25 rain and scanned in an optical microscope at
Experimentation with Triafol TN has shown that 630 X magnification. Samples etched 1 hr have larger
this plastic is somewhat nonuniform in its track tracks and are scanned at a lower (500 X) magnifica-
registration properties. Exposure to monoenergetic tion. When a sample was etched for 25 rain and
accelerated alpha particles indicates an energy regis- counted, then etched further to 1 hr and recounted,
tration interval from _0.25 to 2.5 MeV, which the results agreed within one standard deviation. The
probably applies to most samples. However, some plastic detectors are etched in a bath consisting of
batches of plastic show considerably reduced sensi- five parts 12 percent sodium hypochlorite and seven
tivity, which is critically dependent on whether the parts 6.25N sodium hydroxide at 313 K. The alpha-
irradiations are performed in air or in vacuum. One particle tracks in Triafol TN range only to approxi-
batch in particular will not register alpha particles in raately 4/tm in length and, consequently, are scanned
vacuum but does in air. These phenomena pre- at amagnificationof 1000×.
sumably reflect the critical role played by oxygen in
track formation in plastic. This oxygen influence has
The LNPE Deployment
been studied previously by Monnin (ref. 18-19) and
by Crawford et al. (ref. 18-20). Because of the lack of The deployment of the LNPE was nominal. The
uniformity, the registration properties of representa- LNPE was retrieved from the modularized equipment
tive samples of the plastic used for the flight unit stowage assembly (MESA) where it was stowed and
were determined by using vacuum neutron irradia- was loaded on the lunar roving vehicle at the
tions of the plastic samples exposed to a _°B target, beginning of EVA-1. To prevent overheating, the two
The registration of the plastic was uniform to better sections were kept in a thermal bag during the EVA
than -+ 10 percent over an area of _ 0.3 m 2. Compari- activities before actual deployment. Following the
son of air and vacuum registration shows a small ALSEP deployment, the deep drill corestem sample
vacuum effect, with the vacuum registration effi- was acquired at a site approximately 40 m north (ref.
ciency being less by approximately 12 + 3 percent, i[8-21) of the ALSEP central station and the RTG
Before incorporation into the probe, the plastic power source. After the recovery of the deep core,
and mica detectors were preannealed to remove any the two LNPE sections were removed from the
possible background tracks. Preannealing of the mica thermal bags, activated, coupled, and emplaced in the
was particularly important because muscovite, like deep drill corestem hole. The insertion was made
most natural micas, has a nonnegligible density of after first passing the probe through the hole in the
fossil fission tracks from the spontaneous fission I?readle used for recovering the deep core. The treadle
decay of trace uranium impurities. The mica was was used because, in retrieving the deep core, the top
annealed at 903 K for 3.5 hr; the plastic, at 389 K for of the hole had been widened; thus, the possibility
9 days. In addition to being preannealed, the mica existed that the probe would drop too far into the
was pre-etched 4 hr in 48 percent hydrofluoric acid hole to be retrieved. Full emplacement of the LNPE
(HF) at room temperature and then silver coated was achieved manually. The deployment site was in a
(_ 30 Tun thick). Because normal etching time for :_hallow depression and behind a meter-sized rock,

which should have provided additional shielding from 14o0

the RTG
probe neutrons.
protrudingTo above
overheating, thecovered
surface was top of _ 1200 _ _.,_',_

with the thermal

recovered, bag during
decoupled, exposure.and

accruing 49 hr of exposure.
LNPE was
to -_ 10o0

_ 600
O/_eTheoreticalprofile"" %
the The
module at thereturned
has been very end
to of
the EVA-3, after
investigators __
_, 4o0i / _\

and has been disassembled. The targets and detectors __

are in excellent condition; no flaking was observed in 200
the mica detectors or on the boron targets. Further- ] J I ]
more, the temperature indicators showed that the 1o0 2o0 30o 40o
probe temperature did not reach 333 K. Depth, g/crn2

FIGURE 18-8.-Comparison of the raw fission track data

R ESU LTS from the mica detectors and the neu_zonflux theozetieal
profile (tel. 18-15), which has been normalized to the
measured track density at 150 g/cm 2. The error bars on
Depth Profile of the 23s U Fission Rate the data points are one standard deviation, based solely
on counting statistics. The depth scale has not been
To date, only the mica detectors have been adjusted.
examined. The processing of the plastic detectors has
been delayed in order to explore a suggestion 1 for
processing the plastic that may produce better de- (ref. 18-15), it can be argued that the profile would
ycleped tracks, which would be easier to recognize not change significantly if a chemical composition
and count, corresponding to samples from any other site had
Figure 18-8 is a plot of the experimental data been chosen instead because the depth profile for the
(shown as points in the figure) from nine of the 16 flux is determined only by the depth distribution of
mica detectors; at least one mica from each of the the neutron production rate and the neutron moder-
eight distinct pairs located along the probe was ating properties of the soil. Only the latter depends
sampled. The error bars are one standard deviation on the chemistry, being governed by the most
based solely on counting statistics. The depths in abundant elements, silicon and oxygen, the abund-
grams per square centimeter were calculated from the ances of which do not vary appreciably from site to
measured bulk densities of the samples in the deep site on the Moon. If the chemical composition in the
drill core sections. 2 The solid curve in figure 18-8 is deep drill corestem sample is not homogeneous and if
the theoretical profile of the neutron flux (ref. the concentrations of either the major-element neu-
18-15), which has been normalized to the measured tron absorbers (primarily titanium and iron) or the
track density at 150 g]cm 2. No adjustment of the trace-element absorbers (for instance, the rare-earth
depth scale has been made. Because the neutron elements) vary significantly, the variations will have
energy spectrum below approximately 1 eV is ex- to be considered in the final comparison between the
pected to be independent of depth except for the theoretical and experimental profiles. The deep core
first few centimeters, the theoretical profile defines materials, once analyzed, will provide the information
the depth dependence of the neutron capture rate for necessary to construct the appropriate theoretical
all elements that capture neutrons in this energy curve for comparison. Also, after the postflight
region, calibration data analyses have been completed, cor-
The depth prot'de assumes a uniform chemical rections for possible minor differences in the
composition corresponding to Apollo 11 sample uranium-target efficiencies can be applied. These
10084; however, from the work of Lingenfelter et al. corrections have not been made in the data presented
in figure 18-8. An additional small correction to the
I MichelMonnin, private communication,1973. experimental profile may be necessary for the distor-
2 D. Carder, G. Heiken, and S. Nagel, private communion- tion caused by the finite size of the drill-stem hole in
tion, 1973. which the probe was inserted.

Based on the results of a field simuh, tion experi- substitution is necessary because two fragments are
ment, significant corrections for background from the emitted in the fission of 23sU but only one alpha
RTG neutrons probably will not be required; how- particle is produced with neutron capture on 1°B.
ever, quantitative estimates for this correction are not Data are not yet available for plastic track detectors;
ct, rrently available. The rapid decrease of the ob- the following discussion applies only to the uranium-
served track densities near the surface _dso suggests mica system.
that the RTG background is small because the track The factors in equation (18-1)can be evaluated in
density prof'fle produced by RTG neutrons is ex- several ways, but only one method, in which f, R, and
pected to peak much closer to the surface; this would G are evaluated independently, has been used so far.
cause the curve of the observed track densities to The value of R is expected to be close to the
flatten out as it approached the surface, radiochemically determined fission-fragment range in
Despite these qualifications, if the current data are metallic uranium (10 × 10 -3 g/cm 2 , ref. 18-22).
accepted at face value, the trend of the data points is However, as indicated by the studies of Reimer et al.
in very good agreement with the theoretical profde. (ref. 18-23), the range value appropriate for equation
(18-1) may be slightly less than measured radio-
Absolute Value of the 2asU Fission Rate chemically. Based on natural-uranium/mica detectors
irradiated in 21r geometry in a well-thermalized
The relationship between the measured track neutron flux, monitored by goldfoil activation, an
density p (tracks/cm 2) in the mica detectors and the effective range of 8.4 X 10 -3 g/cm 2 is obtained for
neutron fission rate n (fissions/g(Z3sk0-sec) in the the standard etching and scanning conditions. The
uranium targets is given by following two methods have been used to determine

f0 = n _ 8r (18-1)
1. The neutron probe was assembled with some
mica samples mounted in direct contact with the
where T is the exposure time of the probe, R is the standard configuration on the center rod fiats. After
mean range in grams per square centimeter of a neutron irradiation, G was calculated from the ratio
single fission fragment in metallic uranium, and G is a of the fission track densities in the mica samples on
dimensionless constant defining the geometrical el- the center rod to the mica samples irradiated in 27r
ficiency of the mica detectors compared to 27r geometry.
geometry (G < 1). The quantity of R/2 is the average 2. The probe was assembled with pieces of the
depth from which fission fragments produced in the plastic detector mounted on the center rod fiats and
uranium will register in a mica detector placed on the also in contact with the uranium targets. The value
surface of the uranium (27r geometry). In the actual for G was calculated from the ratio of the uranium
experimental configuration, because of the necessity alpha-particle track densities in the center rod plas-
for the on-off mechanism, the targets and detectors tics to those in contact with uranium, as in (1).
were not in contact; G is the factor that accounts for
the decrease in detector efficiency caused by the Good agreement was found between the G values
required separation. A correction for self.absorptionf obtained (0.60 -+0.02) by using these two methods.
must be applied because the target materials in the To eliminate self-absorption effects, natural uranium
neutron probe are strong neutron absorbers; conse- was used for all determinations of R and G values.
quently, the neutron flux and hence the measured At present, the principal uncertainty in the
track densities in the presence of the probe are absolute fission rate lies in the value of f. The
somewhat depressed compared to their values in the determination of f is more complicated than the
absence of the probe materials. As defined in equa- determination of the other factors in equation (18-1)
tion (18-1), f is a dimensionless constant and must because the value of f varies with neutron energy.
have a value _> 1. The values for f, R, and G are However, it is possible to estimate f using only the
obtained from laboratory calibration experiments, general features of the lunar neutron energy distribu-
Equation (18-1) is also applicable to the boron-plastic tion without depending on the accuracy of the
system if the factor R/2 is replaced by R/4. This theoretical energy spectrum. The calibration proce-

dures used to date have been designed to determine f Fo r comparison, the theoretical 23su capture rate
using neutron energy spectra that are harder and can be calculated by
softer than the lunar spectrum and thus bracket the

lunar self-absorption factor, f**

Lunar material is a good absorber of low-energy n = S JO tl°F(E)_(E)dd_ (18-2)
neutrons; thus, the neutron energy spectrum in the
region below 1 eV will be significantly shifted to where N is the number of 2aSU atoms per gram, oFis
higher energies compared to the Maxwell-Boltzmann the fission cross section for 23su, E is neutron energy,
distribution that would be expected if the low-energy _b(E) is the energy distribution of the neutron flux as
neutrons were able to come into thermal equilibrium, calculated by Lingenfelter et al. (ref. 18-15), and S is
This shift is shown, for example, by the measured the ratio of the cosmic ray neutron production rate
ratio of samarium to gadolinium neutron capture in for the 2 days when the neutron probe was deployed
hmar samples, which is much higher than the ratio on the lunar surface to the average rate over the 11-yr
expected for a thermalized neutron energy distribu- solar cycle. Although S can be estimated from
tion (ref. 18-2). terrestrial atmospheric neutron monitor data, this
Because neutron self-absorption is greatest at estimation has not yet been made. For the present,
those energies at which the fission cross sections are S = 1 should be a reasonable estimate because the
large and because the 2asU fission cross section ls Apollo 17 landing occurred at a time roughly
highest at low neutron energies, the self-absorption between solar maximum and minimum and because
factor obtained in an irradiation with a thermal neutron monitor counting rates do not show long-
spectrum will be an upper limit for the value of f that term time variations larger than approximately 20
is appropriate for the lunar data. percent. The value of _b(E) calculated for the compo-
A calibration irradiation was performed in a sition of Apollo 11 soil sample 10084 at a tempera-
well-thermalized neutron flux, and fwas determined ture of 200K has been used. This value is a
by comparing track densities from the actual 2asu reasonable approximation to the Apollo 17 condi-
targets with those from much more dilute 2asu tions, but the actual Apollo 17 chemistry and
targets, consisting of either natural uranium (0.72 temperature will be used in the final comparison. The
percent 23sU) or depleted uranium (0.409 percent theoretical value obtained for 150 g/cm 2 is 3.2
23sU), in which the self-absorption was negligible, fissions/g(23sU)-sec; thus, within the present exped-
The 23sU targets were mounted at one end of the mental uncertainties, agreement is obtained between
probe in the actual experimental configuration, in- the experimental and theoretical capture rates. How-
eluding I°B targets on the center rod. At the other ever, it should be emphasized that this agreement
end of the probe, isolated from any I°B targets, the may be somewhat fortuitous. In particular, no reli-
natural- and depleted-uranium targets were similarly able estimate of the error in the assumption ofS = 1
mounted. The measured value off thus includes the is available currently.
effect of the _°B targets on the 23sU fission rate as
well as the effect of the 23sU foils themselves. A
self-absorption factor of 1.37-+ 0.04 was obtained.
Thus, the value forfhas been bracketed:f_<l.4and Although the analysis is stiil at a preliminary
f_> 1 (by definition). Consequently, f= 1.2 + 0.2 has stage, it appears that good agreement exists between
been adopted as the self-absorption factor appro- the experimental results and the theoretical calcula-
priate for the lunar 2asU fission rate. Additional tions of Lingenfelter et al. (ref. 18-15). If the
calibration using a harder flux will yield a somewhat subsequent refinement of the experimental data and
more precise value forfby providing an experimental of the theoretical predictions conf'trms this agree-
lower limit, ment, the conclusions drawn previously from lunar
Using the values of R, G, andfgiven previously, a sample data and the theoretical calculations can be
_3sU fission rate of 3.5 + 0.6 fissions/g(2asU)-sec is accepted with some confidence. The following discus-
obtained at a depth of 150 g/cm 2 , which approxi- sion is based on this assumption.
mately corresponds to the peak of the neutron flux Some justification is required for the assumption
proffile, that agreement between the theoretical and experi-

mental capture rates for 23sU (or l°B) implies mately 50 g/cm 2 higher than the theoretically pre-
agreement for other elements. This assumption prob- dicted maximum (ref. 18-15). The peaked distribution
ably is good for gadolinium-157 (lSTGd) and 149Sm unambiguously indicates that this area of the lunar
because these nuclei capture neutrons in an energy surface has remained uncratered for a relatively long
range similar to that of 23sU or lOB; however, the period (_ 500 X 106 yr). The LNPE data show that
assumption is less valid for such nuclei as la°Ba or the difference between the observed and the theo-
_9Br, which capture neutrons at higher energies. This retical peak depths cannot be ascribed to the uncer-
argument is illustrated in figure 18-9, in which the tainties in the theoretical flux profile but, instead,
fraction of neutron captures that occur at different must reflect a recent (_<50 × 106 yr) deposition of
neutron energies for these nuclei is shown. These _ 50 g/cm 2 of material at this site. The deposition
curves were calculated using the neutron energy may have resulted from a single event or from a large
spectrum of Lingenfelter et al. (ref. 18-15). The number of events.
curves for lSTGd, 1°B, and 23sU are qualitatively Even after allowing for the relatively large uncer-
similar and peak at much lower energies than the tainties that currently exist, the LNPE data place
curve for 13°Ba or 79Br, although 23Su has a distinct strong constraints on the interpretation of the mea-
contribution (-_ 20 percent) from neutron capture at sured neutron fluences in lunar soil samples. As
energies higher than 10 eV. In all cases, a neutron discussed extensively in previous papers (refs. 18-1,
energy spectrum must be assumed in order to 18-3, and 18-13), the observed fluences in soil
calculate the relative capture rates of 2asu or 1°B to samples from all Apollo missions are much lower than
other nuclei. Figure 18-9 shows that the uncertainties expected for material that has resided in the upper
in the neutron energy spectrum are less important for few meters of the lunar surface for times correspond-
lSTGd than for _3°Ba or _gBr. The _gBr capture rate ing to the age of the site. One interpretation is that
will be measured directly from the KBr capsules the low fluences reflect deep mixing of the lunar
contained in the LNPE. regolith on a 1 X 109-yr time scale by which the
The gadolinium and samarium isotopic variations observed fluences for surface soil samples are diluted.
measured in the Apollo 15 deep core sample showed However, the required mixing depths calculated from
a distinct peak at _ 200 g/cm 2 , which is approxi- this model using the theoretical lSTGd capture rate
are high; for example, approximately 15 m for Apollo

regolith depths estimated from photogeology (ref.

--_ A 130Ba' 79Br 11, a depth
18-24). which data
The LNPE is roughly
indicate 3that
thisgreater than

theoretical capture rates used previously. Thus, if a

regolith depth of 5 m is accepted as correct for the
157Ga difference cannot be ascribed to inaccuracies in the
_. Apollo 11 site, it must be concluded that the
g previously mentioned uniform mixing model is not
valid and that the lunar regolith has not been well
_ mixed to a depth of 5 m over a time scale of

2" that the upper portions of the regolith contain the
I°B _ I
least irradiated material
approximately 1 × 109 and that the itdeeper
yr. Instead, would portions
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 of the regolith must contain the more heavily
logE,eV irradiated material.
FIGURE 18-9. A comparison of the calculated fractional
neutron capture rate 0inear scale) and the neutron energy AC I<NOW L E DG M E NTS
for severalimportant neutron absorbers in lunar samples.
The differences in the energy response of the nuclei are Major contributions to the experimental work on this
graphically demonstrated. The relative peak capture rates project were made by James Weiss. The efforts expended
are dependent on the equilibrium neutron energy spec- by Eileen Hess of Dhom Products in the preparation of the
trum assumed; the Lingenfelter et al. (reL 18-15) energy boron targets were far beyond those normally expected. As
spectrum was used for these calculations, with any flight experiment, the lunar neutron prnbe would

not have been possible without the active cooperation of a Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
very large number of personnel from NASA and its contrac- 242-244.
tors. We are also grateful for the encouragement and advice 18-12. Kornblum, J. J.; Levine, M.; Aronson, A.; and
given to us by many of our colleagues, in particular G.P. Fireman, E. L.: Neutrons in the Moon. Lunar Science IV
Russ III, M. Monnin, R. M. Walker, and G. J. Wassethurg. The (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science
support of the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory at the Call- Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
fornia Institute of Technology, particularly from T. 441-443.
Tombrello and R. Kavanaugh, was vital. 18-13. Burnett, D. S.; Huneke, J. C.; Podosek, F. A.; Russ,
G. Price III; and Wasserburg, G. J.: The Irradiation
History of Lunar Samples. Proceedings of the Second
Lunar Science Conference, vol. 2, MIT Press (Cambridge,
R E F E Iq E N C ES Mass.), 1971, pp. 1671-1679.
18-14. Russ, G. Price III; Burnett, D. S.; and Wasserburg, G.
18-1. Eugstcr, O.; Tera, F.; Burnett, D. S.; and Wasserburg, J.: Lunar Neutron Stratigraphy. Earth Planet. SCl. Lett.,
G. J.: The Isotopic Composition of Gd and the Neutron vol. 15, 1972, p. 172.
Capture Effects in Samples from Apollo 11. Earth Planet. 18-15. Lingenfeltcr, R. E.; Canfield, E. H.; and Hampel, V.
Sci. Lett., vol. 8, 1970, pp. 20-30. E.: The Lunar Neutron Flux Revisited. Earth Planet. Sci.
18-2. Russ, G. P. III; Bttrnett, D. S.; Lingenfeltcr, R. E.; and Lett., vol. 16, no. 3, Nov. 1972, pp. 355-369.
Wasscrburg, G. J.: Neutron Capture on 1"9Sm in Lunar 18-16. Armstrong, T. W.; and Alsmiller, R. G., Jr.: Calcula-
Samples. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., vol. 13, no. 1, Dec. 11, tion of Cosmogenic Radionuelides in the Moon and
1971, pp. 53-60. Comparison with Apollo Measurements. Proceedings of
18.3. Russ, G. Price 11I: Apollo 16 Neutron Stratigraphy. the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 2, MIT Press
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., vol. 19, 1973. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 1729-1745.
18-4. Lugmair, G. W.; and Mat*i, Kurt: Exposure Ages and 18-17. Woolum, Dorothy S.; Burnett, D. S.; and Bauman, C.
Neutron Capture Record in Lunar Samples from Fra A.: The Apollo 17 Lunar Neutron Probe Experiment.
Mauro. Proceedings of the Third Lunar Science Confer- Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth
ence, vol. 2, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8,
1891-1897. 1973), pp. 793-795.
18-5. Ebethardt, P.; Geiss, J.; Graf, H.; Grogler, N.; et al.: 18-18. Burnett, D.; Hohenberg, C.; Maurette, M.; Monnin,
Correlation Between Rock Type and Irradiation History M.; et al.: Solar Cosmic Ray, Solar Wind, Solar Flare, and
of Apollo 11 Igneous Rocks. Earth Planet. Sci. Letr., vol. Neutron Albedo Measurements. Sec. 15, Part C, of the
I0, 1970, pp. 67-72. Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
18-6. Marti, K.; and Lugmair, G. W.: KrS_-Kr and K-At40 1972.
Ages, Cosmic-Ray Spallation Products, and Neutron 18-19. Monnin, Michel: Interaction des Ions Lourds avec des
Capture Effects in Lunar Samples from Oceanus Procel- Dielectriques Organiques Macromoleculaires: Contribu-
larum. Proceedings of the Second Lunar Science Confer- tion a l'l_tude des Detecteurs Solides de Traces. Thesis,
ence, vol. 2, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. Uulversitd de Clermont, France, 1969.
1591-1605. 18-20. Crawford, W. T.; Desorbo, W.; and Humphrey, J. S.,
18-7. Huneke, J. C.; Podosek, F. A.; Burnett, D. S.; and Jr.: Enhancement of Track Etching Rates in Charged
Wasserburg, G. J.: Rare Gas Studies of the Galactic Particle-Irradiated Plastics by a Photo-Oxidation Effect.
Cosmic Ray Irradiation History of Lunar Rocks. Gee- Nature, vol. 220, Dec. 28, 1968, pp. 1313-1314.
chim. Cosmocbim. Acta, vol. 36, Mar. 1972, pp. 269-302. 18-21. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Documen-
18-8. Kaiser, W. A.; and Berman, B. L.: The Average 13°Ba tation and Environment of the Apollo 17 Samples: A
(n,3") Cross Section and the Origin of _3_Xeon the Moon. Preliminary Report. U.S. Geol. Survey, Interagency
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., vol. 15, no. 3, July 1972, pp. Rept.: Astrogeology 71, Jan. 21, 1973, p. 323.
320-324. 18-22. Alexander, John M.; Gazdik, M. F.; Trips, A. R.; and
18-9. Berman, B. L.; and Browne, J. C.: Microscopic l_°Ba Wasif,.Saad: Kinetic Energy Release in 23 MeV Deuteron
(n;r) Cross Section and the Origin of 131Xeon the Moon. Fission of U2aS2 Phys. Rev., vol. 129, no. 6, Mar. 15,
Phys. Rev. C., vol. 17, no. 6, 1973. 1963, pp. 2659-2663.
18-10. Michel, R.; Herpens, U.; Kulus, H.; and Herr, W.: 18-23. Reimer, G. M.; Storzer, D.; and Wagoner, G. A.:
Isotopic Anomalies in Lunar Rhenium. Proceedings of the Geometry Factor in Fission Track Counting. Earth Planet.
Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 2, MIT Press (Cam- Sci. Lett., vol. 9, 1970, pp. 401-404.
bridge, Mass), 1972, pp. 1917-1925. 18-24. Shoemaker, E. M.; Bailey, N. G.; Batson, R. M.;
18-11. Finkel, R. C.; Wahlen, M.; Arnold, J. R.; Kohl, C.P.; Dahlem, D. H.; et al.: Geologic Setting of the Lunar
and Imamura, M.: The Gradient of Cosmogenic Radio- Samples Returned by the Apollo 11 Mission. Sec. 3 of the
nuclides to a Depth of 400 g/cm 2 in the Moon. Lunar Apollo 11 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-214,
Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar 1969.
19. Cosmic Ray Experiment


The scientific objectives of the lunar surface scaled down version of their solar wind composition
cosmic ray experiment (LSCRE) were (1) to measure experiments.
the flux of solar wind particles with atomic number A much larger particle-detector experiment, with
Z > 26 using mica detectors, (2) simultaneously to similar objectives and mostly the same investigators,
determine the flux of light, rare-gas solar wind ions was flown on the Apollo 16 mission. A solar flare
using metal foils, (3) to measure the :flux of low- that occurred during the Apollo 16 mission made it
energy particles in space, both solar and galactic, possible to obtain unique and important information
during quiet Sun conditions using plastic, glass, and concerning solar flares, particularly at low energies
mica detectors, and (4) to determine the radon (refs. 19-1 to 19-5). However, the great abundance of
concentration in the lunar atmosphere using mica solar flare particles created a background that made it
detectors, impossible to realize many of the original objectives
Several different groups, each of which provided of the experiment.
different detector materials, collaborated in the ex- In mid-1972, a group of investigators proposed the
periment. The overall design, construction, and coor- LSCRE particle detector described in this report for
dination of the experiment were provided by R.M. the Apollo 17 mission. Because of the short time
Walker and E. Zinner of Washington University. The available before the mission, the proposed experiment
ndca detectors are currently being studied by R.M. was designed to have minimal weight and to require
Walker, E. Zinner, and M. Maurette of the University minhnal astronaut time on the lunar surface. In part
of Paris. The glass detectors are being studied by the A of this section, a general description of the
General Electric Company (GE) group of R.L. experiment and its deployment on the lunar surface is
Fleischer, H. R. Hart, and R. T. Woods. The Lexan given. A status report on the scientific results being
plastic is being examined by the University of obtained with the mica detectors is also presented. In
California group, headed by P. B. Price. The alumi- parts B and C, the results obtained with the glass and
num and platinum foils are being used by P. Lexan detectors, respectively, are described. At the
Eberhardt and J. Geiss of the University of Bern to time of preparation of this report, no data were
measure the flux of light solar wind ions in a greatly available on the solar-wind-implanted metal foils.





R. M. Walker,a E. Zinner, a and M. Maurette b

DESCRIPTION OF THE EXPERIMENT (numbers 2, 3, and 12 in fig. 19-1(c)) were glued to

1.5-mm-thick aluminum with 3M 467 adhesive film.
In the Apollo 17 lunar surface cosmic ray experi- The plates were in turn glued into the box and cover.
ment (LSCRE), one set of particle detectors was
mounted inside a shallow, rectangular aluminum In addition, two platinum foils 5 by 0.8 and 9.5 by
box; a separate set was mounted inside a sliding cover 0.8 cm were glued into recesses on the sides of the
(fig. 1%1). The box was deployed in sunlight and the box (numbers 7 and 8 in fig. 19-1(c)). The different
orientations of foils as well as the use of different
sliding cover in shade. The detectors mounted in each
metals (platinum and aluminum) were to provide
part are listed in table 19-I; the detector numbers are redundant information on the direction of the light
keyed to figure 19-1(c). Both the Sun half and the
solar wind and also to look for a flux of low-energy
shade half had temperature labels on the sides
ions at large angles to the solar wind direction.
opposite those on which the detectors were mounted.
The glass detectors (numbers 4, 5, 9, and 10 in fig.
In each half, the mica detectors (numbers 1 and 13
in fig. 19-1(c)) consisted of a single slab of cleaved 19-1(c)) are described in more detail in part B of this
section. For a description of the Lexan detector
muscovite that had been previously annealed for 100
hr at 853 K in an argon atmosphere to remove fossil (number 11 in fig. 19-1(c)), see part C.
The LSCRE was transported to the Moon in the
tracks. The mica detector also had 18 spots, each
0.24 cm in diameter, of evaporated silver deposited closed position, in which both sets of detectors were
on the external surface to aid in distinguishing solar inside the box. In this position, the end rings, one
attached to the box and one attached to the cover,
wind particles from more energetic, penetrating parti-
cles. One-third of these spots had a metal thickness of were on opposite sides of the box. The cover was held
_55 nm; the remaining two-thirds were equally di- in place by spring loading and also by a Velcro strap,
vided between thicknesses of _-100 and ,_150 nm. attached at one end to the end ring on the box,
The mica plates were held in position with two metal looped around the entire assembly. To avoid contami-
straps and were also lightly tacked down with spots nation, the LSCRE was transported to the Moon in a
plastic bag inside the lunar module (LM) cabin. The
of Dew Coming 6-1104 silicone glue. total weight of the assembled package was 163 g, and
Two mica detectors (number 6 in fig. 19-1(c)) the overall dimensions were 22.5 by 6.3 by 1.1 cm.
were also mounted in rectangular recesses milled in
the edge of the Sun half. The purpose of these
auxiliary mica detectors was to determine the precise DEPLOYMENT AND RECOVERY
orientation of the Sun during exposure from the ON THE LUNAR SURFACE
shadowing of solar wind tracks by the edges of the
The LSCRE was deployed by first pulling the slide
recess. Because the mica was intended primarily to
detect solar wind particles, careful microphotographs cover off while in the shade of the LM and hanging
the cover in place on a hook attached to the side of
of all mica pieces were taken using oblique lighting, the LM. The cover remained in the shade, with the
both before and after the mission, to assess the degree
of dust covering, detectors pointed toward space, for 45.5 hr. After
The 5-/_m-thick platinum and aluminum foils deployment of the cover, the box portion of the
LSCRE was carried into sunlight and hung on the
strut of the LM using the Velcro strap attached to the
aWashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, Missouri. end ring. Deployment was nominal and was com-
Ren6 Bernas,Orsay, France.
bLaboratoixe pleted early in the first period of extravehicular

TABLE 19-I.-Detectors in the LSCRE

Number Detector Component measured area,

Sun-half detectors

1 Mica Heavy solar wind and 12.2

low-energy cosmic ray_
2 Aluminum foil Light solar wind 5.1
3 Platinum foil Light solar wind 11.2
4 Fused quartz Low-energy cosmic rays 5.4
(Suprasil 2)
5 Lead phosphate Low-energy cosmic rays 1.85
glass (LaD
6 Mica Heavy solar wind 1.2
(Sun direction)
7 Platinum foil Light solar wind 3.8
8 Platinum foil Light solar wind 8.0

Shade-half detectors

9 Lead phosphate Low-energy cosmic rays 1.76

glass (LaD
I0 Phosphate glass Low-energy cosmic rays 1.62
11 Lexan Low-energy cosmic rays 14.0
12 Platinum foil Control piece for foils 6.8
in Sun
13 Mica Low-energy cosmic rays 9.1
and radon atmosphere

Sun half _ (_
I _z "_._ 19-3. The exact orientation of the Sun half with
L:2--_'--O I respect to the Sun has not yet been precisely

I _1_'] r-_., , :=_,(_(_)

/ photograph (fig. 19-3), taken at the time the experi-
...... ___!.=-_7/_ determined. However, the lack of shadowing in the
_]-] , _"-'[ rnent was terminated,
lor must have been close showsto that
Sun-half detec-to

Shadehalf @ the Sun line as stated by the LMP at the time of

:__. :initial deployment. The Sun elevation angle changed

,deployed; the corresponding total change in azimuth

@@-'_: :from 13 ° to 34 ° during the time the experiment was
.... i?__._/ angle was l0 °.
Because of the possibility of a substantial enhance-
Icl :aaent in the flux of interplanetary particles, the
FIGURE 19-1.-The LSCRE. (a) View of interior. (b) View experiment was terminated at the beginning of
of exterior. (c) Schematic diagram. For information on EVA-3 instead of at the end, as originally planned.
numbered detectors, see table 19-I. The experiment was terminated by the LMP, who
:first removed the Sun-half detector and then walked
activty (EVA)at 01:23 G.m.t., December 12, 1972 iinto the shade and mated it with the shade-half
(118:30 GET). ,detector. The latter was thus never exposed to the
The location of the two sets of detectors is shown Sun. The LSCRE was then placed in a plastic bag for
schematically in figure 19-2. The Sun-half detector transport back to Earth. The total exposure time was
set is shown deployed on the lunar surface in figure 45.5 hr.

Sun azimuth angle _ Sun shift angle

atdeployment...... -/'*"_
_ L.//-___
Sunazimuth angle

._. ] at termination

....... LSCR[(Sun half)

_--- ApolloIunar surface

,,_ [._--- lunar roving

Modula_nt !. /_r_ "_¢... vehicle(LRV)

-J (_ "LSCREshadehalf)

FIGURE 19-2.-Schematic top view of the LM showing the

locations of the Sun half and the shade half of the
deployed LSCRE as well as the azimuthal Sun angle at the
time of deployment and at the time of termination of the FIGURE 19-3.-The Sun half as deployed on the Moon. This
experiment, photograph is one of a pair of stereoscopic pictures taken
by the lunar module pilot (LMP) from a distance of 2.13
Examination of the detector package after its m (7 ft) immediately before termination of the experi-
ment (AS17-140-21381 and 21382). Another pair of
reception in .the investigators' laboratory showed that stereoscopic photographs was taken of the shaded portion
the detector surfaces were in an essentially pristine (AS17-140-21383 and 21384).
condition. Less than 5 percent dust cover was
observed on the mica and the metallic foils, and it is The following satellite proton monitor channels
clear that the detectors had not been touched by the showed no significant increase above background
astronaut in the deployment and termination se- during the entire Apollo 17 mission.
quences. The temperature labels indicated that tem-
peratures of the Sun-half detectors had reached 393
K but stayed below 403 K; the shade-half detectors Satellite Channel energy range, MeV
were always cooler than 316 K. The temperature of alMP-G > 10, > 30, > 60
the Sun-half detector was somewhat higher than 1MP-H > 8, > 25, > 95
anticipated but well below the design limit of 423 K. IMP-I > 10, > 30, > 60
Pioneer 9 > 13.9, > 40
Vela 0.88 to 3.2, 3.2 to 5, 7.7 to 12
BE FO R E A N D D U RIN G alMP = Interplanetary Monitoring Platform.
In contrast, monitors on board the first Applied
During the period December 11 to 13, 1972, there Technology Satellite (ATS-1) and the lower energy
were two major active regions on the Sun. Region channels on Vela showed significant increases
496, which reached an apparent optical maximum on throughout most of December 13, 1972. In parti-
December 12, produced only a few subflares. Region cular, the ATS-1 3- to 21-MeV channel showed a slow
500, which emerged on December 10 and 11, also increase starting at 08:52 G.m.t. on December 13 and
produced only minor subflares during the period a more pronounced increase at 15:00 G.m.t. on
December 11 to 13. At 14:55 G.m.t. on December December 13. During the quiescent period before
13, an eruptive prominence was observed on the 08:52 G.m.t. on December 13, the counting rate was
eastern limb. Figure 19-4 is an optical photograph 0.38 proton/cm2/sec. During the period from 08:52
showing the active solar regions, to 15:00 G.m.t. on December 13, the average rate

FIGURE 19-4.-The Sun as observed in hydrogea alpha: The

photograph was taken at 09:35 G.m.t., December 13,
1972, through the optical telescope on Canary Island, one
of the Solar Particle Alert Network sites.

increased to 2.0 protons/cm 2/sec. From 15:00 G.m.t. 10 _,rn

on December 13 to the time the experiment was
terminated (22:53 G.m.t.), the average counting rate FI[GURE 19-5.-Surface of mica showing pits of l-keV/
was 5.3 protons/cm2/sec. No significant increase nucleon xenon ions. After the surface was bombarded
with the ions, the mica was etched for 2 hr in 40 percent
above background was observed in the 21-to 70-MeV
HF at 303 K. The photograph was taken on Kodak
channel, high-contrast copy film through a Leitz microscope using
Possibly more significant for this experiment are the Smith interference contrast method in reflected light.
the results from the low-energy proton channels on
the Vela satellite. Starting at approximately 04:00 In summary, the period immediately before and
G.m.t. on December 13, the 0.20- to 0.47-MeV during the mission was one of relatively low, but not
channel showed an increase to a new level of _45 completely negligible, solar activity.
protons/cm2-sec-sr-MeV from the previous back-
ground of _7 protons/cm2-sec-sr-MeV. A similar
increase from 1.3 to _6.5 protons/cm2-.,;ec-sr-MeV OBSERVATION OF HEAVY SOLAR
was observed in the 0.47- to 0.88-MeV channel. These
ldgher levels were maintained for the rest of the time When mica is irradiated with heavy ions having
the experiment was exposed on the Moon and energies of _1 keV/nucleon, subsequent etching
contributed to the decision to terminate it earlier produces shallow etch pits (fig. 19-5). Although the
than planned, physical reasons are not well understood, it is found
In the period immediately before the mission, one empirically that the diameters of the etch pits depend
energetic solar event occurred earlyonNovember28; on the charge of the bombarding particles. For
thereafter, solar activity was very low. The November example, after 2 hr of etching at 303 K in a
28 event was a class M1 event from active region 483. 40-percent solution of hydrofluoric acid (HF)-the
No proton enhancement was observed near the Earth, standard etch treatment for all results reported
but the Pioneer 6 and 7 spacecraft observed enhanced herein-we find that manganese ions produce very
0.6- to 13-MeV proton fluxes on November 29. small pits (<1/lm), whereas heavier ions produce

larger pits as follows: krypton, _2.1 #m; xenon, large (as is the case here), the pits overlap and the
_3.0 Arm;and lead, _--4.9/am. occasional large pits tend to be obscured. In principle,
This dependence of etch-pit size on the charge of observation of surface replicas of briefly etched
the bombarding particles is the basis for the attempt samples" using a transmission electron microscope
to determine directly the abundance of extremely should give more detailed measurements than those
heavy ions in the solar wind. Although the average pit reported herein. Scanning electron irticroscopy of
size is a monotonically increasing function of charge, hghtly etched surfaces is possible in principle, but we
any given ion results in a range of pit sizes that is have not been able to get enough contrast in the
quite large. For this reason, the experiment does not images to make this technique practicable.
permit a precise determination of the charge of indi- In figures 19-6 to 19-9, it is shown that heavy solar
vidual ions; rather, it gives a statistical sampling of wind ions are registering in the mica as expected.
broad groups of ions. Figure 19-6 shows a sample of mica exposed on the
We have found empirically that the average pit size Sun half that has been etched for 2 hr in a 40-percent
is not strongly dependent on the orientation of the HF bath at 303 K. The photograph was obtained
beam with respect to the mica. At shallow incident using the Smith interference system. The surface is
angles to the surface, however, the distribution of pit dearly covered with a background of small, shallow
sizes becomes somewhat narrower. The range of the pits, present in such abundance as to be unresolvable.
angles of incidence of the solar wind is such that no The estimated concentration of solar wind ion atoms
effect on the registration properties of heavy ions is was 1.2 X 109 atoms/cm2; laboratory irradiations
expected, with 1 X 10 9 atoms/cm 2 manganese ions of 1
Because the registration of very-low-energy ions is keV/nucleon produce a similar background at the
not well understood either theoretically or experi- same etch time. A region of the Sun-exposed mica
mentally, the possibility exists that subtle differences
in the physical state of different mica samples may
affect the track registration properties. For this
reason, a complete set of recalibration experiments
has been undertaken on the micas that were actually
sent to the Moon. These calibrations are not yet
complete; for this reason, the results reported here
are mostly qualitative.
The results are also preliminary because only the
crudest and quickest method of observation has been
used. In practice, three methods can be used:
interference contrast optical microscopy, transmis-
sion electron microscopy, and scanning electron
microscopy. After a 2-hr etch, producing wide pits (as
much as 6 ttm in diameter), the pits are easily
observed by interference contrast optical microscopy.
In this technique, the surface is first silvered and then
observed either in a Zeiss microscope using the
Nomarski interference system or in a Leitz micro-
scope using the Smith interference system. In our
experience, the two systems seem to be roughly
equivalent, with the former giving somewhat higher
resolution and the latter somewhat better contrast.
These differences, however, may have resulted from t I
imperfect alinement of either or both of the systems.
The optical microscope is capable of giving rela- FIGURE 19-6.-Mica surface of LSCRE exposed to sunlight
tively quick results, but the large pit sizes involved during 45.5 ht on the Moon. Etching and microphotog-
have two consequences. When the density of tracks is raphy conditions were the same as those for figure 19-5.

that was covered with a 0.5-mm-thick stainless steel another effect that complicates the analysis of the
strap is shown in figure 19-7. Clearly, the bulk of the solar wind composition. In addition to the bright
particles causing the shallow background have been (deep) pits, the covered and shaded portions of the
stopped by the strap. In figure 19-8, a region of the mica contain a low background of shallow, broad
Sun-half mica that was covered with _150 nm of pits. These pits were probably produced by high-
silver is shown. Again, a striking difference is ob- energy ions similar to those producing the bright pits,
served in the background of very shallow pits. Fin- but of lower mass. Particles such as 100-keV/nucleon
ally, in figure 19-9, an etched sample of the shaded c,xygen are capable of producing pits (ref. 19-6)
mica is shown. The extensive background of shallow caused by occasional, damage-producing, close nu-
pits is again missing, clear encounters with the near-surface atoms of the
Although the extensive shallow pit background is mica detectors. These pits thus constitute a back-
:missing in those areas of mica not exposed directly to ground that must be subtracted to obtain information
the Sun, all areas of both the shade-half and Sun-half about extremely heavy solar wind ions.
micas contain a considerable density of deep pits Close examination of figures 19-7 to 19-9 further
corresponding to higher energy particles. Figure shows that the mica that was covered with 150 nm of
19-10 is a scanning electron microscope photograph silver has a higher background of very small, shallow
of one such deep pit. Because of the relatively pits than either the mica that was exposed in the
quiescent behavior of the Sun during the Apollo 17 shade or the Sun-half mica that was covered with the
mission, these higher energy particles were not metal strap. Contrary to expectations, some solar
expected. They are discussed separately in the section
entitled "Energetic Solar Particles."
The photographs (figs. 19-5 to 19-9) illustrate

L_] I0p.m

FIGURE 19-7.-Mica surface from the sunlit portion of the FIGURE 19-8.-Mica surface from the sunlit portion that was
LSCRE. The fight half of the picture shows an area under covered with 150 nm of silver during exposure. Etching
a 0.5-mm-thick steel strap. Etching and microphotogra- and mierophotography conditions were the same as those
phy conditions were the same as those for figure 19-5. for figure 19-5.

t }

FIGURE 19-10.-One of the deep pits produced by energetic

heavy particles as seen on the Sun-half mica. The
L____ photograph was taken in a scanning electron microscope.
10_m Similartracks from energetic particles are seen in the mica
exposed in shade (fig. 19-9).

FIGURE 19-9.-Mica surface from the shaded portion of the

LSCRE. Etching and mierophotography conditions were percent; of the group III elements, it is essentially
the same as those for figure 19-5.
100 percent.
Also shown in table 19-II are the experimental
wind ions are apparently capable of penetrating the results obtained to date for pits >2/_m in diameter.
150 nm of silver. Additional measurements on the The results are not in good agreement with the
mica regions covered with 50 to 100 nm of silver calculated values. In particular, the experimental
should clarify this point, values for large pits are much lower than expected.
For this preliminary analysis, the periodic table To fit the predicted values, eight pits >4/_m in
above charge Z = 30 has been divided into three diameter and four pits >5 /an in diameter should
broad groupings of elements. The first, consisting of have been seen in the area scanned; none, in fact,
charges from 30 to 40 (group I), is much more were observed.
abundant than the others, which include Z = 40 to Z Taken at face value, this deficiency would imply a
= 60 (group II) and the group of charges from 60 to depletion of both group II and group III elements in
92 (group III). (Most of group III is made up of the solar wind. In view of existing measurements of
elements of Z = 78 and Z = 82.) The expected pit xenon abundances in both lunar samples and meteor-
densities in various size ranges from these three ires, a depletion of group II elements seems most
groups are summarized in table 19-1I. The contri- unlikely. A more likely explanation is that the larger
bution of the group I elements to the expected shallow pits have been obscured by the large back-
density of pits may be overestimated by as much as a ground of small, iron-group pits developed by the
factor of 3 because an efficiency of pit registration of long etching times used in this first-scan look. More
unity in this range has been assumed; in reality, the detailed measurements using shorter etching times are
efficiency may be as low as 0.3. The registration in progress. If the apparent depletion is still found in
efficiency of the group II elements is at least 50 "these experiments, then the effects of other factors,

TABLE 19-II.-Pit De_sity Distribution

Track der._sity, tracks/cm 2

Pit size, Calculaled eontribulion a of g_oup-

#m Total Measured
bI cII dIlI

lto2 2.1 X 10 s 9X 10 a 0 2.2X 10 s --

2 to 3 2.25 X l0 s 0.15 × l0 s 0 2.4 X 105 7.5 × 10s
3to4 5.6× 104 1.2× 104 0.2× 104 7× 104 3.0× 104
4 to 5 5.8 X 10 a 5,9 × 10 _ S.0 × 10 a 1.7 X 104 -
5 to 6 0 1.6 × 10 s 5;.1 × 10 a 6.7 × 10 a -
6to7 0 0 ].0X 10 _ 1.0× l0 B -

abased on solar abundances. CAtomic numbers 40 to 60.

bAtomic numbers 30 to 40. dAtomic numbers 60 to 92.

principally the potential fading of tracks by solar etching temperature was only 293 K as opposed to
ultraviolet irradiation, will have to be pursued before 303 K. Whereas our previous work has shown that, in
any final conclusions can be reached, other mica samples etched with our conditions,
30-keV/nucleon nickel ions produce pits with depths

ENERGETIC SOLAR PARTICLES of 0.75/am as compared to calculated ranges of

:1.0/_m, recent preliminary calibration data show that
As previously noted, both the shade-half and iron ions of the same energy result in only very
Sun-half mica detectors had numerous bright pits shaUow pits (<0.1/am deep) in the mica used in this
corresponding to longer tracks. Scanning by normal experiment. These results indicate that the registra-
transmission optical microscopy, where the shallow tion of low-energy ions in mica varies with the
pits are not observable, gave consistent track densities particular sample and might depend strongly on its
of 6.4 -+ 0.6 X 10 a tracks/era 2 for a shade-half sample _mnealing history. The long etching times (chosen for
and 5.8 +- 0.6 X 103 tracks/cm _ for a Sun-half examination of shallow pits) made it difficult to
sample. The high-energy particles therefore are distri- measure lengths below _5 #m with precision, and the
buted isotropically in space and appear to have no lower energy points are probably somewhat under-
relationship to the solar wind. From comparison with estimated. Additional measurements are in progress
scanning electron microscope data, it i,_ estimated using a transmission electron microscope on replicas
that the track densities obtained by optical micro- t_om the mica. Until these measurements have been
scopy correspond to pits .._:.0.5/_m in depth, made and final calibration data on the range deficit
Although much higher in energy than the solar _e obtained, the curves in figure 19-11 should be
wind, the particles being detected have rather modest considered as lower limits on the fluxes of particles in
energies in comparison with many solar flare particles this energy range.
or galactic cosmic rays. Only four tracks correspond- The assumption that only iron ions are responsible
ing to iron ions of >_1 MeV/nucleon were found in a for the tracks is not strictly correct because ions as
scan ofa 0.5-cm 2 area. light as neon can produce tracks toward the end of
The distribution of track densities compared to their range. As previously noted, even low-energy
energy, assuming registration of iron ions only, is oxygen ions can give observable, shallow pits. As
shown in figure 19-1 i. Two curves are shown: in one, shown in the report on the Apollo 16 cosmic ray
the measured track length has been taken as a experiment (ref. 19-3), inclusion of lighter ions would
measure of the total range of the iron ions; in the have the net effect of flattening somewhat the
other, it is assumed that iron ions do not register in apparent energy spectrum shown in figure 19-11. In
the last 1.7 ttm of their range. This estimate of the view of the uncertainties in the range-deficit problem
"range deficit" is taken from the work of Blok et al. and the fact that calibration data for the particular
(ref. 19-7), in which the etching time used was only r.aica in question will soon be available, the light ion
20 rain instead of 2 hr as used in this study and the correction has not been included in figure 19-11.

103 were directly associated with this rather modest solar

the interplanetary regions from earlier solar emis-

\ sions. Here again, however, the solar activity was

activity. They could also represent particles stored in

10211_ <_ _.. Corrected
forrangedeficit possibility
rather modest
that immediately
the Sun emitsbefore
a moretheor mission.
less continu-
T ous flux of such low-energy particles, independent of
X_ any visible solar activity, cannot be ruled out. Testing
," \ this point will require additional measurements of
"_ Unto
extremely low energy particles outside the magneto-
_1°_ Lunar sample investigators have normally attri-
buted fossil track observations of low-energy particles
to the influence of solar flares. The present result
confirms this interpretation. The quiet-time fluxes
10° I I measured in this experiment, although higher than
10 100 1000 100O0 expected, are simply too low to account for the lunar
Kineticenergy, keV/nucle0n observations. In this connection, it should be noted
FIGURE 19-11.-Integral energy spectrum of the energetic that the rather modest flare observed during the
iron particles observed in the sunlit and shaded micas. Apollo 16 mission contributed 200 times as many
One set of points (squares) is obtained by assuming the track-producing particles as were observed in this
tracks are etched for their total range. The circledpoints experiment.
are plotted assuming a range deficit of 1.7gm as given by
Bloket al. (ref. 19-7).
The integral energy spectrum shown in figure AT THE APOLLO 17 SITE
19-11 can be fitted between 80 keY/nucleon and 1
MeV/nucleon by a power law of the form N(>E) = Recoiling atoms from alpha-particle decay pro-
K_E-7 with spectral index 3' = 1.1, where N is the cesses have kinetic energies similar to those in the
track density, E is the kinetic energy, and K is a solar wind. It was, in fact, the observation of fossil
constant. Adding the maximum range deficit to the alpha-particle recoil tracks in terrestrial micas (ref.
data only changes the exponent 7 slightly to 1.3. The 19-8) that originally led to the suggestion that mica
Apollo 16 flare data showed a similar power law could be used as a heavy solar wind monitor. Two
dependence, but with a larger value of 7 of _2. important sources of alpha-particle recoil tracks are
Long-term values of solar flare very-heavy particle radon-222 (222Rn) atoms in the lunar atmosphere and
(20 _<Z _<28) energy spectra derived from studies of corresponding poloninm-210 (2WPo) atoms that
lunar rocks are intermediate between the values should be deposited on the surface from prior 2_Rn
measured here and in the Apollo 16 experiment, decay.
Although it cannot be proved that the high-energy Assuming that recoils of polonium atoms from the
particles observed in this experiment are solar in surface register with unity efficiency, the total
origin, the general similarity of the energy spectrum number of alpha-particle recoil tracks per square
to that observed in solar flares strongly suggests that centimeter per second should be approximately the
they originate in the Sun. same as the number of alpha particles per square
Although probably solar in nature, the precise centimeter per second from222Rn decay measuredin
source of the particles is unclear. As outlined in the a detector the surface of which is normal to the lunar
section entitled "Solar Activity Immediately Before surface. In a preliminary scan of the shaded mica,
and During the Apollo 17 Mission," although the Sun only one pit >5 tzm in diameter was found in an area
was generally quiescent, some activity was observed, of 2.8 X 10-4 cm 2. Because half of all alpha-particle
Particle counting rates also rose considerably above recoil tracks should have diameters greater than this
background at low energies early on the morning of value, we conclude that the density of alpha-particle
December 13, 1972. Possibly, the particles observed recoil tracks is _< 1 X 104 tracks/cm 2 . This density

gives an equivalent upper limit on the alpha-particle densities of _6 X 103 tracks/cm 2 of tracks _>0.5 ttm
recoil production rate of _3.6 disintegrations/min/ in length were measured in mica samples exposed in
cm 2.'This value is considerably higher than the most both sunlight and shade. The energy spectrum of
recent orbital measurement of the lunar average of these particles can be represented as a power law of
_-_-O.06 disintegration/sec/cm 2 by Gorenstein and the form N(>E) = KE-7 between 60 keV]nucleon
Bjorkholm (ref. 19-9), but is comparable to earlier and 1 MeV/nucleon. The value of 3' of 1.1 is some-
measurements of --_1.2 disintegrations/mJn/cm 2 for what lower than the long-term average of _*1.5 meas-
each alpha-active 222Rn daughter measured on the ured in studies of low-energy particles in lunar sam-
Surveyor V, VI, and VII spacecraft (ref. 19-10). The pies, but the general agreement in the nature of the
present statistics are clearly too poor to comment energy dependence suggests that the particles are so-
further on this problem, lar in origin.
The fluxes of these quiet-time energetic particles
SUMMARY are too low to account for very many of the fossil
tracks seen in lunar samples. As has commonly been
The LSCRE, consisting of sets of mica, glass, assumed, the fossil tracks appear to have been
plastic, and metal foil detectors, was successfully produced predominantly in solar flares.
deployed on the Apollo 17 mission. One set of A preliminary upper limit of_3.6 disintegrations/
detectors was exposed directly to su:nlight and min/cm 2 was obtained forthefluxofrecollingnuclei
another set was placed in shade, from alpha-particle decay processes such as Z22Rn
Preliminary scanning of the mica detectors shows decay in a local lunar atmosphere.
the expected registration of heavy solar wind ions in
the sample exposed directly to the Sun. The initial ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
results indicate a depletion of very-heavy solar wind
ions. The effect is probably not real but is caused by Wethank P. Swan of WashingtonUniversity for invaluable
scanning inefficiencies, help in the preparation and examination of many of the mica
samples. Wealso appreciate the permissionofl. D. Palmerof
Despite the lack of any pronounced solar activ- Los Alamos Scientific Laboratories and G. Paulikas of
ity, energetic heavy particles with energies extending Aerospace Corporation to quote their preliminary satellite
to >1 MeV/nucleon were observed. Equal track proton data.



FROM 20 TO 4(10 keV/amu

R. T. Woods, ab 1t. R. Hart, Jr.,a and R. L. Fleischer a

The main objective of the General Electric (GE) 4.5.5 hr from December I1 to 13, 1972. The
portion of the Apollo 17 cosmic ray experiment was detectors were arrayed in two groups, one of which
to measure the abundance and energy spectra and, was exposed facing the Sun and the other in the
hopefully, to infer the origin of heavy low-energy shade facing away from the Sun.
nuclei at solar quiet time. The experiment consisted In December 1972, solar activity was approaching
of three varieties of glass solid-state track detectors, the minimum predicted to occur in 1975, and the
which were exposed on the surface of the Moon for activity in December 1972 should have been lower
than at any time since 1966. As a result, the
aGeneral ElectricResearch and Development Center. diminution by the solar magnetic field irregularities
bState Universityof New York at Albany. of the flux of galactic cosmic rays entering the solar

system (so-called "solar modulation") should also oxygen 16 (160) ions for the lead phosphate glass) to
have been approaching its minimum. Characteristi- determine whether any thermal alteration of tracks
cally, the fluxes of these galactic particles have been occurred during the flight.
observed to decrease with decreasing energy in the
range from a few hundred MeV/amu to the lowest
energies previously' measured (_ 40 MeV/amu for
heavy nuclei) (ref. 19-2). In contrast, solar flare Particle tracks, such as are illustrated in figure
particles are found, generally, to decrease in abun- 19-12, were revealed under carefully controlled etch-
dance with increasing energy (ref. 19-11) and, specifi- ing conditions with a fixed temperature bath, a fixed
cally, for heavy nuclei in the same energy range as etchant stirring rate, and fresh etchant at each
that considered in this part (refs. 19-2 to 19-5). The separate stage of etching. The general chemical attack
primary key for deciding whether the low-energy
nuclei are solar or galactic in origin appears, there-
fore, to be the slope of the energy spectrum-a
positive slope being the signature of the galactic
particles and a negative slope being characteristic of
solar nuclei.
As a secondary objective, compositional abun-
dances and energy dependence of specific ions will be
sought. These will then be compared with composi-
tional measurements made on the Apollo 16 cosmic
ray experiment, during which a solar flare occurred.


The detectors consisted of nine different pieces of

glass of types and total areas listed in table 19-III.
The fused quartz (silicon dioxide (SiO2)) and phos-
phate glass (GE-1457) detectors were pre-etched and
examined before the experiment to ensure a good
surface. Small corner portions of each type of glass
were preirradiated (with californium-252 (2s2C 0 fis-
sion fragments for SiO2 and GE-1457 glass and with

TABLE 19-III.-Apollo 17 Glass Detectors

Exposed area,
cm _
Type Designation
Sun Shade

Fused quartz (FQ) FQ-SiO2 5.4 0

(Suprasil 2) !b
Phosphate a GE-1457 0 1.62
Lead phosphate b Lal 1.85 1.76 FIGURE 19-12.-Etched tracks in phosphate glass (GE-
1457). (a) A typical view in the Apollo 16 detector,
a6.30 weight percent phosphate, 11.03 percent barium which was exposed during a solar flare known to have
oxide, 9+30 percent silver Oxide, 8.47 percent potassium ejected particles into the interplanetary medium. (b) An
oxide, and 8.20 percent aluminum oxide, atypical view in the Apollo 17 detector. The view is
b77.4 percent lead phosphate, 10 percent manganese unusual in that it contains a track. Each detector was
phosphate, and 12.6 percent iron phosphate, melted in a etched in 48 percent hydrofluoric acid to remove 0.5 X
mullite crucible (D. Lal, personal communication, 1972). 10 -4 era of glass.

rate Vg was measured first, using control samples, by energy representing the bin. It was assumed for the
three methods: from the rate of motion of a purposes of calculation that all particles were from
right-angled edge relative to fixed markers in the the iron group with a cone angle of _7 °. This glass is
glass, from the attack rate inferred from cone angle sensitive to ions as light as neon, and it may contain
and track diameter measurements on individual tracks from ions lighter than those in the iron peak.
tracks, and from the thickness change of glass plates Cone angle measurements are in progress and will be
with parallel faces. When a flight sample was etched, compared with existing calibration data that give
simultaneous and independent measurement of the cone angles of 30 ° to 35 °, 10 °, and 5° to 10 ° for
general attack rate was made and checked with a neon, argon, and iron, respectively (ref. 19-4). It is
predicted etch rate for consistency, hoped that the different chemical constituents that
The GE-1457 glass was etched in 48 percent are present can be separated in this manner.
hydrofluoric acid (HF) for 5.0 min at 302.45 K to The resulting energy spectrum extends fi'om a
remove 0.5 × 10 -4 cm of glass. Track measurements kinetic energy E of _0.02 to _43.4 MeV/amu. If the
on each track were made more than once using a three highest energy data points (0.08 _<E _<0.4) are
Leitz Ortholux microscope at a nominal magnifica- fitted with a power law in kinetic energy, the flux is
tion of 1000X and a filar eyepiece, which has a given by 3.52 X 10 -4 E-(LT - 0.6) particles/cm2.sec
t.s -
movable hairline. The threshold capability of the sr-MeV/amu withE in MeV/amu.
eyepiece was checked by an independent experiment. Another interesting result is obtained from the
A group of identical glass samples of glass microscope analysis of the lead phosphate (Lal) glass detectors.
slides was irradiated with 2s2cf fission fragments at One detector was exposed directly to the Sun while
normal incidence. Samples were then etched under the other was in the down-Sun direction. The track
identical etch conditions but in successive increments
density in the Sun-exposed portion was 872 :t 134
of 15-sec intervals in 5.7 percent HF at :295.45 K. tracks/era z , whereas the track density in the down-
Track diameter measurements allowed plotting of the
track diameter as a function of etch time. For the Sun or shaded portion was 430 -+67 tracks/cm 2 .
range of track lengths examined, linearity is expected
in track diameters because there is very little change

in the cone angle. A straight line was obtained; this = 10-L-

result implied that reliable dimension measurements
are possible to a lower optical limit of 0.35 X ,_
10=4 cm. Individual tracks were cataloged by con- _,
structing a grid-work matrix with each matrix ele- _6 \
ment corresponding in row and column to that of ,,_
each field of view seen through the optical micro- -_ \

scope. This procedure makes possible the :relocation lZ -2
of an individual track for remeasurement after succes- _=10
sire etches. Individual particle range calculations were _"
then made.
The differential energy spectrum in figure 19-13 _
was obtained starting with the measured track length __
distribution given in table 19-IV, in which the results
are summarized. Tracks were grouped in length bins,
and equivalent energies corresponding to the lower _ 10-.301 .1 1.0
and upper limits were obtained using range-energy Energy.MeWamu
tables (ref. 19-12) for iron ions in aluminum, because
the GE-1457 glass is closely similar to aluminum in its FIGURE 19-13.-Differential energy spectrum of heavy
stopping power. This approximation introduces negli- cosmic ray nuclei at the Moon from December 11 to 13,
1972, inferred from the distribution of stopping depths in
gible additional errors. The energy between these two phosphate glass (GE-1457). The two points marked by
limits was evaluated so that the same number of circlesare the lowest energy data taken from the work of
particles within that bin fall on either side of the Priee andChan (part C, fig. 19-14).

TABLE 19-IV.-Track Data in the Apollo 1 7 GE-1457 Phosphate Glass

Energy Differen tial

Particle range Number interval, flux J,
stopping Me V/amu particles/cm 2 -see-st-Me V/arnu
em (a) (b)

0.5 to 0.85 × 10 -4 31 0.0121 to 0.0255 9.56 +- 0.17 X 10 -2

.85 to 1.43 38 0.0255 to 0.0537 5.66 +- 0.92 × 10 -2
1.43 to 2.41 37 0.0537 to 0.1130 2.66 -+ 0.43 × 10 -2
2.41 to 4.05 11 0.1130 to 0.2370 3.73 +- 1.12 X 10 -a
4.05 to 6.85 9 (6) c 0.2370 to 0.5000 1.44 -+0.48 × 10 -a

aDetermined from range-energy tables (ref. 19-12).

bFor this detector: exposure time = 45.5 hr; effective solid angle = 1.55 st; area
scanned = 9.38 X 10 -2 era2; index of refraction = 1.52; J = (N/AE) 4.2 × 10 -s
particles/cm2-sec-sr-MeV]amu, where N is track density and AE is difference in energy.
CThe number in parentheses is the number of tracks that have not rounded. This
means the particle stopped at a depth in the glass greater than the measured length of the
track. It was assumed that some of the six sharp tracks in the length interval 4.05 to
6.85 × 10-4 cm could round out in the next larger length interval, hence the arrow on
the highest energy data point in fig_e 19-13.

DISCI.ISSION the actual solar activity allows an understanding of

the presence of heavy solar particles.
The glass-detector results show, at the higher To begin, one must determine what solar activity
energies (0.05 _<E(MeV/amu)_< 0.5), a steep spec- is and how it is assessed. In December 1972, the
tral shape that can be fitted by a power law in kinetic overall solar activity based on the plot of smoothed
sunspot number as a function of time 1 (ref. 19-17)
energy: 6.33 X 10 -s -0.9.
E -(2"s+L2) At lower ener-
was _40 percent of that at solar maximum as
gies, the spectrum flattens. Qualitatively, the shape of compared with 5 to 10 percent at full solar minimum.
the spectrum at higher energies is similar to that Consequently, the Sun was not totally quiet on the
measured for single solar flare events (refs. 19-2 to basis of this definition. On a shorter time scale, flares
19-5 and 19-13, the first four references referring to
that do eject particles are closely correlated spatially
analysis of the April 17, 1972, solar flare observed by with sunspot groups (ref. 19-18). The relation of
the Apollo 16 cosmic ray experiment). The spectral satellite monitor data to the actual presence of
shape at higher energies is also qualitatively similar to particles depends on the sensitivity of the detectors.
that observed for the cumulative effect of many flares As satellite particle detectors become more sensitive,
over 2.5 yr at a time of maximum solar activity (refs. the percentage of flares that are observed to generate
19-14 to 19-16). This aspect alone suggests a solar energetic particles increases. This suggests the follow-
origin for these low-energy, heavy cosmic rays. The ing working hypothesis: the generation of energetic
absolute flux level at any given energy is much lower particles is a normal feature of all solar flares. Some
in the Apollo 17 spectrum than in the Apollo 16 flares may be more prolific generators than others,
spectrum. This is consistent with the satellite moni- however (ref. 19-19). Also, satellite data indicate that
tors, which showed orders of magnitude more pro- X-rays and protons are generated almost continu-
tons during the Apollo 16 experiment than during the ously from active regions on the Sun. These observa-
Apollo 17 experiment. A significant factisthatsteep tions imply that a highly efficient, nonthermal
spectra are observed in both experiments even though mechanism must be operative nearly all the time.
solar modulation has presumably changed between Flares may be the obvious, large-scale phenomena,
these events, whereas the slowly varying emission may be the result
The spectral character of the heavy particles seen
(fig. 19-13) implies that they are solar in origin. It 1H. 1. Leighton and J. V. Lincoln, personal communi-
must now be determined whether our knowledge of cation, 1973.

of the superposition of large numbers of microflares a value of the ratio of protons to heavy nuclei of
(ref. 1%20). In support of this idea, a plot of the _10 000 at 0.3 MeV/amu and a limit of < 10 000 at
number of flares as a function of their areas shows an 1 MeV/amu can be derived. By comparison, values of
increasingly greater number of small flares (ref. 1200 and 12 000, respectively, were observed during
19-18). the April 17, 1972, flare (ref. 19-4). In short, the
As an example of the abundance of small flares, heavy-element enrichment relative to protons ob-
during the period December 10 to 13, 1972 (the served in a flare is seen here also.
actual Apollo 17 experiment occurred in the period
December 11 to 13), the following were observed: 11
sunspot groups; 52 flares of subflare category (on an SUMMARY
S, 1, 2, 3, 4 level of classification of the Sun area Glass track detectors were exposed to cosmic rays
involved, with faint (F), normal (N), and brilliant (B) on the Moon from December 11 to 13, 1972, during
associated with each level); one flare of importance a period of relatively quiet Sun activity as inferred
IF;and three radio bursts (ref. 19-17). fi:om satellite proton counters. From 80 to 400
Because the GE-1457 glass detector was exposed keV/amu, the differential flux of heavy cosmic ray
facing away from the Sun, the inferred solar origin of nuclei decreases roughly as E-2 ; this result together
the particles implies that, farther out in the solar with the greater flux from the solar than the antisolar
system than the Earth-Moon distance, magnetic Jr- direction identify these nuclei as solar in origin.
regularities exist that effectively enable the detector
to record heavy ions even though it faces away from ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the Sun. It is important to note that the two lead
phosphate (Lal) glass detectors showed a difference in The authors thank R. M. Walker and E. Zinner, who
oversaw the construction, testing, and deployment of the
track densities, namely a larger track density in the experiment; lan Palmer of Los Alamos Scientific Labora-
Sun-exposed portion by a factor of 2. This difference tortes for proton information from the Vela satellite;and W.
makes clear the solar origin for the particles. R. Giard, J. F. Norton, and L. J. Boudreaux of General
It is also of interest to consider the relative Electric Research and Development Center for experimental
assistance. We owe special thanks to D. Lal of Physical
abundance of heavy elements during the period of Research Laboratory, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, India, for
this experiment. From the satellite proton flux and supplying samples of a new lead phosphate glass for use in
the heavy-element flux observed by the investigators, ttds experiment.




P_ B. Pn'cea and J. H. Chan a

The University of California cosmic ray detector In a preliminary examination of 1-cm2 portions
was a stack of seven sheets of Lexan, each 125/2m fiom the top, middle, and bottom of the stack, two
thick and 3.5 by 4.5 cm in size, that was placed in the distinct populations of particles that entered the
shade facing away from the Sun. The top sheet was stack from the antisolar direction were disc(wered:
coated with an _ 100-nm-thick layer of aluminum to (]) particles with a steeply falling energy spectrum,
screen out ultraviolet light, which would increase the the overwhelming majority of which penetrated less
sensitivity to particle tracks in an undesirable way. than _ 40/_m into the top sheet, and (2) a very low
flux of particles with ranges distributed apparently
aUniversity of California at Berkeley. uniformly throughout all seven sheets. Evidence is

presented that the first group was of solar origin, even has been scaled downward by a factor of 25 and the
though the Sun was relatively quiet during the helium (He) spectrum has been scaled downward by a
45.5-hr exposure of the cosmic ray detectors, and factor of 500. The data then fall reasonably close to a
that the second group consisted of galactic cosmic single power law showing no strong dependence of
rays with a fairly fiat energy spectrum, composition on energy. The magnitudes of the ratios
Z/> 20:CNO:He _ 1:25:500 are quite different from
SUPRATHERMAL IONS OF the solar photospheric ratios, which are approxi-
SOLAR ORIGIN mately 1:50:3000. The heavy elements are thus more
abundant in the energetic particles than in the Sun.
To study the population of interplanetary particles The flux of He ions measured in the Lexan stack
with a steeply falling energy spectrum, small portions agrees reasonably well with the flux determined by
of the top sheet are etched for short times, tracks on electronic detectors on IMP-7, shown as a dashed line.
the top surface are located and measured, the surface During the time of exposure of the plastics, the He
is irradiated with ultraviolet light to increase the flux was about five times higher than its minimum
etching rate greatly, and, finally, the surface is value, shown as a dotted line, corresponding to a solar
re-etched to determine the total ranges of the "quiet time." The shapes of the energy spectra are
particles. The initial and f'mal lengths of each track not a convincing proof that the particles observed
are two parameters that allow charge Z and energy E during the Apollo 17 mission were of solar origin. To
to be determined. The minimum energy for which provide additional evidence, we measured the relative
charge determination is possible is determined by the abundance of C, N, and O at an energy of _ 3.9
track lengthafter the first etch. MeV/nucleon. The result is that O:C+N _ 1.65,
The data obtained thus far are shown in figure which is indistinguishable from the solar abundance
19-14. The energy spectra of the various species ratio (._ 1.67) and much higher than that for
appear to have rather similar shapes, within the galactic cosmic rays (_ 0.74) and strongly suggests
limited statistics. To facilitate a comparison, the that the majority of the particles are solar in origin.
spectrum of the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) group Presumably they were scattered from magnetic field
irregularities in interplanetary space until their direc-
Z z 20 tions of motion were isotropic and entered the
Apollo 17 • z _ 204w0ods
et al., 0art B) detector from all directions.
Dec.11to CNO 25
10s -_ _ _ In the upper part of figure 19-15, measurements of
13,le//2 o He

__ 102 _ He _ 500on Dec.11t013,1972

iMP-7-_'.'_He+5OOduringquiettime solar Fe fluxes
19-22), during the
and Apollo 16 Apollo 17, Apollo
(ref. 19-5) 12 (ref.
missions are
_ 101 ,_ o compared
Fe with on
flux based the measurements
long-term average interplanetary
of tracks accumu-

l00 1970 in
lated by the
the Surveyor
investigators (ref. 19-16),
III camera by Fleischer
glass during et
1967 to
' al. (ref. 19-14), and by Crozaz and Walker (ref.
10-z 19-15). It is seen that, even during a solar quiet time,

_10. 2 .. ffrApollo
....16 objects on planetary surfaces and in interplanetary
_ _I / data space are being irradiated with ions as heavy as Fe (Z
_;_ j__./l_ = 26) and of mean energy on the order of 0.1
_-1°-3 _ MeV/nucleon. The long-term contribution during
10-4 I I I _ I _ solar quiet times is, however, inconsequential in
10" 10-1 l0 ° 101 102 103 comparison with the contribution from occasional
Kineticenergy,MeV/nucleon intense solar flares. Most of the tracks that accumu-
FIGURE 19-14.-Energy-dependent composition of low- lated in the Surveyor III glass during a 2.6-yr period
energy interplanetary ions during solar quiet time. To probably came during seven major flares, each lasting
display the enhancement of heavy elements at low 1 to 2 days.
energies, the fluxes
down by their of CNO and to
abundancesrelative HeFehave been
in the sealed
Sun.The The discovery of heavy-particle enhancements in
enhancement appearsto disappearat energiesgreater than solar flares (ref. 19-16) was an unexpected dividend
1 MeV/nudeon. of the Apollo Program. Results of the present

106 3. The enrichment factor decreases with energy

and approaches a constant value at some character-
105 istic energy on the order of the mean energy of the
surveyorl]I glass_10ng-term average flare particles.
= 104 /, _1_1-701 4. The mean energy, defined as f¢(E)EdE]
o WeakflareduringApollo 16 f,_(E)dE, with ¢(E) denoting the energy spectrum,
_ l03 ,/" (Apollo16cosmicray appears to be an increasing function of the intensity
,/ experiment} of the flare, ranging from _< 1 MeV/nucleon for the
102 Apollo12command quiet Sun to _ 8 MeV/nucleon for the very intense
modulewindow flare on August 4, 1972 (ref. 19-21).
_E 101 5. The maximum value of the enrichment factor
(observed at the lowest energy accessible with the
l°° I.exan detector, _ 0.1 MeV/nucleon) is similar for all
_- Galactic
cosmic solar conditions, ranging from quiet Sun to the most
-1 raysat
_- solar intense flare.

._._1_2 \ minimum,... 6. Even at energies as low as _ 2 MeV/nucleon,

x ," solar flare Fe particles seem to be nearly completely
_ _,,-_ ionized. The evidence is based on the shapes of
1°-3 t' -r _d:c;_pol_o 16
Apollo 17_ ''_' differential rigidity spectra of He, O, and Fe (ref.
10-4 I I I I 19-5) and on the minimum particle energies observed
10-_ 10° 10_ 1°2 ]'03 _ith rockets launched at Fort Churchill in Canada
Kineticenergy,tdeV/nueleon (Ief. 19-25). Conditions at the accelerating region
FIGURE 19-15.-Flux of Fe ions in space.The points labeled must be such as to remove even the inner electrons
16 and 17 are measurementsof the galactic cosmicrays in with ionization potentials of several keV. Once the
the plastic-detector
missions. For _ 24 experiments on Apollo
hr during the the Apollo 16 and 17a
16 mission, particles are ionized, the amount of matter traversed
weak flare produced an Fe ion flux _ 10 percent of the between the solar atmosphere and the Moon is too
long-term average observed in the Surveyor III glass, little for the stripped heavy ion to reach charge
During the Apollo 12 and 17 missions, the Fe ion finx equilibrium by electron capture.
was negligibleby comparison.Clearly, the major contribu-
tion to the long-term average would be from occasional
very intense solar flares. LOW-EN E RGY GALACTIC COSMIC RAYS

Half of each sheet in the Lexan stack has been

experiment, together with those of studies of solar etched 72 hr in a 6.25N sodium hydroxide solution
particle composition using plastic detectors on the saturated in Lexan etch products. Each sheet has
Apollo 16 mission and in rocket flights (summarized be.en scanned in a stereomicroscope for tracks of
in ref. 19-23), provide important clues to the mechan- cosmic rays with Z/> 14. Cone length and residual
isms of solar particle emission. In this preliminary range of particle tracks that are estimated on the basis
report, the emission mechanisms are not discussed, of previous experience (ref. 19-26) to have Z _ 20
but the clues are summarized as follows, have been measured.
I. At sufficiently low energies, heavy elements in Tracks of particles with Z _ 14 observed in
solar flare particles are always enriched relative to one-half the stack are listed in table 19-V. A sizable
their photospheric abundances, b_ckground of unwanted particles is immediately
2. The enrichment factor Q =- (Z/He)sp/(Z/He) 0 apparent. Seven of the 24 particles entered the sheets
is an increasing function of Z from He at least up to Z through the back of the detector. Although some
_40 (ref. 19-24). The subscripts SP and 0 refer to may have reached the detector in a direct path
abundance ratios in solar particles and in the Sun, between the legs and under the body of the lunar
respectively. Because only the elements He, O, silicon module, the solid angle for such paths is small. It is
(St), Fe, 32 _<Z _<38, and Z ;> 40 have thus far been possible that such events occurred during the approxi-
studied, a possible fine structure in the enrichments n_tely 10 days when the detector was inside the
such as a correlation with ionization potential cannot spacecraft in transit to and from the Moon. Of the 17
be ruled out yet. particles that entered the detector from the front, six

TABLE 19-V.-CosmicRay Tracks of we cannot be confident that the energy spectrum

Particles with Z >114 in One-Half the continues to drop with decreasing energy, but the
Stack trend is suggestive. When the other half of the stack is
processed and analyzed, the statistical errors will
Sheet in Directionfrom decrease by _
which particle which particle Z From the Z values in table 19-V, it is possible to
stopped entered
assert with some confidence that the heavy nuclei in
7 Front;sky 14 the energy interval 11 to 39 MeV/nucleon are of
5 Back; sky 14 galactic rather than solar origin. The proportion of
7 Front; Moon 20 secondary nuclei with 17 _<Z _<25 relative to Fe is
6 Back;sky 18 11 to 6, which is too high for them to have come
7 Front; sky 14
<1 Back; Moon 26 from the Sun.
1 Back; Moon 26 From recent satellite measurements of the He flux
>7 Front;sky 26 in the same energy interval (ref. 19-28) and from
6 Back; sky 20 abundance data at higher energy (summarized in ref.
> 76 Front;Moon
Front; sky 26
20 19-29), we conclude that the abundance ratio He/
>7 Front;sky 26 Fe-group is independent of energy from _10 to
>7 Front;sky 26 _2000 MeV/nucleon. By using the previously de-
5 Front;Moon 18 scribed ultraviolet-sensitization and re-etch scheme,
4 Front; sky 20 we shall be able to determine the fluxes of galactic
5 Front; Moon 20
2 Back; sky 16 CNO and He nuclei at energies of a few to _ 20
4 Front;sky 14 MeV/nucleon, an interval that has been largely
4 Front; sky 18 unexplored until now.
4 Front; Moon 18
3 Front; sky 22
2 Front;Moon 24 CONCLUSIONS
1 Back;Moon 14
2 Front;sky 14 Suprathermal ions with an energy spectrum that
decreases by a factor of_ 1 X l0 s in the interval 0.1
to _7 MeV/nucleon are believed to have been
apparently entered from below the horizon. It is emitted by the Sun when it was relatively quiet. At
difficult to see how this large fraction of the total very low energies, the Fe/CNO ratio and the CNO/He
could be attributed to cosmic ray albedo from the ratio are enhanced relative to their photospheric
lunar surface. It is more likely that these particles, ratios at all energies studied (_ 0.2 to _ 10 MeW
and a comparable number with acceptable directions nucleon).
(front; sky), actually entered the detector while it Particles with 14 _< Z _< 26 were detected at
was inside the spacecraft. With no shifting mechanism energies between _ 10 and _- 40 MeV/nucleon. Their
such as was used on the Apollo 16 experiment, it is flux is slightly lower than the flux of such particles
necessary to make approximate corrections for the observed at energies of _ 60 to 150 MeV/nucleon on
fraction of unwanted particles with acceptable direc- the Apollo 16 experiment. From their high abun-
tions, based on the fraction with unacceptable direc- dance ratio of 17 _< Z _<25/Fe as well as their flux
tions, level, these particles are attributed to galactic cosmic
In figures 19-14 and 19-15, a corrected flux of rays. The abundance ratio of He/Fe appears to be
nuclei with Z _ 23 that stopped in the stack has been independent of energy from _ 10 to _ 2000 MeW
plotted. It was assumed that 17 - (2 X 6) = 5 nucleon.
particles entered the front of the detector during its
approximately 45-hr lunar exposure. The energy
interval is _ 11 to 39 MeV/nucleon. Two points at ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
70 and 120 MeV/nucleon from the Apollo 16 We thank Joan Steel and Dr. J. D. Sullivan of the
University of California detector (ref. 19-27) are University of Californiafor their assistance in the preparation
included in figure 19-15. The statistics are such that and calibration of the Lexan detectors.

REFERENCES in Glass from the Surveyor 3 Spacecraft. Science, vol.

171, no. 3977, Mar. 26, 1971, pp. 1237-1239.
19-16. Price, P. ll.; Huteheon, I.; Cows]k, R.; and Barber, D.
19-1. Fleischer, R. L.; and Hart, H. R., Jr.: Composition and J.: Enhanced Emission of Iron Nuclei in Solar Flares.
Energy Spectra of Solar Cosmic Ray Nuclei. Sec. 15, Part Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 26, no. 15, Apr. 12, 1971, pp.
A, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA 916-919.
SP-315, 1972. 19-17. Leighton, H. I.; and Lincoln, J. V., eds.: Solar
19-2. Price, P. B.; Braddy, D.; O'Sullivan, D.; and Sullivan, J. Geophysical Data. World Data Center A for Solar-
D.: Composition of Interplanetary Particles at Energies Terrestrial Physics, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
From 0.1 to 150 MeV/Nucleon. Sec. 15, Part B, of the Administration (Boulder, Colorado), no. 341, part 1, Jan.
Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1973.
1972. 19-18. Smith, Henry J.: Solar Flares: Their Structure,
19-3. Burnett, D.; Hohenberg, C.; Maurette, M.; Monnin, M.; Development, and Motion. AAS-NASA Symposium on
et al.: Solar Cosmic Ray, Solar Wind, Sohtr Flare, and the Physics of Solar Flares. NASA SP-50, 1964, pp. 1-14.
Neutron Albedo Measurements. See. 15, Part C, of the 19-19. McCracken, K. G.: High Energy Particle Events
Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, Associated with Solar Flares. Solar Flares and Space
1972. Research, North Holland Publishing Company (Amster-
19-4. Fleischer, R. L.; and Hart, H. R., Jr.: Enrichment of dam), 1969, pp. 202-214.
Heavy Nuclei in the 17 April 1972 Solar Flare. Phys. Rev. 1.9-20. Friedman, H.: X-Ray Observations of Solar Flares.
Letters, vol. 30, no. 1, Jan. 1, 1973, pp. 31-34. Solar Flares and Space Research, North Holland Publish-
19-5. Braddy, D.; Chan, J. H.; and Price, P. B.: Charge States ing Company (Amsterdam), 1969, pp. 87-94.
and Energy-Dependent Composition of Solar-Flare Par]i- 19-21. Price, P. B.; Chan, J. H.; Crawford, H. J.; and
cles. Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 30, no. 14, Apr. 2, 1973, pp. Sullivan, J. D.: Systematics of Heavy Ion Enhancements
669-671. in Solar Flares. Proceedings of the 13th International
19-6. Natowitz, Joseph B.; Khodai-Joopmi, Arastoo; Cosmic Ray Conference (University of Denver), 1973.
Alexander, John M.; and Thomas, T. Darrah: Detection of 19-22. Chan, J. H.; Price, P. B.; and Shirk, E. K.: Charge
Long-Range Fragments from Decay of Cf 2s2. Phys. Rev., Composition and Energy Spectrum of Suprathermal Solar
vol. 169, no. 4, May 20, 1968, pp. 993-999. Particles. Proceedings of the 13th International Cosmic
19.:7. Blok, H.; Kiely, F. M.; and Pate, B. D.: The Track Ray Conference (University of Denver), 1973.
Lengths of Heavy Ions in Mica. Nucl. Inst. Meth., vol. 1!9-23. Price, P. B.; Chart, J. H.; Hutcheon, I. D.; Maedougall,
100, no. 3, May 1, 1972, pp. 403-411. D.; et al.: Low-Energy Heavy Ions in the Solar System.
19=8. Huang, W. H.; and Walker, R. M.: Fossil tdpha-Particle Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference,
Recoil Tracks: A New Method of Age Determination. Pergamon Press (New York), Dec. 1973.
Science, vol. 155, no. 3715,Mar. 3,1967,pp. 1103-1106. _L9-24. Shirk, E. K.; and Price, P. B.: Observation of
19.-9. Gorenstein, Pan]; and Bjorkholm, Paul: Detection of Trans-Iron Solar Flare Nuclei in an Apollo 16 Command
Radon Emanation from the Crater Aristarchus by the Module Window. Proceedings of the 13th International
Apollo 15 Alpha Particle Spectrometer. Science, vol. 179, Cosmic Ray Conference (University of Denver), 1973.
no. 4075, Feb. 23, 1973, pp. 792-794. ;[9-25. Sullivan, J. D.; and Price, P. B.: On the Charge State
19-10. Turkevich, Anthony L.; Patterson, James H.; of Low-Energy Fe Nuclei Accelerated by Solar Flares.
Franzgrote, Ernest J.; Sowinski, Kenneth P.; et al.: Alpha Proceedings of the 13th International Cosmic Ray Con-
Radioactivity of the Lunar Surface at the Landing Sites of ference (University of Denver), 1973.
Surveyors 5, 6, and 7. Science, vol. 167, no. 3926, Mar. ;19-26. Price, P. B.; Fleischer, R. L.; Peterson, D. D.;
27, 1970, pp. 1722-1724. O'Ceallaigh, C.; et al.: High-Resolution Study of Low-
19-11. Biswas, S.; and Fichtel, C. E.: Composition of Solar Energy Heavy Cosmic Rays with Lexan Track Detectors.
Cosmic Rays. Space Sci. Rev., vol. 4, no. 1, 1965, pp. Phys. Rev. Letters, vol. 21, no. 9, Aug. 26, 1968, pp.
709-736. 630-633.
19-12. Northcliffe, L. C.; and Schilling, R. F.: Range and ;19-27. O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.; and Price, P. B.;
Stopping Power Tables for Heavy Ions, Texas A&M Composition of Galactic Cosmic Rays with 30 < E < 130
(College Station), 1970; Nuclear Data Tables, vol. 7, MeV/N. Nature Physical Science, vol. 243, May 7, 1973,
1970, p. 233ff. pp. 8-9.
19-13. Lin, R. P.; Kahler, S. W.; and Roelof, E. C.: Solar ;19-28. Garcia-Munoz, M.; Mason, G. M.; and Simpson, J. A.:
Flare Injection and Propagation of Low-Energy Protons A New Test for Solar Modulation Theory: The May-July
and Electrons in the Event of 7-9 July, 1966. Solar Phys., 1972 Low Energy Galactic Cosmic Ray Proton and
vol. 4, no. 1, 1968, pp. 338-360. Helium Spectra. Astrophys. J. Letters, vol. 182, 1973, pp.
19-14. Fleischer, R. L.; Hart, H. R., Jr.; and Comstock, G. LS1-L84.
M.: Very Heavy Solar Cosmic Rays: Energy Spectrum and 19-29. Webbcr, W. R.; Lezniak, J. A.; Kish, J. C.; and Dam]e,
Implications for Lunar Erosion. Science, vol. 171, no. S.V.: Evidence for Differences in the Energy Spectra of
3977, Mar. 26, 1971, pp. 1240-1242. Cosmic Ray Nuclei. Nature Physical Science, vol. 241, no.
19-15. Crozaz, G.; and Walker, R. M.: Solar Particle Tracks 109, Jan. 29, 1973, pp. 96-98.
20. Gamma Ray Spectrometer Experiment,
NaI(TI) Detector Crystal Activation
J. L Trombka, a R. L. Schmadebeck, a M. Bielefeld, b G. D. O'Kelley, c J. S. Eldridge, c K. J. Northcutt, c
A. E. Metzger, d E. SchonfeM, e L. E. Peterson,f J. R. Arnold, ft and R. C. Reedy g

Gamma ray spectra have been used recently to EXPERIMENT PROCEDURE

obtain geochemical analyses of the lunar surface and
differential energy spectra of the diffuse gamma ray An NaI(T1) crystal assembly physically identical
background (refs. 20-1 and 20-2). A major source of to that flown on the Apollo 15 and 16 missions was
interference in the gamma ray spectral measurements used in this experiment (ref. 20-6). The Apollo 17
may be attributable to the proton-induced activity in assembly did not include the photomultiplier, the
the scintillation detectors. The sources of this activity proton anticoincidence mantle, and the thermal
during space flight are the primary and secondary shield. The detector was a 7- by 7-era right-cylindrical
cosmic rays and, in addition, the trapped-proton flux crystal. A glass plate was optically sealed to the
when in near-Earth orbit. A number of individuals crystal. Magnesium oxide was used as the optical
have noticed and discussed this problem (refs. 20-3 to ;reflector inside the crystal assembly. This type of
20-5). The detectors mounted in the Apollo 15 and assembly permitted hermetic sealing of the crystal
16 service modules could have been used for a study ;rod made possible a simple procedure for optically
of the induced activity but they were unfortunately coupling the crystal assembly to a photomultiplier
destroyed during reentry and therefore are not tube after flight. The crystal and reflector were
available for study. ,inclosed in a steel jacket. An identical second crystal
In an attempt to obtain experimental data on the assembly that was not flown was used as a control
extent of the cosmic-ray-induced activity, a sodium throughout the measurement program. After splash-
down, the flight (i.e., activated) crystal was returned
iodide (thallium-activated) (NaI(T1) crystal was flown
on board the Apollo 17 command n_todule. No to the recovery ship and optically mounted on a
photomultiplier tube, and pulse-height spectra were
measurements werewas
down, the crystal made duringtoflight.
returned After splash-
the aircraft carrier obtained. The activated crystal was counted in a
U.S.S. Ticonderoga, where measurements of the large, steel, low-level shield. The crystal counting was
started approximately 1.5 hr after atmospheric re-
induced activity were conducted for a 30-hr period, entry of the command module. Before splashdown,
The crystal
National was then (ORNL),
Laboratory returned where
to thetheOak Ridge
measure- dae control (unactivated) crystal was optically sealed
to a photomultiplier tube and the background was
ments were continued in a low-level counting facility, determined in the steel shield. The same photomulti-
plier tube was Used to count the flight and control
baNASAGoddard Space Flight Center crystal assemblies. After 30 hr of counting on board
Computer SciencesCoiporation. Ikllerecovery ship, the detector was flown back to the
eoak RidgeNational Laboratory. ORNL where measurements were continued. This
eN Propulsion Laboratory. procedure permitted the observation of the decay of
ASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space
of California,San Center.
Diego. the longer lived cosmic-ray-induced activities. Direct
gLos Alamos Scientific Laboratory, University of Call- measurements of the induced activities were made by,
fornia, again, optically sealing a photomultiplier tube to the
"_principalInvestigator. activated crystal. Indirect measurements, using both


germanium (lithium-activated) (Ge(Li)) detectors and after background subtraction. This indication can be
a large (4_r) scintillation detector in a low-level seen in the potassium-40 (4°K) and Th identification
counting system at the ORNL (ref. 20-7), were in figure 20-1. The energy identifications for _24I,
performed to determine the spectral distribution and 126I, and Z4Na indicated in figure 20-1 have been
the intensity of the emitted radiations. The 4n verified by measurements made with the Ge(Li)
scintillation counter is divided in half. Both halves detector and in the low-level counting system. Both
can be operated so as to require the occurrence of energy and half-fife information has been used to
coincident events in both halves before an event is determine the presence of these nuclear species. The
analyzed and recorded (coincidence spectra), or both 1231 and x2st species were identified by use of the
halves can be operated without the coincidence spectra obtained on board the recovery ship from
requirement so that events can be analyzed and both energy and half-life determinations. The 22Na
recorded independently (singles spectra), species has been tentatively identified on the basis of
a preliminary analysis of the data obtained by the
P RE L IMINAR¥ R ESU LTS coincidence measurements in the low-level counting
facility. The presence of _27Xe has been determined
To date, it has been possible to obtain qualitative by the identification of energy lines at 0.172, 0.203,
identification of the following nuclear species: and 0.375 MeV using the Ge(Li) detector. The work
sodium-24 (_Na), _ 15 hr;iodine-123 (12al), _ 13.2 will be continued to obtain quantitative results and
hr; iodine-124 (1241), _4.8 days; iodine-125 (12si), possibly to identify more nuclear species that have
60.1 days; iodine-126 (126I), _ 13 days; xenon-127 not been obvious from these early analyses.
(127Xe), _36.4 days; sodium-22 (22Na), _2.6 yr; Figure 20-2is apulse-height spectrum obtained by
and iodine-128 (12sI), _ 25 min. After suitable using the activated crystal mounted on a photomulti-
calibrations, quantitative concentrations of these plier and counted in a lead shield at the ORNL. The
radionuclides will be obtained. The present results counting took place 1.5 months after splashdown,
indicate that the induced activity observed after and the counting time was 60 000 sec. The back-
recovery can be attributed mainly to species with half ground count is also shown. The gain of the spec-
fives of approximately 12 hr and longer. Decay trometer was adjusted to observe the very-low-energy
products with shorter half lives do not make a large portion of the gamma ray pulse-height spectrum. The
contribution to the postrecovery integral count rate. characteristic decay spectrum of the 12sI species can
This is not to imply that there are no short half-life be easily seen.
components. In fact, an apparent line at approxi-
mately 0.44 MeV may be characteristic of 1_ I. There D ISCI.JSSI O N
are a few more regions with relatively short half lives The cosmic-ray-induced crystal activation is of
(on the order of tens of minutes) that have not yet considerable consequence in the analysis of the
been identified. Apollo 15 and 16 gamma ray spectra obtained during
The pulse-height spectrum obtained during the transearth coast. In determining the magnitude and
first 1.5 hr of counting after recovery is shown in differential energy spectrum of the so-called diffuse
figure 20-1. The spectrum has been corrected for gamma ray spectrum in the 0.3 to 30-MeV region,
background by subtracting the measurements ob- one of the major sources of interference can be
tained with the control crystal. Peak energies for the attributed to the crystal activation. Thus, to make
nuclides presently identified are indicated in figure proper background corrections, both the magnitude
20-1. The peak positions for 123I, 1241,1261,and 1_I and the spectral distribution of the cosmic-ray-
are displaced by _ 27 keV due to X-ray emission and induced activity had to be determined. Some theo-
absorption after electron capture, retical and experimental work had been done to
Measurements of the flight and control crystals predict the magnitude of this effect (refs. 20-4 and
performed at the low-level counting laboratory at the 20-5), but the work on the Apollo 15 diffuse gamma
ORNL before flight indicated that the potassium (K) ray measurements (ref. 20-2) indicated that these
and thorium (Th) content of the flight crystal was predictions were too high. To better determine the
slightly higher than that for the control crystal. Thus, extent of this effect, the Apollo 17 experiment was
some indication of these dements would be expected performed.

I00 0 ..... MeV,1231


00 ...0.44 MeV,1281
0.389MeV, 1241/'_..--0.51 MeV(manysources)
.-".'./'" ..... 0.605MeV, 1241
/"/-f-'- .... 0.666MeV,1261 .1.27 MeV,22Natpossibly)
10 0.723MeV,1231 //'/1.36 MeV,24Na (possibly) .--2.62 MeV(possibly),thoriumline
.--0.754 MeV 1261 ,""//_ 1 , 46MeV,ZmKpossible possibly
excessin activatedcrystal
/" / f-
> _ in activaled
_ 235 MeV,24Na

-_._= _ _l.6q MeV,1241


(ref. 20-5)spallationcontinuum o
o Apollo17data
from Apollo15results
o o

i I i I I
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0

FIGURE 20-1.-Cosmic-ray-induced activity in the activated (flight) 7- by 7-cm NaI(TD czystal 1.5 ht
after atmospheric reentry. The background obtained with the unactivated (control) crystal has
been subtracted. Measurement of the spectrum, which was obtained by direct internal counting of
the activated crystal, was started 1.5 hr after reontry of the Apollo 17 spacecraft; the counting
time was 1800 see.

One factor requiring consideration was the dif- spectrum was made approximately 250 hr after
ference in the environment during the Apollo 15 and lift-off, whereas the Apollo 17 measurements were
16 missions compared with that during the Apollo 17 raade some 305 hr after lift-off. The significance of
mission. First, the Apollo 15 and 16 crystals were these differences in terms of trying to infer the
stowed in the service module and were extended 7.6 magnitude of the cosmic-ray-induced activity in the
m from the vehicle for approximately half of the Apollo 15 and 16 detectors from the Apollo 17
flight time, whereas the Apollo 17 crystal was stowed measurements has not yet been determined.
in the command module for the total flight time. The shape of the proton-induced (spallation)
Thus, there was a difference in mass around the gamma ray pulse-height spectrum can be divided into
crystal that might cause a difference in the secondary two parts, the discrete-line spectrum and the contin-
proton and neutron flux in the region of the stowed uous spectrum. The discrete-line pulse-height spec-
crystals. Second, the exposure profiles of the primary t_rum for activated nuclear species in the crystal is
flux, both in time and in spectral distribution, were produced by monoenergetic gamma rays emitted
different. The Apollo 17 crystal passed through the after electron capture. The continuum for such
near-Earth trapped-proton flux twice, during launch nuclear species is produced by the interaction within
and reentry, whereas the Apollo 15 and 16 detectors the crystal of electrons, positrons, radiation from
had passed through the trapped-proton belts only positron annihilation, and gamma rays (other than
once (during launch) before measurement. The those emitted after electron capture). If the material
Apollo 15 measurement of the diffuse gamma ray mxrrounding the crystal is radioactive (e.g., some

1001]0 continuum inferred from the Apollo 15 data (ref.

20-2) is also shown. The latter magnitude is consis-
tent with Apollo 17 results flit is considered that the

27 keY, 62 key Isum peak) discrete-line magnitude for 124I and 1261 observed on
Apollo 15 is reduced by a factor of 2 below that of
telluriumX-ray /
, Apollo 17. This comparison also assumes that the
/ / 35 keV, o_:_o quantity of shorter half-life nuclides and the prompt
o%1251 gamma o o gamma ray emission are small compared to those of
ray o o the longer half-life emitters.
1 O

"_ o (_ o o From the preliminary results, it seems that the

_1 000 o o o dominant reactions are of the (p; p, xn) type.
- 0 0o o0 8 _ Neutron interactions do not seem to have an impor-

o © o © _,,o tant part in producing the induced radiation seen

during the postflight recovery measurements.

O Activatedcrystal A special debt of gratitude is due to the recovery team

[3 Control crystal (background) under the direction of Dr. Donald E. Stullken of the NASA
Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. We thank M. Fong of the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory for preflight testing and E. Eller of

100 I
10 t
20 I
30 I 51}
40 t I
60 7t0 I
80 I lfl0
90 I the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for his help in data
FIGURE 20-2.-Low-energy spectrum of the cosmic-ray- R E F E R E N CES
induced activity in the flight 7- by 7-cm NaI(TI) crystal.
20-1. Metzger, A. E.; Trombka, J. I.; Peterson, L. E.; Reedy,
The background obtained with the control crystal is also
R. C.; and Arnold, J. R.: Lunar Surface Radioactivity:
shown. The spectrum, which was obtained by direct Preliminary Results of the Apollo 15 and Apollo 16
internal counting of the activated crystal, was measured Gamma-Ray Spectrometer Experiments. Science, vol.
1.5 months after splashdown of the Apollo 17 spacecraft; 179, no. 4075, Feb. 23_ 1973, pp. 800-803.
the counting time was 60 000 see.
20-2. Trombka, J. I.; Metzger, A. E.; Arnold, J. R.; Matte-
son, J. L.; et al.: The Cosmic Gamma-Ray Spectrum
24Na, Th, and.4°K), then monoenergetiegamma rays Between 0.3 and 27 MeV Measured on Apollo 15.
independent of the mode of decay can be seen in the Astrophys. J., vol. 181, 1973, pp. 737-746.
crystal as a discrete-line pulse-height spectrum. In 20-3. Peterson, Laurence E.: Radioactivity Induced in
Sodium Iodide by Trapped Protons. J. Geophys. Res., vol.
figure 20-1, the discrete lines are indicated and the 70, no. 7, Apr. 1, 1965, pp. 1762-1765.
continuous distribution can be seen underneath. 20-4. Dyer, C. S.; and Morrill, G. E.: Contribution to the
In the Apollo 15 transearth spectrum (ref. 20-2), Background Rate of a Satellite X-Ray Detector by
the 1241 0.606-MeV and the 12_I 0.66-Mev lines can Spallation Products in a Cesium Iodide Crystal. Astro-
phys. Space Sci., vol. 14, no. 1, 1971, pp. 243-258.
be identified. It has been calculated that the inte- 20-5. Fishman, G. J.: Proton-Induced Radioactivity in
grated count rate in this region above the continuum NaI(TI) Scintillation Detectors. Summary Report
for Apollo 15 is one-half that observed in the same SE-SSL-1497, Teledyne Brown Engineering (Huntsville,
region above the continuum for the Apollo 17 Ala.), Apr. 1972.
mission. This difference cannot be attributed to the 20-6. Arnold, J. R.; Peterson, L. E.; Metzgcr, A. E.; and
Trombka, J. I.: Gamma Ray Spectrometer Experiment.
difference in exposure time alone. Thus, the dif- sec. 16 of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report.
ference in local mass and the passage through the NASA SP-289, 1972.
near-Earth trapped-radiation belts a second time may 20-7. Eldridge, J. S.; O'Kelley, G. D.; Northcutt, K. J.; and
be the causes of this increase. Schonfeld, E.: Nondestructive Determination of Radio-
In figure 20-1 the magnitude of the continuum nuclides in Lunar Samples Using a Large Low-Background
' Gamma-Ray Spectrometer and a Novel Application of
and associated error as predicted in reference 20-5 is Least Square Fitting. Proceedings of First International
compared with the Apollo i7 measurement taken on Conference on Radionuclide Metrology, J. Nuc. Instr.
board the recovery ship. The magnitude of the Meth. (Amsterdam, Holland), 1973.
21. Apollo Win,dow Meteoroid Experiment
Burton O. Cour-Palaisa

The purposes of the Apollo window meteoroid density can only be inferred from observations of
experiment were to use the Apollo comrnand module meteoroid breakup in the atmosphere.
(CM) heat shield window surfaces to obtain addi- With the exception of the Apollo 11 spacecraft,
tionat information about the flux of meteoroids with all the CM heat shield windows have been examined
masses of 10_7 g and less, to examine the residue and for meteoroid impacts; thus far, 10 impacts have been
the morphology of the craters produced by these observed. The flux represented by the number of
meteoroids to obtain information regarding the dy- impacts and the area-time of exposure by the Apollo
n,amic and physical properties of the meteoroids, and windows is compatible with the flux estimates ob-
to discover possible correlations with the lunar-rock- rained from the results of penetration sensors
crater studies, mounted on the Pegasus 1, 2, and 3 satellites, by the
In addition to information regarding meteoroid Explorer 16 and 23 satellites, and by the Surveyor III
flux, this experiment could yield information on the shroud.
mass density and, possibly, on the composition of
meteoroids. To determine the mass density would BASIC THEORY
require the assumption that the velocity distribution Meteoroids are solid particles moving in inter-
as determined from optical and radar ob,;ervations of planetary space that originate from both cometary
much larger meteoroids is applicable to the smaller and asteroidal sources. They are classified as sporadics
meteoroids, when the orbits are random and as streams when
Laboratory calibration data have been generated many have nearly identical orbits. A meteor is the
and are currently being analyzed. Glass targets identi- light phenomenon associated with the interaction of a
cal to the CM heat shield windows were :impacted by meteoroid with the atmosphere of the Earth. The
particles of different sizes, mass densities, and veloci- portion that survives interaction with the atmosphere
ties using electrostatic accelerators for correlation and is found on the surface of the Earth is a
with the observed crater characteristics, meteorite. It is generally accepted that most mete-
When the effects of entry heating, subsequent orites are of asteroidal origin (ref. 21-1) and that the
immersion in salt water, and all the other contami- typical meteoroid originates from a cometary
hating sources are accounted for, the composition of nucleus, is frangible, and does not reach the surface
the meteoroid residue in the crater or in the of the Earth. Thus, very little is known about the
shock-fused glass will be determined by the use of a composition and the mass density of meteoroids,
scanning electron microscope (SEM) nondispersive whereas meteorites have been collected and examined
X-ray detector. The significance of the use of this very thoroughly (ref. 21-2). Controversy exists as to
detector is that compositions and mass densities whether the typical meteoroid is a low-density (1.0
obtained in space can be compared with those g/cm 3 or less) dust or ice ball or a stony object that
obtained from the lunar rock samples without the froths during atmospheric entry and breaks off in
long-term exposure to the environmental effects of chunks. If it is the latter, the mass density could be
space. Knowledge of the mass density is also impor- 2.5 to 3.0 g/cm 3. The typical meteoroid has been
tant for designing meteoroid shielding. Thus far, mass described (ref. 21-3) as a conglomerate of dust
particles bound together by frozen gases or "ices";
another author (ref. 21-4) postulates that meteoroids
aNASALyndon B. Johnson Space Center. are "dust balls." The mass density of these conglom-


crates is assumed to be no greater than 1 g/cm a -4 I- T

atmosphere. Recent experiments with carbonaceous -5

chondrites in arc jets (ref. 21-5) have shown that a
sufficient amount of water is present to cause
frothing during the entry heating and that this frothy
material breaks off along the path because of nero- _ _
because ofpressure. Thus, laboratory
the evidence of breakup evidence
high in has
the E 67L
_1 -,,, __
shown that the breakup of meteoroids in the atmo- _ 8 _ \
sphere of the Earth is not necessarily indicative of a
low-density conglomerate.
The near-Earth flux of meteoroids entering the
atmosphere has been determined from photographic
observation of meteors, radar echoes from the ionized
_ _

column produced by meteoroids, and direct measure- "=-I0 A_
merits by satellite detectors. The results of these _-11 \
observations have been combined in the plot of
cumulative number of partictes/m 2-sec for each size
(fig. 21-1). Details of the observation techniques,
direct measurements, and conversion of the observed
E -12

o Explorer23
[] Expl0rerl6
_ Pegasus1. L and 3
\ \
data to mass can be found in references 21-6 to 21-8. _ _0atr09mrae_.crSm_e0rs \
Detectors flown on spacecraft have furnished infor- -14 t> Geminiwindows v\
mation on the meteoroid flux in the mass range of -- Modelcurve(ref.21-141
10 -13 to 10-6 g (refs. 21-8 to 21-11). Fluxes for -15 i i L i i i
masses 10 -7 g and less have been detected primarily -lZ -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 2
by acoustic impact (microphone) sensors; fluxes of L0gl0mass.g
10 _9 to 10 -6 g have been determined by the FIGURE 21-1.-A comparison of cumulative meteoroid
detection of perforations in thin metallic sheet flux-massdata with the adopted model.
sensors. The acoustic impact sensor measurements
(ref. 21-8) indicate a much higher particle flux than have not been used since the Apollo 10 mission for
do the penetration sensors for the same mass range the following reasons.
(refs. 21-9 to 21-11). The examination of the Gemini
spacecraft windows for meteoroid impacts confirmed 1. The rendezvous windows are inset into the
heat shield and are fairly well shielded from the
the lower flux estimates obtained by the penetration environment.
sensors (ref. 21-12) for masses of 10-7 g and-less.
2. In all missions involving lunar module (LM)
The cumulative flux plot of figure 21-1 reflects the
low flux estimate of the penetration sensors and the rendezvous, the surfaces of the rendezvous windows
Gemini window examination. are subject to impacts by particles emanating from
the thrusters of the LM reaction control system
(RCS). During the postflight examination of the
Apollo 9 spacecraft, the rendezvous windows showed
DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTRUMENT a significant increase in pitting over that of previous
missions with no LM rendezvous.
The Apollo window meteoroid experiment is
passive in that it uses approximately 0.4 m2 of the The window is an ideal detector because the
external surfaces of the Apollo CM windows as surface is smooth and the spallation diameter can be
meteoroid-impact detectors. The windows are made many times the diameter of the impacting meteoroid.
of 99-percent-pure-silica glass and are mounted al- This ratio allows a 20X optical scan to detect the
most flush with the external surface of the heat shield 4042m-diameter crater that could be caused by a
contour. The rendezvous windows were originally 4-#m-diameter meteoroid. Hence, the time necessary
included in the total area of glass to be scanned but to scan the large areas involved is considerably

reduced, and the detection threshold is small enough stereoscopic crater photography at high magnifica-
to include cosmic dust particles, tions.
During entry, the heat shield windows are sub- The data from these examinations were compared
jected to a surface temperature of almost 1175 K for with the laboratory test data mentioned previously,
the side windows; the hatch window is subjected to a and the following meteoroid characteristics were
somewhat lower temperature. These temperatures are determined.
well below the annealing and softening temperatures 1. The impact energy
of the glass; thus, the crater morphology is not 2. The meteoroid mass, based on an average
affected. Both the temperature effect and the con- velocity and impact angle
tamination caused by ablative products from the heat 3. The flux of particles of this mass and larger,
shield and the subsequent immersion in sea water can using the exposure time and area.
be accounted for in the chemical analyses.
The Apollo 17 windows were received with the
The heat shield and hatch windows from the outer surfaces contaminated with the hard deposit
Apollo 7 to 14 command modules were scanned at that has been present on all the Apollo windows
20X magnification before flight to determine the examined. The results of a chemical analysis of
general condition of the external surfaces. All chips, samples taken from the Apollo 9 windows and the
scratches, and other features that could be confused possible sources of the contaminants have been
with meteoroid-impact craters were noted on a previously discussed (ref. 21-13) and are assumed to
surface map. As a result of the strintgent quality be typical of all the other spacecraft.
control and optical requirements, the windows have A preliminary scan of the Apollo 17 hatch and
been generally free of such defects, and this mapping side window outer surfaces at 2X, sufficient to detect
practice has been discontinued. The windows were a crater 80 to 100 pm in diameter, revealed no
received with a fairly thick coating of surface meteoroid impacts. The crater reportedly seen by the
contamination that was removed before the optical crew during the mission on hatch window number 3
scan by washing with water and isopropyl alcohol, was actually a 450-Arm-diameter bubble in the glass
The windows were next scanned at 20× magnifi- just beneath the surface. As a result of the scan, an
cation by two different observers, and suspected even larger bubble (approximately 750 pm) was
impact craters were marked on a map. From experi- observed in window number 1. The Apollo 17
ence with hypervelocity impacts in fused silica, it was windows examined had numerous bubbles ranging
possible to separate the meteoroid impacts from from the large ones previously mentioned to those 50
other surface effects, pm in diameter but typically 100 to 200 pm in
Every suspected meteoroid crater was subjected to diameter.
the following procedure. Approximately 3.5 m 2 of Apollo heat shield
1. The crater was photographed in detail with windows have been optically scanned, and 10 meteor-
top and bottom lighting, old impacts have been identified, with spall diameters
2. The crater depth and diameter were mea- ranging from 25 to 445 pm (ref. 21-13). Three
sured. 1.7-cm-diameter cores were removed from Apollo 14
3. The section of the window containing the window number 1 for an SEM scan at magnification
crater was removed by coring or sectioning as close as levels of 1000X and 10 000X. Approximately 1 cm2
possible to the crater, has been scanned at 1000X with a resolution of 20
4. The window section was prepared for residue nm and with an additional 693 fields of view
analysis with the SEM nondispersive X-ray detector examined. These fields of view consisted of 429
by applying a thin carbon coating, fields, each 102 pm 2 at 10 000X for a minimum-
5. Residue analysis was performed, and all con- detectable crater diameter of 0.2 pm, and of 264
stituentswere recorded, fields, each 104 pm 2 at 1000× for a minimum-
6. The same window section was cleaned, and a detectable crater diameter of 2 #m. No hypervelocity
thin gold coating was applied for normal, tilt, and impact craters (remelted lipped pits with or without a

concentric spall zone) were seen in either the scan or those given in reference 21-13, which were prelimi-
the field-of-view examinations. However, five pits nary and did not include all the possible available
that were between 5 and 20/_m in diameter and that shielding.
had fractured central pits and a spaU zone were The mass determination is derived from the results
observed. Many pits averaging 5 tam in diameter were obtained from an experimental hypervelocity impact
seen in the coating layer in both examinations, 90 calibration program performed on a linear accelerator
percent of which did not penetrate into the glass with targets consisting of the same material and
surface. These craters were cylindrical in section and thickness as the Apollo windows. The thickness is
were assumed to have been caused by debris from the important to preserve the correct impact shock
RCS or explosive devices, characteristics that govern the resulting crater
A list of the craters larger than 25 tam in diameter morphology. The projectiles used were spheres and
is given in table 21-I, which includes an estimate of irregular powders of iron (p = 7.8 g/cmS), silicon (p =
the window exposure (product of area and time) to 2.3 g/eroS), and lanthanum hexaboride Co = 2.6
the meteoroid environment for each mission, the g/cm 3) that ranged from 0.3 to 5 #m in diameter.
number of impacts observed, the minimum crater Impact velocities ranged from 1 to 27 km/sec,
size, the resulting flux with 95-percent upper and depending on the projectile masses. The data have
lower confidence limits, and the minimum energy and been analyzed, and a separate report is being pre-
mass of the impacting meteoroid. The flux estimate pared. However, data pertinent to the analysis of the
includes the window area, mission time, planetary window impact craters are shown in table 21-II, and
shielding during the Earth- and lunar-orbital periods, the pertinent crater diameters are depicted in figure
allowance for the additional shielding provided by the 21-2.
LM during Earth/Moon transit, and a factor to In summarizing the results obtained in the tests,
account for the focusing effect of the gravitational three eratering regimes were evident (fig. 21-2). When
field of the Earth (ref. 21-14) on the meteoroid the first concentric spallation was present, the pit lips
population. The window areas quoted are lower than were most often broken off and ejected. In extreme

TABLE 21-I.-Meteoroid Craters and Related Information

Window Number Limiting Meteoroid 95.percent Minimum Minimum

crater confidence meteoroid meteoroid
Mission exposure, of diameter, flux,
m2-see impacts _tm number/m_'see limits,
number/m2-sec energy,
ergs mass,

Apollo 7 (Earth orbital 1.39 × 105 5 125 3.59 X 10 -s 8.38 X 10 -5 362 1.8 × 10 -a°
without LM) 1.15 × 10 -5
Apollo 8 (lunar orbital 1.13 1 65 1.70 X 10 -5 9.48 × 10 -s 113 5.7 × 10 -11
without LM) 1.70 × 10 -6
Apollo 9 (Earth orbital 1.18 1 200 8.51 X 10 -6 4.76 X 10 -s 650 3.3 X 10 -_°
with LM) 8.51 X 10 -7
Apollo 10 (lunar orbital 1.25 0 40 - 2.95 X 10 -s 53 2.7 X 10 -la
with LM)
Apollo 12 (lunar landing) 1.53 0 40 2:41 X 10 -s 53 2.7 × 10 -11

Apollo 13 (circumlunar 1.01 1 445 1.89 × 10 -s 1.06 × 10 -4 2260 1.1 X 10 -9

abort with LM) 1.89 X 10 -6
Apollo 14 (lunar landing) 1.48 2 25 2.60 × 10 -s 9.37 × 10 -s 26 1.3 X 10 -11
2.60 × 10 -6
Apollo 15 (lunar landing) 1.81 0 100 - 2.03 × 10 -s 222 1.1 X 10 -1°

Apollo 16 (lunar landing) 1.68 0 100 - 2.21 × 10 -s 222 1.i X 10 -1°

Apollo 17 (lunarlanding) 1.86 0 100 - 1.98 × 10 -s 222 1.1 × 10 -_

TABLE 21-II.-Data from Window Calibration Tests

Projectile Projectile Projectile Impact Diameter of pit Inner Outer

Test number diameter, velocity, energy, pressure, caused by spall spall p, 0
dp, V , Ep, Pi, Ep/Pi projectile, Dp/dp diameter, Di/dp diameter, D°ldp g/cm a _-_
#m km_sec ergs Mbar Dp, lain D i, #m Do,/_m O

T12-13A 0.40 22.9 0.21 5.1 0.04 0.87 2.18 .... 2.33 Z
T12-14A .48 18.9 .25 3.5 .07 .93 2.02 .... 2.33 g
T2-12-1 to 10 .78 5.0 .25 .6 .40 .80 1.00 4.30 5.5 - - 7.8
T12-16A 1.04 11.9 1.00 1.4 .70 1.61 1.55 .... 2.33
T6-14A 1.20 9.08 2.90 1.67 1.70 1.65 1.38 .... 7.8 r_
T11-3A 1.86 5.63 1.24 37 3.40 2.56 !.38 - - 8.46 4.55 2.33
T6-4A 1.80 7.20 6.20 1.12 5.60 2.30 1.28 .... 7.8
T7-7C 2.24 5.27 6.30 .63 10.00 2.40 1.07 - - 35.0 15.6 7.8
Tll-4A 3.12 4.56 3.87 .27 14.30 4.95 1.59 - - 20.44 6.55 2.33
T7-7B 2.88 5.09 12.50 .60 20.80 4.10 1.42 21.0 7.30 - - 7.8
Tll-6A 4.28 3.80 6.86 .21 32.70 4.27 1.00 15.20 3.55 31.87 7.45 2.33
Reference figure

(fig. 68 of Ref.
21-15) 4.00 5.00 11.65 .28 42.00 4.60 1.15 17.30 4.33 38.20 9.55 2.78 7z
T7-8B 3.92 4.07 20.40 .42 48.60 4.70 1.20 36.70 9.40 81.50 20.80 7.88
TT-6B 4.06 3.76 19.40 .38 51.70 4.10 1.01 32.50 8.00 75.00 18.50 7.88


tionship does. Tiffs is due to the previously men-

l)p__ tioned ejection of the pit lips during spallation and a

figure 21-3(a). It is also apparent that spallation

begins earlier for the silicon projectiles than for the
__ resulting larger pit diameter as may be observed in
D = diameterof the pit causedbya projectile iron projectiles, except in one case. This exception is
P for a very small iron projectile with a resulting
In) low-impact energy. The aluminum projectile (p =
2.78 g/cm a) shown in table 21-11 and in figure
, D , 21-3(b) is from reference 21-15; it is included because
[ D [ the tests with the lanthanum hexaboride projectiles

for a projectile with a similar mass density was

__ Co =As2.6theg/cm 3) were
Apollo not observed
craters very conclusive and a point
had remelted pits
of theinner spellzone and well-defined outer spell zones, the equation used
(b) to obtain the impacting meteoroid mass was
0,5 0.31
D = 2.8d x Pm x E (21-1)
Do 0 m m

centimeters; Pm is the meteoroid mass density, 2

g/cm3; E m is the meteoroid energy in ergs; and d m is
the meteoroid diameter in centimeters. An average
where D o velocity of 20 outer
is the crater km/secspellis diameter
assumed to
oftheouterspallzone complete the determination of meteoroid masses.
The Apollo 14 core examinations were able to
(c) resolve down to 0.2-ttm-diameter pits if there were
FIGURE 21-2.-Cratering regimes. (a)Pit only. (b)Pit and any. Because the impact tests showed that pits
inner spaU zone. (c) Pit and inner and outer spaUzones, approximately 2 #m in diameter and smaller in the
Apollo window material did not have concentric
cases, only the bottom of the pit remained. Melting spells, it may be assumed that the pit equation from
of the glass began at an initial impact pressure of figure 21-3(a) is appropriate to determine the limiting
approximately 0.2 Mbar, and lips were well formed meteoroid mass for the core. Thus
by 0.25 Mbar for all the test projectiles used. In some -0.18 o. 33
of the tests, a second spallation zone was observed Dp = 1.8Ore × Em (21-2)
approximately concentric with and at a shallower
slope than the inner zone. Also present were inter- where Dp is the pit diameter in micrometers. The
mediate regimes, such as pits with radial and con- 5-#m pits observed in the cores were related to
centric cracks and inner spells with radial cracks meteoroid mass by the equation
extending beyond their peripheries. 0.5 0.31
The data from table 21-II are shown in figure Di = 1.22d m × om × Ern (21-3)
21-3(a) and 21-3(b), in which parametric functions
involving the diameters of the pit and inner and outer where D i is the crater inner spell diameter in
spells and the projectile density are plotted against centimeters, because they represent an intermediate
the projectile energy. All three crater regimes can be cratering regime.
represented within limits by the expression shown DISCUSSION
on each graph. If the two graphs are viewed together,
it is apparent in nearly every case that the pit The results of the mass and flux determinations
relationship does not hold when the spallation rela- are shown in figure 21-4 compared with the meteor-

old flux model of reference 21-14 and the Pioneer 8 2-/am-diameter upper limit at the same mass sets a
and 9 satellite data for the front film grid and time of possible limiting flux level for this size. The 5-#m-
flight detectors (ref. 21-16). In addition to the results diameter craters found on the core do not appear to
of the optical scan given in table 21-1, figure 21-4 be meteoritic in origin and are discounted, although
includes the data from the SEM scans of the they are shown for completeness. It is possible that
1.7-cm-diameter core taken from the Apollo 14 the Apollo 7 and 13 results, in conjunction with the
window. Thus, the flux relative to the five craters of Pioneer 8 results modified to a near-Earth environ-
5 #m in diameter and larger is shown at a mass value ment, represent a better estimate of the small particle
of 10 -11"42 g. In addition, the point at 10-12 g is the environment than that shown in reference 21-14. This
95-percent upper-limit flux for the mass equivalent of fact would be consistent with the higher fluxes shown
fhe detection threshold at which no craters were in reference 21-17 for the lunar-rock-crater distribu-
observed, tions and with the revised estimate of the Explorer
This latest mass calibration of the (:raters found XXIII and Pegasus detectors shown in figure 6 of
on the Apollo windows, based on the equations reference 21-18 in comparison with the same NASA
Shown, differs from that reported in reference 21-13 design curve of reference 21-14. The dashed line in
by no more than a factor of 3, except for Apollo 15 figure 21-4 represents such a possible cumulative flux
for which the detectable crater threshold was also distribution for particles sm_ ller than 10 -8 g.
decreased. The previous masses were based on average Although these results are somewhat different
spall-to-meteoroid-diameter ratios of 10, 15, and 25 from those reported in reference 21-13, it should be
for spall ranges of < 50 #m, 50 to 100 #m, and > 100 remembered that the Apollo window data, obtained
/zm, respectively. Further analysis of the test data for the most part outside the gravitational influence
could result in changes; however, the mass levels of the Earth, were correlated by a factor of 1.93 for
shown are considered to be reasonably accurate, comparison with the near-Earth reference model
Although statistically poor, the Apollo window mentioned previously. Thus, the gravitational de-
data substantiate the curve of reference 21-14, which c_ease in flux mentioned in reference 21-14 and
represents the mean near-Earth flux, except for confirmed in reference 21-19 is still present in the
Apollo 7 and 13. The Apollo 7 spacecraft was in data, but the additional factor due to the different
Earth orbit and its windows obtained the most cratering characteristics of glass and the Explorer and
impacts (five); therefore, the result is more valid than Pegasus metallic detectors is not present. Analysis of
the others. The Apollo 13 crater was the largest ever the results is continuing.
obtained on a window in the shortest exposure of any

of the spacecraft. The the

flux 8level
and 9predicted
results show an o_ 2.57 op°'5 x E00.33
increase of 25 times by the d
referenced model at 10 -12 g, and the Apollo 14 _ 1001=

o.o.= iz
-, o p=/.Sglcm 3 ;, --D., = 1.22
pp0.5X Ep ,
-o p = 2.33glcm
3 \ dp I
o p=/.8g/crfl
3 c_ol_ - _ p =2.78g/cm
3 " D.
p -0.18 0.33 \_. =l.17Pp0"Sx Ep0"33 i
i0_ D p =2.33g/crn
3 Dp=1.8p Ep//, _ I(] Do 0.5 0.3],\ p ," i
• itn _- =2.SPO XEp _ ; f._ /" ,'

"-:-I_ _ "
1.0 I I L_ilm 0.1 1 10 100
0.1 1 10 100
Ep,ergs Ep,ergs

(a) Pit diameter relationship to meteoroid energy and (b) Inner and outer spallation diameter relationships to
mass density, meteoroid energy and mass density.
FIGURE 21-3.-Data from window calibration tests.

o Pioneer front filmgrid residue in and around meteoroid-impact sites on the

(interplanetary;ref. 21-16 Apollo 13 and 14 window surfaces revealed only
[3 Pioneerfrontfilmgrid

Apollo/ 21-13, the possibility still exists that meteoritic

t (modifiedto nearEarth) spacecraft contaminants, as reported in reference
-2 I _ Apollo
<3 Apollo13
8 residue may be detected by this experiment.
0 Apollo14
I 95-percentupperlimits REFERENCES

HE -3 E_ 21-1oWhipple, Fred L.: On Maintaining the Meteoritic

u\ Complex. Studies in Interplanetary Particles, Special
"_ '\ Rept. 239, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (Cam-
_. bridge, Mass.), 1967, pp. 1-46.

"_ -4 Apollo10, T ]- 21-2. Wood,

Moon, J. A.: Physics
Meteorites, and Chemistry
and Comets. of Meteorites.
The Solar The
System, Vol.

== -5 Apollo_ _, _ 21.3.IV,Whipple,
University Fred
of Chicago Press,Meteoritic
L.: The pp. 337-401.
Risk to Space
:= | _ Vehicles. Vistas in Astronautics, Pergamon Press (Los

E 21-4. Opik, Ernst Julius: Physics of Meteor Flight in the

_o-6 Atmosphere. Interscience Pub., Inc. (New York), 1958.
g' 21-5. Allen, H. Julian; and Baldwin, S., Jr.: Frothing as an
-_ _ J _["__ Explanation of the Acceleration Anomalies of Cometary
Angeles), 1958.

-7 /_poll015, 16, and----t7//_//'_ 21-6.Clarendon

:72' nO.Meteor
13, JUlYAstronomy.1,
-8 Fig. l of ref. 21-14/ 21-7. McKinley, Donald William Robert: Meteor Science and
Engineering. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. (New York),
-9 I I I I _ I 21-8. Alexander, W. M.; McCracken, C.W.;Seeretan, L.;and
-14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 Berg, O.: Review of Direct Measurements of Inter-
L0gz0 mass, g planetary Dust from Satellites and Probes. Proceedings of
the Third International Space Science Symposium, Inter-
FIGURE 21-4. Apollo results compared with other satellite science Pub., Inc. (New York), 1963, pp. 891-917.
data. 21-9. Hastings, Earl C., Jr.: The Explorer 16 Mierometeoroid
Satellite. Supplement III, Preliminary Results for the
No further search for meteoritic residue in the Period May 27, 1963, Through July 22, 1963. NASA TM
craters has been made since the report given in x-949, 1964. R. L.: The Explorer 23 Mierometeoroid
21-10. O'Neal,
reference 21-13; however, the possibility of identify- Satellite. Description and Results for the Period Nov. 6,
ing elements within the remelted zone in the pits still 1964, Through Nov. 5, 1965. NASA TN D-4284, 1968.
exists. 21-11. Clifton, Stuart; and Naumann, Robert: Pegasus Satel-
lite Measurements of Meteoroid Penetration (Feb. 16,
CONCLUSIONS 1965, Through Dec. 31, 1965). NASA TM X-1316, 1966.
21-12. Zook, Herbert A.; Flaherty, Robert E.; and Kessler,
The estimate of the mass flux resulting from Donald J.: Meteoroid Impacts on the Gemini Windows.
examination of the Apollo 17 and nine prior space- Planet. Space Set., vol. 18, no. 7, July 1970, pp. 953-964.
craft window surfaces, a calibration based on expert- 21-13. Cour-Palais, Burton G.; Brown, Milton L.; and
McKay, David S.: Apollo Window Meteoroid Experiment.
mental hypervelocity tests, and an accurate determi- See. 26 of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report.
nation of the area-time product have shown a NASA SP-315, 1972.
tendency for a higher flux than the near-Earth model 21-14. Cour-Palais, B. G.; Whipple, Fred L.; D'Aintolo, C. T.;
environment of reference 21-14 for particles smaller Dalton, C. C.; et eL: Meteoroid Environment Model-
than 10 -s g. The trend is in keeping with lunar-rock 1969
1969. (Near Earth to Lunar Surface). NASA SP-8013,
studies, the Pioneer 8 and 9 results, and other reports 21-15. Block, R.; Feehtig, H.; Gertuer, W.; et al.: Natural
of increased small-particle activity for long-duration and Simulated Impact Phenomena. Max Planck Institut
missions. Although a nondispersive X-ray analysis of fur Kernphysik (Heidelberg, Germany), 1971.

21-16. Berg, Otto E.; and Grun, Eberhaxd: Evidence of 21-18. Nanmann, Robert J.; and Clifton, K. Stuart: Mass
Hyperbolic Cosmic Dust Particles. Paper presented at Influx Obtained from LLLTV Observations of Faint
XVth COSPAR Meeting (Madrid, Spain), May 1972. Meteors. NASA TN D-6868, 1972.
21-17. Browniee, D. E.; H6rz, F.; Hartung, J. B.; and Gault, 21-19. Cour-Palais, B. G.; Zook, H. A.; and Flaherty, R. E.:
D. E.: Micrometeoroid Craters Smaller Than 100Microns. Meteoroid Activity on the Lunar Surface from the
The Apollo 15 Lunar Samples, The Lunar Science Surveyor 3 Sample Examination. Space Research XI1.
Institute (Houston, Tex.), 1972, pp. 407-411. Akademie-Verlag (Berlin), 1972, pp. 319-331.
22. Apollo Lunar Sounder Experiment
R. J. Phillips, _ G. 17.Adams, b W. E. Brown, Jr., at R. E. Eggleton, c_ P. Jackson, b R. Jordan, a
W. L Linlor, d_ W. J. Peeples, e L. J. Porcello, b_ J. Ryu, e G. Schaber, c W. R. Sill, e
T. IV. Thompson,as. H. Ward,et and J. S. Zelenka b

The scientific objectives of the Apollo lunar amount of reflected energy is the dielectric constant
sounder experiment (ALSE) are (1) mapping of e. The premission estimate of the typical dielectric-
subsurface electrical conductivity structure to infer constant ratio across an interface was 1.25.
geological structure, (2) surface profiling to deter- Profiling is accomplished by maintaining an abso-
mine lunar topographic variations, (3) surface imag- lute timing reference between the firing of the radar
ing, and (4) measuring galactic electromagnetic radia- transmitter and the reception of the energy returned
tion in the lunar environment. The ALSE was a from the lunar surface. The rate of transmitter firing
three-frequency, wide-band, coherent radar system is sufficiently high to make the profiling essentially
operated from lunar orbit during the ApoUo 17 continuous. In addition to acquiring the global profile
mission, for selenodesy studies, detailed profiles were acquired
The concept of radar sounding is quite analogous that may be used to address local selenomorphologi-
to active seismic profiling; that is, a continuous series cal problems.
of short pulses of (electromagnetic) energy are In the active sounding mode, the quality of
propagated toward the Moon and are reflected from imagery is dependent, for a given frequency, on the
the lunar surface and from subsurface geologic diffuse backscattering properties of the lunar surface.
interfaces. The energy reflected from the Moon is One record of the surface backscattered energy is
continuously recorded as the command and service compiled from each transmitted pulse reflected from
module (CSM) moves in lunar orbit, and thus a the Moon. A sequence of records then comprises a
profile of surface and subsurface structure is assem- two-dimensional data array necessary to create an
bled. The capability to map the lumlr interior is image. The image is typically bounded on one side by
dependent on a low-electrical-loss subsurface; that the spacecraft-nadir topographic profile, and the
is, the attenuation of the signal must not preclude a combination of profile and image is very useful for
significant depth of exploration. Premission estimates surface geologic interpretation.
of path loss, based on measurements fl:om returned The ALSE system was operated in three frequency
tunar samples, indicated a maximum depth ofexplor- ranges: 5 MHz (HF-1), 15 MHz (H-2), and 150 MHz
ation of approximately 1 km. Further, for the (VHF). The HF-1 system is capable of the deepest
reflection of energy at a geologic boundary, an exploration. The HF-2 system was operated simulta-
electrical-property contrast must exist across an neously with the HF-1 system to provide partial
interface. The electrical property controUing the overlap in depth of exploration, trading off depth of
exploration for improved resolution. The VHF sys-
tem was designed for shallow sounding and for
;Jet Propulsion Laboratory. surface imaging. All three frequencies are capable of
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan. surface profiling.
dcu.s.GeologicalSurvey. The ALSE had four major hardware components
NASAAmes Research Center.
euniversity of Utah. (fig. 22-1 ). At the heart of the system is the coherent
tPrineipallnvestigator" synthetic aperture radar (CSAR) containing the
$Co-lnvestigator. transmitting and receiving elements. Separate trans-
Team Leaden mit/receive antenna systems were provided for the


HF and VHF ranges. The received signal is fed to an uously moving strip of photographic film. The film,
optical recorder. The voltage into the recorder modu- representing the prime data storage medium, was
lates the light-intensity output of a cathode ray tube recovered during the transearth-coast extravehicular
(CRT). The CRT output was recorded on a contin- activity.
The CSAR receiver also monitored the average
reflected electromagnetic power and transmitted
these data, together with other engineering data, by
.... HFantennano. 2(10.414m) way of the CSM 51.2-kbps telemetry channel. The
average reflected power data are used for calibration
purposes as well as for aid in data interpretation. A
representative example of these data is shown in
dn antenna figure 22-2.
The CSAR also had a receive-only (nonsounding)
capability to measure the noise background in the HF
ranges. These data were also transmitted by way of
the 51.2-kbps telemetry channel.


antenna-'" Sounding
, j

/ recorder
Optical 1 Power Returned

ALSE antenna can be represented (approximately) by

_f/ (10.414m) The electromagnetic energy transmitted by an
_of scientific an envelope of spherically spreading rays. If an
instrumentmodule antenna-centered spherical coordinate system is de-
fined as (r,O,(o), then the ray distance from the
antenna to the lunar surface is defined as R(O,(_). The
FIGURE 22-1.-The CSM, showing the ALSE configuration, power per unit area at the lunar surface is


-52 I ,[ I HF-1


•,_ _68

Haemus t,
-72 E Sulpicius
Menelaus Gallus Ridge Ridge Ridge Mons
Argaeus MaraldJ Macrobius
-76 I I t I II _ ii I Bessel| I t. I I iI t I I iI I I
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

FIGURE 22-2.-Typical output of the specular powermonitor on lunar revolution 17.


PrG(O, 4J) to:(Ti,GIt,O,¢), and the strength of a wave transmit-

4_rR2(0, q_) (22-1) ted into the subsurface a ray distance R d is approxi-

sion, it transmitted.
whereG(O'C) For all
the reflections
remainder are
of this
is assumed that discus-
specular in 41r[RPtG(O,(_)
(0, _b)+ Rd] 2 to,l(Ti,Tt,0,C)exp (_ co tan 61 R_)
nature and are caused by dielectric-property contrasts (22-7)
only. The magnetic permeabllities of the lunar media
are taken as that of free space. Assume that the where w is the radial frequency of the wave (co = 21rf,
incident ray has a direction u/, where n indicates a where f is the frequency in hertz) and tan 61 is the
unit vector. Then it is important to define three other loss tangent of medium 1
vectors: the direction of reflection Ur, the direction
of transmission into the subsurface lit, and the tan 81- al (22-8)
outward-pointing normal to the local surface tin. The ¢oel
vector ur satisfies
where o_ is the conductivity of medium 1. In
ur • un = -n i • un (22-2) equation (22-7), CI is the velocity of light in medium
and if u/• nn = -1, then the reflected ray is scattered
in the direction of the CSM. The received power is C1 = (P0el) -an (22-9)
given by
where Po is the magnetic permeability of free space.
PtG2(O, (J)X2 If a discontinuity in dielectric constant occurs in the
rr=4[4_rR(O,q_)]2ro,a(O ) (22-3) _subsurface, say el to e2, then a fraction of the
:subsurface energy is reflected. If the local outward
wlhere ;t is the free-space wavelength of the signal and normal to the discontinuity is given by Uns, then the
ro,_ (0) is the Fresnel reflection coefficient for normal condition ut •tins = -1 guarantees that subsurface
incidence :reflected energy is scattered in the direction of the
CSM. In this case

) (22-,)
where e 0 and el are the dielectric constants of free
=tS + (22-10)
space and of the lunar surface material, respectively. _md the power received is
A certain amount of energy is transmitted into the
subsurface in a direction given by u t where ut satisfies PtG2( O, 4_))t2
Prs _"4 {4it [R (0, ¢) + Rd}2
ut X un = u/X un (22-5) X toj2(Ti,Tt,O,¢) exp -26o tan 61 rl,2(0)
The angles of incidence and refraction, %!and 7t, are
defined respectively by This discussion can be extended to any number of
sin 3'i = lu/X unl interfaces, but the simple media described previously
(22-6) suffice to point out the energy considerations in-
sin 7t = lut × nn[ volved. It is desirable to have the ratio Prs]Pr as large
The energy transmitted into the subsurface is a as possible so that both the surface and subsurface
function of 3'i, 3't, and the ray coordinates 0 and q$. returns are within the linear dynamic range of the
The energy transmission coefficient is designated as ALSE receiving system.

Time History
The ALSE transmitter generates a chirped (linear 1 fmax = k'r
FM) pulse g(t) of length r la}

g(t)=Pr(t ) sin [2_r(fo +_kt)t] (22-12) 0E

-10 _[[f_l_
liE----'" _S/kT
where pz(t) is an approximately rectangular envelope _ -20
of length r, fo is the starting frequency of the sweep, $- kr
and k is the sweep rate (one-half of the dispersion _-30 ,
constant) for the chirp. For the ray distance R(O,(_) "_ -40 ' _.ll ,_es../
to the lunar surface, the surface reflection returns to _ -50
the spacecraft in a time -60

2R(0,_) (22-13) q0
to = Co Negative
where Co is the velocity of light in free space, given
by Oa0eo)-_. The subsurface reflection, as discussed FIGURE 22-3.-Schematic illustration of chirp (linear FM)
pulse with sweep rate k and the same pulse upon
previously, arrives in a time compression. (a) Pulse. (b) CompIessedpulse.

t I = 2R(0,_b). t 2Rd
Co C1 (22-14) time-bandwidth factor, thus negating a need for
large-peak-power transmitters.
In the simplest example, one would generate a Figure 22-3 shows an idealized version of a linear
transmitter pulse ro as narrow as possible (i.e., design FM sweep pulse (fig. 22-3(a)) and the same pulse
a system bandwidth as wide as possible) so as to upon compression (fig. 22-3(b)). One reason for
achieve the best resolution. That is, two pulses can be choosing the linear FM sweep pulse is that during
resolved if separated by approximately to, so that the optical processing of the data, only simple optics are
minimum depth that can be resolved is required for the compression step. One disadvantage
of the dispersed energy scheme is the generation of
roC_ side lobes upon compression as shown in figure
Rdmin = _-- (22-15) 22-3(b). The side lobes tend to mask weak subsurface
However, for the ALSE pulse events. In practice, the frequency spectrum of the
chirp signal is weighted to produce a decrease in the
2R d
r>> At = tl - to = _ (22-16) side phase
any lobes, errors
at the expense of resolution.
in the ALSE Additionally,
system tend to raise
side-lobe levels. However, it is possible to compensate
while the FM pulse sweeps over a maximum design- for systematic phase errors during digital processing
able bandwidth. In the data processing stage, the and, hence, to preserve the low side lobes of the
pulse is collapsed (or compressed) to achieve the full waveform.
bandwidth resolution consistent with low side lobes Doppler History
(fig. 22-3), the compression factor being equal to the
time-bandwidth product of the signal. A dispersed To this point, the discussion has centered on a
pulse is used for two basic reasons: (1) the recording single pulse of electromagnetic energy. To complete
medium (film) has a relatively low dynamic range and the picture, the repetitive nature of the pulses must
the dispersion of energy is necessary to preserve the be considered. For the two HF systems, chirped
rather large dynamic range inherent in the data and pulses were transmitted at a rate of 400 pulses/see;
required in the experiment; and (2) pulse compres- the VHF rate was 2000 pulses/sec. The received
sion increases the effective peak power of the pulse pulses are recorded side by side on the continuously
and hence the dynamic range of the data by the moving optical recorder film. Across the film, in the

range direction, the time history of a single pulse is from a different ray direction and hence will have a
recorded. The along-track or azimuth history is different Doppler-frequency shift. As the spacecraft
recorded along the film. Consider a geologic feature traverses a target, the Doppler history of the target is
or target on the surface in a ray direction ul. If the recorded in the azimuth direction. Thus, the concept
spacecraft has a velocity V in the direction X, then of the two-dimensional frequency spectrum of a
each frequency of the return echo will have under- target is realized (fig. 22-4). The range-frequency axis
gone a phase shift of this spectrum corresponds to the ordinary Fourier

AO = 27rlVlt2 X transform of the time history of the received energy,

• ui (22-17) whereas the orthogonal frequency coordinate (azi-
muth) corresponds to the Doppler-frequency spec-
corresponding to the instantaneous Doppler-fre- trum of the target. Models for two idealized lunar
quency shift targets are compared in figures 22-4(a) and 22-4(b);
the comparison includes the range-frequency spectra
/'f d= 1 a0
g/=21Vl X ° ui (22-18) and the range-frequency/Doppler-frequency plane for
each target. In practice, the signal is narrow-band-
Any return from the subsurface will have a Doppler- Doppler faltered, realizing a dynamic range improve-
frequency shift determined by the angle between the ment equivalent to the ratio of the total spectrum
direction of the spacecraft flight and the point on the width to the Filter bandwidth.
surface where the subsurface ray emerges.
Because of the high pulse-repetition rate, a given Profiling
target will be illuminated by many pulses. Because As a result of the high pulse-repetition rate of the
the spacecraft is in a different position for each CSAR, a quasi-continuous surface profde is available.
transmitter firing, each pulse will arrive in general Elements of recovering the surface profile include, for

o lOO

Orbit 20 scale,km

12 1-2 ...- ........"..... o ........ , ".......


I I / I
-20 -10 0 10 20
/ Doppler
frequency Doppler
E - 10.5
T Model Range
frequency 600
1 km 1
z-scale' _ 1 3 1 2 _ 400 \ /
,_-3.0 _ .....

__'--- D,oppler
frequency O
-60 i
-40 I
-20 0t r
20 I
40 i
- 7.0 Doppler
FIGURE 22-4.-A comparisonof two schematiclunarmodels(left), showingtheir two-dimensional
frequency response (center) and the range/Dopplel:-f_equencyplane (right). Numbers (1, 2, 3) in
center diagrams indicate superposition of one, two, or three returns. No attempt is made to show
relative strengths of returns. (a) Modelof Serenitatis mascon. (b) Modelof highlandg_abenrille.

a given pulse, absolute location of the spacecraft in where cr is the scattering function of the point
selenographic coordinates, absolute delay times scatterer, and the complex representation of the
through the ALSE system, and the estimated arrival sinusoid is used. The ray distance R(O,ck) may be
time of a reflected surface pulse. Theoretically, the decomposed into a slant range component Re ortho-
standard deviation of the range estimate for a gonal to the flightpath and a component along the
perfectly fiat surface is given by flightpath X e

°R_ 2_105 X (22-19) R(O,ck)=x/-_o2+Xo 2 "_Ro +_o°o (22-23)

where SNR is the signal-to-noise ratio for the corn- if )to "_ R0. The argument of the exponential term in
pressed pulse. In practice, the range accuracy is equation (22-22)then becomes
limited by the topographic variation within a surface

resolutionis given by the
element Fresnel
of the
basic resolution i_ = i I2 lrfo (t Co °
2R C_Ro
Xo2_1]J (22-24)

r[ = x/_ (22-20)
where 2Ro/C o is a constant-phase term and may be
where h is the altitude of the spacecraft, or by the ignored for this discussion. Substituting IVIt = Xo,
pulse illumination radius the last term of equation (22-24) is 2_rfo tVIZtU/CoRo
with instantaneous frequency
rr = x/rCoh (22-21)
2re IV[2t 2Iris0 (22-25)
whichever is smaller. Additionally, if the radius of the fi = CoRe XRo
typical specular facet rs on the lunar surface is less
than minimum (r£¢r) , then rs controls the resolution. As the spacecraft traverses in the X direction, then
In regions of complex topography, the ray return- equation (22-25) reveals that a linear FM or chirp
ing to the spacecraft may not represent the space- component is added tel a. Further
craft-nadir topography, and ray-tracing algorithms

must be used to recover the true profile. Alterna- -go _ X.ui (22-26)
tively, the various rays can be sorted by their Doppler Re
history, and Doppler filtering can be used to reduce
the size of the resolution element, and comparison to equation (22-18) shows that fi is
in fact the Doppler-frequency shift Af d.
Imaging In reality, a is not an isotropic scattering function
and this fact, together with phase instabilities in the
The imaging capability of the ALSE depends on
ALSE hardware and finite antenna beamwidth, leads
the capability of the lunar surface to backscatter an
incident ALSE pulse in the direction of the space- to some maximum X0 = +-Xmax through which a
craft. Assume as a model for the lunar surface a point scatterer may be coherently recorded. The
random distribution of point scatterers. Each scat- range of Doppler frequencies then extends over
terer has an isotropic scattering function, and the
received signal is the sum of energy from all point ± 21VIXmax (22-27)
scatterers. Consider a single frequency component of XRo

the chirp pulse .to. For a single point scatterer, the implying a Doppler bandwidth of
amplitude of the received signal A r is
2 2 112 )

exp i 27rfo t Afd = ;kRo

[-PtG (0,q_)X a'] ( 1- /' 2R(0'qS)_l I 41VIXmax (22-28)
(22-22) The azimuth resolution implied is thus

kR0 rod (fig. 22-1). To match the complex antenna

tres = 41VIXma x (22-29) impedance to the radar, an electrical network was
constructed and mounted in the antenna housing. A
with a corresponding spatial resolution hybrid unit mounted in the scientific instrument
module provided the power division and the appropri-
kR° (22-30) ate electrical phase to feed the antenna elements as a
Pa = 4Xma x dipole. To maintain low side lobes, the antennas were
designed with extreme amplitude and phase linearity
The total distance traversed by the spacecraft is L = across the bandwidth. This was done at the expense
2Xma x so that Pa = 0"5(XR0/L)" The factor in of antenna efficiency; the minimum efficiency across
parentheses is the resolution obtained by a physical the band was 65 percent for the HF-1 system and 43
aperture of length L; the 0.5 is due to two-way percent for the HF-2 system.
propagation. Thus, the spacecraft sequentially records
the scattered return along a flightpath of length L and
synthesizes an antenna of this length. The chirped The VHF Antenna
signal in the azimuth direction is compressed in the The VHF antenna was designed to satisfy a linear
data processing stage, analogous to range compres- amplitude and phase response as well as a
sion, to achieve the desired resolution. Each individ- directionality requirement. The antenna was a yagi of
ual point scatterer gives an unambiguous response to five directors and one reflector (fig. 22-1). The yagi,
this step. The film is integrated in the azimuth mounted at the rear of the service module, was
direction for a time period that is typic_dly chosen to erected by a spring mechanism when the CSM
give 5_ resolution; that is separated from the Saturn launch adapter. The
antenna had a beamwidth of 70 ° in the plane
Ro R0 containing the antenna elements and a beamwidth of
.... 5 (22-31)
2L 4Xma x 50 ° in the orthogonal plane. To suppress ambiguity
between terrain returns on the left and right sides of
or the spacecraft in the imaging mode, the antenna axis
was pointed 20 ° off nadir.
tres(SX) = 5X1¥1 (22-32)

The time resolution in the range direction is given by The Radar (CSAR) System
approximately The central element of the radar system (figs. 22-5
and 22-6) was the frequency reference, which pro-
Co vided a stable reference for all system timing and
Ps =_ (22-33) sweep generation. The FM sweep was obtained by
driving a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO) with a
where /3 is the system bandwidth. If _ is the angle ramp voltage. Each frequency was swept approxi-
between R o and the ground plane, then the ground mately 10 percent as follows: HF-1, 5 to 5.53 MHz;
range resolution is Pr = Ps sec 4. HF-2, 15 to 16.6 MHz; and VHF, 150 to 166 MHz.
The VCO was phase locked to a stable local oscillator
THE ALSE SYSTEM to retain pulse-to-pulse coherency. The signal was
transmitted after a slight shaping.of the risetime and
The H F Antennas falltime of the pulses; the reflected signal was
received in a broadband phase-locked receiver to
The HF-1 and HF-2 systems used a dipole antenna preserve phase and amplitude response and then
of 0.4 and 1.2 wavelengths, respectively. To achieve converted to a video signal for storage in the optical
an antenna tip-to-tip length of 24 m, two extend- recorder. The receiver used stepwise automatic gain
able/retractable elements were required. A retracted control to stay within the dynamic range constraints
element was spooled as two flat metallic ribbons, of the film. Additionally, the VHF receiver had a
which, upon extension, curled together into a circular sensitivity time control wherein a gain of 20 dB was

The Optical Recorder

The primary function of the optical recorder (figs.

22-7 and 22:8) was to process the CSAR output,
record the output of the CSAR on film, and time
reference the received signals for later data reduction
and analysis studies. The video signal from the CSAR
was used to modulate the intensity of the CRT beam
while the beam was deflected rapidly across the range
..... direction of the film. Simultaneously, the film was
slowly moved across the face of the CRT in the
azimuth direction.
The CRT was swept at one of two basic rates
depending on the operation mode of the CSAR. The
sweep frequencies for the HF and VHF modes were
FIGURE 22-5.-Photograph of the CSAR. approximately 396.8 and 1984.1 sweeps/sec, respec-
tively. The VHF mode used an echo tracker function
added 13 tzsec after detection of the specular return that enhanced the resolution of the recorded data.
to enhance the imaging capability. The CSAR param- Instead of monitoring the entire 275 /_sec that the
eters are summarized in table 22-1. receiver gate was open, a 70-psec section, or "win-


28Vdc,owersupp,, 32V
Modulator receiver
5-MHz 1 HFantennas

(chirpgenerator) 5_and _ _

MHz transmitter I I
indicator ITran _ I

I --- "_ 15-MHz

VHF I Programerand HF-2 I
frequency receiver I r
HF reference Receiverenablesignals I I
I I IVHF antenna
I 1MHz 15ff'MHz I "_-_/7


3 phase,
I_ receiver
115V nizer 1
28V dc Opticalrecorder

FIGURE 22-6.-Block diagram of the CSAR.


TABLE 22-L -ALSE Radar System Parameters

Operating mode
HF- 1 HF- 2 V HE

Nominal wavelength,m .......... 60 20 2

Initial frequency, MHz .......... 5 15 150
Frequency rate, kHz/tzsec ........ 2.222 : 20.0 2000
Frequency sweep, MHz ........... 533 1.6 16
Pulseduration, _sec ............ 240 80 ] 8
Pulserisetime,percent ........... 3.6 + 0.4 3.6 -+0.4 10 :_0.5
Pulse-repetitionperiod, gsec ....... 2520 2520 ] 504
Pulseenergy, J .................. 02 to .026 .007 to .009 .0007 to .0009
Time-bandwidth product ......... 128 128 128
Receiveroutput frequen(,_range, MHz .233 to .766 .9 to 2.5 3.0 to 19.0

Because the time-bandwidth product of the CRT

could not exceed 1300, echo tracking allowed a larger
bandwidth and, hence, finer resolution.
Five auxiliary data tracks were included on the
film exposed by the optical recorder, recording an
IRIG-B time code as well as engineering information.
Additionally, an optical recorder frequency response
calibration signal was recorded at the start of every
i CRT sweep to maintain recorder calibration.


Before considering the preliminary results, it is

worthwhile to discuss the data products of the ALSE.
The prime data storage medium is the signal film
recovered from the optical recorder during the
transearth-coast extravehicular activity. The signal
film may be processed by optical' techniques, by
digital techniques, or by an optical-digital combina-
Optical processing techniques allow the use of
optical setups for batch processing of the data. The
linear FM property of both the signal and the
Doppler signature of point targets may be viewed as a
itinearly varying diffraction grating. Such a grating will
FIGURE 22-7.-Photograph of the optical recorder, collapse or focus incident coherent collimated light,
accomplishing the desired compression step (fig.
dow," of the data was recorded. The tracker circuit 22-9). Additionally, spherical lenses are used for a
had the capability to shift the 70-/lsec window in iFourier transform of the data and to place the signal
25-/zsec increments until the window contained the frequency plane in the optical path. Here, the range
return signal. The 275-/lsec gate is required to take _';pectrum is shaped to reduce side-lobe levels, and, in
into account variations in spacecraft orb:it and lunar general, two-dimensional range-Doppler filtering is
topography. For short periods of time, however, 70 performed. The focused output appears in the image
/asec were sufficient to record the returned signal, iilane; additional lenses (cylindrical telescopes, not

Video_ Gamma i

" t Mode "_J'_ [--_onstant


---"1 current I I
I- I /
I JEchotracker

HF-2 delay >Opticalpaths
J Differentialamplifier


+28V Go/no-go

V dc

• 3-phase,400-Hz

FIGURE 22-8.-Block diagram of the optical recorder.

_fe ' ' fc ' ' fl ' ' fl ' ' f2 ' ' f2_

Chirp _ .""Tw__Pahser
_nP__. A

recording _'" _ .......... _ Reconstructed

___ ""_'_ " Frequencypla e

_ 'Signalfilm

FIGURE 22-9.-Schematic illustration of optical setup. Focal distances are designated fl, f_, and fe-

parison with figure 22-13 shows that the events are of a geologic structure may be much less than the
probably not side lobes but are likely subsurface or actual physical length of the structure. It may be
surface returns that are coherent for at least 15 km. It possible to map out the structure by a series of short
is possible that a time-varying systematic phase error stacks, but the structure may be noncoherent for a
could cause a similar response, _cut, to date, results length equivalent to the physical length. An example
obtained primarily from prelauncb testing have indi- of this is the second event shown on the right side of
cated that this is probably rot the case. This the cross sections infigure 22-16. The event persists
possibility will be further investil;ated by comparing in five 5-km stacks and three 10-km stacks, indicating
results from multiple orbits over s_milar lunar regions, a geologic length of 25 to 30 km. The event appears
The general approach was to take nonoverlapping only in the most easterly 15-km stack and is
sets of records and to process 5-, 10-, and 15-kin noncoherent for the 15-km stack to the west. The
stacks. Events were plotted in cross sections, and most likely cause of the noncoherence is the (appar-
those events that appeared to be alined for at least ent or real) dip of the feature. The stacking process,
three separate stacks were connected by straight lines as described previously, is only coherent for events
(fig. 22-16). In addition, single events are shown for approximately paraUel to the actual lunar surface.
the 15-km stacks. (The topographic profile has been mapped into the
It is important to note that tl_Lecoherence length horizontal line indicating zero apparent depth in fig.

FIGURE 22-12.-Groundtrack for digital data reduction test area shown on Apollo 17 metric camera
frame AS17-0598. located at eastern boundary of Mare Serenitatis. Scale at bottom is
longitude, degreeseast.

0 0

-I0 -I0

-2o _ -2o


_-40 _ -40

728 145621842912364043685096582465527280
" _ _ _ -30
Apparentdepth, m
FIGURE 22-15.-Lunar return for 300-record (15 kin) stack.
-?0 I I 1 I I I I t I I Depth is derived by converting time to distance, using a
7281456 218129123640436851196582465527280 relative dielectric constant of 4 to obtain velocity.

FIGURE 22-13.-Side-lobe response of the ALSE determined

from 1200-reeord stack. Depth is derived by converting Grounddistance, km
0[-- _ _1 _5
I _0
I 45
I 40
I 35 30 25
I 20
I I5
t 10
I 5I 0I
time to distance, using a relative dielectric constant of 4 _ L_, _. -36_ -34 _ 35
to obtain velocity. ,_ 728| _ = -42/_"Sar _ -40_-
1456 = _o

-i0 (a)

_. Grounddistance,
E E 555045 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
.-_ -30 - 0FS _ I i i , , l _ 1 i i t i
_ 728 _ _ 36 _ -38

c_-40 _ 1456_-_ _-49L

2184L_ _"_-47['-_ -42 --
_.21ML", _ -471
i I t i I I I I I I ._ _;
"500 728 145621842912364043685096582465527280
m (b)

FIGURE 22-14.-Lunar return forone record, showing high Grounddistance,km

clutter level. Depth is derived by converting time to E. 0F_E 55150i 45, 403530 25 201510 5 0
distance, using a relative dielectric constant of 4 to obtain ,_ 79_L_ _"-36[-. -40 I I
velocity. "_ "_[ E _ -42[-°-45 o -40
"_ 14561-==_ .491 ° -47 o -45 o -46
Zl_L'__ .47F
°-4_ -4_o-44 o-_0 °-_
22-16(c).) Later digital processing capabilities will _
include directional stacking. Events with a low
signal-to-clutter-noise ratio may only show up for Ic)
longer stacking lengths. An example of this case is the FIGURE 22-16.-Apparent cross section for eastern Mare
event that occurs on each of the 15-kin stacks with an Serenitatis region for 5-, 10-, and 15-krn stacks. Depth is
derived by converting time to distance, using a relative
apparent depth of approximately 700 m. dielectric constant of 4 to obtain velocity. The data begin
As discussed previously, a surface location for at approximately latitude 20 ° N, longitude 28.5 ° E, on
these events requires the fortuitous occurrence of lunar revolution 16. The inner ordinate scale indicates the
linear features that are parallel to the flightpath and position and maximum strength (relative to the specular
that also present surface normals pointing to the surface
Events return main with
lobe) their
of the surfaceenergies.
return side
are labeled relative Eastlobes.
is to
spacecraft. Preliminary photogeologic examination of the right; west, to the left. (a) 100 stacked spectra (5 kin).
Apollo 15 and Apogo 17 photographs reveals no such (b) 200 stacked spectra (10 km). (c) 300 stacked spectra
features. (15 km).

The event strengths relative to the surface specular profile along the groundtrack of the spacecraft and
strength are also shown in figure 22-16. If these are two side-looking images (fig. 22-17). The profile
subsurface features, then they indicate a lunar loss appears at the top of the image, and the two
tangent and a relative dielectric constant slightly side-looking surface images stretch below the proFde
lower than had been anticipat,.=d. Furthermore, a and are superposed on each other. The side-looking
complex stratigraphy is indicated for the eastern imagery to the right and left of the spacecraft
margin of Mare Serenitatis. groundtrack for HF imaging have equal intensity. For
VHF imaging, the 20 ° off-vertical positioning of the
Profiling and Imaging antenna beam greatly reduced the superposition, or
left-right ambiguity problem. However, stereoscopic
Characteristics of Imagery viewing of overlapping images from adjacent revolu-
tions permits separation of the two images. (See the
Data processing techniques to produce surface discussion under "Stereoscopic ALSE Imagery.")
profile imagery and side-looking surface imagery in The side-looking HF imagery (figs. 22-18(a) and
spacecraft flight-time/echo-delay-Lime coordinates are 22-18(b)) is dominated by the discontinuous scatter-
well developed and were available for quick-look ing of near-specular reflections from surface elements.
images to yield preliminary results from the ALSE. There is little continuous imaging in the scene
The ALSE radar image is a composite of a surface because, in preliminary processing, only a small part
of the Doppler history of a feature, centered around
zero Doppler shift, was retained. Thus, the near-

X"-'_ specular returns from slopes with contours oblique to

17171717 17I] I"117] 17171717 ['1I] [ .... Surfacespecuar the spacecraft grotmdtrack, seen only with positive or
--_--_---_---_...._=..-------_-----_.. negative Doppler shifts while approaching or depart-
--Subsurface specular
reflection hag from oblique slopes, are filtered out during
• Surfaceplussubsurfacescene Time conversion from signal film to image Film. Only very
I-- "" ....... "-=_ reflectio
I_ [] 1 weak signal returns near zero Doppler are passed to
13_13r11311131] 1713[3 [] 17 the image film for the oblique slopes.
la) The VH imagery (fig. 22-18(e)) has much more
pictorial content than the longer wavelength imagery.
X This detail results primarily from the finer ground

f greater abundance
resolution of the of2-m-wavelength
small-scale features
radar discernible
and the
Surfacespecular _
reflectionat nadir. _=_ Surfacescene at the 2-m wavelength. The slopes of these features
• f'_._, with contours parallel to the spacecraft groundtrack
-',/_ \L _ densely populate the radar image with near-zero
......%/_ :'_ _.-: :Y9 Doppler, near-specular, small images. This effect is

7; :i!..... _R conspicuous in part of figure 22-18(c), to the left of

Left _", ight center.
-'*'----Time \, Time-'--" ,,
reflectionat nadir Subsurface
scene Utility oflmages
The profiles, when closely correlated with orbital
FIGURE 22-17.-Relationship betwe(_n actual scene and
radar image of scene. The earliest return is the surface camera photographs, yield abundant quantities of
specular reflection followed by ba,:kscatter creating the important metric data on the vertical relief and slopes
surface scene. At some later tim,._, the much weaker of a host of lunar geologic features. Preliminary
subsurface specular reflection and scene, both generally imagery, the first data produced, also contains "quail-
not seen in imagery, superimposeu:ponthe surface scene, tative" profile information. Although the eilipticity
Additionally, "left"
However,the and "right"
VHF antenna scenesare20°
was ori,mted superimposed,
off nadir to of the CSM orbit has not yet been remove d from the
suppress the left scene. (a) Radar image of scene. (b) data, the proFdes are immediately useful for address-
Actual scene, ing local selenomorphological problems. A later step




FIGURE 22-18.-Typical ALSE imagery. (a) HF-I profile of one-hal" lunar revolution including (right
to left) far-side highlands, Mare Crisinm, and Mare Serenlatis. (b) I-IF-1 prorate of one-half lunar
revolution including (right to left) Mare Imbrium, Oeeanus Procellarum, and far-side highlands. (c)
VIiF image of tlte Tranquillitatis-Serenitatis boundary region. Time marks (bottom) represent
ground spacing of approximately 15 km.

in the ALSE data processing will include digitizing of it provides a source of improved positional informa-
the signal film and recovery of the "quantitative" tion across a substantial area of the eastern lunar far
profile, as discussed previously, side. Unlike all Apollo orbital camera imagery, ALSE
The global profiling capability of the ALSE is imagery does not depend on solar illumination. As a
suggested by figures 22-18(a) and 22-18(b) showing result, the ALSE side-looking surface imagery is the
an HF-1 image for one revolution of the Moon. The only Apollo imagery obtained between longitudes
profde is superimposed on the sinusoid resulting from 68 ° and 152 ° W (other than very limited, 1-km-reso-
the elliptical orbit. As a point of reference, the crater lution earthshine photography, ref. 22-1). For deter-
Aitken, approximately 80 km wide under the orbital mination of lunar positions in terms of a coordinate
track and approximately 5 to 6 km deep from rim to measured along the length of the orbit, this ALSE
floor, appears at the extreme left of figure 22-18(b). imagery is free from the troublesome mosaicking and
The spacecraft track may be followed, right to left rectification problems that beset the determination of
and top to bottom, progressing from far-side high- lunar positions in this region from the melange of
lands across Mare Crisium and Mare Serenitatis (all in variously scaled and tilted Lunar Orbiter images
fig. 22-18(a)) on to Mare Imbrium, Oceanus Procd- covering the area.
larum, and far-side highlands (all in fig. 22-18(b)). One other significant aspect of the side-looking
The local profiling-imaging capability of the ALSE surface imagery is that, in some places, where slope
is illustrated in figure 22-18(c), a north-lookingVHF effects are negligible or predictable, local differences
image recorded during revolution 73_ in relative radar albedo can be read directly from the
An important aspect of the ALSE imagery is that side-looking imagery.

Stereoscopic ALSE Imagery is as though a radar range of a strip of the lunar

surface were wrapped around a hyperbolic cylindrical
A major
complex ALSEaidimagery
to thederives
use of the thegeometrically
flom observation surface tangent to the radar protYde (fig. 22-19).
format in which much of the d_ta was obtained. Of Stereoscopically, the lunar relief is seen superposed
the approximately six revolutions of data that were on the general cylindrical form of the image. The
collected, a little more than two revolutions each format of the radar data permits close correlation of
the side-looking radar imagery with the orbital
were gathered during adjoining revolutions by using
the HF systems (20-m- and 60-m-wavehmgth imagery) camera imagery. Thus, very exact location of the
on the one hand and by using the VHF system radar profile among and within lunar features, as
(2-m-wavelength imagery) on the other. Essentially all recognized in the camera imagery, is possible.
the 60-m-wavelength imagery fram adjacent revolu-
tions and much of the 2-m-wavelength imagery from Stereoscopic HFImagery
adjoining revolutions can be viewed stereoscopicaUy A sample of stereoscopic HF imagery was studied
with the result that the side-looking images from the and measured to evaluate the feasibility and the
two sides of the pair of adjoining orbital tracks achievable precision of measuring the relative posi-
become segregated in space in the stereoscopic image, tions of individual features in the stereoscopic images.
Otherwise, the two side-looking images to the north The locations numbered in figure 22-20 were identi-
and south of the track in a single composite radar fled in the three-dimensional image formed by view-
image are superposed on each other in some mono- hag stereoscopically the radar images obtained on
scopic image space. The effect of stereoscopic viewing revolution 16-17 and revolution 17-18. For the time



along Radarimagery
along Radarimagery
along Radarimagery
groundtrack southern
groundtrack northerngroundtrack
(a) (b)
FIGURE 22-19.-Stereoscopic viewing geometry showing "map" and "profde" projections, as well
as cylindrical cross-sectionprofile. (a) HF. (lo)VHF.

s0 4841 is l'; 12

FIGURE 22-20.-A segment of 60-m-wavelength ALSE imagery in the western half and central part of
the lunar far side obtained on revolution 16-17. The numbered points correspond to those in figure
22-21 and are explained in the text. The longitudes in this figure and in figure 22-22 are
preliminary and are probably correct within approximately 0.5 ° .

W E plane of the monoscopic images in the direction of

E 48 28 24

E _ 51_47 45 18 34_1J _ stereoscopic depth (plus-Z northward). The coordi-

"_ . 15_'_141 I i 35J-_6_'-(19_'_"_1 It'_2_'l nates were read in millimeters at the scale of the
5_0- -z0 -io 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 original 70-ram image film. In a set of 51 measured
(a) Y-axis, mm pOints, readings of the coordinates in the plane of the
film were repeatable to within 5 or 10 gm and depth
W N E measurements of the stereoscopic image perpendicu-
.-2_"0__ _5 .__ 20___ 16 1%
of were
/--51 47_41 1_--_19 1-5 12 approximately 50 /zm in a range that varies from
N_10| t I t I 28"I '24L I S I I I more than 3.5 mm near longitude 170 ° W to more
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 than 9.5 mm near longitude 130 ° E. The range is
(b) Y-axis, mm attributable in part to the variation in the spacing of
the spacecraft groundtracks. The stereoscopic image
FIGURE 22-21.-Plots of the stereoscopic image coordinates
in figure 22-22 shows the details of the area at the
of points numbered in figure 22-20 as seen by stereo-
scopic viewing of the 60-m-wavelength ALSE images eastern end of figures 22-20 and 22-21 and includes
along revolutions 16-17 and 17-18. Coordinates are all the points in that area the positions of which were
measured at the scale of the original 70-ram image film. measured. The measured coordinates of this subset of
(a) Profile. (b) Map. pOints are plotted in figure 22-23.

being, the map projection of the cylindrically dis-

VHF Imagery
torted image has been measured. Ultimately, measure-
ments rectified to conventional lunar coordinates will The VHF imagery from the area around the
be sought. The coordinates of the points in the ApOllo 17 landing site, shown in figure 22-24, was
stereoscopic model were measured by using a corn- used to investigate the feasibility of using an analyti-
puterized analytical stereoplotter and are plotted in cal stereoplotter to measure and plot profiles from
figure 22-21. An interim arbitrary orthogonal coordi- the generally continuous scene in the stereoscopic
nate system was used (fig. 22-19(a)). The system was 2-m-wavelength imagery. An interim orthogonal coor-
oriented with the Y-axis approximately along the dinate system in the stereoscopic image was again
profile (plus-Y eastward) and the X-axis in the plane used, but the Y-axis was made approximately coinci-
of the monoscopic images (plus-X upward in the dent with the foreground (northern) edge of the
profile). The Z-axis was oriented perpendicular to the image. Otherwise, the coordinate system is oriented

FIGURE 22-22.-Stereos,_'opic radar image in the central region of the lunar far side composed of
61Ym-wavelength ALSE imal;ery obtained on revolutions i6-17 and 17-18. The numbered points
correspond to those in ligure 22-23 and are explained in the text.

as in the stereoscopic model for the 60-m-wavelength An example of such a profile runs through the
images. A profile trending peipendicular to the numbered points in figure 22-25 and is plotted in
spacecraft groundtracks in the stereoscopic radar figure 22-26. The features in the radar image have
image then lies in an X-Z plane (fig. 22-19(b)). been correlated with geologic units and terrain
Coordinates in the stereoscopic image were again features using the nomenclature of Scott and Carr
measured in millimeters at the scale of the original (ref. 22-2) and of the Apollo Lunar Geology Investi-
70-mm image fdm. gation Team (ref. 22-3). The profile in figure 22-26

W E rim appears in the side-looking imagery. The other

E 36Et- 15 ,_7
9.. ', _ 2 1 in Apollo 16
depression has orbital This
been recognized depression
E1-Baz (ref. 22-4)is
•. _ _,,_3 approximately 180 km in diameter, and the prof'tle in
i3 11
_0 L crater is
figure very isold;
22-20 approximately
a nearly 50 percent
central section of it.ofThe
-31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I interior is overlapped by superposed craters larger
46 _ 5o 52 54 56 5S 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 than 20 km in diameter. The crater was in an
_al Y-axis,mm overexposed part of Lunar Orbiter I frame M-136 and
is difficult to recognize there but is decipherable in
w N E enhanced copies. Apparently, the feature was over-

3_ 1_ 10 9 75
_..3 looked in the Center
Information preparation
lunarof Aeronautical Chart and
charts at scales of

_3itI 8
t t t i t i i ilz_ i- t
S,'._i]':4_ -- 1:5 000 000 and 1:2750 000, as it is essentially
unrecognizable in printedcopy, althoughtraces of
46 48 50 52 _ 56 58 60 62 64 66 6s 70 72 the appropriate shadingarepresent. In addition to
Y-axis,mm the Apollo 16 coverage, Apollo 14 Hasselblad frames
AS14-75-10298 to 10300 show much of the crater
FIGURE 22-23.-Plots of the stereoscopicimage coordinates near the terminator at approximately 1-km resolu-
of points numbered in figure 22-22 as seen by stereo-
scopic viewing of the 60-m-wavelength ALSE images tion; subsequent frames 10303, 10308, 10313,
along revolutions 16-17 and 17-18. Coordinates are 10315, 10317, and 10318 show the entire crater at
measured at the scale of the original 70-ram image film. lower resolutions. Several useful stereoscopic images
(a) Profile. (b)Map. can be formed from this set of photographs. The
moderately rough plain between Marconi Crater and
illustrates the general distribution of scenery in the the depression appears to be very primitive in the
stereoscopic image with the scene south of the sense of being a little-dissected remnant of an old
spacecraft groundtracks lying behind or below (more plain situated between many large 25- to 100-km-
negative values on the X-axis) the scene north of the diameter craters.
groundtracks. The effect of high relief near the High points along the profile in figure 22-20 near
spacecraft groundtrack is also illustrated; for exam- longitudes 160° E, 177.5 ° W, and 170 ° W may
pie, by the profde of the North Massif, which lies represent the high parts of very ancient multi-ringed
north of the groundtracks. The image of the crest of basins tentatively recognized during the preparation
its south-facing slope (point 6) is recorded at earlier of geologic maps for planning ALSE observations. 1 In
echo delay time (more negative values on the X-axis) this preliminary mapping, the two basins in question
than the radar image (point 104) of the edge of the can best be fitted by a 630-km-diameter circle
plain to the south, which is, of course, closer to the centered north of the groundtrack of revolution
groundtrack in map view. 16-17 near latitude 9° S, longitude 164 ° E, and
circles of 690, 930, and 1140 km centered south of
Results From Surface Profile and the groundtrack near latitude 32 ° S, longitude 159 °

Side-Looking Surface lmagery E. Other noteworthy aspects of the present quick-

The unadjusted HF-1 surface profile in figure look 60-m side-looking imagery of craters are i11us-
22-20 includes several features that are noteworthy, trated by the images of two craters with central peaks
The profile from longitude 114 ° to 147 ° E is that lie south of the groundtrack in figure 22-20.
relatively fiat compared to the remainder of the One crater, De Vries (fig. 22-22), is 60 km in
profile farther east. The relatively flat part of the diameter, and the other, lying near longitude 134°
profile is deeply notched by two large depressions. E between points 45 and 41 (fig. 22-20), measures
One is the 75-km-diameter crater Marconi, which was
profiled off center toward the southern rim. Part of 'R. E. Eggleton,G. G. Schaber, and D. H. Scott (U.S.
the crater floor shows in the profile, and the southern Geological Survey), unpublished data.

0 40
FIGURE 22-24.-Stereoscopic 2-m-wavelength ALSE radar image composed of imagery obtained on
revolutions 25 and 26. The image covers a large region extending from southeastern Mare
Serenitatis eastward ac::oss the mountains forming the southeastern border of the Serenitatis basin.
The Apollo 17 landing site is near the center of the figure. The brightness change located
approximately one-fott:th of the distance from the proFde to the opposite edge of the image is
introduced by the sem;itivity time control. The dark vertical band, approximately 30 Ion wide,
through Mons Argaeus :isdue to the automatic gain control. The imagery north of the groundtracks
is systematically brighter thau that south of the groundtracks because of the nature of the radar
antenna pattern. Thus, most of the scenery lies north of the groundtracks. Hence, in order to
orient the profiles righ: side up, north is downward in the side-looking imagery, and, in order to
place the features in the northward side-looking imagery in a distribution like that on a map, these
images are printed with east on the left.

58 km in diameter. The central peak of De Vries The utility of the ALSE data for studying the
Crater is close enough to the spacecraft ground- tectonics of lunar basins may be seen in samples of
track, like the southern walls of Aitken Crater and its VHF imagery in figures 22-18(c) and 22-27. In figure
western neighbor, to reflect a fairly strong signal. The 22-18(c), the crater Dawes and the flat floor of Mare
return from the more distant southern wall of De Tranquillitatis are on the left. An arched and frac-
Vries Crater is barely discernible, and the still more tured (rilles) boundary separates Mare Serenitatis and
distant northern walls of Aitk_,=n Crater and its Mare Tranquillitatis, the outer basin of the former
neighbor are not detected. Further &lta reduction lying approximately 900 m lower than the latter. The
will be performed to minimize this systematic varia- wrinkle ridge (right) separates the outer and inner
tion in image brightness. The ne_-circular image at basins; the inner basin is 200 m lower. Phillips et al.
longitude 134 ° E actually consisls of the images of (ref. 22-5) showed that the wrinkle ridge bounds the
the central peak and part of the southern wall of the Serenitatis mascon. The same wrinkle ridge system
58-kin-diameter crater, the northern rim of which is may also be seen in figure 22-27. Here, in western
essentially at the profile. This example illustrates that Mare Serenitatis, the inner basin is also downdropped
a geometric rectification of the imagery to eliminate approximately 200 m. The profde in figure 22-27
the cross-track scale variation will substantially aid suggests that the ridge represented a zone of elastic
interpretation of the side-looking surface imagery, bending followed by mechanical failure.

FIGURE 22-25.-ALSE 2-m-wavelength image of the area round the Apollo 17 landing site obtained
during revolution 25. See figure 22-24 for the appearance of the scene in a stereoscopic view. The
numbered points correspond to those in figure 22-26. The crater Littrow BD is 4 km in diameter.

The ALSE data shown here support the idea that ofasuperisostaticloadplacedby the mascon. Such sag-
the Serenitatis basin structure is consistent with a ging at the lunar surface, with local faulting, could also
model of progressive tectonic failure as a consequence be caused by a withdrawal of mare magmas from depth.

V, -
0 _o(_ _._._.T_..<>
-4 .:_.-
,_ ..:>c.-6

-8 _-_ •
E -I0 _ ,
E -12i I07o .._areptain,mostty
•R -14 i06"c(_.'"/.•/covered
? _:'_." l' mantlematerial
N -16 "%/ i


-18 108__ '_._110
-60 ,
-50 ,
-40 ,
-30 i
-20 - _0 _1
X-axis, mm

FIGURE 22-26.-Profile through the stereoscopic image in

figure 22-24. The profile is in a plane oriented perpendic- I _ f I I I
ular to both the surface profile an._ the plane of the page 0 50
in figure 22-24. The profile runs through the numbered km
points in figure 22-25.
FIGURE 22-27.-Stereoscopic 2-m-wavelength ALSE radar
image in southwestern Mare Serenitatis obtained on
Differences in Radar Albedo revolutions 25 and 26. The image shows two kilometer-
size craters with radar-bright halos, Bessel G and Bessel F.
A mare ridge trends from the lower right corner of the
Two types of variations in ra_r albedo have been figure up across the surface profile image and thence
noted in the 2-m-wavelength ima_,,ery. One is a bright eastward along the southern limb of the stereoscopic
horizontal band around a crater wall, and the other image. Where the ridge crosses the profile, it may be seen
consists of highly reflective halos around certain small to mark a substantial step in the mare surface with the
craters. Recognition of the quantitative albedo differ- peripheral part of the mare standing higher.
ences depends on the removal of variations in scene
brightness due to topographic effects. [n the follow- approximately one crater diameter (fig. 22-30). The
ing examples, topographic effects are assumed to be dark interior of the image of a crater slightly smaller
of second order, than Bessel G interrupts the bright halo of Bessel G
The 2-m-wavelength imagery of the 6-km-diameter on the eastern side. Bessel G and Bessel F are very
crater Eratosthenes B in southi,rn Mare Imbrium young craters with well-preserved rim and iay de-
shows a bright horizontal ring fi'om approximately posits. (See, for example, Apollo 17 metric camera
one-fourth to one-half of the distance from the rim frame AS17-1512 and Apollo 16 panoramic camera
crest to the floor (figs. 22-28 an,1 22-29). It can be frames AS16-9910, 9912, 9915, and 9917.) The
seen in the stereoscopic image tha_: the crater shape is bright, blocky rim deposits form a continuous
that of a truncated cone. Thus, the bright ring is not blanket from the tim crest outward for approxi-
due to a difference in slope. It Js probably due to mately one crater diameter. Bright fdamentous rays
layering in the materials intersected by the crater, to extend at least seven crater diameters beyond the
the character of erosional debris covering part or all continuous rim deposits of Bessel G and l 2 crater
of the wall, or to a combination of these, diameters in the case of Bessel F. The radar brightness
Two examples of small crater,, with surrounding of the rim deposit is probably a result of rock
radar-bright halos, Bessel G and B_,_sselF, 1.2 and 0.7 fragments in the continuous rim deposit. In fact, it
km in diameter, respectively, lie in southwestern Mare appears that it may be possible to correlate individual
Serenitatis (fig. 22-27). The similarity of the images bright reflections in the radar image with the larger
in both revolutions 25 and 26 i.,', noteworthy. The fragments in the field of blocks surrounding the
bright halos extend from the cratel rim crest outward crater. The radar brightness of young lunar crater rim

0 50
FIGURE 22-28.-Stereoscopic 2-m-wavelength ALSE radar
image of southeastern Mare Imbrium composed of imag-
ery obtained on revolutions 25 and 26. The stereoscopic
image includes a variety of typical craters a few kilome-
ters in diameter.

deposits is known from Earth-based radar mapping

(ref. 22-6). Apollo lunar sounder images like those of
Bessel G Crater may explain the low-resolution
brightness in terms of the energy component re-
flected from the individual blocks in the deposits. In
this way, the ALSE imagery can substantially aid in
geologically calibrating detailed Earth-based lunar
radar images, which have been obtained for the
whole Earth-side hemisphere of the Moon at 70-
and 3.8-cm wavelengths (ref. 22-6). The ejecta
deposits and the ray materials of Bessel G and
Bessel F Craters make bright radar anomalies extend-
ing approximately five and six crater diameters,
respectively, beyond their rim crests in the depolar-
ized return (effectively the relative radar albedo) of
the Earth-based 3.8-cm radar imagery. 2 At least the
ejecta deposit of Bessel G Crater is a bright anomaly
in the depolarized return in 70-cm Earth-based radar
imagery. 3

FIGURE 22-29.-Stereoscopic radar image of the 6-km-

2S. H. Zisk, unpublished data. diameter crater Eratosthenes B with Eratosthenes A and
ST. W. Thompson, unpublished data. other smaller nearby craters. Enlarged from figure 22-28.

_" I I I
o lOO 200 300

:z: 0 100 200 300

Time, $ec


_> I
:z: Time,_ec

0 1O0 200 300

=: Time,sec
FIGURE 22-3t.-Te]emetry recordings of the receive-only
FIGURE 22-30.-Enlarged 2-m-wavelength ALSE image of noise levels observed on the lunar neaz side and faz side.
the 1.2-km-diameter crater Besse] G and its surrounding (a) Near side, (b) Far side.
radar-bright halo, obtained during revolution 26.

width of the system, q is the efficiency of the system,

and _ is the effective solid angle of the source
The receive-only data showed a very high ter- observed. For the case of the CSM in a 110-km lunar
restrial component in both channels on the lunar near orbit, the ratio _2/41r is equal to 0.67. The average
side, as can be seen in the compari:_on of the near-side radio brightness B can then be determined from the
and far-side noise measurements i_1figure 22-31. This temperature through

result was particularly surprising al: the HF-1 range, in B = 2KTf2 (22-35)
which it would be expected that the ionosphere of C2
the Earth would block most signatsof surface origin.
The nighttime portion of the lunar far side The results for the noise brightness intensity
provided, however, an opportunity to measure the measured on the nighttime lunar far side are shown in
galactic noise. The power measured by the antenna- figure 22-32 along with a summary of measurements
receiver system, subjected to an isotropic noise of by other workers (ref. 22-7). The ALSE results are in
temperature T, is generally good agreement with these other measure-
ments, but they must be taken as preliminary because
$2 (22-34) the CSM guidance and navigation system is a source
Pn = KTflrl _ of interference in the HF range the contribution of
which is being investigated.
where K is the Boltzmann constant, 13is the band- The near-side brightness intensities corresponding

10-19 Future reports and papers will use the ALSE data
• ALSE to help solve a systematic set of specific lunar
,_ ::::iiiiRangeof previousdata problems.
10-20_ ....;_iiiiiiiiii_:"':::_lV::;iiiiiii_O The authors gratefully express their appreciation to the
_= .:_iiiii
_iiiii_::" ':_iiiiiii_i_i_::. ALSE Systems Engineer John Marushak and his subsystem
.._ iSi!!i_.... _iiiiiii engineers Don Calabrese, Haynes Ellis, and Dave Utley, all of
o_ Rockwell International, Space Division. The authors also are
deeply indebted to Norm Masey of the Environmental
21 I I I Research Institute of Michigan.
0.1 1 10 100

FIGURE 22-32.-Preliminary determination of noise bright-
ness from the ALSE HF-1 _'ld HF-2 channels. Range of 22-1. Lloyd, D. D.; and Head, J. W.: Orientale Basin
results from other investigators (ref. 22-7) is also shown. Deposits (Riccioli Area) in Apollo 16 Earthshine Photog-
raphy. See. 29, Part E, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary
Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
to the levels in figure 22-31 are, for both HF 22-2: Scott, D. H.; and Cart, M. H.: Geologic Map of the
frequencies, approximately 2.3 X 10 -19 W/m2-Hz-sr. Taurus-Littrow
siGn Map. U.S. Region of theMisc.
Moon. Apollo
Geol. Survey Geol. Inv. 17
sheet 1, 1972.
SUMIVlARY 22-3. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Preliminary
Report on the Geology and Field Petrology at the Apollo
The four basic data products from the ALSE are 17 Landing Site. U.S. Geol. Survey Open-File Report,
sounding, profiling, imagins;, and noise measurements. 1972. (Available from Center of Astrogeology, Flagstaff,
In this report, attention ha,,, been concentrated on the Ariz.)
22-4. E1-Baz, Farouk: Discovery of Two Lunar Features.
first three products, and both theory and preliminary See. 29, Part H, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science
results have been presented. This report provides Report. NASASP-315, 1972.
background information on the experiment and on 22-5. Phillips, R. J.; Conel, J. E.; Abbott, E. A.; Sjogren, W.
the data products. It pre_,'nts preliminary examples L.; and Morton, J. B.: Mascons: Progress Toward a
Unique Solution for Mass Distribution. J. Geophys. Res.,
of the types of analyses that can be performed and vol. 77, no. 35, Dee. 10, 1972, pp. 7106-7114.
the conclusions to which they can lead. 22-6. Thompson, Thomas W.; and Zisk, Sidney [Stanley] H.:
Preliminary analysis of' the data for subsurface Radar Mapping of Lunar Surface Roughness. Thermal
features has been successful in indicating with a high Characteristics of the Moon, vol. 28 of Progress in
probability the capability of the ALSE to achieve its Astronautics and 83-117.
Aeronautics, MIT Press (Cambridge,
Mass.), 1972, pp.
fundamental goal of subsurface sounding. The imag- 22-7. Alexander, J. K.; Brown, L. W.; Clark, T. A.; Stone, R.
ery and profiling data are useful immediately for G.; and Weber, R. R.: The Spectrum of the Cosmic Radio
geologic interpretation, as demonstrated in the discus- Background Between 0.4 and 6.5 MHz. Astrophys. J., vol.
siGn. 157, no. 3, Sept. 1969, pp- L163-L165.
23. Ultraviolet Spectrometer Experiment
William G. Fastie, at Paul D. Feldman, a Richard C. Henry, a H. Warren Moos, a Charles A. Barth, b
Gary E. Thomas, b Charles F. Lillie, b and Thomas M. Donahue c

An ultraviolet spectrometer (15VS) on board the detail elsewhere (ref. 23-1). In summary, it is of the
Apollo 17 orbiting spacecraft wa_,', used in an attempt Ebert type, which has been broadly used for space
to measure ultraviolet emissions from the lunar research, but employed new optical and electronic
atmosphere. The only emissions observed in the lunar techniques that provided about an order of magni-
atmosphere were from a transient atmosphere intro- rude improvement in sensitivity. These improvements
duced by the lunar module desce:at engine; 4 hr after included exit slit mirrors that provided a 2.5 increase
the lunar module landed, these errdssions were no in the signal to the detector pulse-counting electron-
longer detectable by the spectrometer. The absence its (which permitted detection of single photoelec-
of atomic hydrogen (I4) expected to be present from trons) and a precision wavelength scan system that
the solar wind source leads to the conclusion that permitted the summation of a large number of
solar wind protons are neutralized and converted to spectra without loss of spectral resolution.
molecular hydrogen (H2) at the lu_rar surface. The spectrometer is shown in figure 23-1. The
During crossings of the solar-il/uminated surface, triangular stand on which the hastrument was
the spectrometer measured significant variations in mounted (fig. 23-1(a)) was attached to a spacecraft
surface albedo. These variations are ascribed to bulkhead that was perpendicular to the spacecraft
variations in the refractive index of the lunar surface longitudinal axis. The large baffle over the entrance
material, slit excluded stray light and was designed with
The spectrometer made a number of nonlunar multiple angles in several sections to provide a very
observations in lunar orbit and during transearth large capability for rejection of unwanted radiation.
coast (TEC), including a search for the ultraviolet There were no external optical components.
zodiacal light, solar atmosphere emissions, Earth As seen in figure 23-1(b), light rays passing
emissions 0ncluding those from the geomagnetic tail), through the spectrometer entrance slit are rendered
stellar emissions, and galactic emissions. Although parallel by an area on one side of the spherical Ebert
significant data were obtained from all these observa- mirror, which directs the rays to the grating. Dif-
dons, analysis of the data requires precise spacecraft fracted rays from the grating go to the area on the
attitude information in galactic coordinates; this other side of the Ebert mirror that focuses the rays
information has not yet been received. During TEC, through the entrance slit to the face of a solar-blind
the fluorescence spectrum of H2 x_as observed during photomultiplier tube, which transforms each photo-
a purge of the Apollo 17 fuel cells, electron produced by a photon into several million
electrons. An accumulator circuit counts and stores

INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION AND these pulses for 0.1 sec, and the accumulated pulse
CALIBRATION count is transmitted to the spacecraft data system as
a 16-bit word.
The Apollo 17 UVS has been described in great The wavelength scan system consisted of a
synchronous, motor-driven, cyclical cam, which
Johns Hopkins University.
baThe encapsulated the pin on a follower arm. The follower
Universityof Colorado. arm was attached to the grating shaft. The 3600-lines/
CUniversityof Pittsburgh. mm grating was rotated approximately 5° by the cam
tPrirtcipal Investigator. drive system to scan the spectral region 118 to 168


Baffles Detectorelectronics Q = quantum efficiency of the detector _ 10

, percent
"_, ,. T= transmission of the optical system _ 30
',:,,- percent

C,'.____ (23-2)

slit" To provide precision measurements with the spec-
trometer, it is necessary to measure the value of Q
over the exposed area of the photomultiplier tube
and to measure the transmission of the optical system
over the entire field of view of the spectrometer. No
(a) standard source exists for the far ultraviolet region,
; and a spatially uniform reference source to fill the
J /
grating wide aperture of the spectrometer is beyond the state

pushed in a specially built vacuum facility, which

12"fie___ of the Aintense,
provided high-precision calibration
high f-number, was accom-
ofview_ , .,_,, "_ y-II beam that could be focused into a very small spot on
' .. ," any point of the entrance slit. The flight spectrometer
(b) Baffles Mlrr0r was mounted in the vacuum chamber on a tilting
platform so that the calibrating beam could be
FIGURE 23-1.-Ultraviolet spectrometer. (a) Isometric view directed through the entrance slit to each area of the
of the instrument
attached mounted
to a bulkhead on ascientific
in the stand, which was
instrument diffraction gating. A calibrated photomultiplier tube
could be inserted in the monochromatic beam to
module bay of the Apollo 17 spacecraft. (b) Optical ray
diagram, measure the number of photons passing through the
entrance slit. A National Bureau of Standards cali-
brated photodiode was used to calibrate the reference
nm once every 12 sec. The cam was programed to photomultiplier tube before and after each calibra-
scan linearly in wavelength at the rate of approxi- tion of the spectrometer.
mately 7.5 nm/sec except for two 5-nm regions The calibration was performed at a total of 10
centered at 121.6 and 147.0 nm, where the scan rate wavelengths in the spectral region that the instrument
was approximately 1.7 nm/sec to give temporal scanned. Successive calibrations provided very repro-
preference to Lyman-alpha radiation (121.6 nm) and ducibIe sensitivity values at all wavelengths. A cross-
to the resonance line of the heaviest atmospheric gas cheek of the system was provided by calibration of a
xenon (Xe) at 147.0 nm. The 144.5- to 149.5-nm spare instrument in the vacuum optical bench at the
region also included a fluorescent line of molecular NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, which con-
hydrogen and one of carbon monoxide (CO). firmed the absolute value of the calibration. We
The sensitivity S of the spectrometer to a gas believe these careful techniques ensure that the
column that is emitting 1 X 106 photons/sec-cm 2 (1 signals observed in flight were measured to an
R) is given by accuracy of -+10 percent.
S (eoulat,s/sec) 1 x 106 8 gQT (23-1) LUNAR ATMOSPHERE OBSERVATIONS
= llTr E2
The Apollo 17 UVS experiment has as its primary
where A s = slit area _ cmz (1-nm resolution) objective the measurement of the density and com-
Ag = grating area _1 × 10: cm z position of the lunar atmosphere by observing reso-
F= spectrometer focal length = 50 cm nance scattering and fluorescence of solar far ultra-

violet radiation. This technique can provide density Sun

measurements in the range 1 ;< 101 to 1 X l04 /
atoms/cm a for H, H2, atomic oxygen (O), carbon f
(C), atomic nitrogen (N), CO, carbon dioxide, and Xe ModeB
but, because of spectral range limitations, could not
measure helium, neon, or argon-36, all of which may
be present as major constituents of the lunar atmos- Mode
phere, if the solar wind is the raajor source for the
atmosphere. In addition,
radiogenic argon-40 (a°Ar) _ Mode
from potassium-40 decay should be present. The _ t
present results indicate that the surface concentration "_
of atomic hydrogen is less than 10 atoms/cm 3, almost _ Mode
three orders of magnitude less than predicted (ref.
23-2), whereas the concentration of H_., if present, is
less than 6.0 × 103 atoms/cm 3. This is consistent
with the hypothesis that the solar wind protons are
completely converted into hydrogen molecules at the
lunar surface. None of the other observable constit-
uents were detected. A transiertt atmosphere was FIGURE 23-2.-Schematic representation of the modes of
observed shortly after lunar module touchdown but observation of the lunar atmosphere. Mode A, the
disappeared in a matter of hours. No evidence of principal orbital mode, consists of observation through
outgassing was detected in the vicinity of the crater the illuminated atmosphere above the terminator against
Aristarchus, where many transient optical phenomena the dark side of the Moort. In mode B, a contingency
have been reported, orbital mode,the
in space,and theline
spectrometer is pointed
of sight extends at a afixed
through point
Previous measurements of the lunar atmosphere slice of illuminated atmosphere. Mode C was used
based on an in situ pressure gage (ref. 2:3-3) indicated immediately after transearth injection. The Apollo 17
that the total surface density at the subsolar point UVS has a field of view of 12° by 12° and looks forward
may be as small as 1 X l07 atoms/cm a. More 23° relative to the normal to the spacecraft longitudinal
recently, mass spectrometer measurements from lunar axis.
orbit (ref. 23-4) and from the luna_ surface (tel 23-5)
have resulted in detection of neon, argon, and helium, observation through the illuminated atmosphere
Lunar outgassing, the only possible source of a above the terminator against the dark side of the
substantial atmosphere, occurs at a rate several orders Moon (mode A in fig. 23-2). This was done automati-
of magnitude less than the corresponding rate on cally once per revolution if the spacecraft was
Earth (ref. 23-6). Apart from 4°Ar and radiogenic maintained in the local horizontal attitude (twice if
helium (ref. 23-7), the lunar atmosphere may consist the spacecraft axis reversal was performed between
only of neutralized solar wind ions. Thus, the lunar terminator crossings). A total of 1200 of these
atmosphere would be expected to be composed terminator spectrawasobtained.
primarily of neon, argon, hydrogen, and helium, the To allow for the possibility that the atmospheric
subsolar surface concentrations of which would lie in emissions might be too weak for detection in the
the range 2 X 103 to 7 × 103 atoms/cm a (ref. 23-7). principal mode, two special modes were provided to
The Apollo 17 UVS was mounted in the scientific enhance the sensitivity. These modes resulted in most
instrument module (SIM) with the optic axis pointed of the upper limits quoted herein. In the first mode,
23 ° forward and 18 ° right of the SIM center line the spectrometer was pointed at a fixed point in
(when looking toward the spacecraft nose). The SIM space and, as the spacecraft moved in its orbit, the
center line nominally pointed through the center of line of sight extended through a tangential slice of
the Moon when the spacecraft was constrained to illuminated atmosphere (mode B in fig. 23-2). The
local horizontal attitude. Atmospheric observations enhancement provided by this mode is _ 20 for H
were made in various spacecraft attitudes as shown in and H2 and -_ 10 for O, based on Chamberlain's
figure 23-2. The principal mode of operation was the model of an evaporating corona with the lunar

surface as the critical level (ref. 23-8). The second surface, and ni(z' ) is the density in atoms per cubic
mode (mode C in fig. 23-2) was used immediately centimeter of atomic species i at altitude z, so that
after transearth injection (TEl) and is similar to mode Ni(O , z) is the vertical column density of that atomic
A except for the much greater optical path length, species between the surface and altitude z. For
For all atmospheric constituents other than hydro- observations at an angle 0 to the local vertical, the
gen (Lyman alpha, 121.6 nm), the sensitivity limit emission rate 4nil, in rayleighs, for resonance scatter-
was set by the background count rate (_ 25 counts/ ing of solar flux in the ith line is given by
sec), which was caused by solar cosmic ray protons.
At 121.6 nm, solar radiation resonantly scattered _I i = l × lO-6gi[N(O,a)][CH(e )] (23-4)
from hydrogen atoms in the interplanetary medium
produces a background of between 200 and 400 R where gi is the resonance g-factor and CH(O) is the
(depending on the viewing direction), in good agree- Chapman function (ref. 23-10). For molecular
ment with previous measurements (ref. 23-9). Emis- species, it is necessary to specify gv',v", where v' and
sion rates of 6 to 12 R (450 to 900 counts/sec) are v" are vibrational quantum numbers of the excited
obtained when the scattered radiation is observed and ground states, respectively. Table 23-I lists the
after reflection from the surface of the dark side of transitions of interest, the resonance g-factors, the
the Moon. Solar Lyman alpha scattered from the instrument sensitivity, and the minimum detectable
Earth hydrogen geocorona and then reflected from concentration for the particular mode of observation.
the Moon beyond the lunar terminator adds a 1-R Figure 23-3 shows the difference between the
contribution to the background for crossings of the average of the sum of 70 spectra observed in mode B
terminator facing Earth. During TEC, the fixed areas in lunar orbit and the average of 210 spectra obtained
of space observed in the tangential mode (mode B in during TEC (mode C) when the spectrometer axis was
fig. 23-2) were again observed to provide a sky pointed at the same point in space. The spacecraft
background correction for the tangential mode. altitude varied from 70 to 46 kin, and the spacecraft
We define was near the subsolar point throughout the observa-
z2 tion. Wavelengths corresponding to the resonance

Igi(_,z 2) --j ni(z')_z' (23-3) transitions

H2, and of O,
to the C, fourth-positive
Xe, andN, to thebands
Lymanof bands of
CO are
zl indicated. No emission features are apparent in the
where zt and z2 are two altitudes above the lunar spectrum. Figure 23-4(a) shows a sum of 25 spectra

TABLE 23-1.-Ultraviolet Spectrometer Observations

observation a photoeleetrons/se¢/R
Species Energy-statetransitionWavelemngth' photon/sec/moleeule
Resonance g-factor, Mode of Sensitivity, surfaCeatoms/emdensity,
Observed b3

H 2S- 2p e121.6 2.2 X 10 -3 C 75 < 10

O 3p-3 S 130.4 2X 10 -s B 99 <40
N 4 S- 4p 120.0 3.6 X 10-6 B 70 < 300
C 3p- 3po 165.7 2.1 × 10 -4 B 25 < 15
Kr I S- 3p 123.6 1.6 X 10-_ A 85 < 10 000
Xe 1S - 3/, 147.0 1.5 X 10-_ A 75 < 1 000


CO AIlI"-XI_+_(I'O) I
H2Bt_-X2_:+(6,9)'146.214.0×10-8. 151.0 7.5X 10-* BB 60
75 <20000
asee figure 23-2.
bat the subsolar point, except for H, krypton (Kr), and Xe, which are terminator values. The entries in this column are
based on the spectral feature not exceeding 1 standard deviation in the counting rate.
eLyman atpha.

20 A number of conclusions emerge from the preced-

Lug results. The fact that xenon must be at best a

large mass (131.3), indicates that the mechanism of

photoionization loss followed by acceleration in the

0 solar wind
rative electric
escape, field fordominates
at least the heavy over Jean's
gases. The evapo-
10 _ @ minor
component of ofH,theC, lunar
N, O,atmosphere,
and CO, which
despite are
_-10 1 I I I I CO
1 I I I I H2 photodissociation products of many gases of volcanic
< NHKr 0 Xe origin, also place severe restrictions on present levels
-20 II I I I I I I I of lunar volcanism. 1 The most surprising result is the
110 120 130 140 150 160 170 absence of atomic hydrogen to an upper limit almost
Wavelength, nm three orders of magnitude below the predicted value
FIGURE 23-3.-The average of 70 spectra obtained during a (ref. 23-2). The effect of the terrestrial magnetic field
tangential mode (mode B in fig. 23-2) observation with in shielding the lunar surface from the incident solar
The sky background (observed during TEC) features
subtracted, wind proton flux would be important only late in the
wavelengths of the principal emission ex-
pected are indicated. The error bar represents 1 standard mission. 2 Other possible ways of accounting for the
deviation in the observed counting rate. absence of hydrogen atoms are as follows.
1. Adsorption of solar wind protons in the lunar
2. Direct reflection of solar wind protons from
obtained at the near-side terminator 2 hr after the the lunar surface
lunar module had landed and indicates a slight 3. Neutralization and rapid escape from the lunar
enhancement at 130.4 nm (atomic oxygen) and at surface as suprathermal hydrogen atoms
least one band of the CO fourth-positive system. 4. Recombination to form molecular hydrogen
None of these enhancements appear in figure 23-4(b), In current models of the interaction of the solar
which shows the sum of 25 spectra obtained on the wind with the lunar soil (ref. 23-13), protons of
following orbit, 4 hr after landing. --_1-keV energy penetrate to a depth of _ 1 × 10 -6
In figure 23-5, the Lyman-alpha signal (121.6 nm) cm. They will neutralize to form hydrogen atoms and
observed below the spacecraft between the termina- may combine with other H atoms to form hydrogen
tor and a point 15 ° beyond the terminator (270 ° to molecules. Diffusion to the surface or into the dust
255 °) (fig. 23-5(a)) is compared to the signal ob- grains to a depth of _ I X 10 -s cm may occur. For
served when the spacecraft was in full shadow (255 ° adsorption within the soil to occur, the diffusion
to 240 °) (fig. 23-5(b)). The signal in figure 23-5(b) must be retarded, either by the formation of stable
originated from solar radiation that was resonantly hydrides or by trapping in a lattice site. In either case,
scattered from the solar system hydrogen atmos- after sufficient exposure, the soil becomes saturated
phere. The difference between the signals shown in and diffusion from the surface will occur. Saturation
figures 23-5(a) and 23-5(b) was initially misinter- occurs only for the outer surfaces of soil grains,
preted as being of lunar atmospheric origin (ref. which are exposed to the solar wind for periods
23-1). More detailed data analysis, particularly of ranging from 0.1 X 106 to 20 X 106 yr (ref. 23-14).
data from mode C (fig. 23-2), shows no signal that
1The limits on the outgassing rates are being described in
can be ascribed to an atomic hydrogen atmosphere to
detail by G. E. Thomas et al.
a limit of 10 atoms/cm 3 at the lunar surface. In mode _According to the empirical geomagnetic-tall model of
C, the spacecraft altitude was increased by a factor of Fairfield (ref. 23-11), the Moon should have entered the
5 with no increase in the Lyman-alpha (121.6 nm) Earth bow shock 13 hr before the TEl maneuver. How-
signal. The signal difference (figs. 23-5(a) and ever, according to measurements of the solar wind at the sur-
23-5(b)) is ascribed to an asymmetry in Lyman-alpha face of the Moon (ref. 23-12), the proton flux is not appre-
ciably disturbed until the Moon enters the geomagnetic tail.
emission in the solar atmosphere. The existence of The cut-off of solar wind flux should have occurred at ap-
the asymmetry was confirmed by observations during proximately 18:00 G.m.t. on December 18, which was 44
TEC. hr after TEl.

4(] 720

110 120 130 140 150 160 170 "E
(a) Wavelength,nm 8 360

"_ 180

<10 t I I I t I o110 120

110 120 130 140 150 160 170 Wavelength,nm
Wavelength,nm (a)

FIGURE 23-4.-Comparison of UVS spectra. The error bars

represent 1 standard deviation in the observed counting
rate. (a) Spectrum obtained 2 hr after lunar module 720
landing, showing mild indication of emission features at {_
130.4 nm (O) and 151 nm (CO). (b) Spectrum obtained 4
hr after lunar module landing, showing no emission
features. 540

Even for an exposure period of 1 million years -_

(during which the solar wind is assumed constant), "E
complete adsorption of the solar protons would give a
density of 4 mg/cm 2 of hydrogen over the entire ._
lunar surface. This value exceeds the measured
composition of lunar soil by a factor of _ 1 X l0 s
(ref. 23-13). 180
The reflection of solar wind particles has been
measured by several solar wind composition experi-
nrents on the lunar surface. The albedo for alpha L
particles is 10 percent (ref. 23-15), and the albedo for I
protons should not be significantly higher. In addi- 110 120Wavelength,nrn130 1_
tion, significant reflection of solar wind ions would (b)

produce measurable perturbations of the solar wind FIGURE 23-5.-Comparison of Lyman-alpha signals obtained
magnetic field that have not been observed from on revolution 38. The signals are caused by reflected solar
lunar orbit (ref. 23-16). atmosphere radiation; the difference between the signals
A "sputtering" atmosphere of atomic hydrogen is due to asymmetry in the reflected solar radiation, not
has been advocated (ref. 23-17), in which hydrogen to a lunar H atmosphere. The error bars represent 1
standard deviation in the observed counting rate. (a)
atoms with average velocities of 15 km/sec are Signal observed just beyond the near-side terminator;
ejected from the lunar surface as a result of energetic coverage extends from 270 ° to 255 °. (b) Signal observed
ion impact. However, because hydrogen is a minor when spacecraft was in full shadow; coverage extends
constituent of the lunar surface, the dominant com- from 255 ° to 240 °

position of the sputtered material would probably be mission, a rocket experiment conducted by the
that of the lunar soil itself. Even if all the sputtered University of Colorado from the White Sands Missile
atoms were hydrogen with the previously mentioned Range measured the absolute spectral brightness of
average velocity, the maximum Doppler shift (0.006 the Sun in the ultraviolet while the UVS was
nm) of the absorption line would not be sufficient to measuring the sunlit spectrum of the Moon. Thus, we
remove it from the wide solar Lyman-_dpha line. The were able to make an absolute measurement of the
predicted value at the subsolar point of 340 atoms/ spectral albedo of the lunar surface.
era 3 for the previously mentioned sputtering model Before the mission, laboratory measurements had
(ref. 23-17) is far above our detection fimit shown in been made of the spectral albedo of lunar dust
table 23-1. samples obtained on the Apollo 11, 12, and 14
Thus, efficient surface recombination of solar missions. The laboratory measurements showed that
protons to molecular hydrogen appears to be the all three lunar samples had an ultraviolet albedo of
most probable explanation for the low atomic hydro- approximately 2.2 -+0.2 percent at all wavelengths in
gen density. It is reasonable to expect an efficient the range of 121.6 to 165.7 nm (ref. 23-23). Because
trapping of kilovolt protons on the lunar surface (ref. almost all minerals are opaque in the spectral region
23-18), followed by an upward diffusion of hydrogen to which the UVS is sensitive, body color plays a
atoms. This upward diffusion would promote recom- small role in the spectral properties of minerals, and
bination either within or at tile surface of the soft refractive index effects probably dominate. Alterna-
grains. The molecular hydrogen would then be tively, metallic sputtering produced by solar wind
released by the surface at thermal energy. A theoreti- impact (ref. 23-24) may coat the surface and create
cal model of Hodges (ref. 23-19) predicts H 2 concen- the observed grayness in the lunar samples. However,
trations of 3.6 X 103 atoms/cm 3 at the subsolar the laboratory-measured albedo is not inconsistent
point and 2.3 X 104 atoms/cm s at the antisolar with the assumption that the refractive index, and
point, therefore the mineralogical character of the lunar
As shown in table 23-I, the fluorescence in the H_ material, is the factor that controls the far ultraviolet
Lyman bands from expected density would have albedo.
escaped detection in the UVS experiment. The Figure 23-6 shows a spectrum obtained from the
expected nighttime density, however, may ultimately lunar surface near the subsolar point. The very
be detected by the Apollo 17 neutral mass spectrome- substantial signals shown, combined with the rocket
ter surface experiment (ref. 23-20). measurements described previously, permit an accu-
In conclusion, the Apollo 17 UVS experiment has rate measurement of the lunar albedo in the spectral
revealed that atomic hydrogen is almost totally range 118 to 168 nm. This in situ albedo measure-
absent in the lunar atmosphere. To explain this ment agrees very well with the 2.2-percent value
observation, we believe that nearly 100-percent con- observed in the laboratory.
version of solar wind protons to molecular hydrogen
probably occurs at the lunar surface. The expected
H2 density would have so far escaped detection. We 4000X 10 3

for thealso
would caseexpect
of Mercury
that H2 ifwill
its predominate
atmosphere is tkin
over H _ 3150_
enough to allow direct solar wind impact on the
bear is Atherelated problem
formation of on which thisH2result
interstellar on may
dust _,z 100- _1 n _

particles (refs. 23-21 and 23-22).

'_ 50-


o r, i
During the orbital mission, approximately 50 hr of ll0 120 130 140 150 160 170
data were obtained with the UVS observing the sunlit Wavelength, nm
side of the Moon and approximately 50 hr of data FIGURE 23-6.-Spectrum obtained from UVS observation of
were obtained on the dark side. Also during the thelunar surface near the subsolar point.

Figure 23-7 shows the signal at 147 nm and its that the maria show little albedo variation, but there
variation with lunar longitude during one albedo pass are exceptions (e.g., the southern portion of Mare
(revolution 28). This curve agrees closely with the Crisium). Perhaps the most important observations at
behavior of the lunar albedo in the visible region as this stage of data reduction are that Neper Crater is
analyzed by Hapke (ref. 23-25). Figure 23-8 is a plot an exception, that most craters are not distinguish-
of the data shown in figure 23-7 divided by the able in the ultraviolet, and that most of the variations
Hapke function for the visible region. Large variations in the ultraviolet albedo seem to occur in regions that
near the terminator are caused by shadowing effects, show little visible variations. Because we believe the
If the visible Hapke function were the same as the far albedo observations may have important geological or
ultraviolet function, the curve in figure 23-8 would be mineralogical significance, we are continuing data
independent of lunar longitude. In figure 23-9, the reduction and analysis and plan a program of inter-
residual longitude effect shown in figure 23-8 has comparison with other lunar observations.
been removed by an arbitrary modification of the During the passage of the unilluminated portion of
part of the visible Hapke function that might reason- the Moon, we observed a reflected Lyman-alpha
ably be expected to change in the far ultraviolet. Also signal from solar system hydrogen. We have also
plotted on figure 23-9 are the normalized data from observed albedo variations in this signal that may be
the next passage across the illuminated surface of particular importance because the signal includes
(revolution 29).
Figure 23-9 demonstrates that the small variations
in albedo with longitude are reproducible from one _ 1.4
orbit to the next. The most spectacular demonstra-
tion is in the crater Neper, which shows an albedo _ 1.2 .,_ ,, Jl
peak in tire center of the crater and minimums at the _ 1.0
crater edges. However, many other variations are
clearly identifiable and are shown to be reproducible g .8
in figure 23-9. As might be expected, the variations .E
from point to point on the maria are less pronounced g_

than in other areas. This effect can most clearly be _ .4 I I I i i I i L I

seen in figure 23-7. = 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Analysis of other bright-side passes demonstrates Longitude,
FIGURE 23-8.-Transit data of figure 23-7 divided by visible
1400 Hapke function.

1200 _ ._, Mare5erenitatis MareCrisium Neper

"_ 800 Ma!e. .- I2F1 I 1
600 C rn Longitude,
_" _, MareSerenitatis MareCrlsium Neper

I I I i I i I l I I.O
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
200 'i 1.2
.8_ 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
FIGURE 23-7.-Variation of brightness with lunar longitude Longitude,
for the signal observed at 147 nm (fig. 23-6) as the (b)
spacecraft traversed the illuminated lunar surface on FIGURE 23-9.-Lunar transit data divided by far ultraviolet
revolution 28. Hapke function. (a) Revolution 28. (b) Revolution 29.

areas that have not been studied in great detail. 300-

However, because the signal is so much weaker than
the bright-side signal, little analysis of this data has z50 -
been performed to date.
200- l
Twice during lunar orbit, when the spacecraft had _ 150- \
just entered the shadow behind the terminator, the ._
spacecraft was oriented so that ultn, violet zodiacal _ 100- \ \i
fight emissions from the inner solar atmosphere could _x

be observed.
analyzed but These data support
generally have only
the been preliminarily
ultraviolet zodia- 50- , . _ ill
[ 1|
Cal light observations by Orbiting Astronomical Ob-
servatory 2 (OAO-2) (ref. 23-26). 0110 120
J "k_[l_ _1Ld
140 I
150 ,
% ,
Several times during TEC, the UVS observed the Wavelength,
Earth. Preliminary analysis (ref. 23-27)indicates that FIGURE 23-10.-Spectrum obtained in TEC during mole-
the data support the Orbiting Geophysical Observa- cular hydrogen purge of fuel cells. The dashed curve
tory IV (OGO IV) orbital observations of the represents a brightness of 2 R. The error bars represent 1
standard deviationin the observed counting rate.
ultraviolet Earth airglow and provide an overall view
of the Earth for comparison with other planets.
During TEC, the UVS was operated almost contin- 20r
uously to provide a detailed ultraviolet survey of our - I
galaxy and to observe selected stellar spectra. A I

massive viewing
awaits amount direction
of data was
obtained, in
but galactic
its analysis
co- _15[ l

ordinates. Preliminary analysis of the spectra of _ I tl

isolated bright stars demonstrates that significant data _ 10I
distributions agree with previous observations and
provide the most precise measurement of absolute _ 5 I_

were brightness obtained to date (ref. 23-28).._ _ 0'_" l
The obtained.
full sky Thesurveyobserved ultraviolet
described spectral
previously also t _-. ,_J _t_ I I_ _i _
110 120 130 140 150 160 170
provided a measure of the distribution of solar system Wavelength,
Lyman-alpha (121.6 nm) emission that is produced
by resonance re-radiation of solar radiation by atomic FIGURE 23-11. Calculated fluorescence spectrum of mole-
cular hydrogen excited by far ultraviolet solar radiation.
hydrogen in the solar system. The survey also (Intensity of one hand normalized to experimental data
provided an opportunity to search for a geomagnetic (rig. 23-10).)
tail of atomic hydrogen downwind from the Sun.
These data have not been analyzed. Irum of molecular hydrogen. This theoretical spec-
Once during TEC, the UVS was operating during a trum is shown in figure 23-11 where the intensity of
molecular hydrogen purge of the fuel cells that one of the bands has been normalized to the
produced the ultraviolet spectrum shown in figure experimental data of figure 23-10] The observed and
23-10. This spectrum arises from absorption by calculated distributions agree very well. We have also
molecular hydrogen of Lyman-beta and Lyman- calculated that the observed spectral brightness gives
gamma solar radiation and fluorescent re-radiation of a column density of approximately 1 × 1014 mole-
this energy at longer wavelengths. From knowledge of cules/cm 2, in close agreement with the calculated
the brightness of these solar emission features and of column density based on a nominal H: purge rate and
the Franck-Condon factors for molecular hydrogen, the spacecraft geometry.
we have calculated the expected fluorescence spec- The H2 spectrum provides an internal calibration

of the UVS as a molecular hydrogen sensor and gives Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar
high reliability to the upper limit on H2 at the Science Conference (Houston, Tex.),Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp.
subsolar point discussed in the section entitled 251-253.
23-15. Geiss, J.; Buehler, F.; Carutti, H.; Eberhardt, P.; and
"Lunar Atmosphere Observations" and shown in Filleux, Ch.: Solar Wind Composition Experiment. Sec.
table 23-I. The H2 observation is also important as an 14 of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
unambiguous means of identifying molecular hydro- SP-315, 1972.
gen in the atmospheres of planets and comets (ref. 23-16. Siscoe, G. L.; and Mukherjee, N. R.: Upper Limits on
23-29). the Lunar Atmosphere Determined from Solar-Wind
Measurements. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 77, no. 31, Nov. 1,
REFERENCES 1972, pp. 6042-6051.
23-1. Fastie, William G.: The Apollo 17 Far Ultraviolet 23-17. Gott, J. Richard, IIl; and Potter, A. E., Jr.: Lunar
Spectrometer Experiment. The Moon, vol. 7, nos. 1/2, Atomic Hydrogen and Its Possible Detection by Scattered
Mar./Apr. 1973, pp. 49-62. Lyman-_ Radiation. Icarus, vol. 13, 1970, pp. 202-206.
23-2. Johnson, F. S.: Lunar Atmosphere. Rev. Geophys. 23-18. MankaR. H.; and Michel, F.C.: Lunar Atmosphere as
Space Phys., vol. 9. no. 3, Aug. 1971, pp. 813-823. a Source of Lunar Surface Elements. Proceedings of the
23-3. Johnson, Francis S.; Carroll, James M.; and Evans, Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 2, MIT Press
Dallas E.: Lunar Atmosphere Measurements. Proceedings (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 1717-1728.
of the Third Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, MIT Press 23-19. Hodges, R. R.: Helium and Hydrogen in the Lunar
(Cambridge, Mass.), 1972, pp. 2231-2242. Atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 78, 1973.
23-4. Hedges, R. R.; Hoffman, J. H.; and Evans, D.E.: 23-20. Hoffman, J. A.; Hodges, R. R., Jr.; and Evans, D. E.:
Lunar Orbital Mass Spectrometer Experiment. Sec. 21 of Lunar Atmosphere Composition Results from Apollo 17.
the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science Conference,
1972. Pergamon Press (New York), Dec. 1973.
23-5. Hoffman, J. H.; Hodges, R. R., Jr.; and Evans, D.E.: 23-21. Spitzer, L.; Drake, J. F.; Jenkins, E. B.; Morton, D.
Lunar Atmospheric Composition Results From Apollo C.; et al.: Speetrophotometric Results from the
17. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Copernicus Satellite. IV, Molecular Hydrogen in Inter-
Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. stellar Space. Astrophys. J. Letters, vol. 181, May 1,
5-8, 1973), pp. 376-377. 1973, pp. Ll16-L121.
23-6. Hodges, R. R.; Hoffman, J. H.; Yeh, T. T. J.; and 23-22. Hollenbach, D.; and Salpeter, E. E.: Surface Recom-
Chang, G. K.: Orbital Search for Lunar Volcanism. J. bination of Hydrogen Molecules. Astrophys. J., vol. 163,
Geophys. Res., vol. 77, no. 22, Aug. 1, 1972, pp. no. 1, Jan. 1971,pp. 155-164.
4079-4085. 23-23. Lucke, R. L.; Henry, R. C.; and Fastie, W. G.: Far
23-7. Hodges, R. R.; Hoffman, J. H.; Johnson, F. S.; and Ultraviolet Reflectivity of Lunar Dust Samples: Apollo
Evans, D. E.: Composition and Dynamics of Lunar 11, 12, and 14. Astron. J., vol. 78, no. 3, Apr. 1973, pp.
Atmosphere. Proceedings of the Fourth Lunar Science 263-266.
Conference, Pergamon Press (New York), Dec. 1973. 23-24. Hapke, B. W.; Cohen, A. J.; Cassidy, W. A.; and Wells,
23-8. Chamberlain, J. W.: Planetary Coronae and Atmos- E.N.: Solar Radiation Effects on the Optical Properties
pheric Evaporation. Planet. Space Sci., vol. 11, no. 8, of Apollo 11 Samples. Proceedings of the Apollo 11
Aug. 1963, pp. 901-960. Lunar Science Conference, vol. 3, Pergamon Press (New
23-9. Thomas, G. E.; and Krassa, R. F.: OGO 5 Measure- York), 1970, pp. 2199-2212.
ments of the Lyman Alpha Sky Background. Astron. 23-25. Hapke, Bruce W.: A Theoretical Photometric Func-
Astrophys., vol. 11, no. 2, Apr. 1971, pp. 218-233. tion for the Lunar Surface. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 68, no.
23-10. Barth, Charles A.: Planetary Ultraviolet Spectros- 15, Aug. 1, 1963, pp.4571-4586.
copy. Appl. Optics, vol. 8, no. 7, July 1969, pp. 23-26. LiUie, C. F.: OAO-2 Observations of the Zodiacal
1295-1304. Light. The Scientific Results From the Orbiting Astro-
23-11. Fairfield, D. H.: Average and Unusual Locations of nomical Observatory (OAO-2). NASA SP-310, 1972, pp.
the Earth's Magnetopause and Bow Shock. J. Geophys. 95-108.
Res., vol. 76, no. 28, Oct 1, 1971, pp. 6700-6716. 23-27. Feldman, P. D.; Fastie, W. G.; Henry, R. C.; Moos, H.
23-12. Neugebauer, M.; Snyder, C. W.; Clay, D. R.; and W.; et aI.: Far Ultraviolet Observations of the Earth's
Goldstein, B. E.: Solar Wind Observations on the Lunar Airglow From Apollo 17. Paper presented at 54th Annual
Surface with the ApoUo-12 ALSEP. Planet. Space Sci., Meeting, Am. Geophys. Union (Washington, D.C.), Apr.
vol. 20, no. 2, Oct. 1972, pp. 1577-1591. 1972.
23-13. Leich, D. A.; Tombrello, T. A.; and Burnett, D.S.: 23-28. Henry, R. C.; Moos, H. W.; Fastie, W. G.; and
The Depth Distribution of Hydrogen in Lunar Materials. Weinstein, A.: Low-Resolution Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth of Several Stars. Paper presented at 16th Plenary Meeting,
Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, COSPAR(Konstanz, W. Germany), June 1973.
1973), pp. 463-465. 23-29. Feldman, P. D.; and Fastie, W. G.: Fluorescence of
23-14. Fleischer, Robert L.; and Hart, Howard R., Jr.: Molecular Hydrogen Excited by Solar Extreme Ultraviolet
Surface History of Lunar Soil and Soil Columns. Lunar Radiation. Astrophys. J. Letters, Oct. 15, 1973.
"24. Infrared Scanning Radiometer
F. 3. Low at and W. W. Mendell b

The infrared scanning radiometer (/SR) is a ther- approximately 20 km at the center of the disk, the
mat imaging device capable of mapping lunar surface Moon possessed hundreds of features that remained
thermal emission from lunar orbit. The principal warm relative to their environs during the eclipse.
experimental objective of the ISR is the measurement Studies of these "thermal anomalies" indicated sur-
of lunar nighttime temperatures and cooling rates for face rock exposures associated with fresh impact
that portion of the Moon overflown by the orbiting features as an explanation. More recent correlations
command and service module. Such data are related of the eclipse data with Earth-based radar measure-
to the physical parameters (density and thermal ments (ref. 24-4) show that a one-to-one corre-
conductivity) of the local surface layer, spondence does not exist between boulder fields and
The thermal emission at the surface of the Moon infrared anomalies.
serves to balance the solar radiation absorbed at the In contrast to the eclipse cooling, which lasts for
surface and the heat flow into or out of the only a few hours, the lunar nighttime cooling regime
subsurface. Heat conduction through the surface is lasts for 14 days. The nighttime thermal gradients
generally small because the lunar soil is an excellent extend deeper into the subsurface, and the surface
thermal insulator. Therefore, the daytime tempera- temperature distributions are influenced by structure
ture regime is dominated by such factors as albedo, to a depth of a few tens of centimeters. Many
Sun angle, and local slope. Conversely, the nighttime observers (refs. 24-5 to 24-9) have attempted to map
emission represents the reradiation of heat stored the nighttime Moon from Earth to take advantage of
during the lunar day and is largely dependent on the the improved subsurface resolution. However, the
physical properties of the surface layer, observational difficulties (ref. 24-8) associated with
A simple, one-dimensional model of the soil layer the low level of thermal emission and with the
(ref. 24-1) can be used to demonstrate the general terrestrial atmosphere have precluded substantial
behavior of surface temperature. In such a model, success. The ISR provides a solution to the observa-
families of temperature curves (faired curves in fig. tional problem with an absolute radiometric measure-
24-1) can be generated in terms of a single thermal ment of lunar nighttime temperatures that represents
parameter 3' = (kpc) -½, where k is the thermal an order-of-magnitude improvement in spatial and
conductivity, p is the bulk density, and c is the radiometric resolution over Earth-based work.
specific heat. Tiffs simplified model disregards radia-
tive transfer in the surface layer, but it is still useful
to characterize the thermal response in terms of "y. I NST R UM E NT D ESC R IPTI O N
Earth-based measurements of the lunar midnight The ISR is a thermal imaging line scanner (ref.
temperature (ref. 24-2) place 3' _ 850 cal-_ cm_ K 24-10). A schematic diagram of the optical system is
sec'A. shown in figure 24-2. The spherical-spherical Casse-
Shorthill and Saari's (ref. 24-3) thermal mapping grain optical system has a 17.78-cm (7 in.) aperture.
of the eclipsed Moon from a telescope in Egypt The instantaneous field of view is 20 mrad, which
demonstrated a wide variety of thermal behavior on translates to a circular lunar surface resolution ele-
the visible hemisphere. At a spatial resolution of ment ranging from 2.0 to 2.6 km in diameter during
aThe Universityof Arizona. accumulation of data from the spacecraft circularized
bNASA Lyndon B.Johnson Space Center. orbit. This spatial resolution is an order-of-magnitude
1"PrincipalInvestigator. improvement over Earth-based observations.


"fi good view of the crater bottom have been found.

_1 _ The scan shown in figure 24-4(b)contains pre-
>._zrt ---_ Unfortunately, no lunar photographs that contain a
_= /l" ...... _ , _ dawn temperatures,
region. The scan center
the is
any north
given ofsurface
Time Vaporum and south of the Apollo 15 landing site. On
(a) the fight portion of the scan is a negative anomaly, a
> region having depressed temperatures relative to its

2_ environs. In this case, the temperature difference is

*_ />8 K. A lower limit is given because the width of the

1_ - the anomalyonly may

deflection, not be element,
one resolution fully resolved.
implies The
e _ _ _ I anomalous region lies south of the crater Conon in
(b) Time Montes Apenninus. The magnitude of the tempera-
ture contrasts implies that the thermal conductivity
> of the soil in that region is approximately one-half

" _ A _ md] that of the surrounding material. These underdense

2o regions cannot be impact features. The preservation

_1 of the density contrast also implies that the regions

are relatively young on a geologic scale. Cold night-
_ l t t LTimeI _ L I IT'-- I time anomalies are particularly difficult to detect
Ic) from Earth-based observations. Although such fea-
tures have been reported previously (refs. 24-8 and
FIGURE 24-4.-Nighttime scans of the lunar surface. Each
division on the ordinates represents 62.5 msec. (a) Scan at 24-11), the ISR results provide the first opportunity
a scan center of latitude 7.0 ° N, longitude 35.9 ° W, a to study them in detail.
phase angle of 214.1 °, and an altitude of 39.7 kin. The The scan in figure 24-4(c) includes far-side
crater Kepler A is thermally enhanced relative to the 92 K anomalies. Our abbreviated data survey shows that
background in Oceanus Procellarum. The temperature in
the crater ranges from 112 K on the wall to a maximum such features are not common in the nighttime data
of 126 K in the center. (b) Scan at a scan center of on the lunar far side (fig. 24-5). A low frequency of
latitude 18.9 ° N, longitude 2.0° E, a phase angle of occurrence was anticipated because near-side
264.8 °, and an altitude of 109.3 krn. A predawn cold spot anomalies occur preferentially in the maria, regions
shows an 8 K contrast to the 90 K background in Montes which are generally absent in the other hemisphere.
Aperminus. (e) Scan
° E, ata aphase
scan center of latitude
120.8 °, 22.5
and ° an
S, The two prominent anomalies on the left side of the
longitude 178.4 angie of
altitude of 118.0 km. These large far-side anomalies are
enhanced approximately 22 K relative to a 108 K back-

ground 2.5 days after lunar sunset. _-__L

spacecraft was 39.7 km at the time of the scan,

making the ISR resolution element 0.8 km wide on _ _ ___

the surface, The width of the broad base of the _ _-_

enhancement is 10 km, coinciding with the crater _ _

diameter. The thermal peak in the center is approxi- _ •_
mately 2 km across. The measured radiance in the /___S-- __

the center,
increasesthat linearly
the actual
central from temperature
both sides atto __-------c'-_-_--_-_
the center has not been fully resolved. The dramatic _ - _-_
change of material properties within the crater Dec. 11, 1972, 12:45:29.2096.m.t.
probably reflects exposure of bedrock. The radial FIGURE 24-5.-Scan sequence of a featureless region north-
gradient may be caused by a corresponding radial east of Mare Orientale and South of the crater Hartwig.
distribution of slump material from the crater walls. North is to the left; west is at the top.

o.o.t. Dec.11,19"/2,12:36:59.643
FIGURE 24-6.-This sequence of nighttime scans runs
westward approxhnately between 35° and 38°W longi- FIGURE 24-7.-This sequence of scans runs from 53° to
rude at latitude 7° N. The crater in the foreground is 56° W longitude just north of the lunar equator. North is
Kepler A, and the extended feature in the background is to the left; west is at the top.
the crater Kepler. North is to the left; west is at the top,

scan (fig. 24-2(c)) are located between the large

craters Aitken and Van de Graaff. The large peak at causes the actual sequence of the points to go from
tile right limb corresponds to the crater Birkeland; right to left on the figure. The first data point of the
the smaller structure to its left is in the crater Van de sequence lies 5.3 days after lunar sunset (abscissa of
Graaff. 0.43 in fig. 24-1) and was measured at 08:26 G.m.t.
In figure 24-6, the scan in figure 24-4(a) is shown on December 12, 1972. The final point (at approxi-
in its full data context. In this sequence of scans, mately the same lunation coordinate) was measured
north is to the left and west is upward. The extended at 10:25 G.m.t. on the same day. A data gap exists
feature just past the middle of the sequence is the near the subsolar point for this orbit.
crater Kepler. An interesting aspect of this set is the The plotted temperatures will change as the ISR
general lack of features except for the two major values are refined. The error estimate is 3 K for the
craters. As part of the Kepler ejecta blanket, this nighttime measurements; the values probably are
region might have been expected to be littered with systematically low. No correction for albedo or
debris and, consequently, to show considerable ther- topography has been made.
rnal structure. Theoretical curves for various values of 3' are also
Farther to the west, near the equator south of the plotted in figure 24-1. The theoretical calculations
crater Reiner, an area in Oceanus Procellarum that is represent the cooling behavior at a single point,
devoid of craters displays many thermal anomalies whereas the measured data are taken over many
(fig. 24-7). This structure cannot be attributed to different types of material. The cooling curve ap-
residual, postsunset, topographic cooling differences, parently falls below 3' _ 850 cal- 1 cm 2 K sec1/2,even
Figure 24-5 shows that such structure is entirely if the error estimate is taken into account. The
absent in a highland region northeast of Mare elevated temperatures near lunar midnight fall in
Orientale and nearer the sunset terminator. It is Oceanus Procellarum, where general thermal enhance-
probable that the amount of thermal structure is ment has been noted in eclipse measurements (ref.
associated with the age of the region; older regions 24-12).
have a featureless, soil-like response. The data for lunar afternoon temperatures come
In figure 24-1, lunar temperatures as measured by from the highlands on the far side, and the morning
the ISR are plotted as a function of brightness points fall in Mare Fecunditatis and Mare Tran-
longitude. The values were taken from scans made by quillitatis. The combined effects of albedo and
the Apollo 17 spacecraft during revolution 20. An directionality of emissivity account for the apparent
attempt was made to choose a point from each scan systematic deviations to either side of the theoretical
on the lunar equator. The spacecraft orbital motion curve.

CONCLUSIONS 24-5. Wfldey, Robert L.; Murray, Bruce C.; and Westphat,
James A.: Reconnaissance of Infrared Emission From the
This brief survey of the ISR data has confirmed Lunar Nighttime Surface. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 72, no.
that a variety of thermal behavior exists on the lunar 14, July 15, 1967, pp. 3743-3749.
surface. Further work on the measurements will 24-6. Shorthill, RichardW.;andSaari, JohnM.:Radiometric
establish the cooling behavior of the major types of and Photometric
Ann. N.Y.Mapping of vol.
the 123,
Lunation. Acad. Sci., JulyThrough
15, 1965,a
lunar regions and the most significant exceptions pp. 722-739.
within each category. 24-7. Allen, David A.: Infrared Studies of the Lunar Terrain.
I: The Background Moon. The Moon, vol. 2, no. 3, 1971,
pp. 320-337.
REFERENCES 24-8. Mendcll, Wendell W.; and Low, Frank J.: Lunar
Differential Flux Scans at 22 Microns, Final Report.
24-1. Krotikov, V. D.; and Shchuko, O. B.: The Heat NASACR-121457, 1971.
Balance of the Lunar Surface Layer During a Lunation. 24-9. Raine, W. L.: Thermal Mapping of the Lunar Surface.
Soviet Astron.-AJ, vol. 7, no. 2, Sept.-Oct. 1963, pp. Final Rept. SE-SSL-1649, Contract NAS8-26343, Tele-
228-232. dyne Brown Engineering (Huntsville, Ala.), Sept. 1972.
24-2. MendeU, W. W.; and Low, F. J.: Low-Resolution 24-10. McIntosh, R. B., Jr.: and MendeU, W. W.: Infrared
Differential Drift Scans of the Moon at 22 Microns. J. Scanning Radiometer for Temperature Mapping of the
Geophys. Res., vol. 75, no. 17, June 10, 1970, pp. Lunar Surface on the Apollo 17 Flight. Proceedings of the
3319-3324. Technical Program, Fourth Annual Electro-Optical Sys-
24-3. ShorthiU, R. W.; and Saari, J. M.: Infrared Observation tems Design Conference, Industrial and Scientific Confer-
of the Eclipsed Moon. Boeing Sci. Res. Lab. Dcmt. eneeManagement, lnc. (Chicago), 1972, pp. 356-361.
AD-689076, D1-82-0778, Jan. 1969. 24-11. Low, Frank J.: Lunar Nighttime Temperatures Mea-
24-4. Thompson., T. W.; Masursky, H.; Shorthill, R. W.; Zisk, sured at 20 Microns. Astrophys. J., vol. 142, no. 2, Aug.
S. H., and Tyler, G. L.: A Comparison of Infrared, Radar, 15, 1965, pp. 806-808.
and Geologic Mapping of Lunar Craters. Contribution 16, 24-12. Saari, J. M.; and Shorthill, R. W.: Thermal Anomalies
Lunar Sci. Inst., Symposium on the Geophysical lnterpre- on the Totally Eclipsed Moon of December 19, 1964.
ration of the Moon (Houston, Tex.), June 1970. Nature, vol. 205, no. 4975, Mar. 6, 1965, pp. 964-965.
25. Biostack Experiment
H. Biicker, at G. Horneck, a 1_.Reinholz, b W. Ri_ther, e
E. 1t. Graul, c tt. Planel, d J. P. Soleilhavoup, d P. Ci_er,e
R. Kaiser, e J. P. Massu_, e R. Pfohl, e W. Enge, f
K. P. Bartholomi_, f R. Beau]ean,f K. Fukui, f O. C. Allkofer, f
W. Heinrich,f E. 1I. Benton, g E. Schopper, a G. Henig, a
J. U. Schott, a H. Fran9ois, h G. Portal, h H. Ki_hn,i
D. Harder, j H. Wollenha_'pt, a and G. Bowman k

The objective of the Apollo 17 biostack experi- 750 X 10-s J/kg. A fluence of 30 to 90 particles/
merit (biostack II) was to establish the biologic cm 2 of estimated charge Z >_6 was measured, de-
efficiency of individual particles of galactic cosmic pending on the detector threshold for the energy loss.
radiation that penetrate biologic matter during space These data are in agreement with the radiation results
flight. Of special interest were the heavy (high atomic obtained in biostack I. Generally, the viability of the
number) high-energy particles with high loss of flown biologic objects did not appear to be affected
energy on their path through material (HZE par- by any additional random space flight factors. From
tides). For this purpose, layers of several biologic these observations, a scientifically profitable evalua-
species were stacked alternately with various track tion of the biostack II experiment is anticipated.
detectors. The results will be very useful :inestimating
potential radiation hazards to astronauts during long- EXP E R IM E NT TH EO R Y
duration space missions. This work complements the
results of the Apollo 16 biostack experiment (bin- During space missions outside the Earth magneto-
stack I), in which a variety of radiobiologic end sphere, a spacecraft encounters the full spectrum of
points have been found to differ in sensitivity to the galactic cosmic radiation. Outside the geomagnetic
penetration of HZE particles. Artemia saline eggs, for field, there is no cut-off effect. Therefore, the energy
instance, hit by an HZE particle showed a high spectrum of cosmic ray nuclei includes particles of
reduction in larval emergence and hatching as well as low energies. These heavy nuclei (HZE particles) of
the induction of several developmental anomalies, extremely high values of linear energy transfer (LET)
Preliminary analyses of the biostack II radiation in the Bragg peak may reach astronauts despite
detectors indicate a cosmic "background" radiation of shielding by the spacecraft wall (ref. 25-1). Particles
that penetrate the spacecraft may pass through or
aUniversityof Frankfurt. stop in biologic matter. Therefore, the radiation
bMax Planck Institut fUrBiophysik,Frankfurt. hazards to man during long-duration space missions,
CUniversity of Marburg. especially the HZE component of cosmic radiation
dUniversity°fT°ul°use" which man does not encounter on Earth, must be
eUniversity of Kiel.
fUniversityof Strasbourg. precisely estimated. Thus, all biologic experiments in
gUniversityof San Francisco. space should consider the possible influence of HZE
hAtomic Energy Commission,Republic of France. particles in any observed biologic effects.
iGeseUsehaftfar Strahlen und Umweltforschung, Frank- The biostack experiment provided a unique
furt. method to determine the biologic efficiency of HZE
JUniversityof Warzburg.
kU.S. Representative for biostack, University of Frank- particles during space flight. The last two lunar
furt. missions provided the last opportunity for several
?Principal Investigator. years to study this phenomenon outside the Earth


magnetosphere. The biostack II experiment on board Artemia salina eggs (refs. 25-4 and 25-6); damage to
the Apollo 17 spacecraft complemented biostaek I on hair follicles of the black mice (refs. 25-7 and 25-8);
board Apollo 16 (ref. 25-2). and brain injuries in mice (ref. 25-9) and monkeys
The biologic objects in biostack II were selected (ref. 25-10). The light flashes observed by the
because of well-established scientific baseline infer- astronauts during the Apollo lunar missions stimu-
mation and technical points of view. These biologic lated systematic studies of this phenomenon on Earth
objects were (1) spores of the bacterium Bacillus (ref. 25-11) and in space (ref. 25-12). The results
subtilis, (2) cysts of the protozoon Colpoda cuculus, suggested that the light flashes might be caused by
(3) seeds of the crucifer Arabidopsis thaliana, (4) eggs ionization of HZE particles in the tissue of the retina;
of the shrimp Artemia salina, (5) eggs of the beetle however, there has been no confirmation of any
Tribolium confusum, and (6) eggs of the grasshopper hazards associated with this phenomenon.
Carausius morosus. The biologic attributes studied in The terms "dose" and "relative biologic effi-
the six biologic species included inhibition of germi- ciency" cannot be used to describe the biologic effects
nation, inhibition of cell growth, inhibition of organ of the HZE particles encountered in space. More
development, developmental anomalies in various appropriately, the terms "ion kill" (ref. 25-13) and
stages of growth, and mutation induction. "microbeam" (ref. 25-14) are used to describe their
The biologic area hit by an HZE particle was radiobiologic characteristics. This choice of terms
determined from adjacent physical track detectors indicates that a single traversal by a heavy nucleus,
including nuclear emulsions (Ilford K2 and K5), with a sufficiently high LET, produces an energy
cellulose nitrate (CN) sheets, polycarbonate (Lexan) dissipation in the biologic mierostructure comparable
sheets, and silver chloride (AgC1) crystals. Thus, the to a beam of very narrow cross section. The LET
biostack II experiment was well established to distribution can properly be expressed in terms of
identify an individual HZE particle and to correlate integral track length; this gives a more complete
possible biologic effects in its path or trajectory. The
results will help to provide information on the
mechanism of the biologic interaction of HZE par-
titles, currently not available on Earth. Such informa-
tion is necessary to predict possible radiation hazards
to man in space.
In addition, the evaluation of the track detectors
will yield the spectra of charge and energy as well as
the energy loss of the particles studied. Establishing
the modification of these spectra attributable to
absorption by the biostack material will yield prac-
tical information for establishing radiation protection
requirements for manned space flights.



It has been established that HZE particles have

high biologic efficiency. This statement is based on
several balloon- and satellite-borne radiobiologic
studies, because Earth-based equipment is currently
incapable of producing accelerated heavy particles
with exact properties of HZE particles. Many effects
attributable to HZE particles were observed. These
effects included mutation induction in Escherichia
cell cells (ref. 25-3), in barley seeds (ref. 25-4), and in FIGURE 25-1.-Biostack software composed of biologic
corn seeds (ref. 25-5); developmental disturbances in layers and sheetsof radiation detectors.

picture of the energy dissipation pattern in tissue (ref.

25-1). .. ": i(_.': " ,
The understanding of these radiobiologic problems .... • _. :"..
would be improved by space experiments investi- " _:i::;ii._(_?..;:,':
gating the critical LET values of HZE particles for .::;!._;?i..'.!-.:' iii_:_'_!_:,!L

different types of biologic damage. The biostack. 5. i+.i?!:.:i? -;_:-.::'.

experiment met this requirement. Biostack I included _'..:.
a wide spectrum of biologic objects with established
radiobiologic end points to which the degree of their
response to HZE particles could be related (ref. 25-2). -.
Some of the biologic processes studied were not "_:i'-,
influenced remarkably by a penetrating cosmic ion. ". :_)"_:_.. ':_.
Conversely, other biologic processes were almost ..:_."<-_:)--i.:::.i; _:)I:...._ .-._ _ :_'.';i_i;
totally disturbed or inhibited by the passage of a !_.:..::+:_.":."(: .::: i"._'.".-::: ,_-_'?_i;'._
single ion; for example, the emergence and hatching .:,t.E._ ,:'.? :: : --, "i ", ..... " ' "
of Artemia salina eggs and subsequent malformations
in larvae. Correlation of these effects with the charge
and energy loss of the effective HZE particle resulted ' . ,::: ... _...
in determination of the critical LET thresholds for ." ...:. ." "
several radiobiologic processes. Thus, the biostack I
and biostack II experiments were well suited to help FIGURE 25-2.-A biologic laye_of the biostack II flight unit
consisting of Artemia salina eggs embedded in a foil of
understanding of the complex phenomenon of bio- polyvinylalcohol.
logic response to HZE particle penetration and
interaction, backup unit, and Earth control unit) revealed no
damage. The biostack II flight unit (serial number
APOLLO 17 FLIGHT UNIT (S/N 7)) and the backup unit (S/N 8), used as an
Earth control at the NASA John F. Kennedy Space
The biostack II experiment had the same design Center and the NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space
concept as biostack I (ref. 25-2). A hermetically Center, were disassembled immediately after their
sealed, cylindrical aluminum container, 10 cm long arrival in Frankfurt. No alteration of or damage to
and 12.5 cm in diameter, enclosed a stack of 257 the biologic objects and detectors could be noticed.
sheets (fig. 25-1). Selected biologic objects in the Disassembly was accompfished without complication.
resting state in monolayers (fig. 25-2) were sand- During disassembly, the pattern of the biologic
wiched between several different visual particle de- objects of each layer positioned directly over a K2
tectors. This arrangement made it possible to trace nuclear emulsion was transferred to the upper side of
the path of an HZE particle through the stack and to the corresponding emulsion by optical illumination
determine the trajectory of the heavy ion in the (fig. 25-4), as established for biostack I (ref. 25-2).
biologic layer (fig. 25-3). Individual evaluation of the Further, a coordinate grid was placed on the bottom
biologic objects hit by an HZE particle, in parallel of each sheet of a nuclear emulsion by optical
with characterization of the respective hitting HZE illumination. Following disassembly, the biologic and
particle, permits estimation of the biologic efficiency physical components of the biostack II flight unit and
of the HZE particle along its path into or through the the Earth control unit were distributed to collaborat-
biologic object, ing research laboratories for processing and evalua-
The biostack II storage area in the Apollo 17 tion.
command module was the same as that used for
biostack I on the Apollo 16 spacecraft. This area was PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS
chosen so that shielding to cosmic radiation would be
minimal. Total Dose of Cosmic Ionizing Radiation

After their return to Frankfurt, an external inspec- The total dose of cosmic ionizing radiation (back-
tion of the three biostack I[ units (flight unit, _ound radiation)was measured by lithium fluoride

particles. Tracks of particles with charge Z<4 are BIOLOGIC FLIGHT OBJECTS
recorded only if not relativistic. The surviving tracks
were divided into five groups (table 25-1II). An Viabilityfirst. studies
These ofcontrols
the flightarecontrols were per-II
formed the biostack
example of a track from each group is shown in figure
25-8. The density of surviving nuclear stars was found biologic objects not hit by a heavy particle. Germina-
tion and outgrowth of Bacillus subtilis flight and
to be 4500 -+ 650 stars/cm 3 of AgC1.
Earth controls were studied in special incubation
chambers on nutrient broth agar at 310 K (ref.
25-15). No significant differences were observed in
germination and outgrowth (table 25-IV) or cell
• elongation rate (fig. 25-9) of the flight and Earth
controls. The reduction in cell elongation rate after
approximately 130 min of incubation is typical for
these rather densely covered spore foils; however, this
response gives no evidence of reduced viability of the

, • ,-_ • 17,- . • •

0 50

_ _ FIGURE 25-8.-Tracks recorded in AgC1 crystals of binstack

II. L=light (Z<6), M=medium (Z=6 to Z=9),
FIGURE 25-7.-Etch cone of a scattered HZE particle H = heavy (Z = 9 to Z = 15), V = very heavy (Z = 14 to
(approximately 750 um long) in Daicel-71 CN. Z = 26), S = super heavy (Z > 20).

'FABLE 25.II.-Particles Recorded in CN Sheets of Biostack H

Etch _topping tracks from- All tracks in--


CN type Sheet no. Direction holes cones

(1 or 2) Outside lnside 20 crn 2 1 cm 2

aDaicel-71 E 2-5 Space 236 285 27 20 568 28.4

E 13-27 Cabin 161 202 25 14 402 20.1

bUSF 4b E 2-1 Space .... 70 -+8

E 13-25 Cabin ..... 40 +-6

aEtched 4.0 hr at 313 K.

bEtched 8.0 hr at 313 K.

TABLE 25-IlI.-Particles Recorded in AgCI spores. Thus, space flight alone exerted no harmful
Crystals ofBiostack H influence on the viability of the spores.
Viability tests of the flight controls of Artemia
Particle group Geometric Estimated Fluence, salina, Tribolium confusum, and Carausius morosus
track width, #m charge Z particles/cm 2
were performed with small sections from the rim of
Light < 0.8 < 6 254_+ 14 the biologic foils. Breeding of Artemia salina in
Medium 0.8 to 1.2 6 to 9 68.4 -+6.5 special salt water 1 containing living plankton, Dunali-
Heavy 1.2to 2.0 9 to 15 17.3 -+1.9 elle viridis, as the nutrient, resulted in a hatching of
Very heavy
Super heavy 2.0> to3,03.0 14> to20 26 4.4
2.4 -+0.8
-+ 0.7 84.2 percent for flight samples fixed to CN and of
90.8 percent for flight samples adjacent to nuclear
emulsions. Thus, further investigation on the develop-
ment of hit eggs will be possible. The eggs that have
been hit by an HZE particle are identified from
5 o Flight control different track detectors positioned adjacent to the
E3Earth control biologic layers. These detectors include K2 nuclear

AgC1 crystals. The last two detectors remained in

fixed contact with the biologic layers during flight,
4 disassembly, and physical evaluation. Investigation of
developmental anomalies and histologic changes in
emulsions (fig. 25-10), CN sheets (fig. 25-11), and
E the hit eggs is in progress.


The first data read-out of the biostack lI cosmic

radiation detectors was in agreement with the results
of the biostack I analysis. The total background dose
2 and the particle flux recorded during the two flights
are shown in table 25-V. The particle track detectors
that were closest to space (i.e., near the command
module wall) recorded fluences approximately 1.5
times greater than those directed toward the cabin.
0 50 100 150 200 This decrease in fluence and a corresponding decrease
lime. min in radiation dose through the stack are attributable to
FIGURE 25-9.-CEU elongation rate after outgrowth of
Bacillus subtilis spores of biostaek II flight control and _"Saltemia" salt produced by Tetra-Werke, Melle, Ger-
Earth control, many.

TABLE 25-IV.-Germination and Outgrowth orB. Subtilis Spores of Fl( ht and Earth Controls

Area covered Germination, Outgrowth, Cell elonga- Cell elonga-

Sheet no. Control by spores, percent percent tion onset tion rate,
percent time, min ttm/min

E 3-35 Flight 23.2 !)7.7 80.7 80 4.8 X 10"a

F 3-41 Earth (Houston) 20.9 !)6.0 64.0 65 3.0
Earth (Frankfurt) a 27.8 97.0 63.0 60 2.1

aNot etched.

FIGURE 25-1 l.-Eggs ofArtemia salina on a CN sheet of the

biostaek II flight unit and the track of a hitting HZE

FIGURE 25-10.-Shadows of two Artemia salina eggs on the

K2 emulsion of the biostack II flight unit and the track of TABLE 25.V.-Comparison of the First Data
an HZE particle hitting an egg. on Cosmic Radiation Obtained in Biostack
I and HFlight Units

the absorption by the stack material as the particles Flux, particles/cm 2 at,
pass from the exterior (spacecraft wall) toward the recorded in-

interior. Might Background dose, CArdirected

From the studies of viability of the flight controls, unit J/kg hr K2 nuclear toward-
the biostack II biologic objects, even Artemia salina emulsion
flight control eggs, appeared to be unaffected by space Cabin
random space flight factors, whereas, in biostack I, Biostack I 2.34 X 10-* 0.08 0.12 0.07
there seemed to be an influence. Good agreement was Biostack II 2.41 .13 .09 .07
observed on germination and outgrowth of Bacillus
subtilis spores in both biostack experiments. How-
ever, after 130 min of incubation of biostack II
sample spores, cellular elongation began to decline by HZE particles. The observed reduction in the
because of a rather high density of spores. This de- cellular elongation rate did not influence the studied
cline differs from the biostack results, where glowth end points of germination and outgrowth.
was followed up to the first and second cellular divi- From these initial observations, it can be seen that
sion (ref. 25-2). In the layers of biostack II, the spore biostack II was a scientific success. The next post-
was approximately 3 times higher than that of flight procedure will deal with the identification of
biostack I to increase the chance of spore hits the biologic area that has been penetrated by an HZE

TABLE 25-Vl.-Development of Two Strains of Artemia salina Eggs from Biostack I

Radiation sensitive strain Hayward Radiation resistant strain Utah

Emergence .frequency, Hatching frequency, Emergence frequency, Hatching frequency,
percent percent percent percent

Flight eggs hit by an HZE ion . . 10 6 61 15

Flight controls ........... 30 25 77 46
Ground controls .......... 66 62 91 90

particle. Studies on the biologic effects attributable

to HZE particles and the analysis of such biologically
effective particles will follow. These studies will be
based on the scientific results obtained from the
evaluation of biostack I, which is still in progress.
Spores of Bacillus subfilis strain 168 in biostack I
were found to be rather resistant to hits of HZE
particles. Therefore, biostack II contained a second
strain, pol" (HA 101 (59) F, ref. 25-16), which is very
sensitive to radiation, for comparison with the more
radiation resistant strain 168.
Studies on strains of the same species of Artemia \"
salina that differ in their radiation sensitivity have
been performed on eggs from biostack I. The results
were very informative. In the radiation sensitive strain
(Hayward), only 10 percent of the hit eggs were able
to pass the first stage of development; that is, the
emergence from the egg. In contrast, the radiation
resistant strain (Utah) showed an emergence fre- FIGURE 25-12.-Abnormal nauplius (with two abdornina) of
Artemia salina hatched from an egg that has been hit by
quency of 61 percent. After successful emergence, an HZE particle.
however, continued development stopped even in
most hit objects of the radiation resistant strain,
indicating a hatching decrease to 15 percent (table nuclei in the bevatron accelerator of the Lawrence
25-VI). From these observations, it follows that the
HZE-particle-induced damage in the encysted blastula Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, California. Unit S/N
10 will be submitted to vibration, acceleration, and
of the eggs may influence gastrula formation and even
the hatching process of the nauplius or larva of shock at Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales,
Artemia salina. Many nauplii that had succeeded in Toulouse, France, in order to study the influence of
these launch parameters on the biologic objects.
hatching from hit eggs did not survive the stage of
first casting of the skin, which is accompanied by a
high mitosis rate. Complex malformations observed in R E F E R EN CES
the nauplii from hit eggs are shortened extremities or
abnormalities of the thorax and the abdomen (fig, 25-1. Schaefer,
H. J.: Dosimetrie Characteristics
in Space. NASA Joint Report
of HZE
25-12). The biostack II studies may confirm these Nov. 1972.
observations and extend them by systematic his- 25-2. Biicker, Horst; Horneck, G.; Reinholz, E.; Scheuer-
tologie investigations, mann, W.; et al.: Biostaek Experiment. Sec. 27, Part A, of
Three biostack units were available as Earth the Apollo 16 PreliminaryScience Report. NASA SP-315,
controls. Unit SIN 8 is already disassembled and 25-3. Pfister, A.; DeltouL G.; Atlan, H.; Kaiser, R.; et at.:
serves as an untreated Earth control. Unit S/N 9 will Etude De L'action Biotogique Des Rayons Cosmiques-Au
be irradiated with accelerated oxygen and carbon Moyen De Ballons Sondes. Behavioural Psoblems in

Aerospace Medicine, AGARD Conference Proceedings no. 25-10. Haymaker, W.; Bailey, O. T.; Benton, E. V.; Vogel, F.
25, Oct. 1967, pp. 16-1 to 16-8. S.; et al.: Brain Study in Balloon-Borne Monkeys Exposed
25-4. Eugster, J.: Mutationen Durch Kosmische Strahlung. to Cosmic Rays. AerospaCe Med., vol. 41, no. 9, Sept,
Bild der Wissenschaft, vol. 2, 1964, pp. 26-34. 1970, pp. 989-1002.
25-5. Curtis, Howard J.; and Smith, Harold H.: Corn Seeds 25-11. Budinger, T. F.; Tobias, C. A.; Lyman, J. T.;
Affected by Heavy Cosmic Ray Particles. Science, vul. Chapman, P. K.; et al.: Light Flash Phenomenon Seen by
141, no. 3576, July 12, 1963, pp. 158-160. Astronauts. NASA CR-125453, 1971.
25-6. Eugster, J.: Zur Biologischen Wirkung Der Kosmischen 25-12. Benson, Richard E.; and Pinsky, Lawrence S.: Visual
Strahlen lm Mensehlichen KOrper. Raketentechnik und Light Flash Phenomenon. See. 27, Part C, of the Apollo
Raumfahrt-forschung, vol. 7, Oct.-Dec. 1963, pp. 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
163-165. 25-13. Butts, J. J.; and Katz, R.: Theory of RBE for Heavy
25-7. Chase, H. B.: Cutaneous Effects of Primary Cosmic Ion Bombardment of Dry Enzymes and Viruses. Radia-
Radiation. J. Aviation Med., vol. 25, no. 4, Aug. 1954, tion Res., vol. 30, no. 4, Apr. 1967, pp. 855-871.
pp. 388-391. 25-14. Schaefer, H. J.; and Sullivan, J. J.: Nuclear Emulsion
25-8. Chase, H. B.; and Post, J. S.: Damage and Repair in Recordings of the Astronauts' Radiation Exposure on the
Mammalian Tissues Exposed to Cosmic Ray Heavy First Lunar Landing Mission, Apollo 11. NASA
Nuclei. J. Aviation Med., vol. 27, no. 6, Dee. 1956, pp. CR-115804, 1970.
533-540. 25-15. BUcker, H.; eta/.: The Biostack Experiment on
25-9. Yagoda, H.; Behar, A.; Davis, R. L.; Krancr, K. L.; et Apollo 16. Life Sciences and Space Research XI, Aka-
al.: Brain Study of Mice Exposed to Cosmic Rays in the demie Verlag (Berlin), 1973, pp. 295-305.
Stratosphere and Report ot Nuclear Emulsion Monitoring. 25-16. Taylor, G. R.; Chassay, C. E.; Ellis, W. L.; Foster, B.
In Four Balloon Flights From Bemidji, Minnesota, July- G.; et al.: Microbial Response to Space Environment. See.
August, 1960. Military Med., vol. 128, no. 7, July 1963, 27, Part B, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report.
pp. 655-672. NASA SP-315, 1972.
26. Biocore Experiment
O. T. Bailey, a E. V. Benton, b M. R. Cr_tty,b G. A. Harrison, c W. Haymaker, ct
G. Humason, d H. A. Leon, CR L. Lindberg, e B. C. Look, c_ C. C. Lushbaugh, d
D. E. Philpott, ¢ T. Samorajski, f R. C. Simmonds, g K. P. Suri, c
J. l#. Tremor, c C. E. Turnbill, CF. S. Vogel, h D. L. Winter, Cand 14/.Zeman i

The biological cosmic ray experiment (BIOCORE) of the pocket mice and, to some extent, for the eyes
was conducted primarily to determine if heavy and other head structures by implanting cosmic ray
cosmic ray particles (stripped nuclei) injure the brain detectors under the scalp.
and eyes. Other tissues were also taken into consid-
eration, particularly the skin, because the skin of DESC R IPTI ON O F EXPE R I M E NT
balloon-borne black mice and black rabbits has been
reported to have been severely damaged during Pocket Mouse
exposure to cosmic ray particles (refs. 26-1 and 26-2).
The idea of the pocket mouse experiment originated The pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris)
from reports by astronauts that they had periodically (fig. 26-1) was selected as the biological specimen for
seen light flashes during Apollo missions (ref. 26-3). this experiment. This heteromyid rodent from the
Such flashes are thought to represent an excitatory arid regions of the southwestern United States and
effect caused by cosmic ray particles as they traverse northern Mexico does not require drinking water,
the retina (refs. 26-4 and 26-5). The questions arose subsists on seeds and plant material, and is a
whether, in addition to excitation, the retinal cells facultative homeotherm with an ability to drop its
suffered damage and whether other cerls, particularly metabolic rate dramatically while at rest or in
those in the brain, may be damaged by cosmic response to environmental stress (ambient tempera-
radiation, ture, lack of food, confinement) (refs. 26-8 to 26-10).
Lesions have been found in the brains of guinea In addition, the wastes are concentrated (less than
pigs and monkeys flown at high altitudes in balloons 1 X 10-4 kg]day each of urine and feces) and food
(refs. 26-6 and 26-7). However, the lack of adequate can be provided ad libitum because the mice are
monitoring by cosmic ray particle detectors pre- natural hoarders. The pocket mouse also was chosen
chided judgment as to the significance of the lesions, for the experiment for the following reasons.
In the Apollo 17 experiment, great care was therefore 1. The availability of background information on
taken to provide optimum monitoring for the brains the animal (re/2 26-11)
2. The small size of the animal (_-10 g)
(2.2 X 10-2 lb) (range, 7 to 12 g), which permitted a
aAbmham Lincoln School of Medicine, University of reasonable number of mice in a small package
Illinois. 3. The ease of maintaining the animal in an
_University of San Francisco. isolated state
ASA Ames Research Center.
MedicalDivision,Oak RidgeAssociatedUniversities. 4. The ability of the animal to withstand environ-

feNorthrop Corporate Laboratories. mental stresses

gNASA Lyndon B.Johnson Space CenteL
.hDukeUniversity. Radiation Monitors
1IndianaUniversity School of Medicine.
tPrincipal Investigator. The radiation monitors implanted under the scalp
:[:PrincipalEngineer. of the mice consisted of plastic nuclear track detec-


source during this initial period was necessary until

the KO: reaction with CO2 and water vapor was
adequate to generate oxygen at the rate required to
satisfy the metabolic requirements of the mice. After
removal of the external oxygen supply, the total and
partial oxygen pressures were monitored until the
package was prepared for installation in the space-
craft at 19:00 G.m.t. on December 5, 1972. During
FIGURE 26.4.-Flight package (BIOCORE) parry dis- this period, the total pressure varied from a low of
assembled. 2.2 X 104 N/m 2 absolute (3.2 psia) to a high of
3.4 X 104 N/m z absolute (4.9 psia), when monitoring
A layer of Teflon felt (0.0625 in.) thick and a free was discontinued.
mesh stainless steel screen were wrapped around the Before the package was released for installation in
stainless steel tube to serve as a particle (dust) barrier the spacecraft, the outside surface was cleaned with
between the KO2 and the mice. Two manually Freon PCF. The package was installed in the A-6
controlled valves for flushing the package and two locker before the locker was placed in the CM. Two
pressure relief valves were located in the removable Beta webbing (Fluorel (RL-3603) coated) straps
end plate of the canister. The pressure relief valves retained the package in the locker. Micro-Syl cushion
were set to maintain the package at 3.8 X 104 to material was cemented to the locker wails as required
5.2 × 104 N/m 2 (5.5 to 7.5 psi) above the ambient to support the package, with one end of the canister
pressure. Between the relief valves and the atmo- pressed against a locker end wall and the heat-sink
sphere within the package was a filter of Teflon felt "feet" on the cylindrical portion against a side wall.
0.0016 m (0.0625 in.) thick and a fiber-glass high- Thermal-conducting grease was applied to these con-
efficiency particulate air filter capable of filtering tacting surfaces to ensure a good thermal path from
0.3-/am particles. A shield was installed over the valves the package to the locker walls. A radiation monitor
to protect them and to support the package in the was taped to the inside surface of the bottom of the
CM locker. The overall package length was 0.35 m A-6 locker to provide a measure of the local radiation
(13.75 in.), and the total weight was 6.1 kg (13.5 lb). field near the BIOCORE. The monitor was obtained
Two maximum-minimum temperature recorders (de- from the backup units of the crew personal dosime-
ycleped for the microbial ecology evaluation device ters.
(MEED) flown on Apollo 16 and 17)were located in Two identical BIOCORE packages were prepared;
the end cap of two tubes containing mice. the one with the most favorable startup characteris-
Preparation of the hardware for flight was initiated tics (serial number (S/N) 03) was selected for the
at the NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center (KSC) flight. The other (the backup package, SIN 05), on
on December 2, 1972, at 20:50 G.m.t. Five mice, return to ARC, was subjected to all the stresses
previously selected from a colony of 30 mice brought anticipated for the Apollo flight. The total pressure
to KSC from the NASA Ames Research Center witliin the backup control canister rose to a maxi-
(ARC), were installed in five of the six mouse tubes, mum of 8.3 X 104 N/m 2 absolute (12 psia) during
each with 30 g of a special seed mixture (hulled the test (fig. 26-5).
millet, oat groats, whole rye, and shelled sunflower
seeds). The sixth mouse tube was left empty. After RECOVERY OF PACKAGE AND
assembly, the package was flushed for 25 min with ANIMAL PROCESSING
oxygen. Pressure in the package then was reduced to
approximately 3.6 X 104 N/m _ absolute (5.2 psia), The experiment package was removed from the
and a small amount of helium was added for leak CM at 23:30 G.m.t. on December 19, 1972. The total
checking. After the leak check, the total package pressure in the package was 7 X 104 N/m 2 absolute
pressure was further reduced and maintained at (10.1 psia) at that time. After removal from the CM,
2.3 X 104 to 3.1 X 104 N/m 2 absolute (3.3 to 4.5 the total pressure in the package was increased to
psia) for 36 hr by adding oxygen on demand. 10 X 104 N/m 2 absolute (15 psia) and the package
Supplying the mice with oxygen from an external was flushed with a 50:50 mixture of oxygen and

Mouseweight,g Foodweight,g
age number{Start End Change Start l End Change
--2 3486 11.0 11.0 0 30.0 g.7 -20.3

4 3550 10.2
3551 i0.8 9.2
8.g -1.6
-1.3 30.0 17.7
7.9 -22.1
5 3329 9.8 8.2 -1.6 30.0 17.6 -12.4
6 35.'14 g.7 8.3 -1.4 30.0 2.0 -28.0
Average...10.30 0.12 -1.18 30.0 10.98 -Ig.02
Transport extravehicular
6 x lfi 41,1 _
...... from KSCto AR,C Vibration and activtt,
| ",,acceleration

.3 - 12 m__ _-_

6 g- I0 i
o, " _ _hut0matic
pressure _Oo,_y
_. egul tor
E "_ _ r a u_" _CS_ ,,3-hr
= 6|1 o,, heli.m
_. _- | _ x_ I _ O Totalpressure
2 7 _- 4__ (130_- D Partialpressureof oxygen
": _ Acceleration
1.4- 2

O- I I I I I I I I f ] i I ] I I i I I
0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264 288 312 336 360 384 408 432
FIGURE 26-5.-Record of tests on backup canister. The test was started at KSC on December 2,
1972, and was completed at ARC on December 20, 1972. Mouse and food weights are indicated in
the table.

helium. The package connected to the flushing eating. Autopsy performed shortly afterward revealed
system is shown in figure 26-6. This flushing was that three of the four mice had full stomachs; a
continued at a rate of _1.0 X 10 4 standard mS/rain record for the other one is not available.
until the package arrived at the disassembly area in The four living mice were anesthetized. Then,
Pago Pago at 26:40 G.m.t. using a Harvard apparatus, the animals were perfused
The package was disassembled, and the mice and through the heart with a formaldehyde/acetic acid/
food were removed and weighed. The weights before methyl alcohol mixture (FAM), which "fixed" the
and after the flight are listed in table 26-I. When brain and other tissues in their natural state. The
placed in holding cages, all four living mice were spry. brain of the dead mouse was fixed by FAM intro-
Two mice jumped repeatedly against the sides of their duced slowly into the intracranial cavity through the
cages. Mouse A-3305 was the most lively. The fur of eye sockets using the Harvard apparatus. Autopsies
two of the mice (A-3326 and A-3400) was ruffled were then performed. The heads were placed in
and matted as though moist. Initially, these two mice bottles of FAM overnight, then transferred to 70
exhibited a reluctance toward spontaneous movement percent methyl alcohol, in which they were kept for a
and sat in a hunched position. When prodded, they time. These fixatives were chosen because they would
would run a short distance, then stop. For a time, one not cause significant brain shrinkage.
mouse (A-3326) was slightly uncoordinated and

tended to lose its balance laterally. Activity in these Head Processing

two mice increased within 5 to 10 mill. The appear-
ance and degree of activity of the mice were The initial procedure on return to ARC was to
comparable to that of mice after 16-day ground-based secure each Apollo mouse head in a specially designed
tests. None of the Apollo mice seemed interested in aluminum box (fig. 26-7). The scalp over the monitor

FIGURE 26-6.-Flight package connected to oxygen-helium

flushing system as it appeared on opening in Samoa. A
tube is attached to the outlet (upper) valve of the
package, and another tube is attached to the inlet (lower)
valve. On the recovery ship, the following procedure was
followed. Total pressure within the package was fxrst
ascertained by the reading on the pressure gage (the large,
cylindrical object in the upper left corner of the box). A
needle valve (upper left, barely visible near the attendant's
left thumb) was slowly opened to vent the pressure inside
the canister to ambient pressure in the event the canister
pressure was greater than ambient. The tube from the
flow regulator (conical instrument to lower left near the FIGURE 26-7.-Aluminum box used in securing each mouse
attendant's right thumb) was then attached to the inlet head. The inside dimensions are 2.54 by 4.13 cm (1.0 by
valve of the package. The valves of the six oxygen-helium 1.625 in.). The ear bars are adjustable; the tips, 0.08 em
bottles and the inlet valve were then opened, and the flow (0.03 in.) in diameter, are inserted into the external
regulator was slowly opened and set at the desired level, auditory canals. The upper jaw is held in place by a rod
The gas then flowed through a manifold (U-shaped tube, situated just behind the upper teeth and by a stiff wire
of which the ends near the canister are visible) into the pushed across the snout.
package to begin the flushing; the gas in the package
escaped through the needle valve.

tilt was obtained. The edges of the monitor were

TABLE 26-1.-Mouse and Food Weights coated with a radio-opaque silver paint, and X-rays
were taken of each mouse head and box in three
Mouse Mouse weight, g Food weight, g planes. After the position and tilt of the monitor on
number Preflight Po_tflight lb'eflight Postflight each Apollo mouse head were thus recorded, the
monitors were removed for analysis. After removal
A-3326 11.2 9.7 30.0 7.6 from the box, the heads of the animals were
A-3400 10.7 8.6 30.0 16.2 decalcified, then returned to the box and dehydrated
A-3305 10.2 9.5 30.0 6.3
A-3356 10.1 8.9 30.0 17.4 and infiltrated with paraffin. The boxes were then
aA-3352 10.0 7.2 30.0 20.1 filled with paraffin and stored, awaiting the time that
the heads could be serially sectioned. For each Apollo
aDead when package was opened, mouse head, two control mouse heads were processed
in the same way and stored for use as histological
was removed, and photographs were taken of the controls for the Apollo mice.
position of the monitor in relation to the skull and As indicated previously, it was necessary to intro-
the box. The box was then secured on the revolving duce needles through the heads of control animals in
stage of an assembly attached to a stereotaxic the trajectories at which cosmic ray particles had
instrument (fig. 26-8). By means of a laser beam, the penetrated the subscalp monitors. To test this proced-
degree of tilt of the monitor off the horizontal was ure, two "dummy" monitors were prepared and
established by micrometers built into the assembly, temporarily placed on the skull. These monitors
From scales on the micrometers, a record of monitor consisted of stiff, thick paper on which the exit

and the tympanic bullae were the most dependable

skull landmarks. Superimposition of transparencies
revealed that every skuU previously X-rayed had
different dimensions. Hence, the position of the
monitor assembly on the skull had first to be
corrected in accordance with the distance between
the ridges and the bullae.
Using a stereotaxic instrument, four needles were
then run through the head in each of four control
mice, two heads having dummy monitors and the
other two heads having none. In the latter procedure,
only the measurements taken from the X-rays were
used to plot the needle trajectories. The same
predetermined trajectories were used for all four
heads. The needles were left in the heads for 24 hr,
and, as the needles were withdrawn, gouaches of
differing color were placed on the skull at the needle
entrance and exit points for identification. The heads
will be processed and sectioned horizontally to
establish reproducibility of the tracking. Two other
heads have been "tracked" with six and eight needles,
FIGURE 26-8.-Mouse head in aluminum box mounted on respectively, to ascertain whether that many trajecto-
revolvingstage. Turning of the micrometers will tilt the
stage to the desired degree.A laser beam spfitter is located ties can be identified in brain sections. When the
at the end of the arm enclosure of the stereotaxie procedure is fully established and the subscalp moni-
instrument. After removal of the beam splitter, an arm tors from the five Apollo mice have been completely
with a needle at its end is inserted through the holder for analyzed, tracking of the control mouse heads will be
"tracking" a head. performed.
Subsealp Monitor Data

points of four cosmic ray particles were arbitrarily The monitors from all five Apollo mice have been
indicated. To determine the relative position of the examined. For each of the monitors, the first step
monitors and the skull landmark differences, 20.32- was to remove the heat-sealed edges with a punch.
by 25.40-cm (8 by 10 in.) X-ray transparencies of the The paralene coating was peeled off the outer Lexan
mouse heads and boxes were made (in the same surfaces, except for two monitors (from mice A-3305
planes as previously mentioned). The position of the and A-3356) in which portions of the paralene
Apollo mouse head with relation to its box had adhered to the Lexan and could not be removed. The
already been established. In addition, it was necessary top (farthest from the mouse head) CN layer from
to establish (1) the position of the control mouse mouse A-3352 was chemically etched at 313.16 K in
head with relation to its box, (2) the relationship of 1 × 10 -s m a (10 ml) of 6.25N sodium hydroxide
the Apollo mouse head to the control mouse head, (NaOH) in successive stages to determine the opti-
and (3) the position of the dummy monitor in mum etch time for the remaining CN layers. Plastic
relation to the control mouse box. All the measure- track detectors etch preferentially along the cosmic
ments were accurate to 2.54 X 10-6m. ray trajectories, producing cones the size of which
The dummy monitor, ringed by radio-opaque depends primarily on the particle linear, energy
paint, was then attached to the platform, and the transfer (LET), charge, and etch time. Consequently,
platform was adhered to the skull. The dummy an optimum etch time is one sufficiently long to
monitor was alined on the control head to within less develop visible cones for all high-LET particles, but
than 100 /_m of the position of the corresponding not so long that many tracks etch completely through
Apollo mouse monitor. Examination of the X-ray the CN or the Lexan layer. (Pragmatically, any
transparencies indicated that the sphenoidal ridges particle that can register in CN or Lexan is defined as

high LET.) Such an etch time permits optimum successive stages, as long as 24 hr. The preliminary
differentiation of the particle tracks. A satisfactory results indicate that some of the tracks that were
etch time for the CN layers was 10 hr. The top CN etched through in the top CN layer stopped in the
layer from the remaining four monitors was etched top Lexan layer. Successive etching of each Lexan
subsequently, and all top CN layers were scanned layer will be performed individually. Because of the
tinder a light microscope. An average of 16 high-LET very limited size and very Limited number of layers in
cosmic ray tracks per monitor was found in all but each monitor, a slow, deLiberate pace in processing is
mouse A-3352. In this monitor, from the mouse that necessary. All layers of each monitor will be pro-
died in flight, only six high-LET tracks were present, cessed and scanned, and track parameter data will be
Tracks observed in the monitors of mice A-3305 and taken. Then the LET, the charge group, the approxi-
A-3326 are shown in figure 26-9. mate stopping point, and the trajectory of each
The surfaces of the Lexan layers were ultraviolet cosmic ray particle that has registered in a monitor
(UV) irradiated: the outside surfaces for 16 hr, then will be computed.

the inside surfaces for 32 hr, and again the outside Scalp
surfaces for 16 hr. This process sensitizes the plastic
and increases the preferential etch along high-LET The scalps overlying the cosmic ray monitors in
particle trajectories. For preliminary analysis, the top the four living mice were obtained for study at the
Lexan layers from mice A-3305 and A-3352 were time the subscalp monitors were removed. The
chemically etched at 343.46 K in 1 X 10 -s m a (10 position of the monitors was clearly visible as an
ml) of 6.25N NaOH plus 5 percent Benax, in indentation on the undersurface of the scalps. With

FIGURE 26-9.-Four tracks of highly ionizing cosmic ray particles as they pass through the CN
detector. Tracks A, B, and D are from mouse A-3305, and track C is from mouse A-3326. These
particles, possibly of the iron group, deposit substantial amounts of energy (>0.1 MeV/um) in the
vicinity of their trajectories. Particles C and D are more ionizing than particles A and B. The top
surface of each monitor is at the top of each photograph. Because the tracks extended through the
CN layer at a small angle (i.e., more or less vertically) and thus were difficult to photograph in their
entirety, the microscope stage on which they were located was tilted before photography.
Magnification, X200; scale, 1 cm = 32.5 t_m. (From E. V. Benton and M. R. Cruty, University of
San Francisco.)

an excess margin of approximately 2 rnm, the scalps _.__ _ ............ _

were cut to the shape of the monitor.,;. The hair was [ -_-
trimmed to a length of several millimeters. The scalps
were processed by a standard method and serially
sectioned at 8 /am in the coronal plane, and the _'_¢"
sections were stained by hematoxylin and eosin. _ "_ _ "-
Approximately 40 percent of the first scalp (A-3400) -_ -_ "P _ _ _' _

has been examined. The study was done without _ , _ _ ;_ :_

knowledge of the number or position of the tracks in , ,_ _
the monitor. Four lesions have thus far been obser- _ '7_ ,

ved.The first lesion involves _ , ,_ _ _J

a single hair follicle in its

lower midportion bisecting the follicle horizontal to _

the skin surface (fig. 26-10(a)). In cross section, the
follicle is rounded and is situated in a slightly
eccentric position relative to the long axis of the hair _:_
shaft. The epithelium of one wall of the follicle is
necrosed through its entire thickness, and there are
several polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the adjacent
dermis. The nuclei of the cells on the other side of t ,'
the hair shaft show distortion in size, shape, and • -

position. The lesion, which is approximately 75/am _ .. _, - *_-'_,¢

wide, extends through six sections and thus measures -, _ ,. , :-.

FIGURE 26-10.-Lesions in scalp of Apollo mouse A-3400

(from F. S. Vogel, Duke University). (a) Shown in the
central part of the photograph is a hair within a hair
follicle. The scalp surface lies at the top of the photo-
graph. In the bottom of the hair follicle, the hair shaft is
swollen to approximately twice its normal diameter, is
globular, and has a fragmented appearance (arrow). The
follicular epithelium to the fight of the hair shaft is
destroyed, as evidenced by extreme pyknosis of its nuclei.
A few polymorphonuclear leukocytes lie in the dermis to
the right of the damaged part of the hair follicle. (b) The
epidermis (at the top of the photograph) is "dimpled"
(thinned) in the region in which several epithelial ceils are
degenerated or dysplastie (arrow). A polymorphonuclear
leukocyte lies in the immediately subjacent dermis. (c)
The top of the scalp is at the top of the photograph.
Some epidermal cells are damaged or have disappeared
(arrow). Twenty-one polymorphonuclear leukocytes are
recognizable in this photograph. At the bottom of the
photograph is a vein. To the left, the vein is normal. In
the portion of the vein in the leukocytic "corridor," some
endothelial cells are swollen and polymorphonuclear
leukoeytes are adjacent to them. A small subepidermal
vesicle is also visible (beneath the arrow).

48 gm in that dimension. The hair shaft is fragmented four cells wide and through the entire depth of the
in the area of the lesion. The lesion is notably epidermis. There are some small subepidermal vesicles
discrete; the epithelial cells of the hair follicle above that presumably contain edema fluid. Polymorpho-
and below are well preserved. This feature would nuclear leukocytes are scattered sparsely in the
suggest a very focal and intense injury, with a mild underlying dermis, but only through its outer half.
inflammatory cell response that signifies an antemor.
tem reaction lasting several days. R etina
The second lesion, principally in the epidermis
(fig. 26-10(b)), extends through the depth of this The left eyes of two Apollo mice (A-3400 and
epithelial layer (in this species of mouse, the epider- A-3356) were removed at autopsy and fixed by
mis is three to four cells thick) and has a cross width immersion in glutaraldehyde. Examination thus far
has revealed no significant alterations in the retina.
of approximately 80 #m. Thus, in the lateral dimen-
The remaining eyes were left in situ and will be
sion of the lesion, approximately eight epithelial cells
available for examination when the entire head is
show degenerative change and the contiguous epithe-
lial cells appear dysplastic. Several polymorpho- serially sectioned.
nuclear leukocytes are present in the adjacent under- Viscera
lying dermis. There is no recognizable lesion in the
hair follicle. The character of the tissue reaction dates Lung Tissue.-Lung tissue was obtained from the
this lesion as antemortem. The dysplastic epithelial four surviving Apollo mice, from four control mice
cell reaction suggests a duration of at least several that had been perfused with FAM in Samoa, from the
days. five backup mice from KSC, and from several mice
The epithelial component of the third lesion is that had been subjected to high oxygen pressure
comparable to that of lesion 2. However, in addition, (8.3 X 104 N/m 2 absolute (12 psia)) over a period of
the third lesion is characterized by a broad column of 7 days.
polymorphonuclear leukocytes extending through the Immediately following perfusion of the mice on
dermis to the interface between the dermis and the Samoa, the tissue was placed in 6 percent glutaralde-
monitor (fig. 26-10(c)). The epidermal cells, through hyde. On return to ARC, the specimens were post-
the width of the epidermis and for a breadth of five fixed 1 lax in 1 percent buffered osmium, dehydrated
to six cells, are necrotic or pyknotic, with cytoplasm in acetone, and embedded in low-viscosity plastic.
that stains intensely eosinophilie. Polymorphonuclear Thin sections were cut for examination under the
leukocytes (as many as 30 in a section) are colum- electron microscope. The FAM perfusion had de-
nated through the dermis in a corridor approximately stroyed all ultrastructural detail except the outer cell
100 /am across. A collection of these inflammatory membranes and the nuclear membrane. The finding
cells is present near the lower plane of the dermis. A of cytoplasmic rarefaction, blebbing, or blistering
large, thin-walled vein borders this collection. Within would be highly suspect under these conditions.
the region of the corridor, the endothelial ceils of this Because interpretation of sections by electron
vein appear swollen and have hyperchromatic nuclei, microscopy was impractical, the plastic embedded
There are no visible extravasations of red blood cells, blocks were sectioned at 1 /am for light microscopy.
The presence of a small subepidermal vesicle in A special silver method developed in the ARC
several sections is interpreted as evidence of edema laboratory for plastic-embedded specimens was used
and supports the possibility that the fragmented (reL 26-12). In sections thus prepared, a minimal
pattern of the collagen in the underlying dermis is amount of perivascular edema was noted as well as
also attributable, at least to some degree, to edema. A some blistering and blebbing of the alveolar epithelial
neighboring hair follicle shows no recognizable cells and the capillary endothelial cells. The latter
change, type of change, especially, indicates excess fluid and
The fourth lesion has the same histological fea- is known to be widespread in oxygen-poisoned lungs.
tures as the second and third lesions. Generally, the Preliminary investigation has not revealed any major
fourth lesion is intermediate in severity between these damage to the alveolar walls or any significant
two. The epidermal changes are again characterized amount of alveolar exudate. Some changes in the
by necrosis of epithelial cells in a segment three to bronchiolar epithelium have been noted, but these

were not specific, and somewhat similar changes or reticuloendothelial cells; they were seen in all
appeared on occasion in control pocket mice. sections of these livers in the absence of any other
The five backup mice (from the S/N 05 canister) change. Mitotic figures were also found in and around
were perfused with FAM, stored in 10 percent neutral large areas of focal necrosis and repair. Certain other
Formalin, and subsequently processed in paraffin for changes were found in the livers of animals, some of
light microscopy. Moreover, a few small pieces of which were classed as "controls." A field is shown in
lung tissue were embedded in plastic so that sections figure 26-1 I. The enlargement of the hepatic nuclei
could be cut at 1 pm in thickness and stained with (nuclear "ballooning") and of the entire hepatic cell
silver for comparison. From what has been observed is considered a nonspecific degenerative change found
in these pocket mice and in the Apollo mice, there in normal aged mice and, in an exaggerated form
seems to be some indication of an increased fluid load (accelerated aging perhaps), in animals exposed to
in both series. Because all these animals (i.e., in both photon radiation. Hepatic nuclear and cellular en-
canisters) were living in an almost pure oxygen largement accompanied by mitosis, such as shown in
atmosphere, these indications of fluid buildup were figure 26-11, has previously been observed (by the
not surprising. However, no major damage or any investigators) only in animals exposed to large doses
indication that these animals were suffering from of gamma radiation. The presence of red blood cells
"oxygen poisoning" were seen. In fact, the mice within liver cells appears to be a new finding. It is
in oxygen test runs seemed rather resistant to postulated that the intracellular hemorrhage may be
oxygen effects. Electron microscopy of the lungs traumatic in origin and may be due to fluctuations in
after 7 days of exposure to oxygen at a pressure of intra-abdominal pressure occurring in association with
8.3 × 104 N]m 2 absolute (12 psia) in a test run fluctuations in ambient pressure in test canisters. Of
revealed remarkably little damage. There was some special interest were the alterations classed as "focal
blebbing of the capillary endothelial cells and some hepatic necrosis and repair." These alterations were
fluid and debris in a few alveoli. Tissue for this study found only in four (of a total of 40) mice: in three
was clipped from ligated, nonperfused lungs and fixed Apollo mice (A-3326, A-3400, and A-3305) and in
by immersion in glutaraldehyde, then postfixed in one control mouse autopsied on Samoa (A-3494).
osmium. Satisfactory ultrastructural detail was there-
fore possible. Light microscopy of these lungs is yet
to be performed. More intensive study is planned to
clarify some of the questionable areas. Some of the
changes are minimal and some are tbund in both
experimental and control animals. In these instances,
quantitation is necessary to determine whether the
changes are significant. ._
Liver.-The livers were examined without knowl-
edge of which came from the Apollo mice and which
came from the nine control mice perfused on Samoa. _:
The livers of numerous oxygen-exposed and normal
control mice also were studied. Serial sectioning of
the livers was performed, and the sections were
stained with periodic acid Schiff (PAS) hematoxylin
and orange G. In one liver (which turned out to be ___,.
that of Apollo mouse A-3305), an examination was
FIGURE 26-11.-Photomicrograph of liver from control
made of 400 serial sections (5 ;trn thick) on 60 slides mouse A-3282. Visible here are degenerated hepatic cells
alternately stained by PAS and the Giemsa method, showing nuclear and cellular enlargement, a double
The liver of one Apollo mouse (A-3356) was regarded mitosis (arrow), nucleolar prominence, cytoplasmic
as normal and thus was classed as from a "control" edema, and decrease in PAS-positivesubstance. A mitotic
mouse, figure in an unldentifiable small cell is present (pointer). A
hepatic cell with intracellular "hemorrhage" is adjacent to
In some livers (mouse numbers not specified), the hepatic cell in mitosis. (From C. C. Lushbaugh and G.
mitotic figures were seen in scattered endothelial cells Humason, Oak Ridge.)

In half the liver of Apollo mouse A-3305, 16 Mitotic figures are present in unidentifiable small
lesions were identified. (The other half of the liver connective tissue cells, but collagen is not produced
went to another investigator.) The lesions were round (fig. 26-12(c)).
or slightly oval. Fields are shown in figure 26-12. In Other Tissues.--Many other tissues of the mice are
evolution, the initial stage of the pathological process being investigated; however, not enough observations
is regarded as a coagulative necrosis. The necrotic have been made to warrant reports at this time.
cells are chemotactic for polymorphonuclear leuko-
cytes and become heavily infiltrated by them. The Findingsin Nonsurviving Mouse
largest lesion in this necrotic state (approximately
600 #m in the greatest dimension) is shown in figure Microscopic examination of the Apollo mouse that
26-12(a). In this instance, the lesion seems to died (A-3352)revealed that the organs and viscera
surround a thrombosed vein. The central area of the had undergone advanced autolysis. In the lungs, there
lesion is partly liquefied and is hemorrhagic and appeared to be an abnormally large number of
infiltrated by inflammatory cells. The dead cells are desquamated, hypertrophied alveolar macrophages,
finally completely lysed away. A central amorphous suggesting the possibility of antemortem pulmonary
acidophilic mass of unknown nature surrounded by inflammation (pneumonitis). The cause of the inflam-
histiocytes, fibroblasts, and other cells is shown in mation was not evident, nor could the cause of death
figure 26-12(b). However, unlike most inflammatory be established. From the amount of food consumed
granulomas, there is no circumferential fibrotic mass. (9.9 g), it is estimated that death occurred 9 to 12

FIGURE 26-12.-Photomicrographs from liver of Apollo

mouse A-3305 (from C. C. Lushbaugh and G. Humason,
Oak Ridge). (a) Largest hepatic granulomatoid lesion
found. Central liquefaction, adjacent to an apparently
thrombosed vein, is surrounded by hepatic cells that have
undergone coagulation necrosis and partial nuclear lysis.
Magnification, X350. (b) A lesion regarded as a later stage
of the one in figure 26-12(a). Hepatic cells have been lost.
An eosinophilic mass (Jermer-Giemsa stain) is surrounded
by epithelioid histiocytes and poorly differentiated hema-
topoietic cells inside a space (possible vascular lake)
containing red blood cells. Note the absence of a reactive
connective tissue capsule. Magnification, X350. (c) Higher
magnification of same lesion shown in figure 26-12(b),
showing the loose, structureless nature of the border area
and two mitotic figures (pointers). The adjacent hepatic
_ cells appear to be normal. Magnification, X750.

days after the mouse was loaded into the flight hair follicles in a region of affected skin extended
canister, over an area 2 to 3 mm in diameter. The investigators
COMMENT (ref. 26-2) stated: "We cannot as yet draw definite
conclusions concerning this pathology .... " In other
An average of 16 high-LET tracks has been found studies of balloon-borne black mice, no skin lesions
in the subscalp monitor of each of the four surviving were observed (refs. 26-13 and 26-14).
mice, and six high-LET tracks have been found in the The livers of the pocket mice have not been
monitor of the mouse that died. The reason for this sufficiently studied to allow an appraisal of the
difference has not yet been determined. When the nature of the alterations that were found. It is strange
monitors of all five Apollo mice have been fully that the large lesions in the livers were found only in
analyzed, the heads of these mice as well as the heads the mice flown on the Apollo 17 mission and in one
of the respective control mice will be serially see- mouse taken to Samoa as a control and autopsied
tioned, stained, and examined, there. When these lesions were found, a diligent
Only a portion of the scalp overlying the monitor search was made of the livers of numerous mice
of one of the Apollo mice has thus far been autopsied before the flight. No lesions were found
examined. The lesions observed are unequivocally that resembled the large lesions in question or that
antemortem and are recent in origin (i.e., compatible seemed to be a forerunner of them. The paucity of
with a duration of less than 13 days). Each lesion is repair around the lesions in Apollo mouse A-3305
characterized by epithelial cell necrosis, with the suggests that the lesions were generated during space
common feature of nuclear pyknosis and intense flight. Not enough information is available yet to
cytoplasmic eosinophilia. There is a slight leukocytic allow an estimate of the time of inception of the
:response in the dermis. Whether these leukocytes lesions in the liver of the control mouse taken to
represent a response to local dermal necrosis or to Samoa. The cause of these lesions has not been
local injury of the collagen in the dennis is unknown, ascertained. At present, it seems unlikely that they
'I1ae lesions are markedly discrete and notably similar were due to high-energy, heavy cosmic ray particles.
in size, not only one to another but also in their Whether or not the scalp lesions are in any way
various cross diameters, related to the liver lesions needs to be considered.
These lesions cannot be attributed to cosmic ray
particle "hits" unless precise topographic correspon- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dence to tracks in the monitor is demonstrated and
unless the scalps of the pocket mice on the ground- s. Warren,New England Deaconess Hospital, Boston, and
A. R. Behnke, consultant from San Francisco,offered advice
based backup "flight" (S/N 05) and the scalps of on conduction of the experiment that we found most useful.
other control mice show no such changes. The Aboard the U.S.S. Ticonderoga, members of the NASA
precision with which serial sectioning of the scalps is JSC recovery team (M. J. Heflin assisted by D. E. Stullken
done will allow a comparison, and M. L. Richmond) admirably discharged their responsi-
The scalp lesions described in this report differ b'flity in initiating the flushing of the BIOCORE with the
from those observed in the skin of black mice and of oxygen-heliummixture preparatory to the flight to Samoa.
We wish to express special appreciation to Governor F. C.
locally monitored black rabbits flown !in balloons at Moekler, Pago Pago, for his support in the Samoa phase of
high altitudes (refs. 26-1 and 26-2). The: skin of these the experiment. For the excellent laboratory facilities that
animals was studied 1 to 4 months after flight. In were made available, we are indebted to R. D. Allen of the
areas in which some white hairs appeared in the University of Hawaii and P. F. Beales of the Lyndon B.
balloon-borne mice, all traces of melanin were absent, Johnson Tropical Medical Center, Pago Pago.
melanocytes had vanished, deep hair follicles had
disappeared, and superficial hair roots giving rise to REFERENCES
white hairs persisted. It was as though the affected
areas had prematurely aged. A volume of skin 26-1. PEster, A.; Deltour, G.; Aflan, H.; Kaiser, R.; and Miro,
between 0.5 and 1.0 mm a was thus affected. In the L.: Etude de raction biologique des rayons cosmiques-au
moyen de hallons sondes. AGARD,EP-25, vol. 16, Oct.
rabbits, effects similar to those observed in the 1967, pp. 16-1 to 16-8.
balloon-borne mice were seen. Even muscle fibers 26-2. Miro, L.; Deltour, G.; PEster, A.; Kaiser, R.; and
beneath the skin were degenerated. Damage to deep Grandpierre, R.: Current Status of French Research on

the Biological Effects of Heavy Ions in Cosmic Radiation 26-8. Bartholomew, G. A.; and Cade, T. J.: Temperature
as Observed in High-Altitude Balloons. Life Sciences and Regulation and Aestivation in the Little Pocket Mouse
Space Research, vol. 8, North-Holland Pub. Co. (Amster- Perognathus longimembris. J. Mammal., vol. 38, no. 1,
damn), 1970, pp. 39-44. Feb. 1957, pp. 60-72.
26-3. Chapman, P. K.; Pinsky, L. S.; Benson, R. E.; and 26-9. Cade, T. J.: Evaluation of Torpidity in Rodents. Ann.
Budinger, T. F.: Observations of Cosmic-Ray Induced Acad. ScL Fenn., ser. A, IV, Biologica, vol 71, no. 6,
Phosphenes on Apollo 14. NASA TM X-2440, 1971, pp. 1964, pp. 77-112.
1002-1006. 26-10. Chew, Robert M.; Lindberg, Robert G.; and Hayden,
26-4. Tobias, C.; Budinger, T. F.; and Lyman, J.T.: Page: Temperature Regulation in the Little Pocket Mouse,
Radiation-Induced Light Flashes Observed by Human Perognathus longimembris. Comp. Bioehem. Physiol., vol.
Subjects in Fast Neutron, X-Ray and Positive Pion Beams. 21, no. 3, June 1967, pp. 487-505.
Nature, voL 230, no. 5296, Apr. 1971, pp. 596-598. 26-11. Lindberg, R. G.; Gambino, J. J.; and Hayden, P.:
26-5. Budinger, T. F.; Bichsel, H.; and Tobias, C. A.: Visual Circadian Periodicity of Resistance to Ionizing Radiation
Phenomena Noted by Human Subjects on Exposure to in the Pocket Mouse. Bioehronometry, NAS Pub. (Wash-
Neutrons of Energies Less Than 25 Million Electron ington, D.C.), 1971, pp. 169-185.
Volts. Science, vol. 172, no. 3985, May 1971, pp. 26-12. Corbett, R. L.: Modifleation forElectronMicroseopy
868-870. of the Corbett Ammnoniaeal Silver Stain. Prec. Electron
26-6. Haymaker, W.: Studies of Brains Exposed to Cosmic Microscopy See. Amner.,vol. 29, 1971, pp. 484-485.
Rays and to Accelerated Cosmic Particles. In Relations of 26-13. Chase, Herman B.: Cutaneous Effects of Primary
Basic Research to Space Biology, Univ. California Press, Cosmic Radiation. J. Aviat. Med., vol. 25, no. 4, Aug.
1963, pp. 347-378. 1954, pp. 388-391.
26-7. Haymaker, W.; Barley, O. T.; Benton, E. V.; Vogel, F. 26-14. Chase, Herman B.; and Post, Janice S.: Damage and
S.; et al.: Brain Study in Balloon-Borne Monkeys Exposed Repair in Mammalian Tissues Exposed to Cosmic Ray
to Cosmic Rays. Aerospace Med., voL 41, no. 9, Sept. Heavy Nuclei. J. Aviat. Med., vol. 27, no. 6, Dee. 1956,
1970, pp. 989-1002. pp. 533-540.
27. Visual Light Flash Phenomenon
L. S. Pinsky, a W. Z. Osborne, a and J. V. Bailey b

The Apollo 17 mission was the fourth mission event) rate of one event per observer every 3.1 min,
during which an investigation of the so-called fight this 17-min "dead time" indicates that the crewman
flash phenomenon was conducted. During the Apollo had to be very well dark adapted to observe the
14 and 15 missions, 1-hr observing sessions were phenomenon.
designated for the crewmen to darken the cabin All the crewmen have reported relative ease in
(blindfolds used on Apollo 15) and to look for the distinguishing the eye in which the events occurred
phenomena. Their observations were reported in real (table 27-1). The most common event type (63
time. The Apollo light flash moving emulsion detec- percent) is the point or starlike flash that has also
tor (ALFMED) flown on Apollo 16 provided the first been described as a "nova." Next (25 percent) is the
opportunity to record the passage of cosmic rays "streak." In almost all cases, the streaks have a sense
through the crewman's head and eyes and to correlate of motion or direction; that is, a streak might appear
them withhisobservations(ref. 27-1). to be "moving" from right to left rather than
appearing as a motionless horizontal line. However,
APOLLO 17 PROTOCOL the motion is almost "instantaneous" and may
originate from shape cues (ref. 27-2). The streaks,
The two 60-min observing sessions during the which have been described as "sharp and distinct" by
Apollo 17 mission were scheduled exactly as the some observers and "fuzzy and diffuse" by others,
sessions had been for Apollo 16. The first session was are virtually always straight. Some of the streaks have
conducted during translunar coast (TLC) and the been described as having a gap in the middle. The
second during transearth coast (TEC). During the final distinct event type (6 percent) was described as
TLC session, the command module pilot (CMP) wore a "cloud." These events were seen as a "dull flash,"
the ALFMED and the commander (CDR) wore a were always in the periphery of the visual field, and
blindfold. The lunar module pilot (LMP) transcribed had no distinguishable shape. They have been com-
the comments of the other crewmen. During the TEC pared to the flash seen when lightning discharges
session, all three crewmen wore blindfolds. All inside a cloud. The remaining 6 percent of the events
comments from both sessions were recorded, were composites of the other events, such as two stars
simultaneously or a star and a cloud simultaneously.
ANALYSIS OF EVENT RATES The LMP on the Apollo 14 mission added the
AN D D ESC R I PTI O NS following comments. "My experience is that even the
so-called star, the supernova, is not as clear a
Event descriptions from all the light flash observ- phenomenon or clear a picture as I had in mind that
ing sessions are listed in table 27-I. All the sessions they would appear. There still seemed to be at least
lasted 60 min, and, in all cases where the observers two flashes, maybe a bright flash, followed an instant
began in a "light adapted" state, an average of 17.7 later by a more subdued flash, or perhaps a halo-like
rain was required to see the first event. When effect-there does not seem to be a set pattern in each
compared with the overall average (after the first case. Sometimes it's a very clear single flash; at times
it seems followed by a halo. Sometimes it seems
aUniversity of Houston and NASA Lyndon B. Johnson followed by an adjacent flash." The mean times
SpaceCenter. between events per observer for those events occur-
bNASA Lyndon B.Johnson Space Center. ring after the first event was seen (i.e., after the


TABLE 27-II.-Mean Times Between Events

Mission Mean time between Average clark

phase Mission events after dark adaptation
adaptation, rain time, rain

+ 0.41
TLC Apollo 15 2.70 9.7
+ 0.24
Apollo 16 1.74 -
+ 0.63
Apollo 17 2.53 a15.0
- 0.41
Average 2.23 11.0
+ 1.96
Lunar orbit Apoflo 15 4.55 10.0
- 1.06
+ 0.44
TEC Apollo 14 2.58 21.3
- 0.34
+ 1.54
Apollo 15 5.35 24.3
- 0.98
+ 0.78
Apollo 16 3.30 21.0
- 0.54
Apollo 17 (No events seen) -
+ 0.39
Average without Apollo 17 3.39
- 0.32
+ 0.50
Average with Apollo 17 4.37 22.6
- 0.41
TLC and TEC Average without Apollo 17 2.67 ± 0.16 18.4
TLC and TEC Average with Apollo 17 3.04 +-0.15 -
TLC, lunar orbit,
and TEC Average with Apollo 17 3.10 ± 0.18 17.7

aCMP only.

observer was dark adapted) are listed ill table 27-1I. possibilities is narrowed to those capable of stimulat-
The mean dark adaptation time (i.e., time to first hag the retina when the observer's eyes are closed (ref.
event) experienced for each session is also listed. 27-3). Because the crewmen are exposed to cosmic
rays and because ionizing radiation has been demon-
DISCUSSION strated to be capable of producing the same type of
effect, the most probable explanation of the phe-
From the data presented in tables 27-I and 27-II, nomenon is that it is caused by cosmic rays penetrat-
several observations can be made about the light flash ing the eyes and retinas of the observers. Several
phenomenon. The fact that dark adaptation is neces- mechanisms by which the charged particles stimulate
sary indicates that the phenomenon is strongly the retina have been suggested. Among these mechan-
connected with the retina rather than with a direct isms are direct ionization, Cerenkov radiation, and
stimulation in the optic nerve or in any other part of fluorescence (refs. 27-3 and 27-4).
the central nervous system. Therefore, the list of Another interesting characteristic of the phe-

the dark
is that thetimes
mean are
longer for the TEC sessions than for the TLC sessions.
Generally, fewer events are seen and a longer dark
adaptation period is required during the TEC sessions
than during the TLC sessions. Because the effect
greatly exceeds any probable statistical errors, it is
quite certain that a real effect has been observed. ii

There are, as yet, no physical arguments that can

explain this "transearth coast depression." In fact,
most arguments tend to indicate a greater rate during
TEC because the lunar module is no longer blocking a
large part of the sky and the tank levels of the
consumables are lower, thus providing less shielding.
The only theory remaining is that the ability of the
crewmen to dark adapt and the time required to do
so has been impaired by some parameters of the
mission (e.g., prolonged exposure to zero gravity, FIGURE 27-1.-Exterior viewof ALFMEDdevice.
diet, fatigue, etc.). This theory is challenged by the
crewmen, who claim general alertness and no other i!!_ !i!
evidence of any loss of visual acuity. However, all the .......
crewmen have indicated the subjective impression
that the light flashes seemed less frequent and more
subdued during the TEC sessions. Two extreme
examples occurred. The more extreme example of the
TEC depression occurred on Apollo 17 when none of
the three crewmen were able to see even a single
event during the 60-min TEC session, when two
crewmen had seen a total of 27 events during the
TLC session. (The LMP did not participate in the
Apollo t7 TLC session.) The only other inability to
observe the phenomenon occurred on the Apollo 16
mission when the CMP reported he was unable to ....

observe even a single event at any time during the

entire mission. The Apollo 16 CMP was the only _, _ _
Apollo crewmember who was briefed to look for the FIGURE 27-2.-Interior viewof ALFMEDdevice.
phenomenon but failed to see it. However, he has said
that he does have relatively poor night vision, which
may have a bearing on his inability to see the particles that pass through the emulsion plates and, in
phenomena. Some of these questions may be turn, through the head of the subject. The ALFMED
answered more definitively when the final analysis of contains two sets of glass plates coated on both sides
the ALFMED data is complete, with special nuclear emulsion and supported in a
protective framework. One set of nuclear emulsion
plates is fixed in position within the headset and
A L F M I: D D ESC tqI PTIO N surrounds the front and sides of the head. A second
The ALFMED is an electromechanical device that similar set of plates is located exterior and parallel to
is worn on the head somewhat like a helmet and the inner fLxed plates and may be translated at a
supports cosmic-radiation-sensitive emulsions around constant rate (10 /_m/sec) with respect to the fixed
the head of the test subject (figs. 27-1 to 27-4). A plates. This configuration provides a time resolution
direct physical record is provided of cosmic ray for events to within 1 see. The total translation time

FIGURE 27-4.-View of ALFMEDdeviceemulsion plates.

' _ vidual tracks are subjected to a detailed analysis to

_ determine the charge and energy of the particle (refs.
HGURE 27-3.-The ALFMED'deviceas worn by crewmen. 27-5 and 27-6).
4. Trajectory measurement-The direction of the
t_ack is measured, and the subsequent trajectory
available is 60 min, after which the moving plates through the head is predicted.
may be returned to the original or "fiducial" post-
5. Correlation with observations The list of
tion. events is compared with the observations reported by
the crewmen in an attempt to determine if cosmic
ALFMED DATA ANALYSIS PROCEDURE rays do in fact cause the phenomenon; if there is an
apparent charge, energy, or linear energy transfer
The analysis of the ALFMED plates proceeds (LET) threshold; or if some particular event types
through the following steps, correlate with certain particle types (e.g., streaks
1. Location scan-The moving plate is placed on
a special microscope stage containing the fixed plate caused by tracks tangent to the retina, etc.).
and is then oriented in the fiducial position (i.e., the Scanning of both the Apollo 16 and 17 ALFMED
relative orientation and translation of the plates plates has proceeded slowly and no preliminary data
during stowage) (fig. 27-4). The plates are then are yet available.
scanned for tracks that do not line up properly in
that plate position (i.e., tracks that occurred while CONCLUSIONS
the plates were moving).
2. Translation scan For all the candidate events The ALFMED data should provide verification
located in the first step, a scan along the line of trans- that cosmic rays are indeed the source of the
lation is made to locate the counterpart track. Amea- phenomena and also information about apparent
surement of the translation distance for each event is thresholds (in cosmic ray parameters). However, all
also made. This measurement yields the time of occur- the data that will be available from the Apollo light
rence of the event, flash investigation can only yield likely clues as to the
3. Charge and energy measurement-The indi- reason for the TEC light flash depression.

[q!7 [::I:: R [7N C 1::S Phosphenes. Proceedings of the National Symposium on

Natural and Manmade Radiation in Space. NASA TM
X-2440, Jan. 1972, pp. 1002-1006.
27-1. Benson, Richard E.; and Pinsky, Lawrence S.: Visual 27-4. Tobias, C. A.; Budinger, T. F.; and Lyman, J. T.:
Light Flash Phenomenon. See. 27, Part C, of the Apollo Radiation-lnduced Light Flashes Observed by Human
16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972. Subjects in Fast Neutron, X-ray and Positive Pion Beams.
27-2. Tobias, C. A.; Budinger, T. F.; and Lyman, J.T.: Nature, vol. 230, Apr. 30, 1971,pp. 596-597.
Human Visual Response to Nuclear Particle Exposure. 27-5 T Powell, C. F.; Fowler, P. H.; and Perkins, B. H.: The
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Natural and Study of Elementary Particles by the Photographic
Manmade Radiation in Space. NASA TM X-2440, Jan. Method. Pergamon Press (New York), 1959.
1972, pp. 416-422. 27-6. Schaefer, H. J.: The Dosimetrie Characteristics of HZE
27-3. Chapman, P. K.; Pinsky, L. S.; Benson, R. E.; and Particles in Space. Naval Aerospace Med. Res. Lab. Rept.
Budinger, T. F.: Observations of Cosmic Ray Induced NAMRL-1172,Nov. 15, 1972.
28. Geological C)bservations From Lunar Orbit
R, E. Evan_ a and Farouk El-Baz b

Visual observations from orbit were first con- visual observations during the Apollo 17 lunar orbit
sidered as a mission objective on Apollo 15. The has been recently published (ref. 28-7),
concept and means of achieving the objective are The following paragraphs give detailed descrip-
described in reference 28-1, and summaries of the tions of the observation sites arranged from east to
results have been published (refs. 28-2 to 28-4). west as they are numbered in figure 28-1 ; some of the
Observations were also made from the command sites are grouped together for convenience. Excerpts
module (CM) during the Apollo 16 mission, and the from the Apollo 17 real-time air-to-ground transcript
results provided additional data which complemented are given after editing for clarity. The edited quota-
the photographs and the geochemical remote sensing tions are followed by identification of the source of
(refs. 28-5 and 28-6). the statement (e.g., CMP, command module pilot;
As on previous missions, the Apollo 17 crew (the LMP, lunar module pilot; and CDR, commander) and
command module pilot (CMP) in particular) was the lunar revolution (rev) during which the observa-
trained during a 2-yr period before the flight for the don was made. By consulting figure 28-1, the reader
task of making the observations. During this training, may check the Sun elevation angle at the time the
the CMP conducted simulations of the task by observation was made. The terminators of revolution
studying aerial photographs of geologically complex 1 (at long. 152 ° W and 29 ° E) shift westward one
regions in the United States and by flying over these lunar degree for each additional revolution; the
regions to make on-the-scene interpretations, terminators of revolution 75 (at long. 134°E and
Because the Apollo 17 groundtracks repeated 45 ° W) shift eastward for each preceding revolution.
approximately 80 percent of the lunar surface area
previously overflown on Apollo 15, much was already KOROLEV, GAGARIN, AND PASTEUR
known about the features in question. For this
reason, emphasis was largely placed on color tones of The largest light-plains-f'dled basin that was over-
geologic units and details of small-scale features, flown on Apollo 17 is Korolev. This double-ring basin
Observations were made from the CM windows is approximately 450 km in diameter and a few
without disturbing the operations of the scientific kilometers deep (fig. 28-2). Its interior is fdled with a
instrument module. The tools available were limited generally smooth but intensely cratered light albedo
to a booklet of graphics (some of which are shown unit that resembles the Cayley Formation mapped on
here as examples), a pair of 10-power binoculars, a the near side of the Moon and presumably sampled
reference color wheel, two hand-held cameras (Hassel- during the Apollo 16 mission to the Descartes
blad and Nikon), and voice-recording eqt_ipment, highlands. The origin of the Cayley Formation
The Apollo 17 crew made observations from orbit remains enigmatic.
of 14 lunar surface areas (fig. 28-1). As shown in On Apollo 17, the sites Korolev, Gagarin, and
table 28-I, four of these targets were not formally Pasteur were studied from orbit to examine the
scheduled in the flight plan. A brief summary of detailed characteristics of the light plains fill. The
smoothness of that fill was most striking:
We all had an opportunity to look at Korolev, at a very
aNASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. low gazing Sun. One of the striking things was the extreme
bNafional Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institu- absence of relief; the very smooth surface that existed in
tion. Korolev, independent, of course, of the craters that penetrate


50 TEl Rev 1
term(rlator tel'minator



80 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 160
W_ E Longitude,deg E_ W

1. Korolev 6, Pasteur 11. Copernicus

Z. Aitken 7. MareSmythii 12. Eulerhifls
3. Gagarin 8. Crisium-Serenitatis 13, Reiner'r
4. fsiolkovsky g. Landingsite 14. Post-TElview
5. AI-Khwanzmi 10. D-Caldera

FIGURE 28-1.-Index map of Apollo 17 visual observation targets. The groundtracks for the f'_rst and
last (75th) lunar revolutions are shown on the far side by vertical lines; the end points of the tracks
on the near side delineate terminators of the respective revolutions. The dashed vertical line near
longitude 95 ° W indicates the limit of earthshine illumination. The horizon limits enclose the
maximum area of visibility from the CM windows throughout the mission.

its surface. And there was a ring in the floor next to the wall, TABLE 284.-List of Apollo 1 7 Visual
about maybe one-sixth of a crater radius, that was somewhat
brighter at the low grazing Sun, suggesting it may have had a Observation Targets
different slope. And I believe I am correct in saying that the
inner floor may be slightly raised. (LMP, rev 1)
Target Coordinates Revolution
Light plains materials were also observed and
described in smaller craters west of Korolev: Copernicus 10° N, 20 ° W 1, 28
Landing site 20 ° N, 30 ° E 15, 40, 62
There is a sequence of different kinds of crater filling on Aitken 15° S, 173 ° E 27
the far side, and I think that, as the orbital stay progresses, A1-Khwarizmi 1° N, 130° to 95 ° E 27
we may be able to pin down the relative age relationships and (formerly Arabia)
the characteristics of those crater-f'tUing episodes. Whether Crisium-Serenitatis 15 ° N, 55 ° E to 20 ° N,
they are single episodes that happen in a variety of craters or 25 ° E 27
whether they are a function of the age and characteristics of Reiner ,y 8° N, 58 ° W 28
the craters in which you Fred them is not clear right now. But D-Caldera 18 ° N, 5 ° E 40
they seem to form fairly distinct groupings of crater till Mare Smythii 4° S, 95° to 80°E 62
materials. (LMP, rev 5) Tsiolkovsky 20 ° S, 132 ° to 125 ° E 64
Euler hills 18 ° N, 25° to 35 ° W a73, 74
This indicates that there appears to be several Korolev 5° S, 155 ° to 172 ° W a2 to 5
generations of light plains fill rather than fill from a Gagarin 20° S, 153 ° to 145 ° E a55, 61 to 63
single event. This is confirmed by the orbital photo- Pasteur 12 ° S, 115 ° to 100 ° E a55, 61 to 63
graphs of the area around Aitken Crater (part B of Post-TEIareas bN/A bN/A
sec. 32). Some of the units observed and photo-
graphed on Apollo 17 appear to be even smoother aTarget not nominally scheduled in t'light plan.
than mare surfaces (fig. 28-3): bN/A = not applicable.

One of those crater fill units that you also see in

depressions other than craters is a very smooth, light,
plains-forming material. And it is, although eratered, when
you see it at the terminator, it is smoother than the mare;
that is, it does not seem to have the swell, the sea swell
characteristics or ridges or any other features other than the
craters superimposed on it. (LMP, rev 5) '_•
An observation that I think is significant is that most of
the 30-kin craters on the far side of the Moon seem to be
fairly fresh. By fresh, I mean you do not have any real
definite ray pattern to them, but streaked, 45° slope on the
crater walls. On the bottom of the crater is a fiat floor, or
sometimes there is a domical type (domed up) floor. And the
domical floor does not resemble anything like what slumped
down the sides. (CMP, rev 27) _t_

Few additional comments were made during the

flight concerning the light plains materials. However,
apart from the aforementioned characteristics, little
could be added that would resolve the problem of
their origin:

Pasteur and Hilbert make a pair of big craters that we

spent some time studying... Both appear to be very old,
much older than Tsiolkovsky and they have a plains-forming
fill, very flat looking at this distance, and very light colored.
It is an event on the Moon of which we have relatively little FIGURE 28-2.-Korolev basin: a double-ringed, light-plains-
understanding at this time, but possibly the Apollo 16 Idled, 450-km-diameter crater. The right edge of the
results, when they are fully known, through the analysis of photograph coincides with the far-side terminator of the
the samples and other data, may shed some light on that f'trst lunar revolution of Apollo 17 (Lunar Orbiter I frame
event. (LMP, post-transearth-injection (TEl)) 35-M).

FIGURE 28-3.-Smooth light plains fill in an irregular structure near Snladecki Crater on the lunar far
side (AS17-151-23191).

AITKEN (2 mf 3

Examine the inter or of c_aer Aitken with e_phasis o_ fne foih;wil_g:

! :s,Jbedo, textures, ¢_l!d tructures oJ the d_;_k flo<_r fil; c_{r_pare with floors of sur_ou/_it_g craters.

2. Nature of light swirls in the southwest quadran_ a{ the f!oar,

3. Structures and rock exposures o_ the central peak, and possible'Java mo_ks"

FIGURE 28-4.-Example of onboard graphics in support of visual observations from lunar orbit. This
Zond 8 metric photograph of Aitken Crater (150 km in diameter) represents the same view of the
crater as that seen by the Apollo 17 crew.

Aitken Crater, 150 km in diameter, is one of the _
few craters that display a dark mare-like floor, l
Observations were made to better understand the J

crater and its surroundings, the dark floor material,

and the many interesting small-scale features in the
floor (fig. 28-4).
The rim crest of Aitken Crater is very sharp and its
secondary crater chains are distinct. However, it was
not possible from the available photographs to
establish without doubt whether or not the rim
deposits are brighter than the surrounding highlands.
When the CMP was queried about this particular
aspect, he replied:
The rim deposits are a little bit brighter than the
surrounding area. Where you would put it [place the crater in
the lunar stratigraphic time scale[ is probably early
Eratosthenian. It is definitely not Copernican because I
cannot see, at least at that low Sun, I cannot see any rays
around it. But probably Eratosthenian-or somewhere in that
area-because of the fresh slumping; it is not subdued at all.
The walls of the crater themselves are not subdued. They are
fairly fresh, but not as fresh as to be Copernican. And it
seems to me like it was brighter at the higher Sun angles
around there [on earlier revs], which indicates that there
would still be some remnants of a bright rim around it.
On the side of crater Aitken, there are no visible rays that
I can see at this low Sun angle. There is definitely a mare
floor in there. It is a dark, low-albedo-type flat floor with
swirls in it; no definite [topographic] expression to the
swirls. One thing that is quite apparent is a f/ow scarp in the
northeast comer, coming out of a little elow,,rieaf-like area. I
am going to have to look the next pass over it to see if the
south domical structure that is in there is breached. And I
cannot tell whether the material is flowing to the east out of
that domical structure or if it is flowing into the domical
structure. (CMP, rev 27)
FIGURE 28-5.-Cluster of small craters (4 to 8 km in
When the CMP was queried at that time whether diameter) in the floor of Aitken Crater. Note the interior
or not he was able to distinguish high lava marks on domical structures, the breaches in the walls, and the
the lower part of the crater wall, he replied: ridges and scarps in the dark floor material (lower right)
(Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS 17-1915 ).
The lava mark is what I would call a lava scarp in the
northeast corner. There are some lava marks along the central color tone and the detailed characteristics of these
peak. They are not nearly as apparent as the one up in the
northeast corner. In the northeast corner is definitely a flow domes:
front, a lava flow front, that [laps up against] the older The color of the domes in Aitken, although these colors
interior wall of the crater. (CMP, rev 27) axe hard to visualize, is essentially the same as the surround-
Some of the craters in the floor of Aitken, ing material around [the crater]. Maybe a little bit lighter, a
informally named on Apollo 17 the "cloverleaf little bit lighter than the surrounding material. Of course, it is
definitely lighter than the floor. The floor itself, is
cluster," display domical structures of unknown [somewhat] tan. (CMP, rev 27)
origin (fig. 28-5). An attempt was made to determine ... at the cloverleaf cluster in Aitken [part B of sec. 32].
whether information could be gathered relative to the The southern domical crater of the cloverleaf has a breach on

the east side... The domical structures themselves are A similar flow unit occurs on the southern rim of
younger than the floor... Also, the texture is a coarser the crater Tsiolkovsky. This unit apparently origi-
texture than the floor itself. In other words, the floor, to me, nated at a graben bounded by two parallel faults on
is kind of a standard flat mare floor. And I have to compare
the texture of the domical hills to what I would imagine is the rim and flowed into the crater Waterman (ref.
some of the dacite flows that I have seen out in California, 28-1). The two units were thought to be similar in
the heavy viscous-type flows... Well, I am pretty sure they nature:
have got to be volcanic in origin. (CMP, rev 28)
The flow that goes down into Waterman... I did not get
a chance to look at until I got to the west of it... But the
TSIOLKOVSKY material that is in the floor of the crater Waterman is the
same type of material as that in the little flow on the
The 200-kin crater Tsiolkovsky was studied northeast corner. (CMP, rev64)
thoroughly on the Apollo 15 mission, and the results The lineated unit on the northwest rim of
of these observations are available in references 28-1 Tsiolkovsky Crater was interpreted as a landslide on
and 28-4. On Apollo 17, further study was made of Apollo 15. One of the problems was the fact that
the crater and its many interesting features, especially there appeared to be a larger crater population on
the flow-like units on the northeast part of the crater that unit than on the older floor materials of Fermi
dm (fig. 28-6 and 28-7). Crater (ref. 28-1). More information was required to
The visual of Tsiolkovsky is hopefully pretty much fully understand this and the detailed characteristics
recorded on the recorder. In summary, I concentrated of these small craters:
primarily on the flow up in the northeast corner. To me, that
particular piece in the crater on picture Tsiolkovsky, 4 of 5 In the f'ttst observation of the mass of material that goes
[fig. 28-7(a)]. The piece that is down in the crater is on the out into the crater Fermi, it looks like there is a whole bunch
right-hand side of the page, [must have been] in somewhat of of craters in there that are essentially rimless. However, on
a molten state. It looks like it is a landslide that has slid down close examination with the binoculars, I could not see any
the wall of the crater and was detached from the molten that did not have at least a slight indication of a rim. The
material, the rough-looking material that's on the rim of the rims were essentially very subdued, They extended out to
crater Tsiolkovsky. (CMP, rev 64) about a half a c_ater diameter; and these are the craters in the

FIGURE 28-6.-TsiolkovskyCrater (200 km in diameter) and its surroundings (Lunar Orbiter III frame

FIGURE 28-7.-Rim deposits of Tsiolkovsky Crater as seen on Apollo 17 onboard graphics compared
to Apollo 17 photograph of a flow unit. (a) Hummocky rim deposits of Tsiolkovsky Crater as
depicted on the onboard graphics in support of Apollo 17 visual observations.

FIGURE 28-9.-Numerous multi-ringed craters in Mare Smythii on the eastern limb of the Moon were
the object o£ visual observation from orbit. Rim materials of these craters were compared to the
hummocky units in the southern part of the basin.

Mare Crisium

Some patches in Mare Crisium appear to have

lower albedo than the rest of the mare. Boundaries
between these units are difficult to draw, based on
available photographs. Also, the relationship between
the discontinuous circumbasin mare-ridge system and
these units was not dear. The CMP was asked to
study these relationships within the basin and report
on the color tone of the mare materials:

I am looking at the eastern edge of Crisium now. As you

come across there, it looks a little bit darker; I keep seeing
browns all the time up here instead of gray tones. Maybe that
is just the way I interpret them. They have kind of a
brownish tint to them, and it is a darker brown than south of
the ridge system there. (CMP, rev 27)

The CMP noted that the crater Condorcet H on

the southeastern rim of Crisium displays an unusual
C010rdifferencesin the lunar maria diamond.shaped floor; he also noted a probable
I_ _-_ landslide in the adjacent Condorcet A Crater (fig.
Blue IntermediateRed 28-12):

FIGURE 28-10.-Generalized map of color differences in the I am just now passing that crater I took a picture of on
lunar maria (ref. 28-12, p. 199). the last time [Condorcet HI. And instead of having a round
bottom, it has a diamond-shaped fill in the bottom. And the
extended, in real time, both to the east (to include diamond, itself, is about one-half of the crater diameter.
eastern Mare Crisium, fig. 28-11) and to the west (to (CMP, rev 27)
Condorcet A [appears to have] a landslide on it. And it
include the western rim of Mare Serenitatis, fig. does not look like a crater on the side of the wall, on the
28-11). For clarity, the region will be divided into northwest wall of the crater... The area is oval or ellipse
seven segments in the following discussion, shaped. Of course, the top of the ellipse is toward the top of

FIGURE 28-11.-Lunar near-side region encompas_ing Mare Crisium (right) and Mare Serenitatis (left).
Note the albedo boundaries in both maria (AS13-60-8696).

FIGURE 28-12.-On the eastern rim of Mate Crisium, a

landslide was described in Condorcet A Crater, and a
diamond-shaped floor was found in a fairly fresh crater
(arrow) near Condorcet H (AS17-149-22787).

the crater. And it looks like almost a flow out of the bottom
of the ellipse, which is about a fourth of the way up from the
bottom of the crater... The hole or the slope or the slide, or
whatever you want to call it, down through there, is maybe FIGURE 28-13.-Pieard Crater in western Mate Crisinm
one-eighth of the crater diameter. And the floor area is only (AS17-150-23038).
just a real small portion of one-eighth size... There were some
lineaments in the area; and, again, they are vertical-type only goes out maybe a fourth of a crater diameter, there is a
lineaments downslope. (CMP, rev 28) lighter-type material that seems to be coveting it up. The
lighter-type material though only goes in a generally westerly,
from the south around to the west side and then from the
Picard Crater northeast around to the northwest side, and it leaves the dark
material draping down on the east side of Picard.
Picard Crater, 30 km in diameter, is located in You can pretty well carry a light layer in the top portion
western Mare Crisium and displays a somewhat dark of the wall all the way around to that part where the light
part stops. And then you come to a dark layer again. And
rim (fig. 28-13). Although the crater appears to be then, as you continue around from the west to go to the
younger than the surrounding mare material, there north side, it is a little bit in shadow on the east side, so I
are no rays and crater chains associated with its cannot tell for sure whether that light layer is in there or not.
relatively smooth ejecta blanket. Detailed study of its But starting on the south side, going around to the west
characteristics from orbit was planned to aid in again, youseem
can tosee
be aa layer
changeofindark material, although there
does not the slope or the inner wall of
deciphering its origin. The similar, but smaller, Peirce the crater.
Crater to the north was also studied for the same Just below the dark layer, there is a change in slope a little
reason. The most obvious first question was related to bit. It maintains that slope all the way down to the crater
the color of their rim deposits relative to the floor, where you get into the slump blocks. And then in the
surrounding mare: center of the crater, it looks like a mare-like fill with, I am
about to lose sight of it again, something comparable to a
All those dark and light albedo changes around Picard and central peak in it. (CMP, rev 24)
Peirce are not obvious at this particular angle yet. There is
some hint of them... We are just about over the top of When queried as to whether or not the Crisium
Heard; and the rim materials, which go out about a third of a mare ridge system corresponds to the color boundary,
crater diameter, as near as I can tell, are distinctly darker but and if not, does the ridge cross any color boundaries,
not by much. They are more gray than the gray tan, or the CMP stated:
tannish gray of the rest of the mare. (LMP, rev 1)
Coming up at Picard now. Looking at it, a little bit from a This ridge system is running east and west down here. The
distance, there is a darker albedo that goes about one-half a color boundary is not nearly as apparent in Ctisium as it is in
crater diameter. And then, on top of that darker albedo, it Serenitatis, except that right under me right now, there is a

subdued crater with a southern part of a ridge. The ridge runs Small, dark-halo craters in Mare Crisium. -The
east-west, and it looks like we have got a flow coming out of mare surface northwest of Yerkes Crater includes
it... The zero-phase point is following me right along here in
Crisium, so I get a different color straight out from the several dark-halo craters (fig. 28-14). Some of these
window than I do out from the edge of it. So I think that is display smooth rim deposits and are believed to be
going to influence my thinking, volcanic in origin (ref. 28-13), and others have
You can see some of the rays from the crater Proelus have hummocky ejecta blankets and are probably pro-
spread out all the way across here. And they completely duced by impact. The following observations were
cover up the ridge system, so I cannot see any color
distinction on the western edge of Crisium. (CMP, rev 27) made from orbit during the Apollo 17 mission.
West of Yerkes, there is a real small crater I am looking at
On the following revolution, the color tones with the binoculars. And the reason it stands out is because it
around and within Picard Crater were again and more is a fresh crater and yet there is a dark halo all the way
fully described: around it. And it is also dark down on the inside of it. I still

Sure hope that color difference shows up in Picard...

There is black material now you get on up here, the darker
tannJsh-gray material covers essentially from the east all the
way around to the south. It goes outside the rim as well as
inside the rim. It drapes over the rim. That cannot be a
shadow effect. (CMP, rev 28)

Additional details of the crater and its surround-

hags were also obtained on later revolutions:

You know you could, even as the zero phase went right
across Picard, you could still see the darkness on the east
from 9 o'clock around to 6 o'clock, if north is zero. And if
north is zero as you look at the crater, then over about 1
o'clock there is some kind of a fault zone in the side of the
rim, and that is another spot where the dark material drapes
down into the rim and also outside of the rim. And then you
have that same type of impression at about 11 o'clock. You
have got a black streak going down inside the rim, and then it
widens out going toward a little crater outside of the rim.
(CMP, rev 36)
In the eastern wall of Picard-I am looking at it with the
binoculars now-you can definitely see the first part of it up
there has some vertical escarpments along the edge. And the
vertical escarpments are in irregular layers, just like you
would suspect if you eroded out a bunch of lava layers. In
other words, they are discontinuous, but they are kind of
intermingled along, and they go about a third of the way
down from the top of the rim, down to where the talus starts
sliding into the crater. (CMP, rev 40)

At a Sun angle of 50 ° to 55 ° (rev 50), the crater

Picard still displays a dark halo. The dark halo
appears slightly smaller, extending perhaps to one
crater diameter, and is less distinct. (Paraphrased
from CMP, rev 50)

Western Crisium

In the western part of the Crisium basin, observa-

tions were made of (1) the dark-halo craters in the
mare fill and (2) the rim materials as displayed in FIGURE 28-14.-Dark-halo craters in western Mare Crisium.
massif units and in the ejecta blanket, including The ejecta blanket of the circled crater was described as
Proclus Crater and its bright rays. having an orange-tinted color (AS17-150-23044).

do not have a feeling for the relative size of things. I will try While we are in a relatively quiet period, we are going to
to get that one on the next pass. (CMP, rev 24) make a few comment_ about some of the things tlaat cross
All these dark-halo craters by Yerkes! The one that is the two big basins that we are getting very familiar with,
farthest to the south looks like an impact-type crater. In actually, three: Smy_:hii, Crisium, and Serenitatis. [The
other words, you have a definite ejecta blanket around it. obvious features are] the degradation of the walls of the
The one that 'is hard to look at is in the middle of the field, major ring and the lack of any obvious blanket structures, in
but I think it is probably the second one down from the top. contrast to Inthrinm and Orientale, which we have also had a
It has rounded ridges, and a rounded rim. The ejecta pattern pretty good look at. That contrast is quite striking.
or the dark halo is about twice the crater diameter. And it is The fronts of the major ring in Crisium are strikingly
either a highly eroded impact-type crater, or it is a different from those of the Apennines in their general slopes;
volcanic-type structure. And, to me, it does not look like a sharpness of topographical features; and in any appearance of
highly eroded impact one. (CMP, rev 40) having even a hint of boulder fields on their slopes like we
observed, say, on the: South Massif, anything like that. At
The rays and ejecta blanket surrounding the least Screnitatis massifs seem to locally show fairly major
bright-rayed crater in the area (fig. 28-14) were boulder fields on their flanks. And 1 have not seen any
described as orange in color. The crater was compared around Crisium yet.
to others in the Taurus-Littrow landing site and in the A crater, a fresh crater in the mare or a fresh crater in the
rim area will have boulders, do not misunderstand me. But the
Sulpicius _"Gallus area (as discussed in the following front faces, the ring fi:ont faces, do not have boulders that 1
paragraphs), can see. And I think boulders are pretty obvious when they
are there. We have seen them well defined on the central
In the north, east, and west quadrants of that little crater, peaks of Tsiolkovsky, and I think any time you have a major
there is very clearly an orange pattern, an orange color to the boulder field, you cart see it with the binoculars. (LMP, rev
ejecta. The other quadrant is a lighter color, a light gray. 62)
(LMP, rev 64) Proclus Crater, 35 km in diameter, was studied
In addition to the orange-tinted ejecta, blocks during Apollo 15, and its ray-excluded zone was
with a greenish hue were observed around impact attributed to shadowing at the time of impact (ref.
craters in western Crisium. These observations may be 28-1). The rays of l?roclus were studied during Apollo
important in establishing the importance and distribu- 17 to determine whether or not there is any similarity
tion of colored glasses collected on Apollo missions in appearance between those rays and the swirls of
11, 15, and 17. light-colored markings discussed in the section on
I get the impression that these bright ones, see the bright
one right down there in front of us [fig. 28-14], have a dark I am looking north along Crisium, and there is Picard and
greenish-black or blackish-green [color], yes, a green cast to Peirce. And you get the same pattern that looks like a swirl.
the rocks. The big blocks that are laying around in the crater The same type of albedo as a swirl with light places and dark
and also the ones that are down in the bottom, a greenish places. The only difference being that you can definitely tell
cast to them. (CMP, rev 64) that these are ejecta from Proclus because the pattern is
Houston, we are just passing over a little polygonal crater somewhat radial to ]?_'oclus itself. And then you have the
that is maybe 15 km in diameter. It, again, has that dark same thing; there is a crater up on the north rim of Crisium,
greenish-black rock that is collected down at the bottom of just outside of it is a 50-km crater. And it is a very bright
it, and you also see it streaking down the side of it. But, I one. And there the rays cross the Proclus swirls or rays. Here
think one of the most significant features about the crater you have to definitely call them rays instead of swirls, and
itself is that it has a swirl, and this looks like swirls rather yet they look the same way. And the only distinction is that
in Crisium they go essentially radial. They have a direction to
than rays. It has a swirl pattern, radial from that most recent
impact. (CMP, rev 66) them, whereas the ones over there in Marginis and next to
Firsov do not have any particular direction to them. (CMP,
Rim materials of the Crisium Basin.-The sharp- rev 38)
ness of the massif units that ring the circular basins is On Apollo 17, an effort was made to study the
one of the factors to be considered in deducing the unit in which Proclus Crater is located and to
relative age of the basin. The mountain rings of large compare that unit to other hilly terra units in the
circular basins and those of Imbrium were compared vicinity of the Serenitatis and Imbrium basins.
during the flight, based on what is known about their
positions in the lunar stratigraphic sequence (ref. There isfresh
relatively a crater
on thecrisp
rim of
butCrisium, [with ray
no strong a]
24-14). The following are selected comments that pattern. There is no iay pattern apparent at all. It looks like
compare Crisium with other overflown basins: it predates the plains material around it, since they come

tight up to the edge of the crater in one spot. That is The CMP at this point characterized the color of
[Proclus] ! (LMP, rev 1) the dark-halo craters near Macrobius A as similar to
The highlands look essentially the same as yon pass from that of Maraldi and the landing site; he characterized
Crisium on across to Fertility. Again, they look so much like
the Sculptured Hills... What I am referring to are the the color as "dark tannish gray." (Paraphrased from
highlands bordering Crisium, in all of them you do see a CMP, rev 27)
definite radial pattern upslope and downslope, from the
center of Crisium. But none of the lineaments look like Fra Maraldi Area
Mauro [the Fra Mauro Formation, bordering the Imbrium
basin]. (CMP, rev 62) Before Apollo 17, the origin of the Sculptured
Getting into areas that resemble, in their surface texture, Hills on the eastern rim of the Serenitatis basin was
the Sculptured Hills of the Taurus-Littrow landing area. Here
not fully understood. One of the possibilities was a
we are just passing Proclus, so it is in the ray-excluded zone
of Proelus where there is a mare surface projecting up into volcanic, constructional origin (ref. 28-15), and the
terrain that looks like Sculptured Hills. And that mare has a example usually given was the dome-shaped, isolated
distinct blnish-gray color, in contrast to the regolith assoei- structure Maraldi 3' (fig- 28-16). An objective of the
ated with the Sculptured Hills, between the Hills at least, Crisium-Serenitatis visual observations was to determ-
which is a brown, let us call it a tanuish gray. Quite a sharp ine the nature of that structure.
color hue contrast to my eyes, at any rate. (LMP, rev 63)
From the pictures of Maraldi _, it looked to me like it
might have been a volcanic dome of some kind. Now when
Macrobius A Area you look at it and compare it with the rest of the
surrounding material, it looks just like any of the other
West of Macrobius Crater and especially in the Sculptured Hills. The domical structures on it are the same
vicinity of Macrobius A are several small cone-shaped type of material that carries on through south of Maraldi.
craters that display dark halos (fig. 28-15). The (CMP, revl7)
Apollo 17 crew was asked to study these craters from The floor material of Maraldi Crater east of Mare
orbit to determine whether they are volcanic cinder-
Serenitatis was also studied from orbit, and some
cone-like features, or impact craters that excavated
interesting color tones were discovered and later
dark material from beneath a lighter mantle: compared to materials in the Taurus-Littrow landing
Next to Macrobius A, there is a dark halo crater, a very site and on the western rim of Mare Serenitatis.
small one. And it does not have the appearance of a
hummocky crater rim to it, at all. It looks like the material It looks like maybe some kind of a mare fill has come in
just kind of spreads out all over the area, but it does not have and fined up Maraldi itself. You can see flow lines, going
a hummocky appearance to it. I am going to take a look at down into Maraldi from Tranqulllitatis. The impact craters
that again when I come back around. On the other side, there inside Maraldi have a definite bluish tint to the halo that
is a small mound down in the bottom of the crater, also. It is comes out as opposed to the bright or the white-type craters.
a dome-shaped structure in the bottom of that smaU crater. It Those have more of a darkish bluish tint to them. Oddly
is right next to J-3, north of J-3 [fig. 28-15]. (CMP, rev 15) enough, that is the same type of bluish tinge that I see right
I was looking at the dark rimmed craters, and some of in the landing site right now. In the Pentagon Complex,
them have what I would call an ejecta pattern around them; MOCR shows up that same type of a bluish tint. (CMP, rev
and the others just have kind of a raised rim with no apparent 17)
blocks. The one to the southwest of that hill by Yerkes looks Again, the fresh craters in Maraldi still look kind of bluish
like it has an ejecta pattern around it with blocks, to me, not as much as they did yesterday, hut they still have
I was looking for any dark-halo craters in this area that a bluish tint to them from the reflection of the Sun. In other
might be sticking through the Proclus rays. You compare on words, they are fresh craters and one of them is about the
either side of the Proclus ray, and the same size crater.., size of MOCR, and the other one is about the size of
You get the same albedo of ray material from the small Sherlock or Camelot. (CMP, rev 27)
craters in either case... Houston, even at the high Sun angle here, the ejecta of the
The two dark craters, the one just north of Macrobius A, four or five recent craters around Maraldi, still are bluish
and also north ofJ-3, that is the one that has the dark mound gray, light bluish gray. The floor of the crater Maraldi is
around it, it has got a small dome down in the center. It does essentially a darker gray today, I guess, than anything. And
not have any ejecta pattern around it; no rays, no nothing, the ejeeta patterns on that are the same albedo and color
To me, that sure looks like a cinder cone. The dark halo distinctions as the ones in the landing site. (CMP, rev 74)

around it goes
The raised domeout for in
down at least a crater
the center of and a half is
the crater diameter.
about a When he was asked to compare the floor f'dl of
fourth of a crater diameter. And there are no rays. (CMP, rev Maraldi to that of the light plains materials in Maraldi
27) E, the CMP replied:

FIGURE 28-15.-Dark-halo craters neat Macrobius A and B Craters (Apollo 15 metric camera frame

The floor flu in Maraldi is def'mitely a darker color. The Littrow landing site and the dark annulus of Mare
light plains in Maraldi E are the light-tan material. And the Serenitatis (fig. 28-111). The following discussion will
floor of Maraldi looks just like the landing site. (CMP, rev27) start with the eastern border of Mare Serenitatis,
followed by observations of the color/stratigraphic
Mare Serenitatis
units in the southern part of the mare. Detailed
As an additional tool for the extrapolation of descriptions of the landing site area itself are given
ground-truth data, observations were made of the under a separate heading of this report.
relationship of the dark material in the Taurus- Eastern Mare Serenitatis.-It was previously stated

FIGURE 28-16.-Apollo 17 onboard graphic in support of visual observations of the Maraldi Crater

that the dark flU of Maraldi resembles that in the appear in photographs to continue into the Sereni-
landing site area including a few craters with a bluish tatis basin and show intricate relationships with the
tint. The dark materials of the Taurus-Littrow area mare ridges in the dark annulus. The following

observations are descriptions of these relationships as

seen from orbit.

Right now, I am looking at the ridge system around the

an.nulus of Serenitatis. And the dark material stops before
you get to the crater that sticks into the eastern edge of
Serenitatis. (CMP, rev 27)
The dark annulus around Serenitatis, as you look north,
and I am kind of looking back, that dark has no continuity
with the ridges at all. It [the color boundary] goes right
down the middle of the ridges. As you look directly west of
Littrow, the wrinkle ridge is there, and you have the dark
tannish gray. And then you get out to the light tan of the
Mare Serenitatis itself. (CMP, rev 35)
I am looking out of window 2 now, and you can
definitely get three different color units: You have the light
tan of Serenitatis; and then you have the darker annulus that
stops somewhere in about the middle of the two ridge FIGURE 28-17.-Layering in Dawes Crater on the south-
systems that go around; and then you come down south in eastern corner of Mare Serenitatis as seen from lunar orbit
the landing site area and the two dark units change. The (AS17-150-230661,.
landing site area is a darker gray. (CMP, rev 38)
concentric layer, in tile western wall, goes down to not quite
The same color differences were amplified and half of the distance :Fromthe top of the rim down to the
more fully described at higher Sun angles (25 ° bottom. The lower portion, a little better than a half, is kind
of a tannish gray. It is all streaked. And the bottom of the
higher): crater itself is filled with, oddly enough, the same color of
This is not a good viewing attitude at all, but we get a few material as that lying around the edges of the crater. It has
isolated views that may be worth commenting on. The some radial rings, which give an indication of a subsidence of
contrast, to my eye anyway, between the three color units some kind, or of sliding downhill. That is really the first
around the landing site is a medium bluish gray to gray for crater where I have been able to see any sort of layering in
the dark mantle; a light blue gray for the annulus around the walls. Now the fLtst layer on the north side and also on
Serenitatis; and then, a tan gray for Mare Serenitatis proper, the south side, in the dark-brownish layer of the thing, you
The light-blue-gray annulus is also the locus of most of the can see parts that are jagged. In other words, there is a slight
circumferential g_abens, that Serenitatis is noted for, in that change in slope. That looks like it is a very steep slope, which
area. And that is nothing new! But, in one place, there is a would indicate that it is a fairly compacted type of material
very subdued, flooded crater which seems to control a in the first layer. And then the slope changes in the white
circular projection of the light blue gray out over the tan-gray layer on down a little bit more. And the white layer seems to
mare. Most of the major wrinkle ridge system of Serenitatis, sort of maintain the same slope as the dark-gray layer. (CMP,
of course, is outside the annulus of blue gray, except locally, rev 39)
and one of those places was to the west of the Taurus-
At higher Sun angles and to another observer, the
Littrow site. Although that wrinkle ridge system does, in the
southern portions of Serenitatis, cross the contact between sequence of layers in the walls of Dawes Crater
the light blue gray and the tan gray. suggested overturning of strata:
The impression I have had by looking at all the mare
wrinkle ridge systems is that they are a late feature. They, at In Dawes, I think you can see the overturned [units]. The
least at low Sun, and sometimes even at high Sun, they have rim materials are made up of the brownish-gray material, and
very sharply defined ridges with steep slopes on either side the walls underneath these are the bluish gray, which is the
that, in general, give me the impression that they are age relationship suggested by topography; that would be the
constructional, possibly associated with some thrusting move- lower unit is forming the rim, with inverted stratigraphy.
ment. (LMP, rev 62) (LMP, rev 62)

Southern Mare Serenitatis.-An interesting obser- Layering was also noted in segments of the Rimae
ration was made of apparent layering in Dawes Crater Menelaus that appear to have raised rims when
(fig. 28-17) that is related to the units in southern observed at low Sun elevation angles:
Mare Serenitatis and their color boundaries:
Those rilles to the :north of [Menelaus], there is a bunch
The crater Dawes has, starting from the top going down of them crisscrossing. One is right on the edge of the
the rim, a light-tan layer; it is a concentric layer all the way Serenitatis basin. But they have got slightly raised rims
around. And then you come into a lighter one, almost like on around the edges. You can see some layering down inside the
the hills all around the landing site. The firs_ layer goes down rille itself, in the one that runs in the east-west direction.
maybe about a third of the depth; and then the white (CMP, rev 15)

The color boundaries in southern Mare Serenitatis,

particularly north of Menelaus Crater (fig. 28-18),
received much discussion throughout the mission.
The following observations were made of this area:

When I take a look at it from this angle, the ejecta from

Plinius covers up the rilles and the annulus around Sereni-
tails... Now, we are getting into a relatively low Sun. And
Serenitatis is a lot lighter colored than the light tan, to me.
At this low Sun, you look out into Tranquillitatis, across
Plinius, and that turns out to be the same kind of gray tan, it
is darker... There is a definite color difference between
them [Tranquillitatis and Serenitatis]. And it almost looks as
if the color from Tranquillitatis extends on over, or kind of
drapes over the edge, and covers up part of Serenitatis.
We are at the same Sun angle, and there is no doubt about
it from Tacquet on up to Menelaus, there is a group of small
rilles and those rilies have ejected material, around and over
the rilles; not impact-type ejecta. It has got to be a volcanic
ejecta of some kind. It is a darker brown than the tan of
Serenitatis. (CMP, rev 28)
Going to come across the Tacquet area again, and there is
a bright crater, a recent crater, in that dark annulus in the
southern part of Serenitatis. It shows up again as that kind of
a blue-gray brightness, as opposed to the tannish brightness
of the bright craters in Serenitatis. There is still no apparent
color tone or differentiation in the wrinkle ridge in this part
of it. The only differentiation is that it looks like south of
Tacquet you get the same color tone on over into Tranqullli-
tafis as you get between Tacqnet and Menelaus. (CMP, rev
Looking at Menelaus, you can see where the dark edge of
Serenitatis goes through the crater. And, the north wall is
quite distinctly grayer, let us say bluish gray, than the south
wall, which is very light gray in the talus. My guess is that it is
a very nearly vertical contact at that point. (LMP, rev 66) FIGURE 28-18.-Contact between two mare units in south-
ern Mare Serenitatis. The older and darker unit near the
rim of Menelaus Crater (lower edge) displays rougher
Sulpicius Gallus Area topography; the younger and lighter unit contains a broad
wrinkle ridge (AS17-150-23069).
The dark mantling materials on the western rim of
the Serenitatis basin are more varied and perhaps only thing you can say is that the southern part there, in the
more complex than on the southeastern rim. Mater- Tacquet region, has a more of a bluish tint. And, then to me,
ials of the dark mare annulus in southern Serenitatis this has more of a brownish tint to it when you get to the
Sulpicius Gallus region.
appear to be overlain by younger mare materials that I am just passing Menelaus... and Sulpicius Gallus is just
also postdate the dark mantling units of the Sulpicius now coming up. I think the Sun angle has a lot to do with
Gallus area on the western rim of Serenitatis. These that, because this whole Sulpicius Gallus region looks kind of
rough and textured materials are to be contrasted brownish to me. I will have to check that when the Sun gets a
with the patches of dark units between Montes little bithigher. (CMP, rev 24)
Haemus and Montes Apenninus to the west (fig. I am Sulpicius
just passing over
youSulpicius Gallus,
slopenow. Andmassif
beyond Gallus, got a gentle of the
28-19). The objective of this observation was to coming down and then it changes slope a little bit. And that
compare these units to the 8erenitatis mare materials, might be what we have at one time or another called the high
with emphasis on the color tones. (This task was water mark, but I believe that is just a talus change in the
added to planned observations in real time.) slope. But as soon as you cross that area, we have a dark-tan
material that essentially covers the highland. It is a hum-
When we are coming around the dark annulus, follow it mocky material. There are a few rilles just north of Sulpicius
around, by Menelaus and Tacquet, it seems to change colors a Gallus; those lilies, again, have the dark-tan material on them.
little bit when we get up to the Sulpicius Galius. I guess the (CMP, rev 36)

FIGURE 28-19.-Oblique view looking westward from the dark mantling deposits on the western rim
of Mare Serenitatis. Rimae Sulpicins Gallus are in the lower right corner ;.D-Caldera (circled) is near
the upper left edge of the photograph (AS17-153-23572).

As will be discussed later, the CMP noted an There is a large gouge just south of the Sulpicius Gallus
orange zone on the northeast rim of Shorty Crater. rlile. The gouge is a rimless depression, and streaming down
Ejecta blankets of several craters of comparable size from the upper portion of that depression are not only our
and larger also displayed an orange color. Referring to old
gray,friend the orange: gray, butThere
anotherbe crater
a red we
very clear coloration... will
these craters later in the mission, the LMP added: have to look at... There is a whole bunch of them down
Ron says that he already commented on those, and they there... Yes, we arc seeing an orange Moon now. In this
look very obvious to me... [The color] is a light orange, in whole dark mantle in here around Sulpieius Gallus there are
contrast to the brown gray of the dark mantle in the vicinity scattered craters with a variety of orange to red-brown hues.
of Sulpicius Gallus. There is a good one right down there. And they all, except for that large rimless depression, which
Now, that one looks like a constructional cone that is looked as if it was exposing some layers which were
orangish. And that is right out on a raised projection of the streaming those coloxs, all the other craters seem to be small
brown-gray dark mantle out onto the light-blue-gray annulus impacts that apparently are penetrating just far enough into
the dark mantle maLtcrial to tap this zone of orange to
material. (LMP, rev 62) red-brown material. (LMP, rev 64)
In addition to the constructional-appearing, That rimless, V-shaped depression [fig. 28-20Co)1 that had
orange-tinted craters and the many orange-colored the streaked talus o_t it has a mottled rim area that has the
orangish-tan or urangish-gray color as the spot. And it looked
blankets around small impact craters in the Sulpicius as if the more red-gravy,red-brown-gray, if you will, material
Gallus region, an elongate depression with orange- was lower in the secltion within the walls of the depression.
related colors was also discovered (fig. 28-20). This is a very steep-w_dled depression, by the way. It has talus

with a definite contact between it and the dark material

around it, and it had that orange-brown hue to it, without
any question at all. (CDR, rev 64)


The Taurus-Littrow landing site on the south-

eastern rim of Mare Serenitatis was studied from orbit
for (1) regional characteristics that may reflect on the
sampling area and (2) details of local structures that
may help decipher the setting of explored sites.

General Setting

Observations from orbit began very early during

the mission and continued throughout the orbital
period. One of the more interesting problems was to
see whether or not it is possible to define a source
point for the landslide or white mantle on South
Massif (figs. 28-21 and 28-22). The slide itself and the
scarp that goes through it were obvious even at very
low Sun elevation angles:

With respect to the landing site, when I f'trst had it in

view, there was a clear lightening in the area of the light
mantle. It was not sharply defined; but around the crater
Lara and Nansen and to the west of the scarp, there was very
clearly, slightly brighter reflectivity. (LMP, rev 2)
I can now see down in through the shadow. I can see Bear
Mountain. I cannot really make out the slide yet. Most of the
North Massif is still in shadow due to the Sculptured
Hills... But, I did see some sort of albedo change that went
across the canyon about in the vicinity of the scarp. (CDR,
rev 2)
You could really see a difference between South Massif
FIGURE 28-20.-Apollo 17 photographs of Sulpicins Gallus
formation where orange-tinted material was observed and the mantle material through there. The mantle is not
during lunar orbit. (a) Two 0.5-km-diameter craters. The nearly as dark as it looks on the pictures, though. But South
Massif, especially, looked whitish in color. I guess it is
upper crater isejeeta
an impact in the dark plain
(b) and exhibits because the Sun was shining on it... You can see the slide
orange-tinted (AS17-148-22771). Elongate de-
and definitely see the scarp going across through there. (CMP,
pression, approximately 6 km long, showing orange-tinted
walls (AS17-149-22880). For general setting, see figure rev 3)
28-19. I got the landing site. We are right over the top of it, and
the scarp is fantastically detailed at this [Sun angle] ... The
streaming down the sides of it, and the coloration streams in light unit is very obviously mantling the area. The scarp is
this same direction. It looks as if there may be layers or very detailed, and, so far, [I] could not see any structure in
roughly horizontal zones that have the coloration that we are the massifs at all... From this altitude and with that low
seeing, which are forming the talus slopes down below them. Sun, there is no question of the sharpness of the topographic
(LMP, rev 65) features in the landing area. The scarp, and even some of the
apparent backflow features, that is, apparent flows to the
These observations of the orange materials were west in the light mantle area, were extremely sharp, even
also confirmed by the third crewmember: those fronts going west were sharp. It looked even more like
a mare ridge than it ever did before. (LMP, rev 5)
Just so you are fully aware, we are not sort of just leaning The scarp definitely cuts up through the North Massif. I
and getting colorblind up here, I tell you, the last one Jack cannot see a continuation into the South Massif at all. And it
was talking about [the small impact crater, fig. 28-20(a)] was almost looks like a flow coming from the direction of Family
not even subtle. Its entire ray pattern was this color material, Mountain, lapping up on the side of the North Massif. That is

FIGURE 28-21.-Oblique view looking westward from the Taurus-Littrow landing site. Arrow,
showing the direction of flight, indicates the landing point (AS17-i48-22770).

the way it looks as you go on by it. I could not see anything The differences in albedo, color tone, and texture
that would lead you to believe that the slide area, so to between the massif units and the Sculptured Hills
speak, would come on across anything that would be the were obvious from orbital altitude both at low and
source of that slide area. (CMP, rev 15) high Sun elevation angles:
As discussed in earlier sections of this report, I can see the lmrding site now quite well. The slide area
blue-gray rocks were sampled at several localities in definitely shows up. The South Massif seems to have the Sun
the landing site. The same color tone was described sinning right on the walls. I am looking for any type of
from lunar orbit in the vicinity of larger craters in the layering, or anything like that, and cannot see anything. The
subfloor materials as well as on the slide, big
tureddifference between the massif
look structures
like they and
havethe Sculp-
Hills is that the massifs a steeper
You still get" that same bluish tint from the area in the slope. And they do not seem to have that type of covering
landing site. At station number 2, on the landslide, it is going over them, like the Sculptured Hills do. (CMP, rev 15)
to be a pretty good little depression there. (CMP, rev 24) The albedo differences are very definite: one is the dark
Areas in the landing site where we now know there are mantle on the floor; one is the South and North Massifs; and
extensive blocks of the subfloor material, particularly in the the other is the Sculptured Hills. And the Sculptured Hills
walls of the larger craters, I have the impression that those have a light-gray albedo between the Massifs and the dark
block fields, from this altitude, give a light bluish-gray mantle. This line is very evident and there is a definite break
appearance. (LMP, rev 66) in slope that you can see between the South Massif and the
Just north of the bright-rayed craters in the Littrow area, white mantle out on the valley floor. (CDR, rev 62)
there are five craters, probably in the range of 500 to To me, the Sculptured Hills incorporate the albedo both
1000 m; and all five have the sequence of colors in the walls, of the North Massif, or South Massif, and the mantle area and
from rim down, of a brown gray, blue gray, and then brown combine them to give you a generally in-between gray
gray. They are all identical in that and quite clear. And that albedo, but the sculpturing is produced by the darker albedo
blue gray is comparable to the blue gray that is visible in the that looks like the mantle, and the lighter albedo that looks
craters such as Sherlock in the landing area. (LMP, rev 72) like the massifs. (CMP, rev 62)

of the crater. It is tangent to the north edge or perpendicular

to the scarp. (CMP, rev 41)
On Shorty, I still have that light-orangish-tan material. It
is essentially perpendicular to the line of the slide area there
in the northern semicircle of the rim. (CMP, rev 62)
My impression of Shorty from the other day, and also
from seeing these craters that seem to have orange around
them, they look very much like impact craters from orbit. At
any rate, if that is an alteration phenomenon, it is being
localized around the structure created by the impact. But in
tiffs latter case, it looks as if the impact itself penetrated into
a zone of that color. (LMP, rev 64)
The craters we are seeing around Sulpicius are very clearly
orange gray and the whole, or at least most of the crater, is
that way. We looked at Shorty today, and Ron said that even
the little bit of orange that he saw the other day is not
visible, and I agree with that. The amount of orange we saw
on the surface certainly would not be comparable to what we
are seeing around Sulpicius Gallus... And on a couple of
quick scans, on previous revs, of the area, the dark mantle,
near Littrow, I did not notice any obvious orange-gray
craters. (LMP, rev 65)
I still get a feeling that there is just a tinge of the orange
or tannish orange around Shorty, looking at it with the
binoculars. (CMP, rev 74)


FIGURE 28-22.-Taurus-Littrow landing site. Note that the The low hills between the Montes Haemus to the
scarp displays mare ridge characteristics between the
east and Montes Apenninus to the west are inter-
North Massif (top) and the South Massif (lower halO; it
also appears as a flow that laps up against the North spersed with patches of superposed dark material (fig.
Massif(AS17-150-23006). 28-19). In one of these patches is a D-shaped
depression (fig. 28-23) that was previously inter-
SHORTY CRATER preted as a volcanic caldera (ref. 28-16). The struc-
ture is unique, with no equivalent formations on the
Much excitement was generated during the mis- Moon. It was studied from orbit to further charac-
sion by the finding of orange soil on the rim of terize its nature:
Shorty Crater (fig. 28-22). The CMP was asked, after
the discovery, to determine whether the orange soil
could be observed from orbit. An orange-tinted zone
was described particularly on the north rim of
Shorty. This finding also led to further concentration
on craters of a similar size in western Mare Crisium, in
the Littrow B area, and in the Sulpicius Gallus area.
The orange-tinted zone was obvious at inter-
mediate Sun elevation angles (on rev 40) but harder
to discern at high illumination (on rev 65):

I have got Shorty in the picture. It is a sharper crater than

any of them... Did they find that orange stuff on the north
side of it?... I would say they just barely got into the
[orange] stuff, then, because the north rim has more of a tint
of a different color to it... Would you believe an orangish FIGURE 28-23.-The D-shaped depression in the dark
tan through these binoculars? (CMP, rev 40) mantling material west of the Montes Haemus exhibits a
Through these glasses, Shorty still looks light tannish light-blue-gray tint. A darker bluish tone is also exhibited
orange. And it does not come all the way down to the center in the crater in the lower left corner (AS17-152-23286).

The D-Caldera is sure a depression. Like nothing I have along the benches, although the topography is not too clear.
ever seen before... At this point, you get a dark tan, a But the dark spots are in arcuate linear arrangement parallel
mare-type material. And then it is a light gray down in the to the rim. And they appear to be elongate along the radius
IYCaldera itself. But it is a light gray down inside. It has got of the crater [Coperrdcus].
bumps that stick up, and the bumps themselves.., are light Copernicus H is also very obvious as a dark-rimmed crater,
tan. And down between the bumps in the caldera is a rough, relative to the albedo of the ejecta blanket. And the
blocky, gray material. (CMP, rev 28) northwest quadrant, which we mapped as a smooth floor
material and somew]hat darker albedo, is just as apparent
At higher Sun elevation angles, the floor of the here, although all the contrasts, of course, are less. The main
depression was found to have a bluish tint to it that is thing that you cml_ pick out in earthshine are albedo
also apparent in the Hasselblad color photographs, distinctions. (LMP, rev 1)
D-Caldera is sure fascinating. I will try and take a quick Additional details of the dark zone in the southern
look with the binoculars on that one... I hope the pictures wall of Copernicus were provided under faint earth-
will confirm a tittle bit of a topographic rise around the shine illumination conditions:
D-Caldera, just a slight one, and it is about half the width of
the "D." And there seems t_ be a raised, flat rim around it. On the south side of Copernicus, you can see albedos real
The color of the raised bumps down in the D-Caldera is the well, and there is a dark area that extends maybe half a crater
same as the surrounding material. The bumps that are raised diameter to three-quarters of a crater diameter to the south,
up are smooth looking and the depression (floor material) is and it carries down the crater wall to the crater foor. And
light bluish gray, very tight bluish gray. (CMP, rev 36) this is in the south maybe from about 4:30 to 7:30. And in
There is nothing surrounding D-Caldera that looks any- the rest of the crater, all the way you can see light albedo.
thing like the silver-gray material that was depressed with
respect to the surrounding terrain. (CMP, rev 40) When asked if lie was able to see any structure in
Flow structures were also observed in the interior the central peaks (both in earthshine and in sunlight),
of the depression: the LMP replied:
No, I cannot... ']?he central peaks do stand out, though,
I was looking at D-Caldera and you got a lobate flow front as a much lighter albedo area within the crater. It looks to me
sticking down in the crazy thing. (CMP, rev 42) like the best thing you can do in earthshine is work with
The light-blue-tinted materials observed in the albedos. Knowing the general topography from earlier photo-
D-Caldera were compared earlier to the somewhat graphy.
And (LMP,
this isrev 1)
a good view of the central peaks, although
darker tints of blue gray in the floor of Maraldi as from some distance; :and, as Ron and I were discussing earlier,
well as in the Taurus-Littrow area. This comparison it is not at all clear tliat, in fact, that so-called dike does not
was also evident as the Sun elevation angle increased: come through as audit that is clearly defined. (LMP, rev 65)

Ron's D-Caldera-I am just correlating apparent colors The CMP also ,::onfirmed that the structure in the
now, or hues-and the lighter-colored material there is central peak couldnotbe studied:
comparable in hue to the subfloor color at the landing site.
(LMP, rev 66) I just got a real good view of Copernicus, but I am afraid I
cannot help you out on that structure in the central peak.
COP E R N [C LIS Just a little too dark. (CMP, rev 4)
I was looking at it through the binoculars last time, and I
Copernicus Crater was studied from orbit mainly could not really see anything that was really defmed as
in earthshine (fig. 28-24). In addition to details of the coming on through there. (CMP, rev 65)

ejecta and interior, emphasis was placed on the Dark deposits both to the southeast (Copernicus
central peaks and on a possible extension of the dark CD area) and north (Montes Carpatus) were described
and blocky band that was observed in Lunar Orbiter from orbit. The relationships of these deposits to
II frame 162-H. Apparently, the viewing conditions other units on l_he Moon have been previously
were not adequate for this. Several other features of discussed (ref. 28-13).
Copernicus were discussed throughout the orbital
period of the flight: One of the things that we mapped on the southeast and
south rim of Copernicus were dark-albedo areas within the
I have got a visual on Eratosthenes and Copernicus. They ejecta. And those are apparent here vet3) clearly. (LMP, rev 1)
are obviously different age craters in this light. You can see And some of the dark-halo craters that we mapped
the ray patterns of Copernicus moderately well. You can originally on the north portion of the ejecta blanket, which
even tell that they do cross Eratosthenes... On the upper were similar to Copernicus H, are very clearly darker halo, or
portion of the rim and on the benches, there are the dark have darker blankets around them than the ejecta blanket
spots of lower albedo material. They form linear patterns from Copernicus. (LMP, rev 65)

FIGURE 28-24.-Oblique view looking southward from Copernicus Crater (AS17-151-23265).

One of the questions we asked ourselves years ago, when very light gray, from the talus slope up to the rim. (LMP, rev
we mapped the Copernicus area, was were we really seeing 66)
dark mantling deposits on some of the massffs of the Large boulders were observed on the central peaks
Carpathians, and looking at it obliquely here, some of those
areas that we have mapped as dark mantling are distinctly of Euler. The observation was made possible by the
brownish gray versus the normal tan gray of most of the low Sun illumination angle.
Carpathians. It looks like it is about the same
color-extrapolating-as the dark mantle around Sulpicius I can just start to see the peaks of Euler now. The tops of
and Taurus-Littrow. (LMP, rev 73) them are exposed in the sunlight, and it looks like there are
massive quantities of large boulders on the peaks. (CDR, rev

Near the end of the mission, very little time was A chain of low-rimmed structures and collapse
available for observing some of the interesting fea- depressions forms a semicircle due west of Euler P
tures in the Euler area. Many structures believed to be (fig. 28-25). These landforms were interpreted as
volcanic occur to the south of Euler Crater (fig. being extrusive, volcanic in origin:
28-25), including what seems to be a main source of That is my little [C] crater chain down there. Looks like a
some of the Imbrium lava flows (ref. 28-17). There cinder cone chain. (CMP, rev 66)

appears to be a color boundary within the walls of As seen in figure 28-25, there are numerous
Euler itself as observed from orbit: sinuous rilles and arcuate depressions in the area.
The lower part of Euler is blue gray, and the upper is a There appears to be intricate relationships between

i _i !!_i

FIGURE 28-25.-Portion of Lunar Orbiter IV frame 133-H showing tile southern part of Mare
lmbrium, south of Euler Crater (30 km in diameter).

the riLles and the mare ridges and other scarps as have been able, over the last day, to find rilles that clearly
described by the LMP: cross and separate portions of ridges. And ridges that clearly
cross and partially bury rilles. And in another third case, a
I might summarize my impression of the rilles in the rille that appears to be leveed, that is, have flat banks on
vicinity of Euler and their relationship to the mare ridges. I either side, but near the end of it, it transitions into a mare

ridge, very clearly. It looks as if, to me, that the rille and it. The reason I say that is because it blends in with
ridge problem in here is just one of repetitive compression everything. (CMP, rev 36)
and extension within the surficial flows of the Imbrium
basin. And that, possibly during the compressive stages, there
were extrusions locally along the ridge system; but in the M ISC E L LAN EOUS O BSE RVATI ONS
main part, the ridge systems represent, I think, a doming. It
looks like just a doming of the mare surface except for these Fl_shes of Light
local ridge-like extrusions.
I might also add that the rilles, to me, seem to be made up On the first lunar revolution, the LMP reported
of zigzag straight-line segments rather than being truly seeing a flash of light north of Grimaldi Crater
sinuous. They appear sinuous because of the rounding of the (21 : 11:09 G.m.t. on Dec. 1 (3). It is interesting to note
corners, but my impression is that they are really made up of that tiffs is flxe same area where the CMP during
straight-line segments. (LMP, rev 73)
Apollo 16 also reported seeing "a flash of bright
light" (Riccioli). The following descriptions were
REINER 3' made during Apollo 17 orbit:

Reiner 3' remains one of the most enigmatic Hey, I just saw a flash on the lunar surface! It was just out
there north of Grimaldi. You might see if you got anything
structures on the Moon. It is similar in gross on your seismometers, although a small impact probably
characteristics to the light-colored swirls discussed would give a fair amount of visible light. It was a bright little
under the heading entitled "A1-Kktwarizmi (Formerly flash near the crater at the north edge of Grirnaldi; the fairly
Arabia)." However, it is only one feature with no sharp one to the north [small crater north of Grimaldi BI is
obvious source. Even if the swirls near the eastern where there was just a thin streak of light. (LMP, rev 1)

limb of the Moon are interpreted as unusual ray On the following day, the CMP also reported
materials, the Reiner 3' structure is harder to interpret seeing a flash, this time near the rim of Mare
because of its shape (fig. 28-26) and the complete Orientale (22:28:27 G.m.t. on Dec. 11):
lack of association with any impact structures.
Observations from orbit during Apollo 17 added Hey! You know, you will never believe it. I am right over
the edge of Orientale. I just looked down and saw a light
details that do not solve the problem but may add to flash myself. Right at the end of the rille that is on the east
the constraints on the theories of origin: of Orientale. (CMP, rev 14)
I am able to see some of the Reiner 3` materials, and it is
awful hard to say more than just the fact there is a very clear
light-colored pattern off to the north of our position. (LMP, Visibility in Earthshine
rev 1) The Earth disk was almost full at the beginning of
[The brightness of] Reiner 3' from here almost looks like
the orbital period, and light reflected from the Sun
ejecta from a crater... The 3' itself is dark... Zero phase is
going right through it right now; it did not blot out the dark by the Earth to the Moon was enough to study
at all... The onlylight-colored stuff that you can seeisright features on the surface but not in great detail.
around Reiner 3` itself. And intermixed within that is the Following are some comments on the lighting condi-
dark. It is a dark annulus, except the annulus is on the inside tions:
of the white. And it looks like-I do not know if your eyes
deceive you in this darkness or not-but the light-colored There is no question that right at the terminator you pick
stuff is raised up with respect to the dark. up relief that you normally would not believe is there in the
The light material around it... does not look like a ray. mare. I remember Bill Anders talking about the appearance
In other words, it does not thin out in different parts like a of a sea swell within the mare itseff and that is certainly
ray does. (CMP, rev 28) clearly shown right at the terminator. Unless you start to see
I was trying to think if there was anything I could add to the shadows from all the very small craters that otherwise do
the Reiner 3" observation. I am right over the light-albedo not show up as much more than just little depressions, ff
material that goes between Reiner and Reiner 3`. It is kind of that. (LMP, rev 1)
crooked; it goes for a little ways, and then it breaks off in Kepler ray pattern is very striking in this light; an
another direction. So, it does not look like a straight ray at anastomosing series or bands which only average being radial.
all. In most cases, they are a little off radial, but by joining
Looking right down on Reiner now, and you sure have together, they give you a general radial pattern... Once
that dark annulus. The lighter-albedo stuff is essentially in again, albedo differences are very clear, such as the distinc-
the middle of it, is about half of the width, and it is lighter tion between the wall or brighter wall materials and the rim
on the outside than it is on the inside, which is brighter than the surrounding mare. (LMP, rev
It is very hard to see any great topographic expression to 1)

FIGURE 28-26.-North-looking Lunar Orbiter oblique view of the Reiner "r structure in western
Oceanus Procellarum.

Looking at Oceanus Procellarum. And now, up to the and in the double umbra. You get in earthshine and it is hard
northwest, Grimaldi is starting to show up. A very obvious to see the stars even if you do not have the Earth in
dark area within the highlands of that part of the Moon, and there... The double umbra on the back side of the Moon is
one of the darkest mare regions that we have seen on the even better than the simulator! (CMP, rev 14)
Moon. It is comparable, at least in the photographs, to that
of Tsiolkovsky. (LMP, rev 1)
Amazing how much of the highlands to the west of Lineaments
Procellarum is still bright, and the contrast between fresh
craters and the normal highland is very obvious still in Much discussion about small-scale lineaments on
earthlight, particularly along the zero-phase point with lunar slopes followed the description and photo-
respect to the Earth. (LMP, rev 1) graphs of the ones observed on Mons Hadley during
This is a spectacular sight, you ought to take a look at the Apollo 15 n:_ssion. Durkng Apollo 16, similar
is probablyOne4 of the largest
years fresh
old, basins
or 3.8 on
at the
rate, It
if still features were described in many regions of the Moon,
billion our
dating criteria are any good. It has the outer Cordillera ring on slopes as well as on flat surfaces (ref. 28-5). During
and the inner ring called the Rook Mountains, very nicely Apollo 17, lineaments were observed and photo-
shown... As we approach the terminator, the lighting is still graphed during the surface stay time; some were also
excellent. Matter of fact, it appears brighter than what we described from lullar orbit:
were looking at over at Copernicus. Now, part of that may be
we are seeing much sharper relief since the slopes, Earth- In a place where the Sun is just grazing the slope, it is a
facing slopes, are nicely lit, and the backfacing slopes, of steep slope on the north rim of Crisinm, I can see the
eourse, are in shadow. (LMP, rev 1) horizontal lineaments that were such a controversy on
You can even see a horizon in earthshine out there. (LMP, [Apollo] 15... There are some very steep slopes that just
rev 1) have grazing Sun on them now, and with the binoculars, you
You sure can. You can see an earthlit horizon out there can see that horizontal lineation pattern.
into the dark part of the Moon. (CDR, rev 1) Also, on that lineation question, not only where the Sun
I noticed there is even a lot of difference in earthshine grazes a slope do you see the horizontal lineations, but they

are at the southern end of the shadowed area on a slope. You obvious; however, the pool remains, and all you lose is the
get a couple other lineations showing up at least in a couple dark streaks on the rim and on the walls of the crater. I think
of places I saw. One would be parallel to the slope, that is we sort of suspect that the pool in the bottom of the fresh
cross-contour, and the other was at an angle to that direction, craters is just the concentrated impact melt that some of
say of about 30°. (LMP, rex,3) which stayed there during the impact and others drained
back after the impact from the wails. And then, with time,
Craters that pool may be subdued some. The structures in it, the
swirls and little domes in that pool, are subdued possibly not
Observations were made of various types of lunar only by the impact but by debris, slides, and avalanches off
craters. The first unplanned observation was that of the walls of the crater. (LMP, rev 64)
Kopff Crater at latitude 17 ° S and longitude 90 ° W in
Mare Orientale: Features of the large crater Archimedes (100-kin
diameter) were described in the context of lunar
Delta-rim crater-just as has been, I think, discussed in the stratigraphy as seen within the Imbrium basin:
literature-has no obvious ejecta blanket around it, compared Archimedes is one of those craters that, in the early days
to other larger craters within the basin. We are directly over of the lunar mapping program, helped establish some of the
that crater right now. It is filled with mare, very smooth fundamental age relationships between the various units that
mare. Matter of fact, within that fill, I can see no craters, were visible in the Earth-based photographs. In this particular
Getting very close to the Earth terminator, but you see good case, it related to the sequence of events that created
texture in the ejecta blanket of the large crater in the north Imbrium and then flooded it with mare. And Archimedes is
part of the inner basin of Orientale. The radial ridge and completely circular and it is Filled with mare. And it, in itself,
valley patterns are very clear; the concentric coarse hum- is superimposed on one of the main benches of the Imbrium
mocks near the rim are apparent; and you can even see the basir_ Now, to have mare filling of approximately the same
patterns of secondaries. (LMP, rev 1) level in the vicinity of a Largemare region is one of the things
Numerous craters on the far side display fiat, that has suggested to many people that rather than single
sources for mare lavas, you have a multitude of sources in a
somewhat dark floors; these floors are commonly very fractured lunar crust. The ultimate source at depth,
domed in smaller craters. In larger and fresher craters though, is still certainly a subjeot of controversy. (LMP, rev
(e.g., "The Bright One" in ref. 28-18), there are 62)

scarps and fronts indicative of fluid flow. During Unique features of the elongate Messier Crater,
Apollo 17, the first impression of these features from which is believed to be the result of an oblique
orbit was that these floors were volcanic; however, impact (fig. 28-27), were described from orbit by the
the original melts were later (and after repeated CDR:
observation) attributed to shock melting by impact.
Fresh, rayless craters on the far side, probably It has got a very sharply raised lip, and it has got some
Eratosthenian in age, all appear to have a mare-type very dark and rough rim deposits. It has also a very obvious
or volcanic-type floor, suggesting the possibility that
a liquid mantle existed during the Eratosthenian era
and was penetrated by these craters. (Paraphrased
from CMP, rev 48)
I guess the feeling I was getting is that most of the
[Eratosthenian] age craters all have some sort of a mound, a
domieal structure, down in the bottom of the crater. Even
the smaller ones, some of the 30- to 50-kin-size class. And the
flat floors look volcanic. Some of the bigger ones, of course,
are volcanic, the lava flows on the floor of these big craters.
(CMP, rev 48)
While we are waiting for the site to come up again here,
which seems to interest us every time we go over it, I think
we sort of came to a general consensus on the problem of the
smaller cone-shaped craters on the far side that have the little
pool-like concentrations of material in the bottom. If you
look at the freshest of those craters, there seems to be
continuity between the streaks of very dark material that FIGURE 28-27.-Part of Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame
cover the wails and the rim of the fresh cone-shaped craters. AS15-127 showing the elongate Messier Crater in Mare
As the crater gets older, that distinction becomes less Fecuuditatis.

furrow, looks like it is elongated, generally to the east and 28 of the Apollo 16 Prellm-_ary Science Report. NASA
west. I cannot tell, but because of the shape of it and because SP-315, ,972.
of those dark rim deposits, I am sure there must be a vent 28-6. Mattingly, T. _:.; and EI-Baz, Farouk: Impressions of
there somewhere, but it is too dark down in there. I cannot the Lunar Highlands From the Apollo 16 Command
really see for sure whether there is one or not. But, if there is, Module. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at
I imagine it is pretty big. And I imagine the elongation was the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.),
produced during the thrust of the initial dynamics, the Mar. 5-8, 1973), PiP.513-514.
formation by the impact. (CDR, rev 73) 28-7. Evans, R. E.; and EI-Baz, Farouk: Visual Observations
From I_unar Orbit on Apollo 17. Lunar Science IV (Abs.
Finally, during the post-TEl television transmis- of papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Confer-
sion, the following statement was made by the LMP, ence (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 231-232.
summarizing the lunar surface history and pointing 28-8. El-Bar, Farouk: Discovery of Two Lunar Features.
See. 29, Part H, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science
out the importance of that history to the study of the Report. NASA SP..315, 1972.
Earth: 28-9. E1-Baz, Farouk: AI-Khwarizmi: A New-Found Basin on
•.. basalt flows, that some 3 to 4 billion years ago, in the Lunar Farsid_,. Science, vol. 180, no. 4091, June 15,
round numbers, were erupted on the Moon and f'dled many 1973, pp. 1173-1176.
of the low areas that existed at that time. Not an awful lot 28-10. E1-Baz, Farouk: The Alhazen to Abul W_ifa Swirl
has happened to the Moon since, except for the impact Belt: An Exten:five Field of Light-Colored, Sinuous
craters, some of the younger ones, since 3 billion years ago, Markings. See. 29, Part T, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary
which is one of the reasons it becomes so interesting to man. Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
It is the Moon's frozen period of history that we cannot 28-11. E1-Baz, Farouk: Light-Colored Swirls in the Lunar
recognize very readily on Earth because of the dynamic Maria. The Moon,. vol. 4, nos. 3/4, 1972, p. 531.
processes of mountain building and oceans and weathering 28-12. Strom, R. G.: Lunar Mare Ridges, Rings and Volcanic
that are taking place even at the present time. Understanding Ring Complexes. The Moon: International Astronomical
that early history of the Moon may mean an understanding Union Symposium No. 47, 1972, pp. 187-215.
of the early history of the Earth. And, I think we are well on 28-13. EI-Baz, Farouk: The Lunar Dark Mantle: Its Distribu-
our way to a f'trst-order understanding of that history as a tion and Geologic: Significance. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of
result of the [Apollo] Program. (LMP, post-TEl) papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference
(Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 217-218.
28-14. Wilhelms, D. E.; and McCauley, J. F.: Geologic Map
REFERENCES of the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc.
Geol. Inv. Map 1-703, 1971.
28-1. EI-Baz, Farouk; and Worden, A. M.: Visual Obsexva- 28-15. Wolfe, E. WL;Freeman, V. L.; Muehlberger, W. R.;
tions From Lunar Orbit. See. 25, Part A, of the Apollo 15 Head, J. W.; Schmitt, H. H.; and Sevier, J. R.: Apollo 17
Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972. Exploration at Taurus-Littrow. Geotimes, vol. 17, no. 11,
28-2. Worden, A. M.; and E1-Baz, Farouk: Apollo 15 in 1972, pp. 14-18•
Lunar Orbit: Significance of Visual Observations and 28-16. E1-Baz, Farouk: Apollo 16 and 17 Lunar Orbital
Photography. The Moon, vol. 4, nos. 3/4, 1972, p. 535. Photography. Lunar Seimce IV (Abs. of papers presented
28-3. E1-Ba.z, Farouk; Worden, A. M.; and Brand, V.D.: at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.),
Apollo 15 ObserVations. Lunar Science-HI (Rev. abs. of Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 215-216.
papers presented at the Third Lunar Science Conference 28-17. Schaber, Gerald G.: Lava Flows in Mare Imbrium:
(Houston, Tex.), Jan. 10-13, 1972), pp. 219-220. Geologic Evaluation F1om Apollo Orbital Photography.
28-4. El-Bar, Farouk; Worden, A. M.; and Brand, V.D.: Lunax Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth
Astronaut ObserVations From Lunar Orbit and Their Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8,
Geologic Significance. Proceedings of the Third Lunar 1973), pp. 653-6:54.
Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 28-18. E1-Baz, Farouk; and Roosa, S. A.: Significant Results
1972, pp. 85-104. From Apollo 14 Lunar Orbital Photography. Proceedings
28-5. Mattingly, T. K.; E1-Baz, Farouk; and Laidley, Richard of the Third Lunar Scicnca Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press
A.: Observations and Impressions From Lunar Orbit. Sec. (Cambridge, Mas_;.), 1972, pp. 63-83.
29. Stratigraphic Studies

Preliminary geologic interpretations have both tions now seem plausible (part B of this section).
added to and challenged previous concepts of lunar Based on measurements of crater degradation, relative
stratigraphy and processes. The Apollo 17 landing site ages have been determined for several mare units in
focused interest on the mare units within and the Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Vaporum. These ages are in
highlands around the Serenitatis basin. The new good agreement with photogeologic interpretations
photographs show that, contrary to prernission expec- and provide a reliable means of extending the
tations, the prominent dark annulus at the margin of delineation of individual mare units (part C of this
the mare is older than the central lighter part (part C section).
of sec. 30 and part A of this section). Several Photographs of the northeastern limb oft he Moon
different mare units have been delineated on the basis filled a substantial gap in premission coverage, which
of stratigraphic relations, color, albedo, and radar allowed study of the previously ill-defined Crisium
reflections (part A of sec. 33 and part A of this basin structure. As a result of this study, Crisium,
section). The dark mantle material in the vicinity of formerly thought anomalous, can now be identified
the landing site remains a complex problem; although conclusively as a typical multi-ring impact basin; Mare
the pyroclastic origin suggested before the mission Crisium is predominantly one unit of Imbtian age-
has not been disproved, several alternative interpreta- older than previously thought (part D of this section).



K. A. Howard, a M. H. Cart,a and W. R. Muehlberger b

Mare Serenitatis has long been noted for its have been reached by Bryan and Adams (part C of
conspicuous dark border (fig. 29-1). The Apollo 17 sec. 30) and Boyce and Dial (part C of this section).
metric photographs traverse this border in southern The relatively light-colored central part of Mare
Mare Serenitatis and show clearly superposition rela- Serenitatis is thought to represent the youngest basalt
tionships among the mare and mare-related strati- in the region; a very dark unit that includes the
graphic units. These photographs, together with Apollo 17 landing site is one of the oldest.
full-Moon photographs, albedo measurements, and
color information (table 29-I), provide the basis for a
revised stratigraphic framework for these presumedly CONCEPTS
basaltic rocks (figs. 29-2 and 29-3). In contrast to
most previous studies, we conclude that the darker Differences in the albedo, color, and structure of
units are older than lighter ones. Similar conclusions the surface of Mare Serenitatis are as pronounced as
;mywhere on the Moon. Mare Serenitatis has there-
au.s. GeologicalSurvey. :Forebeen a test area for subdivision of the mare into
bUniversityof Texas at Austin. different stratigraphic units. The dark outer ring has


FIGURE 29-1.-Full-Moon photographof MareSerenRatis.Darkannulus;borders mare.Exceptionally

dark areas occur at southeastern(Litttow area) and southwestern (SixlpiciusGaUusarea) margins
(U.S. NavalObservatory (Flagstaff,Ariz.) photograph 5818).

long been recognized, but numerous less conspicuous four albedo units and suggested that these repre-
albedo boundaries also occur in the central mare and sented different stratigraphic units-the lower the
within the dark ring itself. Whitaker (refs. 29-3 and albedo, the youtager the unit. This correspondence
29-4) amplified these albedo variations and probable between age and albedo is now being challenged, so it
color variations by a compositing technique; more is pertinent to e_.amine briefly the rationale that lay
recently, spectroscopic measurements (refs. 29-5 and behind that interpretation.
29-6) have demonstrated the reality of the color The inlerence that low albedo meant young age
differences. Carr (reL 29-1) divided the mare into stemmed from two _:onsiderations: (1) from a specific
TABLE 29-1,-Color and Albedo Data

Albedo Color
(Numbers refer to percent) (Color differences are small)

Stratigraphic Appearance Orbital Color-composite

unit on full.Moon Geologic Albedo ob_ervaffons photographs Multispectral Conlinuous_pectrum
photograph map map by {refs. 29-3 scansa analysis
(fig. 29.1 ) (ref. 29-1 ) (ref. 29.2) Apollo 1 7 crew and 29.4) (ref. 29-5) (refs. 29.6 to 29-8)

Basalt near Plinius Dark 5 to 6.1 8.5 to 9.0 minus Bluish gray Blue Blue -+reddish blue Very blue
Similar to Apollo 11
Dark material of Very dark 5 to 6 7.9 to 8.5 Dark bluish gray Blue to Bluish red (p. 36) Very blue
Littrow area intermediate or blue (p, 67) Similar to other areas
of dark mantle
Sulpicius Galius Very dark 6 to 7 7.9 to 8.5 plus Tan-gray Red Red to bluish
Formation red (p. 36) or
blue (p. 67)
Basalt near Dawes Dark 6.2 to 6.4 8.5 to 9,0 Blue Blue
Eastern ring basalt
South and east Dark 6.0 to 6.2 8.5 to 9.0 plus Blue Bluish red Slightly blue
West central Intermediate 6.1 to 6,2 8.5 to 9.0 Intermediate Bluish red Slightly bluer than south
and east area
Le Monnier Intermediate 6.0 to 6.1 9.0 to 9.6 Intermediate Bluish red Red
Basalt of southwest
Mare Setenitatis
Near Menelaus _" Intermediate 6.1 to 6.2 9.0 to 9.6 Intermediate to Bluish red
Near Sulpicius Dark to 6,0 to 6,2 8,5 to 9.0 Blue Bluish red Blue
Gallus Crater intermediate
Near Aratus CA Dark 6.1 to 6.2 8,5 to 9.0 Blue Bluish red
Basalt of Mare
West of Bessel Light 6,2 to 6.6 9,0 to 9,6 Blue Very red
Southeast Mare Light 6.1 to 6.6 9.0 to 9.6 Tan-gray Red Red Red

aBlue is T (Tranquillitatis) type; red is S (Seranitatis) type.



Basaltofsouthwest Dawes
Basaltnear basalt

Basaltof Plinius Sulpicius [larkmaterial

area GallusFormation ol'Littrowarea


10 20 30

FIGURE 29-2.-Geologic sketch map of southern Mare Serenitatis at same scale as figure 29-1,
showing distribution of major units discussed in this report. Line X-Y is cross section shown in
f_ure 29-8.

model for the change in albedo with time (the this assumption on the local scale. Most young craters
"convergence model") and (2) from the number of have bright hal(_s, but the albedo around older
superimposed bright-halo craters. The convergence is the same as that of the surroundings. Similarly,
model, never stated explicitly in print to our knowl- young dark crate:rs, such as those to the southwest of
edge, assumed that there is a process ofhomogeniza- Copernicus and those in Alphonsus, appear to blend
tion continuing on the lunar surface such that more with their surroundings with increasing age;in
extremes of albedo converged with time upon a Alphonsus, subdned elliptical craters on rilles have no
uniform albedo. There is considerable evidence for dark halos whereas similarly situated fresh-appearing

Bright Marebasalts DEFORMATION
basalts Light Medium _ Da_k

Youngest Craters / Freshridges

GroupB clines?)
Broadridges (anticlinesand
Mare squeeze-ups?)


;outhwestern Eruptionof basaltnearDawes

l GroupC Mare Serenitatis

Time Intensefracturing,broad

_,.us ! material I

.ight plains

Other GroupA
Oldest terra

FIGURE 2%3.-Stratigraphic correlation chart of southern Mare Serenitatis.

craters have the dark halos. This observation of local In southern Mare Serenitatis, there are a number
convergence was thought possibly to be applicable to of closely spaced grabens (the Menelaus rilles) within
mafia and similar-appearing but older light plains on a material having a lower albedo than the surrounding
broader scale (refs. 29-9 to 29-11). Further, among mare (figs. 29-4 and 29-5). At the western end of this
mare units of differing albedos, there was some dark area, one of the Menelaus rilles is in dark material
supporting evidence that this interpretation was for a length of approximately 40 km and terminates
correct. For example, any full-Moon photograph to the west in a low dome (Menelaus _') cut by the
shows that more bright-halo craters occur within the rille. These dark deposits were interpreted (refs. 29-1
center of Mare Serenitatis than within the outer ring, and 29-15) as young volcanic flows originating from
suggesting a younger age for the outer ring. However, the rilles. They were thought to represent the last
crater counts on telescopic photographs (ref. 29-12) stage in the Idling of the Mare Serenitatis basin. It
indicated slightly more large craters in the outer ring will be argued in the following paragraphs, on the
than in the mare center; on Lunar Orbiter IV basis of recent Apollo photographs, that this inter-
photographs, no differences in the number of super- pretation was wrong and that the dark material north
posed craters on dark and light mare within Mare of Menelaus is the unburied portion of a faulted mare
Serenitatis are apparent. Additional evidence that the surface, older than most of the mare within Mare
low-albedo/young-age correlation was correct is the Serenitatis.
low albedo of the seemingly late Mare Imbrium flows Also at the edge of Mare Serenitatis are two
(ref. 29-13) and mare that covers rays, as at Lichten- very-low-albedo nonmare areas. In the region of the
berg Crater (ref. 29-14), and the young age of the Sulpicius Gailus rilles, much of the upland has an
dark mare at the Apollo 15 landing site. anomalous low albedo. Similar dark uplands adjacent

FIGURE 29-4.-Mosaic of Apollo 17 metric photographs acxoss southern Mare Serenitatis.

Photographs having suitably low Sun angles were selected from different orbits (Apollo 17 metric
camera frames A817-0448, 0449, 0452, 0604, 0805, and 0817).

.... E|u

t Menelaus/" ""Plinius
50 100

FIGURE 29-5.-Geologic map across the mosaic stzip shown in figure 29-4. Base map was compiled
from Air Force Aeronautical Chart and Information Center lunar aeronautical charts. Map units are
defined in figure 29-2; heavy lines indicate graben_

to Sinus Aestuum were interpreted as a dark facies of postdated the Imbrium ejecta, it appeared likely that
the Imbrium ejecta by Shoemaker and Hackman (ref. the dark material was also younger than the Imbrinm
29-16). This interpretation was later rejected (refs. basin. The dark unit at the Sulpicius Gallus rilles was
29-1 and 29-15) because the dark material (1) named the Sulpicius Gallus Formation and was
appeared to subdue the underlying topography, (2) interpreted as a pyroclastic blanket (ref. 29-1). The
appeared partly to overlap the mare surface, and (3) upper age of the unit was uncertain because, although
appeared to be thin or absent locally on hills with it appeared to overlap some mare, the unit appeared
bright summits. Furthermore, it was believed that the to be covered by other mare. The formation was
dark material was in some way related to the rilles accordingly given a broad age range (Imbrian to
(ref. 29-15), because its association with dlles is Eratosthenian).
common (ef. Sulpicius Gallus, Littrow, Bode, Conon, Lunar Orbiter photographs showed that another
Schroter, and Hadley rilles). Because the dUes clearly dark unit in the Littrow rilles region also covers the

uplands and has similarly ambiguous relations with Based on Apollo 17 photographs, the mare mate-
the adjacent mare (figs. 29-6 and 29-7). This unit is rial of southern Mare Serenitatis has been divided into
now commonly termed dark mantle. Here, as at the several units, and the relative ages shown by super-
Sulpicius Gallus rllles, subjacent high-albedo material position have been reevaluated. A brief description of
is exposed only on hilltops and steep slopes where the different unit follows, and the evidence on which
creep of the near-surface materials apparently has ages have been assigned is presented.
removed the dark mantle. Around and to the north of
Littrow B Crater is a plains unit that is more heavily
cratered and presumably older than the mare; it also STRATIG RAPHY

is covered with the dark mantle. The relations with Stratigraphic Framework
the main mare to the west, however, are unclear on
the Lunar Orbiter photographs. In a preliminary In our revised stratigraphy, basalts of Mare
unpublished map of this area made using the Lunar Serenitatis fall into three broad age groups (fig. 29-3).
Orbiter photographs, one of the mithors (Carr) gave a The oldest group (A) includes three dark units that
very broad age range for the dark mantle (Copernican predate the inward tilting and graben faulting of the
to Imbrian) because in places it appeared to cover the margin of Mare Serenitatis. (See section entitled
mare and in other places, as at the mare embayment "Structure.") These oldest units are the dark basalt of
west of IAttrow BA Crater (fig. 29-4), it appeared to the Plinius area along the southern margin of the
be covered by the mare. In the premission map of the mare, the dark material of the Littrow area to the
Apollo 17 landing site (ref. 29-17), the unit was east, and the Sulpicius Gallus Formation in the west
assigned a young age (Copernican), but the explana- (fig. 29-2). The next youngest group (B) is dark lavas
tion on the map cautioned that the relations were that embay the broad grabens but are somewhat
ambiguous and that the unit might be time transgres- faulted and tilted inward. Included in group B are a
sive. patch of basalt near Dawes, the dark basalt that forms
most of the eastern sector of the dark ring, and the
medium-dark basalt of southwestern Mare Serenitatis.
The youngest group (C) is the light basalt that forms
the central bulk of Mare Serenitatis. Albedo and color
data on the various units are summarized in table
29-I. Other remote-sensing methods provide addi-
tional data on the units, as described by Thompson et
al. (part A of sec. 33).

Basalt of Plinius Area

Serenitatis near Plinius appears continuous with the
lavas of Mare Tranquillitatis to the south. This unit is
cut by numerous broad rilles (grabens) concentric to
Mare Serenitatis. Apollo 17 photographs (fig. 29-4)
show that the unit forms a bench sloping inward
toward Mare Serenitatis and that younger light-toned,
flat-lying lava to the north laps against this slope and
truncates the grabens. To the west, the old faulted
lava can be traced along the Menelaus rilles (fig.
29-4), where the unit was designated the dark
member of the Tacquet Formation (ref. 29-1). Here
FIGURE 29-6.-High-Sun view of Littrow area taken on the unit is in a west-trending anticline embayed on
Apollo 15. Localities are discussed in text (Apollo 15 both sides by the lighter less-faulted basalt of
metric camera frame AS15-1115). southwestern Mare Serenitatis (originally designated

I i i ! I

FIGURE 29-7.-Low-Sun stereoscopic view of same area shown in figure 29-6 (ApoUo 17 metric
camera fiames AS17-0447and 0449).

as the light member of the Tacquet Formation (ref. The premare age is based on physical superposition
29-1)). Perhaps the clearest example ofsuperposition relations of younger mare against an irregular topo-
by younger units is at Menelaus _, where younger lava graphic surface of this dark material at numerous
surrounds an inlier of the old fanlted basalt and places. The western boundary of the dark material as
covers a broad rille that bisects the inlier. Like most seen at a high Sun angle (fig. 29-6) can be compared
of Mare Tranquillitatis, including the ApoUo 11 with topography viewed stereoscopically in figure
landing site, the Plinius basalt is relatively blue in 29-7. From points A to C in these photographs, the
color, indicative of high titanium and iron (refs. 29-5 dark material is on hills and is terminated abruptly at
to 29-7 and part A of sec. 33). Its probable the base of the hills by lighter mare rocks to the west
continuity with Apollo 11 basalt (ref. 29-18) suggests (eastern ring basalt and basalt of Mare Serenitatis).
the Plinius basalt is Imbrian in age. From points C to D, stereoscopic viewing shows an
inflection where light, relatively flat-lying mare ma-
Dark Material of Littrow Area terial laps eastward against a gently west-sloping
surface of the dark material of Littrow rilies. At point
Dark material of the Littrow area, including the D, a southwest-trending rille is terminated abruptly
ApoUo 17 landing site, is here concluded to be old by lighter mare at the albedo contact, then emerges
also. This very dark matedai includes both mare flows again at point E. A short section of this riUe exposed
and a dark mantle, possibly of ash or cinders, that in the light mare between points D and E is subdued
covers some adjacent hills. Most previous studies and may be slightly buried (ref. 29-17). At inflections
interpreted the clark mantle as younger than Mare at points G, H, and I, younger mare again laps
Seranitatis (refs. 29-17 and 29-19 to 29-22), so the eastward against sloping dark material, and, at point
evidence for an old age for the unit wili be examined I, the mare truncates another due in the dark
here in some detail, material. Only at point F does the albedo boundary

of the dark material fail to coincide with an obvious plains here are not covered by dark mantle. A likely
topographic break; probably the dark material of the source for the lava in this region is a rimless pit crater
Littrow rilles was fiat-lying here when the younger in a perched lava pool at point J (fig. 29-7). North of
lavas were emplaced. Although some of our col- this pit crater, a sinuous rille leads northwestward
leagues suggest alternative interpretations consistent down from the perched pool over partly darkened
with a young age of the dark mantle (see. 6 of this hills to a lower level of lava near point E. The title is
report and part B of this section), the superposition interpreted as a lava channel that formed where lava
relations strongly indicate to us that the dark material spilled northwestward; lava may also have flowed
of Littrow predates younger mare materials to the northeastward from the pool toward the Apollo 17
west. Bright craters are conspicuously rare in the dark landing site.
material compared to adjacent mare, which has been The dark material of Littrow has a blue hue similar
one reason for assigning a young age to the dark to the Plinius basalt and the rest of Mare Tranquil-
material (ref. 29-17). Some craters may, however, be litatis (reL 29-8). This material also has a high
dark when initially formed because the impact reflectance near 1 /am wavelength that is consistent
material is rich in opaque minerals; the apparent low with a glassy surface or ash (ref. 29-8). A preliminary
frequency of craters (ref. 29-17) may result from age of 3.8 billion years on basalt from the Apollo 17
their lower visibility in the dark material as compared landing site was reported at the Fourth Lunar Science
with their appearance in typical mare. A high Conference (March 1973); this age suggests that the
proportion of subdued craters relative to fresh ones in flows in this unit are even older than Apollo 11
the dark material can be explained by rapid destruc- basalt.
tion of small craters where the surface is irregular or
by poor cohesion of near-surface material. Sulpicious Gallus Formation
The dark mantle part of the unit is most con-
The Sulpicius Gallus Formation at its type locality
spicuous in an area between Littrow B Crater and
is composed of very dark material around the
Littrow BC Crater to the southeast, where the
low-albedo area includes hills higher than 500 m (fig. Sulpicius Gallus rilles (ref. 29-1). It covers mountain-
ous regions as a dark mantle and locally either covers
29-7). Similarly, a heavily cratered plains unit to the
north appears similar to Cayley Formation except for or includes fiat-surfaced mare flows (fig. 29-4). The
its low albedo, which suggests a dark mantle. The flows form a dark bench that is faulted and against
steepest slopes in the dark hills tend to be bright as if which abuts younger, less-dark basalt of southwestern
the mantle has sloughed off. The dark gentler slopes Mare Serenitatis (fig. 29-4). As in the case of the dark
have no prominent albedo boundaries with dark material of Littrow, it is unclear whether the old
faulted flows are covered by dark mantle or are
mare-like plains to the south. These plains are warped
and cut by broad grabens (Littrow riUes) concentric themselves exposed but of the same low albedo. The
to Mare Serenitatis. Whether these plains, cut by the color of the Sulpicius Gallus Formation is not well
known but appears to be reddish compared to the
Littrow rilles, are all covered by dark mantle or
rest of the dark annulus of Mare Serenitatis (table
whether they are formed by dark flows is uncertain. 29-1). If so, it is different from several other areas of
The dark mantle and the flows may have been
dark mantle to the southwest that are similar spec-
deposited together in one series of eruptions, and trally to the Littrow rilles area (ref. 29-8).
they may be similar in albedo because of similar
compositions. Alternatively, the dark mantle may Basalt Near Dawes
cover most of the flows. This latter possibility is
suggested by the apparently uniform albedo across A patch of basalt northeast of Dawes, similar in
flows and hills, a subdued appearance of craters and albedo and color to the basalt of the Pllnius area,
rilles in the area, an apparently low frequency of embays several broad grabens in the Plinius basalts
small craters (ref. 29-17), and a spectral response (ref. and in dark Littrow material (fig. 29-7). Its contacts
29-8) that is like other areas of dark mantle but with the more faulted Plinius basalts are commonly
unlike most maria. The Apollo 17 landing site appears indistinct. The unit is itself cut by a deep depression
crisper and brighter on a full-Moon photograph than shaped like a tongue depressor and by narrow rilles
the rest of the dark unit at Littrow;possibly the lava and crater chains concentric and radial to Mare

Serenitatis. The Dawes basalt is therefore older than and was originally designated the light member of the
file relatively unfractured light basalt of Mare Tacquet Formation (ref. 29-1). Another forms a
Serenitatis. Narrow fissures formed radial to Mare slightly darker patch around the V-shaped crater
Serenitatis while the basalt near Dawes erupted, as Aratus CA, a probable vent at latitude 24 ° N (part A
indicated by the alinements of four volcanic cones of sec. 30). Soderblom and Lebofsky (ref. 29-23)
along these fissures (fig. 29-7 and parts B and C of report a relative age on this unit near Sulpicius Gallus
sec. 30). The northern cone is breached northwest- Crater close to the age of the eastern ring basalt.
ward, which together with a north-northwest-trending
sinuous dUe suggests the lava flowed downhill toward Basalt of Mare Serenitatis
Mare Serenitatis. Light red basalt forms the central part of Mare
Serenitatis. It appears to postdate all other units
described and has slight areal variations in albedo (ref.
Eastern Ring Basalt
29-1) and spectral response (ref. 29-6). A large area
Also younger than the dark Littrow materials is west of Bessel appears to have anomalous color (table
the mare that forms the dark border of Mare 29-1). In general, however, the unit appears nearly
Serenitatis northward from the Littrow rilles area uniform in albedo and color over a large area,
(fig. 29-6). This unit is referred to here as eastern ring particularly in the southeastern part of the mare. The
basalt because it forms much of the eastern part of Mare Serenitatis basalt possibly may cover part of the
the dark ring of Mare Serenitatis. It appears to be secondary-crater field of the Eratosthenian (ref. 29-1)
redder than the dark basalt near Dawes or the basalt crater Plinius. 1 This coverage would indicate an
of the Plinius area, according to Soderblom's data Eratosthenian age for the basalt. To us, the photogeo-
(ref. 29-5), and includes at least three subunits as logic evidence for this relation is not completely
suggested by albedo and color (table 29-1). Contacts convincing.
with lighter mare of Mare Serenitatis have no dis-
cernible topographic expression but are indicated by STRUCTU RE
albedo only. An age older than the basalt of central
Mare Serenitatis is suggested by (1) the presence of a Structures in the basaltic rocks show that the
few grabens and cracks and (2) the annular arrange- Serenitatis basin sagged inward as the lavas were
ment that is analogous to that of tilted old basalts emplaced. The oldest basalts are tilted or stepped
along the southern border of Mare Serenitatis. Super- down toward Mare Serenitatis and cut by broad
position relations are not clear cut, however. Based grabens concentric with the mare basin. Some of the
on their crater-degradation model, Soderblom and grabens extend into highlands so the faults are not
Lebofsky (ref. 29-23) obtained a relative age on this restricted to the basalt f'tll but are deep seated. The
faults presumedly were caused by extension inward
unit that is comparable to the Apollo 12 and 15
toward the basin. The amount of extension
landing sites or near the Imbrian-Eratosthenian
boundary(refs. 29-18 and29-24), can be estimated for the Littrow rilles using a
topographic map. Average vertical displacements vary
from approximately 5 to 40 m for seven grabens in a
Basalt of Southwestern Mare Serenitatis 37-km traverse across the Littrow rilles near latitude
21 ° N. Assuming normal faults with 60 degree dips,
Sparsely fractured medium-dark lavas in south-
these grabens represent approximately 100-m hori-
western Mare Serenitatis embay the Sulpicius GaUus
Formation and the basalts of the Plinius area. zontal extension or approximately 0.25 percent. How
far this strain extends basinward under younger lavas
Locally, at very low Sun angles, a topographic is unknown.
inflection can be seen at the inner border of this unit
against lighter basalt of Mare Serenitatis, but else- Topographic maps in the Littrow area also show
where this contact is indistinct. Besides being darker, dip slopes of approximately 1 degree on many of the
the unit is slightly bluer than the basalt of Mare mare and plains patches (fig. 29-8). These dips suggest
that a broad anticlinal crest concentric with Mare
Serenitatis (ref. 29-5 and table 29-1). Several subunits
appear to be present. Possibly the oldest one sur-
rounds the basalt of Plinius in the Menelaus rille area 1personal communication, B. K. Lucchitta.

Lee Scarp
tApoll017 landing site

o Farnily
Graben _ Idl I !
Wrinkleridge _, _ Ii I ,
,/ l,_,
Cra III1_
n/l ",_I L i

s t sl,
o ttm •
/ i, l

r material

0 10 20 30

FIGURE 29-8.-Cross section from Mare Screnitatis through

the Apollo 17 landing site; 25X vertical exaggeration.
Line X to Y section shown in figure 29-2. Broad anticline
in oldest basalts is concentric to Mare Serenitatis. Map
units are defined in f_mre 29-2.

Serenitatis passes just west of the Apollo 17 landing FIGURE 29-9.-Small fresh fissures or cracks in mare basalt
just west of locality B in figure 29-7. Alea shown is 3by 3
site. A smaller concentric anticline in old basalts km (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2313).
along the Menelaus rilles (fig. 29-4) has been men-
tioned previously.
The sagging was mostly, but not entirely, com- Serenitatis does not appear to be sagged on photo-
pleted when the basalts of intermediate age were graphs or laser altimetry (ref. 29-25). However, small
emplaced. Thus, the Dawes basalt appears to have run cracks and grabens apparently continued to form
down file inclined surface toward Mare Serenitatis locally in the basalts for a considerable time because
but was, in turn, faulted by continued extension, the cracks are very fresh and sharp (fig. 29-9) and
Some of the resulting new grabens northeast and probably are younger than much of the regolith.
north of Dawes (fig. 29-7) merge with chains of Some tiny grabens cut the Apollo 17 bright mantle
circular and elongate craters. These craters may be unit of upper Copernican age (sec. 6).
vents or may have formed by collapse into deep Mare ridges (or "wrinkle ridges")in Mare Serenita-
narrow fissures. The deep tongue-depressor trough tis postdate the mare flooding. Evidence is presented
(fig. 29-7) suggests lava withdrawal from beneath a by Howard and Muehlberger (part C of sec. 31) that
solidified lava crust but appears even deeper than the some of these ridges are compressional anticlines and
thickness of the Dawes basalt, which it cuts. The thrust faults. Other ridges may be squeeze-ups as
Dawes basalt and adjacent older rocks are cut also by suggested by Hodges (part B of sec. 31).
narrow fissures radial to Mare Serenitatis. The radially An inner system of ridges forms a nearly complete
fissured area is ha a local saddle in the sagged rim of circle mainly within tile basalt of Mare Serenitatis,
Mare Serenitatis. Cone-shaped vents (fig. 29-7) sug- and a few radial ridges extend outward into older
gest the Dawes basalt was erupted from these radial basalts like spokes from this circle (ref. 29-26). Where
fissures, these radial ridges cross into older basalt in the Pllnius
Narrow cracks and grabens concentric with Mare filles (fig. 29-4), they become more subdued. There is
Serenitatis formed in the eastern ring basalt and apparent fault displacement along two parallel ridges
perhaps the basalt of southwestern Mare Serenitatis. 50 km north of Sulpicius Gallus Crater (fig. 29-4).
These may also have been associated with the Stereoseopic viewing shows that the area between these
continued sagging of the mare. A single conspicuous two ridges is depressed as a fiat-bottomed graben. The
rille in the young basalt of Mare Serenitatis southwest ridge-bounded graben crosses the albedo contact
of Littrow BB Crater (fig. 29-7) probably formed between basalt of Mare Serenitatis and darker basalt
after sagging had ended, for the basalt of Mare of southwestern Mare Serenitatis, so the deformation

FIGURE 29-10.-Schematic crosssection of Mare Serenitatis (greatlyexaggeratedvertical scale). Map

units are defined in figure29-2.

postdates both lavas. Elsewhere, too, the ridges displaced outward isostatically. The Hawaiian vol-
postdate consolidation of file mare lavas (part C of canoes, which similarly are not completely compen-
see. 31). sated (e.g., ref. 29-33), cause a crustal sag by their
The early sagging of Mare Serenitatis was accom- weight that is also surrounded by an anticline
panied by extension faulting as the outer part of the resulting from subsurface outward displacement (ref.
basin sagged inward. Similar zones of extension faults 29-34).
rim natural and manmade sag structures on Earth and
are accompanied by inward compression zones (refs. SLIMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
29-27 to 29-30). Before lunar spacecraft missions,
Baldwin (ref. 29-31) suggested that the mare ridges of The major features of the stratigraphic and stmc-
Mare Serenitatis represent the corresponding corn- tural sequence can be summarized in a schematic
pressional structures. Adding to the appeal of this cross section across Mare Serenitatis (fig. 29-10). The
possibility is a striking similarity of the mare ridges to dark oldest basalts include flows coextensive with
sinuous thrusts in the compressioual zone of a sagged Mare Tranquillitatis and also flows and pyroclastic
Hawaiian lava lake that was described by Swanson deposits (dark mantles) that erupted from the edge of
and Peterson (ref. 29-30). The stratigraphic and the Serenitatis basin. The basin sagged, possibly
structural sequence described in the present report, isostatically, as basalts of intermediate age were
however, argues that the mare ridges are much emplaced. Sagging had nearly ceased by the time the
younger than the graben rilles. Most ridges postdate youngest flows were deposited. Compressive move-
solidification of the youngest basalt, which appears ments including thrusting followed, and small exten-
not to be appreciably sagged, sional fissures formed in late Copernican time.
In its early history, Mare Serenitatis subsided as it The revised stratigraphic sequence that we have
filled with lava. This may have been the result of elaborated has implications for lunar stratigraphy that
partial isostatic compensation due to the weight of transcend the boundaries of Mare Serenitatis. Dark
the lava (ref. 29-31). Compensation was not com- mantle deposits and the darkest maria have com-
plete, for Mare Serenitatis has a marked positive monly been assumed in geologic mapping to be
free-air gravity anomaly (ref. 29-32). Possibly the rdatively youthful (e.g., ref. 29-35). These assump-
concentric rim anticlines reflect material that was tions must now be reevaluated and perhaps discarded.




B. K. Lucchitta a

A dark-colored surficial deposit covers lowlands been the subject of considerable controversy, inas-
and highlands along the southeastern margin of the much as no obvious stratified deposit was found in
Serenitatis basin. Sampling of this material was a the landing area. Yet the material can clearly be seen
major exploration objective of the Apollo 17 mission, in the vicinity on orbital photographs, and it is
Since completion of the mission, the dark mantle has distinctly darker than all the dark mare surrounding
the Serenitatis basin (fig. 29-11). Furthermore, the
au.s. GeologicalSurvey. geologic setting as shown by Apollo 15 and 17

...... Littrow


il i i


0 50

FIGURE 29-11.-Dark old mare surrounding light young mare in Serenitatis basin center, and dark
mantle in vicinity of Apollo 17 landing site (U.S. Naval Observatory (Flagstaff, Ariz.) full-Moon
pllotograph 5819).

panoramic photographs shows critical relations that dark deposit appears to be localized in depressions
must be accounted for in future interpretations, between massifs and hills and, in most places, wedges
out against low hills and the base of steep slopes.
GENE RAL CHARACTER ISTICS However, dark mantling also occurs locally in patches
or streaks on the slopes. In places, the material
The dark mantle covers older, dark mare material overlies pre-Imbdan massifs; Imbrian mare; Imbrian
on a bench at the edge of the Serenitatis basin (fig. grabens; Imbrian, Eratosthenian, and early- and
29-12). Within the mountains rimming the basin, the middle-Copernican craters; and fresh-looking scarps

| I
0 30
FIGURE 29-12.-Dark material mantles plains, mare, and highland material. Inside boundary of area A
is the approximate area of dark mantle cover; in area B, dark mantle extends over apparently
young mare (Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-0447).


FIGURE 29-13.-Crater cluster of middle-Copernican age, covered by dark mantling material. Edge of
dark patch on crater (area A) cuts shaxply across irregular topography. Dark mantle is relatively
thin, as indicated by protruding blocks (area B), exposures of valley floor material in crater walls
(area C), and bright ejecta of very small craters (area D) (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame

FIGURE 29-14.-Thick dark mantle at rim of Serenitatis basin. (1) Old graben covered by mantle; (2)
apparently young scarp coveted by mantle; (3) cluster of very small bright-haloed craters on scarp,
indicating thin dark mantle; (4) dark-rayed crater in highland material; (5) very dark patches in
highlands, locally on steep slopes. (a) Area under high-Sun illumination. Precipitous slope with
mass-wasting lobes of light and dark material is indicated to the left of dashed line; to the right of
dashed line, moderately dark mantle overlies undulating highland surface (Apollo 17 panoramic
camera frame AS17-2757). (b) Same area as part (a) under low-Sun illumination. Note relief
features evident in this illumination (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS 17-2314).

and mare ridges (refs. 29-17 and 29-21). The dark play and, in places, occurs as irregular overlapping
deposit is overlain only by ejecta from young craters patches locally with straight mart#ns (fig. 29-13);
(late Copernican) and bright avalanche material, elsewhere, it occurs as halos around craters: Its
The dark mantle subdues the underlying topogra- appearance is smooth and velvety, and no blocks are

_ _.,

visible on photographs with 2-m resolution. Surface totally obscured by the dark mantle and from the size
observations of the Apollo 17 crew substantiate a fine and color of ejecta of superposed craters; craters
texture, similar to regolith, in the landing area (ref. penetrating the mantle have bright or light-colored
29-36). The albedo was determined by Pohn and ejecta aprons. Observations of the Apollo 17 crew
Wildey (ref. 2%2) to be approximately 8 percent. In indicate that in the landing area the dark mantle may
the lowlands, darker areas seem to be associated with measure only a few centimeters, but returned regolith
a higher degree of smoothing of buried craters, samples so far have not substantiated a distinct dark
suggesting that the mantle darkens with increasing surface layer. The presence of abundant dark glass
thickness. Thickness probably varies from less than a spheres (sec. 7) is the only evidence so far that is
meter to no more than a few tens of meters, as possibly indicative of an unusual deposit in the
inferred from the size of craters covered but not traverse region.

SPECIAL RELATIONSHIPS Farther south, the dark mantle extends out over
mare terrain. The dark mantle is here underlain by
The dark mantle seems especially thick and dark at older dark mare, and the boundary of the mantle
the rim of the Serenitatis basin, where it covers old
seems to coincide with the boundary between older
grabens and fresh-looking scarps and extends con- and younger mare (fig. 29-16). This relationship
tinuously from mare onto highlands material (fig. suggests that the dark mantle in this area is inter-
29-14). The western contact between dark mantle mediate in age between the two mare materials.
and mare material in one place (fig. 29-15) coincides However, farther southwest, it seems to extend out
with the contact between mare and an old crater that
over the young mare (figs. 29-12 and 29-17).
has the appearance of being excavated from plains On the floor of the graben-like valley of the
material, covered by dark mantling material, and landing area, the dark mantle is lighter in color than
flooded by mare. This sequence would suggest that at the margin of the Serenitatis basin. The lighter
the dark mantle is older than mare material in this color indicates either that the mantle may be older
area. However, careful inspection of the contact and lightened by mixing with highland material or
shows that several small patches of dark material that the mantle is thinner (fig. 29,18). In turn, the
extend out over the mare material, suggesting that the
dark mantle is partially overlain by a bright mantle
dark mantle may be younger than the mare. This age extending northward across the floor of the landing
relationship, however, is not demonstrated conchi-
site valley.
sively because the dark patches could be reworked Southeast of the landing site, a crater cluster of
material that has been mass wasted from adjacent probably middie-Copernican age is covered by dark
slopes, mantle, the thinness of which is indicated by protrud-
ing blocks, exposures of valley subfloor material in
crater walls, and bright ejecta of very small craters
(fig. 29-13). The thinning may have been caused by
mass wasting of the elevated crater rims or may
indicate an originally thinner cover in this area.
Farther east, toward the center of the valley, a darker
tone and smoother topography suggest blanketing by
thicker deposits (fig. 29-12).
In the highlands, there are two distinct types of
dark mantling material:
1. Moderately dark material that has diffuse mar-
gins and generally is concentrated in depressions, in
valleys, and locally at the base of massifs (fig. 29-18).
This moderately dark material also occurs in gullies
trending directly downhill and on subhorizontal
benches and ledges that interrupt slopes (fig. 29-19).
2. Very dark-colored patches, lobes, and streaks
on steep slopes, in places associated with craters;
these are conspicuous dn top of the North Massif
northwest of the landing site (fig. 29-20). This
material generally has a velvety surface appearance;
however, in places it shows very sharp small pits,
craters, and scarplets. Its fresh appearance and its
"' position on steep slopes suggest that it is young
FIGURE 29-15.-Contact between old crater rim and mare; material.
rim apparently was coveredby dark mantling material and Two exposures in the highlands north of the
later flooded by mare. Note possible mantling on mare
material below old crater rim in area A and lobate scarps Littrow valley show that locally the moderately dark
that could be flow lobes in area B (Apollo 17 panoramic mantle is underlain by very dark mantle. One
camera frameAS17-2313), exposure is in the walls of a young crater that

FIGURE 29-16.-Dashad line shows contact between young mare devoid of dark mantle and old mare
covered by dark mantle. Mare ridge (1) locally coincides with contact for some distance (2) and
appears to be covered where it extends into dark mantle area (3). Note lobate fresh structures that
could be flows, covered by dark mantle (4) and fresh-looking structure possibly younger than the
mantle (5) (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2313).

penetrates the moderately dark mantle (fig. 29-21). A

thin, very dark bed crops out in the upper wall of this
crater and sheds lobes of debris into the crater.
Higher up in the wall, a thin but distinct bed of
similar appearance is present in what probably is the
overturned flap of crater ejecta. The other exposure is
on the precipitous slopes of the highland margin
facing the Serenitatis basin (fig. 29-14). Here, the
moderately dark mantle is underlain by a thin and
very dark bed that produces several dark lobes on the
slope. These relationships suggest that the moderately
(a) I I dark mantle in the highlands locally is a mixture of
0 km 2 mass-wasted, bright highland material and older
underlying dark mantling material.
The absence of thick dark mantling material on
most of the highland slopes can be explained by
active mass-wasting processes, which would remove
unconsolidated material rapidly from steep slopes.
However, a very thin dark layer may remain on steep
slopes but be difficult to recognize. Alternatively, if
the dark mantle was emplaced by flow (as opposed to
some process of fallout), it may never have covered
all the highlands.

(b) L J
Dark-halo craters in the Taurus-Littrow region
have been described as possible vents for the dark
mantle deposit (ref. 29-20). Most of these small
dark-halo craters have shapes typical of impact craters
of similar size (fig. 29-22(a)), and many are located
where dark mantling material may have been exca-
vated and ejected from beneath the surface. There-
fore, many of these small dark-halo craters may be of
impact origin. However, some small dark-halo craters
in the Taurus-Littrow area have characteristics unlike
small bright-halo impact craters elsewhere. Some, for
(c) I I example, are located on bright, steep slopes (fig.
0 km z 29-22(b)) apparently without dark material in the
subsurface. Yet dark material seems to have emanated
from the craters and to have slumped back into them.
There are also maar-like craters with dark halos, low
degraded rims, steep walls, and flat or rocky floors
FIGURE 29-17.-Dark mantling produces varying effects on (fig. 29-22(C)), and very subdued craters with dark
three types of terrain (Apollo 17 panoramic camara frame rays (fig. 29-22(d)). Other craters with bright floors
AS17-2320). (a) Old dark mare surface; most old craters and broad very dark rims (fig. 29-22(e)) are also un-
surface; most old depressions (1). (b) Young
craters are steep-sided, light
shallow, like impact craters elsewhere. Many dark patches and
bowl-shaped irregular depressions(2). (e) Dark mantle on some dark streaks on crater rims (figs. 29-22( 0 and
l_obable young mate; most craters are circular, shallow (g)) have no obvious source but typically are associ-
cone-shapeddepressions(3). ated with very small (< 10 m diameter) sharp pits.

FIGURE 29-18.-Apollo 17 landing site area. (1) Bright mantle overlying dark mantle; (2) cluster of
craters of middle-Copernican age; (3) dark patches and streaks on steep highland slopes; (4) dark
mantle coveting bouldery outcrop ledges; and (51)moderately dark mantle material concentrated in
lows (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame AS15-9557).

I:IGURE 29-19.-Stereopak showing dark material on su_

horizontal ledges on steep slopes (Apollo 15 panoramic
camera flames AS15-9550 and 9557).


In premission analysis, the dark mantle was inter-

preted as a very young pyroclastic blanket. Further
study of orbital photographs and surface investiga-
tions of the Apollo 17 mission suggest the following
1. The dark mantle is a thick, very dark regolith
on old mare material. From this hypothesis, it follows
that the dark mantle in the highlands is a regolith
developed on lavas extruded in the highlands. The
dark mantle burying low hills is a regolith on lavas
that flooded these hills. Very dark patches on steep
slopes are either from fresh outcrops or from patches
of lava that developed regolith. Dark halos around
craters would be composed of reworked regolith, and
dark cover on young craters would be fallback
regolith ejecta or deposits from adjacent young
impact craters. Dark, streaked, young craters in the
highlands would have penetrated into buried flows,
sills, or dikes, and dark regolith would have developed FIGURE 29-20.-Area on top of North Massif northwest of
on the ejecta. Multiple thin sheets of lava with Apollo 17 landing site. Note (1) very fresh-looking dark
well-developed regolith in the highlands may create mantling material on top of massif; (2) downslope streaks
the impression of "draping" over the topography, toward top, left, and bottom of photograph; and (3) the
The hypothesis does not explain why thick dark subdued crater with dark rays. (a) Area viewed in
Mgh-Sun illumination (Apollo 17 panoramic camera
mantle deposits are maintained on steep slopes that frame AS17-2757). (b) Area viewed in low-Sun illumina-
are known to mass waste rapidly. Neither does it tion. Note relief features evident in this photograph
explain why the dark mantle is present on young (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2314).

FIGURE 29-21.-Stereopair showing young crater penetrating moderately dark mantling material in
highlands noith of landing area. Note lobes of verydark material apparently originatingfrom dark
bed in upper crater wall and thin band of dark material above it in ejecta material of the rim
(Apollo 15 panoramic cameraframes AS15-9554 and 9559).

fault scarps or on very flesh-looking lobate scarps and the patches of dark mantling material do not
(probable flow fronts) that appear to be younger than have the configuration of typical rays. Impact into a
the young mare. The tentative evidence that the dark lava lake is an alternative hypothesis that accounts for
mantle locally extends out over the young mare the lack of a visible source crater. The apparent
further weakens the argument. If the dark mantle is a young age of the dark material in places, however,
regolith on young lavas, its substantial thickness in weakens this interpretation.
places defies easy explanation. Furthermore, to ac- 3. The dark mantle is a pyroclastic deposit or
count for the unusually dark color of the mantle, the ash-flow tuff. It may be very thin and locally may be
regolith must have developed under distinctly differ- mixed into thick regolith developed on old mare.
ent conditions than elsewhere on the Moon, or else Dark-halo craters could be vents or impact craters
the composition of the original lava was unique to that have reworked pyroclastic deposits. The patchy
this region, nature of the dark mantle suggests multiple sources.
2. The mantle is composed of dark ejecta mate- This hypothesis fits most observations. A pre-
rial. Objections to this hypothesis are that no crater Serenitatis mare age is suggested in some places, but
of suitable age is present within a reasonable distance, evidence elsewhere suggests a locally younger age.

4. The dark mantle has a different origin in

different places: a regolith with or without a pyro-
clastic component; a pyroelastic deposit or ash-flow
tuff; or reworked material from dikes or sills. The
argument that the dark mantle may have different
origins is strengthened by its apparently different ages
but weakened by its uniform color and surface
texture as viewed on orbital photographs.
Neither the origin nor the age of the dark mantling
material in the Taurus-Littrow region is yet estab-
fished, and no firm hypothesis can be advanced until
thorough studies are made of the new evidence from
crew observations, orbital photographs, and returned

FIGURE 29-22.-Dark-halo cratersin Taurus-Littrow region. (a) Dark-halocrater with shape typical of
small impact Craters (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame (AS15-9559). (b) Dark-halo crater on hill
(sloping steeply to upper left). Crater has bright walls and is half filled with dark material (Apollo
15 panoramic camera frame (AS15-9559). (e) Dark-halocrater with subdued rim, steep walls,and
deep interior (Apollo 15 panoramic camera fram AS15-9559). (d) Very subdued crater with
distinct rayqike halo (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame AS15-9559). (e) Crater with subdued,
mantled rim and fresh-looking rocky floor (Apollo 15 panoramic camera fram AS15-9557). (13
Dark patch across crater rim (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame AS15-9559). (g)Dark patch on
crater rim; dots outline rim crest (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame AS15-9559).

o 200
M '




Joseph M. Boyce a and Arthur L. Dial, jr.a

The lunar maria formed at different times and in The crater-morphology technique has been applied
multiple stages of extrusion. An understanding of to the maria in a few scattered locations (refs. 29-23
their evolution is essential in placing the Apollo and 29-38), but it has not yet been applied as a
samples in a regional context and in interpreting the continuous mapping technique on mare flows. Apollo
regional geology of a vast part of the lunar surface. 17 metric photographs provide an excellent data base
Relative ages of lunar maria were determined in for the determination of these age relations in a belt
this study by the crater-morphology technique de- that includes parts of Mare Serenitatis, Mare Va-
scribed by Soderblom and Lebofsky (re/'. 29-23). This porum, and Mare Imbrium.
method involves visual examination of orbital photo- The consistency of the technique was tested by
graphs to determine the maximum diameter of craters comparing DL values obtained from two sites at three
Ds the internal slopes of which have been eroded to different Sun angles (table 29-II). The results indicate
slopes less than the Sun elevation angle Ss. Craters that D L is a constant for a particular site even though
larger than this maximum diameter all have shadowed the measured values of Ds and S s differ.
interiors because their walls are still steeper than the
Sun elevation angle. Using a model of small.impact R ESU LTS
erosion (ref. 29-37), measurements of D s are con-
verted to an equivalent diameter DL of a crater Relative flux ages were determined for 110 areas
eroded to an interior slope of 1 degree under the on parts of three maria (Serenitatis, Vaporum, and
same flux that has eroded a crater of diameter Ds to a Imbrium), using 30X enlargements of Apollo 17
slope S s. Values of DL can be considered synony- metric photographs. Figure 29-23 is a frequency plot
mous with relative age; as shown by Soderblom _nd of the age determinations that were used to define
Lebofsky (ref. 29-23), DL is directly proportional to the age ranges of the mare units mapped from these
the total number of craters that have accumulated on data. Figure 29-24 shows the distribution of the six
the surface. The limitations and errors in this tech- mare age units, and several relationships are apparent.
nique are described in reference 29-23 and will not be 1. Three principal units were found in central and
reviewed here. southernMare Serenitatis. The major part of that mare
is composed of an intermediate-age unit (D/; _ 250
aU.S. GeologicalSurvey. m). A slightly older unit (D L _ 280 m) occupies the

TABLE 29-II.-CompaHson of Relative Ages, as lndicated by Values Of DL, of Two Test Areas a

Apollo 1 7 metric
Area camera frame number Ds, m Ss, deg D L, m

Southwestern Mare Serenitatis (area 1) AS17-0801 360 to 510 11 245 + 45

AS17-I512 350 to 540 12 240 + 50
AS17-1816 550 to 800 20 245 + 45
Southwestern Mare Serenitatis (area 2) AS 17-0801 290 to 540 10 245 + 75
AS17-1512 430 to 510 11 265 + 25
AS17-1816 630 to 770 19 255 + 25

aMeasn_ements of each area were made on three different photographs.


east central part. Units at the southeastern edge of of the very old ages in this area possibly may be
Mare Serenitatis are significantly older (DL ,_,320 to caused by thin blankets that have partly obscured
360 m). craters on an older surface.
2. The northern embayments of Mare Vaporum 4. A unit in Oceanus Procellarum near the crater
contain deposits of approximately the same age as Brayley is intermediate in age (DL ,-_250 m).
those in southeastern Mare Serenitatis. It should be noted that our results have been
3. Mare Imbrium is composed of several age units grouped into rather broad and somewhat arbitrary
that include the following: (a) two young units in the units on the basis of figure 29-23. These units can be
vicinity of the crater Euler (D L _-, 160 m and DL ,-_ further subdivided for more detailed study at a later
200 m); (b) an intermediate-age unit (DL _ 250 m) in date. The complex region near Euler has several flow
the southeastern part of the mare; and (c) several old units with different relative ages (ref. 29-39) that
units south and east of the crater Timocharis. Some could be mapped in much more detail with additional
16 study.
Absolute ages for the units in figure 29-24 can be

14 estimated by comparing relative ages (values of DL)

with crystallization ages determined for Apollo
.- 12 samples.
SoderblomSoderblom and (ref.
and Boyce Lebofsky (ref. have
29-38) 29-23)shown
,=_ theoretically and observationally that DL is linearly
10 proportional to the net accumulated flux. Figure
S 29-25 compares isotopic ages with DL values (refs.
29-23 and 29-38) for Copernicus (ref. 29-40); for the
6 Apollo 11, 12, and 15 maria (refs. 29-41 and 29-42);
and for the minimum ages of the Fra Mauro
Formation (Apollo 14 area) and the Cayley Forma-
tion (Apollo 16 area) (refs. 29-43 and 29-44). This
2 plot allows the absolute age of surfaces dated in this

0V t i t i i i • _/7--'--_
_ _ depositsto near
study be estimated.
Euler have an
near 2.2 the
120 160 200 240 280 320 360 400 440 A reliable value for the Apollo 17 site cannot be
DL, m obtained because of the small sample of craters of the
FIGURE 29-23.-Histogram of relative ages DI,, determined appropriate diameters. A DL value of 470 + 70 m for
for mare units. Frequencies of individualagesobtained in the dark, elevated rolling plains near Littrow B (ref.
this study are
indicated; eachshown.
rangeUnits defined on
is represented bythe basis ofused
a symbol age are
to 29-5) yields an absolute age of 3.7 to 3.8 billion
map the units in figure 29-24. years.



1535 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
w---[-- E
I-'IGURI629-24.-Arealdistributionor mareunits as defined by relativeages.The symbols are the
sameasthoseshownin figure 29-23.No dataate presented for the uplands(hachured
dashed lines ate intended to accentuate units of approximatelyuniform age.

1800- -T 29=23), and Schaber (ref. 29-39 and part E of sec.

30). Except for a few questionably old units in
southeastern Mare Imbriurn, the old units at the
1600- northern border of Mare Vaporum, and the south-
eastern margin of Mare Serenitatis, the remainder of
the maria studied (southern Mare Imbrium and
1400- Fra central Mare Serenitatis) are of intermediate age.
Mauro There is some agreement between the regional

sec. 33) and the distribution of relative ages deter-

lZ00- mined from this study. In the color studies, the mare
materials bordering southeastern Mare Serenitatis and
northern Mare Vaporum
color variations (refs. 29-4were
29-5 to
part higher
A of
1000- -- relative reflectance in the blue (0.4 to 0.5/_m) and
E are among the "bluest" materials on the Moon (refs.
= 29-5 and 2%6). The same areas were found to have
800- DL values of 300 to 400 m. Materials exposed in the
center of Mare Serenitatis have low relative reflec-
tance in blue and DL values of 200 to 300 m. The
600 - youngest unit (DL ._ 160 m), found in southern Mare
..... CayleyEormation Imbrinm, also has a high blue reflectivity (refs. 29-4
Southeastern MareSerenitatis and 29-23). These results are consistent with the
.-"Apollo ll mare-filling stages derived by Soderblom (ref. 29-5)
- (I j.AP °11°15 that consist of (1) an early "blue" stage (Mare
, . Vaporum), (2) an intermediate "red" stage (Mare
_ Mareunits nearEuler Tranqufllitatis, Mare Fecunditatis, and Mare
e00- j" ._ Serenitatis, Mare Crisium, and parts of Mare

Apollo12 _ "blue"
Mare Procellarum and parts
Imbrium), and (3) a ofyoung
0 I i i i
-5 -4 -3 -z -1 0 Imbrinm and Mare Humorum).
FIGURE 29-25.-Comparison of crystallization ages of CONCLUSIONS
Apollo samples and relative ages determined from orbital
photographs by method described hero. Values of DL for From this preliminary study, which broadly classi-
the oldest and youngest units studied here are included, fles the mare surfaces into relative age units, the
following can be concluded.
1. The sequence of emplacement of the major
mare units investigated is, from oldest to youngest:
(a) the dark unit in southern Mare Serenitatis,
INVESTIGATIONS northern Mare Vaporum, and possibly in Mare Im-
The sequence of evolution of the basalts in Mare brium east and southeast of Timocharis; (b) the
Serenitatis inferred from this study is compatible lighter units in central Mare Serenitatis and south-
with that based on superposition criteria deduced central Mare Imbrium;and (c)a series of young flows
from Apollo 17 photographs (part A). Additionally, found near Euler.
we find the mare materials near Euler are very 2. The emplacement of these mare units probably
young-a result consistent with the studies of Soder- occurred over an interval of approximately 1.5 billion
blom (ref. 29-5), Soderblom and Lebofsky (ref. years, extending from 3.7 to 2.2 billion years ago.



Don E. Wilhelms a

Apollo 17 metric photographs (fig. 29-26)provide morphology or spacing and an apparent east-west
the best available coverage for geologic interpretation elongation of the basin.
of northern Mare Crisium and the northern Crisium To determine the degree of similarity with other
basin. The area was covered previously by low- basins, the tings were reexamined and the generalized
resolution telescopic and Lunar Orbiter IV photo- positions of their crests plotted on the stereoscopic
graphs and by oblique, high-illumination, or low- Apollo 17 photographs. Three rugged tings are
resolution photographs from earlier Apollo missions, delineated in the circummare terra (fig. 29-27), and
One region in particular, between Alhazen Crater and another ring is believed to lie within the mare. The
longitude 66 ° E, had previously been covered very outermost ring, 970 km in diameter, is incomplete
poorly. The Apollo 17photographs provide excellent and topographically low. It bounds the basin-
monoscopic (fig. 29-26) as well as stereoscopic concentric mare northwest of the crater Macrobius
viewing because of the favorably low Sun illumina- and is expressed as a raised arc near the eastern map
tions (15 ° to 49°). These new photographic data boundary. The next ring inside is 680 km in diameter
allow the geology of the basin, the mare, and other and consists of medium-sized peaks. Northwest of
nearby terrains to be reevaluated. This reexamination, Mare Crisium, in and near a depressed area partly
together with data from continuing Moon-wide flooded by mare, this ring is divided into several
photogeologic studies and analyses of returned rocks blocks and fractured along a northwest trend. The
from Apollo landing sites, has produced a simple most conspicuous ring, 500 km in diameter, bounds
evolutionary picture of the region, expressed by Mare Crisium proper and consists mainly of high
fewer map units and explained by fewer basic broad massifs. The innermost ring (not delineated in
processes than previously thought necessary (refs. fig. 29-27) consists of a few small but steep terra
29-35 and 29-45 to 29-48). peaks in the mare north of Yerkes Crater and in the
inner part of the eastern embayment. The mare in
CRISIUM BASIN which these peaks occur forms a shelf around the
topographically lower, island-free central Mare
The earliest discernible event was the large impact Crisium. The boundary between shelf and central
that created the Crisium basin and its concentric mare, particularly abrupt in the northwest, coincides
raised rings and intervening troughs. The raised rings with a concentric complex of mare ridges and scarps.
are composed of prebasin rock and basin ejecta of In this interpretation, the similarities with other
pre-Imbrian age (three map units: rugged terra, basins considerably outweigh the dissimilarities. The
rounded terra hills, and undivided terra, fig. 29-27). spacing of the three rugged rings increases outward by
The troughs are Filled by debris derived from these the factor of approximately 1.4 (or the square root of
raised rings and by younger plains and mare materials. 2, according to Hartrnann and Wood (ref. 29-52))
This alternation of older rings and younger trough that seems to be common to lunar basin rings. Critical
material is basically the scheme of all lunar multi- to the comparison proposed here is identification of
ringed basins, and many investigators have considered the 680-km ring as equivalent to the Montes Cordil-
Crisium a typical example (refs. 29-35, 29-45, 29-48, lera ring of the Orientale basin (950-kin diameter;
and 29-51). Others (e.g., ref. 29-11, p. 445) stressed e.g., see fig. 29-33 of ref. 29-53) and to the
anomalous aspects of Crisium such as atypical ring Caucasus-Apenninus-Carpatus ring of the Imbrium
basin (1480-kin diameter). This Crisium ring, like its
counterparts at Orientale and Imbrium, is the outer-
au.s. GeologicalSurvey. most conspicuous ring of the basin and is bounded

FIGURE 29-26.-Northern Mare Crisium and Crisium basin. Approximate scale and coordinates are
given in figure 29-27 (Apollo 17 metric camera frames, right to left, AS17-0274, 0278, 0281,
0286, 0289, 0293, and 0294).

Mare Crislum

Long[t_e, degE


FIGURE 29-25'.-Geologic map of north_n C_isium _egion, based on photomosaic of figure 29-26.
Detailed description of map units is listed separately.

FIGURE 29-26.-Concluded.



60 70

FIGURE 29-27.-Concluded.


Contact • Gentle,highmarescarp:linemarksapproximate
Contactofterraor cratermaterialburiedbymare base;barbpointsdownslope
materialor craterejecta 1[ Mareridgecoincidentwithbaseofgentle,high
0 Mareridge:line markscrest;barbs marescarp
pointdownslope 1 Slopein mare: inferredgentleslopeor slopeover
mareridge:line markscrest;longer buriedterra
barbpointsdownhigherscarp , Graben
• Abrupt,lowmarescarp:line marksbase:barb - Craterrim crest
pointsdownslope CrestofbasinringstructureIgeneralized)


] Materialof rayedcraters(Copernican) - Brightwallmaterial [] Materialof moderately

andfresh-looking striatedejectaandsatelliticcraters; Ejectadetectable
onlyshortdistance fromrim crest,
relativelymoreextensive thansimilarmaterialof older except aroundMacrobius wheresuperposed onlow-
craters, reliefterrain.
Interpretation:Primaryimpactorigin. Interpretation:Maerobiusof impactorigin;othercraters
probably impactbutdiagnosticcriterianotdetected;
] Materialof freshunrayedcraters(Eratosthenian)
- Ejecta
onmarebutill-definedin hilly fourflooded cratersin MareCrisium(Yerkes, Ein
andtwosmallunnamed shallow-floored
craters east-C,
terra, ernmareembayment} probablyresembled theimpact
Interpretation=Primaryimpactorigin, cratersPicardor Peircebaforeflooding; alternatively,
marematerial(I mbrian) Morphology andsize- thesemaybecalderas
] (smooth-rimmed craterclassof
frequencydistributionof superposedcratersvisibleon WilhelmsandMcCauley,ref. 29_35).
panoramic photographs indicateonlyonemajorunitof Materialof irregularcraters(I mbrian_Noncircularrim
Imbrianage(asopposed toEratosthenian,ref. 29-35); crests;similartonumerous cratersofsouthbasinrim
second (younger?)unit (refs.29-45and29-48)suggested (ref. 29-48).
byloweralbedo east(fig.29-26)butnotdetected in Interpretation:Secondary impactcratersof basinsor
Interpretation:Basalticlava. largecratersor, alternatively,volcanic.
Materialof subdued premarecraters(pre-Imbrian) Ex-
] Positive-relief
marematerialIlmbrian?)- Confinedtoeast- pressed mainlyas raisedrings,commonly broken.
ern MareCrisium;characterized byridges,irregular Interpretation:Originuncertainbecause ofdegradation.
lowhills, andlowconessurmounted byincompleterings Cleomedes (centerednorthof area)probably
of impact
1.5to3.5 kmin diameter; surroundedbydarkmare origin;irregularpitson north-facingslopeof main
(fig. 29-26). Crisiumrim possibly Cleomedes secondarycraters.
relatedtomarein origin;darkmantlemaybefinerpyro- _ Materialof ruggedterra(pre-Imbrian)- Largemassifsand
elasticmaterial, peakswithsteep,smooth,brightslopes;similarto
Materialof planarandundulatingterra(Imbrian)- Concert- derivedfromslopes.
tratedwestof Crisium.Gradational contactswithadjacent Interpretation:BedrockupliftedbyCrJsiumimpact.
hilly terra (ref. 29-49).
Interpretation:Smallpatches couldbederivedbymass _ Materialof roundedterra hills(pre-Imbrian)- Small,
wastingoflocalmaterials.Broadareas(e.g., southof mostlyequidimensional hills dividedbyregular,partly
Macrobius) probablycomposed
of ejoctafromdistant grid-likelineationswithdominantnorthwest strike.
sources; partialImbriumbasinsourcesuggested by Occursonlyin areawestof CrisiumincludingApollo17
proximity toImbrium;surfacebedspossibly composed of site. (Alsotermed"hilly terra material"(refs.29-17,
Orientalebasinejecta,as suggested bycraterpopula- 2g-2).,and29-46)and"SculpturedHills"(informal
tions(ref. 29-50)and,in part,byMacrobius crater Apollo17missiondesignation).)
ejecta.Volcanicoriginunlikelybecause ofgredational Interpretation:Crisiumbasinejectafracturedalong
contacts,aswellasthedemonstrated impactoriginof trendsof"lunargrid," possibly reinforced byImbrium,
similarplainsmaterialat theApollo16landingsite. Serenitatis,andCrisiumbasinstructures,androunded

] Terramaterial,undivided(dominantlypre-lmbrian,but may
includematerialof Imbrianage)- Hillyterramaterialnot
inctudedin previoustwounits;alsosmallundulatory or
Interpretation:Pre-Crisiumbedrock andCrisiumejecta
degradedbeyond recognition

outwardly by generally high terrain and inwardly by a on the entire Moon, light-colored plains materials
deep trough. It contains fewer basin-concentric ele- were deposited in depressions in the basin structure.
ments and is more degraded than the corresponding Earlier systematic mappers in the region (refs. 29-35,
but younger rings of Imbrium and Orientale, but 29-45, 29-47, and 29-48) called on volcanism, to
these departures are minor. The next inward rings in varying degrees, to explain the plains, rounded terra
all three basins also are comparable. In general hills, and certain craters. Impact ejecta or mass-
distribution of large massifs and smaller peaks, the wasted debris (or both) now seem more probable
conspicuous 500-km Crisium ring resembles the corre- components of the plains, in light of petrologic data
sponding outer Rook ring of Orientale (680 km) and from the Apollo landing sites and contact relations
the Alpes-Archimedes ring of Imbrium (1040 km) apparent on stereoscopic photographs (refs. 29-49,
despite its prominence, which superficially suggests 2%50, and 29-55). The origin of some craters (Ici and
analogy to the Cordillera and Caucasus-Apenninus- Ic, fig. 29-27) is still in doubt, but the origin of
Carpatus rings. In addition, the outer incomplete dark-halo craters (unmapped, ref. 29-56) and the
970-km Crisinm ring is similar in position and rounded hills seems to be adequately accounted for
morphology to an outer ring of Imbrium that bounds by nonvolcanic means (refs. 29-17, 29-21,29-46, and
the southern edge of Sinus Medii (ref. 29-35). 29-49).
Completing the comparison, the innermost ring After formation of the plains and most of the large
(approximately 425 kin) of small isolated peaks craters in the region, the presumably basaltic mare
appears to correspond to the inner Rook ring of materials were emplaced in the central Crisium basin
Orientale (480 kin) and the inner ring of Imbrium and in numerous peripheral depressions bounded by
(660 km). In the less deeply flooded Orientale basin, structures approximately radial and concentric to the
the relatively small peaks of the inner Rook ring rise basin. Mare Crisium consists mainly of planar flows
above a scarp-bounded shelf, which, if flooded, would and partly of forms with positive relief. The inner-
resemble the shelf in Crisium. This inner Crisium ring most of the peripheral mare patches is at a higher
and the 500-km Crisium ring apparently are closer level than Mare Crisium, and each of the succeeding
together, however, than are the two Rook rings and patches is slightly higher than its inner neighbor. An
do not obey the 1.4 spacing ratio. The exact value of exception is the mare patch at the eastern boundary
this anomalous Crisium spacing is uncertain because of the mapped area, which is on the outer flanks of
of burial of the inner ring by mare. the Crisium basin. A single mapped patch may have
The appearance of asymmetry of the basin is due two or three levels, the highest level outward. The
mainly to an east-west elongation of the mare and levels of the circumferential mare patches thus imply
only partly to a minor ellipticity of the basin rings, a stepped basin structure. In places between two
The presence of numerous small but steep peaks in levels, the lava seems to have flowed over a buried
the large eastern embayment suggests that most of terra scarp (shown by arrows superposed on dotted
the asymmetry is due to foundering of the 500-km lines).
ring. The margins of the embayment trend northwest, In the long postmare history of the region, the
east-west, and concentrically with the basin. The only deposits that seem to have formed are sheets of
northwest trend is probably of internal origin and not fine-textured impact ejecta and fields of secondary
related to the basin because it pervades much of the impact craters. These deposits appear to be extensive
region, notably in the rounded terra hills. It coincides on high-resolution photographs taken at low Sun
with a Crisium radial direction only in the depressed angle but are minor volumetrically. Their preservation
area northwest of the basin (ref. 29-54, pp. 180-181) attests to a sluggishness of the later degradational
and with the Crisium concentric directions only along processes that contrasts with the intense activity in
the eastern embayment. The northwest and east the much shorter period between formation of the
subsidences therefore occurred where endogenous Crisium basin and its filling by mare material.
and basin structures coincided. Materials of the Crisium basin and of the craters
formed before mare flooding 0ater pre-Imbtian time
POSTBASIN MATERIALS and Imbrian period) are texturally distinguishable
only on low slopes around the largest craters and are
After the subsidence and before mare flooding, doubtless mixed chaotically in a surficial fragmental
during a continued intense period of impact cratering layer.

SUMMARY rangle of the Moon. U.S. GeoL Survey Misc. GeoL Inv.
Map 1-527, 1967.
The Crisinm basin is a typical, large lunar impact 2%15. Cart, M. H.: Dark Volcanic Materials and Rille
basin, modified by smaller impacts, subsidence, inf'lll- Complexes in the North-Central Region of the Moon. Part
ing by plains and mantles of impact origin, mass A of Astrogeological Studies, Annual Progress Report,
wasting, and basaltic volcanism. Modification pro- July
35-43.1964-July 1965, u.s. GeoL Survey, Nov. 1965, pp.
cesses were much more intensive during the first third 2%16. Shoemaker, Eugene M.; and Hackman, Robert J.:
of lunar history than during the two-thirds following Stratigraphic Basis for a Lunar Time Scale. The Moon-
mare formation. No evidence for terra volcanism Symposium No. 14 of the International Astronomical
exists in the Crisium basin region. Union, Leningrad, Dec. 1960, Academic Press, Inc. (New
York), 1962, pp. 289-300.
29-17. Scott, D. H.; and Cart, M. H.: Geologic Map of the
Taurus-Littrow Region of the Moon. U.S. GeoL Survey
REFERENCES Misc. GeoL Inv. Map 1-800, sheet 1, 1972.
29-18. Trask, N. J.: Geologic Comparison of Mare Materials
29-1. Cart, M. H.: Geologic Map of the Mare Serenitatis in the Lunar Equatorial Belt, Including Apollo 11 and
Region of the Moon. U.S. GeoL Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Apollo 12 Landing Sites. U.S. Geol. Survey ProL Paper
Map 1-489, 1966. 750-D, 1971, pp. 138-144.
2%2. Poim, HowardA.;andWildey, RobertL.:APhotoelec- 2%19. Cart, M. H.: Sketch Map of the Region Around
tric-Photographic Study of the Normal Albedo of the Candidate Littrow Apollo Landing Sites. See. 25, Part H,
Moon. U.S. GeoL Survey Prof. Paper 59%E, 1970. of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
2%3. Whitaker, E. A.: The Surface of the Moon. See. 3 of SP-289, 1972.
The Nature of the Lunar Surfaee. proceedings of the 1965 2%20. EI-Baz, Farouk: The Cinder Field of the Taurus
IAU-NASA Symposium, The Johns Hopkins Press (Balti- Mountains. Sec. 25, Part I, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary
more), 1966, pp. 79-98. Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
29-4. Whitaker, Ewen A.: Lunar Color Boundaries and Their 2%21. Lucckitta, B. K.: Geologic Map of Part of the
Relationship to Topographic Features: A Preliminary Taurus-Littrow Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey
Survey. The Moon, voL 4, nos. 3/4, June/July 1972, pp. Misc. GeoL Inv. Map 1-800, sheet 2, 1972.
348-355. 2%22. Wolfe, E. W.; Freeman, V. F.; Muetdberger, W. R.;
29-5. Soderblom, L. A.: The Distribution and Ages of Head, J. W.; Schmitt, H. H.; and Sevier, J. R.: Apollo 17
Regional Lithologies in the Lunar Maria. Fla. D. Thesis, Exploration at Taurus-Littrow. Geotimes, vol. 17, no. 11,
Calif. Inst. of Tech., Pasadena, Calif., 1970. 1972, pp. 14-18.
2%6. McCord, Thomas B.: Color Differences on the Lunar 29-23. Soderblom, Laurence A.; and Labofsky, Larry A.:
Surface. 1. Geophys. Res., voL 74, no. 12, June 15, 1969, Technique for Rapid Determination of Relative Ages of
pp. 3131-3142. Lunar Areas from Orbital Photography. J. Geophys- Res.,
29-7. McCord, Thomas B.; and Johnson, Torrence V.: vol. 77, no. 3, Jan. 10, 1972, pp. 279-296.
Relative Spectral Reflectivity 0.4-1 _ of Selected Areas of 2%24. Cart, M. H.; Howard, K. A.; and E1-Baz, Farouk:
the Lunar Surface. J. Geophys. Res., voL 74, no. 17, Aug. Geologic Maps of the Apennine-Hadley Region of the
15, 1969, pp. 4395-4401. Moon: Apollo 15 Pre-Mission Maps. U.S. Geol. Survey
2%8. Pietars, Carle; McCord, T. B.; Zisk, S. H.; and Adams, Misc. GeoL Inv. Map 1-723, 1971.
J. B.: Lunar Black Spots and the Nature of the Apollo 17 2%25. Sjogren, W. L.; and Wollenhaupt, W. R.: Lunar Shape
Landing Area. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 78, no. 26, Sept. 10, via the Apollo Laser Altimeter. Science, vol. 179, no.
1973. 4070, Jam 19, 1973, pp. 275-278.
29-9. Sukhanov, A. L.: Mechanism of Origin of the Forma- 2%26. Cart, M. H.: The Geology of the Mare Serenitatis
tion of the Lunar Seas. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Doklady, voL Region of the Moon. Part A of Astrogeological Studies,
181, July 11, 1968, pp. 30%312. Annual Progress Report, July 1965-July 1966, U.S.
2%10. Wilhalms, D. E.: Summary of Lunar Stratigraphy- Geol. Survey, Dec. 1966, pp. 11-16.
Telescopic Observations. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 2%27. Houser, F. N.: Subsidence Related to Underground
59%F, 1970. Nuclear Explosions, Nevada Test Site. Bull. SeismoL See.
2%11. Stuart-Alexander, Desiree E.; and Howard, Keith A.: Anh, vol. 59, Dee. 1969, pp. 2231-2251.
Lunar Maria and Circular Basins-A Review. Icarus, vol. 29-28. Hamilton, D. H.; and Meehan, R. L.: Ground Rupture
12, no. 3, May 1970, pp. 440-456. in the Baldwin Hills. Science, vol. 172, no. 3981, Apr. 23,
2%12. Dodd, Robert T., Jr.; Salisbury, John W.; and 1971, pp. 333-344.
SmaUey, Veru G.: Crater Frequency and the Interpreta- 29-29. Howard, Keith A.: Volcanic Collapse Structures and
tion of Lunar History. Icarus, voL 2, nos. 5-6, Dee. 1963, Man-Made Analogs. Geol. Soc. Am. Abs., vol. 4, no. 3,
pp. 466-480. 1972, p. 173.
2%13. Schaber, G. G.: Geologic Map of the Sinus lridum 2%30. Swanson, D. A.; and Peterson, D. W.: Partial Draining
Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. and Crustal Subsidence of Alae Lava Lake, Kilauea
Inv. Map 1-602, 1969. Volcano, Hawaii. U.S. GeoL Survey Prof. Paper 80043,
2%14. Moore, H. J.: Geologic Map of the Seleueus Quad- 1972, pp. 1-14.

29-31. Baldwin, Ralph B.: The Measure of the Moon. Univ. Rb-Sr Age of a Crystalline Rock From Apollo 16. Earth
of Chicago Press, 1963. Planet. ScL Letters, voL 16, no. 2, OcL 1972, pp.
29-32. Muller, P. M.; and Sjogren, W. L.: Mascons: Lunar 289-298.
Mass Concentrafion_ Science, voL 161, no. 3843, Aug. 29-45. Casella, C. J.; and Binder, A. B.: Geologic Map of the
16, 1968, pp. 680-684. Cleomedes Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. GeoL Survey
29-33. Howard, Keith A.: Mascons, Mare Rock, and lsostasy. Misc. GeoL Inv. Map 1-707, 1972.
Nature, voL 226, no. 5249, June 6, 1970, pp. 924-925. 29-46. Scott, D. H.; and Potm, H. A.: Geologic Map of the
29-34. Moore, J. G.: Relationship Between Subsidence and Maerobius Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey
Volcanic Load, Hawaii. Bull. Voleanologique, voL 34, no. Misc. GeoL Inv. Map 1-799, 1972.
2, 1970, pp. 562-576. 29-47. Wilhelms, D. E.: Geologic Map of the Taruntins
29-35. Wilhelms, D. E.; and MeCauley, J. F.: Geologic Map Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. GeoL
of the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Inv. Map 1-722, 1972.
Geol. Inv. Map 1-703, 1971. 29-48. Olson, A. B.; and Wilhelms, D. E.: Geologic Map of
29-36. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Prelimi- the Mare Undarum Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. GeoL
nary Report on the Geology and Field Petrology at the Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-837, 1973.
Apollo 17 Landing Site. Interagency Rept.: Astrogoology 29-49. Wilhelms, Don E.: Preliminary Geologic Map of the
69, U.S. GeoL Survey, Dee. 17, 1972. Region Around the Candidate Proclus Apollo Landing
29-37. Soderblom, L. A.: A Model for Small Impact Erosion Site. See. 25, Part J, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science
Applied to the Lunar Suffaee. J. Geophyg Res., vol. 75, Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
no. 14, May 10, 1970, pp. 2655-2661. 29-50. Chao, E. C. T.; Soderblom, L. A.; Boyce, J. M.;
29-38. Soderblom, Laurence A.; and Boyce, J. M.: Relative Wilhelms, D. E.; and Hodges, C. A.: Lunar Light Plains
Ages of Some Near-Side and Far-Side Terra Plains Based Deposits (Cayley Formation)-A Reinterpretation of
on Apollo 16 Metric Photography. See. 29, Part A, of the Origin. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the
Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar.
1972. 5-8, 1973), pp. 127-128.
29-39. Scheber, Gerald G.: Lava Flows in Mare Imbrium: 29-51. Hartmann, William K.; and Kuiper, G. P.: Concentric
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Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Planet. Lab., Univ. of Ariz., voL 1, no. 12, June 20, 1962,
Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, pp. 51-66.
1973), pp. 653-654. 29-52. Hartmann, W. K.; and Wood, C. A.: Moon-Origin
29-40. Silver, Leon T.: U-Th-Pb Isotopic System in Apollo and Evolution of Multi-Ringed Basins. The Moon, vol. 3,
11 and Apollo 12 Regolithie Materials and a Possible Age no. 1, 1971, pp. 3-78.
for the Copernican Event [abs.]. Trans. Am. Geophys. 29-53. Wllhelms, Don E.: Reinterpretations of the Northern
Union, voL 52, no. 7, July 1971, p. 534. Nectaris Basin. See. 29, Part F, of the Apollo 16 Pre-
29-41. Papanastassiou, D. A.; and Wassethurg, G. J.: Lunar liminary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
Chronology and Evolution From Rb-Sr Studies of Apollo 29-54. Hartmann, William K.: Radial Structtttes Surrounding
11 and 12 Samples. Earth Planet. Sci. Letters, vol. 11, Luuar Basins. II: Orientale and Other Systems; Conclu-
Aug. 1971, pp. 37-62. sions. Commun- Lunar Planet. Lab., Univ. of Ariz., vol. 2,
29-42. Wasserburg, G. J.; and Papanastassiou, D. A.: Age of no. 36, 1964, pp. 175-191.
an Apollo 15 Mare Basalt: Ltmar Crust and Mantle 29-55. Eggleton, R. E.; and Schaber, G. G.: Cayley Forma-
Evolution. Earth Planet. SCI. Letters, vol. 13, no. 1, Dec. fion Interpreted as Basin Ejecta. See. 29, Part B, of the
11, 1971, pp. 97-104. Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
29-43. Papauastassiou, D. A.; and Wasserburll, G. J.: The 1972.
Rb-Sr Ages of Igneous Rocks From the Apollo 14 Mission 29-56. Lucehitta, Baerhel Koesters: Geologic Sketch Map of
and the Age of the Ira Mauro Formation. Earth Planet. the Candidate Proclus Apollo Landing Site. See. 25, Part
SCI.Letters, vol. 12, no. 1, Sept. 1971, pp. 36-48. K, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
29-44. Papauastassiou, D. A.; and Wasserburg, G. J.: The SP-289, 1972.
30. Volcanic Studies

The peculiar crater Aratus CA in Mare Serenitatis recognized on Apollo 15 photographs, appears in
is comparable in shape, if not in scale, to a terrestrial low-Sun-angle Apollo 17 photographs to surmount a
volcanic vent and lava channel and may have been the low dome in mare basalt; this feature is interpreted as
source of some of the Serenitatis basalts (part A). a collapse caldera (part D). The prominent lava
Cinder cones have been identified within the dark channels and distinct flows in southwestern Mare
annulus at the southern edge of Mare Serenitatis Imbrium have now been carefully mapped, and a
(parts B and C). Between Mare Serenitatis and Mare relatively recent Eratosthenian age for these lavas is
Vaporum, an unusual D-shaped depression, first indicated (part E).




Ronald Greeley a

Aratus CA Oat. 24.5 ° N, long. 11.3 ° E; fig. 30-1) is primary surface features (channels, collapse depres-
an irregular-shaped crater 8.6 km long by 3 km wide sions) are well preserved. The general structure and
in western Mare Serenitatis, which was photographed eruptive history for Bear Crater have been deduced
during the Apollo 15 and 17 missions. It is similar in from photogeology and ground reconnaissance for
form to Bear Crater (fig. 30-2), a small volcanic vent comparisons with Aratus CA and similar lunar surface
formed in Holocene basalt flows of the Snake River features.
Plains, Idaho. In this report, the two features are Bear Crater is approximately 780 m long, 254 m
compared and it is concluded that Aratus CA may wide, and 80 m deep and appears to have formed
have a geologic structure and history similar to that three merged eruptive centers. Spatter ramparts of
of Bear Crater. agglutinate occur as knobs at the southern end of the
crater, and to a less pronounced degree at the
BEAR CRATER northern end. The floor of Bear Crater is covered
with talus, alluvium, and eolian deposits of unknown
Bear Crater is the summit vent of a basalt shield thickness. The smooth rounded floor of the crater
volcano 45 km south-southeast of Craters of the grades upward to the talus slopes of the crater wall.
Moon National Monument, Idaho. Although the Outcrops are restricted to sections of the crater wall
outer flanks of the shield have been flooded by and channel sides. Composite measured sections
younger basalt flows (fig. 30-3), the summit region is indicate that the shield was built of layers of basalt
exposed and only moderately weathered, and its from multiple eruptions. The dip of the layers near
the vent (fig. 30-4) averages approximately 15 °,
somewhat greater than the present slope on the flank
auniversity of Santa Clara. of the shield. Entrances to large lava tubes were not


FIGURE 30-2.-Bear Craterat Snake River Plains, Idaho.

Area of photographis 3.3 by 2.5 kin;north is at the top.

FIGURE 30-1.-Aratus CA Craterin western MareSerenita-

tis. Area of photographis 17.4 by 25 km; north is to the roof. Overflow from the channel has created broad,
right, slightly raised levees along some parts of the channel,
found within the crater. Small (1- to 2-m wide) tubes as indicated in the topographic prof'des (figs. 30-5(d)
exist in the pahoehoe basalt of the upper rim at the and 30-5(e)). Flow directions obtained from pahoe-
northern end of Bear Crater but were not found hoe festoons along the channel rim show that surface
elsewhere. The tubes trend generally downdip; some drainage back into the open channel occurred during
apparently connect with "North Hole," a 66-m- the final stages of flow.
diameter, flat-floored collapse depression (fig. 30-4). Bear Channels II and III may represent a single
Surface features on the shield (figs. 30-3 and 30-4) flow structure originating at the northern part of the
include lava channels, collapsed lava tubes, collapse vent. The structure apparently was intersected and
depressions, and primary flow structures (e.g., pahoe- partly eroded by the younger Bear Channel I. Bear
hoe ropes). Bear Channel I (fig. 30-4) is a prominent Channels II and III, unlike Channel I, are collapsed
structure originating on the eastern side of the crater, lava tubes/lava channels. (In active flows, parts of a
Although it is initially rather wide (222 m)and deep lava fiver may remain open as a channel, whereas
(49 m), it tapers to a narrow (approximately 21 m), other parts of the fiver may become roofed to form
shallow (approximately 2.5 m) structure. The channel tubes (refs. 30-1 and 30-2).)
meanders 2.8 km to the south, where it is buried by The northern end of the Bear Crater complex
younger pahoehoe flows erupted from rifts of Craters developed during initial eruptions. Lavas were fluid
of the Moon. The degree of channel meandering enough to permit the formation of lava tubes, which
increases in its lower portion, where the general carried lava away from the vent to build the early
gradient is less (fig. 30-5(a)). It is unlikely that most shield structure. Bear Channels I and II were the
of the channel was a lava tube with a freestanding dominant conduits carrying lava to the southeastem

of the crater rim. Withdrawal of lava down the vent

produced a crater floor lower than the level of the
last formed channel. Gradation subsequently has
smoothed and rounded parts of the shield, the crater,
and the channels.


Aratus CA is associated with a set of mare ridges

approximately 90 km east of the contact between
Mare Serenitatis and the highlands. Some mare ridges
are interpreted as extrusive, intrusive, or combination
extrusive-intrusive features (ref. 30-3). Parts of the
crater show different stages of degradation, and,
although all of the floor and most of the crater walls
are covered with talus, outcrops are exposed discon-
tinuously in at least three horizons in the southern
crater rim, indicating that Aratus CA was the site of
multiple eruptions. Initial eruptions are interpreted as
having formed the Older, fusiform part of the crater,
at which time the northeast-trending trench was
I I I I I formed. The trench is 3.9 krn long and averages 640
0 1 2 3 4 m in width. The trench may be interpreted as a flow
km channel, in which the northern end is roofed as a lava
Recent_ Basalt,mostly
Moon pahoehoe;fromCratersofthe tube (as yet uncollapsed), or the trench may be a

_ _-_ Basalt,pahoehoe; possibly

fromflowsassociated structurally controlled collapse depression. The latter
_ _ withthe Idahorift interpretation tentatively is favored in this report. In
_ _8 r_.Basalt ' pahoeh0e,eruptedfromunnamedvent either case, the trench has widened as a result of
"_' _
_- "Basalt,pah0ehoe
of theBearButteshield subsidence
with along crater.
the main its rims,Other
parts near
of the juncture
Aratus CA
•Contactsnotfieldchecked;maybecontemporaneous display fractures that are subparallel to the crater
rims, and the fractures probably represent incipient
FIGURE 30-3.-Photogeologic sketch map of Bear Butte subsidence.
Shield volcano, showingthe relationship of Bear Crater to Spillover of lava from the crater rims during an
the shield and the surroundinglava flows, early or intermediate eruptive phase resulted in a lava
flow channel (or lava tube, now collapsed) on the
part of the shield. The eruptive center shifted south southern rim of the crater. The channel is small,
and eventually formed the main part of Bear Crater. averaging approximately 240 m in width, and trends
Lack of lava tubes associated with this phase indicates almost due south for a distance of approximately I 1
that viscosities of the lava increased slightly, although km from the main crater. By comparison, a length of
not to such a degree that aa lavas were erupted. The 11 km is common in terrestrial lava flow channels and
southern end of the shield continued to build by lava tube systems.
accretion of lavas carried through Bear Channel I and The subcircular crater in the west-central part of
as sheet flows that spilled over the rims of the crater Aratus CA is superimposed on other parts of the
and channel. Crustal foundering of these sheet flows structure and apparently was formed during the last
resulted in the formation of at least one collapse eruptive stages. The rims and slopes of the feature are
depression. Bear Channel I widened during and after softened, and there are fewer large talus blocks than
active lava flow through slumping and subsidence of in the other parts of Aratus CA. This crater may
its rims. In the final eruptive stage, fountaining represent a pyroclastic eruptive phase, but evidence
produced spatter ramparts of agglutinate along parts to support this hypothesis is tenuous. In terrestrial

trail j'J

Bearbenchmarkno. 2, pahoehoesurfaceswith numeroussmall

5040fl (].536.19
m)-.., lavatubesandblisters;thin layersof basalt
8o 15° 0.2 to]..4 mthick
_°--- Dip-down floorof smalltubein craterrim
..... Possible entrancetouncollapsed lavatube
..... BearChannelm
eolianmaterial ._! _4

/ _'_"Collapsedepression
Collapse 3"0° i'
depression .Bear Channel_I, a partlycollapsed
.."" lavatuhe/lavachannet; predates
'_ basaltin thin, foldedlayers, BearChannel1
downslope surfacewith
' smallbombs _.__
BearChannel I

'_ _" Slumpblocksalongchannelsides;surfacewith

' pahoehoefestoons indicating surfacedrainage
'_ intochannel

300 600

!.5 "" m

Pahoohoe _I 30° Dip andstrike

[ 2H Measuredsectionlocality

_s _'_ '_ i .... Jeeptrail
f z';,., / "_ Generaltopographic
._, _ 3, Channeldepthin meters



-- Smalllavatubes

FIGURE 30-4.-Geologic sketch map of Bear Crater.

basaltic eruptions, including Bear Crater, the final photographs. To make comparisons with terrestrial
eruptive stages are occasionally marked by pyroelastic features and to evaluate the relationships of topogra-
activity, phy to surface feature morphology, topographic data
The interpretation of the origin and eruptive with an effective contour interval on the order of 5 m
history for Aratus CA is tentative and subject to are required for selected parts of the lunar surface.
revision after more detailed analysis of the Apollo Individual flow contacts were not detected during

0 0.5 1.0
Contour interval, 4 m

FIGURE 30-5.-Preliminary topographic map a_.dprofiles of Bear Craterand vicinity. Topography by

U.S. Geological Survey. (a) Topographic map.

initial examination of the photographs. However, Crater and Bear Crater is not possible because the
differences in crater frequencies are apparent on lunar feature is approximately 11 times larger; how-
several surfaces in the vicinity of Aratus CA. The unit ever, other terrestrial basaltic vents are often equiva-
immediately surrounding the crater (to a radius of lent in size to Aratus CA. The flow channel extending
approximately 9 kin) appears to have fewer craters southward from Aratus CA is comparable in size to
than do the adjacent surfaces; this lower crater many basalt flow channels. In addition, lunar basalt
frequency may be an indication of different flow flows that are distinguished clearly by low iUumina-
units or of blanketing by pyroclastics, tion (e.g., Mare Imbrium flows) are longer than
A direct 1: 1-scale comparison between Aratus CA terrestrial basalt flows. This length may be explained,

1520F A (west} (east}A'

_ 1140L

E. 1520 F B (north) _ (south}B'
1480_ , _#///H...- Flow_nlacl
1440L 0
L,u m

E 1510V C (west) _ BearChannel_ (east)C'

=" 15(32

1494 P
_., 1486 L////////////////H'" _
50 0 ''
50 100
td} m

E 1474F D (west) BearChannelI __ _(east) D'

I- _
L_h'H''" .... I I l I
[] 1450 50 0 50 100
(e) rn

FIGURE 30-5.-Concluded.-(b) Prof'fle A. Vertical exaggeration, 3.25X. (c) Profile B. Vertical exag-
geration, 3.25X. (d) Profile (2. Based on l:3000-scale topographic map with 2-m contour interval.
Vertical exaggeration, 3.75X. (o) Profile D. Based on l:3000-scale topographic map with 2-m con-
tour interval. Vertical exaggeration, 3.75X.

at least partly, by the lower viscosity and thermal CA Crater appears to be similar to Bear Crater. The
conductivity of some mare basalts (ref. 30-4). Thus, lunar feature is interpreted as a basaltic vent in Mare
surface flow features on the Moon are expected to be Serenitatis that resulted from multiple eruptions,
larger than their terrestrial counterparts, including the eruption of basalts with properties
allowing the formation of flow channels and lava

CONCLUSIONS tubes. The feature has been degraded subsequently to

the stage in which most of the outcrops in the crater
In form, structure, and eruptive history, Aratus walls are covered by talus.



David tI. Scott a

Small volcanic cones with summit craters or the area, one from a breached crater (C in fig. 30-7)
breached walls occur in several areas on the Moon. in the eastern part of the photograph.
Most of these features have basal diameters of Figure 30-8 shows cinder cones and basalt flows in
approximately 1 to 2 km and probably are not more the Lunar Crater volcanic field, Nevada. These cones
than a few hundred meters in height. None have been also are alined along structural breaks (A, B, and C in
so clearly photographed, however, as those shown in fig. 30-8) and are associated with small, scattered
Apollo 17 metric and panoramic camera coverage of mounds (D and E in fig. 30-8) similar to those of
the southeastern margin of the Serenitatis basin. Two figure 30-6; there are some slight differences, how-
cones (A and B in fig. 30-6) approximately 10 km ever. No obvious flows issue from the lunar cones,
apart project above mare material of Eratosthenian to and they appear to be more subdued than some of the
Imbrian age (see. 29, part A). Between the cones, terrestrial forms and have no sharp breaks between
small mounds (C, D, and E in fig. 30-6) appear to be
alined along the buried extension of a rille (F in fig.
30-6, mostly outside photograph) and are probably
volcanic extrusions or domes. In both scale and
morphology, these and other lunar cones are remark-
ably similar to terrestrial cinder cones (figs. 30-7 and
30-8), and their interpreted volcanic origin is not
dependent on controversial criteria such as dark
halos, smooth rims, or their association with materials
assumed to be volcanically derived. Summit craters
may be coincidental and the result of impacts on the
crests of hills, but their occurrence with cones having
breached surfaces or along structural lineaments (or
both) strongly favors a volcanic or volcano-tectonic
origin. Like their terrestrial counterparts, these cones
probably are composite structures made up of inter-
layered pyroclastic material and lava flows.
Figure 30-7 is a radar image of a part of the San
Francisco volcanic field in northern Arizona. Fine
details in topography are enhanced by this imagery,
which shows the partial burial of a lunar-like rille by a
lava flow (A in fig. 30-7), an association more
common on the Moon than on Earth. This basalt flow
and dlle should be compared with those in part D of
section 31, figures 31-43 and 31-44. The flow was
extruded from the base of a young cinder cone (B in L__.I
fig. 30-7), and several older flows are faintly visible in 0 km 2
FIGURE 30-6.-Lunar volcanic features in Mare Serenita-
tis. Cinder cones (A and B), volcanic mounds (C, D, and
E), and a dUe (F) (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame
aU.S. GeologicalSurvey. AS17o2317).

0 1

FIGURE 30-7.-Terrestrial cinder cones in Arizona. Lava

flow in a due (A), basalt extruded from the base of a cone
(B), and flow from a breached crater (C) (U.S. Geol.
Survey radar image).

their bases and the surrounding terrain. It is possible 0 1
that the Serenitatis lavas were more fluid and that km
flow-front scarps did not form. The cinder cones of
figure 30-8 are approximately 10 000 yr old or less, FIGURE 30-8.-Terrestrial cinder cones in Nevada. Breached
whereas the ages of those in figure 30-6 are probably cones along a fracture (A, B, and C) and small cinder
mounds (D and E) (U.S. Geol. Survey photograph).
on the order of several billion years. That they are
somewhat more degraded is understandable even
though the erosion of these particular lunar features be considered, however, as these affect the interior
may be mainly attributable to the relatively slow flow properties and the exterior ballistics of the
process of mass wasting and meteoroid bom- erupting lava. McGetchin and Head (ref. 30-5) con-
bardment, eluded that the net effect of these variations is a
Many analogs exist between lunar and terrestrial much wider distribution of ejecta around a volcanic
features but generally at grossly different scales. The source on the Moon than on Earth. The terrestrial-
cinder cones and associated features illustrated in this like cinder cones in southeastern Mare Serenitatis
paper are similar in size; thus, morphologic compari- thus show that for the formation of the cones and
sons are more readily made. Such factors as the lunar mounds, the dynamic pressure or volatility (or both)
gravity, probably lower volatile content of the of these eruptions must have been lower than for
magma, and lack of an atmosphere on the Moon must comparable terrestrial features.




W. B. Bryan a and Mary-Linda Adams a

Relationships between volcanic and structural fea- "high lava mark" on the inner wall of the crater. No
tures along the southern edge of Mare Serenitatis can evidence of fracturing or buckling of mare material is
be examined in detail because of the favorable apparent along the albedo boundary, as would be
low-angle lighting in the Apollo 17 photography, expected if it were a structurally produced hinge line.
Metric camera photographs enlarged 2X were ob- The dark fill in and near the Apollo 17 landing site
served at IX or 6X magnification. Relief was esti- is topographically lower than the dark border fill on
mated from parallax differences, assuming a nominal the southern side of Mare Serenitatis. We have been
spacecraft elevation of 110 km and a mean photo- unable to identify faults of sufficient magnitude to
graphic scale of 0.7 km/mm, account for this elevation difference. The dark mantle
This section includes a summary of observations of on highland material in this area is not as conspicuous
(1) contact relations between the dark border mate- in these low-Sun-angle photographs as it is in the
rial and the central mare fill, (2) a late-stage lava flow
with associated cinder cones, and (3) certain struc-
tural features related to the development of the mare
basin and its associated volcanic landforms. The
section is concluded with a chronologic summary of
volcanic and structural events that we believe are
critical to understanding the development of Mare



In figure 30-9, the contact relation between the

light central fill and the marginal dark border fill is
dearly shown. In addition to the obvious albedo
difference, a contrast in surface texture is evident.
Impact cratering and ridges on the light central fill
appear crisp, whereas many craters, ridges, and rilles
in the dark border appear softer and more subdued.
The boundary between the light and dark f'dl corre-
sponds to a distinct break in slope and has the general
character of a shoreline. The relatively fiat, smooth
surface of the light-colored material enters small 0 2o
embayments in the inclined, undulating surface of the km
dark border material. A crater, approximately 10 km
in diameter 0ower center, fig. 30-9), is partly FIGURE 30-9.-Southera margin of central light fill in Mare
Setenitatis. Note sharp to degraded tensional faults in
inundated by the light central fill, which has left a dark border material, concentric and radial wrinkle ridges
in light mare material, and subdued extension of radial
wrinkle ridges into dark border material (Apollo 17
awoods Hole OceanographicInstitution. metric camera frame AS17-0451).

Apollo 15 photographs, which were made at a higher

Sun angle.



On the southeastern side of Mare Serenitatis (fig.

30-10), graben fractures in the dark border are buried
beneath lighter colored mare material, evidently a
late-stage flow, which appears to have originated
outside the mare and flowed down the sloping dark
border surface, following a shallow depression in this
surface. This flow appears on the lower left side of
figure 30-10. Howard et al. (part A of sec. 29) have
called it the Dawes basalt. Two rille-like features on
its surface converge on a line of four vents 1 to 2 km
in diameter.
Two of these vents (B in fig. 30-10) are cones
distinct in their morphology from the many small
impact craters of similar diameter adjacent to them
on the Dawes basalt surface. The northern cone is
breached on its downslope side, as would be expected
of a cone serving as a vent for lava flow. A very faint,
rille-like channel can be traced for approximately 10
km downslope from this cone. Both this cone and the
larger southern cone are distinct, raised mounds with
rounded rims and crater floors that are above the
general surface of the surrounding basalt. Internal and
external slopes are approximately equal. These fea-
tures are typical of terrestrial volcanic cinder cones,
in which the cone is a positive addition of material
composed of ejected debris around a relatively small
central vent. In contrast, the nearby small impact I I
craters are steep-walled, conical pits with sharp rims 0 _o
and outer walls sloping much more gently than the km
inner walls; they are predominantly negative relief FIGURE 30-t0.-Southeastem margin of Mare Serenitatis,
features representing excavation and dispersion of mowing margin of lava flow mantling dark borders (A),
surface material. Applying these criteria, we feel possible breached cinder cones (B), and' collapsed and
confident that these two cones are extrusive volcanic partly buried lava tube (C) (Apollo 17 metric camera
frame AS17-0447).
features. The larger southern cone, approximately 1.5
km wide at its base and approximately 300 m high, is The Dawes basalt can be distinguished from the
almost identical in size and shape to Sunset Crater in adjacent dark mantle by its smoother surface, in
Arizona (ref. 30-6). The northern cone is slightly which it resembles the central fill of Mare Serenitatis.
smaller, measuring approximately 1 km across its base The surface of the flow is slightly convex, with a
and approximately 200 m high. A smaller cone subtle break in slope coinciding with the change from
approximately 5 km to the northwest maybe a small the smoother Dawes basalt surface to the more
satellite to this larger cone. Two irregular, pitted hummocky surface of the dark mantle. Albedo
mounds between the northern and southern cinder differences are slight, but the Dawes basalt appears to
cones may also be vents but do not show well-defined be slightly lighter in color. The boundaries of the
conical morphology. Dawes basalt shown by Howard et al. (part A of see.

29, fig. 29-5) are in reasonable agreement with the follow preexisting zones of weakness in the rock. This
boundary indicated as "A" in figure 30-10. Dawes principle may explain both the large-scale and fine-
impact debris tends to obscure contact relations along scale patterns of fracturing, as well as the difference
the western side of the Dawes basalt, and contact in response of the light and dark f'dl. Broad welts
relations between the Dawes and the light central probably develop above preexisting zones of deforma-
Serenitatis fill are also extremely subtle, tion in older buffed mare £111,because less energy is
The Dawes basalt is cut by several sharp rifts or expended in this way than in deforming previously
lines of small pit craters that follow the general trend undisturbed crust, especially if the same stress pattern
of the buffed graben fractures. A larger, elongated pit continues to operate. For the same reason, the more
on the left side of the lava flow is partly f'died by intense crumpling produced by continued deforma-
ponded lava. It is alined with a small depression tion is mainly localized along the crests of the broad
upslope and with irregular, rough features downslope welts. In detail, the intense crumpling developed by
that resemble partly collapsed domes or vent strut- displacement around crustal blocks bounded by
tures ((2 in fig. 30-10). These features may represent a fractures or joints spaced at 1 to 4 kin. The existence
large, partly collapsed lava tube that could be a of these coherent blocks suggests that wrinkle ridge
source of some of the central mare fill. deformation took place before impact events had
brecciated the surface and created a deep regolith.
The absence of sharp, angular ridges in the dark
Graben-like rilles are conspicuous in the dark border material may indicate that it consists of a
border material (fig. 30-9). One of the sharpest and relatively deep friable or highly brecciated regolith,
freshest of these grabens can be traced across the which would tend to dissipate deforming stresses over
southern wall and floor of the large, partly drowned many smaU-scale intergranular fractures.
impact crater on the light-dark "shoreline," and thus
is younger than the crater. In contrast, the blurred VOLCANIC AND STRUCTURAL
and degraded appearance of other grabens suggests CHRONOLOGY
that they are older features. These grabens crosscut
highland material but are truncated or buried by the The sharp and relatively straight light-dark bound-
light central fill of Mare Serenitatis, as discussed in ary relationship along the southern edge of Mare
part A of section 29. Serenitatis is difficult to explain if the dark material
Wrinkle ridges are prominent in the light central is assumed to be a younger deposit that covers the
fill of Mare Serenitatis (fig. 30-9). These have been lighter fill. If the dark material consisted of young
discussed by Bryan (ref. 30-7) and by Howard and lava flows, these should produce a much more
Mueldberger (.part C of sec. 31), who attribute them irregular, scalloped boundary, which is not observed.
to compressional deformation. There is a distinct If the dark material were a young ash deposit, the
change in the character of wrinkle ridge deformation boundary should be much less distinct. The shoreline
between the light fill and dark border material where relation, in which light material embays the dark
the radial ridges cross the light-dark boundary. Within material, indicates that it onlaps a preexisting sloping
the light fdl, the ridges are broad, convex swells, surface on the dark border material. The most
commonly topped by intensely crumpled, sharp reasonable interpretation is that the central, light-
ridges. Some sharp ridges also appear to develop colored material is a younger mare fill that accumu-
independently of preexisting swells. However, the lated in a depression formed by isostatic subsidence
sharp crumbling terminates abruptly at the albedo of the older, dark fill. Although many workers have
boundary, and the ridges continue into the dark stated that the dark margin is relatively young,
border as low, undulating swells. Within the light Howard et al. (part A of see. 29) have reviewed the
central f'di, many of the sharp ridges have a saw- assumptions leading to this interpretation and also
toothed or zigzag pattern resulting from tilting and conclude that the dark margin represents the earliest
rotation of distinct blocky crustal units measuring 1 f'filing of Mare Serenitatis. They note the similarity in
to 4 km on a side. color and albedo of the dark surfaces at the Apollo
Laboratory experiments on fracturing of basalt I 1 and 17 landing sites and along the southern margin
(ref. 30-8) have shown that induced fractures tend to of Mare Serenitatis; this similarity in appearance also

suggests similar composition and age of surface tional stresses indicate that the dark margin is much
material at all of these locations, more incoherent than the light till, which tends to
The distinctly lower elevation of the dark border fracture around distinct blocky units. This difference
material at the Apollo 17 landing site compared to suggests that the light fill was relatively fresh, brittle
that of the southern side of Mare Serenitatis suggests rock at the time of deformation, whereas the dark
that the dark material did not well up within the border may have been much more brecciated by
mare basin and overflow into adjacent valleys and impact events over an extended period.
into Mare Tranquillitatis. It seems more likely that Late-stage gas eruptions in the Taurus-Littrow area
the dark material originated in the highland valleys may have redistributed brecciated dark mantle as ash,
and flowed into the mare, much likethemorerecent as suggested by E1-Baz (ref. 30-9). Some such
Dawes basalt. These many independent flows would mechanism seems necessary to explain the distribu-
then have established their own local base levels tion of dark mantle over highland areas, but we have
where they are ponded or deflected by intervening not identified cinder cones like those on the Dawes
highland barriers, basalt. Possibly, much of this material was distributed
During and following this initial basin filling, by impact events. Although we do not exclude the
collapse of the central part of the mare caused local possibility of volcanic activity associated with wrinkle
marginal tension, producing a series of arcuate graben ridges, the morphology of the ridges in the southern
faults. Low swells and crenulations radial to the mare part of Mare Serenitatis is indicative of warped,
center may have also formed at this time. Impact crumpled, and broken surface crust rather than of
events created a deep regolith on the dark border freshly extruded volcanic material.
material. Filling of the mare basin continued, but the
source and mechanism remain obscure. The Dawes
basalt may represent a late-stage contribution to this CONCLUSIONS
fall. This light fill onlapped the sloping dark border,
drowning preexisting grabens and impact craters. A The Apollo 17 metric camera photographs provide
"high lava mark" present locally suggests the occur- definitive evidence for a sequence of volcanic and
rence of some drainback from the margins, implying structural events associated with the development of
vents within the mare, thermal shrinkage, or an early Mare Serenitatis. These events are relevant to the
subsidence event shortly after pending of the lava. interpretation of other orbital science experiments
Continued collapse of the central part of Mare and to samples of dark border material collected at
Serenitatis caused compressional deformation of the Apollo landing sites. Cinder cones associated with
crust, first forming low linear swells and welts, then volcanic vents on the Dawes basalt are similar in size
more intense crumpling of the crust along crests of and shape to typical terrestrial cinder cones. Detailed
the welts. Some of this deformation extended into morphology of deformational features produced by
the dark margin, possibly localized by preexisting both tensional and compressional stresses suggests
zones of weakness in the old fill. Differences in the distinct differences in physical properties of the
response of the light and dark material to deforma- central light fill and dark border material.



Farouk SI-Baz a

A unique D-shaped structure at latitude 18040 ' N, The D-shaped structure is a depression, 2 km wide
longitude 05020 ' E was discovered during the Apollo and 3 km long. The feature is approximately 300 m
15 mission within one of several smooth, dark deep and displays a raised rim that is 1.5 kin wide.
patches in the hilly region between Montes Haemus The floor is occupied by two different morphological
and Montes Apenninus. Its unusual shape and interior units:
morphology have generated much interest among 1. A fiat unit that is subdivided into two albedo
selenologists (refs. 30-10 and 30-11). Orbital photo- units, gray and white; the latter forms an annulus
graphs and visual observations (sec. 28) were planned around the gray unit (ref. 30-11). Apollo 17 visual
for the Apollo 17 mission to acquire additional observations (see. 28) and color photographs indicate
information pertaining to the setting and detailed that the whole floor has a bluish tone.
characteristics of this structure. Photographs of the 2. Approximately 50 disconnected, smooth, bul-
area were obtained by using the metric and Hassel- bous structures of various sizes; these structures
blad cameras (with both color and high-speed black- produce a blister-like appearance.
and-white Film); no panoramic camera photography There is a 1-km-diameter crater west of the
of the region was planned because the area had been D-shaped structure that, before the Apollo 17 mis-
adequately covered with the same camera during the sion, was believed to have a dark halo. The Apollo 17
Apollo 15 mission. The purpose of this report is to low-Sun photographs indicate that the darkening is
give a brief description of the Apollo 17 photographs probably due to slope effects; the crater is near the
of the D-shaped structure and its surroundings, border of an 18-km-wide dome that encircles the
The patches of dark material between Montes D-shaped structure (fig. 30-12(b)) and that appears to
Haemus and Montes Apenninus are separated by hilly have fewer craters on it than on the surrounding mare
and rugged units that are segmented by fractures (fig. 30-12(c)). It is proposed that the D-shaped
radial to Mare Imbrium. Two of these fractures structure is a collapse caldera atop an extrusive
bound the area of the D-shaped structure. The Apollo volcanic dome. It is further proposed to adopt the
17 low-Sun photographs of the area indicate that a informal name "D-Caldera" to designate the feature.
horst, at least 150 km long and 30 km wide (fig. From the preceding description, the following
30-11), has been uplifted relative to the surroundings, sequence of events may be reconstructed to explain
The fault on the western side of the horst continues the formation of observed features (fig. 30-13).
southward into eastern Mare Vaporum, as suggested 1. The Imbrium event clearly affected the tri-
by a prominent mare ridge system (fig. 30-11). angular-shaped region between Montes Haemus to the
The dark patches filling the valleys between the east and Montes Apenninus to the west. Pre-Imbrian
foothills of the mountains have been previously terrain was faulted, most of the major faults being
mapped as Imbrian mare material (ref. 30-12). Flow radial to the Imbrium basin. Deposition of Imbrium
structures and collapse depressions evident in the ejecta is evidenced by the linear ridge units, also
Apollo 17 low-Sun photographs further suggest that radial to the basin. The ejecta is probably kilometers
they may be basalt flows (fig. 30-12(a)). Thus, the thick because it masks preexisting structures (fig.
units are most probably volcanic in origin and 30-130)).
younger than the surrounding and underlying high- 2. Faulting must have continued as a result of
lands (ref. 30-13). adjustment of the crust after formation of the
Imbrium basin. At some later date, basaltic lavas
aNational Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Insti- migrated to the surface along the fractures and
tution, formed relatively thin mare patches; older highland

FIGURE 30-11.-Oblique view (looking southward) showing most of Mare Vaporum (upper righO and
the crater ManiUus (upper left). Four of the dark patches of mate material
between Montes Haemus and Montes Apenninus are in the lower half of the photograph. The
D-shaped structure is indicated by an arrow. The fault that separates the two patches in the lower
right continues into Mate Vaporum, as indicated by the mare ridge in the upper middle portion of
the photograph (Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-1671).
FIGURE 30-12.-Three views of the D-shaped feature. (a) Dark patches atop highlanu units have flow
scarps and mare ridge structures (right of center) and collapse depressions and flow channels (left
edge) similar to basaltic lava flow. The straight part of the D-shaped structure (circled) is 3 km long
(Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-1822). _b) Low-Sun-angle view of the area surrounding the
D-shaped structure, showing the dome .that encircles it (Apollo 17 metric camera frame
AS17-1237). (c) The small, bulbous domes in the floor of the D-shaped depression are shown in
this view taken during the Apollo 17 mission using the "Hasselblad camera with very-high-speed
black-and-white f'tlm. The dome that encircles the structure displays fewer craters than does the
surrounding mare surface (AS 17-154-23672).

Or, O0_ 0 O0 0 00 0,_00 0,-,0 0 o o

r_ u 0 _ <3-- 0 _ ^ 0 _"^O 0 _00

oOOoo o o O

(al (e)

C"-%L° o° o-
%,°,/o.XOo o oo

o o
7_x_ x _ × o

(b) (t)

hills and undulations occur as islands in these patches

(fig. 30-13(b)).
3. Vertical displacement occurred along many of
the major faults because of the readjustments follow-
X X )< ing lava deposition. In one case, the result was a block
elevated relative to the surroundings. The faulting
iX must have followed the major episode of lava
)_ extrusion because the slopes are void of basaltic
X mantle. In one case, however, a mare unit appears to
postdate the faulting (fig. 30-13(c)).
(c) 4. Later volcanism resulted in the formation of a

than the surroundings based on the fact that it is

smoother and displays fewer craters per unit area
__ dome. The surface of the dome appears to be younger
000 ,7_o/O_ _ _o_- - o0o-_ (figs. 30-12(c)and30-13(d)),
oooo_ _ ,, /x l_k x-_,Z X \,hOoOU 5. Collapse in the center of the domical structure
Ooo/ _ v ^/ _, _ Ix, .... _ -- v¢'_O-° produced the D-shaped caldera. The shape of the

Xo0 0
oX_ /K/_/_ _x Xx_INN_7"X_ × _'_ feature remains enigmatic, althotlgh there are indica-

detailed discussion. (a) Faulting and deposition of

i_//× X_X/)_/_x_x_X/_ _ tions that ejecta.
Imbrium the straight segment ofis basaltic
(b) Extrusion part ofa lavas
(d) fractures. (c) Vertical displacement along major faults. (d)
FIGURE 30-I3.-Sehematic illustration of the stages of Formation of dome by late-stageextrusion. (e) Formation
faulting and subsequent volcanism that led to the forma- of D-shapedcalderaby collapse.(0 Formation of bulbous
tion of the D-shaped collapse caldera. See text for floor structures by minor extrusions.

ous fault in the mare unit (fig. 30-12(b)). It is several seem to have repeated the collapse sequence as
probable that the depression would have been cir- they display apex craters (ref. 30-11).
cular had that fault not existed (fig. 30-13(e)). The preceding sequence, which is deduced from
6. The collapse appears to have been followed by the characteristics of the region studied, may be
numerous small extrusions that formed the bulbous pertinent to lunar volcanic processes that result in the
structures in tire caldera floor (fig. 30-13(f)). These formation of small-scale domes and collapse depres-
positive features appear to be small domes, and sions.




Gerald G. Schaber a

Orbital photographs taken at low-Sun illumination The lavas of the Eratosthenian eruptive phases
during both the Apollo 15 (ref. 30-14) and Apollo 17 flowed directly toward the center of the Imbrium
missions have provided excellent data on the lava basin with the earliest (phase I) materials pooling, in
flows in southwestern Mare Imbrium. These photo- what must have been the lowest portion, near the
graphs have been used recently to present a detailed breached southeastern rim of the Sinus Iridum Crater
photogeologic evaluation of these flows and their role (fig. 30-14). Present topography of the basin shows
in mare volcanism of Eratosthenian age in the basin that this region is still the lowest point (ref. 30-20).
(ref. 30-15). Eruption of these flood basalts appar- The average surface slopes from the volcanic source
ently took place in at least three major episodes with region southwest of Euler Crater to the basin center
suggested dates of 3.0 -+ 0.4 billion years (phase I), are estimated to be between 1:100 and 1 :1000. Lavas
2.7 -+0.3 billion years (phase II), and 2.5 -+0.3 billion assigned to the three eruptive phases extended for
years (phase III) using the mare age-dating method 1200, 600, and 400 kin, respectively, indicating a
described by Soderblom and Lebofsky (ref. 30-16) marked decrease in lava volume available for extru-
and recent data by Soderblom and Boyce (ref. sion between 3.0 and 2.5 billion years. Flow thick-
30-17). 1 nesses and areal extent indicate that a minimum of
4.0 X 104 km a of mare material coveting an area of
aU.S. GeologicalSurvey. 2.0 X l0 s km 2 was probably deposited in the
IThe method involves visual examination of an orbital Imbtium basin during this 0.5-billion-year interval.
photograph to determine the maximum diameter Ds of The youngest lavas (phase III) have been traced to
craters the internal slopes of which have been reduced to a possible source fissure at latitude 22050 ' N,
slopes less than the Sun elevation angle Ss. Using the longitude 31020 ' W (fig. 30-15, lower left). A
Soderblom (tel 30-18) model of smallcraterimpact erosion, very-low-albedo, linear cinder cone complex on the
measurementsof Ds are converted to an equivalent diameter
southeastern end of the island Euler/3 trends north-
DL of a crater eroded to an interior slope of 1° under the
same flux that has eroded a crater of diameterDs to a slope east-southwest and may be structurally related to the
of s s. Values of DL are consideredsynonymouswith relative inferred eruptive vent (fig. 30-16). The presence of a
age, which is directly proportional to the total number of distinct linear fissure cannot be visually documented
craters that have accumulated on the surface. TheD L values
on the Apollo photographs, but its approximate
measured for the three phases of Eratosthenian basalts in
location and northeast-southwest trend were sus-
Mare Imbrium are 235 -+20, 175 -+5, and 160 +-5 m, respec-
tively. The DL value for the youngest flows is in agreement pected after photogeologic mapping showed that the
with that of Boyce and Dial(part C of see. 29). phase III flow lobes narrow sharply southwestward

/ i \

.i/_ "_ -_.._.

/ \
Sinus Iridum// \

i "_ \\
4"I"- _ .0/-- ,,MaximumphaseI1 1600km)

/ LeVe_ _ I
_"---Maxi£um phaseI /"
](1200km) I? /
/ I MareImbriurn /
] Maximumphasem (400kin)-. /

\ Delisle / -.

" \\ _ _/" Archimedes,/./

X MonsLaHire' [) /

,_ Lambert Timocharis 7/

\\ t _ I, H? ._ -1"t"//

+/ + /

/ / Eratosthenes
I / Copernicus

zo I
40 30 20 10 0

FIGURE 30-14.-Arcal distribution of earliest (phase I) to most recent (phase III) Eratosthenian-age
mare material in the Imbrium basin. Arrows indicate direction of flow; hachures point downstope
and indicate flow-scarp limits of each phase. Dashed lines represent basin ring structures. (Base
after ref. 30-19).

and terminate between the crater Euler and the part, dark-mantled premare terra, and their distribu-
dark-manfled terra island Euler /3 (fig. 30-15). The tion appears to be controlled by normal faults (fig.
absence of such distinct flow scarps south of this 30-17). Several low-albedo, probably volcanic com-
region suggests that the fissure source is nearby but plexes were photographed by the Apollo 17 crewmen
possibly obscured by the lava flows. The pattern of in this region (figs. 30-18 and 30-19). It has been
flows at their narrowest point suggests that the fissure suggested (ref. 30-15) that virtually all the Eratos-
vent may have been on the order of 20 km in length, thenian-age mare mapped in the Imbrium basin may
Islands south of the crater Euler are, for the most have had a single eruptive source region bounded by


t FIGURE 30-16.-A mosaic of Apollo 15 Hasselblad photo-

0 21) graphs AS15-95-12931 and 12932 showing Euler IL a
_j _ km dark-mantled island 75 km west-southwest of the crater
Euler complex. (See figs. 30-14 and 30-15 for more detailed
l (_ location.)
Euler. The "X" indicates a low-albedo, linear cinder cone

This location is probably not fortuitous; at the time

lavatube of Eratosthenian volcanism m the Imbrium basin,
FI0wscarp;hachures pointdownslopo basin ring fractures perhaps acted as conduits for the
...... Possiblefissure vent magmas generated at depth. Partial melting may still
T--'r Fault; ball on downthrownside be taking place on a small scale at depths of 1000 km.
Stresses resulting from this process may accumulate
...... Flowchannel in the basin ring fractures and may be released by
.... Rille cyclic tidal forces, which Latham et al. (ref. 30-21)
--¢--¢-- Baseofridge;barbspointdownslepe suggest as a triggering mechanism of internal lunar
Junctureoftwoflows;barbsindicatedepression seismicity.
z43 Heightof scarpin meters;measuredat indicatedpoint Seven of the nine active lunar seismic regions
•• Floodedcraters suggested by Latham and his colleagues are associated
-"-" Directionoflaveflow with basin rings or regions of intersection of two or
more basins. This association appears to fit a relation-
FIGURE 30-15.-Photogeologic map of the lava flows and ship between concentric basin structures and major
probable source vent of the phase III crater
eruptives in dark mantle/mare plateau volcanic provinces (ref.
southwestern Mare Imbrium, west of the Euler.
Mapped on photomosaic composed of Apollo 15 metric 30-22).
camera photograph AS15-1701 and Apollo 17 metric Photogrammetric measurements of the phase III
camera photograph AS17-2295. (See fig. 30-21(a).) flow scarps indicate common average heights of 30 to
35 m with a range over a variety of flows from 10 to
63 m (fig. 30-15). Detailed study of the relationships
latitudes 18 ° to 23 ° N and longitudes 28 ° to 32 ° W between flow lobes and associated mare ridges indi-
(fig. 30-17). The locus of this volcanic province may cares that not all ridges completely postdate the
have been determined by the intersection of major eruptive events. Several of the ridges existed on the
ring faults (fig. 30-14) concentric to the Imbrium preflow surface, although with less complexity and
basin and to the poorly defined basin centered about lower topographic profde. The presence of leveed
the crater Copemicus (ref. 30-19). Latham et al. (ref. flow channels at mare ridge crests and ponding of lava
30-21) have recently identified nine currently active against preflow mare ridge slopes are direct evidence
lunar seismic areas with focuses at 600- to lO00-km of this relationship (fig. 30-20). The leveed channels
depths. The epicenter of one of these regions coin- were probably created by rapid, constricted flow
cides with the proposed fissure vent described here. during overflow of a lava lake ponded behind the

0 i0 20

FIGURE 30-17.-South-looking oblique photograph showing the suggested regional volcanic source
area for all Eratosthenian-age mare lavas in the Imbrium basin. Structural control of mate islands is
indicated by dashed lines; areas of figures 30-18 and 30-19 are indicated (Apollo 17 metric camera
frame AS17-2450).

FIGURE 30-19.-Nikon 35-mm photograph showing arcuate

volcanic cinder cone complex with associated lava flows
FIGURE 30-18.-Nikon 35-mm photograph showing a low- (AS17-155-23738). See figure 30-17 for location of this
albedo volcanic plateau within the regional volcanic area in the regionalvolcanicprovince.
source province of the Eratosthenian lavasin the Imbrium
basin (AS17-155-23736). See figure 30-17 for location of
this area in the regionalvolcanicprovince, lunar flow heights and extreme lengths are in accord
with calculated values when the reduced-grawty
ridge. The largest ridge northeast of Mons La Hire environment and the higher density of the basalt melt
best illustrates the evidence for pre-phase II ridge are considered (ref. 30-15). In addition, the high rates
topography with the dike-like, sinuous features on of lava extrusion appear to be the primary cause of
the ridge crest probably formed in the post-phase III extreme flow lengths; the reduced viscosity of lunar
period (figs. 30-20, 30-21(a), and 30-2 l(b)). Growth basalts (ref. 30-4) probably plays a secondary role.
of this particular ridge may have begun in Imbrian The orbital photographic documentation of south-
time. Present photogeologic evidence indicates that ern Mare Imbrium begun by the Apollo 15 crewmen
the flows surmounted slopes ofat least 0.5°. Postflow and compl0ted by the Apollo 17 crewmen has
normal faulting with displacements of at least 145 m enabled photogeologists to understand more clearly
is present in the ridge system approximately 60 km at least those volcanic processes that resulted in
north of Euler/3 (fig. 30-15). late-stage mare flooding. The distinct lava flows in the
Subdued, 1- to 2-kin-wide and 40- to 50-m-deep, Imbrium basin were recognized as perhaps the best
leveed channels are present lengthwise along the preserved result of such processes (ref. 30-25); until
center of the most extensive phase III flows (fig. the Apollo missions, however, photographic resolu-
30-15). This type of lava channel is common in tion and quantitative topographic data were insuf-
terrestrial basalt flows, but the lunar channels are flcient for a thorough evaluation.
several orders of magnitude larger. The braided lava
channels in a complex series just north of the
suggested phase III source vent are on the order of REFERENCES
400 to 800 m wide and 40 to 70 m deep (fig. 30-22). 30-1. Greeley, Ronald: Observations of Actively Forming
Lunar application of the equations of Shaw and Lava Tubes and Associated Structures, Hawaii. Mod.
Swanson (ref. 30-23) and Dane_ (ref. 30-24) has Geol.,vol. 2, no. 3, 1971, pp. 207-223.
shown that, even on nearly horizontal slopes, the 30-2. Greeley, Ronald: Additional Observationsof Actively
FIGURE 30-20.-Enlargement of part of Apollo 15 metric camera photograph AS15-1155 showing
pending (A) of a phase II lava flow against the 0.5 ° to 0.7° slope of a preflow mare ridge. The
higher part of the ridge is probably the result of postflow movement. Note the leveed channel on
the ridge at the point negotiated by the flow. Sun elevation angle is approximately 5*.
FIGURE 30-21.-Composite photogeologic map of lava flow scarps in southwestern Mare Imbrium.
Outlined area "A" indicates coverage of figure 30-15. Arrows indicate position of flow channels
and flow direction. Other symbols are the same as those used in figure 30-15. (a) Annotated
photobase mosaic composed of three rectified Apollo 15 metric camera oblique photographs
(frames AS15-1553, 1556, and 1557). (Rect'tfication by U.S. Army Map and Topographic
Command.) (b) Photogeologic map. Stippled pattern represents phase Ill materials, and horizontal
fine pattern represents earlier phase II deposits. Some phase I materials may be included in the
latter. Heavy lines with double barbs indicate mare ridge trends.

o_. _.

FIGURE 30-22.-Apollo 17 Hasselblad photographs AS17-155-23717 and 23718 showing the braided
lava channels near the source vents of the phase III eruptives. Numbers (e.g., 24) are heights in
meters measured at indicated points. The Sun elevation angle is approximately 1° .

Forming Lava Tubes and Associated Structures, Hawaii. Geologic Evaluation From Apollo Orbital Photography.
Mod. Geol., vol. 3, no. 3, 1972, pp. 157-160. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth
30-3. Strom, R. G.: Lunar Mare Ridges, Rings and Volcanic Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8,
Ring Complexes. Mod. Geol., vol. 2, 1971, pp. 133-157. 1973), pp. 653-654.
30-4. Murase, Tsutomu; and McBirney, Alexander R.: Vis- 30-16. Soderblom, Laurence A.; and Lebofsky, Larry A.:
cosity of Lunar Lavas. Science, vol. 167, no. 3924, Mar. Technique for Rapid Determination of Relative Ages of
13, 1970, pp. 1491-1493. Lunar Areas From Orbital Photography. J. Geophys. Res.,
30-5. McGetehin, Thomas R.; and Head, James W.: Lunar vol. 77, no. 2, Jan. 10, 1972, pp. 27%296.
Cinder Cones. Science, vol. 180, no. 4081, Apr. 6, 1973, 30-17. Soderblom, Laurence A.; and Boyce, Joseph M.:
pp. 68-71. Relative Ages of Some Near-Side and Far-Side Terra
30-6. Green, Jack; and Short, Nicholas M., eds.: Volcanic Plains Based on Apollo 16 Metric Photography. See. 29,
Landforms and Surface Features, A Photographic Atlas Part A, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report.
and Glossary. Springer-Verlag (New York), 1971. NASA SP-315, 1972.
30-7. Bryan, Wo B.: Wrinkle-Ridges as Deformed Surface 30-18. Soderblom, Laurence A.: A Model for Small-Impact
Crust on Ponded Mare Lava. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of Erosion Applied to the Lunar Surface. J. Geophys. Res.,
papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference vol. 75, no. 14, May 10, 1970, pp. 2655-2661.
(Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 103-105. 30-19. Wllhelms, D. E.; and MeCauley, J. F.: Geologic Map
30-8. Koons, Mary-Linda: Brittle Fracture in Oceanic of the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc.
Basalts. M.A. Thesis, Temple Univ., 1972. Geol. Inv. Map 1-703, 1971.
30-9. EI-Baz, Farouk: The Cinder Field of the Taurus 30-20. Anon.: Topographic Lunar Map-Sheet 2
Mountains. See. 25, Part I, of the Apollo 15 Prehminary (1:5 000 000); Edition I-AMS. U.S. Army Corps of
Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972. Engineers, Army Map Service, 1960.
30-10. Whitaker, Ewen A.: An Unusual Mare Feature. See. 30-21. Latham, G.; Dorman, J.; Duennebier, F.; Ewing, M.;
25, Part N, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report. et al.: Moonquakes, Meteoroids, and the State of the
NASA SP-289, 1972. Lunar Interior. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers pre-
30-11. E1-Baz, Faronk: New Geological Findings in Apollo sented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference (Hous-
15 Lunar Orbital Photography. Proceedings of the Third ton, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 457-459.
Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge, 30-22. Cart, M. H.: The Geology of the Mare Serenitatis
Mass.), 1972, pp. 39-61. Region of the Moon. In Part A of Astrogeologic Studies
30-12. Hackman, R. J.: Geologic Map of the Montes Annual Progress Report, July 1, 1965 to July 1, 1966,
Apenninus Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. U.S. Geol. Survey, Dec. 1966, pp. 11-16.
Geol. Inv. Map 1-463, 1966. 30-23. Shaw, H. R.; and Swanson, D. A.: Eruption and Flow
30-13. E1-Baz, Farouk: The Lunar Dark Mantle: Its Distribu- Rates of Flood Basalts. Proceedings of the Second
tion and Geologic Significance. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of Columbia River Basalt Symposium, Eastern Washington
papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference State CoUege Press (Chancy, Wash.), 1970, pp. 271-299.
(Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 217-218. 30-24. Danes, Z. F.: Dynamics of Lava Flows. J. Geophys.
30-14. Whitaker, Ewen A.: Mare Imbrium Lava Flows and Res., vol. 77, no. 8, Mar. 10, 1972, pp. 1430-1432.
Thek Relationship- to Color Boundaries. See. 25, Part M, 30-25. Kuiper, Gerard P.: Interpretation of Ranger VII
of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report. NASA Records. Ranger VII, Part II. Experimenters' Analyses
SP-289, 1972. and Interpretations. JPL Tech. Rept. 32-700, 1965, pp.
30-15. Schaber, Gerald G.: Lava Flows in Mare Imbrium: 9-73.
31. Mare Ridges and Related Studies

The high-resolution metric and panoramic cameras sion, extrusion, or tectonism-or some combination
flown" on the last three Apollo missions have added of these processes (part A). Some ridges may have
considerable detail to the photographic record of the formed by autointrusion of the molten lower part of
Moon. Mare ridges and rilles on the lunar surface are lava lakes into the surficial crust (part B). Ridges in
now visible in greater detail, but their genesis remains the Taurus-Littrow area may have been caused by
perplexing. Some rilles may have formed as lava low-angle thrust faulting (part C), but small-scale fea-
channels or tubes; ridges may be products of intru- tures also suggest volcanic extrusion (part D).



Richard A. Young, a William J. Brennan, a

Robert W. Wolfe,a and Douglas J. Nichols a

The lunar maria were formed and have been summits, a possible roof remnant has been identified
modified during an extended period by volcanic and along one of the major rille segments (area A in fig.
tectonic processes. Lava flows, sinuous rilles, mare 31-1). This feature suggests a lava tube origin as
ridges, faults, and fracture systems constitute a opposed to open channel flow. If closed lava tubes
closely interrelated assemblage of mare surface fea- did form on the Moon, collapse of the roofs would
tures that overlap temporally and spatially. Some occur either simultaneously with drainage of the
prominent ring structures have evolved from flooded tubes or as a result of the postmare impact flux
premare impact craters by volcanic and tectonic documented in reference 31-4. Other sinuous rilles
modification, could have formed as open channels with levees (ref.
31-1) or as channels merging with tubes as in
SIN UOUS R I L LES terrestrial analogs (refs. 31-5 and 31-6).
In this discussion, sinuous rilles are considered to Whether a particular sinuous rille developed as a
be different in origin from graben-type fractures, closed lava tube or as an open channel, it must be the
Pertinent discussions of the planimetric shapes of same age as the surface flow within which it has
rilles appear in reference 31-1. Sinuous rilles have developed. This relationship suggests that the relative
most likely developed as lava tubes or channels in the length of prominent rilles within different mare
thicker portions of flows, in areas of converging flow regions indicates the dimensions of the mare regions
lines, or by channelization between or around ob- covered during specific flooding episodes. It is as-
structions (refs. 31-2 and 31-3). In the Herigonius sumed that a particular "flow" might be fed by
rille system, where two rilles emerge from mare ridge several widely spaced vents. One of the longest
sinuous lunar rilles north of the crater Brayley (fig.
31-2) is at least 340 km in length. Such long rilles
aState University of New York at Geneseo. could be composed of two or more sections, similar


0 15
FIGURE 31-1.-Herigonius riUe complex: (A) collapsed roof(?) remnant; (B) secondary(?) vent; (C)
blocked primary(?) vent; (D) and (E) intrusive or extrusive(?) postrille features (Apollo 16 metric
camera frame AS16-2837).
to the Herigonius rilles, issuing from more than one of these processes along different segments of the
vent, some of which may no longer be visible, same ridge (ref. 31-7). Partial filling of adjacent
craters, conspicuous elevation differences of mare
surfaces across the ridges, and "squeeze-up" type
structures can all be recognized along some ridge
Mare ridges have apparently formed by intrusion, elements.
extrusion, and tectonic activity or by combinations The age relationships of ridges relative to associ-

1 I
0 15
FIGURE 31-2.-Rille north of crater Brayley in southwestern Mare Imbrium. Note flUe/ridge
relationships (Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-2928).

ated features imply a complex origin for most ridges, the sinuous rilles and, by inference, the flows in
Where prominent sinuous rilles intersect mare ridges, which they formed (fig. 31-3). The rilles closely
the rilles often appear to have been distorted, filled, follow the prominent ridge in area A (fig. 31-3), and
or displaced by growth or deformation of the ridge they also show deformation along the ridge flank near
(fig. 31-2). These relationships indicate that ridge the rille junction. The rille that issues near area B (fig.
volcanism or deformation followed rille formation. 31-1) and crosses the most prominent ridge without
Mare ridges exhibit a variety of temporal relation- conspicuous deformation suggests that flow may have
ships with mare surface flows, rilles, and fractures, persisted across a low section of the initial ridge while
Near the Herigonius rille complex, the two larger ridge formation continued, eventually producing a
northwest-southeast trending ridges that have sinuous complex vent that fed rilles extending both north and
rille vents located along their summits appear to have south. Deformation of the ridge appears to have
deflected or otherwise influenced the development of closed off a portion of the vent system in area C (fig.

0 15

FIGURE 31-3.-Hedgonius title complex: (A) rille trend influenced by preexisting ridge; (B) areas
where ridge growth has deformed riUes; and (C) rille sections showing deformation or Idling across
ridge (Apollo 16 metric camera frame AS16-2837).

31-I) with a resulting shift of activity to the complex vent (fig. 31-1, B), portions of the rilles that
northeast edge of the ridge at area B. Alternatively, cross smaller ridge segments near area B (fig. 31-3)
lava could have poured out along the entire straight clearly show ridge deformation postdating the devel-
section of the rille at area E. A minor obstruction opment of the rilles.
(intrusion?) in the rille where it crosses the large ridge The long prominent rille near the crater Brayley
can be seen in area E (fig. 31-1). Northwest of this exhibits a "braided" or bifurcating character near

several ridge-crossing segments (fig. 31-2). These developed contemporaneously with the surface flows
multiple channels could possibly have formed when in these areas; however, the entire ridge might, in
ridge tectonism or volcanism caused subtle surface fact, be considerably younger than the surrounding
deformation, or they might be the result of multiple flows.
feeder vents near the ridge systems (fig. 31-2). All these relationships demonstrate that mare
Along the mare ridge system in Mare Serenitatis ridges have complex origins in time. Some retain
near the crater Littrow, there is evidence of local topographic expression during two or more episodes
flows from several parts of the ridge partly filling of adjacent mare flooding and serve to channel or
adjacent craters of various sizes (fig. 31-4). The same direct flows. Others are submerged temporarily by
relationship between ridges and adjacent craters is younger flows and later deform the surface by
evident along the ridge system in eastern Mare extrusive, intrusive, and tectonic activity. Still other
Cognitum in the general vicinity of the crater ridges might have developed their present topographic
Bonpland D. These ridge/crater relationships in both expression entirely during one limited episode of
cases imply a significant interval for cratering of the mare flooding. The evidence suggests most strongly
adjacent surfaces before renewed (secondary) vol- that repetitive deformation and volcanism along
canism along the ridges. This conclusion is based on premare basement fractures have formed the mare
the assumption that the main portion of the ridge ridges.
Although mare ridge development can occur be-
fore, during, and after the extrusion of the adjacent
mare surface flows, the latest surficial activity observ-
able along many ridges appears to have accompanied
or followed local mare flow extrusion and rille
The interrelated nature of sinuous mare rilles,
ridges, and flows is clearly illustrated northwest of
the crater Euler (fig. 31-5) where both well-defined
surface flows and associated rilles have been de-
formed by ridge development before all the features
were in turn offset by prominent northeast-southwest
trending faults or flexures. (Similar relationships are
shown in fig. 31-11.) All these relationships are best
demonstrated on stereographic photographs.



Graben-type faulting is prominent in many mare

regions, including the southeastern edge of the
Serenitatis basin (fig. 31-6). In this region, faulted
dark mantle material or flows appear to cover the
mare ridges (area A), and all surface features appear
to be displaced to some extent by faults. Some
1_ grabens are embayed by dark mare flows (fig. 31-7,
km E) that are nearly indistinguishable from the older
FIGURE 31-4.-Mare ridges west of crater Littrow in Mare adjacent dark mare material. The flows filling the
SerenRatis. Flow of ridge material into craters has grabens have small subsidence structures super-
on Apolloat15
points indicated.
frame can be seen better
AS15-9303. Note imposed on them (fig. 31-7, D). In contrast to the
apparent continuation of ridge elements into flow-like preceding interpretation, the southwestern corner of
features within dark mare material to the east (Apollo 17 figure 31-6 contains secondary craters that are inter-
metric cameraframe AS17-0597). preted as ejecta from the crater Plinius (out of view

0 15
FIGURE 31-5.-Mare surface northwest of crater Euler: (A) rine deformed by flexure; (B) lava
channel with levees; (C) rilles deformed by mare ridge; (D) collapsed lava tube(?); (E) rilla passing
into normal fault; and (F) collapsed lava tube(?). Note evidenceof deformation of surfaces,rilles,
and flows by volcanism and tectonism (Apollo 17 metric camera frameAS17-2732).

to the southwest) and that are superimposed on the the grabens, instead of being younger than the ridge
dark mare material but not on the lighter (younger?) at area A (fig. 31-6), might have been partially filled
mare surface immediately north of the grabens. _ This by volcanism occurring along the mare ridge.
contradictory evidence for the relative ages of the Approximately two crater diameters northeast of
dark and light surfaces permits the interpretation that the crater Dawes (fig. 31-7) where the grabens are
partially flooded by younger flows containing a
sinuous rille (fig. 31-7, C), two cones (A and B) are
1B. K. Lucchitta, personal communication, 1973. alined along a conspicuous fracture. These cones are

0 15

FIGURE 31-6.-Southeastern edge of Mare Sere_itatis: (A) ridge covered by later volcanism; (B)
grabens;and (C) crater Dawes (Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-0599).

two of the most volcano-like features yet recorded on TECTONO-VOLCAN ICALLY MODI F I ED
Apollo photographs. Another prominent volcanic PREMARE IMPACT CRATERS
cone or dome is shown in area A of figure 31-8 along
a small ridge. Near the crater Dawes, the younger The following examples illustrate several stages in
flows appear to have flowed from the southeast, as the modification of impact craters by tectonism,
indicated by the rille trend, and were affected by volcanism, younger impacts, and mass wasting.
small collapse depressions that also intersect the rille
(areas C and D in fig. 31-7). Krieger Crater
The preceding relationships make it appear likely
that faulting of the mare surfaces is closely inter- Krieger is an impact crater (fig. 31-9) with a rim,
related with the volcanic flooding; further, it appears floor, and cjecta blanket that have been affected by
that dark mare materials or flows should not always several processes. The southern rim was partly obliter-
be interpreted as the youngest deposits in any given ated by the impact that formed the crater Krieger B,
area of the Moon. and ejecta from this impact partly fills the floor of

0 15

FIGURE 31-7.-Area northeast of crater Dawes: (A) volcanic cones(?); (B) sinuous riUe; (C) graben
embayed by younger flows; and (1)) subsidence lineaments (Apollo 17 metric camera frame


FIGURE 3l-9.-Crater Krieger,Aristarchus plateau (Apollo

15 metric camera frame AS15-2340).

Herigonius v Crater
FIGURE 31-8.-Domes or cones southeast of Maraldi D in
northern Mare Tranquillitafis (Apollo 17 metric camera The northwestern half of Herigonius v (fig. 31-10)
frame AS17-0303). is bounded by a rim that varies in both width and
height and that grades into an isolated highland area.
Krieger. A portion of the northern rim slumped or The northeastern tip of this rim segment has been cut
slid into the interior, forming an irregular deposit of by a short high-angle fault. The eastern side of this
debris at the base of the inner wall. The western rim faulted tip has moved relatively upward with respect
has been partly destroyed and subsequently breached to the western side. The entire northwestern half of
by mare material that partly fills the crater floor. The the crater rim appears to be of impact origin. The
level of the mare surface to the west is higher than southeastern half of the crater rim is low and narrow
the floor of Krieger, which suggests that mare and barely protrudes above the surface of the mare
material has flooded the crater through a low point in material that both fills and surrounds the crater. The
the western rim, with the source of the mare material eastern side of this low, narrow rim segment has been
being exterior to the crater. However, the rille that partly destroyed by a cluster of secondary impact
extends from the gap in the western rim out onto the craters.
mare surface is widest at the gap and narrows It seems improbable that impact, mass-wasting,
progressively away from the gap into the mare. In and tectonic processes would have reduced only the
many terrestrial lava channels, the width decreases southeastern portion of the rim to such a uniform
away from the source. Similar relationships can be configuration. A more likely possibility is that, after
observed in several sinuous rilles along the southern this portion of the original ejecta rim was partially
portion of figure 31-9. Therefore, it is also possible destroyed by the aforementioned processes and then
that the source of mare flow material on the floor of inundated by mare lavas, subsequent fissure volcan-
the crater lies within Krieger and that the difference ism-along a nearly circular fracture produced by the
in elevation between the crater floor and mare initial impact-formed the present low, narrow rim.
surfaces is the result of postvolcanic subsidence of the This lower segment of the rim resembles the nearly
crater floor, linear low ridge that lies approximately one crater
The overall result of these processes is the rapid diameter to the west. This ridge is also narrow and
destruction of the crater ejecta rim, especially its appears to flU a portion of a fracture. An intrusive
circular form. origin for this ridge seems likely. The smoothly

lunar ring structures, particularly the circular form.

Evidence of volcanic activity exists in the form of
sinuous rilles (northwestern portion) and flow fea-
tures, including flow fronts (southern portion). A
small, narrow, arcuate ridge segment similar in mor-
phology to that previously described in figure 13-10
is located just outside the southeastern portion of
Lambert R (fig. 31-11, C). It exhibits a concentric
relationship with the ring complex. Tectonism as well
as volcanism along the structure may be partly
responsible for differences in elevation between the
interior and the surrounding mare. Some flexuring is
apparent on the eastern side.
The existence of the sinuous rille that crosses the
northwestern rim in area A of figure 31-11 suggests
that the last major episode of volcanism may have
inundated that portion of the ring. Later, smaller-
scale eruptions could have reestablished the ring. The
presence of material filling the portion of the rille
that crosses the ring supports this interpretation.
L _ Only along the southwestern side is there any
0 krn 15 suggestion of a possible relict ejecta rim. The hills
with high albedo in that region resemble terra
FIGURE 31-10.-Crater Herigoniusonortheast of Hefigonius material and are similar to those around the Flam-
fille complex: (A) fault (Apollo 16 metric camera frame
steed P ring described in references 31-8 and 31-9.
AS16-2834). They appear to be more densely cratered than the
curved form of the southeastern rim segment of adjacent mare; the abundant clusters of secondary
Herigonius _ in contrast to the more irregular craters make this comparison somewhat uncertain,
northwestern portion can easily be accounted for if however. Carr (ref. 31-10) mapped these hills as rim
they are volcanic and impact features, respectively, ejecta.
Ejecta rims are prominent topographic features and as CON C LI3SI O NS
such are subject to erosion by mass wasting and
younger impacts. However, impact fractures would be The filling of the lunar maria and the contem-
affected only by much larger impacts and not at all poraneous development of distinctive surface features
by most minor surface processes, and subsequent have involved volcanism and tectonism along premare
volcanism along the impact fractures could recon- basement fractures to form mare ridges and fault
struct a secondary volcanic rim almost circular in systems as well as primary surface features such as
shape, sinuous rilles (collapsed lava tubes) and volcanic
The low topographic expression of the south- flows. In general, mare ridges appear to have under-
eastern portion of the crater rim and the absence of gone continued deformation or growth by tectonic
obvious flow features suggest that the main sources of and volcanic processes (extrusive and intrusive) after
magma lay outside the crater. Isostatic uplift of the the surrounding mare surface flows were extruded.
crater floor may in part account for the difference in However, in some cases, portions of mare ridges were
elevation between it and the mare surface immedi- obviously present as topographic prominences when
ately to the southeast, the surrounding flows were extruded.
The modification of impact craters by other
impacts, mass wasting, tectonism, and volcanism has,
Lambert R Crater in certain cases, been followed by reestablishment of
The ring complex of Lambert R (fig. 31-11) circular ridge systems above flooded premare craters
exhibits many of the characteristics also seen in other of impact origin.

0 15

FIGURE 31-1 L-Crater Lamhert R in Mare Imbrium: (A) sinuous rille showing alteration along crater
edge; (B) arcuate riUe deformed by ridge; and (C) intrusive(?) ridge element (Apollo 17 metric
camera frame AS17-2286).

All these features developed over an extended continuous process of formation and modification
period and show complex interrelations in time and during the evolution of the lunar maria.
space. No consistent, uniform sequence of events in ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the development of these complex surfaces is ap- The authors thank Roger B. Smith, State University of
parent. On the contrary, it appears that all types of New York at Geneseo, for all photographic reproductions
surface features may have undergone a more or less from Apollo positive transparencies.

FIGURE 31-16.-Mauna Ulu lava lake, Hawaii. Ridge devel-

oped at juncture of circulating crustal plates; left plate is
plunging beneath folded upper plate on right (ref. 31-18).
(The top of the ridge between the arrows is approxi-
mately 4 m wide.)

0 2
FIGURE 31-15.-Ridge outlining buried crater rim in western
Oceanus ProceUarum, north of crater SchiapazeUi (Apollo
15 metric camera frame AS15-2489).

ridges atop arches, the sense of offset is seldom

consistent along a single ridge or arch.


FIGURE 31-17.-Mauna Ulu lava lake, Hawaii. Squeeze-outs
WlTH MAR E R IDG ES (splash) and overthrusting at junction of crustal plates in
The formation of structural features observed in circulating lava lake. Plates on each side of junction are
flat; appearance of curvature is optical illusion caused by
two recent terrestrial lava lakes suggests possible striated texture of crust. Squeeze-out ridge at upper left is
origins for some mare ridges. Structures forming on a about 1 m wide (photograph by W. A. Duffield).
circulating lava lake in Mauna Ulu were documented
by Duffield (ref. 31-18). Active circulation of the miniature those of some mare ridges (e.g., see fig.
melt prevented formation of a stable crust, and the 31-25). If lava lakes existed in some parts of the
thin (< 2 cm, ref. 31-18) chilled surface was continu- maria and if circulation of lava continued after the
ously broken, rafted, and eventually resorbed in the lakes crusted over, ridges might have formed where
molten lava. Crustal plates migrated away from zones crustal fragments were rafted against or over one
of magmatic upwelling and overrode one another at another. The preservation of such structures analo-
zones of crustal convergence, with concomitant for- gous to the ephemeral ridges at Manna Ulu (figs.
mation of ridges in upper plates and "squeeze-outs" 31-16 and 31-17) seems problematic, but if circula-
of lava at the junctures (figs. 31-16 and 31-17). The tion were sluggish enough and the crust thick enough,
morphologies of these ephemeral features resemble in the process might be applicable to the formation of

FIGURE 31-19.-Alae lava lake. Hawaii.Compressionalridge

at buckled toe of thrust fault in subsiding crust of lava
lake; man circledfor scale (ref. 31-19).

FIGURE 31-18.-Aerial viewof Alae lavalake, Hawaii,March

1, 1971. Tensional faults over buried rim of Alae crater;
sinuous compressionalridges near axis of subsidence(ref.

some lunar ridges where no relation to buried

topography is apparent.
The complex history of Alae lava lake, on the
eastern rift of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, has been
described in detail in reference 31-19. Originally a
165-m-deep pit crater, Alae was filled to overflowing
by lava from the Manna Ulu eruptions of 1969-71;
partial drainage occurred by way of a lava tube,
causing the chilled crust on the lake to subside.
Extension structures-such as concentric cracks, FIGURE 31-20.-Alae lava lake, Hawaii. Autointrusive dike
filling tension crack over buried crater rim; dike ' abse-
graben, and normal faults-formed over the preexist- quenfly fractured during additional subsidence of lake
ing crater rim and over an older, more deeply buried crust. The rod across the crack is 1.5 m long (ref. 31-19).
inner rim as well (fig. 31-18). The central subsidence
bowl became a zone of compression, but, instead of echelon, interconnected networks (fig. 31-18) re-
simply buckling, the crust broke into thrust plates sembling the mare ridge patterns-suggesting perhaps
(fig. 31-19), and prominent ridges formed lobate and a more promising analogy, to which the remainder of
boxwork patterns at the margins of the overriding this paper will be devoted.
plates (ref. 31-19, figs. 31-19 and 31-20). The circumferential tension cracks at Alae com-
The geographical relationship of tensional and monly were intruded by molten lava from below the
compressional zones at Alae contrasts with the crust (autointrusion), possibly as a result of density
proposal that buried topography localized compres- differences between melt and crust as well as litho-
sional structures on the Moon as mare lavas subsided static pressure imposed by the sinking central crust;
(ref. 31-13). Furthermore, the compressional ridges at some of these dikes were themselves subsequently
Alae did not form the en echelon patterns typical of fractured (fig. 31-20). In lunar lava lakes, crustal
many lunar ridges, whereas the extensional fractures subsidence may have caused intrusion and extrusion
and faults over the buried crater rims did develop en of underlying molten lava into and onto the solidi-

fled, sagging crust through tensional fracture systems; FracturesIormed

resulting landforms might be analogous to terrestrial bymovement
of template_

laccoliths and to Duffield and
squeeze-ups (refs.Nakamura
31-7 and (ref. 31-21),
31-20). _.------""_¢_'_'-""'i'f 'i .,Projectedtrace0_f "_"'--_
en echelon faults and fractures may be caused by _1_"_i ,-_ •
_' _d 'e'rliyngtemp,ate

fault zone and approximately normal to lines of
rupture. Unlike such fractures related to transcurrent
faulting, those caused by tension are characterized by
the contemporaneous development of right-lateral
of _'_,_*_"_ Pullon template

(dextral) and left-lateral (sinistral) patterns 2 (fig.

31-21). Such an extensional en echelon pattern is
exemplified by the Koae fault system at Kilauea (ref. FIGURE
from 31-21.--Sketch
unidireerional showingfracture pattern
horizontal dilation that results
o( tabular clay
31-21). If, on the Moon, such fractures localized model, produced by movement of underlying template;
extrusions, then tension rather than transcurrent dextral ((D) fight lateral) and sinistral ((S) left lateral)
faulting at depth (ref. 31-16) might explain ridges arrays formed contemporaneously (after ref. 31-21).
where both sinistral and dextral patterns occur along
the same structural trend (fig. 31-22).
Possible evidence for an autointrusive or squeeze-
up origin may be the circular ridges over buried crater
rims (figs. 31-14 and 31-15), which are similar in
shape to larger linear ridges; these are not readily
explained by either transcurrent faulting or lateral
compression. Commonly, as at Lambert R (figs.
31-14(a) and 31-14(b)), such ridges are narrow and
discontinuous, suggesting extrusive squeeze-ups along
en echelon cracks. Very small flooded craters seem to
show a gradational sequence from rimmed depres-
sions, which appear only as mantled topography (fig.
31-23), to those where marginal fracturing occurs at
the rim (fig. 31-24), and others in which ridges have
formed at the rim (fig. 31-15). This apparent se-
quence, as well as the high degree of circularity and
common preservation of rim remnants (fig. 31-14(a)),
seems to preclude formation of many circular ridges 0 30
as deeply rooted volcanic "ring dikes." km
A squeeze-up model might also explain the broad
arches topped by wrinkle ridges. If the crust above FIGURE 31-22.-Ridges in southwest Mare Serenitatis, show-
laecolithic autointrusives were broken by axial ten- ing both dextral (D) and sinistral (S) en echelon patterns;
compare with figure 31-21 (Apollo 17 metric camera
sion cracks, squeeze-ups along these cracks might frame AS17-0605).
form the narrow crenulate, braided, and en echelon
ridges. That extrusion does occur is exemplified
where ridge material overlaps small craters (ref. 31-8), cally controlled, some of these may be derived from
as shown in figure 31-25. Although Strom (ref. 31-8) the lower molten part of ponded lava, forced upward
interpreted such extrusives as postmare dikes tectoni- through fissures in the lava crust (figs. 31-26 and
Mare ridges are laterally continuous with tension
2As used here, "dextral arrays" are fracture patterns
identical to those normally formed by fight-lateral trans- cracks in several places; notably in Mare Imbrium (at
current faulting; "sinistral arrays" are fracture patterns like its closest point to Mare Serenitatis) where a graben
those commonly associatedwith left-lateral faulting, is continuous with a ridge (Lunar Orbiter IV photo-

0 1
Approximatescale, km
FIGURE 31-23.-SmaU crater draped by mare lava in western
Oceanus Procellarum (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame

0 1
FIGURE 31-25.-Apparent extrusion of lava from mare ridge
superposed on crater wall (arrow) in eastern Mare
Serenitatis (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame AS15-
0 1
tively young (relative to mare surfaces), as indicated
FIGURE 31-24.-Small crater draped by mare lava, with by their relationship to the well-known lava flows in
possible tension cracks over buried rim (Apollo 15 southwestern Mare Imbrium near the crater Euler
panoramic camera frame AS15-10361). (fig. 31-29). Major deformation occurred after em-
placement of the flows (refs. 31-14, 31-22, and
graph 103 Hr); thus, a tensional stress environment is 31-23), possibly by laccolithic doming, with extru-
evidently compatible to both. A similar example (fig. sion of lava along axial tension cracks. If the intrusive
31-28) is at the eastern margin of Mare Serenitatis. and extrusive material of the arches and ridges were
The ridges, at least in some cases, are compara- derived from ponded lava, a crust thick enough to

0 1
L-....---J km
0 1
FIGURE 31-26.-Apparent flow lobes (arrows) probably FIGURE 31-27.-Thin lava flow, possibly extruded from
extruded from fissure; mare-flooded highland southwest fissure, "coating" craters; south of Apollo 17 landing site
of Apollo 17 landing site (Apollo 17 panoramic camera (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2309).
frame AS17-2316).

support the superposed flows must have formed that some mare ridges have formed as autointrusives
before their emplacement. The northeastern trend of and extrusives, following the development of a chilled
the flows indicates a topographic slope down toward crust, sagging of the central parts of basins and
the central part of the Imbrium basin at the time this flooded craters, and consequent extension fracturing
extrusive activity occurred, suggesting some subsi- over buried topographic highs. On the Moon, subsi-
dence of the preexisting lava surface, dence of mare crust may have resulted from (1)
In a few places, ridges are narrow, linear, smooth, withdrawal of magma, (2) a greater density of the
and continuous; a prominent example (fig. 31-30) surficial crystallized rock compared to that of the
occurs near Montes Harbinger, east of the Aristarchus underlying molten lava, (3) loading caused by super-
plateau. Neither folding nor faulting seems applicable position of additional lavas, or (4) degassing.
in this case, and the ridge may be a good candidate Terrestrial squeeze-ups in lava flows (fig. 31-31)
for a squeeze-up origin; it merges with a more typical commonly protrude above the surface of the l_/va
crenulate mare ridge to the southwest. (refs. 31-24 and 31-25). In Hawaiian lava lakes,
however, solidified autointrusive dikes seldom pro-
PROBLEMS OF SCALE AND MECHANISM trude above the crust, and some factor in addition to
subsidence thus seems required to account for the
The preceding examples suggest that lava lakes massive ridges on the Moon. As crystallization and
may have existed in the lunar maria at some time, and subsidence progressed, accumulation of votatiles

FIGURE 31-29.-Lava flows predating formation of arches

and superposed wrinkle ridges, view north (Apollo 15
[ I metric camera frameAS15-1555).
0 1
km migrated to the upper margins of a sagging mare along
the lava/terra interface. Craters on mare ridges (as in
FIGURE 31-28.-Ridge
in eastern continuous
Mare Serenitatis, with
north of rille (tension
Apollo crack)
17 landing Oceanus Procellarum, northwest of Gruithuisen
site (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2318). Crater) suggest explosive activity accompanying ridge
development (ref. 31-27).
along buried topographic highs may have augmented According to Williams (ref. 31-28), the propelling
the driving force, as suggested in figure 31-32. force of domical protrusions on Earth seems to be
Core drilling of the crust of Kilauea Iki lava lake volatile pressure, accounting for the periodic explo-
revealed a zone of alkaline-rich melt at the base of the sions that accompany extrusion of terrestrial domes
crust; upon crystallization of the zone, the alkalis and and spines. As crystallization in a magma chamber
other volatiles migrated upward through cracks in the proceeds, gas pressure increases rapidly, and extrusion
crust (ref. 31-26). According to Duffield (ref. 31-18), of viscous domes and plugs commonly marks the
gases that collect beneath the crusts of Hawaiian lava close of volcanic activity. Hollow spines and irregular
pools tend to be relatively concentrated at the crests protrusions also occur on basalt flows, presumably as
of crustal flexures. If lava lake conditions could have a result of volatile pressure (ref. 31-29). Lunar lavas
existed on the Moon and if the crust had sagged, apparently are depleted in volatiles, but enrichment
volatile pressure might have sufficiently augmented of those present may be sufficient to cause the
the lithostatic pressure and density differential to viscous upweUing resulting from "a delicate balance
force protrusion of dikes above the surface. Possible between temperature, rate of cooling, uplift, viscos-
lunar evidence for the localization of volatiles as ity, and pressure" (ref. 31-28).
shown in figure 31-32 are the deep craters or If mare ridges are in part extrusive, the lava
irregularly shaped pits at mare/terra contacts at the appears to have had a higher viscosity than that of the
heads of some rilles, (e.g., Hadley); volatiles may have earlier crustal lavas. Cooling and crystallization of

Original surface,,
Volatile Crust',,
concen- _ ..... t. .....

Boried Basinrim
/ basinring


Wrinkleridges Explosive

Volatile Crust "., E',

"'\ "'.,"" ...,
" /
concen- _B asin rim

"° Moltenlava

_ ........... Wrinkleridge

, , Wrinkle ridges.............. -'-----_ _k,,_

0 2

FIGURE 31-30.-Linear mare ridge, apparently continuous

with more typical wrinkle ridge; western Mare Imbrium, (c)
near Montes Harbinger (Apollo 15 panoramic camera FIGURE 31-32.-Diagrams illustrating hypothetical roles of
frame AS15-10306). subsidence, volatile activity, and buried topogIaphy in
formation of wrinkle ridges and arches. (a) Cross-sectional
view of ponded lava in mare basin (only one phase of
flooding shown). (b) Formation of autointrusive lacco-
liths, dikes, and squeeze-ups after subsidence and fractUr-
ing of mare crust. (c) Plane view of ridges and arch shown
in paa Co).

autointrusive material as it migrates upward might

!-_s cause an increase in viscosity; this apparently was the
case at Alae where pahoehoe crust was intruded by
the more viscous aa lava of the dikes (ref. 31-19).
Additionally, crystal-liquid fractionation may ulti-
mately produce a high-viscosity melt; calculations by
W'eill et al. (ref. 31-30), based on compositions of
Apollo 11 and 12 basalts, indicate that the inter-
granular material is a silica-rich residual liquid with

FIGURE 31-31.-Bulbous squeeze-up on 1919 lava flow in viscosity approximately 104 greater than that of the
Kilauea caldera (ref. 31-25, photograph by G. A. Mac- initial molten lava--a result possibly applicable to the
donald), wrinkle ridge problem.

CONCLUSIONS Mare Imbrium and the layering in the walls of Rima

Hadley (ref. 31-34) suggest that mare accumulation
The autointrusive hypothesis suggested here for
may have been by superposition of many relatively
the origin of some of the mare ridges has the thin flows-rather than by massive flooding. However,
following advantages, the Imbrium flows exhibit the only prominent flow
1. The inconsistent en echelon patterns of ridges fronts yet found on the Moon, suggesting that they
(with both dextral and sinistral arrays along the same may be anomalous-a late-stage extrusion of a rela-
structural trend) can be attributed to extrusion along tively small volume of lava (ref. 31-23), probably
tension fractures rather than to large-scale transcur- somewhat more viscous than that initially predomi-
rent faulting, nant in the maria. The apparent layering at Rima
2. Circular ridges over buffed crater rims can be Hadley might have occurred within a single flow unit,
explained in this context without requiring a post- or alternatively, early flood lavas may have remained
mare period of lava extrusion along crater fractures; molten at depth, despite superposition of thin flows
the latter mechanism seems particularly unlikely at at the surface.
small craters, such as the one in figure 31-15.
The superposition of ridge material on a few
3. The highly contorted, braided, and discontinu-
ous patterns of many ridges seem more likely related adjacent impact craters indicates a hiatus between
to shallow structures than to major tectonic control, ernst formation and ridge extrusion. However, such
craters are consistently small-on the order of a
4. The combination of broad arches and super- kilometer-and thus require a solid crust of only a
posed narrow crenulate ridges seems better explained few hundred meters for their formation. Total thick-
as a result of autointrusion and extrusion-with
ness of the maria may be as great as several kilometers
contemporaneous normal faulting in some cases-than (refs. 31-35 and 31-36) so that the time of complete
by compressional buckling or thrust faulting, al-
though both of the latter processes may also occur, crystallization of successive ponded lavas may have
been very long. Numerous small flooded craters (on
5. Some of the textures of the Apollo 11 ilmenite
basalts were interpreted by James and Jackson (ref. the order of a few kilometers) suggest a depth of
surficial lava of only a few hundred meters; alterna-
31-31) as indicative of lava lake conditions, including tively, these craters could perhaps have formed by
hornfels textures, caused by metamorphism of crustal impact in a lake crust of appropriate thickness for
fragments depressed into molten lava. Although they flooding without destruction.
proposed only local ponding in flooded craters, the
In conclusion, the suggestion that some mare
hypothesis suggested herein may be compatible with ridges formed as squeeze-ups and autointrusions in
their interpretations, tension fractures over buried topography in the crusts
That a lava lake hypothesis does not explain all of lava lakes merits addition to the list of generic
mare ridges is convincingly demonstrated by the hypotheses pertaining to these most prominent and
following examples, perplexing structures of the lunar maria.
1. Some ridges are continuous across lavas of
different ages, as at the margin of Mare Serenitatis ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(part A of sec. 29).
2. Several ridges extend into terra, as near the Special thanks are accorded to Donald A. Swanson and
Apollo 17 landing site (ref. 31-32) and near Fra WendeUA.Duffield for theit significant contributions regard-
Mauro (ref. 31-33). ing Hawaiian
Richard volcanic
J. Pike, processes
and Keith and to David
A. Howard (all of H.
Additional problems include the manner in which Geological Survey) for many helpful criticisms and sugges-
mare flooding occurred. The prominent flow scarps in tions.



K. .4. Howard a and W. R. Muehlberger b

"Wrinkle ridges" in the Taurus-Littrow region

along the eastern margin of Mare Serenitatis appear
very fresh and are probably among the youngest on
the Moon. They include both mare ridges and
similar-looking one-sided scarps. Evidence will be
presented here to suggest that these ridges and scarps
may be anticlines and thrust faults that resulted from
sliding on a ddcollement surface. Alternative inter-
pretations are presented by Scott (part D) and
Hodges (part B).
The largest of these fresh mare ridges is referred to
here as "Littrow ridge." It extends 130 km south
from Le Monnier Crater to near Littrow B Crater.
Figure 31-33 shows that the north end of Littrow
ridge banks up against the highlands as a sinuous
scarp resembling a flow front. We suggest that this is a
consequence of thrusting the edge of a fiat plate of
relatively hard basalt against a homogeneous moun-
tain, as indicated in figure 31-34(a). In the mountain,
the fault cuts up to the surface through regollth
rather than continuing as a horizontal plane into the
mountain block. Littrow ridge is not likely to be a
flow front, because at its south end it crosses two
stratigraphic units (fig. 31-35). Evidence is presented
elsewhere (part A of sec. 29) that the eastern ring
basalt, on the left side of figure 31-35, overlaps the
dark Littrow material on the right. The Littrow ridge
has numerous bright blocky areas in the younger
basalt, but, southeast of the geologic contact, the
ridge-scarp assumes the very dark, unblocky character
of the older material. The ridge thus appears to be a
fault-bounded flexure that deforms both units. The
ground to the left of the ridge appears to be
overriding eastward along a thrust with small displace-
Another branch of Littrow ridge lies a few
kilometers to the west of the area in figure 31-35. As
shown in figure 31-36, an elongate crater on this FIGURE 31-33.-North end of Littrow ridge near Le
Monnier Crater. The ridge is banked againstthe highlands,
suggesting thrusting as shown in figure 31-34(a). Area
shown is 7 km across. Note the 1300-m wide crater
aU.S. GeologicalSurvey. deformed by the ridge (Apollo 15 panoramic camera
bThe University of Texas at Austin. frame AS15-9303).


Craterrim crest

II llllllll!llLIlllLqll l



FIGURE 31-34.-Schematic cross sections of wrinkle ridges FIGURE 31-35.-South end. of Littrow ridge, 20 km west of
showing thrust-fault interpretation. (a) Ridge banked Littrow B (?rater. Area shown is 7 km across. Dark
against highlands shown in figure 31-33, interpreted as a material of Littrow area occupies the hilly area on the
basalt slab riding up against the highlands. The Lee- east; younger eastern ring basalt laps against it from the
Lincoln Scarp at the Apollo 17 site similarly banks up west. The wrinkle ridge deforms both units. It is bright
against North Massif to a height of 350 m (see fig. 31-38). and blocky where it deforms the eastern ring basalt but
(b) Truncated crater shown in figure 31-36. Ejecta becomes dark and is not blocky where it crosses into the
blanket of the crater is indicated as a stratigraphie marker Littrow material (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame
(black). (c) Flow lobe into crater, as shown in figure AS17-2313). (Locality "B" in fig. 29-7 of part A of see.
31-36. Ejecta blanket (black) is suggested to be stretched 29).
out in lobe that rides into the crater. (d) "Backflow"
features on the Lee-Lincoin Scarp at the Apollo 17 site. A
photograph is shown in figure 31-38. Arbitrary stratum
shown in cross section; height of main scarp is 80 m. several craters, as shown in figure 31-36. These flows
may be the manifestation of a flexible thrust plate
branch of the ridge is sharply truncated by an overriding the ground surface (fig. 31-34(c)). The
east-facing scarp at the margin of the ridge, and our slabs of rock that flow into such craters are on the
impression is that part of the crater is missing. This order of half a kilometer across, and many meters
can be explained if the ridge is a buckled thrust plate thick. They are probably large and heavy enough to
that has overridden the missing part of the crater, as have flowed or slid under their own weight.
suggested in figure 31-34(b). The offset is small. A The Lee-Lincoln Scarp at the Apollo 17 landing
similar situation is at the Apollo 17 landing site where site (shown in fig. 31-38 of part D) banks up against
Lee Scarp truncates Lara Crater (see. 6 of this hills in a manner very similar to Littrow ridge in
report), figure 31-33. The Lee-Lincoln Scarp has a sinuous
In other places, Littrow ridge has flowed into trace like a flow front. It cannot be the front of a lava

FIGURE 31-37.-Symmetrical portion of Littrow ridge, with

FIGURE 31-36.-West branch of Littrow ridge, 10 km west fissures along the crest (15 km northwest of area shown in
of the area shown in figure 31-35. Area shown is 4 km fig. 31-35). Area shown is 5 km across. The fissures are
across. A crater on top of the ridge is truncated by the believed to be a consequence of stretching over the
edge of the ridge, and part of the crater appears to be anticline, as in pressure ridges of terrestrial lavas.
missing; this suggests thrust faulting. Other craters are
overridden by flow lobes from the ridge, possibly by
thrusting over the ground surface as indicated in figure
31-34(b) (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17- tonics, where one plate rides over in some areas and
2313). the other plate rides over in other areas. This
relationship suggests a mobile substratum or d6colle-
flow, however, because it climbs over mountains. In The supposed upper thrust plates described here
the Apollo 17 valley, the scarp offsets the basalt are generally buckled into anticlinal ridges. Similar
surface down 80 m to the east and so must be a fault, buckle folds occupy the upper plates of some
Locally, there are "backflow" features or scarps that uneroded thrust faults that reach the ground surface
face the opposite way from the main scarp. These on Earth (refs. 31-19 and 31-37; figs. 31-18 and
may be antithetic thrusts caused by buckling, as 31-19). Rarely, the lunar anticlines are fissuredalong
suggested in figure 31-34(d). Probably as a result of their crests by stretching (fig. 31-37).
similar antithetic thrusts, parts of the Littrow ridge Littrow ridge appears to be much younger than
have both symmetric and asymmetric scarps (fig. the lavas that it deforms. This conclusion is based on
31-37), and the direction of asymmetry changes along the observation that craters of presumed impact
strike. This deformation is possibly analogous to origin are deformed by the ridge (figs. 31-33 and
obduction and subduction in terrestrial plate tec- 31-36), and the same relationship applies at Lara

Crater on the Lee-Lincoln Scarp (sec. 6 of this then, the basatts solidified many millions of years
report). The deformed craters in figures 31-33 and before the fresh ridges formed.
31-36 are 1300 and 650 m across, respectively. The If the thrust explanation is correct, then, in
eratering flux in mare-age time (refs. 31-38 and postmare time, eastern Mare Serenitatis and the
31-39) would require several tens of millions of years adjacent highlands were subjected to east-west com-
for random impacts to make these craters in an area pression. This compression caused sliding on a ddcol-
the size of Littrow ridge. A similar ridge deforms the lement surface. This surface could be in part an old
even larger (3 kin) crater Littrow BB. Apparently, regolith at an unconformity in the basalt sequence.



David H. Scott a

Apollo 17 premission geologic studies of the southern and central parts of the structure (areas A
Taurns-Littrow region of the Moon revealed numer- and B), mare-type ridges and overlapping lobes
ous small structures, in both mare and terra, having suggest emplacement as lava flows from the west. To
somewhat similar morphologies and variously resem- the north, where it crosses the steep face of North
bling fault scarps, flow fronts, and mare ridges. Many Massif (area C), it has the form of a ledge-like scarp or
of these features are too small to be identified on terrace, believed by some geologists to be indicative
Lunar Orbiter IV photographs, which provided the of normal- or high-angle reverse faulting (ref. 31-41
most comprehensive, high-resolution coverage of this and part C of this section). The material forming the
area before the later Apollo missions. The panoramic- ledge, however, appears smoother and more youthful
and metric-camera photographs of Apollo 17 were than that of the massif (ref. 31-42) and may consist
taken at lower Sun angles than those of Apollo 15, of lava extruded along a fissure. In many respects,
which were used for the geologic mapping (refs. this structure resembles the mare ridge/highland ledge
31-40 and 31-41), and thus more clearly reveal fine (which is not readily interpreted as a faulted struc-
details of texture and relief. In the illustrations of this ture) along the southwestern rim of the crater Le
part, several of these small structures are compared. It Monnier shown in Apollo 15 panoramic camera frame
is concluded that they probably developed as lava AS15-9303 (fig. 31-33).
extrusions from fractures and fissures; they cannot be The northern en echelon extension of the Lee-
easily explained by faulting. Lincoln Scarp is shown in figure 31-39 with probable
Figure 31-38 shows the prominent ridge and scarp flow fronts visible in places (areas A and B) but
(generally referred to as the Lee-Lincoln Scarp) that having a sinuous to somewhat cuspate appearance
extends across the Littrow valley between the North (area C) more like the structures in the hilly material
and South Massifs. This is the largest example of a of figure 31-40, located about 50 km to the south. In
composite structure that is morphologically variable figure 31-40, two opposing scarplets (areas A and B)
along its length and may reflect various modes of resemble slabs of rock separated along sheet-joints
origin from place to place. It was traversed by the parallel or subparallel to the surface. These are
Apollo 17 crew near its southern extremity (outside formed on Earth by a complex of processes including
the photograph) where the scarp is less continuous pressure release and strong diurnal thermal variations.
and several breaks occur in the wall. Along the There are no obvious remnants of the intervening
portions of the slab, however, and one of the
structures appears to be intergradational (at area C)
aU.S. GeologicalSurvey. with a mare ridge.

0 1

FIGURE 31-39.-En echelon extension of the structure in

_ front
figure similar to those
31-38: (A) and (B)inflow
figure 31-40
fronts; (Apolloflow
(C) curved 17
panoramic camera frame AS17-2314).

massif as a small scarp (B) within mare material. The

scarp, in turn, seems to merge with a mare ridge (C).
_- ........ In figure 3142, the ledge (A) remains within the
0I 1I massif but becomes discontinuous and breaks up into
km lobate scarps and ridges (B) that seem partly to bury
FIGURE 31-38.-Composite structure (Lee-Lincoln Scarp) a linear trough or fissure (areas C and D). The texture
extending across the valley floor and North Massifnear of the material forming the ledge and ridges appears
Apollo 17 landing site: (A) and (B) mare-type ridges and to be smoother than that of the massif but rougher
lobate, overlapping flow fronts; (C) ledge along North than the adjacent mare that embays it.
Massif (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-23t4). A transition from mare ridge to flow front
morphology is illustrated in figure 3143. The large
Figures 31-41 and 31-42 show two ledges along rille (A), Rima Littrow III, is nearly buffed by
the face of a massif just north of the crater Vitruvius. overlapping apparent lava flows (areas B and C) that
In places, they have the appearance of "strand lines" become younger and more ridge-like (D) to the south.
(refs. 31-43 and 31-44) that are common around mare Relationships are not simple, however, as the direc-
embayments in this area (Apollo 17 panoramic t_ion of flow seems to be upslope toward the
camera frame AS17-2297) and presumably mark the northeast. This may be due to subsequent downwarp-
highest occurrence of basalt fill. Unlike most strand ing of the Serenitatis basin to the west, but the
lines, however, the ledges are discontinuous and do position of the flow with respect to the highland
not maintain positions of equal elevation along their barrier (E) in the northwest part of the photograph is
extent. The ledge (A) shown in figure 3141 may difficult to reconcile in this case. Lava mayhave been
abruptly change strike and continue normal to the extruded from fissures near the present front and

FIGURE 31-40.-Areas A and B are opposing flow fronts
resembling slabs separated by sheet-jointing; (C) transition
to mare ridge (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame

0 1
kr0 •_'
FIGURE 31-41.-Area A is ledge on massif; (B) small scarp in I I
mare material; ((2) mare ridge (Apollo 17 panoramic 0 1
camera frame AS17-2314). km
FIGURE 31-42.-Area A is ledge on massif similar to the one
in area A of figure 31-41; (B) lobate flows covering
flowed downslope to the southwest. The older flows central part of linear trough shown at areas (C) and (D)
appear to have been more fluid than those that form (Apollo 17 panoramic camera frame AS17-2318).
the fresh-appearing ridges south of the rille.
A photographic summary of structures similar to
those discussed and illustrated in the preceding numerous local fissures which have locations that
photographs is contained in figure 31-44 near Mons may be coincident in places with sharp, irregular
Argaeus. A large flow with a very prominent front ridges on its flanks and surface (C). A small ledge (D)
buries one rille (A) and partly buries another (B) but is faintly visible descending the southwestern face of
has no discernible source. It probably originated from the massif to the valley floor where it merges with a

i !iill
i i i!!il
0 1

FIGURE 31-43.-Area A is Rima Littrow III; (B) and (C)

overlapping lava flows; (D) mare ridge; (E) prominent hill.
Arrow points down regional slope (Apollo 17 panoramic 0
camera frame AS17-2316). km
FIGURE 31-44.-In area A, lava flow completely buries rille
and partly buries another in area B; (C) one of several
mare-type ridge (E). In the southeast, a lava flow ridges on surface and flanks of lava flow; (D) small ledge
on massif; (E) ledge transition to mare ridge; (F) young
buries one side of a small (1 km) young (Eratosthen- crater partly buried by flow; (G) and (H) flow front
ian) crater (F) and develops into ridge structures to merges with mare ridges (Apollo 17 panoramic camera
the east (G) and west (H). frame AS17-2316).
In conclusion, the small structures expressed as
scarps, ledges, flow fronts, and mare-type ridges seem Lunar Marius Hills. The Moon, vol. 3, no. 3, Dee. 1971,
closely interrelated and probably have common pp. 289-314.
origins. The general appearance and geometry of 31-3. Oberbeck, Verne R.; Qualde, William L.; and Greeley,
these structures have never been convincingly ex- Ronald: On the Origin of Lunar Sinuous Rilles. Mod.
plained by faulting-either normal, thrust, or high- Geol., vol. 1, 1969, pp. 75-80.
31-4. Soderbtom, L. A.: The Process of Crater Removal in
angle reverse. The abundant photographic evidence the Lunar Maria. Sec. 25, Part P, of the Apollo 15
provided by the Apollo 17 panoramic camera indi- Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
cates that they probably have developed as extrusions 31-5. Greeley, Ronald; and Hyde, Jack H.: Lava Tubes of
from fractures and fissures with little associated the Cave Basalt, Mount St. Helens, Washington. Bull.
Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 83, no. 8, Aug. 1972, pp. 2397-2418.
faulting or folding. 31-6. Cruikshank, D. P.; and Wood, C. A.: Lunar Rilles and
Hawaiian Volcanic Features: Possible Analogues. The
[q E [::1:::[qI=N C _S Moon, vol. 3, no. 4, Mar. 1972, pp. 412-447.
31-7. Colton, George W.; Howard, Keith A.; and Moore,
31-1. Oberbeek, Verne R.; Aoyagi, Michio; Greeley, Ronald; Henry J.: Mare Ridges and Arches in Southern Oceanus
and Lovas, Michael: Planimetric Shapes of Lunar RiUes. Procellarum. See. 29, Part S, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary
Sec. 29, Part Q, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
Report. NASA SP-315, 1972. 31-8. Strom, R. G.: Lunar Mare Ridges, Rings and Volcanic
31-2. Greeley, Ronald: Lava Tubes and Channels in the Ring Complexes. Mod. Geol., vol. 2, 1971, pp. 133-157.

31-9. Fielder, G.: Volcanic Rings on the Moon. Nature, vol. the R/imker Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey
213, Jan. 28, 1967, pp. 333-336. Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-805, 1973.
31-10. Carr, M. H.: Geologic Map and Section of the 31-28. Williams, Howell: History and Character of Volcanic
Timoeharis Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Domes. Calif. Univ. Pub. Geol. SCI., vol. 21, 1932, pp.
Geol. Inv. Map 1-462, 1965. 51-146.
31-11. Green, Jack: Comparison of Lunar and Terrestrial 31-29. Hodges, C. A.: Comparative Study of S.P. and Sunset
Surface Features. Proceedings of Lunar and Planetary Craters and Associated Lava Flows. Plateau, vol. 35, no.
Exploration Colloquium, vol. 1, North American Aria- 2, 1962, pp. 15-35.
tion, Inc. (Downey, Calif.), 1959, pp. 2-3. 31-30. Welil, D. F.; Grieve, R. A.; McCallum, I. S.; and
31-12. Green, Jack: Tidal and Gravity Effects Intensifying Bottinga, Y.: Mineralogy-Petrology of Lunar Samples.
Lunar Defluidization and Volcanism. New York Acad. Microprobe Studies of Samples 12021 and 12022; Vis-
Sei. Annals, vol. 123, July 15, 1965, pp. 403-469. cosity of Melts of Selected Lunar Compositions. Proceed-
31-13. Baldwin, Ralph B.: The Measure of the Moon. Univ. ings of the Second Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT
of Chicago Press, 1963. . Press (Cambridge, Mass.), 1971, pp. 413-430.
31-14. Bryan, W. B.: Wrinkle-Ridges as Deformed Surface 31-31. James, Odette B.; and Jackson, Everett D.: Petrology
Crust on Ponded Mare Lava. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of of the Apollo 11 Ilmenite Basalts. J. Geophys. Res., vol.
papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference 75, no. 29, Oct. 10, 1970, pp. 5793-5824.
(Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 103-105. 31-32. Wolfe, Edward W.; Freeman, Val L.; Muehlberger,
31-15. Quaide, William: Rllles, Ridges and Domes-Clues to William R.; Head, James W.; Schmitt, Harrison H.; and
Mafia History. Icarus, vol. 4, no. 4, Sept. 1965, pp. Sevier, John R.: Apollo 17 Exploration of Taurus-
374-389. Littrow. Geotimes, vol. 17, no. 11, Nov. 1972, pp. 14-18.
31-16. Tjia, H. D.: Lunar Wrinkle Ridges Indicative of 31-33. Eggleton, R. E.: Geologic Map of the Fra Mauro
Strike-Slip Faulting. Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 81, Oct. Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv.
1970, pp. 3095-3100. Map 1-708, 1970.
31-17. Wilhelms, D. E.; and McCanley, J. F.: Geologic Map 31-34. Swarm, G. A.; Bailey, N. G.; Batson, R. M.; Freeman,
of the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. V.L.; et al.: Preliminary Geologic Investigation of the
Geol. Inv. MapI-703, t971. Apollo 15 Landing Site. Sec. 5 of the Apollo 15
31-18. Duffield, W. A.: A Naturally Occurring Model of Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
Global Plate Tectonics. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 77, 1972, 31-35. Marshall, C. H.: Thickness of the Procellarian System,
pp. 2543-2555. Letronne Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof.
31-19. Swanson, Donald A.; and Petcrson, Donald W.: Paper424-D, 1961.
Partial Draining and Crustal Subsidence of Alae Lava 31-36. Latham, G.; Ewing, M.; Dorman, J.; Press, F.; et al.:
Lake, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Seismic Data From Man-Made Impacts on the Moon.
Paper 800-C, 1972, pp. C1-C14. Science, vol. 170, no. 3958, Nov. 6, 1970, pp. 620-626.
31-20. Hodges, C. A.: Geologic Map of the Langrenus 31-37. Koch, Thomas W.: Analysis and Effects of Current
Quadrangle of the Moon. L1.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Movement on an Active Fault in Buena Vista Hills Oil
Inv. Map 1-739, 1973. Field, Kern County, California. Amer. Assoc. Petroleum
31-21. Duffield, Wendell; and Nakamura, Kazuaki: A Photo- Geol. Bull., vol. 17, no. 6, June 1933, pp. 694-712.
geologic Method for Determining the Direction of Hod- 31-38. Hartmann, William K.: Lunar Cratering Chronology.
zontal Dilation From Patterns of En Echelon Fracturing. Icarus, vol. 13, no. 2, Sept. 1970, pp. 299-301.
U.S. Geol. Survey Jour. Res., vol. 1, no. 3, 1973, pp. 31-39. Cruikshank, D. P.; Hartmann, W. K.; and Wood, C.
283-287. A.: Moon: Ghost Craters Formed During Mare Filling.
31-22., Whitakcr, Ewen A.: Mare Imbrium Lava Flows and The Moon, 1973.
Their Relationship to Color Boundaries. See. 25, Part M, 31-40. Scott, D. H.; and Cart, M. H.: Geologic Map of the
of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report. NASA Taurus-Littrow Region of the Mt3on. U.S. Geol. Survey
SP-289, 1972. Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-800, sheet 1 of 2, 1972.
31-23. Schaber, Gerald G.: Lava Flows in Mare Imbrium: 31-41. Lncchitta, B. K.: Geologic Map of theTaurus-Littrow
Geologic Evaluation From Apollo Orbital Photography. Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. SurVey Misc. Geol. Inv.
Lunar Science IV (Abs. of papers presented at the Fourth Map 1-800, sheet 2 of 2, 1972.
Lunar Science Conference (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 31-42. Apollo Lunar Geology Investigation Team: Prelimi-
1973), pp. 653-654. nary Report on the Geology and Field Petrology at the
3t-24. Colton, H. S.; and Park, C. F., Jr.: Anosma or Apollo 17 Landing Site. U.S. Geol. Survey Interagency
"Squeeze-Ups." Science, vol. 72, 1930, p. 579. Rept., Astrogeol. 69, Dec. 17, 1972.
31-25. Wentworth, C. K.; and Macdonald, G. A.: Structures 31-43. Cart, M. H.; Howard, K. A.; and EI-Baz, Farouk:
and Forms of Basaltic Rocks in Hawaii. U.S. Geol. Survey Geologic Maps of the Apennine-Hadley Region of the
Bull. 994, 1953. Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-723,
31-26. Richter, D. H.; and Moore, J. G.: Petrology of the sheet 2 of 2, 1971.
Kilauea Iki Lava Lake, Hawaii. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. 31-44. West, Mareta N.: Selected Volcanic Features. See. 25,
Paper 537-B, 1966. Part L, of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report.
31-27. Scott, D. H.; and Eggleton, R. E.: Geologic Map of NASA SP-289, 1972.
32. Crater Studies

Morphometric analysis of 25 far-side craters con- Experimental impacts have produced craters with
firms their similarity to near-side craters, implies an associated ridges resembling the lunar "herringbone
impact genesis, and reveals a new shape discontinuity pattern" common along chains of secondary craters;
at a diameter ofl7km (part A). Thelargeprominent similar ridges have been discovered at the Davy
crater Aitken, on the far side, exhibits a number of Crater chain, suggesting that the widely held inter-
unusual volcanic features in its floor, notably the pretation of that chain as volcanic may be incorrect
clustered domes in small craters (parts B and C). (part D).



Richard J. Pike a

Morphometry, the quantitative study of shape, tray for the first time the surface geometry of lunar
complements visual observation and photointerpreta- craters of all sizes. Interpretations of craters no longer
tion in analyzing the most outstanding landforms of need be compromised by inadequate topographic
the Moon, its craters (refs. 32-1 and 32-2). All three data. In the pre-Apollo era, hypotheses for the genesis
of these interpretative tools, which were developed of lunar craters usually were constructed without any
throughout the long history of telescopic lunar study numerical descriptive data. Such speculations will
preceding the Apollo Program, will continue to be have little credibility unless supported by accurate,
applicable to crater analysis until detailed field work quantitative data, especially those generated from
becomes possible. Although no large (> 17.5 km Apollo orbital photographs. This paper presents a
diameter) craters were examined in situ on any of the general study of the surface geometry of 25 far-side
Apollo landings, the photographs acquired from the craters and a more detailed study of rim-crest
command modules will markedly strengthen results evenness for 15 near-side and far-side craters. Analysis
of less direct investigations of the craters. For of this preliminary sample of Apollo t 5 and 17 data,
morphometry, the most useful materials are the which includes craters between 1.5 and 275 km in
orbital metric and panoramic photographs from the diameter, suggests that most genetic interpretations
final three Apollo missions. These photographs per- of craters made from pre-Apollo topographic mea-
mit preparation of contour maps, topographic pro- surements may require no drastic revision. All mea-
files, and other numerical data that accurately por- surements were made from topographic profiles
generated on a stereoplotter at the Photogrammetric
Unit of the U.S. Geological Survey, Center of
au.s. GeologicalSurvey. Astrogeology, Flagstaff, Arizona.


FAR-SI D E CRATE RS i_Diarneter


" Outer- l lnner- Floor

Through photometric processing of Zond 3 imag- ....Rim ,' rim" _l rim" diameter"
ery, Mironova (refs. 32-3 and 32-4) generated the first nelgm, ,- width-'-width,.... ,
W "._t ..... , _ ,.Depth E
morphometric measurements ever made on lunar "- -- _ L._-"_
far-side craters. The 29 craters profiled and measured
in that study range in diameter from 16 to 100 km f I I I I
and vary in relative age. From a brief analysis of 0 krn 20
surface geometry, Mironova concluded that the far-
FIGURE 32-1.-Six crater dimensions. Topographic prof'fle
side craters were similar in shape to near-side craters across the near-side crater Proclus from photogrammetry
and were volcanic. Both interpretations are examined of Apollo 17 metric camera photographs. Corrected for
with reference to new data on far-side craters as well planetary curvature. No vertical exaggeration. Directions
as to prior results in near-side crater morphometry, are approximate only.
According to previous work (ref. 32-2), most lunar
near-side craters are geometrically similar to terres-
trial meteotite-impact craters and do not resemble 800 craters (ref. 32-2), more accurately than do the
volcanic craters except for some maars and tuff rings. Zond 3 data, which generally represent craters as
The morphometric criteria that reveal this distinction being excessively shallow (fig. 32-3). Despite the
best are three ratios of crater dimensions (fig. 32-1): scarcity of fresh craters in the 10- to 20-km-diameter
rim height/diameter, rim height/crater depth, and range spanning the inflection in the depth/diameter
outer-rim width/diameter. Although, statistically, plot, the Apollo results agree well with the near-side
tim-crest circularity also is a good genetic discrimi- measurements. There is some suggestion that the
nant, it can break down when applied to anomalous Apollo data show craters as slightly deeper than do
individual craters, which include highly circular maars older shadow-length measurements. Additional pho-
and calderas as well as polygonal and asymmetric togrammetric data (near-side measurements, not
impact craters. Additional criteria, for making shape shown here) support both findings for far-side craters.
comparisons among lunar craters alone, are the Using the depth/diameter proportion, Mironova
depth/diameter ratio and the slope of crater rims. (ref. 32-3) deduced a volcanic genesis for both
The dimensions of 25 different far-side craters near-side and far-side craters from the same type of
were obtained from topographic profdes and rim- analog argument by which Baldwin (ref. 32-5) in-
crest outlines reduced photogrammetrically from ferred the impact origin of near-side craters. Although
Apollo 15 metric camera photographs (table 32-I and the depth/diameter relation has become the most
fig. 32-2). Two profiles, intersecting at 90 ° at the often used morphometric criterion of crater genesis,
crater center, were made across the 15 largest craters the generous overlap among depth/diameter fields
from stereographic models leveled primarily on the describing all types of lunar and terrestrial craters
fiat inner floors. Thus, the smaller craters that are demonstrates that it is also the least reliable of all
situated along these prof'des probably are leveled with available geometric discriminants (ref. 32-2). Accord-
the same degree of accuracy. The sample craters vary ingly, neither set of far-side depth/diameter data can
in appearance from fresh to subdued; despite efforts support any specific genetic hypothesis. Crater depth
to represent correctly all degrees of relative age, the measurements are better applied to the analysis of
resulting sample is weighted toward fresher craters, relative age (ref. 32-5). 1
The six dimensions recorded for each crater (fig. Both Apollo and Zond 3 rim height measurements
32-1) are averaged values of rim diameter, width of are consistent with an impact origin for large far-side
the inner- and outer-tim flanks, diameter of the inner craters (fig. 32-4). Despite errors and the paucity of
flat floor, depth, and height of the rim crest above points, both sets of results are at least roughly similar
the exterior datum. Other values in table 32-I were
calculated from these data. A simple index of Pike, R. J.: Meteoritic Originand Consequent Endogenic
rim-crest circularity was also computed. Modification of Large Lunar Craters-A Study in Analytical
Apollo depth/diameter results from far-side craters Geomorphology. Unpublished Thesis, Univ. of Michigan,
fit near-side depth/diameter relations, obtained from 1968.

TABLE 32-I.-Morphomem'c Properties of Far-side Craters

Rim Outer-rim Floor Inner-rim Outer-rim Inner.rim Outer-rim

loea_onor diameter, width, diameter, width, Depth, height, slope, slope, Circularity a
km km km km m m (leg deg

In Sklodowska 1.6 0.4 - 0.8 300 95 20.6 13.4 0.90

In Sklodowska 2.8 .5 - 1.4 550 125 21.5 14.0 .88
In Hirayama 3.5 1.0 - 1.7 500 175 16.2 9.9 .84
In Curie 4.3 .9 - 2.1 600 175 15.8 11.0 .64
In Tsiolkovsky 4,9 1.0 - 2.4 950 100 21.3 5.7 .73
In HUbert 6.0 1.0 - 3.0 950 150 17.6 8,5 .79
In Pasteur b 9.9 1.8 2.8 3.6 1100 105 17.2 3.3 .79
In Saha b 15.7 3.6 9.0 3.4 880 280 14.7 4.4 .80
In Gagarin 16.0 3.5 10.0 3.0 1350 650 24.2 10.5 .90
In Gagarin 17.0 4.5 6.0 5.5 1700 450 17.2 5.7 .89
In Hilber t 17.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 1800 400 16,7 7.6 .79
On western rim
of Gagarin 26.0 6.0 13,0 6.5 2600 725 21.8 6.9 .86
lzsak 33.2 7.7 13.0 10.1 3400 1025 18.6 7.6 .86
Gilbert M 34.0 5.5 18.0 8.0 3100 850 21,2 8.8 .84
Gansky 44.0 12.0 22.0 11.0 3550 950 17.9 4.5 .78
South of Saha 50,5 13.3 24.0 13.3 3640 1380 15.4 5.9 .83
Schorr 53,5 13.0 26.0 13.8 3700 730 15.1 3.2 .77
Ritz 59.0 15.5 24.0 17.5 3750 1800 12.1 6.6 .71
King 71.0 17.0 40.0 15.5 3830 1690 13.9 5.7 .80
LangeInak b 110.0 17.0 60.0 25.0 4370 880 9.9 3.0 .68
Sklodowska 128.0 18.0 83.0 22.5 4500 1850 11.3 5.9 .78
Curie b 158.0 29.0 100.0 29.0 3850 1500 7.5 2.9 .73
Hllbert 178.0 35.0 125.0 26.5 4100 1500 8.8 2.5 .80
Tsiolkovsky 190.0 40.0 140.0 25.0 4700 1750 10.7 2.5 .83
Gagarin b 275.0 43.0 200.0 37.5 5375 (3350?) 8.2 (4.5?) .79

aRatio of areas of circles inscribed and circumscribed on rim-crest outline,

bOlder appearing craters.


_:?_::i:i:_:_:i:_:_ i_ .................... :::::::::::::::::::::::

5chorr Ritz

Izsak Gansky
i I I I I I
0 50

0 5O
FIGURE 32-2.-Topographic profiles across six lrtnar far-side craters from photogrammetry of Apollo
15 metric camera photographs. No vertical exaggeration. Corrected for planetary curvature.
Directions are approximate only.

10 10 [- ^

/ / .... 4 I..

•" I
10 I
100 I
r; •
t.. I.y •
11_ _-,.7 o 0
Crater diameter, km /
FIGURE 32-3.-Logarithmic depth/diameter plot for 25
lunar far-side craters (dots and circles). Circles are
markedly older appearing craters. Polygon contains Zond
3 data for 29 far-side craters. Inflected curve is best fit to- I I I
800 lunar near-side craters. .011 10 100 1000

to rim heights of terrestrial meteorite and experimen- FIGURE 32-4.-Logarithmic rim height/diameter plot for 25
tal explosion craters, whereas they are much lower lunar far-side
older craters (dotscraters.
and Bracketed
circles). Circles are
markedly appearing data point
than the heights of terrestrial volcanic calderas and (crater Gagarin) is from inadequate data. Solid polygon
lunar dome-summit craters. The most recently pub- contains Zond 3 data for 29 far-side craters. Inflected
lished rim height/diameter relation for near-side curve is best fit to 325 lunar near-side craters; terrestrial
craters (ref. 32-2)inflects at the same crater diameter meteorite craters (not shown) also follow this trend.
(approximately 17 km) as the depth/diameter rela- Dashed polygon polygon
contains contains
data for data
44 terrestrial
Dashed-dotted for sevencalderas.
tion. Although the Apollo far-side measurements do atop lunar mare domes.
not agree closely with prior height/diameter data, in
this respect they still are superior to the Zond 3 rim
heights, which are too low for smaller craters and explosion craters. Both Zond and Apollo rim height/
excessive for larger craters. Additional photogram- crater depth values are much lower than similar
metric information (near-side measurements, not measurements describing terrestrial calderas and cin-
shown here) suggests that the 17-km-diameter elbow der cones or summit craters atop lunar domes (ref.
in the height/diameter relation may not be as abrupt 32-2).
as the depth/diameter inflection. The ratio of exterior rim width to crater diameter
The ratio of rim height to crater depth, which may also may be a genetic criterion for most types of
be an effective quantitative criterion of origin for lunar and terrestrial craters (ref. 32-7). This para-
most types of rimmed lunar and terrestrial craters meter, like the height/depth ratio, has a fairly
(ref. 32-6), is constant for normal, rimmed lunar constant range of values over the entire diameter span
craters of all sizes. The height/depth relation for the of normal, rimmed lunar craters. Rim widths mea-
25 far-side craters measured from Apollo data (not sured on profiles made from Apollo metric camera
shown here graphically) is similar to that established photographs are systematically, if only slightly, larger
previously for near-side craters (ref. 32-2). The Zond than values estimated visually from lunar photographs
3 height/depth ratios also are generally similar; the (ref. 32-2). Although the slope of the rim width/
agreement implies that, despite absolute error, photo- crater diameter relation remains approximately 1.00,
metric analysis of the Zond far-side imagery at least the Y-intercept for the Apollo far-side values is 0.210
preserved the relative proportions between crater as compared with 0.170 for visual data. This change
depth and rim height. Both sets of far-side height/ does not affect genetic implications made from prior
depth measurements agree with similar measurements rim width measurements. As a function of crater
of terrestrial meteorite craters and experimental diameter, the rims of far-side craters measured from

Apollo data are significantly narrower than rims of 30

nearly all types of terrestrial volcanic craters, but are
similar in width to rims of terrestrial meteorite craters 25 ,_
(ref. 32-7). Rim width measurements of far-side _Z0.

craters, which were not included in the analysis of -_'_15

thd Zond 3 data, also are consistent with an impact g.
genesis of the lunar craters, o
Although in part dependent on geologic structure, _ 10 x\x X.___
can have radial symmetry
considerable of the
genetic rim crest (ref.
significance of a 5 "" "°"_ "_'- "--_o_-"_
32-8). The index of circularity used here is the ratio 0 _ , , ,,, ,,II0 ........ I
i00 ........ i
of the area of the largest circle inscribed within the Craterdiameter,km
rim-crest outline to the area of the smallest circle FIGURE 32-5.-Semilogarithmic rim slope angle/diameter
circumscribed around the outline. It is selected over plot for 25 lunar far-side craters (dots and circles).Circles
more comprehensive parameters of circularity be- are markedly older appearing craters. Bracketed data
cause it can be accurately determined for craters point (crater Gagarin) is from inadequate dat_. Solid lines
shown only as small photographic images and thus is enclose inner-rim slope data; dashed lines enclose outer-
rim slope data.
more widely applicable. The average circularity of all
25 far-side craters, 0.80, is high; the range of values is
0.64 to 0.90. The difference in circularity for craters and characteristic only of this sample of far-side
above and below the 17-km-diameter location of the craters, because the near-side data show no such
inflection in the depth/diameter curve, only 0.02, is break. The inflection almost certainly results from
not significant. These values are more consistent with the appearance of a well-defined, fiat interior floor in
an impact genesis of the 25 sample craters than with a young craters approximately 10 to 20 km in diameter
volcanic origin, which typically results in a much (table 32-I). The increasing steepness within craters
lower degree of planimetric radial symmetry (ref. just above the critical size threshold arises from
32-9). differences in interior proffle geometry between
The relative steepness of crater rims, a dimension floorless and flat-floored craters. In a floorless crater,
which can be measured reliably from the Apollo the interior rim slope is measured between the center
photographs, varies fairly systematically with crater of the crater bottom and the rim crest; the slope
diameter and relative age. The angles of inner- and length includes a considerable proportion of gentle
outer-rim slope used here are highly generalized terrain near the lowest part of the crater. In a crater
values. Respectively, they are average slope between with a flat floor, inner-rim slope is measured only
the rim crest and the juncture of the inner-rim slope between the rim crest and the edge of the floor; the
and the flat floor, and average slope between the rim gentler terrain between the floor edge and the crater
crest and the break in slope at the base of the center is omitted, and the resulting slope value is
outer-rim flank. The average rim slopes differ substan- higher. Formation of flat floors within lunar craters is
tially from the maximum rim slopes, which were a difficult problem with no unique solution. The
calculated over much shorter distances and used in floor phenomenon appears to be both size and age
the analysis of Zond 3 imagery; a direct comparison is related, as is the appearance of terraced rims and
not meaningful. The slope values used here are central peaks. The various hypotheses offered to
preferable because they are more representative and explain the 10- to 20-km-diameter discontinuity have
less subject to chance errors in raw data. been discussed at length elsewhere (refs. 32-10 and
A graph of inner-rim slope angle as a function of 32-11).
crater diameter reveals a new size-dependent morpho- Aside from the discontinuity at 10 to 20 km
metric discontinuity at the 10- tc 20-km-diameter diameter and in view of the vagaries of lunar surface
range (fig. 32-5). The break in the distribution, which events affecting rim shape, the negative relation
is duplicated in a comparable graph for 14 near-side between rim slope and crater size is remarkably
craters (not shown), probably is real. The disconti- systematic. This relation, together with other geo-
nuity in the outer-rim slope data may be accidental metric relations discussed in this subsection, suggests

that lunar craters inherently have highly predictable Charts, the rim crests of larger craters generally are
shapes. Such regularity of form is consistent with much higher along the eastern and western parts of
genesis by a single major process operating over an the walls than along the northern and southern rim
uncommonly broad size range. Whereas impact is segments. Such a systematic rim height relation,
such a process, volcanic eruption produces landforms which is not evident upon photointerpretation or
that vary much more in shape than do the far-side visual observation of the lunar surface, would have
craters described here and the near-side craters with structural implications and would complicate mea-
which they compare so closely, surement of crater average depths and rim heights.
Detailed morphometric examination of 25 lunar The second problem stems from the common
far-side craters from exceptionally high-quality data telescopic observation that rim crests of lunar craters
suggests that (1)differences between near-side and below a certain diameter appear relatively even,
far-side craters are negligible and that (2) the far-side whereas rim crests of larger craters are significantly
craters more probably formed by the impact of large less even. The critical diameter has been suggested as
cosmic bodies rather than by volcanism. Mironova 16 km (ref. 32-13) and as 50 to 60 km (ref. 32-14).
(ref. 32-3) also reached the first conclusion but, as This observation, which corresponds to previously
revealed by the results presented here, not for the discussed size-dependent differences among lunar
same reasons. Evidently, the photoclinometric craters, may to some extent have arisen because of
method, the only way to obtain quantitative data the reduced detail visible in small craters at the limit
from the Zond 3 imagery, did not yield morpho- of Earth-based telescopic resolution.
metric information as accurate as that of even the To examine both variations, circular topographic
older shadow-length crater measurements. Miro- prof'des of crater rim crests were obtained from
nova's conclusion that lunar far-side craters formed photogrammetry of Apollo 15 and 17 metric camera
from volcanic eruptions is not supported by this photographs. The 15 sample craters selected for this
study. Rather, the results obtained from Apollo study range in diameter from 2.5 to 190 km and
metric cameras, and indeed most of the Zond 3 include far-side and near-side craters, upland and
measurements, are more consistent with an impact postmare craters, and both old and young craters.
genesis for the lunar far-side and near-side craters. Between 20 and 36 elevations (average, 28) located
along the crater rim crests were determined in each
R IM-CR fiST EVENNESS stereographic model. After the north direction (0 °)
had been ascertained for all craters, the location of
High-quality topographic data from Apollo 15 to each sample elevation on the rim crest was read to the
17 photographs make it possible to examine quanfita- nearest 10° azimuth. Seven quantities were calculated
tively a hitherto unstudied aspect of lunar crater for each crater from the resulting elevations (table
shape: configuration of the rim-crest profile. Millman 32-1I): (1) total relief (maximum difference in eleva-
(ref. 32-12) made a detailed numerical analysis of the tion) along the rim crest, (2) the ratio of tim-crest
rim of the New Quebec Crater, a terrestrial meteorite relief to crater diameter, (3) mean elevation of the
crater, but all prior evaluations of crater rim-crest rim crest (arbitrary datum), and (4) to (7) deviation
shape on the Moon have been qualitative. Although from mean elevation of the heights of the northern,
data are not yet available for a thorough investigation southern, eastern, and western walls, expressed as a
of rim-crest shape with respect to every aspect, such plus or minus percentage of total rim-crest relief. The
as relative crater age or location (mare versus terra, deviations were averaged from the three (occasionally
far side versus near side), two variations can be fewer) elevations closest to the four cardinal direc-
treated in this initial study: (1) that of tim-crest tions.
height with azimuth of rim-crest segments and (2) The solution to the first problem appears unambig-
that of rim-crest relief with crater size. uous; no systematic relation exists among the sample
The first problem arose from certain pre-Apollo rim-crest data. When averaged for all 15 craters in
lunar contour maps that portray many craters with a table 32-II, the four deviations from mean rim-crest
systematic symmetry in the altitude of their rim elevation are-0.02 (north), 0.08 (east), 0.00 (south),
crests. On both the 1:5 000 000 U,S. Army Map and --0.07 (west), respectively. The tendency toward
Service Topographic Lunar Map and the various slightly higher eastern walls and lower western walls
1:1 000 000 U.S. Air Force Lunar Aeronautical may reflect diffietflties hi obtaining precise photo-

TABLE 32-11.-Morphometric Properties of Crater Rim Crests

Rim-crest Deviation of elevation from mean, Mean

Crater name
or location Diameter,
km relie_ Reliefdiameter
ratio percent, at- (absolute)
m 90 ° 270 ° 0o 180 ° deviation, percent

Linnd 2.5 93 0.037 0.40 0.08 - 0.24 - 0.14 0.22

In PasteUr 10 593 .059 - .05 .28 -.02 .08 .11
Peiree B 11 250 .023 - .14 - .14 - .44 - .14 .22
Peiree 20 440 .022 - .16 .19 - .08 .17 .15
Proclus 28 1060 .038 - .09 .18 .19 - .19 .16
Izsak 32 810 .025 - .44 .13 - .02 - .21 .20
Timocharis 38 530 .014 .33 .30 .11 - .21 .24
Gansky 44 2920 .066 .14 - .22 - .26 A7 .27
South of Saha 51 1119 .022 -.21 - .24 .22 .06 .18
Schorr 54 3140 .058 .45 - .15 .42 .07 .27
Ritz 59 3720 .063 .04 - .i1 -.28 .23 .17
Sldodowska 128 2410 .019 .00 - .21 .35 - .13 ,17
Langrenus 135 1450 .011 .36 -.17 -.37 .15 .26
Hilber t 178 3640 .020 .33 - .41 .20 - .21 .29
Tsiolkovsky 190 3966 .021 .28 - .67 .09 .08 .28

grammetdc control in several of the models. The 32-11) tend to be slightly higher for the larger craters.
resulting tilt is most evident for craters in the uneven Deviation from mean rim-crest elevation averages
upland terrain; very good leveling was achieved for 0.19 for the seven smallest craters and 0.23 for the
models of craters on the relatively flat mare surfaces, seven largest craters. Because elevation errors arising
Fortunately, elevation errors arising from model tilt from tilt in the stereographic models directly affect
do not seriously affect analysis of opposite rim-crest the value of rim-crest relief, this difference may not
segments. Results from the preliminary sample imply be significant. Additional data, especially for craters
that most variation in height along the rim crest of a of less than 17.5 km diameter, will be required to
lunar crater occurs randomly with respect to azimuth, clarify the relation between tim-crest evenness and
The systematic azimuth variations observed by corn- crater diameter.
pilers of the earlier contour maps and charts probably
resulted from the high-contrast, east-west illumina-
tion of the lunar surface and the inadequate photo-
grammetric separation in the available Earth-based The research described here exemplifies only two
photographs, of the various ways in which morphometry can
The answer to the second problem is less certain, furnish insight into processes that have shaped the
The sample results show that relief of most crater rim craters of the Moon. Both studies correct prior
crests is commensurate with crater size and does not erroneous conclusions reached on the basis of data
increase significantly at any well-marked diameter obtained from inferior sources. Results of the first
threshold. The relation between rim-crest relief and study principally show that (1) craters on the lunar
crater diameter, expressed as the ratio of the two far side do not differ in shape from near-side craters,
values, is highly systematic for eight of the 15 craters (2) the shapes of far-side craters are more consistent
in table 32-II; the mean value of the ratio is 0.022, with an impact origin than with a volcanic origin, and
and the range is only 0.006. Ratio values for the (3) the inner slopes of crater rims are much gentler in
remaining seven craters generally are higher and are craters larger than 17.5 km in diameter than they are
considerably more scattered; the mean value of the in smaller craters. Findings from the second study
ratio is 0.043, and the range is 0.055. However, the reveal that (1) the height of crater rim crests does not
runs of some larger craters appear to be dispropor- vary preferentially with azimuth of rim-crest seg-
tionately more uneven than are the rims of smaller ments and (2) relief along most crater rim crests
craters. Mean absolute values of the four elevation probably does not increase significantly at any
deviations calculated for the first problem (table well-defined diameter threshold.



Farouk El-Baz a

The crater Aitken is among the most significant Chains and clusters of craters that are most
features photographed during the Apollo 17 mission, probably secondary to Aitken Crater are best por-
This was the first Apollo mission to fly over Aitken, trayed in the low-Sun-angle photography of Zond 8;
located at latitude 17 ° S, longitude 173° E, in as yet one crater chain measures approximately 300 km in
undivided highlands. The crater is approximately 150 length (fig. 32-7). Numerous craters in the vicinity of
km in diameter and, based on shadow measurements, Mtken are f'dled with light plains materials. Some of
approximately 5 km deep. these craters are younger than Aitken, indicating that
Aitken is one of few fresh-looking and therefore the plains materials are not Aitken ejecta but may be
relatively young craters on the lunar far side; its rim locally derived. Intererater light plains in the same
deposits are clearly superposed on older, unnamed region, however, are more densely pitted and are
features. The crater is characterized by (1) a slightly overlain by craters secondary to Aitken and by fine
high albedo, continuous ejecta blanket that extends ejecta. These observations suggest multiple sources
outward to approximately one crater diameter; (2) for the light plains units in the lunar highlands.
flow patterns and dunes extending beyond the Flow scarps probably related to the deposition of
continuous ejecta blanket to approximately two the ejecta blanket of Aitken Crater occur beyond the
crater diameters; (3) sharp secondary-crater chains continuous rim deposits. These small-scale structures
that also extend outward to two crater diameters; (4) are best studied in high-resolution Apollo 17 pano-
irregularly terraced crater walls having very few flat ramic camera photographs. Two examples in the
surfaces; (5) dark mare-like f'dl with some light-col- region north-northeast of the crater are shown in
ored swirls; and (6) a cluster of craters 6 km in figure 32-8.
diameter with interior domical structures and "high Scarps in both areas display lobate fronts and
lava marks" on their walls, appear to cross the terrain with complete disregard of
Before the Apollo 17 mission, Altken Crater was preexisting topography. The scarps are reminiscent of
photographed by the Lunar Orbiter II and Zond 8 the flow scarps in the area of the crater Mandel'shtam
spacecraft. However, the Apollo 17 coverage added (ref. 32-15). Similar but not identical scarps were also
numerous details, as summarized in the following observed around King Crater (refs. 32-16 and 32-17),
description of the general setting of the crater and where they show definite relationships to the pre-
its features, existing terrain-accelerating downslope and decel.
crating upslope (ref. 32-16). No such relationship is
CRATER SURROUNDINGS clear in the case of the flow scarps near Aitken
Aitken Crater is in a ragged and densely pitted CRATER INTERIOR
area of the lunar far-side highlands. As shown in
figure 32-6, the continuous ejeeta blanket that Although generally circular, the rim crest of
extends 100 to 150 km from the rim crest is Aitken Crater is crenulate and marked by a few
somewhat brighter than the surroundings. In this straight segments. There is an affinity toward north-
zone, thick debris mantles and subdues preexisting east-southwest and northwest-southeast linear trends.
topography. The wall of Aitken Crater is irregular. There is one
steep scarp in the northeastern part and only one
discontinuous terrace that extends to approximately
aNational Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institu- one-fifth of the crater depth, and the rest of the wall
tion. is made up of domical and irregular blocks (fig. 32-9).

FIGURE 32-6.-Part of Lunar Orbiter lI frame 33-M centered on the crater Aitken Oat. 17° S, long.
173° E). Relative high albedo rim deposits of Aitken extend outward to one crater diameter.
Icarus Crater with its large central peak is in the upper right corner; west of it is DaedalusCrater.
Northwest of Aitken is the pair of old subdued craters, Heaviside (right) and Keeler (left). Due
south of Aitken Crater is the crater Van de Graaff, on the northeastern rim of Mare Ingenii.

By comparison with other large craters (e.g., Coper- tions along the eastern and western parts of the wall;
nicus), only very few fiat areas (the so-called "pools") (2) the presence of a large and relatively fiat unit that
are observed on the wall terraces, is interpreted as a landslide next to the steep scarp on
The jumbled appearance of the crater wall may be the northeastern part of the wall; (3) the apparent
ascribed to post-Aitken events, particularly those lack of fiat pools and sharp terraces, in spite of the
events that formed the 30-kin-diameter crater on the relative freshness of other features of the crater; and
northern wall and the 12-kin-diameter crater on the (4) complete destruction of the northern part of the
northern rim of Aitken Crater (fig. 32-9). These wall by the superposition of the unnamed 30-km-
probable impact craters may have caused massive diameter crater.
slumping and downslope movement along the wall of The floor of Aitken Crater displays several unique
Aitken. The effects of this slumping are obvious in features. It is filled with dark mare-like material,
(1) widening of the crater in places and the crenula- which, in the southwestern quadrant, is marked by

FIGURE 32-7.-Zond 8 photograph of Aitken Crater (150

km in diameter) and its surroundings. A major chain of
secondary craters extends toward the north. Smaller
chains are in the nurth-northwest sector. Secondary-crater
clusters randomly surround the crater. Light plains
material flUs the floors of smaller surrounding craters in
contrast to the darker mare-hke fill in the floor of Aitken.

Note the sharpness of the crater tim crest. Area of figure FIGURE 32-8.-Flow scarps and other flow structures north-
32-8(a) is indicated by "1"; area of figure 32-8(b) is northeast of the crater Aitken as seen in Apollo 17
indicated by "2".
panoramic camera photographs. The flow direction is
from west (left) to east (right). Both areas appear to be
part of a discontinuous system. (a) Part of ApoUo 17
light-colored swirls (fig. 32-10). These swirls are at panoramic camera frame AS17-1914
the northern edge of the Ingenii belt of light-colored
markings (ref. 32-18).
The central peak of the crater consists of two
segments. The larger and topographically higher southwestern parts (fig. 32-10). In two places, the
segment to the east trends generally north-south, and flow scarps are related to smaller craters in the floor
the smaller and topographically lower portion is (figs. 32-10 and 32-11). These craters range in size
represented by a row of discontinuous hills (fig. from 4 to 7 km. The interiors of three in one cluster
32-9). This arrangement of the central peak complex are occupied by equal-size, perfectly domical struc-
suggests an incipient ring. Smaller probable impact tures (fig. 32-12). The domical structures are very
craters such as Tycho and Aristarchus display a unusual in appearance and somewhat resemble those
clustered central feature; larger craters such as Schrc;- reported in the Mons Ru'mker area (ref. 32-19). The
dinger display a complete ring structure. Aitken three craters in the eastern part of the floor, as well as
Crater appears to display characteristics that lie an isolated one in the southwestern floor of Aitken,
between these two types, are breached; the breaches lead to flow scarps in the
Numerous flow scarps are clearly visible in the floor fill, suggesting that the craters are related to the
dark mare floor, particularly in the eastern and f'fll. They may have been the source of the mare

material, or at least part of it. The domical structures

in their interiors may represent the last stages of
volcanic eruption. These structures were described by
the Apollo 17 command module pilot as resembling
the dacite domes in northern California and Oregon
(sec. 28). Late stages of eruption commonly produce
more viscous materials represented by domical struc-
tures (ref. 32-20).
Some of the craters described previously as well as
a crater in the southern part of the floor (fig. 32-13)
show a tinged interior that is interpreted as a high
lava mark (i.e., a preserved strand line of an earlier
higher level of lava within the craters than exists
today). The lava level may have receded because of
drainage back into the source chamber or because of
loss of volafiles or loss in volume as a result of
crystallization (or both). Similar lava marks were
observed in Palus Putredinis during the Apollo 15
mission (ref. 32-21) and in Mare Nubium during the
Apollo 16 mission (ref. 32-15).

FIGURE 32-8.-Concluded. (b) Part of Apollo 17 panoramic

camera frame AS17-1676.

FIGURE 32-10.-Apolio 17 Hasselbiad frame AS17-

150-22962 showing the southern part of the floor of
Aitken Crater. Note the light-colored markings in the dark
mare floor, also the flow scarps in the southwestern and
eastern portions. The scarp and/or ridge in the southwest-
ern corner leads to a partially flooded crater (1), and one
ridge or flow structure in the eastern part of the wall leads
to a breach in an uausual crater (2). See also figure 32-11.

FIGURE 32-9.-Vertical view of Aitken Crater obtained by

Apollo 17 mapping camera. Note the sharp crenulations
of the rim crest and the irregular nature of the crater wall.
The crater in the northern part of the wall is 30 km in
diameter (Apollo 17 mapping camera frame AS17-0341).

FIGURE 32-13.-ApoUo 17 Hasselblad frame showing an

8-kin-diameter crater in the floor of Aitken Crater that
displays a high lava mark on the inner wall (AS17-

FIGURE 32-11.-Detail of the eastern part of the floor of

Aitken Crater. Numerous flow scarps and ridges are
displayed in the dark mare-like unit. One is clearly related
to a breach in the crater in the upper left corner of the
photogaph. A few of the scarps appear to lap up against
the lower part of the crater wall. A large and discontin-
uous scarp is present at a higher level on the southeastern
wall of the same crater. This large scarp is probably CONCLUSIONS
unrelated to those in the t]oo_ (AS17-149-22796).
Characteristics of the rim deposits and ejecta
blanket ,of Aitken Crater indicate a probable impact
origin. The freshness and lesser degradation of the rim
crest may have been caused by post-Aitken events.
The dark floor fill, its flow scarps, and smaller
craters with domical structures are probably volcanic
in origin. The variety of landforms suggests episodic
eruptions represented by the dark basalt-like floor
material and finally the more viscous domical mate-
rials in the smaller craters.
This combination of impact and volcanic struc-
tures makes Aitken Crater particularly attractive for
future study and analysis. In addition to the fact that
it is one of very few craters on the lunar far side with
a dark mare floor, the crater is young enough for its
features to be well preserved. Extensive photographic

FIGURE 32-12.-A cluster of craters in the eastern part of coverage of Aitken Crater by the Apollo 17 crewmen
the floor of Aitken Crater. Eramelet width is 6.3 km will permit detailed investigation of its many inter-
(Lunar Orbiter II frame 33-H). esting features.



W. B. Bryan a and Mary-Linda Adams a

The crater Aitken is on the lunar far side, centere_L completely crystallized. On the eastern side of the
at approximately latitude 17° S, longitude 173° E. main crater floor, several more circular craters enclose
Aitken Crater, which measures approximately 130 peculiar clusters of dome-like features that might be
km from rim to rim, shows many of the feature_ extrusions of more viscous lava.
usually attributed to impact, the most important A small crater approximately 100 km west of
being the terraced, hummocky inner crater walls and Aitken Crater also shows what may be a Idling of
a raised central peak. In many respects, it resemble_ relatively viscous lava (fig. 32-15). It is difficult to
the well-known crater Tsiolkovsky, which is at the interpret this crater fliling as slump from walls of a
same latitude but approximately 40 ° to the west. crater produced by impact because the walls are only
However, the outer walls and surrounding slopes o:r a little higher in elevation than the surface of the
Aitken Crater do not show the extensive ejecta filling and because the central filling does not slope
blanket or the prominent landslide deposits so evi. from the walls toward the center of the crater.
dent at Tsiolkovsky Crater. Rather, the central Idling has an almost horizontal
Post-impact volcanism at Aitken Crater is sug- (although rough) surface, and its contact with the
gested by several features (fig. 32-14), the most crater walls closely follows a low, moat-like depres-
obvious being the mare-type f'dling that floors the sion. The alinement of two large pits or craters ("B"
crater and virtually makes an island of the central in fig. 32-15)alongthe peripheral depression suggests
peak. Light-colored swirls on the surface of this f'flling that they originated internally; they may be explo-
resemble those in Mare Marginis: they do not appear sion craters. The conspicuous fractures on the upper
to have any appreciable relief. The swirls may surface of the dome may have been produced by
represent fumarolic alteration of the lava, or dust endogenous growth. By analogy with terrestrial vol-
deposits from postfill landslides on the crater walls, canic domes, cooling might be expected to produce
The dark floor filling also shows several elongated pits the hexagonal shrinkage cracks typical of columnar
and irregular rille-like features that also are character- jointing. However, this fracturing probably would be
istic of mare fall and that may represent vents or much smaller in scale than that observed in this
collapsed lava tubes, crater.
Aitken Crater shows several unusual features that The volcanic fillings in Aitken Crater and in the
may represent volcanic events extending beyond th,_ smaller crater to the west are relatively youthful in
period of mare-type crater flooding. Among these are appearance compared to the generally old highland-
the circular, maar-like depressions that appear in the type topography surrounding them. Our initial ira-
southern and northwestern parts of the crater. Thes_ pression, which should be checked by more detailed
might represent volcanic craters flooded by lava work, is that the volcanic activity is considerably
following a period of explosive eruptions; or, alterna- younger than the impact events that produced the
tively, they may be impact craters produced in thin host craters and is probably contemporary with mare
crust of the ponded mare-type fill before this fill was volcanism on the lunar near side.

awoods Hole OceanographicInstitution.


0 20

FIGURE 32-14.-The crater Aitken, showing elongated pits and rllle-like features in mare-type filling
(A), maar-like depressions (B), and depressions with clusters of possible lava domes (C) (Apollo 17
metric camera frame AS 17-0481 ).

o 20

FIGURE 32-15.-Possible vole_micextrusion in small crater

west of Aitken Crater. Note the irregular fractured
surface; peripheral depression (At);and possible marginal
explosion pits (B) (Apollo 17 metric camera frame



Verne R. Oberbeck a and Robert H. Morrison a

The lunar herringbone pattern was first noted on pattern. The overall appearance is that of intersecting
Lunar Orbiter and Apollo 8 photographs of Coper- lineations projecting from either side of the crater-
nicus secondary craters as a series of lineations chain axis of symmetry to form nested V's. At least
forming V-shaped patterns that, when combined, give two well-developed series of V-shaped ridges are
the appearance of a herringbone pattern (reL 32-22). visible on this crater chain. Figures 32-17(b) and
Later, a study of this pattern showed conclusively 32-17(c) show two crater pairs with subdued ridges,
that its components are V-shaped ridges that typically whereas figure 32-17(d) shows groups of secondary
are associated with secondary craters (ref. 32-23). craters exhibiting well-defined V-shaped ridges. Each
Figure 32-16 shows the location of four secondary- V-shaped ridge opens in a direction away from
crater chains, each of which is shown in greater detail Copernicus Crater, and each gives the appearance of
in figure 32-17. the head of an arrow pointing in the general direction
Arrows superimposed on each photograph (fig. of Copernicus, especially when the crater-chain axis
32-17) point toward Copernicus Crater. Figure of symmetry is along a line radial to Copernicus.
32-17(a) includes part of the crater chain originally Recently, a subdued herringbone pattern near the
used in reference 32-22 to illustrate the herringbone crater Theophilus was observed on Apollo t6 photo-
graphs, and its components were simulated experi-
mentally by simultaneous impact of two projectiles
aNASAAmes ResearchCenter. near one another on a sand target (ref. 32-24). A

0 1_

FIGURE 32-16.-Photomosaic of Copernicus Crater and environs composed of Lunar Orbiter IV

moderate-resolution frames M-121 and M-138. Outlined areas correspond to parts of figure 32-17.

0 10

FIGURE 32-17.-Groups of secondary craters near Coperni-

cus Crater. Locations of parts are shown in figure 32-16.
Arrows point toward Copernicus Crater. (a) Crater chain
showing V-shaped ridges (Lunar Orbiter IV frame H-121).
(b) Crater pair with subdued ridges (Lunar Orbiter IV
frame H-114). (c) Crater pair with subdued ridges (Lunar
Orbiter IV frame H-121). (d) Six crater pairs with
prominent ridges (Lunar Orbiter IV frame H-121).

result of this last study was the hypothesis that the

herringbone pattern is produced by collision of
material ejected from two adjacent secondary-impact
craters formed nearly simultaneously by impact of
material ejected from a primary crater.
This paper presents several better defined exam-
ples of the V-shaped components of the herringbone
pattern observed on the Apollo 17 and 15 metric and
panoramic photographs and explains the impact
mechanism for the formation of the V-shaped ridge
components of the pattern. Also presented are

observations of isolated crater chains having herring- groups of secondary craters, located approximately
bone patterns, but not obviously associated with any 350 km from Copernicus. Inset (a) shows a well-de-
primary craters. These patterns suggest that some veloped crater chain with long ridges radiating from
crater chains of presumed volcanic origin may, in the points of crater overlap. The ridges meet the
fact, have been produced by the impact process, crater chain at acute angles on each side of the crater
Figure 32-18 is a metric camera photograph of the chain and give the general appearance of V-shaped
area north-northwest of Copernicus Crater. Also ridges. Inset (b) shows a crater chain and V-shaped
shown, in the insets, are magnifications of three ridges that are more subdued because of the shallower

I I ) ) I I
0 50

FIGURE 32-18.-Area north-northwest of Copernicus Crater showing three groups of secondary

craters: inset (a), a well-developed crater chain with long ridges radiating from the points of crater
overlap; inset (b), a crater chain with ridges subdued because of shallowness of craters; and inset
(c), a crater chain with long, well-defined V-shaped lineations (Apollo 17 metric camera frame
AS 17-2289).

craters. Inset (c), however, shows long well-defined secondaries that points to a group of large secondary
V-shaped lineations. In each case, the V's point craters in the upper left corner of figure 32-18. Three
toward Copernicus Crater. The group of craters in of these craters are magnified in inset (c) of figure
inset (b) is near a prominent chain of Copernicus 32-19, which is an Apollo 15 metric camera photo-

FIGURE 32-19.-Area northeast of Euler Crater showing three groups of secondary craters: inset (a),
crater chain with very-well-developed V-shaped ridge radiating from a point between the largest
crater and the smaller craters; inset (b), crater doublet with V-shaped ridges radiating from points
between and in front of the craters; and inset (e), crater triplet (upper left in fig. 32-18) with
well-developed ridges emanating from points between the craters (Apollo 15 metric camera frame

graph of the area northwest of that shown in figure crater chain shown in inset (a) has a very-we11-devel-
32-18. The three craters are seen to be part of the oped V-shaped ridge radiating from a point between
prominent chain of craters of figure 32-18 that the largest crater and the other smaller craters, and
continues in a northwest direction across the lunar there are also several other more subdued V's. All
surface area shown in figure 32-19. The three craters point to the west, however. These craters may be
are shown once again in much greater detail in an secondaries of Euler, because they point in its general
Apollo 17 panoramic camera photograph (fig. 32-20). direction; but they are most probably derived from a
The V-shaped ridges associated with these three larger crater to the west, because they are very much
craters are even more well defined than those larger than other secondary craters seen in the Euler
associated with the secondaries south of this area. ejecta blanket. A possible candidate source crater for
The well-developed ridges emanate from points be- this crater chain is Aristarchus because the axis of
tween the craters, symmetry of the crater chain is on a line radial to
Two other insets of figure 32-19 are magnified Aristarchus; in addition, secondaries near Aristarchus
views of a crater doublet and a crater chain. The have well-developed V-shaped ridges. For example,
crater doublet of inset (b) also probably is made up figure 32-21 is an Apollo 17 metric camera photo-
of secondary craters of Copernicus because of its graph of a very long southeast-striking chain of
proximity to the major secondary-crater string point- secondary craters in the area southeast of Aristarchus.
ing to Copernicus. The V-shaped ridges radiate from The chain can be traced to a point near Aristarchus
points between the craters and in front of them. The and is on a radial line from Aristarchus. The inset at
the bottom of figure 32-21 is a magnification of a
small part of this chain. Most herringbone pattern
components in this section of the chain are found to
be associated with singular, nearly circular craters.
However, there are at least two examples of V-shaped
ridges radiating from points between adjacent secon-
dary craters. In all cases, the V's point toward
Aristarchus Crater.


The preceding association of the herringbone

pattern with lunar secondary craters is characteristic
of the pattern. This association suggests that the
origin of the herringbone pattern is related to the
origin of the secondary craters and that the exact
mechanism of formation of the herringbone pattern
may be revealed by a study of the formation of
secondary craters. The most common hypothesis for
formation of secondary craters is production by
impact of material ejected from a primary crater. If
these craters were produced in this way, it is
reasonable to assume that adjacent craters would have
been formed at the same time or nearly the same
time. Herringbone pattern components might then be
formed as a result of simultaneous formation of
craters near one another. Preliminary results of
FIGURE 32-20.-Portion of Apollo 17 panoramic camera simultaneous impact were presented in reference
frame AS17-3094 showing ellain of three secondary era- 32-24. More definitive results now are available and
ters (inset (c), fig. 32-19). are presented along with the description of the

FIGURE 32-21.-Area southeast of Aristarchus Crater showing a crater chain and detail (inse0
(Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-2930).
mechanism involved in the production of the herring- the conditions of ejection velocity and angle required
bone pattern, to project fragments to distances in the previously
Most lunar secondary craters with an associated mentioned range are determined, and two projectiles
herringbone pattern that can be related to a large are launched simultaneously at these conditions into
primary crater occur within annular areas around the a sand target. The resulting crater pairs then are
crater from 100 to 400 km wide. Thus, to simulate compared to lunar craters.
the typical pair of adjacent lunar secondary craters, The following equation was used to calculate the

angular range r/ of fragments ejected from the lunar 3.0

0 V,-r- 0
surface, o V

2.5 Range,
km T Rangeof
n = 2 aretanl
P V2sin 0 cos O] (32-I) ....
LRmgm - V2sin20] _ 2.0 t.-300
where 0 is the ejection angle measured from the _I...-200
normal to the surface, gm is the lunar acceleration of > 1.5 ,
_;_..1156 109

ejection velocity. This equation was obtained by _ 1.0

modifying equation (1) given in reference 32-25 to
account for the fact that 0 is measured from the .5
surface normal instead of the horizontal. When the " - 1013'
angular range _ is converted to kilometers on the I I I , I I I I I I
lunar surface and set equal to constant values ranging 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
from 100 to 400 km and Vis solved as a function of Ejection angle, O,deg

0, the curves of figure 32-22 result. FIGURE 32-22.-Theoretical ballistic curves, where r is the
Any pair of 11,0 values within the boundaries of time between impact of first and second projectiles and
the 100- and 400-km 11,0 curves delimits possible Vavg is the average velocity. The four-digit numbers
designating the V, z = 0 data points are experiment
conditions for the formation of secondary craters numbers that correspond to photographs of representative
found at distances in this range. However, the lunar craters shown as parts of figure 32-23.
secondary craters may be simulated adequately by
launching projectiles at each impact angle (equal to
the ejection angle) and impact velocity equal to the sulted only when the impact angle measured from the
midpoint of the envelope defined by the 100- and normal was greater than 60 °.
400-km curves at that angle. The ridges between the laboratory craters and
A series of experiments was performed by impact- between the lunar secondary craters formed as a
ins two Lexan plastic projectiles simultaneously at result of collision of material ejected from adjacent
angles and average velocities near the midpoints of craters. This conclusion is confirmed from observa-
the ballistic curves of figure 32-22. A separate series tion of high-speed motion picture records of the
of experiments also was performed to verify that the growth of two craters formed by the simultaneous
results were representative of those that would have impact of two projectiles at a 60 ° impact angle and a
been obtained over the entire envelope width. Photo- velocity of 0.82 km/sec. Selected frames (fig. 32-24)
graphs of representative craters obtained in the first show that the ejecta plumes of the two craters begin
test series are shown in figure 32-23, and their to interact at 5 msec after impact of the projectiles.
conditions of impact angle and velocity are desig- At l0 msec after impact, some modification of the
nated by circles in figure 32-22. In each case, the ejecta plumes has occurred, as shown by a bifurcation
projectiles impacted from the direction at the bottom of the leading edge of the up-range ejecta plume. The
of the figure. Well-developed ridges radiate from short up-range arm of this bifurcating ejecta plume
between the craters of all crater pairs. However, the represents material that has collided with that ejected
ridge is V-shaped only for those craters produced by from the down-range crater. Material missing the
projectiles impacting the target at high angles from ejecta plume of the down-range crater is represented
the normal to the target surface. Additional experi- at 10 msec by the longer arm of'the bifurcated ejecta
ments performed at the same angles and velocities but plume. As crater growth continues from 20 to 100
by projectiles that impact at different times show msec, the collision zone grows in length. At 40 msec
that the angle of the V-shaped ridges is smaller when after impact, the nearly vertical collision zone is the
the up-range crater is formed first than it is when prominent feature of the combined ejecta plumes.
both craters form simultaneously. However, study of For purposes of illustrating the mechanism for the
all cratering parameters showed that V-shaped ridges ridge formation, one may imagine the ejecta plumes
resembling most lunar herringbone components re- as being frustums of inverted right-circular cones, the

from which the impacting fragments arrived. This

hypothesized mode of formation has been confirmed
by detailed calculations of a more rigorously devel-
oped model, even where the collision is assumed not
to be perfectly inelastic and where equations of
motion of particles before collision are related to
equat/_ons of motion of collision products through
conservation of momentum equations. The results
show a concentration of ejected particles in a zone
_a_ _dt perpendicular to the crater pair. Based on these mod-
eling observations, it is concluded tentatively that
lunar herringbone components result from collision
of material ejected from the adjacent craters.
Although most lunar herringbone patterns occur in
association with long secondary-crater chains, labora-
tory simulations of the herringbone pattern compo-
nents presented thus far were accomplished by
impacting only two projectiles to form only two
adjacent craters. Two projectiles were used to provide
Ib_ _0_ good control of the experimental conditions. How-
ever, one additional experiment was performed
whereby three projectiles impacted simultaneously
to form a chain of three craters. Figure 32-25(a)
I I I I I I shows this crater chain and two well-developed ridges
0 cm
50 radiating from between adjacent craters, and it is
apparent that formation of an additional crater does
not impair formation of the ridges. The chain of three
secondary craters from Copernicus (figs. 32-19 (inset
(c)) and 32-20) also is included (fig. 32-25(b)) for
qc_ comparison with the experimental craters.
FIGURE 32-23.-Photographs of experimental crater doub- In all of the experimental results thus far pre-
lets resulting from simultaneous impact at various angles, sented, the axis of symmetry of each crater pair was
Projectiles impacted from the direction at bottom of parallel with the flight line of the projectiles, and the
photographs (experiment numbers in parentheses). (a) O=
7.5° (1156). (b) 0 = 30° (1127). (c) 0 = 60° (1038). (d) 0 projectiles impacted with sufficient separation on the
= 75° (1013). (e) 0 = 82.5° (1091). target surface to produce nearby tangential craters.
These conditions model the typical secondary craters,
axes of symmetry of which are at some small angle for which the axis of symmetry of adjacent circular
with respect to the surface normal. If one were to craters is on a radial line from the center of the
assume that the collision was inelastic, then the primary crater. Although most secondary craters of
collision zone would be approximated as a conic Copernicus and Aristarchus illustrated in the preced-
section. In this case, intersection of the two conical ing figures were of this type, there are also many
ejecta plumes results in a section approximated by a examples of lunar crater chains for which the axis of
hyperbola. Net horizontal components of velocity of symmetry is at an angle to the radial line from the
all collision products along this hyperbola are di- primary crater. Figure 32-26 shows some examples of
rected down range because of the higher horizontal these Copernicus secondary craters and their labora-
components of velocity for material ejected from the tory analogs. Each photograph is oriented such that
up-range crater toward the down-range crater. There- the direction of the flight line of the projectiles or the
fore, the collision hyperbola moves down range and radial line from the primary crater is from bottom to
gradually deposits as a V-shaped ridge on the target top. The axis of symmetry of the Copernicus secon-
surface with the V pointing toward the direction daries shown in set A is coincident with the radial line

I o =60°

V =0.82km/sec
-r =0.3 msec
_ _ I

t =0.1msec t =5 msec t =10msec

t - 20msec t =30rnsec t o40msec

t =60rnsec t =80rnsec t =100msec

FIGURE 32-24.-Selected frames from high-speedmotion picture record showinginteraction of ejecta
plumes; t is time after impact.

from Copernicus and is the typical case (ref. 32-23). Other changes in laboratory craters, due to
When this occurs, the V-shaped ridge is positioned changes in azimuth of the crater pairs, also resemble
symmetrically about the crater-pair axis of symmetry, the effects observed for lunar craters. Note that for
Experimental craters of set A that simulate this case the lunar and laboratory craters shown in sets C and
have a similarly positioned axis of symmetry for the D of figure 32-26, the arm of the V-shaped ridge
V-shaped ridge. However, when the axes of symmetry down range or farthest from the primary crater is
of the lunar and laboratory crater chains are at an longer and wider than that up range or closest to the
angle a to the radial line from the primary crater or primary crater.
to the flight line, respectively, the ridge axis of One other detailed comparison can be made
symmetry is rotated with respect to the crater-pair between laboratory and lunar craters. Some examples
axis of symmetry. For each crater pair shown in set of apparently single-particle, circular secondary era-
C, the crater-pair axis of symmetry is rotated counter- ters derived from Aristarchus, with V-shaped ridges,
clockwise, but the ridge axis of symmetry is rotated have been illustrated in figure 32-21. At first, it
clockwise with respect to the crater-pair axis. Set D seemed difficult to account for such features by the
shows the opposite case, in which the crater-pair axis proposed mechanism of collision of particles ejected
of symmetry is rotated clockwise but the ridge axis of from separate impact points. However, when two
symmetry is rotated counterclockwise with respect to projectiles were impacted very near one another, a
the crater-pair axis. nearly circular crater resulted with a V-shaped ridge

V =0.82kmlsec
SID=0.26 0 5
(a) 0 =82.5°, (_=0° km
(b) SetA
0 5
FIGURE 32-25.-Comparison of three simultaneously pro-
duced laboratory craters with lunar crater triplet. (a)
Experimental craters. (b) Lunar craters (figs. 32-19 (inset
(c)) and 32-20) (part of Apollo 15 metric camera frame

radiating from the up-range side of the crater. In set

B, figure 32-26, a laboratory crater produced in this 0 5
way is compared with a lunar crater. In the labora- V _ 0.74 kralse¢ krn
tory example, ridge development is subdued because SIO_ 0.01 _=0 °
the projectiles impacted at almost the same place. SetB
Slightly greater separation, however, yields circular
craters with better developed ridges.._.


Study of lunar crater chains having
patterns has shown that some cannot be traced easily
to their source craters. There are good examples of
these west of Aristarchus.
area covered by Apollo
Figure 32-27 shows the
15 metric camera frame

/D V o 0.77 km/sec
SIP _0.89 0 5
e =75°, _ =35° krn
AS15-2490. Locations of several chains are plotted
and indicated by letter on this chart. Each arrow
indicates the inferred direction to the primary crater,
based on the crater-chain axis of symmetry and the
direction in which the V-shaped ridges point. Magni-


FIGURE 32-26.-Comparison of laboratory craters with

lunar secondary craters near Copernicus Crater (experi-
mental craters, left; lunar craters, right), whereS/D is the V o 0.77 km/sec
ratio of the separation between impact points to the SID ° 0.90 0 5
average crater diameter and _ is the angle between the Oo 75°, _- 69° km
crater axis of symmetry and the flight line or radial line SetD
from the primary crater. Projectiles impacted from the
direction at bottom of photographs. (Lunar crater photo-
graphs axe from Lunar Orbiter IV frame H-121.)




iii ¸ iii_ _1

80 70 60 50 40 30
Longitude.tleg W

FIGURE 32-27.-Western Oceanus ProceUarum. Outlined area is included in Apollo 15 metric camera
frame AS15-2490 (fig. 32-28). Points designated "a'" to "f" indicate secondary-crater chains that
are shown as insets (with corresponding letters) in figure 32-28. The arrows indicate the inferred
direction to the primary crater (part of Lunar Earthside Chart LMP-1).

fied photographs of these crater groups are shown as chains may never be located and that they can be
insets on the metric camera photograph of figure identified as secondary-impact craters only through
32-28. The apparent source craters of only two crater the presence of a herringbone _pattern or ridges
chains can be found. Aristarchus and Kepler appear radiating from the crater chain. However, it is of
to be the source craters for the crater chains shown in considerable interest that this area of the lunar
insets (f) and (c), respectively. However, the sources surface (fig. 32-28) contains secondary-impact crater
of the other crater chains are not obvious. The chains groups derived from at least four different primary
in insets (a) and (b) are apparently due to a source to craters. Therefore, this serves as direct evidence for
the west of the area, and the doublets in insets (d) long-range transport of foreign constituents to one
and (e) are apparently due to a source to the south. It common lunar surface area.
is probable that the sources of some isolated crater One unexpected result of these observations is the

FIGURE 32-28.-Area northwest of Aristarchus CIater (Apollo 15 metric camera frame AS15-2490).
Insets (Apollo 15 panoramic camera frames) cor_:espond to locations designated in figure 32-27.

suggestion, based on the presence of such ridges, that each photograph points to a part of the crater chain
the Davy Crater chain may be a secondary-impact that has well-developed ridges radiating from the
crater chain. Figure 32-29 includes portions of Apollo point of crater overlap. These ridges are especially
16 metric and panoramic photographs of the Davy evident on the panoramic camera frame AS16-4668.
Crater chain that were exposed under several differ- Although ridges might also result from simultan-
ent lighting conditions. The arrow superimposed on eous pyroclastic eruptions, a preliminary search for

ridges associated with such eruptions in Hawaii has

not revealed them? In addition, it seems unlikely
that many adjacent eruptions would occur at exactly
the same time, whereas simultaneous impact forma-
tion of adjacent secondary craters should be ex-
pected. If the Davy Crater chain is due to secondary
impact, it would be of interest to locate the primary
crater. In principle, it may be possible to determine
the direction and angle of impact of the secondary
fragments from study of crater-chain ridge structure.
It may not be possible, however, to determine the
impact velocity; therefore, it may be difficult to
compute the range to the primary crater.


In summary, these preliminary results indicate that

the lunar herringbone pattern is a common character-
istic of secondary-impact cratering. The pattern re-
sults from collision of material ejected from separated
impact points. Moreover, these results suggest that
many lunar secondary craters were produced by
fragments impacting the lunar surface at high angles
from the surface normal. Finally, many isolated
crater chains, such as the Davy Crater chain, that
previously were thought to be volcanic forms may in
fact have been produced by secondary impacts.

32-1. Baldwin, Ralph B.: The Measure of the Moon. Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1963.
32-2. Pike, R. J.: Geometric Similitude of Lunar and
Terrestrial Craters. Sec. 15 of Proceedings of the 24th
International GeologicalCongress(Montreal),Aug. 21-30,
1972, pp. 41-47.
32-3. Mironova, M. N.: Structural Characteristics of Some
Craters on the Far Side of the Moon. In Astrometry and
Astrophysics, No. 1: Physics of the Moon and Planets.
NASA"ITF-566, 1970, pp. 33-45.
32-4. Mironova, M. N.: Height Profiles of Twenty-Nine
Craters on the Far Side of the Moon. In Astrometry and
Astrophysics, No. 1: Physics of the Moon and Planets.
NASATT F-566, 1970, pp. 46-57.
32-5. Baldwin, Ralph B.: The Face of the Moon. Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1949.
FIGURE 32-29.-Davy Crater chain at various Sun elevation 32-6. Pike, R. J.: Height-Depth Ratios of Lunar and Terres-
angles. Pointers indicate well-developed ridges radiating trial Craters. Nature Phys. Sci., vol. 234, Nov. 15, 1971,
from points of crater overlap. (a) Sun elevation angle = pp. 56-57.
38° (Apollo 16 metric camera frame AS16-2970). (b) Sun 32-7. Guest, J. E.; and Murray, J. B.: Nature and Origin of
elevation angle = 16° (Apollo 16 metric camera frame
AS16-1677). (c) Sun elevation angle = 7° (Apollo 16
metric camera frame AS16-1283). (d) Sun elevation angle
= 15° (Apollo 16 paroramic camera frame AS16-4668). 2Ronald Greeley, personal communication, 1973.

Tsiolkovsky Crater, Lunar Farside. Planet. Space Sci., vol. 32-17. Howard, Keith A.: Ejecta Blankets of Large Craters
17, no. 1, Jan. 1969, pp. 121-141. Exemplified by King Crater. See. 29, Part N, of the
32-8. Murray, J. B.; and Guest, J. E.: Circularities ofCruters Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
and Related Structures on Earth and Moon. Mod. Geol., 1972.
vol. 1, no. 2, 1970, pp. 149-159. 32-18. E1-Baz, Farouk: New Geological Findings in Apollo
32-9. Pike, Richard J.: Crater Morphometry. See. 29, Part L, 15 Lunar Orbital Photography. Proceedings of the Third
of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA Lunar Science Conference, vol. 1, MIT Press (Cambridge,
SP-315, 1972. Mass.), 1972, pp. 39-61.
32-10. Quaide, William L.; Ganit, Donald E.; and Schmidt, 32-19. Scott, D. H.; and Eggleton, R. E.: Geologic Map of
Richard A.: Gravitative Effects on Lunar Impact Struct- the Rtlmker Quadrangle of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey
ures. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sei., vol. 123, July 15, 1965, pp. Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-805, 1973.
563-572. 32-20. Williams, Howel: The History and Character of
32-11. Pike, Richard J.: Genetic Implications of the Shapes Volcanic Domes. Calif. Univ. Publ., Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull.,
of Martian and Lunar Craters Icarus, vol. 15, no. 3, Dee. vol. 21, no. 5, 1932, pp. 51-146.
1971, pp. 384-395. 32-21. Scott, David R.; Worden, Alfred M.; and Irwin, James
32-12. Millman, Peter Mackenzie: A Profile Study of the B.: Crew Observations. Sec. 4 of the Apollo 15 Prelimi-
New Quebec Crater. Canada Dominion Observatory Publ., nary Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972.
vol. 18, no. 4, 1956, pp. 61-82. 32-22. O'Keefe, J. A.; Cameron, W. S.; and Masursky,
32-13. Firsoff, V. A.: Strange World of the Moon, An Harold: Hypersonic Gas Flow. Ch. 2 of Analysis of
Inquiry Into Its Physical Features and the Possibility of Apollo 8 Photographs and Visual Observations. NASA
Life. Basic Books Inc. (New York), 1959. SP-201, 1969, p. 30.
32-14. Shoemaker, Eugene M.: Preliminary Analysis of the 32-23. Guest, J. E.;and Murray, J.B.:A Large Scale Surface
Fine Structure of the Lunar Surface in Mare Cognitum. Pattern Associated with the Ejecta Blanket and Rays of
Ranger VII, Part II, Experimenters' Analyses and Inter- Copernicus. The Moon, vol. 3, no. 3, Dee. 1971, pp.
pretations. JPL Tech. Rept. no. 32-700, 1965, pp. 326-336.
75-134. 32-24. Oberbeek, Verne R.; Morrison, Robert H.; and
32-15. Mattingly, T. K.; E1-Baz, Farouk; and Laldley, Wedekind, John: Lunar Secondary Craters. See. 29, Part
Richard A.: Observations and Impressions From Lunar K, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA
Orbit. See. 28 of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science SP-315, 1972.
Report. NASA SP-315, 1972. 32-25. Giamboni, Louis A.: Lunar Rays: Their Formation
32-16. EI-Baz, Farouk: King Crater and Its Environs. Sec. and Age. Astrophys. J., vol. 130, no. 1, July 1959, pp.
29, Part M, of the Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. 324-335.
NASA SP-315, 1972.
33. Remote Sensing and
Photogrammetric Studies

Remote sensing data, including Earth-based mea- grammetric methods show good correspondence; a
surements of color differences, eclipse temperatures, common result is that the distribution functions are
and radar backscatter as well as results of orbital highly dependent on slope length in the maria, but
bistatic-radar and X-ray fluorescence experiments, less so in the highlands (part C). Investigation of the
delineate surface types in Mare Serenitatis that effect of photogrammetric reading error onslope-fre-
correlate well with photogeologic map units. Differ- quency distributions suggests that the errors are
ences in the remote sensing data apparently reflect insignificant, provided that slope lengths are large,
differences in chemical composition, blockiness, and errors of elevation measurement are small, and the
thickness of the regolith formed on individual rock quality of the photographs is comparable to that of
units (part A). Studies of depolarized Earth-based the Apollo metric and panoramic cameras (appendix
radar echoes (3.8-cm wavelength) at the Apollo 17 to part C). Repeatability of elevation measurements,
landing site suggest that the amplitude of the echoes critical to optimum use of photogrammetric prod-
may be strongly modified by topography. Specifi- ucts, is to some extent dependent on Sun elevation
cally, slopes tilted toward the radar source enhance angle (part D). Data from the laser altimeter corn-
the echoes; thus their effect must be considered bined with spacecraft attitudes provide the required
before inferences can be drawn as to surface blocki- constraints for preparation of cartographic products
ness, dielectric constants, or electromagnetic absorp- by photogrammetric reduction of lunar surface pho-
tion by the regolith (part B). tographs; altimeter measurements also indicate broad-
Comparisons of slope-frequency distributions ob- scale topographic relief around the entire circum-
tained independently from bistatic-radar and photo- ference of the Moon (part E).



T. W. Thompson, a K. A. Howard, b R. W.Shorthill, c G. L. Tyler, d S. H. Zisk, e

E. A. Whitaker, f G. G. Schaber, b and H. Z Moore b

Mare Serenitatis is a circular mare approximately Apollo orbital data collected by the bistatic radar and
600 km in diameter in the northeast quadrant of the X-ray fluorescence experiments of the Apollo 15
lunar near side. It occupies an old multi-ringed basin mission and with geologic units defined from Apollo
(refs. 33-1 and 33-2) and is the site of a prominent observations by Howard et al. (part A of sec. 29).
mascon (ref. 33-3). A conspicuous dark annulus in These data suggest that variation in chemical and
this mare prompted subdivision of the mare materials mineralogical composition is a factor causing the
into different stratigraphic units (refs. 33-2 and 33-4). differences in these remote observations of Mare
A revised stratigraphic sequence for the southern part Serenitatis.
of Mare Serenitatis, based on photogeologic interpre- This report is divided into four sections as follows:
tation of Apollo 15 and 17 photographs, is summa- 1. "Earth-Based Observations," which reviews the
rized as follows after Howard et al. (part A of see. Earth-based data sets of optical color differences,
29). The oldest three units are: I 1-/_m eclipse temperatures, and 3.8- and 70-cm radar
backscatter. Correlated differences in these data
1. The dark material of the Littrow (Apollo 17
landing site) area at the southeast margin define five surface types.
2. "Orbital Observations," which shows that these
the 2.south
The border
dark basalt of Serenitatis
of Mare the crater Plinius area along five surface types are also seen on Apollo photo-
3. The Sulpicius Gallus Formation at the south- graphs and in the Apollo 15 bistatic-radar and X-ray
west margin fluorescence results.
3. "Physical Properties of Surface Types," which
Younger than these three are units that are slightly shows that different surface chemical compositions
lighter parts of the dark annulus: (1) basalt near the could cause the observed differences that define the
crater Dawes, (2) eastern ring basalt, and (3) basalt of surface types.
southwestern Mare Serenitatis. Youngest of all is the 4. "Correlation of Surface Types With Geologic
light mare basalt that forms the central part of Mare Units," which shows that there is excellent agreement
Serenitatis. between the surface types defined by these remote
In this report, the authors examine the Earth- observations and the geologic units and stratigraphy
based observations of optical color differences, in- defined by Howard et al. (part A of sec. 29).
frared eclipse temperatures, and radar backscatter for
Mare Serenitatis. Different surface types can be
defined by correlating differences in these Earth-
based observations. These surface types correlate with Earth-based observations of Mare Serenitatis at
visible, infrared, and radar wavelengths are shown in
ajet PropulsionLaboratory. figure 33-1. The full Moon photograph (ref. 33-5 and
bU.S. GeologicalSurvey. fig. 33-1(a)) shows the albedo differences over the
_l_oeingAerospace Company.
Stanford University. mare floor. Other than the obvious brightness differ-
eMITHaystack Observatory. ences between maria and terrae, the most striking
fLunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona. albedo difference is that between the dark ring on the


mare perimeter and the central mare. This difference Infrared Eclipse Temperatures
is also shown in figure 29-1 of section 29, part A.
The ll-/am eclipse temperature image in figure
33-1(e) was obtained during a total eclipse of the
Color-Difference Photography Moon (ref. 33-13). These data show the departures in
Complex surfaces can be investigated by color- temperature from an average temperature for the area
composite photography (ref. 33-6) as shown by the shown, and each tone represents a 4 K increment (ref.
color-difference photograph in figure 33-1(b). The 33-14). The differences in eclipse temperatures are
Moon was photographed at two wavelengths, 0.82/am controlled by the abundances of surface rocks greater
(photographic infrared) and 0.36 /am (photographic than 10 cm in diameter (ref. 33-11).
ultraviolet). A positive of the infrared and a negative
of the ultraviolet were matched and overprinted. This Definition of Surface Types
process minimizes albedo differences and enhances
any color differences. The dark shades of figure The radar and infrared data sets have been
33-1(b) are bluer than average, and the light shades of compared on a global basis (ref. 33-11) as well as on a
the figure are redder than average. The color-differ- regional basis (ref. 33-15). In this report, a more
ence photograph shown here was digitally enhanced comprehensive synthesis is undertaken for Mare
to increase the color contrast. It reveals mare regions Serenitatis.
with striking color differences, which are not always Five distinct surface types are defined by their
correlative with albedo. These color differences are color, albedo, radar scatter, and infrared character-
generally attributed to different chemical and miner- istics (table 33-1) and are shown in figure 33-1(0. The
aloglcal compositions (refs. 33-6 to 33-9). term "type" will be used for surfaces defined by the
remote observations and the term "unit" for the
geologic units defined by photogeology. Surface
Radar Backscatter types I, II, and III were defined previously (ref.
The 3.8- and 70-cm radar maps in figures 33-1(c) 33-12). We have added a type IV surface, the central
and 33-1(d), respectively, were obtained by delay- area of Mare Serenitatis, and a type V surface, the
Doppler mapping of backscattered radar echoes (ref. Sulpicius Gallus Formation (ref. 33-4).
33-10). These two images show departures of the The important difference between the color and
depolarized echoes from the expected echo strengths; the radar scattering is the penetration depth. Whereas
brighter areas have higher echo strengths. These only the uppermost 100 /am provide the color, the
radar echoes are influenced Significantly by a few
stronger echoes are generany attributed to wave-
length-size rocks, which are on the surface or buried meters of depth (5 wavelengths) (ref. 33-12). Thus,
no deeper than 10 wavelengths (refs. 33-10 and positive correlation between color and radar data
33-11). Tire composition of the regolith can also suggests that if chemical differences are responsible
affect the echo strength (ref. 33-12). for the color variations, then these chemical differ-
ences may persist to a depth of at least 5 m. The
• eclipse temperatures, which respond only to surface
FIGURE 33-1.-Remote observations of MareSerenitatis. (a) rock, provide an important clue to surface and
Full Moon photograph. White light; resolution approxi- subsurface structure when combined with the color
mately 1 km. Co)Color-differencephotograph. Dark tones and radar data. If surface rock populations are nearly
are bluer; lighter tones ate redder than the averagecolor; uniform as suggested by the nearly constant eclipse
resolution approximately 1 km. (c) 3.8-cm radar map. temperatures, then the changes in radar backscatter in
Radar backscatter enhancements are bright; resolution Mare Serenitatis must arise from some variation in the
approximately 2 kin. (d) 70-em radar map. Radar
backscatter enhancements are bright; resolution approxi- scatter from subsurface rocks.
mately 10 km; each tone is 2X in power. (e) ll-/_m
eclipse temperature. Thermal enhancements are bright; ORBITAL OBSERVATIONS
resolution approximately 15 kin. Each tone is 4 K. (f)
Surface types. Indicated surface types are traced over a Differences between the surface types are also
section of the LEM-1 photomosaic and described in the shown in the Apollo orbital bistatic-radar, photogra-
text. phy, and X-ray fluorescence experiments.

TABLE 33-I.-Characteristics of Surface Types Defined by Remote

Observations of Mare Serenitatis

[Numbers give relative rank of the indicated quantity]

Infrared Inferred
Surface Color Albedo Radar scatter characteristic chemistry
type (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

I 1 2 3 2 1
II 2 4 2 2 2
III 3 3 3 2 3
IV 4 4 1 2 4
V 4 1 3 1 4

aBluest, 1; reddest, 4.
bDarkest, 1; lightest, 4.
CStrongest, 1; weakest, 3.
dCoolest, 1; warmest, 2.
eI-Iighest in titanium (Ti) and iron (Fe), 1; lowest in Ti and Fe, 4.

TABLE 33-II.-Bistatic Radar rms Slopes for Remote Sensing Surface Types

Approximate Range of Range of

Surface track rms slopes, rms slopes, Description
type coordinates _-band, deg VHF, deg

I 19.8 ° N, 28.0 ° E 3.3 to 4.0 2.2 to 2.8 Dark surface transected by

to (avg. _ 3.6) (avg. _ 2.5) linear files
20.5 ° N, 26.5 ° E

II 23.5 ° N, 10 ° E 4.0 to 5.0 2.0 to 3.5 Cratered mare surface

to (avg. _ 4.5) (avg. _ 3.1)
24.2 ° N, 8° E

III 23.0 ° N, 13.6 ° E 3.7 to 4.5 2.2 to 3.1 Cratered mare surface
to (avg. _ 4.0) (avg. _ 2.5)
23.5 ° N, 10 ° E

1V-A 20.5 ° N, 26.5 ° E 3.2 to 4.1 1.4 to 3.0 Cratered mare surface,
to (avg. _ 3.6) (avg. _ 2.2) locally very smooth
23.6 ° N, 21.2 ° E appearance

IV-B 23.6 ° N, 21.2 ° E 3.5 to 4.5 2.3 to 3.0 Ejecta of Bessel, crater
to (avg. _ 3.7) (avg. _ 2.5) clusters, and local smooth
22.5 ° N, 16.6 ° E areas

IV-C 22.5 ° N, 16.6 ° E 3.3 to 4.0 1.9 to 2.2 Cratered mare surface,
to (avg. _- 3.5) (avg. _ 2.1) locally very smooth
23.0 ° N, 13.6 ° E appearance

V Not sampled - - Dark surface with craters and

linear rilles

Uplands near 19.7 ° N, 28.5 ° W 4 to 4.3 4 to 4.5 Mountains of Mons Argaeus

Mons Argaeus (avg. _ 4.1) (avg. _ 4.2)

B istatic- Radar Observations .

The bistatic-radar investigations (ref. 33-16) pro-

vide information on the roughness of surface types II,
III, and IV. In this experiment, S-band (13 cm) and
VHF (110 cm) continuous-wave transmissions from
the command and service module were reflected from
the lunar surface toward the Earth where the re-
flected echo was received and processed. Analysis of
the echo yielded an estimate of surface roughness in
terms of rms slopes.
The trace of the points of the Apollo 15 bistatic-
radar experiment crosses Mare Serenitatis from the
region of Mons Argaeus to a point approximately 8 FIGURE 33-2.-A small region from Apollo 17 metric
km north of Bessel Crater and then to longitude 10° photograph AS17-0451 located at 23° E, 18° N, showing
E and latitude 23.6 ° N. Roughness (rms slope) a belt 50 km in length along the contact between the type
I material (the darker material to the south) and the
estimates are representative of areas 5 to 10 km in youngei type IV material.
radius for each specular point; the results are shown
in table 33-1I. The rms slopes are large where the
surfaces visually appear rough and are small where rocks on the type IV surface than on the type I
they appear smooth. Type II, III, and IV surfaces surface. Panoramic photographs across the type I to
differ in surface roughness. Type II has larger rms type IV boundary were enlarged, and rocks 2 m and
slopes than type III (ref. 33-17). Type IV has the larger Were counted for five areas of 25 km 2 . Rock
lowest rms slope, except in the vicinity of the crater populations were 12 to 16 rocks/km 2 for the type IV
Bessel where an increase in roughness can be attri- material and 0.2 to 2.5 rocks/kin z for the type I
buted to ejecta from Bessel and crater clusters. Type I material. This large contrast in rock population would
cannot be distinguished from type IV by the bistatic be expected to give different eclipse temperatures;
radar;type V wasnot sampled, these different temperatures were not observed.
ReFined estimates of surface reek abundances may be
given by the infrared scanning radiometer (see. 24)
Photography that was flown on Apollo 17.
Apollo orbital photographs show a noticeable
difference in the crater populations of the type I and X-Ray Fluorescence Observations
IV surfaces. Figure 33-2, an enlarged metric camera
photograph, shows the contact of these two surfaces. The X-ray fluorescence experiment flown on the
The type I surface has more kilometer-size craters and Apollo 15 mission indicated a chemical composition
is older (part C of sec. 29) than the type IV surface, difference between the type I and type IV surfaces.
A detailed study of the Apollo 17 metric photographs Aluminum-to-silicon intensity ratios for Mare Serenl-
across this contact showed significantly fewer craters tatis and Mare Tranquillitatis prepared by Adler et al.
with diameters of 60 m and less in the older type 1 (ref. 33-18) are listed in table 33-11I. For Mare
material, suggesting a deep regolith and possible Serenitatis, five of seven observed ratios range from
mantle. Presumably, these smaller craters were 0.55 to 0.62; for Mare Tranquillitatis, 11 of the 12
formed entirely in a fine-grained material and did not points range from 0.67 to 0.89. The measurement
exhume bedrock. Thus, these craters were probably points for Mare Tranquillitatis are in lunar areas
destroyed by erosion faster than similar-size craters observed to have the same blue color, low radar
that penetrated into bedrock of the younger type IV backscatter, thermal enhancement, and dark albedo
material. Assuming a crater depth-to-diameter ratio of that characterize the type I surface. Five measure-
1 to 5, the depth of this fine-grained material in the ment points for Mare Serenitatis are in the central
type I material is 12 m or more. area, the type IV surface, and two points share the
Apollo photographs also indicate more surface type II and IV units. Thus, the type I surface has a

TABLE 33-III.-Aluminum-to-Silicon Intensity relation to Ti content is inferred, as shown in table

Ratio for Mare Serenitatis and Mare 33-1. This relation, however, is not entirely certain, as
Tranquillitatis a shown by the high-titanium orange glass returned by
the Apollo 17 crew. The X-ray fluorescence results
Intensity Surface Longitude, Latt'tucle, confirm that type I and IV materials differ chemi-
ratio type deg E deg N tally.
Mare Setenitatis The composition of type I may contribute also to
its lower radar backscatter compared to type IV.
0.62 II, IV 13 23 Different chemical compositions of regolith can cause
the radar backscatter to vary by a factor of 2,
.55 IV 16 24 according to calculations by" Thompson et al. (ref.
.59 IV 20 23 33-12). Our data then are consistent with a model in
.80 IV 23 23 which the bluer materials have a higher electrical loss,
.77 IV 26 22 which attenuates the component of backscatter from
buried rocks. Measurements of terrestrial rocks and
MareTranquillitatis their dusts by Campbell and Ulrichs (ref. 33-20) and
0.76 I 20 9 of returned lunar rocks and dust by Gold et al. (ref.
.80 I 22 13 33-21) indicate that the electrical loss can vary by
.74 I 23 8 almost an order of magnitude between different rock
.70 II 26
26 127 compositions. However, Gold et al. (ref. 33-21)
.72 1 28 10 suspect sample contamination of earlier Apollo sam-
.67 I 29 5 pies by water, which would increase the electrical
.38 I 31 3 loss. Thus, the relation between chemistry and
.72 I 31 8 electrical loss may require further investigation.
II 34
Block variations in the regolith can also explain
.89 I 39 4 the radar data. If rocks are everywhere more abun-
dant on the younger type IV (red) surfaces than on
aRefetence 33-18. bluer surfaces, this condition will explain the higher
radar return from the type IV surfaces. The conclu-
sion that rocks are more abundant on type IV
high aluminum-to-silicon ratio and the type IV surfaces is tentative, however, because the eclipse
surface has a low ratio, temperatures (which depend upon surface rocks) are
nearly constant across Mare Serenitatis. (A slight
thermal enhancement in eastern Mare Serenitatis
seems to be correlated with wrinkle ridges and will be
the subject of a future study.) The small changes in
The variations in the remote sensing data are bistatic-radar rms slopes indicate that slopes can be
explicable as results of variations in regolith composi- ruled out as major factors in altering radar backscat-
tion, blockiness, and thickness, ter for the areas considered here (part B).
Chemical variations in the surface material are The thicker regolith of the type I material,
reflected primarily in the color and by X-ray fhiores- deduced in our detailed investigation of the type I to
cence. The remote sensing responses of the bluest type IV contact shown in figure 33-2, could also
surface, type I, are identical to those of the Apollo 11 account for the reduced radar echoes as compared to
site in Mare TranqulllJtatis, where rocks are high in echoes from type IV material. One might expect high
titanium (Ti) and iron (Fe). Thus, the responses that backscatter from a thin regolith, in which the
characterize type I may result, in part, from high Ti bedrock interface and numerous blocks are near the
and Fe contents. Darker and bluer maria are expected surface. The opposite result, however, is suggested by
to have high Ti and Fe contents relative to lighter and the generally lower radar echo from mare areas than
redder maria, according to Pieters et al. (ref. 33-19). from highland areas, where the regolith is generally
Types I and IV have the extreme colors, from wbAch a thicker. Inasmuch as highland areas contrast chemi-

eally with mare areas, we are uncertain which way photograph in figure 33-1(b) and measurements by
regolith thickness alone influences the radar return. Riley and Hall (ref. 33-22) suggest this area is little
Because variations in chemical composition, block- different in color from the red central area of Mare
iness, and possibly thickness of the regolith can Serenitatis. This small area is not well resolved by the
individually explain the radar data, the extent of 70-em and infrared images. The unit has some of the
influence of each factor on the radar return is properties of the surface type V and some of the
uncertain at present, surface type I.

CORRELATION OF SURFACE TYPES Intermediate Age Basalt Units

The Dawes basalt is next younger in age and forms
The surface types deemed by the remote observa- a small area in southeastern Mare Serenitatis. This
tion agree well with geologic units deemed by unit is surface type I because of its blue color. The
photogeology. The geologic units and stratigraphy of unit has slightly lower 3.8-cm radar backscatter
Mare Serenitatis have been deemed by Howard et al. (one-half to three-fourths times) than the adjacent
(part A of sec. 29). The oldest basalt units are the older Plinius basalt.
dark Littrow material, the basalt near Plinius, and the The eastern ring basalt, also of intermediate age,
Sulpicius Gallus Formation; intermediate age units includes both surface types I and III. The type I
are the basalt near Dawes, the basalt of southwestern (bluer) material occupies a patch 70 km across
Mare Serenitatis, and the eastern ring basalt; the located between the Apollo 17 site and the crater Le
youngest basalt is in central Mare Serenitatis. Monnier to the north. Le Monnier Crater is flooded
with type III mare, and further data on this unit may
come from Lunokhod 2, which landed there. The
Oldest Basalt Units Earth-based data indicate that type III eastern ring
The basalt near Plinius is the surface type I. As basalt continues along the entire northern dark ring
previously noted, the. Earth-based observations show of Mare Serenitatis and terminates in a small patch of
this type I material is similar to and probably type I material. The basalt of southwestern Mare
continuous with the Apollo 11 landing site in Mare Serenitatis, of equivalent age, is also type III.
Tranquillitatis. The Plinius basalt, therefore, should
have the high Ti and Fe contents that characterize the Youngest Basalt Units
returned Apollo 11 samples.
The Sulpicius Gallus Formation has unusual prop- The youngest mare material in central Mare
erties at visual and nonvisual wavelengths. This Serenitatis has a relatively high albedo. The color-diE-
formation mantles the terra, yet it has a lower albedo ference photograph in figure 33-1(b) shows that this
than average mare, and it has a low radar echo and material may be subdivided into a central unit and a
low infrared return, indicating few blocks in the unit northwest of Bessel. The former is deemed as
formation. Most significantly, this area is as red as the surface type IV (table 33-1) and has the reddest color
central mare surface of Serenitatis, suggesting it is and the highest radar backscatter of all Mare Sereni-
chemically different from other "black spots" (ref. tatis units. The unit northwest of Bessel is bluer and
33-19), including the dark Littrow material, and is has been classified as surface type II. Surprisingly, the
different from Plinius basalt. The Sulpicius GaUus type II and IV materials have the same albedo but
Formation, which was earlier deemed as surface type different colors.
V from the Ear th-based observation, is a very distinct CO N C LUS I O NS
geologic unit.
The unit most significant to the latest Apollo The geologic units of Mare Serenitatis have been
mission is the dark Littrow material in the vicinity of deemed by Howard et at. (part A of sec. 29) mainly
the Apollo 17 landing site. This unit also mantles from the interpretation of orbital and telescopic
terra. It has very low albedo and a very low 3.8-cm photographs. These geologic units agree well with
radar echo (ref. 33-19). Although Pieters et al. (ref. surface types that can be deemed from other Earth-
33-19) report a strong blue color, the color-difference based observations and correlated with Apollo orbital

data. Both Earth-based and orbital measurements are geologic mapping to lunar areas not covered by
consistent with the hypothesis that chemical differ- Apollo photographs and orbital experiments. Also,
enees of surface materials cause the observed color, photogeologic interpretation has permitted subdivi-
and they may also modify the radar backscatter by sion of surface types defined by remote observation.
attenuating echoes from buried rocks. Earth-based Thus, these two aspects of surface definition should
and X-ray fluorescence data for type I are identical to be considered concurrently in describing the physical
those at the Apollo 11 landing site. The data suggest properties of the lunar surface.
that there are _hemical differences between the
various units defined by geological interpretation of
Apollo photographs. AC KNOW k E D G M E N T
This study of Mare Serenitatis indicates that The authors thank Richard E. Eggleton of the U.S.
Earth-based observations delineate units consistent GeologicalSurvey for his assistance during the preparation of
with photogeologic interpretation and can extend this report.



11.Z Moore a and S. H. Zisk b

A large quantity of data on backscattered polar- controlling the amplitude of the depolarized radar
ized and depolarized radar echoes from the Moon has echoes. This variable must be assessed before the
been collected from Earth at 3.8-cm wavelength (ref. effects of blocks, dielectric constant, and electromag-
33-23). Depolarized echoes are particularly interest- netic absorption can be determined.
ing because theory indicates that relatively strong We have examined the radar data on depolarized
depolarized echoes can be caused by the following radar echoes for the general areas of (1) the Apollo
factors. 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 landing sites, (2) the
1. An increase in the number of blocks 0.5 to 50 Ranger VII, VIII, and IX impact sites, and (3) the
cm across in the upper one-half meter of the lunar Surveyor I, III, V, and VII landing sites. These data
regollth were then compared with photographic data. Sur-
2. An increase in the dielectric constant of a veyor VI was excluded because it landed near the
center of the lunar disk where echo data are poor.
normally rough or blocky surface Three problems concerning the echo data are
3. A decrease in the electromagnetic absorption in briefly discussed: (1) the frequency distributions of
the upper meter or so of the regollth echo strengths from site to site, (2) the areal
4. To a variable extent, a slope that tilts the
surface toward the Earth-based radar distribution of echoes, and (3) detailed correlation of
echoes with the photographs of the Apollo 17 landing
However, the quantitative aspects of the depolarized area.
echoes are poorly understood, and attempts to use
the data to predict surface roughness due to blocks FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS
and fragments have been only partly successful (ref. OF ECHOES
33-24). Data from the Apollo 17 landing site suggest Frequency distributions of depolarized radar echo
that topography and slopes play an important role in strengths 1 (obtained manually from computer print-

bU.S.GeologicalSurvey. 1Echo strengths are in units of relative power: watts/

MIT Haystack Observatory. (watts m2) otm -2 .

outs for the sites previously mentioned, table 33-IV) .999

of a small area within the Surveyor I area (Flamsteed z_
o APOllo 14(median,681
in table 33-IV) and of the Diophantus area suggest a .99 \ [] Ranger1_'(median, 106)
mixture of two populations of echo strengths for \ zx SurveyorI (median, 441)
most of the areas. Significant parts of the distribu- _ <> Apollo15 (median, 384)
lions are approximately Gaussian as is shown by the .q \\ t_ RangerVTr(median,219)
nearly straight lines of figure 33-3 where cumulative
frequency of echo strengths have been plotted against ._ \\
log2 echo strength on probability paper. Most of the _ .5
distributions are nearly linear for at least 90 percent
of the sample. Particularly good examples of Gaussian
distributions are the Apollo 14 and Ranger IX areas =E
(fig. 33-3(b)). Other site areas tend to be linear from _ .1
the smallest values to higher values (near 1250 m-2),
above which positive departures from linearity occur
(e.g., figs. 33-3(a) and 33-3(c)). Some of the distribu- .01
tions depart from linearity at both high and low

.999 .000l 39 78 156 312 625 1250 25005000 10000


.9 .99<)

o .99

.01 E
o Apollo11(median,4201
o Apollo12(median,473) o
.001- _ Apollo].6(median,466)
<>Apollo17mere(median,493) .1

.0001 I I I I I I I I
78 156 312 625 1 250 2500 5 00010000

(a) Echostrength,m-2 .01 o Flemsteed (median,398)

o Diophantus (median,759)
FIGURE 33-3.-Cumulative frequency distributions of de- /x Apollo17 upland(median, 921)
polarized radar echo strengths plotted on probability-log .001 <> Surveyor_rrr (median, 3100)
graphs. (See table 33-1V.) (a) Apollo 11, 12, and 16 areas
and mare-dominated area west of Apollo 17 landing site. .0001 I I I I I I I I
(b) Apollo 14 and 15, SurveyorI, and RangerVII andlX 78 156 312 625 1250 2500 5000 10000
areas. (e) Apollo 17 upland, Diophantus, Surveyor VII, Echostrength, m"2
and Flamsteed areas. (el
TABLE 33-IV.-Cumulative Frequency Distributions of Depolarized Radar Echoes and Median Echoes of Apollo, Surveyor, and Ranger Sites

Apollo 1l, Apollo 12,

Parameter Ranger viii, Surveyor Apollo Apollo Apollo Apollo 17 Apollo 17 Surveyor Surveyor Ranger Ranger Flamsteed Diophantus
Surveyor V III 14 15 16 mare upland I VII VII IX Crater Crater

Echo strength, m-a : O

0 - - 1.0 ...... 1.0 1.0 - - "-_
39 - - .803 1.0 ..... .993 .931 - -
78 1.0 1.0 .413 .993 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .965 .708 1.0 1.0 r_
156 .958 .998 .079 .940 .974 .976 .999 .998 1.0 .761 .241 .999 .992 _-
312 .730 .868 .009 .636 .768 .812 .987 .815 .9997 .223 .027 .710 .975 _
625 .197 .221 .0008 .197 .280 .323 .775 .169 .995 .008 .002 .158 .654 >.
1 250 .023 .008 .038 .061 .065 .277 .016 .946 - - .031 .146
2 500 .001 .0008 .007 .010 .013 .054 .005 .719 - - .018 .023
5 000 .0003 .0003 .001 .002 .001 .012 .001 .112 - - .002 .006
10 000 - - .0002 - - .003 - .002 - - .002 r_
Number of values in sample 5840 3538 2440 4209 492 3512 4486 2756 3024 2251 - 456 5506
Median, exponential 380 410 65 360 420 440 850 380 2900 200 99 310 700
Median, Gaussian 420 473 68 384 466 493 921 441 3100 219 106 398 759 "_
Approximate cent angle, deg 23 23 18 26 18 36 36 44 43 23 14 44 42
+ lo 684 684 124 718 863 915 1707 683 4540 346 179 625 1207
- la 251 332 35 213 272 291 562 303 1842 131 57 262 483
(log + o) - (log- a) 1.002 .723 1.265 1.215 1.155 1.146 1.111 .813 .902 .971 1.144 .869 .916

values of echo strength. For example, the Diophantus Comparison of the photographs and depolarized
area departs positively above 1250 m -2 and nega- echo maps also indicates that these features produce
tively below 312 m -2 (fig. 33-3(c)). Both the Ranger the positive departures from linearity seen in figure
VII and Surveyor VII areas depart negatively from 33-3. For Flamsteed, a small sample within the
linearity at high and low values (figs. 33-3(b) and Surveyor I sample, all values in excess of 1250 m -2
33-3(c)). Thus, one should consider the possibility are due to the west walls of Flamsteed, Flamsteed E,
that two or more populations of echo strength are and a small crater 35 km north of Flamsteed E.
present in the distributions. Some, but not all, echoes above 625 m -2 are also
Cumulative frequencies of echo strength plotted associated with these craters. Similar correlations
on log-log paper reveal the character of the distribu- occur at other sites, so we conclude that the positive
tion for large values of echo strength (fig. 33-4). In departures from linearity in the frequency distribu-
many cases, distributions of the largest echo strengths tion are caused by steep Earth-facing slopes.
are nearly linear on log-log plots. The upland part of Topographic features smaller than the resolution
the Apollo 17 area is a good example (fig. 33-4(c)). cell of the radar also affect echo strengths. This can
Notable exceptions include the Surveyor I (fig. be illustrated by South Ray Crater at the Apollo 16
33-4(b)) and Surveyor VII (fig. 33-4(c)) sites. Fea- landing site. Echo strengths near South Ray, which is
tures responsible for the frequency distributions of approximately 680 m across, are large. Values of echo
large values of echo strength are discussed in the strength overlying South Ray are approximately 2060
following paragraphs, m-Z; those approximately 2 km away from it are
1550 to 2690 m -2 . (The values used here are 10
AREAL DISTRI BUTION OF ECHOES times larger than those used in reference 33-24, which
were purposely divided by 10 as a matter of
Stronger echoes (> 1250 m -z) can often be convenience.) Because the resolution cells are near 2
correlated with Earth-facing slopes larger than the km, roughness due to the crater, ejected blocks, and
resolution cell of the radar (_ 2.0 km). Comparison the hummocky flanks may contribute to the echo
of approximately 1:1 000000 scale maps of de- strength. Echo strengths between 990 and 1570m -2
polarized radar echoes with photographs and lunar are associated with North Ray, a 1-km crater at the
charts show that large values of echo strength are Apollo 16 site. For North Ray, it is likely that some
usually associated with. craters in mare areas and of the echoes arise from the slopes of crater walls and
mountains, craters, and massifs in upland terrain, west flanks of the craters that face the Earth, and
Some features, especially fresh craters, smaller than a some of the echoes arise from buried fragments.
resolution cell (_ 2.0 krn) also gave large echoes. Similar results are found in the Diophantus area
Echo strengths larger than 625 m -z are associated where craters smaller than 500 m with bright halos
with the crater Moltke and its flanks, Moltke B, and produce relatively large echoes. Thus, it seems likely
Sabine E in the Apollo 11 (and Surveyor V, Ranger that Earth-facing slopes at all scale lengths down to
VIII) area. Values larger than 1250 m -2 are associ- 0.5 cm substantially affect the radar echoes.
ated with the east or Earth-facing wall of Moltke.
Depolarized echo maps of the Diophantus-Delisle area DETAILED CORRELATION OF ECHOES
clearly show that slopes of crater walls facing the AT THE APOLLO 17 LANDING SITE
Earth (northwestern walls) have the largest echo
strengths; those facing away have smaller echoes. Correlations of depolarized radar echoes for the
Echoes from the northwestern wall of Diophantus Apollo 17 landing site were made at scales near
exceed 10000 m -2, whereas the opposite wall has 1:1 000000 and 1:250000. Correlations at the
values less than 2500 m -2 . At sites near uplands, smaller scale (fig. 33-5) yield the results described in
such as Apollo 15, echo strengths larger than 1250 the previous section. Large craters have strong echoes,
m -2 are associated with Earth-facing slopes in the especially on their Earth-facing (northeastern) walls.
Montes Apenninus, while slopes facing the opposite Examples include Vitrivius E, Littrow B, and the
directions have values of 625 m -2 and less. Thus, crater complex north of Littrow B. Earth-facing
large-scale topography affects the magnitude of echo slopes in the highland region have large echo
strength, strengths, whereas those facing away are substantially

.l o=


.01 .001 O Apollo14(median, 65)

E t3 RangerIX(median, 99)
¢..) _ Sur_yor I (median,380)
0 Apollo15(median,3(W))
Ranger_/1I (median,200)
.00011 I I I
10 100 1 000 10 000
.001 (b)

o Apollo11(median,380)
[] Apollo12{median,410)
l', Apollo16(median,420)
O Apollo17 mare(median,440)

.0001 I I
100 1 000 10 000
Echostrength, m-2
FIGURE 334.-Cumulative frequency distributions of de- .1
polarized radar echo strengths plotted on log-log graphs.
(See table 33-IV.) (a) Apollo 11, 12, and 16 areas and
mare-dominated area west of Apollo 17 landing site. Co) .=_o
Apollo 14 and 15, Surveyor I, and Ranger VII and IX
areas. (c) Apollo 17 upland, Diophantus, Surveyor VII, i:
and Flamsteed areas. ._- .01

less. Figure 33-5(a) shows that echo strengths in the .001

eastern part of the map area are generally larger than o FlamsteedImedian, 310}
those in the western part. The magnitude of the n Diophantustmedian,100)
difference is seen in the frequency distributions of /x Apollo17 upland(median, 8.50) _I
echo strength for Apollo 17 upland (fig. 33-3(c)) that <> Surve_r vrr (median, 2900)
includes the uplands of figure 33-6(a) and additional .0001 I h I
uplands to the east and the frequency distributions of 100 1 000 10(]GO 100000
echo strengths for Apollo 17 mare (fig. 33-3(a)), (c) Echostrength,m-2

0 20
0 10 20 km
FIGURE 33-5.-Correlation of echoes to topography in the
Values0fechostrength,m"2 Taurus-Littrowarea. (a) Generalized contour map of
1"6-]>10000 [] 625tO1250 depolarizedradar echoes in the Taurus-Littrowarea near
I_1 50001010000 I'-I 3121o 625 Apollo 17 landingsite. Co)Topography of Taurus-Littrow
[_l 2500t0 5000 I_ 15610 312 areanearApoUol71andingsite(Apollol5metriccamem
ml 1 250to 2500 [] <156 frame AS15-0972). Areaof photograph is same as that of
(a) part (a).

which includes the mare-dominated area of figure depolarized radar echoes. The Apollo 17 lunar mod-
33-5(a) and additional mare surfaces to the west and ule (LM) landed on a mare regolith in a valley
northwest. Here, roughness (fig. 33-5(b)) correlates surrounded by hills rising some 2450 m above the
with specific radar echoes as well as the frequency valley floor. North of the LM (fig. 33-6), the North
distributions. Massif rises some 2000 m above the valley floor and
Not all the echo strengths can be accounted for by slopes are as large as 25 °. Here, and for sirnilarly
large-scale slopes or surface roughness. The low values oriented Earth-facing steep slopes, values of echo
of echo strength just south of Littrow B (fig. 33-5) strengths exceed 4000 m -2 and are as large as 9670
contrast with the higher ones to the west, but no m-2 (fig. 33-6(a)). In contrast, the steep slopes
similar contrast in surface roughness is evident. (> 25 °) of the South Massif to the southwest of the
Additionally, echoes from some low hills in the LM face away from the Earth, and depolarized echo
southwestern corner of the area of figure 33-6 are not strengths range between 314 and 900 m -2. In this
particularly large. Here, small-scale roughness or case, it is difficult to attribute the differences in the
blocks smaller than photographic resolution may be echoes to anything but slopes because the crewmen
responsible for the differences in echo strength for reported that rock outcrops were present high on
the surfaces, both slopes and, in both cases, boulders from the
Details of the Apollo 17 landing site further outcrops were present on and at the bases of the
illustrate the influence of surface topography on slopes.

[] Lightmantle
[] Darkmantle
Knobby hills
Contour of



0 km i0

In contrast to some premission inferences, the

large depolarized echoes near the light mantle do not
0 km4 correlate with the light mantle. There are two lines
lal of evidence for this: (1) the large echoes are displaced
FIGURE 33-6.-Correlation of echoes to topography of the westward of the light mantle and include mare
Apollo 17 landing site. (a) Contour map of depolarized surfaces west of it, and (2) the large echoes span the
radar echoes at the Apollo 17 landing site. (b) Photo- valley from the base of the South Massif to the base
graphic mosaic of Apollo 17 landing site (Apollo 17 pano- of the North Massif whereas the light mantle does not
ramie camera frames AS17-2309, 2311, 2312, and 2314). (fig. 33-6(a)). The orbital photographs suggest that
the large echo values are caused by a concentration of
craters up to several hundred meters across that form
The regolith of the valley floor near the LM had a band along the western part of the light mantle and
echo strengths from 564 to 1103 m -2 , which are adjacent mare and extend beyond the mantle to the
somewhat larger than the median values for mare base of the North Massif.
areas (table 33-IV). Echo strengths decrease from the Comparison between echoes at the Apollo 16
LM area toward the southwest where there are few landing site and Apollo 17 landing site supports the
large craters. Some of the lower echo values (505 to postdate that factors other than small fragments and
589 m -z) were from the eastern part of the light blocks produce differences in depolarized radar
mantle. The difference correlates well with the echoes. For the Apollo 16 landing site, the echo was
observations of the LM pilot who reported that 3 to 5 530 m-: or approximately one-half the value of
percent of the surface was covered by 1-cm and 1103 m -2 at the Apollo 17 landing site. Although
larger-size fragments near the LM area and 1 percent precise data are not at hand, it is our impression that
of the surface was covered by 1-cm and larger-size the number of blocks and fragments in the immediate
fragments near and on the light mantle. The pano- vicinity of the Apollo 17 landing site was no larger
ramie camera photographs also show (fig. 33-6(b)) than the number in the immediate vicinity of the
that there are more large steep-walled craters near the Apollo 16 landing site.
LM than on the eastern edge of the light mantle. The
lowest echo strengths are found where large craters
are absent, rare, or subdued by mantling; as near the
southeastern edge of the light mantle, just south of Topography appears to be an important factor in
Family Mountain, northwest of Family Mountain, controlling the amplitude of depolarized echoes. This
and area A (fig. 33-6(a)). is particularly evident at the Apollo 17 landing site

where echoes from the Earth-facing slopes of the upland surfaces. Thus, the contribution of topog-
North Massif are substantially larger than those from raphy must be examined in more detail.
opposing slopes on the South Massif; also, in the The extent to which contributions of the four
region of the light mantle, the relatively large values variables (mentioned in the introduction) to the radar
of echo strength correlate with craters up to several echo can be distinguished remains to be seen. Perhaps
hundred meters across-rather than with the mantle a suitable test to assess the role of topography on
itself, depolarized radar echoes will be to compare the
The cumulative frequency distributions of the echoes with the rms slopes obtained by the bistatic-
depolarized echoes are, in some respects, similar to radar experiment on the Apollo 14, 15, and 16
slope-frequency distributions obtained for mare and missions.




H. J. Moore a and G. L. Tyler b

Stereoscopic photographs taken by the metric and plotter. Stereomodels were leveled and scaled from
panoramic cameras can be used to obtain information ancillary data derived from orbital support data. 2 To
on the roughness and slope-frequency distributions of calculate slopes, three elevation measurements were
lunar surfaces (see appendix to this part). Bistatic averaged for points separated by a horizontal fLxed
radar on board Apollo 14, 15, and 16 spacecraft may interval. This fixed horizontal interval will be referred
also be used to obtain information on lunar surface to as slope length AL in the following discussion.
roughness at two wavelengths-13 cm (S-band) and Approximately 500 to 600 slopes were determined
ll6cm(VHF), for each slope-frequency distribution. Slope-fre-
This section will briefly compare the results for quency distributions with 25-m slope length are
lunar surface roughness estimates and slope-frequency corrected for reading errors as outlined in the
distributions obtained by using photogrammetric appendix. Slope-frequency distributions for larger
techniques with those obtained by using bistatic slope lengths do not require this correction. Two
radar. Three topics will be discussed: (1) the form of statistical descriptors are used, mean absolute slope
the slope-frequency distributions, (2) the change of and algebraic standard deviation. Mean absolute slope
roughness estimates of the lunar surface with scale, is the average of the absolute slope angle values.
and(3)the magnitude of surface roughness. Algebraic standard deviation is estimated from the
cumulative absolute slope-frequency distribution and
PHOTOGRAMMETRIC RESULTS taken as the slope corresponding to a cumulative
fraction of 0.32 (_ 31.74 percent) for slope lengths
Method of 25 m. For larger slope lengths, mean absolute
slopes and algebraic standard deviations are calculated
The following results were obtained by using by use of the U.S. Geological Survey terrain-analysis
stereoscopic pairs of metric and panoramic positive computer program.
transparencies (table 33-V) in an analytical stereo-

2Apollo photographic evaluation is on microf'_n at the

bU.S. GeologicalSurvey. MappingSciences Branch, NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space
Stanford University. Center.

___ _ Slope-Frequency Distributions

•_ _ _ -o -o _ -_ -o Slope-frequency distributions of lunar surfaces are

o _ 0o oo _.,
._ __- _tt') _ _ a function of terrain type and slope length. For mare

t_ _ __o_,r-_,
_, _q'_, , _,_,_, , surfaces, the absolute slope-frequency distributions
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (cumulative and incremental) are neither exponential
< < < < < < < < < < _ nor Ganssian. However, a large part of the distribu-
tions approach an exponential form (fig. 33-7). The
_ logarithm of cumulative frequencies plotted against
_ _ _ ",qei4_,q,_ _ I _ absolute slopes tends to be linear for the first 90
_. "_ percent or more of the sample. This approximation
holds for distributions with slope lengths AL of 25 to
_0 _ o_ _ t,n _t_ ox,.._ _ I I I
_ ._ _ _.-,_,_o_r-
........ 500 m. Cumulative frequency distributions for the
'_ _ _ Cayley Plains at the Apollo 16 landing site (ref.

_ ,_ __ _-
.-: oo
._ __ o__
_ _: o_
_: I , , , , 33-25)
tendencyareforsimilar to maria
lineafity (fig. distributions and show
33-8). Inspection of thea
_ _ incremental form of the distribution for 25.1-m slope
_ length (fig. 33-8(a)) shows the steps between 4° and
-_ _.i_q o-; o_ _ v: 10 ° are parallel to the cumulative curve, while a small
mode occurs at 13.5 ° . The frequency of slope angles

_ ._ _o_:_:_
_r-o_o_ _ i _ i between 0° and 1° is larger than expected on the
basis of the adjacent steps but consistent with overall
trends. For the incremental form of the Apollo 16
_ _ r_ oo._--¢ ¢q _- I I oo_t_
•_ _ 4 4 _ _ _ o_ _ o_ _ distribution at 201-m slope length (fig. 33-8Co)), the
steps decrease uniformly from 0° to 6° and the tail of
r_ _
_ _.o_. tQt_ t_ t_ e_. I I I
the cumulative curve above 7 ° is the result of large
'_ _ "_ "_ _ "* _ _ _ craters at the site.
Knobby and cratered upland terrain slope-fre-
_ _. _ _, _ ,-_o_ _ _ quency distributions depart markedly from those of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v: _ _ _ _ I the mafia and Cayley Plains. For the uplands north of
Vitruvius, the logarithm of cumulative frequencies
'_ _ en _ °_ °_ tn°° i i i i I
_ plotted against slope forms convex upward curves
_ _ (fig. 33-9). On the basis of other observations, it is
believed that this area is typical of upland terrain.
'_ _ _ _ _; _ d o_ _ I _ _ _ The incremental forms of the distributions have two
_ or more modes. At 25.2-m slope length, a. mode
_0 _ oo o, _ _ _ _ occurs at 6.5°. This mode is almost as large as the
-_ _ _ 4.4_o_ I I _ t I mode near 0.5 ° . At the larger slope length (fig.
¢d • 33-9(b)), frequencies of a mode near 4.5 ° exceed the
frequencies near 0.5 ° and 1.5°. These modes can be
._ <1_ _t--o_ ! i _:_:_
_ _ related to topography seen in Apollo metric and
_ _ ._ R panoramic camera photographs_ which show large
'_ _ _ hills and undulations. In other areas, crater clusters

>: __. _ _ ._ _ _ _
._ o o_
"_ can Few,
causeifsimilar slope-frequency
any, of distributions.
the slope-frequency distributions
u_ ._- '= _ = _ _ "2 _ _ _ _ "_ are normal (Gaussian). The curvature of a normal
m _ '_ "_ '- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ distribution is larger than the distributions here-par-
•o -o _ -o '_ = _ ticulafiy those of the maria. Thus, many lunar
<_ slope-frequency distributions have tails at large slope
= ,ingles.

1.0 _ 1.0

__r-- 4.?4
5.5° °
_- 1.74°
o'. 2._ o

_0 .] °1

--I .01 I I I I
0 5 10 15 20 25 5 10 15 20
Slopeangle,de9 Slopeangle,deg
(a) (b)

FIGURE 33-7.-Frequency distribution of absolute slope values for surface in Mare Serertitatis. Bars
represent fraction of sample contained in 1° increments of slope angle. Solid lines indic_ate
cumulative fraction of sample with absolute slopes larger than angle indicated. The quantity X is
mean absolute slope and o is algebraic standard deviation of distribution. (a) Slope length zkL 25
m. (b) Slope length ZxL200 m.

Slope Length distributions. The uplands are characterized by large

undulations, hills, and craters so that the surfaces are
Mean absolute slopes and algebraic standard devi- initially rough; and, because of the mechanical
ations depend on slope length and lunar terrain type. behavior of the nearly cohesionless regolith, it is
For mare areas, both mean absolute slopes and difficult to increase surface roughness at smaller slope
algebraic standard deviations vary rapidly with slope lengths. Thus, there is probably a limiting roughness
length over the interval of 25 to 500 m (fig. 33-10) for lunar surfaces until a size range is reached where
and, for the Cayley area, the change is less. Upland blocks, fragments, clods, and grains dominate the
surfaces show the least dependence between slope topography.

length and mean absolute slopes and algebraic stand- Magnitude

ard deviations.
Reasons for this variation are evident in both the Algebraic standard deviations and mean absolute
Apollo 17 photographs and the slope-frequency slopes for the slope-frequency distributions are a

1.0 1.0

.01 I i .01
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 lO 15 20 25
Slopeangle,deg Slopeangle,decJ
(a} (b)

FIGURE 33-8.-Frequency distributions of absolute slope values for Caylay Plain at the Apollo 16
landing site. Bars represent fraction of sample for I ° increments of slope angle. Solid lines indic_ate
cumulative fraction of sample with absolute slopes larger than angle indicated. The quantity X is
mean absolute slope and o is algebraic standard deviation. (a) Slope length zkL 25.1 rn. (b) Slope
length zxL 201 m.

function of terrain type and slope length. These are typically rougher than the maria and Cayley, and
summarized for 10 sites in table 33-V, which shows algebraic standard deviations are 6.4 ° to 9.9 ° for
algebraic standard deviations and mean absolute slope lengths near 25 m.
slopes for slope lengths of 25 to 1000 m. Larger differences are found between the maria,
From current data at a slope length of 25 m, Cayley Plains, and uplands at larger slope lengths. At
algebraic standard deviations-which are equivalent to 200-m slope lengths, algebraic standard deviations for
rms slopes of the bistatic radar-are near 4.5 to 6.0 the mare areas are 2.5 ° and less, that for the Cayley
for the mare areas. The Apollo 15 site (Hadley Plains is 4.9 ° , and those for the uplands are 4.3 ° and
region) is an exception to this, and the algebraic larger.
standard deviation is 6.8 ° at a 25-m slope length. Data based on metric photography (table 33-V)
Slope-frequency distributions suggest this anomaly is suggest a possible problem. The algebraic standard
due to undulations in the topography. The Cayley deviation for Mare Fecunditatis at 500-m slope length
Plains at 25-m slope length are similar to the mare is 3.6 ° and that for the Censorinus upland is near
surfaces in magnitude (table 33-V). Uplands are I0.5 °. These values are plotted in figure 33-10. Mare

1.0 1.0

_-6._ ° X -4.88°
o-- 8.0° o. 5.52°

"_ .I "_ .I

• =

.Ol ) I i .Ol
5 10 15 20 25 0 5 lO 15 20 25
angle,deg Slope
(a) (b)
FIGURE 33-9.-Frequency distribution of absoluteslope valuesfor upland surface north of Vitruvius.
Bars represent fraction of sample for 1° increments of slope angles. Solidlines indicate cumulative
fraction of sample with absolute slopes larger than angle indicated. The quantity X is the mean
absolute slope and n is algebraic standard deviation of distribution. (a) Slope length zkL25.2 m. Co)
Slopelength zkL201 m.

Fecunditatis is either rougher than the Mare Sereni- were received on Earth after reflection from the lunar
tatis areas sampled or, alternatively, the differences surface. Two wavelengths were used simultaneously,
are related to the local areas sampled. A similar 13 cm and 116 cm (2287.5 MHz and 259.7 MHz).
conclusion is reached when comparing Censorinus Because scattering from the lunar surface is wave-
values and other uplands. This problem is not length dependent, the data provide a sampling of
resolved at this time. lunar surface properties on two different scales. At
the present time, this wavelength dependence is
RADAR lq ESU LTS understood only in a general way. One considers the
Method radar data as reflecting a fictitious surface that is a
smoothed version of the actual lunar surface. In the
The radar data discussed here were obtained from case of the 13-cm data, the smoothing function
the bistatic-radar experiments on Apollo 15 and 16 eliminates components of the lunar surface with a
(refs. 33-16 and 33-26). Radio-frequency transmis- frequency greater than approximately 0.5 cycles/m;
sions from the orbiting command and service module for the 116-cm data, the corresponding frequency is

10 ___
O ...Upland have been normalized by the maximum of their
_ _Upland.. _ distribution functions.

_>'- 2_0 Fecund!tatis _ation--_ Slope Distributions
< O Censarinus MareSerenitatis---_ The frequency distributions given here are pre-
i I i i _l_ _ t _ J ,_,_t _ _ sented in their incremental form; that is, eachfigure
8 -- E]_llpland presents the frequency with which a slope in a
6 _ Upland... _ particular range occurs with respect to all the slopes
_ 3 /- ill a total sample area. Slope increments are given in
2 _0rmation 1° steps. These curves differ from those obtained
_ photogrammetrically in that the radar method counts
1 _ _ _ J _ _11 I I _ la_J_ _ slopes at a given point according to the steepest slope
10 20 40 60 1_ 2110 _0 1000 3000 at that point, whereas the photogrammetric tech-
nique yields unidirectional slopes. The photogram-
FIGURE 33-10.-Comparison between algebraic standard metric slopes correspond to the slopes that would be
deviation and mean absolute slopes for lunar slope-ire- encountered while walking in a straight line across the
quency distributions, same surface.
Figure 33-11 presents a slope-frequency distri-
bution derived from 13-cm data in a region mapped
approximately 5.0 cycles/m. The precise form of the geologically as predominantly Cayley Formation. The
smoothing function is unknown and probably surface distribution has an apparent exponential form and
dependent. A much more thorough discussion of this shows the existence of significant slopes at slope
point may be found elsewhere (ref. 33-17). Simulta- angles greater than 15 °. As mentioned previously,
neous 13- and 116-cm data are given for the Apollo these data apply to a smoothed version of the lunar
15 experiment only. Simultaneous data were ob- surface from which surface frequency components
tained with the Apollo 16 experiment, but, in that with periods shorter than approximately 0.5 m have
case, the 116-cm data lacked sufficient signal-to-noise been removed. The apparent slight modality in the
ratio for the processing required to determine slope- data may not be real. These data are quite similar to
distribution functions, distributions obtained from the floor of Ptolemaeus.
Lunar slope-frequency distributions may be in- The Ptolemaeus floor apparently has fewer slopes
ferred directly from the bistatic-radar data. The greater than approximately 8°.
method is based upon a geometric optics model of Figure 33-12 gives distributions inferred from 13-
the scattering and a previously developed inversion and 116-cm data for a region near Vitruvins. The two
technique (refs. 33-27 to 33-29). Earlier comparisons distributions are quite distinct; this region appears
of lunar rms slopes obtained using photographic much smoother on the set of scales associated with
techniques with those obtained from the radar have the ll6-cm wavelength than on the set of scales
given good results (ref. 33-30). associated with the 13-cm wavelength. In our data
For a particular location, the data are averaged thus far, this is an anomalous highland result. It has
along the bistatic-radar track on the lunar surface. In been a general observation that 13- and 116-cm slopes
all cases, this track trends along a nearly east-west in highland areas show much less marked wavelength
direction for a distance of up to 2° lunar longitude, dependence (refs. 33-17 and 33-29).
In latitude, the extent of the averaging area is Figure 33-13 gives bistatic-radar results for a
determined by lunar surface roughness. For the region in central Mare Serenitatis. Both distributions
present data, this extent varies between approxi- closely resemble Gaussians for low values of slope
mately 0.5 ° and 1.0°. The data are uncorrected for length but depart from the normal distribution for
the spacecraft antenna pattern. In general, as a result values of slope greater than approximately 1½ to 2
of this effect, one may anticipate a slight suppression standard deviations. The elevated tails of this distribu-
of the slope distribution for slopes greater than tion with respect to the Gaussian are a general feature
approximately 15°. To facilitate comparisons, all data of maria distributions observed thus far.

No single surface scale may be assigned to the

I radar data, nor is Slope
there a Length
quantitatively well-known
p relationship between surface and radar
length. Slope data inferred fromSl°Pebistatic-radar
_ rations correspond to a weighted average over all
slopes v_ith lengths greater than some minimum value.
This weighting is also thought to vary weakly with
slope. For the data here, the minimum slope lengths
_ that will affect the data are estimated to be approxi-
mately 0.2 and 2.0 m for the 13-and ll6-cm data,
respectively. The scale length of slopes of maximum
X importance in the weighting is estimated to be greater
- I than 10 to 100 wavelengths. For both wavelengths,
slopes longer than about 500 m are unimportant.

Within a slope distribution, higher slopes are expected

Previous comparisons of bistatic-radar data with
_ to correspond to slightly shorter scales.
_" slopes obtained from photogrammetry and photo-
clinometry (ref. 33-30) indicate that the bistatic-radar
data correspond to a surface sampling scale of
approximately 230 wavelengths. This result is based
upon observations at 220-cm wavelength made with
the lunar Explorer 35 spacecraft. If this result scales
with wavelength, then the corresponding values of
surface sample length for the 13- and 116-cm data are
30 and 270 m, respectively. These values must be
interpreted as an approximate mean for the bistatic-
radar slope length weighting function.
A striking feature of the bistatic-radar data is the
_nilarity of the 13- and ll6-cm results for slope
distributions and rms slopes in the lunar highlands.
This result can be understood in terms of surfaces
that contain no significant roughness component on
scales less than a few times the longer wavelength. In
maria, a strong wavelength dependency is observed.
Thus, the radar results are generally consistent with
the photogrammetric results in which only a weak
dependence on slope length is observed in highlands
areas, but for which much stronger dependencies
i _ I I exist in maria areas (cf. fig. 33-10).
5 l0 15 20

The magnitude of lunar rms algebraic slopes

inferred from bistatic radar is also a strong function
FIGURE 33-11.-Incremental slope-frequency distribution
derived from 13-embistatic-mdaxdata in a region mapped of lunar terrain type and slope lengths. Lunar rms
as predominantly Cayley Formation Oat.8.1° S, long 10° slopes are obtained directly from normalized meas-
E). ures of the bistatic-radar echo bandwidth. The rms

0 5 10 15 20

FIGURE 33-12.-Incremental slope-frequency distributions 10 15 20
inferred from 13- and 116-cm bistatic-radar data for a
region near Vitruvius. (a) 13-cm data Oat. 18.9 ° N, long. Slopeangle,(leg
31.5 ° E). Co)ll6-em data Oat. 19 ° N,.long. 31.5 ° E). (b)

0 5 10 15 20
5lopeangle,deg 5 10 15 20
(a) 51oDe
FIGURE 33-13.-Incremental slope-frequency distributions
inferred from 13- and 116-cm bistatic-radar data for a
region in central Mare Serenitatis. (a) 13-cm data Oat.
20.1 ° N, long. 27.2 ° E). Co) 116-cm data Oat. 20.2 ° N,
long. 26.9 ° E).

slopes have been obtained at both 13 and 116 cm for or well behaved; for example, approximately expo-
a wide variety of lunar terrain. Within the highlands, nential or Ganssian.
the rms slopes obtained at the two wavelengths are 2. The slope-frequency distributions are more
nearly equal and vary between tan 6° and tan 8°. peaked than the Gaussian distribution with the same
Within maria units, rms slopes inferred from the mrs slope. Stated another way, the distributions have
116-cm data vary between tan 1° and tan 2°; maria elevated tails with respect to best-fit Gaussians where
rms slopes at 13 cm are in the range tan 2° to tan 4°. the fit is restricted to the low slope values.
At the same location, the slopes obtained within 3. The distribution functions are highly depen-
maria at 116-cm wavelength are typically one-half as dent upon slope length. In the maria, this dependency
large as those obtained at 13 cm. On the basis of the can be quite strong; in highland regions, this depen-
smoothed surface model for the bistatic-radar echo dency is somewhat weaker.
(ref. 33-31), we conclude that on a 0.2- to 2-m
surface scale, within maria, the maria are rougher Interpretations of slope-frequency distributions may
than the highlands, although overall on larger scales provide strong constraints upon models of lunar
surface evolution.
the opposite is the case. A more complete discussion
of this point may be found in references 33-16 and
The authors are indebted to James E. Crawforth and
CO NC L USlONS Wesley J. Rozema for programing the terrain-analysis corn-
The data presented here provide examples of lunar puter program
computer, and for
to use
Pat in
S. the U.S. Geological
Chavez, SurveyPDP-I1
Jr., and Robert A. Henry
slope-frequency distributions obtained by two corn- who were responsible for the computer runs. Sherman S. C.
pletely independent methods. The results are similar Wu, Gary M. Nakata, Raymond Jordan, and Francis J.
in that certain features are observed with both Schafer of the U.S. Geological Survey obtained the photo-
techniques, grammetric data. The authors also thank G. Robert Dow for
his help in computing the bistatic-radar slope-frequency
1. Lunar slope distributions may be either modal distributions.




H. J. Moore a and Sherman S. C. Wua

Lunar slope-frequency distributions obtained by slopes of slope-frequency distributions from bistatic-

photogrammetric techniques are compared with re- radar data. Photogrammetrically derived algebraic
suits from the bistatic-radar investigations of the standard deviations of the distributions are often
Apollo 14, 15, and 16 missions (refs. 33-16, 33-17, larger than those obtained by the radar (ref. 33-25)
and 33-32) and of Explorer 35 (ref. 33-27). Algebraic when photogrammetric results at 25-, 200-, and
standard deviations of slope-frequency distributions 500-m slope lengths are compared with rms slope
from photogrammetric data are equivalent to rms estimates from Apollo S-band (13-cm wavelength),
Apollo VHF (1.16-m wavelength), and Explorer 35
aU.S. Geological Survey. (2.2-m wavelength) radar. One factor that may

contribute to overestimates in the photogrammetric of errors about the mean elevation. Normal frequency
method arises from elevation errors (ref. 33-25). distributions of errors of estimates of the mean for
Repeated elevation measurements obtained photo- two adjacent points are then combined to yield a
grammetrically are normally distributed about the normal frequency distribution of errors of differences
true value under ideal conditions that include large of elevations between the two adjacent points. This
sample size. These normally distributed elevation yields the standard error of elevation differences.
errors introduce "noise" in the resulting stope-fre-
+ (33-3)
This distribution
quancy appendix discussed
that canthe effect
affect the ofresults.
reading error S_ =_;_)z A (S_)_B
on two hypothetical slope,frequency distributions
and two slope-frequency distributions from actual When the error frequency distribution between differ-
lunar data in order to ensure that these errors do not ences in elevation of adjacent points SAE is divided
cause excessive overestimates of algebraic standard by a fLxed interval between the points (slope length
or AL), a frequency distribution of errors results.
deviations for the slope-frequency distributions. The
errors introduced are insignificant when the reading This error distribution is in terms of slope or tangent
error is small and the slope length is large. A method slope angle.
of correcting for the errors in slope-frequency distri- Two types of hypothetical slope-frequency distri-
butions is presented and applied to 11 distributions butions were used to calculate the effects of the
obtained from Apollo 15, 16, and 17 panoramic reading error on algebraic standard deviations and
camera photographs and Apollo 16 metric camera absolute mean slopes. The first type was a normal or
photographs. Gaussian distribution.



In the method for obtaining slope-frequency distri- where _p = probability density function of slopes of
butions, three or more elevations are read by the P magnitude
photogrammetrist at points separated by f'Lxedhori- op = algebraic standard deviation
zontal intervals AL along a preplanned traverse. From P = slope or tangent of the slope angle
the three or more elevations read for a given point, a The second distribution was
standard error of elevation is obtained for each point.


S_ = ( 1) (33-1) whereNp = cumulative fraction of slopes equal to P

and larger
P= absolute value of slope or tangent of
where S E = standard error of elevation measurements
El'= individual elevation measurement slope angle
E = mean of n elevation measurements p'= absolute mean slope
n = number of elevation measurements Symmetry of slopes about zero slope was assumed for
the second distribution so that, for the positive set of
For the average of the three or more elevations, the slopes
standard error of the estimate of the mean is
calculated as

= (33-2) -
/uVp = 2 (33-6)
where SE is the standard error of the estimate of the
mean elevation. The standard error of the estimate of where PA and PB are two positive values of slope
the mean represents a normal frequency distribution equal to zero or larger; and

p 2 (33-7) _ ,20=_

equal to zero or more negative. Frequency distribu- .3

tions of errors of slope were then computed in 16"_
where PC and
incremental PD are
values twointroduced
of P, negative values of equa-
into the slope _ 18"_
tions for the hypothetical slope-frequency distribu- '_ [__
tions in compatible incremental form, and then _ _ _12._
summed up to give an apparent slope-frequency _=.2_

10, 20, 40, 80,
for values
aZ_: isofthe
standardof ; ___10 °-''"
deviation of elevation differences for a large sample 8, __ 8"_
and is analogous to SA_ (eq. (33-3)).

Algebraic standard deviations of the hypothetical .1_ ____o_

normal frequency distributions of slopes are larger _ 4o_
than the algebraic standard deviation of the hypothet- __ 3°_._...
ical distribution and the ratio of slope length AL and _2"_
the standard deviation of elevation differences trAff. 1"_
In certain cases, the differences in the algebraic 010 20 40 _r._ 80 160 320
standard deviations can be substantial, especially AL&A_
when AL/oA_ is small and the algebraic standard
deviation of the hypothetical distribution is small. In (Standarderrorof slope)-z
figure 33-14, algebraic standard deviations of the FIGURE 33-14.-Algebraic standard deviations of apparent
hypothetical distribution are on the right, and the slope-frequency distributions as a function of standard
solid lines represent the algebraic standard deviations error of slopes resulting from elevation reading errorsfor
normal or Gaussianhypothetical slope-frequency distribu-
for the apparent distributions. For example, if the tions. Algebraicstandard deviations for the hypothetical
standard error of elevation reading Sg is -+ 1 m, if the slope-frequencydistributions are indicated on the right as
slope length AL is 8.16 m, and if the algebraic slope angles. Solid lines indicate apparent algebraic
standard deviation of the hypothetical distribution is standard deviations for variousvalues of the ratio of slope
0.01746 (tan 1°); then the standard error of the mean length and standard deviations for various values of the
ratio of slope length and standard deviation of elevation
is l/X/3 for three elevation readings for each point, differences for adjacent points 6.L/azx_.
the standard deviation of elevation differences is
x/_, and the ratio AL/aAff is 10. Then, from figure
33-14, the algebraic standard deviation of the appar-
ent distribution resulting from reading error is near may be significantly larger than the actual surface
0.1405 (tan 8°). This is substantially larger than roughness when the actual surface is relatively
0.01746 (tan 1°), and a nearly level undulating smooth and the ratio AL/oA/_ is small.
surface appears rough. This example is extreme and The form of the slope-frequency distribution is
unlikely, but it illustrates the point. As will be shown, also affected by the reading error. One example is
most of our data are affected by one-third of a degree shown in figure 33-16. The starting hypothetical
and less. distribution, which is shown in algebraic and incre-
Figure 33-15 shows a similar relationship for mental form (fig. 33-16(a)), is the exponential type
absolute mean values of slope using the second, or for a mean absolute slope of 0.0699 (tan 4°). Figure
exponential, hypothetical slope-frequency distribu- 33-16(b) shows the apparent distribution in algebraic
tion. Here again, apparent absolute mean slopes are form with AL[a5,_ = 40. The absolute mean of the
substantially larger than the mean slopes of the apparent distribution has increased to 4.4 ° and the
hypothetical distribution. Thus, reading errors intro- form of the apparent distribution has changed. The
duce fictitious estimates of surface roughness, which fraction of slopes near zero has been reduced,

.4_ .2

18° .1

.3 -_._ 16o_ ®

_ 10°_..._
_ 8o_

.1 6°_ .01 r
-3/16 -118 -1116 0 1116 118 3/16
40.,..... Slope
3o_ (a)
2°_ .2
0 I I I I I
lO 20 40 80 160 320
z_LI_rz_E .l
(Standarderror of slope)
FIGURE 33-15.-Mean absolute slopes of apparent slope-fre-
quency distributions as a function of standard error of
slopes resulting from elevation reading errors for expo-
nential hypothetical slope-frequency distributions. Mean ._
absolute slopes for the hypothetical slope-frequency
distributions are indicated on the fight as slope angles. "-
Solid lines indicate apparent mean absolute slopes for
various ratios of slope langth and standard deviation of
elevation differences for adjacent points zXL/aAff?.

whereas those above +1/8 and below -1/8 have .01 I

increased. Thus, it is clear that reading errors must be -3116 -118 -1116 0 1116 118 3116
taken into account. (b) Slope
FIGURE 33-16.-Histograms illustrating effect of reading
error on hypothetical exponential slope-frequancy distri-
METHOD OF CORRECT]ON FOR bution. Note difference in peakedness of the two distfibu-
ACTUAL D ISTR I BUTION tions. (a) Starting liypothetical distributions. 0a) Appar-
ent distribution produced by reading error.
As discussed previously, lunar slope distributions
derived by the photogrammetric methods are always

rougher than the actual surface because of the Theoretical Approach

measurement errors. This is obvious for perfectly flat,
level surfaces for which pseudoslopes result from Because slopes are expressed as the ratio of the
reading errors. The magnitude of the corrections elevation difference and the horizontal distance be-
depends on the magnitude of the slopes and the slope tween a pair of adjacent points (i.e., P = AE/AL), the
base length AL. The following paragraphs describe an standard error of the slope Sp is also a function of the
approach to corrections to slope-frequency distribu- standard errors of the elevation difference and the
tions obtained by photogrammetric techniques, horizontal distance. When slopes are measured at

equally spaced
determined as intervals (constant), Sp can be simply __@_'_-----'_ / ---_+S_+
= = +-- S + =
Sp -AL SAE -AL Ei+1 AL S_ +

(33-8) -Si l' i x At

where S_ is the averaged standard error of the ..t_..._[_

N _ -Si+ 1

means. For small slope angles O, S-E/AL _ 0 _ -"" _ _z" _1

Sp = -+¢_O (33-9) (a)

If one assumes a level terrain with a perfectly smooth

surface Pm
Pt are
= O'measured
Pm = Pt +slopes.
Sp = OBecause
+ "q_ Othe= +-_/-_
chancesO' _-_+5i +1
of a positive error and a negative error are 50 percent, /_7-:_ I |

reading error. When slopes become larger, the chances

of significant increases in pseudoslopes decrease until
a slope is reached where no correction should be
applied. This will be clear from the detailed develop-
ment in the following discussion.
a pseudoslope
braic standard deviation
frequency of distribution
_ 0 will result
with from
an alge-
the _ i


Based on the general discussion earlier, the cor-

rections to the slope-frequency distributions are
developed according to each value of slope. Let the /// g

two end points of a slope be i and i + 1 as indicated in /

figure 33-17(a). If points i and i + 1 have standard i
errors of mean elevations of + Si and +-Si+ 1, respec- _1
tively, then the chance of a positive S i (or a positive -5_+1
Si+ 1) is equally as likely as a negative S i (or a negative |
Si+1). This can be expressed in terms of probability
Pr as

Pr S = Pr -S = Pr $I:
+ = Pr -Si+ =

. (33-10)

Let e = Si+I/AL, e, = Si/AL, and Ae = (Si+ 1 -

Si)/AL = e - el ; and let Pt be the true slope and Pm
be the measured slope, a Then, we have the following (c)
three cases for the condition that absolute values are
used for slopes. FIGURE 33-17.-Corrections to slope-frequency distribu-
tions. (a) True slopes equal to zero, case 1 (eq. (33-11)).
(b) True slopes smaller than 2e but larger than zero, case
'Quantities 0 in equation (33-9) and e in equations (33- 2 (eq. (33-12)). (c) True slopes larger than or equal to 2e,
11) to (33-14) are not the same. case 3 (eq. (33-13)).

Case I: Pt = 0

• " Pm = (i + il + iii + iv) = 1/)4 0" <) "_
D + ' = + ¢ = c (33-11)

Case 2: 0 < Pt < 2_

_): 1,,+_/,(_+_<) .)

+,,,-,<) (,:)

• . _ = (:i. + :i.i +ifl = l/' t + 2c + 2(e - A¢ I = 1/2 ("
t + e + e ,) (33-12)

Case 3: 2e -<Pt

_C+_ .n_+_.,)= ,><(_

=_+_)=_/'+li,(P_ +_<) (_1
_:(-_,.n_-_+0:':(;: "- _<):_-_'+ '_'("- _<) <">
=.:(_: ,',-,<+,<):1/'+,/'(",- '<+'9 :'">
+_.,)=,:(.: .,+,.- ,<):'/' +'_'{',+'<-'<) (,v>
"'" Pm = (i + ii + iii + iv) = ll'_Pt) = Pf (33-13)

Corrections conclude that the slope correction should be applied

as indicated in table 33-VI.
From equation (33-11), one finds that when the
true slope equals zero, the measured slope is always
larger by an amount of e, when standard errors of ACTUAL SLOPE-FREOUENCY
measurement exist. From equation (33-12), one can DISTRIBUTIONS
find the true slope by using the equation
Eleven slope-frequency distributions were cor-

Pt = 2Pro - c - e 1 (33-14) retted by using the method outlined in the previous

section; two of them were at the Apollo 17 landing
For case 3, equation (33-13) indicates that correc- site. Panoramic camera positives were used for nine of
tions should not be applied. Therefore, we can the distributions, and metric camera positives were

TABLE 33-VI.-Slope Corrections

Range of true slope Measured slope Correc ted slope

Pt = 0 e 0
O<Pt<2e 1]2(Pt+e+ea) 2Pm-e-e 1
2e _ Pt Pm Pt= Pm

TABLE 33-VII.-Effect of Standard Error of Measurement on Actual Lunar Slope-Frequency Distribution

Obtained by Using Apollo Photography and Photogrammetry

Absolute Absolute Estimated algebraic Approximate

mean mean standard 8lope corrections,
Location Frame no. corrected, uncorrected, deviation corrected, length, AL/oAff" des
des des des (a) m (b)

Mare Serenitatis CAS15-9560 and 9565 4.74 4.94 5.8 25 48 0.25

Mate Serenitatis CAS15-9562 and 9567 4.82 5.00 6.1 25 54 .22
Descartes CAS16-4558 and 4563 5.35 5.54 6.2 25 46 .25
Hadley CAS15-9509 and 9514 5.69 5.81 6.8 25 56 .18
Uplands near
Produs cAS15-9508 and 9513 5.37 5.57 6.4 25 46 .25
Uplands north of
Vitruvius CAS15-9550 and 9555 6.23 6.39 7.8 25 48 .20
Uplands near
Glaisher CAS15-9484 and 9489 8.35 8.47 10.5 25 40 .22
Mare Fecunditatis dAS16-2931 and 2932 3.12 3.21 3.6 500 96 .10
Censorinusuplands dAS16-2167 and 2168 7.76 7.82 9.0 505 74 .07
Littrow, near
landing site CA817-2750 and 2755 3.79 4.08 4.5 25 47 .32
Littrow, west of
landing site CAS17-2750 and 2755 3.91 4.27 4.6 25 45 .33

aEstimated graphically as the value of slope angle corresponding to the cumulative fraction of 0.32.
bEstimated graphically from results of studies of hypothetical distributions.
CApollo panoramic camera photographs.
dApono metric camera photographs.

use d for the other two distributions (table 33-VII). are larger because the surface of Mare Fecunditatis is
Absolute mean slopes of the apparent frequency significantly smoother than that of the Censorinus
distribution (before corrections are made) are approx- uplands. These results are in keeping with the results
imately 0.2 larger than those corrected for reading from the analyses of the hypothetical distributions.
error effects when A/./o_. is near 50 and the mean Approximate corrections, estimated graphically from
is near 5 ° (table 33-VII). For larger mean slopes near the results of studies of the hypothetical distribu-
8.0 ° and &L/oA/7 = 40 (table 33-VII, see uplands tions, are in good agreement with the corrections for
near Glaisher), the correction of mean slope is 0.12 ° the photogrammetrically derived distributions (table
and less than the correction of the smoother surfaces. 33-VII).
When AL/oA_ is large, the corrections for mean Although the corrections for absolute mean slope
slope are smaller. Samples from Fecunditatis and the seem rather small, their effect on the frequency
Censorinus uplands illustrate the smaller corrections, distributions is clearly evident. An example is shown
which are 0.09 andO.06 for values of AL/o/_7 of 96 in figure 33-18 for the data from the Apollo 17
and 74, respectively. Although, AL/o_ for Fecundi- landing site. The traverse paths are shown in figure
tatis is larger than that for Censorinus, the corrections 33-19. For the corrected distribution, approximately

t.0 1.0

.01 .Ol
0 5 10 15 20 25 O 5 10 15 20 25
Slopeangle,des Slopeangle,de(j
(a) (b)

FIGURE 33-18.-Slope-frequency distribution of ApoUo 17 landing site. (a) Corrected for reading
error. (b) Uncorrected for reading error.

27 percent of the slopes are between 0 ° and 1°, length for the data is large and the error of elevation
whereas only 17.5 percent of the slopes in the measurement is small.
uncorrected distribution are between 0 ° and 1°. This Although reading error is insignificant for the
is in keeping with the results from the analyses of the slope distributions described here, other spacecraft
hypothetical distributions, imagery do not have the excellent quality of the
Apollo metric and panoramic photographs, and the
effect of reading error must be considered.
Photogrammetric reading error introduces small ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
errors into slope-frequency distributions, calculated The authors thank Gary M. Nakata, Bobby C. Philpott,
mean absolute slopes, and algebraic standard devia- and Alfred G. Dahl for their assistance, and Ming Ko who
tions. These errors are insignificant provided the slope wrote the programs for the hypothetical distributions.


FIGURE 33-19.-Apollo 17 panoramic photograph showing

traverse lines for slope-frequency distributions. Traverse
to right is for the landing site; traverse to left is westward
of landing site.



Sherman S. C. WU, a Francis J. Schafer, a Gary M. Nakata, a and Raymond Jordan a

Stereoscopic photographs of the Moon taken by albedo because the data were collected in an area
the metric and panoramic cameras on board the where albedo and topography correlate with one
service module of Apollo spacecraft provide a source another. Additionally, the lengths and slopes for one
for quantitative data on lunar topography. The of the traverses on metric photography occur at an
accuracy of the topographic data depends, in part, on angle near 90 ° to the Sun direction. Nevertheless, the
the repeatability of elevation measurements. The results from the low Sun elevation angles (16.5 ° and
repeatability depends on contrast in the stereoscopic 30.5 °) suggest a correlation of some kind that may be
image and is affected by many factors, such as related to slope tilted away from or toward the Sun,
photographic quality, the photogrammetric instru- or related to albedo, both atbedo and slope, or some
ment used, and illumination conditions. For the other factor unknown at this time.
Moon, illumination conditions are important so that
repeatability of elevation measurements may be
statistically related to Sun elevation angles, local
slopes, and albedos of surfaces. We have examined the
effect of Sun elevation angle on repeatability, using Elevation measurements from Apollo 15 metric
Apollo 15 photographs (Wu, unpublished data), and camera stereomodels of 11 different sites, each having
extended the results to slope-related effects, different Sun elevation angles that vary in approxi-
mately 10° intervals from 1° to 80 °, reveal a clear
DISC USSIO N O F R ESU LTS relation between repeatability of elevation measure-
ments and Sun elevation angle. By using an analytical
From this preliminary evaluation, repeatability of stereoplotter, three elevations were measured for each
elevation measurement can be related to contrast in of 35 points in each stereomodel. Standard errors of
the immediate scene of the stereoscopic image. The measurements (a measurement of repeatability) were
contrast is, in part, dependent on Sun elevation angle, calculated for each of the points.
and high-contrast low-Sun photographs allow the
observer to perceive a well-defined surface. At high
Sun elevation angles, low contrast results in loss of ]S"[E__'g_ 2

detail and
results the surface
comparing may be poorly
repeatability defined.
and slope angle The
are SE = _[i"ff':]-_(nZ_X) ] (33-15)
not as clear, but a correlation of slope angle and
standard error was found for the metric camera data where S¢ = standard error of elevation measurement
in the Tanrus-Littrow area. This correlation could E_/= individual elevation measurement
arise from contrast differences resulting from the E = mean of n elevation measurements
angle between the Sun and local slopes partly tilted n = number of elevation measurements
toward the Sun. Alternatively, the correlation could
be related to albedo because the area traversed also Then, the 35 values of SE for each stereomodel were
includes units with a wide range of albedos-higher averaged and a regression curve was fitted to the
albedos occurring in the rougher terrain and lower averaged values for the 11 Apollo 15 models. Results
albedos occurring in the smoother terrain. Thus, we are shown in figure 33-20 where it may be seen that
cannot distinguish between the effect of slope and the standard error curve has a minimum of approxi-
mately + 7.4 m at a Sun elevation angle near 20 °
au.s. GeologicalSurvey. Average standard errors become large for large Sun


17 ,"_° "_ '-; '":'

"_ oo

15 t_

Ell "_
_ 13
o _ _°_ _

ll e. _.

_ o Stereomodel

iO lOI 20
30 40I 50
I 60
I 70
I 80
I 90
I _ It ,-,
Sun angle,,_J _ m _ _ "

FIGURE 33-20.-Repeatability of elevation measurements _ _ _n

and Sun elevation angle for Apollo 15 and 17 stereo- _
o _,_
elevation angles and reach values of -+ 15 m at 80 ° _, % __ oCD _ o<
Sun angle. Thus, topographic data collected using .-_ _ _
photographs with relatively low Sun elevation angles _ " _ -
should be more precise. _. _o Z
Also shown in figure 33-20 and listed in table _. _ ._
33-VIII are the results from three Apollo 17 metric _ _ <
camera stereomodels for which standard errors of
-+ 8.5, -+9.2, and -+ 8.9 m are obtained (stereomodels on
1, 2, and 3). Results for Apollo 17 photography are _ _, o _- ,,-,_-
consistent with the Apollo 15 results, but more data < ,_ ._
are needed to demonstrate a relationship between t--, , _
Sun elevation angle and standard error for Apollo 17 "_ _ _ "_
metric camera stereomodels. From these stereo- _ _'
models, a large number of elevations were measured _
along traverses shown in figure 33-21. _


Factors other than Sun elevation angle affect _ _ ._ o_ =..__

contrast and hence the repeatability of measure- _ ._ _ e ._
ments. Such factors include topography and albedo _ _ o _ ,_ _ 8
of the surface. Slopes facing the Sun have less _ o

contrast than those facing away from the Sun (but _ _ _ _ _ _

not in shadow). Areas with high albedos have less

shown in figure 33-21. Standard errors of measure-

ment were then correlated with 570 or more values of
absolute slope (tables 33-VIII and 33-IX). The results
of these correlations are shown in figure 33-22. A
good correlation between standard error and slope
angle is found for the case (fig. 33-22(a)) where the
area Sun elevation angle is 16.5°; but where Sun
elevation angles are 30.5 ° and 50.5 °, little or no
correlation is found between standard error and slope
A similar study conducted with panoramic photo-
graphs for two areas confined to the area of the
Apollo 17 lauding site, where albedo is more or less
uniform, suggests a variation of standard error with
slope angle. The methods used here are the same as
those used for the metric camera data, and approxi-
mately 620 points were measured three times each
(tables 33-VIII and 33-IX). Spacing between the fixed
intervals was approximately 25 m along traverses
shown in figure 33-19. Here, a positive correlation
FIGURE 33-21.-Profile traverses used for standard error of between standard errors of elevation measurements
measurements and analysis of slope effects. (a) Sun and slope is found (fig. 3-23) and standard errors for
elevation angle of 16.5° (Apollo 17 .metric camera frame small slopes tend to be smaller than those for large
metric camera(b) SunAS17-1500).
frame elevation angle of elevation
(c)Sun 30.5° (Apollo
angle slopes.
of 50.5° (Apollo 17 metric camera frame AS17-2087). In the panoramic photographs, the dependence
between standard error and slope could arise solely
contrast than those with lower albedos. We have from low-contrast areas where local bright slopes are
obtained data correlating standard errors of measure- generally inclined toward the Sun and local high-con-
ment and local slope angle, trast areas where slopes are inclined away from the
In this study, three elevations were measured on Sun. Because the traverses were confined to the dark
second-generation metric camera master-positive floor of the Taurus-Littrow valley, we postulate that
transparencies at points separated by fixed horizontal slopes measured perpendicular to the Sun direction
intervals of approximately 500 m along traverses have components generally tilted toward the Sun.


TABLE 33-IX.-Correlation of Average Standard Error with Absolute Slope of Terrain

Stereomodel 4 Stereomodel 4
Stereomodel 1 Stereomodel 2 Stereomodel 3 bAsl 7-2750 and 2755 bAS1 7-2750 and 2755
aAS17.0446 and 0447 aAS1 7-1499 and 1500 aAS1 7-2086 and 2087 Sun angle = 50.5 ° Sun angle = 50,5 °
Sun angle = 16. 5° Sun angle = 30. 5 ° Sun angle = 50. 5° Landing site West of landing site

Average Average Average Average Average

_lope, standard Frequency Slope, standard Frequency Slope, standard Frequency Slope, standard Frequency Slope, standard Frequency
deg error, m deg error, m deg error, m des error, m des error, m

0.3 8.2 105 0.3 9.0 98 0.4 7.4 160 0.3 1.1 170 0.3 1.1 164 ©
1.5 7.7 73 1.5 7.6 73 1.5 8.1 100 1.5 .9 81 1.5 1.1 89
2.5 7.6 88 2.4 8.9 76 2.4 8.0 102 2.5 1.0 80 2.5 .9 84 ©
3.4 7.5 57 3.4 8.8 56 3.5 8.6 71 3.5 .9 62 3.4 1.0 59 ,,_
4.5 8.7 32 4.5 10.0 37 4.5 8.8 43 4.4 .8 58 4.5 1.0 60 *V
5.5 8.0 28 5.4 8.6 49 5.5 10.6 31 5.5 .9 46 5.5 .9 51
6.5 7.8 19 6.4 9.3 25 6.6 10.8 32 6.6 1.0 31 6.4 1.1 39
7.4 7.2 20 7.5 10.0 18 7.4 9.4 23 7.5 1.0 28 7.5 .9 20 _',,.
8.5 9.7 27 8.3 8.O 17 8.6 12.3 22 8.5 1.1 14 8.7 1.0 11
9.4 8.4 18 9.5 11.5 16 9.6 8.8 26 9.4 .9 16 9.5 .8 10 '_
10.5 8.7 14 10.6 10.8 18 10.4 10.1 21 10.4 1.0 7 10.4 1.0 12
11.5 8.2 7 11.4 11.7 15 11.5 13.2 15 11.5 .9 6 11.2 1.7 8
12.4 13.0 11 12.5 8.4 16 12.4 11.4 21 12.3 1.3 4 12.8 1.9 4
13.5 10.3 8 13.5 11.1 11 13.5 9.9 5 13.7 1.0 3 13.6 1.1 4
14.4 12.8 7 14.4 7.8 8 14.7 10.2 7 14.3 1.1 3 14.3 .8 4
15.5 8.7 5 15.3 12.3 11 15.5 9.5 8 15.8 1.2 3 15.6 1.4 4
16.4 9.4 14 16.5 11.2 7 16.4 12.2 9 16.5 1.2 5 16.2 1.0 5
17.4 12.1 8 17.3 14.5 6 17.6 7.4 4 24.0 1.5 2 17.5 1.4 3 ©
18.5 11.5 5 18.7 6.9 8 18.3 11.1 7 18.5 1.3 2
19.6 10.8 7 19.2 12.5 3 19.7 6.9 3
20.5 11.0 5 20.5 10.9 7 20.4 13.7 6
21.7 10.4 3 21.3 11.8 3 22.6 8.7 2
22.7 12.0 2 23.5 7.4 2 24.4 7.0 2
23.4 19.5 3
24.5 7.5 4
27.6 12.8 2

aApollo 17 metric camera photographs.

bApoUo 17 panoramic camera photographs.
15 15 -

0 0

14 14 -

13 o o 13 -
. ._- O
c O
12 o o _ 12- 0
_ o
o _ o
_' 0 o
ii _ II-
,_ o .,, o o

lo lO- o
_ 9 _ 9 o°
o o o '_ o
0 _ 0
_'_ 0
8 o 8 o o
O0 0
0 0 0 O0
7 7 o

6 I I I 6 I I I
10 20 30 10 20 30
Slopeangle,deg Slopeangle,de9
(a) (b)
FIGURE 33-22.-Standard errors for elevation measurements
and absolute slope angle. (a) Stereomodel 1 with Sun
13 0 elevation angle of 16.5 ° (from Apollo 17 metric camera
frames AS17-0446 and 0447). (b) Stereomodel 2 with
E Sun elevation angle of 30.5 ° (from Apollo 17 metric
_" O O camera frames AS17-1499 and 1500). (c) Stereomodel 3

12 with Sun
camera elevation
frames angle ofand
AS 17-2086 5032087).
° (from Apollo 17 metric
11 o
c O0

"_ 10
9 Further studies should concern algebraic values of
,. o o o slope angle measured in a plane parallel to the Sun
angle in areas of uniform albedo. These values should
8 °o be related to similar values in areas with different

The authors thank Hertty J. Moore for his valuable
I I I suggestions and Bobby C. Philpott, Alfred G. DaM, and
60_ lO 20 30 James J. Stapleton for thek assistance in processing the data
Slopeangle,deg for this report.

1.9 - 1.9 - O

1.8 - 1.8 -

1.7 - 1.,7 _-

1.6 - 1.6

_.1.5 ° _.1.s
P _
1.4 N 1.4 0
_ o
c c
o 0 o

-_ oo

° o

0 0
1.0 0 o
1.0- oo o o
0 0 0 0

.9 -o .9 o o
0 o o
.8 -- o .8 o

I I I , I I I
.7 10 20 30 30 10 20 30
Slopeangle,deg Slopeangle, deg
(a) (b)

FIGURE 33-23.-Standard errors of elevation measurements and absolute slope angles for panoramic
camera stereomodel of the Apollo 17 landing site (from Apollo 17 panoramic camera frames
AS17-2750 and 2755). (a) Area near the lunar module. Co)Area west of lunar module.



W. R. Wollenhaupt, a IV.L. S]ogren, b R. E. Lingenfelter, c G. Schubert, c and I4I.M. Kaula c

The laser altimeter measures precise altitudes of 4.8 mrad. A 16-power telescope then transforms the
the command service module (CSM) above the lunar beam to a 10.16-cm (4 in.) diameter with a beam
surface and can function either with the metric width of 0.3 mrad. This range corresponds to 30 m
(mapping) camera or independently. In the camera on the lunar surface for a spacecraft altitude of 100
mode, the laser altimeter ianges at the time of each kin. A portion of the output is applied to a
exposure, which varies between 20 and 28 sec (i.e., photodiode to generate a start pulse, which is sent to
30 to 43 km along the lunar surface). In the the range counter through a delay line. The delay line
independent mode, the laser altimeter ranges every 20 is calibrated to compensate for the delay through the
sec. receiver photomultiplier and the video amplifier. The
These altitude data and the spacecraft attitudes range counter counts increments of 6.67 nsec (provid-
that are derived from simultaneous stellar photogra- ing a 1-m resolution) supplied by a 149.8962-MHz
phy are used to constrain the photogrammetric crystal oscillator. The return pulse, which is reflected
reduction of the lunar surface photographs when from the lunar surface, is applied to the photomulti-
cartographic products are generated. In addition, the plier tube through the receiver telescope. The electri-
altimeter measurements alone provide broad-scale cal output of the photomultiplier, amplified by the
topographic relief around the entire circumference of video amplifier, stops the range counter. Finally, the
the Moon (i.e., they provide direct information on count is converted to range and telemetered.
the figure of the Moon).
Several changes were made to the Apollo 17 laser
The laser altimeter weighs approximately 22.5 kg altimeter in an attempt to avoid the degraded
(50 lb) and consists of a ruby laser, transmitting and performance experienced during the Apollo 15 and
receiving optics and telescopes, and a range counter. 16 missions. The major modifications were (1)
When a signal is received from the control circuit (ref. changed to an oil-impregnated type bearing in the
33-33), the pulse-forming network discharges through Q-switch rotor to eliminate contamination of the
flashlamps, producing a light pulse that primes the optical surfaces and (2) changed envelopes on flash-
ruby rod such that light amplification occurs. A lamps to a high-quality quartz (Suprasil) to maintain
Q-switch is used to transfer the light pulse to the a higher flashlamp light output level. The laser
output resonant reflector. The Q-switch is a rapidly altimeter operated excellently throughout the mis-
rotating mirror that moves into angular alinement sion, so well that it was turned on for six consecutive
with the output resonant reflector at the point of revolutions toward the end of the mission. Laser
maximum gain in the ruby rod. This alinement firings totaling 4026 were made on lunar revolutions
creates a very high feedback situation, which sweeps 1 and 2, 13 and 14, 15, 23 and 24, 27 to 29, 38 and
out the energy stored in the ruby rod in the form of a 39, 49, 62 and 63, 65 and 66, 67 to 72, and 73 and
laser pulse of approximately 15 nsec duration (ref. 74. There will be 11 to 12 almost complete sets of
33-33). The output of the laser at this point has a data containing measurements around the entire
diameter of 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) and a beam width of circumference of the Moon in the orbital plane.

aNASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center. AN A LYTI CA L T EC HN IQU ES

bJet PropulsionLaboratory.
euniversity of California at Los Angeles. An accurate estimate of spacecraft position with

respect to the Moon is required to interpret the Apollo 17 spacecraft is given in figure 33-24. For
altimeter measurements for the purpose of seleno- most of the larger near-side features, the altitudes are
detic figure investigation. This estimate was made by remarkably close to those measured by the Apollo 15
reducing the Earth-based Doppler radio tracking data experiment, the groundtrack of which is usually
of the orbiting CSM. These are essentially line-of-sight within approximately 200 km of that of the Apollo
velocity measurements taken every 10 sec by at least 17 experiment and intersects it over Mare Serenitatis.
two tracking stations of the Space Tracking and Data The elevations of Mare Serenitatis and the two
Acquisition Network. The Doppler data are processed adjacent maria, Imbrium and Crisium, are virtually
using a weighted least-squares technique to determine the same in both the Apollo 15 and 17 data. The
a unique orbit for the CSM. A theoretical model of Montes Apenninus and Montes Taurus are also
the Earth-Moon system is included in the computa- approximately the same in the two orbits. However,
tions. The accuracy of the determined orbit limits the farther west there is some difference (due to diverging
accuracy of the laser altimeter results. The dominant groundtracks); the Montes Carpatus show up in the
error source in the orbit determination and trajectory Apollo 17 data, and Oceanus Procellarum is perhaps
prediction process is the mathematical model used to 0.5 km lower under Apollo 17 than under Apollo 15.
describe the lunar gravitational effects. No known Two pronounced features unique to the Apollo 17
mathematical model accurately describes the ob- data are the deep craters Reiner and Neper, with
served gravitational effects, at least in a global sense, depths of 5 and 6 km, respectively, below the
(The far side has never been measured.) The absolute 1738-km sphere. For a crater as small as Reiner
radial position uncertainty is approximately 400 m. (25-km diameter), this depth is quite remarkable.
However, the relative radial position uncertainty of On the far side, the appearance of the Apollo 17
successive altimetry points along an orbital track is profile is also similar to the Apollo 15 profde but,
less than 10m. Furthermore, the relative position un- because the terrain is so much rougher, only a
certainty between two nearly parallel tracks will be qualitative comparison can be made. The Apollo 17
appreciably less than 400 m, since the two orbits will data also show a depression near 180° longitude, but
be affected similarly by the principal error source, the not quite as broad or as deep as shown by Apollo 15
inadequacy of the gravitational model, data; the greatest depth is not quite 4 km below the
After the spacecraft orbit has been determined, 1738-km sphere.
the laser altimeter measurements are subtracted from From the limited data available at this time, it
the corresponding selenocentric radius vectors of the appears that Apollo 17 altimetry gives approximately
CSM orbit to obtain complete lunar topographic the same mean radius of 1737.3 kin, and an offset of
proFdes. Because the CSM orbit is a dynamic solution center-of-figure from center-of-mass along the Earth-
about the center of gravity (c.g.) of the Moon, the Moon line slightly larger than 2 km.
profile is referenced to the c.g. rather than the center The Apollo 17 groundtrack intersects the Apollo
of the optical figure. (The c.g. is also the more 16 groundtrack at a greater angle near longitudes
important center, of course, in analyzing the struc- 100° E and 80 ° W, both in terrae terrain. Nonethe-
tural significance of the topographic elevations. There less, the two prof_des appear to agree within 0.50 km
are also corrections that can be applied to the laser in these regions.
measurements to correct for timing and laser pointing R E F E R E NC ES
to adjust the slant range measurements to altitudes
above the local vertical. The data required to make 33-1. Stuart-Alexander, Desiree E.; and Howard, Keith A.:
these corrections are usually not available until Lunar Mafia and Circular Basins-'A Review. Icarus, vol.
several months after the mission. However, these 12, no. 3, May 1970, pp. 440-456.
33-2. Wilhelms,D. E.; and McCauley,J. F.: GeologicMap of
corrections should not significantly change the fol- the Near Side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. SurveyMisc.Geol.
lowing results. Inv. Map 1-703,1971.
33-3. Muller, P. M.;and Sjogren, W.L.: Mascons:Lunar Mass
Concentrations. Science, vol. 161, no. 3843, Aug. 16,
PRELIMINARY RESULTS 1968, pp. 680-684.
33-4. Cart, M. H.: Geologic Map of the Mare Serenitatis
The topographic prof'de resulting from the analysis Region of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Survey Misc.Geol. Inv.
of altimetry measured on revolutions 27 to 29 of the Map 1-489,1966.

Co _';--x-_ .................. M0ntes........ -_- ......................................

IA IV I Carpatus /_,

k k
-4 V ,mbrium '_...,,_,J " 1 N l_lJ %


-_ I I i I I I I I I I I I
gO 75 60 45 30 15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90

'_' 2_ ' Ve Bruggencate DeV_ries

_o, I I I _ I I I I I l l I
o_ 105 120 135 150 165 180 165 150 135 120 105 90
E_""_ W
(b) Longitude,deg
FIGURE 33-24.-Prof'de of Apollo 17 elevations with respect to a 1738-km sphere about the center of
mass. (a) Lunar near side. (b) Lunar far side.

33-5. Kuiper, Gerard P.; Whitaker, E. A.; Strom, R.G.; 33-19. Pietets, C.; McCord, T. B.;Zisk, S.H.;andAdams, J.
Fountain, J. W.; and Larson, S. M.: Consohdated Lunar B.: Lunar Black Spots and the Nature of the Apollo 17
Atlas. U.S.A.F. Photographic Ltmar Atlas, Supp. nos. 3 Landing Area. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 78, no. 26, Sept. 10,
and 4, Lunar and Planetary Lab., Univ. of Arizona, 1967. 1973.
33-6. Whitakar, Ewen A.: Lunar Color Boundaries and Their 33-20. Campbell, Malcolm J.; and Ulrichs, Juris: Electrical
Relationship to Topographic Features: A Preliminary Properties of Rocks and Their Significance for Lunar
Survey. Tile Moon, vol. 4, nos. 3/4, June/July 1972, pp. Radar Observations. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 74, no. 25,
348-355. Nov. 15, 1969, pp. 5867-5881.
33-7. McCord, Thomas B.: Color Differences on the Lunar 33-21. Gold, T.; Bilson, E.; and Yerbury, M.: Grain Size
Surface. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 74, no. 12, June 15, 1969, Analysis and High Frequency Electrical Properties of
pp. 3131-3142. Apollo 15 and 16 Samples. Lunar Science IV (Abs. of
33-8. McCord, Thomas B.; and Johnson, Torrence V.: papers presented at the Fourth Lunar Science Conference
Relative Spectral Reflectivity (0.4-1g) of Selected Areas (Houston, Tex.), Mar. 5-8, 1973), pp. 293-294.
of the Lunar Surface. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 74, no. 17, 33-22. Riley, L. A.; and Hall, J. S.: High Resolution
Aug. 15, 1969, pp. 4395-4401. Measures of Polarization and Color of Selected Lunar
33-9. MeCord, T. B.; Charette, M. P.; Johnson, T.V.; Areas. Lowell Observator'yBull. No. 159, vol. Vll, no. 22.
Lebofsky, L. A.; and Pieters, C.: Spectrophotometry (0.3 33-23. Zisk, S. H.; and Hagfors, T.: Radar Atlas of the
to 1.1 micron) of Visited and Proposed Apollo Lunar Moon, Final Report: Vols. 2 and 3. MIT Lincoln Lab.
Landing Sites. The Moon, vol. 5, Sept. 1972, pp. 52-89. (Cambridge, Mass.), 1970.
33-10. Thompson, Thomas W.; and Zisk, Sidney [Stanley] 33-24. Zisk, S. H.; and Moore, H. J.: Calibration of Radar
H.: Radar Mapping of Lunar Surface Roughness. In Ther- Data From Apollo 16 Results. See. 29, Part X, of the
mal Characteristics of the Moon, MIT Press (Cambridge, Apollo 16 Prehminaxy Science Report. NASA SP-315,
Mass.), 1972, pp. 83-117. 1972.
33-11. Thompson, T. W.; Masursky, H.; Shorthill, R.W.; 33-25. Wu, Sherman S. C.; and Moore, H. J.: Frequency
Zisk, S. H.; and Tyler, G. L.: A Comparison of Infrared Distributions of Lunar Slopes. See. 30, Part C, of the
Radar and Geologic Mapping of Lunar Craters. Lunar Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report. NASA SP-315,
Science Institute, Symposium on the Geophysical Inter- 1972.
pretation of the Moort (Houston, Tex.), June 1970. 33-26. Howard, H. T.; and Tyler, G. L.: Bistatic-Radar
33-12. Thompson, T. W.; Shorthill, R. W.; Whitaker, E.A.; Investigation. See. 25 of the Apollo 16 Preliminary
and Zisk, S. H.: Mare Serenitatis: A Preliminary Defini- Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
tion of Surface Units by Remote Observations. Lunar 33-27. Tyler, G. L.; and Simpson, R. A.: Bistatic Radar
Science Institute, Symposium on the Geophysical and Measurements of Topographic Variations in Lunar Sur-
Geochemical Exploration of the Moon and Planets (Hens- face Slopes with Explorer 35. Radio Science, vol. 5, no. 2,
ton, Tex.), Jan. 1973. Feb. 1970, pp. 263-271.
33-13. Shorthill, R. W.; and Snarl, J. M.: Nonuniform 33-28. Tyler, G. L.; and Ingalls, D. H. H.: Functional
Cooling of the Eclipsed Moon: A Listing of Thirty Dependence of Bistatic-Radar Frequency Spectra on
Prominent Anomalies. Science, vol. 150, no. 3693, Oct. 8, Lunar Scattering Laws. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 76, no. 20,
1965, pp. 210-212. July 1971, pp. 4775-4785.
33-14. Shorthill, Richard W.: Infrared Atlas Charts of the 33-29. Parker, M. N.; and Tyler, G. L.: Bistatic-Radar
Eclipsed Moon. The Moon, vol. 7, nos. 1/2, Mar./Apr. Estimation of Surface-Slope Probability Distributions
1973, pp. 22-45. with Applications to the Moon. Radio Science, vol. 8, no.
33-15. Zisk, S. H.; Cart, M. H.; Masursky, H.; Shorthill, R. 3, Mar. 1973, pp. 177-184.
W.; and Thompson, T. W.: Lunar Apennine-Hadley 33-30. Tyler, G.L.;Simpson, R.A.;andMoore, H.J.:Lunar
Region: Geological Implications of Earth-Based Radar Slope Distributions: A Comparison of Bistatic Radar and
and Infrared Measurements. Science, vol. 173, no. 3999, Photographic Results. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 76, rto. 11,
Aug. 21, 1971, pp. 808-811. Apr. 1971, pp. 2790-2795.
33-16. Howard, H. T.; and Tyler, G. L.: Bistatic-Radar 33-31. Hagfors, T.: Relationship of Geometric Optics and
Investigation. See. 23 of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Autoeorrelation Approaches to the Analysis of Lunar and
Science Report. NASA SP-289, 1972. Planetary Radar. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 71, no. 2, Jan. 15,
33-17. Tyler, G. L.; and Howard, H. T.: Dual-Frequency 1966, pp. 379-383.
Bistatic-Radar Investigations of the Moon with Apollos 14 33-32. Howard, H. T.; and Tyler, G. L.: Bistatic-Radar
and 15. J. Geophys. Res., vol. 78, no. 23,Aug. I0, 1973, Investigation. See. 17 of the Apollo 14 Preliminary
pp. 4852-4874. Science Report. NASA SP-272, 1971.
33-18. Adler, I.; Trombka, J.; Gerard, J.; Lowman, P.; et al.: 33-33. Anon.: Operating and Instruction Manual for Laser
Apollo 15 Geochemical X-Ray Fluorescenee Experiment: Altimeter. RCA (Burlington, Mass.), CR70-588-14J1,
Preliminary Report. Science, vol. 175, no. 4020, Jan. 28, 1970.
1972, pp. 436-440.
34. Astronom ical Photog raphy

Polarized and red- and bhie-fllter photographs of coronal streamers that apparently corroborate Earth-
the zodiacal light were obtained for the first time on based observations; moreover, visual observations by
the Apollo 17 mission, allowing interpretations of the crew indicate dearly identifiable streamers which
zodiacal dust compositions (part A). Solar corona extend to approximately 100 solar radii (part B).
photographs obtained on the Apollo 17 mission show



R. D. Mercer, a L. Dunkehnan, b and R. E. Evans c

The Apollo 17 mission provided the fourth and the ecliptic plane. Before this mission, no data in
final opportunity to photograph astronomical phe- color or polarized light had ever been obtained in the
nomena from the double umbra, the darkest region of ecliptic plane from approximately 3 ° to 18° from the
the universe yet reached by man. In this region, no Sun.
sunlight or earthshine illuminated the spacecraft This zodiacal light photography continues the
during a portion of each lunar orbit. Moreover, the work begun on Apollo 14 and continued through
dark lunar disk provides such excellent occultation of subsequent lunar missions. The Apollo 15 mission
the Sun that regions of the solar corona and the provided excellent photographs in unpolarized white
close-in zodiacal light have only become accessible for light (reL 34-1). On the Apollo 16 mission, there was
natural study from lunar-orbiting Apollo spacecraft, an unsuccessful attempt to obtain plane-polarized
In this situation, crewmen using high-quality, but white-light measurements of zodiacal light (ref. 34-2).
unsophisticated, hand-operated camera systems have
been able to obtain data quickly that cannot be THEORY
gathered from the ground or from Earth-orbiting
satellites by any techiaiques yet devised. The zodiacal Sunlight scattered from the countless small parti-
light extending eastward from the Sun was recorded cles of interplanetary dust in heliocentric orbits gives
in three separate series of photographs. Each of these rise to the zodiacal light. It appears as a wedge-shaped
presunrise series includes overlapping frames covering band of light superimposed on the constellations of
elongation angles from 80 ° to 0.5 ° eastward along the zodiac, from which it derives its name. The
reflecting and refracting properties of the particles
aDudleyObservatory" can cause subtle changes in the observed light,
bNASAGoddard Space Flight Center. changes that can be analyzed to determine the nature
eNASALyndon B. Johnson SpaceCenter. of the particles. Desired information includes the


number of particles along any given line of sight, the P ROCE DU R ES

range and distribution of particle sizes, their surface
characteristics including dielectric compared to metal- To collect polarization data on the Apollo 17
lie properties, and the variations in these parameters mission, a series of photographic sets was taken
as a function of distance from the Sun. The bright- eastward along the ecliptic plane while the spacecraft
hess, polarization, and color of the scattered light as was in the double umbra on revolution 49. Each set
compared to direct sunlight are the optical means was composed of two photographs through a polaroid
available to astronomers for assessing particle char- f'dter that was rotated 90 ° in orientation between the
acteristics (ref. 34-3). two photographs. The maximum change in polarized
Differences in color brightnesses may indicate the brightness occurs between two perpendicular planes:
local distributions of particle sizes within a given the first plane contains the Sun, the spacecraft, and
region; that is, the ratio of these brightnesses may whatever point in the zodiacal light is being observed;
provide information on the ratio of micrometer-size the second plane is perpendicular to the first plane
and larger particles to the submicrometer-size parti- along the line of sight. Ground-based polarization
cles. It may also produce some evidence on the types measurements have been made over a number of
of constituent materials from which these particles years of the outer zodiacal light, but airglow and
are composed (ref. 34-4). atmospheric effects made data reduction difficult
(ref. 34-6).
EQUIPMENT For the zodiacal light tasks, the optical axis of the
camera was initially pointed in the direction of the
The Nikon 35-mm camera was used with the motion of the spacecraft with respect to the Moon.
55-mm lens set at ]'/1.2 and the polaroid or color The optical axis was maintained in this attitude by
f'dters just ahead of the objective lens. Emulsion was pitching the spacecraft at lunar-orbital rate. This
Kodak type 2485, high-speed, black-and-white re- allowed the 36 ° by 24 ° field of view to be aimed
cording film. The camera was bracket mounted close to the ecliptic plane, with one corner of the
behind the right rendezvous window and pointed frame viewing that portion of the lunar limb cutting
almost parallel to the plus-X axis of the spacecraft across the ecliptic. Stellar images on the data frames
when color f'dters were used; it was pointed 30 ° away provide excellent postflight references on pointing
from the plus-X axis towards the minus-Z axis when accuracies; they also indicate image motion on the
the larger polaroid filter was used to gain the longer exposures caused by the pitching rate of the
necessary extra window clearance. When the color spacecraft and other small attitude corrections.
f'dters were used, a light-tight window shade with an A series of zodiacal light photographs in red-fd-
opening for the camera lenswas used to exclude from tered light was obtained on revolution 23. The
the camera optics the stray cabin light that might bandpass was approximately 620 to 700 nm. Expos-
otherwise be reflected from the window. During ure times of 90-sec duration were used initially for
polaroid photography, cabin lighting was reduced to a positions farthest from the Sun. These exposure times
minimum. Because falter orientation had to be man- were correspondingly decreased as the brightness of
ually changed by the 90 ° rotation between frames, the zodiacal light increased; the final exposure dura-
the window shade could not be used. tion was one-thirtieth of a second within 0.5 ° of the
Preflight calibration exposures were added to the Sun. The red series of exposures provided 10 frames
flight film. These calibrations were performed by of data; all were conducted at the times and exposure
using an illuminated step-wedge from the High durations specified in the checklists except that the
Altitude Observatory to provide brightness values in third exposure, scheduled for a 60-sec duration, was
terms of the surface brightness of the Sun (ref. 34-5). underexposed because of an early shutter closure.
The preflight calibration exposure underwent the However, the overlap between frames was such that
same radiation, temperature, pressure, and humidity this region was recorded by exposures both before
conditions as the data frames. Every shutter speed and after the lost data frame. A second identical
planned for use in the data frames was used in the series of photographs was made on revolution 28 in
calibration frames so that emulsion reciprocity char- blue-faltered light with an approximate bandpass of
acteristics could be completely taken into account. 420 to 510 nm. The blue series of 11 exposures was

FIGURE 34-1.-The zodiacal light photographed on December 12, 1972, usinga Nikon 35-ram camera
with the 55-ram lens set at .t"/1.2,color f'flters,and Kodak type 2485 f'flm.The red (_ 620 to 700
nm) zodiacallight scenes,located eastward on the ecliptic plane, are shown in (a) and (b). The blue
(_ 420 to 510 nm) zodiacal light scenes, located eastward on the ecliptic plane, are shown in (c)
and (d). (a) A 40-see exposure centered at 35° elongation, with the Sun 15° below the lunar limb
at the lower right corner (AS17-159-23908).(b) A 2-see exposure centered at 25° elongation, with
the Sun 3.5° below the lunar limb (AS17-159-23912). (c) A 40-see exposure centered at 35°
elongation, with the Sun 15° below the lunar limb at the lower right corner (AS17-159-23937).(d)
A 2-sec exposure centered at 25° elongation, with the Sun 3.5° below the lunar limb

performed exactly as planned. Because the blue series the f'dm to be more sensitive to blue light than to red
used the same timing and duration of exposures as light. However, the inner zodiacal light within
the red series, a direct frame-for-frame comparison approximately 15° of the Sun showed a stronger red
can be made to study spectral content differences, component in and close to the ecliptic plane. Yet, the
once account is taken of fdm-sensitivity variation inner zodiacal light well out of the ecliptic plane and
with wavelength, almost all the outer zodiacal light produced a stronger
blue component.
The entire 22-frame sequence in polarized light
The most striking quick-look results came from was performed exactly as desired, and useful data
the comparison of corresponding red and blue images were recorded on every frame. Although visual
(fig. 34-1). As expected, the calibration data showed comparisons of equivalent polaroid frames do not

show any obvious variation in features, very good visual observations may be able to extract details not
isophote maps can be made from these data frames apparent on the photographs.
for more sensitive comparisons that will be made in
All three crewmen made excellent sketches of the
The authors gratefully acknowledgethe assistanceof C. L.
zodiacal light and the solar corona (part B). These Ross, High Altitude Observatory, in obtaining these obscrva-
sketches will be very useful in determining when tions.



R. M. MacQueen, a C. L. Ross, a and R. E. Evans b

The outer atmosphere of the Sun (the solar ments must be selected for a given portion of the
corona) extends from near the visible solar limbs corona. Atmospheric scattering of sunlight prohibits
throughout the interplanetary medium. Thus, the observations of the outer corona (greater than i solar
Earth is actually embedded in the coronal flow (solar radius above the solar limb) with coronagraphs from
wind) that moves outward from the solar surface. Earth observatories and, because of sensor con-
This flow of material from the Sun has been observed straints, Earth-orbiting instruments are generally de-
in situ in the vicinity of the Earth orbit by interplane- signed to observe the inner corona (less than 10 solar
tary satellite probes during the past decade. However, radii above the solar limb).
the nature of the solar wind flow near the Sun where The geometry of the lunar orbit of the Apollo
the outflowing gas is accelerated is poorly understood command and service module (CSM) provided a
and has yet to be observed. The structure of the unique opportunity for observations of the outer
corona near the Sun, where the material can be solar corona by occulting the CSM from both sunlight
contained by the coronal magnetic field, is also and earthshine (sunlight reflected from the Earth).
complex and poorly understood. The evolution of Solar coronal observations from the Apollo 15
coronal structures is particularly obscure. Other mission provided photographs of streamersextending
fundamental questions include the origin and growth to 40 solar radii from the solar limb, and the Apollo
of major coronal structures and their relationship to 16 observations provided excellent data on the
solar activity, radiance of the corona as a function of distance from
Because the brightness of the solar corona is less Sun center. Because the solar corona is constantly
than one one-hundredth million of that of the direct changing as a function of solar activity, the Apollo 17
solar disk, observations of the corona can only be observations were designed to corroborate the Apollo
made when the solar disk is blocked, However, 16 data on radiance as a function of distance and to
because of the large dynamic range of the radiance of provide data on any new coronal streamers present
the solar corona (_ 104), the sensors of such instru- during the Apollo 17 mission.
Solar corona photography was scheduled on revo-
lution 25 to observe the eastern half of the corona
aHighAltitude Observatory. and on revolution 61 to observe the western half. The
bNASALyndon B. Johnson Space Center. sequence scheduled on revolution 61 was not accom-

plished. The revolution-25 sequence consisted of observed by both the Orbiting Solar Observatory 7
seven photographs with exposures of 10, 4, 1, 1/2, (OSO-7) and the Manna Loa Observatory for two
I/8, 1/30, and 1/60 sec, starting 75 sec before sunrise solar rotations (mid-October to mid-December) be-
and ending 10 sec before sunrise. The sequence was fore the Apollo 17 observations. The OSO-7 and the
made using the Hasselblad electric camera with Mauna Loa Observatory observations are being ana-
80-mm lens set at f[2.8 and with high-speed, black- lyzed to determine the evolutional characteristics of
and-white, Kodak type 2485 recording emulsion. The the streamer, and the Apollo 17 data could provide
spectral region photographed with the spacecraft- information on the full extent of the streamer from
window/2485-fllm combination is approximately 425 Sun center at the time of the Apollo 17 observations.
to 700 nm. This spectral region was not chosen to In addition, the crew made real-time sketches that
provide spectral information on the solar corona but show the same two streamers; both the sketches and
rather to utilize the maximum bandwidth and shorten debriefing comments of the crew indicate clearly
the exposures as far as possible, identifiable streamers extending to Jupiter, which is
24.4 ° (_ 100 solar radii) from Sun center. This
RESU LTS identification is a tribute to the wide dynamic range
or adaptability of the human eye.
Two coronal streamers are evident in the photo- Microdensitometer tracing of the 10-, 4-, 1-, 1/2-
graph taken 10 sec before sunrise. Although these and 1/8-sec exposures has been accomplished, and
streamers seem to appear in the photograph taken 30 preliminary analysis shows good correlation between
see before sunrise, photographic techniques and the Apollo 16 and the Apollo 17 data on radiance as
microdensitometry will be required to determine a function of distance from Sun center. Radiance
their full extent. One streamer lies almost along the information from the Apollo 17 data will extend to
ecliptic plane; the other is south of the ecliptic plane approximately 25 ° from Sun center. In addition,
and apparently corresponds to a feature that has been attempts to enhance the contrast between the coronal
streamers and the background are in progress to
extend the available data on the streamers that were
observed for several months. Digital techniques of
picture averaging and enhancement, currently under
development as part of the High Altitude Observatory
Apollo Telescope Mount Program for the Skylab
missions, will be applied to these photographs. All
data reduction thus far has been accomplished on the
High Altitude Observatory Boiler and Chivens model
14213 microdensitometer. The flight £flm was cali-
brated photometrically both preflight and postflight
with a sensitometer developed by the High Altitude
Figure 34-2 is frame AS17-154-23647, which was
taken on December 12, 1972, at 20:32:36 G.m.t., 75
sec before lunar sunrise. The Sun is approximately 3°
below the lunar limb, and the overexposed image of
Jupiter is 24.4 ° from Sun center. Figure 34-3 is a
sketch made in orbit by the lunar module pilot
showing Jupiter on the ecliptic plane with the coronal
streamers on each side of the ecliptic. The sketch
complements the OSO-7 data, which ends at 10 solar
FIGURE 34-2.-The solar corona photographed approxi- radii, and the Apollo 17 photographs by extending
mately 75 see before sunrise on December 12, 1972 the observations to approximately 25 ° from Sun
(AS17-154-23647). center.


•_O-C _ .¢._u_ ,h, "_- £ ¢g_')o_;O The authors

Mercer, Dudleygratefully acknowledge
Observatory, and L.theDunkelman,
assistance ofNASA
R. D.

__ t'"It[
'",, ,,,,
J JC.dp'L/'_,_ fions.
Goddard Space Flight
Center, in obtaining these observa-
_,\,.iIl_'ll 34-1. Mercer, R. D.; Dunkelman, L.; Ross, C. L.; and
-)/ Phenomena. Space Research XIII, Akademie-Verlag (Ber- e_ _ _t!t_li///._.. _ Worden, A.: Lunar Orbital Photography of Astronomical
_t.a-L 34-2.
K.:Mercer, R. D.; Dunkelman, L.; andand
_q L_I_I/ lin), 1973. Nebula,
Gum Galactic Cluster, ZodiacalThomas
I_ _ Ll'_,*a,_io_s Photography. Sec. 31, Part A, of the Apollo 16 Prelimi-

' _" /-fos-/zo_ 34-3. Van de Hulst, H. C.: Light Scattering by Small
Paxticles. John Wiley & Sons (New York), 1957.
/,;j__t/_;_//_/_ nary Science Report. NASA SP-315, 1972.
, Dependence of Zodiacal Light Models. Planet. Space Sci.,
_' g_t 34-4. Giese, R. H.; Hanner, M.; and Leinert, C.: Color
"_ro,,?_ 6"_t'_o.mct'__ _ 1973.
34-5. Pizzo, V.; and Gosling, J. T.: A Sensitometer Box for
Solar Corona Photometry. Am. Astronaut. Soc. Pbot.
FIGURE 34-3.-A solar corona sketch made by the lunar Bull., no. 1, 1972, p. 19.
module pilot in lunar orbit that shows the eastern half of 34-6. Weinberg, J. L., ed.: The Zodiacal Light and the
the corona with Jupiter 24.4 ° from Sun center. Interplanetary Medium. NASA SP-150, 1967.


agglutinate-a deposit of originally molten ejeeta cristobailte-an isometric variety of quartz that forms at high
albedo-the percentage of the incoming radiation that is temperatures (Si02)
reflected'by a natural surface Curie temperature-the temperature in a ferromagnetic
anomaly-an area of a geophysical survey (e.g., a magnetic or material above which the material becomes substan-
gravitational survey) that is different in appearance tially nonmagnetic
from the survey in general daeite-the extrusive equivalent of quartz diorite (tonalite)
anorthite-a ealcinm-tich variety of plagioclase feldspar d&:ollement-the independent disruption by folding or fanlt-
anorthosite-a granular, phitonic, igneous rock composed ing of sedimentary beds by sliding over the underlying
almost exclusively of a soda-lime feldspar beds
apatite-any of a group of calcium-phosphate minerals that dendtite-a crystallized arborescent form
occur variously as hexagonal crystals, as granular devitrifieation-the change of a glassy rock from the glassy
masses, or in t'me-grained mass as the chief constituent state to a crystalline state after solidification
of phosphate rock dielectric eonstant-a measure of the amount of electrical
aphanite-a dark rock of such close texture that the charge a given substance can withstand at a given
individual grains are invisible to the unaided eye electric field strength
aphyric-not having distinct crystals druse-a crust of small crystals lining the sides of a cavity,
angite-one of a variety of pyroxene minerals that contain usually the same minerals that constitute the enclosing
calcium, magnesium, and aluminum; usually black or rock
dark green in color dunite-a peridotite that consists almost entirely of olivine
bit-abbreviation of binary digit; a quantum of information and that contains accessory chromite and pyroxenc
bleb-a small particle of distinctive material epicenter-the point on a planetary surface directly above the
bow shock-a shock wave in front of a body, such as an focus of an earthquake
airfoil equant-a term applied to crystals that have approximately
breccia-rock consisting of sharp fragments embedded in a the same diameter in every direction
fine-grained matrix eaerite-a meteorite composed essentially of feldspar and
eataelasis-rock deformation accomplished by fracture and augite
rotation of mineral grains or aggregates; granulation euhedral-pertaining to minerals the crystals of which have
ehadaeryst-a term applied to crystals in igneous rocks that had no interference in growth
are aliothigenous, or foreign to the body of rock in exsohition-urtmixing; the separation of some mineral-pair
which they occur solutions during slow cooling
eirrondrite-a meteoritic stone characterized by the presence feldspar-a group of abundant rock-forming minerals
of rounded granules fiduelal_taken as a symbol of reference
elast-a discrete particle or fragment of rock or mineral; flux-the rate of flow of some quantity, as energy or gas
commonly included in a larger rock molecules
elinopyroxene-a mineral that occurs in monoclinic, short, fractional process-separation of a substance from a mixture
thick, prismatic crystals and that varies in color from (e.g., one isotope from another of the same elemenO
white to dark green or black (rarely blue) Fresnel zone-any one of the array of concentric surfaces in
coherent-moving in unison or having some other fixed space between transmitter and receiver over which the
relationship, usually in phase increase in distance over the straight line path is equal
collimator-an optical device that renders rays of light to some multiple of one-half wavelength
parallel gabbro-a granular igneous rock of basaltic composition with
comminution-the reduction of a substance to a fine powder a coarse-grained texture
conehoidal-a term used to describe a shellolike surface shape gardening-the overturning, reworking, and changing of the
that has been produced by the fracturing of a brittle lunar surface due to such processes as meteoroid
material impact, volcanic action, aging, and such


Gaussian distribution-normal statistical distribution norite-a type of gabbro in which orthopyroxene is dominant
graviton-the hypothetical elementary unit of gravitation that over clinopyroxene
is equivalent to the electron in electromagnetic theory oikoeryst-a matrix or host crystal through which smaller
holoerystalilne-consisting wholly of crystals crystals (chadacrysts) of other minerals are distributed
ilmenite-a mineral rich in titanium and iron; usually black as poikilitic inclusions
with a submetallic luster olivine-an igneous mineral that consists of a silicate of
indurated-a term used to describe masses that have been magnesium and iron
hardened by heat; baked ophitic-a rock texture characterized by lath-shaped plagio-
isophote-a line of equal or constant iliuminance clase crystals enclosed in angite
isostatie-subjected to equal pressure from all sides peridotite-an essentially nonfeldspathic plutonic rock con-
isotopic relating to, or having the relationship of any of two sisting of olivine, with or without other dark minerals
or more species of atoms of a chemical element that perilune-the orbital point nearest the Moon, when the Moon
possess the same atomic number and position in the is the center of attraction
periodic table and nearly identical chemical behavior permeabiilty-the ratio of the magnetic induction to the
but with differing atomic mass or mass number and magnetic-field intensity in the same region
different behavior in the mass spectrograph, in radio- phenoeryst-a large crystal of the earliest generation in a
active transformations, and in physical properties; porphyritic igneous rock
formed in the same sedimerrtary basin or geologic photogtammetry-the science of obtaining reliable measure-
province ments by means of photography
isotropic-exhibiting properties (as velocity of light transmis- photosphere-the intensely bright portion of the Sun visible
sion) with the same values when measured along axes to the unaided eye
in all directions pigeonite-a variety of pyroxene
lamella-a layer of a cell wall plagioclase-a feldspar mineral composed of varying amounts
lath-a long thin mineral crystal of sodium and calcium with aluminum silicate
limb-the edge of the apparent disk of a celestial body plasma-an electrically conductive gas; specifically, a mass of
lithie-of, relating to, or made of stone ionized gas flowing out of the Sun
lithology-the physical character of a rock, as determined plutonic-pertaining to igneous rock that crystallizes at depth
with the unaided eye or with a low-power magnifier poildlitic-a term to describe the condition in which small
lossy-descriptive of an insulating material that dissipates granular crystals are irregularly scattered without
electrical energy, usually in excess of that normally common orientation in a larger crystal of another
expected mineral
maar-a crater formed by violent explosion not accompanied porphyritic-having larger crystals set in a finer groundmass
by igneous extrusion pyroxene-a mineral occurring in short, thick, prismatic crys-
mafic-pertaining to or composed dominantly of the mag- tals or in square cross section; often laminated; and
nesian rock-forming silicates varying in color from white to dark green or black
magma-molten rock material that is liquid or pasty (rarely blue)
magnetosphere-the region of the atmosphere where the rarefaction wave-a wave in a compressible fluid such that
geomagnetic field plays an important role; the magne- when a fluid particle crosses the wave in the direction
tosphere extends to the boundary between the atmos- of its motion, the density and pressure of the particle
phere and interplanetary plasma decrease
mascon-a large mass concentration beneath the surface of regolith-the layer of fragmental debris that overlies consoli-
the Moon dated bedrock
maskelynite-a feldspar found in meteorites sliekenside-a polished and striated surface that results from
massif-a mountainous mass friction along a fault plane
metamorphie-a term used to describe rocks that have solar wind-streams of plasma flowing outward from the Sun
formed in a solid state as a result of drastic changes in spall-a relatively thin, sharp-edged piece of rock that has
temperature, pressure, and chemical environment been produced by exfoliation
mica-any of various colored or transparent minerals crystal- specular reflection-reflection in which the reflected radia-
lizing in monoclinic forms that readily separate into tion is not diffused
very thin leaves spinel-a mineral that is noted for great hardness (MgA1204)
morphology-the study of the shape or folm of geologic fea- talus-a collection of fallen disintegrated material that has
tures formed a slope at the foot of a steeper declivity
multiplex to transmit two or more signals simultaneously tectonism-crustal instability; the structural behavior of an
within a single channel element of the crust of the Earth during or between
muscovite-a mineral that is a colorless to pale brown major cycles of sedimantation
potassium mica tektite-a glassy body of probably meteoritic origin and of
mylonite-a fine-grained laminated rock formed by extreme rounded but indefinite shape
microbrecciation and milling of rocks during move- terminator-the ling separating illuminated and dark portions
merit on fault surfaces; metamorphism is dominately of a celestial body
cataclastic with little or no growth of new crystals terra-that portion of the lunar surface other than the maria;

the lighter area of the Moon that is visible to the lroilite-a mineral that is native ferrous sulfide
unaided eye vesiele-a small cavity in a mineral or rock, ordinarily
l_anslunar-outside the orbit of the Moon produced by expansion of vapor in a molten mass
lIansponder-a combined receiver and transmitter which vug-a small cavity in a rock
transmits signals automatically when triggered by an zodiacal light-a faint cone of light extending upward from
interrogator the horizon in the direction of the ecliptic

Abbreviations and Acronyms

ALFMED Apollo light flash moving emulsion de- LMS lunar mass spectrometer; also known as the
tector LACE
ALSE Apollo lunar sounder experiment LNPE lunar neutron probe experiment
ALSEP Apollo lunar surface experiments package LRC NASA Langley Research Center
ARC NASA Ames Research Center LRL Lunar Receiving Laboratory, NASA Lyndon B.
ASSB Apollo Site Selection Board Johnson Space Center
ATS Applications Technology Satellite LRV lunar roving vehicle (Rover)
BIOCORE biological cosmic ray experiment LSCRE lunar surface cosmic my experiment
CDR commander LSG lunar surface gravimeter
e.g. center of gravity LSPE lunar seismic prof'tling experiment
CM command module LSPET Lunar Sample Preliminary Examination Team
CMP command module pilot LSS lunar soil simulant
cellulose nitrate MCC midcourse correction
CS ALSEP central station MESA modularized equipment stowage assembly
CSAR coherent synthetic aperture radar OAO Orbiting Astronomical Observatory
CSM command and service module OGO Orbiting Geophysical Observatory
DAC data acquisition camera ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
DC data camera OSO Orbiting Solar Observatory
DSEA data storage electronics assembly PLSS portable life-support system
DT drive tube RCS reaction control system
DU digital unit rev revolution
EL Hasselblad electric camera RF radio frequency
EP explosive package rms root mean square
EVA extravehicular activity RTG radioisotope thermoelectric generator
GET ground elapsed time SEM scanning electron microscope
G.m.t. Greenwich mean time SEP surface electrical properties
GOA geometrical optics approximation SIM scientific instrument module
HED horizontal electric dipole SIVB third stage (IVB) of Saturn launch vehicle
HFE heat flow experiment SM service module
HZE high-charge energy TD&E transposition, docking, and extraction
IAU International Astronomical Union TEC transearth coast
IR infrared TEl transearth injection
ISR infrared scanning radiometer TGE traverse gravimeter experiment
JSC NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center TLC translunar coast
KREEP potassium, rare-Earth elements, and phos- TLD thermoinminescence dosimetry
phorus TLI translunar injection
KSC NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center UV ultraviolet
LACE lunar atmospheric composition experiment; UVS ultraviolet spectrometer
also known as the LMS VCO voltage controlled oscillator
LEAM lunar ejecta and meteorites experiment VHBW very-high-speed black-and-white (t-tim)
LET linear energy transfer VHF very high frequency
LM lunar module VMD vertical magnetic dipole
LMP lunar module pilot VSA vibrating string accelerometer


Units and Unit-Conversion Factors

In this appendix are the names, abbreviations, and definitions of International System (S1) units used in this
report and the numerical factors for converting from SI units to more familiar units.

Names of International Units Used in This Report

Physical quantity l Name of unit I

1 Abbreviation DefinitiOnabbreviationO[
Basic Units

Length ....................... meter m

Mass ......................... kilogram kg
Time ......................... second see
Electric current ................. ampere A
Temperature ................... kelvin K
Luminous intensity .............. candela cd

Derived Units

Area ......................... square meter m2

Volume ....................... cubic meter m3
Frequency ..................... hertz Hz sec-1
Density ....................... kilogram per cubic meter kg/m3
Velocity ...................... meter per second m/sec
Angular velocity ................ radian per second rad/sec
Acceleration ................... meter per second squared m/sec 2
Angular acceleration ............. radian per sex:ond squared rad]sec 2
Force ........................ newton N kg - m/see 2
Pressure ....................... newton per square meter N/m 2
Work, energy, quantity of heat ..... joule J N •m
Power ........................ watt W J/sec
Voltage, potential difference, volt V W/A
electromotive force
Electric field strength ............ volt per meter V/m
Electric resistance ............... ohm S2 V/A
Electric capacitance ............. farad F A • sec/V
Magnetic flux .................. weber Wb V • sec
Inductance .................... henry H V- sec/A
Magnetic flux density ............ tesla T Wb/m2
Magnetic field strength ........... ampere per meter A/m
Luminous flux ................. lumen lm cd - sr
Luminance .................... candela per square meter cd/m 2
Illumination ................... lux Ix lm/m 2
Specific heat ................... joule per kilogram kelvin J/kg- K
Thermal conductivity ............ watt per meter kelvin W/m - K

Supplementary Units

Plane angle .................... radian rad

Solid angle .................... steradian sr


Unit Prefixes

Prefix Abbreviation Factor by which unit is multiplied

giga ............................. G 109

mega ............................ M 106
kilo ............................. k 103
centi ............................ c 10-2
milli ............................ m 10-3
micro ........................... u 10-6
nano ............................ n 10 .9

Unit-Conversion Factors

To convert.from - To- Multiply by-

ampere/meter oersted 1.257 X 10 -2

candela/meter 2 foot-lambert 2.919 X 10 -1
eandela/meter 2 lambert 3.142 X 10 -4
joule British thermal unit (International Steam 9.479 X 10-4
joule Calorie (International Steam Table) 2.388 X 10 "1
joule electron volt 6.242 X 1018
joule erg 1.000 X 107 a
joule foot-pound force 7.376 X 10-1
joule kilowatt-hour 2.778 × 10-7
joule watt-hour 2.778 X 10-4
kelvin degrees Celsius (temperature) tC = tK - 273.15
kelvin degrees Fahrenheit (temperature) tF= 9/5 tK - 459.67
kilogram gram 1.000 X 103 a
kilogram kilogram mass 1.000 X 103 a
kilogram pound mass (pound mass avoirdupois) 2.205 X 100
kilogram slug 6.852 X 10-2
kilogram ton (short, 2000 pound) 1.102 X 10-3
lumen/meter 2 foot-candle 9.290 X 10 -2
lumen/meter 2 lux 1.000 X 100 a
meter angstrom 1.000 X 1010 a
meter foot 3.281 X 100
meter inch 3.937 × 101
meter micron 1.000 X 106 a
meter mile (U.S. statute) 6.214 X 10-4
meter nautical mile (international) 5.400 X 10-4
meter nautical mile (U.S.) 5.400 X 10-4
meter yard 1.094 X 100
meter/second 2 foot[second 2 3.281 X 100
meter/second 2 inch/second 2 3.937 X 101
newton dyne 1.000 X 105 a
newton kilogram force (kgf) 1.020 X 10-1
newton pound force (avoirdupois) 2.248 X 10 "1
newton/meter 2 atmosphere 9.870 X 10 -6
newton[meter 2 centimeter of mercury (0° C) 7.501 X 10 -4
newton/meter 2 inch of mercury (32 ° F) 2.953 X 10-4
newton/meter 2 inch of mercury (60 ° F) 2.961 X 10-4
newton/meter 2 millimeter of mercury (0° C) 7.501 X 10-3
newton/meter 2 torr (0° (2) 7.501 X 10-3
radian degree (angle) 5.730 X 10 t
radian minute (angle) 3.438 X 103
radian second (angle) 2.063 X 105

UnR-Conversion Factors-Conch_ded

To convert from- To- Multiply by

tesla gamma 1.000 X 109 a

tesla gauss 1.000 X 104 a
watt British thermal unit (ther moehemieal)/ 9.484 X 10 -4
watt calorie (thermochemical)/second 2.390 X 10 "1
watt foot-pound force/second 7.376 X 10 "1
watt horsepower (550 foot-pound force/second) 1.341 X 10 -3
weber maxwell 1.000 X 108 a

aAn exact definition.

1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3, Recipient's Catalog No.
NASA SP- 330
4. Titleand Subtitle 5. Report Oate


6, Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8, Performing Organization Report No.

NASA Editorial Review Board, Robert A. Parker (Chairman) JSC S-381

10. Work Unit No.

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 914-40-52-01-73

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC)
Houston, Texas 77058 11, Contract or Grant No.

13, Type of Report and Period Covered

12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Publication
Washington, D.C. 20546 14. Sponsoring

15. Supplementary Notes

The JSC Director has waived the use of the Inte:cnational System of Units (SI) for this special
publication, because, in his judgment, the use of SI units would impair the usefulness of the
report or result in excessive cost.
16. Abstract

The Apollo 17 flightand lunar landing,the sixth and finallunar landingand third extended
science capabilitymission in the Apollo Program, are discussed with emphasis on the sci-
entificendeavors conducted on the lunar surface,. The scientific investigationof the mission
is presented in three interrelatedtypes of activJties:the lunar surface sampling and obser-
vation,the lunar surface experiments, and the jnflight experiments. Collection,documenta-
tion, and descriptionof the lunar samples are discussed with a preliminary evaluationand
analysis. The lunar surface experiments are described, includingthe results and theirrela-
tionshipto the scientificobjectivesof each experiment. The geochemical, photographic,
geophysical, topographic, and medical data resultingfrom experiments conducted in flight
are presented.

17. KeY.
Apollo.., 17 FlightbY(Program)AUthOr(s}
(SuggestedGeo1ogyproject ) 18. DistributionStatement

one l

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t_The aeronautical and space activities o[ the United States shall be

conducted so as to contribute . . . to the expansion o[ human knowl-
edge o[ phenomena in the atmosphere and space. The Administration
shall provide [or the widest practicable and appropriate dissemination
of information concerning its activities and the results thereof."


technical information considered important, published in a foreign language considered
complete, and a lasting contribution to existing to merit NASA distribution in English.
TECHNICAL NOTES: Information less broad SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS: Information
in scope but nevertheless of importance as a derived from or of value to NASA activities.
contribution to existing knowledge. Publications include final reports of major
TECHNICAL MEMORANDUMS: projects, monographs, data compilations,
Information receiving limited distribution handbooks, sourcebooks, and special
because of preliminary data, security classifica- bibliographies.
tion, or other reasons. Also includes conference TECHNOLOGY UTILIZATION
proceedings with either limited or unlimited PUBLICATIONS: Information on technology
distribution, used by NASA that may be of particular
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