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The document discusses various structural analysis concepts like trusses, beams, stiffness matrix, stress matrix etc. It also contains several numerical problems to determine displacements, stresses and reactions.

The assumptions made in the analysis of trusses include small displacements, axial loads only in the members and no bending stresses.

The expression for stress matrix in a truss element is σ = E/L(Q1 - Q2) where E is Young's modulus, L is the length of element and Q1, Q2 are the nodal forces.

Question Bank FEM

1 i) Define truss element.

ii) Provide an expression for stress matrix in a bar element.
iii) Define determinate trusses.
iv) Write down the expression for stress matrix in a truss element.
v) State the assumptions made in trusses.
vi) Write down the relation between natural coordinates and
Cartesian coordinates
vii) If an element has 3 nodes then the size of the stiffness matrix of
total structure is
a) 2×2 b) 3×3 c) 1×1 d) 4×4
viii) [K]{q} = ______
a) {F} b) {D} c) {B} d) {E}
ix) The dimension of stiffness matrix is N×N, where N is number
of _______
a) Elements b) Nodes c) Unknowns d) Forces
x) Which of the following are two-dimensional element
a) Frame structures b) Line element
c) Rectangular element d) Tetrahedral element

2 For The 3 stepped bar shown in figure, find the nodal displacements, stress
in the middle portion and left support reaction.

3 Consider the three bar truss shown in figure 3. It is given that E= 200GPa,
determine the nodal displacement and stress in each member.

4 (a) Consider the bar shown in figure 4(a), an axial load P = 60kN is
applied at its mid point. Using the penalty method of handling
boundary condition; determine the nodal displacement and support

(b) Determine the nodal displacement, stress in each element and
reaction at the fixed support for the thin plate of uniform thickness
of 1 mm as shown in figure 4(b). Take E = 200GPa, weight density
of the plate ρ=76.6×10-6 N/mm3. In addition to its weight it is
subjected to a point load of 100N at its mid point. Model the plate
with two bar element.

5 (a) Obtain the expression for stiffness matrix and stress matrix of a
truss element.
(b) For the two bar truss shown in figure 5(b), determine the nodal
displacement and the stress in each member. Also find the support
reaction. Take E= 200GPa.

1 a) Interpolation functions used to interpolate the value of field variable at any point within element in
terms of nodal values is called
a)degree of polynomial b)geometric boundary c)shape function d)CST
b) CST element finds its application in
a)areas with small strain b)mesh transition area c)preliminary FEA d)all of these.
c) If the heat flux for a system is zero and no heat source then the force vector [F]
a)is zero b)is equal to boundary convection vector c) is 1 d) none
d) Element heat flux vector is given by
𝑝𝑞𝑙 1 𝑝𝑞𝑙 𝑎𝑞𝑙 1 𝑝𝑞𝑙 1
a)( 2 [ ]) b) ( 2 [1 1])c) ( 2 [ ]) d) ( 6 [ ])
1 −1 1
e) Boundary conditions which are imposed on the secondary variable like forces and traction are called
……………… boundary conditions.
a)essential b)geometric c)natural d)none
f) The stiffness matrix is a _______
a)skew-symmetric matrix b)symmetric matrix c)asymmetric d)both a) and b)
g) If there are 4 numbers of nodes then global stiffness matrix is _____, provided element is one
dimensional and one degree of freedom at each node.
a)3X3 b)4X4 c)1X1 d)2X2
h) Relation between shear modulus(G), young’s Modulus(E) and Poisson’s ratio (m)
a)G = E/(2+4m) b)E =G(2+2m) c) E=2GM d) G=2EM
i) Example of 2d elements used in FEA
a)Triangular element b)quadrilateral c)both a) and b) d)none of these.
j) If the nodes are 3 in number for triangle element, it is_______
a)Linear strain triangle b)Constant strain triangle
c)Quadratic strain angle d)3-D triangular element

2 Derive element stiffness matrix for beam element.

3 What are the common assumptions made in the analysis of trusses? Give the element stress matrix , reaction
forces and finite element equation for truss element.
4 Derive Hermite shape function of beam element.
5 Figure shows a simply supported beam subjected to a uniformly distributed load. Obtain the maximum
deflection. Take Young’s Modulus E=200GPa and Moment of Inertia I = 2x106mm4

6 Consider For the four bar truss shown in figure, determine

 Element stiffness matrix for each element
 Using elimination approach solve for the nodal displacement
 Calculate stresses in each element
Take E=70 GPa A=100mm2

7 For the two bar truss shown in figure, determine the nodal displacements and the stress in each element. Also
find the support reaction. Take E= 200GPa.

1) State the methods of engineering analysis. 1 x 20

2) Define Finite Element Method.
3) State the basic of finite element method.
4) Write down the general finite element equation.
5) Describe the meaning of node or joint.
6) Define traction force.
7) List the different software packages used for FEA.
8) State the principle of minimum potential energy theorem.
9) Give an example for 3D element.
10) Mention the characteristics of shape function.
11) Define local coordinate system?
12) Write down the stiffness matrix for heat conduction.
13) Define plane strain analysis.
14) Define QST element.
15) Define p-refinement.
16) Define fourier law of conduction.
17) Write down the conservation of energy for heat transfer.
18) The element which has more no. of nodes to define geometry when compared
to that of displacement is called
(a) Sub parametric (c) Triangular element
(b) Iso parametric (d) Super parametric
19) In 2D FEM, every node has _______ DOF.
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 1
20) If an element has 3 nodes then size of stiffness matrix of the total structure is
(a) 2×2 (b) 3×3 (c) 1×1 (d) 4×4

(a) Briefly discuss the basic steps involved in Finite Element Method. 06

(b) Using Rayleigh-Ritz approach, find the displacement at the midpoint of a beam as
shown in figure Q2(b) carries a central point load P, having Young’s modulus E 10
and cross sectional area A.

Fig. Q2(b)

(a) Sketch and explain Pascal triangle for 2D polynomials. 04

(b) Obtain the Jacobian matrix and strain displacement matrix for 3 noded CST 12

(a) Obtain the stiffness matrix of bar element using direct method. 06

(b) Determine the nodal displacement and reaction forces for the given structure by 10
using elimination method.

Fig. Q4(b)

For the four bar truss shown in figure Q5, determine 16

(i) Element stiffness matrix for each element

(ii) Using elimination approach solve for the nodal diaplacement
(iii) Calculate stresses in each element
Take E=70 GPa A=100mm2

For the two bar truss shown in, determine the nodal displacements and the stress in each
element. Also find the support reaction. Take E= 200GPa.

(a) Derive an expression for stiffness matrix of a 2 noded truss element. 06

(b) Consider the three bar truss shown in the fig. It is given that E=2*105MPa, 12
Determine the nodal displacement, stress in each element and support reaction.

(a) Derive the Hermite shape function for a beam element. 08

(b) A cantilever beam subjected to UDL of 12kN/m and point load of 50kN as shown 08
in figure. Determine deflection at free end and support reaction. Take E= 2*10 11
N/m2, I = 2*10-6 m4.
Consider For the four bar truss shown in figure determine

Element stiffness matrix for each element

Using elimination approach solve for the nodal diaplacement

Calculate stresses in each element

Take E=70 GPa A=100mm2

Define the plane truss and enlist the assumptions usually made in the analysis of trusses.

(a) Obtain the finite equation for the analysis of heat transfer through composite wall. 08

(b) Heat is generated in a large plate at a rate of 4000 W/m3. The plate is 25cm thick;
the outside surface of the plate is exposed to ambient air at 30 0C with the 08
convective heat transfer coefficient of 20W/m2 oC. Determine the temperature
distribution in the wall using two element model, given the thermal conduction of
plate is 0.8W/m 0C.

1 21) Boundary conditions which are imposed on the secondary 1x10 CO1 L1 1
variable like forces and traction are called ………………
boundary conditions.
a)essential b)geometric c)natural d)none
2 Elemental stiffness matrix for a bar element is________ 10 CO2 L3 PO1
1 −1 0 −1 −1 1
a)AE/L [ ] b)AE[ ] c)L/AE[ ] d)none
−1 1 −1 0 1 −1

3 The phase where a finite element meshing is generated 10 CO2 L3 PO2

a)Post-processing b)Pre-processing c)solution d)all of these

4 Potential energy of an elastic body is _____ 10 O1 L2 PO1

a)sum of the strain energy and work potential b)difference of
strain energy and work potential c)equal to strain energy only
d)equal to work potential only

Aspect ratio is ratio of

a)longitudinal strain to lateral strain b)largest dimension to
smallest dimension c)smallest dimension to largest dimension
d)none of these

Explain the Discretization process. Sketch and explain the different 10 CO1 L2 PO1
types of elements used in the finite element analysis.

shows a simply supported beam subjected to a uniformly distributed

load. Obtain the maximum deflection. Take Young’s Modulus
E=200GPa and Moment of Inertia I = 2x106mm4

5 Obtain the finite element equation for the analysis of heat transfer 10 CO5 L4 PO3
through composite wall.

Use Galerkin’s method to find displacement of a cantilever beam shown 10 CO5 L4 PO3
in the figure below.

Solve the following system of simultaneous equations by Gauss

elimination method
x1 - 2x2 + 6x3 = 0,
2x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 3,
-x1 + 3x2 = 0
Using penalty method of handling boundary condition determine the
nodal displacement, stress in each element and support reaction for the
following structure shown in figure

Explain the basic equations of Heat transfer .

22) Condition for PE functional (π) to be minimum________

a)δ(π) = 0 b) δ(π) = 1 c) δ(π) > 0 d)both a and b

23) Relation between shear modulus(G), young’s Modulus(E) and Poisson’s ratio (m)
a)G = E/(2+4m) b)E = G(2+2m) c) E=2GM d) G=2EM

24) Example of 2d elements used in FEA

a)Triangular element b) quadrilateral c) both a) and b) d)none of these.

25) If the nodes are 3 in number for triangle element, it is_______

a)Linear strain triangle b) Constant strain triangle
c) Quadratic strain angle d) 3-D triangular element

26) The point where properties of element are defined is

a)keypoint b)node c)line d)all of these

a) Boundary conditions which are imposed on the primary variable like displacements are called
……………… boundary conditions.
a)geometric b)natural c)force d)none
b) Boundary conditions which are imposed on the secondary variable like forces and traction are
called ……………… boundary conditions.
a)essential b)geometric c)natural d)none
c) The stiffness matrix is a _______
a)skew-symmetric matrix b)symmetric matrix c)asymmetric d)both a) and b)
d) If there are 4 numbers of nodes then global stiffness matrix is _____, provided element is one
dimensional and one degree of freedom at each node.
a)3X3 b)4X4 c)1X1 d)2X2
e) The main diagonal elements in the Global stiffness Matrix are always _______.
a)same b)negative c)positive d)1
f) Elemental stiffness matrix for a bar element is________
1 −1 0 −1 −1 1
a)AE/L [ ] b)AE[ ] c)L/AE[ ] d)none
−1 1 −1 0 1 −1
g) In a penalty method of handling boundary conditions if node 1 and 2 are fixed then C is added to
a)k11 b)k22 c)k12 d)both a) and b)
h) In penalty method C is equal to _________
1 −1
a)AE/L [ ] b) min[kij] x104 c) max[kij] x104 d) all of these
−1 1
i) The stiffness matrix is used to represent the matrix relation between _________and _______
a)force, displacement b)force, velocity c), displacements, velocity d)none of these
j) Stress in each element is given by
a)( 𝐿 [−1 −1] (𝑄𝑄𝑖 )) b)( 𝐿 [−1 1] (𝑄𝑄𝑖 )) c)E/L d) (𝐿 [−1 −1] (𝑄𝑄𝑖 ))
𝑖+1 𝑖+1 𝑖+1

Derive the stiffness matrix of bar element by minimum potential energy.

Solve the following system of simultaneous equations by Gauss elimination method
x1 - 2x2 + 6x3 = 0,
2x1 + 2x2 + 3x3 = 3,
-x1 + 3x2 = 0
An axial load of 150KN is applied at 200C to the rod as shown below, the temperature is then raised to
600C, determine nodal displacements, stress in each material, reactions at supports.

Take : (1)Aluminium: E=70000N/mm2, A=900mm2, α=23x10-6/C, L=200mm

(2) Steel : E = 200x103N/mm2, A=1200mm2, α=12x10-6/C, L=300mm.
Derive interpretation polynomial (Shape function) for CST element.
Explain Simplex, Complex and Multiplex elements.
Determine the nodal displacements of stepped bar by Elimination method of handling boundary

Using penalty method of handling boundary condition determine the nodal displacement, stress in each
element and support reaction for the following structure.
Marks CO BL PO
Note: Answer all Questions
1 If the body has no discontinuity then the spacing of nodes is … 1x10 CO1 L1 PO
a)uniform b)non uniform c)nill d)all of these 3,4

2 Finite Element Method is a 10 CO5 L2 PO

a)Numerical technique b) analytical technique 2

c) both a) and b) d) none

3 Example for variational method is 10 CO2 L4 PO

a)Rayleigh Ritz b)Galerkins method c)both d)none 2

4 Strain energy for a spring with stiffness k and deflection α 10 CO6 L3 PO

a)kα2 b)k2α c)kα d)k/α 1

5. The art of subdividing a structure into a convenient number of smaller

components is called
a) Discretization b) Numbering of nodes

c) Continuum d) both (a) & (b)

5 Discuss the derivation of one dimensional heat transfer in thin film. 10 CO5 L3 PO
6 A composite wall consists of 3 materials shown in the figure. The outer 10 CO6 L4 PO
temperature is To = 200C, determine the temperature distribution in the wall. 3
Convection heat transfer takes place at inner surface with T∞= 800 0C take h =
25w/m2 0C, A= 1 m2.

7 Explain Simplex, Complex and Multiplex elements and Sketch and explain 10 CO3 L2 PO
Pascal triangle for 2D polynomials. 1

Which of the following are two-dimensional element

a) Frame structures b) Line element
c) Rectangular element d) Tetrahedral element
Band width can be determined from the equation if D= largest difference between
node and f = degree of freedom
a)B=(D+f+1) b)D=(B+1)f c)B= (B+D)f d)B=(D+1)f
Rate of heat flow in x direction
a)Qx = -kA (dT/dx) b)Qx = kA c) Qx = hA(T-Tinfinity) d)Q=EA
Explain the basic steps involved in FEM.
Which of the following is not a property of stiffness matrix
a)asymmetric matrix b) symmetric matrix c) banded d)diagonal elements are
The number of degree of freedom for Linear Strain triangle are
a) 12 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10

a For the spring shown in the; determine the nodal displacements using principle of
minimum potential energy.

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