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Q&a Fea

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Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Class B.E Mechanical - VI semester

Subject Code ME2353
Prepared By Mr. P. Jacob Annaraj, AP/Mech.Engg

PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is meant by finite element analysis?
2. Name any four applications of FEA.
3. What is the concept of matrix algebra and in what way it is used in FEA?
4. Briefly explain Gaussian elimination method.
5. Why polynomial type interpolation functions are preferred over trigonometric
6. What is meant by ‘discretization’?
7. List out the various weighted-residual methods.
8. Define the concept of potential energy.
9. List out any four advantages of using FEA.
10. What is the need for FEA?
PART –B I (16 Marks)

1. A simply supported beam is subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire

span. Determine the bending moment and deflection at the mid span using
Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution. Use a two term trial
function y= a1sin(πx/l)+ a2sin(3πx/l)

2. A beam AB of span ‘l’ simply supported at the ends and carrying a concentrated
load ‘W’ at the centre ‘C’ as shown in figure 1.2. Determine the deflection at the
mid span by using Rayleigh-Ritz method and compare with exact solution. Use a
suitable one term
trigonometric trial function.

figure 1.2

3. A simply supported beam is subjected to uniformly distributed load over entire

span and it is subjected to a point load at the centre of the span. Calculate the
bending moment and deflection at the mid span using Rayleigh-Ritz method and
compare with exact solution.

4. The following differential equation is available for a physical

phenomenon. d2y/dx2 + 50 = 0, 0<x<10
The trial function is, y=ax(10-x)
The boundary conditions are y(0)=0 and y(10)=0
Find the value of the parameter ‘a’ by (i) Point collocation method (ii)
collocation method (iii) Least squares method (iv) Galerkin’s
method (16)

5. Write short notes on (i) Gaussian elimination (ii) Galerkin’s method (16)

6. Explain the process of discretization in detail. (16)

A cantilever beam of length ‘L’ is loaded with a point load at the free end.
7. Find the
maximum deflection and maximum bending moment using Rayleigh-Ritz method
using the
function y=a{1-Cos (πx/2L)}.Given EI is constant. (16)

One dimensional problems

PART-A (2 Marks)
1. List out the properties of stiffness matrix.
2. What are the different coordinate systems used in FEM?
3. Define a simplex, complex and multiplex element.
4. What are shape functions and what are their properties?
5. Define ‘Natural coordinate system’
6. What are the advantages of natural coordinate system?
7. What is meant by 1-Dimensional problems?
8. What types of problems are treated as one-dimensional problems?
9. Write down the expressions for shape functions of 1-D bar element.
10. What is a higher order element? Give an example.

PART-B (16 Marks)

1. i) Derive the shape functions for a 2-D beam element (8)

ii) Derive the stiffness matrix of a 2-D truss element (8)
2. Derive the shape functions for a 2 noded beam element and a 3 noded bar
element (16)
3. Derive the stiffness matrix of a 3 noded bar element using the principle of potential
energy (16)
4. Calculate the nodal displacements and forces for the bar loaded as shown in figure
2.4 (16)
5. A stepped bar is subjected to an axial load of 200 KN at the place of change of 1
cross section and material as shown in figure 2.5. Find (a) The nodal displacements6
(b) the reaction forces (c) the induced stresses in each material )

6. For a tapered bar of uniform thickness t=10mm as shown in figure 2.6. find the
displacements at the nodes by forming into two element model. The bar has a mass (
density ρ = 7800 Kg/M3, the young’s modulus E = 2x105 MN/m2 . In addition to1
self weight, the bar is subjected to a point load P= 1 KN at its centre. Also6
determine the reaction forces at the support. )

7. Consider a 4-bar truss as shown in figure 2.7. It is given that E = 200 GPa and A=
500 mm2 for all the elements. Determine (a) Nodal displacements (b) Support
reactions (c) Element stresses.
Two dimensional continuum
PART-A (2 Marks)

1. Write down the shape functions for a 'bilinear rectangular element'.

2. State a two dimensional scalar variable problem with an example.

3. What is meant by a CST element?

4. In what way a bilinear rectangular element is different from simplex and complex

5. Define 'Plane stress' and 'Plane strain' with suitable exampleJ

6. What are the differences between use of linear triangular element and bilinear
rectangular element?

7. What are the differences between use of linear triangular element and bilinear
rectangular element?
8. What is meant by a two dimensional vector variable problem?

9. Write down the expression for the stress-strain relationship matrix for a 2-D system.

10. State the expression for stiffness matrix for two dimensional CST element.

PART-B (16Marks)

Find the temperature at a point P(1,1.5) inside a triangular element shown

with nodal temperatures given as Ti= 40°C, Tj= 34°C and Tk= 46°C. Also
determine the location of the 42°C contour line for the triangular element shown in
figure 3.1.

Fig 3.1

2. Calculate the element stiffness matrix and thermal force vector for1
the plane stress element shown in figure 3.2. The element experiences a rise of 10°C. 6

Fig 3.2

3. Derive the stiffness matrix and equations for a CST element. (16)

4. Derive the stiffness matrix and equations for a LST element (16)

5. Derive the shape functions for a bilinear rectangular element . (16)

6. For a 4-noded rectangular element shown in figure 3.6. Determine the temperature at the
point (7,4). The nodal values of the temperatures are T1= 42°C, T2= 54°C and T3= 56°C
and T4= 46°C. Also determine the three points on the 50°C contour line. (16)

Fig 3.6

7. For the plane stress element shown in figure 3.7. Evaluate the stiffness matrix.
Assume E = 210 X 103 N/mm2 , poisson’s ratio M=0.25 and element thickness t=10mm. The
coordinates are given in millimeters. (16)
Axisymmetric continuum
PART-A (2 Marks)

1. What are the ways by which a 3-dimensional problem can be reduced to a 2-D
2. What is meant by axisymmetric solid?

3. Write down the expression for shape functions for a axisymmetric triangular

4. State the conditions to be satisfied in order to use axisymmetric, elements.

5. Sketch ring shaped axisymmetric solid formed by a triangular and quadrilateral


6. Write down the expression for stiffness matrix for an axisymmetric triangular
7. State the conditions to be satisfied in order to use axisymmetric elements.
8. What are the ways in which a three dimensional problem can be reduced to a
two dimensional approach.

9. What are the conditions for a problem to be axisymmetric?

PART-B (16 Marks)

1. Derive the shape functions for an axisymmetric triangular element (16)

2. Derive an expression for the strain-displacement matrix for an axisymmetric triangular

element (16)

3. For the axisymmetric element shown in figure 4.3, determine the stiffness matrix. Let E =
2.1X105 MN/m2 and M=0.25. The coordinates are in mm.
4. Determine the element strains for an axisymmetric triangular element shown in
figure 4.4. The nodal displacements are u1= 0.001, u2= 0.002, u3= - 0.003, w1=
0.002, w2= 0.001, w3=
0.004. All dimensions are in cm. (16)

The nodal coordinates for an axisymmetric triangular element at its three

nodes are (r1 , z1) = (30,10), (r2 , z2) = (50,10), (r3 , z3) = (40,60).
Determine the strain displacement matrix for that element. (16)

6. A long hollow cylinder of inside dia 80 mm and outside dia 120

mm is subjected to an internal pressure of 40 bar as shown in figure 4.6.
By using two elements pn the 20 mm length, calculate the displacements
at the inner radius. (16)

7. Derive the expression for the stiffness matrix for an axisymmetric shell element (16)
Isoparametric elements for two dimensional continuum
PART-A (2 Marks)

1. What is an ‘Iso-parametric element’?

2. Differentiate between Iso-parametric, super parametric and sub parametric

3. Write down the shape functions for 4-noded linear quadrilateral element
using natural coordinate system.

4. What is a 'Jacobian transformation'?

5. What are the advantages of 'Gaussian quadrature' numerical integration for iso-
parametric elements?

6. How do you calculate the number of Gaussian points in Gaussian quadrature


7. Find out the number Gaussian points to be considered for ∫ (x4+3x3-x) dx.
8. What are higher order elements?

9. What is meant by iso-parametric formulation?

10. What are the types of non-linearity?

PART-B (16 Marks)

1. Integrate f(x) = 10 + 20x – (3x2/10) + (4x3/100) – (-5x4/1000) + (6x5/10000) between 8 and 12.
Use Gaussian quadrature rule. (16)

2. Derive the stiffness matrix for a linear isoparametric element. (16)

3. Establish the strain displacement matrix for the linear quadrilateral element as shown in
figure 5.3. at Gauss point r= 0.57735 and s= -0.57735 (16)

4. Write short notes on (a) Uniqueness of mapping of isoparametric elements. (b) Jacobian matrix
(c) Gaussian quadrature integration technique (16)
5. (a) Use Gaussian quadrature rule (n=2) to numerically integrate ∫ ∫ xy dx dy (08)
Limits -1 to 1 for both

(b) Using natural coordinates derive the shape function for a linear quadrilateral
element (08)

6. Evaluate the integral I= ∫ (3ex + x2 + using one point and two point Gauss-
1/(x+2) dx -1 quadrature.

Compare this with exact solution.


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