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Character Akhlak

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• An arabic term referring to one’s behavior,
character, deeds, attitude and actions which
covers the physical and spiritual aspects.

• Akhlak means behaviour , manner, etiquette,

natural character.
Tazhibul akhlaq and imam al ghazali, defined
it as the position of someone’s soul which
encouraged him to do good doing without
even planning it in the mind nor being forced
to. Hence, doing good spontaneously.
Prophet Muhammad was the best of men to
ever walk this earth.
Muhammad SAW

He was truthfulness in the form of speech, actions

and heart. He never lies or conversed nonsense words to his
followers. He never hurt the feeling of his companions and
did harmful acts to them. Above all, his words and actions
had completely based on revelation and not exactly come
from his desire.

He was called as ‘AL-AMIN’ or trustworthy among

the people of Mecca since he was young. He was loved by
those who entrusted to him their cash and valuables and
they had great faith in him. Similarly in the case of trading
the goods of Siti Khadijah, the Holy Prophet was honest and
avoided the practice of riba, fraud and unfair dealings in the

As a Messenger of Allah, he was being appointed to convey

Islamic teachings to his people and the entire mankind. He did not
conceal from them even a single message of Islam that had been
revealed to him

He was very intelligent person although he had no

formal education at early age. One simple example was his
idea to place the Black Stone (hajarul aswad) back to the
kaabah. The leaders. of different qabilah were fighting to
put back the stone , but Prophet Muhammad solved it
.Likewise in his case of war strategy, he would practice
‘SYURA’ or mutual consultation with his companions to
determine the best decision.
He was the most intelligent person. It was reported by
Wahb ibn Munabbih said :
“I have read seventy one books and all of them I found that
the Prophet had the most superior intellect and best
Other than that, Rasulullah S.A.W is also a clean type
The complete cleanliness of his body, the sweetness of his
smell and perspiration and his freedom from bodily defect
show a special quality given to him by Allah. Anas bin Malik
said :

“I have not smelled amber, musk or anything more fragrant

than the smell of the Messenger of Allah”

(Muslim and Al-Tirmidzi)

In term of food and drinks

The Hadis from A’isyah said :

“The Prophet may Allah bless him, never filled his stomach
completely. When he was with his family he did not ask
them for food nor desire it. If they fed it to him, he ate. He
accepted whatever they gave him.
The Prophet’s good qualities
• Intellect
At first he didn’t know how to read nor write,
he only recited what the angel Gabriel spoke.
However, The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was
wise to the fullest extent of his mental capacity.
He knew things of the past and of that which
would take place in the future.
Allah stated in surah Al- ‘Alaq verse 5
“ He has taught man that which he knew not”
Forbearance patience and forgiveness
In the Quran it has been highlights a lot about forgiving
those who have done wrong to you.
• During the conquest of mekkah, a city that

1. persecuted
2. Boycotted
3. tortured
4. bribed
5. attempt to assasinate multiple times
The messenger of Allah faced so many threats from the
people of makkah. Yet, he held no grudge and everyday
when he walked through the streets of mekkah, he would
with his head lowered stating that today, is the day of
The Chosen One
• Modesty and humbleness

• A protector of women

• Wise and kind leader

• Good companionship and friendly

• Fearful to Allah
Akhlak to Allah
Akhlak towards other human beings
Akhlak towards husbands and wives
Akhlak to animals, plants
and the enviroment
Akhlak to oneself
Akhlak mahmudah
AKHLAK MAHMUDAH means good conducts, good
behavior, good characters, good actions, good attitudes and
righteous deeds. It also defined as the virtues of human
1. Piety or fear of Allah (TAQWA)
TAQWA means, fear of God, restrain from evil and
observe the commandment of Allah.
MUTTAQI is the person who fearful to Allah, who
guards his tongue, hand his heart from evil deeds.
According to Muhammad Asad, Muttaqi is God-
conscious who has awareness of Allah’s presence and has
the desire to refrain from committing sins and evil deeds
2. Tawakkal (trust in God)
Tawakkal means, to rely or to trust. A true
Muslim should only submit himself to Allah and
entrusts all his affairs to the will of Allah as
mentioned in Surah Al-AN’AM : 162
“my prayer, my sacrifice and my life and my death
are all for Allah, the Lord of the world"
forgiveness is a good deed which is similar to
mercy and kindness.
Surah al- A’raf :99, Allah states :
“keep to forgiveness(o Muhammad) and enjoin
kindness and turn away from the ignorant”
This kind of Akhlak or vices consists of bad attitudes, bad
conducts, demerits and the weaknesses of human
The one who possesses these deeds have been mentioned
in the Quran with a severe punishment in the Hereafter
1. Anger and Envy
Anger is the attitude of Satan. It is revengeful or
Envy on the other hand, means, feeling of
resentment or jealous because of other’s superiority,
successful, his possession, achievement or his advantages

• Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah

“the strong man is not a good boxer but the strong man is
only he who controls himself when he is angry”


2. Backbiting and Cursing
backbiting means to say something bad in one’s
absence which you would not like to say in his presence.
Surah AL-HUJURAT : 12, Allah says :
“…And spy not neither backbite one another. Would one of
you love to ear the flesh of his dead brother?”
Ibn Umar reported from the messenger of Allah who said :
“The hearer of backbiting is one of the backbiters.”
*CURSING is also considered as a great sin.
3. Deception, Lying and Hypocrisy.
It is the act of deceiving someone. It is to persuade someone
to believe what is false or disbelieve what is true.
Lying means to speak falsely or telling untruth statement
with the intention to deceive other.
Hypocrisy on other hand is concealment of true character
or belief to be what one is not. Thus, the act of hypocrisy in
Islam is a major sin.
Hypocrisy on other hand is concealment of true character
or belief to be what one is not. Thus, the act of hypocrisy in
Islam is a major sin.
Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah said:
“The signs of a hypocrite are three: When he talks, he speaks
falsehood and when he promises, he breaks and when he is
entrusted he commits treachery.”
(Bukhari and Muslim)
Matlufi 

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