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Dhwani 2019 Brochure PDF

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Joseph’s College of Commerce

St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, formerly a part of St. Joseph’s College was
established in the year 1882 as an educational initiative by the French foreign
mission Fathers. In 1937, the management of the college was handed over to the
Jesuits, a worldwide Catholic religious order with a special focus on education.
Loyola College, Chennai, St. Xavier’s College Calcutta and St. Xavier’s College
Mumbai are the other premier institutions in India run by the Jesuit Order. The
Department of Commerce was established in the parent college in 1949. In 1972, this
department became an independent college under the name St. Joseph’s College of
Commerce. It is recognized under Section 2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act. It became an
autonomous institution in October 2004. St. Joseph’s College of Commerce was
recognized as a “College with Potential for Excellence” in February 2010 by UGC.
Dhwani is an inter-collegiate cultural fest that we, at
A Wanderer’s Odyssey
What are we, if not wanderers in this journey called
St. Joseph’s College of Commerce, Bangalore host life? We constantly tread paths filled with
annually. In addition to it being one of the first of it's uncertainty to reach destinations that are shrouded
kind, Dhwani has been of prime significance in the with mystery. As we waddle through this ocean of
city's festing circuit and has set the standard for daily endeavours, we come across experiences that
nearly two decades. The creative themes and tug at our heartstrings.
expansive set of events contribute to a unique and These experiences could be a sight, a person, a
ever-evolving festing experience that only gets feeling or a realisation that makes us feel alive and
better by every edition. causes our emotions to unfurl. They leave behind a
The aim of Dhwani is to provide a platform for footprint that can never be washed away by the
students across the country to showcase their waves of time.
talents, keeping in mind the priority of providing a We present to you Dhwani 2019 -
wholesome learning experience and substantial A Wanderer's Odyssey.
all-round development on the lines of literature and An experience you will fondly carry in your heart for
culture. years to come.
Dhwani brings together a vast set of people and Not all who wander are lost; for when the journey is
provides to them nothing less than a brilliant beautiful, the destination doesn't matter.
experience to be cherished dearly. To us all, Dhwani
is more than just a fest, it is a feeling.
For Participants: For Coordinators:
•Participants must carry their College ID cards. (Your support and cooperation can make the difference
•Participants must report to the venue of their event 30 between chaos and efficient functioning among the crowds we
minutes prior to the event. gather at Dhwani each year)
•If participants have registered for more than one event, please •Each college must have atleast one student coordinator
make sure that the timings don’t clash. responsible for coordinating between the college participants
•Vulgar behavior, indiscipline and malpractice of any form will and the organisers.
lead to disqualification. •Set rules and regulations must be communicated to the
•Please do not carry hazardous, expensive and damageable students of the respective colleges and the co-ordinator shall
articles to the venue. be held responsible for the students to be abiding by the same.

For Contingents: Judgment:

•Colleges must register under bulk to be considered for the (Before you perform, here are a few points about the judges
overalls. and their final decision)
•The contingent registration fee is Rs. 6500/- •All decisions made by the judges and the organizers will be
•Change in the participant list for the contingent once the final and the competition results cannot be changed.
registration closes will not be entertained. •All decisions will be made impartially and objectively.
•Only one team per college can take part in an event as •Winners will be selected based on merit only.
contingent, any other team from the same college will have to
register themselves under individual registration and the Special Award:
winning of this team will not be considered for overalls. Bring your own army to get the title and a royalty of 100 points.
•Registration for Fashion Parade, Battle of Bands, Rap Battle, •Prepare some breathtaking moves and mantras and shout
•Street Beat, and 1 vs. 1 Bollywood are separate and do not come your lungs out as the college with the most innovative cheer
under contingent registration fee. However, points will be anthem will take this award home.
considered for overalls if a registered contingent team wins in •Minimum of 20 members in a team.
the Fashion Parade. •Banners, posters and uniformity will fetch you extra points.
•Registration fee is non-refundable. No vulgarity in chants.
3 Star Events
5 Star Events 1st Place 50 Points
1st Place 200 Points 2nd Place 25 Points
2nd Place 100 Points 3rd Place 15 Points
3rd Place 60 Points Event Price (₹)

Antakshari (Hindi) 300
Event Price (₹) Antakshari (Kannada) 300
Council Wars Included in Bulk Stream The Theme 250
Fashion Parade 1500 Rags To Riches 300
Mr/Ms Dhwani 250 Dubbing And Commentary 200
Pack Your Culture 800 Potpourri 300
JAM 200
Creative Writing 200
Solo Dance 200
Solo Classical Dance 200
4 Star Events Words Worth 200
1st Place 100 Points Arm Wrestling 200
2nd Place 50 Points Make Up 200
60 Seconds to fame 200
3rd Place 25 Points
Bollywood Quiz 300
Meme Creation 200
Event Minute To Win it 200
DJ Wars Price (₹) Accent Showdown 200
Indian Dance 250 Stand Up Comedy 200
Western Dance 1000 Solo Instrumental 200
Indian Music 1000 Photography 200
Western Acoustic 1000 Debate 200
Mime 1000 Painting and Sketching 150
Street Play 800 Turncoat 150
Icebreakers 800 Wealth out of waste 150
Treasure Hunt 800 Quiz 300
Theme Ads 300 Poetry Slam 200
Air Crash 800 Cooking Without fire 300
Improv 200 Photo Hunt 200
Duet Dance 300 FIFA 200
400 Beatbox 150
The battlefield is all set for a clash of the best. The warriors The plane is crashing and there's just one parachute left!
stand strong, bearing flags in their hearts and swords in their From Rajini to Ghajini, we've got a myriad of personalities on
speech. In the end, only one will emerge victorious. Can your board. Get ready to outwit the rest by putting your comedy
council outshine the competition and etch the name of your skills to the test, for the only parachute left!
college in golden letters? Embrace yourself for one of the most sought-after events of
Come and find out! Dhwani.

Rules: Rules:
•Only Council members and secretaries of respective colleges •This is an individual event.
can participate in this event. •No vulgarity or indiscipline will be entertained.
•A team comprises of 12 members maximum. •Personality to portray will be given on spot.
•Extra points for props used on stage. •Judge's decision will be final.
•Fire, water, powder substances should not be used on stage. •On spot registrations are allowed.

Contact: Event Heads:

Arzoo Ahmed: +91 90366 99599 Ranhita Singh: +91 81475 66216
Syed Junaid: +91 97389 66168 Rovaan Kandath: +91 99024 01527

Co-event Head:
Joshua Naidu: +91 89048 91771
Street dance is so much more than just dance. It is an 2 vs 2 All Styles
expression of resistance and cultural identity outside of the
mainstream. So come bring out your rebellious nature and Rules:
battle it out this Dhwani in our event- Street Beat Vol. 2! •This event is a two persons event.
•Dancers are first required to perform a showcase round of
1 vs. 1 Breaking: around 45 seconds to the beats played by the DJ.
•Winners of each battle will move forward to the next round.
Rules: •Judge’s decision is final.
•This event is an individual event. •Dancers will be judged based on their creativity, skill,
•Dancers are first required to perform a showcase round of musicality and technicality.
around 45 seconds to the beats played by the DJ. •Please note that the use of props will not be allowed.
•Winners of each battle will move forward to the next round.
•Judge’s decision is final. Event Head:
•Dancers will be judged based on their creativity, skill, Sharan Sabarad: +91 82775 64627
musicality and technicality.
•Please note that the use of props will not be allowed. Co-event Head:
Mikhail Odoyoth: +91 95380 21719
1 vs. 1 Hip Hop

•This event is an individual event.
•Dancers are first required to perform a showcase round of
around 45 seconds to the beats played by the DJ.
•Winners of each battle will move forward to the next round.
•Judge’s decision is final.
•Dancers will be judged based on their creativity, skill,
musicality and technicality.
Please note that the use of props will not be allowed.
"Bethe bethe bore hue "Music is life and that's why our hearts have
Karna hai kuch kaam beats."
Shuru karo antakshari It is an art but playing with it is talent.
Leke prabhu ka naam"
‘The game of the ending letter’ has much more to •2 Members per team.
it than you know. •On spot registrations are allowed.
Think this is only about singing? Well, we’re about
to quiz you on a whole other level Event Heads:
It’s time you discover your deep music knowledge. Drushya: +91 98450 42775

Rules: Co-event Head:

•2 members in a team. Tejas S Kumar: +91 96067 10602
•On-spot registrations allowed.

Event Heads:
Rahul Agarwal: +91 74065 43798
Niharika Agarwal: +91 96321 56236

Co-event head:
Ritika Singh: +91 73197 17855
Yo, be it a freestyle or rehearsal, just make it burn,
Welcome to an exhilarating mix of a classic game night :
From your beat and flow may your fellow rappers learn
Taboo, Pictionary and Dumb Charades. It’s all about being
Keep bragging and boasting until your set is on spot
quick on your feet and teamwork! So put on your creative hats
Nobody gives a damn if you are bragging ‘bout something
and make every second count.
you’re not.

•3 members per team.
•This is an open event.
•3 rounds.
•Background music is allowed.
•Rounds will be based on:
•Pre-recording are not allowed.
- Taboo
•Plagiarism will lead to deductions of points.
- Pictionary
•Vulgarity will lead to disqualification
-Dumb charades
•The rap can be in any language.
•You will be judged based on choice of words, rhyme scheme,
Event Heads:
flow, originality and overall performance.
Anmol Grewal: +91 99808 76024
Event Heads:
Co-event head:
Pramodh Naik: +91 90367 67789
Saarika Deep: +91 98446 64511
Ricky Stephens: +91 96868 11256
"Design is thinking made visual". 5 days to create. 5 minutes to present. Showcase your
creativity in the time you have and showcase the filmmaker in
So here's the chance for you to pour out some creativity and you at Dhwani 2019.
design a quirky outfit to bring out the inner designer in you!
Rules: •Topic will be revealed 5 days before the event (15th December)
•This is an open event. •5 Members per team
•3 members per team •The Film should be given in a pendrive
•Time Limit : 90 mins •The Film should be submitted before 2pm on 21st December.
•The teams have to design an outfit using scrap fabrics.On •Participants are required to give a 1 min talk on their film.
completion of the allotted time,the teams have to then model •The Film should not exceed the time limit of 5 mins.
the outfit on one of the team members and present it to the
judges. Event Heads:
•The scrap fabrics may be either stitched or stuck to one Aaren Thomas: +91 94463 23446
another using fabric glue.
•Beads,sequins, mirrors, etc may be used. Co-event head:
•The outfit may be painted using acrylic/fabric paints only. Joseph Anto: +91 95676 51305
•All materials required must be brought by the participants.
•Use of mobile phones for reference is strictly prohibited.

Event head:
Snehal Rai: +91 87470 50937

Co-event head:
Disha Makhija: +91 81054 29031
Jest-A-Minute is an all-round fun event that is all about the "Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to
control of the mind over the mouth. Can you make it through write for the public and have no self."
sixty seconds of non-stop talking without hesitation, - Cyril Connolly
repetition, or deviation? Or will the sheer pressure make you
crumble and have your competitors pounce on you in an Rules:
instant? •This event will have three categories i.e., English, Kannada and
Rules: •The topic will be given on the spot.
•The JAM master is god. No questions or arguments once the •Total of 60 minutes will be given to develop your content.
final decision has been made. •Participants can choose to pen down their thoughts in any
•To object, slam the table and say “JAM”. The JAM master form of writing (such as stories, essays, and poems)
decides when you are allowed to put forth your objection. •Spoken word poetry isn't allowed.
•In order to qualify to the final round, the participants must go
through the preliminary round. Event Heads:
Prachi (English): +91 99720 98902
Event Heads: Pramodh (Kannada): +91 97431 63686
Robin John: +91 74119 70214 Navyashree (Hindi): +91 72595 27355
Pavan Kumar: +91 70197 67909

Co-event Head:
Rajvi: +91 88844 48835
Float around like a butterfly or move majestically like a lion. Life, they say, is all about finding the right mix.
The dance floor is all yours. Do you have the moves to set the A few popular tracks combined with your creative mixing can
stage on fire?! get the people to throw their hands up in the air and dance
without a worry or care.
•Any dance form can be performed except Indian Classical. Rules:
•The event consists of 3 rounds, first round being showcase of •No pre-recorded sets allowed.
1+1 mins. •No foul language.
•Usage of powder, water or fire will result in disqualification. •Each contestant gets 5+1 minutes.
•No vulgarity in songs and attire. •Selected contestants will be shortlisted for the final round to
•Performance will be based on creativity, stage presence, play on the main stage.
musicality, entertainment value, rhythm and expressions. •Contestants should send their mix to:
•Music should be submitted two hours prior to the event head. by 18th December.
(Sound Cloud mixes preferably, contact the event heads for
Event Heads: any queries regarding this)
Rahul Parekh: +91 81059 79917 •Prelims mix should be a set of 10 minutes.
Andrea: +91 89710 43708
Event Heads:
Rohan Ronaldo: +91 78920 71954
Vicky: +91 96205 85413

Co Event Head:
Utkarsh Paul: +91 96000 00801
"Dance is a perfect balance between perfection and beauty. Want to know how valuable your words are worth? Discover the
An event brimming with life and culture, it conveys the expanse of your dictionary and create as many words as
message of your soul. " possible!

So here is the opportunity to showcase your inner self through Rules:

the traditional dance form! •Participants have 60 seconds to write as many as small words
from the one big word that is displayed on the screen in 60
Rules: seconds.
•Only classical dance forms can be performed. •The use of mobile phones or any other electronic devices is
•On and off stage: 2+1 minutes. prohibited.
•In case of bulk registration Song should be submitted to the •Winner will be decided based on the maximum number of
event head 1 day prior to the event and incase of on spot words from the letters of the big word made by the
registration music should be submitted two hours prior to the participants in every round.
•Participants must get their music in pen drive.
•Usage of flammable items leads to disqualification. Event Head:
•Vulgarity leads to disqualification. Dadi Christopher: +91 99636 20953

Event heads: Co-event Head:

Inchara. G: +91 94806 78099 Sanket Haibati: +91 77600 82948
Deepthi Ravi: +91 90356 22407

Co-event head:
Bhoomika Warrier: +91 90611 49184
“Put your foot forward and let people know your cause.” Dance is a poem in which each movement is a word.
Come recite your poetry through your moves and grooves.
Rules: We invite you to participate for Indian Group Dance and win
•Act must be socially relevant. our hearts.
•Can be performed in English, Kannada, or Hindi.
•Percussion instruments are allowed. Rules:
•Pre-recorded music is not allowed. •The participants must present any form of Indian dance, be it
•Any form of vulgarity in the play will lead to disqualification of thematic or non-thematic.
the team. •The team must have a minimum of 8 and maximum of 14
•Props and costumes carry bonus points. members.
•Criterias for judging will be based on: •Time limit: 4+3, including stage setup and introduction
-Creativity (if any).
-Humor •The music must be in MP3 format.
-Clarity of message •Use of FIRE, WATER, SMOKE or any other inflammable
-Loud voice materials will lead to immediate disqualification.
•A team of 6-15 members is allowed. •Any form of Vulgarity in the form of dance or music will lead to
•There will be a time limit of 8+2 minutes
•The teams are required to be present at the venue one hour
prior to the commencement of the event.
Event Head:
Pavitra Sulegai: +91 95912 46642
Event Heads:
Hardik Vora: +91 74119 68363
Co-Event Head: Aishwarya Tantri: +91 94836 89714
Keerthik Jain: +91 79756 40288
Co Event Head:
Shanthraj : +91 95910 06971
Are you strong enough to fight with your arm? If yes, this is Tell us a story without saying a word. Let your emotions flow
your event! out in actions and tell tales we’ve never heard before.

Rules: Rules:
•Individual Event. •Time limit: 6+4 minutes.
•Fixtures will be told on spot. •The team can consist of maximum 6+4 members.
•Finger rings and other jewelry which will disturb the game will •Use of any props or placards is not allowed.
not be allowed. •Pre-recorded music or live music is allowed.
•Music must not contain any lyrics.
Note: There is no time limit to a match but a referee may call a •Submission of pre-recorded music and slot allotment will
halt to the match if one or both competitors are, in his opinion, take place 60 minutes prior to the event at the same venue.
not in a fit state to carry on.
Event Heads:
Dona Sunny: +91 94820 94740
Event head: Keith Joseph: +91 97318 07912
Eugene Anthony: +91 80500 34672

Co event head:
Rahul Vellara: +91 78291 42988
“Music draws the listener away, beyond the limits of Do you love harmonizing with your vocal group? Do you think
everyday human joys and sorrows and takes us to that you can nail your solo on our stage? Come celebrate your vocal
lonely region of renunciation which lies to the root of the capacity with us by making melody together. This is your
universe.” chance to showcase your skills and inspire others.

Rules: Rules:
•Maximum of 6+4 members per team. •Time Limit: 10 + 2 minutes [including Solo & Group]
•Mandatory inclusion of solo and group performance. •Minimum 4 members in a team and maximum 10 (including
•Time Limit of 10+2 minutes per team for both categories. instrumentalists).
•Standard 5-piece drum kit will be provided. •No Gospel songs are allowed and will lead to disqualification.
•All other Instruments are to be brought by the participants. •For overall points, each College is required to participate in
both Solo & Group.
Event Heads: •Only Acoustic instruments are allowed. Keyboard will be
Githin: +91 94973 33678 provided and can only be used in Piano Mode.
•Judges’ decision will be final.
Co-event Head:
Diya: +91 70129 20750 Event Heads:
Raymond: +91 74067 28496
Jacob: +91 96200 88003

Co-event Head:
Crystal: +91 97415 17955
Break the ice and introduce your college in the most "Passion for fame: A passion which is the instinct of all
innovative manner possible. Show the audience what sets great souls."
your institution apart from the rest. - Edmund Burke

Rules: If you can showcase the wildest, craziest and most

•6+2 members per team. sensational talent in 60 seconds, this is the event for you!!
•4+1 time limit (including stage set up). Come over, let's see what you got? Stay prepared for anything
•No cross dressing. and everything we might ask you.
•Music can be used for 1 minute only.
•Music should be submitted in a pendrive.
Event Head: •60 seconds to portray any talent you possess on stage.
Maria Steven+91 89711 25642 •Participants will have to bring their own pro.
•Music (if any) must be submitted to the event heads on a
Co-event Head: pendrive 15 minutes prior to the event.
Benjamin: +91 81234 18350
Event Heads:
Raymond: +91 74067 28496

Co-event Head:
Yash: +91 96115 11820
Did you grow up watching K3G? Are you also a fan of Tuffy from Nobody:
Hum Aapke Hai Kaun? Think you know more than K-Jo and Meme creation event heads:
Bebo? From Khans and Kapoors to Bachans and Barjatyas,
we’ve got it all covered! Do you think you're the dankest meme maker out there?
Show off your skills to stand out from the normies!
If you think you have the biggest Bollywood fever, come find Take part in Dhwani's meme creation event.
out! Winning college earns bragging rights and some piece of
paper with your name on it!
•2 members in a team. Rules:
•Not limited to latest Bollywood movies. •3 members in a team.
•3 rounds.
Event Heads: •Theme will be given on spot.
Lakshmi: +91 97310 43868 •No Vulgarity.
Tirthanka: +91 99725 07674 •Bring necessary stationary.
•Participants need to get their own laptops or mobile to create
the meme.

Event Heads:
Atul Mathew: +91 96110 20410
Calvert Nicholas: +91 77603 52788
Pruthvi K: +91 95353 81236
Have you ever pictured yourself dancing to ChaiyyaChaiyya on "Minute maid might not be made in a minute, but a lot can
the top of a train, or to Tip TipBarsaPani in the rain? Dhwani be made in a minute. Its all a matter of seconds but
brings to you a fun-filled event for anyone that calls everyone wants to come first. Are you up for the task or is it
themselves a bollywood-lover; so come forward and show us too much to ask?"
your jalwa!
Rules: •Each team consists of two members.
•This is an individual event. •Cheating will lead to negative marking/disqualification.
•All dancers are expected to perform to the tracks played by •Rules for the rounds will be given on spot.
the DJ. •Use of any props/gadgets which aren't provided on spot is not
•Dancers are first required to perform a showcase for 45 allowed.
seconds to the beats played by the DJ. •Non participants are not allowed to help and this will result in
•The winner of each battle will proceed to the next round. disqualification.
•Dancers will be judged based on creativity, skill, musicality •Points awarded will be based on the criteria given on spot.
and technicality.
•Please note that the use of props will not be allowed.
•This is an open event. Event Heads:
•Any sort of vulgarity will lead to disqualification. Pranav Rajeev Girimaji: +91 99720 65824
Maqdoom MD: +91 97414 74237
Event Head: Naveen: +91 99004 04947
Veena Viswanathan: +91 99009 85550

Co-event Head:
Yashika Lunivya: +91 97387 28770
Calling out all the Holmes and Watsons to pair up and get to "Beauty can take different forms and can be depicted
exploring! through unique expressions."
Hunt down the original locations of these mysterious
photographs before anyone and prove who’s the best duo! So here’s a chance for you to showcase your inner creativity by
being a part of this maquillage event.
•Participants are requested to get their own phones. Rules:
•The treasure/picture must be found and captured at the same •Theme will be given on spot.
spot. •Time limit: 60 minutes.
•Two members per team. •Participants are expected to carry their own products and
•The team with the highest matches will be declared the winner. materials.
•Participants who fail to submit on time will not be considered. •Access to the internet is not allowed during the event.

Event Head:
Allen Rodrigues: +91 96861 00849 Event Head:
Khushi Khanted: +91 85490 64701
Co-event Head:
Rahul S: +91 74835 50544 Co-event Head:
Shraddha Bantia: +91 94482 99699
It is one thing to write poetry but what makes it even better is "Accent is the soul of the language : It gives to it both
to share it with like-minded audiences. It's time to bring life to feeling and truth."
those phrases on paper that are left unsaid. -Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Rules: Rules :
•This event is all about presenting the spoken word, and we're •Individual Event.
open to all styles of poetry. •Topic will be given on spot.
•The contestants are allowed to perform in English/Hindi •The participant must be familiar with the different accents
language only. of the world and should be able to imitate them.
•The poet must not use props, costumes or musical
instruments. Event Heads:
•The performance is limited to 2+2 minutes. Pranav Ilango: +91 91643 62888
•Each poet must perform an original work written by him/her. Rachel Kenton: +91 77605 96090
•Slammers are free to use any medium (paper or phone etc.) to
write or perform. Co-event head:
•There are multiple rounds in store, expect something different. Anvita Shastry: +91 90354 13446

Event Heads:
Subiksha: +91 95133 42422
Nireeksha: ++91 81058 04422
The famed landmarks surrounding Coconut Grove Deliver witty lines or come up with crazy act outs, do whatever
Proves that the heart of our city isn’t a dearth of a trove it takes to tickle the crowd’s funny bone. Keep it real and you
But there could be no less found at room 420 shall be considered a Mast Aadmi . Dhwani is your chance to
Mind you, it will be a long journey ! channel your inner Kevin Hart!

PS : Hope you’re pumped to pull off some stunts Rules:

We welcome you to Dhwani’s Treasure Hunt ! •The event will have 2 rounds.
•Participants can perform in English or Hindi.
•3 members in a team. Round 1- Stand up comedy
•The clues will be within a radius of 2 kms around the college. •Time limit of 3+1 minutes.
•No limitations on modes of transport, provided there will be no •Original content is the way to go.
violation of traffic and motor rules. •Vulgarity will not be accepted.
•Participants will be scored on judge’s discretion.
Event Heads:
Pranav Ilango: +91 91643 62888 Round 2- Improvisational comedy
Meldon D’souza: +91 89713 23575 •Rules will be explained on spot.

Co-event head: Event Head:

Vijaya Bhargav: +91 96637 96001 Avyukth: +91 70223 20550

Co-event head:
Roger: +91 88616 66126
"If music is a place, then jazz is the city. The folk form the "It's easy to play any musical instrument; all you have to do
wilderness, Rock is the road and Classical is the Temple". is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument
will play itself."
•Open to college and semi-professional bands. Rules:
•No. of participants: 3-8 members per team. •Instruments are expected to be carried by participants.
•Time Limit: 10+2 minutes. •Only a drum kit will be provided.
•A Standard 5-piece drum kit will be provided. •Time for each participant will be 3+1 minutes.
•All other instruments are required to be brought by •No backing tracks allowed.
participants. •Judging will be based on skill.
•No backing tracks allowed.
•Original compositions are appreciated. Event Heads:
•Lyrical vulgarity will lead to immediate disqualification. Githin: +91 94973 33678
Andrew: +91 89043 96240

Event Heads:
Joshua: +91 96323 75364
Justin: +91 81239 17626
Do you possess the eye to show the world what they can't see? Can you impress the audience with your witty lines and insane
Here’s a platform through which you can show it to them. acting? Showcase your ad and make the crowd go mad.
Advertise your product in the most entertaining way and
Rules: remember to keep the vulgarity away.
•Solo Event.
•Professional / DSLRs only. Rules:
•All photos to be shot inside the campus only. •Each team must comprise of 8+2 members.
•Theme and few regulations shall be given on Day 1 of the fest. •Time limit: 5+1mins.
•No editing is allowed. •No props and costumes allowed.
•Advertise your product in a creative way and remember that
Event Head: your act needs to have an underlying theme.
Ajith: +91 78290 09291
Event Head:
Co-event Head: Maria Steven: +91 89711 25642
Vijay: +91 90668 43322
Co-event Head:
Nishanth P: +91 90358 17560
"Brevity is the best recommendation of speech, be it in a This one’s for the dreamers with unprecedented imagination.
senator or an orator." Do your vibrant strokes speak louder than any man ever can?
It’s time to portray your talent and stun the crowds!
•Individual participation. Rules:
•Topic for the Preliminary round shall be given 2 days prior to •Individual Participation.
the event. •Topic/Theme will be given on spot.
•Topic for finals shall be given on the spot. •Only paper will be provided. All other materials should be
carried by the participants.
Event Head: •For Painting - Only Poster or Acrylic Paints can be used.
Sairaj Goudar: +91 96631 79158 •For Sketching - Only Shading and Charcoal Pencils can be
Co-event Head: •Time Limit: 90 minutes
Monika: +91 72593 84719 •Participants can paint, sketch or both, but no other media is
•Access to the internet during the event is strictly prohibited.

Event Head:
Bhakti Sirigiri: +91 94482 88513

Co-event Head:
Dennis Augustine Jose: +91 88480 31316
There is a bit of insanity in dance that does everybody a great One's a loner, three's a crowd. Find yourself a partner cause only
deal of good. This Dhwani, move over and let yourself explode. two is allowed.
You're a B-Boyer and your partner a classical dancer? No
Rules: problem, performing at Dhwani is the right answer.
•6-15 members per team.
•Time limit: 4+2 mins. Rules:
•Only Western music and Western styles are allowed. •Team of 2.
•Songs to be submitted to the event head one day prior to the •Time limit: 3+1 minutes.
event. •Style - Any Indian or Western style.
•Powder, water and flammable items will not be permitted. •Music must be submitted to the event head 1 day prior to the
•Any vulgarity will result in disqualification. event via email. (
•Judging criteria will be based on costumes, style, coordination •Music must also be brought on the pen-drive on the day of the
and musicality. event.
•Music must be in Mp3 format.
Event Heads: •Vulgarity in choice of song and dance moves will lead to
Vaishnavi: +91 97416 20986 disqualification.
Ayaan: +91 99003 46293 • Use of fire, water, powder, smoke or any other inflammable
material during the performance is strictly prohibited.
Co-event Head:
Shradha - +91 7829498911 Event Heads:
Anjana: +91 97393 80711
Ashritha:+91 96204 63060
Turncoat appreciates your confusion and rewards your inability "Regard before you discard"
to pick a side, for you will be your biggest competition.
In this event, the students are required to create a product with
Rules: waste materials and present it in an innovative way.
•Individual participation.
•Topics will be given on the spot. Rules:
•Judges’ decision shall be final. •A team should comprise of 3 participants.
•Participants are required to bring their own waste materials,
Event Head: such as water bottles, cans, tins, etc.
Sairaj Goudar: +91 96631 79158 •Participants are not allowed to bring any partially or fully
made items.
Co-event Head: •Participants are given a total of 1 hour to complete.
Monika: +91 72593 84719 •Teams will be disqualified on exceeding time or deviating from
the theme.
•Judge’s decision shall be final and abiding.

TOPIC: Monuments

Event Heads:
Romila: +91 87625 55674
Navaneeta: +91 95919 58708
"Practice, flow and great sense of timings is all it takes to An event that will test you like no other, welcome to the general quiz
drop the perfect beat and get people on their feet." at Dhwani!

Rules: Be prepared to learn some interesting facts as you wrack your brain
•This is an open event. to look for the right answer. A single round can change the fate of
•The First Round will be a Showcase Round of 1 minute. any team, and victory can even be determined by a single point.
•Participants please note that this is an elimination round. Remember - most of the time, the obvious answer is the right one.
•Further rules and the event pattern will be disclosed on spot by
the judges. Rules:
•Participants will be judged based on their technicality, •A team should comprise of 3 members.
musicality, flow and originality. •Qualifiers of the first round of prelims move forward to the finals.
•Judges decision will be final. •Rounds will be based on:
- Sports and Entertainment
Event Heads: - Literature
Daniel Jones: +91 89716 10614 - History
Rohan: +91 86181 84573 - Travel
- Other general topics.
Co-event Head:
Shawn: +91 82770 38674
Event Heads:
Mohana Gopinath: +91 97409 07255
Aditya Sareen: +91 72591 88171
Shreyas Lokesh: +91 97388 93746

Co-event Head:
Joshua D'Costa: +91 81974 54275
Cooking is the art, science and craft of preparing food. This The world’s game, played your way.
Dhwani, we challenge you to show your talent of cooking
without using grinder, electric stoves and ovens. Rules:
•Platform: PS4
Rules: •Two players per team. (Each player plays 1 half)
•Team should consist of 3 members. •Team: Offline kick off squads.
•Ingredients and required materials to be brought by the •No custom formations.
participants. •No legacy defending.
•No readymade or precooked items allowed. •Camera: Tele broadcast
•Cutting of vegetables and fruits should be on spot. •Match timings: Night.
•Participants should maintain hygiene and cleanliness •Half length: 6 mins knockout stage.
throughout. •Bring your own controllers at your own risk; Event Heads will
•Alcohol is strictly prohibited. not be responsible for any loss or damage.
•Time limit : 1 hour
•Participants are required to clean up their work stations. Event Head:
•Extra points will be awarded for presentation, knife work and Abhishek Charles: +91 83175 38556
•Three dishes are to be prepared by each team. Co Event Head:
Kashish Naidu: +91 99012 50642

Event Heads:
Faiz Ahmed: +91 88841 21565
Siddharth: +91 96296 44689

Co-event Heads:
Ram: 7349539937
THEME - SCI-FI (Science Fiction) •Any vulgarity will result in disqualification.
SCI-FI is a genre of speculative fiction that typically •Depiction of superheroes will not be encouraged.
deals with concepts such as advanced science and •Brownie points for creative props.
technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel •Participants will be judged on the basis of confidence,
universes, and extraterrestrial life costumes, creativity and choreography.

Science fiction has always had a certain aesthetic that Event Heads:
people expect to see in it. It's a futuristic vibe. It's an Brandon: +91 97403 26334
overall fashion choice that says that you are tired of Akanksha: +91 97409 19299
seeing the normal ways of others in your time period,
and that you're here to shake things up. Co-event Heads:
Saksha: 9108132867
•A team should comprise of 10+2 members.
•Time limit - 6+2 minutes.
•Songs to be submitted to the event head one day prior
to the event.
•Outfits should not be above the knee, no sleeveless.
•Boys will not be permitted to walk shirtless.
•Flammable items will not be permitted.
•If the time limit is exceeded, it will result in negative
Culture is our identity; mash it with fusions, but don’t mess Easily one of the most captivating and awaited events of the
within! year! Talent, wit and vocational prowess, win this and you shall
Pack your culture and come on a world tour with us. Let’s win not only the hearts but the highest points for your college!
experience the beauty in diversity together!
Rules: •Preliminary rounds will take place on Day 1.
•Pick a culture from anywhere from the world. •First round will be a written round.
•Portray it in the form of dance or/and music only. •The shortlisted finalists will qualify for Day 2 (Finals).
•A team should comprise of a minimum of 4 members and a •Overt vulgarity will NOT be entertained.
maximum of 6. •Participants must bring their own prop (if any) for their talent
•Time limit: 3+1 minutes. portion of the competition.
•Music should be submitted in a pen drive.
Event Head:
Event Heads: Aparna Shastry: +91 88673 36871
Shraddha: 9448299699
Co-event Head:
Co-event Heads: Aaron DC: +91 97384 17541
Impana: +91 97421 51234
Just say yes and you will figure it out afterwards Have a voice which resonates with the masses?
Have what it takes to cover a live event through a
Rules: mic?
•A team should comprise of 2 participants. Come show us your dubbing and commentary
•The rules of each round will be explained on the skills.
•Judges’ decision is final. Rules:
•This is an individual event
•The rules of each round will be explained on the
Event Heads: spot
Jaice Thomas: +91 97422 35752
Event Heads:
Co-event Head: Vivek: +91 97436 79861
Sanskruti Tandon: +91 95130 05889 Bethel :+91 94823 04692

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