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Chapter 1 (Final)

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Chapter I



Over 2700 species of termites known in the world, 80 species of it were

considered as a serious pests (Kuswanto, et al., 2015). This insects are known as the

most dominant arthropod decomposers in the tropical forests as it shows its high

diversity and abundance. Aside from this, termites are mainly known for damage caused

to human beings, crops, and commonly to old and new structures in both urban and

rural areas. Their infestation doesn’t affect only one country, but it causes damage

globally. (Kuswanto, et al., 2015) stated that “the global damage caused by termites was

estimated at US $ 22 Billion to US $ 40 Billion worldwide, and in Southeast Asia alone, it

was estimated to cost approximately US $ 400 Million per year. Imagine how this small

creature can cause millions of dollars in damage to homes and property all over the

world every year. They can also destroy several things such as furnitures and houses

that are made out of wood, books, and corks of stored bottles or even fabrics.

Prior to the reasons that termite manifestation affects the comfortable lifestyle of

a person, every household is trying to get rid of this pest. Some countries are taking

precautions against termite invasion. Researchers from other countries tries to examine

several structures to determine their problem against termites. On the other hand,

residents in the Philippines are also experiencing damaged properties caused by

termites because our country provides moderate temperature and moisture suitable for

termites to thrive.

Termites has been a common problem in our society and agriculture, thus it

should be stopped to minimize its effects. People usually get rid of this insect by using

chemical insecticides, where some farmers are also doing it as a solution to their

problem, though over use of chemical insecticides leads to various problems. It includes

environmental pollution, pest resurgence, resistance of pest to chemical pesticides and

secondary pest out breaks and direct hazards to users (Shiberu, Ashagre & Negeri,

2013). Due to this reasons, developing an alternative and eco-friendly insecticide would

be a great idea to avoid these negative effects of chemical insecticides, as well, as the

invasion of termites.

Several plants can have the potential to solve societal or agricultural problem

such as chilies and malunggay tree. These two organics is one of the promising solution

that could be found in the environment rather than using synthetic insecticides. These

plants natural chemicals will be used and will act as a termiticide because these are

less expensive and biodegradable and hence environmentally suitable.

More particularly, It also gives us the opportunity to put our interest in using

organics to preserve a healthy environment. The goal for this research is to find out how

effective these two organics are as a termiticide. In addition, many studies had been

conducted and indicated the potential damage due to widespread use of synthetic

insecticides, which this research also provides assistance to our farmers. This study is

also relevant to the fact that the researcher might develop an alternative termiticide
using Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.) and Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) roots

to minimize the destruction of termites.


Plant-Insect Interactions Theory (Mello & Silva, 2002)


Gene Gene Activation

Volatiles Activation

Indirect Direct new
responses responses metabolites

Physical barriers
Increase if
Secondary Metabolites intensity
and Proteins consumption

Nutritional Bundles

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework of the Study

Interaction of plant and insect are dynamic as the system is continuously

changing. There are different mechanisms that a plant develops. These mechanisms

are potential in lowering insect’s attack, which includes the particular responses that

triggers different metabolic pathways. When it activates the metabolic pathways, the

chemical and physical aspects change. Plant has a toxic compound or main

component, which it will be there defense to the possible consumer. Plant defense

barriers are mainly toxic compound as this contributes and leads into purposeful uses to

numerous cases. The purpose of plants in developing different defense mechanisms

which includes the physical and chemical barriers, is to lower or reduce the attack of

insects (Mello & Silva, 2002).

Chemical constituents of plant defense are processed as their own strategy. The

substances are used as a repellant with its direct toxicity or in other words to degrade

the consumption and attack of the different organisms. Plants chemical consumption is

variable and represents a challenge for insect feeding (Mello & Silva, 2002).

Mello & Silva (2002) stated that their toxic compounds are classified chemical-

derived substances. The sudden change of compounds in the defensive mechanisms of

plant affects insect’s behavior in terms of searching food. The presence of a sudden

change in chemical compound indicates that they can repel a wide range of possible

consumers because of the nature of toxic in that certain plant. And this is also a way of

attracting small number of specialized pest species

Aside from the chemical compounds of plants as their defense, there are other

defensive strategies, which employs that plants have a wide range of mechanisms
against insects. It involves both protein and phytochemical-based components. The

production of plants into several components is really effective in reducing insect’s

damage (Mello & Silva, 2002).

On the other hand, insects are also capable of strategies such as reproducing,

growing and consuming to their primary source of food or its specific host. There are

instances that these insects are wise to overcome the defense mechanisms of a plant.

According to Stowe (1998), “It is important to stress that certain plant defense

compounds experience opposing selection pressure by different enemies and that

major defensive barriers evolve in response to a diverse assemblage of living and non-

living organisms.” Insects feeding strategy leads to the exploitation of their host. They

are evident to have a large number of species and population size, which it explains

their intensity attack is extremely harmful and can cause destruction to its specific

source of food (Mello & and Silva, 2002).

Plants and insects interaction leads us to a better understanding of what

processes and behaviors are occurring as they are continuously interacting. This proves

that organism such as plants are capable of their protection against harm and organism

such as insects, which can pass through defenses of other organism. Moreover,

interaction like this balance the cycle of ecosystem because of their different defense

mechanisms that changes and continuously processing (Mello & Silva, 2002).

Mello & Silva (2002) also added that plants give us an idea to know its specific

content that surely affects insects interacting to it. Understand this process; allow us to
create more efficient methods for biological control of insect pests with the natural

products of the plants as it improves its variety of chemical defenses.




40% 40% 40%

50% 50% 50%

66.67% 66.67% 66.67%


Independent Dependent
BIRD’SEffects of the
EYE CHILI extract of Bird’s
Variable eye chili
Frutescens L.) (Capsicum Variable
EXTRACTFrutescens L.) with Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) Roots
Mortality Rate of mixture of the extract of two organics.
BIRD’S EYE CHILI (Capsicum Frutescens L.) and MALUNGGAY (Moringa Oliefera) ROOTS
Effects of the extracts in terms of significance level


Figure 2. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The extract of two organics, which are the Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum Frutescens

L.) and Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) were described as the variables in the study.

These particular extract will be mixed with different concentration as it will vary in the

water. The series of concentration for every treatment are 40%, which is equivalent to

75mL distilled water, 50%, which is equivalent to 50 mL distilled water, 66.67%, which is

equivalent to 25mL distilled water. Moreover, the series of concentration helps in

determining and analyzing the most effective treatment in the conducted experiment.

The study also determined the Independent variable or the cause or reason for

an outcome and Dependent variable or the variable that is being tested and measured

in scientific experiment.

The Independent variable focused on the extract of the treatments, which are

Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.) extract, Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) roots

extract and the combination of two organics. These extract are controlled in scientific

experiment and it doesn’t depend on another variable, but it will vary on the

measurement of water to come up with the mixture with its corresponding concentration.

On the other hand, the resulting factor of the extract will be presented in the concept

map as a dependent variable such as the effects of the extract of Bird’s eye chili

(Capsicum Frutescens L.) with Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) roots extract, the mortality

rate of mixture of the extract of two organics, and the effects of the extract in terms of

significance level as they will be vary with other variable and will change due to the

effect of the extract. Over all, all variables in the study would be the basis in determining

the effectiveness of the treatments with different concentration.


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum

Frutescens L.) fruit extract and Malunggay (Moringga Oleifera) roots extract to termites

Furthermore, it aims to seek information with regards to the objectives the researchers

want to achieve:

1. To identify the chemical compound found in the two organics.

2. To determine the procedure in preparing out Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum

Frutescens L.) and Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) roots extract.

3. To examine the effectivity of Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.)

extract when combined to Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) roots extract in killing

termites in terms of:

3.1 amount of water.
3.2 number or percentage of termites killed upon application.


In this study, the researchers are expecting to know the effectiveness of the extract of chili pepper with moringga roots in killing
Nowadays, people usually choose new features to kill termites or any other

insects. Pesticides are commonly used to kill particular pests, where it is applied to

crops, which might be washed down into streams or lakes and harm fishes, birds or

even harm their drinking water sources. It needs improvement in human quality of life

and to lower their food costs. It also needs to improve the quality of life and the

protection of the environment. This will be helpful for the researchers, who will be

interested in doing advance work.

This study may also serve as a guide and reference to the students in terms of

formulating ways of killing termites. Another purpose of this research is to aid the ideas

of the teachers regarding related lesson. And it will be easier for them to share related

topics about this study.

Also the farmers would be knowledgeable about the potentials of organics as

pesticide and they may use the methods to preserve many species, selected for their

high nutrient content and reliable harvest.

The research can contribute on the environmental issues concerning the

infestation of wood structures, where the government can create an accessible wood

treatments solution, or organic chemicals to solve societal or agricultural problem.

This study can also be a source of valuable information to the community, the

Philippines, and the world, which can be very useful to those facing similar problems.

And it will benefit the community for it would provide them cheaper and effective

termiticide and improves their awareness about the important value of Malunggay roots

and Bird’s eye chili as an alternative termiticide.

Moreover, this study would help the student researchers to be aware and

knowledgeable of the processes involved in killing termites. In addition, the findings of

this study will benefit the society considering that organic chemicals helps to kill the

termites or other insects naturally. And lastly, this study also helps us to grasp the idea

of the effectiveness of the organic chemicals on how to kill termites.

Bird’s eye chili (Capsicum Frutescens L.) is a kind of spice used to add flavor to

food. In this research, its extract will be used as an ingredient for the termiticide.

Capsaicin is a chemical compound found in chilies that causes hotness when applied

and causes skin irritation.

Concentration is the mixture of the Bird’s eye chili extract and Malunggay root extract

used as a termiticide. The amount of concentration will determine how many termites

are killed.

Drywood termites also known as ground termites, is one of the species of termites that

lives in woods with no need of moisture and gets humidity from air.

Extract is the substance produced from squeezing the pounded Bird’s eye chilies

(Capsicum Frutescens L.) and scraped Malunggay (Moringa Oleifera) roots.

Malunggay root (Moringga Oleifera) is the root of a malunggay tree also normally

used as a food. In this research, its extract will be used as another ingredient for the


Phytochemicals are non-nutritive chemicals that plants produce naturally as a self-

defense mechanism.

Termites are insects that burrow underground and feeds on woods especially when it’s

moist and causes destruction to houses.

Termiticide is an insecticide used specifically for killing termites.

Wood is defined as the basic structure of most houses. This is the food source of


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