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GE6261-Computer Aided Drafting and Modeling Lab PDF

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List of Exercises using software capable of Drafting and Modeling

1. Study of capabilities of software for Drafting and Modeling – Coordinate systems (absolute, relative,
polar, etc.) – Creation of simple figures like polygon and general multi-line figures.
2. Drawing of a Title Block with necessary text and projection symbol.
3. Drawing of curves like parabola, spiral, involute using Bspline or cubic spline.
4. Drawing of front view and top view of simple solids like prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, etc, and
5. Drawing front view, top view and side view of objects from the given pictorial views (eg. V-block,
Base of a mixie, Simple stool, Objects with hole and curves).
6. Drawing of a plan of residential building ( Two bed rooms, kitchen, hall, etc.)
7. Drawing of a simple steel truss.
8. Drawing sectional views of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone, etc,
9. Drawing isometric projection of simple objects.
10. Creation of 3-D models of simple objects and obtaining 2-D multi-view drawings from 3-D model.

Note: Plotting of drawings must be made for each exercise and attached to the records written by

List of Equipments for a batch of 30 students:

1. Pentium IV computer or better hardware, with suitable graphics facility -30 No.
2. Licensed software for Drafting and Modeling. – 30 Licenses
3. Laser Printer or Plotter to print / plot drawings – 2 No.



1 Study of Capabilities of Software For Drafting & Modeling – Co-Ordinate System 4

2 Creation of Simple Figures like polygon and General Multiline Figures 15

3 Drawing of a Title Block with necessary Text and Projection Symbol 17

4 Drawing of curves like parabola, spiral, involute using Bspline or Cubic spline 19

Drawing of front view and top view of simple solids like prism, pyramid, cylinder,
5 22
cone, etc, and dimensioning

Drawing front view, top view and side view of objects from the given pictorial
6 28
views (eg. V-block, Base of a mixie, simple stool, object with hole and curves)

7 Drawing of a plan of residential building (Two bed rooms, kitchen, hall) 31

8 Drawing of a Simple Steel Truss 33

9 Drawing sectional views of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone 35

10 Drawing Isometric Projection of Simple Object 39

Creation of 3-D Models of Simple Objects and Obtaining 2-D Multiview Drawings
11 41
From 3-D Model


1. Study of Capabilities of Software For Drafting & Modeling – Co-Ordinate

Aim: To Study of capabilities of software for Drafting and Modeling.

Computer Aided Drawing:

A drawing is prepared traditionally using instruments. The modern alternative is to draw with the
aid of computers. This method is known as computer aided drafting (or) Computer aided drawing (or)
computer assisted drafting (or) computer argument drafting and computer automated drafting.

Modern CAD systems are based on the interactive computer graphics. Interactive computer
graphics denotes a user defined system in which the computer is employed to create and display data in
the terms of pictures and symbols, by the communication between the user and the system. A typical
interactive computer graphics system in combination of both hardware and software

The four fundamental elements of drawing are points, straight lines, arcs and circles. In computer
aided drawing systems, the points on the screen be located by selected with the cursor, snapping to the
grip, points (or) by entering the numerical values of the co-ordinates of the points. The other elements can
be drawn easily by using relevant commands.

Scaling: The capacity to enlarge (or) diminish the size of a displayed feature without changing its shape

Zooming: The capacity to enlarge (or) reduce a selected area of the drawing seen on the screen

Translating: The capacity to move parts of a drawing and redrawing them in the new position to a
selected scale

Rotation: The capability of rotating the features about a selected position and redraw them in a new
angular position

Mirroring: To reverse the image of a feature about the chosen line of symmetry.

Duplicating: The capability of redrawing a feature (or) component many times and displaying in orderly
manner of our choice. The CAD system offers a number of automatic features such as fillet, chamfering,
hatching and shading of any specified area, dimensioning and text displayed in the required format.

Advantages of using CAD:

There are several fundamental reasons for implementing a CAD system.

I. To increase the productivity of designer.

II. To improve quality of design.

III. To improve communication.

IV. To create library.

V. To create database for manufacturing.

 To increase the productivity of designer:

This is accomplished by helping the designer to visualize the product and its component sub-
assemblies and parts, by reading the time required in synthesis and documenting the design.
 To improve quality of design:
The CAD system permits a more analysis and a number of design alternative can be
investigated, designs are also through the greater accuracy provided by the system.
 To improve communication:
Use of Cad system provides better engineering drawing, more standardization in the drawing,
better documentation of the design, greater legibility and saving in time.
 To create library:
Commonly used architectural building, electrical and mechanical components can be drawn
and stored in memory and recalled when needed. Further they can be positioned any where on the
screen and redraw to any scale angle and angle of inclination.
 To create database for manufacturing:
The process of creating the documentation in the product using design much of required
database to manufacture the product is also created.

Early CAD systems where basically automatic drafting board systems which displaced a two-
dimensional representation of the object being designed. It was left to the user of the system, to make
certain that the two-dimensional representation was correct, as stored in data files.

Types of 3D models:
The 3D models are of three types.
I. Wire-frame Model.
II. Surface Model.
III. Solid Model.
 Wire-frame Model:
Wire frame model is a 3D representation of objects by using mostly lines, arcs and circles. It is
skeletal and does not have surfaces, only edge details are shown by a wire frame method.
 Surface Model:

In surface model, the 3D object is made up of opaque surfaces (3D faces). The inner portion of
the object is hollow, the details available behind the surfaces are hidden.
 Solid Model:
In solid model, a solid 3D object is produced. It is like a solid object made of material like
wood, steel, etc. The solid thus produced can be cut into pieces. Mass properties of solid models can
be determined.

Benefits of CAD:
I. Productivity improvement in design.
II. It has benefit to shorter lead time.
III. It contains only fewer design errors.
IV. It has greater accuracy in design calculation.
V. It has standardized design, drafting and documentation procedures.
VI. Using CAD the drawing are more understandable and easy.

System Requirements: AutoCAD2002 requires the following hardware for running on any system
 Pentium III or higher.
 64MB RAM.
 Windows98, Windows95 or Windows NT 4.0 operating system.
 1024 x 768 VGA video display (800 x 600 VGA video display minimum).
 Windows video display driver.
 150MB free hard-disk space.
 Pointing device (mouse or digitizer).
 4X CD-ROM drive.
 IBM-compatible parallel port.
 Serial Port (For some digitizer and some plotters).
 Printer or Plotter.
 Modem (Connection to internet).
 Sound card for multimedia learning.
 TCP/IP or IPX support (required only for multi-user, or floating license configuration.

AutoCAD - Commands

ABOUT Displays information about AutoCAD
ARC Creates an arc
AREA Calculates the area and perimeter of objects or of defined areas
ARRAY Creates multiple copies of objects in a pattern
BACKGROUND Sets up the background for your scene
BLOCK Creates a block definition from objects you select
BOUNDARY Creates a region or a polyline from an enclosed area
BOX Creates a three-dimensional solid box
BREAK Erases parts of objects or splits an object in two

CAL Evaluates mathematical and geometric expressions
CHAMFER Bevels the edges of objects
CHANGE Changes the properties of existing objects
CIRCLE Creates a circle
CLOSE Closes the current drawing
COLOR Defines color for new objects
CONE Creates a three-dimensional solid cone
CONVERT Optimizes 2D polylines and associative hatches created in AutoCAD Release 13 or
COPY Duplicates objects
CYLINDER Creates a three-dimensional solid cylinder

DIM AND DIM1 Accesses Dimensioning mode
DIMEDIT Edits dimensions
DIMSTYLE Creates and modifies dimension styles
DIMTEDIT Moves and rotates dimension text
DIST Measures the distance and angle between two points
DIVIDE Places evenly spaced point objects or blocks along the length or perimeter of an

ELLIPSE Creates an ellipse or an elliptical arc
ERASE Removes objects from a drawing
EXPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects
EXTEND Extends an object to meet another object
EXTRUDE Creates unique solid primitives by extruding existing two-dimensional objects

FILL Controls the filling of multilines, traces, solids, all hatches, and wide polylines
FILLET Rounds and fillets the edges of objects

GRID Displays a dot grid in the current viewport
GROUP Creates a named selection set of objects

HATCH Fills a specified boundary with a pattern
HIDE Regenerates a three-dimensional model with hidden lines Suppressed

IMPORT Imports files in various formats into AutoCAD
INSERT Places a named block or drawing into the current drawing
INTERFERE Creates a composite 3D solid from the common volume of two or more solids
INTERSECT Creates composite solids or regions from the intersection of two or more solids or
regions and removes the areas outside of the intersection
ISOPLANE Specifies the current isometric plane

LAYER Manages layers and layer properties
LAYOUT Creates a new layout and renames, copies, saves, or deletes an existing layout
LENGTHEN Lengthens an object
LIMITS Sets and controls the drawing boundaries and grid display
LINE Creates straight line segments
LOAD Makes shapes available for use by the SHAPE command
LTSCALE Sets the line type scale factor
LWEIGHT Sets the current line weight, line weight display options, and Line weight units

MATLIB Imports and exports materials to and from a library of materials
MEASURE Places point objects or blocks at measured intervals on an object

MENU Loads a menu file
MIRROR Creates a mirror image copy of objects
MODEL Switches from a layout tab to the Model tab and makes it current
MOVE Displaces objects a specified distance in a specified direction
MTEXT Creates multiline text
MULTIPLE Repeats the next command until canceled

NEW Creates a new drawing file

OFFSET Creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel curves

OPEN Opens an existing drawing file

OPTIONS Customizes the AutoCAD settings

ORTHO Constrains cursor movement

OSNAP Sets object snap modes

PAN Moves the drawing display in the current viewport
PEDIT Edits polylines and three-dimensional polygon meshes
PLAN Displays the plan view of a user coordinate system
PLINE Creates two-dimensional polylines
PLOT Plots a drawing to a plotting device or file
PLOTSTYLE Sets the current plot style for new objects, or the assigned plot style for selected
POINT Creates a point object
POLYGON Creates an equilateral closed polyline
PREVIEW Shows how the drawing will look when it is printed or plotted
PROPERTIES Controls properties of existing objects

QDIM Quickly creates a dimension
QSAVE Quickly saves the current drawing
QSELECT Quickly creates selection sets based on filtering criteria
QTEXT Controls the display and plotting of text and attribute objects

QUIT Exits AutoCAD

RECTANG Draws a rectangular polyline
REDO Reverses the effects of the previous UNDO or U command
REGION Creates a region object from a selection set of existing objects
RENAME Changes the names of objects
RENDER Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wire
frame or solid model
REVOLVE Creates solids by revolving two-dimensional objects about an axis
ROTATE Moves objects about a base point
ROTATE3D Moves objects about a three-dimensional axis

SAVE Saves the drawing under the current file name or a specified name
SCALE Enlarges or reduces selected objects equally in the X, Y, and Z directions
SECTION Uses the intersection of a plane and solids to create a region
SHAPE Inserts a shape
SKETCH Creates a series of freehand line segments
SLICE Slices a set of solids with a plane
SNAP Restricts cursor movement to specified intervals
SOLDRAW Generates profiles and sections in viewports created with SOLVIEW
SOLID Creates solid-filled polygons
SPHERE Creates a three-dimensional solid sphere
SPLINE Creates a quadratic or cubic spline (NURBS) curve
SUBTRACT Creates a composite region or solid by subtraction

TABLET Calibrates, configures, and turns on and off an attached digitizing tablet
TEXT Displays text on screen as it is entered
TRIM Trims objects at a cutting edge defined by other objects

U Reverses the most recent operation
UNDO Reverses the effect of commands
UNION Creates a composite region or solid by addition
UNITS Controls coordinate and angle display formats and determines precision

VIEW Saves and restores named views
VPOINT Sets the viewing direction for a three-dimensional visualization of the drawing
VPORTS Divides the drawing area into multiple tiled or floating viewports
VSLIDE Displays an image slide file in the current viewport

WBLOCK Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file
WMFOPTS Sets options for WMFIN
WMFOUT Saves objects to a Windows metafile

XATTACH Attaches an external reference to the current drawing
XLINE Creates an infinite line
XPLODE Breaks a compound object into its component objects

ZOOM Increases or decreases the apparent size of objects in the current viewport

3D Creates three-dimensional polygon mesh objects
3DARRAY Creates a three-dimensional array
3DFACE Creates a three-dimensional face
3DMESH Creates a free-form polygon mesh
3DORBIT Controls the interactive viewing of objects in 3D
3DPAN Invokes the interactive 3D view and enables you to drag the view horizontally and
3DSWIVEL Invokes the interactive 3D view and simulates the effect of turning the camera
3DZOOM Invokes the interactive 3D view so you can zoom in and out on the view


1. Draw the following Fig. By using Absolute Co-Ordinate System

Command: line
Specify first point: 0,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: 200,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: 200,100
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: 0,100
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: c
Command: Circle
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 170,30
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <10.0000>: 10
Command: Circle
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 170,70
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <10.0000>: 10
Command: Circle
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 30,70
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <10.0000>: 10
Command: Circle
CIRCLE Specify center point for circle or [3P/2P/Ttr (tan tan radius)]: 100,50
Specify radius of circle or [Diameter] <10.0000>: 20

2. Draw The Following Fig. By Using Relative Co-Ordinate System

Command: line
Specify first point: 0,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: @20,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: @0,5
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @30,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @0,4
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @20,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @0,3
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @10,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @0,6
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @-10,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @0,3
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @-20,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @0,4
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @-30,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @0,5
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @-20,0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: c

3. Draw The Following Fig. By Using Polar Co-Ordinate System

Command: LINE
Specify first point: 0,0
Specify next point or [Undo]: @20<0
Specify next point or [Undo]: @6<90
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @50<0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @6<270
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @20<0
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @15<90
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @10<180
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @30<90
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @15<180
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @23.6<212
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @23.6<148
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @15<180
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @30<270
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: @10<180
Specify next point or [Close/Undo]: C

Result: Thus the study of CAD and the commands of AutoCAD was done.

2. Creation of Simple Figures like polygon and General Multiline Figures


To create the following drawing using autocad commands like circle,line,fillet and trim.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using limits command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using zoom command fit the drawing to window.

4.Using commands like circle,line,fillet and trim complete the drawing.

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The drawing is created using Autocad commands like circle,line,fillet,trim and detailed as per the
given dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

3. Drawing of a Title Block with necessary Text and Projection Symbol


To create the following Title Block with necessary text and projection symbol.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Using commands like circle,line,offset,trim and text complete the drawing.

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm


The Title Block Drawing is created using Autocad commands like circle,line,offset,trim,text and
detailed as per given dimensions.

4. Drawing of curves like parabola, spiral, involute using Bspline or Cubic spline


To draw a curves like parabola, spiral, involute using Bspline or Cubic spline.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Using commands like circle,line,offset,trim and text complete the drawing.

5.Using Spline command join the points.

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The different types of curves are drawn like parabola, spiral, involute using Bspline or Cubic spline is
drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

1. Construct a PARABOLA with the base of 100mm and axis 100mm

2. Construct a SPIRAL of one convolution for the given radius 80mm

3. Draw an INVOLUTE of a regular pentagon of side 20mm.

All Dimensions are in mm

4. Construct an INVOLUTE of a circle of radius 30mm.

5. Draw an INVOLUTE of regular hexagon of side 25mm.

6. Draw an INVOLUTE of a square of side 30mm.

5. Drawing of front view and top view of simple solids like prism, pyramid,
cylinder, cone, etc, and dimensioning
5.1 CONE

AIM: To draw front view and top view of cone.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the front view and top view of the cone using line and circle commands

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The front view and top view of the cone is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

AIM: To draw front view and top view of cylinder.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the front view and top view of the cylinder using line and circle commands

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The front view and top view of the cylinder is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm


AIM: To draw front view and top view of Hexagonal prism.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the front view and top view of the Hexagonal prism using line commands

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The front view and top view of the hexagonal prism is drawn and detailed as per given

All Dimensions are in mm

AIM: To draw front view and top view of Pentagonal Pyramid.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the front view and top view of the pentagonal pyramid using line commands

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The front view and top view of the pentagonal pyramid is drawn and detailed as per given

All Dimensions are in mm

6. Drawing front view, top view and side view of objects from the given pictorial
views (eg. V-block, Base of a mixie, simple stool, object with hole and curves)


To draw 3-D view of the V-BLOCK and then draw front view, top view and side view of it.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4.Draw the 3-D view by setting view point to 1,-1,1 using VPOINT command.

5.Set Shademode to 3d by using SHADEMODE command.

6.Draw the cross section using LINE command and extrude it using REGION,EXTRUDE

4. Draw the front view and top view LINE command.

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

All Dimensions are in mm

The 3-D view of the V-BLOCK, front view, top view and side view of it is drawn and detailed as
per given dimensions.

7. Drawing of a plan of residential building (Two bed rooms, kitchen, hall)

AIM: To draw the plan of residential building with two bedrooms kitchen and hall.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw each block in the plan by using line command.

5.Hatch the window by using BHATCH command.

6.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

The plan of residential building with two bedrooms kitchen, hall is drawn and detailed as per
given dimensions.

8. Drawing of a Simple Steel Truss

AIM: To draw the following steel truss in AutoCAD.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw each member by using LINE command.

5.Using MOVE ,ROTATE and TRIM commands,complete the drawing.

6.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

The steel truss is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

9. Drawing sectional views of prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone


AIM: To draw sectional view of cylinder.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the sectional view of the cylinder using line and circle commands.

5. Hatch the sectional area using BHATCH Command.

6.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The sectional view cylinder is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm
9.2 CONE

AIM: To draw sectional view of cone.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the sectional view of the cylinder using line and circle commands.

5. Hatch the sectional area using BHATCH Command.

6.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The sectional view cone is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm


AIM: To draw sectional view of hexagonal prism.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4. Draw the sectional view of the cylinder using line and circle commands.

5. Hatch the sectional area using BHATCH Command.

6.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.


The sectional view hexagonal prism is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

10. Drawing Isometric Projection of Simple Object

AIM: To create the isometric projection of the given drawing.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4.Set snap style to isometric using SNAP command.

5.Keep the cursor in isoplane left by pressing F5 key.

6.Complete the projection using LINE, COPY,TRIM commands.

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm


The isometric projection of the given drawing is drawn and detailed as per given dimensions.

11. Creation of 3-D Models of Simple Objects and Obtaining

2-D Multiview Drawings From 3-D Model

AIM: To draw 3-D view of the given object and then draw 2D multi view drawing.


 Pentium Iv Processor.

 80 GB Hard Disk.

 512 MB Ram.

 300 GHz Speed.

SOFTWARE USED: Autocad 2007.


1.Set the units to mm.

2.Using LIMITS Command set the limits to 420,297.

3.Using ZOOM Command fit the drawing to window.

4.Draw the 3-D view by setting view point to 1,-1,1 using VPOINT command.

5.Set Shademode to 3d by using SHADEMODE command.

6.Draw the cross section using LINE command and extrude it using REGION,EXTRUDE

4. Draw the front view ,top view and side view using LINE,CIRCLE commands.

5.Detail the drawing as per dimensions.

All Dimensions are in mm

All Dimensions are in mm

The 3-D view of the given object, 2D multi view drawing is drawn and detailed as per given

1. What is meant by AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is one of the cad system software introduced in dec1982 by Autodesk ltd in Sausallia,
California of USA. It has hit the technical world like shock wave revolutionizing the manner of
drawing preparation.

2. What is the diff between CAD & CADD?

CAD-computer aided design

CADD-computer aided design and drafting

3. What are the applications of CAD?

 Design of machine elements, CNC machine tools, robotics etc

 Panel design and circuit layout

 Mapping ,building plans, contour plotting and structural drawing

 Interior design and modeling

4. Define absolute co-ordinates?

Values locating a point in space that describe its displacement from origin (0,0,0)point of the

5. Define polar co ordinates.

Values are locating a point in space that describes its location relative to the last point picked as
defined by an angle and s distance.

6. Define angular dimension?

A dimension that measures the angle between two lines or the angle inscribed by an arc segment

7. Define aligned dimension?

A linear dimension measuring the distance between two points. The dimension line for an aligned
dimension is parallel to a line between points.

8. What is Bylayer?

A value that can be assigned to colours and line types so that objects receive their colour and line
type properties according to the layer they are on.

9. What is command line?

A text window at the bottom of the screen that’s displays command: prompt. This is where you
see what you are entering through the keyboard. Also called the command window.

10. What is command: prompt:

A prompt at the command line, when no commands are currently running.

11. What is cross hair cursor?

A form of the cursor that consists of a horizontal line and a vertical line intersecting at their
midpoints, resembling the crosshair in a sighting device.

12. Define dimension variables?

A group of settings and values that control the appreance of dimensions.

13. Define current UCS?

The user co-ordinate system that is active in a drawing. It determines the positive X,Y and Z

14. What is. dwg?

The file extension and format for the standard AUTOcad drawing.

15. Define graphics window?

The appearance of your screen when AUTOcad is running. It consists of the drawing area and
surrounding toolbars, menu bars the command window and the status bar.

16. Define line type?

The style of appearance of a line. AUTOcad styles include continues, dashed, dash dot. And so on.

17. What is a hatch patterns?

A pattern of lines dots and other shapes that fills in a closed area.

18. Define MIRROR?

A command that makes a copy of selected objects and flips the copy around a specified line to
produce a reciprocal image of those objects.

19. What is an ortho mode?

An on/off setting that, when on forces lines to be drawn and objects to be moved in a horizontal or
vertical direction only.

20. What are the advantages of CAD?

Greater productivity of the designer, improvement of design quality Easier design, calculation and
analysis, quicker rate producing drawings, more accuracy of drawings, colour graphics is possible.

21. What is an object snap mode?

Any of a set of tools precisely picking strategic points on an object, including end point, midpoint,
center, and so on. It is casually called osnap.

22. Define block?

The description of an association of AutoCAD objects that is stored with the drawing file and
include a name, an insertion point, and a listening of objects in the association.

23. Define relative co-ordinates?

Values are locating a point in space that describes its displacement from last point picked in the
drawing rather than from the origin.

Shortcut key for all the commands

Line –l
Circle –c
Move –m
Copy –co
Hatching –bh
Explode –x
Trim –tr

Offset –o
Dimension style –d

Text edit –ed
Rotate –ro
Fillet –f
Break –br
Arc- a

Polygon –pol
Ellipse –el
Multiline –mline
Poly line-pline
Function keys
Function keys Function defined

F1 Help
F2 Command window on/off
F3 Object osnap on/off
F4 Tablet on/off
F5 Isoplane top/right/left
F6 Co-ordinate display on/off

F7 Grid on/off
F8 ortho on/off
F9 snap on/off
F10 Polar tracking on/off
F11 Object snap tracking on/off


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