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Ecase of Perosomus Elumbis in Non-Descript Calf

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Vet. World, 2011, Vol.

4(11): 515-516 CLINICAL

A Rare Case of Perosomus elumbis in a non-descript calf

Shailendra Kumar Tiwari, Deepak Kumar Kashyap*, Devesh Kumar Giri, Govina Dewangan

College of Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry

Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Anjora, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India.
* Correspondign author email:
Received:15-06-2011, Accepted:02-07-2011, Published Online: 22-09-2011
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2011.515-516

Introduction section was performed as the delivery per vaginam

was not possible.
Perosomus elumbis is an occasionally found
Surgical Treatment : The calf was delivered through
congenital anomaly of unknown origin. It is
caesarean section under local infiltration analgesia
characterized by partial or complete agenesis of
using standard procedures.
lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae and ankylosis
of the hindlimbs (Son, 2008). Perosomus elumbis Discussion
occurs in ruminants and swine. The primary
Detailed examination of the abnormal fetus
abnormality is a hypoplasia or aplasia of the spinal
revealed an imperfectly formed fetus weighing about
cord of the fetus which ends in the thoracic region. The
7-8 kg. The fetus had nearly normal forelimbs but with
regions of the body including the hind limbs, which
flexure and ankylosis of the hind limbs and shoulders
are normally supplied by the lumbar and sacral nerves
along with vertebral and pelvic malformations
exhibit muscular atrophy and joint movement does not
suggestive of arthrogryposis of certain joint (Figure I).
develop. The conspicuous feature for the obstetrician
is the rigidity of the posterior limbs (Arthur et al.,
2001). The present report deals with a case of newborn
non-descript calf showing congenital defect of
Perosomus elumbis which was relieved by caesarean
Case History
A full term pregnant, non descript cow of age 10
years and 4th parity belonging to a local farmer was
presented to at the Department of Veterinary Surgery
and Radiology, College of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, Anjora, Durg (C.G.) with the
history of labor pains for 20 hours. The further
anamnesis revealed rupture of water bags about 12-15 Figure-I. Perosomus elumbis in a non-descript calf.
hrs before the animal was presented.
The limbs showed abnormality in that they were
Clinical Observations thickened in thigh region and felt doughy. Perosomus
The animal was dull, depressed, exhausted, and elumbis is seen occasionally in cattle and swine and is
partially anorectic and the animal was straining characterised by vertebrae and spinal cord caudal to
severely, prior to presentation. Local veterinarian was the thoracic region. The monster has a small, flattened
called for help but failed to deliver the calf. Previous and deformed pelvis with strongly ankylosed and
calving of the animal was reported to be normal. Per flexed hind limbs and atrophy of the muscles of the
vaginal examination after proper lubrication revealed rear quarters (Roberts, 2004). In most of the cases,
that the fetus was in anterior longitudinal presentation, surgery is the ultimate option for the management of
Repulsion and deeper exploration revealed abnormal perosomus elumbis as suggested by Testoni et al.,
size of the fetus. The fetus was dead. Caesarean (2005). These findings simulate with those of Son et Veterinary World, Vol.4 No.11 November 2011 515
A Rare Case of Perosomus elumbis in a non-descript calf

al., (2008) and Marrow, (1986) in Holstein calf which Auther's Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics, 8th
was successfully treated by surgery. The surgical Edn., W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, : pp 88-89.
2. Kumar, A. (1996).Veterinary Surgical Techniques,
treatment was adopted as per the standard procedure Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. pp: 354-358.
outlined by Kumar (1996). Thus, it is concluded that 3. Marrow, David. A. (1986). Current Therapy in
perosomus elumbis is a rare condition leading to Theriogenology, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of
dystocia necessiating caesarean section. Reproductive Diseases in Small and Large Animals, 2nd
Edn., W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. pp:183.
Summary 4. Roberts, S.T. (2004). Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital
Diseases, 2nd Edn., CBS Publishers and Distributers, New
A rare case of dystocia due to Perosomus elumbis Delhi : pp 70-71.
in a cow and its successful surgical management has 5. Son, J.M., Yong, H.Y., Lee, D.S., Choi, H.J., Jeong, S.M.,
Lee, S.W., Shin, S.T. and Cho, J.K. (2008). A Case of
been reported. Perosomus Elumbis in a Holstein Calf, J Vet Med Sci.,
References 70(5):521-3.
6. Testoni, S., Mazzariol, S. and Gentile, A. (2005). Perosomus
1. Arthur, G.H., Noakes, D. E., and Pearson, H. (2001). Elumbis in Four Calves, Slov. Vet. Res., 43 : 17-29.

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