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Choke in A Cow - A Case Report

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Vet. World, 2012, Vol.

5(1): 40-41 CLINICAL

Choke in a Cow - A Case Report

B Vishwanatha, L Ranganath, V Mahesh*, Ramesh Rathod

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,

Veterinary College, KVAFS University, Bangalore-24, India.
* Corresponding author email:
Received: 24-08-2011, Accepted: 18-09-2011, Published Online: 17-11-2011
doi: 10.5455/vetworld.2012.40-41

Introduction the Dept. of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology,

In cattle, acute and complete oesophageal Veterinary College Hospital, Hebbal, Bangalore
obstruction is an emergency because it prohibits for treatment. Trocarization has been done to
the eructation of ruminal gases, and free-gas bloat relieve the tympany by a local veterinarian. On
develops. Objects lodged in the cervical oesophagus clinical examination, swelling was noticed at the
may be located via palpation. Endoscopic mid cervical oesophageal region and palpation
evaluation and the inability to pass a stomach or revealed a round movable mass at the region. A 2
nasogastric tube in horses or cattle can also cm diameter stomach tube was passed to confirm
confirm the diagnosis. The primary indication for the seat of obstruction. The rectal temperature,
esophageal surgery in large animals is to relieve respiratory rate and pulse rate were normal. An
esophageal obstructions (choke) which have not attempt was made to remove the foreign body
responded to conservative treatment (Meagher manually, but it failed, hence it was decided to
and Mayhew, 1978). The present study reports subject the animal for esophagotomy.
the cervical choke caused by a mango and its Surgical Treatment: Feed was withheld for 48
surgical management. hours and water for 24 hours prior to surgery. The
cow was premedicated with Triflupromazine @
Case History and Observation
0.1 mg/ kg body weight intravenously. Surgical
A four year old female cross bred Holstein- site was prepared aseptically and local analgesia
Friesian heifer that had swallowed a mango in the was achieved by field block using 2% Lignociane
night with signs of drooling saliva was referred to hydrochloride. A 10 cm incision was made on the

Figure. 1: Incision on the esophagus at the Fig. 2: Removal of foreign body

site of obstruction Veterinary World, Vol.5 No.1 January 2012 40

Choke in a Cow - A Case Report

left side over the mass and along the dorsal aspect Ruben, (1997) reported the risk of post-
of the jugular furrow. Muscles were separated and operative complications associated with an
the esophagus was exposed. A 5 cm longitudinal esophagotomy as incisional dehiscence and
incision was made through the lateral wall of the fistula formation but in present case, no such
esophagus (Fig. 1) and the foreign body (raw complications were seen. Wilmot et al., (1989)
mango) was removed (Fig. 2). The mucosal layer reported that administration of a regional local
was sutured with simple interrupted sutures anesthetic works by diminishing oesophageal
utilizing chromic catgut No. 1-0 as intraluminal muscle spasm and thus facilitates external
sutures. The submucosa and muscularis were oesophageal massage and removal of the foreign
closed in one layer using a simple continuous body.
suture pattern with No. 1-0 chromic catgut. The References
muscles and skin were closed in routine manner.
Postoperatively animal was administered 1. Holfmeyr, C. F. B. (1974). Obstruction of
Streptopenicillin for five days and maintained on oesophagus by tarpaulin cloth in a buffalo
parenteral administration for four days. There calf. Indian Vet. J., 78; 243-244.
were no post operative complications and animal 2. Meagher, D. M. and Mayhew, I. G. 1978.
recovered uneventfully. The surgical treatment of upper esophageal
obstruction in the bovine. Can. vet. J., 19;
Hofmeyr (1974) reported that 80% of 3. Ruben., J. M. (1997). Surgical removal of a
oesophageal obstruction occurs in the cervical foreign body from the bovine oesophagus.
region in cattle Oesophageal obstruction due to a Vet Rec. 100:220.
mango and its surgical management in a heifer 4. Sreenu, M and Sureshkumar, R. V. (2001).
was reported by Veena et al. (2000) and stated Obstruction of oesophagus by tarpaulin
that the obstruction could be relieved easily if the cloth in a buffalo calf. Indian Vet. J., 78;
obstruction is in the cervical region. Sreenu and 243-244.
Sureshkumar (2001) reported successful surgical 5. Veena, P., Ravikumar, A. and Ramakrishna,
management of esophageal obstruction by O. (2000). Oesophageal obstruction by
tarpaulin cloth in a buffalo calf. In the present mango in a heifer. Indian Vet. J., 77; 794.
report, choke caused by a mango at the cervical 6. Wilmot., L., Saint., J. G., and Hoffsis., G. S.
region was managed successfully by surgical (1989). Surgical treatment of an esophageal
approach. laceration in a calf Can Vet J. 30:175–177.

******** Veterinary World, Vol.5 No.1 January 2012 41

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