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AI Emerging Trends

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1. Mrs. Sonia Kumari, 2.Ms.Neetu 3.Mrs. Usha Rani

Artificial Intelligence
Assistant Professor, Emerging
Vaish Arya Kanya Institute Trends
of Technology & Management Bahadurgarh

Abstract: Emerging technologies and programming techniques increase our ability to create intelligent software programs.
With the advent of viable neural networking solutions, we have come even closer to building artificially intelligent machines.
This Paper explores the impact of AI systems on society, and proposes enhanced ethical and professional roles for artificial
intelligence developers, with an emphasis on interpersonal communication and impact awareness. Computer systems will
continue to get more powerful, and will become increasingly ubiquitous in the future, making the standards of development of
artificial intelligence a salient topic in modern engineering. Despite a socially ingrained fear of intelligent machines, there is no
governing body to oversee the continued development of AI systems. Development of a strong artificial intelligence would
surely call into question (for some) that which we define as “alive.” It is yet unclear whether an electronic entity would be
entitled to legal and civil rights. Furthermore, we do not know whether such an entity or race of entities would be dangerous to
society. These problems indicate a strong ethical component in the development of intelligent software. This paper argues that
intelligent machines will be intertwined in our future society, and addresses the lack of a concrete body to govern the
development of computer software. The accompanying research further establishes that engineers will have increased ethical
and political responsibilities in the development of artificial intelligence systems in the future.

Keywords— Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing, Augmented Reality, Miniaturization

I. INTRODUCTION1 more disruption in sight. Below is a short list of my

E merging technologies are characterized by radical predicted trends for the coming year:
novelty, relatively fast growth, coherence, 1) The Internet of Things
prominent impact, and uncertainty and ambiguity.
In other words, an emerging technology can be defined as Cisco, who terms the “Internet of Things”, “The Internet of
"a radically novel and relatively fast growing technology Everything,” predicts that 50 billion devices (including our
characterized by a certain degree of coherence persisting
over time and with the potential to exert a considerable smartphones, appliances, and office equipment) will be
impact on the socio-economic domain(s) which is observed wirelessly connected via a network of sensors to the
in terms of the composition of actors, institutions and internet by 2020. Cisco also estimates that IoT will be
patterns of interactions among those, along with the
associated knowledge production processes. Its most valued at $4.6 Trillion for the Public Sector in the next ten
prominent impact, however, lies in the future and so in the years
emergence phase is still somewhat uncertain and
ambiguous. Key Components of IoT: Big Data (and data mining),
Emerging technologies include a variety of technologies Sensors (RFID, chips, transistors, Analytics (predictive).
such as educational technology, information
technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive Mark Zuckerberg recently announced plans to create his
science, psych technology, robotics, and artificial
intelligence. own artificially intelligent, voice-controlled butler to help
Emerging technologies are those technical innovations run his life at home and at work. For this, he will need
which represent progressive developments within a field
for competitive advantage. Converging technologies appliances that can talk to his digital butler—a connected
represent previously distinct fields which are in some way home, office, and car. These are all coming, as CES, the
moving towards stronger inter-connection and similar
goals. However, the opinion on the degree of the impact, big consumer electronics tradeshow in Las Vegas,
status and economic viability of several emerging and
converging technologies vary. demonstrated. From showerheads that track how much
water we’ve used to toothbrushes that watch out for
II.7 TOP TECH TRENDS IMPACTING INNOVATORS cavities, to refrigerators that order food that is running out,
they are all on their way.
2015 was a transformative year for technological
innovation. 2016 continues that technology trend with
Starting in 2016, everything will be be connected—
1 including our homes and appliances, our cars, street lights,
and medical instruments. They will be sharing will likely change operations in both the public and private
sectors in the next decade.
information with each other and perhaps gossiping about
us, and will introduce massive security risks as well as Companies are already developing technology to distribute
artificial intelligence software to millions of graphics and
many efficiencies. And we won’t have much choice,
computer processors around the world. AI, machine
because they will be standard features—as are the cameras
learning, and natural language processing can be used to
on our Smart TVs that stare at us, and the smartphones solve a variety of business problems. AI can understand,
that listen to everything we say. diagnose, and solve customer problems — without being
specifically programmed.
2) Data Science & Digital Transformation:
Augmented reality intertwines the physical and digital
According to Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, we produce world by computer-generated sensory input such as sound,
more data every other day than we did from the inception video, graphics, and sometimes even smell. Google Glass
of early civilization until the year 2003 combined. and Oculus Rift, are already good examples of these
Therefore, organizing, managing and analyzing data is emerging technologies.
more important than ever.
Robotics are also becoming more ingrained in the
Big data and data analytics are collapsing the information deployment of AI. No doubt this will have implication on
gap and giving businesses and governments the tools they governing, commerce, sustainability, health, and even how
need to uncover trends, population movements, customer we fight wars in the future.
preferences, demographics, commerce traffic,
transportation, etc. These tools can also help several 4) Quantum and Super Computing
industries, including the customer service by identifying
We have come a long way from the rather large and slow
caller trends, healthcare by flagging potential fraud and
PCs of the 70s to Google Glass and paper-thin next
financial services by proactively flagging a borrower that is
generation communication devices. We are now at the
on the verge of lapsing in payment.
footstep of quantum computing in The Cloud with flexible
Digital Transformation includes digitizing the customer and wearable electronics. Futurist Ray Kurzweil said that
experience, data flow, supply chain management, mankind will be able to “expand the scope of our
governance, engagement, e-government and virtual intelligence a billion-fold” and that “the power of
government. In its basic description, it is turning paper computing doubles, on average, every two years. Recent
into electronic records. Paper-based to electronically based breakthroughs in physics, nanotechnologies, and materials
systems of documentation requires data collection, science have brought us into a computing reality that we
processing and analysis. could not have imagined a decade ago.

The United States Government maintains one of largest In November, IBM announced that IARPA, the intelligence
repository of documents in the world. Millions of community’s research arm, had awarded them a multi-year
supporting documents are compiled and stored every year grant to continue research into building quantum
by a multitude of government agencies which have a computers. IARPA has also been working with D-Wave to
responsibility to preserve, secure, and retrieve vital develop quantum machines. Google has also been working
information when needed. While paper documents are still with D-Wave and recently presented findings
very much routine for government operations, the goal has demonstrating the D-Wave does perform quantum
been to increasingly move from paper to electronic images. annealing, and is capable of solving certain types of
problems up to 100 million times faster than conventional
3) Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality systems. As we get closer to a fully operational quantum
technologies computer, a new world of supercomputing beckons that
will impact on almost every aspect of our lives.
Emergent artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented reality
technologies are no longer things of science fiction and 5) Smart Cities:

Smart Cities integrate transportation, energy, water Cybersecurity, information assurance, and resilience are
resources, waste collections, smart-building technologies, the glues that will keep IoT our world of converged sensors
and security technologies and services. The term “smart and algorithms operational. This has become one of the
city” connotes creating a public/private infrastructure to largest areas of government spending at all agencies and is
conduct activities that protect and secure citizens. This consistently ranked the top priority among government and
includes shared situational awareness and enabling industry CIOs in surveys.
integrated operational actions to prevent, mitigate, respond
to, and recover from cyber incidents as well as crime, In the U.S., most (approximately 85 per cent of the
terrorism and natural disasters. IBM recently announced cybersecurity critical infrastructure including defense, oil
that they are making a $3 billion investment in future IoT and gas, electric power grids, healthcare, utilities,
projects and initiatives such as smarter planet and smarter communications, transportation, banking, and finance is
cities. owned by the private sector and regulated by the public
sector. 2015 was the year of the breach for many large
Smart City Technology and Services. Frost & Sullivan corporations in a variety of private companies and in
estimates the combined global market potential of smart government, including OPM. According to the think tank
city segments (transportation, healthcare, building, Center For Strategic and International Studies (CSIS),
infrastructure, energy, governance) to be $1.5 Trillion cyber related crime now costs the global economy about
($20B by 2050 on sensors alone according to Navigant $445 billion every year. The Cybersecurity Market could
Technology) reach between $80 Billion and $120 Billion by 2017
Global Industry Analysts Inc.
6) 3-D Printing
Verticals: the impact of new technologies will certainly
Smart 3-D printing is trailblazing future manufacturing. 3- impact across many verticals, a sampling includes:
D printing connotes a three-dimensional object that is
created layer by layer via computer aided design) Health & Medicine
programs. To be able to print the object, the computer
divides it into flat layers that are printed one by one. By * Health- Implantable devices; (bionic eyes, limbs),* DNA
printing with advanced pliable materials such as plastics, nanomedicines and delivery,* Genomic techniques – gene
ceramics, metals, and graphene there have already been therapy (Gene therapy to enhance strength, endurance and
breakthroughs in prosthetics for medicine and wearable lifespan Gene therapy to enhance human intelligence),*
sensors. Remote sensing tech (Wearables),* Medicine for longevity,
enhancement,* Real-time biomarker tracking and
The big advantage for government is that 3-D printing can monitoring,* Artificially grown organs,* Human
be customized, produced rapidly and is cost effective.The regeneration Human cells interfaced with nanotech,*
possibilities for 3-D printing are seemingly limitless. Cybernetics,* Exoskeletons for mobility
Recently, Rolls-Royce announced it would use 3-D printing
to make parts for its jet engines, and BAE Systems Transportation & Energy :
announced that fighter jets containing 3-D-printed parts
* Sustainability of infrastructure,* Converged
are now being flown.
transportation ecosystems and monitoring,* Autonomous
3-D printing innovation are also making its way into and connected cars,* Predictive analytics(parking, traffic
printing electronics, sensors, and circuits. “Printed patterns),* New Materials for stronger construction and
electronics” or electronic chips are fabricated by printing resilience, * Solar power,* Waste to biofuels,* Protecting
their features on top of thin surfaces. Using the Grid,* Batteries (long lasting),* Renewables,* Energy
semiconducting and conductive inks and materials, 3-D efficiency
printers can now print transistors, sensors, circuits,
Public Safety:
batteries, and displays.
* Surveillance (chemical and bio sensors, cameras,
7) Cybersecurity
drones),* License plate readers,* Non-lethal technologies,*
Forensics,* Interoperable communications,* Biometrics: Mass-market fuel cell vehicles are an attractive prospect,
because they will offer the range and fuelling convenience
Security screening by bio-signature: Every aspect of your of today’s diesel and petrol-powered vehicles while
physiology can be used as a bio-signature. Measure unique providing the benefits of sustainability in personal
heart/pulse rates, electrocardiogram sensor, blood oximetry, transportation. Achieving these benefits will, however,
skin temperature require the reliable and economical production of hydrogen
from entirely low-carbon sources, and its distribution to a
growing fleet of vehicles (expected to number in the many
III. TOP 10 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES OF 2015 millions within a decade).

B. 2. Next-generation robotics
Technology is perhaps the greatest agent of change in the
modern world. While never without risk, technological Rolling away from the production line
breakthroughs promise innovative solutions to the most
pressing global challenges of our time. From zero-emission
cars fuelled by hydrogen to computer chips modelled on
the human brain, this year’s 10 emerging technologies
offer a vivid glimpse of the power of innovation to improve
lives, transform industries and safeguard our planet.
The 2015 list is:
A. 1. Fuel cell vehicles
Zero-emission cars that run on hydrogen The popular imagination has long foreseen a world where
robots take over all manner of everyday tasks.

This robotic future has stubbornly refused to materialize,

however, with robots still limited to factory assembly lines
and other controlled tasks. Although heavily used (in the
automotive industry, for instance) these robots are large
and dangerous to human co-workers; they have to be
separated by safety cages.

Advances in robotics technology are making human-

machine collaboration an everyday reality. Better and
“Fuel cell” vehicles have been long promised, as they cheaper sensors make a robot more able to understand and
potentially offer several major advantages over electric and respond to its environment. Robot bodies are becoming
hydrocarbon-powered vehicles. However, the technology more adaptive and flexible, with designers taking
has only now begun to reach the stage where automotive inspiration from the extraordinary flexibility and dexterity
companies are planning to launch them for consumers. of complex biological structures, such as the human hand.
Initial prices are likely to be in the range of $70,000, but And robots are becoming more connected, benefiting from
should come down significantly as volumes increase within the cloud-computing revolution by being able to access
the next couple of years. instructions and information remotely, rather than having
to be programmed as a fully autonomous unit.
Unlike batteries, which must be charged from an external
source, fuel cells generate electricity directly, using fuels The new age of robotics takes these machines away from
such as hydrogen or natural gas. In practice, fuel cells and the big manufacturing assembly lines, and into a wide
batteries are combined, with the fuel cell generating variety of tasks. Using GPS technology, just like
electricity and the batteries storing this energy until smartphones, robots are beginning to be used in precision
demanded by the motors that drive the vehicle. Fuel cell agriculture for weed control and harvesting. In Japan,
vehicles are therefore hybrids, and will likely also deploy robots are being trialled in nursing roles: they help patients
regenerative braking – a key capability for maximizing out of bed and support stroke victims in regaining control
efficiency and range. of their limbs. Smaller and more dextrous robots, such as
Dexter Bot, and Baxter are designed to be easily
Unlike battery-powered electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles programmable and to handle manufacturing tasks that are
behave as any conventionally fuelled vehicle. With a long laborious or uncomfortable for human workers.
cruising range – up to 650 km per tank (the fuel is usually
compressed hydrogen gas) – a hydrogen fuel refill only C. 3. Recyclable thermoset plastics
takes about three minutes. Hydrogen is clean-burning,
producing only water vapour as waste, so fuel cell vehicles A new kind of plastic to cut landfill waste
burning hydrogen will be zero-emission, an important
factor given the need to reduce air pollution.

A breakthrough offers better crops with less controversy

Conventional genetic engineering has long caused

controversy. However, new techniques are emerging that
allow us to directly “edit” the genetic code of plants to
make them, for example, more nutritious or better able to
cope with a changing climate.

Currently, the genetic engineering of crops relies on the

bacterium agrobacterium tumefaciens to transfer desired
DNA into the target genome. The technique is proven and
Plastics are divided into thermoplastics and thermoset reliable, and despite widespread public fears, there is a
plastics. The former can be heated and shaped many times, consensus in the scientific community that genetically
and are ubiquitous in the modern world, comprising modifying organisms using this technique is no more risky
everything from children’s toys to lavatory seats. Because than modifying them using conventional breeding.
they can be melted down and reshaped, thermoplastics are However, while agrobacterium is useful, more precise and
generally recyclable. Thermoset plastics however can only varied genome-editing techniques have been developed in
be heated and shaped once, after which molecular changes recent years.
mean that they are “cured”, retaining their shape and
strength even when subject to intense heat and pressure. These include ZFNs, TALENS and, more recently, the
CRISPR-Cas9 system, which evolved in bacteria as a
Due to this durability, thermoset plastics are a vital part of defence mechanism against viruses. CRISPR-Cas9 system
our modern world, and are used in everything from mobile uses an RNA molecule to target DNA, cutting to a known,
phones and circuit boards to the aerospace industry. But the user-selected sequence in the target genome. This can
same characteristics that have made them essential in disable an unwanted gene or modify it in a way that is
modern manufacturing also make them impossible to functionally indistinguishable from a natural mutation.
recycle. As a result, most thermoset polymers end up as Using “homologous recombination”, CRISPR can also be
landfill. Given the ultimate objective of sustainability, there used to insert new DNA sequences, or even whole genes,
has long been a pressing need for recyclability in thermoset into the genome in a precise way.
Many of these innovations will be particularly beneficial to
In 2014 critical advances were made in this area, with the smaller farmers in developing countries. As such, genetic
publication of a landmark paper in the engineering may become less controversial, as people
journal Science announcing the discovery of new classes of recognize its effectiveness at boosting the incomes and
thermosetting polymers that are recyclable. Called improving the diets of millions of people. In addition, more
poly(hexahydrotriazine)s, or PHTs, these can be dissolved precise genome editing may allay public fears, especially if
in strong acid, breaking apart the polymer chains into the resulting plant or animal is not considered transgenic
component monomers that can then be reassembled into because no foreign genetic material is introduced.
new products. Like traditional unrecyclable thermosets,
these new structures are rigid, resistant to heat and tough, Taken together, these techniques promise to advance
with the same potential applications as their unrecyclable agricultural sustainability by reducing input use in multiple
forerunners. areas, from water and land to fertilizer, while also helping
crops to adapt to climate change.
Although no recycling is 100% efficient, this innovation –
if widely deployed – should speed up the move towards a E. 5. Additive manufacturing
circular economy with a big reduction in landfill waste
from plastics. We expect recyclable thermoset polymers to The future of making things, from printable organs to
replace unrecyclable thermosets within five years, and to be intelligent clothes
ubiquitous in newly manufactured goods by 2025.

D. 4. Precise genetic-engineering techniques

As the name suggests, additive manufacturing is the

opposite of subtractive manufacturing. The latter is how
manufacturing has traditionally been done: starting with a
larger piece of material (wood, metal, stone, etc), layers are
removed, or subtracted, to leave the desired shape. Additive an artificially intelligent computer system, beat the best
manufacturing instead starts with loose material, either human candidates at the quiz game Jeopardy.
liquid or powder, and then builds it into a three-
dimensional shape using a digital template. Artificial intelligence, in contrast to normal hardware and
software, enables a machine to perceive and respond to its
3D products can be highly customized to the end user, changing environment. Emergent AI takes this a step
unlike mass-produced manufactured goods. An example is further, with progress arising from machines that learn
the company Invisalign, which uses computer imaging of automatically by assimilating large volumes of
customers’ teeth to make near-invisible braces tailored to information. An example is NELL, the Never-Ending
their mouths. Other medical applications are taking 3D Language Learning project from Carnegie Mellon
printing in a more biological direction: by directly printing University, a computer system that not only reads facts by
human cells, it is now possible to create living tissues that crawling through hundreds of millions of web pages, but
may find potential application in drug safety screening attempts to improve its reading and understanding
and, ultimately, tissue repair and regeneration. An early competence in the process in order to perform better in the
example of this bioprinting is Organovo’s printed liver-cell future.
layers, which are aimed at drug testing, and may
eventually be used to create transplant organs. Bioprinting Like next-generation robotics, improved AI will lead to
has already been used to generate skin and bone, as well as significant productivity advances as machines take over –
heart and vascular tissue, which offer huge potential in and even perform better – at certain tasks than humans.
future personalized medicine. There is substantial evidence that self-driving cars will
reduce collisions, and resulting deaths and injuries, from
An important next stage in additive manufacturing would road transport, as machines avoid human errors, lapses in
be the 3D printing of integrated electronic components, concentration and defects in sight, among other problems.
such as circuit boards. Nano-scale computer parts, like Intelligent machines, having faster access to a much larger
processors, are difficult to manufacture this way because of store of information, and able to respond without human
the challenges of combining electronic components with emotional biases, might also perform better than medical
others made from multiple different materials. 4D printing professionals in diagnosing diseases. The Watson system is
now promises to bring in a new generation of products that now being deployed in oncology to assist in diagnosis and
can alter themselves in response to environmental changes, personalized, evidence-based treatment options for cancer
such as heat and humidity. This could be useful in clothes patients.
or footwear, for example, as well as in healthcare products,
such as implants designed to change in the human body. G. 7. Distributed manufacturing

Like distributed manufacturing, additive manufacturing is The factory of the future is online – and on your doorstep
potentially highly disruptive to conventional processes and
supply chains. But it remains a nascent technology today,
with applications mainly in the automotive, aerospace and
medical sectors. Rapid growth is expected over the next
decade as more opportunities emerge and innovation in
this technology brings it closer to the mass market.

F. 6. Emergent artificial intelligence

What happens when a computer can learn on the job?

Distributed manufacturing turns on its head the way we

make and distribute products. In traditional manufacturing,
raw materials are brought together, assembled and
fabricated in large centralized factories into identical
finished products that are then distributed to the customer.
In distributed manufacturing, the raw materials and
methods of fabrication are decentralized, and the final
product is manufactured very close to the final customer.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is, in simple terms, the science In essence, the idea of distributed manufacturing is to
of doing by computer the things that people can do. Over replace as much of the material supply chain as possible
recent years, AI has advanced significantly: most of us now with digital information. To manufacture a chair, for
use smartphones that can recognize human speech, or have example, rather than sourcing wood and fabricating it into
travelled through an airport immigration queue using chairs in a central factory, digital plans for cutting the parts
image-recognition technology. Self-driving cars and of a chair can be distributed to local manufacturing hubs
automated flying drones are now in the testing stage before using computerized cutting tools known as CNC routers.
anticipated widespread use, while for certain learning and Parts can then be assembled by the consumer or by local
memory tasks, machines now outperform humans. Watson, fabrication workshops that can turn them into finished

products. One company already using this model is the US carry them around), drones will be transformational as they
furniture company AtFAB. are self-mobile and have the capacity of flying in the three-
dimensional world that is beyond our direct human reach.
Current uses of distributed manufacturing rely heavily on Once ubiquitous, they will vastly expand our presence,
the DIY “maker movement”, in which enthusiasts use their productivity and human experience.
own local 3D printers and make products out of local
materials. There are elements of open-source thinking I. 9. Neuromorphic technology
here, in that consumers can customize products to their
own needs and preferences. Instead of being centrally Computer chips that mimic the human brain
driven, the creative design element can be more
crowdsourced; products may take on an evolutionary
character as more people get involved in visualizing and
producing them.

Distributed manufacturing may encourage broader

diversity in objects that are today standardized, such as
smartphones and automobiles. Scale is no object: one UK
company, Facit Homes, uses personalized designs and 3D
printing to create customized houses to suit the consumer.
Product features will evolve to serve different markets and Even today’s best supercomputers cannot rival the
geographies, and there will be a rapid proliferation of sophistication of the human brain. Computers are linear,
goods and services to regions of the world not currently moving data back and forth between memory chips and a
well served by traditional manufacturing. central processor over a high-speed backbone. The brain,
on the other hand, is fully interconnected, with logic and
H. 8. ‘Sense and avoid’ drones memory intimately cross-linked at billions of times the
density and diversity of that found in a modern computer.
Flying robots to check power lines or deliver emergency Neuromorphic chips aim to process information in a
aid fundamentally different way from traditional hardware,
mimicking the brain’s architecture to deliver a huge
increase in a computer’s thinking and responding power.

Miniaturization has delivered massive increases in

conventional computing power over the years, but the
bottleneck of shifting data constantly between stored
memory and central processors uses large amounts of
energy and creates unwanted heat, limiting further
improvements. In contrast, neuromorphic chips can be
more energy efficient and powerful, combining data-
Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, have become an storage and data-processing components into the same
important and controversial part of military capacity in interconnected modules. In this sense, the system copies
recent years. They are also used in agriculture, for filming the networked neurons that, in their billions, make up the
and multiple other applications that require cheap and human brain.
extensive aerial surveillance. But so far all these drones
have had human pilots; the difference is that their pilots Potential applications include: drones better able to process
are on the ground and fly the aircraft remotely. and respond to visual cues, much more powerful and
intelligent cameras and smartphones, and data-crunching
The next step with drone technology is to develop on a scale that may help unlock the secrets of financial
machines that fly themselves, opening them up to a wider markets or climate forecasting.
range of applications. For this to happen, drones must be
able to sense and respond to their local environment, 10. Digital genome
altering their height and flying trajectory in order to avoid
colliding with other objects in their path. In nature, birds, Healthcare for an age when your genetic code is on a
fish and insects can all congregate in swarms, each animal USB stick
responding to its neighbour almost instantaneously to
allow the swarm to fly or swim as a single unit. Drones can
emulate this.

Flying vehicles will never be risk-free, whether operated by

humans or as intelligent machines. For widespread
adoption, sense and avoid drones must be able to operate
reliably in the most difficult conditions: at night, in
blizzards or dust storms. Unlike our current digital mobile
devices (which are actually immobile, since we have to

Technology has and will continue to change the way people

view the places in which they work irrespective of what
initiatives (technological or otherwise) that the workplace
strategists implement . The Trends outlined are recent
trends and we must not expect to reach them in the near
future. However, it is important to keep the long-term
visions in mind when thinking about the next steps. The
difficulty of research in any field, but in particular in
artificial intelligence is to map the big visions and
challenges onto concrete, doable steps. This paper
represented technology changes in AI moves ahead to
While the first sequencing of the 3.2 billion base pairs of Robotics. We have also tried to outline what researchers in
DNA that make up the human genome took many years the field are currently attempting to do and what they are
and cost tens of millions of dollars, today your genome can planning for the near future. And the papers presented in
be sequenced and digitized in minutes and at the cost of this volume provide an excellent starting point.
only a few hundred dollars. The results can be delivered to
your laptop on a USB stick and easily shared via the
internet. This ability to rapidly and cheaply determine our REFERENCES
individual unique genetic make-up promises a revolution [1] G. O. Young, “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics
in more personalized and effective healthcare. (Book style with paper title and editor),” in Plastics,
2nd ed. vol. 3, J. Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
Many of our most intractable health challenges, from heart 1964, pp. 15–64.
disease to cancer, have a genetic component. Indeed, [2] “
cancer is best described as a disease of the genome. With 6/7-top-tech-trends-impacting-innovators-in-2016
digitization, doctors will be able to make decisions about a [3]
patient’s cancer treatment informed by a tumor’s genetic [4]
make-up. This new knowledge is also making precision artificial-intelligence-in-2016-like -2015-on-steroids/
medicine a reality by enabling the development of highly [5]
targeted therapies that offer the potential for improved 2016-will-be-the-year-when-the-machines-start-
treatment outcomes, especially for patients battling cancer. taking-over/”
Like all personal information, a person’s digital genome
will need to be safeguarded for privacy reasons. Personal
genomic profiling has already raised challenges, with
regard to how people respond to a clearer understanding of
their risk of genetic disease, and how others – such as
employers or insurance companies – might want to access
and use the information. However, the benefits are likely to
outweigh the risks, because individualized treatments and
targeted therapies can be developed with the potential to be
applied across all the many diseases that are driven or
assisted by changes in DNA.

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