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Institutional Structure for RUSA

• RUSA Mission Authority

• Project Approval Board
National Level • Project Directorate
• Technical Support Group

• State Higher Education Council

• Project Directorate
State Level • Technical Support Group

• Board of Governors
Institutional • Project Monitoring Unit
Approach to RUSA

States State RUSA
evaluated Future
indicate States and enters into funds
State and grants
their institutions an allocated Monitoring
create and approved dependent
willingness meet agreement under of Fund
submit by PAB on upon
to prerequisit with RUSA specific utilization
State Plans the basis of previous
participate es Mission component
norms and utilization
in RUSA Authority s

State Governments have to give following commitments to the

Centre for entering into RUSA

Setting up of State Higher Education Council (SHEC)

State Higher Education Plan

State funding commitment – share and timeliness

Filling faculty positions

Affiliation and Examination reforms

Governance and administrative reforms

Accreditation reforms
State Higher Education Council (SHEC)

• In order for the state higher education system to

function effectively states need to set up SHEC at
Objective an arm’s length from the state as well as centre.
• These Councils may be formed through an
executive order to begin with but must be
converted into statutory bodies by Acts of the
state legislatures within two years.

• perform multiple roles such as strategy planning,

Function monitoring, evaluation etc.
State Project Directorate (SPD)

• The SPD is to consist of State Project Director and

such adequate support staff as may be required for
the effective functioning of the Directorate.
Composition • The State Project Director must be a senior officer
of the rank of Commissioner /Secretary of state
Government .

Functions/ • Oversee project implementation at the state level.

• Maintain statistical data and MIS reports.
Objective • Engage project auditors as required.
State Higher Education Plan (SHEP)

All States have to give commitment to prepare SHEP to get funding

under various components. SHEP should consist of following
A perspective plan for Higher The perspective plan is required
Education in the state is to be to be broken down into annual
drawn up for the plan period. plans with detailed planning and
budgeting exercise to fix the
annual targets for programme
State Funding Commitment

State share in RUSA Timeliness

State Government have to Ensure State share of funds are

commit State share as per the transferred to the SHEC RUSA
stipulated centre-state ratio for Account within the stipulated
RUSA at the outset. time period.

Ensure release of funds from

The State Government must the consolidated RUSA fund to
increase the expenditure on the the implementing agencies
higher education sector to 2% within 15 days, failing which
of its GSDP during the course of they would liable for payment
implementation. of interest.
Filling faculty positions

The states must ensure that the faculty positions are

filled. As far as student teacher ratio is concerned the
UGC has recommended it to be 15:1 for UG and 12:1
for PG Courses.

• An innovative state level policy for private

colleges which after establishment, seek
affiliation from a university.
• Suitable amendments to provide power to
Affiliation and the State Council for Higher Education.
Exam reforms • Acts and statutes of the state universities
may be amended suitably to accommodate
the vision for a higher enrolment ensuring
social equity as well as quality of

• Transparency in the appointments of Vice Chancellors and Faculty

and non academic staff in institutions.
• Restructuring of the affiliation system
• Re-engineering finance facilitation and Govt . Approvals.
Governance • Ensure efficient networking among the universities for better
reforms understanding of problems in Higher Education and coming up
with a holistic approach towards improving the over all state
higher education.
• Effective utilization of resources available.
• Timely Monitoring of services and funds allocated

Accreditation • Ensure that all State Higher Education institutions apply for
Establishment of Management
Information System (MIS)

The states must ensure

The institutions take

advantage of the National Availability of sufficient and
Knowledge Network and the qualified manpower to manage
National Mission on the MIS , uploading of data and
Education through ICT information etc.
Expectation from the States

 Formation of SHECs – as per RUSA norms

 Transfer of central share and state share to SHECs
 Formation of State Project Directorates
 Submission of SHEPs & regular progress/implementation
 Adherence to timelines for fulfilling RUSA prerequisites
 Timely utilisation of funds and submission of Ucs
 Monitoring of projects for which funds have been released
State Higher Education Council
State Level Institutional Hierarchy

State Higher Education

Councils (SHEC)
The presentation
would focus on:
State Project
Directorate (SPD)

Technical Support
Group (TSG)
What is State Higher Education Council?

Autonomous body responsible

for planned and coordinated Fostering sharing of resources
development of higher between the Universities
education in the state

Developing synergy Leading academic and

across Institutions governance reforms at
Institution level
Establishing principles Maintaining databank
for funding Institutions on Higher Education

Fulfil functions of Planning,

Conducting Research and
Monitoring, Quality control and
Evaluation studies
Coordination at the state level
History of State Higher Education Council

SHECs were recommended by an Act of National Policy on Education,

1986, primarily for state level planning and coordination of Higher

First state higher education council was established by state of Andhra

Pradesh on 20th May, 1988 through an Act of State Legislature

The Andhra Pradesh SHEC is primarily a coordinating and liaisoning body

between UGC, State Government and Universities

The Council envisages the distinct functions of planning and coordination,

academic and advisory to State Government.
Need for State Higher Education Council

• State universities cannot be monitored fully through a central system

• Centre has only partial funding these institutions while states

provide the rest of funding
Lack of Information Faulty Resource Planning
Coordination Gap and Allocation
Resulting in

Arm’s length Arm’s length

State SHEC Centre

• SHEC is required to be constituted by an Executive order initially but

converted into a Statutory body through Acts of state legislature
within 2 years
Institutional Architecture of SHEC

SHEC should consist of 15-25 members, each with a term of 6 years

Out of the total, 7 members of the council should be from the state and
3 members must be individuals of national eminence (outside the
1/3rd of members will retire every 2 years and the existing council will
nominate 3 new members every 2 years

The council must meet at least once every quarter; the quorum for the
council meetings shall be 1/3rd of the strength, including the Chairman
and Member Secretary
Composition of SHEC
• Chairman: preferably an eminent Academic/ Public Intellectual
with proven leadership qualities
• Vice Chairman: must be an eminent academic administrator
(rank of professor) or a professional from industry with
sufficient experience
• Member Secretary: eminent academic of the rank of Professor-
Chief Executive
• State Project Director
• 10-15 Members: from field of arts, science and technology,
culture, civil society, industry, vocational education & skill
• 3 VC’s: of State Universities and 2 Principals: Autonomous/
Affiliated colleges
• 1 Nominee: Government of India
Composition of Selection Committee for SHEC

State would appoint a five-member selection committee to select

the 7 new members and members from existing council; both in
case where state councils are already existing or not existing

• 2 eminent Scientists/ Social Scientists

Composition of • 1 former VC of State University
Selection • 1 former Director of Institute of National
Committee Repute within or outside the state
• 1 former VC of a Central University

Initially, 1/3rd council members should be given non-renewable

term of 6 years; another 1/3rd a 4-year term and remaining 1/3rd a
term of 2 years.
Selection Process: Chairman

• Chief Minister of the State

Selection • Speaker of Legislative Assembly
• Leader of Opposition

Tenure • One Non- Extendable

term of five years

• Vote of non-confidence
Elimination expressed by at least 2/3rd
of members present and
voting with quorum of
3/4th members.
Selection Process: Vice Chairman

Selection • Chairman of Council

Committee • One member nominated by State Council
• One member nominated by Government

Tenure • One Non- Extendable term of five years

• May be removed by Chairman on

Elimination recommendation of the Council
Selection Process: Member Secretary

• Chairman of Council
Committee • One member nominated by State Council
• One member nominated by Government

• One Non- Extendable term of five years


• May be removed by Chairman on

Elimination recommendation of the Council

2 23-May-
5 16
Powers and Functions of SHEC

• Preparing the State Higher Education Plan (Perspective Plan,

Annual Plan and Budget Plan)
• Providing State Institutions inputs for creating their Plans and
Strategy and Planning
implementing them
• Coordination between apex bodies, regulatory institutions and

• Advising state government on strategic investments in higher

Advisory Functions education
• Advising universities on statute and ordinance formulation

• Funds managed by the SHEC will include funds from RUSA as

well as State share, both of which will flow through the state
Funding Functions • Determine the methodology for timely transfer of state’s share
of funds to institutions
• Disburse funds to state universities and colleges on the basis
of the State Higher Education Plan and transparent norms
Powers and Functions of SHEC

• Monitoring the implementation of State Higher Education

• Creating and maintaining the Management Information
Monitoring & • Compiling and maintaining periodic statistics at State and
Evaluation Institutional Level
• Evaluating state Institutions on the basis of norms and KPIs
developed under RUSA
• Ensuring timely submission of Utilization Certificates from
• Faculty quality enhancement initiatives
• Quality of examinations/ Examination reforms
• Maintaining the Quality of Curriculum
Quality Assurance &
• Promoting Innovation in Research
Academic Functions
• Protecting the autonomy of State Institutions
• Providing approval to set up new institutions/ colleges
• Accreditation reforms
Role of Universities/Colleges under
Coverage under RUSA: University

The number of universities have grown from 26 universities at the time of

independence to 700 universities.

RUSA would fund only State Universities.

About 306 State universities could be covered under RUSA.

Single discipline universities and universities dedicated to just postgraduate studies

are not considered because of their narrow focus and areas of strength.
Coverage under RUSA: College

From 26 universities at time of independence to 700 universities resulting in a 20-

fold increase.

46- fold increase in the number of colleges, from 695 colleges at time of
independence to 35,539 colleges today.

8500 colleges will be covered under RUSA.

Rationale for Funding State HEIs

Of total students studying in public institutions, only 6% enrolled in Centrally

funded institutions.

State Govt. controlled public institutions cater to about 94% of the students

Most private education institutions (52% of all enrolments) are affiliated to

State universities and come under their academic and administrative control.

While state universities cater to a large number of students, their funding is

only a fraction of that provided to central institutions.
Process Flow

• College 1
University • Compiles IDPs and
RRC • Approves Fund
superimpose it with for the States
prepares IDP 1 State component to
• Aggregate under proposed
• College 2 prepare SHEP components.
college data • Appraises the
prepares IDP 2
and prepare SHEP and places
University IDP it before PAB

Colleges SHEC PAB

Institutions Role under RUSA -

University College
The basic unit of information collection will be
the university, which will collect all
information from affiliated and constituent
colleges. The Institutional Governing Structure is
responsible for the preparation of IDP.
Consolidate the Institutional Development
Plans (IDPs) of affiliated and constituted
Preparing its own Plan, indicating its vision, Each institution must prepare a need
mission, goals and proposed requirements based IDP and submit the same.
Forward its Plan and consolidated IDPs to the
State Govt.
The IDP depicts the resource requirements
at Institutional Level -provides an overall
Conduct sensitisation programmes like
budget required for the Institution to
workshops with colleges on RUSA
execute those activities.
Institution’s Role under RUSA- Monitoring

Need to open RUSA Account

Projects at the Institutional level will be managed by two bodies; the Board of
Governors (BoG) and a Project Monitoring Unit.

Monitoring achievement of physical & financial targets against timelines

Ensure updation of photographs and financial details on RUSA App

Ensure timely submission of Utilisation Certificates

Board of Governors
Each Institution will have its own BoG as per the State Universities Act or
as per the guidelines issued by regulatory bodies as the case may be.

• The BoG could be a 10- 15 member body chaired by an eminent individual.

• The Chairman need not be an academic but must have prior experience in a
similar capacity .
• The board members should comprise eminent individuals from the
Composition institutions itself, state government, society, industry as well as the academia.

• Form, supervise and guide various Committees required for project

implementation and internal project monitoring,
Project Monitoring Unit

Each institution will form a project Monitoring Unit

• Representative from academic officials of the

Institution, faculty, senior administrative officers,
Composition technical and non-technical support staff and students.

• Responsible for monitoring of the project at the

institutional level in order to implement the
Functions governance reforms proposed under RUSA.
Role under RUSA- Reforms

Affiliation Reforms
Universities Colleges
An effective, and not routine or mechanical, Large autonomous colleges can be encouraged
monitoring of the colleges by the affiliating to develop into universities.
university is urgently required
A number of colleges could be encouraged to
Limiting the number of colleges affiliated to merge, to create a larger institution (cluster
any university to 100 university) to ensure inter- disciplinary and
cross disciplinary learning
Establishing campuses of existing universities to
better serve colleges in their physical proximity.

Already saturated universities must be

prevented from further affiliating colleges.
Mandatory accreditation of institutions and
Role under RUSA- Reforms

Administrative Reforms
Universities Colleges
Board of Governors Rationalize the size and composition of
decision making bodies (Executive
Transparent selection process for Council, Academic Council, Board of
appointment of Vice Chancellors, faculty Governors)
members and non academic staff Human Resource policy (Faculty
appointment and appointment of non
Maintain teaching: non-teaching ratio of academic staff )
1:1.1 Addressing equity issues like girl’s hostel
and toilets, disable friendly facilities
Maintain teaching to non teaching ratio of
Role under RUSA- Reforms

Academic Reforms

Integration of
Improving Continuous
Student Semester Choice based Curriculum Examination and end of
Teacher Ratio System credit system Development Reforms semester
Role under RUSA- Excellence

Promote research and innovation.

Encourage joint ventures with world class universities and premier

institutions across the world.

Create more speciality-oriented Inter-University Centres.

Faculty training, incentives like seed money or grant for research

How to Prepare State Higher
Education Plan
What should SHEP reflect

SHEP should reflect State’s strategy to address issues of access,

equity and excellence in HE.

The SHEP has mainly two components

State component
Components of SHEP

Institutions component State Component

• based on Institutional • would consist of State relevant
Development Plan (IDPs) for all components for enhancing the
the components listed under equity, access and excellence in
• IDPs should be based on
discussion with the stakeholders
within the institution.

IDPs are aggregated at State level and super imposed with State component into the
Steps to be followed

Undertake baseline surveys and stake holder consultations which would constitute
the basis for preparing IDPs & SHEPs.

A perspective plan for Higher education is to be drawn up for the plan period.

Perspective Plan would to be broken down into annual plans with detailed planning
and budgeting exercise, on the basis of which funding would be considered.

Each implementing agency in the State is required to prepare a plan of action &
indicate the physical targets and budgetary estimates

These should cover all aspects of programme activities for the period from April to
March each year,
Steps to be followed

It is important that the action plan is realistic, practically


Each implementing agency in the State is required to prepare a plan of

action & indicate the physical targets and budgetary estimates

These should cover all aspects of programme activities for the period
from April to March each year,

It is important that the action plan is realistic, practically

Format of SHEP

Adherence to
Fund Equalization Formula

Broad contents of

State Plan at a Glance Component wise Details

Filling up of DCF - Prerequisites

• State Higher Education Council ( SHEC)

• State Perspective Plan
• Financial Contribution to Higher Education as a % of
Information • Adherence to timelines for fund release
required to • Agreement to create separate fund for RUSA
be filled in
the DCF • Filling Faculty Vacancies
• Accreditation reforms
• Affiliation & examination reforms
• Governance & Administrative reforms at State Level
• Institutional governance ( Administrative) reforms
Filling up of DCF – Fund Equalization Formula

• Population ( Age Group: 18-23)

• Per Capita Income of the State
Information • GER ( as per 2011-12)
required to be
filled in the DCF • Expenditure on Higher Education
• Gender Parity Index
• Special Problems of the State
Filling up of DCF – State Plan at a Glance

• Introduction
• Vision , Mission & Goals on HE
Information • District Wise profile on Colleges and GER
required to • Institutional data
be filled in • Financial details ( baseline data, financial
the DCF outlays, State expenditure on HE)
• Perspective plan for HE
• Source of Funds
Filling up of DCF – Component wise Details

• State can receive funds under 18

components through RUSA.
• For funding, details under the required
Information components have to be filled.
required to be • State need to prioritize the components
filled in the DCF for funding.
• Funding is approved for a component
based on its adherence to programmatic
Preparation of State Plans

Dissemination of CENTRE Assimilation of Data


a) Communication of guidelines & a) Communication on Resource

timelines for SHEP preparation allocation to institutions
b) Inform regarding resource envelope STATE b) Resource allocation to be
determined based on various norms

a) Prepare & submit University/

a) Communication on Resource College action plan to state
allocation to Institutions UNIVERSITY/ b) For finalizing Institutional plan,
b) Resource allocation to be institutions should take multiple
determined based on various norms COLLEGE stakeholder consultation approach
Key Considerations while Drafting SHEP

Institutional plans will have to be submitted to the State Higher Education Council

The Institutional Annual Plan & State Annual Plan should start from 2014-15
financial year onwards.

Each college/ Univ. has to prepare IDP as mandate under RUSA. Further
consolidating into a State Higher Education Plan would be by the State Higher
Education Council.

The Plan should contain accurate & authenticate data

Process for approval of SHEP
• The Ministry of HRD is the nodal agency administering the RUSA
• The approval process runs through a two-way mechanism:

• emanating from Institutions to the

MHRD, GoI through the State
Budgetary Demands Councils

• conveyed from MHRD, GoI to the

Budgetary Approvals State Councils and in turn to the
/Allocations institutions
How to Appraise a State Higher
Education Plan?
Appraisal Process

TSG’s critical appraisal is a systematic process to identify the strengths and

weaknesses of a State Higher Education Plan (SHEP) in order to assess the
relevance of the State’s proposals to receive funds.

Appraisal of
First Detailed
Appraisal by Project
Requesting Appraisal of Reports
Submission the TSG Submission
the State to the revised submitted by
of the SHEP of the
revise the version by the
by the State revised SHEP
Face-to-face SHEP on the the TSG and State(after
to the to the
meetings basis of first preparation the PAB’s
Ministry Ministry
with the appraisal of PAB note approval of
State officials the State’s
Key Points to remember for appraisal

Does the SHEP address the following core objectives of RUSA?



Key Points to remember

Advise the State officials to make sure that If data is

not available for a particular field of the DCF, it should
be clearly mentioned as not available(N/A).
Key Points to remember

• Always keep in mind that the appraisal

note will be sent to the State government.
Style of Usages like “shall be ” , “should be”, shall
Written provide” ,etc. therefore, should be
Language avoided. They should be replaced with
“may be”, “may be provided” for ensuring
harmonious Centre-State relations.
Key Points to remember for appraisal

• SHEC: Is the Act of the SHEC in

accordance with the RUSA norms?
Adherence to • Has the State committed to raise its
Prerequisites contribution as a % of the GSDP(refer to
the checklist submitted along with the
Key Points to remember for appraisal

• Financial details( Baseline and Perspective)

• RUSA has a different budget head and the State has to
earmark 40/10 % of the total amount proposed during
the financial year as the State’s contribution. Hence,
Adherence to the State has to show this amount separately in the
Prerequisites budget allocation.
• Separate Funds for RUSA( Make sure that the State
has committed to open a dedicated RUSA account)
• Faculty Vacancies (make sure that there is no ban on
recruitment in the State)
Key Points to remember for appraisal

• Make sure that the State gathered the

following data from official sources only
• Population
• Per Capita Income
Fund • GER
• Expenditure on Education
• Institutional Density
• Teacher-Student Ratio
Key Points to remember for appraisal

• Make sure that the vision, mission and goals listed

out are relevant and feasible in the context of the
• The following background information should be
taken from official sources - (Demographics,
State Plan Enrolments(district-wise, institution-wise and
at a Glance faculty-wise, and stage-wise), Institutional Data,
NAAC Accreditation Status, CPE Status, Faculty
Data, District-wise Higher Education Profile, EBD
Districts,Districts with Special Needs,CPI,
Institutional Density)

Key Points to remember for appraisal

• Make sure that the vision, mission and goals listed out
are relevant and feasible in the context of the State
• The following background information should be taken
State from official sources - (Demographics,
Plan at a Enrolments(district-wise, institution-wise and faculty-
Glance wise, and stage-wise) ,Institutional Data, NAAC
Accreditation Status, CPE Status,Faculty Data, District-
wise Higher Education Profile, EBD Districts,Districts
with Special Needs,CPI,Institutional Density)
Key Points to remember for appraisal

• Methodology Adopted for the preparation of the

• Analysis of Past Performance
• Priority Areas
• Source of Funds and Major Targets
State • Apart from RUSA funds State need to mention the
Plan at a other sources of funds too
Glance • SWOT Analysis, Outcome and Output Targets
• SWOT analysis should be realistic
• Outcomes are the changes that will come about as a
direct result of the implementation of the Scheme.
• Outputs are those activities that are proposed by the
State in pursuit of the outcomes
Key Points to remember for appraisal

• Total Strength of students in all programs and all years of

• Total women students in all programs and all years of study
• Total SC students in all programs and all years of study
• Total ST students in all programs and all years of study
State • Total OBC students in all programs and all years of study in
the year
Plan at a • Number of fully functional P-4 and above level computers
Glance available for students
• Total number of text books and reference books available in
library for UG and PG
• Number of patents obtained
• Number of patents filed
• Transition rate of students
Key Points to remember for appraisal

Are the proposals Are the proposals

appropriate for relevant in the
inclusion under context of the
RUSA? State?

Details of
Do the proposals
Do the proposals
have any conflicts
justify the
of interest with
outcome and
the programmatic
outputs proposed
norms(in terms of
by the State?
the checklist)?
Roles & responsibilities of TSG
Hierarchy of institutions for RUSA at Centre

RUSA Mission Authority

Project Approval Board

Focus on role of:

Project Directorate

Technical Support Group

Organogram of RUSA at Centre

National Mission


TSG at Centre

Chief Academic Administrative

IT Consultant -II Office Assistant
Consultant Chief Consultant Manager

State Administrative
IT Consultant - I Office Assistants
Consultants Consultants
Structure of Technical Support Group (TSG)

Office of TSG is called RUSA Resource Centre.

The TSG is headed by Chief Consultant(s).

The Chief Consultant is supported by State


The State Consultants are allotted a list of States for

which they give consultancy support to both Central
and State Government.
Interface point for TSG at Centre & States

RUSA Higher
Mission Education
Authority Councils

Central Level


State Level
Project Support
Approval Group at
Board Centre
TSG at

Project Universiti
Directorate es and
Functions: Support to Central Government

Appraisal of willingness and commitment of States and

recommending it to Mission Authority for inclusion of State
into RUSA.

Preparing agenda and presentation on State’s

The TSG provides all SHEP for PAB meetings
operational, technical,
logistical, and managerial Making formats for preparation of Detailed
Project Report (DPRs) under various
support to:
 RUSA Mission
Authority Appraisal of DPRs of the States and
recommending to Central Government for
 Project Approval
release of funds on that basis.
 National project Monitoring and Evaluation of Fund Utilization
Directorate by the States on achievement of physical and
financial targets against timelines.

Monitor the RUSA App and PFMS details

Functions: Support to Central Government

Preparation of checklist for DPRs

Assist in making evaluation framework for appraisal of

Preparation of Handbook for RUSA and
Document on FAQs for RUSA.

Other Submit tour reports on visit to States and taking necessary

follow up action
support to
Institutions Prepare minutes of PAB and Mission Authority meeting
Making newsletter for RUSA

Act as link Consultant for other Consultant

Any other task assigned by the Chief Consultant or NPD

like making presentations or MIS for seminars, Reply to
RTI and Parliament Questions, etc.
Functions: Support to State Government

Supporting the States on how to enter into RUSA programme.

Holding workshops in the States for propagation and increasing

awareness of RUSA.
Guiding the States on how to prepare SHEP and DPRs, uploading
information on RUSA App and registration of Institutions on PFMS
Liaising with the States to fill gaps, revise SHEPs as necessary at the
time of appraisal.
Detailed appraisal of SHEPs prior to placing it before the PAB for
approval of grants.
Functions: Support to State Government

Following up with States on release of Central and State share of

funds to SHEC.

Apprising the States about their total available resource envelope.

Advising on prioritization of components for funding.

Visiting States, its universities & colleges as required to guide and

support them.

Handling correspondence of respective states and replying to their

Monitoring Of Stakeholders Under RUSA
Process Flow

Submission of SHEP by state and

Recommendation to PAB by TSG

Approval by PAB and fund release to


Monitoring of fund release in

Time bound manner
Beneficiaries of RUSA


How do we monitor

Through state visits

Submission of utilization certificate



Cross checking the proposal as against the UCs and
Fund Availability & Disbursement Monitoring

After PAB approval, funds (central share) is

released to the state treasury

State share is added

Funds are transferred to the SHEC account

SHEC disburses funds to institutions approved as

per the amount approved

Note: A time duration of 15 days is allotted for making transfers

from state treasury to shec and from SHEC to institutions
Fund Availability & Disbursement Monitoring




2 Step Monitoring

Public Finance
Geo tagging
Management System
Disbursement Monitoring through PFMS

• A financial management platform for all Plan schemes;

• database of all recipient agencies;
The new system • integration with Core Banking Solution of Banks handling Plan
Public Financial funds;
Management System • integration with State Treasury systems;
(PFMS) is introduced • provide information across all Plan Schemes / implementation
& would provide for agencies in the country on fund utilization
• efficient and effective tracking of fund flow to the lowest level
of implementation for Plan schemes of the Government.

• better monitoring;
• review and decision support;
• would enhance public accountability in the implementation of
Plan schemes.
PFMS will result in • It will result in effectiveness and economy in public financial
management through better cash management for
Government, transparency in public expenditure and real-time
information on resource availability and utilization across
Geo tagging based monitoring

• New infrastructure
• Up gradation/renovation of existing
• New facility (like books, computers,
Activities to equipment's and sports)
be • Equity initiatives
monitored • Research and innovation
• Training & development
• Vocationalization
• Preparatory activities
• Management, monitoring & evaluation
Geo tagging based monitoring

• Funds/budget
• Outcome
• Time-frame
Basis of • Fund utilization
monitoring • Time period in which utilized
• Actual output
• Gap analysis
RUSA Bank Account

1.Having a dedicated RUSA account 1. No funds to be kept in form of fixed
for the state and participating deposit or any other investment
2. No fund other than RUSA funds shall
2. Account should be opened jointly. be there in the account.
3. Account may be preferably opened 3. Multiple bank account must not be
in a nationalized bank opened.

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