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Atish Mathur: MATHUR10

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Features

•overarching programme for the school

Ministry of Education
education sector extending from pre-
school to class 12
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
•subsumed the 3 Schemes
• Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)
• Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha
Objectives Abhiyan (RMSA)
• Teacher Education (TE)
• Provision of quality education & enhancing Why in
learning outcomes of students. news
• Support States in implementation of Right of Samagra Shiksha 2.0
Children to Free & Compulsory Education
(RTE) Act, 2009.
• Improving the quality of school education by • Centre has approved the
focusing on the two T’s – Teacher and implementation of scheme till
Technology. March 31, 2026
• With the inclusion of
recommendations of the National
Education Policy, 2020.

Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan Higher Education Financing Agency

Ministry of Education • financing creation of capital assets in
premier educational institutions.
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
• covers educational institutions under
higher education, school education and
institutions under the Ministry of Health.


• funding to higher educational institutions
•joint venture of MoE Government of India and
Canara Bank.
•registered under Section 8 [ Not-for-profit] under
the Companies Act 2013.
•registered as Non–deposit taking Systemically
Important (NBFC-ND-SI) with RBI.

YUKTI ( Young India combating COVID with Knowledge, Technology and Innovation)

Ministry of Why in
Education News?

YUKTI in April

•YUKTI 1.0 - web portal to monitor and record the efforts

and initiatives of MHRD which have been taken in the
wake of COVID-19
•YUKTI 2.0 - systematically assimilate technologies YUKTI 2.0 in
having commercial potential and information related to June 2020;
incubated startups in our higher education institutions
Strengthening Teaching-Learning and Results
for States (STARS) Project •The project covers 6 States [Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan,
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala and Odisha]
•The identified States will be supported by various interventions
Ministry of for improving the quality of education
Education •2 components
Centrally Sponsored • National level
Scheme • To strengthen MoE’s national data systems to capture
Project cost: Rs.5718
cr with support from robust and authentic data on retention, transition and
World Bank completion rates of students.
• To support MoE in improving states PGI scores
Implementing Agency • To support the strengthening of learning assessment
National level: Dept. of Scholl Education • To support MOE’s efforts to establish a National
and Literacy Assessment Center (PARAKH)
• State level
State level: integrated State
• Strengthening Early Childhood Education and
Implementation Society (SIS) for Samagra
Foundational Learning
Why in • Improving Learning Assessment Systems
Objective News? • Strengthening classroom instruction and remediation
through teacher development and school leadership
improving the overall monitoring and • Governance and Decentralized Management for
in Improved Service Delivery.
measurement activities in the Indian October
School Education System through • Strengthening Vocational education in schools
interventions in selected states.

Prime Minister’s Research Fellows (PMRF)


Ministry of
Education •modifications made in PMRF Scheme in May 2020
Central Sector • students from any recognized university can apply
Scheme for the fellowship. [earlier, only for students from
Central Universities, IITs, IISc, NITs, IISERs, IIEST
and IIITs.]
• requirement of GATE score reduced from 750 to
improving the quality of research • two channels of entries - direct entry and lateral
in various higher educational entry
institutions in the country • NITs in top 25 institutions in the NIRF ranking can
become PMRF Granting institutions.
Why in

ns made in
May 2020


Ministry of •Programme for multi-mode access to digital/online

Education education consisting of:
Central Sector • DIKSHA for school education: e-content and QR
Scheme coded Energized Textbooks for all grades (one
nation, one digital platform)
• One earmarked TV channel per class from 1 to 12
through Swayam Prabha TV Channels (one class,
one channel)
educate students through digital • Extensive use of Radio, Community radio and
platforms so that the education of Podcasts
students does not suffer due to • Special e-content for visually and hearing impaired
• Top 100 universities will be permitted to
nationwide lockdown
Why in automatically start online courses by 30th May,
News? 2020

Launched in
June 2020

VidyaDaan 2.0
Mid Day Meal Scheme
Call to the nation, particularly
individuals & organizations across Ministry of Education
the country to contribute e-learning
resources in the education domain Centrally Sponsored Scheme

to ensure that quality learning

continues for learners across India. Objective
• aims at enhancing enrolment, retention and
attendance and simultaneously improving
nutritional levels among children studying in
NIPUN Bharat Mission government and government-aided schools

• to ensure universal acquisition of foundational

literacy and numeracy, so that every child Beneficiaries
achieves the desired learning competencies in
reading, writing and numeracy by the end of • covers primary and upper primary school
Grade 3, by 2026-27. children (class I-VIII) in government and
• NIPUN Bharat will be implemented by the government-aided schools
Department of School Education and Literacy
under the aegis of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan

Ayushman Bharat: Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM JAY)

• cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per Beneficiaries
Ministry of Health and year for secondary and tertiary As identified by Socio-
Family Welfare care hospitalization across public Economic Caste Census
and private empaneled hospitals (SECC) data
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
in India. • 10 crore poor and
• provides cashless access to health vulnerable entitled
care services. families (approximately
• no restriction on the family size, 50 crore beneficiaries)
age or gender.
Implementing Agency • cover will include pre and post-
hospitalization expenses.
National Health Authority (attached office • All pre-existing conditions will be
of the MoH&FW) covered from day one of the policy.
• A defined transport allowance per
hospitalization will also be paid to
Objective the beneficiary.
• Benefits of the scheme are
Health insurance scheme to protect poor and
portable across the country i.e. a
vulnerable families against financial risk arising
beneficiary can visit any
out of catastrophic health episodes
empanelled public or private
hospital in India to avail cashless

Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana National Health Mission

Ministry of Health and Ministry of Health and

Family Welfare Family Welfare
Central Sector Scheme Centrally Sponsored Scheme

Objective Objectives

• correcting the regional imbalances in the • launched in 2005, to provide universal access to
availability of affordable healthcare facilities in equitable, affordable & quality health care services
different parts of the country. • Targets:
• MMR - 1/1000 live births
• augmenting facilities for quality medical • IMR - 25/1000 live births
• TFR - 2.1
education in the under-served States. • Reduce anemia in women aged 15–49 years

2 components: Features
• setting up of AIIMS-like Institutions
2 sub-missions
• upgradation of existing Government
Medical Colleges/Institutions • National Rural Health Mission
• National Urban Health Mission

National Digital Health Mission

Ministry of Health and •Building blocks of digital system:
Family Welfare
Central Sector Scheme • HealthID - a repository of all health-related
information of a person
• DigiDoctor – a single, updated repository of
all doctors enrolled in the country
Implementing Agency • Health Facility Registry (HFR) - a single
National Health Authority repository of all the health facilities (both
public and private) in the country.
• Personal Health Records (PHR) - an
Objective electronic record of health-related
information on an individual that can be
• aims to provide the necessary support for drawn from multiple sources while being
integration of digital health managed, shared, and controlled by the
infrastructure in the country individual.
• Electronic Medical Records (EMR) - a digital
version of a patient's chart which contains the
patient's medical and treatment history from
a single health facility.

Ayushman Bharat: Pradhan Mantri Jan Features
Arogya Yojana (PM JAY) As identified by Socio-
•cover of Rs. 5 lakhs per family per
Economic Caste Census
year for secondary and tertiary care
Ministry of Health hospitalization across public and
(SECC) data
and Family Welfare private empaneled hospitals in India. • 10 crore poor and
Centrally vulnerable entitled
•provides cashless access to health
Sponsored families
care services
Scheme •no restriction on the family size, age (approximately 50
or gender crore beneficiaries)
Implementing Agency •cover will include pre and post-
National Health Authority (attached office hospitalisation expenses
•All pre-existing conditions will be
of the MoH&FW) covered from day one of the policy
Why in
•A defined transport allowance per
Objective hospitalization will also be paid to the
•Benefits of the scheme are portable PM launched
Health insurance scheme to protect poor Ayushman
and vulnerable families against financial across the country i.e. a beneficiary
can visit any empanelled public or Bharat PM-JAY
risk arising out of catastrophic health private hospital in India to avail SEHAT to extend
episodes coverage to all
cashless treatment
residents of J&K

National Digital Health Mission s
•Building blocks or digital systems:
• HealthID - a repository of all health-related
information of a person
Ministry of Health
• DigiDoctor – a single, updated repository of all
and Family Welfare doctors enrolled in the country
Central Sector • Health Facility Registry (HFR) - a single
Scheme Why in
repository of all the health facilities (both public and
private) in the country.
• Personal Health Records (PHR) - an electronic
Implementing Agency record of health-related information on an individual
Launched in that can be drawn from multiple sources while
National Health Authority August 2020 being managed, shared, and controlled by the
• Electronic Medical Records (EMR) - a digital
version of a patient's chart which contains the
Objective patient's medical and treatment history from a
single health facility.
• Consent Manager and Gateway - The exchange
aims to provide the necessary support for of health information is enabled by the consent
integration of digital health infrastructure in manager and gateway where Health records can
the country only be issued / viewed with patient consent.
•NDHM will be developed by adopting India Enterprise
Architecture Framework (IndEA) notified by MeitY

Pradhan Mantri Swathya Suraksha Nidhi (PMSSN) AarogyaPath

Ministry of Health A CSIR National Healthcare Supply

and Family Welfare Chain Portal that aims to provide real-
Features time availability of critical healthcare
•single non-lapsable reserve fund for Health from the proceeds of Health
and Education Cess
•Accruals into the PMSSN will be utilized for the flagship schemes of the
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare namely,
• Ayushman Bharat - Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-
PMJAY) e-Sanjeevani platform
• Ayushman Bharat - Health and Wellness Centres (AB-HWCs)
• National Health Mission • telemedicine services
• Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) • developed by Centre for
• Emergency & disaster preparedness and responses during Development of Advanced
health emergencies
• Any future programme/scheme that targets to achieve progress Computing (CDAC)
towards SDGs and the targets set out in the National Health
Policy (NHP) 2017
•Administration and maintenance of the PMSSN is entrusted to Ministry
of Health & Family Welfare
HEALTH Features
PM Atma Nirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana
Main interventions under the scheme to be achieved by FY 25-26
(PM ASBY) are:
• Support for 17,788 rural Health and Wellness Centres in in 10
Ministry of Health High Focus States
and Family Welfare • Establishing 11,024 urban Health and Wellness Centres in all
Centrally the States.
Sponsored Scheme • Setting up of Integrated Public Health Labs in all districts and
3382 Block Public Health Units in11 High Focus states;
Outlay of about Rs. • Establishing Critical Care Hospital Blocks in 602 districts and
64,180 Cr. Over 6 12 Central Institutions;
years • Strengthening of the National Centre for Disease Control
(NCDC), its 5 regional branches and 20 metropolitan health
surveillance units;
Objectives • Expansion of the Integrated Health Information Portal to all
States/UTs to connect all public health labs;
•developing capacities of health • Operationalisation of 17 new Public Health Units and
strengthening of 33 existing Public Health Units at Points of
systems and institutions at all Why in Entry, that is at 32 Airports, 11 Seaports and 7 land crossings;
levels - primary, secondary and News? • Setting up of 15 Health Emergency Operation Centres and 2
tertiary mobile hospitals;
•preparing health systems in Announce • Setting up of a national institution for One Health, a Regional
responding effectively to the d in Research Platform for WHO South East Asia Region, 9
Budget Biosafety Level III laboratories and 4 regional National
current and future
2021-22 Institutes for Virology.

National Food Security Act, 2013

Dept. of Food &Public Distribution (M/o Features

Consumer Affairs, Food & Public
Distribution • The Act legally entitles upto 75% of the rural
Central Sector Scheme
population and 50% of the urban population
to receive subsidized food grains under
Targeted Public Distribution System.

Responsibilities under NFSA • Antyodaya Anna households (poorest of the

poor) are entitled to 35 kg of food grains per
• joint responsibility of the Centre and State/UT
Government family per month, priority households are
• Centre - allocation of food grains to entitled to 5 kg per person per month.
States/UTs, transportation of food grains.
• States/UTs - identification of eligible • Food grains at subsidized prices of Rs. 3/2/1
households, issuing ration cards to them, per kg for rice, wheat and coarse grains.
distribution of food grain entitlements to
eligible households through fair price shops
(FPS), issuance of licenses to Fair Price Shop

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Anna National Food Security Mission

Yojana (PM-GKAY)
Ministry of Agriculture
Dept. of Food & Public & Farmers’ Welfare
Distribution Centrally Sponsored Scheme

• During the period May - June 2021, more than Objective

80 crore people will be provided
• 5 kg free wheat/rice per person per month
along with 1 kg free whole chana to each • launched in 2007-08 to increase the
family per month over and above the regular production of rice, wheat and pulses
monthly entitlements under National Food
Security Act, 2013 (NFSA).
Beneficiaries • NFSM-Rice
• NFSM-Wheat
• NFSM-Pulses
Antyodaya Anna households (poorest • NFSM-Coarse Cereals
of the poor) and priority households • NFSM-Commercial crops
• NFSM-Oilseeds and Oilpalm

Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Scheme

Ministry of Women & Beneficiaries

Child Development
• Children in the age
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
group of 0-6 years
• Pregnant women and
• Lactating mothers
providing for supplementary
nutrition, immunization and pre- Features
school education to the children
ICDS Scheme offers a package of six
• Supplementary Nutrition
• Pre-school non-formal education
• Nutrition & health education
• Immunization
• Health check-up and
• Referral services

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana

Cash incentive of Rs 5000 in three
Ministry of Women &
Child Development • first instalment of Rs 1000/ - on
early registration of pregnancy at the
Centrally Sponsored Scheme Anganwadi Centre (AWC) approved
Health facility. • All Pregnant Women and
• second instalment of Rs 2000 after Lactating Mothers
six months of pregnancy on (excluding PW&LM who
receiving at least one ante-natal are in regular
check-up (ANC). employment with the
Objective • third instalment of Rs 2000 after Central Government/
State Governments/ PSUs
Provide partial compensation for the childbirth is registered and the child
or those who are in
wage loss in terms of cash incentives has received the first cycle of BCG,
receiving similar benefits
so that the woman can take adequate OPV, DPT and Hepatitis – B.
under any law).
rest before and after delivery of the
The eligible beneficiaries would receive the • All eligible PW&LM for
first living child.
incentive given under the Janani Suraksha first child only.
Yojana (JSY) for Institutional delivery and
the incentive received under JSY would be
accounted towards maternity benefits so
that on an average a woman gets Rs 6000.

POSHAN Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission)

Ministry of Women and Child


Centrally Sponsored Scheme


• achieve improvement in nutritional status of

Children from 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant
Women and Lactating Mothers in a time bound
• reduce the level of stunting, under-nutrition, anemia
and low birth weight babies.

Mission Poshan 2.0

Why in

Ministry of Women and

Child Development •Mission Poshan 2.0 announced in Budget 2021-22
•All Major Schemes of WCD Ministry have been classified under
3 Umbrella Schemes
Objective • Mission Poshan 2.0
• Umbrella ICDS - Anganwadi Services
strengthen nutritional content, • Poshan Abhiyan
• Scheme for Adolescent Girls
delivery, outreach and outcomes • National Creche Scheme
• Mission Vatsalya
• Child Protection Services and Child Welfare Services
• Mission Shakti
Features • SAMBAL (One Stop Centre, Mahila Police Volunteer,
Women's Helpline/Swadhar/Ujjawala/Widow Homes
•Umbrella scheme consisting of: etc)
• Umbrella ICDS - Anganwadi Services • SAMARTHYA (Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Creche,
• Poshan Abhiyan Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana/ Gender
• Scheme for Adolescent Girls
• National Creche Scheme

Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Janani Suraksha Yojana


Ministry of Health & Ministry of Health &

Family Welfare Family Welfare


antenatal care services to be Objective

provided to all Pregnant Women reduce maternal and infant mortality
on the 9th day of every month at by promoting institutional delivery
the Pradhan Mantri Surakshit among pregnant women.
Matritva Clinics to ensure that
every pregnant woman receives
at least one checkup in the 2nd/
3rd trimester of pregnancy.
Cash assistance to BPL women
for institutional delivery of child

Ujjawala Scheme

Ministry of Women and Women and children who are

Child Development victims of trafficking for
commercial sexual exploitation.

•To prevent trafficking of women and children
•To facilitate rescue of victims •Following are main components of
•To provide rehabilitation services both immediate and this scheme:
long-term to the victims
•To facilitate repatriation of cross-border victims to • REHABILITATION
their country of origin. • RE-INTEGRATION

Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana Startup India

DPIIT, Ministry of Objective

Ministry of Finance
Commerce and Industry build a strong eco-
Central Sector Scheme system for nurturing
Central Sector Scheme innovation and
Startups in the
Features country that will
• provide loans up to Rs. 10 lakh to the non- Features drive sustainable
corporate, non-farm small/micro enterprises. economic growth
• self compliance with labour and generate large
• These loans are given by Commercial Banks, and environment laws scale employment
RRBs, Small Finance Banks, MFIs and NBFCs. • Startup India Hub - a single opportunities
• 3 types of MUDRA loans point of contact for the
• Shishu : loans upto 50,000/- entire Startup ecosystem
• Kishor : loans above 50,000/- and upto 5 • Legal Support and Fast-
lakh Startup India Action Plan
tracking Patent Examination
• Tarun : loans above 5 lakh and upto 10 lakh Action Plan is divided
at Lower Costs
across the following
• Relaxed Norms of Public areas:
Beneficiaries Procurement for Startups 1. Simplification &
• Faster Exit for Startups - Handholding.
Any Indian Citizen who has a business plan for a Startups may be wound up 2. Funding support &
non-farm sector income generating activity within a period of 90 days Incentives.
and whose credit need is less than Rs 10 lakh from making of an 3. Industry-Academia
application for winding up. Partnership and

Stand Up India Scheme

Ministry of Finance


To promote entrepreneurship facilitates bank loans between Rs 10

among women and scheduled lakh and Rs 1 Crore to at least one
castes and tribes Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled
Tribe (ST) borrower and at least one
woman borrower per bank branch for
setting up a greenfield enterprise.

SWADES – Skilled Workers Arrival Database for Employment



joint initiative of the Ministry of Skill Development & •to conduct a skill mapping exercise of the returning
Entrepreneurship, the Ministry of Civil Aviation and citizens under the Vande Bharat Mission
the Ministry of External Affairs •to create a database of qualified citizens based on
their skill sets and experience to tap into and fulfil
demand of Indian and foreign companies.
•The collected information will be shared with the
companies for suitable placement opportunities in
the country.
Implementation agency

Why in
National Skill Development Corporation
(NSDC) is supporting the implementation of
the project. Launched in
June 2020

ASEEM Portal – AtmaNirbhar Skilled Employee Employer Mapping Features

•Artificial Intelligence (AI) Based

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Platform to provide real-time data
analytics about the demand and supply
patterns including - industry
Implementation agency requirements, skill gap analysis,
demand per district/ state/cluster, key
developed and managed by National Skill Development workforce suppliers, key consumers,
Corporation (NSDC) in collaboration with Bengaluru-based migration patterns and multiple potential
company ‘Betterplace’. career prospects for candidates.
•portal consists of three IT based
Objectives • Employer Portal – Employer
Why in onboarding, Demand Aggregation,
•to help skilled people find sustainable candidate selection
livelihood opportunities. • Dashboard – Reports, Trends,
analytics, and highlight gaps
•to improve the information flow and Launched in • Candidate Application – Create &
bridge the demand-supply gap in the July 2020 Track candidate profile, share job
skilled workforce market suggestion

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation

Programme (PMEGP) Features Beneficiaries

•Maximum Cost of •Any individual, above 18

Ministry of Micro, Small and years of age.
Medium Enterprise Project/Unit Admissible:
•VIII Std. pass required for
Manufacturing Sector: Rs. 25 project above Rs.10.00
Central Sector Scheme lakh, Service Sector: Rs.10 lakhs in manufacturing and
lakh above Rs. 5.00 lakhs for
•Government Subsidy: Rural Service Sector
Areas (25% for general •Only new projects/units
Implementation agency
category and 35% for special are considered for sanction
of loans.
Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) or reserved category), Urban
- a statutory organization under the •Self-help groups that have
Areas (15% for general not availed benefits under
administrative control of the Ministry of MSME category and 25% for special any other public scheme,
or reserved category) societies, production co-
Why in operative societies, and
Objectives News? charitable trusts
The approval of projects
generation of employment opportunities under the PMEGP increased
44% during the first five
through establishment of micro enterprises months (April - August) of the
in rural as well as urban areas financial year 2020-21

SBR (Skills Build Reignite) and SBIC (Skills Build Innovation Camp)

Ministry of Skill Development and Features

Entrepreneurship and IBM
•Skills Build Reignite tends to provide job
seekers and entrepreneurs with access to
Objective free online coursework and mentoring
support designed to help them reinvent their
careers and businesses.
•to address the current skills gap in
the country •Skills Build Innovation camp is a 10 week
program which supports 100 hours of
structured learning to learners who are
interested in gaining hands-on project
experience to enhance learning and are
intent on building their network and
enhancing their employability.

PM Kaushal Vikas Yojana 3.0

Ministry of Skill Development &
•any candidate of
Centrally Sponsored •PMKVY 3.0 will be implemented Indian nationality
Scheme in a more decentralized structure who:
with greater responsibilities and • an unemployed
support from States/UTs and youth, college /
Implementation agency
Districts. school dropout
•District Skill Committees (DSCs), • Has a verifiable
National Skill Development identity proof
under the guidance of State Skill
Corporation (NSDC) Development Missions (SSDM),
shall play a key role in addressing
Objectives the skill gap and assessing
demand at the district level.
•To train 8 lakh candidates over a scheme
•The new scheme will be more
period of 2020-2021
trainee- and learner-centric
•make 300+ skill courses available to the
addressing the ambitions of
aspirational Bharat.
•making skill development more demand-
driven and decentralised in its approach.

AIM iCREST (Incubator Capabilities enhancement program for a Robust


NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) in Features

collaboration with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
and Wadhwani Foundation.
•Under the initiative, the AIM’s
incubators are set to be upscaled and
Objective provided requisite support to foster the
incubation enterprise economy, that will
AIM iCREST has been designed to enable help them to significantly enhance their
the incubation ecosystem and act as a performance.
growth hack for AIM’s Atal and Established •This will be complemented by
incubators across the country. providing training to entrepreneurs,
through technology driven processes
and platforms.

Pradhan Mantri Dakshta Aur Kushalta Sampann Hitgrahi (PM-DAKSH) SCHEME

Ministry of Social Justice Features

& Empowerment
• Implemented for the year
• Proving skill development
Objective training programs to the
eligible targets.
• Provision of training and enhancing competencies
• Implementing agencies:
essential for economic empowerment/upliftment of 1. National Scheduled Castes
marginalized target groups. Finance and Development
• Updating target groups belonging to rural artisans Corporation (NSFDC),
who have become marginalized owing to the coming 2. National Backward Classes
of better technologies in the market. Finance & Development
• Empowering women amongst the marginalized Corporation (NBCFDC),
3. National Safai Karamcharis
target groups.
Finance and Development

Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana

Ministry of Rural Ministry of Petroleum &

Development Natural Gas
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
Central Sector Scheme

• provide LPG connections to women from
Below Poverty Line (BPL) households.
provide single all-weather road • Empowering women and protecting their
connectivity to unconnected health.
habitations • Reducing number of deaths due to unclean
cooking fuel. Why in
• Govt. has recently announced PM UJJWALA
All habitations with a population of 500 YOJANA 2.0.
persons and above in the plain areas and 250 • Now, the scheme will reach to 80 million
persons and above in hill states, the tribal and families.
the desert areas will be connected by PMGSY. • Address proof will not be compulsory for
migrant workers.

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har
Yojana Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya)

Ministry of Power Ministry of Power

Central Sector Scheme


ensure electrification of all remaining

unelectrified households in rural as
well as urban areas
•Rural electrification
•Separation of agriculture and
non-agriculture feeders Beneficiaries

identified using Socio Economic and Caste

Census (SECC) 2011 data

Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana (G) MGNREGA

Ministry of Rural Ministry of Rural

Development Development
Centrally Sponsored Scheme Centrally Sponsored Scheme
(Core of the Core)

To provide pucca houses to all who Features

are houseless and living in
dilapidated houses in rural areas • guarantees 100 days of wage employment in a
by 2022 financial year, to a rural household whose
adult members volunteer to do unskilled
manual work.
• Identification of beneficiaries as per the housing • wage employment to be provided to the
deprivation parameters and exclusion criteria applicant within 15 days of submitting the
prescribed under Socio Economic Caste Census application or from the day work is demanded.
(SECC) 2011 after due verification by Gram • Right to get unemployment allowance in case
Sabha. employment is not provided within fifteen
• assistance Rs. 1.20 lakh in plain areas and Rs.1.30
lakh in Hilly States, NE States, difficult areas.
• assistance for construction of toilets of up to • Receipt of wages within fifteen days of work
Rs.12,000 to be provided under Swachh Bharat done.
Mission-Gramin (SBM-G). • Social Audit of MGNREGA works is mandatory.

National Social Assistance Programme

Ministry of Rural
Development •social security and welfare programme to provide support
to aged persons, widows, disabled persons and bereaved
Centrally Sponsored Scheme families on death of primary breadwinner, belonging to
(Core of the Core)
BPL households.
•NSAP comprises of five schemes, namely –
• Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme
(IGNOAPS) - pension Rs 200 per month
• Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme
(IGNWPS) - pension of Rs 300 per month
• Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension
Scheme (IGNDPS) - pension of Rs 300 per month
• National Family Benefit Scheme (NFBS) - Rs.
20000/ - will be given as a lump sum assistance
to the bereaved household in the event of death of
the breadwinner.
Annapurna - 10 kgs of food grains (wheat or rice) is given
per month per beneficiary.

Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana


Ministry of Rural
Development •launched in 2014 with the goal to develop three Adarsh Grams
by March 2019.
•Thereafter, five such Adarsh Grams (one per year) will be
selected and developed by 2024.
•holistic development of the identified Gram Panchayats
•substantially improve the standard of living and quality of life
of all sections of the population through
• Improved basic amenities
• Higher productivity
• Enhanced human development
• Better livelihood opportunities
• Reduced disparities
• Access to rights and entitlements
• Wider social mobilization
• Enriched social capital

Startup Village Entrepreneurship Programme Beneficiaries

•Any Rural poor

•Highly vulnerable beneficiaries
Ministry of Rural
under MGNREGA, marginalized
Development sections, women, SC and ST
Sub-component of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National communities and rural artisans will
Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) [Centrally Sponsored be given specific preference in
Scheme] selection

Implementation Features

Implementation of SVEP shall be •SVEP addresses three major pillars

managed by NRLM through the of rural start-ups namely - finances,
Why in
State Rural Livelihood Missions incubation and skill ecosystems.
•one of the key areas is to develop a
SVEP is pool of community resource persons
•to support the rural poor come out of poverty, supporting – enterprise promotion (CRP-EP)
them setup enterprises and provide support till the who are local entrepreneurs setting-
enterprises in
enterprises stabilize up rural enterprises
rural areas and
building rural •Another key area is to promote the
•providing self-employment opportunities with financial block resource center (BRC) in
assistance and training in business management and soft SVEP blocks, to monitor and
(pib - 05/09/2020)
skills while creating local community cadres for promotion manage the community resource
of enterprises. persons.

Gramodyog Vikas Yojana Feature

Why in s
News? •Components of the
Ministry of Micro, Small and scheme
Medium Enterprise •The Ministry of MSME approved a • Research &
programme for the benefit of artisans
involved in manufacturing of Agarbatti under
Development and
Centre Sector Scheme
the Gramodyog Vikas Yojana. Product Innovation
•The program will act as a catalyst in reviving • Activities of existing
Implementing the Agarbatti manufacturing in the villages dedicated verticals of
agency and small towns and will immediately Village Industries
generate a minimum of about 500 • Capacity Building of
KVIC additional jobs. staff and artisans
•The programme aims to enhance the
• Marketing & Publicity to
production of ‘Agarbatti’ in the country and
create sustainable employment for the the village institutions
Objective traditional Artisans, by providing them regular
employment and increase in their wages.
•to promote and develop the village This will give a boost to the domestic
industries through common facilities, Agarbatti Industry in the country and will
technological modernization, training etc. reduce imports of Agarbatti.

Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan (GKRA) Features

•125-day Abhiyan launched by Prime Minister on 20th June,

Ministry of Rural •to address the issues of returnee migrant workers and
Development similarly affected rural population by Covid-19 pandemic
•through a multi- pronged strategy of
• providing immediate employment & livelihood opportunities
to the distressed
• to saturate the villages with public infrastructure and
creation of livelihood assets to boost the income generation
activities and enhance long term livelihood opportunities
•focus on 25 works in 116 selected districts across 6 States
with a resource envelope of Rs 50,000 crore.
•6 states - Bihar, MP, Rajasthan, UP, Jharkhand, Odisha

SVAMITVA (Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised

Technology in Village Areas) Scheme Feature
•Coverage - 6 states: Haryana,
Karnataka, Madhya
Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar
Pradesh, Uttarakhand
Central Sector Scheme •surveying the land parcels in
rural inhabited area using
Drone technology.
Objectives •The survey shall be done
•provide rural people with the right to document their across the country in a phase
residential properties so that they can use it for economic wise manner over the period of
purposes Why in four years (2020 -2024)
•enabling the citizens in rural India to use their property as a News?
financial asset for taking loans and other financial benefits.
•creation of accurate land records for rural planning.
•determination of property tax Launched in
•To support the preparation of a better-quality Gram April 2020
Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) by making use of GIS
•To reduce property related disputes and legal cases

AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and

Smart Cities Mission
Urban Transformation
Ministry of Housing Ministry of Housing
and Urban Affairs and Urban Affairs
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
Centrally Sponsored Scheme


• to promote cities that provide core Providing basic services (e.g. water
infrastructure, clean and supply, sewerage, urban transport) to
households and build amenities in cities
sustainable environment and give a
which will improve the quality of life for
decent quality of life to their all.
citizens through the application of
‘smart solutions’.
• Features
100 cities to be developed as Smart
Mission spans across 500 cities, covering
more than 60% of urban population

Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban) 2.0

Ministry of Housing & Urban
•Executing period 2021-22 to
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
[60:40/90:10] 2024-25

•continuation of the Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), with the
following components for funding and implementation across all
statutory towns, viz. Why in
• Sustainable sanitation (construction of toilets) News?
• Wastewater treatment, including fecal sludge management
in all ULBs with less than 1 lakh population (this is a new Announced
component added to SBM-U 2.0) in Budget
• Solid Waste Management 2021-22
• Information, Education and Communication
• Capacity building

TULIP (The Urban Learning Internship Program)

Ministry of Housing & Urban •Indian Citizens who
Affairs graduate from an
•providing fresh graduates
experiential learning undergraduate program
opportunities in the urban sector can apply within 18
•benefit ULBs and smart cities months from
Implementing agency
by infusion of fresh ideas and graduating.
energy with engagement of
through a partnership between the MoHUA youth in co-creation of solutions
and AICTE for solving India’s urban
•it will further Government’s
endeavors to boost community Why in
to provide internship opportunities to fresh partnership and government- News?
academia-industry-civil society
graduates in all Urban Local Bodies
(ULBs) and Smart Cities across the Launched in
country June 2020

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman PM Krishi Sinchai Yojana

Nidhi (PM Kisan)
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmer Welfare
and Framers Welfare
Centrally Sponsored Scheme
Central Sector Scheme
Objective •Accelerated Irrigation
to provide income support to all landholding Benefit Programme
• Enhance the physical access (AIBP): faster
farmer’s families in the country to
of water on the farm and completion of ongoing
supplement their financial needs for major & medium
procuring various inputs related to expand cultivable areas under
assured irrigation (Har Khet irrigation projects
agriculture and allied activities as well as •Har Khet ko Pani:
ko pani).
domestic needs extending the coverage
• Improve on-farm water use
efficiency to reduce wastage of irrigation
Features Beneficiaries •Per Drop More Crop:
and increase availability both
financial benefit of All land holding eligible in duration and extent. improve water-use
Rs. 6000 per • Enhance the adoption of efficiency
farmer families (subject to •Watershed
annum per family precision-irrigation and
the exclusion criteria) are Development: effective
payable in three other water saving
to avail of the benefits technologies (More crop per management of runoff
equal installments
of Rs. 2000 each,
under this scheme drop). water & improved soil &
moisture conservation
every four months
Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana

Ministry of Agriculture
and Framers Welfare
All farmers growing notified crops in a
Central Sector Scheme notified area during the season who
have insurable interest in the crop are

• To provide insurance coverage and financial Features

support to the farmers in the event of
• Uniform premium rate to be paid by the
failure of any of the notified crops as a
result of natural calamities, pests & • 2% - Kharif crops;
diseases. • 1.5% - Rabi crops;
• To stabilize the income of farmers to ensure • 5% - Commercial & horticultural crops
their continuance in farming. • Balance premium paid by the govt. There is
• To encourage farmers to adopt innovative no upper limit on govt. Subsidy.
and modern agricultural practices. • Risks covered: Yield losses due to non-
• To ensure flow of credit to the agriculture preventable risks such as Hailstorm,
Cyclone, Typhoon, Tempest, Hurricane,
Tornado, flood , drought, dry spells, disease.

Agriculture Infrastructure Fund(AIF)

Ministry of Agriculture
and Framers Welfare Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
Central Sector Scheme (PACS), FPOs, SHGs, Farmers, Joint
Liability Groups, Multipurpose
Cooperative Societies, Agri Startups etc

To provide a medium-long term debt financing Features

facility for investment in viable projects for
post-harvest management Infrastructure and
• Rs. 1 lakh crore will be provided for
community farming assets through interest financing agriculture infrastructure projects.
subvention and financial support • All loans will have interest subvention of 3%
per annum.
• credit guarantee coverage under Credit
Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small
Enterprises (CGTMSE).

Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF)

DAH&D [Ministry of
Fisheries, Animal Husbandry Beneficiaries
and Dairying]

Central Sector Scheme Farmer Producer Organizations

(FPOs), MSMEs, Section-8
Companies, Private Companies and
Objective individual entrepreneurs

Incentivise investments in
• Dairy processing and product
diversification infrastructure,
• Meat processing and product
diversification infrastructure
• Animal feed plant

Kisan Credit Card

Ministry of Finance Beneficiaries

• All farmers-individuals/Joint
Objectives borrowers who are owner
To provide adequate and timely credit for the credit cultivators
requirements of farmers under single window for their • Tenant farmers, Oral lessees and
cultivation and other needs such as Share Croppers etc.
• Post harvest expenses
• SHGs or Joint Liability Groups of
• Marketing loan
• Consumption requirements of farmer farmers
household • Groups including tenant farmers
• Working capital for maintenance of farm assets having owned /rented/leased sheds.
• credit requirement for pump sets, sprayers, • beneficiaries under KCC for Animal
dairy animals, floriculture, horticulture etc. Husbandry and Fisheries
• Short term credit requirements of rearing of
animals, birds, fish, shrimp, other aquatic
organisms, capture of fish.

PM Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana

Ministry of Agriculture
& Farmers’ Welfare
minimum assured pension of Rs
Central Sector Scheme
3000/- per month after attaining
the age of 60 years.

Beneficiary Eligibility

Small and Marginal Framers of age

between 18-40 years

Sahakar Mitra: Scheme on Internship Programme

(SIP) Beneficiaries
Ministry of Implementation by •Professional graduates in
Agriculture and National Cooperative
Farmer’s Welfare disciplines such as Agriculture and
Development Corporation allied areas, IT, etc.
(NCDC) •Professionals who are pursuing or
Funding have completed their MBA degrees
in Agribusiness, Cooperation,
NCDC has earmarked funds for the paid internship program
Finance, International Trade,
under which each intern will get financial support over a 4
Forestry, Rural Development,
months internship period
Project Management, etc.

Why in
•provide the young professionals an opportunity of practical News?
exposure and learning from the working of NCDC and
cooperatives as a paid intern.
•assist cooperative institutions access new and innovative Launched in
ideas of young professionals June 2020

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan Yojana (PM KUSUM)

Ministry of New and The govt. will provide a subsidy of 60% to farmers and 30% of
Renewable Energy the cost will be given by the Government in the form of loans.
Central Sector Scheme Farmers will only have to give 10% of the total cost of the
project. The electricity generated from the solar panel can be
sold by the farmers

Implementing agency Features

3 components
• Component-A: Why in
• State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) of MNRE will News?
decentralised ground- •MNRE amended the
coordinate with States/UTs, Discoms and
mounted grid-connected implementation Guidelines
farmers for effective implementation
renewable power plants of PM-KUSUM Scheme
of upto 2 MW based on the learnings from
• Component-B: the implementation of the
Objective standalone solar- Scheme during the first year.
powered agriculture • Besides barren, fallow
•ensuring energy security for farmers in pumps and agricultural land,
India • Component-C: solar power plants can
•honouring India’s commitment to solarisation of grid- also be installed on
increase the share of installed capacity of connected agriculture pastureland and marshy
electric power from non-fossil-fuel sources pumps land of farmers + more.
to 40% by 2030 as part of INDCs

Pradhan Mantri Karam Yogi Maandhan Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan

Ministry of Labour & Ministry of Labour &

Employment Employment
Central Sector Scheme Central Sector Scheme


minimum assured pension of Rs

minimum assured pension of Rs
3000/- per month after attaining
3000/- per month after attaining
the age of 60 years.
the age of 60 years.

Beneficiary Eligibility Beneficiary Eligibility

• Small trader / shopkeepers whose unorganized worker of age between

annual turnover does not exceed Rs 18 and 40 years having monthly
1.5 crore Income Rs 15000 or below
• age between 18 and 40 years YOU

PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises

Features Beneficiaries
•One District One Product (ODOP) Farmer producer organizations,
Ministry of Food Processing Approach self help groups, producers
Industries • The States would identify food cooperatives, food processing
products for districts keeping in view entrepreneurs, workers and
Centrally Sponsored Scheme the existing clusters and availability of other stakeholders along the
raw material. entire chain
• could be a perishable agri-produce,
cereal based product or a food product
widely produced in a district and their
Objective allied sectors.
s •Upgradation of Individual Micro Food
Processing Units
•Enhance the competitiveness of existing • credit-linked capital subsidy @35% of
individual micro-enterprises in the unorganized the eligible project cost with a
segment of the food processing industry maximum ceiling of Rs.10 lakh per unit.
•Support for capital investment for upgradation •Support to FPOs / SHGs / Cooperatives Why in
and formalization • credit linked grant @ 35% News?
•Capacity building through skill training, imparting • Marketing and branding support
technical knowledge •Seed capital @ Rs. 40,000/- per SHG Launched in
•on food safety, standards & hygiene and quality member would be provided to those June 2020
improvement engaged in food processing

Operation Greens
Ministry of Food Processing
Industries •stabilize the supply of Tomato, Onion and
Potato (TOP) crops and to ensure availability
of TOP crops throughout the country round
Implementing agency the year without price volatility.
• extended during June 2020 to cover all
fruits & vegetables (TOTAL) for a period of
six months on pilot basis as part of
Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.
Why in •Enhancing value realisation of TOP farmers
News? •Price stabilisation for producers and
The scheme was extended •Reduction in post-harvest losses
during June 2020 to cover all •Increase in food processing capacities and
fruits & vegetables (TOTAL) for value addition in TOP value chain
a period of six months on pilot •Setting up of a market intelligence network
basis as part of Aatmanirbhar to collect and collate real time data on
Bharat Abhiyan. demand and supply and price of TOP crops.

One Nation, One Ration Card Benefits

•National portability will be achieved in the
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, 'one nation, one ration card' scheme by
Food & Public Distribution March 2021. •migratory NFSA
•For national portability, the state beneficiaries
governments have been asked to issue the •Eligible beneficiaries would
ration card in bi-lingual format, wherein be able to avail their entitled
Implementing agency foodgrains under the
besides the local language, the other
National Food Security Act
Dept. of Food & Public language could be Hindi or English.
(NFSA) from any Fair Price
Distribution •Scheme will ensure availability of sufficient Shop in the country using
food grains to those poor workers who the same ration card
Objective migrate from their home district.
•Reduce the practice of black marketing at
to ensure the delivery of food security the PDS shops. Currently, the PDS shop Why in
entitlements to all beneficiaries covered owner sells these food grains in the market News?
under the National Food Security Act in the absence of the actual beneficiaries. Seventeen States
(NFSA), 2013, irrespective of their physical •Reduce the incidence of hunger death in have successfully
location anywhere in the country, by the country which will further Improve the operationalised
implementing nation-wide portability of Indian rank in the Global Hunger Index “One Nation One
ration cards under the ongoing central ranking. Ration Card
sector scheme on ‘Integrated Management system” till March
of Public Distribution System (IM-PDS)’ in 2021
association with all States/UTs

PM Street Vendor’s Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi)

Ministry of Housing and •over 50 lakh street
Urban Affairs •Vendors can avail a working vendors
Central Sector Scheme capital loan of up to rupees
10,000/-, repayable in monthly
instalments in the tenure of one
Implementing agency year.
•On timely repayment of the
Small Industries Development Bank of
India (SIDBI) loan, an interest subsidy @ 7%
per annum will be credited to the
bank accounts of beneficiaries
Objective through Direct Benefit Transfer
Why in
to provide collateral free working on quarterly basis.
capital loan to street vendors to •The scheme promotes digital
Launched in
resume their livelihoods that have transactions through cash back June 2020
been adversely affected due to Covid- incentives until March
19 lockdown 2022

Jal Jeevan Mission


•Development of in-village piped

Ministry of Jal Shakti
water supply infrastructure
Centrally Sponsored Scheme •Development of reliable drinking
water sources and/ or
Implementing agency augmentation of existing sources
•bulk water transfer, treatment
•National Jal Jeevan Mission (NJJM) at the Central level plants and distribution network to
•State Water and Sanitation Mission (SWSM) at the State level cater to every rural household,
•District Water and Sanitation Mission (DWSM) at the District level wherever necessary
•Village Water Sanitation Committee (VWSC) at Village level •technological interventions for
Why in
News? removal of contaminants where
Objective water quality is an issue
Review of the
progress of •Greywater management
•to provide safe and adequate drinking
water through individual household tap Jal Jeevan
connections to all rural households in Mission in
India by 2024 States/UTs

Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban) Objectives

•to provide universal coverage of water supply to all
households through functional taps in all 4,378 statutory
Ministry of Housing & Urban towns in accordance with SDG Goal- 6.
Affairs •Sewerage/septage management in 500 AMRUT cities
Centrally Sponsored Scheme with the objective of making them water secure.
• Estimated gap in urban household tap connections is
2.68 crore and estimated gap in sewer
•Union Territories - 100% central funding connections/septage in 500 AMRUT cities is 2.64
•North Eastern and Hill States - 90% crore, which is proposed to be covered in JJM(U).
•cities with less than 1 lakh population - 50% •Rejuvenation of water bodies to augment sustainable
•cities with 1 lakh to 10 lakh population - one-third fresh water supply and creating green spaces and
•cities with million plus population - 25% sponge cities to reduce floods and enhance amenity
value through an Urban Aquifer Management plan
•promote circular economy of water through development
of city water balance plan for each city focusing on
recycle/reuse of treated sewage, rejuvenation of water
Why in bodies and water conservation.
•The total outlay proposed for News? •IEC campaign to spread awareness about conservation
JJM(U) is ₹2,87,000 crore which of water
•Pey Jal Survekshan will be conducted in cities to
includes ₹10,000 crore for ed in
ascertain equitable distribution of water, reuse of
continuing financial support to Budget wastewater and mapping of water bodies with respect to
AMRUT Mission. 2021-22 quantity and quality of water

Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme

Sectors Beneficiaries
Objectiv •Companies that are
e •Mobile Manufacturing and Specified registered in India and
Electronic Components are involved in the
•Aims to give companies incentives on •Critical Key Starting materials/Drug manufacturing of goods
incremental sales (over FY 2019-20) Intermediaries and Active covered under the
from products manufactured in domestic Pharmaceutical Ingredients and
Manufacturing of Medical Devices.
target segments of the
units. scheme
•The scheme invites foreign companies •Advance Chemistry Cell (ACC)
to set up units in India, however, it also Battery
aims to encourage local companies to •Electronic/Technology Products
set up or expand existing manufacturing •Automobiles & Auto Components
units and also to generate more •Pharmaceuticals drugs
employment and cut down the country's •Telecom & Networking Products
reliance on imports from other countries. •Textile Products: MMF segment and
•Incentives disbursed after the technical textiles
production has taken place •Food Products
•High Efficiency Solar PV Modules
•White Goods (ACs & LED)
•Specialty Steel

Mega Investment Textiles Parks (MITRA) Scheme


•MITRA will be launched

Ministry of Textiles in addition to the
Production Linked
Incentive Scheme(PLI).
Objective •create world class
infrastructure with plug
and play facilities to
enable create global
Why in champions in exports.
•to enable the textile industry to News? •7 Textile Parks to be
become globally competitive, established over 3 years
attract large investments, boost
employment generation and
Announced in
Budget 2021-22

Atamnirbhar Bharat Rojgar Yojana


Ministry of Labor and •Government of India provides subsidy for Beneficiaries

Employment provident fund contribution for adding new
employees to establishments registered •Any new employee
Central Sector Scheme with the EPFO joining employment in
• Establishments employing up to 1000 EPFO registered
employees: Employee’s contributions establishments on
(12% of Wages) & Employer’s
monthly wages less than
contributions (12% of wages) totalling
24% of wages Rs. 15,000.
Objective • Establishments employing more than •Those who left their job
1000 employees: Only Employee’s EPF between 1st March to
•to boost employment in formal sector contributions (12% of EPF wages) 30th September and are
and incentivize creation of new •operational for the period 2020-2023 employed on or after 1st
employment opportunities during the Why in October
Covid recovery phase under News? •Time period- effective
Atmanirbhar Bharat Package 3.0 Launched in from 1st October, 2020
November and operational till 30th
2020 June 2021

Nagar Van Scheme


•focus on people’s participation

Ministry of Environment,
and collaboration between Forest
Forest and Climate Change
Department, Municipal bodies,
NGOs, Corporates and local
•finances for the scheme will be
paid for by the CAMPA
(Compensatory Afforestation
Fund (CAF) Act, 2016) funds Why in
•To develop 200 Urban forests across
the country in the next 5 years (2020- News?
• Warje Urban Forest in Pune Launched on 5th
(Maharashtra) will be considered as June 2020 (World
a role model for the Scheme Environment Day)

PM WANI (Wi-Fi Access Network Interface)

•PM-WANI ecosystem will be operated by
Ministry of Communications different players as described herein under:
• Public Data Office (PDO): It will
establish, maintain, and operate only
Implementing agency WANI compliant Wi-Fi Access Points and
deliver broadband services to subscribers.
• Public Data Office Aggregator (PDOA):
Dept. of Telecom It will be an aggregator of PDOs and
perform the functions relating to
Objective Authorization and Accounting.
• App Provider: It will develop an App to
register users and discover WANI
compliant Wi-Fi hotspots in the nearby
to bring large scale deployment of Why in
area and display the same within the App
Wi-Fi hotspots through the country for accessing the internet service. News?
to drive up connectivity options and • Central Registry: It will maintain the
improve digital access details of App Providers, PDOAs, and
Launched in
PDOs. To begin with, the Central Registry
will be maintained by C-DoT. December 2020

Payments Infrastructure Development

Fund Features

Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

•Fund will be operational for three years effective
from 1st January, 2021
•An Advisory Council (AC) under the
Objective chairmanship of RBI deputy governor BP
Kanungo has been constituted for managing the
To Develop payment •Funding
acceptance infrastructure in •PIDF presently has a corpus of Rs. 345
tier-3 to tier-6 cities, with a crore, with Rs. 250 crore contributed by the
Why in
special focus on the north- RBI and Rs. 95 crore by the major
eastern states of the country. authorised card networks in the country. The
authorised card networks shall contribute in
Launched by the RBI all Rs. 100 crore.
in January 2021 •Besides the initial corpus, PIDF shall also
receive annual contributions from card
networks and card issuing banks.

National Hydrogen Energy Mission


•Focus on generation of
hydrogen from green power
•To link India’s growing Why in
renewable capacity with the News?
hydrogen economy.

Announced in
Budget 2021-22

National Mission on Edible Oils – Oil Palm
• The special emphasis of the scheme will be
on India’s north-eastern states and the
Objective Andaman and Nicobar Islands due to the
conducive weather conditions in the
• Achieve self-reliance in edible oil. regions.
Harness domestic edible oil prices that • Under the scheme, oil palm farmers will be
are dictated by expensive palm oil provided financial assistance and will get
imports. remuneration under a price and viability
• To raise the domestic production of formula.
palm oil by three times to 11 lakh MT • It is expected to incentivize the production
of palm oil to reduce dependence on
by 2025-26.
imports and help farmers cash in on the
huge market.

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