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Grow Model Questions

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GROW model- questions

Typical questions for the Goals stage. Typical questions for the Options stage.
What do you want to achieve out of this coaching session/ What else could you do? What else? Anything else? What next?..
relationship? What could be your first step?
What could we work on now that would make the biggest Who else might be able to help?
difference to your life? What would happen if you did nothing?
What are the goals you want to achieve? What has worked for you already? How could you do more of that?
Why are you hoping to achieve this goal? What do you think I would suggest?
Who else needs to know about the plan? How will you inform What would happen if you did that?
them? What is the hardest/most challenging part of that for you?
What do you want more of in your life? What advice would you give to a friend about that?
What would you try now if you knew you couldn’t fail? What would you gain/lose by doing/saying that?
What are 2-3 goals that would make a BIG difference in your If someone did/said that to you what do you think would happen?
life? What's the best / worst thing about that option?
How will you know when you have achieved these goals? Which option do you feel ready to act on? Scale 1-10 what is this
What will it look like? option?

Typical questions for the Reality stage. Typical questions for the Wrap-Up (Will) stage.
Why haven't you reached that goal already? On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to this goal?
What do you think is stopping you? What specific step would you take next? How will that meet your
What do you think was really happening? goal?
What effect did … have on you? How and when will you do that?
What do you think …’s perception of the situation was/is? What support do you need to get that done?
Do you know other people who have achieved that goal? What do you need from me/others to help you achieve this?
What did you learn from ..? How will you know when you have done it?
What have you already tried? Who will you involve in this?
How could you turn this around this time? What would have happened to know you have achieved the goal?
What could you do better this time? Who do you need to talk to first? Who needs to know?
If you asked … what would they say about you? What are 3 actions you can take that would make sense this week?
On a scale of 1-10 how severe/serious/urgent is the situation? On a scale of 1-10, how excited do you feel about taking these
If someone said/did that to you, what would you actions?
think/feel/do? What would increase that score? (e.g handle fear, clearer steps,
more support, etc..)
What will happen (what is the cost) of you NOT doing this?

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