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July 2014

Disassembly and Assembly

4016-61 TRG Industrial Engine
S16 (Engine)

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Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or
pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.
Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,
work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,
you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the
product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before
you start any job. Perkins dealers or Perkins distributors have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins
replacement parts.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-
ture failures, product damage, personal injury or

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KENR9225 3
Table of Contents

Table of Contents Engine Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Install

(Engine Oil Relief Valve for Oil cooler)..... ..... 86
Engine Oil Pump - Remove .............. .............. 88
Disassembly and Assembly Section
Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble........... .......... 89
Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install ..... .... 5 Engine Oil Pump - Assemble............. ............. 90
Fuel Filter Base - Remove and Install........ ....... 6 Engine Oil Pump - Install ................ ................ 92
Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove and Install (Lift Water Pump - Remove .................. ................. 93
Pump) ............................... .............................. 8 Water Pump - Disassemble.............. .............. 94
Fuel Manifold (Rail) - Remove and Install (Fuel Water Pump - Assemble................. ................ 95
and Oil Manifold)....................... ...................... 9 Water Pump - Install .................... ................... 96
Governor - Remove (Electronic Control Unit) 12 Water Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove
Governor - Install (Electronic Control Unit) .. .. 14 and Install (Thermostat Housing)......... ........ 97
Governor Actuator - Remove (Twin Governor Auxiliary Water Pump - Remove (Gilkes
Actuators) ...................................................... 15 Auxiliary Raw Water Pump) ............ ............ 102
Governor Actuator - Remove (Single Governor Auxiliary Water Pump - Disassemble (Gilkes
Actuator) ............................ ........................... 20 Auxiliary Raw Water Pump) ............ ............ 103
Governor Actuator - Install (Twin Governor Auxiliary Water Pump - Assemble (Gilkes
Actuators) ...................................................... 22 Auxiliary Raw Water Pump) ............ ............ 105
Governor Actuator - Install (Single Governor Auxiliary Water Pump - Install (Gilkes Auxiliary
Actuator) ............................ ........................... 27 Raw Water Pump).................... ................... 109
Fuel Injection Control Linkage - Remove.... .... 30 Aftercooler - Remove.................. ...................110
Fuel Injection Control Linkage - Install...... ...... 31 Aftercooler - Install.................... .....................113
Fuel Injector - Remove .................. ................. 35 Engine Support (Front) - Remove and Install
Fuel Injector - Disassemble .............. .............. 36 (Backplate).......................... .........................116
Fuel Injector - Assemble................. ................ 38 Flywheel - Remove.................... ....................117
Fuel Injector - Install ................... .................... 40 Flywheel - Install...................... ......................118
Fuel Injector Sleeve - Remove ............ ........... 42 Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove and Install . 120
Fuel Injector Sleeve - Install .............. ............. 43 Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install .... ... 122
Air Cleaner - Remove and Install.......... .......... 45 Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and
Turbocharger - Remove................. ................. 47 Install (Twin Vibration Dampers)........ ........ 124
Turbocharger - Install................... ................... 49 Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and
Air Shutoff - Remove and Install ........... .......... 54 Install (Single Vibration Damper) ........ ....... 129
Exhaust Manifold - Remove ............. .............. 56 Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove and Install. 134
Exhaust Manifold - Install................ ................ 59 Gear Group (Front) - Remove ........... ........... 135
Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install....... ....... 64 Gear Group (Front) - Install.............. ............. 137
Inlet Manifold - Remove................. ................. 67 Housing (Front) - Remove (Timing Case)... .. 139
Inlet Manifold - Install................... ................... 69 Housing (Front) - Install (Timing Case)..... .... 140
Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install 71 Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install (Open
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove and Crankcase Breather).................. ................. 141
Install............................... .............................. 73 Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and Install
Engine Oil Filter Base - Remove .......... .......... 75 (Rocker Box Cover) .................. .................. 145
Engine Oil Filter Base - Disassemble ....... ...... 76 Valve Mechanism Cover Base - Remove and
Engine Oil Filter Base - Assemble......... ......... 77 Install (Rocker Box) .................. .................. 145
Engine Oil Filter Base - Install ............ ............ 77 Rocker Arm and Shaft - Remove......... ......... 148
Engine Oil Cooler - Remove .............. ............. 79 Rocker Arm - Disassemble.............. ............. 149
Engine Oil Cooler - Disassemble.......... .......... 81 Rocker Arm - Assemble................ ................ 149
Engine Oil Cooler - Assemble............. ............ 82 Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install........... ........... 151
Engine Oil Cooler - Install ................ ............... 83 Cylinder Head - Remove ............... ............... 152
Engine Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Install Cylinder Head - Install ................. ................. 154
(Engine Oil Pressure Regulator).......... ......... 85 Lifter Group - Remove (Cam Followers).... ... 157
Lifter Group - Disassemble (Cam Followers) 159

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4 KENR9225
Table of Contents

Lifter Group - Assemble (Cam Followers) .. .. 159

Lifter Group - Install (Cam Followers)...... ..... 161
Camshaft - Remove................... ................... 162
Camshaft - Install..................... ..................... 163
Camshaft Bearings - Remove ........... ........... 165
Camshaft Bearings - Install.............. ............. 165
Engine Oil Pan - Remove ............... .............. 166
Engine Oil Pan - Install ................. ................ 168
Cylinder Liner - Remove................ ............... 171
Cylinder Liner - Install .................. ................. 172
Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install... .. 174
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove... ... 176
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Disassemble 177
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble .. . 178
Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install..... ..... 181
Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove and
Install.............................. ............................. 183
Crankshaft - Remove.................. .................. 184
Crankshaft - Install.................... .................... 185
Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install ..... .... 189
Bearing Clearance - Check ............. ............. 189
Coolant Temperature Switch - Remove and
Install.............................. ............................. 190
Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Remove and
Install.............................. ............................. 192
Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Remove and Install
(Alternator Switch) ................... ................... 192
Temperature Sensor (Exhaust) - Remove and
Install (Exhaust Temperature
Thermocouples)..................... ..................... 193
Engine Speed Sensor - Remove and Install
(Engine Over speed Sensor) ........... ........... 195
Engine Speed Sensor - Remove and Install
(Overspeed Sensor) .................. ................. 197
Boost Pressure Sensor - Remove and Install 197
V-Belts - Remove and Install (Fan Drive
Belts).............................. ............................. 198
Alternator - Remove and Install (Alternator
Drive) ............................. ............................. 200
Alternator - Remove and Install (Battery
Charging Alternator) ................. .................. 202
Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install 205

Index Section

Index............................... .............................. 207

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KENR9225 5
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Disassembly and Assembly Installation Procedure

Section NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Fuel Priming Pump - Remove
and Install 1. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of the fuel priming
pump and the fuel lift pump are clean and free from
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

Illustration 2 g03670234

2. Position a new gasket (2) (not shown) on fuel lift

pump (1).
Note: Ensure correct orientation of the gasket.

3. Position fuel priming pump (4) on fuel lift pump (1).

Install bolts (3).
Tighten the M6 bolt to a torque of 10 N·m (90 lb in)
Tighten the M8 bolt to a torque of 25 N·m
(220 lb in).

4. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

5. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
- Prime” for the correct procedure.

Illustration 1 g03670234

2. Remove bolts (3). Remove fuel priming pump (4)

from fuel lift pump (1).

3. Remove gasket (2) (not shown).

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6 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

i05784083 4. Remove tube assembly (2) from lift pump (1) and
fuel filter base (3).
Fuel Filter Base - Remove and
5. Disconnect tube assembly (4) and tube assembly
Install (10) from fuel filter base (3).

6. Remove the nuts and bolts (5) and remove fuel

Removal Procedure filter base (3) from bracket (8).

7. Remove the nuts and bolts (6) and remove fuel

filter base (7) from bracket (8).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 8. Remove tube assembly (4) and tube assembly (10)
component life. from fuel filter base (8).

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

Illustration 4 g03669215

9. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 4 in

order to disassemble fuel filter base (3) and fuel
filter base (7).

a. Place fuel filter base (3) and fuel filter base (7)
in a suitable support.

b. Remove tube assembly (4) and tube assembly

(10) from fuel filter base (7).

c. Make temporary mark on tee connection (13).

Loosen lock nut (14) and remove the tee
Illustration 3 g03669213 connection from fuel filter base (3). Remove O-
ring seal (15) (not shown) from the tee
2. Drain and remove fuel filter (9) and fuel filter (11). connection.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
d. Make temporary mark on elbow connection
System Filter - Replace” for the correct procedure.
(19). Loosen lock nut (20) and remove the
3. Remove the Original Equipment Manufacture elbow connection from fuel filter base (3).
(OEM) tube assembly (12) from filter head (7). Remove O-ring seal (21) (not shown) from the
Refer to the OEM for the correct procedure. elbow connection.

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KENR9225 7
Disassembly and Assembly Section

e. Make temporary mark on elbow connection

(16). Loosen lock nut (17) and remove the
elbow connection from fuel filter base (7).
Remove O-ring seal (18) (not shown) from the
elbow connection.
f. Make temporary mark on tee connection (22).
Loosen lock nut (23) and remove the tee
connection from fuel filter base (7). Remove O-
ring seal (24) (not shown) from the tee

Illustration 6 g03669215

2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.g. in

order to assemble fuel filter base (3) and fuel filter
base (7).

a. Place fuel filter base (3) in a suitable support.

b. Install a new O-ring seal (24) (not shown) to

tee connection (22). Install the tee connection
to fuel filter base (7) and align with temporary
mark. Use a suitable tool to hold the tee
connection and tighten lock nut (23) to a
Illustration 5 g03669692 torque of 110 N·m (81 lb ft).

10. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 10.b. c. Install a new O-ring seal (18) (not shown) to
in order to remove bracket (8). elbow connection (16). Install the elbow
connection to fuel filter base (7) and align with
a. Remove the nuts and bolts (26) from bracket temporary mark. Use a suitable tool to hold the
(8). elbow connection and tighten lock nut (17) to a
torque of 110 N·m (81 lb ft).
b. Remove bracket (8) from support plate (25).
d. Loosely connect tube assembly (4) and tube
Installation Procedure assembly (10) to fuel filter base (7).
NOTICE e. Place fuel filter base (7) in a suitable support.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened f. Install a new O-ring seal (21) (not shown) to
component life. elbow connection (19). Install the elbow
connection to fuel filter base (3) and align with
temporary mark. Use a suitable tool to hold the
1. Ensure that the fuel filter bases and the bracket are elbow connection and tighten lock nut (20) to a
clean and free from damage. Replace any torque of 110 N·m (81 lb ft).
component that is worn or damaged.
g. Install a new O-ring seal (15) (not shown) to
tee connection (13). Install the tee connection
to fuel filter base (3) and align with temporary
mark. Use a suitable tool to hold the tee
connection and tighten lock nut (14) to a
torque of 110 N·m (81 lb ft).

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8 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Install fuel filter base (3) to bracket (8). Connect

tube assembly (4) and tube assembly (10) to the
fuel filter base.
7. Install the nuts and bolts (5) hand tight.

8. Tighten the nuts and bolts (5) and the nuts and
bolts (6) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

9. Tighten the tube nuts for tube assembly (4) and

tube assembly (10) to a torque of 110 N·m
(81 lb ft).

10. Install tube assembly (2) to lift pump (1) and fuel
filter base (3). Tighten the tube nuts for tube
assembly (2) to a torque of 110 N·m (81 lb ft).

11. Install the OEM tube assembly (12) to filter head

(7). Tighten the tube nuts for tube assembly (2) to
a torque of 110 N·m (81 lb ft). Refer to the OEM for
more information.
12. Install a new fuel filter (9) and a new fuel filter (11).
Illustration 7 g03669692
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
System Filter - Replace” for the correct procedure.
3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.b. in
order to install bracket (8). 13. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
a. Install bracket (8) to support plate (25). 14. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
b. Install the nuts and bolts (26) to bracket (8). - Prime” for the correct procedure.
Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torque of
47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove

and Install
(Lift Pump)

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
Illustration 8 g03669213 before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
4. If necessary, loosely install tube assembly (4) and
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
tube assembly (10) to fuel filter base (8). mandates.
5. Install fuel filter base (7) to bracket (8). Install the
nuts and bolts (6) hand tight. 1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

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KENR9225 9
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 9 g01429930 Illustration 10 g01429930

2. Disconnect tube assembly (3) from fuel lift pump 2. If necessary, install fuel priming pump (6) to fuel lift
(5). pump (5). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install” for the
Note: Cap all tube assemblies and connections. correct procedure.
3. Remove tube assembly (4). 3. Position a new gasket (2) (not shown) on the
Note: Cap all tube assemblies and connections. engine oil pump. Lubricate the drive for the fuel lift
pump and the seal in the engine oil pump with
4. Remove nuts (1) and remove fuel lift pump (5) from clean engine oil.
the engine oil pump.

5. Remove gasket (2) (not shown). Note: Ensure that the shaft of the fuel lift pump is
aligned with the drive in the rear of engine oil pump.
6. If necessary, remove fuel priming pump (6) from 4. Position fuel lift pump (5) on the engine oil pump.
fuel lift pump (5). Refer to Disassembly and Install nuts (1). Tighten the nuts to a torque of
Assembly, “Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and 25 N·m (18 lb ft).
Install” for the correct procedure.
5. Remove cap from tube assemblies and
Installation Procedure connections. Install tube assembly (4) and tube
assembly (3) to fuel lift pump (5). Tighten the tube
NOTICE nuts to a torque of 100 N·m (74 lb ft).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
6. Turn the fuel supply to the “ON” position.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 7. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
- Prime” for the correct procedure.
1. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of the fuel lift pump
and the engine oil pump are clean and free from
damage. Inspect the seal and inspect the drive for
the fuel lift pump for wear or damage.
Fuel Manifold (Rail) - Remove
and Install
(Fuel and Oil Manifold)

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10 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the electronic governor control unit. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Governor -
Remove and Install”. Removal of the electronic
governor control unit is only necessary if Bank A
fuel rail requires removal.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
Illustration 11 g01437826
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling Typical example
any component containing fluids.
3. Disconnect tube assembly (2) from fuel rail (1).
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and Allow the fuel to drain from the fuel rail.
4. Disconnect tube assembly (3) from fuel rail (1).
Allow the oil to drain from the fuel rail.
1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

2. For Bank A cut the cable straps that secure the

thermocouples for the exhaust temperature
sensors to the fuel rail. Loosen the clips that
secure the thermocouples for the exhaust
temperature sensors to the fuel rail and detach the
thermocouples from the fuel rail.

Note: Do not allow the unions to turn when the tube

assemblies are disconnected from the fuel rail.
Allowing the unions to turn when the tube assemblies
are disconnected will damage the threads in the fuel
rail. Use two spanners in order to loosen the tube
assemblies from the unions.

Illustration 12 g01437839
Typical example

5. Disconnect hose assembly (5) from fuel rail (1).

6. Remove tube assembly (6) and remove tube

assembly (8).

7. Remove bolt (4) and remove tube assembly (7).

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KENR9225 11
Disassembly and Assembly Section

8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 in order to remove the Note: Do not allow the unions to turn when the tube
remaining tube assemblies. assemblies are connected to the fuel rail. Allowing the
unions to turn when the tube assemblies are
Note: Cap the tube assemblies and cap the connected will damage the threads in the fuel rail.
connections on the fuel rail. Use two spanners in order to tighten the tube
assemblies to the unions.

Illustration 13 g01437840
Typical example

9. Remove bolts (9) the brackets on fuel rail (1).

10. Remove fuel rail (1) from the engine.

Installation Procedure Illustration 15 g01437839

Typical example
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 3. Install tube assembly (7). Install bolt (4) to the tube
clip. Tighten the bolt to a torque of 41 N·m
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened (30 lb ft).
component life.
4. Install tube assembly (8) and install tube assembly
1. Ensure that the fuel rail and the tube assemblies (6).
are clean and free from restrictions.
5. Tighten tube nuts for tube assembly (6), tube
assembly (7), and tube assembly (8) to a torque of
20 N·m (177 lb in).

6. Repeat Step 3 through Step 5 in order to install the

remaining tube assemblies.

7. Connect hose assembly (5) to fuel rail (1). Tighten

the tube nut for the hose assembly to a torque of
100 N·m (74 lb ft).

Illustration 14 g01437840
Typical example

2. Place fuel rail (1) in position and install bolts (9) to

the brackets on the fuel rail. Tighten the bolts to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

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12 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or

death to personnel working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative (−) battery ter-
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the
disconnected battery cable end in order to pre-
vent contact with other metal surfaces which
could activate the engine electrical system.
Illustration 16 g01437826
Typical example Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop
switch location to inform personnel that the
equipment is being worked on.
8. Connect tube assembly (2) to fuel rail (1).Tighten
the tube nut for the tube assembly to a torque of
100 N·m (74 lb ft).

9. Connect tube assembly (3) to fuel rail (1). Tighten

the tube nut for the tube assembly to a torque of
30 N·m (266 lb in).

10. For Bank A position the thermocouples for the

exhaust temperature sensors onto the fuel rail.
Secure the thermocouples to the fuel rail with clips
and new cable straps.

11. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

12. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
- Prime” for the correct procedure.
End By:
a. Install the electronic governor control unit. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Governor - Remove
and Install” for the correct procedure. Installation of
the electronic governor control unit is only
necessary if Bank A fuel rail was removed.


Governor - Remove
(Electronic Control Unit)

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KENR9225 13
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 17 g03670242
Typical example

1. Disconnect the Original Equipment Manufacture 8. Remove nut (3) and nut (7). Position harness
(OEM) harness assemblies from connection (13) assembly (5) away from electronic governor
and the harness assembly from connection (17) control unit (4).
from electronic governor control unit (4). Refer to
the OEM for the correct procedure. 9. Remove nut (18) and nut (20). Remove bracket
Note: Make temporary marks on harness assembly.
10. Remove nut (12). Remove electronic governor
2. Disconnect the harness assemblies for exhaust control unit (4) and the plate as an assembly.
temperature sensors from connection (1) on high
turbine inlet temperature switch (2).

Note: Make temporary marks on exhaust

temperature sensors for installation purposes.

3. Cut cable strap (11) and disconnect harness

assembly (10).

4. Disconnect the harness assemblies from solenoid

(8) and solenoid (9).
Note: Make temporary marks on harness
5. Disconnect harness assembly (5) from connection

6. Cut cable strap (6) and cable strap (15).

7. Remove the nuts and bolts (16) from connection


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14 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 18 g03670243 Illustration 19 g03670243

11. If necessary, remove the nuts and bolts (21) and 1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.d. in
the nuts and bolts (22). Remove plate (23) from the order to install the mounting plate for the electric
inlet manifold. governor control unit.
12. If necessary, remove nut (24) (not shown) and a. Ensure that anti-vibration mounts (25) and
remove anti-vibration mount (25). Repeat Step 12 plate (23) are free from wear or damage.
to remove remaining anti-vibration mount (25).
b. If necessary, install anti-vibration mount (25) to
i05784214 plate (23). Install nut (24) (not shown). Tighten
the nut to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in).
Governor - Install Repeat Step 1.b. to install remaining anti-
vibration mount (25).
(Electronic Control Unit)
c. Position plate (23) onto the inlet manifold.
Install the nuts and bolts (21) and the nuts and
Installation Procedure bolts (22).

d. Tighten the nuts and bolts (21) and the nuts

and bolts (22) to a torque of 50 N·m (35 lb ft).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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KENR9225 15
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 20 g03670242

2. If a replacement electronic governor control unit

has been installed, the feedback for the governor 10. Connect harness assembly (10). Install a new
must be calibrated. Refer to Special Instruction, cable strap (11).
“Pandoras Digital Governor” for the correct
procedure. 11. Install new cable strap (6) and cable strap (15) for
harness assembly (5).
3. Install electronic governor control unit (4) and the
plate as an assembly. Position harness assembly 12. Connect the harness assemblies for exhaust
(5) onto electronic governor control unit (4) and the temperature sensors to connections (1) on high
plate. Ensure that the clips on the harness turbine inlet temperature switch (2). Ensure that
assembly are installed onto the anti-vibration the harness assemblies for exhaust temperature
mount. sensors are connected to correct positions

4. Install nut (3), nut (7), and nut (12) hand tight. 13. Connect the Original Equipment Manufacture
(OEM) harness assemblies to connection (13) and
5. Install bracket (19). Install nut (18) and nut (20) the harness assembly to connection (17) on
hand tight. electronic governor control unit (4). Refer to the
OEM for the correct procedure.
6. Tighten nut (3), nut (7), nut (12), nut (18), and nut
(20) to a torque of 25 N·m (18 lb ft). Ensure that
the harness assembly clips are not strained as the
nuts are tightened.
Governor Actuator - Remove
7. Connect harness assembly (5) to connection (14). (Twin Governor Actuators)
8. Connect the harness assemblies to solenoid (8)
and solenoid (9). Ensure that the harness
assemblies are connected into the correct
positions. Tighten the nuts securely.

9. Position connection (17) onto plate. Install the nuts

and bolts (16). Tighten the nuts and bolts securely.

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16 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or

death to personnel working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative (−) battery ter-
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the
disconnected battery cable end in order to pre-
vent contact with other metal surfaces which
could activate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop
switch location to inform personnel that the
equipment is being worked on.

Governor Actuators

Illustration 21 g03677697

1. Remove bolt (2) and bolt (3). Disconnect link (1)

and link (4).

2. Disconnect harness assembly (5) and harness

assembly (6) from the governor actuators. Cut the
cable strap from clip (17) and position the harness
assemblies away from the governor actuators.

3. Compress the plungers on stop solenoid (9) and

stop solenoid (10). Use suitable cable straps in
order to secure the plungers in the compressed

4. Cut the cable straps that retain rubber cover (13)

and rubber cover (14). Slide the rubber cover down
harness assembly (15) and harness assembly

5. Make temporary identification marks on the

connections of harness assembly (15) and
harness assembly (16). Disconnect the harness
assemblies from stop solenoid (9) and stop
solenoid (10).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Remove bolts (11) and remove bracket (7) and

stop solenoids (9) from the governor actuators.

7. Remove bolts (12) and remove bracket (8) and

stop solenoids (10) from the governor actuators.

Illustration 23 g03677874

10. If necessary, follow Step 10.a. through Step 10.b.

in order to remove the links.
a. Make temporary marks on link (1) and link (4)
Illustration 22 g03677864 for installation purposes.

8. Remove bolts (20) and bolts (21) from governor b. Remove bolt (23) and bolt (24). Remove link
actuator (18) and governor actuator (19). (1) and link (4).

9. Remove governor actuator (18) and governor 11. If necessary, follow Step 11.a. through Step 11.c.
actuator (19) from bracket (22). in order to remove the bracket.
a. Remove nuts (25) from bracket (22). Support
the bracket as the nuts are removed.
b. Remove bracket (22) from the front cover.

c. Remove gasket (26) (not shown).

Stop Solenoids and Brackets

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18 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

b. Remove bolts (29).

c. Remove stop solenoid (10) from bracket (8).

Actuator Adjustment Levers

Illustration 24 g03677698
Bank A stop solenoid and bracket

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.b. in

order to remove the stop solenoid from the bracket.

a. Remove bolts (27).

Illustration 26 g03678317
b. Remove stop solenoid (9) from bracket (7).
Rear view of governor actuators

Illustration 25 g03677699
Illustration 27 g03678318
Bank B stop solenoid and bracket
Actuator adjustment lever
2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.c. in
order to remove the stop solenoid from the bracket. 1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.j. in
order to remove the actuator adjustment lever and
a. Make temporary mark on clip (17) for disassemble the actuator adjustment lever.
instillation purposes. Remove bolt (28) and
remove the clip.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

a. Make temporary mark on actuator adjustment

lever (31) and governor actuator (19) for
instillation purposes.

b. Remove the nut and bolt (30). Remove

actuator adjustment lever (31) from governor
actuator (19).

c. Make temporary mark on actuator adjustment

lever (32) and governor actuator (18) for
instillation purposes.

d. Remove the nut and (33). Remove actuator

adjustment lever (32) from governor actuator

e. Remove locking nut (37) from adjuster (34).

f. Remove link (36) from lever (31) and adjuster

Illustration 29 g03678323
g. Loosen nut (35) on adjuster (34).
Actuator stop lever
h. Remove adjuster (34) from lever (31).
1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.i. in
i. Remove nut (35) from adjuster (34). order to remove the actuator stop lever and
disassemble the actuator stop lever.
j. Repeat Step 1.h. through Step 1.i. in order to
disassemble lever (32). a. Make temporary marks on actuator stop lever
(39) and governor actuator (18) for instillation
Actuator Stop Levers purposes.

b. Remove the nut and bolt (38).

Note: Make temporary marks to show orientation of
the nut and bolt.
c. Remove actuator stop lever (39) from governor
actuator (18).

d. Make temporary marks on actuator stop lever

(40) and governor actuator (19) for instillation

e. Remove the nut and bolt (41).

Note: Make temporary marks to show orientation of
the nut and bolt.
f. Remove actuator stop lever (40) from governor
actuator (19).

g. Loosen nut (42). Remove bolt (44) and bush

(43) from lever (39).

Illustration 28 g03678322 h. Remove nut (42) from bolt (43) and remove
Front view of governor actuators bush (43).

i. Repeat Step 1.g. through Step 1.h. in order to

disassemble lever (39).

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20 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Governor Actuator - Remove

(Single Governor Actuator)

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or

death to personnel working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative (−) battery ter-
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the
disconnected battery cable end in order to pre-
vent contact with other metal surfaces which
could activate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop
switch location to inform personnel that the
equipment is being worked on.

Governor Actuator
Illustration 30 g03681732
Typical example

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KENR9225 21
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 31 g03681764 Illustration 32 g03681735

1. Disconnect harness assembly (6) from governor 1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.e. in
actuator (8). order to disassemble lever (5).

2. Compress the plungers on stop solenoids (7). Use a. Loosen nut (14).
suitable cable straps in order to secure the
plungers in the compressed position. b. Remove the assembly of allen head bolt (11)
from lever (5).
3. Remove nut (3), bolt (2) and spacer (1) in order to
disconnect control rod (4) from lever (5). c. Remove nut (14) and nut (13) from allen head
bolt (11).
4. Repeat Step 3 in order to remove the remaining
control rod from lever (5). d. Remove bush (12) from allen head bolt (11).

5. Remove bolts (10) and remove stop solenoid (7) e. Repeat Step 1.a. through Step 1.d. in order to
from the bracket. Repeat Step 5 in order to remove remove remaining allen head bolt (11), bush
the remaining stop solenoid from the brackets. (12), nut (14), and nut (13) from lever (5).

6. Remove allen head bolts (9) and carefully lift Stop Solenoids and Governor Actuator
governor actuator (8) from the brackets. Mounting Bracket
7. If necessary, remove lever (5) from governor
actuator (8).

Note: Mark the position of the lever for installation


Actuator Stop Levers

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22 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 33 g03681733
Typical example

1. Cut cable straps (17) and slide rubber covers (18)

down harness assemblies (19).

2. Make temporary identification marks on the Illustration 34 g03681734

connections of harness assemblies (19).
Disconnect the harness assemblies from stop 5. If necessary, follow Step 5.a. through Step 5.b. in
solenoid (7). order to remove bracket (20) and bracket (21) from
the timing case.
3. Remove the nuts and bolts (15) and remove stop
solenoid (7) from bracket (16). a. Make temporary identification marks on the
bracket (20). Remove nuts (22) and remove
4. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 in order to remove
the bracket from the timing case. Support the
the remaining stop solenoid from the bracket.
bracket as the nuts are removed.
b. Make temporary identification marks on the
bracket . Remove nuts (23) and remove the
bracket (21)from the timing case. Support the
bracket as the nuts are removed.


Governor Actuator - Install

(Twin Governor Actuators)

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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KENR9225 23
Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Ensure that all components for the governor

actuators are free from wear or damage. Replace b. Install bush (43) to bolt (44) and install nut
any component that is worn or damaged. (42). Ensure that flange Section (W) of nut (42)
is toward the bush (43).
Actuator Stop Levers
c. Install the assembly of bolt (44) to lever (39)
ensure that bush (43) is free to rotate without
excess end play. Tighten nut to a torque of
44 N·m (32 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the bush can still rotate freely
without excess end play after the nut is tightened.

d. Repeat Step 1.a. through Step 1.c. in order to

assemble lever (40).

e. Install actuator stop lever (39) to governor

actuator (18). Ensure that the actuator stop
lever and the governor actuator are aligned
with temporary marks.

f. Install the nut and bolt (38) to actuator stop

lever (39). Ensure that the nut and bolt are
correctly orientated.

g. Tighten to nut and bolt (38) to a torque of

10 N·m (89 lb in).

Illustration 35 g03678359 h. Install actuator stop lever (40) to governor

Actuator stop lever actuator (19). Ensure that the actuator stop
lever and the governor actuator are aligned
with temporary marks.

i. Install the nut and bolt (41) to actuator stop

lever (40). Ensure that the nut and bolt are
correctly orientated.

j. Tighten the nut and bolt (41) to a torque of

10 N·m (89 lb in).

Actuator Adjustment Levers

Illustration 36 g03678322
Front view of governor actuators

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.j. in

order to assemble the actuator stop lever and
install the actuator stop lever.

a. Grease the internal diameter of bush (43).

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24 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

c. Screw adjuster (34) into actuator adjustment

lever (31) until the bottom of the adjuster is
protruding approximately 5 to 10 mm
(0.197 to 0.394 inch) Dimension (X) from the
bottom of lever (31).

d. Install link (6) into the bottom of actuator

adjustment lever (31). Install locking nut (37).
Ensure that the link moves freely without
excess end play after the nut is tightened.

e. Repeat Step 1.a. through Step 1.d. in order to

assemble lever (32).

f. Install actuator adjustment lever (31) to

governor actuator (19). Ensure that the
actuator adjustment lever and the governor
actuator are aligned with temporary marks.

g. Install the nut and bolt (30). Ensure that the nut
Illustration 37 g03678360 and bolt are correctly orientated.
Actuator adjustment lever
h. Tighten the nut and bolt (30) to a torque of
10 N·m (89 lb in).

i. Install actuator adjustment lever (32) to

governor actuator (18). Ensure that the
actuator adjustment lever and the governor
actuator are aligned with temporary marks.

j. Install the nut and bolt (33). Ensure that the nut
and bolt are correctly orientated.

k. Tighten to the nut and bolt (33) to a torque of

10 N·m (89 lb in).

Stop Solenoids and Brackets

Illustration 38 g03678317
Rear view of governor actuators

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.k. in

order to assemble the actuator adjustment lever
and install the actuator adjustment lever.

a. Install nut (35) to adjuster (34).

b. Install adjuster (34) to actuator adjustment

lever (31).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

a. Position stop solenoid (10) onto bracket (8).

Ensure that the stop solenoid is correctly
b. Install bolts (29) to stop solenoid (10) hand

c. Position clip (17) onto stop solenoid (10).

Ensure that the clip is aligned with temporary
d. Install bolt (28) to clip (17) hand tight.

e. Tighten bolt (28) and bolts (29) to a torque of

25 N·m (221 lb in).

Governor Actuators

Illustration 39 g03677698
Bank A stop solenoids and bracket

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.b. in

order to install the stop solenoids to the bracket.

a. Position stop solenoid (9) onto bracket (7).

Ensure that the stop solenoid is correctly
b. Install bolts (27) to stop solenoid (9). Tighten
the bolts to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in).

Illustration 41 g03677874

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.e. in

order to install the bracket.
a. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of the front
cover and bracket (22) are clean and free from

Illustration 40 g03677699 b. Position a new gasket (26) (not shown) onto

Bank B stop solenoids and bracket the front cover. Ensure that the gasket is
correctly orientated.
2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.e. in
order to install the stop solenoids to the bracket. c. Install bracket (22) to the front cover. Ensure
that the bracket is correctly orientated.

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26 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

d. Install nuts (25) to bracket (22) hand tight.

Support the bracket as the nuts are installed.

e. Tighten nuts (25) to a torque of 47 N·m

(35 lb ft).

2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.c. in

order to install the links.
a. Install link (1) ensure that the link is aligned to
the temporary marks. Install bolt (23) hand

b. Install link (4) ensure that the link is aligned to

the temporary marks. Install bolt (24) hand

c. Tighten bolt (23) and bolt (24) to a torque of

10 N·m (89 lb in).

Illustration 43 g03677697

Illustration 42 g03677864

3. Install governor actuator (18) and governor

actuator (19) onto bracket (21). Ensure that the
governor actuators are correctly orientated.

4. Install bolts (20) and bolts (21) to governor actuator

(18) and governor actuator (19).

5. Tighten bolts (20) and bolts (21) to a torque of Illustration 44 g03681269

10 N·m (89 lb in).
6. Connect link (1) and link (4) to the governor
actuators. Install bolt (2) and bolt (3). Tighten the

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KENR9225 27
Disassembly and Assembly Section

bolts to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in). Ensure that

the links are free from binding.

7. Install bracket (8) and stop solenoid (10) to the

governor actuators. Install bolts (12) hand tight.

8. Install bracket (7) and stop solenoid (9) to the

governor actuators. Install bolts (11) hand tight.

9. Cut cable straps that are holding the plungers of

stop solenoid (9) and stop solenoid (9) in the
compressed position.

10. Align solenoid (9) and solenoid (10) in the central

Position (X) and Position (Y) with the bushes.

11. Tighten the bolts (11) and bolts (12) to a torque of

22 N·m (195 lb in). Ensure that the solenoids
remain in the central position of the bushes as the
bolts are tightened.

12. Connect harness assembly (5) and harness

assembly (6) to the governor actuators. Install a
new cable strap to the harness assemblies and clip

13. Connect harness assembly (15) and harness

assembly (16) to stop solenoid (9) and stop
Illustration 45 g03681734
solenoid (10).

14. Install rubber cover (13) and rubber cover (14) to 2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.b. in
stop solenoid (9) and stop solenoid (10). Install order to Install bracket (20) and bracket (21) to the
new cable straps to the rubber covers. timing case.

15. Carry out calibration. Refer to Special Instruction, a. Install bracket (20) onto the timing case and
“Pandaros Digital Governor”for the correct align with temporary identification marks.
procedure. Install nuts (22) hand tight.

b. Install bracket (21) onto the timing case and

align with temporary identification marks.
Install nuts (23) hand tight.
Governor Actuator - Install
(Single Governor Actuator)

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Stop solenoids and Governor Actuator

Mounting Bracket

1. Ensure that all components for the governor

actuator are free from wear or damage. Replace
any component that is worn or damaged.

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28 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 46 g03681733 Illustration 47 g03681735

Typical example
1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.e. in
3. Install stop solenoids (7) onto bracket (16). Ensure order to assemble lever (5).
that the stop solenoids are correctly orientated.
a. Grease the internal diameter of bush (12).
4. Install the nuts and bolts (15). Tighten the nuts and
bolts to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in). b. Install bush (12) onto allen head bolt (11).

5. Connect harness assemblies (19) to stop solenoids c. Install nut (14) and nut (13) to allen head bolt
(7). (11).

6. Slide rubber covers (18) into position. Ensure that d. Install the assembly of allen head bolt (11) to
the rubber cover is correctly located onto the stop lever (5) ensure that bush (12) is free to rotate
solenoids without excess end play. Tighten nut to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
7. Install new cable straps (17).
Note: Ensure that the bush can still rotate freely
8. Repeat Step 3 through Step 7 in order to install the without excess end play after the nuts is tightened.
remaining stop solenoid from the bracket.
e. Repeat Step 1.a. through Step 1.d. in order to
Actuator Stop Levers install remaining allen head bolt (11), bush
(12), nut (14), and nut (13) to lever (5).

Governor Actuator

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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KENR9225 29
Disassembly and Assembly Section

For safe operation and the ability to stop the en-

gine, ensure that the governor actuator will return
the fuel injectors to the “NO FUEL” position.
Failure to stop the engine may result in personal
injury or death.

Illustration 49 g03681769

1. If necessary, install lever (5) to governor actuator

(7). Tighten the clamp bolt securely. Ensure that
the lever is aligned in the correct position.

2. Position governor actuator (8) onto bracket (10).

Install allen head bolts (9). Tighten the allen head
bolts to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in). Ensure that
the lever of the actuator has full movement.
3. Tighten nuts (22) and nuts (23) for bracket (22) and
bracket (21) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

4. Connect control rods (4) to lever (5). Install bolt (2),

spacer (1) and nut (3). Tighten the nuts and bolts
Illustration 48 g03681768 to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).
Typical example
5. Repeat Step 4 in order to connect the remaining
control rod, bolt, spacer and nut to lever (5).
Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torque of 10 N·m
(89 lb in).

6. Install stop solenoid (7) to the bracket and install

bolts (10) hand tight.

7. Cut cable straps that are holding the plungers of

stop solenoid (7). Align stop solenoid (7) in the
central Position (W) with bush (12).

8. Tighten bolts (10) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

9. Repeat Step 6 through Step 8 in order to install the

remaining stop solenoid to the bracket.

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30 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

10. Connect harness assembly (6) to governor

actuator (8).

11. Calibrate the operation of the governor actuator

and the governor electronic control unit. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Governor
Actuator - Check” for more information.
12. Carry out calibration. Refer to Special Instruction,
“Pandaros Digital Governor” for the correct


Fuel Injection Control Linkage -


Removal Procedure
Start By: Illustration 51 g01438795

a. Remove the rocker assemblies. Refer to 2. Remove allen head bolt (1) and spacer (3) in order
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure. to disconnect link (2) from fuel injector (4).

b. Remove the cam followers. Refer to Disassembly 3. Remove the nut and bolt (5). Remove link (2).
and Assembly, “Lifter Group - Remove” for the
correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Removal of the Fuel Injection Control

Linkage from the Cylinder Head

Illustration 52 g01438735

4. Remove the nut and bolt (6) in order to disconnect

rod (8) from break-back lever (7).

Illustration 50 g01621558
The FULL FUEL position on the governor actuator

1. Set the governor actuator to the FULL FUEL


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KENR9225 31
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Removal of the Fuel Injection Control

Linkage from the Crankcase

Illustration 53 g01438762

5. If necessary, remove locking nut (9) and remove

break-back lever (7) from the cylinder head.
Illustration 55 g01439276

Removal of the Fuel Injection Control 1. Remove nuts and bolts (21) and remove rods (8).
Linkage from the Timing Case
2. Remove bolts (20). Carefully remove control shafts
1. Remove the governor actuator. Refer to (19) through the front of the crankcase.
Disassembly and Assembly, “Governor Actuator -
Remove” for the correct procedure. i05784085

Fuel Injection Control Linkage -


Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 54 g03686078

2. Remove nut (10) and bolt (14) from lever (13).

3. Remove lever (13) from shaft (18).

4. Remove pin (17) from shaft (18).

5. Remove bolts (15) and remove housing (16) from

the timing case. Remove gasket (12).

6. Remove seal (11) from housing (16).

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32 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation of the Fuel Injection Control

Linkage to the Crankcase

1. Lubricate the bearing surfaces of the control shafts

with clean engine oil.

Illustration 56 g01439276

Illustration 57 g03669785

(A) Bank A control shaft (B) Bank B control shaft

2. Carefully install control shafts (19) through the front Installation of the Fuel Injection Control
of the timing case. Ensure the correct location and Linkage to the Timing Case
orientation of the control shafts. Refer to Illustration
57 .
3. Install bolts (20). Tighten the bolts hand tight.
Ensure that the control shafts are free to rotate as
each bolt is tightened.

4. Tighten bolts (20) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Note: Ensure that the control shafts are still free to
5. Connect rods (8) to control shafts (19) and install
nuts and bolts (21). Tighten the nuts and bolts to a
torque of 8 N·m (70 lb in).

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KENR9225 33
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Install bolts (15). Tighten the bolts to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

6. Install pin (17) to shaft (18). Tap the pin into the
shaft until the leading edge of the pin is flush with
the edge of the shaft.

7. Align Slot (X) with pin (17) and install lever (13) to
shaft (18).
Note: Ensure that the front face of the lever is flush
with the front of the shaft.
8. Install bolt (14) to lever (13) and tighten securely.
Install nut (10) to bolt (14) and tighten securely.

9. Install the governor actuator. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Governor Actuator - Install” for the
correct procedure.

Illustration 58 g03686078

Illustration 60 g01621558
The FULL FUEL position on the governor actuator

10. Set the governor actuator to the FULL FUEL

Illustration 59 g01452554
BankA Fuel injection control linkage
Installation of the Fuel Injection Control
1. Ensure that housing (16) is clean and free from
damage. Lubricate the outer diameter of a new Linkage to the Cylinder Head
seal (11) with clean engine oil. Install the seal to
the housing. 1. If the break-back lever is removed from the cylinder
head, check the tension of the spring. Refer to
Note: Ensure that the inner face of the seal is seated Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
squarely against the shoulder in the housing.
Injector Adjustment” for the correct procedure.
2. Install a new gasket (12) to the timing case.

3. Ensure that the end of control shaft (18) is free

from burrs or sharp edges. Lubricate the end of the
control shaft with clean engine oil.

4. Carefully slide seal (11) over the end of control

shaft (18) and position housing (16) against the
gear case.

Note: Ensure that the lip of the seal is not damaged

as the seal is pushed over the groove in the shaft.

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34 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 61 g03686117

2. Install break-back lever (7) to the cylinder head.

Ensure that the dowel on the break-back lever is
correctly installed into the Hole (Y) in the cylinder
Illustration 63 g01439296
3. Install locking nut (9) hand tight.

4. Insert a 0.25 mm (0.010 inch) feeler gauge

between the arm and the block of break-back lever
(7). Rotate the break-back in a counterclockwise
direction. Tighten the nut to a torque of 47 N·m
(35 lb ft). Remove the feeler gauge.

Illustration 64 g01439634

6. If a new link is installed, ensure that Dimension (Y)

is 85 mm (3.35 inch).
Connect link (2) to break-back lever (7) (not
shown). Install the nut and bolt (5). Tighten the nut
Illustration 62 g01438735 and bolt to a torque of 8 N·m (70 lb in).

5. Connect rod (8) to break-back lever (7) and install 7. Position spacer (3) and connect link (2) to fuel
the nut and bolt (6). Tighten the nut and bolt to a injector (4). Install allen head bolt (1). Tighten the
torque of 8 N·m (70 lb in). allen head bolt to a torque of 8 N·m (70 lb in).

8. Calibrate the fuel injector, Refer to Operation and

Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Injector - Inspect/
Adjust” for the correct procedure.
Note: If three or more links have been installed, all of
the fuel injectors should be calibrated.

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KENR9225 35
Disassembly and Assembly Section

End By:
a. Install the cam followers. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Lifter Group - Install” for the correct
b. Install the rocker assemblies. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Install” for the correct procedure.


Fuel Injector - Remove

Removal Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A 27610288 Pry Bars 2

Illustration 65 g01439660
Typical example
Start By:
2. Disconnect tube assembly (2) and tube assembly
a. Remove the rocker assembly. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and (3) from fuel rail (1). Allow the fuel to drain from the
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure. fuel rail.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

1. Turn the fuel supply to theOFF position.

Note: Do not allow the unions to turn when the tube Illustration 66 g01439666
assemblies are disconnected from the fuel rail. Allow
the unions to turn will damage the threads in the fuel
3. Remove allen head bolt (5) and spacer (7) in order
rail. Use two spanners in order to loosen the tube
assemblies from the connections. to disconnect link (6) from fuel injector (4).

4. Remove allen head bolt (8) from clamp (9).

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36 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Start By:
For engines that have cover extensive service a. Remove the fuel injectors. Refer to Disassembly
hours, removal of the injectors will require Tool- and Assembly, “Fuel Injectors - Remove” for the
ing (A) to be used in order to free the injector from correct procedure.
the carbon build-up on the fuel injector nozzle.
Failure to break the carbon build-up on the fuel in- NOTICE
jector nozzle could result in the fuel injector The fuel injectors should only be disassembled, serv-
sleeve becoming dislodged from the cylinder iced and assembled by trained personnel using the
head. correct tools. The fuel injectors should only be disas-
sembled, serviced and assembled in an environment
that is free from dust and contamination.
5. Use Tooling (A) in order to remove clamp (9) and
fuel injector (4) from the cylinder head.

6. Remove clamp (9) from fuel injector (4). NOTICE

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 68 g03686127
Tooling (B) contains the following items:
Illustration 67 g01439664 (BA) Brass wire brush
(BB) Wire holder
(BC) Seat scraper
7. Remove sealing washer (12) from fuel injector (4). (BD) Fuel chamber scraper
Remove O-ring seal (10) and O-ring seal (11) from
fuel injector (4). 1. Follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.c. in order to clean
the exterior of the fuel injector.
a. Plug the ports in the fuel injector in order to
Fuel Injector - Disassemble prevent the entry of debris.

b. Wash the fuel injector with clean fuel.

Disassembly Procedure c. Use brass wire brush (BA) in order to remove

the carbon deposits from the fuel injector.
Table 2
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Fuel Injector Clamp

A T6253/356 and Fuel Feed Adapter 1

Injector Nozzle Cleaning

B T6253/202 1

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KENR9225 37
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 71 g03686124

6. Place Tooling (A) in a suitable vise and tighten the

vise securely. Install housing (3) to Tooling (A) with
the housing upward.

Illustration 69 g03669840

Illustration 70 g03669841

2. Use a screwdriver to release the plate that retains

spring assembly (1) from dowel (2).

3. Remove spring assembly (1) from housing (3).

Note: The spring assembly is matched to the housing
of the fuel injector. These components must not be
interchanged. If these components are worn or
damaged, the components should be replaced with
service exchange items that are available from your Illustration 72 g03669843
authorized Perkins distributor. To ensure that the
spring assembly is assembled to the correct housing, 7. Use a 27 mm socket in order to remove holder (5).
Working on one fuel injector at any time is advisable.
8. Remove the assembly of nozzle and needle (6),
4. Remove timing pin (4) from housing (3). transfer block (7), and thrust cap (8). Place the
components into a container of clean fuel.
5. Place spring assembly (2) and housing (3) into a
container of clean fuel. The components should be 9. Remove housing (3) from Tooling (A). Remove
allowed to soak in the fuel until any carbon spring (9) and shims (10) from the housing. Place
deposits have softened. the components into the container of clean fuel.

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38 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Ensure that all shims have been removed from

the housing. d. Remove all the remaining carbon from the
inside of the nozzle. Ensure that the nozzle is
Cleaning and Inspection of the Fuel completely free from carbon or other
Injector Components contamination.

1. Wash the housing in clean fuel. Remove any
carbon deposits from the nozzle clamping shoulder
on the housing.
Fuel Injector - Assemble
2. Check the mating surface of the housing, the
nozzle, and the transfer block. The mating Assembly Procedure
surfaces of these components must be smooth
Table 3
and flat.
Required Tools
Note: Removing minor wear or staining is possible
from the mating surfaces by lightly lapping the Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
surfaces on a lapping plate. Fuel Injector Clamp
A T6253/356 and Fuel Feed Adapter (14 1
3. Wash the assembly of the nozzle and the needle in mm)
clean fuel. Remove the needle from the nozzle and
check the surface of the needle. The surface must
be free from discoloration or damage. The needle NOTICE
must slide smoothly in the bore of the nozzle. The fuel injectors should only be disassembled, serv-
iced and assembled by trained personnel using the
4. Check the lift of the needle in the nozzle. If the lift of correct tools. The fuel injectors should only be disas-
the needle is greater than the service wear limit, sembled, serviced and assembled in an environment
the assembly of nozzle and needle must be that is free from dust and contamination.

Needle lift (new) .................................... 0.4 to 0.6 mm NOTICE

(0.016 to 0.024 inch) Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Needle lift (service wear limit) ....................... 0.75 mm Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
(0.030 inch)

5. Follow Step 5.a. through Step 5.d. in order to clean 1. Ensure that all components of the fuel injector are
the nozzle of the fuel injector. clean and free from wear or damage. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injectors -
a. Insert Tooling (BD) into the bore of the nozzle,
Disassemble” for the correct procedure.
so that the tip of the tool is located in the fuel
gallery. Press the tool against the side of the 2. Lubricate the bore in the nozzle with clean fuel and
fuel gallery and rotate the tool in order to install the needle to the nozzle.
remove any carbon deposits. Use brass wire
of a suitable diameter in order to clean out the Note: The needle must slide smoothly in the bore of
fuel passages in the nozzle. the nozzle.

b. Insert Tooling (BC) into the valve seat of the

nozzle. Press the tool against the valve seat
and rotate the tool in order to remove any
carbon deposits.

c. Install a piece of brass wire 0.3 mm diameter

into Tooling (BB). The wire should protrude
from the tool by 1.5 to 2.0 mm
(0.060 to 0.080 inch). Use Tooling (BB) to
insert the brass wire into the spray holes in the
nozzle. Carefully rotate the tool in order to
clean out the spray holes in the nozzle.

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KENR9225 39
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Lubricate the nozzle clamping shoulder on housing

(3) with grease. Install holder (5) to the shoulder
hand tight. Use a 27 mm socket in order to tighten
the holder to a torque of 205 N·m (150 lb ft).

7. Remove housing (3) and Tooling (B) from the vise

as an assembly. Test the fuel injector. Refer to
Systems Operation Testing and Adjusting, “Test
and Set the Fuel Injectors” for the correct
procedure. If necessary, the nozzle opening
pressure can be adjusted by varying the thickness
of the shims. An increase in shim thickness of
0.51 mm (0.020 inch) will give a pressure increase
of approximately 517 kPa (75 psi). Remove
housing (3) from Tooling (A).

Illustration 73 g03669843

Illustration 75 g03669841

Illustration 74 g03669842

3. Install shims (10), spring (9) and thrust cap (8) to

the housing of the fuel injector.

4. Align the dowels on transfer block (7) with the

housing of the fuel injector and install the transfer
block to the housing. Align the assembly of nozzle
and needle (6) with the dowels on the transfer
block and install the assembly of nozzle and
needle to the transfer block. Illustration 76 g03670213

5. Place Tooling (A) in a suitable vise and tighten the 8. Install timing pin (4) to housing (3).
vise securely. Install housing (3) to Tooling (A) with
the housing upward. 9. Install spring assembly (1) to housing (3). Ensure
that dowel (2) and timing pin (4) engage into the
holes in the plate that retains spring assembly (1).

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40 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: The spring assembly is matched to the housing

of the fuel injector. These components must not be
End By:
a. Install the fuel injectors. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Injectors - Install” for the correct


Fuel Injector - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 4
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

GE50028 Vacuum Pump 1

Illustration 77 g01439664
B Tube
GE50030 7.9 mm (0.31 inch) Outside 1 2. Install a new O-ring seal (10) and a new O-ring seal
Diameter (11) to fuel injector (4). Lubricate the O-ring seals
Delphi Lockheed with Tooling (C). Install a new sealing washer (12)
C - 1
Rubber Grease to fuel injector (4).

3. Ensure that the sleeve for the fuel injector in the

NOTICE cylinder head is clean and free from damage. If
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. necessary, replace the sleeve for the fuel injector.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injector
component life. Sleeve - Remove” and Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Injector Sleeve - Install” for the
correct procedures.
1. Use Tooling (B) in order to remove any fuel from
the cylinder.
Note: Evacuate as much fuel as possible from the
cylinder before installing the fuel injector.

Illustration 78 g01621582

4. Install clamp (9) to fuel injector (4). Install the fuel

injector and the clamp to the cylinder head as an

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KENR9225 41
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Install allen head bolt (8) to clamp (9) finger tight.

Rotate injector (4) in a clockwise direction against
the clamp. Ensure that the fuel injector is pushed
firmly downward against the seat in the cylinder
head. Tighten the allen head bolt to a torque of
95 N·m (70 lb ft).

Illustration 81 g01439660
Illustration 79 g01440088
Typical example
(X) NO FUEL position
9. Connect tube assembly (2) to fuel rail (1). Tighten
6. Rotate the arm on fuel injector (4) the tube nut for the tube assembly to a torque of
counterclockwise to Position (X). The fuel injector 100 N·m (74 lb ft).
is now in the NO FUEL position.
Note: Do not allow the unions to turn when the tube
assemblies are connected to the fuel rail. Allowing the
unions to turn when the tube assemblies are
connected will damage the threads in the fuel rail.
Use two spanners in order to tighten the tube
assemblies to the connections.
10. Connect tube assembly (3) to fuel rail (1). Tighten
tube nuts for tube assembly (3) to a torque of
20 N·m (177 lb in).
Note: Do not allow the unions to turn when the tube
assemblies are connected to the fuel rail. Allowing the
unions to turn when the tube assemblies are
connected will damage the threads in the fuel rail.
Use two spanners in order to tighten the tube
Illustration 80 g01440095 assemblies to the connections.
11. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
7. Position spacer (7) and link (6) on fuel injector (4).
Install allen head bolt (5). Tighten the allen head 12. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
bolt to a torque of 8 N·m (70 lb in). Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
- Prime” for the correct procedure.
8. Calibrate the fuel injectors, Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel Injector - Inspect/ End By:
Adjust” for the correct procedure.
a. Install the rocker assembly. Refer to Disassembly
Note: If three or more fuel injectors have been and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install” for
the correct procedure.
installed, all of the fuel injectors should be calibrated.

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42 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Fuel Injector Sleeve - Remove

Removal Procedure
Table 5
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Drill (22 mm with 60 Degree

A - 1

B - Tap (M36 or 1 3/8 inch - UNF) 1

Start By:
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Illustration 83 g01449478
NOTICE Removing the sleeve from the cylinder head
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 3. Place the cylinder head in the inverted position.
component life. Insert a suitable brass rod into the injector bore of
the cylinder head. Use a hammer and the brass
rod in order to remove Tooling (B) and sleeve (1)
from the cylinder head.

Illustration 82 g01449476

1. Place the cylinder head in the inverted position on Illustration 84 g01449477

a suitable support. Use Tooling (A) in order to drill
out the swaging from sleeve (1). 4. Remove O-ring seal (2) from the cylinder head.
Note: Take care to avoid drilling into the cylinder
head in Position (X).

2. Place the cylinder head in the upright position.

Screw Tooling (B) into sleeve (1).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section


Fuel Injector Sleeve - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 6
Required Tools Illustration 86 g01449498

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

3. Place a new sleeve (1) over Tooling (D) and install
C -
Delphi Lockheed Rubber
the locating pin.

D T85002/2 Injector Bush Insertion Tool 1

Injector Bush Expanding Tool

E T85002/6 1

Injector Bush Expanding Tool

F T85002/58 1

G T85002/156 Injector Bush Swaging Tool 1

H T85002/7 Injector Bush Facing Cutter 1

J T85002/14B Injector Bush Depth Gauge 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Illustration 87 g01449501
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the bore in the cylinder head for the

sleeve is clean and free from corrosion.

Illustration 88 g01449502

4. Place the cylinder head in the upright position on a

suitable support. Position sleeve (1) and Tooling
(D) in the bore in the cylinder head. Carefully tap
the sleeve into position until Distance (Y) is 1.5 mm
(0.060 inch). Remove Tooling (D).
Note: Ensure that the O-ring seal is not damaged or
displaced during this procedure.

Illustration 85 g01449477

2. Lubricate a new O-ring seal (2) with Tooling (C).

Install the new O-ring seal to the bore in the
cylinder head.

Illustration 89 g01449503

5. Use Tooling (G) in order to swage the end of sleeve

(1) sufficiently so that the sleeve is held in position.
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44 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: The final swage forming of the sleeve is to be

completed after the sleeve has been expanded.

Illustration 90 g01449504

6. Place the cylinder head in the inverted position.

Use Tooling (E) in order to expand the bottom of
Illustration 93 g01449505
sleeve (1).

Illustration 91 g01453408

7. Place the cylinder head in the upright position. Use

Tooling (F) in order to expand top of sleeve (1).

Illustration 94 g01449517

9. Use Tooling (J) in order to check Distance (Z). Use

Tooling (H) in order to face sleeve (1) so that
Distance (Z) is 122.6 ± 0.166 mm
(4.8207 ± 0.004 inch).
End By:
Illustration 92 g01449503
a. Install the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly and
8. Use Tooling (G) in order to swage the end of sleeve Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Install” for the correct
(1). Tighten the nut on Tooling (G) to a torque of procedure.
55 N·m (40 lb ft) in order to swage the end of the
sleeve to the correct form.

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KENR9225 45
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Air Cleaner - Remove and


Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. The engine is equipped with four single air cleaner

assemblies, removal is similar for all four air
cleaner assemblies.

Illustration 96 g03668000

7. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.c. in

order to remove bracket (6).

a. Use a suitable lifting device to support the

weight of bracket (6). The weight of the bracket
is approximately 40 kg (88 lb).

b. Remove the nuts and bolts (9) from bracket


c. Use the lifting device in order to remove

bracket (6) from bracket (10).

8. If necessary, follow Step 2.b. through Step 2.c. in

order to remove brackets (7) from bracket (6).

a. Make temporary marks on bracket (7).

Illustration 95 g03667998 b. Remove the nuts and bolts (8) from bracket
2. Loosen hose clamp (4) for hose assembly (3).
c. Remove bracket (7) from bracket (6).
3. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight of
air cleaner (1). The weight of the air cleaner is d. Repeat Step 8.a. through Step 8.c. in order to
approximately 15 kg (33.06930 lb). remove remaining brackets (7).

4. Remove bolts (5). Use the lifting device in order to Installation Procedure
remove air cleaner (1) from bracket (6).
5. If necessary, loosen hose clamp (2) and remove Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
hose assembly (3) from air cleaner (1).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 9 in order to remove component life.
the remaining air cleaners.
1. Ensure that all components are free from wear or
damage. Replace any component that is worn or

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46 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 97 g03668000 Illustration 98 g03667998

2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.c. in 4. If necessary, install hose assembly (3) to air
order to install brackets (7) to bracket (6). cleaner (1). Ensure that the hose assembly is
correctly orientated onto the air cleaner.
a. Align bracket (7) with temporary marks on
bracket (6). Ensure that the bracket is correctly 5. Position hose clamp (2) and hose clamp (4) onto
orientated. hose assembly (3). Ensure that the hose clamps
are correctly positioned onto the hose assembly.
b. Install the nuts and bolts (8) to bracket (7).
Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torque of 6. Attach a suitable lifting device to air cleaner (1).
47 N·m (35 ft). Ensure that the bracket The weight of the air cleaner is approximately
remains aligned as the nuts and bolts are 15 kg (33.06930 lb).
7. Use the lifting device in order to position air cleaner
c. Repeat Step 2.a. through Step 2.b. in order to (1) onto bracket (6).
install remaining brackets (7).
8. Carefully push air cleaner (1) onto the turbo
3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.c. in charger and align the air cleaner with bracket (6).
order to install bracket (6).
9. Install bolts (5) to air cleaner (1) hand tight. Ensure
a. Attach a suitable lifting device to bracket (6). that the air cleaner is correctly aligned onto the
The weight of the bracket is approximately turbo charger and the bracket.
40 kg (88 lb).
10. Tighten bolts (5) to a torque of 44 N·m (32 lb ft).
b. Use the lifting device in order to position
bracket (6) onto bracket (10). 11. Tighten hose clamp (2) and hose clamp (4) to a
torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).
c. Install the nuts and bolts (9) to bracket (6).
Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torque of 12. Repeat Step 4 through Step 11 in order to install
81 N·m (60 lb ft). the remaining air cleaners.

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KENR9225 47
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Turbocharger - Remove

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Illustration 99 g03672158
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. 4. Loosen V-band clamp (1) and V-band clamp (3) for
convoluted hose (2).
1. The engine is equipped with four turbochargers,
the removal procedure is similar for all the 5. Remove bolts (4) from tube assembly (6). Note
turbochargers. position of different length bolts.

2. Remove the exhaust elbows. Refer to Disassembly 6. Remove tube assembly (6), V-band clamp (1), V-
and Assembly, “Exhaust Elbow - Remove and band clamp (3), and convoluted hose (2).
Install” for the correct procedure. 7. Remove O-ring seal (5) (not shown).
3. Remove the air cleaners. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Air Cleaner- Remove and Install”
for the correct procedure.

Illustration 100 g03672159

8. Loosen bolt (16) for the clamp and remove the

clamp from tube assembly (7) and tube assembly

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48 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

9. Remove allen head bolts (9) from tube assembly

(7). Position the tube assembly away from the a. Disconnect tube assembly (7) from tee-
turbo charger (10). Plug all open ports in order to connection (28). Ensure that the tee-
prevent the entry of dirt. connection is not strained as the tube
assembly is disconnected.
10. Remove gasket (8) (not shown).
b. Disconnect tube assembly (17) from tee-
11. Remove allen head bolts (15) from tube assembly connection (27). Ensure that the tee-
(17). connection is not strained as the tube
assembly is disconnected.
12. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight
of turbocharger (10). The weight of the c. Remove allen head bolts (18) from tube
turbocharger is approximately 45 kg (99 lb). assembly (21).
13. Remove nuts and bolts (11). Use the lifting device d. Remove allen head bolts (22) from tube
in order to remove turbocharger (10) carefully from assembly (24).
the elbow (13).
e. Loosen bolt (23) and bolt (25) for the clamps
14. Remove gasket (14) (not shown). for tube assemble (21) and tube assemble
(24). Remove the clamps from the tube
15. Remove gasket (12) (not shown).
16. Plug all open ports in order to prevent the entry of f. Remove the nut and bolt (26) from the clip for
dirt. tube assemble (24).
17. -If necessary, repeat Step 2 through Step 16 in
g. Disconnect tube assembly (24) from tee-
order to remove the remaining turbochargers.
connection (27). Ensure that the tee-
connection is not strained as the tube
assembly is disconnected.

h. Disconnect tube assembly (21) from tee-

connection (28). Ensure that the tee-
connection is not strained as the tube
assembly is disconnected.

i. Remove gasket (19) (not shown) and gasket

(20) (not shown).

Illustration 101 g03687519

18. If necessary, follow Step 18.a. through Step 18.i.

in order to remove the turbocharger tube

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KENR9225 49
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Turbocharger - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 7
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Anti-Seize Compound 1

Loctite 542 Hydraulic Thread

B - 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 102 g03687520
Air shutoff valve and the convoluted hose not shown
for clarity 1. Ensure that the turbochargers are clean and free
from damage. Inspect the turbochargers for wear.
19. If necessary, follow Step 19.a. through Step 19.f. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
in order to remove the turbocharger tube Adjusting, “Turbocharger” for more information.
assemblies from the cylinder block and the
flywheel housing. 2. Ensure that all tube assemblies are clean and free
from restrictions. Ensure that all gasket surfaces
a. Remove nut (30) from the clip for the tube are clean and free from damage.
assembly (29).

b. Remove tube assembly (29) from connection


c. Remove nut (34) from the clip for tube

assembly (35).

d. Remove tube assembly (35) from elbow

connection (36).

e. If necessary, remove connection (32) from the

flywheel housing. Remove sealing washer (33)
(not shown).

f. If necessary, remove elbow connection (36)

from connection (37) (not shown). Remove
connection (37) (not shown) the cylinder block.
Remove sealing washer (38) (not shown).

Note: Make temporary marks on the elbow

connection for installation purposes.
Illustration 103 g03687520
20. If necessary, follow Step 18 through Step 19 in
Air shutoff valve and the convoluted hose not shown
order to remove the remaining tube assemblies for clarity
from the other bank of the turbochargers.
3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.j. in
order to install the connections and the
turbocharger tube assemblies to the cylinder block
and the flywheel housing.

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50 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

a. If necessary, install a new sealing washer (38)

(not shown) to connection (37) (not shown).
Apply Tooling (B) to the threads of connection
(37). Install the connection to the cylinder
block and tighten the connection securely.

b. Install elbow connection (36) to connection

(37) (not shown). Ensure that the elbow
connection is aligned to the temporary marks.
Tighten the elbow connection securely.

c. If necessary, install a new sealing washer (33)

(not shown) to connection (32). Apply Tooling
(B) to the threads of connection (32).

d. Install connection (32) to the flywheel housing

and tighten the connection securely.

e. Loosely install tube assembly (35) to elbow

connection (36). Install nut (34) to the clip for
the tube assembly hand tight.

f. Securely tighten tube assembly (35) to elbow

connection (36). Ensure that the tube
assembly is not strained as the tube assembly
is tightened.
Illustration 104 g03687519
g. Tighten nut (34) to a torque of 25 N·m
(221 lb in). 4. If necessary, follow Step 4.a. through Step 4.k. in
order to install the turbocharger tube assemblies.
h. Loosely install tube assembly (29) to
connection (32). Install nut (30) to the clip for a. Loosely install tube assembly (24) to tee-
the tube assembly hand tight. connection (27).
i. Securely tighten tube assembly (29) to b. Loosely install tube assembly (21) to tee-
connection (32). Ensure that the tube connection (28).
assembly is not strained as the tube assembly
is tightened. c. Install the nut and bolt (26) for the clip for tube
assemble (24) hand tight.
j. Tighten nut (30) to a torque of 25 N·m
(221 lb in). d. Install the clamps to tube assemble (21) and
tube assemble (24). Tighten bolt (23) and bolt
(25) for the clamps hand tight.

Note: Ensure that the clamps are correctly

orientated and also positioned correctly onto the
tube assemblies.
e. Position a new gasket (19) (not shown)
between tube assembly and the turbocharger.
Install allen head bolts (18) to tube assembly
(21). Tighten the allen head bolts to a torque of
25 N·m (221 lb in).

f. Position a new gasket (20) (not shown)

between tube assembly and the turbocharger.
Install allen head bolts (22) to tube assembly
(24). Tighten the allen head bolts to a torque of
25 N·m (221 lb in).

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KENR9225 51
Disassembly and Assembly Section

g. Securely tighten tube assembly (24) to tee-

connection (27). Ensure that the tube
assembly is not strained as the tube assembly
is tightened.
Note: Use a suitable tool hold the tee-connection
as the tube assembly is tightened.

h. Securely tighten tube assembly (21) to tee-

connection (28). Ensure that the tube
assembly is not strained as the tube assembly
is tightened.
Note: Use a suitable tool hold the tee-connection
as the tube assembly is tightened.

i. Tighten the nut and bolt (26) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

j. Tighten bolt (23) and bolt (25) for the clamps to

a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
Illustration 105 g03672222

k. Connect tube assembly (7) to tee-connection

(28) finger tight. 6. Loosen V-band clamp (18) and V-band clamp (19).
Ensure that the housings are free to rotate on the
Connect tube assembly (17) to tee-connection body of the turbocharger. If necessary, remove the
(27) finger tight. V-band clamps and clean the mating surfaces of
the turbocharger. Lubricate the mating surfaces
Note: Tightening of tube assembly (7) and tube
with Tooling (A) and install the V-band clamp (18)
assembly (17) to the tee-connections will need to
be carried out after the turbocharger has been and V-band clamp (19).
5. If necessary, follow Step 4.a. through Step 4.k. in
order to install the remaining tube assemblies to
the other bank of the turbochargers.

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52 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

11. Install a new gasket (14) (not shown) between

tube assembly (17) and turbocharger (10). Ensure
that the tube assembly is aligned with the

12. Install bolts (15) to tube assembly (17) hand tight.

13. Remove plugs from tube assembly (17) and

turbocharger (10).

14. Position a new gasket (8) (not shown) onto

turbocharger (10).

15. Position tube assembly (7) onto turbocharger

(10). Install bolts (9) hand tight.

16. Install the clamp to tube assembly (7) and tube

assembly (17). Tighten bolt (16) hand tight. Ensure
that the clamp is correctly positioned onto the tube
17. If tube assembly (7) and tube assembly (17) have
Illustration 106 g03672159
been removed, securely tighten the tube
assemblies at the tee-connection (27) and tee-
connection (28). Ensure that the tube assemblies
are not strained as the tube assemblies are
Note: Use a suitable tool hold the tee-connection as
the tube assembly is tightened.

18. Tighten the nuts and bolts (11) to a torque of

58 N·m (43 lb ft).

19. Tighten allen head bolts (9) and allen head bolts
(15) to a torque of 33 N·m (25 lb ft).

20. Tighten bolts (16) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Illustration 107 g03687657

7. Remove plugs from tube assembly (17) and

turbocharger (10).

8. Use a suitable lifting device to lift turbocharger (10)

into position onto elbow (13). The weight of the
turbocharger is approximately 44 kg (99 lb).

9. Install a new gasket (12) (not shown) between

turbocharger (10) and elbow (13).

10. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the new nuts

and bolts (11). Install the nuts and bolts to
turbocharger (10) and elbow (13) hand tight.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 109 g03672224

Illustration 108 g03672158

21. Install a new O-ring seal (5) (not shown) to the

recess tube assembly (6). Ensure that the O-ring
seal is correctly installed into the recess of the tube

22. Position convoluted hose (2) onto tube assembly

(6) and install V-band clamp (1) hand tight. Ensure
that the V-band clamp is correctly orientated.

23. Install V-band clamp (3) onto convoluted hose (2).

Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly
24. Position tube assembly (6) onto the aftercooler
and the turbocharger. Ensure that V-band clamp
(3) is correctly installed onto turbocharger Illustration 110 g03672222

25. Install bolts (4) to tube assembly (6) hand tight. 27. Tighten V-band clamps (18) and V-band clamps
(19) to a torque of 9 N·m (80 lb in). Lightly tap the
26. Tighten V-band clamp (1) and V-band clamp (3) to V-band clamps with a soft faced hammer in order
a torque of 9 N·m (80 lb in). to seat the V-band clamps. Again, tighten the V-
band clamps to a torque of 9 N·m (80 lb in).
Repeat this Step until the V-band clamps are
seated correctly.

28. If necessary, repeat Step 1 through Step 27 in

order to remove the remaining turbochargers.

29. Install the exhaust elbows. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Exhaust Elbow - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.

30. Install the air cleaners. Refer to Disassembly and

Assembly, “Air Cleaner- Remove and Install” for
the correct procedure.

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54 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

31. Prime the engine oil system. Refer to Operation

and Maintenance Manual, “Before Starting the
Engine” for the correct procedure.


Air Shutoff - Remove and


Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the assembly of fuel and oil manifold.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Manifold (Rail) - Remove and Install” for the correct

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. The removal and installation procedure for the air

shutoff valves is the similar for both Bank A and
Bank B.
2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a
suitable container. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
Change” for the correct procedure.

Illustration 111 g03684757

3. Disconnect harness assembly (12) (not shown) 4. Loosen V-band clamp (2) on convoluted hose (1).
from the shut off valve (10).
5. Loosen hose clamp (8) for hose assembly (7).

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KENR9225 55
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Loosen hose clamps (15) for hose assembly (16). Installation Procedure
7. Remove clamp (11), clamp (13), and clamp (14) NOTICE
from tube assembly (9). Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

8. Remove tube assembly (9) from hose (7) and hose Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
(16). component life.

9. Attach a suitable lifting device to support the weight

1. Ensure that the assembly of the inlet manifold, the
of the assembly inlet manifold (5). The weight of
shutoff valve, and the convoluted hose are free
the assembly inlet manifold is approximately 30 kg
from damage and restriction. Replace any
(66 lb).
component that is worn, damaged, or not free from
10. Remove bolts (4) from the assembly inlet restriction.
manifold (5).

11. Use the suitable lifting device in order to remove

assembly inlet manifold (5) from the engine.

12. Remove gaskets (3) (not shown).

13. Remove V-band clamp (2) from convoluted hose


Illustration 113 g03684758

2. Install a new O-ring seal (17) (not shown). Ensure

that the O-ring seal is correctly located into the
recess of assembly inlet manifold (5).

3. Install shutoff valve (10) to assembly of inlet

manifold (5). Ensure that the shutoff valve is
correctly orientation onto assembly of the inlet
Illustration 112 g03684758 manifold as directional arrow (19).

14. Make temporary marks on bracket (20) and inlet 4. Install nuts (18) to shutoff valve (10) hand tight.
manifold (5) to show correct orientation for the
5. Align bracket (20) with temporary marks. Install the
assembly purposes.
nuts and bolts (21) hand tight.
15. Remove the nuts and bolts (21) and remove
6. Tighten nuts (18) and the nuts and bolts (21) to a
bracket (20).
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
16. Remove nuts (18) from shutoff valve (10).

17. Remove shutoff valve (10) from the inlet manifold.

Note orientation of directional arrow (19).

18. Remove O-ring seal (17) (not shown).

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56 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 114 g03684757

7. Attach a suitable lifting device to support the weight 17. Tighten hose clamps (15) for hose assembly (16)
of the assembly inlet manifold (5). The weight of to a torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).
the assembly of the inlet manifold is approximately
30 kg (66 lb). 18. Tighten the nuts for clamp (11), clamp (13), and
clamp (14) to a torque of 25 N·m (221.26875 lb in)
8. Install new gaskets (3) (not shown) onto the .
cylinder head. Ensure that the gaskets are
19. Connect harness assembly (12) (not shown) to
correctly orientated.
the shutoff valve (10).
9. Install V-band clamp (2) to convoluted hose (1).
20. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to
Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Coolant - Change” for the correct
10. Use the suitable lifting device in order to install procedure.
assembly of inlet manifold (5) to the engine. End By:
Ensure that the convoluted hose (1) is correctly
positioned onto the shutoff valve. Hand tighten V- a. Install the assembly of fuel and oil manifold. Refer
band clamp (2). to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Manifold
(Rail) - Remove and Install” for the correct
11. Install bolts (4) to the assembly of inlet manifold procedure.
(5). Ensure that the gaskets are not dislodged as
the bolts are installed. i05806485

12. Tighten bolts (4) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft). Exhaust Manifold - Remove
13. Tighten V-band clamp (2) to a torque of 9 N·m
(80 lb in).
Removal Procedure
14. Install tube assembly (9) to hose (7) and hose
(16). NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
15. Install clamp (11), clamp (13), and clamp (14) to
tube assembly (9). Hand tighten the nuts for the Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
clamps. Ensure that the clamps are correctly component life.
seated onto the tube assembly.

16. Tighten hose clamp (8) for hose assembly (7) to a

torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).

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KENR9225 57
Disassembly and Assembly Section

The exhaust manifolds should be removed as individ- 7. If necessary, repeat Step 3 through Step 6 in order
ual sections. If the exhaust manifold is removed as a to remove the remaining front sections of the
complete assembly, damage to the bellows may exhaust manifold from the other bank.

1. Removal individual section of an exhaust manifold

without removing the complete manifold is
possible. If removal of a complete manifold is
necessary, begin the removal procedure at the
front of the engine and work toward the rear.
Remove the outer center sections of the manifold
before removing the inner center sections of the
2. The removal and the installation procedure for the
exhaust manifolds are the similar for both Bank A
and Bank B.

Illustration 116 g03675420

Typical middle sections of the exhaust manifold

8. Support tube assembly (6) with a suitable lifting

9. Make temporary marks on bracket (7) and bracket
(10) for installation purposes.

10. Remove nuts (9) (not shown) and nuts (12) (not
shown). Remove clamp (8) and clamp (11) from
bracket (7) and bracket (10).

11. Remove nuts (15) and nuts (18) from the clamps.

12. Remove clamp (14) and clamp (17) from bracket

(7) and bracket (10).

13. Remove bracket (7) and bracket (10) from

exhaust manifold (16) and exhaust manifold (19).

14. Loosen V-band clamp (13) and use the suitable

Illustration 115 g03675410 lifting device to remove tube assembly (6).
Typical front section of the exhaust manifold
15. If necessary, repeat Step 8 through Step 14 in
3. Loosen clamp (5) and position the clamp away order to remove the remaining sections of the
from exhaust manifold (4). exhaust manifold and tube assembly from the
other bank.
4. Support exhaust manifold (4) with a suitable lifting
5. Remove bolts (3) and spacers (2) from exhaust
manifold (4).

6. Use the lifting device to remove exhaust manifold

(4) carefully from the cylinder head.

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58 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 117 g03675422 Illustration 118 g03675423

Typical rear sections of the exhaust manifold Typical rear sections of the exhaust manifold

16. Support exhaust manifold (16) with a suitable 27. Remove the exhaust elbow and the brackets.
lifting device. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Exhaust
Elbow - Remove and Install” for the correct
17. Loosen V-band clamp (23) and V-band clamp (25) procedure.
for bellows (24).
28. Loosen V-band clamp (34) and V-band clamp (36)
18. Remove bolts (22) and spacers (21) from exhaust for bellows (35).
manifold (16).
29. Remove bolts (40) and spacers (39) from exhaust
19. Use the suitable lifting device to remove exhaust manifold (37).
manifold (16). Remove gaskets (20) (not shown).
30. Remove exhaust manifold (37). Remove gaskets
20. Remove V-band clamp (23), V-band clamp (25), (38) (not shown).
and bellows (24)
31. Remove V-band clamp (34), V-band clamp (36),
21. Support exhaust manifold (19) with a suitable and bellows (35).
lifting device.
32. Loosen V-band clamp (45) and remove tube
22. Loosen V-band clamp (27) for the bellows. assembly (44). Remove V-band clamp (45).
23. Remove bolts (29) and spacers (28) from exhaust 33. Loosen V-band clamp (30) and V-band clamp (32)
manifold (19). for bellows (31).
24. Use the suitable lifting device to remove exhaust 34. Remove bolts (43) and spacers (42) from exhaust
manifold (19). Remove gaskets (26) (not shown). manifold (33).
25. Remove V-band clamp (27). 35. Remove exhaust manifold (33). Remove gaskets
(41) (not shown).
26. If necessary, repeat Step 16 through Step 25 in
order to remove the remaining sections of the
exhaust manifold from the other bank.

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KENR9225 59
Disassembly and Assembly Section

36. If necessary, repeat Step 27 through Step 35 in

order to remove the remaining sections of the
exhaust manifolds from the other bank.

Illustration 120 g03685747

38. If necessary, follow Step 38.a. through Step 38.c.

in order to remove the exhaust elbow mounting
Illustration 119 g03675425
Rear elbow sections of the exhaust manifold
a. Make temporary marks on bracket (55) and
37. If necessary, follow Step 37.a. through Step 37.h. bracket (54) to show correct alignment.
in order to remove exhaust elbow (46) and exhaust
elbow (52). b. Remove the nuts and bolts (56) from bracket
a. Remove the turbo chargers. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger - c. Remove bracket (54) from bracket (55).
Remove” for the correct procedure.
b. If necessary, remove exhaust temperature
thermocouples (47) and exhaust temperature Exhaust Manifold - Install
thermocouples (51). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Temperature Sensor (Exhaust) -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Installation Procedure
c. Remove the nuts and bolts (48). Support Table 8
exhaust elbow (46) as the bolts are removed. Required Tools

d. Remove exhaust elbow (46) from bracket (49). Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Anti-Seize Compound 1
e. If necessary, remove the nuts and bolts (50)
and remove bracket (49).

f. Remove the nuts and bolts (53). Support NOTICE

exhaust elbow (52) as the bolts are removed. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
g. Remove exhaust elbow (52) from bracket (54). component life.
h. If necessary, repeat Step 37.a. through Step
37.g. in order to remove the remaining 1. If installation of a complete manifold is necessary,
sections of the exhaust elbow from the other begin the installation procedure at the rear of the
bank. engine and work toward the front. Install the inner
center sections of the manifold before installing the
outer center sections of the manifold.

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60 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

2. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of the exhaust

manifolds and the cylinder head are clean and free
from damage. Ensure that the bellows are clean
and free from damage.

Illustration 122 g03675425

Rear elbow sections of the exhaust manifold

4. If necessary, follow Step 4.a. through Step 4.f. in

order to install exhaust link (46) and exhaust link
Illustration 121 g03685747 (52).

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.b. in a. If necessary, install bracket (49).
order to install the exhaust elbow mounting
bracket. b. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the nuts and
bolts (50) Install the nuts and bolts hand tight.
a. Install bracket (54) onto bracket (55). Ensure
that the brackets are aligned to the temporary c. Install exhaust elbow (46) onto bracket (49).
d. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the nuts and
b. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the nuts and bolts (48) Install the nuts and bolts hand tight.
bolts (50). Install the nuts and bolts to bracket Support exhaust elbow (46) as the bolts are
(54) hand tight. installed.
Note: Installation of the remaining exhaust e. Install exhaust elbow (52) onto bracket (54).
components will need to be completed prior to the Install the nuts and bolts (53) hand tight.
tightening of all the nuts and bolts for the brackets. Support exhaust elbow (52) as the bolts are
f. If necessary, repeat Step 4.a. through Step 4.
e. in order to install the remaining sections of
the exhaust elbows from the other bank.

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KENR9225 61
Disassembly and Assembly Section

14. Position new gaskets (38) (not shown) onto the

cylinder head.

15. Install exhaust manifold (37). Ensure that V-band

clamp (34) is correctly positioned onto the exhaust
16. Install bolts (40) and spacers (39) to exhaust
manifold (37) hand tight. Tighten V-band clamp
(34) and V-band clamp (36) hand tight.

17. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp

(45). Install the V-band clamp to the exhaust
elbow. Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly
18. Install tube assembly (44) to the exhaust elbow.
Ensure that V-band clamp (45) is correctly
positioned onto the exhaust elbow. Hand tighten V-
band clamp.

19. Tighten bolts (40) and bolts (43) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

20. Tighten V-band clamp (30) and V-band clamp (32)

to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).

21. Tighten V-band clamp (34) and V-band clamp (36)

Illustration 123 g03675423 to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).
Rear sections of the exhaust manifold
22. Tighten V-band clamp (45) to a torque of 10 N·m
5. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp (89 lb in).
(30) and V-band clamp (32).
23. Install the brackets and the exhaust elbows. Refer
6. Install V-band clamp (30) and bellows (31) to the to Disassembly and Assembly, “Exhaust Elbow -
exhaust elbow. Install V-band clamp (32) to Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
bellows (31). Ensure that the V-band clamps are
24. If necessary, repeat Step 5 through Step 23 in
correctly orientated.
order to install the remaining sections of the
7. Position new gaskets (41) (not shown) onto the exhaust manifolds from the other bank.
cylinder head.

8. Install exhaust manifold (33). Ensure that V-band

clamp (32) is correctly positioned onto the exhaust
9. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of bolts (43).

10. Install bolts (43) and spacers (42) to exhaust

manifold (33) hand tight. Tighten V-band clamp
(30) and V-band clamp (32) hand tight.

11. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp

(34) and V-band clamp (36).

12. Install V-band clamp (36) and bellows (35) to

exhaust manifold (33). Install V-band clamp (34) to
bellows (35). Ensure that the V-band clamps are
correctly orientated.

13. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of bolts (40).

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62 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

35. Use a suitable lifting device to install exhaust

manifold (16). Install bolts (22) and spacers (21) to
the exhaust manifold hand tight. Tighten V-band
clamp (23) and V-band clamp (25) hand tight.

36. Remove the suitable lifting device from exhaust

manifold (16).

37. Tighten bolts (22) and bolts (29) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

38. Tighten V-band clamp (27) to a torque of 10 N·m

(89 lb in).

39. Tighten V-band clamp (23) and V-band clamp (25)

to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).

40. If necessary, repeat Step 25 through Step 39 in

order to install the remaining sections of the
exhaust manifolds from the other bank.

Illustration 124 g03675422

Rear sections of the exhaust manifold

25. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp


26. Install V-band clamp (30) to the bellows. Ensure

that the V-band clamps are correctly orientated.

27. Position new gaskets (26) (not shown) onto the

cylinder head.

28. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of bolts (29).

29. Install exhaust manifold (19). Ensure that V-band Illustration 125 g03675420
clamp (27) is correctly positioned onto the exhaust Middle sections of the exhaust manifold
30. Install bolts (29) and spacers (28) to exhaust
manifold (19) hand tight. Tighten V-band clamp
(27) hand tight.

31. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp

(23) and V-band clamp (25).

32. Position V-band clamp (23) and V-band clamp

(25) onto bellows (24). Install the bellows and V-
band clamps to exhaust manifold (19).

33. Position new gaskets (20) (not shown) onto the

cylinder head.

34. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of bolts (22).

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KENR9225 63
Disassembly and Assembly Section

49. Install V-band clamp (5) to tube assembly (6).

Ensure that the V-band clamps are correctly
50. Position new gaskets (1) (not shown) onto the
cylinder head.

51. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of bolts (3).

52. Use the lifting device to install exhaust manifold

(4) carefully onto the cylinder head. Install bolts (3)
and spacers (2) to the exhaust manifold hand tight.
Tighten V-band clamp (5) hand tight.

53. Remove suitable lifting device from exhaust

manifold (4) and tube assembly (6).

54. Tighten bolts (3) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

55. Tighten V-band clamp (5) and V-band clamp (13)

to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).

56. Tighten nuts (9) (not shown) , nuts (12) (not

shown) , nuts (15), and nuts (9) to a torque of
25 N·m (221 lb in).

57. If necessary, repeat Step 41 through Step 56 in

order to install the remaining sections of the
Illustration 126 g03675410 exhaust manifold and tube assembly to the other
Front sections of the exhaust manifold bank.

41. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp


42. Install V-band clamp (13) to the exhaust manifold.

Ensure that the V-band clamps are correctly
43. Use the suitable lifting device to install tube
assembly (6). Ensure that V-band clamp (13) is
correctly positioned onto the tube assembly. Hand
tighten the V-band clamp.

44. Install bracket (7) and bracket (10) to exhaust

manifold (16) and exhaust manifold (19). Ensure
that the brackets are aligned to temporary marks.

45. Install clamp (14) and clamp (17) to bracket (7)

and bracket (10).

46. Install nuts (15) and nuts (18) to the clamps hand
Illustration 127 g03685776
47. Install clamp (8) and clamp (11) to bracket (7) and
bracket (10). Install nuts (9) (not shown) and nuts 58. If necessary, follow Step 58.a. through Step 58.e.
(12) (not shown) hand tight. in order to tighten the nuts and bolts for exhaust
48. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of V-band clamp
(5). a. Tighten the nuts and bolts (56) for bracket (54)
to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft).

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64 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

b. Tighten the nuts and bolts (50) for bracket (46) c. Tighten the nuts and bolts (58) for the exhaust
to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft). elbow (57) to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft).
Ensure that the bellows are not deformed as
c. Tighten the nuts and bolts (53) for exhaust the nuts and bolts are tightened.
elbow (52) to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft).
Ensure that the bellows on tube assembly (44) d. If any of the bellows are deformed, loosen all
are not deformed as the nuts and bolts are the nuts and bolts for the brackets and the
tightened. exhaust elbows and realign the brackets and
exhaust elbows. Repeat Step 59.a. through
d. Tighten the nuts and bolts (48) for the exhaust Step 59.c. in order to tighten all the nuts and
elbow (46) to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft). bolts
Ensure that bellows (31) are not deformed as
the nuts and bolts are tightened. 60. Install the turbo chargers. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Install” for the
e. If any of the bellows are deformed, loosen all correct procedure.
the nuts and bolts for the brackets and the
exhaust elbows and realign the brackets and 61. If necessary, install exhaust temperature
exhaust elbows. Repeat Step 58.a. through thermocouples (47) and exhaust temperature
Step 58.d. in order to tighten all the nuts and thermocouples (51). Refer to Disassembly and
bolts. Assembly, “Temperature Sensor (Exhaust) -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.


Exhaust Elbow - Remove and


Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 128 g03685809

59. If the exhaust elbows, brackets, or exhaust

manifold for the other bank have been installed.
Follow Step 59.a. through Step 59.d. in order to
tighten the nuts and bolts for exhaust elbows.

a. Tighten the nuts and bolts (60) for bracket (59)

to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft).

b. Tighten the nuts and bolts (62) for exhaust

elbow (61) to a torque of 163 N·m (120 lb ft).
Ensure that the bellows on the tube assembly
are not deformed as the nuts and bolts are

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KENR9225 65
Disassembly and Assembly Section

8. If necessary, repeat Step 12 through Step 3 in

order to remove the remaining exhaust elbow.

Illustration 129 g03674741

1. Use a suitable lifting device in order to support the

Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) exhaust Illustration 130 g03674744
system. Disconnect the OEM exhaust system from
the exhaust elbow (4). Refer to the OEM for the 9. If necessary, follow Step 2.c. through Step 9.d. in
correct procedure. order to remove bracket (9) and brackets (10).

2. If necessary, remove the temperature sensor from a. Remove the nuts and bolts (12) from bracket
exhaust elbow (4). Refer to Disassembly and (9).
Assembly, “Temperature Sensor (Exhaust) -
b. Remove bracket (9) from brackets (10).
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
c. Make temporary marks on brackets (10).
3. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight of
exhaust elbow (4). The weight of the exhaust d. Remove the nuts and bolts (11) and remove
elbow is approximately 23 kg (51 lb). brackets (10) from the exhaust manifolds.
4. Loosen V-band clamp (3) and V-band clamp (7) for Installation Procedure
bellows (2) and bellows tube assembly (6).
5. Remove nuts (8) from exhaust elbow (4).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
6. Use the suitable lifting device to remove exhaust Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
elbow (4) from bracket (9). component life.
7. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 7 in
order to remove bellow (2) and bellows tube 1. Ensure that the exhaust elbow, bellows, and tube
assembly (6). assembly are clean and free from damage.
Replace any components that are worn or
a. Make temporary marks on bellows (2) and damaged.
bellows tube assembly (6).

b. Loosen V-band clamp (1) and V-band clamp

(5) for bellow (2) and bellow tube assembly (6).

c. Remove bellows (2) from the turbochargers.

d. Remove bellows tube assembly (6) from the


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66 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 131 g03674744 Illustration 132 g03674741

2. If necessary, follow Step 2.c. through Step 9.d. in

order to install bracket (9) and brackets (10).

a. Position brackets (10) onto the exhaust

manifolds and align with temporary marks.
Install the nuts and bolts (11) hand tight.

b. Install bracket (9) onto brackets (10).

c. Install the nuts and bolts (12) to bracket (9)

hand tight.

d. Tighten the nuts and bolts (11) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

e. Tighten the nuts and bolts (12) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Illustration 133 g03674762

Seating the V-band clamps on the turbocharger and
the exhaust elbow

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.d. in

order to install bellows (2) and bellows tube
assembly (6).

a. Install V-band clamp (1) onto bellows (2).

Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly
orientated onto the bellow.
b. Install bellows (2) onto the turbo charger and
align to temporary marks. Tighten V-band
clamp (1) hand tight.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

c. Install V-band clamp (5) onto bellow tube
assembly (6). Ensure that the V-band clamp is Inlet Manifold - Remove
correctly orientated onto the bellow.

d. Install bellows tube assembly (6) onto the

turbo charger and align to temporary marks. Removal Procedure
Tighten clamp (5) hand tight.
4. Attach a suitable lifting device to exhaust elbow (4). Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
The weight of the exhaust elbow is approximately Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
23 kg (51 lb). component life.
5. Loosely install V-band clamp (3) and V-band clamp
(7) onto bellows (2) and bellows tube assembly (6).
Ensure that the V-band clamps are correctly
orientated onto the bellows.
6. Use the suitable lifting device to install exhaust
elbow (4) onto bracket (9).

7. Align V-band clamp (3) and V-band clamp (7) to

bellows (2) and bellows tube assembly (6). Ensure
that the V-band clamps are correctly positioned
onto the exhaust elbow.
8. Loosely install nuts (8) to exhaust elbow (4).

9. Remove the suitable lifting device from exhaust

elbow (4).

10. Tighten V-band clamp (1), V-band clamp (3), V-

band clamp (5), and V-band clamp (7).
Tighten V-band clamps to a torque of 9 N·m
(80 lb in). Lightly tap the V-band clamps with a soft
faced hammer in order to seat the V-band clamps.
Again, tighten the V-band clamp to a torque of
9 N·m (80 lb in). Refer to Illustration 133 .

11. Tighten nuts (8) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

12. Use the suitable lifting device in order to position

the OEM exhaust system onto exhaust elbow (4). Illustration 134 g03674011
Connect the OEM exhaust system from the Front section of an inlet manifold
exhaust elbow (4). Refer to the OEM for the correct
procedure. 1. Disconnect the harness assemblies for the exhaust
temperature sensor from high turbine inlet
13. If necessary, install the temperature sensor to temperature switch (1).
exhaust elbow (4). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Temperature Sensor (Exhaust) - Note: Make temporary marks on the harness
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure. assemblies for the exhaust temperature sensor for
installation purposes.
14. If necessary, repeat Step 1 through Step 13 in
order to install the remaining exhaust elbow. 2. Remove the electronic governor control unit and
bracket (2). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Governor - Remove” for the correct procedure.

3. Disconnect the Original Equipment Manufacture

(OEM) harness assembly from harness assembly
(12) for boost pressure sensor (11).

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68 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

4. If necessary, use a suitable lifting devise to support 17. Remove inlet manifold (24) from the cylinder
tube assembly (7). head.

5. Remove the nuts and bolts (11) from blanking 18. Remove O-ring seal (18) (not shown).
cover (10).
19. Remove gaskets (21) (not shown).
6. Remove blanking cover (10) from inlet manifold (7).
20. Remove the nuts and bolts (15) from inlet
7. Remove O-ring seal (9) (not shown). manifold (22).

8. If necessary, remove boost pressure sensor (12) 21. Remove bolts (16) from inlet manifold (22).
from blanking cover (10). Refer to Disassembly Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are
and Assembly, “Boost Pressure Sensor - Remove removed.
and Install” for the correct procedure.
22. Remove inlet manifold (22) from the cylinder
9. Remove the nuts and bolts (6) from inlet manifold head.
(7). 23. Remove O-ring seal (14) (not shown).
10. Remove bolts (3) (not shown) from inlet manifold 24. Remove gaskets (17) (not shown).
(7). Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are
11. Remove inlet manifold (7) from the cylinder head.

12. Remove O-ring seal (5) (not shown).

13. Remove gasket (4) (not shown).

Illustration 136 g03674013

Rear section of the inlet manifold

25. Remove the nuts and bolts (35) from inlet

manifold (30).

26. If necessary, loosen nuts (34) and position the

Illustration 135 g03674012 bracket away from inlet manifold (30).
Middle sections of an inlet manifold
27. Support the shutoff valve (28) and remove nuts
14. Remove the nuts and bolts (19) from inlet (29).
manifold (24).
28. Remove bolts (31) from inlet manifold (30).
15. If necessary, loosen nuts (23) and position the Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are
bracket away from inlet manifold (24). removed.
29. Remove inlet manifold (30) from the cylinder
16. Remove bolts (20) from inlet manifold (24).
Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are
removed. 30. Remove O-ring seal (33) (not shown).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

31. Remove gaskets (32) (not shown).

32. If necessary, follow Step 32.a. through Step 32.d.

in order to remove shutoff valve (28) and
convoluted hose (26) from the aftercooler.

a. Loosen V-band clamp (25) for convoluted hose


b. Disconnect harness assembly (36) (not

shown) from shutoff valve (28).

c. Remove shutoff valve (28) and convoluted

hose (26) from the aftercooler. Remove V-
band clamp (25) from the convoluted hose.

d. If necessary, loosen V-band clamp (27) and

remove convoluted hose (26) from shutoff
valve (28).

Illustration 137 g03674013
Inlet Manifold - Install Rear section of the inlet manifold

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.f. in

order to install shutoff valve (28) and convoluted
Installation Procedure hose (26) to the aftercooler.
NOTICE a. If necessary, position V-band clamp (27) onto
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. convoluted hose (26). Ensure that the clamp is
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened correctly orientated onto the convoluted hose.
component life.
b. Position convoluted hose (26) onto shutoff
valve (28). Tighten V-band clamp (27) hand
1. If the inlet manifold is installed as a complete tight.
assembly, use a suitable lifting device to lift the
inlet manifold. c. Position V-band clamp (25) onto convoluted
hose (26).
2. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of the inlet
manifolds and the cylinder heads are clean and d. Install shutoff valve (28) and convoluted hose
free from damage. (26) to the aftercooler. Ensure that the shut off
valve is correctly orientated and the shutoff
valve is supported.

e. Tighten V-band clamp (25) hand tight.

f. Connect harness assembly (36) (not shown) to

shutoff valve (28).

4. Install a new O-ring seal (33) (not shown). Ensure

that the O-ring seal is correctly installed into the
recess of the inlet manifold.
5. Position new gaskets (32) (not shown) onto the
cylinder heads.

6. Install inlet manifold (30) onto the cylinder head.

Ensure that the inlet manifold is correctly
positioned onto shutoff valve (28).

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70 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

7. Install bolts (31) to inlet manifold (30) hand tight.

Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are 20. Tighten the nuts and bolts (15) to a torque of
installed. 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
8. If necessary, position the bracket onto inlet 21. O-ring seal (18) (not shown). Ensure that the O-
manifold (30). Tighten nuts (34) hand tight ring seal is correctly installed into the recess of the
inlet manifold.
9. Install the nuts and bolts (35) and nuts (29) to inlet
manifold (30) hand tight. 22. Position new gaskets (21) (not shown) onto the
cylinder heads.
10. Tighten bolts (31) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
23. Position inlet manifold (24) onto the cylinder head.
11. Tighten the nuts and bolts (35) and nuts (29) to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft). 24. Install bolts (20) to inlet manifold (24) hand tight.
Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are
12. Tighten nuts (34) to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in) installed.
25. If necessary, position the bracket onto inlet
13. Tighten V-band clamp (25) and V-band clamp (27) manifold (24). Tighten nuts (23) hand tight.
to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).
26. Install the nuts and bolts (19) to inlet manifold (24)
hand tight.

27. Tighten bolts (20) to a torque of 50 N·m (35 lb ft).

28. Tighten the nuts and bolts (19) to a torque of

50 N·m (35 lb ft).

29. Tighten nuts (23) to a torque of 25 N·m (221 lb in)


Illustration 138 g03674012

Middle sections of an inlet manifold

14. Install a new O-ring seal (14) (not shown) to inlet

manifold (22). Ensure that the O-ring seal is
correctly installed into the recess of the inlet
15. Position new gaskets (17) (not shown) onto the
cylinder heads.

16. Position inlet manifold (22) to the cylinder head.

17. Install bolts (16) to inlet manifold (22) hand tight.

Support the inlet manifold as the bolts are
Illustration 139 g03674011
18. Install the nuts and bolts (15) to inlet manifold
Front section of an inlet manifold

19. Tighten bolts (16) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

30. Install a new O-ring seal (5) (not shown) to inlet i05784222
manifold (7). Ensure that the O-ring seal is
correctly installed into the recess of the inlet Inlet and Exhaust Valves -
manifold. Remove and Install
31. Position new gaskets (4) (not shown) onto the
cylinder heads.

32. Position inlet manifold (7) onto the cylinder head.

Removal Procedure
Table 9
33. Position inlet manifold (7) onto the cylinder heads. Required Tools
Install bolts (3) hand tight. Support the inlet
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
manifold as the bolts are installed.
A - Valve Spring Compressor 1
34. Install the nuts and bolts (6) to inlet manifold (7)
hand tight.
Start By:
35. Tighten bolts (3) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
a. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
36. Tighten the nuts and bolts (6) to a torque of and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Remove” for the
47 N·m (35 lb ft). correct procedure.

37. Install the electronic governor control unit and NOTICE

bracket (2). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
“Governor - Remove” for the correct procedure. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
38. Connect the harness assemblies for the exhaust
temperature sensor to high turbine inlet
temperature switch (1). Ensure that the harness 1. Clean the bottom face of the cylinder head. Check
assemblies for exhaust temperature sensors are the depth of the valves below the face of the
connected into the original positions. cylinder head before the valve springs are
removed. Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head
39. If necessary, install boost pressure sensor (12) to Valves” for the correct dimensions.
blanking cover (10). Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Boost Pressure Sensor - Remove and 2. Place a temporary identification mark on the heads
Install” for the correct procedure. of the valves in order to identify the correct
40. Install a new O-ring seal (9) (not shown). Ensure
Note: Do not stamp the heads of the valves.
that the O-ring seal is correctly installed into the
Stamping or punching the heads of the valves could
recess of blanking cover (10). cause the valves to fracture.
41. Install blanking cover (10) to inlet manifold (7).
Ensure that the blanking plate is correctly
42. Install the nuts and bolts (11) to blanking cover Personal injury can result from being struck by
parts propelled by a released spring force.
(10). Tighten the nuts and bolts (11) to a torque of
47 N·m (35 lb ft). Make sure to wear all necessary protective
43. If necessary, remove the suitable lifting devise
that supported tube assembly (7). Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.
44. Connect the Original Equipment Manufacture
(OEM) harness assembly to harness assembly
(12) for boost pressure sensor (11). NOTICE
Ensure that the valve spring is compressed squarely
or damage to the valve stem may occur.

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72 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation Procedure
Table 10
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Valve Spring Compressor 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 140 g01453609 1. Clean all components of the cylinder head

assembly. Ensure that all ports, and all passages
in the cylinder head are free from debris. Follow
Step 1.a. through Step 1.e. in order to inspect the
components of the cylinder head assembly.

a. Inspect the cylinder head for wear and for

damage. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing
and Adjusting, “Cylinder Head Inspect” for
further information.
b. Inspect the valve seats for wear and for
damage. Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder
Head Valves” for further information.
c. Inspect the valve guides for wear and for
damage. Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder
Head Valves” and Systems Operation, Testing
and Adjusting, “Valve Guide - Inspect” for
further information.
d. Inspect the valves for wear and for damage.
Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head
Valves”. Check the depth of the valve below
the face of the cylinder head. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Valve Depth
- Inspect” for more information.

e. Inspect the valve springs for the correct length.

Refer to Specifications, “Cylinder Head
Illustration 141 g01473533
Typical example

3. Use Tooling (A) in order to compress the

appropriate valve spring (3). Remove valve collets

4. Remove Tooling (A).

5. Remove cap (2). Remove valve spring (3).

6. Remove valve (4).

7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 in order to remove

the remaining valves.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 143 g01453609

4. Use Tooling (A) in order to compress valve spring

(3). Install valve collets (1).

The valve spring keepers can be thrown from the

valve when the valve spring compressor is re-
leased. Ensure that the valve spring keepers are
properly installed on the valve stem. To help pre-
vent personal injury, keep away from the front of
Illustration 142 g01473533 the valve spring keepers and valve springs during
Typical example the installation of the valves.

2. Lubricate the stem of valve (4) with clean engine 5. Remove Tooling (A).
oil. Install the valve in the appropriate position in
the cylinder head. 6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 in order to install the
remaining valves.
3. Install valve spring (3) to the cylinder head.
Position cap (2) on the valve spring. 7. Place the cylinder head on a suitable support.
Ensure that the heads of the valves are not
obstructed. Gently tap the top of the valves with a
soft faced hammer in order to ensure that the valve
collets are correctly installed.
Personal injury can result from being struck by
End By:
parts propelled by a released spring force.
a. Install the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly and
Make sure to wear all necessary protective Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Install” for the correct
equipment. procedure.
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force. i05784220

Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides

Ensure that the valve spring is compressed squarely - Remove and Install
or damage to the valve stem may occur.

Removal Procedure
Table 11
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Valve Guide Removal Drift 1

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74 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Start By:
a. Remove the inlet and exhaust valves. Refer to Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet and Exhaust
Valves - Remove and Install” for the correct Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
procedure. component life.

NOTICE 1. Ensure that the bores in the cylinder head for the
Removal and installation of the valve guide and valve
valve guides are clean and free from burrs or
seat must be carried out by personnel with the correct
training. Also special machinery is required. For more carbon.
information, refer to your authorized Perkins

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 145 g01475060

2. Lubricate new valve guide (2) with clean engine oil.

Position the valve guide in the cylinder head.
Carefully tap the valve guide with a soft faced
hammer in order to locate the valve guides in the
cylinder head. Ensure that the valve guide is
located squarely in the cylinder head.
Note: Replacement valve guides are supplied,
Illustration 144 g01453852
finished to the correct size.
1. Use Tooling (A) and a suitable press in order to 3. Use Tooling (B) and a suitable press in order to
push valve guides (1) out of the cylinder head. install the valve guide to the cylinder head. Press
the valve guide until Tooling (B) bottoms out on the
Installation Procedure cylinder head.
Table 12
Note: The counterbore in Tooling (B) ensures that
Required Tools
the valve guide is installed to the correct height.
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 in order to install the
B T85002/3 Valve Guide Installation Tool 1 remaining valve guides.

Removal and installation of the valve guide and valve
seat must be carried out by personnel with the correct
training. Also special machinery is required. For more
information, refer to your authorized Perkins

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KENR9225 75
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.

Illustration 146 g01475057 Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
5. Check the installed height of each valve guide.
Dimension (X) should be 9 mm (0.354 inch). 1. The removal procedure for the engine oil filter base
is the similar for both Bank A and Bank B.
Note: After installing the valve guides, the valve seat
inserts must be refaced. This procedure ensures the
concentricity of the valve seat to the valve guide in
order to create a good seal. Refer to Specifications,
“Cylinder Head Valves” for more information. The
valves must not be lapped into the seats with
grinding paste. Abrasive particles are retained in
the faces of the valve and the valve seat. Abrasive
particles will cause rapid wear of the valves and
the valve seats.
6. Check the depths of the valves below the face of
the cylinder head. Refer to System Operation,
Testing and Adjusting, “Valve Depth - Inspect” for
more information.
End By:
a. Install the inlet valves and the exhaust valves.
Refer to this Disassembly and Assembly Manual,
“Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and Install” for
the correct procedure.

Illustration 147 g03586890

Engine Oil Filter Base - Bank A engine oil filter base

Remove 2. Remove drain plug (2) and allow the oil to drain
from the engine oil filter base.

3. Use Tooling (A) to remove engine oil filters (1).

Removal Procedure Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
Table 13 “Engine Oil and Filter Change” for the correct
Required Tools procedure.
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
4. Remove engine oil cooler (4). Refer to
A - Strap Wrench 1 Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler -
Remove” for the correct procedure.

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76 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Engine Oil Filter Base -


Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil filter base. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Filter
Base - Remove” for the correct procedure.

Illustration 148 g03586893

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Bank A engine oil filter base
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 149 g03586895

Bank A engine oil filter base

5. Remove tube assembly (5).

6. Remove bolts (8) and bolts (14). Remove tube

assembly (10).

7. Remove O-ring seal (6) (not shown) and O-ring

seal (12) (not shown) from tube assembly (10). Illustration 150 g03586977
Bank A engine oil filter base
8. Remove bolts (9) and bolts (13). Remove tube
assembly (11). 1. Remove bolts (3). Remove plate (2) and gasket (1).
9. Remove O-ring seal (7) (not shown) and O-ring 2. Remove nuts (5). Remove oil filter head (6), and
seal (15) (not shown) from tube assembly (11). gasket (10).
10. Remove bolts (17) and remove engine oil filter 3. If necessary, remove bolts (9). Remove plate (8)
base (3). and gasket (7).
11. Remove gasket (16) (not shown). 4. Remove tube assembly (11) and gasket (12).

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KENR9225 77
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. If necessary, remove connection (4) from the 2. Apply Tooling (B) to the threads of connection (4).
engine oil filter base. Install the connection to the engine oil filter base
and tighten the connection securely.
3. Position a new gasket (1) and plate (2) onto the
Engine Oil Filter Base - engine oil filter base. Install bolts (3). Tighten the
bolts to a torque of 40 N·m (30 lb ft).
4. Position a new gasket (7) and plate (8) on engine
oil filter base (6). Install bolts (9). Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 40 N·m (30 lb ft).
Assembly Procedure
Table 14 5. Install a new gasket (12) and tube assembly (11)
Required Tools
over the studs and onto the engine oil filter base.
Ensure that the tube assembly is correctly
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty orientated.
Loctite 542 6. Install a new gasket (10) and oil filter head (6) over
B - 1
Thread Sealant
the studs and onto the oil filter head. Install nuts (5)
hand tight.
NOTICE Note: Nuts (5) must only be tightened to the
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. correct torque after the oil filter head has been
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened installed to the engine.
component life. End By:
a. Install the engine oil filter base. Refer to
1. Ensure that all components of the engine oil filter Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Filter
base are clean. Ensure that all oil passages are Base - Install” for the correct procedure.
free from restriction.

Engine Oil Filter Base - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 15
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Guide Studs
C - 2
(M10 by 75 mm)

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. The the installation procedure for the engine oil

filter base is the similar for both Bank A and Bank
2. Ensure that all components of the engine oil filter
base are clean and free from damage. Ensure that
all oil passages are free from restriction. Clean the
Illustration 151 g03586977
gasket surface of the crankcase door.
Bank A engine oil filter base

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78 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 152 g03586938

Illustration 154 g03586941

Tightening sequence of engine oil filter base

3. Install Tooling (C) to the crankcase door.

4. Use Tooling (C) to locate a new gasket (16) (not

shown) and engine oil filter base (3) onto the
crankcase door. Install bolts (17) finger tight.
Remove Tooling (C) and install the remaining bolts.

5. Ensure that the nuts at Positions (X) are finger


Note: If the engine oil filter base was not previously

disassembled, the nuts should be loosened.

6. Install new O-ring seal (7) (not shown) and new O-

Illustration 153 g03586940 ring seal (15) (not shown) to tube assembly (11).
Bank A engine oil filter base
7. Install new O-ring seal (6) (not shown) and new O-
ring seal (12) (not shown) to tube assembly (10).

8. Place tube assembly (11) in position. Install bolts

(9) and bolts (13) finger tight.

9. Place tube assembly (10) in position. Install bolts

(8) and bolts (14) finger tight.

10. Tighten bolts (8), (9) and (17) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft). Tighten bolts (13) and bolts (14)
to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft). Tighten the nuts at
Positions (X) securely. Tighten the nuts and the
bolts in the sequence that is shown in Illustration
154 .

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Disassembly and Assembly Section


Engine Oil Cooler - Remove

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 155 g03586893 NOTICE

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
Bank A engine oil filter base
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

1. The removal procedure for the engine oil cooler is

the similar for both Bank A and Bank B.

Illustration 156 g03586890

Bank A engine oil filter base

11. Install tube assembly (5).

Illustration 157 g01479573
12. Install drain plug (2) to engine oil filter base (3).
2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a
13. Install engine oil cooler (4). Refer to Disassembly suitable container. Refer to Operation and
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler - Install” for the Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
correct procedure. Change” for the correct procedure. Open tap (2)
and drain the coolant from engine oil cooler (1).
14. Install new engine oil filters (1). Refer to Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter 3. If the engine oil cooler is equipped with an
Change” for the correct procedure. alternator warning lamp oil pressure switch.
Disconnect the harness assembly from the
alternator warning lamp oil pressure switch. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil
Pressure Switch (Alternator Warning Lamp) -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.

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80 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 158 g03587016 Illustration 160 g03587018

Typical example

5. Loosen hose clamps (17) on tube assembly (18).

6. Remove bolts (20). Remove tube assembly (18)

and the elbow assembly.

7. Remove gasket (19) (not shown).

8. Remove bolts (13) and bolts (15). Remove elbow

(14). Remove gasket (12) (not shown) and gasket
(16) (not shown).

Illustration 159 g03587017

4. To remove Bank A engine oil cooler, disconnect

hose assembly (3) and hose assembly (4) from
engine oil cooler (1).
To remove Bank A engine oil cooler, remove nuts
(9) and clamp (8). Remove bolts (6) and bolts (10).
Remove tube assembly (5) from engine oil cooler
(1). Remove O-ring seal (7) (not shown) and O-ring
seal (11) (not shown).

Illustration 161 g03587020

Typical example

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KENR9225 81
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

1. The disassembly procedure for the engine oil

cooler is the similar for both Bank A and Bank B.

Illustration 162 g03587023

Typical example

9. Remove bolts (21) and bolts (24). Remove tube

assembly (23). Remove O-ring seal (20) (not
shown) and O-ring seal (25) (not shown).

10. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight

of engine oil cooler (1). The weight of the engine oil
cooler is approximately 45 kg (100 lb).

11. Remove bolts (26).

12. Carefully pry engine oil cooler (1) from the dowels
in the mounting bracket. Remove the engine oil Illustration 163 g03587126
2. Follow Step 2.a. thought Step 2.b. in order to
13. Drain the oil from the engine oil cooler into a
remove connection block (2) from Bank B engine
suitable container.
oil cooler.
i05784122 a. Remove bolts (1) and remove connection
block (2).
Engine Oil Cooler -
b. Remove gasket (3).

Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil cooler. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler -
Remove” for the correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 164 g03587127

3. Remove bolts (4).

4. Remove end cover (5).

Note: If necessary, tap the covers with a soft faced

hammer in order to loosen the covers.
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82 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Remove O-ring seal (6).

Illustration 166 g03587130

3. Place a new gasket (10) in position. Ensure that

Illustration 165 g03587130 the gasket is correctly orientated.

6. Remove bolts (8) from end cover (9). 4. Push tubestack (11) into the housing of the engine
oil cooler. Ensure that the tubestack is orientated
7. Carefully tap the rear face of tubestack (11) with a and correctly seated against the engine oil cooler
soft faced hammer in order to drive the tubestack housing.
from the housing of the engine oil cooler.
5. Place a new gasket (7) in position and install cover
Note: Use a block of wood in order to protect the (9). Ensure that the gasket is correctly orientated.
8. Remove gasket (7) and gasket (10). 6. Install bolts (8). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
41 N·m (30 lb ft).

Engine Oil Cooler - Assemble

Assembly Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. The assembly procedure for the engine oil cooler is

the similar for both Bank A and Bank B. Illustration 167 g03587127

2. Ensure that all parts of the engine oil cooler are 7. Place a new O-ring seal (32) in position and install
clean and free from damage. cover (5).
If the tubestack is still contaminated with limescale 8. Install bolts (4). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
or with sludge after cleaning, then the tubestack
must be replaced. Do not use a contaminated 41 N·m (30 lb ft).
tubestack. The use of a contaminated tubestack
could lead to engine failure.

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KENR9225 83
Disassembly and Assembly Section

9. Pressure test the engine oil cooler for leaks. Refer

to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
“General Information - Cooling System” for the
correct procedure.

Illustration 169 g03587023

Typical example

3. Use a suitable lifting device to lift engine oil cooler

(1) into position. The weight of the engine oil cooler
Illustration 168 g03587126 is approximately 45 kg (100 lb). Align the engine
oil cooler with the dowels in the mounting bracket
10. Follow Step 10.a. through Step 10.b. in order to and install the engine oil cooler to the mounting
install the connection block (2) to engine oil cooler. bracket.
a. Place a new gasket (29) in position and install 4. Install bolts (26). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
connection block (2). 41 N·m (30 lb ft).
b. Install bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
41 N·m (30 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the engine oil cooler. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler - Install” for the
correct procedure.


Engine Oil Cooler - Install

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 170 g03587020
1. The installation procedure for the engine oil cooler Typical example
is the similar for both Bank A and Bank B.
5. Install a new O-ring seal (22) (not shown) and a
2. Ensure that the oil cooler and the tube assemblies new O-ring seal (25) (not shown). Position tube
are clean and free from damage or restrictions. assembly (23) and install bolts (21) and bolts (24).

6. Tighten bolts (21) and bolts (24) to a torque of

41 N·m (30 lb ft).

Note: Ensure that the tube assembly is not strained

as the bolts are tightened.

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84 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 171 g03587018 Illustration 172 g03587016

Typical example

7. Position a new gasket (12) (not shown) and a new

gasket (16) (not shown). Install elbow (14) and
install bolts (13) hand tight. Install nuts and bolts
(15) hand tight. Tighten bolts (13) to a torque of
41 N·m (30 lb ft). Tighten nuts and bolts (15) to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

8. Position a new gasket (19) (not shown). Install tube

assembly (18) and the elbow assembly. Install
bolts (20). Tighten the bolts to a torque of 41 N·m
(30 lb ft).

9. Tighten hose clamps (17) to a torque of 7 N·m

(62 lb in).

Illustration 173 g03587017

10. To install Bank A engine oil cooler, connect hose

assembly (3) and hose assembly (4) to engine oil
cooler (1).
To install Bank B engine oil cooler, install new O-
ring seal (7) (not shown) and new O-ring seal (11)
(not shown) to tube assembly (5). Position tube
assembly (5) on the engine oil cooler (1) and install
bolts (6) and bolts (10) hand tight. Position clamp
(8) and install nuts (9) hand tight. Tighten bolts (6)
to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft). Tighten bolts (10)
to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

11. Tighten nuts (9) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

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KENR9225 85
Disassembly and Assembly Section

12. If the engine oil cooler is equipped with an

alternator warning lamp oil pressure switch.
Connect the harness assembly to the alternator
warning lamp oil pressure switch. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pressure
Switch (Alternator Warning Lamp) - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.

13. Fill the cooling system with coolant to the correct

level. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Cooling System Coolant - Change” for
the correct procedure.

14. Ensure that the engine oil pan is filled to the

correct level. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Engine Oil Level - Check” for the correct


Engine Oil Relief Valve - Illustration 174 g01453874

Remove and Install
(Engine Oil Pressure Regulator)
Personal injury can result from parts and/or cov-
ers under spring pressure.
Removal Procedure
Spring force will be released when covers are
NOTICE removed.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Be prepared to hold spring loaded covers as the
bolts are loosened.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
1. Carefully loosen bolts (7). Remove the bolts and
remove plate (6).
NOTICE Note: The spring force will be released suddenly
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- when the bolts are removed.
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be 2. Remove spring seat (2). Remove O-ring seal (5)
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers from the spring seat.
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids. 3. Remove spring (4).
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and 4. Remove plunger (1).
5. Remove gasket (3).

Installation Procedure
Table 16
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

- Bolts (M8 by 50 mm) 2

- Nuts (M8) 2

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86 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that all components of the engine oil relief

valve are clean and free from damage.

Improper assembly of parts that are spring loaded

can cause bodily injury.
Illustration 177 g03587757
To prevent possible injury, follow the established
assembly procedure and wear protective Using of temporary nuts and bolts to install the plate
equipment. to the engine oil relief valve

2. Install a new O-ring seal (5) to spring seat (2).

3. Lubricate plunger (1) with clean engine oil. Install

the plunger and spring (4) into the bore for the
relief valve in the engine oil pump. Ensure that the
plunger slide freely in the bore of the engine oil

4. Position gasket (3) on the engine oil pump.

5. If the position of adjustment screw (8) has been

altered, set Dimension (X) to 17 mm (0.670 inch)
and tighten locknut (9). Refer to Illustration 176 .

6. Place spring seat (2) and plate (6) in position. Use

Tooling (A) in order to temporarily hold the plate in
position. Refer to Illustration 177 .

7. Tighten the nuts on Tooling (A) evenly in order to

compress spring (4).

8. Remove one nut and bolt from Tooling (A). Install

Illustration 175 g01453874 bolt (7) hand tight. Remove the remaining nut and
bolt from Tooling (A). Install the remaining bolt (7).

9. Tighten bolts (7) to a torque of 25 N·m (18 lb ft).

10. Run the engine in order to carry out final

adjustment of the engine oil relief valve. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
“General Information - Lubrication System” for the
correct procedure.


Engine Oil Relief Valve -

Remove and Install
Illustration 176 g01478067 (Engine Oil Relief Valve for Oil
Initial position of adjustment screw cooler)

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KENR9225 87
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Removal Procedure
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
NOTICE component life.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 1. Ensure that the oil relief valve is clean and free
component life. from damage. Ensure that the threads in the
crankcase door are clean.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 179 g03587761

Typical example

Illustration 178 g03587761

Typical example

1. Disconnect hose assembly (1) from oil relief valve


2. Remove oil relief valve (2) from the crankcase Illustration 180 g03649453
door. Use a ring spanner on the end of the oil relief
valve in Position (X). 2. Apply a bead of Tooling (A) to Threads (Z) on oil
relief valve (2).
Installation Procedure
Table 17 3. Install oil relief valve (2) to the crankcase door.
Required Tools Ensure that Arrow (Y) is to the crankcase. Use a
ring spanner on the end of the oil relief valve in
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Position (X) in order to tighten the oil relief valve
Loctite 542 Threadlock securely.
A - 1
4. Connect hose assembly (1) to oil relief valve (2).

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88 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Engine Oil Pump - Remove

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

1. Turn the fuel supply to the “OFF” position.

2. Drain the engine oil into a suitable container for

storage or disposal. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter
Change.” for the correct procedure.

3. Remove the drive for the alternator. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator (Alternator
Illustration 181 g03669168
Drive) - Remove and Install” for the correct
Typical example
4. Place a suitable container below the engine oil
pump. Disconnect hose assembly (1) from tube
assembly (3) and allow the oil to drain.

5. Remove allen head bolts (2) and remove tube

assembly (3). Remove O-ring seals (4) from the
engine oil pump.

Note: Cap all open ports and hose assemblies.

6. Remove oil relief valve (7). Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Engine Oil Relief Valve (Oil Relief
Valve) - Remove and Install” for the correct

7. Remove nuts (5) and bolts (9). Remove tube

assembly (8). Remove gasket (6) (not shown) and
gasket (10) (not shown).

Note: Cap all open ports.

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KENR9225 89
Disassembly and Assembly Section

12. Remove gasket (19) (not shown).


Engine Oil Pump -


Disassembly Procedure
Table 18
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Combination Puller 1

Start By:
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump -
Illustration 182 g01486074 Remove” for the correct procedure.
Typical example
8. Remove bolts (13) and bolts (16). remove tube Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
assembly (15) and allow the oil to drain. Remove
O-ring seal (14) (not shown) and O-ring seal (17) Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
(not shown).

Note: Cap all open ports.

9. Remove fuel transfer pump (11) and fuel priming Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
pump (12). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
“Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove and Install” for the nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
correct procedure. prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Note: The overhaul of the engine oil pump is a

specialist operation that should only be attempted by
trained personnel with the correct equipment. A
service exchange engine oil pump is available from
your authorized Perkins distributor.

1. Place the engine oil pump into a suitable stand.

The weight of the engine oil pump is approximately
32 kg (71 lb).

Illustration 183 g01486142

10. Remove nuts (20).

11. Support the weight of engine oil pump (18). The

weight of the engine oil pump is approximately
32 kg (71 lb). Carefully slide the engine oil pump
along the retaining studs and remove the engine
oil pump.

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90 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 184 g03587863

2. Use a suitable tool in order to prevent gear (3) from

rotating. Remove nut (5) and washer (4). Ensure
that the gear is not damaged when the nut is
Illustration 186 g03587879
3. Use Tooling (A) to pull gear (3) from the shaft of
engine oil pump (1).
8. Slide the assembly of shaft (13) and inner rotor
4. Remove key (2). (14) from body (9).

9. Remove outer rotor (13) from body (9).


Engine Oil Pump - Assemble

Assembly Procedure
Table 19
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Loctite 542 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 185 g03587865

5. Remove bolts (10) and separate cover (6) from Note: The overhaul of the engine oil pump is a
body (9). specialist operation that should only be attempted by
trained personnel with the correct equipment. A
6. Remove seal (7) and gasket (8). service exchange engine oil pump is available from
your authorized Perkins distributor.
7. Remove the engine oil relief valve from cover (6).
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil
Relief Valve- Remove and Install” for the correct

This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE.
KENR9225 91
Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Ensure that all components of the engine oil pump

are clean and free from wear or damage. Check
the clearance between the outer rotor of the oil
pump and the oil pump body. Check the clearance
between the outer rotor and the inner rotor. Check
the end play of the rotors. Refer to the
Specifications, “Engine Oil Pump” for more

Illustration 188 g03587865

5. Place a new gasket (8) into position on body (9).

The gasket (8) controls the end float for the
engine oil pump, only use an Original
Equipment Manufacture (OEM) gasket. Failure
to use a OEM gasket could result in engine oil
pump failure.

Illustration 187 g03587879 6. Install a new seal to cover (7). Ensure that the seal
is install in the correct orientation.
2. Lubricate the assembly of shaft (12) and inner rotor
(13) with clean engine oil. Lubricate the inside 7. Align cover (6) with body (9) and install the cover to
body (9) with clean engine oil. the body.

3. Install the assembly of shaft (12) to body (9). 8. Install bolts (10). Tighten the bolts evenly to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
4. Install outer rotor (13) to body (9).
Note: Ensure that the shaft of the engine oil pump is
free to rotate.
9. Install the pressure relief valve to cover (6). Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Relief
Valve - Remove and Install” for the correct

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92 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 189 g03587863 Illustration 190 g01486142

Typical example
10. Install key (2) and gear (3) to the shaft of engine
oil pump (1).

11. Install washer (4) to the shaft of engine oil pump


12. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of nut (5).

13. Install nut (5) to the shaft of engine oil pump (1).

14. Use a suitable tool in order to prevent gear (3)

from rotating. Tighten nut (5) to a torque of
237 N·m (175 lb ft). Ensure that the gear is not
damaged when the nut is tightened.
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump - Install” for the
correct procedure.


Engine Oil Pump - Install Illustration 191 g01486074

Typical example

Installation Procedure
Table 20
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

B - Loctite 542 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the engine oil pump is clean and free

from damage. Ensure that the pipes are clean and
free from restriction.

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KENR9225 93
Disassembly and Assembly Section

10. Install fuel transfer pump (11) and fuel priming

pump (12). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.

11. Place a new gasket (6) (not shown), tube

assembly (8) and a new gasket (10) (not shown) in
position. Install nuts (5) and bolts (9) hand tight.
Tighten nuts (5) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
Tighten bolts (9) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

12. Install oil relief valve (7). Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Engine Oil Relief Valve (Oil Relief
Valve) - Remove and Install” for the correct

13. Install new O-ring seals (4) to the engine oil

pump. Position pipe (3) and install allen head
screws (2). Tighten the allen head screws to a
torque of 25 N·m (18 lb ft).

14. Connect hose assembly (1) to tube assembly (3).

15. Install the drive for the alternator. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator (Alternator
Drive) - Remove and Install” for the correct

16. Fill the engine oil pan to the correct level. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil
Level - Check” for the correct procedure.

17. Turn the fuel supply to the “ON” position.

Illustration 192 g03669168 18. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to
Typical example Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Before
Starting the Engine” for the correct procedure.
2. Install a new gasket (19) (not shown).
19. Prime the engine oil system. Refer to Operation
3. Lubricate the gear of the engine oil pump with and Maintenance Manual, “Before Starting the
clean engine oil. Engine” for the correct procedure.
4. Use a suitable lifting device to lift engine oil pump
(18) into position. The weight of the engine oil
pump is approximately 32 kg (71 lb). Carefully Water Pump - Remove
slide the engine oil pump along the retaining studs
and install the engine oil pump.

5. Install nuts (20) hand tight. Removal Procedure

6. Install new O-ring seal (14) (not shown) and new NOTICE
O-ring seal (17) (not shown) to tube assembly (15). Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
7. Position tube assembly (15) and install bolts (13) Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
hand tight. Apply Tooling (B) to bolts (16). Install component life.
bolts (16) hand tight.

8. Tighten nuts (20) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

9. Tighten bolts (13) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Tighten bolts (16) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE.
94 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

3. Loosen the hose clamps and disconnect hose (3)

from connection (2). Remove bolts (1) and remove
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- connection (2). Remove gasket (8) (not shown).
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers 4. Loosen the hose clamps and release hose (10)
before opening any compartment or disassembling from tube assembly (11). Loosen the hose clamps
any component containing fluids. and release hose (12) from tube assembly(11).

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and 5. Remove bolts (14) and remove tube assembly (11).
mandates. Remove gasket (15) (not shown).

6. To remove Bank A water pump, remove link (7)

1. The removal procedure for the water pump is the from the alternator. Refer to Disassembly and
similar for both Bank A and Bank B. Assembly, “Alternator Remove and Install
2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a (Alternator Drive)” for more information.
suitable container. Refer to Operation and
7. Remove bolts (5) and remove water pump (9).
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
Change” for the correct procedure. 8. Remove gasket (4) (not shown).


Water Pump - Disassemble

Disassembly Procedure
Table 21
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Circlip Pliers 1

Start By:
a. Remove the water pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Water Pump - Remove” for the
correct procedure.

Illustration 193 g03587762
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Bank A water pump
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 194 g03587763

Bank A water pump

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KENR9225 95
Disassembly and Assembly Section

9. Position the assembly of shaft (25) and bearings

(28) on a suitable support. Use a suitable mandrel
and a press in order to press the bearings from the
shaft. Remove spacer (21).
Note: Shims may be installed between the bearings
and the spacer.


Water Pump - Assemble

Assembly Procedure
Table 22
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Circlip Pliers 1
Illustration 195 g01454166 B - Loctite 542 1
Delphi Lockheed Rubber
1. Separate body (16) from bearing housing (20). C - 1
Note: If necessary, tap the body with a soft faced
hammer in order to separate the body from the
bearing housing. NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
2. Remove O-ring seal (18).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
3. Mount gear (22) in a suitable vise in order to component life.
prevent the shaft from rotating.
1. Ensure that the components of the water pump are
Note: Ensure that the gear is protected by soft vise clean and free from damage.
Note: A repair kit for the water pump is available from
4. Remove nut (24) and washer (23). Remove gear your authorized Perkins Distributor. All components
(22) and remove the key from shaft (25). in the repair kit should be used when a water pump is
5. Use Tooling (A) in order to remove circlip (27) from
bearing housing (20).

6. Position bearing housing (20) on a suitable support

with impeller (17) upward. Use a suitable mandrel
and a press in order to press the assembly of shaft
(25) and bearings (28) from the impeller and from
the bearing housing.

7. Remove carbon seal (26) from impeller (17).

Remove counterface (19) from bearing housing

8. Remove seal (29) from bearing housing (20).

Remove the snap rings from the bearing housing.

Note: The snap rings retain the bearings in the

bearing housing.

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96 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

9. Lubricate the internal bore of carbon seal (26) with

a solution of de-mineralised water and 4% Cylam
lubricant. Position carbon seal (26) on shaft (25).
Use the tool that is supplied with the repair kit to
install the carbon seal to the shaft.
Note: After the carbon seal has been installed,
pressure should be maintained on the carbon seal for
ten minutes in order to hold the carbon seal in
position against the counterface until the Cylam
lubricant has evaporated.

10. Position bearing housing (20) on a suitable

support with gear (22) downward. Press impeller
(17) onto shaft (25). Press the impeller onto the
shaft until the face of the impeller is flush with the
end of the shaft.

Note: After the impeller has been installed, ensure

that the shaft is free to rotate and that the impeller is
Illustration 196 g03587777
concentric to the bearing housing.

11. Lubricate a new O-ring seal (18) with Tooling (C).

2. Place shaft (25) on a suitable support and press on
Install the O-ring seal to bearing housing (20).
the inner race of bearing (28) until the bearing is
against the shoulder of the shaft. Install spacer 12. Install body (16) to bearing housing (20).
(21) to the shaft. Press on the inner race of the
second bearing (28) until the bearing is against the Note: After the body has been installed, ensure that
spacer. the impeller is free to rotate without touching to the
Note: If shims were installed between the bearings,
install the shims before installing the second bearing. End By:
a. Install the water pump. Refer to Disassembly and
3. Install a new seal (29) to bearing housing (20). Assembly, “Water Pump - Install” for the correct
Install the seal with the spring toward the bearings. procedure.
Lubricate the lip of the seal with clean engine oil.
4. Install new snap rings to bearing housing (20).
Install the assembly of shaft (25) and bearings (28)
to the bearing housing. Use Tooling (A) to install
Water Pump - Install
circlip (27).

5. Position the key on the shaft and install gear (22). Installation Procedure
6. Apply Tooling (B) to the threads on shaft (25). Table 23
Install washer (23) and nut (24) to the shaft. Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

7. Mount gear (22) in a suitable vise in order to
prevent the shaft from rotating. Tighten the nut to a Guide Studs
A - 2
torque of 230 N·m (175 lb ft). (M10 by 100 mm)

Note: Ensure that the gear is protected by soft vise

jaws. NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
8. Lubricate counterface (19) with a solution of de-
mineralised water and 4% Cylam lubricant. Use Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
the tool that is supplied with the repair kit in order component life.
to install the counterface to bearing housing (20).
1. The installation procedure for the water pump is the
Note: After the counterface has been installed, the
bearing housing should be left for ten minutes in order similar for both Bank A and Bank B.
to allow the Cylam lubricant to evaporate.

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KENR9225 97
Disassembly and Assembly Section

2. Ensure that the water pump and the water pipe are 6. To install Bank A water pump, position link (7) for
clean and free from damage. Clean the gasket the alternator. Install bolts (5) hand tight. Remove
surface of the timing case. Tooling (A) and install the remaining bolts (5).
Ensure that the link for the alternator is in the
correct position. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Alternator Remove and Install
(Alternator Drive)” for more information. Tighten
bolts (5) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

7. Place a new gasket (15) (not shown) in position

and install tube assembly (11). Ensure that hose
(10) and hose (12) are correctly positioned. Install
bolts (14). Tighten the bolts to a torque of 47 N·m
(35 lb ft). Tighten the hose clamps to a torque of
7 N·m (6 lb in).

8. Position gasket (8) (not shown) on the water pump

and install connection (2). Install bolts (1). Tighten
the bolts to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

9. Connect hose (3) to connection (2). Tighten the

hose clamps to a torque of 7 N·m (6 lb in).

10. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
Illustration 197 g03587762
System Coolant - Change” for the correct
Bank A water pump procedure.


Water Temperature Regulator

Housing - Remove and Install
(Thermostat Housing)

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 198 g03587763 component life.
Bank A water pump

3. Install Tooling (A) to the timing case. NOTICE

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
Note: Install Tooling (A) to inner bolt holes for the tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
water pump. nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
4. Position a new gasket (4) (not shown) on the timing before opening any compartment or disassembling
case. any component containing fluids.
5. Lubricate the gear on water pump (9) with clean Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
engine oil. Align the water pump with Tooling (A) mandates.
and install the water pump to the timing case.
Note: Ensure that the gear on the water pump is 1. The removal and the installation procedure for the
aligned with the idler gear. Ensure that the water water temperature regulator housing is the similar
pump is correctly seated on the timing case. for both Bank A and Bank B.

This document has been printed from SPI2. NOT FOR RESALE.
98 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a

suitable container. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
Change” for the correct procedure.

Illustration 200 g03671525

11. If necessary, follow Step 11.a. through Step 11.d.

in order to remove tube assembly (16) and bracket
Illustration 199 g03671524
a. Loosen hose clamp (14) from hose assembly
3. Disconnect the Original Equipment Manufacture (15).
(OEM) wiring harness from the harness assembly
from coolant temperature switch (3). b. Remove tube assembly (16).

4. If necessary, remove coolant temperature switch c. Remove the nuts and bolts (13) from bracket
(3) refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Coolant (11).
Temperature Switch - Remove and Install” for the
d. Remove bracket (11) from bracket (12).
correct procedure.

5. Loosen the hose clamp and disconnect hose (4)

from water temperature regulator housing (8).

6. Remove the nut and bolt (5) from bracket (6).

Remove nut (7) and remove bracket (6).

7. Remove the nuts and bolts (2) from water

temperature regulator housing (8) and the water
8. Remove nuts (9).

9. Remove water temperature regulator housing (8).

10. Remove O-ring seal (1) (not shown) and O-ring

seal (10) (not shown).

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KENR9225 99
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 202 g03671011

13. If necessary, follow Step 13.a. through Step 13.d.

in order to remove housing (27) from housing (24).

a. Remove nuts and spring washers (25).

Illustration 201 g03671010
b. Remove housing (27) from housing (24).
12. If necessary, follow Step 3.f. through Step 5 in c. Remove gasket (26) (not shown).
order to remove thermostats (22) from water
temperature regulator housing (8) assembly. d. If necessary, remove studs (28) from housing
a. Remove nuts and spring washers (17).
Installation Procedure
b. Remove cover (18) from housing (24).
Table 24
Remove gasket (19).
Required Tools
c. Remove bolts (20) and remove washers (21). Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

d. Remove thermostats (22). A - Loctite 542 1

e. If necessary, remove studs (23) from housing

(24). NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that all components of the thermostat

housing are clean and free of wear or damage.

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100 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 203 g03671011

2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.e. in

order to install housing (27) to housing (24).

a. Clean the gasket surfaces of the housing (24)

and housing (27). Illustration 204 g03671010

b. If necessary, install studs (28) from housing

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.g. in
(24). Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of the
order to install thermostats (22) to water
studs. Install the studs to the housing hand
temperature regulator housing (8).
a. Clean the gasket surfaces of the housing (18)
c. Position a new gasket (26) (not shown) onto
and housing (24).
housing (24).
b. Check thermostats (22) for correct operation.
d. Install housing (27) from housing (24). Ensure
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
that the housing is correctly orientated.
Adjusting, “Water Temperature Regulator -
e. Install nuts and spring washers (25). Tighten Test” for the procedure to test the thermostats.
the nuts to a torque of 40 N·m (30 lb ft).
c. Position thermostats (22) into housing (24).

d. Install washers (21) and bolts (20). Tighten the

bolts to a torque of 50 N·m (35 lb ft).

e. Position a new gasket (19) onto housing (24).

Ensure that the gasket is correctly orientated.

f. Install cover (18) to housing (24). Install the

nuts and washers (17).

g. Tighten the nuts and washers (17) to a torque

of 50 N·m (35 lb ft).

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KENR9225 101
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 205 g03671525 Illustration 206 g03671524

4. If necessary, follow Step 4.a. through Step 4.e. in 5. Install a new O-ring seal (1) (not shown) and a new
order to install tube assembly (10), tube assembly O-ring seal (10) (not shown).
(14), and bracket (11).
6. Install water temperature regulator housing (8).
a. Position bracket (11) onto bracket (12). Ensure
that the brackets are correctly orientated. 7. Install the nuts and bolts (2) to water temperature
regulator housing (8) and the water rail.
b. Install the nuts and bolts (13) to bracket (11)
hand tight. 8. Install nuts (9) hand tight.

c. Install tube assembly (16) and hose assembly 9. Install bracket (6). Install the nut and bolt (5) and
(15). Align the tube assembly with bracket (11). nut (7) to bracket (6)

d. Tighten the nuts and bolts (13) to a torque of 10. Tighten nuts and bolts (2) to a torque of 47 N·m
47 N·m (35 lb ft). (35 lb ft).

e. Tighten hose clamp (14) for hose assembly 11. Tighten nut and bolt (5) to a torque of 47 N·m
(15). Tighten the hose clamps to a torque of (35 lb ft).
7 N·m (62 lb in).
12. Tighten nuts (9) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

13. If necessary, install coolant temperature switch (3)

refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Coolant
Temperature Switch - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.

14. Connect the OEM wiring harness to the harness

assembly from coolant temperature switch (3).

15. Connect hose (4) to water temperature regulator

housing (8) and tighten the hose clamps to a
torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).

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102 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

16. Fill the cooling system to the correct level. Refer

to Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Coolant - Change” for the correct filling


Auxiliary Water Pump -

(Gilkes Auxiliary Raw Water

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 207 g03590181
component life.
4. Loosen hose clamp (2) on hose assembly (1).
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- 5. Remove V- band clamp (7) and remove tube
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- assembly (3).
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers 6. Remove O-ring seal (8) (not shown).
before opening any compartment or disassembling
7. Loosen hose clamp (6) on hose assembly (5).
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and 8. Remove V- band clamp (9) and remove tube
mandates. assembly (4).

9. Remove O-ring seal (10) (not shown).

1. Disconnect all electrical supplies system to the
engine and the control systems.

2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a

suitable container. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
Change” for the correct procedure.

3. Drain the raw water from the raw water cooling


Illustration 208 g03590182

10. Loosen hose clamp (11) on hose assembly (12).

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KENR9225 103
Disassembly and Assembly Section

11. Remove bolts (14) from tube assembly (13). i05784867

12. Remove tube assembly (13). Auxiliary Water Pump -

13. Remove gasket (15) (not shown). Disassemble
(Gilkes Auxiliary Raw Water

Disassembly Procedure
Table 25
Required Tools

Tooling Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/121 Pegged Socket 1

B T6253/258 Circlip Pliers 1

Start By:
a. Remove the auxiliary water pump from the engine.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Auxiliary
Water Pump - Remove” for the correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 209 g03590183

14. Disconnect tube assembly (16) (not shown) from

auxiliary water pump (20) and the engine cylinder
15. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight
of auxiliary water pump (20). The weight of the
auxiliary water pump is approximately 28 kg
(62 lb).

16. Remove bolts (19) from auxiliary water pump (20).

Remove the nuts and bolts (18) from auxiliary
water pump (20).

17. Use the suitable lifting device to remove auxiliary

water pump (20) from the back plate.

18. Remove gasket (17) (not shown).

19. If necessary, remove the adapter plate from the Illustration 210 g03590288
auxiliary water pump. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Auxiliary Water Pump - Disassemble” 1. Mount auxiliary water pump (1) in a bench vise.
for the correct procedure. Use a suitable tool in order to prevent gear (2) from

2. Release locking tab (3). Use Tooling (A) to remove

nut (4) from the shaft of auxiliary water pump (1).

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104 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: This procedure will require two trained


3. Remove nut (4) and locking tab (3).

4. Remove gear (2) from auxiliary water pump (1).

Remove the key from the shaft of the auxiliary
water pump.

Illustration 212 g03590295

Illustration 211 g03590291

5. Remove nuts (7) and remove adapter plate (5)

from auxiliary water pump (1).

6. Remove gasket (6) (not shown).

7. If necessary, remove studs (8) from adapter plate

(5). Illustration 213 g03590296

8. Remove the nuts and bolts (10) from V-band

clamps (11) and remove the V-band clamps.

9. Remove suction housing (13) from auxiliary water

pump (1).
Note: Mark the position of suction housing for
assembly purpose.

10. Remove cavity plate (19) from suction housing

Note: Note the orientation of cavity plate for
installation purpose.

11. Remove O-ring seal (12) and remove spacer (14)

from auxiliary water pump (1).

12. Remove split pin (16). Remove nut (15) and

washer (18).

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KENR9225 105
Disassembly and Assembly Section

13. Use a suitable puller in order to remove impeller

(17) from the shaft of auxiliary water pump (1).
Remove the key from the shaft of the auxiliary
water pump.

Illustration 215 g03590299

18. Remove oil seal (35) from bearing housing (26).

19. Place bearing housing (26) in a suitable press

Illustration 214 g03590298 with Position (X) in the vertical position. Press
shaft (32) from bearing housing (26).
14. Remove shims (27) and remove fibre spacer
(25). 20. Place shaft (32) in a suitable press with Position
(Y) in the vertical position. Press collar (34) and
15. Remove cavity plate (24). bearing (33) from the shaft.
Note: Note the orientation of cavity plate for 21. Use Tooling (B) in order to remove circlips (28)
installation purpose. and circlips (31) from bearing housing (26).
16. Remove bolts (20). Use a suitable tool in order to 22. Use a suitable drift in order to remove bearing
remove delivery housing (21) from bearing housing track (30) from bearing housing (26).
(26) for the auxiliary water pump.
23. Place bearing housing (26) in a suitable press
17. Use a suitable drift in order to remove the track for with bearing (29) in the downward position. Use
ceramic seal (22) from delivery housing (21). the suitable press in order to remove bearing (29)
from bearing housing (25).


Auxiliary Water Pump -

(Gilkes Auxiliary Raw Water

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106 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Position bearing (33) onto shaft (32). Place shaft

(32) and bearing (33) on a suitable press with
Assembly Procedure Position (X) in the vertical position. Press on the
inner face of the bearing until the bearing is against
Table 26
the shoulder of the shaft.
Required Tools
6. Position collar (34) onto shaft (32). Place shaft (32)
Tooling Part Number Part Description Qty
and collar (34) on a suitable press with Position (X)
A T6253/121 Pegged Socket 1 in the vertical position. Press on the inner face of
the collar until the collar is against the shoulder of
B T6253/258 Circlip Pliers 1
bearing (33).
C - Loctite 575 1
7. Place bearing housing (26) in a suitable press with
bearing (29) facing in the downward position.
NOTICE Place the inner race of bearing (29) onto a suitable
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. support.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 8. Position shaft (32) into bearing (29) and bearing
component life.
housing (26). Position shaft (32) with Position (Y)
of the shaft in the vertical position. Press the shaft
into the bearing housing until the shoulder of the
shaft is against bearing (29).

Note: Bearing (33) must align correctly with the track

for bearing (30).

9. Lubricate bearing (33) and bearing (29) with clean

engine oil. Use a suitable tool in order to install oil
seal (35) into bearing housing (26).

Illustration 216 g03590299

1. Ensure that all components of the auxiliary raw

water pump are clean and free from wear or
damage. If necessary, replace any components
that are worn or damaged.

2. Use a suitable press in order to install bearing track

(30) to bearing housing (26).
Illustration 217 g03590298
3. Use a suitable press in order to install bearing (29)
to bearing housing (26).
10. Use a suitable tool in order to install the track for
4. Install circlip (28) and circlip (31) to bearing ceramic seal (22) to delivery housing (21).
housing (26).
Note: Take care on installation of the track for
ceramic seal (22) to delivery housing (21).

11. Mount bearing housing (26) in a bench vise with

the shaft for the impeller in the vertical position.

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KENR9225 107
Disassembly and Assembly Section

12. Position delivery housing (21) onto bearing

housing (26) for the auxiliary water pump. Install
bolts (20) finger tight.

13. Install a new seal (23) onto the shaft for the

Note: Take care on installation of seal (23). Ensure

the correct orientation of the seal.
14. Install cavity plate (24). Ensure that cavity plate is
correctly located in delivery housing (21).

15. Install fibre spacer (25). Install shims (27).

16. Tighten bolts (20) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Illustration 218 g03590295

Illustration 219 g03590296

17. Use a suitable press in order to install impeller

(17) to the shaft of the auxiliary water pump. Install
the key to the shaft of the auxiliary water pump.
Position impeller (17) onto the shaft of auxiliary
water pump (1). Position the shaft of the auxiliary
water pump on a suitable support in the vertical
position. Press impeller (17) onto auxiliary water
pump (1) until the impeller contacts the shoulder of
the shaft.
18. Position washer (18) onto the shaft of the impeller.
Apply Tooling (C) to the treads of the shaft of the
impeller. Install nut (15). Tighten the nut to a torque
of 135 N·m (100 lb ft).

19. If necessary, tighten nut (15) in a clockwise

direction in order to enable split pin (16) to be
20. Install spacer (14) to auxiliary water pump (1) and
install a new O-ring seal (12).

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108 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

21. Install cavity plate (19) to suction housing (13).

Note: Ensure the orientation of cavity plate.

22. Position suction housing (13) onto auxiliary water

pump (1).

Illustration 221 g03590291

25. If necessary, install studs (8) to adapter plate (5).

Apply Tooling (C) to the thread of the studs and
install the studs to adapter plate (5). Tighten studs

26. Position a new gasket (6) (not shown) onto

adapter plate (5).

27. Position adapter plate (5) onto auxiliary water

pump (1). Install nuts (7) and tighten the nuts to a
torque of 25 N·m (18 lb ft).
Illustration 220 g03590330

23. Install V-band clamps (11) to the auxiliary water

pump. Install the nuts and bolts (10).
Seating the V-band clamps on the auxiliary water

Note: Ensure that the Connections (A) are

correctly aligned.

24. Tighten V-band clamps (11) on auxiliary water

pump (1) to a torque of 25 N·m (18 lb ft). Lightly
tap the V-band clamps with a soft faced hammer in
order to seat the V-band clamps. Again, tighten the
V-band clamps to a torque of 25 N·m (18 lb ft).
Repeat this Step until the V-band clamps are

Illustration 222 g03590288

28. Mount auxiliary water pump (1) in a bench vise.

Use a suitable tool in order to prevent gear (2) from

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

29. Position a new locking tab (3) onto the shaft for
auxiliary water pump (1).

30. Install nut (4) to the shaft of auxiliary water pump

(1). Tighten the nut to a torque of 163 N·m
(120 lb ft).

Note: This procedure will require two trained


31. If necessary, tighten nut (4) in a clockwise

direction In order to enable locking tab (3) to be
engaged into the nut.
End By:
a. Install the auxiliary water pump to the engine. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Auxiliary Water
Pump - Install” for the correct procedure.


Auxiliary Water Pump - Install

(Gilkes Auxiliary Raw Water
Illustration 223 g03590212

Installation Procedure 3. Install Tooling (A) to the back plate.

Table 27
Required Tools 4. Position a new gasket (17) (not shown) on the back
plate. Ensure that the gasket is correctly
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Guide Studs
A - 2 5. Attach a suitable lifting device the auxiliary water
(M10 by 100 mm)
pump (20). The weight of the auxiliary water pump
is approximately 28 kg (62 lb).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 6. Use the suitable lifting device to install auxiliary
water pump (20) to the back plate.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 7. Lubricate the gear on auxiliary water pump (20)
with clean engine oil. Align the auxiliary water
1. Ensure that the Gilkes auxiliary raw water pump pump with Tooling (A) and install the auxiliary
and the water tube assemblies are clean and free water pump to the back plate.
from damage. Clean the gasket surface of the 8. Install bolts (19) to auxiliary water pump (20) hand
timing case. tight.
2. If necessary, remove the adapter plate from the 9. Install the nuts and bolts (18) from auxiliary water
auxiliary water pump. Refer to Disassembly and pump (20) hand tight.
Assembly, “Auxiliary Water Pump - Disassemble”
for the correct procedure. 10. Tighten bolts (19) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

11. Tighten the nuts and bolts (18) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft).

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110 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

17. Install tube assembly (4). Install V-band clamp (9)

and tighten the nuts and bolts hand tight.

18. Install a new O-ring seal (8) (not shown). Ensure

that the O-ring seal is correctly positioned into the
19. Install tube assembly (3). Install V-band clamp (7)
and tighten the nuts and bolts hand tight.

20. Securely tighten hose clamp (2) on hose

assembly (1).

21. Securely tighten hose clamp (6) on hose

assembly (5).

22. Tighten V-band clamp (7) and V-band clamp (9) to

a torque of 34 N·m (25 lb ft).

23. Fill the raw water from the raw water cooling
Illustration 224 g03590236 24. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
12. Install tube assembly (13). System Coolant - Change” for the correct
13. Position a new gasket (15) (not shown) between
tube assembly (13) and the engine oil cooler. 25. Connect all electrical supplies system to the
engine and the control systems.
14. Install bolts (14). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
41 N·m (30 lb ft).
15. Securely tighten hose clamp (11) on hose
assembly (12). Aftercooler - Remove

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 225 g03590237

1. The removal procedure for the aftercooler is the
similar for both Bank A and Bank B.
16. Install a new O-ring seal (10) (not shown). Ensure
that the O-ring seal is correctly positioned into the

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KENR9225 111
Disassembly and Assembly Section

2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a

suitable container. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
Change” for the correct procedure.

Illustration 227 g03682557

8. Loosen hose clamps (21) and hose clamps (23).

Remove hose assembly (22).

Illustration 226 g03682553 9. Loosen hose clamps (20) from hose assembly
3. Loosen V-band clamp (2) and V-band clamp (4).
10. Loosen hose clamps (13) for hose assembly (18).
4. Remove bolts (11) from tube assembly (1). Loosen hose clamps (17) for hose assembly (16).

5. Remove tube assembly (1), V-band clamp (2), V- 11. Remove clamps (15) from tube assembly (14).
band clamp (4), and convoluted hose (3).
12. Slid hose assembly (18) and hose assembly (18)
6. Remove O-ring seal (12) (not shown). along tube assembly (14). Remove the tube
assembly from the aftercoolers.
7. Repeat Steps 3 through Step 6 in order to remove
the remaining tube assembly (7), V-band clamp
(8), V-band clamp (10), and convoluted hose (9).

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112 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 228 g03682559

13. Attach a suitable lifting device in Position (X) to

support the weight of aftercooler assembly (24).
The weight of the aftercooler is approximately
36 kg (79 lb).

14. Loosen V-band clamp (26) on convoluted hose


15. Remove nuts (29) and the washer. Remove

spacers (30).

16. Remove bolts (33) and the washer.

17. Use the suitable lifting device in order to remove

aftercooler assembly (24) from hose (19),
convoluted hose (27), and bracket (32).

18. Remove spacers (34).

19. Remove spacers (31) from the recess in bracket

Illustration 229 g03684251
20. If necessary, loosen V-band clamp (28) on
convoluted hose (27) and remove the convoluted
21. If necessary, remove studs (35) from aftercooler
hose from shut off valve (25).

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KENR9225 113
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Make temporary marks on studs for installation



Aftercooler - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 28
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Loctite 542 Hydraulic Thread

A -- 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Illustration 230 g03684251
component life.
3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.b. to
1. The installation procedure for the aftercooler is the install studs (35) to aftercooler (24).
similar for both Bank A and Bank B. a. Apply Tooling (A) to threads of studs (35).
2. Ensure that the aftercooler is clean and free from
b. Install studs (35) to aftercooler (24). Securely
damage. Check the fins on the outside of the water
tighten the studs.
tubes. Remove any deposits of carbon from the
fins. Check the inside of the water tubes for
deposits of limescale. If necessary, use a chemical
solution in order to remove the deposits of
limescale. Clean the gasket surfaces of the inlet
manifold and the air pipes.
Note: Ensure that any chemical solution that is used
to remove the deposits of limescale is suitable for use
with aluminum components.

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114 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 231 g03682559

4. If necessary, install V-band clamp (28) onto shut off 10. Install spacers (34) between bracket (32) and
valve (25). Ensure that the V-band clamp is aftercooler (24). Install bolts (33) and the washers.
correctly positioned onto the shut off valve.
11. Install spacers (30) and nuts (29) and the
5. Install convoluted hose (27) onto shut off valve (25) washers.
and tighten V-band clamp (28) hand tight.
12. Ensure that V-band clamp (26) is correctly seated
6. Install V-band clamp (26) onto convoluted hose onto convoluted hose (27). Tighten the V-band
(27). Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly clamp hand tight.
positioned onto the shut off valve.
13. Remove the suitable lifting device from aftercooler
7. Attach a suitable lifting device in Position (X) to assembly (24).
support the weight of aftercooler assembly (24).
The weight of the aftercooler is approximately 14. Tighten nuts (29) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
36 kg (79 lb). Tighten bolts (33) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
8. Install spacers (31) to the recess in bracket (32). 15. Tighten V-band clamp (26) and V-band clamp (28)
to a torque of 9 N·m (80 lb in).
9. Use the suitable lifting device in order to install
aftercooler assembly (24) onto bracket (32).
Ensure that spacers (31) are not dislodged from
bracket (32). Ensure that hose (19), and
convoluted hose (27) are correctly installed to
aftercooler assembly (24).

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KENR9225 115
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 232 g03682557 Illustration 233 g03682553

16. Tighten hose clamp (20) for hose (19) to a torque 22. Install a new O-ring seal (12) (not shown) to the
of 7 N·m (62 lb in). recess in aftercooler. Ensure that the O-ring seal is
correctly installed into the recess of the aftercooler.
17. Install hose assembly (22) and tighten hose
clamp (21) and hose clamp (23) to a torque of 23. Position convoluted hose (3) onto the tube
7 N·m (62 lb in). assembly and install V-band clamp (4) hand tight.
Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly
18. Install tube assembly (14) to the aftercoolers. Slid orientated.
hose assembly (18) and hose assembly (18) along
tube assembly (14) towards the aftercooler. 24. Install V-band clamp (2) onto convoluted hose (3).
Ensure that the hoses are correctly seated onto Ensure that the V-band clamp is correctly
the aftercoolers. orientated.

19. Install clamp (15) to tube assembly (14). Ensure 25. Position tube assembly (1) onto convoluted hose
that the clamps are correctly seated onto tube (3) and onto the aftercooler.
assembly (14). Tighten the nuts for clamp (15)
hand tight 26. Install bolts (11) tube assembly (1) hand tight.

20. Tighten hose clamp (13) and hose clamps (17) to 27. Tighten V-band clamp (2) and V-band clamp (4) to
a torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in). a torque of 9 N·m (80 lb in).

21. Tighten the nuts for clamp (15) to a torque of 28. Tighten bolts (11) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).
25 N·m (221 lb in). 29. Repeat Steps 22 through Step 28 in order to
install the remaining tube assembly (7), V-band
clamp (8), V-band clamp (10), and convoluted
hose (9).

30. Fill the cooling system with coolant. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Coolant - Change” for the correct
End By:
a. Install the brackets and the air cleaners. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Air Cleaner -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.

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116 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

i05784196 Installation Procedure

Table 29
Engine Support (Front) - Required Tools
Remove and Install Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
(Backplate) Guide Studs
A - 2
(M10 by 100 mm)

Removal Procedure
Start By: Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
a. Remove the engine oil pump. Refer to Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump - component life.
Remove” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the timing gears. Refer to Disassembly 1. Ensure that the gasket face of the crankcase and
and Assembly, “Gear Group (Front) - Remove” for the backplate are clean.
the correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the engine is adequately supported.

Illustration 235 g03597998

2. Install Tooling (A) to Positions (X) on the

3. Align gasket (3) (not shown) with Tooling (A). Install
the gasket to the crankcase.

4. Use a suitable lifting device to lift backplate (1) into

Illustration 234 g03597996 position. The backplate weighs approximately
45 kg (100 lb). Install the backplate to the
2. Use a suitable lifting device to support the weight of crankcase.
backplate (1). The weight of the backplate is
approximately 45 kg (100 lb). Note: Ensure that the backplate is seated on the
dowels in the crankcase.
3. Remove bolts (2).
5. Install bolts (2) hand tight. Ensure that gasket (3)
4. Separate backplate (1) from the crankcase. Use (not shown) protrudes below the base of the
the lifting device in order to remove the backplate. backplate. Tighten bolts (2) to a torque of 47 N·m
(35 lb ft).
5. Remove gasket (3) (not shown).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Remove Tooling (A) and remove excess material

from gasket (3) (not shown). The gasket should be
flush with the base of the backplate.
End By:
a. Install the timing gears. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Gear Group (Front) - Install” for the
correct procedure.
b. Install the engine oil pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump - Install” for the
correct procedure.


Flywheel - Remove

Removal Procedure
Table 30
Required Tools Illustration 236 g03584481

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A 27610179 Guide Studs 2
B - 3
(M12 by 100 mm)

Start By:
a. Remove the engine speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor - Remove and Install” for the correct
b. Remove the over speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor - Remove and Install (Engine Over Speed
Sensor)” for the correct procedure.
c. Remove the electric starting motors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install” for the correct

NOTICE Illustration 237 g03584483

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
2. Follow Step 2.a. and Step 2.b. in order to prevent
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened the flywheel from rotating.
component life.
a. Install a suitable bolt (1) to flywheel (4).
1. Make a temporary mark in order to show the
b. Position a suitable piece of hard wood (3)
position of the flywheel on the crankshaft.
between bolt (1) and the floor.

3. Loosen allen head bolts (2). Remove two allen

head bolts (2) and install Tooling (A) in place of the
bolts. Remove the remaining bolts (2).

4. Install Tooling (B) into the threaded holes in

flywheel (4). Tighten Tooling (B) evenly in order to
push the flywheel off the crankshaft.

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118 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Push the flywheel off the crankshaft until there

is sufficient clearance in order to install a suitable
sling to the flywheel.

Illustration 240 g03584487

a. Drill a hole through ring gear (5) between two

of the teeth.
b. Use a hammer and a chisel in order to split
ring gear (5). Remove the ring gear from the


Illustration 238 g03584484

Flywheel - Install
5. Pass a suitable sling through the center of flywheel
(4). Attach the sling to a suitable lifting device and
support the weight of the flywheel. The weight of Installation Procedure
the flywheel is approximately 160 kg (350 lb).
Table 31
6. Continue to tighten Tooling (B) until the flywheel Required Tools
has been pushed off the crankshaft.
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
7. Use the lifting device in order to remove flywheel A 27610179 Guide Studs 2
C CV60889 Anti-Seize Compound 1
8. Inspect the starter ring gear for wear or damage. If
necessary, follow Step 8 through Step 8.a. in order
to remove the starter ring gear. NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Note: Identify the orientation of the teeth on the
ring gear. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Always wear protective gloves when handling

parts that have been heated.

1. If the starter ring gear required replacement, follow

Step 1.a. through Step 1.d. in order to install a new
ring gear.

Illustration 239 g03584486

Typical example

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 241 g03585399

Typical example

a. Position flywheel (4) on a horizontal surface.

b. Identify the orientation of the teeth on new ring

gear (5).
Illustration 242 g03585400
Note: The chamfered side of the ring gear teeth
must face toward the starting motor when the 3. Pass a suitable sling through the center of flywheel
flywheel is installed. (4). Attach the sling to a suitable lifting device and
support the weight of the flywheel. The weight of
c. Heat ring gear (5) in an oven to a maximum the flywheel is approximately 160 kg (350 lb).
temperature of 250 °C (482 °F).
4. Install Tooling (A) to the crankshaft.
Note: Do not use a torch to heat the ring gear.
5. Use the lifting device in order to position flywheel
d. Ensure that the orientation of ring gear (5) is (4) onto Tooling (A).
correct and quickly install the ring gear onto
flywheel (4). Ensure that the ring gear is Note: Ensure the correct orientation of the flywheel.
seated correctly onto the Shoulder (X) on the Push the flywheel toward the crankshaft until there is
flywheel. sufficient clearance in order to remove the sling from
the flywheel.
2. Inspect the crankshaft rear seal for leaks. If there
are any oil leaks, replace the crankshaft rear seal. 6. Remove the lifting device and the sling from
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft flywheel (4).
Rear Seal - Remove and Install” for the correct
7. Apply Tooling (C) to the threads of allen head bolts
(2) and the face of the washers. Apply Tooling (C)
to the underside of the heads of allen head bolts

8. Install allen head bolts (2) and the washers to

flywheel (4). Tighten the allen head bolts evenly in
order to pull the flywheel onto the crankshaft.

9. Remove Tooling (A) and install the remaining allen

head bolts (2) and the washers hand tight.

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120 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

b. Tighten allen head bolts (2) to a torque of

135 N·m (100 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 244 .
c. Tighten allen head bolts (2) to a torque of
337 N·m (250 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 244 .
d. Tighten allen head bolts (2) to a torque of
881 N·m (650 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 244 .
12. Check the run out of the flywheel. Refer to
Specifications, “Flywheel” for further information.
End By:
a. Install the engine speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor - Remove and Install” for the correct
Illustration 243 g03585401 b. Install the over speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor - Remove and Install (Engine Over Speed
Sensor)” for the correct procedure.
c. Install the electric starting motors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electric Starting
Motor - Remove and Install” for the correct


Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove

and Install

Removal Procedure
Table 32
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A 27610311 Slide Hammer Puller 1
Illustration 244 g03585402
The tightening sequence for the flywheel allen head
Start By:
a. Remove the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and
10. Follow Step 10.a. through Step 10.b. in order to Assembly, “Flywheel - Remove” for the correct
prevent the flywheel from rotating. procedure.

a. Install a suitable bolt (1) to flywheel (4). NOTICE

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
b. Position a suitable piece of hard wood (3)
between bolt (1) and the floor. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
11. Use the following method in order to tighten the
flywheel allen head bolts to the correct torque.

a. Tighten allen head bolts (2) hand tight, in the

sequence that is shown in Illustration 244 .

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Do not lubricate the crankshaft rear seal or the

NOTICE crankshaft. The crankshaft seal should be installed
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be 1. Inspect the rear of the crankshaft for damage.
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
Ensure that the crankshaft is clean and dry.
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 246 g03643262

2. Ensure that Tooling (B) is clean, dry, and free from

damage. Install Tooling (B) (oil seal locator) to the
rear of the crankshaft.
Illustration 245 g01454205
3. Position a new crankshaft rear seal (1) on Tooling
1. Use a 4 mm (1/8 inch) drill in order to make three (B) (oil seal locator).
equally spaced holes in crankshaft rear seal (1).
Note: A new crankshaft rear seal is supplied with a
2. Screw Tooling (A) firmly into one of the holes. Use plastic sleeve. The plastic sleeve should be aligned
Tooling (A) to dislodge crankshaft rear seal (1). with the chamfer on Tooling (B) (oil seal locator).
When the crankshaft rear seal begins to move,
4. Push crankshaft rear seal (1) squarely over Tooling
unscrew Tooling (A). Install Tooling (A) in the next
(B) (oil seal locator). The plastic sleeve will be
hole. Repeat the process using each hole, until the
forced out of the crankshaft rear seal. Discard the
crankshaft rear seal is removed.
plastic sleeve. Push the crankshaft rear seal up to
Installation Procedure the flywheel housing.
Table 33
5. Install Tooling (B) (outer sleeve). Lubricate the face
Required Tools of the washer with clean engine oil and install the
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
B T6253/140 Rear Oil Seal Insertion Kit 1 6. Tighten the nut on Tooling (B) until the crankshaft
rear seal is pushed into the bore in the flywheel
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 7. Remove Tooling (B).
End By:
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. a. Install the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Flywheel - Install” for the correct

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122 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

i05784199 1. Remove the brackets that support the aftercooler

from the flywheel housing. Refer to Disassembly
Flywheel Housing - Remove and Assembly, “Aftercooler - Remove” for the
and Install correct procedure.

2. Remove the tube assemblies for the turbochargers

from the connections on the flywheel housing.
Removal Procedure Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
Table 34 “Turbocharger - Remove” for the correct
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Lifting Eye Bolts (M16) 2

Guide Studs (M10 by 100

B - 2

Start By:
a. Remove the engine speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor - Remove and Install” for the correct
b. Remove the overspeed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor (Over speed) - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
c. Remove the starting motors. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Electric Starting Motor - Remove
and Install” for the correct procedure.
d. Remove the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and
Illustration 247 g03696558
Assembly, “Flywheel - Remove” for the correct
procedure. Typical example

e. Remove the rear sections of the exhaust manifold. 3. Install Tooling (A) to flywheel housing (1). Attach a
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Exhaust suitable lifting device to support the weight of the
Manifold - Remove and Install” for the correct
procedure. flywheel housing. The flywheel housing weighs
approximately 150 kg (330 lb).
f. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Remove” for the Note: If Tooling (A) is not available, pass suitable
correct procedure. slings through the apertures for the starting motors.

NOTICE 4. Remove bolts (2) from Positions (X). Install Tooling

Keep all parts clean from contaminants. (B) into Positions (X).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 5. Remove the remaining bolts (2).
component life.
6. Separate flywheel housing (1) from the crankcase.

NOTICE 7. Use the lifting device to remove flywheel housing

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- (1).
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be 8. Use a suitable drift to remove the crankshaft rear
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers seal from the flywheel housing.
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

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KENR9225 123
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation Procedure
Table 35
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Lifting Eyebolt (M16) 2

Guide Studs (M10 by 100

B - 2

C - Loctite 518 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of the flywheel

housing and the crankcase are clean and free from
damage. Ensure that the oil galleries in the Illustration 249 g03696558
flywheel housing are free from debris or
Typical example
3. Install Tooling (B) to Positions (X) in the crankcase.

4. Install Tooling (A) to flywheel housing (1). Use a

suitable lifting device to lift the flywheel housing
into position. The flywheel housing weighs
approximately 150 kg (330 lb).
Note: If Tooling (A) is not available, pass suitable
slings through the apertures for the starting motors.

5. Align flywheel housing (1) with Tooling (B) and

install the flywheel housing to the crankcase.
Note: Ensure that the flywheel housing is seated on
the dowels in the crankcase.
6. Install bolts (2) hand tight. Remove Tooling (B).
Install the remaining bolts.

7. Ensure that the bottom face of the flywheel housing

is aligned with the bottom face of the crankcase.
The bottom face of the flywheel housing should be
Illustration 248 g03587720 aligned with the bottom face of the crankcase
Application of Tooling (C) to the rear of the crankcase within 0.10 mm (0.004 inch).

2. Apply a fine bead of Tooling (C) to the rear of the 8. Tighten bolts (2) to a torque of 68 N·m (50 lb ft).
crankcase. Refer to Illustration 248 for the correct
9. Install a new crankshaft rear seal. Refer to
pattern of application. Ensure that camshaft Bore
Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Rear
(Y) and oil Holes (Z) are not contaminated with
Seal - Remove and Install” for the correct
Tooling (C).
Note: The flywheel housing should be installed within
ten minutes of applying Tooling (C). 10. Install the brackets that support the aftercooler
from the flywheel housing. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Aftercooler - Install” for the correct

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124 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

11. Install the tube assemblies for the turbochargers 1. Remove the V-belts or remove the pulley guard.
from the connections on the flywheel housing. Refer to Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM)
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, for the correct procedure.
“Turbocharger - Install” for the correct procedure.
End By:
a. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Install” for the
correct procedure.
b. Install the rear sections of the exhaust manifold.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Exhaust
Manifold - Remove and Install” for the correct
c. Install the flywheel. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Flywheel - Install” for the correct
d. Install the starting motors. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Electric Starting Motor - Remove Illustration 250 g01454311
and Install” for the correct procedure.
e. Install the over speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor (Over speed) - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
f. Install the engine speed sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Speed
Sensor - Remove and Install” for the correct


Vibration Damper and Pulley -

Remove and Install
(Twin Vibration Dampers) Illustration 251 g01578094
Using the jacking holes to release the pulley from the
Removal Procedure 2. Make a temporary mark in order to show the
Table 36 position of pulley (1) on shaft (3).
Required Tools
3. Remove allen head bolts (2) from pulley (1).
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
4. Lubricate two allen head bolts (2) with clean engine
Support Studs Flywheel and
A T6253/157 2 oil. Install the allen head bolts into the jacking
holes in pulley (1). Tighten the allen head bolts
B T6253/214 Damper Lifting Tool 1 alternately until the center of the pulley is released
C T6253/209A Retaining Plate 1 from shaft (3).

D T6253/209 Crankshaft Adapter Extractor 1 5. Remove pulley (2) from shaft (3). If necessary,
remove the key from the shaft.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

10. Remove spacer (6) (not shown).

Illustration 252 g03688912

Illustration 253 g03688917

6. Remove two bolts (4) from Positions (X). Install

Tooling (A) to Positions (X).

7. Remove the remaining bolts (4). If necessary, tap

the shaft with a soft faced hammer in order to
separate shaft (3) from the adapter. Remove the
8. Attach a suitable lifting device to Tooling (B) in
order to support the weight of damper (5). The
weight of the damper and the adapter is
approximately 95 kg (210 lb).

9. Use the suitable lifting device in order to remove

damper (5).

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126 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

12. Attach a suitable lifting device to Tooling (B) in

order to support the weight of damper (7). The
weight of the damper and the adapter is
approximately 95 kg (210 lb).

13. Use the suitable lifting device in order to remove

damper (7).

14. Use a suitable device in order to prevent the

crankshaft from turning as bolts (8) loosened.

15. Remove bolts (8) and retaining plate (9) from

adapter (10).

16. Install Tooling (C) to the nose of the crankshaft.

Personal injury can result from being struck by

parts propelled by a released spring force.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.

17. Install Tooling (D) to adapter (10). Lubricate the

threads of the forcing bolt with clean engine oil.
Tighten the forcing bolt in order to pull adapter (9)
off the crankshaft.

Note: The adapter will be released from the

crankshaft with considerable force. Ensure Tooling
Illustration 254 g03688913 (D) is supporting the weight of the tooling and adapter

18. Remove Tooling (D) and remove Tooling (C) from

adapter (10).

Installation Procedure
Table 37
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Support Studs Flywheel and

A T6253/157 2

B T6253/214 Damper Lifting Tool 1

E CV60889 Anti-Seize Compound 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 255 g03688914

11. Carefully slide damper (7) forward along Tooling

(A) and install Tooling (B) to the damper.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Ensure that the nose of the crankshaft and the bore

of the adapter are clean, dry, and free from
damage. Ensure that the casings of the dampers
are free from damage.
Note: If a new dampers are installed, the casing
should be painted in order to prevent corrosion.

Illustration 256 g03688915

2. Inspect crankshaft front seal (11) for leaks. If there

are any oil leaks, replace the crankshaft front seal.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft
Front Seal - Remove and Install” for the correct Illustration 257 g03688916


3. Apply Tooling (E) to the threads of new bolts (8).

4. Install adapter (10) onto the crankshaft.

5. Install retaining plate (9) to adapter (10).

6. Install new bolts (8) hand tight.

7. Tighten bolts (8) to a torque of 340 N·m (250 lb ft).

Repeat Step 7 until the bolts reach the correct
torque value.

Illustration 258 g03688917

8. Install Tooling (A) to adapter (10).

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128 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

9. Install Tooling (B) and a suitable lifting device to

damper (7). The weight of the damper and the
adapter is approximately 120 kg (265 lb).

10. Use the suitable lifting device in order to install

damper (7) onto Tooling (B).

11. Carefully slide damper (7) along Tooling (A)

towards adapter (10). Remove Tooling (B) from
damper (7).

12. Install damper (7) onto adapter (10).

13. Install spacer (6) (not shown) to adapter (10).

Ensure that the spacer is correctly located onto the

14. Attach a suitable lifting device to Tooling (B) in

order to support the weight of damper (5). The
weight of the damper and the adapter is
approximately 95 kg (210 lb).
Illustration 259 g03688949
15. Use the suitable lifting device in order to install
damper (5).

Illustration 260 g03688879

The tightening sequence for the damper and the shaft

16. Apply Tooling (E) to the threads of new bolts (4).

17. Install shaft (3) and install new bolts (4) hand
tight. Support the weight of the shaft as the bolts
are install.
18. Remove Tooling (A) and install remaining new
bolts (4) hand tight.

19. Remove Tooling (B) from the damper.

20. Follow Step 20.a. through Step 20.c. in order to

tighten the bolts for the shaft and the damper.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

a. Tighten the bolts hand tight, in the sequence
that is shown in Illustration 260 . Vibration Damper and Pulley -
b. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 135 N·m Remove and Install
(100 lb ft) in the sequence that is shown in (Single Vibration Damper)
Illustration 260 .
c. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 337 N·m
(250 lb ft) in the sequence that is shown in Removal Procedure
Illustration 260 . Table 38
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Support Studs Flywheel and

A T6253/157 2

B T6253/214 Damper Lifting Tool 1

C T6253/209A Retaining Plate 1

D T6253/209 Crankshaft Adapter Extractor 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 261 g01578094
component life.
21. Ensure that the mating surfaces of the two halves
of pulley (1) are clean, dry, and free from damage. 1. Remove the V-belts or remove the pulley guard.
Align the halves of the pulley. Lubricate the threads Refer to Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM)
of allen head bolts (2) with Tooling (E). Install the for the correct procedure.
allen head bolts to the pulley finger tight. If
necessary, install the key to the keyway on shaft

22. Install pulley (1) to shaft (3). Align pulley (1) with
the pulley on the fan drive and the temporary
23. Tighten allen head bolts (2). Tighten the allen
head bolts alternately and tighten the allen head
bolts evenly to a torque of 115 N·m (85 lb ft).

24. Tap the outer half of pulley (1) with a soft faced
hammer in order to seat the two halves of the

25. Again, tighten allen head bolts (2) to a torque of

115 N·m (85 lb ft). Check the alignment of pulley
(1) with the pulley on the fan drive. Ensure that the
pulleys are aligned.

26. After the engine has been run for the appropriate
length of time, check the tightness of the allen
head bolts that secure the pulley.

27. Install the V-belts or install the pulley guard. Refer

to OEM for the correct procedure.

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130 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 262 g01454311

Illustration 264 g03688489

6. Remove two bolts (4) from Positions (X). Install

Tooling (A) to Positions (X).

7. Remove the remaining bolts (4). If necessary, tap

the shaft with a soft faced hammer in order to
separate shaft (3) from the adapter. Remove the
8. Remove spacer (5) from damper (6).
Illustration 263 g01578094
Using the jacking holes to release the pulley from the

2. Make a temporary mark in order to show the

position of pulley (1) on shaft (3).

3. Remove allen head bolts (2) from pulley (1).

4. Lubricate two allen head bolts (2) with clean engine

oil. Install the allen head bolts into the jacking
holes in pulley (1). Tighten the allen head bolts
alternately until the center of the pulley is released
from shaft (3).

5. Remove pulley (2) from shaft (3). If necessary,

remove the key from the shaft.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

10. Attach a suitable lifting device to Tooling (B) in

order to support the weight of damper (6). The
weight of the damper and the adapter is
approximately 95 kg (210 lb).

11. Use the suitable lifting device in order to remove

damper (6).

12. Use a suitable device in order to prevent the

crankshaft from turning as bolts (7) loosened.

13. Remove bolts (7) and retaining plate (8) from

adapter (9).

14. Install Tooling (C) to the nose of the crankshaft.

Personal injury can result from being struck by

parts propelled by a released spring force.
Make sure to wear all necessary protective
Follow the recommended procedure and use all
recommended tooling to release the spring force.

15. Install Tooling (D) to adapter (9). Lubricate the

threads of the forcing bolt with clean engine oil.
Tighten the forcing bolt in order to pull adapter (9)
off the crankshaft.

Note: The adapter will be released from the

crankshaft with considerable force. Ensure Tooling
Illustration 265 g03688479 (D) is supporting the weight of the tooling and adapter

16. Remove Tooling (D) and remove Tooling (C) from

adapter (9).

Installation Procedure
Table 39
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Support Studs Flywheel and

A T6253/157 2

B T6253/214 Damper Lifting Tool 1

E CV60889 Anti-Seize Compound 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 266 g03688482

9. Carefully slide damper (6) forward along Tooling

(A) and install Tooling (B) to the damper.

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132 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Ensure that the nose of the crankshaft and the bore

of the adapter are clean, dry, and free from
damage. Ensure that the casing of the damper is
free from damage.
Note: If a new damper is installed, the casing should
be painted in order to prevent corrosion.

Illustration 267 g03688867

2. Inspect crankshaft front seal (10) for leaks. If there

are any oil leaks, replace the crankshaft front seal.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft
Front Seal - Remove and Install” for the correct Illustration 268 g03688877

8. Install Tooling (A) to adapter (9).
3. Apply Tooling (E) to the threads of new bolts (7).
9. Install Tooling (B) and a suitable lifting device to
4. Install adapter (9) onto the crankshaft. damper (6). The weight of the damper and the
adapter is approximately 120 kg (265 lb).
5. Install retaining plate (8) to adapter (9).
10. Use the suitable lifting device in order to install
6. Install new bolts (7) hand tight. damper (6) onto Tooling (A).
7. Tighten bolts (7) to a torque of 340 N·m (250 lb ft). 11. Carefully slide damper (6) along Tooling (A)
Repeat Step 7 until the bolts reach the correct towards adapter (9). Remove Tooling (B) from
torque value. damper (6).

12. Install damper (6) onto adapter (9).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

17. Follow Step 17.a. through Step 17.c. in order to

tighten the bolts for the shaft and the damper.

a. Tighten the bolts hand tight, in the sequence

that is shown in Illustration 270 .
b. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 135 N·m
(100 lb ft) in the sequence that is shown in
Illustration 270 .
c. Tighten the bolts to a torque of 337 N·m
(250 lb ft) in the sequence that is shown in
Illustration 270 .

Illustration 269 g03688878

Illustration 271 g01578094

18. Ensure that the mating surfaces of the two halves

of pulley (1) are clean, dry, and free from damage.
Align the halves of the pulley. Lubricate the threads
of allen head bolts (2) with Tooling (E). Install the
allen head bolts to the pulley finger tight. If
necessary, install the key to the keyway on shaft

19. Install pulley (1) to shaft (3). Align pulley (1) with
the pulley on the fan drive and the temporary
20. Tighten allen head bolts (2). Tighten the allen
head bolts alternately and tighten the allen head
Illustration 270 g03688879 bolts evenly to a torque of 115 N·m (85 lb ft).
The tightening sequence for the damper and the shaft
bolts 21. Tap the outer half of pulley (1) with a soft faced
hammer in order to seat the two halves of the
13. Install spacer (5) to damper (6). Ensure that the pulley.
damper is correctly located onto the adapter.
22. Again, tighten allen head bolts (2) to a torque of
14. Apply Tooling (E) to the threads of new bolts (4). 115 N·m (85 lb ft). Check the alignment of pulley
(1) with the pulley on the fan drive. Ensure that the
15. Install shaft (3) and install new bolts (4) hand pulleys are aligned.
tight. Support the weight of the shaft as the bolts
are install. 23. After the engine has been run for the appropriate
length of time, check the tightness of the allen
16. Remove Tooling (A) and install remaining new head bolts that secure the pulley.
bolts (4) hand tight.
24. Install the V-belts or install the pulley guard. Refer
to OEM for the correct procedure.

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134 KENR9225
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Crankshaft Front Seal -

Remove and Install

Removal Procedure
Table 40
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A 27610311 Slide Hammer Puller 1

Start By:
a. Remove the damper from the crankshaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Vibration Damper
and Pulley - Remove and Install” for the correct
Illustration 272 g01454301
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 1. Use a 4 mm (1/8 inch) drill in order to make three
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened equally spaced holes in crankshaft front seal (1).
component life.
2. Screw Tooling (A) firmly into one of the holes. Use
Tooling (A) to dislodge crankshaft front seal (1).
NOTICE When the crankshaft front seal begins to move,
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- unscrew Tooling (A). Install Tooling (A) in the next
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- hole. Repeat the process using each hole, until the
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be crankshaft front seal is removed.
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling Installation Procedure
any component containing fluids. Table 41

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
B T6253/141 Front Oil Seal Insertion Kit 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Note: Do not lubricate the crankshaft front seal or the

crankshaft. The crankshaft front seal should be
installed dry.

1. Inspect the nose of the crankshaft for damage.

Ensure that the crankshaft is clean and dry.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section


Gear Group (Front) - Remove

Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker assemblies. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the timing case. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Housing (Front) - Remove” for the
correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 273 g03587697

2. Ensure that Tooling (B) is clean, dry, and free from NOTICE
damage. Install Tooling (B) (oil seal locator) to the Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nose of the crankshaft.
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
3. Position a new crankshaft front seal (1) on Tooling prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
(B) (oil seal locator). before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Note: A new crankshaft front seal is supplied with a
plastic sleeve. The plastic sleeve should be seated Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
over the chamfer on Tooling (B) (oil seal locator). mandates.

4. Push crankshaft front seal (1) squarely over

Tooling (B) (oil seal locator). The plastic sleeve will
be forced out of the crankshaft front seal. Push the
crankshaft front seal up to the timing case. Discard
the plastic sleeve.

5. Install Tooling (B) (outer sleeve). Lubricate the face

of the washer with clean engine oil and install the
6. Tighten the nut on Tooling (B) until the crankshaft
front seal is pushed into the bore in the timing
7. Remove Tooling (B).
End By:
a. Install the damper to the crankshaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Vibration Damper
and Pulley - Remove and Install” for the correct
Illustration 274 g01454282
Alignment of the timing marks

1. Align the timing marks on the gears. Refer to

Illustration 274 .

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136 KENR9225
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Illustration 275 g01454286

2. Remove bolts (1).

3. Carefully remove camshaft gear (2) from the

Illustration 277 g01522092

7. Remove bolts (10) and remove plate (9).

8. Remove idler gear (8).

9. If necessary, remove the allen head bolts (12) and

remove hub (11) from the backplate.

Illustration 276 g01522086

4. Remove bolts (5) and remove plate (4). Illustration 278 g01522097

5. Remove idler gear (3). 10. If necessary, remove bolts (13) and remove
nozzle (14). Remove gasket (15) (not shown).
6. If necessary, remove the allen head bolts (7) and
remove hub (6) from the backplate.

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Gear Group (Front) - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 42
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

21825617 Dial Indicator Group 1

- Magnetic Base and Stand 1

Illustration 280 g01522171

NOTICE Arrows show the position of the oil holes.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
2. Inspect hub (6) and hub (11) for wear or damage.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Check the outside diameter of the hubs. Refer to
component life.
Specifications, “Gear Group (Front)” for more
3. Position hub (11) on the backplate. Ensure the
correct orientation of the oil hole. Refer to
Illustration 280 . Install the allen head bolts (12).
Tighten the allen head bolts to a torque of 47 N·m
(35 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the allen head bolts of different
lengths are installed in the correct positions.

4. Position hub (6) on the backplate. Ensure the

correct orientation of the oil hole. Refer to
Illustration 280 . Install the allen head bolts (7).
Tighten the allen head bolts to a torque of 47 N·m
(35 lb ft).
Illustration 279 g01522134
Arrows show the correct positions of the oil holes. Note: Ensure that the allen head bolts of different
lengths are installed in the correct positions.
1. Follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.c. in order to install
5. Inspect the idler gears for wear or damage. Check
the lubricating nozzle for the gears.
the inside diameter of the bushes. Refer to
a. Ensure that nozzle (13) is clean and free from Specifications, “Gear Group (Front)” for more
restriction. information. If necessary, use a suitable mandrel in
order to press the old bush out of the idler gear.
b. Place new gasket (15) (not shown) and nozzle Press a replacement bush into the gear.
(13) in position on the crankcase.
Note: A replacement bush is supplied with the inside
Note: Ensure the correct orientation of the oil holes diameter that is finished to the correct size.
in the nozzle. Refer to Illustration 279 .
6. Lubricate hub (6) and hub (11) with clean engine
c. Install bolts (14). Tighten the bolts to a torque oil.
of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

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138 KENR9225
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Illustration 281 g01522192 Illustration 283 g01522195

7. Position idler gear (8) on the hub. 9. Align the timing marks on idler gear (3) with the
timing marks on the crankshaft gear and on the
Note: Ensure that the idler gear is correctly meshed camshaft gear. Refer to Illustration 282 . Position
with the crankshaft gear and with the oil pump gear.
the idler gear on the hub.
8. Lubricate plate (9) with clean engine oil. Position Note: Ensure that the idler gear is correctly meshed
the plate and install bolts (10). Tighten the bolts to with the crankshaft gear and with the camshaft gear.
a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
10. Lubricate plate (4) with clean engine oil. Position
the plate and install bolts (5). Tighten the bolts to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

Illustration 284 g01522620

Checking the end play and the backlash of an idler
Illustration 282 g01454282
Alignment of the timing marks 11. Use feeler gauges in order to check the end play
of the idler gears. Use Tooling (A) in order to check
the backlash between the idler gears and the
crankshaft gear. Refer to Specifications, “Gear
Group (Front)” for more information.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section


Housing (Front) - Remove

(Timing Case)

Removal Procedure
Table 43
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/236 Lifting Eye 1

Illustration 285 g01454286

Start By:
12. Align the timing marks on camshaft gear (2) with a. Remove the water pumps. Refer to Disassembly
the timing marks on the idler. Refer to Illustration and Assembly, “Water Pump - Remove” for the
282 . Align the hole in the camshaft gear with the correct procedure.
dowel in the nose of the camshaft. Position the
camshaft gear on the camshaft. b. Remove the mounting bracket for the governor
actuator. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
13. Install bolts (1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of “Governor Actuator - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
150 N·m (110 lb ft).
c. Remove the damper from the crankshaft. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Vibration Damper
and Pulley - Remove and Install” for the correct
d. Remove the fuel injection control linkage from the
timing case. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Fuel Injection Control Linkage - Remove”.
e. Remove the drive pulley for the alternator. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Remove
and Install (Drive Pulley)” for the correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Illustration 286 g01522630 component life.
Checking end play of the camshaft

14. Use Tooling (A) in order to check the end play of NOTICE
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
the camshaft. Use Tooling (A) in order to check the
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
backlash between the camshaft gear and the idler nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
gear. Refer to Specifications, “Gear Group (Front)” prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
for more information. before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
15. Lubricate all gears with clean engine oil.
End By: Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
a. Install the timing case. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Housing (Front) - Install” for the correct
b. Install the rocker assemblies. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Install” for the correct procedure.

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140 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

9. Use a suitable drift to remove the crankshaft front

seal from the timing case.


Housing (Front) - Install

(Timing Case)

Installation Procedure
Table 44
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/236 Lifting Eye 1

Guide Studs
B - 2
(M10 by 100 mm)

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 287 g01454211

1. Ensure that the gasket face of the timing case and

1. Remove bolts (1) and bolts (5).
the backplate are clean.
2. Use a suitable hoist to lift the front of the engine.
The weight of the engine is approximately 2040 kg
(450 lb). Raise the front of the engine so that there
is a distance of 10 mm (0.4 inch) between support
feet (4) and the base frame.

3. Remove the nuts and bolts (3) and remove support

feet (4).

4. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Note: Removal of the timing case is possible without
removing the engine oil pan. The bolts that secure the
engine oil pan to the timing case should be removed
so that the engine oil pan can be lowered. The gasket
should then be separated from the timing case.

5. Install Tooling (A) to timing case (6). Use a suitable

lifting device to support the weight of the timing
case. The timing case weighs approximately 90 kg
(200 lb). Illustration 288 g03591098

6. Remove bolts (7). 2. Install Tooling (B) to Positions (X) on the backplate.

7. Separate timing case (6) from the crankcase. Use 3. Align a new gasket (2) (not shown) with Tooling (B).
the lifting device in order to remove the timing Install the gasket to the backplate.
8. Remove gasket (2) (not shown).
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KENR9225 141
Disassembly and Assembly Section

4. Install Tooling (A) to timing case (6). Use a suitable End By:
lifting device to lift the timing case into position.
The timing case weighs approximately 90 kg a. Install the drive pulley for the alternator. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Remove
(200 lb). Install the timing case. and Install (Drive Pulley)” for the correct procedure.
Note: Ensure that the timing case is seated on the b. Install the fuel injection control linkage from the
dowels in the backplate. timing case. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Fuel Injection Control Linkage - Install”.
5. Install bolts (7) hand tight. Remove Tooling (B) and
install the remaining bolts (7). c. Install the mounting bracket for the governor
actuator. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
Note: Ensure that bolts of different lengths are “Governor Actuator - Remove and Install” for the
installed in the correct positions. Ensure that joint (2) correct procedure.
(not shown) protrudes below the base of the timing
d. Install the damper to the crankshaft. Refer to
case. Disassembly and Assembly, “Vibration Damper
6. Tighten bolts (7) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft). and Pulley - Remove and Install” for the correct
Remove excess material from gasket (2) (not
shown). The gasket should be flush with the base e. Install the water pumps. Refer to Disassembly and
of the timing case. Assembly, “Water Pump - Install” for the correct
7. Remove Tooling (A).
8. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Install” for the Crankcase Breather - Remove
correct procedure.
and Install
(Open Crankcase Breather)

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Illustration 289 g01521245 mandates.

9. Position support feet (4) and install the nuts and

bolts (3). Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torque of 1. The removal and installation procedure for the
95 N·m (70 lb ft). crankcase breather is the similar for both Bank A
and Bank B.
10. Use a suitable hoist to lower the front of the
engine onto the base frame. Install bolts (1) and
bolts (5). Tighten the bolts securely.

11. Install a new crankshaft front oil seal. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Front Oil
Seal - Remove and Install” for the correct

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142 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 291 g03668619

9. If necessary, follow Step 3.b. through Step 9.b. in

order to remove bracket (3).

a. Remove bolts (8) from bracket (3).

Illustration 290 g03668618
b. Remove bracket (3) from the engine.
2. Remove the Original Equipment Manufacture c. If necessary, make temporary marks on
(OEM) hose assembly from crankcase breather bracket (7). Remove the nuts and bolts (9) and
(1). Refer to the OEM for the correct procedure. remove bracket (7) from bracket (3).
3. Loosen hose clamp (4) for hose assembly (5). d. If necessary, follow Step 9.a. through Step 9.c.
in order to remove the remaining brackets.
4. Remove the nuts and bolts (2) from crankcase
breather (1). Support the weight of the crankcase
breather as the nuts and bolts are removed.
5. Remove crankcase breather (6) from hose
assembly (5) and bracket (3).

6. If necessary, disassemble the crankcase breather.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean” for the
correct procedure.

7. If necessary, loosen hose clamp (6) for hose

assembly (5). Remove hose assembly (5).

8. If necessary, follow Step 2 through Step 7 in order

to remove the remaining crankcase breather

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Illustration 292 g03668620 Illustration 293 g03668620

10. If necessary, follow Step 10.a. through Step 10.d. 2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.e. in
in order to remove crankcase baffle (11). order to install crankcase baffle (11).

a. Remove bolts (10) from baffle (11). a. Ensure that the gasket surfaces of housing
(13) and baffle (11) is clean and free from
b. Remove baffle (11) from housing (13). damage.
c. Remove gasket (12) (not shown). b. Position a new gasket (12) (not shown) onto
baffle (11).
d. If necessary, follow Step 10.a. through Step
10.c. in order to remove the remaining baffle. c. Install baffle (11) onto housing (13). Ensure
that the baffle is correctly orientated.
Installation Procedure
d. Install bolts (10) to baffle (11). Tighten the bolts
NOTICE to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
e. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.d.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. in order to install the remaining baffle.

1. Ensure that all the components of the breather

system are free from wear or damage. Ensure that
all tube assemblies are free from restriction.

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144 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 294 g03668619

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.d. to

install bracket (2).

a. Position bracket (3) onto the engine.

Illustration 295 g03668618
b. Install bolts (8) to bracket (3). Tighten the bolts
to a torque of 50 N·m (35 lb ft).
4. If necessary, assemble the crankcase breather.
c. If necessary, install bracket (7) onto bracket Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
(3). Install the nuts and bolts (9) hand tight. “Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean” for the
Ensure that the brackets are aligned with the correct procedure.
temporary marks. Tighten the nuts and bolts to
5. If necessary, install hose assembly (5). Ensure that
a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
hose clamp (6) and hose clamp (4) are correctly
d. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.c. positioned onto hose assembly (5)
in order to install the remaining brackets.
6. Install crankcase breather (6) onto hose assembly
(5) and bracket (3).

7. Install the nuts and bolts (2) to crankcase breather

(1). Support the weight of the crankcase breather
as the nuts and bolts are installed.
8. Tighten the nuts and bolts (2) to a torque of 47 N·m
(35 lb ft).

9. Tighten hose clamp (6) and hose clamp (4) to a

torque of 7 N·m (62 lb in).

10. Install the OEM hose assembly to crankcase

breather (1). Refer to the OEM for the correct

11. If necessary, follow Step 4 through Step 10 in

order to install the remaining crankcase breather

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KENR9225 145
Disassembly and Assembly Section

i05784274 Installation Procedure

Valve Mechanism Cover - NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Remove and Install
(Rocker Box Cover) Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the cover is clean and dry. Ensure that

Removal Procedure the gasket face of the rocker box is clean and free
from damage.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 297 g03670976

2. Remove the protective backing from gasket (3) (not

shown) and install the gasket to cover (1).

3. Position cover (1) on the rocker box and install

setscrews and washers (2). Tighten the setscrews
evenly to a torque of 4 N·m (35 lb in).


Valve Mechanism Cover Base -

Remove and Install
(Rocker Box)
Illustration 296 g03670976

1. Remove setscrews and washers (2).

2. Remove cover (1).

Note: If necessary, carefully tap the cover with a soft
faced hammer in order to loosen the cover.
3. Remove gasket (3) (not shown) from cover (1).

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146 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Cap the tube assemblies and the connections

on the rail.
Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker assembly. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
Illustration 299 g03670977
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers 5. Remove allen head bolts (5) and washers (6).
before opening any compartment or disassembling
6. Remove rocker box (1).
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and Note: If necessary, carefully tap the rocker box with a
mandates. soft faced hammer in order to loosen the rocker box.
7. Remove gasket (7) (not shown).
1. Turn the fuel supply to the OFF position.

Illustration 300 g03670979

Illustration 298 g01434485
8. Remove O-ring seal (8).
2. Loosen tube assembly (2) at both ends. Allow the
fuel to drain from the fuel rail. Remove the tube 9. If necessary, remove stud (9) and stud (10) from
assembly. cylinder head (11).
Note: In order to remove stud (10), first drain the
3. Remove bolt (4).
coolant to a level that is below the cylinder head.
4. Loosen tube assembly (3) at both ends. Allow the Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Cooling System Coolant - Change” for the correct
oil to drain from the fuel rail. Disconnect the tube
assembly from rocker box (1).

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KENR9225 147
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation Procedure Note: Ensure that the coolant is filled to the correct
Table 45 level. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Cooling System Coolant - Change” for the correct
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
3. Position a new O-ring seal (8) in the recess in the
A - Loctite 2701 1 cylinder head.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the rocker box is clean and free from

damage. Ensure that the gasket face of the
cylinder head is clean.

Illustration 302 g03670977

4. Position a new gasket (6) (not shown) on the

cylinder head.

5. Align rocker box (1) with the dowels in the cylinder

head and install the rocker box.
6. Install allen head bolts (5) and washers (6). Tighten
the allen head bolts to a torque of 70 N·m (50 lb ft)

Illustration 301 g03670979

2. If the studs for the rocker assembly have been

removed from the cylinder head, follow Step 2.a.
through Step 2.c. in order to install the studs.

a. Ensure that the threads of stud (9) and stud

(10) are clean and dry. Ensure that the holes
for the studs in cylinder head (11) are clean
and dry.

b. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of stud (9) and

stud (10).
Note: Apply the Tooling to the end of the studs that
have the short thread. Illustration 303 g01434485

c. Install stud (9) and stud (10) to cylinder head

(11). Tighten the studs to a torque of 47 N·m 7. Connect tube assembly (3) to rocker box (1).
(35 lb ft). Tighten the tube nuts at both ends to a torque of
20 N·m (177 lb in).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

8. Install bolt (4) to the pipe clip. Tighten the bolt to a

torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

9. Install tube assembly (2).Tighten the tube nuts at

both ends to a torque of 20 N·m (177 lb in).

10. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

11. Remove the air from the fuel system. Refer to

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
- Prime” for the correct procedure.
End By:
a. Install the rocker assembly. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install” for
the correct procedure.


Rocker Arm and Shaft -

Remove Illustration 304 g01433401

Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the cover from the rocker box. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
Cover - Remove and Install” for the correct

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Note: Make temporary identification marks on the

rocker assembly, on the bridge pieces and on the
pushrods in order to show the location.

Illustration 305 g01433435

1. Remove nut (1) and nut (3).

2. Carefully remove rocker assembly (2) from the

rocker box. Take care not to misplace pad (5).

3. Remove pad (5) from the fuel injector.

4. Remove bridge piece (4) and bridge piece (6) from

the rocker box.
5. Remove pushrod (7) (not shown), pushrod (8) and
pushrod (9).

6. Repeat Step 1 through Step 5 in order to remove

the remaining rocker assemblies.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section


Rocker Arm - Disassemble

Disassembly Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the rocker assembly. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and
Shaft - Remove” for the correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Illustration 307 g03670960
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 5. If necessary, remove nuts (5) and adjusters (6)
from the rocker arms.

Rocker Arm and Shaft Assembly

1. Make a temporary identification mark on each

rocker arm and shaft assembly in order to show
the location.
Note: The components must be reinstalled in the
original location and orientation. Do not interchange
used components.

Illustration 308 g03670961

6. If necessary, remove nut (8) and adjuster (9) from

bridge piece (10).

7. Inspect pad (7) for wear or damage. If the pad is

worn or damaged, use a suitable press in order to
remove the pad from bridge piece (7).


Rocker Arm - Assemble

Assembly Procedure
Illustration 306 g03670959 Table 46
Required Tools
2. Remove rocker arm assembly (3) from rocker shaft
(4). Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Loctite 7471 Activator 1

3. Remove rocker arm assembly (2) from rocker shaft
(4). B - Loctite 603 1

4. Remove rocker arm assembly (1) from rocker shaft


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150 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Keep all parts clean from contaminants. d. Apply Tooling (B) to Bore (Y) in the bridge
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Note: Ensure that the top face of the bridge piece
is not contaminated with Tooling (B).

1. Check the bridge piece for wear or damage. Check e. Use a suitable press in order to install pad (7)
the clearance between the bridge piece and the to bridge piece (10).
guide pillar in the cylinder head. Check that the nut
and the adjuster are free from damage. Note: Position the bridge piece with the pad
upward. Allow Tooling (B) to cure for 2 hours before
Note: The components must be installed in the installing the bridge piece.
original location and orientation. Do not interchange
used components. 3. Install adjuster (17) to bridge piece (6) and install
nut (18) to the adjuster.

4. Check the rocker arms for wear or damage. Check

the rocker shaft for wear or damage. Refer to
Specifications, “Valve Mechanism” for more
information. Ensure that the rocker shaft oil holes
are free from restriction. Check that the nuts and
the adjusters are free from damage.

Note: The components must be installed in the

original location and orientation. Do not interchange
used components.

Illustration 309 g03670962

Illustration 311 g03670960

5. If necessary, install adjusters (6) to the rocker arms

and install nuts (5) to the adjuster.

Illustration 310 g03670961

2. If the pad on the bridge piece required

replacement, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.e. in
order to install a new pad.

a. Ensure that the new pad (7) is clean and dry.

b. Ensure that the bore in bridge piece (10) is

clean and dry.

c. Apply Tooling (A) to Stem (X) on the pad and

to Bore (Y) in the bridge piece.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Ensure that all components are clean and free from

wear or damage. Replace any components that
are worn or damaged.

Illustration 312 g03670959

6. Lubricate the rocker shaft and the rocker arm

assemblies with clean engine oil.
Illustration 313 g01591499
7. Install rocker arm assembly (1), rocker arm
assembly (4)

8. Install rocker arm assembly (2) to rocker shaft (4).

9. Install rocker arm assembly (3) to rocker shaft (4).

End By:
a. Install the rocker assembly. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install” for
the correct procedure.


Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 47
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty Illustration 314 g01433401

C 21825607 Angle Gauge 1

2. Apply clean engine oil to both ends of the
pushrods. Install pushrod (7) (not shown), pushrod
NOTICE (8) and pushrod (9) to the engine with the cup
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. upward. Ensure that the ball end of each pushrod
is correctly seated in the cam follower.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 3. Lubricate the posts for the bridge pieces and
lubricate the valves with clean engine oil.

4. Install bridge piece (4) and bridge piece (6).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Equalize the bridge pieces. Refer to Systems Start By:

Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve
Lash - Adjust” for the correct procedure. a. Remove the fuel rail. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Manifold (Rail) - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
6. Lubricate pad (5) with petroleum jelly and install the
pad to rocker assembly (2). b. Remove the appropriate sections of the exhaust
manifold. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
7. Position rocker assembly (2) onto the rocker box. “Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install” for the
Take care not to misplace pad (5). correct procedure.

Note: Ensure that the rocker assembly is aligned with c. Remove the appropriate sections of the inlet
the dowels in the rocker box. Ensure that the manifold. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
adjustment screws are properly seated in the ends of “Inlet Manifold - Remove” for the correct procedure.
the pushrods.
8. Install nut (1) and nut (3). Evenly tighten the nuts in Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
order to pull the rocker assembly into position. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Tighten the nuts to a torque of 120 N·m (90 lb ft). component life.
9. Use Tooling (C) to turn nut (1) and nut (3) through
an additional 90 degrees. NOTICE
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
10. Adjust the engine valve lash. Refer to Systems
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
Lash - Adjust” for the correct procedure. Adjust the prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
fuel injector timing. Refer to Systems Operation, before opening any compartment or disassembling
Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel Injector Adjustment” any component containing fluids.
for the correct procedure.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
End By: mandates.
a. Install the cover to the rocker box. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism 1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system into a
Cover - Remove and Install” for the correct suitable container. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant -
Change” for the correct procedure.

Cylinder Head - Remove

Removal Procedure
Table 48
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

T6253/237 Cylinder Head Lifting Tool 1

- Bolts (M10 by 25 mm) 2

Illustration 315 g03687679

Typical example

2. Remove bolts (2) from heat shield (1). Remove the

heat shield from the coolant rail.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 317 g01622284

Marking of the cylinder head bolts
(X) After the first removal, reuse the bolt.
(Y) After the second removal, reuse the bolt.
(Z) After the third removal, renew the bolt.

7. Before removing the cylinder head bolts, the heads

of the bolts should be marked with a dot from a
center punch. Any bolts that have two dots before
removal should not be reused.

Illustration 316 g03687682

Typical example

3. Follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.c. in order to

remove the appropriate sections of the coolant rail.
Note: The coolant rail can be removed as an
assembly or as individual sections. To remove the
front section, first loosen the thermostat housing.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Water
Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and
Install” for more information. To remove the center
section, first remove the rear section.

a. Remove bolts (3). Remove the nuts and bolts


b. Remove coolant rail (6).

c. Remove O-ring seal (5). Remove gaskets (7).

Illustration 318 g03687683
4. Remove the appropriate fuel injector. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injector -
Remove” for the correct procedure.

5. Remove the appropriate rocker box. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
Cover Base - Remove and Install” for the correct

6. Remove the fuel injection control linkage from the

cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Valve Mechanism Cover Base -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.

Illustration 319 g01511134

The cylinder head tightening sequence

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8. Gradually loosen cylinder head bolts (8) in reverse

numerical order to the sequence that is shown in
Illustration 319 .
9. Remove cylinder head bolts (8) and spacers (9)
from cylinder head (10).

Illustration 322 g03687686

12. Remove O-ring seal (13), O-ring seal (14), O-ring

seal (16), O-ring seal (17), and O-ring seal (16).

13. Remove flame ring (15).


Cylinder Head - Install

Illustration 320 g03687684 Installation Procedure

Table 49
10. Attach Tooling (A) to cylinder head (10). Carefully Required Tools
lift the cylinder head off the cylinder block. The
weight of the cylinder head is approximately 40 kg Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
(88 lb). T6253/237 Cylinder Head Lifting Tool 1
- Bolts (M10 by 25 mm) 2

B CV60889 Anti-Seize Compound 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Thoroughly clean the gasket surfaces of the

cylinder head and the crankcase. Ensure that
there is no debris in the cylinder bores, the coolant
passages, or the lubricant passages.

Illustration 321 g03687685

11. Remove retainer (11) from cylinder head (10).

Remove O-ring seal (12) from the retainer.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 323 g03687686

2. Install a new flame ring (15).

3. Install new O-ring seal (13), O-ring seal (14), O-ring

seal (16), O-ring seal (17), and O-ring seal (16).
Illustration 325 g03687684
Note: Use petroleum jelly in order to hold the O-ring
seals in position.
5. Attach Tooling (A) to cylinder head (10). Carefully,
lift the cylinder head into position. The weight of
the cylinder head is approximately 40 kg (88 lb).

Note: Avoid damage to the rod for the fuel injection

control linkage when the cylinder head is lowered into
position. Ensure that the cylinder head is aligned with
the dowels in the crankcase. Ensure that the retainer
and the O-ring seal are not dislodged.

Illustration 326 g01622284

Marking of the cylinder head bolts
(X) After the first removal, reuse the cylinder head bolt.
(Y) After the second removal, reuse the cylinder head bolt.
(Z) After the third removal, renew the cylinder head bolt.
Illustration 324 g03687701

4. Install a new O-ring seal (12) to retainer (11). Install 6. Inspect the cylinder head bolts for previous use.
the retainer to cylinder head (10). Refer to Refer to Illustration 326 . If necessary, replace the
Illustration 324 for the correct orientation of the cylinder head bolts.

Note: Use petroleum jelly in order to hold the retainer

in position.

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8. Apply Tooling (B) to the faces of washers (9) in

Position (Y).

9. Install cylinder head bolts (8) and washers (9) to

cylinder head (10).

10. Tighten cylinder head bolts (10) according to the

following procedure:

a. Tighten the cylinder head bolts hand tight in

the sequence that is shown in Illustration 329 .

b. Tighten the cylinder head bolts to a torque of

175 N·m (130 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 329 .
Illustration 327 g03669139
c. Turn the cylinder head bolts through a further
120 degrees. Turn the cylinder head bolts in
the sequence that is shown in Illustration 329 .

Note: In some cases, tightening the cylinder head

bolts may not be possible to follow the procedure that
is described in Step 10. If necessary, follow the
alternative procedure that is described in Step 11 in
order to tighten the cylinder head bolts.
11. The alternative procedure for tightening cylinder
head bolts (6)

a. Tighten the cylinder head bolts hand tight in

the sequence that is shown in Illustration 329 .

b. Tighten the cylinder head bolts to a torque of

135 N·m (100 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 329 .
c. Tighten the cylinder head bolts to a torque of
270 N·m (200 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 329 .
Illustration 328 g03687683
d. Tighten the cylinder head bolts to a torque of
540 N·m (400 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 329 .
e. Tighten the cylinder head bolts to a torque of
725 N·m (530 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 329 .
12. Install the fuel injection control linkage to the
cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Valve Mechanism Cover Base -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.

13. Install the rocker box to the cylinder head. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
Cover Base - Remove and Install” for the correct
Illustration 329 g01518548 procedure.
The cylinder head tightening sequence
14. Install the fuel injector to the cylinder head. Refer
7. Apply Tooling (B) to Threads (X) of cylinder head to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injector -
bolts (8). Install” for the correct procedure.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

d. Tighten bolts (3) and bolts (2) to a torque of

47 N·m (35 lb ft). Tighten nuts and bolts (2) to
a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

16. Fill the cooling system with coolant to the correct

level Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Cooling System Coolant - Change” for the correct
End By:
a. Install the appropriate sections of the inlet manifold.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet
Manifold - Install” for the correct procedure.
b. Install the appropriate sections of the exhaust
manifold. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Exhaust Manifold - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
c. Install the fuel rail. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Manifold (Rail) - Remove and
Illustration 330 g03687682 Install” for the correct procedure.
Typical example

Lifter Group - Remove

(Cam Followers)

Removal Procedure
Table 50
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Bolts (M8 by 50 mm) 2

B - Lifting Eyes (M8) 2

Illustration 331 g03687679
Typical example Start By:

15. Follow Step 15.a. through Step 15.d. in order to a. Remove the front sections and the center sections
of the exhaust manifolds. Refer to Disassembly
install the sections of the coolant rail to the cylinder
and Assembly, “Exhaust Manifold - Remove and
head. Install” for the correct procedure.
Note: The coolant rail can be installed as an
assembly or as individual sections. If a front section is NOTICE
installed, ensure that the thermostat housing is Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
secured. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Water Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Temperature Regulator Housing - Remove and component life.
Install” for more information.
a. Install O-ring seal (5) to coolant rail (6). Install
gaskets (7) to the cylinder head.

b. Install coolant rail (6) to the cylinder head.

Position heat shield (1) on the coolant rail.
Install bolts (2).

c. Install bolts (3) finger tight. Install nuts and

bolts (4) finger tight.

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158 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 333 g01507981

5. Remove bolts (8). Remove allen head bolts (6) and

spacers (7).

Illustration 334 g01507995

6. Lubricate Tooling (A) with clean engine oil. Install

Tooling (A) into Holes (X). Tighten Tooling (A)
evenly until the cam follower is released from the
Illustration 332 g01454345
crankcase. Remove Tooling (A).
1. Remove bolts (1) and heat shields (2). 7. Install Tooling (B) into Holes (X). Use Tooling (B)
2. Disconnect oil pipe (3) from the tee connector on and a suitable lifting device in order to remove the
oil pipe (4). cam follower. The weight of the cam follower is
approximately 16 kg (35 lb).
3. Gradually loosen nuts (5). Remove the assembly of
oil pipe (4) as a unit. 8. Remove gasket (9) (not shown).

Note: Loosen the nuts on each connection by one

quarter of a turn at a time until the assembly of oil
pipe (4) is released from the cam followers.

4. Cap the open end of pipe (3) and the connections

on the cam followers. Make temporary marks on
the cam followers in order to show the location.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 335 g01636741 Illustration 336 g03670913

9. Remove dowels (10). If the dowels remain in the 1. Remove jet (1) from housing (3).
crankcase, remove the dowels from the crankcase.
2. Remove O-ring seal (2) from the jet.

Lifter Group - Disassemble

(Cam Followers)

Disassembly Procedure
Table 51
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Circlip Pliers 1

Start By:
a. Remove the cam followers. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Lifter Group - Remove” for the
correct procedure.

NOTICE Illustration 337 g03670914

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 3. Make an identification mark on each component of
component life. cam followers (5) in order to show the location.
Note: The components must be reinstalled in the
original location and orientation. Do not interchange
used components.

4. Use Tooling (A) to remove circlip (4).

5. Withdraw shaft (6) from housing (3) and remove

cam followers (5) and cam followers (7).


Lifter Group - Assemble

(Cam Followers)

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160 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Assembly Procedure
Table 52
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Circlip Pliers 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Clean the components of the cam follower. Ensure

that all components are free from wear or damage.

Illustration 339 g03670914

3. Lubricate the bores in cam followers (5), and cam

followers (7), and housing (3) with clean engine oil.

4. Install shaft (6) and cam followers (7), cam

followers (5), and to housing (3). Use Tooling (A) to
install circlip (4).

Note: The components must be reinstalled in the

original location and orientation. Do not interchange
used components.

Illustration 338 g03670936

2. Inspect the cam followers . Check Bores (X),

Sockets (Y), and Rollers (Z) for excessive wear or

Illustration 340 g03670913

5. Ensure that jet (1) is clean and free from restriction.

Install new O-ring seal (2) to the jet.

6. Lubricate the threads of jet (1) with clean engine

oil. Install the jet to housing (3). Tighten the jet to a
torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
End By:
a. Install the cam followers. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Lifter Group - Install” for the correct

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KENR9225 161
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Lifter Group - Install

(Cam Followers)

Installation Procedure
Table 53
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

B - Lifting Eyes (M8) 2

Loctite 542 Hydraulic Illustration 342 g01507995

D - 1
Thread Sealant

4. Place a new gasket (9) (not shown) in position.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Note: Install the cam follower to the original location.
5. Install Tooling (B) into Holes (X) in the cam
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. follower. Use Tooling (B) and a suitable lifting
device in order to lift the cam follower into position.
The weight of the cam follower is approximately
1. Ensure that the cam followers are clean and free 16 kg (35 lb). Align the dowels in the cam follower
from damage. Clean the joint surface of the with the holes in the crankcase and install the cam
crankcase. follower. Ensure that the rollers of the cam
followers are correctly positioned on the lobes of
Note: Ensure that debris does not enter the
crankcase. the camshaft and that the cam follower is seated
on the crankcase.

Illustration 341 g01637130

Illustration 343 g01507981

2. Install dowels (10) to cam follower (16).

6. Remove Tooling (B). Apply Tooling (D) to the
Note: Ensure that there are no dowels in the threads of allen head bolts (6). Install allen head
crankcase. bolts (6) and spacers (7). Tighten the allen head
bolts to a torque of 85 N·m (63 lb ft).
3. Lubricate the lobes of the camshaft and the rollers
of the cam followers with clean engine oil. 7. Install bolts (8) and tighten the bolts to a torque of
25 N·m (221 lb in).

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162 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Start By:
a. Remove the flywheel housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Flywheel Housing -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Gear Group (Front) - Remove” for
the correct procedure.
c. Remove the cam followers. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Lifter Group - Remove” for the
correct procedure.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 344 g01454345

8. Position the assembly of oil pipe (4). Gradually

tighten nuts (5). Tighten each nut by one quarter of
a turn at a time. Tighten the nuts to a torque of
47 N·m (35 lb ft).
Illustration 345 g01519640
9. Connect oil pipe (3) to the assembly of oil pipe (4).
Tighten the oil pipe to a torque of 33 N·m 1. Remove the allen head bolts (3) and remove thrust
(292 lb in). plate (1).

10. Place heat shields (2) in position and install bolts 2. Ensure that Tooling (A) is clean and free from
(1). Tighten the bolts to a torque of 25 N·m burrs.
(221 lb in). 3. Install Tooling (A) to the nose of camshaft (2).
End By:
a. Install the front sections and the center sections of
the exhaust manifolds. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Exhaust Manifold - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.


Camshaft - Remove

Removal Procedure
Table 54
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/142 Camshaft Guide Tool 1

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 346 g03585557

Supporting the camshaft during the removal procedure

4. Use a long wooden drift in order to push Tooling 2. Inspect the camshaft bearings for wear or damage.
(A). Carefully push camshaft (2) out of the engine. If necessary, replace the camshaft bearings. Refer
Use a suitable sling in order to support the to Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft
camshaft during the removal procedure. Bearings - Remove” and Disassembly and
Assembly, “Camshaft Bearings - Install” for the
5. Lift the camshaft from the engine. The weight of the correct procedures.
camshaft is approximately 70 kg (155 lb). Place
the camshaft on a suitable support. If necessary,
remove Tooling (A) from the camshaft.


Camshaft - Install

Installation Procedure
Table 55
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/142 Camshaft Guide Tool 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that the camshaft is clean and free from

wear or damage. Refer to Specifications,
“Camshaft” for more information.

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164 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 347 g03585576

Supporting the camshaft during the installation procedure

3. Ensure that Tooling (A) is clean and free from

burrs. Install Tooling (A) to the nose of camshaft
Supporting the camshaft during the installation

4. Use a suitable lifting device in order to lift the

camshaft into position. The weight of the camshaft
is approximately 70 kg (155 lb).

5. Lubricate the camshaft bearings, camshaft (2), and

Tooling (A) with clean engine oil.

6. Align Tooling (A) with the rear camshaft bearing.

Carefully push camshaft (2) into the engine. Use a Illustration 348 g01519689
suitable sling in order to support the camshaft
during the installation procedure. 8. Position thrust plate (1) and install the allen head
bolts (3). Tighten the allen head bolts to a torque of
7. When camshaft (2) is in the correct position, 50 N·m (35 lb ft).
remove Tooling (A).
End By:
a. Install the camshaft gear. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Gear Group (Front) - Install” for the
correct procedures.
b. Install the cam followers. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Lifter Group - Install” for the correct
c. Install the flywheel housing. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Flywheel Housing - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedures.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

2. Tighten the nut on Tooling (A) in order to pull
Camshaft Bearings - Remove camshaft bearing (1) from the crankcase.


Removal Procedure
Table 56
Camshaft Bearings - Install
Required Tools

Part Description Qty

Tool Part Number Installation Procedure
Camshaft Bearing Table 57
A T6253/199 1
Removal/Installation Tool
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Start By:
Camshaft Bearing
a. Remove the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and A T6253/199 1
Removal/Installation Tool
Assembly, “Camshaft - Remove” for the correct
NOTICE Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened component life.
component life.

1. Clean the bearing housing in the crankcase.

Ensure that the oil holes are free from debris.
Lubricate the bearing housing with clean engine

Illustration 349 g01519735

1. Lubricate the threads on Tooling (A) with clean

engine oil. Install Tooling (A) to the appropriate
camshaft bearing.
Note: Ensure that Tooling (A) is correctly aligned with
the camshaft bearing and with the crankcase.
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166 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 352 g01637630

Alignment of the oil groove

3. Tighten the nut on Tooling (A) in order to pull

camshaft bearing (1) into the crankcase. Install the
camshaft bearing so that bearing is central in the
bearing housing. Ensure that oil Groove (Y) is
aligned with the oil hole in the crankcase.
Alignment of the oil groove
End By:
a. Install the camshaft. Refer to Disassembly and
Illustration 350 g01519735
Assembly, “Camshaft - Install” for the correct


Engine Oil Pan - Remove

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
Illustration 351 g01520088

2. Position new camshaft bearing (1) on Tooling (A).

Engine Oil Pan
Lubricate the threads on Tooling (A) with clean
engine oil. Assemble Tooling (A). 1. Drain the engine oil into a suitable container for
storage or disposal. Refer to Operation and
Note: The camshaft bearing should be installed with Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter
Joint (X) in the twelve o'clock position. The locking Change.” for the correct procedure.
tabs should face toward bank A.

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 353 g03583458 Illustration 354 g03583459

Typical example
7. Remove bolts (12) and bolts (16) from tube
2. Remove nuts (2) from tube assembly (3). assembly (11).

3. Remove bolts (5) and remove tube assembly (3) 8. Remove bolts (14) from clamps (15). Remove the
from the engine oil pan and the engine oil pump. clamps from the tube assembly.

4. Remove gasket (1) (not shown) and gasket (4) (not 9. Remove tube assembly (11) from the engine oil
shown). cooler and block (18).

5. Remove bolts (7) and bolts (10). Remove tube 10. Remove O-ring seal (13) (not shown) and O-ring
assembly (8) from the engine oil pan and the seal (20) (not shown).
engine oil pump.
11. Remove bolts (19) from block (18). Remove the
6. Remove O-ring seal (6) (not shown) and O-ring block from the engine oil pan. Remove O-ring seal
seal (9) (not shown). (17) (not shown).

Illustration 355 g03583460

Typical example

12. Support the weight of engine oil pan (22). The

weight of the engine oil pan is approximately 60 kg
(130 lb).

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168 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Before removal of the engine oil pan, note the

position of the mounting bracket for the start
13. Remove bolts (23) from engine oil pan (19).

14. Remove engine oil pan (23) from the cylinder

15. Remove gasket (18) (not shown).

16. If necessary, remove the dipstick and the tube

from engine oil pan (23).

Suction Pipe and Strainer

Illustration 357 g03583463

5. Remove bolts (36) and remove strainer (35) from

the engine oil pan.

6. Remove bolts (32) and bolts (34). Remove suction

pipe (33) from the engine oil pan.

7. Remove O-ring seal (31).

Illustration 356 g03583461

1. Remove plate (26) and plate (29) from tube
assembly (24). Remove gasket (25) and gasket
Engine Oil Pan - Install
2. Remove O-ring seal (27) from plate (26).

3. Remove O-ring seal (28) from plate (29).

Installation Procedure
Table 58
4. Slide tube assembly (24) from the engine oil pan. Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

Delphi Lockheed Rubber

A - 1
Loctite 542 Thread and Nut
B - 1
Loctite 518 Gasket and
C - 1
Flange Sealant

Guide Studs
D - 2
(M10 by 50 mm)

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KENR9225 169
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Suction Pipe and Strainer

1. Ensure that the components of the engine oil pan

and suction pipe are clean and free from damage.

Illustration 359 g03583461

8. Apply Tooling (A) to a new O-ring seal (27) and a

new O-ring seal (28).

9. Install O-ring seal (27) to plate (26). Install O-ring

seal (28) to plate (29).

10. Slide tube assembly (24) into the engine oil pan.

11. Position new gasket (25) and new gasket (30) on

the ends of tube assembly (24).

12. Carefully slide plate (26) and plate (29) over the
ends of tube assembly (24).

Engine Oil Pan

1. Ensure that the gasket faces of the engine oil pan

Illustration 358 g03583463
and the crankcase are clean.
2. Apply Tooling (A) to a new O-ring seal (31). Install
the O-ring seal to suction pipe (33)

3. Position suction pipe (33) into the engine oil pan.

Loosely install bolts (34).

4. Apply Tooling (B) to the threads of bolts (32). Install

the bolts to suction pipe (33) hand tight.

5. Tighten bolts (32) and bolts (34) to a torque of

41 N·m (30 lb ft).

6. Position strainer (35) in the engine oil pan and onto

suction pipe (33). Install bolts (36).

7. Tighten bolts (36) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Use a suitable lifting device to lift engine oil pan

(22) into position. The weight of the engine oil pan
is approximately 60 kg (130 lb). Align the engine
oil pan with Tooling (D). Carefully install the engine
oil pan.

6. Install bolts (23) to engine oil pan (22) hand tight.

Note: Ensure that the mounting bracket for the start

solenoids is correctly positioned onto the engine oil

7. Remove Tooling (D) and install the remaining bolts

(23) hand tight.

8. Tighten bolts (23) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).

9. Remove the suitable lifting device from engine oil

pan (22).

10. If necessary, install the dipstick and the tube to

engine oil pan (23).

Illustration 360 g03583519

Typical example

Note: If a new gasket has been installed to the timing

case, to the back plate or to the flywheel housing,
ensure that the gasket is flush with the crankcase.
2. Apply Tooling (C) on to the split line of the
crankcase at Positions (X) and Positions (Y).

3. Install Tooling (D) to each end of the crankcase.

Illustration 362 g03583459

11. Apply Tooling (A) to a new O-ring seal (17) and

install O-ring seal to block (18).

12. Position block (18) onto the engine oil pan. Install
bolts (19) hand tight.

13. Apply Tooling (A) to a new O-ring seal (13) (not

shown) and a new O-ring seal (20) (not shown).
Illustration 361 g03583460
Install O-ring seals to tube assembly (11). Ensure
that the O-ring seals are correctly located into the
4. Position a new gasket (21) (not shown) onto oil pan recess.
14. Position tube assembly (11) onto the engine oil
Note: Ensure that the gasket is correct orientation cooler and block (18).
onto the engine oil pan.

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15. Install bolts (12) and bolts (16) to tube assembly 28. Install a new gasket (1) (not shown) onto the
(11) hand tight. engine oil pump. Ensure that the gasket is
correctly orientated.
16. Install clamps (15) onto tube assembly (11). Install
bolts (15) hand tight. 29. Position tube assembly (8) onto engine oil pump.
Loosely install nuts (2) to the tube assembly.
17. Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).
30. Position a new gasket (4) (not shown) between
18. Tighten bolts (16) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft). tube assembly (3) and the engine oil pan. Install
bolts (5) hand tight.
19. Tighten bolts (19) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).
31. Tighten bolts (5) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft).
20. Tighten bolts (14) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
32. Tighten nuts (2) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
21. Ensure that the tube assembly (11) is not strained
as bolts (12), bolts (14), bolts (16) and bolts (19) 33. Fill the engine oil pan to the correct level. Refer to
are tightened. Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil
and Filter- Change” for the correct procedure.

34. Prime the engine oil system. Refer to Operation

and Maintenance Manual, “Before Starting the
Engine” for the correct procedure.


Cylinder Liner - Remove

Removal Procedure
Table 59
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A SE253 Engine Turning Tool 1

B T6253/152 Liner Extractor 1

Illustration 363 g03583458 Start By:

Typical example
a. Remove the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and
22. Apply Tooling (A) to a new O-ring seal (6) (not Connecting Rods - Remove” for the correct
shown) and a new O-ring seal (9) (not shown). procedure.
23. Position the O-ring seals in to the recess of tube NOTICE
assembly (8). Ensure that the O-ring seals are Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
correctly located into the recess.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
24. Position tube assembly (8) onto the engine oil pan component life.
and the engine oil pump. Install bolts (10) hand
25. Apply Tooling (B) to the thread of bolts (7). Install Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
the bolts to the tube assembly hand tight. tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
26. Tighten bolts (7) to a torque of 41 N·m (30 lb ft). prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
27. Tighten bolts (10) to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft). any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

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172 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: Ensure that the piston cooling jet has been

removed before removal of the cylinder liner.
Failure to remove the piston cooling jet could
result in damage to the piston cooling jet.

Illustration 365 g03598660

5. Remove O-ring seals (2) from cylinder liner (1).


Cylinder Liner - Install

Installation Procedure
Illustration 364 g01454703 Table 60
Required Tools
1. Use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the crankshaft.
Rotate the crankshaft until there is sufficient Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
clearance in order to install Tooling (B). Delphi Lockheed Rubber
C - Grease or P80 Rubber 1
2. Follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.c. in order to Lubrication
assemble Tooling (B) to the cylinder liner.
D - Loctite 638 1
a. Position the lower clamping plate in the bottom E - Loctite 7471 Activator 1
of the cylinder liner. Position the upper
T6253/200 Liner Clamp Kit 1
clamping plate in the top of the cylinder liner.
F - Cylinder Head Bolts 2
b. Install the bolts to the clamping plates. Tighten
- Spacers 2
the bolts securely.

c. Locate the frame in the cylinder head bolt

holes. Lubricate the threads with clean engine NOTICE
oil. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

3. Tighten the forcing bolt on Tooling (B) in order to Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
pull cylinder liner (1) from the crankcase.

Note: A small quantity of coolant and accumulated 1. Clean the interior of the crankcase. Ensure that the
debris will be released when the liner is removed from seat for the cylinder liner is clean, dry, and free
the crankcase. Ensure that the crankshaft is
from rust or sealant. Ensure that the cylinder liner
protected from the debris.
is clean and dry. If a used cylinder liner is installed,
4. Lift Tooling (B) and the cylinder liner from the ensure that the cylinder liner is free from rust or
crankcase. The weight of Tooling (B) and the sealant.
cylinder liner is approximately 45 kg (100 lb).
Remove the cylinder liner from Tooling (B).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 366 g03598660

Illustration 368 g03689561

7. Install Tooling (F).

Note: Install Tooling (F) so that the Tooling does not

foul the dowels in the crankcase.
8. Use Tooling (F) to push cylinder liner (1) into the
crankcase. When the cylinder liner is correctly
seated, tighten the bolts to a torque of 5 N·m
(45 lb in). Remove any excess of Tooling (D) from
cylinder liner (1) and the crankcase.

Note: When the cylinder liner is correctly seated, the

top of the cylinder liner will sit below the face of the
9. Allow Tooling (D) to cure for three hours before
Illustration 367 g01454706
removing Tooling (E).
2. Install new O-ring seals (2) to cylinder liner (1). 10. Check Dimension (X). Refer to Illustration 367 .
3. Apply Tooling (C) to Bore (Z) in the crankcase. Dimension (X) ................................... 2.07 to 2.20 mm
(0.082 to 0.087 inch)
4. Apply Tooling (E) to Face (Y) on the recess of the
crankcase and to the flange of cylinder liner (1). End By:

5. Apply Tooling (D) to Face (Y) on the crankcase. a. Install the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and
6. Carefully install liner (1) to the crankcase. Push the Connecting Rods - Install” for the correct
liner into the crankcase by hand until the O-ring
seals contact with the bottom of the crankcase.

Note: When the O-ring seals contact with the bottom

of the crankcase, resistance will be felt.

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174 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Piston Cooling Jets - Remove

and Install

Removal Procedure
Table 61
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A SE253 Engine Turning Tool 1

Start By:
a. Remove the starting motors. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Electric Starting Motor - Remove
and Install” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the engine oil coolers. Refer to
Illustration 369 g03585596
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler -
Remove” for the correct procedure. Typical example

NOTICE 1. Remove bolts (3) and crankcase door (4) from the
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. crankcase.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 2. Remove gasket (5) (not shown).
component life.
3. Use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the crankshaft so
that the piston of the appropriate cylinder is at the
NOTICE top center position.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- 4. Remove bolt (2). Rotate cooling jet (1) clockwise
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be through 90 degrees. Withdraw the cooling jet from
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers the crankcase.
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and

Illustration 370 g01454712

Typical example

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KENR9225 175
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Remove O-ring seal (6) and O-ring seal (7) from

cooling jet (1). d. Use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the
crankshaft so that the piston of the appropriate
Installation Procedure cylinder is at the bottom center position.
Table 62
e. Use a torch and a mirror to check that the
Required Tools
nozzle of cooling jet (1) is centrally located in
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty oil Gallery (X) in the piston.
A SE253 Engine Turning Tool 1
f. Use Tooling (A) in order to rotate the
crankshaft so that the piston of the appropriate
cylinder is at the top center position.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. g. Remove bolt (2) and cooling jet (1).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 372 g01454712

Typical example

2. Lubricate the body of cooling jet (1) with clean

engine oil. Install a new O-ring seal (7) and a new
O-ring seal (6) to the cooling jet. Lubricate the O-
ring seals with clean engine oil.

Illustration 371 g01454711

Checking the alignment of a cooling jet

1. Follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.g. in order to check

the alignment of the cooling jet.

a. Ensure that the cooling jet is clean and free

from damage or restriction.

b. Ensure that the piston of the appropriate

cylinder is at the top center position.

c. Temporarily install cooling jet (1) and bolt (2).

Note: Install the cooling jet without O-ring seals.

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176 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Pistons and Connecting Rods -


Removal Procedure
Table 63
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A SE253 Engine Turning Tool 1

B T6253/212 Piston Crown Handle 1

Start By:
a. Remove the cylinder heads. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
Illustration 373 g03585597
Typical example b. Remove the engine oil cooler from Bank B. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler -
3. Ensure that the piston of the appropriate cylinder is Remove” for the correct procedure.
at the top center position. c. Remove the engine oil filter head from Bank B.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil
4. Install cooling jet (1) to the crankcase with Hole (Y) Filter Base - Remove” for the correct procedure.
in the 3 o'clock position. Rotate the cooling jet
counterclockwise through 90 degrees and push d. Remove the crankcase doors and remove the
the cooling jet into position. piston cooling jets. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and
Note: Ensure that the flange of the cooling jet is Install” for the correct procedure.
seated against the crankcase.
Note: The removal procedure can be performed from
5. Install bolt (1). Tighten the bolt to a torque of the Bank B side of the engine without removing the
starting motors, the oil cooler, or the engine oil filter
47 N·m (35 lb ft).
head from the Bank A side of the engine. When the
6. Place a new gasket (5) (not shown) and crankcase removal procedure is to be performed from the Bank
A side of the engine. Remove the starting motors, the
door (4) in position. Install bolts (3). Tighten the
oil cooler, and the engine oil filter head from the Bank
bolts to a torque of 47 N·m (35 lb ft). A side of the engine.
End By:
a. Install the engine oil coolers. Refer to Disassembly Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler - Install” for the
correct procedure. Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
b. Install the starting motors. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Electric Starting Motor - Remove
and Install” for the correct procedure. 1. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft to a
convenient position and remove the carbon ridge
from the top of the cylinder liner bore.

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KENR9225 177
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Use Tooling (B) in order to pull the piston and the

connecting rod out of the cylinder liner bore.

Note: Be careful not to damage the cylinder liner or

the crankshaft journal during the removal of the piston
and the connecting rod.

7. Temporarily install connecting rod cap (2) and

connecting rod bolts (3) to connecting rod (1) in
order to keep the big end bearings in position.


Pistons and Connecting Rods -

Illustration 374 g01584314 Disassemble

Disassembly Procedure
Table 64
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/258 Circlip Pliers 1

B T6253/256 Piston Ring Pliers 1

C T6253/159 Small End Bush Tool 1

Start By:
Illustration 375 g01454730 a. Remove the pistons and the connecting rods.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and
2. The connecting rod and connecting rod cap have Connecting Rods - Remove” for the correct
an etched Number (X) on the side. The number on procedure.
connecting rod (1) and the number on connecting
rod cap (2) must match. Ensure that the NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
connecting rod and the connecting rod cap are
marked for the correct location. If necessary, make Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
a temporary mark on the connecting rod and the component life.
connecting rod cap in order to identify the cylinder
1. Make a temporary mark on the components of the
3. Remove connecting rod bolts (3) and connecting piston and connecting rod assembly in order to
rod cap (2) from connecting rod (1). show the location and the orientation. Making a
temporary mark on the components will ensure
4. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft carefully. that the components of each piston and
Rotate the crankshaft until the appropriate piston connecting rod assembly can be reinstalled in the
on Bank A is just past the top center position, or original cylinder. Do not interchange used
the appropriate piston on Bank A is just before the components.
top center position.

Note: Take care not to displace the big end bearing

as the crankshaft is rotated.
5. Position Tooling (B) onto the crown of piston (4).
Carefully expand Tooling (B) into the valve recess
of the piston.
Note: Ensure that Tooling (B) is installed to the piston

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178 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Note: If the gudgeon pin cannot be removed by hand,

heat the piston to a temperature of 45 ± 5 °C
(113 ± 9 °F). Note the orientation of the connecting
rod to the piston.

6. Place the piston on a suitable surface with the

crown upward. Use Tooling (B) in order to remove
compression ring (7), compression ring (8), and oil
control ring (9) from piston (4).

Note: Identify the position and the orientation of the

compression rings and the oil control ring.

Illustration 376 g01584454

Typical example

2. Remove connecting rod bolts (3) and connecting

rod cap (2) from connecting rod (1).

3. Remove lower big end bearing (6) from connecting Illustration 378 g03670958
rod cap (2). Remove upper big end bearing (5)
from connecting rod (1). 7. Inspect small end bush (12) for wear or for
damage. Refer to Specifications, “Pistons and
Rings” for more information. If the small end bush
is damaged or worn beyond the specified limits,
use Tooling (C) in order to remove the small end
bush from connecting rod (1).


Pistons and Connecting Rods -


Assembly Procedure
Table 65
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A T6253/258 Circlip Pliers 1

B T6253/256 Piston Ring Pliers 1

Illustration 377 g01584456
C T6253/159 Small End Bush Tool 1
4. Use Tooling (A) to remove circlips (11) from piston
5. Remove gudgeon pin (10) and connecting rod (1) Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
from piston (4).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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KENR9225 179
Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.e. in order to

inspect the pistons and the connecting rods.

a. Carefully remove the carbon deposits from the

piston. Visually check the piston for cracks,
signs of seizure or other damage.

b. Inspect piston ring grooves for wear. Refer to

Specifications, “Pistons and Rings” for more
c. Carefully remove the carbon deposits from the
piston rings. Inspect the piston rings for wear
or damage. Install the piston rings into the
cylinder liner bore and check the clearance
between the ends of the piston rings. Refer to
Specifications, “Pistons and Rings” for more
d. Check that the gudgeon pin is free from wear
or damage. Refer to Specifications, “Pistons Illustration 380 g01584456
and Rings” for more information.

e. Check that the connecting rod is free from

cracks. Inspect the connecting rod for wear
and for distortion. Refer to Specifications,
“Connecting Rod” for more information. If the
connecting rod requires replacement, ensure
that the weight of the new connecting rod is
the same weight as the original connecting

Illustration 381 g01622252

The correct orientation of the piston and connecting
Illustration 379 g03670958 (Y) Cut out for the piston cooling jet.
(Z) Flat thrust face of connecting rod

2. If the small end bush required replacement, use

Tooling (C) in order to install small end bush (12) to
connecting rod (1).

Note: A replacement small end bush is supplied,

finished to the correct size.

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180 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 382 g01454802

The location and orientation of the piston rings

3. Lubricate the small end bush and the bores for the
gudgeon in the piston with clean engine oil.

4. Ensure the correct orientation of the connecting rod Illustration 383 g01584454
and install connecting rod (1) to piston (4).
Lubricate gudgeon pin (10) with clean engine oil.
Slide the gudgeon pin into position.
Note: If the gudgeon pin cannot be installed by hand,
heat the piston to a temperature of 45 ± 5 °C
(113 ± 9 °F).

5. Use Tooling (A) to install new circlips (11). Ensure

that the circlips are seated into the grooves.

6. Follow Steps 6.a. through 6.e. in order to install the

piston rings to the piston.

a. Position the spring for oil control ring (9) into

the oil ring groove in piston (4). The central
wire must be located inside the end of the Illustration 384 g01622255
spring. Location of the bearing tab
b. Use Tooling (B) to install oil control ring (9)
7. Install upper big end bearing (5) to connecting rod
over the spring.
(1). Install lower big end bearing (6) to connecting
Note: Ensure that the central wire is 180 degrees rod cap (2). Ensure that the bearings are correctly
from the ring gap. seated and that the tabs are located in the slots.

c. Use Tooling (B) to install intermediate 8. Temporarily install connecting rod cap (2) to
compression ring (8) into the second groove in connecting rod (1) in order to keep the bearings in
piston (4). The identification TOP must be position. Loosely install new connecting rod bolts
upward. (3).
End By:
d. Use Tooling (B) to install top compression ring
(7) into the top groove in piston (4). The a. Install the pistons and the connecting rods. Refer
identification TOP must be upward. to Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Install” for the correct
e. Position the piston ring gaps at 120 degrees procedure.
away from each other.

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KENR9225 181
Disassembly and Assembly Section

i05784241 4. Lubricate the big end bearings, and the crankshaft

pin with clean engine oil. Lubricate the threads and
Pistons and Connecting Rods - the underside of the heads of the new connecting
Install rod bolts with clean engine oil.
Note: Install the big end bearings dry when clearance
checks are performed. Refer to Disassembly and
Installation Procedure Assembly, “Bearing Clearance - Check” for the
correct procedure. Apply clean engine oil on the big
Table 66 end bearings for final assembly.
Required Tools
5. Ensure that the gaps for the piston rings are at 120
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty degrees away from each other. Position Tooling (F)
A SE253 Engine Turning Tool 1 onto the piston in order to compress the piston
rings. Carefully position the piston and the
B T6253/212 Piston Crown Handle 1 connecting rod into the cylinder liner bore.
F T6253/139 Piston Ring Compression Tool 1
Note: Ensure that Tooling (F) is installed correctly
G SE671K 30 Degree Indicator Socket Tool 1 and that the piston can easily slide from the tool.
Ensure that the piston and the connecting rod are
installed in the correct cylinder.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 6. Carefully push the piston and the connecting rod
into the cylinder liner bore. At the same time, guide
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened the connecting rod onto the pin of the crankshaft.
component life.
Take care not to displace the big end bearing.
Note: Be careful not to damage the cylinder liner, the
big end bearings or the crankshaft during installation
of the piston and the connecting rod.

7. Remove Tooling (F).

Illustration 385 g01454763

1. Position Tooling (B) onto the crown of piston (4).

Carefully expand Tooling (B) into the valve recess
of the piston. Remove the connecting rod bolts and
the connecting rod cap from the connecting rod. Illustration 386 g01584314

Note: Ensure that Tooling (B) is installed to the piston 8. The connecting rod and connecting rod cap have
an etched Number (X) on the side. The number on
2. Use Tooling (A) to rotate the crankshaft carefully. connecting rod (1) and the number on connecting
Rotate the crankshaft until the appropriate piston rod cap (2) must match. Position connecting rod
on Bank A is just past the top center position, or cap (2) on the connecting rod.
the appropriate piston on Bank B is just before the
top center position. NOTICE
Discard all used connecting rod bolts.
3. Apply clean engine oil to the cylinder liner bore, to
the piston rings and to the outer surface of the
piston. 9. Install the new connecting rod bolts (3) to
connecting rod cap (2) hand tight.

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182 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 388 g01587153

Using feeler gauges to check the side float of the
connecting rods

11. Check the side float of the connecting rods.

Connecting rod side float .................. 0.36 to 0.69 mm

(0.014 to 0.027 inch)
Illustration 387 g01454762

Note: The installation procedure can be performed

10. Use the following method in order to tighten the from the Bank B only. When the removal procedure is
connecting rod bolts to the correct torque. to be performed from the Bank A side of the engine.
Install the starting motors, the oil cooler, and the
a. Tighten connecting rod bolts (3) to a torque of engine oil filter head to the Bank A side of the engine.
110 N·m (82 lb ft).
End By:
b. Install Tooling (G) to connecting rod bolt (3).
Apply light pressure to the wrench. Set the a. Install the piston cooling jets and the crankcase
leading edge of Tooling (G) in line with the doors. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
center of the connecting rod. Turn connecting “Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.
rod bolt (3) through 30 degrees. The trailing
edge of Tooling (G) is now in line with the b. Install the cylinder heads. Refer to Disassembly
center of the connecting rod. and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Install” for the
correct procedure.
c. Reposition Tooling (G) so that the leading
edge of Tooling (G) is in line with the center of c. Install the engine oil filter head to Bank B. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Filter
the connecting rod. Turn connecting rod bolt Base - Install” for the correct procedure.
(3) through an additional 30 degrees. The
trailing edge of Tooling (G) is now in line with d. Install the engine oil cooler to Bank B . Refer to
the center of the connecting rod. Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler -
Install” for the correct procedure.

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KENR9225 183
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Crankshaft Main Bearings -

Remove and Install

Removal Procedure
Start By:
a. Remove the crankshaft and the thrust washers.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft -
Remove” for the correct procedure.

NOTICE Illustration 390 g01329039

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 2. Remove lower main bearings (2) from the main
component life. bearing caps.

Note: The lower main bearings are plain bearings

that have no oil holes.

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Inspect the main bearings for wear or for damage.

Refer to Specifications, “Crankshaft” for more
information. If necessary, replace the main
Illustration 389 g01329038
Note: If the engine is undergoing a major overhaul,
Typical example the main bearings and the main bearing bolts should
be replaced.
1. Remove upper main bearings (1) from the
Note: The upper main bearings have a groove and
two oil holes.

Illustration 391 g01329039

2. Install lower main bearings (2) to the main bearing

Note: The lower main bearings are plain bearings
that have no oil holes.

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184 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. The engine should be placed in the inverted

position. The weight of the engine is approximately
2040 kg (4500 lb).
Note: Place the engine on a suitable surface in order
to avoid damage to the machined faces of the

Illustration 392 g01329038

Typical example

3. Install upper main bearings (1) to the crankcase.

Note: The upper main bearings have a groove and
two oil holes.
End By:
a. Install the crankshaft and the thrust washers. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft -
Install” for the correct procedure.


Crankshaft - Remove Illustration 393 g01328986

2. Rotate the crankshaft so that the center balance

weights are in the horizontal position.
Removal Procedure
3. Remove the allen head bolts (3).
Start By:
a. Remove the crankcase doors and remove the 4. Remove main bearing bolts (1).
piston cooling jets. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and 5. Remove main bearing caps (2).
Install” for the correct procedure.
b. Remove the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Remove” for the correct
c. Remove the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Remove” for the
correct procedure.
d. Remove the back plate. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Engine Support (Front) - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
e. Remove the flywheel housing. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Flywheel Housing -
Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
Illustration 394 g01431403

Keep all parts clean from contaminants. 6. Remove thrust washers (4) from the crankcase.

Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Note: The crankshaft has two thrust washers. The
component life. thrust washers are located on each side of the rear
main bearing.
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KENR9225 185
Disassembly and Assembly Section

1. Inspect the crankshaft for wear and for damage.

Refer to Specifications, “Crankshaft” for more
2. Install the main bearings to the crankcase and to
the main bearing caps. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove
and Install” for the correct procedure.

Note: Install the main bearings dry when clearance

checks are performed. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Bearing Clearance - Check” for the
correct procedure. Apply clean engine oil on the face
of the main bearings for final assembly.

Illustration 395 g03591146

7. Attach a suitable sling and a lifting device to

crankshaft (5). Attach the sling around the center
balance weights of the crankshaft. The weight of
the crankshaft is approximately 390 kg (860 lb).

8. Carefully lift crankshaft (5) out of the crankcase.

Place the crankshaft on a suitable support.

9. Remove the crankshaft main bearings. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Main
Bearings - Remove and Install” for the correct
procedure. Illustration 396 g03591146

i05784103 3. Attach a suitable sling and a lifting device to

crankshaft (5). Attach the sling around the center
Crankshaft - Install balance weights of the crankshaft. The weight of
the crankshaft is approximately 390 kg (860 lb).

4. Carefully lift crankshaft (5) into the crankcase.

Installation Procedure
Table 67 Note: The crankshaft should be installed with the
center balance weights in the horizontal position.
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

21825617 Dial Indicator 1
- Magnetic Base and Stand 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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186 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 397 g01431403

5. Lubricate thrust washers (4) with clean engine oil.

Install the thrust washers to the crankcase.

Note: The crankshaft has two thrust plates. The

thrust washers are located on each side of the rear
Illustration 399 g03591180
main bearing. Install the thrust washers with the
grooves toward the crankshaft. Identification of the main bearing caps

6. The crankcase and main bearing cap have a

Number (X) on the bottom. The number on main
bearing cap (2) must match the corresponding
number on the crankcase. Install the main bearing
caps to the crankcase.

7. Lubricate the underside of the head and the

threads of main bearing bolts (1) with clean engine
oil. Install the main bearing bolts finger tight.

8. Lubricate the underside of the head and the

threads of the allen head bolts (3) with clean
engine oil. Install the allen head bolts finger tight.

Illustration 398 g01328986

Identification of the main bearing caps

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 400 g03591177

Sequence for tightening main bearing bolts

9. Use the following method in order to tighten the

main bearing bolts to the correct torque.

a. Tighten main bearing bolts (1) to a torque of

135 N·m (100 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 400 .
b. Tighten main bearing bolts (1) to a torque of
270 N·m (200 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 400 .
c. Tighten main bearing bolts (1) to a torque of
540 N·m (400 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 400 .
d. Tighten main bearing bolts (1) to a torque of
783 N·m (580 lb ft) in the sequence that is
shown in Illustration 400 .

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188 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 401 g03591179

Sequence for tightening allen head bolts

Maximum crankshaft end play (service limit)

e. Tighten the allen head bolts (3) to a torque of ................................................... 0.55 mm (0.025 inch)
168 N·m (124 lb ft) in the sequence that is
End By:
shown in Illustration 401 .
a. Install the flywheel housing. Refer to Disassembly
f. Ensure that the crankshaft rotates freely. and Assembly, “Flywheel Housing - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
b. Install the back plate. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Engine Support (Front) - Remove and
Install” for the correct procedure.
c. Install the engine oil pan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pan - Install” for the
correct procedure.
d. Install the pistons and connecting rods. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Pistons and
Connecting Rods - Install” for the correct
e. Install the piston cooling jets and the crankcase
doors. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install” for the
correct procedure.

Illustration 402 g03591297

Checking the end play of the crankshaft

10. Use Tooling (A) to check the crankshaft end play.

Crankshaft end play (new thrust washers)

......................... 0.13 to 0.51 mm (0.005 to 0.020 inch)

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Disassembly and Assembly Section


Crankshaft Gear - Remove and


Removal Procedure
Table 68
Required Tools

Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Puller 1

Illustration 404 g01454833

Start By:
a. Remove the timing gears. Refer to Disassembly 1. Heat crankshaft gear (1) in an oven to 250 °C
and Assembly, “Gear Group (Front) - Remove” for (480 °F).
the correct procedure.
Note: Do not use a torch to heat the crankshaft gear.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Always wear protective gloves when handling
parts that have been heated.

2. Align Timing Mark (X) on crankshaft gear (2) with

Timing Mark (X) on crankshaft (1). Install the
crankshaft gear to the crankshaft.

Note: Ensure that the crankshaft gear is seated

against the shoulder on the crankshaft.
End By:
a. Install the timing gears. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Gear Group (Front) - Install” for the
correct procedure.


Illustration 403 g01454825 Bearing Clearance - Check

1. Ensure that Timing Mark (X) is upward.

2. Use Tooling (A) in order to pull crankshaft gear (2) Measurement Procedure
from crankshaft (1). Table 69
Required Tools
Installation Procedure
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Plastigauge (Green)
- 0.025 to 0.076 mm
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened (0.001 to 0.003 inch)
component life. 1
Plastigauge (Red)
A - 0.051 to 0.152 mm 1
(0.002 to 0.006 inch)


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190 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

(Table 69, contd) 2. Use the correct torque-turn specifications in order

Required Tools to install the bearing cap. Do not use an impact
wrench. Be careful not to dislodge the bearing
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty when the cap is installed.
Plastigauge (Blue)
0.102 to 0.229 mm
Note: Do not turn the crankshaft when Tooling (A) is
- 1
(0.004 to 0.009 inch) installed.

Plastigauge (Yellow) 3. Carefully remove the cap, but do not remove

- 0.230 to 0.510 mm 1 Tooling (A). Measure the width of Tooling (A) while
(0.009 to 0.020 inch) Tooling (A) is in the bearing cap or on the
crankshaft journal. Refer to Illustration 405 .
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Note: Perkins does not recommend the checking of

the actual clearances of the bearing shells particularly
on small engines. Checking of the actual clearances
of the bearing shells is because of the possibility of
obtaining inaccurate results and of damaging the
bearing shell or the journal surfaces. Each Perkins
bearing shell is quality checked for specific wall
Note: The measurements should be within
specifications and the correct bearings should be
used. If the crankshaft journals and the bores for the
block and the rods were measured during
disassembly, no further checks are necessary.
Illustration 405 g01152855
However, if the technician still wants to measure the
bearing clearances, Tooling (A) is an acceptable Typical Example
method. Tooling (A) is less accurate on journals with
small diameters if clearances are less than 0.10 mm 4. Remove all of Tooling (A) before you install the
(0.004 inch). bearing cap.

NOTICE Note: When Tooling (A) is used, the readings can

Lead wire, shim stock or a dial bore gauge can dam- sometimes be unclear. For example, all parts of
age the bearing surfaces. Tooling (A) are not the same width. Measure the
major width in order to ensure that the parts are within
the specification range. Refer to Specifications
The technician must use Tooling (A) correctly. The Manual, “Connecting Rod Bearing Journal” and
following points must be remembered: Specifications Manual, “Main Bearing Journal” for the
correct clearances.
• Ensure that the backs of the bearings and the
bores are clean and dry.

• Ensure that the bearing locking tabs are properly

seated in the tab grooves. Coolant Temperature Switch -
• The crankshaft must be free of oil at the contact
Remove and Install
points of Tooling (A).

1. Put a piece of Tooling (A) on the crown of the

bearing that is in the cap.
Removal Procedure
Note: Do not allow Tooling (A) to extend over the NOTICE
edge of the bearing. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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KENR9225 191
Disassembly and Assembly Section

5. Remove sealing washer (4) from coolant

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- temperature switch (3).
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
Installation Procedure
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling NOTICE
any component containing fluids. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
mandates. component life.

1. The removal and the installation procedure for the 1. Ensure that the coolant temperature switch is free
coolant temperature switch is the similar for both from wear or damage.
Bank A and Bank B coolant temperature switch.

2. Drain the coolant from the cooling system to a level

that is below the coolant temperature switch. Use a
suitable container for storage or disposal. Refer to
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Coolant - Change” for the correct

Illustration 407 g03668617

Typical example

2. Install a new sealing washer (4) to coolant

temperature switch (3).

3. Install coolant temperature switch (3) into

thermostat housing (1). Tighten the coolant
Illustration 406 g03668617
temperature switch to a torque of 30 N·m (22 lb ft).
Typical example 4. Connect the OEM wiring harness to harness
assembly (2) for coolant temperature switch (3).
3. Disconnect the Original Equipment Manufacture
(OEM) wiring harness from harness assembly (2) 5. Fill the cooling system to the correct level. Refer to
for coolant temperature switch (3). Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Cooling
System Coolant - Change” for the correct
4. Remove coolant temperature switch (3) from
thermostat housing (1).

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192 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Engine Oil Pressure Switch -

Remove and Install

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 409 g01455414

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con- 1. Install engine oil pressure switch (1) to adapter (2).
tained during performance of inspection, mainte- Tighten the engine oil pressure switch to a torque
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be of 9.5 N·m (84 lb in).
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling 2. Connect the harness assembly to engine oil
any component containing fluids. pressure switch (1).
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. i05784071

Engine Oil Pressure Switch -

1. The removal procedure for the engine oil pressure
switch is the similar for both Bank A and Bank B. Remove and Install
(Alternator Switch)

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
Illustration 408 g01455414 nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
2. Disconnect the harness assembly from engine oil before opening any compartment or disassembling
pressure switch (1). any component containing fluids.

3. Remove engine oil pressure switch (1) from Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
adapter (2).

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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KENR9225 193
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Illustration 410 g01431027 Illustration 411 g01431027

1. Disconnect the harness assembly from engine oil 1. Install engine oil pressure switch (1) to adapter (2).
pressure switch (1). Tighten the engine oil pressure switch to a torque
of 9.5 N·m (84 lb in).
2. Remove engine oil pressure switch (1) from
adapter (2). 2. Connect the harness assembly to engine oil
pressure switch (1).
Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Temperature Sensor (Exhaust)
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
- Remove and Install
(Exhaust Temperature

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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194 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

a. Cut cable strap (4). Disconnect harness

assembly (5).

b. Remove the nuts and bolts (3) from module


c. Remove module (2) from bracket (6).

5. If necessary, follow Step 5.a. through Step 5.b. in

order to remove adapter (8) and adapter (11) from
the exhaust manifolds.
a. Remove adapter (8) from exhaust manifold (7).

b. Remove adapter (11) from exhaust manifold


Installation Procedure
Table 70
Required Tools
Illustration 412 g03673273
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty

A - Anti-Seize Compound 1

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Ensure that all components are free from wear or

damage. Replace any component that is worn or

Illustration 413 g03673274

1. Make temporary marks on harness assemblies (1)

for installation purpose. Disconnect the harness
assemblies from module (2).

2. Remove thermocouple (9) and thermocouple (12)

from exhaust manifold (7) and exhaust manifold

3. Remove the nuts that retain the clips that secure

thermocouple (9) and thermocouple (12) to the fuel
rail. Cut any cable straps that secure the
thermocouples. Remove the thermocouples.

4. If necessary, follow Step 4.a. through Step 4.c. in

order to remove module (1).

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Disassembly and Assembly Section

a. Position module (1) onto bracket (6). Ensure

that the module is correctly orientated.

b. Install the nuts and bolts (3) to module (1).

Tighten the nuts and bolts to a torque of
10 N·m (89 lb in).

4. Apply Tooling (A) to the gland nut of thermocouple

(9) and thermocouple (12).

5. Install thermocouple (9) and thermocouple (12) to

exhaust manifold (7) and exhaust manifold (10).
Tighten the gland nut for the exhaust temperature
thermocouple securely. Ensure that the
thermocouples are correctly orientated.

6. Connect harness assemblies (1) to module (2).

Ensure that the harness assemblies are connected
into the correct positions.

Illustration 414 g03673274 7. Install the clips that secure thermocouple (9) and
thermocouple (12) to the fuel rail.

8. Install the nuts for the clips that retain harness

assemblies for the thermocouple to the fuel rail.
Tighten the nuts to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in).
Install new cable straps that secure the

9. Connect harness assembly (5). Install new cable

strap (4) to the harness assembly.


Engine Speed Sensor -

Remove and Install
(Engine Over speed Sensor)

Removal Procedure
Illustration 415 g03673273 NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
2. If necessary, follow Step 2.a. through Step 2.b. in
order to install adapter (8) and adapter (11) to the Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
exhaust manifolds.
a. Apply Tooling (A) to the threads of adapter (8)
and adapter (11).

b. Install adapter (8) and adapter (11) to exhaust

manifold (7) and exhaust manifold (10) tighten
the adapters securely.

3. If necessary, follow Step 3.a. through Step 3.b. in

order to install module (1).

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196 KENR9225
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Illustration 416 g03584418 Illustration 417 g03584419

Tooth of flywheel ring gear in center position of speed
1. Disconnect Original Equipment Manufacture sensor hole
(OEM) harness assembly (1) from the engine over
speed sensor (3).

2. Loosen locknut (4) and remove over speed sensor

(3) from flywheel housing (2).

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Illustration 418 g03584418

1. Ensure that engine over speed sensor (3) is free

from wear or damage.

2. Position the flywheel ring gear tooth (6) in the

middle position of the engine over speed sensor
hole (5) in the flywheel housing (2).

3. Screw in engine over speed sensor (3) into

flywheel housing (2) until the engine speed sensor
just touches the flywheel tooth (6).

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KENR9225 197
Disassembly and Assembly Section

4. Turn engine over speed sensor (3) counter Installation Procedure

clockwise by half a turn, and tighten locking nut (4)
securely. Refer to Operation and Maintenance NOTICE
Manual, “Speed Sensor - Clean/Inspect” for further Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
information on the engine over speed sensor.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.
5. Connect OEM harness assembly (1) to the engine
over speed sensor (3).
1. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
i05784080 “Speed Sensor - Clean/Inspect” for the correct
procedure that should be used to install the
Engine Speed Sensor - overspeed sensor.
Remove and Install i05784068
(Overspeed Sensor)
Boost Pressure Sensor -
Remove and Install
Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. Removal Procedure
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened NOTICE
component life. Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. The removal and the installation procedure for the

boost pressure sensor is the similar for both Bank
A and Bank B boost pressure sensor.

Illustration 419 g01431041

1. Disconnect the harness assembly from overspeed

sensor (1).

2. Loosen locknut (2) and remove overspeed sensor

(1) from the flywheel housing.
Illustration 420 g03668616
Typical example

2. Disconnect harness assembly (1) from boost

pressure sensor (2).

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198 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

3. Use a deep socket in order to remove boost

pressure sensor (2) from the inlet manifold.
Removal Procedure
4. Remove O-ring seal (3) from boost pressure
sensor (2). NOTICE
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Installation Procedure
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
NOTICE component life.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 1. Disconnect all electrical supplies system to the
component life. engine and the control systems.

Illustration 422 g01609813

Illustration 421 g03668616
Typical example
Typical example
2. Remove pulley guard (1). Refer to the Original
1. Install a new O-ring seal (3) to boost pressure Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for the correct
sensor (2). procedure.
2. Use a deep socket to install boost pressure sensor 3. Remove the cover from aperture (2). Refer to the
(2) the inlet manifold. Tighten the boost pressure Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) for the
sensor to a torque of 10 N·m (89 lb in). correct procedure.
3. Connect harness assembly (1) to boost pressure
sensor (2).


V-Belts - Remove and Install

(Fan Drive Belts)

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KENR9225 199
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. Inspect the V-belts for cracks or contamination. If

necessary, replace the V-belts.

Note: V-belts must be replaced as a set. Do not

replace individual V-belts.

Illustration 423 g01455720

The guards are not shown for clarity.

4. Loosen nuts (3).

5. Loosen locknut (5).

6. Rotate nut (4) in a counterclockwise direction in

order to release the tension on the V-belts.

Illustration 425 g01609010

The guards are not shown for clarity.

Illustration 424 g01609010

The guards are not shown for clarity.

7. Remove the V-belts from pulley (6), pulley (7), and

pulley (8). Lay the V-belts on shaft (9). Lift the V-
belts over pulley (8) and withdraw the V-belts
through the aperture in the guard.
Illustration 426 g01609813
Typical example

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200 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

2. Ensure that pulley (6), pulley (7), and pulley(8) are

aligned. If necessary, adjust the position of pulley a. Rotate nut (4) in a clockwise direction in order
(8) on shaft (9). Refer to Disassembly and to increase the tension on the V-belts.
Assembly, “Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove
and Install” for more information. b. Use a spring balance and a straight edge in
order to apply a force of 31 to 49 N (7 to 11 lb)
3. Pass the V-belts through aperture (2). Position the to each V-belt separately. Apply the force to
V-belts on pulley (6), pulley (7), and pulley (8). the longest free length of the V-belts.
Deflection (X) should be 8 mm (0.315 inch).

c. Use a suitable belt tension gauge to check the

tension of the V-belts.

V-belts tension ...................24 to 36 N (5.4 to 8.1 lb)

Note: The tension of the V-belts can be checked
through the aperture in the fan guard.

5. Tighten locknut (5) securely.

6. Tighten nuts (3) to a torque of 120 N·m (90 lb ft).

7. Install pulley guard (1). Refer to the OEM for the

correct procedure.

8. Install the cover to aperture (2). Refer to Illustration

422 . Refer to the OEM for the correct procedure.

9. Connect all electrical supplies system to the engine

and the control systems.

Illustration 427 g01455720

The guards are not shown for clarity.
Alternator - Remove and Install
(Alternator Drive)

Removal Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are con-
tained during performance of inspection, mainte-
nance, testing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be
prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers
before opening any compartment or disassembling
any component containing fluids.

Illustration 428 g01609013

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
Checking Deflection (X) with a spring balance and a
straight edge
1. Remove the alternator. Refer to Disassembly and
4. Follow Step 4.a. and Step 4.b. in order to adjust the Assembly, “Alternator (Battery Charging Alternator)
tension of the V-belts. - Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.

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KENR9225 201
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 430 g01455697

Illustration 429 g01455696

2. Remove bolt (3) and link (1).

3. Remove nuts (4), guard (2) and bracket (5).

4. Remove the drive belt.

Illustration 431 g01494314

Releasing the pulley from the drive shaft

5. Remove grub screws (11) from pulley (12).

6. Lubricate one grub screw (11) with clean engine oil.

Install the grub screw into the jacking hole in pulley
(12). Tighten the grub screw until the center of the
pulley is released from the shaft.

7. Remove pulley (12) and key (6) from the shaft.

Remove grub screw (11) from the pulley and
separate the two halves of the pulley.

8. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.c. in

order to remove the seal for the drive shaft.
a. Remove bolts (9).

b. Remove housing (7) and gasket (10) (not


c. Remove seal (8) from housing (7).

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202 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation Procedure 6. Tap the outer half of pulley (12) with a soft faced
hammer in order to seat the two halves of the
NOTICE pulley.
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
7. Again, tighten grub screws (11) to a torque of
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened 22 N·m (15 lb ft).
component life.
8. Position the drive belt on pulley (12).

Illustration 432 g01455697

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.a. through Step 1.c. in

order to install the seal for the drive shaft.
a. Press a new seal (8) into housing (7) so that
the seal is flush with the outer face of the
housing. Ensure that the seal spring is inward. Illustration 433 g01455696

b. Lubricate seal (8) with clean engine oil. 9. Position bracket (6) and guard (2) on the studs and
Position a new gasket (10) (not shown) and install nuts (4). Tighten the nuts to a torque of
install housing (7). 47 N·m (35 lb ft).
Note: Ensure that the lip of the seal is not damaged 10. Position link (1) and install bolt (3) hand tight.
as the seal is installed.
11. Install the alternator. Refer to Disassembly and
c. Install bolts (9). Tighten the bolts to a torque of
Assembly, “Alternator (Battery Charging Alternator)
25 N·m (18 lb ft).
- Remove and Install” for the correct procedure.
2. Install key (6) to the drive shaft.
12. After the engine has been run for the appropriate
3. Ensure that the mating surface of the two halves of length of time, check the tightness of the grub
pulley (12) are clean, dry, and free from damage. screws that secure the pulley. Refer to Operation
Align the halves of the pulley. Lightly lubricate grub and Maintenance Manual, “Alternator Pulley -
screws (11) with clean engine oil. Install the grub Check.” for more information.
screws to the pulley finger tight.
4. Install pulley (12) to the shaft of the engine oil
pump. Alternator - Remove and Install
5. Tighten grub screws (11). Tighten the grub screws (Battery Charging Alternator)
alternately and tighten the grub screws evenly to a
torque of 22 N·m (15 lb ft).

Note: Use a block of wood in order to prevent

damage to the pulley.

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KENR9225 203
Disassembly and Assembly Section

6. Push alternator (4) toward the engine. Slide belt (1)

from the pulley of the alternator.
Removal Procedure
7. Remove nut (6) and bolt (7). Remove alternator (4)
from the mounting bracket.

8. If necessary, follow Step 8.a. through Step 8.c. in

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or order to remove the pulley from the alternator.
death to personnel working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative (−) battery ter-
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the
disconnected battery cable end in order to pre-
vent contact with other metal surfaces which
could activate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop
switch location to inform personnel that the
equipment is being worked on.

Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened Illustration 435 g01431432
component life.
a. Remove grub screws (10) from pulley (9).
1. Disconnect the batteries.
2. Make temporary identification marks on the
harness assemblies that are connected to the
alternator. Disconnect the harness assemblies
from the alternator.

Illustration 436 g01431433

Releasing the pulley from the drive shaft

b. Lubricate one screw (10) with clean engine oil.

Install the grub screw into the jacking hole in
pulley (9). Tighten the grub screw until the
center of the pulley is released from the shaft
of the alternator.
c. Remove the pulley from the shaft of the
alternator. Remove grub screw (10) from
pulley (9) and separate the two halves of the
Illustration 434 g01431424

3. Remove bolts (5) and guard (8).

4. Loosen nut (6).

5. Remove nut (3) and bolt (2).

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204 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

1. If necessary, follow Step 1.b. through Step 1.d. in

order to install the pulley for the alternator.

Illustration 438 g01431424

2. Position alternator (4) on the mounting bracket and

push the alternator toward the engine. Slide belt
Illustration 437 g01431432 (1) over the pulley of the alternator. Ensure that the
belt is correctly aligned. Install bolt (7) and nut (6)
a. Ensure that the mating surface of the two hand tight.
halves of pulley (9) are clean, dry, and free
from damage. Align the halves of the pulley. 3. Install bolt (2) and install nut (3) hand tight. Ensure
Lightly lubricate grub screws (10) with clean that the belt tension is correct. Refer to Operation
engine oil. Install the grub screws to the pulley and Maintenance Manual, “Belts - Inspect/Adjust/
finger tight. Replace”. Tighten the nut and bolt to a torque of
41 N·m (30 lb ft).
b. Install pulley (9) to the alternator.
4. Tighten nut (6) to a torque of 66 N·m (50 lb ft).
c. Tighten grub screws (10). Tighten the grub
screws alternately and tighten the grub screws 5. Position guard (8) and install bolts (5). Tighten the
evenly to a torque of 22 N·m (195 lb in). bolts to a torque of 13 N·m (115 lb in).

d. Tap the outer half of pulley (9) with a soft faced 6. Connect the harness assemblies to the alternator.
hammer in order to seat the two halves of the
7. Connect the batteries.
8. After the engine has been run for the appropriate
Note: Use a block of wood in order to prevent length of time check, the tightness of the grub
damage to the pulley.
screws that secure the alternator pulley. Refer to
e. Again, tighten grub screws (10) to a torque of Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Alternator
22 N·m (195 lb in). Pulley - Check.” for more information.

Note: Ensure that the pulley is seated against the

shoulder on the shaft of the alternator.

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KENR9225 205
Disassembly and Assembly Section


Electric Starting Motor -

Remove and Install

Removal Procedure

Accidental engine starting can cause injury or

death to personnel working on the equipment.
To avoid accidental engine starting, disconnect
the battery cable from the negative (−) battery ter-
minal. Completely tape all metal surfaces of the
disconnected battery cable end in order to pre-
vent contact with other metal surfaces which
could activate the engine electrical system.
Place a Do Not Operate tag at the Start/Stop
switch location to inform personnel that the Illustration 439 g01455429
equipment is being worked on.
3. Attach a suitable sling and a lifting device to the
upper electric starting motor (2). The weight of the
NOTICE electric starting motor is approximately 26 kg
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. (57 lb).
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. 4. Remove nuts (1). Use the lifting device to remove
electric starting motor (2) from the flywheel
1. Disconnect all electrical supplies system to the
engine and the control systems. 5. Attach a suitable sling and a lifting device to the
lower electric starting motor (4). The weight of the
2. Place identification marks on all of the harness electric starting motor is approximately 26 kg
assemblies that are connected to the solenoids (57 lb).
and to the electric starting motors. Disconnect the
harness assemblies from solenoids and electric 6. Remove nuts (3). Use the lifting device to remove
starting motors. electric starting motor (4) from the flywheel

Installation Procedure
Keep all parts clean from contaminants.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life.

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206 KENR9225
Disassembly and Assembly Section

Illustration 440 g01455429

1. Attach a suitable sling and a lifting device to the

lower electric starting motor (4). The weight of the
electric starting motor is approximately 26 kg
(57 lb).

2. Use the lifting device to install electric starting

motor (4) to the flywheel housing. Install nuts (3).
Tighten the nuts to a torque of 85 N·m (60 lb ft).

3. Attach a suitable sling and a lifting device to the

lower electric starting motor (4). The weight of the
electric starting motor is approximately 26 kg
(57 lb).

4. Use the lifting device to install electric starting

motor (4) to the flywheel housing. Install nuts (3).
Tighten the nuts to a torque of 85 N·m (60 lb ft).

5. Connect the harness assemblies to the solenoids

and to the starting motors. Ensure that the harness
assemblies are connected correctly.

6. Connect all electrical supplies system to the engine

and the control systems.

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KENR9225 207
Index Section

A Installation Procedure ................................ 165
Camshaft Bearings - Remove ....................... 165
Aftercooler - Install..........................................113
Removal Procedure ................................... 165
Installation Procedure .................................113
Coolant Temperature Switch - Remove and
Aftercooler - Remove......................................110
Install............................................................ 190
Removal Procedure ....................................110
Installation Procedure ................................ 191
Air Cleaner - Remove and Install..................... 45
Removal Procedure ................................... 190
Installation Procedure .................................. 45
Crankcase Breather - Remove and Install
Removal Procedure ..................................... 45
(Open Crankcase Breather)......................... 141
Air Shutoff - Remove and Install ...................... 54
Installation Procedure ................................ 143
Installation Procedure .................................. 55
Removal Procedure ................................... 141
Removal Procedure ..................................... 54
Crankshaft - Install......................................... 185
Alternator - Remove and Install (Alternator
Installation Procedure ................................ 185
Drive) ........................................................... 200
Crankshaft - Remove..................................... 184
Installation Procedure ................................ 202
Removal Procedure ................................... 184
Removal Procedure ................................... 200
Crankshaft Front Seal - Remove and Install.. 134
Alternator - Remove and Install (Battery
Installation Procedure ................................ 134
Charging Alternator) .................................... 202
Removal Procedure ................................... 134
Installation Procedure ................................ 204
Crankshaft Gear - Remove and Install .......... 189
Removal Procedure ................................... 203
Installation Procedure ................................ 189
Auxiliary Water Pump - Assemble (Gilkes
Removal Procedure ................................... 189
Auxiliary Raw Water Pump)......................... 105
Crankshaft Main Bearings - Remove and
Assembly Procedure.................................. 106
Install............................................................ 183
Auxiliary Water Pump - Disassemble
Installation Procedure ................................ 183
(Gilkes Auxiliary Raw Water Pump)............ 103
Removal Procedure ................................... 183
Disassembly Procedure............................. 103
Crankshaft Rear Seal - Remove and Install .. 120
Auxiliary Water Pump - Install (Gilkes
Installation Procedure ................................ 121
Auxiliary Raw Water Pump)......................... 109
Removal Procedure ................................... 120
Installation Procedure ................................ 109
Cylinder Head - Install ................................... 154
Auxiliary Water Pump - Remove (Gilkes
Installation Procedure ................................ 154
Auxiliary Raw Water Pump)......................... 102
Cylinder Head - Remove ............................... 152
Removal Procedure ................................... 102
Removal Procedure ................................... 152
Cylinder Liner - Install .................................... 172
B Installation Procedure ................................ 172
Cylinder Liner - Remove................................ 171
Bearing Clearance - Check ........................... 189
Removal Procedure ................................... 171
Measurement Procedure ........................... 189
Boost Pressure Sensor - Remove and
Install............................................................ 197 D
Installation Procedure ................................ 198
Disassembly and Assembly Section ................. 5
Removal Procedure ................................... 197

Electric Starting Motor - Remove and Install . 205
Camshaft - Install........................................... 163
Installation Procedure ................................ 205
Installation Procedure ................................ 163
Removal Procedure ................................... 205
Camshaft - Remove....................................... 162
Engine Oil Cooler - Assemble.......................... 82
Removal Procedure ................................... 162
Assembly Procedure.................................... 82
Camshaft Bearings - Install............................ 165

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208 KENR9225
Index Section

Engine Oil Cooler - Disassemble..................... 81 Engine Support (Front) - Remove and Install
Disassembly Procedure............................... 81 (Backplate)....................................................116
Engine Oil Cooler - Install ................................ 83 Installation Procedure .................................116
Installation Procedure .................................. 83 Removal Procedure ....................................116
Engine Oil Cooler - Remove ............................ 79 Exhaust Elbow - Remove and Install............... 64
Removal Procedure ..................................... 79 Installation Procedure .................................. 65
Engine Oil Filter Base - Assemble................... 77 Removal Procedure ..................................... 64
Assembly Procedure.................................... 77 Exhaust Manifold - Install................................. 59
Engine Oil Filter Base - Disassemble .............. 76 Installation Procedure .................................. 59
Disassembly Procedure............................... 76 Exhaust Manifold - Remove ............................ 56
Engine Oil Filter Base - Install ......................... 77 Removal Procedure ..................................... 56
Installation Procedure .................................. 77
Engine Oil Filter Base - Remove ..................... 75
Removal Procedure ..................................... 75 F
Engine Oil Pan - Install .................................. 168 Flywheel - Install.............................................118
Installation Procedure ................................ 168 Installation Procedure .................................118
Engine Oil Pan - Remove .............................. 166 Flywheel - Remove.........................................117
Removal Procedure ................................... 166 Removal Procedure ....................................117
Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Remove and Flywheel Housing - Remove and Install ........ 122
Install............................................................ 192 Installation Procedure ................................ 123
Installation Procedure ................................ 192 Removal Procedure ................................... 122
Removal Procedure ................................... 192 Fuel Filter Base - Remove and Install................ 6
Engine Oil Pressure Switch - Remove and Installation Procedure .................................... 7
Install (Alternator Switch)............................. 192 Removal Procedure ....................................... 6
Installation Procedure ................................ 193 Fuel Injection Control Linkage - Install............. 31
Removal Procedure ................................... 192 Installation Procedure .................................. 31
Engine Oil Pump - Assemble........................... 90 Fuel Injection Control Linkage - Remove......... 30
Assembly Procedure.................................... 90 Removal Procedure ..................................... 30
Engine Oil Pump - Disassemble...................... 89 Fuel Injector - Assemble.................................. 38
Disassembly Procedure............................... 89 Assembly Procedure.................................... 38
Engine Oil Pump - Install ................................. 92 Fuel Injector - Disassemble ............................. 36
Installation Procedure .................................. 92 Disassembly Procedure............................... 36
Engine Oil Pump - Remove ............................. 88 Fuel Injector - Install ........................................ 40
Removal Procedure ..................................... 88 Installation Procedure .................................. 40
Engine Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Fuel Injector - Remove .................................... 35
Install (Engine Oil Pressure Regulator) ......... 85 Removal Procedure ..................................... 35
Installation Procedure .................................. 85 Fuel Injector Sleeve - Install ............................ 43
Removal Procedure ..................................... 85 Installation Procedure .................................. 43
Engine Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Fuel Injector Sleeve - Remove ........................ 42
Install (Engine Oil Relief Valve for Oil Removal Procedure ..................................... 42
cooler)............................................................ 86 Fuel Manifold (Rail) - Remove and Install
Installation Procedure .................................. 87 (Fuel and Oil Manifold)..................................... 9
Removal Procedure ..................................... 87 Installation Procedure ...................................11
Engine Speed Sensor - Remove and Install Removal Procedure ..................................... 10
(Engine Over speed Sensor) ....................... 195 Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and Install .......... 5
Installation Procedure ................................ 196 Installation Procedure .................................... 5
Removal Procedure ................................... 195 Removal Procedure ....................................... 5
Engine Speed Sensor - Remove and Install Fuel Transfer Pump - Remove and Install
(Overspeed Sensor) .................................... 197 (Lift Pump) ....................................................... 8
Installation Procedure ................................ 197 Installation Procedure .................................... 9
Removal Procedure ................................... 197 Removal Procedure ....................................... 8

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KENR9225 209
Index Section

G Disassembly Procedure............................. 159

Lifter Group - Install (Cam Followers)............ 161
Gear Group (Front) - Install............................ 137
Installation Procedure ................................ 161
Installation Procedure ................................ 137
Lifter Group - Remove (Cam Followers)........ 157
Gear Group (Front) - Remove ....................... 135
Removal Procedure ................................... 157
Removal Procedure ................................... 135
Governor - Install (Electronic Control Unit) ...... 14
Installation Procedure .................................. 14 P
Governor - Remove (Electronic Control Unit).. 12
Removal Procedure ..................................... 12 Piston Cooling Jets - Remove and Install...... 174
Governor Actuator - Install (Single Governor Installation Procedure ................................ 175
Actuator) ........................................................ 27 Removal Procedure ................................... 174
Installation Procedure .................................. 27 Pistons and Connecting Rods - Assemble .... 178
Governor Actuator - Install (Twin Governor Assembly Procedure.................................. 178
Actuators) ...................................................... 22 Pistons and Connecting Rods -
Installation Procedure .................................. 22 Disassemble ................................................ 177
Governor Actuator - Remove (Single Disassembly Procedure............................. 177
Governor Actuator) ........................................ 20 Pistons and Connecting Rods - Install........... 181
Removal Procedure ..................................... 20 Installation Procedure ................................ 181
Governor Actuator - Remove (Twin Pistons and Connecting Rods - Remove....... 176
Governor Actuators) ...................................... 15 Removal Procedure ................................... 176
Removal Procedure ..................................... 16
H Rocker Arm - Assemble................................. 149
Housing (Front) - Install (Timing Case).......... 140 Assembly Procedure.................................. 149
Installation Procedure ................................ 140 Rocker Arm - Disassemble............................ 149
Housing (Front) - Remove (Timing Case)...... 139 Disassembly Procedure............................. 149
Removal Procedure ................................... 139 Rocker Arm and Shaft - Install....................... 151
Installation Procedure ................................ 151
Rocker Arm and Shaft - Remove................... 148
I Removal Procedure ................................... 148
Important Safety Information ............................. 2
Inlet and Exhaust Valve Guides - Remove T
and Install....................................................... 73
Installation Procedure .................................. 74 Table of Contents............................................... 3
Removal Procedure ..................................... 73 Temperature Sensor (Exhaust) - Remove
Inlet and Exhaust Valves - Remove and and Install (Exhaust Temperature
Install.............................................................. 71 Thermocouples)........................................... 193
Installation Procedure .................................. 72 Installation Procedure ................................ 194
Removal Procedure ..................................... 71 Removal Procedure ................................... 193
Inlet Manifold - Install....................................... 69 Turbocharger - Install....................................... 49
Installation Procedure .................................. 69 Installation Procedure .................................. 49
Inlet Manifold - Remove................................... 67 Turbocharger - Remove................................... 47
Removal Procedure ..................................... 67 Removal Procedure ..................................... 47

Lifter Group - Assemble (Cam Followers) ..... 159 V-Belts - Remove and Install (Fan Drive
Assembly Procedure.................................. 160 Belts)............................................................ 198
Lifter Group - Disassemble (Cam Followers) Installation Procedure ................................ 199
..................................................................... 159 Removal Procedure ................................... 198

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210 KENR9225
Index Section

Valve Mechanism Cover - Remove and

Install (Rocker Box Cover)........................... 145
Installation Procedure ................................ 145
Removal Procedure ................................... 145
Valve Mechanism Cover Base - Remove
and Install (Rocker Box)............................... 145
Installation Procedure ................................ 147
Removal Procedure ................................... 146
Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and
Install (Single Vibration Damper) ................. 129
Installation Procedure ................................ 131
Removal Procedure ................................... 129
Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove and
Install (Twin Vibration Dampers).................. 124
Installation Procedure ................................ 126
Removal Procedure ................................... 124

Water Pump - Assemble.................................. 95
Assembly Procedure.................................... 95
Water Pump - Disassemble............................. 94
Disassembly Procedure............................... 94
Water Pump - Install ........................................ 96
Installation Procedure .................................. 96
Water Pump - Remove .................................... 93
Removal Procedure ..................................... 93
Water Temperature Regulator Housing -
Remove and Install (Thermostat Housing) .... 97
Installation Procedure .................................. 99
Removal Procedure ..................................... 97

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©2014Perkins Engines Company Limited
All Rights Reserved

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