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Vedic astrology is a complete study which requires years and years of study and many books and has
many branches also. So there is Parashari System, jaimini system, brighu system and Nadi systems, and
many other branches also like natal horoscope, prashna shastra, shakun shastra, mundane astrology,
medical astrology etc.
To start with you can begin with few basic books first if learn hindu astrology easily by K N Rao, Astrology
and wheel of time by K N Rao, and astrology and mathematical astronomy by Deepak Kapoor. The first
two books gives you basics of chart and houses, and the third book is essential mathematics for
astrology which will help you in casting a chart and planets in it, various upagaraha, dashas etc. Then you
may move on with classics of astrology like brhat parashara hora shastra, saravali, laghu parashari,
madhya parashari, brhat jatak, jatak paarijaat etc. You may also go through books like that of vishnu
bhaskar, G S Kapoor etc on general astrological principles. When you move onto advance levels then you
may wish to go through books on specific topics like ashtakvarga, divisional charts, various dashas, and
specific research on topics like marriage and children, profession, medical astrology etc.
Still I would say that one need a guru to learn vedic astrology in a systematic manner.
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There are so many answers to this question and most of them are correct.
I just want to add that just reading books won't help. You need to practice in the guidance of some guru. It
is a science when its mathematical part is worked on, which becomes input for the analysis, based on
certain scheme'. On the other hand, its an art to utilize the earlier discussed mathematical input and
arrive at prediction.
1. Classical: Authors of BPHS, Phaldeepika, Brihat Jatak, Uttar Kalamrit, Shatpanchasika, Jamini
Sutram etc.
I would recommend to read books in reverse order. Directly reading classical authors might not yeild
results easily and would probably kill your desire to learn astrology.
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Hindu astrology is a science in itself as Mr. KN rao says, it is superscience surpassing all other sciences.
To begin with hindu astrology, you can go through the following books
After you have strengthened your basics, you can read books of KN Rao and Dr. BV Raman for further
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What are some good books for beginners to learn Vedic astrology?
What are some good books for learning more about Hindu astrology?
I myself have read many books but most of them write same or similar until I came across Books of
Sanjay Rath. His book “Vimshottari and Udu Dasha” is Awesome.
Avoid Books of B V Raman if you are newbie. B V Raman books will be suggested by many because he
was legendry famous astrologer of his time but his books are not for the new students. Even K N rao
don't suggest books of B V raman.
You can Read books of K N Rao because of his simplicity. They are good books to learn.
Later you can proceed with any of the books to feed your curiously.
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Mukul Jaggi
Updated Dec 16, 2018
DEC 2018
Do not leave the books until and unless you have understood each and every paragraph…
OF COURSE NO 1 EXPLAINS LIKE DR. B. V. RAMAN (and his ancestor(s)) - All his books are gems and
have stood the test of time!
AVOID B.P.H.S till you find a good version - EVEN I am looking for a good version (is that the reason - Dr
B.V.Raman did not write about B.P.H.S)
a few authors….
D. S. Mathur
N Srinivasan Shastry
PARSAI book is good - but expensive (RUPA)- lacks lordships - so nothing more than an extension of Lal
Kitab also - till the riddle of divisional charts is solved - you cannot move too far
as far as Divisional Charts are concerned we are still in the Medivial ERA - Brihat Jataka / Saravali - things
have not moved too far… same copy paste is going on….
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The first thing I want to tell you is that you should formally enroll for a Jyotish course taught by any
reputed astrologer like ICAS (which was founded by late Dr B V Raman), KN Rao’s BVB or any of Pt Sanjay
Rath’s various courses like PJC, etc. Just reading from a textbook is not the ideal way to learn a deep
subject like Jyotish.
Second, at the very beginning, the only book to be read, whose principles and shlokas are to be deeply
understood, is Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS). You should not do this all by yourself. To have a
deep understanding of each and every shloka . you need a good teacher who has learn jyotish by
parampara (tradition).
Once the BPHS is properly studied, there are several books to choose from. You may read Pt Sanjay
Rath’s books (one book I personally recommend is Crux of Vedic Astrology by Pt Rath, along with Jaimini
Upadesa Sutras and Remedies in Vedic Astrology), which I personally find very deep and well explained.
Also, Dr Raman’s books are a must read. These two gentlemen have learnt astrology under traditions that
date back to centuries. Thus, they have a vast experience, client base, time tested principles and
database of horoscopes.
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The books listed below may help a beginner in Vedic Astrology. These books do not assume prior
familiarity in Vedic Astrology.
Planets in the Signs & Houses (Vedic Astrologer's Handbook II) by Bepin Behari
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Harinarayan Goswami, B, Com. Eastern Railway Boys Higher Secondary School, Eastern
Railway Boys Higher Secondary School
Answered Sep 7, 2017
Supratik Ghose, the name suggest you to be a Bangali. If you are a novice in the field of Astrology,I would
suggest you to get enrolled in any local school of Astrology only to have a concept about astrology. It will
take six months to one year, by the time you will be able to understand the basic principles of Astrology,
but you won't be able to predict correctly from birth chart.
And for this you will have to acquire much more knowledge about astrology by reading reference books
vividly. Since you are Bengali you can have books in Bengali translation of original Sanskrit slokas of
Parasari Hora sastra by Harihar Majumder. It's a very authentic book in Astrology in four parts. You can
also buy Jyotish Yoga Sanchayan by Harihar Majumder.
Now I would suggest you to buy at least three books by professor Dr. Bangalore Venkat Raman. First one
is Hindu Predictive Astrology, second How to Judge a Horoscope part one and finally How to Judge a
Horoscope part two.
You can also buy Prasna Marga by professor Dr. B V Raman which completely deals with Horary
astrology (prasna).
1.9k views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Supratik Ghosh
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Originally Answered: How do I learn vedic astrology and what books one should refer?
Read my Answer it will help you to move in right direction of learning apart from it there is a online course
i am starting on this weekend 8th of July for beginners in astrology.
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This is a online course with recordings provided after each class,Also read answer below what you
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should be able to predict after learning basics of astrology to give you an idea regarding course.
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Bhrigu Sutram
Chamatkar Chintamani
Brihat Jataka
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Originally Answered: Which are the 10 books in Vedic astrology that you would recommend a beginner to read?
If you are a beginner, it will be good if you *start with sun sign astrology, which is easy to learn . Once you
learned it, then you can shift yourself to Vedic. Vedic is much complicated, but accurate upto 90%. My
guruji Shree K.N Raoji has written so many books. You can watch KRS Channel, for the most simplified
form of astrology and parallel read Brihat parashara hora sastra. You have to start reading puranas as
well. Without a knowledge in purans,it wll be difficult for you to understand planetary characteristics. If
you start studying psychology, then your predictions and analysis can have a great amount of precision.
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Hello. In my Opinion if you want to learn astrology seriously, you have to read All the classical books of
Astrology. I will try to give a list according to priority
Start with all the Books of Mr.B V Raman Astrology Series. After that Please Read Brihat parasari Hora
translated by Girish Chandra Sharma. Read the Books of Mr.K S Charak. Then go for Saravali, Uttar
Kalamrita, Jatak Parijat, Savarth Chinta Mani and Phaladeepika. Mr. J N Bhasin has good translation of
this Books.
If You want to Master more advanced techniques i will suggest to read all the Books of Mr.V P Goel on
Divisional chart. Please read Mr.Sanjay rath also.
If You are still not satisfied go for books of Mr.K N Rao for more advanced techniques.
I have uploaded some books of Mr.B V Raman and Mr.K N Rao for the benefits of the Student. You can
download them Here.
Once you master Parasari technique, you can Learn the techniques of Jaimini and Nadi astrology.
I can suggest you two wester author also who has written very good books-James Braha and wrnest
wilhelm. You can Read them also.
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Ajay Bhardwaj, B.tech (Computer Sc.) from in Technological
The app Institute of Textile & Sciences
Answered Nov 5, 2016
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Originally Answered: What are some1good books to learn vedic astrology at home?
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Any book by Pandit Gopesh Kumar Ojha . Books by Dr K.N Rao. There is series of articles on his website
for beignners. Hora Shastra by Pt Devkinandan.
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Originally Answered: What are the best books to learn vedic strology from?
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“The Beautifully Rational Philosophy of Astrology” in which he details what it means to practice Vedic
Astrology properly in the current age.
Sacinandana Swami review: "27 Stars 27 Gods can be a reference book in the hands of an experienced
astrologer, but it is also a self improvement tool for any reader interested in exploring life in depth. It
presents symbols, mythology, ancient storytelling and divine lila in language that immediately catches
one's interest and speaks to us like a friend – never prescriptive, but always revealing our opportunities."
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Home Singh Bhatti, deep interest in astrology.
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Answered Feb 7, 2018
Jn bhasin & hs rawat r two authors to start with.see hs rawats cds & dvds first then read his books to
master basic astrology.other authors r not willing to share their real knowledge
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Thank you for your A2A question on Quora, we are grateful to receive.
There are many ways to learn Jyotish - Vedic Astrology, you may go online or in you have a school or
facility in your city you may join the classroom.
At The Institute of Vedic Astrology of Trinidad and Tobago (IVATT) we have adopted all the books of Late
Mr. B. V. Raman (Bangalore Ventaka Raman) in three categories: Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced
Jyotish classes. These three levels may take nearly two years to complete. After these three courses, we
have other advanced courses in Jyotish and more books added as time go by.
The books of Late Mr. B. V. Raman we have are in three categories are:
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Other classics of Vedic Astrology we have in our database are: Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Brighu
Samhita, Garg Samhita and Gemini Shastra and much much more. Our collection of books on Jyotish -
Vedic Astrology exceeds more than 500 books.
There are many authors in the world of Jyotish, but we prefer Late Mr. B. V. Raman books as we find them
very easy for a beginner / student or lay person to under, the language is very simple and straight to the
Vivek E. Paras
With best wishes from Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies
[1] For more info on Jyotish - Vedic Astrology, view my Blog and Posts at Quora, click here.
[2] What is the best way to ask a personal astrological question on Quora?
[3] My DISCLAIMER, CAVEAT and NOTE (of being on Quora)
[4] Main Source: Best Books to learn Jyotish - Vedic Astrology
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If looking for deep knowledge then Sanjay rath books and dinesh mathur.
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other recommended astrology books – after you go through the above books at least twice then read
1. j.n, bhasin books “art of prediction” and “astro sutras”. this will help in sharpening your predictive skills.
2. books of Lt. Col. Raj Kumar like charisma of trikone houses, charisma of kendra houses and his other
3. varga by goel
4. transits by col. a.k. gaur
You can give a start by reading the following blog - Sri Krishna's Blessings. Vedic Astrology Blog - It
could be a good starting point for you. Start from Introduction (2009).
Also subscribe to KRSChannel on youtube for some awesome videos.
As for books - read books by K.N. Rao and BV Raman. Also, the following could be helpful - Page on
vedicastrologer.org - by PVR Narsimha Rao could be good. He has created a freely software that
creates accurate charts. All the best.
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If one is really interested to learn astrology, they could find several opportunities at the click of a mouse.
The reason is simple, that internet can fetch you many thousands of pages with your search in any search
engine site. but if you are very serious to have a glimpse of all the foundation concepts as novice within a
very short span of time then this book could be of very helpful in mastering the basics as a short cut
method of learning. Though it is not a complete book, one can grasp the concepts within 10–15 minutes.
Vedic Astrology For Beginners: Learn about how to read and forecast by looking at your natal horoscope
astrological birth chart, stars, houses, 12, moon ... transits to predict the future (Book-1)
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Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra: A Compendium in Vedic Astrology: 2 Volumes by Maharishi Parasara, Girish
Chand Sharma
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The book is in three parts - the first part gives you general information about Astrology; the second part
tell you which subject is to be examined from which house and the third part tells you analysis of each
planet in the twelve houses with other planets.
The book is available on Amazon Buy Star Guide to Predictive Astrology Book Online at Low Prices in
India and also on
Flipkart Star guide to predictive Astrology : Bhavas-planets in the 12 houses (English) - Buy Star guide to
predictive Astrology : Bhavas-planets in the 12 houses (English) by pandit k.b. parsai Online at Best
Prices in India - Flipkart.com
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Vinay Singh
Answered Aug 20, 2017
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If you are interested to deep knowledge about vadik Astrology, then you should prefer to read Hidden
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History of the Human Race Part One book.
To buy this Home Answer
book, you can shop online Touchstone Notifs
Media publishes and distributes Vedic books and
Media .
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Laydon Bam
Answered Jul 10, 2018
this is a recommendation for you >> The Art and Science of Vedic Astrology: The Foundation Course
(Volume 1)
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Graham Giles
Answered May 10, 2016
James Braha wrote a good book about Vedic astrolgy a few years ago;
Latest Book
I can't promise that it's the "best" but it seems to be well regarded.
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I am going to recommend you some of the most Important books for Beginners to learn Astrology.
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there were many tamil books that were good for astrological education. The best i will suggest you is
“Jathaka Alangaram” by keeranur natarajan. It is an old book. So you could not find the modern Read
a... More
9 0 0
What are some good books for beginners to learn Vedic astrology?
Tanmay Srivastava
Answered May 20, 2018
This sounds like you are beginner in astrology. So my advice to you that first you gain some knowledge
about astronomy related to astrologers. Mathematical astrology by yogesh kumar bansal. Astronomy...
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29 0 4
What are some good books for learning more about Hindu astrology?
Shubham Alock, Practising since December 2012
Answered Jan 20, 2017
I will recommend 1. Light on Life - Hart DeFouw and Robert E. Sovoboda 2. Astrology of the seers - David
Frawley 3. Textbook of Scientific Hindu Astrology - P.S.Shastri... Read More
23 1 3
How can I get started with Vedic astrology? What are the very basic books to get
started and professional ones to learn Nadi at last?
Arsh Mishra, Astrologer, HR Professional, Writer, Poet
Answered Jan 21, 2018
It is the first time I have seen someone ask such a genuine and structured question of how to get started
and reach the professional level of astrology. I really hope you complete your journey and ... Read More
100+ 5 6
Hello mate,Home Answer to learn Vedic Astrology mere
Believe me or not, it is next to impossible Notifs
with the help of some
websites, books, blogs and so forth. Vedic Astrology is like a ocean. It is really very va... Read More
8 0 0
My opinion is not to enroll for any course in vedic astrology - because in a standard course you are taught
things which are known to everybody, i.e. information that you would find in books. Knowle... Read More
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What are the best books to read about Vedic astrology in India?
Athena Sharma (एथेना शमा), Founder and Owner
Answered Mar 25, 2017
FiRST I assume that you have some basics of astrology education formal or informal ,as studying books
is not enough. OK considering you know how to prepare a horoscope, here are few books to help y... More
4 0 1
How did you began to learn astrology? Which books are the best and must for
beginners of astrology?
Vivek E. Paras, Co-founder: VEDICstore.com, Institute of Vedic Astrology of T&T
Answered Mar 25, 2017
Hello Truth Seeker: Greetings to you, yours and all that is around you, Thank you for your question on
Quora. I will be delighted to contribute my opinion. Being on worldwide forum “Quora” it is my d...
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7 0 0
Hello Truth Seeker, Namaste & Greetings from the island of Trinidad and Tobago. Thank you for your
question on Quora. I will be delighted to contribute my opinion. This link of be of great inspiratio...
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1 0 0
Homein Astrology since I was 12. Started
I was interested Answerreading books related to SunNotifs
Signs (base of Western
Astrology) and found it quite fascinating. It said (or what I understood was ) that your pe... Read More
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