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Case No.





G. R. No. 143481. February 15, 2002


Republic Act No. 6758 (RA 6758), entitled An Act Prescribing A Revised Compensation and Position Classification System in the
Government and For Other Purposes, took effect. Because of the pressing economic difficulties and the need to alleviate the plight
of government personnel, the Senate and the House of Representatives passed a Joint Resolution to revise existing compensation
and position classification system in the Government to be initially effective in January 1, 1994 and the new salary schedule shall be
implemented within 4 years beginning in 1994. President Fidel V. Ramos approved the resolution and on 1996 issued EO 389 that
directs the payment of the increase in two tranches. However, NEA accelerated the implementation of the salary increase by paying
the second tranche starting January 1, 1997 instead of November 1, 1997. Commissions resident auditor in NEA issued a Notice of
Suspension requiring the submission of the legal basis for the full implementation of the new salary schedule effective January 1,
1997 instead of November 1, 1997. The NEA failed to sub mit the basis for its advance implementation of the prescribed salary rates.
Commissions resident auditor then issued Notices of Disallowance, which was sustained by Corporate Audit Office II and
Commission en banc upon NEA’s request to reconsider the disallowance to them. Resulting in NEA’s petition for certiorari with
prayer for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order, to reverse and set aside Decision of the Commission on Audit.


1. WON the President has authority to issue E O 389

2. WON NEA may accelerate the implementation of the salary increases for the year 1997 due to the availability of funds.


1. The Administrative Code has unequivocally vested the President with rule-making powers in the form of executive orders,
administrative orders, proclamations, memorandum orders and circulars and general or special orders. Joint Resolution No. 01
expressly acknowledges the authority of the President to revise the existing compensation and position classification under the
standards and guidelines provided by said Resolution. While Congress is vested with the power to enact laws, the President
executes the laws. The executive power is vested in the President. It is generally defined as the power to enforce and
administer the laws. It is the power of carrying (out) the laws into practical operation and enforcing their due observance. EO
389 has been issued on authority and within the confines of the law.

2. NEAs accelerated implementation of the Salary Standardization Law II is not in accordance with law. Under our system of
government all executive departments, bureaus and offices are under the control of the President of the Philippines.
Presidential power of control over the executive branch of government extends to all executive employees from Cabinet
Secretary to the lowliest clerk. Executive officials who are subordinate to the President should not trifle with the Presidents
constitutional power of control over the executive branch. There is only one Chief Executive who directs and controls the
entire executive branch, and all other executive officials must implement in good faith his directives and orders. This is
necessary to provide order, efficiency and coherence in carrying out the plans, policies and programs of the executive branch.
1997 GAA is not self-executory so as to serve as outright legal authority for NEA to spend what had been appropriated for

NEAs Personal Services under the 1997 GAA. The Budget Secretary must first prepare an itemization of the Personal Services,
and submit the same for approval of the President. Next, the Budget Secretary must recommend to the President NEAs
program of expenditure for the current year based on NEAs authorized appropriation. The President may approve the
expenditure program subject to certain policies and rules. The salary adjustments as well as the associated benefits granted by
the Salary Standardization Law II are, under the 1997 GAA, expressly subject to the Presidents approval. Appropriations for
salary increases or adjustments shall be released as specifically authorized by law or appropriate budget circular, which in this
case is National Budget Circular No. 458.

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