22 - Puyat vs. de Guzman Jr.
22 - Puyat vs. de Guzman Jr.
22 - Puyat vs. de Guzman Jr.
113 SCRA 31 1982 claiming that the votes were not properly counted – hence he
filed a quo warranto case before the Securities and Exchange
Petitioner: E. Puyat, E. Chiongbian, E. Reyes, A. Puyat, J.
Commission (SEC) on May 25, 1979. Prior to Acero’s filing of
Blanco, R. Recto, R. Lardizabal
Respondent: Hon. Sixto De Guzman, Associate Commissioner the case, Estanislao Fernandez, then a member of the Interim
of SEC, et. al. Batasang Pambansa purchased ten shares of stock of IPI from a
Ponente: Melecio-Herrera, J. member of Acero’s group. And during a conference held by
Date Promulgated: March 25, 1892 SEC Commissioner Sixto de Guzman, Jr. (from May 25-31,
1979) to confer between both parties, Estanislao Fernandez
DOCTRINE: entered his appearance as counsel for Acero.
Sec. 11, Article 8 of the 1973 Constitution
No member of the Batasang Pambansa shall appear as counsel before any Puyat objected as he argued that it is unconstitutional for an
court without appellate jurisdiction. assemblyman to appear as counsel (to anyone) before any
administrative body (such as the SEC).
Before any court in any civil case wherein the Governement or any
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof is the adverse party… or This being cleared, Fernandez inhibited himself from appearing
before any administrative body.
as counsel for Acero. He instead filed an Urgent Motion for
Intervention in the said SEC case for him to intervene, not as a
SECTION 14. No Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may
counsel, but as a legal owner of IPI shares and as a person who
personally appear as counsel before any court of justice or before the
Electoral Tribunals, or quasi-judicial and other administrative bodies. has a legal interest in the matter in litigation. The SEC
Neither shall he, directly or indirectly, be interested financially in any Commissioner granted the motion and in effect granting
contract with, or in any franchise or special privilege granted by the
Fernandez leave to intervene.
Government, or any subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof,
including any government-owned or controlled corporation, or its
subsidiary, during his term of office. He shall not intervene in any matter FACTS
before any office of the Government for his pecuniary benefit or where he
On May 14, 1979, Puyat along with the other six petitioners
may be called upon to act on account of his office.
were elected (Puyat Group) as well as Eustaquio Acero and the
Recit-Ready Digests (Only facts no ISSUE or RULING) four other respondents (Acero Group) as directors of the
International Pipe Industries Corportation (IPI).
In May 1979, Eugenio Puyat and his group were elected as
directors of the International Pipe Industries. The election was
On May 25, 1979, the Acero group instituted a quo warranto HELD
proceeding to the Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC)
alleging that the votes of the stockholders were improperly No. The Court ruled that by virtues of the Motion for
counted. Intervention, Assemblyman Fernandez cannot be said as
appearing as a counsel but as an owner concerned for the
Enter Justice Fernandez, who was then a member of the protection of his shares. Although the fact remains that he has
Interim Batasang Pambansa, as the counsel for the Acero manifested intention to be Acero’s counsel before buying 10
Group, respondent. shares of stock of IPI. It appears that the intervention was filed
so as to enable Fernandez to still appear in the proceedings
Puyat Group accused that Fernandez’s intervention was a although not as counsel. The Court finds that there will be a
violation of Sec. 11 of Article 8 of the 1973 Consitution (Sec. circumvention of the constitution as Fernandez will be
14, Art. VI of the 1987 Constitution) indirectly appearing as counsel to Acero.
Thereafter, it was learned that prior to the filing of the case, By intervening in the SEC case, Assemblyman Fernandez was
Justice Fernandez purchased 10 shares of stock of the IPI. violating Sec 14, Art. VI of the Constitution considering that
SEC is an administrative body and that he is a member of the
On May 31, 1979, Fernandez then filed an Urgent Motion for Batasang Pambansa
Intervention with regard to the SEC case as a party of interest
being the owner of 10 shares of stock. SEC granted the motion
on the basis of Fernandez owning 10 shares. Respondent commissioner's order granting Atty. Estanislao
A. Fernandez leave to intervene in SEC Case No. 1747 is
This order triggered the petition for Certiorari and Prohibition hereby reversed and set aside. The Temporary Restraining
with Preliminary Injunction. Order heretofore issued is hereby made permanent.