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Solar Tracker Using Arduino

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Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Solar Tracker Using Arduino

Akshay Kumar A.V.
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of technology
Bangalore, India

Abstract:- Solar energy is the most efficient form of en- I. INTRODUCTION

ergy ,and used for domestic such as cooking , solar pan-
els and for industrial purposes for producing electrici- Nowadays solar energy is becoming one of the most
ty, transportation, solar batteries. So in today’s time reliable sources of energy as a result of its surplus and envi-
usage of solar cells for installing solar panels is consid- ronmental friendly. According to reference a system that
ered cardinal. They are installed in the direction of tracks the sun will be able to know the position of the sun
maximum radiation of sunlight. Since the sun keeps in a manner that is not linear. The operation of this system
moving maximum radiation of sun cannot be obtained should be controlled independently. Maximum energy is
during all the time. The maximum radiation receiving produced by a solar PV panel when it is positioned at right
position comes once in 24 hours. angle to the sun. Therefore, the aim of this research is to
develop an Arduino based solar tracking for energy im-
Sunlight consists of two components, one is the “di- provement of solar PV panel.
rect beam" which carries the maximum part of solar
energy, and the second being “diffuse sunlight" which The device used to convert light energy to electrical
carries the remaining sunlight – the diffuse portion refers energy is known as solar cell. The principle behind is pho-
to the blue sky on a clear day, and on cloudy days con- tovoltaic effect. Solar panels are made of photovoltaic
sists the larger portion. Since direct beam constitutes modules where solar cells are its building blocks .In solar
majority of energy, to have maximum efficiency the sun tracking system, the module surface tracks position of the
needs to be visible to panel utmost. sun automatically as the day runs by. The position of the
sun varies as the sun keeps on moving. For a solar powered
The earth receives 16x1018 units of solar energy equipment to work at its best, must be placed near the sun,
every year, which is 20,000 times the requirement of and the solar tracker can increase the efficiency of that
mankind on earth. The function of Solar panels is to equipment at any fixed position. Based on sophistication,
convert light energy into electrical energy. Solar power costs and performance one common type of tracker is the
generation system using moving panel is an efficient heliostat, a movable mirror that reflects the position of the
power generating method using sun radiation. To sense sun to a fixed location. Solar trackers accuracy depends on
the direction of maximum intensity of light two sensors the application. Concentrators, especially in solar cell ap-
are used. The difference between the outputs of the sen- plications, which requires high degree of accuracy to make
sors is then calculated and given to the microcontroller sure that the sunlight is concentrated exactly on the pow-
unit. ered device, which is close to the focal point of the reflec-
tor or lens. Since tracking is important for concentrator
The energy from the direct beam inclines with the systems to work single –axis tracking is mandatory. The
cosine of the angle between the incoming light and the applications which doesn’t require directed sunlight needs
panel. And for the angles of incidence up to around less accuracy, and are likely to work without any tracking.
50°the reflectance is constant, beyond which reflectance If tracking is done with more accuracy with can improve
reduces significantly. both the amount of total output power produced by a sys-
tem, and that produced during critical system demand peri-
Microcontroller processes the input voltage and ods (usually late afternoon in hot climates). Researches
controls the direction in which the motor has to be ro- have been done to improve the energy production of solar
tated so that it will receive maximum intensity of light panels. These researches include: double- sided panels,
from the sun. conversion stages improvement, building panels integration
geometrically and so on. Maximum energy is produced by a
Keywords:- Solar Energy, Solar Panels, Sensors, Micro- solar PV panel when it is positioned at right angle to the
controller. sun. For this reason, several researches developed different
types of solar panel tracking systems. Therefore, the prima-
ry purpose of this work is to develop a solar panel tracker
based on Arduino advances so as to enhance the energy
production of solar panel.

IJISRT19DEC409 191

Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 1

III. WORKING PRINCIPLE puts are connected to Arduino analog pin AO to A4. The
built-in Analog-to-Digital Converter will convert the
On each four sides of solar panel a LDR is placed. LDR’s analog value to digital. The analog value of LDR is
Along with that a Servo motor used to rotate the panel is taken as inputs. Arduino is the controller part and the DC
placed. With the help of motor the solar panel towards the motor provides us with the output value. Two LDRS are
LDR whose resistance apparently will be low, mean to- taken as pairs that is LDR1 and LDR2, LDR3 and LDR4
wards the LDR on which light is falling, that way it will respectively .If any one of the LDR in a pair gets more light
keep following the light. LDR’s does the function of light intensity than the other, a there will be difference on node
detectors. First let us understand how the LDR’s work. LDR voltages sent to the respective Arduino channel if any one
(Light Dependent Resistor) also known as photo resistor is LDR in each pair gets more light intensity than other then is
the light sensitive device. when the light falls on it the re- initiates to take necessary action.
sistance decreases and vice versa and .this is the reason
why it is frequently used in dark or light detector circuit, The motor tries to move the solar panel such that both
and the servo is not going to rotate in the presence of same the LDRs have equal resistance. In the sense both the resis-
amount of light falling on both the LDR. tors are going to receive the same amount of sunlight. The
panel moves towards the lower resistance LDR if resistance
The principle behind solar tracking system is Light of any LDR is reduced
Dependent Resistor (LDR). Four LDR’s which acts as in-


Fig 2

IJISRT19DEC409 192

Volume 4, Issue 12, December – 2019 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. ADVANTAGES tion Overview" (PDF). Texas Microsystems. p. 4.
[7]. Steiger, S.; Veprek, R. G.; Witzigmann, B. (Septem-
 Trackers constitute maximum production of electricity. ber 2009). tdkp/AQUA: Unified modelling of electro-
 Vivid types of trackers (single-axis, dual-axis) are used luminescence in nanostructures. 2009 9th Internation-
for applications depending upon jobsite. al Conference on Numerical Simulation of
 Factors such as installation size, local weather, degree Optoelectronic Devices. pp. 73-74.
of latitude and electrical requirements influence the type doi:10.1109/NUSOD.2009.5297218. ISSN 2158-
of solar tracker best suited for specific installation. 3234.
 Minimum land usage required. [8]. Sameer Meshram, Sharad Valvi andNilesh Raykar.
 Some states offer time of use plans for solar power (util- 2016,―A Cost-effective Microcontroller based Sen-
ity purchases the power generated at the peak time of sor for Dual Axis Solar Tracking‖, ISSN: 2172-038
day at higher rate) which maximizes the energy gain X,No.14 May 2016.
during peak time periods.
 Long-term maintenance concerns are reduced due to
advancement in technology and ease with which we can
use electronics and mechanics.


 Solar trackers can be used for large & medium scale

power generations.
 It can also be used for electricity generation at remote
 It may be used as domestic backup power system.


The proposed design helps in enhancing the energy

production of solar panel by using Arduino Uno. With fur-
ther use of batteries with more lifecycle we can have much
energy production and can be used for many industrial and
domestic applications. This reduces the usage of Non –
renewable energy sources and leaves us with better future
by using the non exhaustible energy sources.


I express my sincere thanks to all the members of the

faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Depart-
ment for this cooperation. I wish to thank my parents, all
my friends, and other people who have been a support from
the start of the project for their whole hearted cooperation ,
support and encouragement.


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IJISRT19DEC409 193

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