1. The first layer of the T24 Application Server is the operating system like UNIX,
Windows etc.
2. jBASE is installed in the second layer, above the Operating System. When jBASE
is installed, the database and the run time commonly referred to as TAFC, get
installed together.
3. T24 is installed above jBASE. TAFC acts as a runtime for T24. TAFC helps T24 to
communicate with the jBASE database
4. The User layer can either be a terminal emulation software, Globus Desktop or
T24 Browser.
Whenever a user wishes to log on to T24 running on TAFC, the steps would be
1. Logon to Windows by specifying a username and password.
2. Once the Windows username and password are verified, the remote.cmd file
(.profile in case it is a UNIX server) under the home directory of the user is
executed. It is in this remote.cmd file that TAFC environment is setup and the user
is taken to T24.
For more details on this, refer documentation on ‘T24 directory structure and important
files in T24’
bin : Contains all the binary executable that make up the TAFC system including the
config: Contains various configuration files relating to the jPML daemon(discussed
later in this section), the configuration file for the creation of library files(Discussed in
the session ‘Infobasic Programming ‘) and other configuration files.
lib: Contains the library files that are required for the working of TAFC. This directory
contains all the libraries required for linking and executing jBC-compiled routines.
Shared or Dynamic libraries are also stored here. Library files stored here are similar
to dynamic link libraries (.dll) files in Windows.
tmp: This is a general purpose temporary directory for runtime use.
jspooler: This is the spool directory of TAFC . It contains all the files that are required
for spooling to work in TAFC . This directory is created as a part of the printer setup of
TAFC and does not get installed when TAFC is installed. You should create this
directory manually.
1. After supplying a valid user name and password, a port number is assigned to
each user.
2. All users are assigned a port when they log on to the server, jBASE assigns port
when user logs in Port numbers are picked up from a file called “port0-499” found
under the “$JBCRELEASEDIR/proc” directory.
3. The list of ports that can be assigned are defined in the file named “port0-499”
found under the “proc” directory under the folder where jBASE is installed.
4. Set the environment variable JBCPORTNO in the .profile to a certain value if you
always want to use a particular port number
JBCPORTNO = 1000-1005
JBCPORTNO = 1000,1001,1002,1003,1004,1005
1. This variable holds information of the allowed port numbers that can be used by
jBASE to login to the system.
2. jbcconnect was used earlier to connect to jBASE. This variable was set in
remote.cmd – “set jbcconnect”. This needs to be commented out as its now
included in jBASE itself. We need to set the JBCPORTNO variable in .profile or
the remote.cmd file.
LIBPATH = /usr/jbc/lib
1.3 Note that the variable LIBPATH needs to be used only for AIX machines. Use
SHLIB_PATH for HP and LD_LIBRARAY_PATH for all other types of machines to
store the path of TAFC executables.
LIST VOC This will list all the entries in the VOC file
Q Quit process
F File definition
K Keyword
M Menu Record
PA Paragraph
D Remote file pointer
S Sentence
V Verbs (commands)
Consider that you wish to create a script that will automatically launch EX program,
provide the T24 User Name and Password and sign in. You can create a VOC entry of
type PA as shown in the example.
Use the command JED VOC LOGIN, where JED is the command to invoke the JED
editor, VOC is the file name and LOGIN is the name of the paragraph entry.
Line1: JED VOC FBNK.CUSTOMER. JED is the command to invoke the JED editor.
VOC is the name of the file and FBNK.CUSTOMER is the name of the file pointer.
Line2: F specifies that it is a file pointer
Line3: Path of the data file
Line4:Path of the dict file
You will learn about data files and dict files when you will learn about the file types
available in jBASE
2. Create a VOC entry that will enable you to logon to T24 from the ‘jsh’ prompt.
Note: This variable can only be changed in the .profile file and not at the prompt.
When clients want to shift from the current database to T24’s native - jBASE, set the
environment variable JBCEMULATE. This variable contains the emulation settings
required by jBASE. Temenos uses PRIME only.
Care should be taken when using DIVIDE by ZERO variable because if set we might
miss out on incorrect arithmetic calculations in the programs
These 3 variables supersede the JBASE_WARNLEVEL which was used until jBASE
The above screen shot only contains a section of the variables. The ‘set’ command
displays all variables set at the operating system level as well as at the jBASE level
and hence the output would run to multiple pages.