Announcement About Graduate Admission Test (GAT) (You May Print and Have This Announcement For Your Reference)
Announcement About Graduate Admission Test (GAT) (You May Print and Have This Announcement For Your Reference)
Announcement About Graduate Admission Test (GAT) (You May Print and Have This Announcement For Your Reference)
(You may print and have this announcement for your reference)
• You will be given scratch papers for the quantitative and Analytical Sections where you are
required to write your full name and registration number on the top of each page of the
scratch papers. Before leaving the exam hall each candidate is expected to submit all scratch
papers to the invigilators. No test taker is allowed to take the scratch papers with them.
Defiance to all instructions associated with the GAT administration shall have serious
consequences when and if reported by the test supervisor/s.
• You are required to produce valid identification document (e.g. passport, Kebele/Woreda ID
card, driving license, employee ID card). No candidate shall be admitted to a testing hall
unless he/she produces valid identification document, GAT-admission ticket and Bank
receipt showing the payment of 600 birr to take the GAT. Covering the face is not allowed
except using face masks. The test taker should uncover his/her face mask or other covering
material during checking by the test supervisor.
• You are required to show your ID card to the gate keeping security staff at your respective
testing site. Please don’t leave your identification document at the gate as you need it for
admission to the testing hall.
• Please print out your Admission Ticket and keep it with you during testing. Invigilators will
check your Admission Ticket with your identification card and your personal details on the
computer screen during testing. Please place them on your desk ready for this validation
• Keep note of your password as it is essential for logging in. Never share your password to any
other person.
• Candidates scheduled for morning session testing, are required to arrive at their respective
testing site at 8:00 am whereas candidates scheduled for the afternoon session testing are
required to arrive at their respective testing site at 1:00 pm. Test takers who are late by 30
minutes will not be allowed to enter to the testing hall.
• After passing the check point at the gate of the test site, you need to proceed to the testing
hall immediately. You will be provided information on the direction to the testing hall and the
specific testing room.
• It is important that you should follow instructions given by the supervisor and invigilators of
your test center.
• Candidates are required to wear face mask and carry pocket-size sanitizer.
• Any attempt of cheating on the exam, sharing answers with other, or copying the test
materials using any form shall have serious legal consequences.
You need to bring a bag or a name identifier plaster to tag your name with your phone or
other materials.
• Books, handouts, pamphlets, scratch papers or any material in hard or soft copies are
• Food and drinks are not allowed in the testing hall.
• GAT test takers are not allowed to sit for more than one test for the October 2020 test
schedule. There will be penalty for taking the test two or more times due to the practice
• One GAT test score is acceptable in more than one department.