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Syllabus in Administrative Communication

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Republic of the Philippines

Cebu Normal University

Osmena Boulevard, Cebu City

Course Syllabus in EM
Administrative Communication

Program: Doctor of Education (Ed.D.). Term: First Semester

Pre-Requisite: None Academic Year: 2019-2020

I. CNU Vision

A leading multi-disciplinary research university of education committed to build a strong nation

II. CNU Mission

To develop high performing professional and intellectuals proficient in generating new

knowledge toward and progressive and peaceful society.

The CNU mission comprises three mutually reinforcing thrusts:

1. Transformative education that nurture thinking individuals who are valued members and
leaders of society;
2. High impact researches that push the boundaries of knowledge in education and contribute
to improving communities; and
3. Strong partnerships that collectively and creatively address the development gaps of the

III. Program Degree Outcomes

1. Acquired a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of a complex and coherent body of
knowledge (theories, principles and concepts) and skills (problem-solving and communication
skills) that are in the forefront of an academic discipline or professional area;
2. Conceptualized, designed and implemented research/projects for the generation of new
knowledge and new educational programs and systems;
3. Understood, developed and sustained arguments on established theories, principles, and
concepts at the forefront of a specialized field of study;
4. Extended the forefront knowledge by conducting original research or other forms of advance
scholarship at a level of quality that meets the standards of peer review and eventually merit
publication; and
5. Made very informed judgments on complex issues in their field of specialization and its
application, even in the absence of complete data, in ways that are informed by ethical and
social dimensions of the field and be able to communicate their ideas to both specialist and

IV. Course Description

Administrative communication as a course of study is viewed on the following areas, namely:

(1) Theory and processes of communication and management, (2) planning for administrative
correspondence, (3) preparing for administrative correspondence, (4) preparing reports,
proposals, manuals and (5) utilization of technology in communication.

The theory and process of communication introduces the concepts and principles adopted in
communication and identifies the significant roles of communication in realizing organizational
goals and objectives.

The second area explores the effect of planning in the preparation of communication. It also
identifies the different tools and mechanism to enhance quality correspondence, taking into
account a variety of cultural differences.
The third and the fifth areas deals with the actual preparation of the different kinds of
communication as influenced by culture, purpose and technology.

It will also attempt to delve i

V. Course Design Matrix

Desired Learning Content/Subject Resources OBTL Assessment

Outcome Matter
At the end of the unit, The University
the students must Vision, Mission, Goals Manual and CMO No. Discussion Reaction Paper & Oral
have demonstrated and Objectives of CNU 53, s. 2007 Inquiry-Based Insights
understanding of the and of the Degree Discussions
university’s vision, Program
mission and program
outcomes of the
college of teacher
 Definition and  Giving  Speech 
theories of speeches Delivery  Speech
During the activity, communication applying the  Group Preparation
the students must  Communication basic Dynamics
have acquired basic vs. Management principles  Face to Face
understanding of the  Roles and goals of Interaction
principles and Communication
processes of  The Process of
communication and Communication
management  Meta and Kinesic
 Advantages of
 Knowing your  Reporting  Memorandum
Using a series of  Adapting to Audience  Interview Writing
activities, the audiences (KYA)
students must have  Planning,  Profiling  Writeshop on
demonstrated the composing, Techniques school
skills in profiling and revising  Preparing memoranda, (Doltra and
analyzing the  Conventional school endorsements Mangubat)
audience for effective strategies for memoranda, and
communication communication endorsement transmittal
 Communicating and letters
across cultures transmittal
 Critiquing

Using various
activities, the  Informative and  Letter writing  Writeshop  Letter
students must have positive  Reporting Preparation
applied the principles messages  Letter (Paraoan & Lancila)
in preparing  Negative complaints
administrative messages
correspondence  Use of E-mails

Students must have

applied the basic  Rules on  MOAs/MOU  Reporting  Minutes of
principles in writing preparing  Resolutions  Writeshop meetings,
minutes of meetings, minutes of  Minutes of activities resolutions,
resolutions, and other meetings and Meetings Contracts,
legal documents resolutions  Sample MOA/MOU
(MOA, MOU,  Preparing MOA, Contracts
Contracts) MOU and (Vergara & Seblero &
Contracts Auxtero)
Students must have  Making written  Sample office  PPT designing  PPT preparation
prepared professional Reports reports  Reports  Written reports
reports in the  Preparing for oral  Preparing delivery preparation
workplace presentations PPT for public  Report Delivery
presentation (TAngaro & Abellana)
 The principles in  Sample  Advocacy  Leaflets,
Through the use of preparing for leaflets, material brochures, flyers
computers, the advocacy brochures, workshop and reviews
students must have materials flyers and  FB
developed (leaflets, reviews (Gonzales & Tigle &
instructional brochures, flyers  Sample films Aureos)
documents in the and reviews)
workplace  Preparing for
short films using

Through the use of  Preparing your Any blog application  Workshop  Personal blog
online application, own blogs site
students must have (Valenzuela &
developed the ability Tabaranza)
to use blogs

VI. Criteria for Grading

Parameters Points
Major Examination (Midterm & Final Exam) 20%
Reporting 10%
Portfolio of written outputs 50%
Film Output 10%
Personal Blog 10%
TOTAL 100%

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