C h e c k p o i n t
1) Check 3 G Check wt. of casting . 4) Check Hydraulic press.(H/L-150/80 KG/cm2),Accumulator pressure(140 kg/cm2
2) Check no. of Turn /Speed High Low (4T/2 T) Decleration point(as per wi) 5)Check stock condition at SFG & at machining
P Back pressure ,Die locking force(567~630T),Blue matching,
Metal temp.,
6)Inform about B.D. to before and aftere operation.
3)Inform to die maint if blue matching not ok,and to maint. If tie bar tension is a problem
Ask Person for repair time and check our estimared time.
1) Clean the place around the m/c .
2)Ask the maint. Person for repair time and check our estimated time.
D 3)Do seggregation.
4)TL should check all associate are at work as per plan during maint. Of m/c/Die
5)Inform associate for recovery the loss through O.T. on Sunday.
1)Check all part in the m/c/Die after repairing.
2)Check Blue matching of die/tie bar balancing data
C 3)Check saftey for interlocking of m/c.
4)Check Shots in Operation for Flashing and biscuit thickness
5)Inform to SL before and previous operation that m/c repaired .
1)Check feed back from associates for m/c operation.
2) Share the information in log book and change point board .
A 3)Relief tie bar/die blue matching checking point added in preventive check sheet.
4)Check point add in PM check sheet horizontal deployment.
start production if
sary prevent re
after repairing
ck the pressure
mation at worksite
ce and do
essure(140 kg/cm2).