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The Avatamsaka Sutra 9 27 2019

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The Avatamsaka Sutra

The Avatamsaka Sutra

Dà fāng guǎng fó huá yán jīng
《80 scrolls》

❑Translated by the Tripitaka Master Sramana Siksananda of Khotan in the Tang Dynasty from Sanskrit to
Chinese. English version was translated by Buddhist Text Translation Society.

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Chapter Nine: Light Enlightenment
第九品: 光明覺
爾時,世尊從兩足輪下 At that time, from the wheels on the
bottoms of the World Honored One’s
放百億光明,照此三千 feet were released one billion bright
lights which illumined the three
大千世界百億閻浮提、 thousand great thousand worlds. They
also illumined a billion Jambudvipas,

百億弗婆提、 a billion Purva-Videhas

百億瞿耶尼、 a billion Apara-Godaniyas

百億欝 yù 單越、 and a billion Uttarakurus.

百億大海、 They illumined a billion great oceans,

百億輪圍山、 a billion wheel-ringed mountains,

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百億菩薩受生、 a billion Bodhisattvas being born,

百億菩薩出家、 a billion Bodhisattvas leaving home,

百億如來成正覺、 a billion Thus Come Ones

accomplishing proper enlightenment,
百億如來轉法輪、 a billion Thus Come Ones turning the
Dharma wheel,
百億如來入涅槃、 and a billion Thus Come Ones entering
百億須彌山王、 Also, a billion Sumeru kings of
百億四天王眾天、 a billion heavens of the Four Kings,

百億三十三天、 a billion heavens of the Thirty-three,

百億夜摩天、 and a billion Suyama heavens,

百億兜率天、 a billion Tushita heavens,

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百億化樂天、 a billion bliss from transformation
百億他化自在天、 a billion heavens of comfort gained
from others’ transformations,
百億梵眾天、 a billion heavens of the Brahma
百億光音天、 a billion light-sound heavens,

百億遍淨天、 a billion heavens of pervasive purity,

百億廣果天、 a billion vast-result heavens,

百億色究竟天; and a billion ultimate form heavens.

其中所有,悉皆明現。 All of these were clearly revealed in

this light.

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如此處,見佛世尊坐蓮 Just as in this place, one could see the
Buddha, the World Honored One,
華藏師子之座,十佛剎 seated on his lotus flower treasury
lion’s throne, with Bodhisattvas as
微塵數菩薩所共圍遶; many as fine motes of dust in ten
Buddhalands circumambulating him,
so too, in each of the billion
如來亦如是坐。 Jambudvipas, the billion Thus Come
Ones were also seated in the same
悉以佛神力故,十方各 Because of the spiritual power of the
Buddha, in each of the ten directions
有一大菩薩,一一各與 there was a great Bodhisattva, who
together with the Bodhisattvas to the
十佛剎微塵數諸菩薩 number of fine motes of dust in ten
Buddhalands, came to the Buddha’s
其名曰:文殊師利菩 Their names were Manjushri
Bodhisattva, Enlightened Leader
Bodhisattva, Wealthy Leader
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薩、覺首菩薩、財首菩 Bodhisattva, Jeweled Leader
Bodhisattva, Merit and Virtue Leader
薩、寶首菩薩、功德首 Bodhisattva, Vision Leader
Bodhisattva, Vigorous Leader
菩薩、目首菩薩、精進 Bodhisattva, Dharma Leader
Bodhisattva, Wisdom Leader
Bodhisattva, and Worthy Leader
首菩薩、賢首菩薩。 Bodhisattva.

是諸菩薩所從來國,所 These Bodhisattvas all came from their

own countries, that is to say, the
謂:金色世界、妙色世 Golden Colored world, the Wonderful
Colored world, the Lotus Flower
Colored world, the Champaka Flower
色世界、優鉢羅華色世 Colored world, the Utpala Flower
Colored world, the Golden Colored
界、金色世界、寶色世 world, the Jeweled Colored world, the
Vajra Colored world, the Crystal
Colored world, and the Equally
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世界、平等色世界。 Colored world.

此諸菩薩各於佛所淨修梵 In the presence of the Buddhas, all

these Bodhisattvas cultivated Brahma
行,所謂:不動智佛、無 conduct. Specifically, Unmoving
Wisdom Buddha, Unobstructed
Wisdom Buddha, Liberation Wisdom
智佛、明相智佛、究竟智 Buddha, Awesome Deportment
Wisdom Buddha, Understanding
佛、最勝智佛、自在智 Marks Wisdom Buddha, Ultimate
Wisdom Buddha, Superior Wisdom
Buddha, Comfortable Wisdom
Buddha, Brahma Wisdom Buddha,
and Contemplating and Investigating
Wisdom Buddha.
爾時,一切處文殊師利菩 At that time, in the presence of all
those Buddhas, the voices of the
薩,各於佛所,同時發 Manjushri Bodhisattvas in all those
places, rang out in unison as they
spoke verses:
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若有見正覺, “If someone sees the one of proper
解脫離諸漏, As liberated and free from all
不著一切世, And as not being attached to all
彼非證道眼。 That person still has not certified to the
若有知如來, If someone knows the Thus Come

體相無所有, One’s body and marks do not exist,

修習得明了, And cultivates and attains this

此人疾作佛。 Then that person will quickly become
a Buddha.
能見此世界, If one can look upon this world with a
mind that is unmoving,

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於佛身亦然, And see Buddhas and living beings as
the same,
當成勝智者。 Then such a one will accomplish
supreme wisdom.
若於佛及法, If with regard to the Buddha and the
其心了平等, One’s mind is completely level and
二念不現前, And the two thoughts do not manifest,

當踐難思位。 Then one will realize the position

which is hard to conceive of.
若見佛及身, If there is someone who sees the
Buddha and living beings
平等而安住, As level and equal, and peacefully
無住無所入, Yet without dwelling and without a
place of entering,

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當成難遇者。 Then that person will become one who
is difficult to encounter.
色受無有數, Forms and feelings are without
想行識亦然, Thinking, process and consciousness
are also like this.
若能如是知, If one is able to know this

當作大牟尼。 Then one can become a great muni.

世及出世見, If worldly and world transcending

一切皆超越, Are leapt far beyond

而能善知法, And if one is well able to know all

當成大光耀。 Then such a one will accomplish great
若於一切智, If someone toward all-wisdom

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發生迴向心, produces a mind of transference,

見心無所生, And sees the mind as not being

當獲大名稱。 Then such a one will obtain great
眾生無有生, Living beings are without production

亦復無有壞, and also without extinction.

若得如是智, If one is able to obtain this kind of

當成無上道。 Then one will accomplish the
Unsurpassed Way.
一中解無量, Within one there are the limitless,

無量中解一, And within the limitless there is one.

了彼亙生起, If one understands that they mutually


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當成無所畏。 Then one will accomplish

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