Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics and Dynamics (in SI Units) by Beer, Johnston,
Mazurek, Cornwell and Sanghi: McGraw Hill Education, 10th edition, 2013.
1 Introduction: Point force and distributed forces; Equivalent Systems of Forces; Centroids
and Center of Gravity; Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies; Free body diagram; (Chapters 2-5)
3 Frictional forces; Laws of Coulomb friction; Thrust bearing and belt friction (Chapter 8).
Dynamics of particles: Newton’s laws of motion for a system of Particles: Linear and
5 Angular Momentum; Work Energy Principle; Impulse momentum principles. (Chapters 12,13
and 14)
Dynamics of rigid bodies: The inertia tensor; Euler's Equations of motion; Plane motion of a
6 rigid body; General motion of a rigid body; Work-Energy and Impulse-Momentum Principle
for rigid bodies; Applications. (Chapters 9, 16 - 18).
7 Variational Mechanics; Method of virtual work; Method of minimum potential energy for
conservative systems. (Chapter l0)
8 Introduction to free vibration and forced vibration problems; Simple harmonic motion.
(Chapter 19)
1. Engineering Mechanics - Statics and Dynamics (Fourth Edition), by Irving H. Shames,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. Eastern Economy Edition, 200l.
2. Mechanics by P.C. Dumir (Lecture Notes available at Xerox shop near II LT 1)
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend all the lecture and tutorial classes.
• One grade will be reduced if a student’s attendance is between 60% to 75 %.
• Two grade will be reduced if a student’s attendance is between 50% to 60 %.
• If a student's attendance is less than 50%, he / she will be given "F" grade.
Only one common make-up minor test will be scheduled for the students who miss either minor 1
or minor 2 due to medical reason (A medical certificate from IIT Hospital is compulsory). In
general, the make-up examination will be more difficult than the regular examination.
• Prof. M K Singha, Lectures and Tutorials, Room No. 251, Block IV
• Prof. Vikrant Tiwari, Lectures and Tutorials, Room No. 256, Block IV
• Prof. A. Dewan, Prof. B. P. Patel, Prof. S. Roy, Prof. M. R. Cholemari, Prof. S. Santapuri,
Prof. G. Singh, Prof. Vamsi Krishna, Tutorials, Block IV