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Bruce Wilkinson, 7 Laws of The Learner: Law 7b Revival Maximisers

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The Law of Revival

Methods &

Pages 449-486

Wednesday 24 November 2010

The essence of the Law of
Revival is these 3 words:
“Revive the heart”
The teacher should
encourage an ongoing
personal revival in students’
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Revival Method
Wilkinson starts by saying this method
is revolutionary and works to bring
people who are hardened in their sin
back to the Lord.
The method is based upon his study of
revival in Scripture where he sees they
all follow the same path with only a
few minor differences. It is designed to
produce lasting results and as such
each step has to be accomplished
before moving onto the next.
Remember revival is delicate and an
act of grace - treat it in that way
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Reprove Repent
Persuade Penitent
Censure Contrition

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Repent Recommit Restore

Penitent Promise Perform

Contrition Commit Celebrate

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Step 1: Revelation
Revival is needed because people Revelation
have disobeyed the Lord - sin Passage
If you know a person has sinned it is Command-
your responsibility to lovingly go to ments
them and restore them. First they
have to see the Bible
teaching on their situation,
and sin - diagnose their
disobedience to the Lord, no
emotion or opinion just what the
Bible says - hit the nail repeatedly
until they do, expose their sin
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Step 1: Revelation
Revival is needed because people Revelation
have disobeyed the Lord - sin Passage
Ask, for example, Command-
If you know a person has sinned it is
“Can we agree
your responsibility thatgoon
to lovingly to ments
the and
them basis ofthem.
restore these First Bible
have to see the Bible
passages that we have
teaching on their situation,
studied that their
and sin - diagnose X is sin?”
Focus themtoon thethe
no not
emotion or opinion just what the
their own behaviour
Bible says - hit the nail repeatedly
until they do, expose their sin
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Step 2: Reprove
Once they agree the Bible says it
is sin they have to personally
agree their behaviour is sin - this
is a crucial bridge between
revelation of God and repentance of Reprove
the student. Persuade
“I have sinned” becomes their Censure
God uses 4 reproving agents -
our conscience, the Bible and the
Holy Spirit. And us!

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Reproving someone means to
sharply look atthem
criticise Paulor with the Corinthian church,
JTB and
them. the multitudes,
It involves Jesus and
confrontation, and the religious
leaders. Look
includes saying at God with
something is his
rightpeople in Numbers
or Deuteronomy.
acceptable or
God approves of rebuking in love
Parents should do andit. Teachers
so should we.
should do it. Pastors should do it.
2 Tm 4:1-2 In the presence of God and of Christ
Society should do it. Instead much
Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view
of modern culture says anything is
of his appearing
and his kingdom, I give you this charge:
Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of
Biblically we have to think of what
season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great
and how we reprove - discipline
patience and careful instruction.
should bring about growth
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Step 3: Repent
This is the turning point - revival Repent
hinges on repentance. Penitent
Repentance = metaneo = to change one’s
mind or perception - used in 3 ways;
1. Express remorse for an inappropriate
2. Express a change of heart when a
non-Christian turns to Christ
3. Express a change of heart when a
Christian changes mind and then
behaviour for personal disobedience
Wednesday 24 November 2010
1. Repentance must include conviction

Conviction has convince at its heart -

to conquer something a person
thinks or believes and replace it with
something different.
In sin a wrong thought pattern needs
replacing with a biblical one. E.g.
Adultery takes place when a person
thinks they will be happier, more
pleasured, in an immoral relationship
rather than in the covenant fidelity
God commanded. God has lied.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
1. Repentance must include conviction

Conviction has convince at its heart -

to conquer something a person
thinks or believes and replace it with
something different.
In sin a wrong thought pattern needs
replacing with a biblical one. E.g.
Adultery takes place when a person
thinks they will be happier, more
pleasured, in an immoral relationship
rather than in the covenant fidelity
God commanded. God has lied.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Such patterns become strongholds
in a persons mind - usually there
are a number of them each spilling
lies into a persons mind.
Adultery might include; unresolved
anger, unforgiveness, bitterness,
grudges, sexual issues...
The best way to resolve this is
through prayer - 2 Cor 10:3-5
When repentance takes place in
the mind revival will take place in
the life

Wednesday 24 November 2010

2. Repentance must include contrition

Contrite = to feel deeply and humbly

King Josiah
sorry for 2 Chron
onesinsins- 34:27 -
it is an emotional
part to theyour
Because thinking
was of responsive
repentance. This shows
and you humbled a tenderising
yourself before of
heart - and also allows the person to
God when you heard what he
‘feel’ forgiven as well as know they are.spoke
against this place and its
The people in Nehemiah chapters 8-9
and because you humbled yourself
David in Psalm 51 (esp. 3-4, 16-17)
before me and tore your robes and
Depth f sin should be reflected in depth
wept in my presence, I have
of contrition - we should encourage
people declares thepain
to feel the LORD.of their sin.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
2. Repentance must include contrition

Contrite = to feel deeply and humbly

sorry for ones sins- it is an emotional
part to the thinking aspect of
repentance. This shows a tenderising of
heart - and also allows the person to
‘feel’ forgiven as well as know they are.
The people in Nehemiah chapters 8-9
David in Psalm 51 (esp. 3-4, 16-17)
Depth f sin should be reflected in depth
of contrition - we should encourage
people to feel the pain of their sin.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
3. Repentance must include confession
The person should confess sin not only to
you and to the Lord - but also to others
affected by their action.
Confession is important because at
this point the person humbles
themselves, assumes full
responsibility for their actions and
openly recognises that they must
seek forgiveness from God and
Specific sins should be mentioned not just
a general prayer - this shows full
understanding of sin has taken place.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
3. Repentance must include confession
The person should confess sin not only to
you and to the
the -process:
but also to others
affected by their action.
1st conviction - the mind is
Confession is important because at
this point the person humbles
themselves, assumes full
2nd contrition for their
- theactions and
heart feels
openly recognises that they must
seek forgiveness from God and
Specific confession
3rdsins - the will
should be mentioned not just
a general prayer - thisresponsibility
acknowledges shows full
understanding of sin has taken place.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
Step 4: Recommit
Focus changes now from
the past to the future - this
makes sure the victory
The longer a sin has been
committed the greater the
resolve needs to be to rely
upon the Holy Spirit.
Recommitment takes
place, a promise is made,
in order that
commitment will follow.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
1. Recommitment must include confirmation

“How committed are you to

stopping this sin that you just
repented of?”
There needs to be a strong positive
response, a confirmation of how
they will face temptation and
commitment to obeying the Lord.
If this is not done you know what
happens the next time they are
Remind them of 1 Cor 10:13
Wednesday 24 November 2010
2. Recommitment may include covenant

To help a student stand against

temptation it might be helpful to
make a covenant - e.g. Jos.
In Biblical situations making a
covenant or taking a solemn
oath was common after
repenting of major sins,
reestablishing a pledge of
obedience to the Lord.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

3. Recommitment should include consecration

Now you might use the fact that a

student has taken a step towards
God to encourage them further:
1. Challenge them to go further
in the areas which tempt them
2. walk deeper with the
Lord in devotions and prayer
3. more complete
obedience to the will of God in
all areas of life

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Step 5: Restore
Remember God desires
restoration of people
after sin - Wilkinson
suggests 3 ways this can

Wednesday 24 November 2010

1. Restoration may include compensation

Jesus commanded us to be
reconciled to our brothers:
Matt 5:23-24
Students must do what is
needed for reconciliation to
take place, it may require
returning or repayment - this
includes action even if they are
the wronged party.
This requires determined action
- it is not easy.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

2. Restoration must include cleansing

Compensation is towards
others, public, past - cleansing
is about our own lives,
personal, present.
1. Take away “temptation
2. Instal “Commitment
Both include: friends, places,
events, media etc.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

3. Restoration should include celebration

Luke 15:10 - In the same

way, I tell you, there is rejoicing
in the presence of the angels
of God over one sinner who
And the Prodigal Son: Luke

Wednesday 24 November 2010

The essence of the Law of
Revival is these 3 words:
“Revive the heart”
The teacher should
encourage an ongoing
personal revival in students’
Wednesday 24 November 2010

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Revival is the inrush of God’s Sprit into
a body which threatens to become a
DM Patton

Waiting for revival is no excuse for not

enjoying personal revival
Stephen Olford

The best way to revive the church is to

build a fire in the pulpit
DL Moody

Wednesday 24 November 2010

1. Realise that revival is
needed by most Christians
most of the time
Wilkinson estimates that
in evangelical churches
around 50-80% of
Christians are out of
fellowship with the Lord at
any one time.
This applies equally to
Therefore make revival a
top priority in your
Wednesday 24 November 2010
2. Earnestly seek revival
through intense and persistent
private and public prayer
Look at revival and you
see that somewhere a
faithful remnant are
praying for it.
2 Chron 7:14
Pray for revival in your
own life first - then
encourage your students
to do likewise
Wednesday 24 November 2010
2. Earnestly seek revival
through intense and persistent
private and public prayer
Look at revival and you
see that somewhere a
faithful remnant are
praying for it.
2 Chron 7:14
Pray for revival in your
own life first - then
encourage your students
to do likewise
Wednesday 24 November 2010
2. Earnestly
Persistent pupillary seek revival
membrane intense and persistent
(PPM) is
a condition of the and public prayer
eye involving
Look atof a fetaland you
membrane that
see that somewhere a
persist as remnant
faithful strands ofare
tissue crossing
praying for it.the
pupil. The pupillary
2 Chron 7:14
membrane in
Pray for revival
mammals exists in in your
theown lifeasfirst
fetus a - then
source of blood your students
to do likewise
supply for the lens.
Wednesday 24 November 2010
3. Vary your delivery
according to your students’
spiritual response

Different students respond

differently! When someone has
disobeyed disciplining them will
depend upon the person.
In class - pray for one another
in small groups, have a
discussion panel, use skits to
highlight issues - make it
meaningful for your students.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

4. Instruct your students in
the knowledge and practice
of spiritual disciplines
Revival liberates people from
sin - but also empowers them
to stay out of sin and remain
in fellowship.
Spiritual disciplines are deep
truths which act as a
foundation for spiritual life -
Wilkinson summarises these
‘secrets’ in this way:

Wednesday 24 November 2010

4. Instruct your students in
the knowledge and practice
of spiritual disciplines
1. Read
Revival liberatesyour
people from
sin -
Bible but also empowers
every daythem
to stay out of sin and remain
in Walk by
Spiritual of the
disciplines are deep
truths which act as a
foundation for spiritual life -
Wilkinson summarises these
3. Pray without
‘secrets’ in this way:
Wednesday 24 November 2010
5. Verbalise the final call for
revival clearly and
The call for revival needs to
be clear and with a sense of
expectancy and urgency. It
might well be difficult and
challenging for people, fear
might creep into their
hearts - so we must invite
them to return to the Lord
with courage and
unwavering resolve
Wednesday 24 November 2010
6. Anticipate revival to be
accompanied by intense
spiritual warfare
Revival is directly
opposed by our enemy.
All sorts of traps have
been laid to try to make
you fail.
2 Cor 2:11 - in order
that Satan might not
outwit us. For we are not
unaware of his schemes

Wednesday 24 November 2010

7. Lay yourself before the
Lord as a clean vessel
committed to revival

Will you lay yourself before

the Lord as a person through
whom he can work revival?
Will you transfer information
or transform individuals?

Wednesday 24 November 2010

The essence of the Law of
Revival is these 3 words:
“Revive the heart”
The teacher should
encourage an ongoing
personal revival in students’
Wednesday 24 November 2010

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