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Devil Contract

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This document outlines a legally binding contract between two parties, known as the promisor and promisee, that imposes various obligations on the parties depending on which pacts they enter into. It defines what would constitute a breach of contract and the penalties involved.

By entering this contract, the signing parties known as the promisor and promisee agree to uphold any obligations outlined in the pacts they enter into, which involve providing various benefits, payments, or exchanges of goods and services to each other. They also agree to be bound by the rulings of the Nine Hells of Baator.

For the promisee, a breach of contract includes failing to support the goals of Asmodeus or using powers granted to relatives against devils from the Nine Hells. The penalty is forfeiting their immortal soul and any benefits to the promisor.

Legally Binding Declaration of Service Between King

Patroklos of Archi and of The Nine Hells of Baator


○ It is hereby agreed upon by all involved signatories and/or their authorized
adjudicators, executors, or other such employed personnel to which power
of signatory has been bestowed that entering into this contract (hereby
referred to as “the compact”), which is legally binding under the court of
the Nine Hells of Baator, each party signing this document (hereby
referred to as “the signing party” or “the signing parties”)-- whether
manifested as a literal document, such as a scroll, parchment, or other
such surface upon which is printed or arranged some kind of marking
which when read imparts the knowledge of impression of the words of its
creator, or some other form of verbal, non-verbal, spiritual, magical, or
emotional language which is leveraged to impart the same meaning--
upon which the compact has been inscribed, imbued, performed, or
otherwise conveyed (hereby referred to as “the document”) enters into a
completely and wholly binding agreement between goal-aligned
compatriots in business pursuits, personal pursuits, or any possible
combinations thereof that might come to the recognition of any of the
parties and/or the original author of this document (hereby referred to as
“the author”) that the party or parties and the author shall, under penalty
of the court of the Nine Hells of Baator, be agreed that they shall each and
all acknowledge any other party or parties, including the author, are
bound to the obligations outlined and/or implied within the words,
language, and/or subtext of the compact.
○ Sec. II §A- The Promisor
■ The name signed below (hereby referred to as “the promisor”),
and/or the authorized adjudicators, executors, or other such
employed personnel to which power of signatory has been
bestowed, is bound by the court of the Nine Hells of Baator to
uphold their end of any and all pacts, outlined in Sec. III, entered
into as a result of this compact.
Signature _________________________________________
○ Sec. II §B- The Promisee
■ The name signed below (hereby referred to as “the promisee”),
and/or the authorized adjudicators, executors, or other such
employed personnel to which power of signatory has been
bestowed, is bound by the court of the Nine Hells of Baator to
uphold their end of any and all pacts, outlined in Sec. III, entered
into as a result of this compact.
Signature __________________________________________


○ Sec. III §A- Defining Pacts
■ It is hereby agreed that the benefits, boons, payments, or exchange
of goods, services, or other such favors, are offered in sequential
order (hereby referred to as “pact” or “pacts”). By entering into this
compact, the signing parties understand and agree to provide the
benefits, boons, payments, or exchange of goods, services, or other
such favors outlined under the first pact, as described in Sec.III §B.
The parties agree that, by entering into an additional pact or pacts
outlined in this document, any previous pacts are considered to still
be in effect, and any such benefits, boons, payments, or exchanges
of goods, services, or other such favors rendered from previous
pacts are still legally binding under the court of the Nine Hells of
Baator. Both parties understand that if, at any point, one or both
parties are found in breach of contract, as defined later in Sec. IV,
the offending party or parties are to immediately, at the time of
being found in breach of contract, make payment to the other party
or parties as defined in Sec V. Agreement to enter the second
and/or third pacts, as outlined later in Sec. III, is defined as either
mutual written consent of both the promisor and promisee, as
signified by signing of appropriate pact or pacts upon entering said
pact or pacts, or verbal consent between the promisor and promisee
to enter the second and/or third pact or pacts. Should both parties
verbally consent to enter into the second and/or third pact or pacts,
the names of the promisor and promisee shall instantly appear on
the signature lines provided for said pact or pacts through infernal
magic granted to this document by the court of the Nine Hells of
○ Sec. III§B- The First Pact
■ Sec. III§B Article 1- Duties of the Promisee
● The promisee agrees to, upon signing this document, and
moving forward in perpetuity, give claim and ownership of
their immortal soul to the promisor, with which the
promisor may do as the promisor sees fit. Upon death, brain
death, irreversible coma, or other such ending of normal
functioning of the promisee (hereby referred to “death”), the
soul will immediately be sent to the promisor in the Nine
Hells of Baator. The promisee, upon signing this document,
revokes any and all claim to their immortal soul, and agrees
not to interfere with the travel of their soul to the Nine Hells
of Baator in any way, shape, or fashion, or the promisee will
be found in breach of contract as outlined later in Sec. IV.
The promisee also consents to the promisor’s use of
telepathy, mind reading, or other such form of
communication on the promisee.
Signature ______________________________
■ Sec. III§B Article 2- Duties of the Promisor
● The promisor agrees to, upon signing this document, heal
any physical ailments, illnesses, maladies, or other such
afflictions present in the promisee’s body at the time of the
signing of this document. The promisor is NOT required to
heal any ailments, illnesses, maladies, or other such
afflictions not present at the time of the signing of this
document that may or may not appear at a later time.
Signature _______________________________
○ Sec. III§C- The Second Pact
■ Sec. III§C Article 1- Duties of the Promisee
● The promisee agrees to, upon entering into the second pact
and moving forward in perpetuity, pass legislation that
outlaws worship of any and all gods, demigods, deities,
spirits, and/or other such entities not of infernal descent.
Upon entering into the second pact, strict legal action up to
and including execution, will be taken against any beings
living within the kingdom presently known as Archi, as
defined in Sec. III§C, Article 1, Title i.
Signature _______________________________
○ Sec. III§C Article 1, Title i.- The Kingdom of Archi
■ The 'Kingdom of Archi' hereby referenced in
this contract refers to all current and future
lands, settlements, colonies, titles,
vassals, and capital under the direct and/or
indirect control of the promisee beginning at
the time of signing and in perpetuity.
■ Sec. III§C Article 2- Duties of the Promisor
● The promisor agrees to, upon entering into the second pact,
immediately bestow upon the promisee a cadre of devils
which will act under the command of and and be dedicated
to the promisee. This cadre shall consist of four Imps, three
Spinagon, two Barbazu, and one single Hamatula. This cadre
shall remain under the command of and dedicated to the
promisee for thirty (30) consecutive days, to begin
immediately after entering into the second pact. Any
members of this cadre slain outside of the Nine Hells of
Baator are absolved of their service to the promisee in
perpetuity, as described in Sec. III§C Article 2 Title i.
Signature _______________________________
○ Sec. III§C Article 2 Title i.- Slain Cadre Members
■ Members of the aforementioned cadre shall be
considered slain if they are met with such
damage that their corporeal bodies are
destroyed and their souls sent back to the Nine
Hells of Baator. Members of this cadre cannot,
through any action or inaction, deliberately
and knowingly allow themselves to be slain for
the purposes of being released from servitude
to the promisee.
○ Sec. III§D- The Third Pact
■ Sec. III§D Article 1- Duties of the Promisee
● Upon entering into the third pact, the promisee agrees to
permanently, and in perpetuity, install three (3) chosen of
Asmodeus into high ranking positions of power of the
promisor’s choosing within the government of the Kingdom
of Archi. These chosen shall be given full political, martial,
and financial control of the Kingdom of Archi, as described
in Sec. III §D Article 1, titles i, ii, and iii.
Signature _______________________________
○ Sec. III §D Article 1 title i- Political control of the
Kingdom of Archi
■ Political control of the Kingdom of Archi
includes, but is not limited to, complete control
of legislation within the Kingdom of Archi,
complete control of judicial procedures within
the Kingdom of Archi, and complete executive
control over the Kingdom of Archi.
○ Sec. III §D Article 1 title ii- Martial control of the
Kingdom of Archi
■ Martial control of the Kingdom of Archi
includes, but is not limited to, complete control
of the military, militia, or any such
organization within the Kingdom of Archi,
freedom to campaign against and initiate war
with any and all nations, kingdoms, countries,
or other such settlements within the entirety of
the cosmos, and the appointing of any being to
any position of power desired by the chosen of
Asmodeus within the military, militia, or other
any such organization within the Kingdom of
○ Sec. III §D Article 1 title iii- Financial control of the
Kingdom of Archi
■ Financial control of the Kingdom of Archi
includes but is not limited to complete,
unrestricted access to the budget of the
Kingdom of Archi, complete control over tax
rates of any and all beings within the Kingdom
of Archi, and complete, unrestricted freedom
of spending of the total wealth of the Kingdom
of Archi.
■ Sec. III §D Article 2- Duties of the Promisor
● Upon entering into the third pact, the promisor agrees to
bestow upon the relatives of the promisee, as defined in Sec.
III§D Article 2 Title i, powers and abilities of infernal nature
beyond their grasp, as defined in Sec. III §D Article 2 Title ii,
by the grace of the infernal Lord Asmodeus, Duke of Nessus
and Prince of the Nine Hells of Baator.
Signature _______________________________
● Sec. III §D Article 2 Title i- Relatives of the Promisee
○ Relatives of the promisee, for the purposes of
this pact, are defined exclusively as: biological,
non-adoptive mother of the promisee (hereby
referred to as “mother”); biological, non-
adoptive father of the promisee (hereby
referred to as “father”); biological, non-
adoptive brother and/or sister of the promisee
who shares both the mother and father of the
promisee (hereby referred to as “brother” or
“sister”); singular, monogamous, living
husband or wife of the promisee currently, at
the time of entering into this pact (hereby
referred to as “spouse”), and/or biological, non-
adoptive son and/or daughter of the promisee
and spouse (hereby referred to as “son” or
● Sec. III §D Article 2 Title ii- Powers bestowed upon
○ The powers bestowed upon the relatives of the
promisee, as described in Sec. III §D Article 2
Title i, shall be unholy, infernal powers granted
by Asmodeus, Duke of Nessus, and Prince of
the Nine Hells, which allow the wielder of such
power (hereby referred to as “wielder” or “the
wielder”) the ability to heal any mundane, non-
magical, non-divine, non-infernal, or other
such physical illnesses, ailments, maladies, or
other such afflictions affecting the body of the
wielder. In addition, these powers will allow
the wielder to rend the lifeforce of their
mundane, mortal, non-infernal enemies (hereby
referred to as “target”), allowing prolonging of
the life of the wielder in direct and equal
proportion to the time taken away from the life
of the target. These powers may not be
wielded, armed, or otherwise used against any
devil, archdevil, or other such inhabitant of the
Nine Hells of Baator, or the promisee will be
found in breach of contract, as outlined later in
Section IV.
○ Sec. IV §A- Breach of Contract on the part of the Promisee
■ Should the promisee, at any time after entering into this compact
and in perpetuity, through any action, inaction, spoken or
unspoken word, thought, feeling, or other such gesture, interfere
with the promisor claiming the immortal soul of the promisee, the
promisee shall be found in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisee, at any time after entering into this compact
and in perpetuity, through any action, inaction, spoken or
unspoken word, thought, feeling, or other such gesture, enter a
state of death as defined in Sec. III §B Article 1, the promisee shall
be found in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisee, at any time after entering into this compact
and in perpetuity, through any action, inaction, spoken or
unspoken word, thought, feeling, or other such gesture, lose
control, rulership, leadership, or other such power over the
Kingdom of Archi for any discernible amount of time, to any
creature, being, or other such entity except those explicitly outlined
in Sec. III §D Article 1, the promisee shall be found in breach of
■ Should the promisee, at any time after entering into the second pact
and in perpetuity, through any action, inaction, spoken or
unspoken word, thought, feeling, or other such gesture, allow or
permit the worship of, prayer to, offering to, or any such gesture to
any god, demigod, spirit, deity, or other such non-infernal entity,
the promisee shall be found in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisee, at any time after entering into the second pact
and in perpetuity, through any action, inaction, spoken or
unspoken word, thought, feeling, or other such gesture, upon
discovering, learning, or in any way becoming aware of the worship
of, prayer to, offering to, or any such gesture to any god, demigod,
spirit, deity, or other such non-infernal entity, not take immediate
legal action culminating in the execution of the perpetrator of such
act or acts within one week after being made aware of such act and
in perpetuity, the promisee shall be found in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisee, at any time after entering into the third pact
and in perpetuity, through any action, inaction, spoken or
unspoken word, thought, feeling, or other such gesture, hinder,
impede, or in any way stand in the way of the goals of the chosen of
Asmodeus, as outlined in Sec. III §D Article 1, the promisee shall
be found in breach of contract.
■ Should any or all relatives of the promisee, at any time after
entering into the third pact and in perpetuity, through any action,
inaction, spoken or unspoken word, thought, feeling, or any other
such gesture, wield, arm, or otherwise use their powers granted to
them under Sec III §D Article 2 Title i against any devil, archdevil,
or any other such inhabitant of the Nine Hells of Baator, the
promisee shall be found in breach of contract.
○ Sec IV §B- Breach of Contract on the part of the Promisor
■ Should the promisor, upon entering into the compact, fail to heal
any physical illnesses, ailments, maladies, or other such afflictions
present in the body of the promisee at the time of entering into the
compact, of which the promisor would feasibly know or be made
aware of upon entering into this compact, the promisor shall be
found in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisor, upon entering into the compact and in
perpetuity, take any direct action leading to the death of the
promisee, the promisor shall be found in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisor, upon entering into the second pact, fail to
provide the cadre of devils bestowed upon the promisee as outlined
in Sec III §C Article 2, the promisor shall be found in breach of
■ Should the promisor, upon entering into the second pact, through
direct action on the part of the promisor, slay any or all members of
the cadre of devils described in Sec. III§C Article 2, the promisor
shall be considered in breach of contract.
■ Should the promisor, upon entering into the third pact, fail to
provide powers to the relatives of the promisee as described in Sec
III §D Article 2, the promisor shall be found in breach of contract.
○ Sec. V §A- Payment on the part of the Promisee
■ Should the promisee be found in breach of contract, as defined in
Sec. IV §A, at any point after entering into the compact and in
perpetuity, the promisee agrees to forfeit their immortal soul to the
promisor. In addition, the promisee shall provide any and all boons,
benefits, or any exchange of goods, services, or other such favors on
the part of the promisee outlined in any and all pacts listed within
the compact, whether said pact or pacts have been entered into or
not at the time of the promisee being found in breach of contract,
to the promisor immediately upon the promisee being found in
breach of contract. Any boons, benefits, or any exchange of goods,
services, or other such favors on the part of the promisor are
considered null and void upon the promisee being found in breach
of contract.
○ Sec. V §B- Payment on the part of the Promisor
■ Should the promisor be found in breach of contract, as defined in
Sec. IV §B, at any point after entering into the compact and in
perpetuity, the promisor agrees to return claim and ownership of
the promisee’s immortal soul back to the promisee. Any and all
boons, benefits, or any exchange of goods, services, or other such
favors on the part of the promisee shall be considered null and void
in the event of the promisor being found in breach of contract. In
addition, if the promisor is found in breach of contract, the
promisor agrees to serve under the command of and be bound to
the promisee, for a period of 1000 consecutive years, to begin
immediately after the promisor is found in breach of contract. In
the event of the death of the promisee, the promisor is absolved of
any such obligation in perpetuity.

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