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The X.21 Interface

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The X.

21 Interface
CCITT X21 is a physical and electrical interface that uses two types of circuits: 
balanced (X.27N.1 1) and and unbalanced (X.26N.10). CCITT X.21 calls out the DA-
15 (also know by DB-15) connector.

The physical interface between the DTE and the local PTT-supplied DCE is defined
in ITU-T recommendation X.21. The DCE provides a full-duplex, bit-serial,
synchronous transmission path between the DTE and the local PSE. It can operate
at data rates from 600bps to 64Kbps. A second standard, X.21bis has been defined
for use on existing (analogue) networks. An X.21bis is a subset of EIA-232D/V.24
therefore allowing existing user equipment to be readily interfaced using this
standard. It should perhaps be emphasized here that V24 defines the data terminal
equipment interface to the modem and is not concerned with the interface between
the modem and the line itself. The modems themselves therefore form part of the
conceptual physical connection. The V24 interface is thus independent of both
modulation technique and data throughput rate.

The X.21 interface protocol is concerned only with the set-up and clearing operations
between DTE and DCE associated with each call. The control of the ensuing data
transfer is the responsibility of the link layer.

X21 Overview

X.21 is a state-driven protocol running full duplex at 9600 bps to 64 Kbps with
subscriber networks. It is a circuit-switching protocol using Synchronous ASCII with
odd parity to connect and disconnect a subscriber to the public-switching network.

The data-transfer phase is transparent to the network. Any data can be transferred
through the network after Call Establishment is made successfully via the X.21
protocol. The call-control phases which are used were defined in the CCITT (now
ITU) 1988 "Blue Book" Recommendations X.1 - X.32.

Signals Provided

The signals of the X21 interface are presented on a 15-pin connector defined by ISO
Document 4903. The electrical characteristics are defined in CCITT
Recommendations X.26 and X.27, which refer to CCITT Recommendations V.10
and V.11.

X.21 provides eight signals:

This provides reference for the logic states against the

Signal Ground (G) - other circuits. This signal may be connected to the
protective ground (earth).
DTE Common Used only in unbalanced-type configurations (X.26), this
Return (Ga) - signal provides reference ground for receivers in the
DCE interface.
This carries the binary signals which carry data from the
DTE to the DCE. This circuit can be used in data-
Transmit (T) -
transfer phases or in call-control phases from the DTE
to DCE (during Call Connect or Call Disconnect).
Controlled by the DTE to indicate to the DCE the
meaning of the data sent on the transmit circuit. This
Receive (R) - circuit must be ON during data-transfer phase and can
be ON or OFF during call-control phases, as defined by
the protocol.
The DCE controls this circuit to indicate to the DTE the
type of data sent on the Receive line. During data
Indication (I) -
phase, this circuit must be ON and it can be ON or OFF
during call control, as defined by the protocol.
This provides the DTE or DCE with timing information
for sampling the Receive line or Transmit line. The DTE
Signal Element samples at the correct instant to determine if a binary 1
Timing (S) - or 0 is being sent by the DCE. The DCE samples to
accurately recover signals at the correct instant. This
signal is always ON.
This circuit is normally ON and provides the DTE with 8-
bit byte element timing. The circuit transitions to OFF
when the Signal Element Timing circuit samples the last
bit of an 8-bit byte. Call-control characters must align
with the B lead during call-control phases. During data-
transfer phase, the communicating devices bilaterally
Byte Timing (B) -
agree to use the B lead to define the end of each
transmitted or received byte. The C and I leads then
only monitor and record changes in this condition when
the B lead changes from OFF to ON, although the C
and I leads may be altered by the transitions on the S
lead. This lead is frequently not used.

X.21 Protocol Operation

As stated previously, X.21 is a state protocol. Both the DTE and DCE can be in a
Ready or Not-Ready state.

The Ready state for the DTE is indicated by a continuous transmission of binary 1's
on the T lead. The Ready state for the DCE is continuous transmission of binary 1's
on the R lead. During this continuous transmission of Ready state, the control leads
are OFF.

During the Not-Ready state, the DCE transmits binary 0's on the R lead with the I
lead in the OFF state.
The DTE Uncontrolled Not-Ready is indicated by transmission of binary 0's with the
C lead in the OFF state. The DTE Uncontrolled Not-Ready state signifies that the
DTE is unable to accept calls due to an abnormal condition.

The DTE Controlled Not-Ready state sends a pattern of alternating 1's and 0's on
the T lead with the C lead OFF. This state indicates that the DTE is operational, but
unable to accept incoming calls.

The characters sent between the DTE and DCE during call-control phases are
International Alphabet 5 (IA5), defined by CCITT Recommendation V.3. At least two
Sync characters must precede all sequences of characters sent between the DTE
and DCE to establish 8-bit byte synchronization between the transmitter and the
receiver. If the Byte Timing (B) lead is used, these Sync characters must align with
the B lead timing signals.

Electrical Characteristics.

Data signaling rates of 9600 bit/s and below. X.27 (= V. 11) & X.26 (= V. 10)

Data signaling rates above 9600 bps. X.27 (= V. 11)

[V.10 specifies an interface circuit with an unbalanced transmitter with a differential


[V.11 specifies an interface circuit with a differential, balanced signal from transmitter
to receiver which may accommodate an optional DC offset voltage. This
approximates EIA-4221

X.21 Overview
X.21 is a state-driven protocol running full duplex at 9600 bps to 64 Kbps with
subscriber networks. It is a circuit-switching protocol using Synchronous ASCII with
odd parity to connect and disconnect a subscriber to the public-switching network.

The data-transfer phase is transparent to the network. Any data can be transferred
through the network after Call Establishment is made successfully via the X.21
protocol. The call-control phases which are used were defined in the CCITT (now
ITU) 1988 "Blue Book" Recommendations X.1 - X.32.

Signals Provided
The signals of the X.21 interface are presented on a 15-pin connector defined by
ISO Document 4903. The electrical characteristics are defined in CCITT
Recommendations X.26 and X.27, which refer to CCITT Recommendations V.10
and V.11.
X.21 provides eight signals:

Signal Ground (G) -

This provides reference for the logic states against the other circuits. This
signal may be connected to the protective ground (earth).
DTE Common Return (Ga) -
Used only in unbalanced-type configurations (X.26), this signal provides
reference ground for receivers in the DCE interface.
Transmit (T) -
This carries the binary signals which carry data from the DTE to the DCE.
This circuit can be used in data-transfer phases or in call-control phases from
the DTE to DCE (during Call Connect or Call Disconnect).
Receive (R) -
This carries the binary signals from DCE to DTE. It is used during the data-
transfer or Call Connect/Call Disconnect phases.
Control (C) -
Controlled by the DTE to indicate to the DCE the meaning of the data sent on
the transmit circuit. This circuit must be ON during data-transfer phase and
can be ON or OFF during call-control phases, as defined by the protocol.
Indication (I) -
The DCE controls this circuit to indicate to the DTE the type of data sent on
the Receive line. During data phase, this circuit must be ON and it can be ON
or OFF during call control, as defined by the protocol.
Signal Element Timing (S) -
This provides the DTE or dCE with timing information for sampling the
Receive line or Transmit line. The DTE samples at the correct instant to
determine if a binary 1 or 0 is being sent by the DCE. The DCE samples to
accurately recover signals at the correct instant. This signal is always ON.
Byte Timing (B) -
This circuit is normally ON and provides the DTE with 8-bit byte element
timing. The circuit transitions to OFF when the Signal Element Timing circuit
samples the last bit of an 8-bit byte. Call-control characters must align with the
B lead during call-control phases. During data- transfer phase, the
communicating devices bilaterally agree to use the B lead to define the end of
each transmitted or received byte. The C and I leads then only monitor and
record changes in this condition when the B lead changes from OFF to ON,
although the C and I leads may be altered by the transitions on the S lead.
This lead is frequently not used.

X.21 Protocol Operation

As stated previously, X.21 is a state protocol. Both the DTE and DCE can be in a
Ready or Not-Ready state.
The Ready state for the DTE is indicated by a continuous transmission of binary 1's
on the T lead. The Ready state for the DCE is continuous transmission of binary 1's
on the R lead. During this continuous transmission of Ready state, the control leads
are OFF.

During the Not-Ready state, the DCE transmits binary 0's on the R lead with the I
lead in the OFF state.

The DTE Uncontrolled Not-Ready is indicated by transmission of binary 0's with the
C lead in the OFF state. The DTE Uncontrolled Not-Ready state signifies that the
DTE is unable to accept calls due to an abnormal condition.

The DTE Controlled Not-Ready state sends a pattern of alternating 1's and 0's on
the T lead with the C lead OFF. This state indicates that the DTE is operational, but
unable to accept incoming calls.

The characters sent between the DTE and DCE during call-control phases are
International Alphabet 5 (IA5), defined by CCITT Recommendation V.3. At least two
Sync characters must precede all sequences of characters sent between the DTE
and DCE to establish 8-bit byte synchronization between the transmitter and the
receiver. If the Byte Timing (B) lead is used, these Sync characters must align with
the B lead timing signals.

Procedure for a DTE Placing a Call

The following procedure is used when a DTE places a call:

Call Request:
The DTE will transmit continuous 0's on the T lead with the C lead in the ON
state to indicate a desire to make a call.
Proceed to Select:
If the DCE is prepared to receive information, it will send continuous plus (+)
characters on the R lead with the I lead in the OFF state. This state is
maintained until the selection information is completed. The Proceed to Select
signal must be sent within 3 seconds of the Call Request signal being sent by
the DTE.
Selection Signal Sequences:
As indicated, the DTE is transmitting to the DCE during Call Request with the
C lead ON. After the DCE has sent the Proceed to Select signal, the Selection
Signal must start within 6 seconds and be completed within 36 seconds.

The Selection Signal will be either a Facility Request block, an Address block,
or a Facility Registration/Cancellation block. If the DTE wishes to terminate
the Selection Signal, it sends a plus (+) character.
A Facility Request block consists of a code followed by a backslash (/)
separator and then a parameter value. If multiple Facility Requests are used,
they are separated by commas.

The Address block may be one or more addresses separated by commas.

This may be either a full network address or an abbreviated address (which
would start with a period).

A Facility Registration/ Cancellation block will be one or more signals

separated by backslashes (/). These consist of Facility Codes, Indicator,
Address and Parameter. Multiple FR/Cs may be separated by commas. The
end of the FR/Cs are indicated by a minus (-) followed by a plus (+).

During the Selection Sequences, the network will continue to transmit plus (+)
characters followed by Call Progress signals. The Call Progress signal is a value or
set of values separated by commas (,) and terminated with a plus (+). The values
indicate if a call has been successful or if it has failed, and the reason for the failure.

This signal must be sent from the DCE to the DTE within 20 seconds of the end of
the Selection Sequence and may be followed by DCE-provided information. The
DCE also passes this information to the DTE being called, which will detail who is
making the call.

When the network has established a connection between two DTEs, it will signal the
calling DTE with a Ready for Data signal by setting the I lead to ON. The two DTEs
are now connected until the call is cleared by one or the other.

DTE in the Ready State Receiving an Incoming Call

The DTE will signal Ready state with continuous binary 1's on the T lead with the C
lead in the OFF state. The DCE responds with a Ready state via continuous binary
1's on the R lead and the I lead in the OFF state.

When a calling DTE wants to establish a connection to another DTE, the DCE will
signal the called DTE with continuous BEL characters. The called DTE accepts by
changing the C lead to the ON state. The DCE indicates to the called DTE who is
calling and indicates that a connection is established by changing the I lead to the
ON state.

When both DTE's have entered the Ready for Data state, the Data Transfer state is
entered. The DCE or either DTE may terminate the call by signaling a CLEAR. If
either DTE clears the call, it will send continuous 0's on the T lead and set the C lead
to OFF. The DCE responds with Clear Confirmation by sending continuous 0's on
the R lead and setting the I lead to OFF.

After sending a Clear Confirmation, the DCE will signal Ready state within 2
seconds. The clearing DTE must respond with Ready state within 100 milliseconds.
The cleared DTE will receive Cleared signal by the DCE and must send a Clear
Confirmation to the DCE within 2 seconds. The DCE will signal Clear Confirmation
within two seconds and must receive a Ready state from the cleared DTE within 100

Equivalent/Corresponding EIA-232 or CCITT V.35 signals

Transmit = TD Receive = RD Control = RTS Indication = CD

Signal Element Timing = TC & RC (see note 2) Byte timing: rarely used.

DTE signal element timing : even more rarely used. Not supported.


Voltages: +/- 0.3Vdc

Max. 100Kbps (X.26)
Max. 10Mbps (X.27)

The X.21 interface was recommended by the CCITT in 1976. It is defined as a digital
signaling interface between customers (DTE) equipment and carrier's equipment
(DCE). And thus primarily used for telecom equipment.

All signals are balanced. Meaning there is always a pair (+/-) for each signal, like
used in RS422. The X.21 signals are the same as RS422, so please refer to RS422
for the exact details.

Pinning according to ISO 4903


Sub-D15 Male Sub-D15 Female

Pin Signal abbr. DTE DCE

1 Shield   - -
2 Transmit (A)   Out In
3 Control (A)   Out In
4 Receive (A)   In Out
5 Indication (A)   In Out
6 Signal Timing (A)   In Out
7 Unassigned
8 Ground   - -
9 Transmit (B)   Out In
10 Control (B)   Out In
11 Receive (B)   In Out
12 Indication (B)   In Out
13 Signal Timing (B)   In Out
14 Unassigned
15 Unassigned

Functional Description
As can be seen from the pinning specifications, the Signal Element Timing (clock) is
provided by the DCE. This means that your provider (local telco office) is responsible
for the correct clocking and that X.21 is a synchronous interface. Hardware
handshaking is done by the Control and Indication lines. The Control is used by the
DTE and the Indication is the DCE one.

Cross-cable pinning

X.21 Cross Cable

X.21 X.21
1 1
2 4
3 5
4 2
5 3
6 7
7 6
8 8
9 11
10 12
11 9
12 10
13 14
14 13

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