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S Cada Modem

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Review of the modem

The telephone system, landline communication systems and radio systems cannot directly
transport digital information without some distortion in the signal due to the bandwidth limitation
inherent in the connecting medium. The reason for the difficulty in transferring digital information over
a telephone network, for example, is the limited bandwidth inherent in the communication media, such
as telephone cable with capacitance and inductance.
a schematic view of the modems place in the communications hierarchy.

An example of what a digital signal would look like at the far end of a cable if it were injected
directly into the cable is given

There are two types of modem available today:
Dumb (or non-intelligent) modems depend on the computer to which they are
connected, to instruct the modem when to perform most of the tasks such as
answering the telephone.
Smart modems have an on-board microprocessor enabling them to perform such
functions as automatic dialing and the method of modulation to use.

Synchronous or asynchronous
In asynchronous communications each character is encoded with a start bit at the beginning of
the character bit stream and a parity and stop bit at the end of the character bit stream. The receiver
then synchronizes with each character received by looking out for the start bit. Once the character has
been received, the communications link returns to the idle state and the receiver watches out for the
next start bit (indicating the arrival of the next character).

Synchronous communication relies on all characters being sent in a continuous bit stream. The
first few bytes in the message contain synchronization data allowing the receiver to synchronize onto
the incoming bit stream. Hereafter synchronization is maintained by a timing signal or clock. The
receiver follows the incoming bit stream and maintains a close synchronization between the transmitter
clock and receiver clock.

Modes of operation
Modems can operate in two modes:

A simplex system in data communications is one that is designed for sending messages in one
direction only and has no provision for sending data in the reverse direction. A duplex system in data
communications is one that is designed for sending messages in both directions. Duplex systems are said
to be half-duplex when messages and data can flow in both directions but only in one direction at a
Duplex systems are said to be full-duplex when messages can flow in both directions
simultaneously. Full-duplex is more efficient, but requires a communication capacity of at least twice
that of half-duplex.

Components of a modem

Modem receiver
Filter and amplifier
Noise is removed from the signal and the resultant signal is then amplified.

This minimizes the effect of attenuation and delay on the various components of the
transmitted signal. A predefined modulated signal (called a training signal) is sent
down by the transmitting modem.

This retrieves the bit stream from the analog signal.

Descrambler (synchronous operation only)
This restores the data to its original serial form after it has been encoded in the
scrambler circuit to ensure that long sequences of 1s and 0s do not occur. Long
sequences of 1s and 0s are difficult to use in synchronous circuits because of the
difficulty of extracting clocking information.

Data decoder
The final bit stream is produced here in true RS-232 format.

Modem transmitter
Data encoder
This takes the serial bit stream and uses multilevel encoding (where each signal
change represents more than one bit of data) to encode the data. Depending on
the modulation technique used the bit rate can be two or four (or more) times
the baud rate.

Scrambler (synchronous operation only)
The bit stream is modified so that long sequences of 1s and 0s do not occur
(with consequent problems for the receiver not being able to extract the clock

The bit stream is converted into the appropriate analog form using the selected
modulation technique. Where initial contact is established with the receiving
modem, a carrier is put on the line initially.

This increases the level of the signal to the appropriate level for the telephone
line and matches the impedance of the line.

The RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 interface standards
RS-232, RS-422 and RS-485 form the key element in transferring digital information between the
RTUs (or operator terminals), and the modems, which convert the digital information to the appropriate
analog, form suitable for transmission over greater distances.
These standards were designed primarily to transport digital data from one point to another.
The RS-232 standard was initially designed to connect digital computer equipment to a modem where
the data would then be converted into an analog form suitable for transmission over greater distances.
The RS-422 and RS-485 standards can perform the same function but also have the ability of being able
to transfer digital data over distances of over 1200 m.

The RS-232-C interface standard for serial data communication
The RS-232 interface standard was developed for a single purpose clearly stated in its title, and
defines the interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data communications
equipment (DCE) employing serial binary data interchange.

Electrical signal characteristics
The RS-232 interface standard is designed for the connection of two devices called:
DTE data terminal equipment (e.g. a computer or printer)
A DTE device communicates with a DCE device. A DTE device transmits data on pin 2
and receives data on pin 3.
DCE data communications equipment
Also called data circuit-terminating equipment in RS-232-D/E (e.g. a computer or
modem). A DCE device transmits data between the DTE and a physical data
communications link (e.g. telephone system). A DCE device transmits data on pin 3
and receives data on pin 2.

The RS-232 standard defines twenty-five (25) electrical connections, which are each
described later. The electrical connections are divided into the four groups shown below:
Data lines
Control lines
Timing lines
Special secondary functions.

Interface mechanical characteristics
Although not specified by RS-232-C, the DB-25 connector (25-pin, D-type) has become so closely
associated with RS-232 that it is the de facto standard. The DB-9 connector de facto standard (9-
pin, D-type) is also commonly used

Functional description of the interchange circuits
The EIA circuit functions are defined, with reference to the DTE, as follows:
a. Pin 1 protective ground (shield) A connection is seldom made between the protective
ground pins at each end. Their purpose is to prevent hazardous voltages, by ensuring that
the DTE and DCE chassis are at the same potential at both ends. But, there is a danger that a
path could be established for circulating earth currents. So, usually the cable shield is
connected at one end only.
b. Pin 2 transmitted data (TXD) This line carries serial data from Pin 2 on the DTE to Pin 2 on
the DCE. The line is held at MARK (or a negative voltage) during periods of line idle.
c. Pin 3 received data (RXD) This line carries serial data from Pin 3 on the DCE to Pin 3 on the
d. Pin 4 request to send (RTS) See clear to send.
e. Pin 5 clear to send (CTS) When a half-duplex modem is receiving, the DTE keeps RTS
inhibited. When it becomes the DTEs turn to transmit, it advises the modem by asserting the
RTS pin. When the modem asserts the CTS it informs the DTE that it is now safe to send
data. The procedure is reversed when switching from transmit to receive.
f. Pin 6 data set ready (DSR) This is also called DCE ready. In the answer mode, the answer
tone and the DSR are asserted two seconds after the telephone goes off hook.
g. Pin 7 signal ground (common) This is the common return line for the data transmit and
receive signals. The connection, Pin 7 to Pin 7 between the two ends, is always made.
h. Pin 8 data carrier detect (DCD) This is also called the received line signal detector. Pin 8 is
asserted by the modem when it receives a remote carrier and remains asserted for the
duration of the link.
i. Pin 20 DTE ready (or data terminal ready) DTE ready enables, but does not cause, the
modem to switch onto the line. In originate mode, DTE ready must be asserted in order to
auto dial. In answer mode, DTE Ready must be asserted to auto answer.
j. Pin 22 ring indicator This pin is asserted during a ring on the line.
k. Pin 23 data signal rate selector (DSRS) When two data rates are possible, the higher is
selected by asserting Pin 23.

The sequence of asynchronous operation of the RS-232 interface

Asynchronous operation is arguably the more common approach when using RS-232
and will be examined in this section using the more complex half duplex data interchange. It
should be noted that the half-duplex description is given as it encompasses that of full- duplex
operation. Figure 6.13 gives a graphical description of the operation with the initiating user
terminal (or DTE) and its associated modem (or DCE) on the left of the diagram and the remote
computer and its modem on the right

Flow control

These techniques are widely used in modem communications to ensure that there will be no
overflow of data by the device receiving a stream of characters, which it is temporarily unable to
process, or store. The receiving device needs a facility (called flow control) to signal to the transmitter to
temporarily cease sending characters down the line.
There are three mechanisms of flow control described below. The first two techniques are
software based and the last, RTS/CTS, is hardware-based handshaking.
XON/XOFF signaling
When the modem decides that it has too much data arriving, it sends an XOFF character to
the connected terminal to tell it to stop transmitting characters. The need to advice the
terminal to stop transmitting characters is typically when the modem memory buffer fills up
to 66% full. This delay in transmission of characters by the terminal allows the modem to
process the data in its memory buffer. Once the data has been processed (and the memory
buffer has emptied to typically 33% full), the modem sends an XON character to the
terminal and transmission of data to the modem then resumes. XON and XOFF are two
defined ASCII characters DC1 and DC3 respectively.
The terminal sends an ENQ control character to the modem when it wants to transmit a
finite block of data. When the modem is ready to receive characters it transmits an ACK
which then allows the terminal to commence transmission of this block of data. The process
is repeated for subsequent blocks of data.
RTS/CTS signaling
This technique of hardware flow control is a simplified version of the full hardware
handshaking sequence discussed earlier. When the terminal wants to transmit data to the
modem, it asserts the request to send (RTS) line and waits for the modem to assert the clear
to send (CTS) line before transmitting. When the modem is unable to process any further
characters it switches off (or inhibits) the CTS control line. The terminal device then stops
transmitting characters until the CTS line is asserted again.

Modulation techniques
The carrier signal can be represented as a sine wave:

Amplitude modulation
The amplitude of the carrier signal is varied in correspondence with the binary stream of
data coming in. ASK or amplitude shift keying is sometimes still used for low data rates;
however, it does have problems with distinguishing the signal from noise in the
communications channel, as noise is amplitude based phenomena.

Frequency modulation (or frequency shift keying FSK)
This approach allocates different frequencies to the logic 1 and logic 0 of the binary data
messages. This is primarily used by modems operating at data rates up to 300 bits per
second (bps) in full-duplex mode and 1200 bps in half-duplex mode.

Phase Modulation(or phase shift keying (PSK))
This is the process of varying the carrier signal by phase. There are various forms of phase
modulation. In quadrature (four phases) phase shift keying (QPSK) four phase angles are
used for encoding: 0, 90, 180 and 270.

Quadrature amplitude modulation (or QAM)
Two parameters of a sinusoidal signal (amplitude and phase) can be combined to give QAM.
This allows for 4 bits to be used to encode every amplitude and phase change. Hence a
signal at 2400 baud would provide a data rate of 9600 bps. The first implementation of QAM
provided for 12 values of phase angle and 4 values of amplitude. QAM also uses two carrier
signals. The encoder operates on 4 bits for the serial data stream and causes both an in-
phase (IP) cosine carrier and a sine wave that serves as the quadrature component (QC) of
the signal to be modulated.

Trellis coding
QAM modems are susceptible to noise; hence, a new technique called trellis coding was
introduced. These allow for 9600 to 56 k bps transmission over the normal telecom lines. In
order to minimize the errors that occur when noise is evident on the line, an encoder adds a
redundant code bit to each symbol interval. For example, if the bit stream was 1011
(b4b3b2b1) it will have an additional four check bits calculated to give:
P4b4P3b3P2b2P1b1 where:
P1 = b1 XOR b0 = 1 XOR 0 = 1
P2 = b2 XOR b1 = 1 XOR 1 = 0
P3 = b3 XOR b2 = 0 XOR 1 = 1
P4 = b4 XOR b3 = 1 XOR 0 = 1
This gives a sequence of: 11100111

DFM (direct frequency modulation)
This is mentioned as a separate form of modulation for completeness. It is one method of
modulating digital information with an analog modulator. However it can be considered to
be a form of FSK. It is widely referred to in radio communications. The correct technical
name is Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK).
It is possible to directly modulate the data directly onto the radio frequency carrier. This
cannot be done within the normal telephone lines because of bandwidth limitations (3 kHz
as opposed to radio channel bandwidths of 12.5 kHz). Simple filtering of the square wave
(binary) data signal ensures that the channel spectrum is indeed limited to 12.5 kHz.

Radio modems
Modern radio modems operate in the 400 and 900 MHz band. Propagation in the 400 and 900
MHz band requires a free line of sight between transmitting and receiving antennae for reliable
communications. They can be operated in a network, but require a network management software
system (protocols) to manage the network access and error detection. Very often, a master station (with
hot changeover) communicates with multiple radio field stations. The protocol for these applications
can use a simple poll/response technique.

For the more sophisticated peer-to-peer network communications applications, a protocol based on
CSMA/CD (carrier sensing multiple access with collision detection) would be necessary. A variation on
the standard approaches is to use one of the radio modems as a network watchdog to periodically poll
all the radio modems on the network and to check their integrity. The radio modem can also be used as
a relay station to communicate to other systems, which are out of the range of the master station.
These issues are discussed in Chapter 2.8 under communication philosophies.
Typical features that have to be configured in the radio modem are:
- Transmit/receive radio channel frequency
In a point-to-point configuration typically running in a dual frequency/split channel
assignment, two radios will operate on opposing channel sets.
- Host data rate and format
Data rate/character size/parity type and number of stop bits for RS-232 communications.
- Radio channel data rate
Data rate across the radio channel. Data rate defined by the radio and the radios bandwidth
capabilities. Note that these specifications are generally set at time of manufacture.
- Minimum radio frequency signal level
This should not be set too low on the receiver otherwise noise data will be read in.
- Supervisory data channel rate
This is used for flow control hence should not be set too low otherwise the buffer on the
receiver will overflow. Typically one (1) flow control bit to thirty-two bits of serial data is a
- Transmitter key up delay
This is the time for the transmitter to energize and stabilize before useful data is sent over
the radio link. This should be kept as low as possible to minimize on overheads.

Troubleshooting the system

a. Troubleshooting the serial link
When troubleshooting a serial data communications system, a logical approach needs to
be followed to avoid wasting too much time.
A few suggestions are:
Check the basic parameters such as are the baud rate, data format and data format
correct for both communicating devices.
Identify which is the DTE and which is the DCE device and ensure that the transmit pin is
connected to the receiver pin at the other end.
Clarify what is happening with the hardware handshaking.
Examine the protocol being used if the first few suggestions above do not help.

The following three useful devices can be used to assist in analyzing the problem:
Digital multimeter
Breakout box
Protocol analyzer (PC based is a useful solution)

b. The breakout box
The breakout box is an inexpensive tool that provides most of the information necessary
to identify and fix problems on data communications circuits, such as the serial RS-232,
RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, etc interfaces and also on parallel interfaces.
A breakout box is connected into the data cable, to bring out all 25 (or 9, 37, 50, etc)
conductors in the cable to accessible test points.
The 25 test points can be monitored by LEDs, a simple digital multimeter, an
oscilloscope, or a protocol analyzer. In addition, a switch in each line can be opened or
closed while trying to identify where the problem is.

c. Protocol analyzer
A protocol analyzer is used to display the actual bits on the data line, as well as the ASCII
control codes, such as XON, XOFF, LF, CR, etc. The protocol analyzer can be used to
monitor the data bits as they are sent down the line and compared with what should be
on the line.
When the problem has been shown not to be due to the connections, baud rate, bits or
parity, then the content of the message will have to be analyzed for errors or
inconsistencies. Protocol analyzers can quickly identify these problems.

d. Troubleshooting the modem
There are various tests open to troubleshooting a modem to identify any problems with
the operation of it.
The first test is the self-test one where the modem connects its transmitter to its
receiver. The second set of tests is the loop back tests. There are four forms of loop back
Local digital loop (to test the terminal or computer and connecting RS-232 line)
Local analog loop (to test the modems modulator and demodulator circuitry)
Remote analog loop (to test the connecting cable and local modem)
Remote digital loop (to test the local and remote modem and connecting cable)
The figure below gives a diagrammatic example of each approach.

Selection considerations
There are a number of features one has to consider in selecting a modem for an industrial or
telemetry application. A few of the most important items are listed below.
Automatic smart features
Most asynchronous modems are compatible with the Hayes AT command set, which automates
most modem features.
Data rate
This is normally the first feature examined.
Asynchronous/synchronous modes
The ability to switch between both modes allows more flexibility for future applications.
Transmission modes
The most efficient method of data transfer is full-duplex.
Modulation techniques
The two most popular modulation techniques are V.22 bis which supports 1200 and
2400 bps transmission and V.32 bis the other almost universal transmission capability
(which has V.22 bis as a subset).
Data compression techniques
There are four main compression standards used today (mainly for telecom switched
MNP class 5 (the most popular)
MNP class 7 (compatible with MNP 5)
CCITT V.42bis (arguably becoming the most popular)
Error correction/detection
The most popular error detection and correction mechanism is MNP-4.
Flow control

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