Flip Flop Experiment
Flip Flop Experiment
Flip Flop Experiment
1. SR Flip-flop
Truth table: -
Inputs Output
0 X X X X No change
1 0 0 X X No change
1 0 1 0 1 Reset
1 1 0 1 0 Set
1 1 1 1 1 Invalid
2. D Flip-flop
Truth table:
Inputs Output
0 X X No change
1 0 0 Reset
1 1 1 Set
3. JK Flip-Flop
Truth table: -
Inputs Output
0 X X X X No change
1 0 0 X X No change
1 0 1 0 1 Reset
1 1 0 1 0 Set
1 1 1 1 1 Toggle
Observation Table:
1. SR Flip-flop
Inputs Q (Output) Q
LED Logic LED Logic
State Level State Level
0 X X
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
2. D FF
Inputs Q (Output)
CLK D LED State Logic Level
0 X
1 0
1 1
3. J-K Flip-flop
Inputs Q (Output) Q
LED Logic LED Logic
State Level State Level
0 X X
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
A flip-flop is a bi-stable electronic circuit. Flip-flop has 2 stable output states,0 and 1.
The stable state of a flip-flop can be changed only by changing the set of its inputs.
R-S Flip-flop: is basically a device that has 2 inputs along with the clock and 2 outputs, one output
being the complement of the other. 2 inputs are called Set and Reset.
The clocked RS flip flop has additional input called clock which control the action of flip-flop.
When clock goes low, we get a stable output. Circuit will operate as an RS flip-flop only when clock
goes high.
Case1: When S=0,R=0; clock pulse have no effect. Output Q retains its last value.
So No change in the output..
Case 2: When S=0 and R=1;
Q=0 and Q=1... Hence flip-flop is in Reset condition.
Case 3: When S=1 and R=0
Q=1 and Q=0...Hence flip-flop is in Set condition.
Case 4: When S=R=1,outputs of NAND gates A and B are 0.So both gates C and D receive one input as
0.Hence their outputs go to 1 .
Thus Q=Q=1, which is not possible as Q and Q should be complementary. This is not allowed condition
D Flip Flop:-
The D Flip-Flop is very useful when a signal bit is to be stored. It can be developed from RS flip –flop
using a signal inverter.
The flip flop has a1 i/p & a clock.
Case1: When D=0 S=0, R=1
Q=0. The flip-flop is in Reset state.
Case 2: When D=1 S=1, R=0
So Q=1 hence flip-flop is in Set state.
Q will always follow D input after some time delay. Hence it is also called as Delay flip-flop.
J-K flip-flop:-
In JK flip-flop, output Q is fed as an additional input to gate A and Q is fed as an additional input to
gate B apart from JK inputs and clock.
Case 1: When J & K both are low both the NAND gate are disabled, c/k pulse have no effect. The o/p
of Q retains its last value i.e. No change in the outputs
Case 2: If ‘J’ is low & ’K ’is high the upper gate is disabled.
So flip-flop is in Reset condition.
When J is high & K is low,
Q=1 and Q-0 i.e. flip-flop is in Set state.
Case 4: When J & K is high, Q and Q are inverted. This is called as toggling mode.
That means the flip flop will toggle.
Assignment Evaluation
0: Not Done [ ] 1: Incomplete [ ] 2:Late Complete [ ]
Signature of Instructor