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Concurrent Audit Process

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भारतीय �रजवर् ब�क

______________________RESERVE BANK OF INDIA_________________

DBS.CO.ARS.No. BC. 2/08.91.021/2015-16 July 16, 2015

The Chairman & Managing Director/

Chief Executive Officers of
all Scheduled Commercial Banks
(other than Regional Rural Banks)

Dear Sir

Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks - Revision of RBI's Guidelines

As you are aware, guidelines on 'concurrent audit system in commercial banks' were
issued by us vide our circular DOS.No.BC.16/08.91.021/96 dated August 14, 1996
setting out the scope and coverage of concurrent audit system in commercial banks.

In view of the changes since then in banks’ organizational structure, business models,
use of technology (implementation of Core Banking Solution), etc., a need was felt to
have a relook at the concurrent audit system in the banking sector. Accordingly, the
existing guidelines have been revised which are set out in Annex I.

2. Since the concurrent audit system is regarded as part of a bank's early warning
system to ensure timely detection of irregularities and lapses, which also helps in
preventing fraudulent transactions at branches, the bank's management may continue
to bestow serious attention to the implementation of various aspects of the system such
as selection of branches/coverage of business operations, appointment of auditors,
appropriate reporting procedures, follow-up/rectification processes and utilization of the
feedback from the system for appropriate and quick management decisions.

ब��कग पयर्वेक्षण िवभाग, क� �ीय कायार्लय, िव� �ापार क� �, कफ परे ड, मुंबई -400005
Department of Banking Supervision, Central Office, World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400005
3. You may ensure that, based on the revised guidelines indicated in Annex I, a
review of the present system of concurrent audit is carried out immediately and
necessary changes are incorporated therein. The modified concurrent audit system of
your bank should be placed before the Audit Committee of Board of Directors (ACB).

4. The bank should, once in a year, review the effectiveness of the system and
take necessary measures to correct the lacunae in the implementation of the

Yours faithfully


(Indrani Banerjee)
Chief General Manager

Encl: As above
Annex - I

Revised Guidelines for Concurrent Audit System in Commercial Banks

(A) Scope of concurrent audit

Concurrent audit is an examination which is contemporaneous with the occurrence

of transactions or is carried out as near thereto as possible. It attempts to shorten
the interval between a transaction and its examination by an independent person.
There is an emphasis in favour of substantive checking in key areas rather than
test checking. This audit is essentially a management process integral to the
establishment of sound internal accounting functions and effective controls and
setting the tone for a vigilant internal audit to preclude the incidence of serious
errors and fraudulent manipulations.

A concurrent auditor may not sit in judgement of the decisions taken by a branch
manager or an authorised official. This is beyond the scope of concurrent audit.
However, the audit will necessarily have to see whether the transactions or
decisions are within the policy parameters laid down by the Head Office, they do
not violate the instructions or policy prescriptions of the RBI, and that they are
within the delegated authority.

In very large branches, which have different divisions dealing with specific
activities, concurrent audit is a means to the in-charge of the branch to ensure on
an ongoing basis that the different divisions function within laid down parameters
and procedures.

(B) Coverage of business/branches

In view of significant developments in the banking sector during the past decade, it
is required that new areas posing risk may be brought under the purview of
concurrent audit. A large number of activities / operations are being carried out in a
centralized manner at various units set up for that purpose and the scale of
transactions / operations undertaken at these units is large. With a view to ensuring
that the functioning of these units is as per the internal as well as regulatory
guidelines and mitigating the risk associated with large-scale operations, such non-
branch units may be brought under the purview of concurrent audit.
While selecting the branches for concurrent Audit, the risk profile of the branches
needs to be considered. The branches with high risk are to be subjected to
concurrent audit irrespective of their business size. Further, all specialized
branches viz., Agri, SME, Corporate, Retail Assets, Portfolio Management,
Treasury, Forex, Back Office, etc., may be covered under concurrent audit. Certain
areas where risk has reduced on account of computerization, implementation of
core banking system may be excluded from the purview of concurrent audit.

Concurrent audit at branches should cover at least 50% of the advances and 50%
of deposits of a bank. The following branches, business activities/verticals of a
bank may be subject to concurrent audit:

i. Branches rated as high risk or above in the last Risk Based Internal Audit
(RBIA) or serious deficiencies found in Internal Audit.
ii. All specialized branches like Large Corporate, Mid Corporate, exceptionally
large/very large branches (ELBs/VLBs), SME.
iii. All Centralised Processing Units like Loan Processing Units (LPUs), service
branches, centralized account opening divisions, etc.
iv. Any specialized activities such as wealth management, portfolio management
services, Card Products Division, etc.
v. Data Centres.
vi. Treasury/branches handling foreign exchange business, investment banking,
etc. and bigger overseas branches.
vii. Critical Head Office Departments.
viii. Any other branches or departments where, in the opinion of the bank,
concurrent audit is desirable.

(C) Types of activities to be covered

(1) The main role of concurrent audit is to supplement the efforts of the bank in
carrying out simultaneous internal check of the transactions and other verifications
and compliance with the procedures laid down.

(2) The scope of concurrent audit should be wide enough/focused to cover

certain fraud - prone areas such as handling of cash, deposits, advances, foreign
exchange business, off-balance sheet items, credit-card business, internet banking,

(3) The detailed scope of the concurrent audit should be clearly and uniformly
determined for the bank as a whole by the bank's Inspection and Audit Department
in consultation with the bank's Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (ACB).

(4) In determining the scope, importance should be given to checking high-risk

transactions having large financial implications as opposed to transactions
involving small amounts.

(5) While the detailed scope of concurrent audit may be determined and
approved by ACB, certain minimum items of coverage are given in Annex II. In
addition to the above, the items where RBI has specifically advised the banks to be
covered under concurrent audit, may also be part of the checklist of the concurrent

(D) Appointment of Auditors and Accountability

(i) The option to consider whether concurrent audit should be done by bank's own
staff or external auditors (which may include retired staff of its own bank) is left to
the discretion of individual banks.

(ii) In case the bank has engaged its own officials, they should be experienced,
well trained and sufficiently senior. The staff engaged in concurrent audit must be
independent of the Branch where concurrent audit is conducted.

(iii) Appointment of an external audit firm may be initially for one year and
extended upto three years, after which an auditor could be shifted to another
branch subject to satisfactory performance.

(iv) If external firms are appointed and any serious acts of omission or commission
are noticed in their working, their appointments may be cancelled and the fact may
be reported to RBI & ICAI.
(E) Facilities for effective Concurrent Audit

It has been represented that concurrent audit is not often effective because
adequate facilities in terms of space, availability of records, etc. are not available.
To improve the effectiveness of concurrent audit it is suggested that -

(i) banks arrange for an initial and periodical familiarisation process both for
the bank's own staff when entrusted with the concurrent audit and for the
external auditors appointed for the purpose.

(ii) all relevant internal guidelines/circulars/important references as well as

relevant circulars issued by RBI/SEBI and other regulating bodies should be
made available to the concurrent auditors on an on-going basis.

(iii) where adequate space is not available, concurrent auditors can

commence work immediately after the close of banking hours.

(F) Remuneration

Terms of appointment of the external firms of Chartered Accountants for the

concurrent audit and their remuneration may be fixed by banks at their discretion.
Broad guidelines should be framed by ACB for this purpose. Suitable packages
should be fixed by each bank's management in consultation with its ACB, keeping
in view various factors such as coverage of areas, quality of work expected,
number of people required for the job, number of hours to be spent on the job, etc.

(G) Reporting Systems

(i) The bank may devise a reporting system and periodicity of various check list
items as per its sensitivity.

(ii) Minor irregularities pointed out by the concurrent auditors are to be rectified on
the spot. Serious irregularities should be straightaway reported to the Controlling
Offices/Head Offices for immediate action.

(iii) There should be zone/area-wise reporting of the findings of the concurrent

audit to ACB and an annual appraisal/report of the audit system should be placed
before the ACB.
(iv) Whenever fraudulent transactions are detected, they should immediately be
reported to Inspection & Audit Department (Head Office) as also to the Chief
Vigilance Officer as well as Branch Managers concerned (unless the branch
manager is involved).

(v) There should be proper reporting of the findings of the concurrent auditors.
For this purpose, each bank should prepare a structured format. The major
deficiencies/aberrations noticed during audit should be highlighted in a special note
and given immediately to the bank's branch controlling offices. A quarterly review
containing important features brought out during concurrent audits should be
placed before the ACB.

(vi) Follow-up action on the concurrent audit reports should be given high priority
by the Controlling Office/Inspection and Audit Department and rectification of the
features done without any loss of time.

(vii) Banks are advised to :

(1) review the selection of auditors.

(2) initiate and operate a system for appraisal of the performance of

concurrent auditors.

(3) ensure that the work of concurrent auditors is properly documented.

(4) be responsible for the follow-up on audit reports and the presentation of
the quarterly review to the ACB.


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