Audit of Bank of Baroda
Audit of Bank of Baroda
Audit of Bank of Baroda
The term audit is derived from the Latin term audire, which means to hear. In
early days an auditor used to listen to the accounts read over by an accountant in
order to check them Auditing is as old as accounting. It was in use in all ancient
countries such as Mesopotamia, Greece, Egypt. Rome, U.K. and India. The Vedas
contain reference to accounts and auditing. Arthasashthra by Kautilya detailed
rules for accounting and auditing of public finances.
A banking companies are requires maintaining the books of account in accordance
with section 209 of the companies act, 1956. Banking generally a sound internal
control system their day to day transaction. The auditor has to evaluate such system
carefully. The fundamental requirement of an audit, as regards reporting on
statement of account can be discharged from the examination of the internal
checked and verification of assets and liabilities by making a comparison and
reconciliation of balance with those in the year and that of amount of income and
expenses by application of test checks.
The banking regulation act casts greater responsibilities on the directors of banks
as compared to those of other companies in the matter of supervision over their
working. Therefore, they exercise, or are expected to exercise greater supervision
over the affairs of bank. The auditor is entities to rely on such supervision and to
limit his checking to test checks.
Economic decisions in every society must be based upon the information available
at the time the decision is made. For example, the decision of a bank to make a
loan to a business is based upon previous financial relationships with that business,
the financial condition of the company as reflected by its financial statements and
other factors. If decisions are to be consistent with the intention of the decision
makers, the information used in the decision process must be reliable.
Unreliable information can cause inefficient use of resources to the detriment of
the society and to the decision makers themselves. In the lending decision
example, assume that the barfly makes the loan on the basis of misleading financial
statements and the borrower Company is ultimately unable to repay. As a result the
bank has lost both the principal and the interest. In addition, another company that
could have used the funds effectively was deprived of the money.
As society become more complex, there is an increased likelihood that unreliable
information will be provided to decision makers. There are several reasons for this:
remoteness of information, voluminous data and the existence of complex
exchange transactions
Audit is a systematic and scientific examination of the books of accounts of
a business;
Audit is undertaken by an independent person or body of persons who are
duly qualified for the job.
Audit is a verification of the results shown by the profit and loss account and
the state of affairs as shown by the balance sheet.
Audit is a critical review of the system of accounting and internal control.
Audit is done with the help of vouchers, documents, information and
explanations received from the authorities.
The auditor has to satisfy himself with the authenticity of the financial
statements and report that they exhibit a true and fair view of the state of
affairs of the concern.
The auditor has to inspect, compare, check, review, scrutinize the vouchers
supporting the transactions and examine correspondence, minute books of
share holders, directors, Memorandum of Association and Articles of
association etc., in order to establish correctness of the books of accounts.
1. An auditor cannot check each and every transaction he has to check only the
selected areas and transaction on a sample basis.
4. Audit cannot assure the users of account about the future profitability,
prospects or the efficiency of the management.
5. An auditor has to rely upon expert auditor may have to rely on expert in
related field such as lawyers, engineers, values etc. for estimating contingent
liabilities, valuation of fixed assets etc.
System audit:
In todays technological advancements, banking companies are using a wellorganized computer system to perform their transactions. So, it is very necessary to
conduct system audit in order to evaluate the computer system for effectiveness.
System audit is the audit of such computer environment/system and comprises the
following internal controls over EDP activities and with application controls
specific control procedures over accounting applications/assuring that all
transaction are recorded and authorized and completely, accurately, timely
processed manner which in turn are verified by computer
Revenue audit:
Revenue audit refers to the audit of revenues/ incomes. In revenue audit of banking
companies, auditors go through the various sources of revenues from which bank
earn income. In revenue audit of banks, the auditor inspects that all the records are
showing true and fair picture of revenues or not.
In 1908, Maharaja Sayajirao Gaekwad III Maratha of the Maratha Empire set up
the Bank of Baroda (BoB). Two years later, BoB established its first branch
in Ahmedabad. The bank grew domestically, until after World War II. Then in 1953
it crossed the Indian Ocean to serve the communities of Indians in
Kenya and Indians
Uganda by
In 1972, BoB acquired Bank of Indias operations in Uganda. Two years later, BoB
opened a branch each in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.
Back in India, in 1975, BoB acquired the majority shareholding and management
control of Bareilly Corporation Bank (est. 1928) and Nainital Bank (est. in 1954),
in Uttar
to Uttarakhand state.
2004: BoB acquired the failed Gujarat Local Area Bank, and returned
to Tanzania by establishing a subsidiary in Dar-es-Salaam. BoB also opened a
representative office each in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and Guangdong, China.
2005: BoB built a Global Data Centre (DC) in Mumbai for running its centralized
banking solution (CBS) and other applications in more than 1,900 branches across
India and 20 other counties where the bank operates. BoB also opened a
representative office in Thailand.
2008: BoB opened a branch in Guangzhou, China (02/08/2008) and in Kenton,
Harrow United Kingdom. BoB opened a joint venture life insurance company
with Andhra Bank and Legal and General (UK) called IndiaFirst Life Insurance
In 2010, Malaysia awarded a commercial banking license to a locally incorporated
bank to be jointly owned by Bank of Baroda, Indian Overseas Bank and Andhra
Bank. That same year, BoB also opened a branch in New Zealand.
In 2011, BoB opened an Electronic Banking Service Unit (EBSU) was opened at
Hamriya Free Zone, Sharjah (UAE). It also opened four new branches in existing
operations in Uganda, Kenya (2), and Guyana. BoB closed its representative office
in Malaysia in anticipation of the opening of its consortium bank there. BoB
The Bank aspires to regain the leadership spot in the public sector banking,
deploying the most modern technology and pursuing global best practices for
affording world-class banking experience and best value to its customers. Towards
this, the Bank seeks to: Double its global business size (deposits + advances)
within the next 2-3years Acquire at least 2 million customers every year.
A K Gupta
Ajay Mathur
General Manager
Alok Nigam
Animesh Chauhan
General Manager
Arun Shrivastava
General Manager
Arun Tiwari
General Manager
B B Garg
General Manager
B Elango
C D Kalkar
General Manager
Cyril Patro
General Manager
D K Garg
General Manager
J D Parmar
General Manager
J Ramesh
General Manager
K K Shukla
General Manager
K N Manvi
General Manager
K P Kharat
General Manager
General Manager
M D Mallya
D. Expecting for cash transactions, always two vouchers are prepared for each
transaction, one for debit and the other for credit. This system ensures double
entry at the basic level and obviates the possibility of errors in posting.
B. Demand drafts, telegraphic and mail transfers received from branches and
C. Letters of credit.
D. Letter of guarantee.
1.Departmental journals:
Each department of bank maintains a journal to note the transfer entries passed
by it. These journals are memoranda book only, as all the entries made there
are also made in the daybook, through voucher summary sheets. The purpose is
to maintain a record of all transfer entries originated by each department.
Other memoranda books:
Besides the book mentioned above, various departments of a bank have to
mention a number of memoranda books to facilitate their work. Some of the
important books are described below:
slips or other similar documents. The cashier makes entry in his book, which is
check by the chief cashier
Outward clearings:
A person checks the vouchers and list with the clearing cheques received books.
The voucher are then sent to appropriate departments, where customers account are
immediately credited. Normally no drawings are allowed against clearing cheques
deposited the same day but exceptions are often made by the manager in the case
of established customer.
The following particulars have to be given in respect of share capital in the balance
For nationalized banks
The capital owned by central government as on the date of balance sheet including
contribution from government, if any, for participation in world bank project
should be shown.
For banks incorporated outside India
Capital (the amount brought in by banks by way of start up capital as prescribed by
RBI shown under this head)
Amount of deposit kept with RBI under section 11(2) of the banking regulation act,
For other banks
The auditor should verify the opening balance of capital with reference to the
audited balance sheet of the previous year. In case there has been increase in
capital during the year, the auditor should examine the relevant documents
supporting the increase. For example, in case of an increase an authorized capital
of a banking company, the auditor should examine the special resolution of
shareholders and the memorandum of association. An increase in subscribed and
paid-up capital of a banking company, on the other hand, should be verified with
reference to prospectus/ other offer document, reports received from registers to
the issue, bank statement, etc.
2) Reserves and surplus:
The following are required to be disclosed in the balance sheet under the head
Reserves and Surplus.
a) Statutory reserves.
b) Capital reserves.
c) Share premium.
d) Revenue and other reserves.
e) Balance in profit and loss account.
The auditor should verify the opening balances of various reserves with reference
to the audited balance sheet of the previous year. Addition to or deductions from
reserves should also be verified in the usual manner, e.g. with reference to board
resolution. In the case of statutory reserves and share premium, compliance with
legal requirements should also be examined.
3) Deposits:
Deposits are required to be classified in the balance sheet under the following
A. I. Demand Deposits
from banks
from others
Term Deposits
From banks.
From Others.
The third schedule to the banking Regulation act, 1949, requires disclosure of the
following items under the head other liabilities and provision
Bills payable
Inter office adjustments.
Interest accrued
The auditor may verify the various items under the head other liabilities and
provision in the following manner.
Bills payable
Bills payable represent instrument issued by the ranch against money received
from customers, which are to be paid to the customers or as per his order. These
include Demand Draft, Telegraphic Transfer, and Mail transfer and Mail Transfer,
Traveller cheques, Pay order, Banker cheques, and similar instrument issued by the
bank but not presented for payment until the balance sheet date.
Inter office adjustment:
The balanced in inter office adjustment account, if in credit, is to be shown under
this head.
Interest accrued:
Interest accrued but not due on deposit is to be shown and borrowing is to shown
under this head. The auditor should examine this with reference to terms of various
type of deposits and borrowings. It should be specially examined that such interest
has not been clubbed with the deposits and borrowing shown under the deposits
and borrowing.
Cash, bank balanced and money at call and short notice:
The third schedule to the Banking Regulation act, 1949, requires following
disclosure to the be made in the made in the balance sheet regarding cash, balances
with Reserve Bank of India., balance with other bank, and money at call and short
Cash and balance with Reserve Bank of India.
I. Cash in hand (including foreign currency notes)
II. Balance with Reserve Bank of India
f) In current account
g) In other account
Balanced with banks money at call and short notice
I. In India
In carrying out of audit of advances, the auditor of advances, the auditor is
primarily concerned with obtaining evidence about following
a) Amount included in balance sheet in respect of advances are outstanding at
the date of balance sheet.
b) Advances represent amount due to the bank.
c) There are no unrecorded advances.
d) The stated basis of valuation of advances is appropriate and properly
applied, and that the recoverability of advances is recognized in their
3.96 per cent of deposits, 1.14 per cent of interest income and 3.60 per cent of
interest expenses.
Auditors Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on
our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing
issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those standards require
that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material
misstatements. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence
about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgment, including the
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor
considers internal control relevant to the Banks preparation and fair presentation
of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate
in the circumstances.
The Balance Sheet, read with the notes thereon is a full and fair Balance Sheet
containing all the necessary particulars, is properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true
and fair view of state of affairs of the Bank as at March 31, 2012 in conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted in India; The Profit and Loss
Account, read with the notes thereon shows a true balance of profit, in conformity
with accounting principles generally accepted in India, for the year covered by the
account; and The Cash Flow Statement gives a true and fair view of the cash flows
for the year ended on that date.
notice have been within the powers of the Bank; and iii The returns received from
the offices and branches of the Bank have been found adequate for the purposes of
our audit. 10 In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account andCash
Flow Statement comply with the applicable accounting standards.
The project the position of Indian banking system as well as the principal laid
down by the Basel Committee on banking supervision. This assessment was done
in seven major areas, which are core principals, concurrent audit, internal audit,
deposit, loan accounting and transparency and foreign exchange transaction. The
project concluded that, given the complexity and development of Indian banking
sector, the overall level of compliances with the standards and codes is of high
order. This project gives the correct ideas about how the major areas can be found
by way of effective auditing system i.e. errors, frauds, manipulations etc. form this
auditor get the clear ideas how to recommend on the banks position. Project also
contain that how to conduct of audit of the banks, what are the various procedure
through which audit of banks should be done. Form auditing point of view, there is
proper follow up of work done in every organization whether it is banking
company or any other company or any other company there no misconduct of
transactions is taken places for that purpose the auditing is very important aspect in
todays scenario form company and point of view.
Advanced Auditing- Ainapure