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Risus Cheat Sheet v1.0

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Risus Cheat Sheet v1.

0 by /u/hbCyber 1
1- Character Creation 3- Conflict Resolution
1- Distribute 10 six-sided dice (10d6), assigning them to clichés you choose. 3.1- Target Number A player attempts to achieve a non-trivial goal without being actively opposed.
• Each cliché should infer some ability(ies) or talent(s) that could be useful during play. 1- Player chooses appropriate cliché to apply to conflict and narrates its use.
• One cliché should be considered the "primary cliché" which most clearly expresses the character's identity. 2- Player rolls a number of six-sided dice based on the cliché's level, e.g. LVL 3 → 3d6.
• The number of dice assigned represents the cliché's level, e.g. a cliché with 3 dice assigned is LVL 3. • This roll takes prior combat damage into account. If cliché's "Tools of the Trade" are damaged/unavailable:
• Clichés cannot be higher than LVL 4 at creation, meaning you may assign between 1 and 4 dice at most. • The cliché might not be usable at all, or hindered instead. If hindered: roll half the dice, rounded up.
• Clichés are written with their level between parentheses, e.g. Cliché (4).
Advanced Option: Lucky Shots
2- For each cliché, you can choose to define equipment, i.e. "Tools of the Trade", associated with it. • On any single cliché dice roll, 1 Lucky Shot charge can be spent at most to add 1 extra die to the roll.
• The state of that equipment may dictate if the cliché can be used or is hindered during play.
• For example, a Barbarian cliché could come with a sword which, if broken, will reduce combat prowess. 3- Player is successful if the total rolled is greater or equal to the target number set by GM.

Advanced Option: Lucky Shots 3.1.1- Targets & Player Success Probability Table Note: percentages are rounded. N/A means impossible.
• Instead of allocating all dice to clichés, can allocate dice to buy 3 "Lucky Shots" charges per die. Suggested Targets ↓ 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 ← Player
• On any single cliché dice roll, 1 Lucky Shot charge can be spent at most to add 1 extra die to the roll. Easy 5 33% 83% 98% 100% 100% 100%
• All Lucky Shot charges are restored/reset between game sessions. Medium 10 N/A 17% 63% 90% 98% 100%
Hard 15 N/A N/A 9% 44% 78% 94%
Advanced Option: Hooks & Tales Formidable 20 N/A N/A N/A 5% 31% 64%
• Can earn 1 extra cliché die to allocate if character has a major flaw, a.k.a. "Hook". Godly 30 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0% 2%
• Can earn 1 extra cliché die to allocate if character has a defined background/story, a.k.a. "Tale".
3.2- Single Action Conflict A player is being actively opposed on a conflict to be resolved in a single roll.
Advanced Option: Pumps 1- Participants choose 1 cliché each to apply to conflict, and narrate how they are applied.
• The pump mechanic allows players to roll more dice than the cliché's level, but incur damage after. • If a participant has no applicable clichés, he/she can use a temporary "brevet" LVL 2 cliché for the conflict.
• Can allocate dice to "double pump" clichés which cost twice as much, e.g. 8 dice for LVL 4 cliché. • If this is applied, the opponent also an extra +2 dice for his/her cliché (unless it's also temporary).
• Such "double pump" clichés are written with their level between square brackets, e.g. Cliché [4].
• If a player pumps a "double pump" cliché: receives 2x bonus dice, but damage penalty remains 1x. 2- Participants roll a number of six-sided dice based on their cliché's level, e.g. LVL 3 → 3d6.
• This roll takes prior combat damage into account. If cliché's "Tools of the Trade" are damaged/unavailable:
2- Character Advancement (Advanced Option) • The cliché might not be usable at all, or hindered instead. If hindered: roll half the dice, rounded up.
• Characters may level up upon the following triggers:
• At the end of an adventure, i.e. whole party advances. Advanced Option: Lucky Shots
• At GM's discretion for a specific player, a.k.a. a midgame leap, if he/she did something really impressive. • On any single cliché dice roll, 1 Lucky Shot charge can be spent at most to add 1 extra die to the roll.

• For each cliché that was challenged via any type of conflict during the course of play: 3- Highest roll wins. A tie implies that no participant has succeeded.
1- Player rolls a number of six-sided dice based on the cliché's level, e.g. LVL 3 → 3d6.
• This roll ignores any damage applied to the cliché. All of the cliché's dice are rolled. 3.2.1- Player Success Probability Table Note: percentages are rounded. N/A means impossible.
Player ↓ 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 ← Opponent
2- If all numbers rolled are even, the player has earned +1 die to allocate as per 1 option below: 1d6 42% 9% 1% 0% 0% N/A
A- The earned die is permanently allocated to the cliché, up to a maximum of 6 dice assigned total. 2d6 84% 44% 15% 4% 1% 0%
B- The earned die is permanently allocated to a new cliché that has been approved by the GM. 3d6 97% 78% 45% 19% 6% 1%
• If this option is used, all dice earned in advancement must be allocated to that new cliché. 4d6 100% 94% 74% 46% 22% 8%
5d6 100% 99% 91% 72% 46% 24%
Long haul variant: Each player only rolls 1 cliché he/she chooses instead, whether challenged or not. X 6d6 100% 100% 98% 88% 70% 47%
Risus Cheat Sheet v1.0 by /u/hbCyber 2
3- Conflict Resolution (Continued)
3.3- Combat System When 2 parties actively oppose each other in a conflict to be resolved through multiple rolls, including physical combat, arguments, seduction, contests, etc.
3.3.1- Start Of Combat 3.3.4- Teaming Up
• Based on who started the conflict, and therefore the type of conflict to resolve, the GM will: Grunt Squads
• Determine which clichés are considered appropriate for this type of conflict. • When a group of NPC units of the same type are better represented as a single unit, e.g. a horde of 700 rats.
• Determine which clichés are considered inappropriate, i.e. don't intuitively make sense to use. • A grunt squad is represented by the same cliché as the unit it represents, with a higher LVL at GM's discretion.
• When a grunt squad is entirely defeated, at least 1 unit will remain to suffer the fate dictated by the winners.
• If 1 or more participants have no applicable clichés, they can use a temporary "brevet" LVL 2 cliché for the conflict.
• If this is applied, those with applicable clichés get an extra +2 dice per applicable cliché for the conflict. Character Teams Formation Players and NPCs can team up as a single unit before combat or in-between turns.
3.3.2- During Combat 1- Each team member selects 1 cliché that they will contribute to the team.
• Parties alternate turns until the end. For the players, the turns go around the table. On each turn: 2- The character with the highest LVL cliché contributed to the team becomes the leader.
1- Participant describes offensive action made with 1 of the character's cliché, targeting 1 specific foe. • The leader will be in charge of deciding what to do on the team's turns.
2- The defender (target of the attack) chooses a cliché to defend with. • If there is a tie, the team must specifically designate who will be the leader.
3- Attacker and defender both roll their cliché dice, taking previous damage incurred into account. Team Rolls When the team rolls on its turn, rules are applied with the following differences.
Advanced Option: Lucky Shots • The leader rolls his/her cliché. Teammates roll their own clichés, contributing any 6 rolled to the leader's total.
• On any single cliché dice roll, 1 Lucky Shot charge can be spent at most to add 1 extra die to the roll. • If used in this game, advanced options (Lucky Shots, Pumps) can be applied by any/all members during this roll.

Advanced Option: Pumps Note: Cannot be used with temporary "brevet" clichés. Successful Rolls When the team succeeds its roll, rules are applied with the following differences.
• Can choose to roll [1..N] bonus dice, but lose the same number of dice as damage after the roll. • On a successful roll: the team can only impose 3-dice damage if all of its contributed clichés are inappropriate.
• If using a "double pump" cliché: player gets 2x bonus dice to roll, but damage penalty remains 1x. Failed Rolls When the team loses its roll, rules are applied with the following differences.
• If both rolls are tied, nothing happens. No damage is applied on either side. • On a failed roll: any team member, including the leader, can volunteer to receive the combat damage.
• Otherwise, the character with the highest roll damages the other participant. • If someone from the team volunteers:
• The damaged character's cliché loses a number of dice based on the opponent's cliché. • His/her contributed cliché takes 2x damage, i.e. loses 2 dice instead of 1, or 6 dice instead of 3.
• If opponent's cliché was appropriate: the damaged character's cliché loses 1 die. • On the team's next attack, the leader may use a vengeance roll and use 2x the amount of cliché dice.
• If opponent's cliché was inappropriate: the damaged character's cliché loses 3 dice.
• If the damaged cliché was reduced to 0 dice, the character is defeated. • If no one volunteers: the leader designates someone to incur regular damage to the contributed cliché.
• This applies even if the character has other clichés with remaining dice. • A character may be defeated this way, but the team lives on until all of its members are defeated.
• If the leader is defeated this way upon volunteering for damage, and the rest of the team reforms instantly:
3.3.3- End Of Combat • On the team's next attack, the new leader may use a vengeance roll and use 2x the amount of cliché dice.
• Once all characters of a party are defeated, the other party wins. The following applies:
• The winners decide the fate of the losers. Drop-Outs Individuals can choose to drop out of a team at any time in-between turns.
• The GM determines the rate at which dice lost through combat damage are regained. • The character's contributed cliché is reduced to 0 dice immediately, and therefore becomes defeated.
• The GM could also impose 1 or more conditions that must be met before such dice are regained. Leader Removed When the leader is removed from the team through defeat or by dropping out.
• The team is instantly disbanded. Apply effects from Disbanding below.
• The rest of the team can choose to reform as a new team instantly, if desired. Disbanding Teams can voluntarily disband in-between turns, or due to combat rules.
X • Each member's contributed cliché loses 1 die. It is possible that characters become defeated this way.

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