Edu 201 Lesson Plan
Edu 201 Lesson Plan
Edu 201 Lesson Plan
Jasmin Senn
EDU 201
5 November 2018
Dr. Ce Isbell
I. Describe the Class
The class is a college EDU201 course that consists of 25 students. Within this class, there are
two students with learning disabilities, five second language learners, and two gifted students.
The class is laid out in rows, containing a total of 30 desks. This is so the students can work
II. Subject/Skill:
The subject is EDU 201 – Introduction to Early Elementary. Within this course, students will
master skills and grasp concepts needed to prepare them for their future career as a teacher. The
lesson being introduced covers multicultural education, instructional materials, and strategies.
III. Objective(s)
Students will learn what multicultural education is, as well as the instructional materials and
strategies used in the classroom by completing several activities to demonstrate 80% mastery of
Students will be provided with an overview of the entire lesson. A visual lesson schedule will be
posted on the board listing the sections that will be covered in the lesson starting with learning
objectives to the final assessment (e.g., I. Objective, II. Introducing Topic, III. Vocabulary).
2. Review Prerequisites:
Prerequisites will be posted on the board as well, providing information on what students should
already know to be successful in this lesson. The listed prerequisites state that the students
should have a clear understanding of I. How to use ABCD cards for participation, II. How to
effectively memorize information and take notes that will lead to mastery in the final assessment,
3. Modeling:
The teacher (myself) will demonstrate and explain this lesson by using a slide show and will
require participation from the students throughout the lesson (ABCD answer cards).
After introducing the topic and learning objective, the teacher (myself) will go into vocabulary.
Once the vocabulary section is fully covered, any questions will be answered and students will
vocabulary terms, one or two quick check assessments will be incorporated in between to check
for understanding. The assessments will contain 2-4 questions to make students are
All students will engage in two quick check assessments throughout the lesson. As stated above,
the first quick check assessment will be assigned to check understanding of vocabulary. From
there, the teacher (myself) will continue with the lesson and cover information from the text:
This includes teacher strategies and important facts. After that section is fully covered, a second
quick check assessment will be assigned to check for understanding of the in-text information.
Each student will be required to participate with ABCD cards while they answer 2-4 questions in
The materials needed for this lesson are rather simple. Each student will need paper to take notes,
a pen or pencil, and their ABCD answer card. The teacher will provide loose paper to take the
final assessment, a PowerPoint to visually cover the entire lesson, a link to a video that helps the
students better understand the lesson, and the course text book.
Upon completion of both the assessments, students will begin activities in pair share and as a
class. The first activity will involve a quick video that further demonstrates the purpose of the
lesson. After watching the video, students will be asked to pair share their thoughts of what they
just watched and explain how it connects to the lesson. Next, one student in every pair will share
with the class what they discussed, helping to provide a series of viewpoints.
VII. Modifications
Instruction for the three subgroups (English language learners, gifted, and disabled) will
differentiate. To help aid English language learners, more group work and visual presentations
will be incorporated in the classroom. Disabled students will be provided with constant oral
instruction and short activities whenever possible. Gifted learners typically grasp concepts and
learn quicker than average students. To prevent boredom, implement fun and equally challenging
VIII. Assessment
Assessing student progress/culminating or closing activity: Students will take a final assessment
to demonstrate understanding of the lesson and mastery will be achieved at 80 percent. In this
assessment, students will be asked to answer questions regarding covered vocabulary and
information from the textbook. The assessments will be collected and graded, then the average
class score will determine if mastery was met as well as the learning objective.
Distributed Practice and Review: Homework will be introduced and reviewed as a class to
provide further practice of the lesson. This will help provide feedback on the lesson and will also
determine which students fully understood the lesson, and which students did not.
IX. Closure
In closing, objectives will be reviewed and homework will be assigned to the class. Students will
be asked to write a short essay about multicultural education in America and include at least one
of the vocabulary words listed in the lesson (this includes their own views on the topic). Finally,
the class will be presented with a brief preview of the next lesson.