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* Scale of production:
Saigon Paper Factory is located in My Xuan A Industrial Park, Tan Thanh District, Ba Ria
Vung Tau Province.
- Total consumption paper capacity is 40,560 tons / year.
- Total industrial paper capacity of 232,440 tons / year.

* Infrastructure:
- Own 6 consumer paper production lines and 5 industrial paper production lines with
modern machinery and equipment imported from the US and Europe.
- Equipped with the largest and most modern wastewater treatment system in the paper
industry in Vietnam (capacity of 17,000 m3 / day)
40 years of establishment and development have shown the founding impression of the Founder and
conquered the challenge of the Heirs. TTC Group has transformed from the role of Commercial House -
Manufacturer - to Professional Investors in Real Estate - Energy - Agriculture - Tourism. The efforts
portrayed as the process of honing the bright jewel - taking Human Mind to develop Talents, taking virtue
to nurture Achievements - open the way to develop the Group in the spirit of confidence and responsibility.
. It is the journey of "Pearl of Light - Dawn of Success" to bring the Group to a firm development, ready for
the future, bringing added value to Enterprises, Community and Society.
With five key industries Real Estate - Energy - Agriculture - Tourism, along with other fields such as logistics,
... after 40 years of establishment and development, the appearance of TTC today with 03 General
Corporations , 01 Sectoral Committee, more than 120 affiliated units and Thanh Thanh Cong Nuclear
Investment Company have been gradually shaping clearly with specific development strategies for each
industry and field of operation. the most willing for the orientation to become an effective and sustainable
multidisciplinary corporation in the model of centralized management, decentralized management, and the
motto "Standard management - Responsibility control - Management profession".

02839998811- bh
The company was established in 2001, operating in the fields of animal husbandry, trading, importing
veterinary medicine-aquatic materials, animal feed materials and biological products, chemicals. Used in
Veterinary, Aquaculture and Horticulture, Commercial Services, Import Export Services.
Including groups of antibiotics, vitamins, amino acids, water treatment, microbiological groups and some
other supplements, ... imported directly from countries such as the US, UK, Belgium and Ha Lan, France,
Spain, Bulgaria, Australia, India, Japan, China, ... our customers are veterinary drug companies - aquatic
products, animal feed factories and aquatic feed factories, livestock farms and shops, agents nationwide.
With a reasonable price and quality always guaranteed in accordance with the standards of the
manufacturer, along with a team of highly specialized, creative, enthusiastic, experienced, enthusiastic,
dedicated employees Customer care, we are always confident to give customers peace of mind about
quality, high efficiency in business and absolute satisfaction.
- Always thinking of innovative solutions to optimize values for customers.
- Always be aware of and work towards activities that contribute to a better life.
Tara is the first company in the electrical appliances and kitchenware industry to build a
professional distribution system that includes traditional sales channels, modern sales
channels and business development channels (B2B, electric commerce). and TV

History begin

History of establishment and development of Saigon Co.op

Starting its business in 1989, after the 6th Party Congress, the country's economy shifted from subsidized
mechanism to a socialist-oriented market economy, the old-style cooperative economy model was really
difficult and fell into The crisis situation must be dissolved in mass. In such a context, on 12/5/1989 -
People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City had the policy of converting the Management Board of the City
Trading Cooperative into the Union of Ho Chi Minh City Trading Cooperative - Saigon Co.op with 2
functions of direct business and organization campaigning of the cooperative movement. Saigon Co.op is
a cooperative economic organization based on the principle of collective ownership, self-control and self-
responsible production and business activities.

0911856422- thi

Logistics manager

Vih- director logistics- 09

Starting its business from a basic belief - cosmetics have the power to help change people's lives,
after more than 100 years of continuous development, L'Oréal today has become a leading
corporation in the world. Unique business - Beauty. As the only company in the world to do business
in a single industry, L'Oréal has assumed the responsibility to meet the needs of all consumers,
women and men globally with products. safe and effective and through continuous improvement and
investment in scientific research to create perfection for each product. Through the diversification
and perfection of distribution channels, each beauty product of the 28 international brands of L'Oréal
Group today has been able to reach the hands of every consumer around the globe.

Hailed as one of the best cosmetics corporations of the 21st century, L'Oréal has strived for the goal
of sustainable development across the globe, becoming the home of talented employees to grow.
and career breakthroughs, and continually developing community-based activities in more than 130
countries where the company operates.
Dewberry is a production unit located in Vietnam, proposing traditionnal and high quality
manufacturing methods, in order to create solid, durable and responsible furniture,
caracterized by a unique and strong identity.
Armed with a 25 years-old experience with Interior’s Group, Dewberry is now
completely able to adapt product developments to specific demands and innovations.
We are so looking for new partners, willing to explore possibilities, create new activities,
and to who the products identity is the central value.
Formed from a small production base in 1990,
Vietnam Fan Joint Stock Company (Vietnam Fan) is a leading Vietnamese electric fan
with famous brand ASIAvina. After more than 28
years of ASIAvina electric fan demand As a result, two
Vietnamese Fan factories located in Vinh Loc Industrial Park (Ho Chi Minh City)
and My Phuoc Industrial Park (Binh Duong) were established in
2000 2005.

About AkzoNobel Corporation
AkzoNobel creates essential products and materials to make people's everyday lives more rewarding
and inspirational. As a world leader in paints and coatings and a major manufacturer of specialty
chemicals, we provide essential materials, essential protection and essential colors for industries.
businesses and consumers around the globe. With a history of being a pioneering company, our
innovative products and sustainable technologies are designed to meet the evolving needs of today's
ever-changing world, while at the same time for everyone's life to be easier. Based in Amsterdam,
Netherlands, we have about 45. 000 employees in about 80 countries; The product portfolio includes
some famous brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, International, Interpon and Eka. Continuously ranked at
the forefront of sustainable development, our commitment is to regenerate cities and communities,
while creating a safe, colorful world. identity, where life will always be improved by what we do.
R o c h d al e S pe ar s C o mpan y i s an i n t e r n at i o n al l y fo c us e d, b us i n e s s - t o -
b u s i n e s s e n t e r pr i s e , s e r v i n g s o me o f t he b i g g e s t n ame s i n t he l uxur y
f u r n i t ur e m ar k e t . We ar e pr o ud l e ad e r i n e xc e pt i o n al de s i g n ,
i n n o v at i v e pr o duc t de v e l o pme n t an d w o r l d - c l as s man ufac t ur i n g .

W e ar e pr o ud t o u pho l d a po s i t i v e c ul t ur e an d s afe w o r k i n g
e n v i r o n me n t fo r our t e am, al l o w i n g the m t o pe r fo r m at t he i r hi g he s t
ab i l i t y , an d pr o v i d e o ut s t an di n g s e r v i c e t o o ur c us t o me r s .

A s c u s t o di an s o f t he pl an e t , w e r e mai n c o mm i t t e d t o r e duc i n g o ur
i mp ac t o n t he e n v i r o n me n t ; s uppo r t i n g l o c al co mmun i t i e s , s o ur c i n g t h e
h i g h e s t q ual i t y n at ur al mat e r i al s an d ado pt i n g s us t ai n a b l e pr i n c i pl e s
w he r e po s s i b l e .
Häfele Warehosue in Binh Duong
Established in Vietnam since 1998, Häfele has strengthened its footprint throughout the country with
large distribution centers in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi and Da Nang. Our extensive product range of
up to 120,000 different kinds worldwide, including more than 5,000 items available in our Vietnam
warehouses, along with excellent delivery service and dedicated personnel team offering
comprehensive solutions, top quality and services have made us a reliable choice for customers.


No one
We develop products and improve technology in trends to minimize the harmful effect to our natural
environment. We commit to strive to sustain a beautiful world for human beings nowadays as well as
next generations.
Brand management, cosmetics brand,beauty industry, cosmetics industry, top Vietnam export,
cosmetics distributor, cosmetics manufacturing, reliable & professional cosmetics supplier, nail
polish brand, nail technicians, private label company, OEM company, Vietnam private label
company, nail company, nail manufacturing,
GreenFeed Vietnam Corp., the predecessor of GreenFeed Vietnam Co., Ltd, was established
in 2003 with the vision of becoming a (efficient) provider for the clean-food business.

Started out with animal and aqua feed business, GreenFeed now has 8 modern feed mills in
Vietnam, Cambodia and Myanmar, equipped with American and European technology, with
the total capacity of 2 million tons of feed per year, satisfying the standards ISO 22.000,
HACCP, GLOBAL GAP, BAP and the whole system operates with the application of the
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).


Viet Farm Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, formerly known as Hai Duc Trading & Service
Production Co., Ltd., operating in the field of manufacturing and trading agricultural products
in Da Lat - Lam Dong city. With the slogan "Clean food for future generations", Viet Farm is
one of the pioneer farms in Lam Dong to apply modern technologies and high quality standards
to the production, processing, and Keep the food clean and safe for every home, especially
for future generations.

Ruby Tong - Procurement Manager - Vietfarm Company

Great potential of Vietnam’s fast growing market created the inspiration for the two leading groups MITSUBISHI
LOGISTICS COPR (JAPAN) & INDO-TRANS LOGISTICS (Vietnam) to form the joint venture partnership,
recognizing that this is the right time to enter Vietnam market to provide international freight forwarding and total
logistics. With Indo-Trans’s over 10 years of experience in Vietnam local market and Mitsubishi Logistics’ over 120
years of experience in worldwide, the merger is the infusion of strengths between the two leading groups.

The goals of MLC-ITL, is to be a professional & reliable total logistics services and especially, bring a
benefit and great value to our customers.

MLC-ITL has a full staff of experienced employees who are always ready at service to you. We have
extended to all modes of transportation freighting to, and from all major destinations around the world.

MLC-ITL provides you with integrated transport and total logistics solutions which include:

 Sea & Air Freight Forwarding

 Inland Transportation
 Warehouse & Distribution
 Customs Brokerages
 Project Cargo
 Port and Harbor Operations
02873054688 ext.9015

Michael son warehouse supervisor


The world has changed, and so are we.
WeStore is the first-ever company in Vietnam that connects organizations in need of additional
spaces with organizations with extra spaces, enhanced by technology.
We're building the new model for warehousing and fulfillment services to help retailers and brands
can store and move goods faster and cheaper.
1. high-quality on-demand warehousing spaces
2. professional fulfillment solutions
3. trustworthy delivery services
Corporate Profile
Sojitz Corporation was formed out the union of Nichimen Corporation and Nissho Iwai
Corporation, both companies that boast incredibly long histories. For more than 150
years, our business has helped support the development of countless countries and
regions. Today, the Sojitz Group consists of approximately 400 subsidiaries and
affiliates located in Japan and throughout the world, developing wide-ranging general
trading company operations in a multitude of countries and regions.
Brenntag Chemicals (HK) Pte Limited is proud to announce a recent addition to our
expanding sales network. As off May 1st 2015, Brenntag Chemicals (HK) Pte Limited has
been appointed as the authorized distributor of ExxonMobil Lubricant (excluding domestic
marine) by ExxonMobil for the Vietnam market, covering from South Vietnam up to and
including Thanh Hoa province in North-Central parts of the country.

In order to carry the distribution business of Mobil lubricant products in Vietnam territory in
the best way to serve Vietnam customers, Brenntag Chemicals (HK) Pte Limited enters into
a partnership agreement with Nam Giang Commercial Service Company Ltd.

The combination of strong financial background and experience in distributing Mobil

lubricant products from Brenntag and the wide distribution network in Vietnam strengthen
our capacity to serve customers of Mobil lubricants in the country better.
Our company was founded in 1995, and currently has 4 ultra-modern tanneries located in USA,
Vietnam, China and Italy. In 2016, Navis Capital Partners co-invested in our company as a
strategic partner to support our further growth ambitions. We are an eco-friendly leather
manufacturer represented by our trademarked LITE (Low Impact To the Environment)
manufacturing concept. The concept defines a high standard of environmental sustainability in
the manufacturing process. Throughout the years, we have been globally recognized by the
world’s top footwear brands as a supplier of high quality leathers, as well as a reputation for
reliable services and outstanding corporate social responsibility. Our Saigon TanTec and
Heshan TanTec are rated LWG Gold, while our Mississippi TanTec and Scabrenta are rated
LWG Silver. Our tanneries are also ISO14001, ISO9001 and ECO2L certified.
ATAD specializes in providing complete solutions including consulting, design,
fabrication and erection of high-quality pre-engineered steel building and steel
structure products. Since its establishment in 2004, ATAD has implemented more than 3000
steel buildings across 35 countries around the world. We provide customers with full steel
structures such as factory, warehouse, high-rise building, heavy industry, shopping mall,
exhibition centers, infrastructure (railway stations, airports…).
ATAD has more than 1,700 motivated employees, quality international management system
ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and 2 modern factories with a total area
of 211,000 m2. Our factories are among the largest and most advanced steel structure
production facilities in the world. Especially, ATAD Dong Nai factory is the first steel structure
factory in Asia to achieve LEED GOLD certification, and the first factory office to achieve
LEED Platinum certification in Vietnam.
Vietnam is Masan Group’s primary area of focus as Southeast Asia’s fastest growing economy. Real GDP has grown
at a compound annual growth rate ("CAGR”) of 7.8% between 2005 and 2012. While Vietnam’s growth has been
supported by low labor costs and productivity gains as a result of the Doi Moi ("renovation”) reforms which opened up
the markets, we believe Vietnam’s true value lies in its domestic consumption potential and untapped natural

Vietnam’s demographic advantages support strong continued growth in domestic consumption:

 Large and Young Population - Vietnam’s demographics and rising income levels support strong continued
growth in domestic consumption. With 56% of the country’s 89 million residents under the age of 30, the
country’s expanding workforce is expected to drive consumer spending over the next 10 to 15 years.
Founded in 1902, our company continues to go from strength to strength
thanks to market-leading brands, a successful strategy, talented people
and our Transforming Tobacco ambition.
We are a leading, multi-category consumer goods company that provides tobacco and nicotine
products to hundreds of millions of adult consumers worldwide.

For decades, we have built our business on meeting the preferences of adult smokers with
leading cigarette brands, superior products and market-leading innovations.

That remains the case today because cigarettes are still at the core of our business. They
continue to be used by millions of adult smokers, despite the well-known health risks of

However, our world is changing.

Since being founded on the 1st April 1995, ScanCom has grown to become a leading global
manufacturer of outdoor furniture. ScanCom has its legal headquarters in Denmark and
management is partly located in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. ScanCom has sales offices in
Denmark, the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, the USA, Hong Kong and Vietnam and
manufacturing sites in Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam.

ScanCom International is a leading player in the global outdoor furniture industry and our goal is
to provide innovation and excellence without compromising our vision of “Doing Business the
Right Way”. We aim to create outstanding products that combine international design expertise
with state-of-the-art production techniques and a proven commitment to Corporate Social
Responsibility. Each piece is produced in Asia under ScanCom’s strict supervision and is
rigorously tested to international standards for quality, durability and functionality.

Our philosophy is simple – to bring you the very best from around the world.

We are the only fine foods specialist to operate in 11 different countries across Europe, The Middle East
and Asia.
Our mission is to source and bring exceptional ingredients and unique gourmet products to the most
demanding chefs around the world, whatever their type of cuisine and cooking style.
Pantos Logistics provides comprehensive logistics services to about 13,000 customers in
various industries, such as electronics, machinery, chemicals, oil refining, construction,
distribution, food, energy, and fashion.
Over the past 10 years, Diana Unicharm's Child Care products have been proudly selected and
accompanied with millions of Vietnamese babies since the very first days of birth. Now, using
new technology from Unicharm (the No. 1 manufacturer of baby diapers used by Japanese
mothers), we are committed to making more efforts to bring maximum comfort to babies - like
affectionate arms of parents.
Over the past 59 years, with endless efforts, Vinh Phuc Pharmaceutical
Joint Stock Company - VINPHACO has affirmed the position and prestige
of a leading pharmaceutical enterprise in Vietnam, with a sustainable and
strategic development strategy. The province has a dynamic, integrated
potential to reach regional and international levels.


The company has functions of manufacturing, trading, importing and exporting

drugs, functional foods, cosmetics, medical supplies for the prevention,
treatment, care, protection and health prom otion for people. people.
ACS Vietnam Trading Co., Ltd. is a subsidiary of Aeon Group / Aeon Group - one of the leading

retail groups in Japan with more than 168 subsidiaries operating throughout Asia.

Officially licensed and put into operation in 2008, ACS Vietnam has had nearly 10 years of operation
in the field of deferred purchase and sale. The company has developed a nationwide sales network
with a variety of products such as phones, laptops, motorcycles, agricultural equipment along with
other household appliances ... With the motto " The benefit of the customer is first and foremost,
" ACS Vietnam always supports customers to optimize the quality of life and seize future
opportunities through the use of sales services of the Company.

Establish September 16, 1999

Legal capital US $ 12,000,000

total investment US $ 40,000,000

Number of
1854 Staff (July 2018)

General manager Mr. Yamamoto Masahiro

Fusso wires and tubes, Silicone wires and tubes, Silicone rubber Packing,
electrical processing products, heat processing, cable processing products
optical fiber processing products

Settlement cycle December

Bank transactions Tokyo Bank Ho Chi Minh Branch

Hoang Mai Chu Thi - manager - nissei electric vietnam
With around 27,000 permanent employees, we have principal
operations around the world and sales in over 100 countries.

We operate in three main sectors:

Architectural supplies glass for Buildings and Solar Energy


Automotive serves the Original Equipment, Aftermarket

Replacement and Specialized Transport glazing markets.

Technical Glass is world leader in thin glass for display and

various applications and optical devices for office machinery
and glass fibre for battery separators and timing belts.
Binh Ha - Vietnam Finance Manager - NSG Group

Born in the Revolution, growing up with the country and maturing over a half century in the
telecommunications market, Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group (VNPT) is the service
provider that laid the first stone for the development of the Posts - Telecommunications sector in
Vietnam. The group has also played an important role in bringing Vietnam into the top 10 nations
with highest posts - telecommunications growth rate.

With more than 90,000 employees, advanced telecommunications infrastructure, a service network that
covers all 63 provinces and cities, as well as the strong 67-year experience, VNPT has always been offering
the market many modern posts, telecommunications and information technology products and services.
These high quality products and services are based on the most advanced technologies and modern
telecommunication network, meeting the increasingly diversifed demands of customers.
Anh Dao - Business Development Manager

The 2017-2018 fiscal year ended with many imprints in almost all activities of TTC Bien Hoa. Over 23 years
of establishment and development, the Company has made endless efforts, steadily on the path towards
the goal of "Sustainable development with Vietnamese sugarcane". Last year, although the Sugar Industry
had to experience great cyclical ups and downs, TTC Bien Hoa still fulfilled its mission of being a leading
Industry Company, gradually transforming and growing on the path to conquering the Regional market.
In September 2017, the Company officially completed the largest M&A deal in the history of Vietnam's
Sugar Industry, between Thanh Thanh Cong Cong Tay Ninh Joint Stock Company and Bien Hoa Sugar
JSC, becoming the Industry Leading Company in every way. With the advantages of technology, production
capacity and quality human resources of TTC Bien Hoa; resonating with long-standing brand, distribution
system, customer portfolio as well as the Industry Value Chain The road that BHS owns, it can be said to
create a perfect combination. promoting economies of scale from mergers and acquisitions, supporting
Bien Hoa TTC to expand and increase production scale and efficiency of factories; thereby optimizing
production costs, boosting sales volume and expanding market share,
INSEE in Vietnam

Established in 1994, INSEE in Vietnam - formerly known as Holcim Vietnam, has gradually become the
leading cement manufacturer and waste management in South Vietnam. We are proud of our products that
have been used in many iconic buildings and constructions, as well as the development of residential
housing in southern Vietnam and our contribution to environmental economics. and society. The company
has more than 1100 employees working in five cement production locations of southern Vietnam as well as
Beton in other areas of HCM.
We aspire to contribute to the overall development of the country by continuously providing innovative
solutions to our customers in parallel with improving the living conditions of the community, protecting the
environment, investing in people. and strengthening sustainable construction. INSEE is committed to
making sustainability a focus in our business operations to pave the way for a brighter future.
Become the leading private investment organization for renewable energy in Vietnam

- Optimizing water, sunshine, wind and biomass resources

- Contribute to meeting energy needs from clean energy solutions, serving the community and
protecting the social environment.

Forerunner of Gia Lai Electricity Joint Stock Company is Gia Lai Kon Tum
Hydroelectric Company
Gia Lai Electric Company completed its equitization with the name Gia Lai
Electricity Joint Stock Company (GEC)

Signed with International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Armstrong Clean

Energy Fund (Singapore).

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