France Myanmar
France Myanmar
France Myanmar
Table of content
Message from H.E. Mr. Olivier Richard, Ambassador of France to Myanmar
Message from Mr. Guillaume Rebiere, Executive Director of CCI France Myanmar
- Our locations
- Our team
What we do
France in Myanmar
2 3
CCI FRANCE MYANMAR’S MEMBERS O - p150 - Office Express - Okkar Thiri - Oriental Zebra/Meizu
By alphabetical order P - p153 - Parami Energy - Penetron - Poe-ma insurances - Pullman Mandalay Mingalar Hotel
- Pullman Yangon Centrepoint Hotel
# - p34 - 360ed
R - p161 - Razel Bec
A - p35 - Acteus Group - Aden Services - Agence Francaise de Developpement - AGS Four
Winds - Akhuka Productions - Allen & Overy Limited - Amyanpoh - Annam Myanmar - Apollo S - p162 - Safecoms - Saint Blanquat & Associates - Saint-Gobain Glass - Samitivej Internatio-
Towers - Arc - Archetype - Arorik ST - Artelia International - Asia First Network - Atalian Glo- nal - Sanofi - Schlumberger - Schneider Electric - Servier - SgT - Suez - Sule Shangri-la - Sy-
bal Services - ATC Innosky - Audier & Partners - AYA Bank napse/ NTM - Synergy Business Development
B - p57 - Baydrach - Bioderma/Naos Mintha Care - Bluebell/Luxury Business Institute - Bolloré T - p178 - T&E International - Teakcell - Think Asia - Thura Swiss - Total E&P Myanmar -
Logistic - Bred Bank - BYMA/Bouygues Construction Tractebel/Engie
C - p65 - Camusat - Canal+ - CB Bank - China Oilfield Services Limited - Citizens ID - City Mart - V - p186 - Veolia Water Technologies - Vinarco - Vivablast - Vriens & Partners
CMA CGM - Comin Asia - CPS Competitive Pest Services - Conyat Create W - p190 - West Indochina - Willis Towers Watson
D - p76 - Dextra Transport - DFDL - Diethelm Travel - DJP Consults Y - p192 - Yangon Property - Yangoods - Yever - Yoma Strategic
E - p80 - EDF - Euracific Strategies - Eurocham - Europcar - Exera Asia - Exo Travel
G - p90 - Grand Mercure Yangon Golden Empire - Green Vision - Groupe SEB - GTMH Telecom
- Gulliver Travel and Tour
H - p97 - Havas Riverorchid - HO+ Consulting - Hotel G Yangon - HQS Members by sector
I - p101 - IAS-8 - Ibis Styles Yangon Stadium Hotel - Ikon Group of Companies - Inproserv - Members by country
Insurexcellence - International SOS Members by alphabetical list of contacts
J - p109 - Javelin Services - JJ-Pun - JM Wine Importer
M - p125 - Mane Myanmar - Mega Lifesciences - Melbourne - Melia Yangon Hotel - Mercure
Mandalay Hill Resort - Mercure Yangon Kaba Aye Hotel - Mirandus Travel & Tour/Travelpro -
M Spiral - Myanmar Bureau Veritas - Myanmar Home Design - Myanmar Jardine Schindler -
My Jobs - MyWorld Careers
N - p144 - Netsmart - Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min Hotel - Novotel Yangon Max Hotel
4 5
6 7
8 9
Messages Messages
10 11
12 13
Who we are
Our locations
14 15
Who we are Who we are
Romaric Roignan Marc Guyonnaud Nicolas Delange Dr. Han Linn Aung
Vice-President Board Member Board Member of Board Member
Eurocham Myanmar
General Manager General Manager CEO
Total E&P Myanmar AGS Four Winds CEO LYC Healthcare Centre
16 17
Who we are Who we are
18 19
Who we are Who we are
20 21
What we do What we do
Get direct access to our • Partner Member - $1,700/year
• Corporate Member - $750/year
Business Services • Ordinary Member - $450/year
• Get free direct support from our • Organisation - $350/year
Increase your business • Members rates (20% discount) on
team: search for partners and in- • Individual Member - $200/year all our events and services
exposure vestors, business information, • Young Professional - $150/year • Your logo on all communications
recruitment, legal information…
• Get privilege access to our Mem- of CCI France Myanmar (for Part-
• Have privilege access to B to B
bers , committees and contacts
meetings, training programs, sour-
Benefits ner Member only)
• Find new partners, clients and • Free access to our list of Members
cing, market studies…
suppliers in Myanmar or abroad
• Promote your image by supporting • Access our Members Committees Our network
• Benefit from our positive image •
our events, trainings, exhibitions, Free introduction with contacts • +150 members in Myanmar
• Become a member of Eurocham conferences… and potential partners • +30,000 contacts on Facebook and
Myanmar (under conditions) •
• Get access to our Members only Your own page of presentation in Linkedin
events and programs our Directory and on our website • +3,000 personalised business con-
Have a direct access to • Your interview as Member of the tacts
Cut costs on business Week shared on our website, so- • Direct contacts with officials, local
key information cial media, and in our newsletter associations, administrations and
• Participate in our regular events support services • Opportunity to organise breakfast business organisations
• Participate in professional exhibi- • Save at least 20% on all our ser-
conferences with us • +120 CCI France in 90 countries
tions and conferences • Free posting of job offers on our • +35,000 Members of CCI France
vices, including trainings, office
• Benefit from experiences and renting, events, recruitment,...
website International in the world
knowledge shared by Members • Free campaigns on social media to • European institutions in Myanmar
• Get free entrances to professional
• Access CCI France International's fairs, conferences and exhibitions
promote your company, products
worldwide database and/or services
22 23
What we do What we do
Legal Talk
• 2/year @CCI France - 8 am
• Open to everyone
• Breakfast conference organised in Beaujolais Nouveau
Networking Cocktail Gala Dinner-Show
partnership with a law firm, to
• 5/year @different venues - 7 pm • 1/year @different venue - November • 1/year @Novotel - December
present the latest changes in the
Myanmar legal framework and • For members only • Open to everyone • Open to everyone
business environment • Cocktail organised jointly with ano- • Celebration of the traditional • Exclusive French dinner with a
ther Chamber of Commerce French wine festival unique show
24 25
What we do What we do
26 27
France in Myanmar France in Myanmar
28 29
30 31
They chose us Partner Members
Energy Sector
32 33
Education Supply chain
34 35
Business services
Aden Services
Mr. Timothy Clinton
Founded in 1997 by French entrepreneur
General Manager
Joachim Poylo, ADEN Services is a multina-
tional integrated facility management ser-
+95 9 762 168 454
vices company providing one-stop solutions
for all types of facilities.
Myanmar - Room 302 - Shwe Than Lwin
condo - New University avenue - Aye Yeik ADEN Services provides services to manufac-
thar-1 street - Bahan township - Yangon turing & factories, retail, educational, healthcare, hospitality, R&D centers, offices, government, mining, and oil & gas client
36 37
Business support They chose us
Agence Française de
Développement (AFD)
"Being a member of the CCI France Myan-
mar for more than a year now has been
really positive. It allowed to get in contact
with companies from different sectors, gi-
Mrs. Marie-Cécile Thirion
The French Development Agency (Agence ving us an exposure that we would not have
Head of Yangon office
Française de Développement, AFD) is reached that fast without being a member."
France’s inclusive public development bank.
+95 9 784 326 722 Céline Guyomarc’h - General Manager
It commits financing and technical assis-
tance to projects that improve everyday life, Melià Hotel Yangon
France - 5 rue Roland Barthes - 75598 Paris
both in developing and emerging countries
Myanmar - Pyay Garden Office Tower -
and in the French overseas provinces. AFD
Room 2001 - 346 Pyay Road - Sanchaung
works in many sectors - energy, healthcare,
Township - Yangon
biodiversity, water, digital technology, pro-
+ 95 1 536 510
fessional training, among others - to assist
with transitions towards a safer, more equi-
table, and more sustainable world : a world
in common. AFD operates in Myanmar since "I have been participating in the Chamber’s
April 2012. AFD’s main financial tool in life since its creation and the team has al-
Myanmar is sovereign concessional loan ways been helpful, knowledgeable and de-
(loan to Myanmar government). AFD grant is dicated to its missions. For any new comers
also mobilized through regional projects, as
or anyone used to Myanmar, the Chamber
well as European delegated grant to comple-
is a great tool for networking, communica-
ment AFD loans.
ting and be updated on the evolution of the
AFD supports to Myanmar focuses on the country. I am looking forward to seeing
following sectors: urban development,
always more new business opportunities
health, energy. It has also develop a portfo-
with CCI France Myanmar.”
lio on water management.
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Aurélien Bayer - CEO
- 85 offices in the world
- 2,500 projects in 108 countries Baydrach Marketing & Development
- €9.4bn to 600 development projects
38 39
Mr. Marc Guyonnaud
AGS Four Winds Myanmar has been set up
General Manager
in December 2015.
+95 9 971 377 097 We are part of the AGS group’s Network
with more than 130 branches in 94 coun-
Myanmar - 15 - Mya Wut Yi Lane (4) - tries.
Mayangone Township - Yangon
We are specialized in international door to
+95 1 658 108
door removals by sea, air or road.
40 41
Media - Advertising Legal Services
42 43
Logistics Import - Distribution
44 45
Telecommunications Import - Distribution
46 47
Engineering - Construction Education - Consulting
50 51
Business services
Mr. Adam Michael Castillo
Atalian Global Services Myanmar is a Myan-
Managing Director
mar based Facility Management provider.
Our core business services include facility
+95 9 250 590 969
management, security manpower, cleaning
services, technical maintenance and general
Myanmar - 18/A4 - Tharlar Wadi Street - 7
staffing. Formerly Scipio Services Company
Miles - Mayangone Township - Yangon
Ltd. was founded in 2012 partnered with
+95 9 789 093 61
Atalian Global Services in 2017. Atalian Glo-
bal Services Myanmar will look towards the
future to continue to deliver the quality of
the Scipio/MAC Security brand, while also
breaking into new industries that Atalian
Global Services has excelled in around the
52 53
Import - Distribution Legal services
54 55
Banking Business services
56 57
Retail - Medical Retail - Education
Bioderma/Naos Bluebell/Luxury
Mintha Care Business Institute
58 59
Bolloré Logistics
Mr. Julien Loiret
Bolloré Logistics is a global leader in interna-
General Manager
tional transport & logistics. Constantly adap-
ting to its customers' changing needs, the
+95 9 401 571 511
company has enriched its expertise to
become a tier-one supply chain partner and
Myanmar - 802 - 8th floor - Tower (A) - My-
one of the top 10 transport and logistics
aing Hay Wun Condominium - Kyaik Waing
companies in the world with the largest
Pagoda Road - Mayangone Township - Yan-
integrated logistics network in Africa. Bollo-
ré Logistics delivers custom-fit solutions with
+95 1 933 921 1
a high added value that draw on an in-depth
experience and understanding of different
industries, as well as the constant quest for
improvement and optimization that is cen-
tral to the company's own culture and va-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES lues. We match the needs of import and
export companies around the world, provi-
- Expertise in wide range of sectors
- A worldwide network of experts ding complex supply chain management
- Customised operational tools, clear-cut solutions for major groups and international
processes and logistic techniques shipment services for SMEs. Our global offer
is built around its comprehensive and inte-
grated expertise in five services: Multimodal
Transport, Customs and Regulatory Com-
pliance, Logistics, Global Supply Chain and
Industrial Projects.
60 61
Mr. Aung Thant Oo
BRED is a cooperative Banque Populaire,
Country Representative
supported by its 165,000 members and 3.7
billion euros of equity.
+95 9 516 468 4
The BRED Group has 5,500 employees, 25%
Myanmar - 70 - Nak Mauk Lane(1) - Bo Cho of which are located outside France and in
Ward (2) - Bahan Township - Yangon French overseas collectivities, offering ser-
+95 1 860 430 1 vices in retail banking, corporate banking,
+95 9 513 641 9 private banking, asset management, securi- ties trading, an insurance company and in- ternational banking via its subsidiaries and international trade. Its core business is com-
groupe-bred mercial banking in France and French Over-
seas Collectivities, where it pursues targeted
growth in the Horn of Africa, Oceania and in
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Asia. It also has representation offices in
- 165,000 members,3.7 Billion Euros of Myanmar and Ethiopia, in addition to equity
Equity interests in a number of banks in these va-
- One billion euro in NBI (€ 1,095M) rious regions of the world.
- +6.9% (excluding non-recurring items)
- 2016 New Record BRED maintains long-term relationships with
more than one million clients. In addition to
loans, investments and day-to-day banking,
it offers all of its customers the products and
services provided by its trading desk, insu-
rance company and asset management com-
pany, in addition to those offered by the
specialist subsidiaries of the BPCE Group.
62 63
Construction Telecommunications
64 65
Media Banking
66 67
Energy - Oil & gas Design - Construction
68 69
Retail - Distribution Logistics
70 71
Energy - Construction Business services
72 73
Business services They chose us
Conyat Create
Born out of the desire to yield meaningful Dan Davies - Managing Director
connections and lasting solutions in an ever-
Colliers International
changing environment, our expert team of
consultants specialise in a wide range of
services including the application of grie-
vance mechanisms, shared value, disclosure
and reporting.
74 75
Logistics Legal services
76 77
Tourism Education
78 79
Energy Business services
80 81
Business support Logistics
EuroCham Europcar
82 83
Business services Tourism
84 85
Media - Business services Advertising - Construction
86 87
Media Construction
88 89
Hospitality - Tourism
Mr. Kumar Vinoth
Grand Mercure Yangon Golden Empire is
General Manager
located in the Dagon Industrial Zone. It fea-
tures a unique interior and meeting facili-
+95 9 952 468 933
ties. Its guest rooms feature stylish, functio-
nal design with amenities. Our friendly team
Myanmar - 1A Corner Of Myittar Road &
is always on standby to meet your needs.
Thakhin Phoe Hlagyi Rd - 14 Ward - South
Okkalapa Township - Yangon Whether here for business or leisure, this
+95 1 856 699 7 1st Grand Mercure Yangon Gloden Empire with unique designed rooms will let you enjoy premium convenience and confort
while you discover the sights of Yangon.
90 91
They chose us Construction
Green Vision
Exera Myanmar
92 93
Import - Distribution Telecommunications
94 95
Tourism Media - Advertising
96 97
Business services Hospitality - Tourism
98 99
IT - Business services Business services
Ms. Camille Hardouin
ibis Styles Yangon Stadium is the only Inter-
General Manager
national Economy Brand Hotel in Myanmar,
offering an unique, cozy & personalized
+95 9 456 881 088
design. Strategically located near to Thu-
wanna National Stadium, both International
Myanmar - 369 Laydaungkan Road -
Airports and Downtown can be reached in
Thingangyun Township - Yangon
less than 30 minutes.
+95 9 456 881 088
+95 1 578 101 It offers 108 modernized rooms with the new extra-large ibis bedding, free wi-fi, mini- bar and international buffet breakfast. Our
Superior & Suite rooms offer to our guests
into wellness large bathrooms with bathtub.
LeClub AccorHotels and Accor+ members
will feel welcome and enjoy full benefits in
our international hotel.
102 103
They chose us Import - Distribution
Jérémy Damloup - Chief Operating Officer The professional test kitchen is made avai-
lable for the customers to research and
Akhuka Productions
develop their recipes for through using mo-
dern cooking equipments.
104 105
Energy - Oil & gas Insurance
Inproserv Insurexcellence
We can offer solutions for: Project manage- Our company’s near-term strategy is quite
ment, Procurement, Logistics, Final inspec- simply to build on the strong foundation
tion, Technical recommendation and exper- we’ve built over the past 4 years doing busi-
tise, Specification analysis and assistance, on ness in Myanmar. Longer term, as the insu-
-site factory audit and recommendations, rance industry matures, we see our strategic
Business development compatible with your direction including a more active role in
company needs, and Import/Export. helping shape the industry trends.
Our business network can also support fi- Currently, we have two Myanmar staff and
nancially your project; with an expertise and KEY FACTS & FIGURES two dedicated expatriate staff looking after
analysis we will create an optimized financial our operations in the country.
program for your immediate needs. - Over 30,000 local nationals / staffs
- Portfolio of clients across various sectors
of business
106 107
Medical - Business services Business services
108 109
Manufacturing - Retail F&B - Distribution
110 111
Construction Education
112 113
Energy - Construction Media
114 115
F&B - Distribution International Education
116 117
Legendary Myanmar
Mrs. Swe Swe Myint
Partner of French Freight Forwarder Clas-
Chief Executive Officer quin Logisitcs. We are Professional Shipping,
+95 9 512 304 9 Freight Forwarding, Logistics handling, Mo-
ving and Relocation Service company in
Myanmar - Room A4, 9 Kyaung Street - Yangon. We offer our clients reliable and
Myaynigone - Sanchaung Township - Yangon cost-effective Ocean Freight solutions in
+95 1 523 653 more than 130 countries. We are handling:
+95 1 503 467 Freight Forwarding, Shipping & Logistics,
+95 9 512 304 9 Customs Clearance, Apply Export/Import Licence/Permits, Commercial Shipment Han- dling, Warehousing, Air Freight, Sea Freight,
Moving Service for import/export of Used
Household goods, Relocation, Mobility Ser-
vice, Cross Boarder Trade, Transportation by
air, sea or boarder - trade transportation
within Myanmar-Thailand-Lao-China.
118 119
Hospitality - Tourism They chose us
120 121
Legal services
Ms. Fanny Tatin
Luther has been active in Myanmar since
Associate / Attorney-at-Law
2012. With a team of eight French, German
and Myanmar lawyers, complemented by 35
+95 1 500 021
professionals, accountants and tax advisors
with knowledge and experience in all as-
Myanmar - Uniteam Marine Office Building -
pects of corporate and regulatory com-
Level 8 - Unit #1 - 84 Pan Hlaing Street -
pliance, Luther Law Firm Ltd. and Luther
Sanchaung Township - Yangon
Corporate Services Ltd. assist and advise
+95 1 500 021
clients in all stages of the business lifecycle.
Luther is advising companies that wish to
establish a business presence in Myanmar
on all stages of the process, namely, from
the incorporation of a Myanmar business
vehicle, through on-going support services
such as legal and tax advice, bookkeeping,
accounting, payroll and cash, fund & pay-
ment administration, up to the winding up
of a company.
122 123
Medical F&B - Manufacturing
Our service includes medical checkup pro- KEY FACTS & FIGURES
grams for corporate organizations. The com- - 6th flavour & fragrance company in the
petitive advantage is that we can perform a world
group medical checkups (100-300 em- - 2016 turnover of $1.2 bn
- 5,000 employees in the world
ployees and above) using highly advanced
portable machines from Germany with our
checkup teams.
124 125
Medical - Distribution Import - Distribution
Myanmar - Universal Building - 1A/7 Shwe Mega We Care Branded Products Business Myanmar - A/1 Aung San Stadium (East
Pin Lon Housing Estate - Bayint Naung Road A leading consumer health, nutraceutical Wing) - Upper Pansodan Road - Mingalar
Ward 27 - North Dagon Township - Yangon and pharmaceutical brand. Taung Nyunt Township - Yangon - More 25 years of experience in importing
+95 1 580 561 +95 1 251 033 products in Myanmar
Maxxcare Distribution Business: A leading
+95 1 580 668 +95 1 255 795
distribution service operator in pharmaceu- +95 1 379 671
tical and FMCG space.
- Created in 1995
- 1,600 employees in Myanmar
- 1,400 items/SKUs from 42 companies
126 127
Hospitality - Tourism
Ms. Céline Guyomarc´h
The Meliá Yangon is a luxury city hotel of
General Manager
Spanish heritage with elegant interior and
contemporary design, located opposite the
+95 9 784 888 997
Inya Lake. It is the perfect choice for both
business and leisure travellers, with 429
Myanmar - 192 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road Ba-
rooms, 3 restaurants, 2 bars, swimming
han Township - Yangon
pool,fitness centre and meeting facilities.
+95 1 934 500 0 Strategically connected to office towers and Myanmar Plaza, it is just 10 minutes by car
from the iconic Shwedagon Pagoda and city
center, 5 minutes from Kaba Aye Pagoda,
and 20 minutes from Yangon International
128 129
Hospitality - Tourism
Mr. Frank Weiss
The 12-acre Mercure Mandalay Hill Resort is
General Manager
set at the foot of Mandalay Hill. It offers
panoramic views of pagodas as well as the
+95 9 403 345 206
distinctive architecture of the Royal Palace
and its beautiful moat. Mandalay is a 1-hour
Myanmar - No.9 - Kwin (416.B) - 10th Street
flight from Yangon and 20-minute flight
At the foot of Mandalay Hill - Aungmyaytha-
from Bagan. It is within close proximity to
zan Township - Mandalay
some of the most remarkable archaeological
+95 2 356 38
sites in the world.
130 131
Hospitality - Tourism
Mr. Richard Tin Tun
Mercure Yangon Kaba Aye is located along
General Manager
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road just 10 km from Yan-
gon International Airport as well as central
+95 1 650 933
business district and key tourist sites and
+95 1 260 512 552
close to a Myanmar Plaza Shopping Mall.
Myanmar - 17 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road - It features 183 spacious rooms and suites
Yankin Township - Yangon ideal for families and long-staying guests.
+95 1 650 933 The hotel with deluxe hotel rooms and 1- to 3-bedroom apartments offer views of swim- ming pool or landscaped gardens. The suites also come with a fully equipped kitchenette
and a separate lounge and dining room.
132 133
They chose us Tourism
134 135
IT - Media Business services
136 137
Construction They chose us
Artelia Myanmar
138 139
Myanmar Jardine
Mr. Wai Sam Wong
Schindler was first established in Switzerland
General Manager
in 1874. Schindler Group is one of the
world’s leading providers of elevators, esca-
+95 9 9 789 908 78
lators and moving walks. Every day, Schin-
dler solutions transport one billion people
Myanmar - No. ¼ - Parami Road - Hlaing
worldwide, rapidly, efficiently and in accor-
Township - Yangon
dance with their diverse needs. It is Europe’s
+95 1 654 855 /56
largest manufacturer of lifts and escalators, -
with a major presence in all the continents.
www.facebook.comMyanmarJardineSchindl Schindler operates in more than 140 coun-
erLtd/ tries and have more than 1,200 branches. Today, there are more than half a million
Schindler lifts and escalators in service in
100 countries around the world.
140 141
Recruitment Recruitment
142 143
IT - Business services Hospitality - Tourism
144 145
146 147
Hospitality - Tourism
Mr. Philippe Battle
Novotel Yangon Max is located mid-way
Area General Manager AccorHotels
between Yangon International Airport and
Myanmar - General Manager Novotel
historical downtown. The hotel is close to
Yangon Max
Shwedagon Pagoda and numerous embas-
sies, opposite to a wide green area for your
+95 1 230 585 8
morning jog. The 366 contemporary rooms
offer a large flowing space in which to stay.
Myanmar - 459 Pyay Road - Kamayut Town-
Guests staying on executive floors will enjoy
ship - Yangon
additional amenities and access to the Pre-
+95 1 230 585 8
mier Lounge. From breakfast and lunch to
dinner and delicious snacks, we provide a
wide choice of A La carte and buffet options.
Guests can choose from 3 restaurants and 4
bars. To relax and rejuvenate, there is a
state of art fitness center, a spa, yoga room,
swimming pool and rooftop tennis court.
The main ballroom with its 12-meter high
ceiling hosts up to 700 guests banquet style.
The second ballroom hosts up to 300 guests,
1 conference room and 6 meeting rooms are
available for meetings and events.
148 149
Retail - Distribution Medical - Distribution
150 151
Retail - Distribution Energy - Oil & gas
- More than 2000 sales points, show rooms Parami Energy is at the forefront of
and service centers. addressing the current and future po-
- Built a presence all over Myanmar. wer requirement of Myanmar, with a
specific focus on providing energy
options for sustainable economic develop-
ment through large-scale energy projects
including mini grid, renewable energy and
rural electrification initiatives.
152 153
Construction Insurance
154 155
Hospitality - Tourism
Pullman Mandalay
Mr. Anthony Myers
Set to open in early 2019, Pullman Mandalay
General Manager
Mingalar brings new levels of international
hospitality to Mandalay for business and
+95 9 765 669 104
leisure travelers.
Myanmar - Mingalar Mandalay - 73rd Street 358 Rooms and Suites, Restaurants and
between Tha Zin & Ngu Shwe Wah Streets - Bars, outdoor Swimming Pool and Bar, Pull-
Chan Mya Thar Zi Township - Mandalay man Fit Lounge (gym) and Spa. Wi-Fi throughout.
Extensive meetings and events space include
800 square meter ballroom and a selection
of smaller rooms. New Mandalay Conven-
tion Centre is just 900m away.
156 157
Hospitality - Tourism
Pullman Yangon
Mr. Marshall Orton
Pullman is the high-end international brand
Operation Manager
of the Accor group, mainly targeted at cos-
mopolitan travelers, who have wide connec-
+95 1 382 687
tions and enjoy combining work and plea-
Myanmar - No. 65 - Corner of Sule Pagoda
Road and Merchant Street - Kyauktada Located in the beautiful Yangon Colonial
Township - Yangon Quarter and Central Business District, over- looking Mahabandoola Park, Sule Pagoda, offering wide views over Yangon River, with
its 22 stories, the Pullman Yangon Centre-
point offers 290 contemporary fully con-
nected rooms for global nomads, signature
bedding, IPTV, separate shower and
bathtub, work desk with connectivity panel,
free WIFI.
158 159
They chose us Construction
Akhuka Productions
160 161
IT HR - Business services
- International IT company with employees - 30 consultants and analysts from 7 nation- • Salary Surveys
from over 10 countries alities • Public Sector Consulting
- 300+ clients in Cambodia and Myanmar
- Management Software features over 300 Our services are designed to strengthen
- 1,500+ finalized recruitments, of which
modules your organisation through people develop-
300+ are C-level
- More than 15 years of experience in Asia ment and performance.
162 163
Construction Medical
164 165
Sanofi Myanmar
Dr. May Myint Oo
Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, discovers,
Country Business Head
develops and distributes therapeutic solu-
tions. Sanofi is organized into 5 global busi-
+95 9 513 274 7
ness units: diabetes & cardiovascular, gene-
ral medicines & emerging markets, specialty
Myanmar - Pyay Garden Office Tower -
care, vaccine and consumer Healthcare. Sanofi
Room 5001 - 346/354 - Pyay Road - San-
is listed in Paris and New York stocks ex-
chaung Township - Yangon
+95 1 505 950/951/952 Ex-5001 Sanofi works to make quality healthcare easily accessible in Myanmar, with a new
partnership with the Myanmar Medical As-
sociation to improve access to mental
healthcare in the country.
168 169
Energy - Construction
Schneider Electric
Mr. Mai Lam Dong
We are leading the digital transformation of
Country Manager
energy management and automation.
+95 1 652 413/14 As an expert in the Heavy Industries, Schnei-
der Electric provides customized solutions
Myanmar - 19B - 19th Avenue Street - 7 which are safe and reliable with high level of
Miles - Mayangone Township - Yangon productivity. From innovative power distri-
+95 1 966 112 0 bution solutions in large sites and harsh environment to SCADA and advanced con-
trols, all of our solutions comply with inter-
national standards (IEC,ANSI/IEEE), security
and local requirements.
170 171
Medical Textile - Business services
172 173
Construction - Engineering Hospitality - Tourism
174 175
Media - Advertising Energy - Business services
176 177
Business services - Oil & Gas Manufacturing
- Catering services
178 179
Tourism Business services
- Local Travel Agent to propose Tailor made KEY FACTS & FIGURES
Programs in Myanmar for Individual clien-
tele. - 130 projects and 1,000 in-depth interviews
- 500,000 contacts in database
- Call center with capacity of 15,000 calls
per month
180 181
Energy - Oil & gas
Mr. Romaric Roignan
Total E&P Myanmar (TEPM) is the Operator
General Manager
with a 31,2% interest (M5/M6 offshore
blocks) of the Yadana Consortium along with
+95 1 650 977
its partners MOGE, Chevron and PTTEP. The
Yadana Consortium produces gas from the
Myanmar - 5 - Sacred Tooth Relic Avenue -
offshore Yadana Gas field since 1998. It cur-
Punn Pin Gone Quarter No.5 - Mayangone
rently supplies around 50% of Myanmar
Township - Yangon
domestic gas consumption while exporting
+95 1 650 977
around 600 Mscfd to Thailand (~12% of the
Thai gas consumption).
182 183
They chose us Energy - Oil & gas
184 185
Engineering - Construction HR - Business services
186 187
Construction Business services
188 189
HR - Business services Insurance
190 191
Real Estate Retail - Distribution
192 193
Consulting Investment
194 195
Members by sector
Business services - Consulting Freyssinet P 89
Acteus Group P 35 Green Vision P 93
Aden Services P 36 Lafarge (Star Cement) P 112
Atalian Global Services P 52 Myanmar Home Design P 138
Baydrach P 57 Myanmar Jardine Schindler P 140
Conyat Create P 73 Penetron P 154
Competitive Pest Services P 74 Razel-Bec P 161
DJP Consults P 79 Saint-Gobain Glass P 164
Euracific Strategies P 81 Suez Consulting P 174
Exera P 84 Veolia Water Technologies P 186
HO+ Consulting P 98 Vivablast P 188
IAS-8 P 101
Javelin Services P 109 Education
Myanmar Bureau Veritas P 137 360ed P 34
Saint Blanquat & Associates P 163 Arorik ST P 49
SgT Limited P 173 Language Maison P 113
Synergy Business Development P 177 LFIR P 117
T & E International P 178
Thura Swiss P 181 Energy - Oil and Gas P
Vinarco P 187 China Oilfield Services Limited P 68
Vriens & Partners P 189 EDF P 80
West Indochina P 190 Inproserv P 107
Yever P 194 Legrand P 115
Parami Energy P 153
Business support P 38 Schlumberger P 169
Agence Francaise de Developpement P 82 Schneider Electric P 170
Eurocham Total E & P Myanmar P 182
Tractebel (Engie) P 185
Construction - Engineering P 48
Archetype P 50 Finance - Banking - Investment
Artelia P 64 AYA Bank P 56
BYMA/Bouygues Construction P 69 BRED Bank P 62
Citizens ID P 72 CB Bank P 67
Comin Asia P 87 Yoma Strategic Holdings P 195
196 197
Index Index
198 199
Index Index
200 201
Index Index
Members by alphabetical
Members by country
list of contacts
Spain P A DE WAEGH Luc P 190
Melia Yangon Hotel P 128 ALINGRIN Sebastien P 89
South Korea P AUNG THANT OO P 62 ESCALIER Aurelie P 71
Bluebell/Luxuy Business Institute P 59 AW Raymond P 54
Lotte Hotels & Resorts P 120 F P
B FEICHTER Thomas P 136
Swiss e BATTLE Philippe P 148 FLEJO Herve P 96
BAYER Aurelien P 57 FREITAS Telmo P 97
Myanmar Jardine Schindler P 140
BOUCARD Damien P 192
Willis Towers Watson P 191
BOUHELIER Charles P 50 G t
BOULLE Bastien P 172
Thailand P GAYUBO GIL Agustin P 137
BRIQUET Manuel P 101
Diethelm Travel P 78 GARRAUD Julien P 114
BRUCE Simon P 143
Insurexcellence P 107 GOUE Raphaël P 81
BUSSON Damien P 164
Samitivej International P 165 GREENLEE William Dale Jr P 77
Vinarco P 187 GUYOMARC’H Céline P 128
CASTILLO Adam Michael P 52
United Kingdom
Allen & Overy Limited P 43
CLINTON Timothy P 36
Javelin Services P 109 HAMILTON Geoffrey P 84
COLIN Boris P 117 HLAING MYINT (Michael) P 169
COMBEDIMANCHE Pierre P 35 HAN LYNN AUNG (Willliam) P 124
Vietnam P COUVARAS Phillip P 175 HARDOUIN Camille P 102
IAS-8 P 101 CURCI Jean P 193 HERMANN Philip P 185
HEUGAS Christian P 110
D e HOWE Anastacia P 73
DAGUISE David P 145
DAMLOUP Jeremy P 42 I P
DAMUSEAU Damien P 162 IMPERORE Jean-Marie P 87
DANAN Olivier P 69
DAS Andy P 173
DELEVAUX Alexis P 95
DELANGE Nicolas P 194
JULLIARD Charles P 115
202 203
Index Index
204 205