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France Myanmar

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Table of content

Message from H.E. Mr. Olivier Richard, Ambassador of France to Myanmar

Message from Mr. Julien Garraud, President of CCI France Myanmar

Message from Mr. Guillaume Rebiere, Executive Director of CCI France Myanmar


Who we are

- Our locations

- Our Board of Directors

- Our team

- Our CCI Ambassadors

- Our Members Committees

- Our international networks

What we do

- Why join CCI France Myanmar?

- Our Memberships and their benefits

- Our +30 annual events

- Our Business Support Services

- Our Human Resources Services

France in Myanmar

2 3
CCI FRANCE MYANMAR’S MEMBERS O - p150 - Office Express - Okkar Thiri - Oriental Zebra/Meizu

By alphabetical order P - p153 - Parami Energy - Penetron - Poe-ma insurances - Pullman Mandalay Mingalar Hotel
- Pullman Yangon Centrepoint Hotel
# - p34 - 360ed
R - p161 - Razel Bec
A - p35 - Acteus Group - Aden Services - Agence Francaise de Developpement - AGS Four
Winds - Akhuka Productions - Allen & Overy Limited - Amyanpoh - Annam Myanmar - Apollo S - p162 - Safecoms - Saint Blanquat & Associates - Saint-Gobain Glass - Samitivej Internatio-
Towers - Arc - Archetype - Arorik ST - Artelia International - Asia First Network - Atalian Glo- nal - Sanofi - Schlumberger - Schneider Electric - Servier - SgT - Suez - Sule Shangri-la - Sy-
bal Services - ATC Innosky - Audier & Partners - AYA Bank napse/ NTM - Synergy Business Development

B - p57 - Baydrach - Bioderma/Naos Mintha Care - Bluebell/Luxury Business Institute - Bolloré T - p178 - T&E International - Teakcell - Think Asia - Thura Swiss - Total E&P Myanmar -
Logistic - Bred Bank - BYMA/Bouygues Construction Tractebel/Engie

C - p65 - Camusat - Canal+ - CB Bank - China Oilfield Services Limited - Citizens ID - City Mart - V - p186 - Veolia Water Technologies - Vinarco - Vivablast - Vriens & Partners
CMA CGM - Comin Asia - CPS Competitive Pest Services - Conyat Create W - p190 - West Indochina - Willis Towers Watson
D - p76 - Dextra Transport - DFDL - Diethelm Travel - DJP Consults Y - p192 - Yangon Property - Yangoods - Yever - Yoma Strategic
E - p80 - EDF - Euracific Strategies - Eurocham - Europcar - Exera Asia - Exo Travel

F - p86 - Falcon Breeze - FMI Decaux - For Her Myanmar - Freyssinet

G - p90 - Grand Mercure Yangon Golden Empire - Green Vision - Groupe SEB - GTMH Telecom
- Gulliver Travel and Tour

H - p97 - Havas Riverorchid - HO+ Consulting - Hotel G Yangon - HQS Members by sector

I - p101 - IAS-8 - Ibis Styles Yangon Stadium Hotel - Ikon Group of Companies - Inproserv - Members by country
Insurexcellence - International SOS Members by alphabetical list of contacts
J - p109 - Javelin Services - JJ-Pun - JM Wine Importer

L - p112 - Lafarge Holcim - Language Maison - Legrand - Birmanie - Lesaffre

- LFIR - LMSL Legendary Myanmar - Lotte Hotels & Resorts - Luther Law Firm - LYC Healthcare

M - p125 - Mane Myanmar - Mega Lifesciences - Melbourne - Melia Yangon Hotel - Mercure
Mandalay Hill Resort - Mercure Yangon Kaba Aye Hotel - Mirandus Travel & Tour/Travelpro -
M Spiral - Myanmar Bureau Veritas - Myanmar Home Design - Myanmar Jardine Schindler -
My Jobs - MyWorld Careers

N - p144 - Netsmart - Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min Hotel - Novotel Yangon Max Hotel
4 5

6 7

Foreword by His Excellency

Olivier Richard, Ambassador
of France to Myanmar

As one of Asia’s last frontier markets,

Myanmar is facing major developmen-
tal challenges to modernize its econo-
my in an environmentally-friendly and
a socially-inclusive way. France is com- The France-Myanmar Chamber of
mitted to offer its technical expertise Commerce has played a key role in the
and its financial support to Myanmar’s development of French-Myanmar busi-
authorities, notably through the ness ties. The publication of its very
French Development Agency (AFD). first directory is an indication of the
Alongside this governmental support, Chamber’s increasing and diverse
French companies have of course con- membership. I hope this directory will
tributed - and are still contributing - to help the Chamber’s members to meet
Myanmar’s economic and social deve- partners and find new areas of future
lopment. Since Myanmar started to cooperation.
open up in the early 2010s, French-
Myanmar economic relations have Mr. Olivier Richard
expanded at a quick and steady pace. Ambassador of France
Bilateral trade flows reached €353 M
in 2017, a fourteen-fold increase in
only 5 years. French companies have
developed plans to strengthen their
presence in Myanmar with new in-
vestment projects, notably in the fields
of energy, power generation, construc-
tion, health, media and urban development.

8 9
Messages Messages

Mr. Julien Garraud Mr. Guillaume Rebiere

President Executive Director
CCI France Myanmar CCI France Myanmar
It is my pleasure to introduce this new Thanks to all our Members, CCI France
edition of the CCI France Myanmar’s Myanmar has been steadily growing
Membership Directory, the first one to annually by 25% for 5 years, since the
be published since 2014. French Business Association, created in
Members both inside and outside of
1996, officially became the French International Chamber of Commerce
This milestone illustrates the new level Myanmar. It will be shared with all our
Myanmar Chamber of Commerce and as the Small Chamber of the Year, and
of maturity reached by our Chamber contacts, with local authorities and
Industry. then by CCI France International as the
after five years of constant develop- professional organisations, with the
Best Performing Small Chamber.
ment. It also shows the efforts made worlwide network of CCI France Myan- These last 5 years have been full of
by the Chamber and its team to always mar, and with all potential investors, challenges, but also of exciting oppor- Far from resting on our laurels, we
better support and promote our Mem- and partners. It will lead, hopefully, to tunities and innovations. First of all, have continued offering new services
bers, and to work as a bridge between new projects and incomes for our they gave way to the awarding of the to better serve our Members. New
them and their future partners. Members. Eurocham Myanmar project to CCI events were launched, a new website
France Myanmar in 2014. Then, to the was developed, including an online job
Indeed, the goal of CCI France Myan- Therefore, this directory not only sym-
opening of our first Business Centre in platform, and our second Business
mar has always been and remains to bolises the remarkable results achieved
Yangon, in 2015. This same year, we Centre opened in Mandalay.
help its Members in the development by our Chamber during the past 5
launched many new business support
of their activites - be they Myanmar or years, but also represents the turning Finally, we have just registered our
services, including our wage portage
foreign companies - through all the point, the beginning of a new area of 150th Member and have created our
contracts and our recruitment services.
services it offers: market research, development, during which the Cham- first Members Committees.
matchmaking, recruitment, wage por- ber will implement new ways of sup- In 2016, we launched our first trai-
This directory is a tribute to all our
tage, office renting, networking events, port ing its Members. nings, which have since been deve-
Members who have supported us so
trainings, and so on. loping up to 20 modules per year.
I am very proud and happy to have far, for whom and with whom we con-
This Membership Directory, which will been elected as President at such an In regards to all these achievements, tinue to exist and to grow. I look fo-
also be translated in Burmese, will be important time for all of us, and I look CCI France Myanmar was awarded two ward to working with you this year
used to advertise the know-how of our forward to working with all of you. international prizes in 2017, first by the again. Thank you all!

10 11

12 13
Who we are

Our locations

Head Office - Yangon

Parkside One - 271/273 Bagayar Street -
Sanchaung Tsp - Yangon - Myanmar
+95 9 425 450 546

Contact Business Centre

Aye Su Oo
Membership & Business Support Executive
+95 9 425 450 546

Business Centre - Mandalay

Block 2 - Unit 5 - 2nd Floor - Between
Mingalar 2 and 3 Street - Mingalar Man-
dalay Compound - Chan Mya Tar Zi
Township - Mandalay - Myanmar

Contact Business Centre

May Thwe Khin
Business Support Executive
+95 9 798 975 853

14 15
Who we are Who we are

Our Board of Directors

Executive Committee Board Members

Julien Garraud Amy Nyunt Philippe Battle Charles Bouhelier

President Vice-President Board Member Board Member

General Manager Managing Director Country Manager General Manager

Legrand Myanmar Netsmart Accor Hotels Artelia Myanmar

Romaric Roignan Marc Guyonnaud Nicolas Delange Dr. Han Linn Aung
Vice-President Board Member Board Member of Board Member
Eurocham Myanmar
General Manager General Manager CEO
Total E&P Myanmar AGS Four Winds CEO LYC Healthcare Centre

Mark Tippetts David Levrat Sarah Lubeigt

Secretary General Chairman of Eurocham Board Member
Group Ambassador Country Manager
Yoma/SPA/FMI Group Country Representative Naos/Bioderma

Pierre-Yves Portafaix Su Su Tin

Board Member Board Member

Tax Consultant Managing Director

Luther Law Firm Exo Travel

16 17
Who we are Who we are

Our team Our CCI Ambassadors

Business Support Guillaume Rebiere Mandalay

Executive Director
+95 9 789 305 746
Pascaline Griffon guillaume.rebiere@ Anthony Myers
Business & Marketing General Manager
Manager Pullman Mandalay
+95 9 767 154 968 +95 9 765 669 104
pascaline.griffon@ H9095-GM@pullman-
Supporting your deve-
Finance & Admin
lopment in Myanmar
Aye Su Oo May Myo Thant Our CCI Ambassadors are Members
Membership &Business Finance & Admin located outside of Yangon, who have
Support Executive Manager Shan State agreed to represent us in their regions.
+95 9 425 450 546 +95 9 459 775 566
ayesuoo@ admin@ Paul Cheron Their missions are: Country Manager • To promote CCI France Myanmar
Shan Fusion in their regions
Chrys Ann Kuntong May Thu Naing
+95 9 263 834 419
Communication & Finance Assistant • To relay our communications in
Events Executive +95 9 420 178 825 their regions
+95 9 250 541 614 finance@ • To support the local implementa-
communication@ tion of our services
Cedric Seguin
CEO • To assist our Members developing
Asia First Network their activities in their regions, by
May Thwe Khin Saw Pho Se
+65 9640 7909 sharing information and contacts,
Business Support Admin Officer
Executive +95 9 425 450 546 and by organising meeting with
+95 9 798 975 853 admin@ local official and potential business
maythwekhin@ partners

18 19
Who we are Who we are

Our Members Our international

Committees networks

General objectives Eurocham Myanmar

• To help our Members sharing simi- The European Chamber of Commerce
lar challenges and goals to meet in Myanmar - EuroCham - serves as the
• To help our Members to extend • To run surveys and other projects voice of European business in Myan-
their networks • To publish a HR guide to Myanmar
CCI France International mar. Its main mission is to advocate
• To create new opportunities for • To work with other organisations With 120 French Chambers in 90 coun- member interests with organisations in
our Members on the market sharing similar goals tries, it is the 1st global French network Myanmar, the ASEAN region and the
• To create links and maintain strong of companies with 35,000 members EU.
relations with local organizations worldwide.
• To help our Members actively par-
Young Entrepreneurs EuroCham Myanmar was launched in
ticipate in the sustainable develop- Committee It also represents the French Chambers December 2014 through a grant con-
ment and progress of Myanmar of Commerce worldwide in France be- tract between the EU and a consortium
fore the French authorities and admi- composed of CCI France Myanmar and
• Mr. Nicolas Delange - CEO - Yever
Human Resources • Mr. Jonathan Keusseian - General
nistrations, the regional Chambers of Eurochambres Brussels.
Commerce, the companies in France…
Committee Manager - Amyanpoh
Specific objectives
• To discuss the challenges faced by
• Daw Ma Ma Naing - Director of
entrepreneurs and offer solutions
Human Ressources - Sule Shangri-
• To publish an Entrepreneurs guide
La Mr. Charles Maridor Mr. Filip Lauwerysen
to Myanmar
• Mr. Guillaume Sautier - General Director Network CCIFI Executive Director
• To run surveys and other projects,
Manager - International SOS
and identify potential partners
Specific objectives +33 1 406 937 49 +95 9 450 582 335
• To work with other organisations
• To discuss the HR challenges in 46/48 Avenue de la Grande-Armée - Parkside One - 271/273 Bagayar Street
sharing similar goals 75017 Paris - France
Myanmar and offer solutions - Sanchaung Tsp - Yangon - Myanmar

20 21
What we do What we do

Why join CCI France Our Memberships and

Myanmar? their benefits

Get direct access to our • Partner Member - $1,700/year
• Corporate Member - $750/year
Business Services • Ordinary Member - $450/year
• Get free direct support from our • Organisation - $350/year
Increase your business • Members rates (20% discount) on
team: search for partners and in- • Individual Member - $200/year all our events and services
exposure vestors, business information, • Young Professional - $150/year • Your logo on all communications
recruitment, legal information…
• Get privilege access to our Mem- of CCI France Myanmar (for Part-
• Have privilege access to B to B
bers , committees and contacts
meetings, training programs, sour-
Benefits ner Member only)
• Find new partners, clients and • Free access to our list of Members
cing, market studies…
suppliers in Myanmar or abroad
• Promote your image by supporting • Access our Members Committees Our network
• Benefit from our positive image •
our events, trainings, exhibitions, Free introduction with contacts • +150 members in Myanmar
• Become a member of Eurocham conferences… and potential partners • +30,000 contacts on Facebook and
Myanmar (under conditions) •
• Get access to our Members only Your own page of presentation in Linkedin
events and programs our Directory and on our website • +3,000 personalised business con-
Have a direct access to • Your interview as Member of the tacts
Cut costs on business Week shared on our website, so- • Direct contacts with officials, local
key information cial media, and in our newsletter associations, administrations and
• Participate in our regular events support services • Opportunity to organise breakfast business organisations
• Participate in professional exhibi- • Save at least 20% on all our ser-
conferences with us • +120 CCI France in 90 countries
tions and conferences • Free posting of job offers on our • +35,000 Members of CCI France
vices, including trainings, office
• Benefit from experiences and renting, events, recruitment,...
website International in the world
knowledge shared by Members • Free campaigns on social media to • European institutions in Myanmar
• Get free entrances to professional
• Access CCI France International's fairs, conferences and exhibitions
promote your company, products
worldwide database and/or services

22 23
What we do What we do

Our +30 annual events

Connect@Breakfast Executive Dinner Business Talk

• 1/month @Melia Hotel - 8 am • 2-3/year @Novotel - 7 pm • 5/year @CCI France - 8 am
• Open to everyone • For Members only • Open to everyone
• Breakfast conference with pre- • Exclusive dinner with a Minister or • Breakfast conference with pre-
Seminar CEO for 15 of our Members
sentations covering a whole sector sentation by one of our Members
• 5/year@Novotel - 8 am
• Open to everyone
• Workshop by 2 professionals sha-
ring their experiences on topics
related to our trainings

Legal Talk
• 2/year @CCI France - 8 am
• Open to everyone
• Breakfast conference organised in Beaujolais Nouveau
Networking Cocktail Gala Dinner-Show
partnership with a law firm, to
• 5/year @different venues - 7 pm • 1/year @different venue - November • 1/year @Novotel - December
present the latest changes in the
Myanmar legal framework and • For members only • Open to everyone • Open to everyone
business environment • Cocktail organised jointly with ano- • Celebration of the traditional • Exclusive French dinner with a
ther Chamber of Commerce French wine festival unique show

24 25
What we do What we do

Our Business Support Our Human Resources

Services Services

CCI Implantation+ Our trainings

Tailor-made services to support you in Regular Trainings
the establishment of your company in • 24 or 30-hour trainings
Myanmar: • 1 day/week over 4-5 weeks
Market approach
• Legal and economic information, • @CCI France Myanmar
In Myanmar
local contacts • 15 to 20 students maximum Recruitment &
• Tailor-made market studies • ICM accreditation
• B2B/matchmaking meetings Outsourcing
• Tailor-made business matching • Large range of topics
• Recruitment services
missions and visits of sites We offer a complete set of services in
• Umbrella contracts (wage portage/ • Closed by a 2-hour seminar
• Participation in trade fairs Tailored Corporate Trainings
order to answer your needs in human
• Commercial representation • Custom-made trainings delivered
• Hosting and coaching of VIE/local
• Sourcing missions for suppliers • Recruitment services, from simp-
employee inside your company
mly posting your job offer for free,
• Virtual domiciliation or office lea- • Curriculum and skills adapted to
In France/European Union to headhunting your future em-
sing in our Business Centres in Yan- your needs
• Tailor-made research for business Flash Trainings
gon and/or in Mandalay
opportunities in France/EU • Sales representation with a time-
• 3-hour modules that can be com-
• Export support and research for a bined in a complete package
share Sales Person representing
client or a partner in France/EU your company in Myanmar
• 0.5 day/week
• Visits of professional exhibitions • Wage portage/umbrella contract
• @CCI France Myanmar
and trade fairs, meetings with po- to outsource your employment
• 15 to 20 students maximum
tential partners in France/EU contract, payroll,...
• Focus on specific / concrete skills

26 27
France in Myanmar France in Myanmar

France in Myanmar French International LePetitJournal.Com

School - Joseph Kessel Birmanie
Mr. Charles Julliard
Embassy of France in French Development Mr. Boris Colin
+95 9 793 101 265
Myanmar Agency (AFD) Director
61 Inya Myaing Road - Bahan Township
102 Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road - Yangon Mrs. Marie-Cecile Thirion CCI France Myanmar - Parkside One -
- Yangon 271/273 Bagayar Street - Sanchaung
+95 1 212 520 / 212 178 / 212 530 Head of Yangon office
+95 1 510 983 / +95 9 457 499 063 Township - Yangon Pyay Garden Office Tower - 2nd Floor -
Room 2001 - 346 Pyay Road - San-
Economic Department chaung Township - Yangon Rangoun Accueil
Mr. Hubert Colaris + 95 1 536 510 French Kindergarten -
Mr. Charles Julliard
Economic Counsellor Les Cahiers Dorés President
Mrs. Valérie Legueux +95 9 793 101 265
+95 1 211 781 - 211 782
Business France +95 9 513 9593
Ms. Géraldine Mabille 1518115208405456/
Cultural Cooperation
Mr. Cyprien François Head of Yangon office 39 A Golden Valley road - Yangon
Cultural Attaché / Director of IFB BirmaFrog
cyprien.franç +95 9 426 799 525 LesCahiersDores.Yangon/
Mr. Jonathan Kieusseian
Institut Français de Birmanie (IFB) Ambassade de France
340 Pyay Road - Sanchaung Township - 102 Pyidaungsu Yeiktha Road - Yangon
Yangon + 95 1 230 2125
+95 9 794 393 573
+ 95 1 536 900 / 537 122 / 535 428

28 29

30 31
They chose us Partner Members

Our Partner Members

"Vinarco have been renting several office

spaces at the CCI France Myanmar since
August 2017. The support of their team has
been continuous and efficient! Telecommu-
nications and secretarial support is great,
location in city center is unparalleled for the
rate proposed. Most important, we enjoy a
friendly atmosphere every day! We will re-
commend the CCI France Myanmar to new
comers any given time.”

Jean-Martial Carpena - Independant Consultant

Energy Sector

"The Digital Marketing training’s hands-on

approach by an experienced trainer helps to
drive engagement among students which is
reflected in the positive feedback I have
received from our marketing staff. There-
fore, I strongly recommend these courses to
anyone who is keen on acquiring new
knowledge in the fast-evolving segment of
digital marketing."

Amy Nyunt - Managing Director


32 33
Education Supply chain

360ed Acteus Group


Mrs. San Dar Nyunt Wai Mr. Pierre Combedimanche
360ed is an EduTech social enterprise based Acteus Group specializes in providing supply
Director of Operations Operations Manager
out of Singularity University at the NASA chain services to industrial companies ope-
Research Park in Silicon Valley. We work to rating in Asia Pacific - mainly in the sectors
+95 9 450 055 692 +95 9 950 219 633
enable teachers and students from even the of O&G, F&B, mining and construction.
most challenged communities to be fully
Myanmar - Tamwe Plaza - 6th floor - Tamwe Singapore - 362 - Upper Paya Lebar Road - With a strong track-record and footprint in
immersed in the world’s best practice lear-
Township - Yangon # 06-11 Singapore 534963 Myanmar, Acteus group facilitates procure-
ning experiences today.
+95 9 969 624 360 ment and supply chain operation for compa- +65 6282 1241 nies having operations in Myanmar and in Myanmar - N°7 - Ground Floor - Nat Chaung need of equipment, goods from overseas.
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Street - 11211 - Tamwe Township - Yangon
Thanks to its Myanmar establishment - Ac-
- First Myanmar AR learning apps and flash-
teus Myanmar co., ltd - Acteus group is able
cards (Dat Thin Pone Series)
- Netexplo Innovative Award 2018 Winner, to cover the complete scope of supply chain
UNESCO (from international sourcing of goods to
- High Tech on job training for 70 students customs clearance and local delivery in
from 8 Technological Universities. Myanmar). Therefore providing a reliable
and efficient solution to industrial compa-
nies having a setup in Myanmar.

34 35
Business services

Aden Services

Mr. Timothy Clinton
Founded in 1997 by French entrepreneur
General Manager
Joachim Poylo, ADEN Services is a multina-
tional integrated facility management ser-
+95 9 762 168 454
vices company providing one-stop solutions
for all types of facilities.
Myanmar - Room 302 - Shwe Than Lwin
condo - New University avenue - Aye Yeik ADEN Services provides services to manufac-
thar-1 street - Bahan township - Yangon turing & factories, retail, educational, healthcare, hospitality, R&D centers, offices, government, mining, and oil & gas client

ADEN Services assists clients with achieving

greater efficiency in their core business by
providing essential support services.

36 37
Business support They chose us

Agence Française de
Développement (AFD)
"Being a member of the CCI France Myan-
mar for more than a year now has been
really positive. It allowed to get in contact
with companies from different sectors, gi-
Mrs. Marie-Cécile Thirion
The French Development Agency (Agence ving us an exposure that we would not have
Head of Yangon office
Française de Développement, AFD) is reached that fast without being a member."
France’s inclusive public development bank.
+95 9 784 326 722 Céline Guyomarc’h - General Manager
It commits financing and technical assis-
tance to projects that improve everyday life, Melià Hotel Yangon
France - 5 rue Roland Barthes - 75598 Paris
both in developing and emerging countries
Myanmar - Pyay Garden Office Tower -
and in the French overseas provinces. AFD
Room 2001 - 346 Pyay Road - Sanchaung
works in many sectors - energy, healthcare,
Township - Yangon
biodiversity, water, digital technology, pro-
+ 95 1 536 510
fessional training, among others - to assist
with transitions towards a safer, more equi-
table, and more sustainable world : a world
in common. AFD operates in Myanmar since "I have been participating in the Chamber’s
April 2012. AFD’s main financial tool in life since its creation and the team has al-
Myanmar is sovereign concessional loan ways been helpful, knowledgeable and de-
(loan to Myanmar government). AFD grant is dicated to its missions. For any new comers
also mobilized through regional projects, as
or anyone used to Myanmar, the Chamber
well as European delegated grant to comple-
is a great tool for networking, communica-
ment AFD loans.
ting and be updated on the evolution of the
AFD supports to Myanmar focuses on the country. I am looking forward to seeing
following sectors: urban development,
always more new business opportunities
health, energy. It has also develop a portfo-
with CCI France Myanmar.”
lio on water management.
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Aurélien Bayer - CEO
- 85 offices in the world
- 2,500 projects in 108 countries Baydrach Marketing & Development
- €9.4bn to 600 development projects

38 39

AGS Four Winds

Mr. Marc Guyonnaud
AGS Four Winds Myanmar has been set up
General Manager
in December 2015.
+95 9 971 377 097 We are part of the AGS group’s Network
with more than 130 branches in 94 coun-
Myanmar - 15 - Mya Wut Yi Lane (4) - tries.
Mayangone Township - Yangon
We are specialized in international door to
+95 1 658 108
door removals by sea, air or road.


- More than 130 branches in 94 countries
- 70,000.00 families’ goods moved per year
- 43 years of experience

40 41
Media - Advertising Legal Services

Akhuka Productions Allen & Overy


Mr. Jeremy Damloup Mrs. Win Ma Ma Aye
Akhuka is a creative production company Allen & Overy’s dedicated Myanmar group
Chief Operating Officer Head of Operations
based in Yangon. We are film-makers, crea- advises clients across all active sectors inclu-
tive storytellers and producers who orches- ding telecoms, banking and financial ser-
+95 9 404 665 163 +95 9 450 025 417
trate everything to best hook your audience. vices, energy and power including oil and
+66 9 088 083 23
Working with brands and partner agencies, gas, infrastructure, real estate, manufactu-
Myanmar - SPACE Condo - 23 Yanshin Street
we bring energy, soul and passion in narra- ring and consumer goods. We also regularly
- Yankin - Yangon Myanmar - Suite 539/540 - Inya Lake Hotel -
ting visual stories. At our core, we value engage with the Myanmar government and
+95 9 404 665 163 37 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road - Mayangone
quality and understand the impact that eve- universities, including providing ongoing Township - Yangon
ry visual experience that we craft needs to training in areas relevant to foreign in- +95 1 966 262 9
have on the viewer. So, tell us your story vestment. Through this interaction at the
and we will bring it to life… highest level we are able to advise many of
our global clients on their entry into the
country and their subsequent investment
and associated regulatory advice. We also
provided assistance to the Supreme Court of
the Union with the drafting of the Myanmar
Arbitration Law.


- 44 offices in 31 countries
- More than 5,400 employees
- In 2016, advised on more than 1500 deals

42 43
Logistics Import - Distribution

Amyanpoh Annam Myanmar


Mr. Jonathan Kieusseian Mr. Gerben Kamps
Amyanpoh is a technology based last mile Annam Group distributes fast moving consu-
CEO Operations Director
delivery facilitator. We offer a uniquely mer goods (FMCG) in Vietnam, Laos, Cambo-
effective service - in Myanmar - that ensures dia and Myanmar. Quality brands are our
+95 9 794 393 573 +95 9 260 645 146
a high quality of service for your the delivery passion and we represent principals from
of our Client’s products to their doosrtep. around the world on an exclusive basis. An-
Myanmar - Myay Nu Street - Sanchaung Myanmar - 67/A - Myamarlar Street - Thar-
We are a B2B company - who provide a B2C nam Group is continuously sourcing pre-
Township - Yangon keta Industrial Zone - Tharketa Township -
service through dedicated delivery part- mium, delicious food and beverage products
+95 9 794 393 573 Yangon
ners.Our industry focus is the E commerce - for distribution throughout the region, and +95 9 444 435 113
online shopping, direct sales, companies we pride ourselves on being the go-to
looking to utilize Omni Channel sales and source for globally respected brands.
marketing to gain or maintain market share
or organisations who need effective secure
delivery of high value items. KEY FACTS & FIGURES
We provide our Clients with partial or full - 50+ global FMCG brands
KEY FACTS & FIGURES integration with our software, secure re- - 2,000 retail clients in the region
- Facilitating the delivery in three cities liable and efficient pick up, delivery and - 1,400 committed professionals regionally
- 15 employees, more than 40 partners tracking of their product deliveries. They
- More than 20 regular clients have access to a dashboard online (and on
Mobile), and full transaction and financial
reporting - your products and the cash we
carry will be insured - if we loose it or break
it, we replace it.

44 45
Telecommunications Import - Distribution

Apollo Towers Arc Distribution



Mr. Philippe Luxcey Mr. Christopher Lao
Leading independent telecom tower com- Arc was born in the north of France, in
Managing Director Country Manager, Myanmar & Thailand
pany, owning and operating a portfolio of Arques, where the Group's headquarters are
integrated tower and power sites, we offer still located, its Research and Development
+95 9 254 210 114
construction, leasing and management of division and the largest glass production site
Myanmar - 51 - Sayar San road - Bahan
tower and power solutions to all telecom- in the world. Securely anchored in France
Township - Yangon Singapore - 74A - Tras St - Singapore 079013
munications service providers in Myanmar. and its region of origin, Arc manufactures
+95 1 860 450 2 +65 6 222 208 8
Our strategy of tenancy sharing enables us and distributes its products on all conti-
+95 9 250 360 177
to offer exceptional value to Operators and nents. The Group has production sites in
allows us to contribute to a sustainable tele- China, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and
com infrastructure network across Myan- the United States. It shines through six
mar. Based in Yangon, with offices in Nay Pyi brands (Arcopal, Cristal d'Arques Paris, Lu-
Taw and Mandalay, we have established a minarc, Eclat, Arcoroc and Chef & Somme-
strong country presence and our world class lier) by putting the beautiful in the reach of
services have given us a leading reputation all, everywhere in the world.
for tower construction and management.
We always obey the rule of law: all Apollo
employees, contractors & suppliers are con- KEY FACTS & FIGURES
tractually bound by our policies for Interna-
- 10162 Glassworkers
tional Business Conduct. We ensure that all - 849 million euro of turnover in 2015
government & regulatory approvals are in - 4.3 million pieces manufactured every day
KEY FACTS & FIGURES place before construction, and we always worldwide
- Providing with 1788 towers follow Health & Safety standards. Our goal is
- Aiming for the highest quality. to provide the highest quality telecom in-
- Operating under all International Business frastructure at flexible, at competitive
conduct standards.
prices. Beyond cell towers, our vision in-
cludes enabling a full spectrum of advanced
telecommunications services.

46 47
Engineering - Construction Education - Consulting

Archetype Myanmar Arorik ST Co.Ltd


Mr. Mark Petrovic Mrs. Saw Thinzar Wai
Archetype Group is a multi-disciplinary cons- Education
Managing Director Managing Director
truction consultancy firm founded in 2002 Management Consultant
by French Architects and Engineers. Since
+95 9 425 033 463
2002, the group has rapidly expended to Event Organizer
Myanmar - 503-A - Anawrahta Road - Ward-
reach 20 offices in 15 countries, whose staffs
Myanmar - 306 - Shwe Hintha Tower B - 20 - Hlaing Thayar Township - Yangon Humanitarian Aid
combining efforts of more than 32 nationali-
No.51 - 6 1/2 miles - Pyay Road - Hlaing +95 9 799 710 300
ties. Our blend of talent, training and close
Township - Yangon +46 7 381 977 44
coordination between offices and countries
+95 1 507 344 - EXT-159
has earned Archetype Group recognition as
one of the top 100 Architectural firm since
2007 and one of the largest multi-
disciplinary construction consultancies in

Archetype group has registered Archetype

Myanmar Limited since December 2012 as a
100% foreign own company and since then
have been very active in the whole country
with more than 60 employees. Archetype
Myanmar is one of the largest private cons-
truction consultancies in Myanmar with core
services in Architecture & Planning, Building
& Infrastructure Engineering, Project & Cost
Management and Industrial & Process Engi-
neering. Our expertise covers key construc-
tion sectors such as buildings & real estate,
industry & manufacturing and energy and
48 49
Engineering - Construction F&B - Distribution

Artelia Asia First Network


Mr. Charles Bouhelier Mr. Cedric Seguin
Artelia conducts its Consultancy/ AFN was created in 2014 by a young dyna-
Managing Director Managing Director
Engineering assignments in nine markets: mic team of entrepreneurs with a purpose
building construction (Design, Project Mana- to design, develop and operate ground-
+95 9 789 660 035 +65 9 640 790 9
gement, Construction Management), water breaking Food & Beverage concepts. The
(Hydrology, Water Resource Management, group focuses on giving birth to maverick
Myanmar - 10 - 4th Floor - Za Bu Rit Street - Singapore - 12 - Eu Tong Sen Street - #08-
Irrigation, flooding), environment designs, and deliver a unique dining expe-
Sanchaung Township - Yangon 166 Singapore
(Environmental & Social Impact As- rience to an ecclectic mix of local and
+95 9 789 660 035 Myanmar - Business Center - Zone A - Yan-
sessments, Environmental Management foreign customers. gon Gourmet Company Office - Hopone
Plans, Climate Change), energy (Power and Road - 4 Miles - Taunggyi Its F&B arm, Asiatico Group, initially gained
Distribution, Hydropower, Solar), maritime popularity through One Owl Grill restaurant
(Ports and Harbours), urban development and its flagship venue, Asiatico Pub. An-
(Water treatment, Waste Management), chored near Inle Lake, it became famous as
transportation, industrial facilities and multi-
the largest pub in Myanmar, and for its piz-
site projects.
zas and outstanding design.

After the recent opening of Shan United Pub

KEY FACTS & FIGURES in Taunggyi, Asiatico group is now set to
launch new places country wide, under One
- 4900 employees in 36 Countries
Owl Grill, Asiatico Pub, Asiatico Café
- Turnover: €520M (2016)
- Certified ISO 9001,OHSAS 18001,ISO 14001 and Asiatico Pizza brands.


- Biggest pub in Myanmar
- Capacity of 500+ seats over 4 restaurants
- Shan United Pub, first Pub designed for a
football club in Myanmar

50 51
Business services

Atalian Global Services

Mr. Adam Michael Castillo
Atalian Global Services Myanmar is a Myan-
Managing Director
mar based Facility Management provider.
Our core business services include facility
+95 9 250 590 969
management, security manpower, cleaning
services, technical maintenance and general
Myanmar - 18/A4 - Tharlar Wadi Street - 7
staffing. Formerly Scipio Services Company
Miles - Mayangone Township - Yangon
Ltd. was founded in 2012 partnered with
+95 9 789 093 61
Atalian Global Services in 2017. Atalian Glo-
bal Services Myanmar will look towards the
future to continue to deliver the quality of
the Scipio/MAC Security brand, while also
breaking into new industries that Atalian
Global Services has excelled in around the

ATALIAN Global Services is a French inde-

pendent Group and a leading global services
provider in Europe. Each day, the Group’s
100,000 employees work with companies
and public authorities to devise solutions
that match their requirements. More than
25,000 clients already place their trust in
ATALIAN, which generates a yearly turnover
of 2.3 billion US Dollars (pro forma 2017). A
KEY FACTS & FIGURES recognised expert for more than 70 years,
- 2.1 billion USD turnover ATALIAN is committed to bringing value to
- Over 100,000 employees its clients on a daily basis.
- Presence in 31 countries

52 53
Import - Distribution Legal services

ATC Innosky Audier & Partners


Mr. Raymond Aw Mr. Eddy Jabnoune
ATC INNOSKY ventured into the last frontier Audier & Partners is an international law
Managing Director Country representative, Senior Lawyer
market in South East Asia – Myanmar during firm founded by Nicolas Audier, member of
it’s initial door opening policy started. the Paris Bar, who headed the Vietnam prac- +95 9 961 031 257
tice of a major international law firm for
+95 9 421 106 299 ATC is a Singapore based engineering pro-
more than ten years, and four other Part-
ducts and IT solution provider. Myanmar - Parkside One Building - No.271-
ners from the United Kingdom and France.
Myanmar - 011(A) - Ground Floor - Building 273 - Bagayar Street - Myaynigone - San-
ATC was formed to deliver reliable products/
B - Hnin Si Street - Yuzana HighWay Com- chaung Township - Yangon Audier & Partners has significantly expanded
systems and services to our partners in the
plex - Kamayut Township - Yangon its operations in Myanmar in 2012.
most cost effective and efficient manner.
+95 9 421 106 299
Our team comprises talented lawyers and Continuously strive to enable the delivering
advisers from various countries including
of high quality products and services in the
France, the United Kingdom, Vietnam and
most efficient manner for the benefits of all
Myanmar, who have a broad range of tech-
nical skills and expertise, gained from
We thus commit to retain the confidence of working on landmark deals in Vietnam and
our customers on our products and services South East Asia. Our team provides first rate
by providing reliable products and services. advice and assistance to clients on interna-
tional and local law matters and has particu-
larly strong expertise in corporate and com-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES mercial, mergers and acquisitions, and dis-
- Engineering: Distributor/ Dealers of re- KEY FACTS & FIGURES pute resolution.
nowned brands for pumps, sensors, vacu- - Long presence in South-East Asia and My- Our clients are international leaders in a
um pumps, pneumatic controls and medi- anmar
- A&P advises on landmark projects in My- range of sectors including real estate, manu-
cal gas system
- IT: Integrated point of sales solution, ten- anmar notably in the telecommunication, facturing, agribusiness, hospitality, infras-
media and broadcasting, and transportation tructure, distribution and media.
ant management system, business intelli-
gence solution, hotel management solu- - Entrepreneurial approach to emerging
tions, hospital information system. markets

54 55
Banking Business services

AYA Bank Baydrach


Mrs. Khin Thida Kyaw Khaing Mr. Aurelien Bayer
AYA Bank has grown rapidly over the past Baydrach Marketing and Development Inc,
Senior Manager Chief Executive Officer
seven years to become the second largest in settled in 2016, is a company operating in
the country, with 234 branches, 1.4m custo- South-East Asia. Our business model is rela-
+95 9 421 114 736 +95 9 254 391 644 - +63 9 174 537 815,
mers, Kyat 4.7 trillion customer deposits and ting to support foreign companies/investors
+66 9 258 432 26 - +44 7 452 042 408
150 billion Shareholders’ Equity as at the to develop their activities in South East Asia
Myanmar - 416 - Corner Of Maharbandoola
end of September 2017. Top 100 depositors and especially Myanmar. For this purpose
Road & Maharbandoola Garden Street - Philippines - XCM Building - 3rd Floor
represent about 6% of total deposits, under- we propose 2 different services:
Kyauktada Township - Yangon Aguinaldo Highway - #71 Aguinaldo Highway
lining the general public’s confidence in the
+95 1 370 500 - Anabu II-A - Imus 4103 - Cavite - Philip- Marketing: Market Studies and Strategy
bank. pines Development, purpose is to give a maximum As a member of the UN Global Compact +63 4 645 468 39 of information to companies based out of
(UNGC), AYA Bank is committed to imple- Myanmar and help them to define their
ment global standards in Corporate Go- development strategy.
vernance and compliance best practices in
Sales & Development: we ensure the pros-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES its management and operations. AYA Bank is
pection, client visit, customers representa-
the only bank in Myanmar to be IFRS com-
- Leading bank in Myanmar through pursuit tion, in-country.
of excellent and long term sustainable pliant and the only one audited under Inter-
growth national Standards of Auditing (ISA) by a big- We are specialized in Heavy Industry: Oil,
- Fast, reliable, honest banking relationships four international firm. Gas, Power and Energy, Construction, Infras-
at reasonable cost. tructure, Telecom, Marine, Food-Processing
- Offers the full range of retail and commer- For the years ahead, the bank will continue
and Pharmaceutical and have references
cial banking products and services to extend its branch network throughout
from Europe, Asia and Americas.
Myanmar while concurrently investing in
state-of-the-art Core Banking, Digital Ban- KEY FACTS & FIGURES
king and Fintech platforms. AYA Bank aims
- Energy Specialist
to provide uniform Omni-channel interface - GreenTech Expert
offering innovative products and services - Global Coverage
across all customer segments.

56 57
Retail - Medical Retail - Education

Bioderma/Naos Bluebell/Luxury
Mintha Care Business Institute


Mrs. Sarah Lubeigt Mr. Daniel Mayran
Bioderma is one of the main leading French Founded in 2009, Luxury Business Institute is
Country Representative President / CEO
dermo-cosmetic brands. Created in 1977, it a leading consulting and training organiza-
is today among the top 10 worldwide brands tion specialized in the luxury industry. With
+ 95 9 541 964 0 +82 2 218 526 4
in dermo-cosmetics and is present in over offices in South Korea, China, Hong Kong
100 countries. In Myanmar, Bioderma ope- and France, LBI objective’s is to develop new
France - 355 Rue Pierre Simon Laplace Korea - Luxury Business Institute - 4FL. Bae-
ned an affiliate structure under the name of Institutes worldwide. Each entities of LBI
13593 Aix-en-Provence gang Bldg - 801 - Seolleung-ro - Gangnam-gu
Mintha Care Co., Ltd in Yangon in Septem- support luxury brands locally by providing
Myanmar - MICT Park - Building 15 - Level 2 - 06019 - Seoul - South Korea
ber 2017. Bioderma philosophy is as follows: consulting and training services through
- Hlaing Tsp - Yangon +82 (2) 218 5826 4
Biology at the service of Dermatology. wide range of customized solutions deli-
+95 9 541 964 0
vered by field experts. LBI has fostered a Since the beginning and even more so since
strategic partnership with INSEEC Group, an the 1990’s, the laboratory has designed
international French based educational
OfficialBiodermaMyanmar/ benchmark products based on key innova-
group and “Luxury Attitude”, a consulting tions offering new options to meet the ex-
company specialized in helping luxury hospi- pectations of dermatologists and the needs
tality and retail industries to make their
of their patients. These innovations have
client promise come true.
covered the areas of sensitive skin, oily skin,
dry skin, dehydrated skin, photoprotection LBI’s partner, Bluebell Group, is a distributor
(solar), hair and cell regeneration. For more of luxury, premium, and lifestyle brands
information on the brand, please visit: around Asia. Since 1954, Bluebell’s passion for all things luxurious, inspiring, and beauti-
ful has helped establish some of the world’s
leading brands in Asia. Bluebell has the most
comprehensive distribution platform and
- 2000 employees around the world in 2017 KEY FACTS & FIGURES network in Asia thanks to years of building
- Prescribed by 44 000 Dermatologists trusted partnerships.
- 50+ clients
- Avaliable now in Myanmar since 2018
- 6 offices worldwide
- 40+ employees

58 59

Bolloré Logistics

Mr. Julien Loiret
Bolloré Logistics is a global leader in interna-
General Manager
tional transport & logistics. Constantly adap-
ting to its customers' changing needs, the
+95 9 401 571 511
company has enriched its expertise to
become a tier-one supply chain partner and
Myanmar - 802 - 8th floor - Tower (A) - My-
one of the top 10 transport and logistics
aing Hay Wun Condominium - Kyaik Waing
companies in the world with the largest
Pagoda Road - Mayangone Township - Yan-
integrated logistics network in Africa. Bollo-
ré Logistics delivers custom-fit solutions with
+95 1 933 921 1
a high added value that draw on an in-depth
experience and understanding of different
industries, as well as the constant quest for
improvement and optimization that is cen-
tral to the company's own culture and va-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES lues. We match the needs of import and
export companies around the world, provi-
- Expertise in wide range of sectors
- A worldwide network of experts ding complex supply chain management
- Customised operational tools, clear-cut solutions for major groups and international
processes and logistic techniques shipment services for SMEs. Our global offer
is built around its comprehensive and inte-
grated expertise in five services: Multimodal
Transport, Customs and Regulatory Com-
pliance, Logistics, Global Supply Chain and
Industrial Projects.

60 61


Mr. Aung Thant Oo
BRED is a cooperative Banque Populaire,
Country Representative
supported by its 165,000 members and 3.7
billion euros of equity.
+95 9 516 468 4
The BRED Group has 5,500 employees, 25%
Myanmar - 70 - Nak Mauk Lane(1) - Bo Cho of which are located outside France and in
Ward (2) - Bahan Township - Yangon French overseas collectivities, offering ser-
+95 1 860 430 1 vices in retail banking, corporate banking,
+95 9 513 641 9 private banking, asset management, securi- ties trading, an insurance company and in- ternational banking via its subsidiaries and international trade. Its core business is com-
groupe-bred mercial banking in France and French Over-
seas Collectivities, where it pursues targeted
growth in the Horn of Africa, Oceania and in
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Asia. It also has representation offices in
- 165,000 members,3.7 Billion Euros of Myanmar and Ethiopia, in addition to equity
Equity interests in a number of banks in these va-
- One billion euro in NBI (€ 1,095M) rious regions of the world.
- +6.9% (excluding non-recurring items)
- 2016 New Record BRED maintains long-term relationships with
more than one million clients. In addition to
loans, investments and day-to-day banking,
it offers all of its customers the products and
services provided by its trading desk, insu-
rance company and asset management com-
pany, in addition to those offered by the
specialist subsidiaries of the BPCE Group.

62 63
Construction Telecommunications

BYMA/Bouygues Cons- Camusat



Mr. Robert Popielarksi Mr. Mateen Tariq
BYMA is a design and build contractor, a Camusat is a key player in telecom network
Operations Director Chief Executive Officer
joint venture between Dragages Singapore roll out. Our expert teams can design, build,
(Subsidiary of Bouygues Construction) and power and manage your telecom infrastruc-
+95 9 448 953 206 +95 9 977 728 766
SPA Project Management (Subsidiary of tures anywhere in the world.
YOMA Strategic Holding). BYMA brings toge-
Myanmar- Room 375 - 4th floor - IMA Build- Myanmar - 78 - Mingyi Mahar Min Khaung As a premium turnkey solution provider, we
ther the local expertise and knowledge of
ing - Bogyoke Aung San Road - Pabedan Street - East Dagon Industrial Zone - East manage all aspects of telecom site imple-
SPA Project Management and the large-
Township - Yangon Dagon Township - Yangon mentation project: from site acquisition and
scale international construction experience
+95 1 925 387 3 +95 9 977 858 544 planning, to design, construction and instal-
of Dragages Singapore, delivering high quali- lation. Our expertise also includes modifica-
ty projects to our clients. tion and reinforcement studies of existing
Bouygues Construction is a global player in towers to help optimizing the infrastructure.
construction, with operations in more than
Camusat provides turnkey solutions for off/
80 countries. It designs, builds and operates
on-grid power generation anywhere in the
projects in the sectors of building, infrastruc-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES world, reducing OPEX and accelerating the
ture and industry. As a responsible and com-
return on investment. Our large pool of
mitted leader in sustainable construction, - Operating in 35+ countries
global and local teams, certified by the lea-
Bouygues Construction sees innovation as its - Over 2,700 employees worldwide
- Generating €160 M of turnover (2017) ding equipment vendors, make us the re-
primary source of added value: this is
liable choice for any network deployment
“shared innovation” that benefits its custo-
worldwide, using multi-vendor and multi-
mers at the same time as improving its pro-
technologies wireless solutions. Camusat
ductivity and the working conditions of its
sustains complex turnkey fiber optic projects
50,100 employees. Bouygues Construction
worldwide through all phases: from network
established its strong foothold in Asia Pacific
planning, end-to-end design up to large
through various entities and Bouygues
scale implementation of physical infrastruc-
Myanmar (BYMA) is part of its business
ture, in accordance with international &
national standards and rules.

64 65
Media Banking

Canal+ Myanmar CB Bank


Mr. Erwan Luherne Mr. Ye Tun Oo (Ronald)
Forever Group and CANAL+ GROUP, a lea- CB Bank was initially founded as a private
CEO Deputy Head of Corporate Strategy and
ding group of Pay TV in France & major pay bank in August 1992, pursuant to the Cen-
Canal+ Myanmar FG Ltd Development
TV operator in more than 35 countries and tral Bank of Myanmar Law and Financial
with more than 14 M subscribers over the Institutions of Myanmar law. Since June
+95 9 972 405 081 +95 1 231 793 5
world, create CANAL+ Myanmar FG Ltd dedi- 2004, CB Bank has transformed into a public
cated to commercialization and marketing of company through merger with two other
Myanmar - Parkside One Building - 271-273 Myanmar - UFC (Union Financial Center) -
new Pay TV services with an exclusive offer banks. In 2017, CB Bank celebrated 25 years
6th & 7th floors - Bagayar Street - San- Tower A & B - 46 Corner of MahaBandoola
of channels, including channels locally pro- of service in the community.
chaung Township - Yangon Road & Thein Phyu Road - Botahtaung
duced combined with third party internatio-
Facebook - CANAL+ Myanmar FG Township - Yangon Over the years, CB Bank has expanded its
nal channels targeting all market segments.
Instagram - @canalplusmm +95 1 231 799 9 banking services and branch networks all
CANAL+ Myanmar established partnership over the country. The Bank has grown from
with performant and successful groups of a small bank with 33 people in 1992 to a
channels with which it has some exclusivity major bank in Myanmar with 7,800 em-
in Myanmar. CANAL+ Myanmar includes in ployees.
its offer international channels from groups
CB Bank has opened 206 branches, 700
as Celestial Tiger, Sony, Blue Ant, Discovery,
ATMs and has over 1100 mobile banking
Turner, Viacom, A&E Network, Rewind Net-
agents and half a million mobile banking
work, Scrip Network, NBC Universal etc.
The content is localized (dubbed, voiced
Some of the most notable “first” products
over or subtitled) or directly ordered and
CB Bank delivered in Myanmar are • VISA
produced in Myanmar through local part-
and MASTER card transaction at bank
ners and international experts in TV con-
ATMs • Centralized Core Banking Systems •
KEY FACTS & FIGURES tents translation. It offers a large variety of KEY FACTS & FIGURES Mobile banking and Mobile agent banking
contents and will allocate a significant part
- 7 Canal+ stores, 400 dealers and 200 post - Mobile Banking Agent 1,300 service • Business iBanking service • CB-
of its investments to locally produced con-
offices in Myanmar - Over 8000 Employees Myanmar Payment Union Credit Card
- 80 channels in Myanmar tent. - Half a million Mobile Banking Users

66 67
Energy - Oil & gas Design - Construction

China Oilfield Services Citizens ID



Mr. Cai Xiaoyu Mr. Olivier Danan
China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL) is an Since its establishment in 2014 Citizens ID
Country Representative Managing Director
integrated oilfield service solution provider has proven itself as a leading Design and
with nearly 50 years of experience in Build firm in the country with over 100 pro- +95 9 969 371 148
offshore operation. COSL listed in both jects completed to date. Headquartered in
+95 9 516 631 3
Shanghai and the HK Stock Exchange. With Yangon, Myanmar, Citizens puts focus on
Myanmar - Twin Centro Condo - 35-37 - #12
its four major business segments of geophy- the high-end real estate market that in-
Myanmar - Room 307 - Micasa Hotel - 7 -01 - Baho Road - Sanchaung Township -
sical services, drilling services, well services cludes office blocks, yachts, hotels and heri-
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road - Yankin Township - Yangon
and marine & transportation services cove- tage buildings.
Yangon +95 1 503 883
ring the exploration, development and pro-
+95 9 971 318 913 Citizens ID has had the opportunity to work
duction phases of oil and gas industry, COSL side by side with a variety of large multina-
is an all-round onshore and offshore oilfield tional brands and companies such as Today
service company with integrated functions
Ogilvy & Mather, Delta Capital, Phandeeyar,
and bundled service chain in China and even
Canal+, iFlix, Open Society Foundations, Visa
in the world.
and DKSH.
COSL possesses the largest fleet of offshore
oilfield services facilities in China. In 2014,
COSL operated 42 drilling rigs of which 31 KEY FACTS & FIGURES
are jack-up drilling rigs and 11 are semi-
submersible drilling rigs, 2 accommodation - Over 100 projects completed with multina-
rigs and 5 module rigs. In addition, COSL also tional client
owns and operates the largest and most - 50,000 sqm of office space completed in
diverse fleets in offshore China, including 69 the country
working vessels and 3 oil tankers, 4 chemical - 3 major real estate developments in high
KEY FACTS & FIGURES carriers,8 seismic vessels, 2 OBC teams, 7 end tourism, residential, office and commer-
surveying vessels, and a vast array of mo- cial sectors
- An all-round onshore and offshore oilfield
service company with integrated functions. dern facilities and equipment.

68 69
Retail - Distribution Logistics

City Mart Holding CMA CGM



Mr. Patrick Simon Mrs. Aurelie Escalier
The story of City Mart began as a single su- CMA CGM group is number 3 worldwide
Chief Operating Officer permarket at Aung San Stadium in General Manager
shipping lines, present in more than 160 downtown Yangon and from its humble
countries through its network of over 755
+95 1 508 460 beginnings to the present day, the success +95 9 452 149 692
agencies, with more than 30,000 employees.
of CMHL is directly related to and is depen-
Myanmar - 1-11 - Padonmar Stadium (East dent on its customers. Myanmar - 221 - Sule Pagoda Road - SULE Operating in Myanmar since 2014, CMA
Wing) - Bargayar Street - Sanchaung Town- Currently employing 9,000+ employees, SQUARE - 13#07 - Yangon CGM (Myanmar) is proposing short & long-
ship - Yangon CMHL group has grown to be Myanmar’s +95 1 925 5063/64/65/66/67 haul coverage to main destinations via its 4
leading & largest retailer operating multiple brands.
+95 1 508 460
formats of retail businesses including super- markets, hypermarkets, convenience stores,
- CMA & APL: Major carrier for US, Europe, bookstores, health & beauty stores, baby & Latin America and Middle East maternity specialty stores as well as café
and bakery. - ANL : The specialist in Australia, Papua
The company aims to serve more of Myan- New Guinea andNew Zealand
mar’s 53 million populations through outlet - CNC : Intra- Asia Liner Services
expansions and introducing new retail for-


- Frequency: 3 departures per week out of
Yangon for connection to main hub
(Singapore/Port Kelang)
- Reliability: CMA ensure to its customers
the fastest and most reliable transit time
from Asia
- Quick service: quotation within 24h & pos-
sibility to proceed step by step via our e-
business platform (Booking/Documentation/
Invoicing/Container tracking)

70 71
Energy - Construction Business services

Comin Asia Competitive Pest



Mr. Richard Vaillant Mrs. Grace Moore
COMIN ASIA is a regional (Cambodia, Viet- CPS is the modern pest control company of
Head of Business Development Administrative Manager
nam, Laos, Myanmar) M.E.P Contractor Myanmar. Through prevention, high quali-
established for more than 25 years. fied, internationally trained technicians,
+95 9 420 274 509
sustainable solutions, we meet the new
We supply and install all Mechanical, Electri- +95 9 260 029 232
demands for healthy environments, for indi-
Myanmar - 37 - Kabar Aye Pagoda Road - cal and Plumbing equipment for all kinds of
viduals and companies for Australia, Myan-
Inya Lake - Mayangon Township - Yangon buildings. Myanmar - 4th Floor - 84 Pan Hlaing St - San
mar and UK.
+95 9 250 160 521 Chaung Township - Yangon
Our second core activity is turnkey projects +95 9 260 029 232 Competitive Pest Services employs around
of High-Voltage Substations (66 to 500 kV). 90 staff, serving over 10,000 customers glo-
Established in 2013 in Myanmar, COMIN bally. Competitive Pest Services gives back
ASIA has already buit a portfolio comprising with our partnership with the Cambodian
both Industrial and Commercial Buildings. pest-services/ Children’s fund to raise awareness and sup-
port for this worthy charity. As well as provi-
Our actual Myanmar clients portfolio in-
ding free pest control services to Shweda-
gon Pagoda, Free Funeral Service Society
- International industrial developers (Coca-
and Happy Humanitarian Orphanage in
Cola, PEB Steel, Kianjoo / BoxPak)
- Japanese Main Contractors
- Local and JV developers for commercial
buildings (YOMA, Excelsior Hotel)
- Institution (German Embassy - Goethe KEY FACTS & FIGURES
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Institut) - ISO + OHS + HACCP Certified
- Environmentally Friendly
- Over 5 years of active presence in Myan- - Integrated Pest Management
- 190 permanent staff
- Projects delivered in Myanmar so far:

72 73
Business services They chose us

Conyat Create

"Since joining the CCI France Myanmar we

have benefited greatly as a member in re-
ceiving access to the training program.
The training subjects, , quality for delivery
Mrs. Anastacia Howe
Conyat Create, a product of Howe Sustai- and value for money for our small business
Directing Manager
nable, is a sustainability consultancy and are a perfect fit. We have the CCI France
change agency committed to creating con- Myanmar’s annual program built into our
nections, building partnerships and shaping
Myanmar - Building 33 - Room (1) -Thu Ti own training objectives for the year and
the conversation on sustainability.
Zar Street - Hlainh Myint Mo Housing - now make it mandatory for our employees
Hlaing Township - Yangon We work with businesses to help them ad- to attend 24 hours per year of personal
+95 9 974 519 987 dress and identify environmental and social development. I myself have attended some risks and opportunities, while equipping of the courses and provided me with some them to tell their story and reveal their im-
good skills and insight to Myanmar pact. Throughout the process, businesses
working practices. We endorse the CCI build their internal capacity and learn to
foster partnerships with their communities. training program and hope this continues.”

Born out of the desire to yield meaningful Dan Davies - Managing Director
connections and lasting solutions in an ever-
Colliers International
changing environment, our expert team of
consultants specialise in a wide range of
services including the application of grie-
vance mechanisms, shared value, disclosure
and reporting.


- First female-led sustainability consultancy
- Local to international clients
- Local experts for insight into Myanmar

74 75
Logistics Legal services

Dextra Transport DFDL Myanmar


Mr. Alex Ly Mr. William Dale Greenlee, Jr
We are a freight forwarders specialized esta- DFDL is one of the oldest foreign legal and
Sales Manager Partner - Managing Director
blished in Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam tax firms in Myanmar and best placed to
for more than 20 years with an international advise international companies on their
+95 9 254 425 253 +95 9 420 253 549
network. investments and first leading international
law firm developed throughout the Mekong
Myanmar - La Pyae Wun Plaza - 9th Floor - We are moving cargo by road, air, sea, river Myanmar - 134/A - Than Lwin Road - Gold-
region, with a dedicated focus on SE Asia.
Room 910A - 37 - Alan Pya Pagoda Road - way, rail, geared vessels, barges, semi- en Valley Ward(1) - Bahan Township (Box
Dagon Tsp - Yangon submersible vessel for which we are also 729 GPO) - Yangon With professional lawyers and advisers,
+95 9 254 425 253 conducting loading/unloading & load outs. +95 1 526 180 DFDL provides personalized and cost- All our transport, load outs and lifting opera- - effective legal, tax and consulting services tions are supported by detailed method and solutions with expertise in: Energy, Mi-
statements & surveys approved by DNV. ref=br_rs ning and Infrastructure, Banking and Finance Merger & Acquisitions, Real Estate and
Besides being a project forwarder, we have
Construction, Employment and labor, Taxa-
an in-house engineering team, with certified
tion, English law governed transactions.
engineers, who are designing, calculating
and manufacturing Soft and hard sea faste- DFDL has acquired an outstanding reputa-
nings, grillage, lifting frame and spreader tion for providing integrated and solutions-
bars. oriented services to clients’ business inte-
rests in dynamic and challenging markets.


- Import of equipment from Thailand and
Indonesia - Founded in 1995, one of the oldest foreign
firms in Myanmar, comprises 26 lawyers and
advisors in Yangon and Nay Pyi Taw.
-provide a full range of legal and tax services
at an international standard .

76 77
Tourism Education

Diethelm Travel DJP Consults


Mr. Pierre Leduc Mr. Paul Kam
Diethelm Travel is an award-winning in- DJP Consults is a subsidiary of D Jungle
Country Manager Managing Director
bound tour operator servicing Asia. Our People Sdn Bhd, a leading corporate training
focus on delivery, heritage and local expe- consultancy in Malaysia. We specialise in
+95 9 508 950 9 +60 1 238 881 22
rience has enabled us to maintain a high driving growth in people and organisations,
level of service, which is reflected in all as- delivering solutions for Change Manage-
Myanmar - 6 Kyaung Street - Off Kanbae Myanmar - 520 - Room 206 - Kabar Aye
pects of its operations. ment, High Performance Culture and Sustai-
road - Yankin Township 11081 - Yangon Pagoda Road - Bahan Township - Yangon
nable Effectiveness.
+95 9 955 456 556 Our core activity is destination manage- +95 1 441 341 0 ment, serving thousands of quality tour With more than 17 years of industry expe- operators across the globe and creating rience, DJP has developed and implemented
« Journeys of a Lifetime » for clients. a comprehensive range of solutions to help
organisations achieve peak potential.
Diethelm Travel Myanmar has been establis-
hed in 1996 but has operated tours in this We always customise our solutions to orga-
country for many years before. nization needs and individual capability in
order to ensure learning serves as a founda-
tion for further and quicker development.
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Core to our business model also is our mis-
sion to build and sustain the community and
- 60 years of offering travels in 13 Asian
countries environment around us and as such, ele-
- A dedicated team of 70 permanent em- ments of CSR is also embedded in our busi-
ployees working in 4 offices KEY FACTS & FIGURES ness and solutions.
- Over 300 freelance tour guides - over 17 Years of Experience, 70,000 Partic- Through its proven systems and expert per-
ipants, 450 Clients
sonnel, DJP has worked with more than
-Winner of 2017 Human Capital Develop-
ment Excellence by Global Responsible Busi- 70,000 participants and hundreds of clients
ness Leadership Awards spanning from all industries both locally and
-Gold Winner of Best in CSR Category of around the world.
2015 Star Outstanding Business Awards

78 79
Energy Business services

Electricité de France Euracific Strategies


Mr. Dinh Nguyen-Phan Mr. Raphaël Goué
EDF Group is the world’s leading electricity Developed by Raphaël Goué, Euracific Stra-
Business Development Manager Directeur Général
company and it is particularly well establis- tegies was created in 2009. Euracific Strate-
hed in Europe, especially France, the United gies supports international companies in
+66 2 670 340 0 +95 9 964 066 370
Kingdom, Italy and Belgium. their development and growth in Asia. It
+66 6 319 617 67
operates through its own presence and a
Its business covers all electricity-related Myanmar - Pearl Condo C - Suite 213-217 -
network of partners covering China, Malay-
Thailand - 1 Empire Tower - 18th Floor - activities, from generation to distribution 2nd Floor - KabarAye Pagoda Rd - Bahan Tsp
sia, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam and Myan-
South Sathorn Road - Yannawa Sathorn - and including energy transmission and tra- Yangon
Bangkok ding activities to continuously balance
+66 2 670 340 0 supply with demand. +95 9 964 066 370 Euracific Strategies provides market entry strategies, financial advisory and business
A marked increase in the use of renewables development strategies to local and foreign
is bringing change to its power generation investors.
operations, which are underpinned by a
diversified low-carbon energy mix founded Our clients primarily operate in the follo-
on nuclear power capacity. KEY FACTS & FIGURES wing areas: financial services, energy and
KEY FACTS & FIGURES - Presence and active in 6 markets: China, utilities, tourism and leisure, sectors in
With activities across the entire electricity
Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Singapore, which we have proven track records with
- Turnover: 71,203 M. Euros (2016) value chain, EDF is reinventing the products Thailand, Vietnam Fortune 500 companies.
- Number of employees: 154,845 worldwide and services it offers to help residential cus- - In Myanmar since 2012
- Part of turnover outside France: 47% tomers manage their electricity consump- - Consulting and financial advisory in 3 prac- Since 2012 in Myanmar we have successful-
tion, to support the energy and financial tices: Banking and Financial Services, Power ly supported the development of financial
end Energy, Hospitality and Real Estate
performance of business customers and to industry players, hotel operators and rene-
support local authorities in finding sustai- wable energy companies. We are always
nable solutions for the cities of the future. glad to present our track record and
achievement to support new entrants in

80 81
Business support Logistics

EuroCham Europcar


Mr. Filip Lauwerysen Mr. James Richmond
The European Chamber of Commerce in Europcar is the first and only international
Executive Director General Manager
Myanmar – EuroCham – serves as the voice car rental brand to operate in Myanmar.
of European business in Myanmar. Its main Europcar has one of the largest vehicle ren-
+95 9 450 582 335 +95 1 646 330
mission is to advocate member interests tal networks through its own operators,
with organisations in Myanmar, the ASEAN franchisees and partnerships globally.
Myanmar - Parkside One Building - 271/273 Myanmar - 74 - Lan Thit Road - Nant Thar
region and the EU. EuroCham Myanmar is
Bagayar Street - Sanchaung Tsp – Yangon - Gone Ward - Innsein Township - Yangon Coupled with a well-recognized international
developing advocacy services for its mem-
Union of Myanmar +95 1 646 330 - +95 9 797 022 500 brand name, Europcar has established high
bers to support the business interests to-
+95 9 450 582 335 caliber partnerships within the airline, hotel,
wards Myanmar government. We look travel and tour industries globally.
forward to welcoming interested companies
Facebook: EuroCham Myanmar
that want to make a change in business, Following the liberalization of Myanmar’s
LinkedIn: EuroCham Myanmar myanmar/
policy and standardisation in Myanmar in economy, there has been strong growth in
Twitter : EuroCham Myanmar
our Advocacy Groups. the economy and a significant rise in tourism
flows and FDI investment, resulting in strong
demand for car hire and rental services.
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Europcar offers vehicles for short and long
- SMEs Serviced: 65 term business and leisure here in Myanmar
- Companies Represented: 98 with a presence in main commercial cities
- Market Access Reports/Publication: 10 Yangon, Mandalay and Naypyitaw including
rental desks within all of the main airports.


- More than (200) Brand New Vehicles
- Presence in (3) main commercial cities
- Over (60) years of experience globally

82 83
Business services Tourism

Exera EXO Travel


Mr. Geoffrey Hamilton Mrs. Su Su Tin
Exera supplies world-class security and risk EXO Travel Myanmar (formerly Exotissimo
Chief Executive Officer Managing Director
solutions for our demanding international Travel Myanmar) was established as a joint
clients. With operation lines in protective venture between EXO Travel Group, a
+95 1 514 001 +95 9 200 564 3
services, transportation, training, and risk French Tourism Company and Daw Su Su
consulting, Exera’s range of service is de- Tin, a local women entrepreneur, in 1995.
Myanmar - 85 Hlaing Myint Moh 1st Street, Myanmar - 147 Shwe Gone Taing street -
signed to address security risks of all types. We are coming into the 22 years’ service in
- Hlaing Township - Yangon West Shwegondaing Ward - Bahan Town-
Since our founding in 2012 as Myanmar’s the Myanmar Tourism industry.
+95 1 514 001 ship - Yangon
first internationally managed security com- +95 1 860 493 3~ 40 As EXO Travel Group, we have been pionee-
pany, we’ve earned our reputation as the ring unique journeys in Asia for more than
clear market leader with over 1 000 em- two decades. Across each of the 10 coun-
ployees operating in every state and division tries in which we operate, we have deve-
of the country. , loped in-depth tours that go far beyond the
surface to reveal the heart of each destina-
tion. Along with our team of local and in-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES destination travel experts and time-tested
- Over 1000 employees logistics, we combine deep knowledge of
- Operational in 14 states of Myanmar the region with a progressive vision to make
- 130 operating sites across Myanmar us one of Asia's most trusted and exciting
DMCs. We have 9 Sales offices worldwide.


- 1,500 agents in 80 countries
- 850 staff from 35 countries in 25 offices
- Travelife Certified for "Excellent Sustaina-
bility" in 2016

84 85
Media - Business services Advertising - Construction

Falcon Breeze Interna- FMIDecaux



Mrs. October Lorieux Mr. Jean-Marie Imperore
Falcon Breeze International was in Singa- FMIDecaux Co., is the new joint venture
Head of Brand Communication Managing Director
pore in 2009 with focus to provide IT Media company between First Myanmar In-
related communication services. vestment Co., Ltd. (“FMI”) and JCDecaux
+33 781 087 321 +95 9 782 356 716
Asia(S) Pte Ltd. (“JCDecaux”), the number
+95 9 440 400 678 In the new era of Myanmar, the services
one outdoor advertising company
+95 9 440 400 345 based on real-time approach are more im- France - 17 rue Soyer - 92200 Neuilly sur
worldwide. Splitting a stake of 40% (FMI)
portant than ever, in order to avoid errors, Seine
and 60% (JCDecaux), FMIDecaux won an
Myanmar - Highway Complex - #A/201 - to speed up performance and to be an ac- +33 1 307 979 79
exclusive 20-year contract with Yangon City
Hanthawaddy Road - Kamayut Township - tive player of the market. Falcon Breeze had
Development Committee (“YCDC”) for de-
Yangon officially relocated to Myanmar in 2012. Myanmar - Parkside One Building - 271/273
sign, fabrication, installation, maintenance
+951 230 553 0 Bagayar Street - Sanchaung Township - Yan-
We focus on making life easier by adapting and operation of street furniture items and gon
to the nature of the ever-changing technolo- advertisements. +95 9 798 938 425
gy. Our affiliated businesses are: Combining JCDecaux’s global expertise in
• Falcon IT Media Lab outdoor advertising and street furniture
• Falcon Media Advertising, with FMI’s decades of experience in the
• Falcon Secure Innovations local Myanmar market, our plan is to build
• Falcon Urban Integrated Solutions 500 bus shelters and 500 City Information
Panels (CIPs) across the city of Yangon.
• Falcon Fit Custom Clothing


- Over 1000 advertising locations
- 20 years exclusive contract
- 1 unique OOH plateform

86 87
Media Construction

For Her Myanmar Freyssinet


Mr. Jonathan Kieusseian Mr. Sebastien Alingrin
For Her Myanmar is one of the leading wo- Freyssinet brings together an unparalleled
CEO Business Development Manager
men lifestyle blog’s in Myanmar. We believe array of civil engineering expertise. Covering
in building a strong community organically the design of structures, the production of
+95 9 794 393 573 +95 9 761 361 166
through high quality content and entertain- materials and equipment and their imple-
ment through our Facebook page, website, mentation on site, Freyssinet offers inte-
Myanmar - 46 Shkankhone street - Yangon Myanmar - Parkside One Building - 271/273
and paid membership club that gives access grated technical solutions on two major
+95 9 794 393 573 Bagayar Street - Sanchaung Township -
to members to exclusive events, content fields: construction and structural repair. Yangon
and a monthly gift box delivered to their +95 1 523 700 For over 75 years, Freyssinet has been invol-
doorstep. ved in numerous projects on five continents,
Myanmar is reinventing herself and we be- making it the world leader in its specialized
lieve that women will be the game changer areas of prestressing, construction methods,
on the early transition. For Her Myanmar cable-stayed structures, structural accesso-
has been created to: ries and the repair, reinforcement and main-
tenance of structures.
• Open a space of discussion for girls
• Entertain and educate girls with quality These activities are performed on a wide
content range of structures, including civil enginee-
• Allow girls to share their articles and ring ones, buildings, skyscrapers, industrial
thoughts with a large amount of rea- installations, power production plants,
ders offshore platforms, transportation infras-
tructures, sporting facilities and more.
• Help brands to target a qualitative com-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES - Turnover: €750 M
- Employees: 7,500
- Created in 2016 - Locations in over 70 countries around the
- 400.000 followers in 2017 world
- More than 1,500 exclusive articles in 2017

88 89
Hospitality - Tourism

Grand Mercure Yangon

Golden Empire

Mr. Kumar Vinoth
Grand Mercure Yangon Golden Empire is
General Manager
located in the Dagon Industrial Zone. It fea-
tures a unique interior and meeting facili-
+95 9 952 468 933
ties. Its guest rooms feature stylish, functio-
nal design with amenities. Our friendly team
Myanmar - 1A Corner Of Myittar Road &
is always on standby to meet your needs.
Thakhin Phoe Hlagyi Rd - 14 Ward - South
Okkalapa Township - Yangon Whether here for business or leisure, this
+95 1 856 699 7 1st Grand Mercure Yangon Gloden Empire with unique designed rooms will let you enjoy premium convenience and confort
while you discover the sights of Yangon.

90 91
They chose us Construction

Green Vision

"CCI France is by far the most active cham-

ber of commerce in Yangon and has really
helped Exera in a number of ways. Our staff
have benefited from the training program,
Mr. Nyan Min Htut @ Zarni
the events have raised our company's pro- Green Vision is a Property Developer specia-
Managing Director
file in the business community, and the sup- lizing in boutique high-grade residential and
port provided in connecting with potential multi-purpose real estate, mainly in Yangon
+95 1 572 335
and Dawei. In parallel to Property Develop-
clients and suppliers is unequalled." +95 1 122 085 1
ment activities, Green Vision also provides
Geoffrey Hamilton - CEO Construction Management Services and
Myanmar - 470 - Thitsar road - South
Property Management Services.
Exera Myanmar Okkalapa Township - Yangon
+95 1 572 335 100% Myanmar owned, the company works with a portfolio of diverse partners with the objective to draw knowledge, know-how and capacities from various sources, in order
to build up local capacities to become a
"I followed my spouse to Myanmar in 2015.
successful and sustainable business group.
I was recently retired from a 30-year career
From day one we have been totally focused
as a Commanding Officer in the French ar- on keeping our partners and clients' inte-
my and had no visibility of the Myanmar rests as our primary goal.
employment market. I met CCI France
Myanmar who gave me good advice and
shared my CV. The same day, I received a KEY FACTS & FIGURES
call leading to my first job as a civilian. I am - Best Boutique Developer Award at Myan-
very grateful to CCI France Myanmar for mar Property Award 2016
the help and support that they provided”. - 7 projects in operations
- 65 employees
Yann Sudret - General Manager Protective

Exera Myanmar

92 93
Import - Distribution Telecommunications

Groupe SEB Golden TMH Telecom


Mr. Khin Thein Mr. Alexis Delevaux
Distribution of small domestic equipment GTMH, a Myanmar-based company with a
Commercial Manager - Myanmar Chief Executive Officer
under TEFAL, KRUPS and SUPOR brands. NFS-I and IGW Licenses, is a leading commu-
nications and network service provider with
+95 9 421 087 266 Service Products: Cookware (frying pan, wok +95 9 975 796 771
one of the most complete service offerings
pan, saucepan, stock pot, pressure cooker)
in the market, utilizing Fiber, Wireless and
Thailand - Italthai Tower - 2034/66 - 14th and small domestic electrical appliances Myanmar - 291 Wai Za Yan Tar Road -
Satellite access technologies to provide a
Floor - Room 14-02 - New Phetchburi Rd - (steam iron, blender, juicer, rice cooker, Thingangyun Township - Yangon
unique one-stop-shop solution for their
Bangkapi - Huaykwang - Bangkok steamer, kettle, toaster, expresso machine, Mingalar Mandalay Compound - Block 2 -
Myanmar - CCI France Myanmar - Parkside hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, fan, oven). Unit 5 - 73 Street - Chan Mya Tar Zi Town-
One Building - 271/273 - Bagayar Street - ship - Mandalay Our connectivity offer is combined with a
Subsidiary of Groupe SEB importing, selling,
Sanchaung Township - Yangon +95 9 977 894 545 carrier neutral Tier II & Tier III standard com-
advertising and distributing French small
+95 1 523 700 +95 1 855 029 5 pliant Data center.
domestic electrical appliances under the
brand names: TEFAL, KRUPS, and cookware Our recent launch of a cloud platform offe-
under the brand name: TEFAL, SUPOR. ring, which is unique in Myanmar, allows
GTMH to meet and exceed client’s require-


Data center Fiber
- Complete IT & Telecommunications Service
Cyber Security Providers
- Cloud Offering: First commercially
FTTX launched VMware VCPP partner
- Myanmar first and only platform and infra-
MPLS/DPLC Cloud Services
structure as a service provider

94 95
Tourism Media - Advertising

Gulliver Travel & Tour Havas Riverorchid


Mr. Herve Flejo Mr. Telmo Freitas
Gulliver Travels and Tours can arrange any We started operations in the region in 2000,
Managing Director General Manager
kind of trips inside the country. Whether and since then we’ve had only one goal – to
you want to do a first discovery of the main know and understand Indochina better than
+95 9 501 763 0 +95 9 429 990 690
touristic places or need to come for shooting anyone else to deliver effective and locally
some documentaries in special areas, our resonant digital, media, creative, research,
Myanmar - 48 B - Inya Yeik Thar Street - Myanmar - Hledan Center - 706-707 - Cor-
team is there to assist you the best they can! PR and activation campaigns.
Kabaaye Pagoda Road - Mayangone Town- ner of Pyay Road and Hledan Road - Kama-
ship - Yangon Since 2015, Gulliver has opened its own ryut Township - Yangon In September 2015, we partnered with lea-
+95 1 655 645 boutique hotel in Nyaung Shwe (Thanakha +95 1 230 563 6 ding global communications group Havas,
+95 9 732 356 44 Inle Hotel) and our team there will be happy bringing the strength of tools, technologies, to welcome you anytime of the year, to and training support. enjoy the comfort of our 26 rooms and relax
With the complementary expertise of Havas at our swimming pool!
and our common approach to integrated
marketing services, we are here to help your
business grow in Myanmar and across Indo-
- Founded in 1998
- 25 staff in 5 offices
- 26 rooms at Thanaka Hotel
- Part of Havas Worlwide, founded in 1835,
with 20,000 employees in 100+ countries
- Established in 2007 in Myanmar
- 52 local employees, 15 nationalities

96 97
Business services Hospitality - Tourism

HO+ Consulting Hotel G Yangon


Mrs. Servane Rangheard Mr. Serge Rigodin
Ho+ Consulting is a 360-company moving Opened in 2017, Hotel G Yangon is an 85-
General Manager General Manager
forward in the luxury hospitality industry in room lifestyle hotel located at the heart of
Asia and France. It’s founder and CEO, Ser- Yangon’s vibrant entertainment neighbor-
+33 6 114 603 38
vane Rangheard, offers her expertise and 25 hood, with art galleries, shopping malls, the
+95 9 899 788 339
years of extensive experience to advise and famous Bogyoke market and the central
France - 101 rue de Sevres - 75272 Paris
guide Investors on the opening of their hotel railway station right on its doorstep.
cedex 06 - France Myanmar - 5 Alan Pya Pagoda Street -
projects, from pre-acquisition and positio- Yangon Yangon’s first lifestyle hotel, Hotel G Yangon
ning strategies to the check in of first guests. +95 1 243 639 will have all the intuitive technology, super-
She is also an expert in hotel management, fast connectivity and understated style that
restructuring and repositioning phases and savvy modern travellers crave, alongside
has an in-depth experience and understan- creatively designed social spaces, a fully
ding of Asian markets. equipped Real Fitness ExpressTM gym and
Babett Eatery & Bar, a trendy chic bar and
kitchen to relax, refuel and reconnect.

98 99
IT - Business services Business services

HQS Company Limited IAS-8


Mr. Naing Oke Mr. Manuel Briquet
HQS Co., Ltd. was founded by U Naing Oke IAS-8 is an independent company establis-
Managing Director Deputy General Manager - Development &
in 2013 to provide mobility and relocation hed in Asian countries and with operational Operations
services for the advisors from the US de- capacities in Europe and Africa. We have a
partment of the Treasury and then World team of over 60 full-time employees, all of +95 9 792 073 073
Bank Group Myanmar. As soon as company whom are highly-trained and ready to meet
+95 9 511 241 3
has been launched, it also entered into the your requirements in the fields of manage-
Myanmar - Parkside One - 271-273 - Baga-
IT industry through IS/IT supports contract ment and business intelligence.
Myanmar- 19/C Dhamaryon Street - 6 Mile yar Street - Sanchaung Township - Yangon
awarded by Total E&P Myanmar.
Hlaing Township - Yangon +95 979 207 30 73 We are proud to be a partner of choice for
+95 1 507 050 HQS’ main activities are the provision of numerous well-known multinationals in the
+95 1 526 243 managed IT services and solutions to the region. Our mission is to accompany you in SMEs, government and international organi- entering new markets or in consolidating zations. We also have had the proven re- existing operations abroad. Drawing upon cords in System Integrations. One of the our recognized expertise and wealth of ex-, biggest projects was Video Conferencing perience in all areas of risk mitigation, we
system installation, network system impro- are highly adaptable and able to develop
vement and data center construction project bespoke risk management solutions based
at the Office of Union Supreme Court and its on your specific requirements. We currently
high courts in each States and Divisions. have partners across a diverse range of in-
Some of our clients are Total E&P, Posco dustries including electronics, pharmaceuti-
Daewoo E&P, French International School, cals, consumer and luxury good, petro-
European Chamber of Commerce and many chemicals, construction and retail. We pre-
other local companies in different industries fer to take a holistic approach and to work
and NGOs. Since 2017, we have also been alongside you from the initial identification
entering into the software industry and KEY FACTS & FIGURES stage through to the implementation of
specialized in the web and mobile applica- mitigating actions.
- 8 fields of missions in 8 Asian countries
tion developments.
- Full range of services
100 101
Hospitality - Tourism

Ibis Styles Yangon


Ms. Camille Hardouin
ibis Styles Yangon Stadium is the only Inter-
General Manager
national Economy Brand Hotel in Myanmar,
offering an unique, cozy & personalized
+95 9 456 881 088
design. Strategically located near to Thu-
wanna National Stadium, both International
Myanmar - 369 Laydaungkan Road -
Airports and Downtown can be reached in
Thingangyun Township - Yangon
less than 30 minutes.
+95 9 456 881 088
+95 1 578 101 It offers 108 modernized rooms with the new extra-large ibis bedding, free wi-fi, mini- bar and international buffet breakfast. Our
Superior & Suite rooms offer to our guests
into wellness large bathrooms with bathtub.
LeClub AccorHotels and Accor+ members
will feel welcome and enjoy full benefits in
our international hotel.

Our 369 Rooftop Restaurant & Bar features

one of the best Yangon Skylines and Sunset
viewpoints. For hotel guests but also fitness
lovers neighbors, our fitness center is high
quality equipment and additional executive
services such as steam rooms, sauna, lockers
and showers.
- 108 design rooms
- 6 fully equiped meeting spaces
- 3 international outlets

102 103
They chose us Import - Distribution


"I have been a member of AFMA (formerly

CCI) and CCI for years and have seen, firs-
thand, the rapid growth of CCI under Guil-
laume Rebiere's leadership.
Mrs. Mya Sandar Min
Ikon Group was formed to meet the needs
CCI is one of the most active Chambers of Executive Director
of the niche hospitality industry and consu-
Commerce in Yangon, regularly organizing
mers. Having over 23 years of experience,
networking events and trade conferences to +95 9 506 139 3
Ikon has fine tuned the product and service
connect entrepreneurs and companies to mix to provide for a rapidly growing and
Myanmar - 328A Pyay Road - Sanchaung
each other and opportunities in Yangon. increasingly sophisticated market demands.
Township - Yangon
Guillaume and his team are very helpful Ikon, nowadays is Myanmar’s most promi-
+95 1 527 705
and always generous when providing useful nent luxury hospitality one-stop service hub,
business information to members. offering thousands of esteemed products to
hundreds of enterprise customers.
The employees we send to regular,
Ikon Mart, the Cash and Carry Stores, make
affordable CCI trainings are equally enthu-
your procurement easy and efficient, where
siastic about the chamber's quality and
people experience the kitchen equipments,
passion for supporting local businesses and in-room linen and articles, F&B equipments
people." and displays in a professional setting.

Jérémy Damloup - Chief Operating Officer The professional test kitchen is made avai-
lable for the customers to research and
Akhuka Productions
develop their recipes for through using mo-
dern cooking equipments.

Ikon provides turnkey solutions to the new

laundry/restaurant/kitchen set ups. Our
technical services team has successfully
KEY FACTS & FIGURES installed and delivered over three hundreds
- Partnership with renowned manufacturers kitchens and over one hundred laundries for
- Several branches in Myanmar our valued customers in Myanmar.

104 105
Energy - Oil & gas Insurance

Inproserv Insurexcellence


Mr. Emmanuel Petit Mr. Vincent Lorentz
Inproserv is a new solution company for InsurExcellence is a well-established insu-
President Business Development Director
Oil&Gas, Energy and Industrial market. Our rance broker, with our head office in Thai-
expertise is a global solution for your pro- land, and clients across SE Asia. We handle
+95 9 445 979 423
ject. Combined with our experience over 20 Group or Corporate insurance for companies
France - 3 Montée du Dr. Schweitzer - +66 9 467 587 52
years in an industrial market, our approach of all sizes, and our biggest practice area is
42130 Boen
delivers superior performance for customers Employee Benefits such as Health and Life Myanmar - Myanmar Branch Office - 17(B) -
and shareholders worldwide. Through a Insurance for local staff and management, Room 204 - 4th Lane West Shwegondine -
dedicated effort, we are committed to pro- including expatriates. We have been actively
Bahan Township - Yangon
vide reliable solutions focusing on an excel- assisting our clients in Myanmar for nearly 4
+95 1 372 442 Fax: +95 1 510 933
lent standard of quality of our services. Our years now, and are the clear market leaders
goal is to implement strategies to develop in handling Group Health plans for local
our customer’s projects, from the start to staff. In addition, our capabilities also in-
the end, with the guarantee to have it done clude Property and Liability insurances for
right and on-time. Myanmar risks.

We can offer solutions for: Project manage- Our company’s near-term strategy is quite
ment, Procurement, Logistics, Final inspec- simply to build on the strong foundation
tion, Technical recommendation and exper- we’ve built over the past 4 years doing busi-
tise, Specification analysis and assistance, on ness in Myanmar. Longer term, as the insu-
-site factory audit and recommendations, rance industry matures, we see our strategic
Business development compatible with your direction including a more active role in
company needs, and Import/Export. helping shape the industry trends.

Our business network can also support fi- Currently, we have two Myanmar staff and
nancially your project; with an expertise and KEY FACTS & FIGURES two dedicated expatriate staff looking after
analysis we will create an optimized financial our operations in the country.
program for your immediate needs. - Over 30,000 local nationals / staffs
- Portfolio of clients across various sectors
of business
106 107
Medical - Business services Business services

International SOS Javelin Services


Mr. Guillaume Sautier Mr. Jack Arkwright
The International SOS Group of Companies Javelin launched in Myanmar in 2016 and
Country Manager CEO
is in the business of saving lives, protecting now has five branches, including Yangon and
your global workforce from health and secu- Mandalay. Our clients include manufactu-
+95 9 797 005 417 +95 9 451 509 225
rity threats. Wherever you are, we deliver ring, office, retail and shopping malls, hotels,
customised health, security risk manage- hospitals and schools. The customer is at the
Myanmar- Inya Lake Hotel Compound - 37 Myanmar- 99 Condo - Level 4 (A/B) - 99
ment and wellbeing solutions to fuel your core of who we are and to augment a best in
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road - Yangon Dhamazedi Road - Kamayut Township - Yan-
growth and productivity. In the event of class service delivery, we have a world class
+95 1 657 922 gon
extreme weather, an epidemic or a security in-house entomologist, enabling us to bring
+95 9 420 114 536 +95 0 945 062 226 3 - 4
incident, we provide an immediate response the highest levels of diagnosis and
providing peace of mind. treatment to unwanted pest issues. Cou-
pling this with the use of MNC public health
Our innovative technology and medical ex-
chemicals and a customer facing, web-based
pertise focus on prevention, offering real-
accounting and reporting system, our aim is
time, actionable insights and on-the-ground
to deliver a best in global class service offe-
quality delivery.
The International SOS Yangon Clinic com-
menced operations in 1995. The clinic offers
primary health care services. We have ope- KEY FACTS & FIGURES
rated in Myanmar for more than 20 years
- Five Branches in Myanmar
and provide 24/7 general practice and emer-
- International Public Health Chemicals
gency care. We provide care to the expa- - Audit Level Standards (HACCP, AIB)
triates and local community in Yangon and
network of partners throughout the country.
- More than 11,000 employees .
- More than 1,000 locations in 90 countries
- The world’s leading medical and travel
security risk services company

108 109
Manufacturing - Retail F&B - Distribution

JJ-Pun JM Wine Importer


Mr. Christian Heugas Mrs. Ohmma Myint
JJ-Pun is a joint venture operating in Myan- JM Company is a Myanmar company
General Manager - Construction materials Director
mar between Jebsen & Jessen (SEA) and created in 1994. Wine importer based in
Serge Pun & Associates. Yangon, we are providing a full range of
+95 9 953 104 105 +95 9 506 553 6
wines to professionals. Our vision is to pro-
Since 1963, Jebsen & Jessen (SEA) has +95 1 514 388
vide to our clients a constant quality of
Myanmar - 1st Floor - Wing A - 1 Office Park worked throughout South East Asia in indus-
wines with a permanent stock in Myanmar.
Pun Hlaing Estate - Hlaing Thar Yar Town- trial enterprises related to manufacturing, Myanmar - 32 - Pyay Road - 6.5 Miles -
ship - Yangon engineering and distribution. Jebsen & Jes- Hlaing Township - Yangon As Myanmar-French partnership we strongly
+95 1 368 779 0 - 6 sen (SEA) counts 4,300 people in more than +95 9 423 339 977 believe that we are sharing a culture, an art 50 subsidiaries. +95 1 514 388 de vivre, a life style to every one in Myan- mar who loves finer things.
Serge Pun & Associates (SPA) is engaged in
the sectors of Financial Services, Real Estate, Thanks to our permanent and close rela-
Agriculture, Automobiles, Manufacturing & tionship with our winemakers we are offe-
Trading and Retail.The Group employs more ring to our clients finest Grands Crus Classés
than 8,000 people. from Bordeaux as well as some affordable
gems to enjoy in a daily diner with friends
JJ-Pun business activities cover 6 Business
and family. All our wines are imported di-
Units, namely Healthcare, Ingredients, Agri-
rectly for wineyards.
business, Material Handling, Technology and
Construction Materials. We have a local
manufacturing for our construction mate-
rials in Dagon Seikkan Industrial zone. With KEY FACTS & FIGURES
our partner Tiostone Ltd, we produce con- - Wines gems from 6 to 10 USD
KEY FACTS & FIGURES crete hollow blocks for wall partitioning and - Best wine ratings from international press
concrete pavers for landscaping, roadways - Award of the best red wine maker of the
- Established in 2011 and heavy duty areas. . year 2017 - Albert Bichot
- More than 150 employees
- 2 branches (Yangon, Mandalay)

110 111
Construction Education

Lafarge (Star Cement) Language Maison


Mr. Hari Krishna Reddy Ms. Win Thant Yin Oo
Thilawa Cement & Building Materials Co., Different languages represent different cul-
Chief Operations Officer Managing Director
Ltd launched in Myanmar in 2014. Ever tures. Language Maison represents part of
since, we have partnered with key building Myanmar culture. Being a start-up language
+95 9 254 440 270 +95 9 968 854 411
contractors. We praise ourselves with offe- company, Language Masion has a vision to
ring the best products and services to indivi- create a new working model in Myanmar.
Myanmar - 32-B Aung Zayya Road - Yankin Myanmar - 414 - Airport Road - Quartier 5 -
dual homebuilders, small retailers, batching Two young Burmese natives with the help of
Township - Yangon Mayangone Township - Yangon
plants and international contractors alike for one experienced linguist from the UK ini-
+95 1 122 274 6 +95 9 968 854 411
both public and private construction. tiated Language Maison in 2016. Our em-
Hotline - +95 9 250 008 534 +95 9 968 854 300
ployees are on project-based, working most Thilawa Cement & Building Materials Co.,
of the time digitally from Myanmar, England
Ltd is part of the LafargeHolcim Asia Pacific
and France, giving more opportunities to
regional cluster, which operates under the
part-time workers, and linguists. The com-
Asia Pacific (APAC).
pany has organized a series of Burmese lan-
LafargeHolcim provides premium quality guage and culture trainings, has helped in
cement of European standards, delivered interpretation for workshops, research and
directly from our terminal at Thilawa, Yan- KEY FACTS & FIGURES interviews in different industries, voice ac-
gon. All our products are up to European - “Way to Go” Burmese Learning Program ting, translation and other Burmese related
norms (EN 197-1:2000) and its equivalent every year language services with selective linguists.
U.S standard specification (ASTM C150). - Burmese Learning Blog “Cracking Bur- Our values are Freedom, Friendliness and
mese” with Burmese Phrasebook, Burmese Quality Assurance. Our customers are inter-
LafargeHolcim does not currently have com-
world list, the expressions and mood behind national firms as well as local ones.
mercial activities in RMX segment in Myan-
mar. However, as the world leader in con- a sentence, language tips and tricks, useful
crete manufacturing, we are currently using contents totally free for language lovers
KEY FACTS & FIGURES our expertise in providing management - Other Burmese Language Services
- World leader in construction materials services for a project batching plant in Land-
- In 90 countries and 2500 industrial sites mark (Grand Meeyahtar) project, in
- 115,000 employees downtown.

112 113
Energy - Construction Media



Mr. Julien Garraud Mr. Charles Julliard
Legrand is a French industrial group, world Daily FREE e-newspaper,
Country Manager General Manager
leader in products and systems for electrical is independent and published in French. It is
installations and information networks the favorite e-media of the French and more
+95 1 230 524 0
through seven strategic fields of activity widely the French speaking community.
+95 9 793 101 265
such as: User Interface, Energy Distribution, Created in 2001 in Mexico lepetitjour-
Building systems, Cable Management, Digi- is established in 67 editions
Yangon Showroom: - Room N304 - Level 2 - Myanmar - Park Side One - CCI France My-
tal infrastructure, UPS and Installation com- worldwide throughout the 5 continents and
Building 15 MICT Park - Hlaing Township - anmar’s Business Centre - 271-273 Bagayar
ponents In Myanmar, the brand has been counts more than 350,000 subscribers. Our
Yangon Street - Sanchaung Township - Yangon
sold since the late 90’ and is since growing. edition, Birmanie is sent
+95 1 230 524 0 +95 9 793 101 265
Strong of two offices/showrooms: Yangon by email from Monday to Friday and it offers
Mandalay Showroom: - Mingalar Mandalay
and Mandalay, we are able to follow the fast daily useful information, local and interna-
Compound - Block 2 - Unit 5 - Mandalay Birmanie
growth of Myanmar market. tional news, tips and articles. Its content
+95 9 969 908 384 @LPJBirmanie
made of different formats helps in the daily
life as it provides valuable information as
KEY FACTS & FIGURES well as useful addresses, agenda and free
- Turnover 2017 of 5.5 billion euro
- More than 37 000 employees
- Presence in 80 countries
- 1st French e-newspaper in Myanmar
- Free e-newspaper with more than 41,000
pages views per month
- More than 1,500 free subscribers

114 115
F&B - Distribution International Education

Lesaffre LFIR (Lycee Francais In-

ternational de Rangoun)


Mr. Gilles Edouard Salmon Mr. Boris Colin
A global key player in yeasts and fermenta- The Lycée Français international de Rangoon
APAC Sales Director tion, which started out as a family business School director
(LFIR) is an institution of French excellence, in Northern France in 1853, Lesaffre pro-
a member of the AEFE network as of the
+65 9 107 928 4 vides innovative solutions for Baking, Food +95 9 457 499 063
2016 academic year. Teaching is done in
taste & pleasure, Health care and Biotechno-
logy. Lesaffre also strongly believes in main- French and English. Courses in Myanmar
Mr. Charlie Lambert France - c/o F.A.P.E.E - 101 Boulevard PAS-
taining a close relationship with partners language are also offered as well as Spanish.
Myanmar Sales Manager and clients. With an established footprint in PAIL - 75006 - Paris
Since its inception, the tradition of the Lycée
+65 8 133 340 9 Asia Pacific, today Lesaffre has 7 production Myanmar - 61 - Inya Myaning Road - Bahan
has been to act as a place for linguistic and plants and 10 baking technical centers Township - Yangon
cultural exchanges. The Lycée welcomes
across the region. It has also 10 R&D centers +95 1 510 983
globally to support the business, ensuring students of all nationalities, from kindergar-
France - 137 rue Gabriel Péri - 59700 Marcq-
that Lesaffre can better respond and antici- ten through high school, and aims to foster
pate customers’ needs. personal growth, autonomy, encourage
+33 3 208 161 00 Facebook : Lycée Français International de
critical thinking, rigor and for students to
Myanmar - Blessing Trading - 136 - 27th Rangoun - LFIR - French School of Yangon
excel, with an emphasis on group work and
Street - Padeban Township - Yangon KEY FACTS & FIGURES mutual respect. The Lycée is certified by the
- 1 out of 3 loaves of bread in the world is French national education system.
made with Lesaffre yeast
- Selling in more than 180 markets around
the world
- Achieved 2 billion Euros turnover

116 117

Legendary Myanmar

Mrs. Swe Swe Myint
Partner of French Freight Forwarder Clas-
Chief Executive Officer quin Logisitcs. We are Professional Shipping,
+95 9 512 304 9 Freight Forwarding, Logistics handling, Mo-
ving and Relocation Service company in
Myanmar - Room A4, 9 Kyaung Street - Yangon. We offer our clients reliable and
Myaynigone - Sanchaung Township - Yangon cost-effective Ocean Freight solutions in
+95 1 523 653 more than 130 countries. We are handling:
+95 1 503 467 Freight Forwarding, Shipping & Logistics,
+95 9 512 304 9 Customs Clearance, Apply Export/Import Licence/Permits, Commercial Shipment Han- dling, Warehousing, Air Freight, Sea Freight,
Moving Service for import/export of Used
Household goods, Relocation, Mobility Ser-
vice, Cross Boarder Trade, Transportation by
air, sea or boarder - trade transportation
within Myanmar-Thailand-Lao-China.


- The best routes both for FCL & LCL ship-
ment, and provide ALL INCLUSIVE quota-
- Deliver smooth cargo flow from Pick- up
order directly from the factory and delivered
to the sales floor within given deadlines

118 119
Hospitality - Tourism They chose us

Lotte Hotels & Resorts

"Legrand Myanmar has sent multiple staffs

from all levels and departments to CCI
France-Myanmar training for the last 2
years. The feedback is always positive on
Ms. Wai Lwin Mon (Mikon)
LOTTE HOTEL provides a comprehensive quality and organisation. A convenient &
Director of Marketing
range of spaces to satisfy the various needs affordable "a la carte" training system for
of all of our guests including from tourists to small organisation to train & incentive our
+95 9 445 339 924
business customers. 343 rooms comman-
key people.”
ding fantastic views of Yangon’s most fa-
Myanmar - 82 Sin Phyu Shin Avenue - Pyay
mous landmarks: Shwedagon Pagoda and Julien Garraud - General Manager
Road - 6 ½ Mile - Ward 11 - Hlaing Township
Inya Lake. With three fine-dining restaurants
- Yangon Legrand Myanmar
and a range of other high quality food ou-
+95 1 935 100 0
tlets, LOTTE HOTEL offers guests an unpre-
cedented choice of outstanding cuisines.
With leading chefs and dishes from around
the world, each bar and restaurant at LOTTE
Hotel Yangon has its own refined, unique "I would like to endorse and recommend
atmosphere and setting. CCI France Myanmar. We have worked to-
gether on many occasions for around 2
years and it’s always a great pleasure and a
KEY FACTS & FIGURES fulfilling experience. CCI operate efficiently,
- Hotel indoor/outdoor swimming pool, professionally and the team are very sup-
separated hotel, serviced apartment gym portive and helpful which makes organiza-
- Hotel Club Floor and 11 function rooms
- Four restaurants at the hotel side tion and execution of our events painless
and trouble free. I am very much looking
forward to continued collaboration!”

Nick Hearn - Country Manager

The Warehouse Myanmar

120 121
Legal services

Luther Law Firm

Ms. Fanny Tatin
Luther has been active in Myanmar since
Associate / Attorney-at-Law
2012. With a team of eight French, German
and Myanmar lawyers, complemented by 35
+95 1 500 021
professionals, accountants and tax advisors
with knowledge and experience in all as-
Myanmar - Uniteam Marine Office Building -
pects of corporate and regulatory com-
Level 8 - Unit #1 - 84 Pan Hlaing Street -
pliance, Luther Law Firm Ltd. and Luther
Sanchaung Township - Yangon
Corporate Services Ltd. assist and advise
+95 1 500 021
clients in all stages of the business lifecycle.
Luther is advising companies that wish to
establish a business presence in Myanmar
on all stages of the process, namely, from
the incorporation of a Myanmar business
vehicle, through on-going support services
such as legal and tax advice, bookkeeping,
accounting, payroll and cash, fund & pay-
ment administration, up to the winding up
of a company.


- Set up in 2012
- More than 45 employees
- Assisting clients from all over the world

122 123
Medical F&B - Manufacturing

LYC Healthcare and Me- Mane Myanmar

dical Diagnostic Center


Dr. Han Lyn Aung (Willliam) Mr. Thibault Verdillon
LYC Healthcare and Medical Diagnostic Cen- MANE is a French family owned company
CEO General Manager
ter (ISO 9001:2015 certified) was established creating fragrances and flavor for more than
in 2014. Our vision is to be the most reliable, 140 years.
+95 9 965 128 673
affordable, accessible healthcare provider in
Myanmar - 520 5th Floor - Unit 5(A) - We produce cutting-edge flavours, seaso-
Myanmar - 512 Lower Kyi Myin Dine Road - Kabaraye Pagoda Road - Ko Min Ko Chin Qtr ning blends and have a unique expertise for
Kyi Myin Dine Township - Yangon Our services include specialist care, imaging - Bahan Township - Yangon designing sweet to savoury products, combi-
+95 9 512 867 3 and laboratory investigations, pharmacy and +95 1 552 943 ned with an unrivalled knowledge of natural
varieties of medical checkup and health raw materials to bring you the best of na-
education training programs for corporate ture.
We also produce, for the fragrance industry,
We have different varieties of specialties a mix of precious natural essential oils and
including physicians, surgeons, OBGYNs, innovative molecules, resulting from a cen-
Pediatricians, Orthopedics, Liver Specialists, tury of know-how and state-of-the-art ex-
Psychiatrists, Cardiologists, ENT Surgeons, traction technologies, observing trends,
Urophysicians, Urosurgeons, Gastroentero- giving shape to creation and finding answers
logist, Neurologist… In addition, we utilize to consumer needs.
only the best diagnostic machines imported
from Germany, France, US, and Japan.

Our service includes medical checkup pro- KEY FACTS & FIGURES
grams for corporate organizations. The com- - 6th flavour & fragrance company in the
petitive advantage is that we can perform a world
group medical checkups (100-300 em- - 2016 turnover of $1.2 bn
- 5,000 employees in the world
ployees and above) using highly advanced
portable machines from Germany with our
checkup teams.

124 125
Medical - Distribution Import - Distribution

Mega Lifesciences Melbourne


Mr. Girish Wadhwa Mr. Tun Tun Naing
Mega Lifesciences have headquartered in Melbourne Co., Ltd was founded with the
President & Head Coach Managing Director
Bangkok, we have presence in 31 countries aim of becoming the leading bathroom and
across the globe. In Myanmar we appear kitchen solutions provider in Myanmar
+95 9 500 676 5 +95 9 973 759 840
with two divisions.

Myanmar - Universal Building - 1A/7 Shwe Mega We Care Branded Products Business Myanmar - A/1 Aung San Stadium (East
Pin Lon Housing Estate - Bayint Naung Road A leading consumer health, nutraceutical Wing) - Upper Pansodan Road - Mingalar
Ward 27 - North Dagon Township - Yangon and pharmaceutical brand. Taung Nyunt Township - Yangon - More 25 years of experience in importing
+95 1 580 561 +95 1 251 033 products in Myanmar
Maxxcare Distribution Business: A leading
+95 1 580 668 +95 1 255 795
distribution service operator in pharmaceu- +95 1 379 671
tical and FMCG space.
- Created in 1995
- 1,600 employees in Myanmar
- 1,400 items/SKUs from 42 companies

126 127
Hospitality - Tourism

Melia Yangon Hotel

Ms. Céline Guyomarc´h
The Meliá Yangon is a luxury city hotel of
General Manager
Spanish heritage with elegant interior and
contemporary design, located opposite the
+95 9 784 888 997
Inya Lake. It is the perfect choice for both
business and leisure travellers, with 429
Myanmar - 192 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road Ba-
rooms, 3 restaurants, 2 bars, swimming
han Township - Yangon
pool,fitness centre and meeting facilities.
+95 1 934 500 0 Strategically connected to office towers and Myanmar Plaza, it is just 10 minutes by car
from the iconic Shwedagon Pagoda and city
center, 5 minutes from Kaba Aye Pagoda,
and 20 minutes from Yangon International


- More than 370 hotels in more than 40
- Founded in 1956 in Palma de Mallorca
- 7 brands worldwide

128 129
Hospitality - Tourism

Mercure Mandalay Hill


Mr. Frank Weiss
The 12-acre Mercure Mandalay Hill Resort is
General Manager
set at the foot of Mandalay Hill. It offers
panoramic views of pagodas as well as the
+95 9 403 345 206
distinctive architecture of the Royal Palace
and its beautiful moat. Mandalay is a 1-hour
Myanmar - No.9 - Kwin (416.B) - 10th Street
flight from Yangon and 20-minute flight
At the foot of Mandalay Hill - Aungmyaytha-
from Bagan. It is within close proximity to
zan Township - Mandalay
some of the most remarkable archaeological
+95 2 356 38
sites in the world.

130 131
Hospitality - Tourism

Mercure Yangon Kaba


Mr. Richard Tin Tun
Mercure Yangon Kaba Aye is located along
General Manager
Kaba Aye Pagoda Road just 10 km from Yan-
gon International Airport as well as central
+95 1 650 933
business district and key tourist sites and
+95 1 260 512 552
close to a Myanmar Plaza Shopping Mall.

Myanmar - 17 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road - It features 183 spacious rooms and suites
Yankin Township - Yangon ideal for families and long-staying guests.
+95 1 650 933 The hotel with deluxe hotel rooms and 1- to 3-bedroom apartments offer views of swim- ming pool or landscaped gardens. The suites also come with a fully equipped kitchenette
and a separate lounge and dining room.

The newly remodeled MiCasa Restaurant &

Bar offers guests all-day dining options from
generous buffet breakfasts to evening cock-
tails and an à-la-carte selection with delec-
table local and international flavours. The
chic and modern design of the restaurant
provides a refreshing space for up to 200 for
guests to dine. For meetings, conferences,
cocktail parties and weddings, the newly
remodeled federation ballroom spaces can
KEY FACTS & FIGURES accommodate up to 210 guests. The hotel
also features a ‘Ready to Work’ space for
- Spacious rooms with balcony and kitchen business travellers, from 1 to 6 people.
- MiCasa Restaurant & Bar
- Ready To Work office space.

132 133
They chose us Tourism

Mirandus Travel & Tours

"I arrived in Yangon 2 years ago to open
AGS Four Winds in Myanmar. I was in con-
tact with the CCI France Myanmar even
before putting foot in Yangon. They helped
Mr. Jérôme Seban
me understand the local environment and Travelpro online platform for corporations
introduced me to various companies which gives you direct online access to rates and
are now my partners or my customers. In availability from over 300,000 hotel proper-
+95 9 786 445 742
ties no only in Myanmar but worldwide. No
order to share and give back part of what I
need to wait for email responses or phone
received, I am now Treasurer of the FMCCI.” Myanmar - Building (12) - Room No (13) -
calls to see available options, book and con-
Pyay Road - 8Miles - Mayangone Township-
Marc Guyonnaud - General Manager firm your hotels directly as per your budget
in an instant. Our focus is to reduce your
AGS Four Winds +95 9 761 187 158
travel spend. Our team of experts will work
with you to structure travel policies & intelli-
gent travel sourcing plans that drive savings
without compromising on the traveller’s
"Here at Yangoods, we're delighted of the experience.
Dynamism of the CCI France. We sent over
Travelpro platform enables corporations of
a dozen staff to the various training propo- all sizes to reduce hotel spends & costs upto
sed, always conveniently scheduled, timed 20% annually. Empowering your travellers &
and priced. We appreciate as well the extra admin teams to access a cost effective way
exposure they give to companies, and the to book hotels instantly. But that’s is not all,
networking events. Overall they are of a Travelpro also provides your finance and
great help and we're looking forward to administration team the tools not only to
book and monitor bookings made, but also
many more years using their services."
access reporting that enables them to make
Jean Curci - Director of Sales & Marketing intelligent travel sourcing decisions.
- Fully licensed travels agency
- Answer all needs for corporate travel
- Accessible via offline and online channels

134 135
IT - Media Business services

mspiral Myanmar Bureau Veritas


Mr. Thomas Feichter Mr. Agustin Gayubo Gil
mspiral was established with a quest to Myanmar Bureau Veritas set up in Myanmar
Managing Director Industry and Construction Services Manager
create beautiful websites, graphic designs in 2012 and now operates with our main
and digital solutions for local and internatio- office in Yangon, around the whole Country.
+95 9 421 169 308 +95 9 973 477 573
nal organisations. We are committed to We try to contribute to Myanmar develop-
Myanmar Bureau Veritas Co.Ldt
pioneering ethical practices, both socially ment through some of the main actors in Oil
Myanmar - Motherland Condominium - 9th Address - Room 410 - 4th floor - Hledan
and environmentally. & Gas, Industry, Construction and Certifica-
floor - 240/242 - Seikkantha Street - Upper Center - Corner Pyay Road and Hledan Road
tion who have considered us the best option
Block - Kyauktada Township - Yangon Our work is visible in print, web and mobile - Kamayut Township - Yangon.
to confirm the good performance and to
+95 9 731 621 22 on some of the most prestigious NGO's, UN Office Phone: +95 1 230 780 2
decrease operational risks on their Projects. Agencies and International Corporation’s Contact Mail: projects; a testament to our dedication for Bureau Veritas is an international recognized aligning digital solutions to your organisa- certification and verification body establis-
tion’s values, and continuing our reputation
KEY FACTS & FIGURES hed in 1828. We employ over 66,000 people
as one of Myanmar’s leading design and - Testing, Inspection, Certification (TIC) worldwide with a revenue over 4.6 Billion
development agencies. around the whole Myanmar Euros in 2015 and are represented in 140
KEY FACTS & FIGURES - (8) business lines: Construction, Industry,
countries with around 1400 offices, inclu-
mspiral has a carefully cultivated working Marine, Oil & Gas, In-Service Inspection and
- Incorporated in Myanmar, Singapore and Verification, Government Services and Inter- ding Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Bru-
environment, where employees are cons-
Vietnam national Trade, Laboratory, Consumer Prod- nei, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
- Operating in Myanmar since 2012 tantly challenged to do their best. Our local
ucts and Certification and Singapore in the South East Asia Region.
- 30+ team members from 8 countries and international staff and interns are trai-
ned in IT best practices; we are proud to Bureau Veritas is recognised by over 125
really make a mark in an industry of growing Governments to act on their behalf on statu-
importance to Myanmar’s future. tory and regulatory matters related to safe-
ty, the management of risks and the protec-
tion of the environment and investments.
The independence of Bureau Veritas is fully
assured by our corporate and financial struc-

136 137
Construction They chose us

Myanmar Home Design

"The FMCCI team has been of valuable as-

sistance throughout our setting up in Myan-
mar, and this at different levels. Always
available to help and full of relevant advice,
Mr. Yann Lefebvre
We specialized in building high-quality mo- the FMCCI team has without a doubt ac-
General Manager
dular spaces. Our solution is fast to manage, companied us to ensure our implementa-
movable and quality oriented. Modular tion would be done successfully."
+95 9 421 137 699
Home™, Modular Building™ and Modular
Pro™ products cover a wide range of appli- Yann Bary - President
Myanmar - 78/79 Padonma road - North
cations: homes, hotels, bungalows, offices,
Okala Township - Yangon Acteus Group
exhibition spaces, take-away shop, schools,
+95 9 361 314 65
restrooms, remote site facilities, data
centres – the use cases and designs are
Since 2012 we have successfully installed
over 260 modules across the country.
"CCI France-Myanmar welcomed us and
Our modules’s structure being based on guided us during our first steps in Myan-
standard shipping containers sizes, they are mar. Before expanding our team and mo-
easy to mobilize and to relocate. They can
ving to our own place, the business centre
be installed anywhere. Our prefabrication
was an ideal situation to initiate our deve-
process allows us to provide facilities 3 times
lopment, in a warm yet professional envi-
faster compared to standard construction
means. ronment. Besides our office, the CCI conti-
nuously provided relevant advices and ob-
European management, R&D and quality
servations about the business context here,
control gives our respected customers the
through meetings, presentations, breakfast
guarantee that their facilities they invest in
has the best quality available in Myanmar.” talks... Merci à la CCI et à son équipe!”

Charles Bouhelier - General Manager

Artelia Myanmar

138 139

Myanmar Jardine

Mr. Wai Sam Wong
Schindler was first established in Switzerland
General Manager
in 1874. Schindler Group is one of the
world’s leading providers of elevators, esca-
+95 9 9 789 908 78
lators and moving walks. Every day, Schin-
dler solutions transport one billion people
Myanmar - No. ¼ - Parami Road - Hlaing
worldwide, rapidly, efficiently and in accor-
Township - Yangon
dance with their diverse needs. It is Europe’s
+95 1 654 855 /56
largest manufacturer of lifts and escalators, -
with a major presence in all the continents.
www.facebook.comMyanmarJardineSchindl Schindler operates in more than 140 coun-
erLtd/ tries and have more than 1,200 branches. Today, there are more than half a million
Schindler lifts and escalators in service in
100 countries around the world.

As a pioneer in the elevator and escalator

industry in Myanmar and the only market
player to operate directly without the use of
agents and distributors, Myanmar Jardine
Schindler have already provided services to
KEY FACTS & FIGURES a number of key customers with more than
a decade of experience.
- Established in 1997 in Myanmar
- More than 58,000 employees worldwide, Our mission is to create new systems and
with 350 employees in Myanmar
solutions to make the world’s buildings and
- Serving 2000 units of elevators and escala-
tors in Myanmar cities safer, more efficient, more sustai-
- 4 branches: Mandalay, Naypyidaw, nable, more confortable every day, and to
Taunggyi and Mawlamyaing be Your First Choice.

140 141
Recruitment Recruitment MyWorld Careers


Mr. Hans van Beek Mr. Simon Bruce
MyJobs has been the pioneer of recruitment MyWorld is Myanmar's largest staffing agen-
CEO Country Manager
services in Myanmar since 2012. Large, cy with over 50 staff. Established in 2015, we
small, international and local companies are a fully licensed agency offering Recruit-
+95 9 263 906 801 +95 9 263 282 278
work together with our people who are ment and Payroll Outsourcing services to
committed to providing exceptional solu- both international and local clients. Ranked
Myanmar - 23 (D) University Avenue Hous- Myanmar - Parkside One - Level 2 - 271-273
tions for a variety of recruitment challenges. No. 1 in the market, we are well known for
ing - Sayarsan Ward - Bahan Township - Bagayar Street - Sanchaung Township - Yan-
our high levels of customer service, quality
Yangon Our team provides more than combined 120 gon
of candidates and extensive knowledge of
+95 9 313 498 34 years of localand global expertise in human +95 9 450 214 921
the Myanmar market. We work with over resources. Hundreds of companies have
500 companies in Myanmar mainly focused found some their finest employees through
on Yangon and Mandalay covering the re- our team, comprising of 50+ Myanmar na-
cruitment of professionals in the following tionals and sector experts from abroad.
disciplines; Accounting & Finance, Enginee-
We are your long term recruitment partner. ring, Financial Services, Hospitality, Human
Our dedicated team pride ourselves on our Resources, Information Technology, Sales &
outstanding customer service and our colla- Marketing, Supply Chain & Procurement.
borative and consultative approach. We We were the recipient of 3 awards at the
offer solutions which enable you to recruit 2017 Myanmar Employer Awards and parti-
for all areas of your business, from entry cipate in CSR activities for the education of
KEY FACTS & FIGURES level to Senior Executive. youths in rural areas.
- 2 offices in Yangon and Mandalay
- More than 700 clients Our bespoke services can be tailored to
- More than 50 employees meet your business requirements and range
from Online Job Advertising to Search & KEY FACTS & FIGURES
Selection and Executive Search. - Largest staffing agency in Myanmar with 50
- Ranked n°1 in Myanmar
- Full range of areas of expertise

142 143
IT - Business services Hospitality - Tourism

NetSmart Novotel Inle Lake Myat



Mrs. Amy Nyunt Mr. David G. Daguise
Founded by Amy Nyunt in 1999, NetSmart French international hotel chain Accor ope-
Managing Director Cluster General Manager
philosophy is based upon Innovation, Team ned its first Novotel hotel in Myanmar since
Work, and Excellence of Execution. announcing its return to the country in
+95 9 500 013 0 +95 9 925 104 157 0-6
2013. Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min hotel
Our mission is to fast-track companies in
grand opening was 6th Oct, 2014. A modern
Myanmar - 5-B - 18 Kyauk Kone Street - their transition to an ERP assisted business Myanmar - Mine Thauk Village - Nyaung
resort with a great architecture, using a lot
Yankin Township - Yangon while leveraging the skills of local talents to Shwe Township - Southern Shan State
of local materials, from the pavilion style
+95 1 856 603 4 work more efficiently and for companies to +95 9 251 041 570-6
lobby and restaurant, to the modern lacquer
+95 1 706 584 stay ahead of competition more effectively. Yangon office - + 95 9 253 182 922
ware and paintings. Situated on the East
Our unique understanding of the Myanmar bank of Inle Lake near Maing Thauk Village.
landscape coupled with a young team of It is 7 miles South of Nyaung Shwe, the main inle-lake-myat-min/index.shtml
professionals has propelled us to become an town of Inle Lake, Southern Shan State.
expert in the empowerment of people and
Treat yourself to tranquility at Novotel Inle
Lake Myat Min hotel. Choose from an airy
suite looking onto the resort's lush gardens,
or a spacious villa right on the water. The
infinity pool invites you to soak up the
views, and the sunset on the lake provides
an unforgettable backdrop to your holidays
or meetings at Novotel. The resort offers 49
Junior Suites, 13 Deluxe Suites Lake View, 49
Superior Villas, 8 Deluxe Villas Lake View
and 2 Presidential Villas, 2 Restaurants, In
KEY FACTS & FIGURES Balance Spa and Gym, Swimming Pool and
- More than 400 hotels & resorts in 61 coun- Meeting Facilities

144 145
146 147
Hospitality - Tourism

Novotel Yangon Max

Mr. Philippe Battle
Novotel Yangon Max is located mid-way
Area General Manager AccorHotels
between Yangon International Airport and
Myanmar - General Manager Novotel
historical downtown. The hotel is close to
Yangon Max
Shwedagon Pagoda and numerous embas-
sies, opposite to a wide green area for your
+95 1 230 585 8
morning jog. The 366 contemporary rooms
offer a large flowing space in which to stay.
Myanmar - 459 Pyay Road - Kamayut Town-
Guests staying on executive floors will enjoy
ship - Yangon
additional amenities and access to the Pre-
+95 1 230 585 8
mier Lounge. From breakfast and lunch to
dinner and delicious snacks, we provide a
wide choice of A La carte and buffet options.
Guests can choose from 3 restaurants and 4
bars. To relax and rejuvenate, there is a
state of art fitness center, a spa, yoga room,
swimming pool and rooftop tennis court.
The main ballroom with its 12-meter high
ceiling hosts up to 700 guests banquet style.
The second ballroom hosts up to 300 guests,
1 conference room and 6 meeting rooms are
available for meetings and events.


- Ideal for Corporate stays and events
- Corporate Meetings, MICE accommodation

148 149
Retail - Distribution Medical - Distribution

Office Express Okkar Thiri


Mr. Michael Khaniss Jand Ms. Chaw Su Hlaing
OfficeExpress is an Ecommerce based office Since 1998, Okkar Thiri is the exclusive dis-
Director Human Resources and Marketing Manager
supply company in Myanmar. OfficeExpress tributor in Myanmar for leading internatio-
have made it easy to order your office needs nal medical and laboratory equipment ma-
+95 9 954 321 999 +95 9 785 163 037
with just few click, we will deliver to your nufactures. A team of 150 internationally
door step next day. Presently OfficeExpress trained specialists provide continuous mar-
Myanmar - Sinmalite highway Complex - Myanmar - 28 - Pyay Road - Hlaing Towship
delivers in Yangon (vicinity), Mandalay and ket intelligence to hospitals, clinics, labora-
109 Building B - Rose Lane - Kamayut Town- - Yangon
Lashio. tories and research institutes who requires
ship - Yangon +95 9 443 250 845
equipment according to their individual
+95 9 773 040 555 OfficeExpress also have services like Maid +95 1 500 049/ 538 023/ 512 515
needs. Our distribution is effectively carried Service, Handyman, Printing service, Securi-
out from three offices in Yangon, Nay Pyi
ty Guard service, Flower Decoration service,
Taw and Mandalay.
Package delivery and company or trademark
registration. Our company is dedicated to the principles
of quality and service to ensure that equip-
ment supplied is efficient and lasting. We
KEY FACTS & FIGURES offer to the health sector medical and labo-
ratory solutions with reliable brands and
- Ecommerce Based office supply
- Maid Service, Printing Services and trade service excellence. Our service team of 30
mark registration biomedical engineers remains within reaso-
- Hotel & Restaurant, Factory tools & jewelry nable distance to provide immediate inter-
toos & equipments vention as and when necessary.

Our product range covers the following divi-

sions: Medical Equipment, Medical Labora-
tory Equipment, Research Laboratory Equip-

- Selling, Installation & Servicing of Medical

and Laboratory Equipment

150 151
Retail - Distribution Energy - Oil & gas

Oriental Zebra (Meizu) Parami Energy Group of



Mr. Li Xiao Mr. Kyaw Myo Htun
MEIZU is a well-known smart phone manu- Parami Energy was founded in 2004 original-
Country Manager Lead Designer
facturer in China. It’s founded because of ly grown from engineering service provide to
dream and its pursuit from passion. It fo- the Parami Energy Group of Companies with
+95 9 440 857 370 +95 1 255 104
cuses on creating better smart phones. As core businesses in Oil and Gas and Power.
the sole distributor of Meizu smartphone in
Myanmar - 129 Latha Road Upper Block - Myanmar - 14-02 #15-07 Sakura Tower - Parami Energy has linked up a range of top
Myanmar, we entered this market since
Latha Township - Yangon Sule Pagoda Road - Yangon international energy firms in exploring and
2015, and has developed sales channels
+95 9 456 585 102 +95 1 255 104 developing Myanmar’s sizeable proven and
across the country. We hope to bring our +95 1 255 106 potential oil and gas resources.
best smartphone products to Myanmar cus- +95 1 255 450
tomers. Parami Energy imports and distributes lique-
fied petroleum gas (LPG) within Myanmar,
providing safe, reliable energy at affordable
KEY FACTS & FIGURES prices to rural and urban communities.

- More than 2000 sales points, show rooms Parami Energy is at the forefront of
and service centers. addressing the current and future po-
- Built a presence all over Myanmar. wer requirement of Myanmar, with a
specific focus on providing energy
options for sustainable economic develop-
ment through large-scale energy projects
including mini grid, renewable energy and
rural electrification initiatives.

We value and are committed to following

international industry and sustainable best
practices; to being a responsible corporate
citizen; and to improving the lives of the
people and communities where we operate.

152 153
Construction Insurance

Penetron Poe-ma insurances


Mr. Regis Poureyron Mr. Sivakorn Srisuwan
Penetron Myanmar Limited is: Poe-ma insurances is a French insurance
Managing Director Country Manager
broker, part of Poe-ma Group. First establis- - working with developers, architects and
hed in 1991 in French Polynesia, the com-
+95 9 762 026 402 contractors to help building durable proper- +95 9 971 608 452
pany later expanded in Asia-Pacific, with
ties and infrastructures.
offices in New-Caledonia, Wallis-et-Futuna,
Myanmar - CCI France Myanmar’s Business Myanmar - 3/89 Gant Gaw Myaing Street -
- promoting proven solutions supplied La Reunion, Vanuatu, France, Thailand, Laos
Centre - Parkside One building - 271-273 Parami - Yankin Township - Yangon
worldwide by Penetron International since and Cambodia.
Bagayar Street - Sanchaung Township - Yan- +95 9 971 608 452
1979, in the field of concrete repair, protec-
gon For the past 28 years, Poe-ma insurances
tion and waterproofing..
+95 9 762 026 402 has developed a sharp expertise of remote - providing sales & marketing support as territories and newly developed countries well as technical training and assistance on- with their specific economic activities and
site. challenges. If the company is now an inter-
national group, Poe-ma insurances manages
Penetron systems are supplied in Myanmar
to keep is local broker identity by providing
in partnership with a sole distributor and
tailor-made technical solutions to its clients.
installed by seasoned applicators.
First insurance broker to be established in
Myanmar in November 2012, our local pre-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES sence ensures our client availability, reactivi-
ty and true understanding. Through its re-
- Green Label“ certified products
- 40 years of experience presentative office in Yangon, Poe-ma insu-
- 800 reference projects worldwide rances can help both local and international
clients to find legal insurance and reinsu-
rance solutions on the global market.

154 155
Hospitality - Tourism

Pullman Mandalay

Mr. Anthony Myers
Set to open in early 2019, Pullman Mandalay
General Manager
Mingalar brings new levels of international
hospitality to Mandalay for business and
+95 9 765 669 104
leisure travelers.

Myanmar - Mingalar Mandalay - 73rd Street 358 Rooms and Suites, Restaurants and
between Tha Zin & Ngu Shwe Wah Streets - Bars, outdoor Swimming Pool and Bar, Pull-
Chan Mya Thar Zi Township - Mandalay man Fit Lounge (gym) and Spa. Wi-Fi throughout.
Extensive meetings and events space include
800 square meter ballroom and a selection
of smaller rooms. New Mandalay Conven-
tion Centre is just 900m away.

Direct international flights from; Kunming,

Guangzhou(1 stop), Singapore, Bangkok and
Chiang Mai.

Our World is Your Playground.


- Opening early 2019
- Urban resort hotel for business and leisure
- 800+ square meter ballroom (divisible to 3)

156 157
Hospitality - Tourism

Pullman Yangon

Mr. Marshall Orton
Pullman is the high-end international brand
Operation Manager
of the Accor group, mainly targeted at cos-
mopolitan travelers, who have wide connec-
+95 1 382 687
tions and enjoy combining work and plea-
Myanmar - No. 65 - Corner of Sule Pagoda
Road and Merchant Street - Kyauktada Located in the beautiful Yangon Colonial
Township - Yangon Quarter and Central Business District, over- looking Mahabandoola Park, Sule Pagoda, offering wide views over Yangon River, with
its 22 stories, the Pullman Yangon Centre-
point offers 290 contemporary fully con-
nected rooms for global nomads, signature
bedding, IPTV, separate shower and
bathtub, work desk with connectivity panel,
free WIFI.

Enjoy a range of cuisines and signature be-

verages in “The Merchant” All Day Dining,
“The Junction” Lobby Lounge, “Gustave”
Bar, “E' Cucina” Italian restaurant, “@The
Deck” outdoor pool bar, Meeting Rooms
with natural light and Park view, fully
equipped Grand Ballroom for 400 guests,
Fitness Lounge with Technogym equipment
and a unique designed Spa for a cocoon
retreat offering an indulgent collection of
French relaxing body spa treatments.

158 159
They chose us Construction


"We joined the CCI France Myanmar in

2017 and found our Membership to be ex-
tremely valuable. The Chamber is very ac-
tive, providing us many opportunities to get
Mr. Vadim Nunez Pawlowsky
further engaged in the Myanmar market, Razel-Bec is the leading civil engineering and
Country Manager
generally, as well as specifically with target infrastructure company of Fayat Group, our
companies we hope to do business. We main and unique shareholder. Since its foun-
+95 9 260 922 782
ding in 1957, the Fayat Group has grown to
also enjoy meeting other members, sharing
become the fourth largest construction and
best practices and developing new rela- Myanmar - 133B 8th street - 3rd Quarter
related services Group in France and the
tionships in the country. Thank you!” (corner with Wai Za Yan Tar Road) - South
leading family-owned business in construc-
Okkalapa - Yangon
Vincent Lorentz - Business Development tion and industry sectors.
+95 9 260 922 782
Insurexcellence Founded more than 130 years ago, Razel- Bec is a large and innovative international
civil works’ contractor with a long history of
earthworks and road works. The company’s
"We’ve been sending our team to different
KEY FACTS & FIGURES extensive experience means today that it
trainings organized by CCI France Myanmar can provide clients in the public and private
for a few times now. Not only we have good - Turnover (2015) : 750 M€
sectors with high-performance technical
- Part of the turnover on the export
feedback from our team but we also see responses in civil works construction pro-
(market) (as per 2015) : 25%
significant improvements as a result of - Employees : 5000 jects such as dams, tunnels, bridges and
these trainings. What I appreciate most is roads as well as in the civil industry (water
that all the lecturers are well experienced treatment plants, waste treatment plants,
and able to encourage the team to place nuclear plants).

theories into actual business practices.

Would definitely recommend to anyone!”

Zarchi Damloup - Managing Director

Akhuka Productions

160 161
IT HR - Business services

SafeComs Myanmar Saint Blanquat & Asso-



Mr. Damien Damuseau Mr. Amaury de Saint Blanquat
We have one simple mission: Saint Blanquat & A. is Cambodia’s premier
Operations Manager Managing Director
Human Resources & Management Consul- • To create innovative solutions and provide
tancy. It was founded in 2012 by Amaury de
+95 9 788 089 539 peace of mind to our customers. +95 9 794 613 812
Saint Blanquat with the idea of developing
+85 5 898 849 68
• To create a strong partnership committed international Management Consulting and
Myanmar - 586 - Damayon Street - 6 Miles -
to the achievement of their business objec- Human Resources practices in Cambodia.
Hlaing Township - Yangon Cambodia - 7B St.81 (Corner Of St.109-Wat
tives. Since then, the company has delivered hun- Koh) - Phnom Penh - Cambodia
dreds of missions to clients from the private • To cultivate a challenging and responsible
sector, international organisations and go- work environment and promote personal
vernment authorities, helping to raise the development.
standards of corporate governance, human
SafeComs Network Security Consulting is an
capital and education in Southeast Asia.
IT Security company, an industry leader and -&-associates
Saint Blanquat & A.’s services include:
provider of top-quality IT Security solutions
for SMBs, MNCs, and Government Bodies • Executive Search
ever since its foundation in 1999.
• HR Consulting
• Training


- International IT company with employees - 30 consultants and analysts from 7 nation- • Salary Surveys
from over 10 countries alities • Public Sector Consulting
- 300+ clients in Cambodia and Myanmar
- Management Software features over 300 Our services are designed to strengthen
- 1,500+ finalized recruitments, of which
modules your organisation through people develop-
300+ are C-level
- More than 15 years of experience in Asia ment and performance.

162 163
Construction Medical

Saint-Gobain Glass Samitivej International


Mr. Damien Busson Mr. Nicolas Leloup
Since it was founded in 1665, Saint-Gobain Samitivej International Co. Ltd. is a joint-
Development Manager Assistant Director International Marketing
has been providing high performing and venture between Samitivej Hospital
innovative glass solutions: products, services (Thailand) and Parami Hospital (Myanmar).
+95 9 426 906 235 +95 1 657 987
and systems, helping to create great living The Samitivej Parami Clinic was opened in
places and improve daily life. February 2014 and provides primary care
Myanmar - 17/B West Shwegonedine - 4th Myanmar - Samitivej International - 9(e)/2 -
and emergency (24/7) care services, obser-
Lane - Bahan Township - Yangon We strive to serve and support all construc- Kabar Aye Pagoda road - Mayangone Town-
vation & short hospitalization, domestic &
+95 1 525 737 tion stakeholders involved in new-build and ship - Yangon
international aeromedical transportation of
+95 1 539 839 renovation projects. In every living and +95 1 657 987
patients, medical training and services to working place, wherever comfort, perfor- +95 1 667 592
corporate clients. mance and safety are required, we fulfill our +95 1 656 732
Europe/ customers’ needs in four major fields: Samitivej International Clinic was opened in
facades, windows, interior design and pro- Samitivej Parami Clinic - Parami Hospital - July 2018 and provides primary care, follow
tection. From small contractors and instal- 11th floor - 60 - G1 - Parami road - Mayan- up care to Myanmar patients who under-
lers, to big processors and manufacturers or gone - Yangon went treatment in Bangkok, and health
architects, our teams are guided by one checkup programs.
single ambition: to be considered your pre-
ferred partner.
- Treat 1,000 patients per month
KEY FACTS & FIGURES - Arrange 50 medical evacuation per month
- Created in 1665, 350 years ago - All medical staff received international
- Top 100 most innovative companies in the training and certification.
- 33 floats, 15 coaters, 3 patterned lines, 9

164 165

Sanofi Myanmar

Dr. May Myint Oo
Sanofi, a global healthcare leader, discovers,
Country Business Head
develops and distributes therapeutic solu-
tions. Sanofi is organized into 5 global busi-
+95 9 513 274 7
ness units: diabetes & cardiovascular, gene-
ral medicines & emerging markets, specialty
Myanmar - Pyay Garden Office Tower -
care, vaccine and consumer Healthcare. Sanofi
Room 5001 - 346/354 - Pyay Road - San-
is listed in Paris and New York stocks ex-
chaung Township - Yangon
+95 1 505 950/951/952 Ex-5001 Sanofi works to make quality healthcare easily accessible in Myanmar, with a new
partnership with the Myanmar Medical As-
sociation to improve access to mental
healthcare in the country.

This 3-year pilot programme will benefit

12,000 people suffering from mental disor-
ders. The program aims at reducing the
treatment gap by 20% in psychoses, epilepsy
and major depressive disorder within a year
by integrating low-cost solutions in the exis-
ting healthcare system as well as leveraging
the local expertise of community workers.
We will also harness the international exper-
tise of the World Association of Social Psy-
chiatry (WASP) and Université Numérique
Francophone Mondiale (UNFM) to sharpen
the skills of healthcare professionals in
166 167
They chose us Oil & gas


"CCI France Myanmar is Yangon Property

Management’s key partner for three rea-
Firstly, meetings such as the Con- Mr. Michael Hlaing Myint
Schlumberger is the world's leading provider
nect@Breakfast and the Business Talks, Country Managing Director
of technology for reservoir characterization,
that take place at the Chamber of Com- Myanmar & Vietnam
drilling, production, and processing to the oil
merce every month, are a convenient way
and gas industry.
to keep in touch with ongoing government +95 1 230 581 3
Working in more than 85 countries and em-
reforms in various economic sectors.
Myanmar - Diamond Condominium - 6th ploying approximately 100,000 people who
Second, Networking Cocktails and other Floor - Tower E - Pyay Road - Kamayut represent over 140 nationalities, Schlumber-
events organized by the CCI are the best Township - Yangon ger supplies the industry's most comprehen-
way to contact potential prospects or new +95 1 230 581 4 sive range of products and services, from exploration through production and inte-
grated pore-to-pipeline solutions for hydro-
Finally, the short and targeted training ses- KEY FACTS & FIGURES carbon recovery that optimize reservoir
sions offered by the Chamber allow us to performance.
- World leader in Oil & Gas services
train our teams and build their loyalty.” - 100,000 employees in 85 countries
- 2017 revenue of $30 billion
Damien Boucard - General Manager - In Myanmar since 1933
Yangon Property Management

168 169
Energy - Construction

Schneider Electric

Mr. Mai Lam Dong
We are leading the digital transformation of
Country Manager
energy management and automation.
+95 1 652 413/14 As an expert in the Heavy Industries, Schnei-
der Electric provides customized solutions
Myanmar - 19B - 19th Avenue Street - 7 which are safe and reliable with high level of
Miles - Mayangone Township - Yangon productivity. From innovative power distri-
+95 1 966 112 0 bution solutions in large sites and harsh environment to SCADA and advanced con-
trols, all of our solutions comply with inter-
national standards (IEC,ANSI/IEEE), security
and local requirements.


- 175 years of history
- 2016 revenue €25 billion
- 144,000 employees in 100 countries

170 171
Medical Textile - Business services

Servier SgT Limited


Mr. Bastien Boulle Mr. Andy Das
Servier, an international pharmaceutical Created in 1990, SgT is an independent ser-
General Manager Branch Manager India, Bangladesh, South
group governed by a non-profit foundation. vice company with an international scope. East Asia
We are focused on cardiovascular diseases, With its head office in Hong Kong, SgT group
diabetes, neuropsychiatric diseases and of companies provide services of quality
+95 1 242 291 +88 1 713 302 899
committed to therapeutic progress to serve control in different countries in Asia.
+91 9 830 951 789
patient needs.
Myanmar - 62 U Wisara Road - Yangon SgT covers major countries of textile produc-
+95 1 242 291 We contribute to transmit to future genera- Hong Kong - Laford Centre - Units 1001 -02 tion in Asia and Euro-Mediterranean re- tions a world that can ensure access to qua- 10/F - 838 Lai Chi Kok Road - Cheung Sha gions. SgT is specialized in textile (garments, lity health care for all. With 64 million pa- Wan - Kowloon - Hong Kong. fabrics, fashion accessories, textile accesso- tients treated worldwide by our medicinal + 85 2 281 662 80 ries, bags luggage, shoes); SgT’s expertise
products on a daily basis, we are keenly - covers the following main product catego-
aware of our responsibilities to patients, ries with dedicated teams and process; city
doctors, and healthcare professionals. They wear, children wear, sportswear, luxury and
are the motivating force behind our daily high end, underwear, professional wear,
drive for innovation as a provider of thera- leather items and so on. SgT provides tailor
peutic progress. made and extensive solution in order to help
its customers gain competitive edge.


- 21,600 employees in 148 countries
- 25% of turnover invested in R&D - 571,000 inspections and 35,000 factories
- 2017 turnover of €4 bn visited
- 1,981 pieces checked
- 350 professionals in 20 countries

172 173
Construction - Engineering Hospitality - Tourism

SUEZ Consulting Sule Shangri-La


Dr. Gary Moys Mr. Phillip Couvaras
Suez Consulting (formerly Safege), a multi- The Shangri-La Group shares a long history
Country Representative Area Manager/ General Manager
disciplinary engineering subsidiary of Suez with Myanmar. This relationship began in
group, works with local authorities, public 1996 with the opening of the Traders Hotel.
+95 9 256 113 657 +95 1 242 828
bodies, public service providers, businesses For 17 years, it was a fixture in Yangon’s
Mr. Adrien Baudron
and industrial facilities in fields related to its business district. In 2012, it was rebranded
Deputy Country Manager Myanmar - #223 Sule Pagoda Road - Yangon
four core business sectors: water and to operate as Sule Shangri-La, bringing to +95 1 242 828
wastewater infrastructure, environment and the city Asia’s No.1 hospitality company. The
+95 1 242 800
waste, urban development and transport, Shangri-La Residences was developed in
Myanmar - C/O Mandalay City Develop-
energy and telecommunications. A designer 2014. Built on 15 acres of greenery, the
ment Committee (MCDC) - 26th Street -
of sustainable solutions benefiting of the serviced apartments combine privacy and
Between 71st & 72nd Street - Mandalay
expertise and experience of Suez group, convenient access to the central business
Suez Consulting brings together 1,400 em- district. In 2016, we built the Sule Square
ployees, specialists and experts and regular- Mall, a modern grade A commercial com-
ly operates in over 70 countries. In Myan- plex that provides 15 floors of dedicated
mar, Suez Consulting is helping to pursue office space and 3 floors of retail podium.
the objective of sustainable development Our commitment remains to provide our
since 2014 in notable projects such as: Man- guests with the distinctive Shangri-La stan-
dalay Urban Services Improvement Project dards of hospitality and service while cele-
(MUSIP) covering water supply, wastewater, brating the heritage of Myanmar.
drainage, solid waste, transportation, insti-
tutional strengthening and capacity building KEY FACTS & FIGURES
and Preparation of urban services impro- - Best Learning & Development Program
vement project covering solid waste mana- (Gold), Myanmar Employer Awards, 2017
gement and water supply in provincial - Excellence in Workplace Environment
KEY FACTS & FIGURES (Silver), Myanmar Employer Awards, 2017
towns (Hpa-An and Mawlamyine) of Kayin
- 70 years of operations - Traveler’s Choice, TripAdvisor (2018)
and Mon states along GMS Corridor.
- 1400 specialists worldwide
- A group of over 90,000 staff

174 175
Media - Advertising Energy - Business services

Synapse Original Synergy Business



Mr. Neal Robert Mr. Lin Naing Oo
Synapse Original is a 360° Advertising Agen- SBC assists potential foreign investors who
Managing Director Managing Director
cy resulting from a fusion of international are seeking to invest in an Emerging Market
teams, including creative talent and opera- like Myanmar. SBC offers consultancy ser-
+95 9 250 038 748 +95 9 519 873 1
tional expertise with in-depth knowledge vices to the foreign companies who have a
and intuition of the country and its people. keen interest ranging from investing as
Myanmar - 102 Thitsar Road - Yankin Town- Myanmar - G.E.M.S Condo - Condo(1) - 113
Creativity is our DNA. We use it to talk to developers to competing for tenders for the
ship - Yangon Room - 01#03 Yangon-Insein Road - (9)
your customers in a Human to Human way Myanmar’s fledging Power & Energy Sector.
+95 9 950 808 968 Ward - Hlaing Township - Yangon
because the goal is to inspire them. It’s all +95 9 519 873 1 We have excellent knowledge and inner
about creating remarkable content that workings of the Government Ministries and
draw people in. Real experiences that create Departments, who are key players for secu-
the WOW factor and turn your target into ring a feasible and bankable international
brand advocate. Why 360°? Because we
Power Projects. We also have tangible expe-
define new limits of communication through
rience in dealing with local/foreign Banks,
cross-media campaigns in order to create a
International Law Firms, International Con-
real impact online and offline. We believe
sultants, Multi-National Corporations...
that the key is to use different media to tell
Currently, our team is developing the Minbu
different parts of a story.
Solar Power Plant in Myanmar.

We work for local companies as well as mul-

KEY FACTS & FIGURES tinational conglomerates, which would serve
for any potential clientele as a value added
- Services are Strategy, Branding, Design,
benefit for choosing to work with SBD. We
Video, Social Media, Web, Media Planning,
Event and PR work in different segments of the power
- Trusted by Heineken, KFC, Dove, Tiger generation mix in Myanmar ranging from
Beer, Myanmar Plaza or Pandora developing Thermal Power Plants to rehabi-
- Team members from 4 different countries litating Hydro Power Plants.

176 177
Business services - Oil & Gas Manufacturing

T & E International Teakcell


Mr. Nyi Nyi On Tin
T&E international Company Limited has Teakcell bois is a 100% foreign investment
Managing Director Mr. Laurent Scheercousse
been established since 1993 as a 100% under MIC and MTE since 2002. General Manager
Myanmar owned company and has steadily
+95 1 510 933 TEAKZOOM: Zoom/buy your teak quarter
expanded its activities, especially in the Oil
+95 9 970 958 534 sawn piece by piece with full traceability.
& Gas field in Myanmar. T&E is a consultant
Myanmar - 17/B - 4th Lane - West Shwe- TERMINADOOR: Multi purpose acoustic, fire
management system (CMS) member of
gonedine - Bahan Township - Yangon Myanmar - Teakcell - Wattayar wood based -retardant termite repellent wooden door/
Asian Development Bank strarted from
+95 1 510 933 industry - Swepyithar - Yangon frame.
+95 1 525 737 + 95 9 970 958 534 TEAKROLL: Elegant ultra thin louvers for
+95 1 539 839 T&E International Company’s main activities facades. encompasses: TEAKTAPE: DIY bond teak veneer on any
KEY FACTS & FIGURES surface: metal, plastics…
- Manpower
- 10 years guarantee - Outside exposure H2L: We build modular wooden lightweight
- Consulting and other services for interna- - Custom developer and manufacturer for constructions, key turn.
tional group best life cycle assessment (LCA) TEAKCELL: Composite lightweight wooden
- Over 100 projects completed
panels, fire retardant, acoustic, termite
- Logistics
- Security QUICKTEAK: Teakcell wood sheating
- Environmental services

- Facility maintenance service

- Maintenance for Hotels

- Catering services

- Service provider for Water Production,

Water Distribution and Water Treatment.

178 179
Tourism Business services

Think Asia Thura Swiss


Mr. Nicolas Rabier Mr. Alec Maurice
Think Asia Travels & Tours is a travel agent Thura Swiss is a Myanmar-based market
Country Manager Director
established since 2012 in Yangon. With research, consulting and financial advisory
more than 20 years of experience in hotel firm. The company was founded in 2012 by
nicolas@thinkasia-tours .com +95 9 256 074 829
and tourism industry in Myanmar, our team Dr. Aung Thura, a Myanmar national and
+95 9 421 083 933
has a perfect knowledge of the destination, former investment banker raised and edu-
Myanmar - Shwe Hinthar - B-307 - 6,5 Miles
and has built up long term relationships all cated in Switzerland, who worked for presti-
Myanmar - 3rd Floor - 14 Marga Street - Pyay Road - Hlaing Township - Yangon
our local suppliers around the country. gious banks such as Credit Suisse and the
East Saw Yan Paing Quarter - Ahlone Town- +95 1 654 730
Zürcher Kantonal Bank. Since its inception,
ship - Yangon Myanmar offers unlimited options to disco-
Thura Swiss has been involved in various
+95 1 230 129 3 ver an amazing cultural heritage; it can be
projects across different sectors in both
+95 1 230 319 9 through as a classic tour covering the main
private sector and public sector due to its sites of interest or within a spirit of soft ad-
proven ability in delivering services on par venture, like trekking or biking to capture
with international standards. We fuse the the diversity of the country and its people.
benefits of being on the ground with expe-
Think Asia Travel and Tours will be more rience gained abroad to equip both local and
than happy to craft for you the perfect tailor foreign businesses with accurate and sophis-
-made itinerary to reflect the best of Myan- ticated information to help them make stra-
mar matching with your own interests and tegic, data-driven decisions with regards to
requirements. their market entry or expansion in Myan-
mar. We also help our clients to benchmark
against their relevant competitors by provi-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES ding necessary market insights.

- Local Travel Agent to propose Tailor made KEY FACTS & FIGURES
Programs in Myanmar for Individual clien-
tele. - 130 projects and 1,000 in-depth interviews
- 500,000 contacts in database
- Call center with capacity of 15,000 calls
per month

180 181
Energy - Oil & gas

Total E&P Myanmar

Mr. Romaric Roignan
Total E&P Myanmar (TEPM) is the Operator
General Manager
with a 31,2% interest (M5/M6 offshore
blocks) of the Yadana Consortium along with
+95 1 650 977
its partners MOGE, Chevron and PTTEP. The
Yadana Consortium produces gas from the
Myanmar - 5 - Sacred Tooth Relic Avenue -
offshore Yadana Gas field since 1998. It cur-
Punn Pin Gone Quarter No.5 - Mayangone
rently supplies around 50% of Myanmar
Township - Yangon
domestic gas consumption while exporting
+95 1 650 977
around 600 Mscfd to Thailand (~12% of the
Thai gas consumption).

Total E&P Myanmar (TEPM) also holds inte-

rests in 5 explorations blocks offshore Myan-
mar with various partners. The Total Group
is also promoting an LNG to Power project in
the area of Kanbauk that includes building a
Floating Storage and Regassifcation Unit
(FSRU), a 1.23 GW Power Plant and a 500kv
transmission line.

TEPM is committed to Corporate Social Res-

ponsibility as a core policy embedded in its
operations. It prescribes Ethics, HSE, Code of
Conduct and Voluntary Principles on Safety
and Human Rights principles to all stake-
holders, while maintaining one of the most
advanced human resources policy in Myan-

182 183
They chose us Energy - Oil & gas


"Europcar have been operating in Myanmar

for over 2 years and during this time, have
found CCI France to be a pillar of strength CONTACT PRESENTATION
and support to our business. Mr. David Levrat
At the helm of the Energy Transition, Tracte-
Country Manager
We have enjoyed a close relationship with bel provides a full range of engineering and
the CCI team, and during this time we have consulting services throughout the life cycle
+95 1 510 933
found them to be proactive, responsive and of its clients’ projects, including design and
always willing to promote Europcar. And I project management. As one of the world’s
France - 5 rue du 19 mars 1962 - 92622
largest engineering consultancy companies
am sure the other member companies Gennevilliers cedex
and with more than 150 years of experience,
would feel the same. Myanmar - 17B 4th Lane - West
it's our mission to actively shape the world
Shwegondine - Bahan Township - Yangon
We have also put many of our staff mem- of tomorrow. With about 4,400 experts and
+95 1 510 933
bers through several of their extensive se- offices in 33 countries, we are able to offer
lection of training programs and the feed- our customers multidisciplinary solutions in
energy, water and infrastructure.
back from our employees has always been
extremely positive both about the course Tractebel has been active in Myanmar since
content and the quality of the trainers 1980’s and has a registered Myanmar
being provided. Branch with over 10 ongoing projects, from
prefeasibility study to feasibility study and
We have built a strong relationship with CCI owner engineering, including hydro, gas and
France, we wish them continued success solar power project as well as mini grid,
and look forward to working closely toge- national grid and urban construction pro-
ther in the future” jects. In Tanintharyi, Tractebel completed a
LNG to Power study in Dawei and now seeks
James Richmond - General Manager to support further energy as well as infras-
Europcar Myanmar tructure projects.
- Turnover: 605 MEUR
- Employees: 4,400
- Offices worldwide: 33

184 185
Engineering - Construction HR - Business services

Veolia Water Vinarco



Mr. Philip Hermann Ms. Sarunya Panupattana
Veolia Water Technologies provides the Founded in 1993, our group is an indepen-
Business Development Manager Senior Manager - Vinarco Energy Services
complete range of services required to de- dent service provider of flexible manpower Division
sign, build, maintain and upgrade water and and project management solutions for the
+95 9 255 592 034
wastewater treatment facilities and systems Oil & Gas, Power and ICT Telecom industry,
+60 1 938 882 49 +66 2 649 267 0 Ext. 2692
for industrial clients and public authorities. with a strong regional reach in South-East
Asia. We deliver comprehensive, solution-
France - L'Aquarène - 1 Place Montgolfier Our portfolio of more than 350 technologies Myanmar - CCI France Myanmar’s Business
oriented service lines that help generate
94417 Saint-Maurice features everything from online diagnostic Centre - Parkside One - 27/273 Bagayar
greater benefits for our clients, supporting
+33 1 451 156 30 solutions to evaporation and crystallization, Road - Sanchaung Township - Yangon
O&G Operators, EPCIC contractors or Power sludge treatment and waste to energy pro- +66 2 649 267 0 Ext. 2690
Projects with turnkey services including duction, state-of-the-art desalination, labo-
O&M general services, long term assets
technologies/ ratory grade ultrapure water treatment and
management, construction installation &
mobile water treatment solutions. services-group-of-companies/
commissioning management, drilling & pro-
Veolia Water Technologies combines exper- duction supervision, or ICT Telecom solu-
tise with innovation to offer technological tions. Vinarco Energy Services offers you the
solutions suited to each application. Using best possible support to make your opera-
water resources to create sustainable, cost- tions safer, more efficient and more reliable.
effective solutions is our main focus


- Revenue in 2017: 1.8 billion Euro - Power
- Employees in 2017: 8,658 worldwide - ICT & Telecom

186 187
Construction Business services

Vivablast Vriens & Partners


Ms. Blandine Le Magnen Mr. Edward Ratcliffe
Vivablast is a leading actor in the provision Vriens & Partners is a Singapore headquar-
General Manager Managing Director
of protection (surface preparation as per tered corporate advisory firm specializing in
SSPC standards: SA1, SA2, SA 2.5, SA3; deco- government affairs, public policy, and politi-
+ 95 9 776 077 369 +95 9 250 137 541
rative/protective coatings, fireproofing, cal risk analysis in Southeast Asia.
waterproofing, flooring, green walls/roofs),
Myanmar - Factory - 82-E - Corner of U Pho Myanmar - 103 - First Floor - Sule Pagoda-
insulation (hot, cold, acoustic) and access
Hlaing Road & U Tun Nyo Street - Ward 113 Road - Kyauktada Township - Yangon
services (BS standards scaffoldings erection/
- East Dagon Indutrial - Yangon +95 1 372 068
rental, hanging towers, mobile scaffoldings,
rope access, gondolas) for assets of the oil &
gas, steel, manufacturing, construction,
power generation and shipbuilding, sectors.


- Offices in 4 Asian countries
- 80 employees in Myanmar
- In Myanmar since 2015

188 189
HR - Business services Insurance

West Indochina Willis Towers Watson


Mr. Luc de Waegh Mrs. Khaing Zar Aung
West Indochina was founded in 2006 as the Willis Towers Watson is a leading global
Founder and Managing Partner Chief Representative Officer
first foreign advisory firm in Myanmar. Since advisory, broking and solutions company
2016 we work in association with Roland that helps clients around the world turn risk
+95 9 424 251 005 +95 9 400 400 296
Berger. into a path for growth. With roots dating to
+65 9 088 905 7
1828, Willis Towers Watson has 39,000 em-
Myanmar - Mimosa Building - 1st Floor - No. Driven by the needs our local and internatio-
ployees in more than 120 countries. We
196 - West Shwe Gong Daing - 5th Street - nal clients we have increasingly focused on Myanmar - Unit 416 - Level 4 - Strand
design and deliver solutions that manage
Bahan Township - Yangon HR solutions addressing the specific market Square - 53 Strand Road - Pabedan Town-
risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent and
+95 9 420 221 550 conditions of Myanmar to Attract, Retain ship - Yangon
expand the power of capital to protect and and Develop people. Since 2017 we are the +65 6 591 811 5
strengthen institutions and individuals. exclusive franchisee of Dale Carnegie Trai- +95 1 230 736 8 ning. Willis Towers Watson is a global provider of
risk and insurance advice and is pleased to
play our part in support of Myanmar’s fu-
KEY FACTS & FIGURES ture. We bring our industry insight, risk
quantification skills and global reinsurance
- Presence since 2006
- First foreign advisory firm on the ground in access to the country, linking together com-
Myanmar panies with Myanma Insurance and the
- 11 Associates with various areas of exper- global reinsurance market.
tise, including local partner selection, execu-
tive search, training, branding, M&A, social In establishing a representative office in
impact Yangon in 2014, Willis Towers Watson be-
came the first of the global brokers to open
for business in Myanmar.

190 191
Real Estate Retail - Distribution

Yangon Property Yangoods (Creative Ac-

Management cess)


Mr. Damien Boucard Mr. Jean Curci
Located in front of People's Park, our buil- Presentation of company and activities
General Manager Director of Sales and Marketing
ding offers great office standards and unique (1000 characters maximum):
view on Shwedagon Pagoda. It was awarded
+95 1 535 220 +95 9 250 268 732 Yangoods is a pioneering Myanmar brand
Best Building Renewal and Best Office Deve-
+95 9 979 721 917 that set out to rejuvenate Burmese design.
lopment at the 2015 Myanmar Property
Myanmar - 46/48 Shankone Street - 2nd We carry on the traditions and iconic art
Awards. Flexible layout is provided to fit
Myanmar - Parkside One building - 271-273 Floor - Yadanar Myaing Condo - Sanchaung from Myanmar by blending the land’s
your needs of our tenants. In addition, all
- Bagayar Street - Sanchaung Township - Township - Yangon unique culture with 21st century sensibili-
floors are already fully equipped, and we
Yangon +95 9 252 264 297 ties. Colorful and original, Yangoods items
provide 24/7 security, reception services, are a part of everyday life, as fashion acces-
access cards for gates and lifts, generators,
+95 1 535 220 sories, decorations and as memorable gifts.
and the building is open 24 /7. In addition,
+95 9 771 239 901
car parks are available. You will also find two
ATMs in our lobby. Moreover, events and
work luncheons are regularly organized at KEY FACTS & FIGURES
The Penthouse, our fabulous rooftop lounge - 6 shops and 19 consignment locations
and restaurant. Finally two 2 Chambers of Myanmar
- Developed over 80 B2B contracts
commerce operate in the building, which
- Over 200 products and 100 canvas designs
brings great opportunities to develop your Expended to Thailand, France and Switzer-
business base. land


- Smart office space offering international
standards in services and technologies
- Strategic location
- Flexible layout to fit the specific needs of
your company

192 193
Consulting Investment

Yever Yoma Strategic Holdings


Mr. Nicolas Delange Mr. Mark Arnold Tippetts
Yever is a Myanmar consultancy with roots Listed on the Main Board of the Singapore
Managing director Group Ambassador
in France, operating in Yangon and which Securities Exchange Trading Limited (SGX-
core expertise is business transformation & ST), YSH is a leading business corporation
+95 9 254 795 095
sustainability. We are serving business with a diversified portfolio of businesses in
+95 1 368 776 6 - Ext: 8007
owners running Myanmar companies. We Real Estate, Consumer, Automotive &
Myanmar - 28B Kyauk Kone Street - Room
are supporting them to enhance the way Heavy Equipment, and Investments in
6B - Yankin Township - Yangon Myanmar - 43 - Tamarind Garden -
they are making decisions, communicating & Myanmar. Together with its partner, the SPA
+95 9 422 091 979 Pun Hlaing Golf Estate - Yangon
managing their activities. This provide us a Group, YSH is taking a conglomerate ap- +95 1 368 776 6
unique outlook on Myanmar market and proach to build a diversified portfolio of
business practices. We have a strong track businesses in Myanmar. YSH was ranked in
record in different sectors, in France and in the top 5% of the Governance and Transpa-
Myanmar and we know how to adapt our rency Index 2017, ranked 17th out of top
approach for each company. 100 largest Singapore companies in the
Asean Corporate Governance Scorecard
2015 and won the Best Managed Board
KEY FACTS & FIGURES (Gold) Award at the Singapore Corporate
Awards in 2016.
- Founded in 2016
- 4 people working from Yangon
- More than 10 clients
- Turnover: S$124 million FY2017 (up from
S$112 million in FY2016)
- YSH Market Capitalisation: S$1billion
- FMI Market Capitalisation: Ks. 335.7 billion
US$247 million
- Total Group Market Capitalisation: US$1

194 195

Members by sector
Business services - Consulting Freyssinet P 89
Acteus Group P 35 Green Vision P 93
Aden Services P 36 Lafarge (Star Cement) P 112
Atalian Global Services P 52 Myanmar Home Design P 138
Baydrach P 57 Myanmar Jardine Schindler P 140
Conyat Create P 73 Penetron P 154
Competitive Pest Services P 74 Razel-Bec P 161
DJP Consults P 79 Saint-Gobain Glass P 164
Euracific Strategies P 81 Suez Consulting P 174
Exera P 84 Veolia Water Technologies P 186
HO+ Consulting P 98 Vivablast P 188
IAS-8 P 101
Javelin Services P 109 Education
Myanmar Bureau Veritas P 137 360ed P 34
Saint Blanquat & Associates P 163 Arorik ST P 49
SgT Limited P 173 Language Maison P 113
Synergy Business Development P 177 LFIR P 117
T & E International P 178
Thura Swiss P 181 Energy - Oil and Gas P
Vinarco P 187 China Oilfield Services Limited P 68
Vriens & Partners P 189 EDF P 80
West Indochina P 190 Inproserv P 107
Yever P 194 Legrand P 115
Parami Energy P 153
Business support P 38 Schlumberger P 169
Agence Francaise de Developpement P 82 Schneider Electric P 170
Eurocham Total E & P Myanmar P 182
Tractebel (Engie) P 185
Construction - Engineering P 48
Archetype P 50 Finance - Banking - Investment
Artelia P 64 AYA Bank P 56
BYMA/Bouygues Construction P 69 BRED Bank P 62
Citizens ID P 72 CB Bank P 67
Comin Asia P 87 Yoma Strategic Holdings P 195

196 197
Index Index

Members by sector Members by sector

Insurance Lesaffre P 116 Telecommunications - IT

Insurexcellence P 107 Mane Myanmar P 125 Apollo Towers P 46
Poe-ma insurances P 155 Mega Lifesciences P 126 Camusat P 65
Willis Towers Watson P 191 Melbourne P 127 Falcon Breeze International P 86
Office Express P 150 GTMH Telecom P 95
Teakcell P 179 HQS Company Limited P 100
Legal Services
Yangoods P 193 NetSmart P 144
Allen & Overy Limited P 43
P 194 Oriental Zebra/Meizu P 152
Audier & Partners P 55
DFDL P 77 Media - Advertisement SafeComs P 162
Luther Law Firm P 122 Akhuka Productions
Canal+ Myanmar P 42 Tourism - Hospitality
For Her Myanmar P 66 Diethelm Travel P 78
Havas Riverorchid P 88 EXO Travel P 85
AGS Four Winds P 40 Birmanie P 97 Grand Mercure Yangon Golden Empire P 90
Amyanpoh P 44
mspiral P 115 Gulliver Travels & Tours P 96
Bolloré Logistics P 60
Synapse Original P 136 Hotel G Yangon P 99
Dextra Transport P 76 Ibis Style Yangon Stadium P 102
Europcar P 83 Medical Lotte Hotels & Resorts P 120
LMSL Legendary Myanmar P 118 International SOS P 108 Melia Yangon Hotel P 128
LYC Healthcare Center P 124 Mercure Mandalay Hill Resort P 130
Okkar Thiri P 151 Mercure Yangon Kaba Aye P 132
Manufacturing - Import -
Samitivej International P 165 Mirandus Travel & Tours/Travelpro P 135
Distribution - Retail Sanofi P 166 Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min P 145
Annam Myanmar P 45 Servier P 172 Novotel Yangon Max P 148
Arc International P 47 Pullman Mandalay Mingalar P 156
Asia First network P 51 Pullman Yangon Centrepoint P 158
Real Estate
ATC Innosky P 54 Sule Shangri-La P 175
Yangon Property Management P 192
Bioderma/Naos Mintha Care P 58 Think Asia P 180
Bluebell/Luxury Business Institute P 59
City Mart Holdings Limited P 70
Groupe SEB P 94 P 142
Ikon Mart P 105 MyWorld Carrers P 143
JJ-Pun P 110
JM Wine Importer P 111

198 199
Index Index

Members by country Members by country

America Canal+ Myanmar P 66 Saint-Gobain Glass P 164 DJP Consults P 79

Apollo Towers P 46 Citizens ID P 69 Sanofi P 166 Exera P 84
DFDL P 77 CMA CGM P 71 Schneider Electric P 170 EXO Travel P 85
Penetron P 154 Dextra Transport P 76 Servier P 172 Falcon Breeze International P 86
Schlumberger P 169 EDF P 80 Suez Consulting P 174 For Her Myanmar P 88
Euracific Strategies P 81 Synapse Original P 176 Green Vision P 93
Europcar P 83 Teakcell P 179 Hotel G Yangon P 99
FMIDecaux P 87 Total E&P Myanmar P 182 HQS Company Limited P 100
Comin Asia P 72
Freyssinet P 89 Tractebel (Engie) P 185 Ikon Mart P 105
Grand Mercure Yangon Golden Empire P 90 Veolia Water Technologies P 186 JJ-Pun P 110
China Groupe SEB P 94 Vivablast P 188 JM Wine Importer P 111
China Oil Field Services Limited P 68 GTMH Telecom P 95 Yever P 194 Language Maison P 113
Oriental Zebra/Meizu P 152 Gulliver Travels & Tours P 96 LMSL Legendary Myanmar P 128
Havas Riverorchid P 97 Germany LYC Healthcare Center P 124
EU HO+ Consulting P 98 Luther Law Firm P 122 Mega Lifesciences P 126
Eurocham P 82 Ibis Styles Yangon Stadium Hotel P 102 Melbourne P 127
Inproserv P 106 Mirandus Travel & Tours/Travelpro P 135
Hong Kong
France p International SOS P 108 mspiral P 136
SgT Limited P 173
Acteus Group P 35 Lafarge (Star Cement) P 112 Myanmar Home Design P 138
Sule Shangri-La P 175
Aden Services P 36 Legrand P 114 MyWorld Careers P 143
Agence Francaise de Developpement P 38 Birmanie P 115 NetSmart P 144
Lesaffre P 116
Ireland Office Express P 150
AGS Four Winds P 40
LFIR P 117 P 142 Okkar Thiri P 151
Amyanpoh P 44
Arc International P 47 Mane Myanmar P 125 Parami Energy P 153
Archetype P 48 Mercure Mandalay Hill Resort P 130 Myanmar Synergy Business Development P 177
Artelia P 50 Mercure Yangon Kaba Aye P 132 360ed P 34 T&E International P 178
Asia First Network P 51 Myanmar Bureau Veritas P 137 Akhuka Productions P 42 Think Asia P 180
Atalian Global Services P 52 Novotel Inle Lake Myat Min P 145 Annam Myanmar P 45 Thura Swiss P 181
Audier & Partners P 55 Novotel Yangon Max P 148 Arorik ST P 49 West Indochina P 190
Baydrach P 57 Poe-ma insurances P 155 ATC Innosky P 54 Yangon Property Management P 192
Bioderma/Naos Mintha Care P 58 Pullman Mandalay Mingalar P 158 AYA Bank P 56 Yangoods P 193
Bolloré Logistics P 60 Pullman Yangon Centerpoint P 162 CB Bank P 67 Yoma Strategic Holdings P 195
BRED Bank P 62 Razel-Bec P 161 City Mart Holdings Limited P 70
BYMA/Bouygues Construction P 64 Safecoms P 162 Conyat Create P 73 Singapore
Camusat P 65 Saint Blanquat & Associates P 163 Competitive Pest Service P 74 Vriens & Partners P 189

200 201
Index Index

Members by alphabetical
Members by country
list of contacts
Spain P A DE WAEGH Luc P 190
Melia Yangon Hotel P 128 ALINGRIN Sebastien P 89
South Korea P AUNG THANT OO P 62 ESCALIER Aurelie P 71
Bluebell/Luxuy Business Institute P 59 AW Raymond P 54
Lotte Hotels & Resorts P 120 F P
B FEICHTER Thomas P 136
Swiss e BATTLE Philippe P 148 FLEJO Herve P 96
BAYER Aurelien P 57 FREITAS Telmo P 97
Myanmar Jardine Schindler P 140
BOUCARD Damien P 192
Willis Towers Watson P 191
BOUHELIER Charles P 50 G t
BOULLE Bastien P 172
Thailand P GAYUBO GIL Agustin P 137
BRIQUET Manuel P 101
Diethelm Travel P 78 GARRAUD Julien P 114
BRUCE Simon P 143
Insurexcellence P 107 GOUE Raphaël P 81
BUSSON Damien P 164
Samitivej International P 165 GREENLEE William Dale Jr P 77
Vinarco P 187 GUYOMARC’H Céline P 128
CASTILLO Adam Michael P 52
United Kingdom
Allen & Overy Limited P 43
CLINTON Timothy P 36
Javelin Services P 109 HAMILTON Geoffrey P 84
COLIN Boris P 117 HLAING MYINT (Michael) P 169
COMBEDIMANCHE Pierre P 35 HAN LYNN AUNG (Willliam) P 124
Vietnam P COUVARAS Phillip P 175 HARDOUIN Camille P 102
IAS-8 P 101 CURCI Jean P 193 HERMANN Philip P 185
HEUGAS Christian P 110
D e HOWE Anastacia P 73
DAGUISE David P 145
DAMLOUP Jeremy P 42 I P
DAMUSEAU Damien P 162 IMPERORE Jean-Marie P 87
DANAN Olivier P 69
DAS Andy P 173
DELEVAUX Alexis P 95
DELANGE Nicolas P 194
JULLIARD Charles P 115

202 203
Index Index

Members by alphabetical Members by alphabetical

list of contacts list of contacts
K P MOORE Grace P 74 S P X
KAM Paul P 79 MOYS Gary P 174 SALMON Gilles Edouard P 116 XIAO Li P 152
KHAING ZAR AUNG P 191 MYERS Anthony P 156 SAUTIER Guillaume P 108
YE TUN OO (Ronald)
KIEUSSEIAN Jonathan P 44 - 88 NGUYEN-PHAN Dinh P 80 SEGUIN Cedric P 51
NYAN MIN HTUT (Zarni) P 93 SRISUWAN Sivakorn P155
LAMBERT Charlie P 118 NYUNT Amy P 144 SWE SWE MYINT P 118
LAO Christopher P 47
LEDUC Pierre P 78 OHMMA MYINT P 111 TARIQ Mateen P 65
LEFEBVRE Yann P 138 ORTON Marshall P 158 TATIN Fanny P 122
LELOUP Nicolas P 165 THIRION Marie-Cecile P 38
LE MAGNEN Blandine P 188 P P TIN TUN Richard P 132
LEVRAT David P 185 PANUTTANA Sarunya P 187 TIPPETTS Mark Arnold P 195
LOIRET Julien P 60 PETROVIC Mark P 48
LORENTZ Vincent P 107 POPIELARSKI Robert P 64 V P
LORIEUX October P 86 POUREYRON Regis P 154 VAILLANT Richard P 72
LUBEIGT Sarah P 58 VAN BEEK Hans P 142
LUHERNE Erwan P 66 VERDILLON Thibault P 125
LUXCEY Philippe P 46 VINOTH Kumar P 90
RABIER Nicolas P 180
LY Alex P 76
RANGHEARD Servane P 98
RATCLIFFE Edward P 189 W P
M P REDDY Hari Krishna P 112 WADHWA Girish P 126
MAY MYINT OO P 166 ROBERT Neal P 176 WEISS Franck P 130
MAYRAN Daniel P 59 ROIGNAN Romaric P 182 WIN MA MA AYE P 43

204 205

Parkside One Building - 271/273 Bagayar Street

Sanchaung Township - Yangon - Myanmar
+95 9 425 450 546


Block 2 - Unit 5 - 2nd Floor

Between Mingalar 2 and 3 Street
Mingalar Mandalay Compound
Chan Mya Tar Zi Township – Mandalay – Myanmar
+95 9 798 975 853

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